276702 WHITE - CtTY CLERK ������
File N .
� Council Resol�tion
Presented By
j Referred To Committee: Date
� Out of Committee By Date
� RESOLVED, That upon the petition of St. John Evangelical
� -
Lutheran Church, the sections of public streets hereinafter
described, be and the same hereby are vacated and discontinued
i as public streets:
Al1 that part of Beech Street lying
j between the southerly extension of ,
� the east line of Lot 19, Blo�k 1 and
1 the east line of Hope Street (which
i is also the westerly limit of a pre-
i , vious vacation of Beech Street - C.F.
' 141051) and, all of Hope Street lying
� between the easterly extension of the n
' north line of Lot 20, Block l and Beech
Street (which is also the northerly
', limits of a previous vacation of Hope
Street - C.F. 223863) all in Schurmeier
and Evans Addition to St. Paul;
subject e�ressly to the following conditions and reservations:
l. That the vacation be subject to all the terms
and conditions of Chapter 228 of the St. Paul
Legislative Code, as amended.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
�evine [n Favor —
McMahon B
snowaiter __ Against y
Form Approved by City
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B �` L �3��/�
Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii
, By _ — BY
. . ����1��
2. That a 10 foot wide permanent snow easement must be
retained across the north portion of 'Hope Street,
subject to the follawing restrictions:
a) That no buildings, structures, or
trees are permitted within the
easement area, or �any temporary �
structures, material storage,
fixture or other objects that will
prohibit normal access to said
3 , That a specific easement be retained to protect the
interests of Northern States Power Company.
4. That the petitioner convey fee title to the Housing &
Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul at no
compensation a strip of land described as follows:
Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, and also all that part
of vacated alley and vacated Beech Street
adjoining and accruing to said Lots 1 and 2,
Block 1, Officer' s Rearrangement of Lots 12,
21, and 22, Warren' s Garden Lots; also
Lot 4 except the South 71 feet thereof, and Lot
3 except the South 71 feet and except the East
15 feet thereof, and also vacated Beech Street
as described in document 1214526 and accruing to
said Lots 3 and 4, except the South 15 feet of
the East 15 feet of vacated Beech Street which
accrued to said Lot 3, all in Block 1, Officer' s
Rearrangement of Lots 12, 21, and 22 Warren' s
Garden Lots;
� 'S,,;n � � �/
BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � ���
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By �?ate
5. That the �etitioner not be required to pay
compensation for this vacation because they
will deed a strip of land of compara}�le size
to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
6. That the petitioner furnish the City with a
bond in the amount of $2,000.00, and by
acceptance of the terms and conditions of �
this vacation agrees to indemnify, defend and
save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers
and employees from all suits, actions, or claims
of any character, including, but not limited to,
a claim brought because of any injuries, or damages
received or sustained by any person, persons or
property, on account of this vacatio n; or because
of any act or omission, neglect or misconduct of
sa id petitioner; or because of any claim or
liability arising from or based on any violation
of anylaw or regulation made in accordance with
the law, whether by the petitioner or any of its
agents or employees. .
COUNCILI�IEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine [n Favor
McMaho� g
Showalter __ Against Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date — ,
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � 3^�i
Approved by 14avor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy _ BY
:� •t. _ ;
i,• r , E� ,.j'I�.•9 f'�'������
To• Ron M�ddox, Council President -
and Me�bers of the City Counci�
;'ron: J. Wil�'��.am Dono�ra.n
Va.luation and Assessmen� Engineer
Date: N�.rch .;3, �981
Subject: Petition of St. Jo'nn Evangelica'_ Lutheran C:�urch
for �he vacation of �arts oi Noae and Beech Streets.
P�.blic Hearing - ?�rch 2'+, 1931 _ �riSED
^he petitioner, who is the sole owner of ail the abuttir.g property to the
proposed vacation area., is reauesting this va.ca�icn as par;, of a land transfer
a.greement with the East Seventh Street Fou.�da�icn to assemtile a ccmmerc=y�1
site at the corner of East Seventh and arcade Streets in the follcwir� a�.nner.
1. Tha.t the C ity of Sa int �.ul wo�:?d va.cat e the sa i� port ion
of Beech and Hope Streets (approxi�.^.atel;yr i9,117 sq�a.re feet)
and deed it to the petitioner at rlo conraensation to the City. �
2. In return, the petitioner would agTee to reauest a rezonir�
to B-3 certain ground area clzrre��l;� owned by the petitioner
and also deed to the City a certain �ract o° land cf appraxi-
mateiy i9,153 square feet a� no c�:maensation icr the �etitione�.
Tne Department oi Public Works has reviewed t'�e ,_,roposed vacation of rope w:�d
Beech Streets anci has no oojection, sub�ec� to �he reten�ion of a ten (1Cj
�oot wide per�nent easement for sncsw storage p�r�oses over �he nor�h por;.ion
of Hope Street.
The Depa.rtment of Pl�.nr_ing and Econor�ic Devei�o:�ent sta�es they rave no objection
to the vacation.
Northern States Power Con7pany has one (i) �oie w_th overhead cer.�uctors 'ieca�ec
in the F�.st portion oi the Hope Stree� va.ca�ion area. They wou::.� like the �c�e
to remain in place, and thereiore, reques� protecticn of their irterests.
There were no objections from any other pub'�ic or �rivate agencies invol�.rec.
In view of the foregoi:ig, I recommend that �he ��.cation be a�proved, subjec�
to the following conditions :
1. Tha.t the description of the pro�ert�� �o be vacated read as
. ' � � :
' -� �6"7�'�2
- - �
n__ �.. ., Tk,".I'� Ci �eeC�"i .,��'2E� _�i�'"ic, �J°1i.W?E':= �:t� SG::i,hev�i�r
2>:�.e?1SiOri O�' the 2G S� ?�::°_ p� �,0� __ ��CC_�. _ �?l� �>^�e eas�
ilP.E vi �O'_'JE-' S�'_'ee� �r!7�`.. iS _._,., `�,`1E,' 'r72S�er 'r _1��� :!� <:
'•r°V10'.:S V'd,C�.�10:'? G_ �EeC�: �tree� - C._ . ��:��^'1� 2,I]:� 8,,_� C:
:?C�2 :�Y'2e� i�.'1'1r, Dei,WE?''1 t}le e�,S`�E'T�1� 2?:teriSiOII C{ i,hE ri�2'i,�'!
l i:le 0= j,C� C0� Y�.�OCK 1 211Q �eeC�l ��I"EE� �W}':�CI'? '�S c..`SO t.��
?70'_'�7?'_'i�.' `.�lII:�+i.S C_ a p�'etir10L:� V3.CS��O!? Oi lYC�e ST.�?2'"i, �C.i.
223t56�) a1i in Schur;�eier ana ��rans nddi�ion �o St. Pa.ul.
� Ti�.t the vyacation be su�ject to a�� t':e terms ar.a conditions oi
C`hap;,er 228 of the St. �;zl Legisl�.tive Code, as amended.
02� "'h�� 0. _0 root wide permanent snow easenen� mus� be re�-„e.ined across
tre north portion oi Hope Street, subject to the fo�.��owing restric-
tions :
a) ihat no bui?dir�s, st�-ucttLres, or trees �.re
permitted nithin the easement area, or a:�r
temporary structures, ma,teria� storage, ;"ixture
or other objects that wi:�l prohibit normal
access to said easement.
3� Tha.t a specific easemer.t be retained to protec;, the interests oi
�orthern States Power Co�ar��.
/-�� Tha.t the petitioner convey fee tit�e to ihe Housing & Kedevelapment
Authority of the City o� St. Paul at na conpensation a strip of land
described as follc�ws ;
Lots 1 an3 2, Block l, and alsc al� that part of v�acated
ailey an3 vacate3 Beech Street adjoining and accruing to
said Lots y and 2, Block l, Officer 's Rearrangenent of
Lo�s 12, 2i, and 22, Warren's Ga.rden Lots; aiso
Lot �+ except the South 71 feet thereof; and Lot 3 except
the South 71 feet and except the East 15 fee� thereoi, and
also vacated Beech Street as described in document 121�+526
and accruing to sa.id Lots 3 and �+, except the South 15 fee�
of the East 15 feet of va.cated Beech Street which accrued
to said Lot 3, all in Block l, O�ficer's Rearrangement of
Lots 12, 21, and 22 Warren's Garden Lots .
S� T2xzt the petitioner not be required to pay co�pensation for this
vacation because they will deed a strip of land of compa.rable size
to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
�� That the petitioner furnish the City with a bond in the amount of
�2,000.00, and by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this
vacation agrees to indemni�, defend and save harnless the City
of Saint Pa.ul, its officers and employees from aii suits, actions,
or clai.ms of a�y cha.racter, including, but not limited to, a claim
brought because of ar�y injuries, or damages received or sustained
by a�y person, persons or property, on account of this vacation;
� � ��� �d �.
%,� ��;�.�._��:�. .
Te�a-�' •.tc� .�,,.
J RSBO�, �.St:,.
�tiooL,ig Of��� �'1�,� �,
be and f�"e> �ed'a�l
dis�putisued�i -
Ali t1�at psrt�irt `" bee
� weep t6e f�t6arlf '` ��1aet�•�
Itnevt#bt'p��iest.i �rtlfpir� •
HoPe#'t+e'M��r1E6ch�al90 the Netbeil� �
ltamit' 6t.s� v�bloa ot Beadti•
3treet C.1�` 1li05i)aad,_alt�::iiepe�� ,
Stmet 1�ip�: tl�s.�s{er1�r ox�
stonotetki��I,ot:9o.Blyekiaoa : :
BeecL;.9tree#�,x. i#�ti�o ttr.nott6erlx• .
llm7tt"of i.�"vcamtCgA�t ot_$op�.,'.
Stzeet;--C,g. all ip�chumiekr",
and Lvmi '3t.1�au1 `
subjecc esp�e�atlg.oa t�esouw8n`ecmaiaons
and re�evat�tms: �
and�t gter�o(iEtt-St.;,
Peu1 I,�s{a " ` d°as ar13�dld'.'- .
2.'�'hat a i0 foo`! �Ernienept�iHbrb{e`�se
��t mvst be` iaed acmea"�`lt�Tth
pott�on:of H��SEreSt. suh�ect.to tde
;foUowieg restrtelloh�
a)'17�at no buildidgs sttuctures.�trsea
aFe fxtmitt�d w�hin t�'�t
�'_arEa. or.a�q t�aPurar9 stit�Et9res�
•`:� maf�lsl stonge,Hxture ar�he�'eb-
'`''7ecta 4lWt wijl prohib[t neYm�tl aocees
":•*fo sstd e�nt..
3."�tier e "spe�ic eaaement be iet�ned'to
- ''ProteM thS�Itteretts ot Ka�hcrn:State9 �
Power Company.
4.Tha't thk P�Efoner Eonvey tee tlt�e,ta the
the City of St.PsqI at•eo a
skrlp of titid'dacrtbed K4,ii�bt�e`»' ��
LOt4lNS�$:Blockl���'�'� ��
�`thgt pds�yY vacated�i��F
v8�ltad'ffi�`+6-Stie(et�� .,'
and aet..f�3 ta�idY+�Y aud�'
BtoOk 2,'�i�"0':`1�l�'Fat�lG
' oxnt a�f�'it�'1t.gi,_ee�2f,Aar" '`
mn'a C3ardesrT.ots:aiso '-;'` -.
Lot 4 eriept the 8t�it6�}L�,;',,
thereof, and I.ot 9 ezcept,the:''
: South Tt feet anti a�oo�t the East -
15 feet tpenot,s�a�lao v�ted ..
' Beech'�3Ei+Cp!' S� �lbqd`tfi--�"•
toldSQLo!'s`3'f�ll�.�cept�,"` •
South,tb LeeR?a�th!�tlt��it�t'' ,.
of:v�eafi,ltl;�8�s�Yk N�cl� , ,
� 'ax�?uediLt�bd3;Elt]n�oCk "`:
1, OfBqer•a�prn� di .
�La�t�s��y12.�ST. �iAd�3'Mmeu�a•';
�VWYiW��� j. ��y•�� ..
5 11ia,��i�B���� Eo,�Y.
ap vup
thC��!E�1�A sti�O��i� +4�•�. .
4�F7S+�l,Si,;4::tR�t„�t,h,�e I�aWrLsi {�ad
. �t A�°`�"t�`,: . ,�.. �
6,`Ph�i!t�e P�itionar i�fiaia6 tlk City viEh, :
a�+d 4►'�pe��#t���4��'.
this Veeatfon pet�eas te ind�tYpity,3�r1d
�i�ve�armtess�FieClty td Sdat i4p1, �
i4��s ai�d eenp�loyeetltdl��Ni�Etc;
ac�ia�"�br.e1a1�IP ci�np.�'
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'pe�i�tb�es;=����ar-� oc
�1iablUry srisles from.or basEd y
vuolatioo,�a�► law
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