276698 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE TT (l CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT �A V L COUIICII �R�Q � BLUE - MAYOR �j� File N 0. C nc 'l Resolution Presented B 1% Y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVE, That the proposed Registered Land Survey tentatively entitled " RLS # 81-03" as recornmended and approved by the Director of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays PUbI I C WOrkS Hunt � [n Favor Maddox McMahon �,�i�r � _ Against BY T�e� Donald E. Nygaard, ctor wi�son Adopted by Council: Date APR 14 1981 Form Approved C ty t rne T.:E/FJH/DJH/dl l) Cj k Certified ssed by Counci ,ecr BY B t Appr by • avor: t R � s 19gr Ap by or r 'on to Council gy B PUBLISHED AP R 2 51981 . . , , U� �i : 12l1375 _ . R�v: 9/8/76 €XPLANATIQN OF ADMINISTR�TI�jE ORDERS, ttESOLUT I ONS, AND ORD i Nt�NC�S �r ��'�$ ����� �t.;�� �. ������.� z� �� Date: qPri 1 2, 1g81 . ' �_ .,,._ � T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: ponald E. Nygaard, Di �ector of Public Works RE: �e proposed Registered Land Survey tentatively entitled " R.L.S. # 81-03" AC'fION REQUESTED: . Approved for submission to Council � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TNIS ACTION: Council approval is necessary prior to the filing of the proposed ATTACHTIENTS: . 1 Resolution 1 Copy of p�oposed Registered Land Survey tentat�vely entitled "R.L.S. #81-03" dl COPY REGIS �' ER ED LAND SURVEY N0. � �u . F. � �.::r:�',.. r � z , , � - - - - - - - - - - - - - J 0 � a / 3 � � � —o - - .- -� 'M„OO,LIoON _ d a N ' > W W �' ____ ZS'ESl �- � � Z � � J -'w Q _ O . =�J c � ��•� �O G m I N �_ Nu . _ . . . .. -+ � _ . � '__—'_ ___-_ __'' L .... . . W � � � C � ... � � � — - 3 °� Q cwn . � o � O� , �����j� '�'{� (n �� .... �t .� �i � �O�C o ,�� I ._ --- - - . _. . _ . _ . . � �\ v I / �S � �l;: '•i �- �y -- al r ��•- \, ,��o -- - � .. (n .. • .._ a_ .... � - _ m �'�' . > ti, � .'. � - - _ '^ 3 V/ N pry , , ' . . . W G � ' M � V � O F, 00� " : .; _:'•�!,i; .:•. C � Z 2 � � W ^Nm .. . . . . . ...�.�.. :_:.,..� . �:�: '•.� . J a toZ LL -_� *- o — a W _ _ N x � N W �' . � � � _ � 3 W Q� v- � V t9 � ~ K - � r:'•. � O ' Z W = O Z ' . , a� o � . °C � N = " --- . �� V � 4 � _ � � 0 � ..�.�...++�.«� ._.,.__.y.N._ .�� . .. ._. .2 .. � 1- (A . .. . . . _ . . . . . . ..... _3 �4 ._. . .... . . .. . . . _. . . .. . . . . .. ... . ... ..... . . . , . - __ _. . -- -- - .. __ _ . . :- �: Q..: .- - - . ._... .. . �_..:: - - �.- C� � � p 3 W = �+ � /Cy� c z � o z � ``` . Li. — � Y � h W - - - � - - � W 2 � ' p - W -- - � � O Q Oi � Y F- � ..... w _ Q � � �A V Ul :•.,� • '...� _ ..., C V N � M OJ W - - - - _ +._.� . . . _ _ . _ _ _ �9 � _ � � 2 � W O 0 m R ...,! � p t!) 2 �p W � v> .._. ....� � � W J = i.�.: m � v O ~ - � - � - _ C ° p N � o , � ; � � � ..... 'I ; ' ; < 0 ac , � . . , .r� , J � z -_ - ' , , V � ' � Z m . • ._. • �i p �---_ �� � ��• � ; „ r * � ��� � � . �� � � � � . : . � � I, . 9�0 �\�. ' - 0 i � , � '�'�,.02,8So� • . . . Q. �' �� . , �;� ��Sl/ �S ��. � ; ; � i \ � 'j � / " � � O . =p � . i i .�( _ �h ,a a • � �� �� � Q - ' a � ' � ` _ _, . .•' ,t' •, . . . , , . . ; ,1f /� � \ �� . \�.. O�� � l .I Q Z, I , � . . ' ., ---h--. _'.. .-.-__,. � ,� , \ y��. � . � � �' \'�� `�•�'• \\ \���l �•• •� -r•' , '� c'� ' .�23� ' 60. \ ` � . •�,,. � �`• � � 500�� S.0° �\ `�., �" • V .,L,, .. ''� R\12 q 4 \ r�.. � - � -�;Q . 'h ,�. �'; � ..� : �- . .x . .'� �c-�. ,� o,L2� a ��0°ZZ � \ • 'c��,�s'� , , � y+��,Lg� - _ Ob'I g'� cn � � . �y,et� r 'Z „44,OIo29=V\ w �''. ...j.. y. - �\ 00'S1=!! \ \000/ / � � �� � � �' � � a �� �: \.\, /j / / \; 1, 0 \ � \25 O�O/ � `� / f a � f' \� .�\�� \ i •.� i`�_� , Q � •;1 \,�� � � i � / > . ��'�•!, ! � \ '�\,i `•.v. / � __ � • ci� ��, �..''��'' / ,, �r,. i •:�,'l..� / i � %� i � • � i / O� / �HFFT ?� (�F � �N� F COP � � REGISTER ED LAND SURVEY NO. � �s�; That the survey shown herein is a correct delineation of said survey this 3l� day of �'Gl�-r�� , 19 8/ � Wayne McL�agan, egistere and Surveyor Minnesota Registratio�z No . 3559 Approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of St . Paul . Minne�ota. this day of 19 , Cl.erk Pursuant to Chapter 7. Minnesota Laws of 1976, this Registered Land Survey has been approved this day of . 19 F. R. Kvidera Acting Ramsey Countv Surveyor No delinquenr_ taxes and transfer entered this dayo uf . 19 Director Department of Property Taxation By Deputv Registrar of Titles, County of Ramsey, State of rlinnesota I hereby certify that this Registered I�and Survey No . was filed in this oFfice the day of , 19 , at o ' clock .M. . as Document No . Eugene H. Gibhons. Registrar of Titles �y Deputy ni irr-r n ��- � ..� ..- �.. � � � ��,��Q �0 P Y REGISTERED LAND SURVEY N0. I. Wayne �icl._agan, I�;egis �ered Land Surveyor. hereby certify that in accordance with �he provisions c�f "!ia� ter 508. �`1innesota .� tatutes of 1949. as amended. I have surveyed the followin� descril�ecl tract c�£ Ia�1d i �, the ('ounty of �:amse_y, 5 tate of i�tinnesota. to-wit : _ ;,hose parts of i ots 1 to 6, inclusive. Block 2, I,ots 1 to 5 . inclusi_ve. Ulock 3. Lots 2 to 9, i.��clusi ' tilock 4. Lots 1 to 5 , inclusive. and accretions thereto. L'lc�ck 5. I,ots 7 to 10. i�,clL�sive. ��ncl accrE� tio�ls thereto. Block 170. adjoining Livin�ston Avenue. vacated. adjoi_nin� Custe.r `� treet. vacated. a,1c adjoining Starkey Street. vacated, town of WesL St . Yaul , all descrihed as l�e�;inning r� t rV1e �outhwe5t corner of said Lot 9, Block 4 ; thence East along the South lines o£ �aid Blocks 4 and 3 and the exter sio.n thereof and along the South line of said Block 2, to the :�ourheast corner of saicl l,ot: 6. 1�loek 2 thence vorth along the East ] ine of said Lot 6. Block 2. a distance of 153 . 52 feet ; thence C�orthwest - erly �?61 . 32 feet along a line which if ext.ended wot�ld intersect the �orthwesterlv linc: �f said Lc�t �). I�loc1< 170. at a point thereon dis�ant 135 . 87 feet i�Tortheasterlv from �he most ,�esterlv corrler of 5aic� I.ot 7. Block 170; thence on a tar2Kential curve to the right having a ra<lius of 1635 feet to an i �zt:er- section with said Northwesterly line of Lot 9, Block 170 ; thence Soutl�westerlti� al.ong the �Torthwe� ter_ 1 line of said Lots 9. �? aczd %, Block 170. to the most �Jesterly corner of said Lot 7. Rlock 1%0 ; thence Southea� terly along the Southwesterly line of said Block 170 to a point thereon 235 feet Southeasterl of the most �aesterly corner of Lot 6. said }31ock 170 ; thence Sotitherly and �out".wesrcrly o�� a t��ngen- tial curve to the right having a radius of 75 feet to the centerline of said Starkev Street ; thence Southeasterly along said centerline on a straight line not tangent to said ct�rvc�. 152 . 37 feet ; thence Soutllerly on a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 112 .44 feet. and a ce,ltral a;1�;le of 30 degrees 11 minutes, a distance of 59 . 23 feet ; thence Southwesterly. ta:lgent to saic] ctirvc . to an intersection with the extension t�Test of the centerline of adjoining iJood Street ; thence I:aster_ ly on . said centerline extended 30 feet ; thence Northerly to the point of he�;inning. excepting therefrom the following described propert_y : Those parts of Lots 1 to 5. inclusive. and accretions thereto, Rlock 5. Lots 7 to 10. inclusive. and accretions thereto, }31ock 170, and adjoinicig Custer Street. vacated. town of [�est St . Patil . accordi ns; to the plat thereof on, file in the office of the Counry hecorder. I�an�sey Countv. Tiinnesota, descrihecl as follows : Commencing at the southwest corner of Lot 9, Block �., said town of West St . Paul ; thence east ' along the south lines of Blocks 4 and 3 and the extension thereof and along the south li_ne of Block 2, all said town of West St . Paul, to the southeast corner of l,ot 6, said Block 2 ; thence north along the east line of said Lot 6, Block 2, a distance of 153 . 52 feet ; thence northwe�terl 861 . 32 feet along a line which if extended would intersect the northwesterlv line of said Lot 9. Block 1� 0, at a point thereon distant„ 135 . �37 feet_ northeasrerly fr_om the m�s� taeste���;� cerner of said Lot 7. Block 170 ; thence on a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 1635 feet to an intersection with said northwesterly line of Lot 9, Block 170. said point being the point of beginciing of the parcel to be described ; thence southeasterly along the last described c��r_ve and the tangent to said curve, a distance of 155 . 00 feet ; thence southwesterlv at right angles to said tangent. a distance of 175 . 00 feet ; thence southwesterly to a point an the sol�thwesterlti� line of said Block 5, which point i.s 225 , 00 feet southeasterly of the most westerly corner of said Lot 7, Block 170, measu,red along the southwesterly line of �aid Block 170 and said line extended and the southwesterly line of said Block 5 ; thence northwesterly 225 . 00 feer_, to said most westerly corner of Lot 7 ; thence northeasterly 144 . 23 feet. more or le��. to the point of beginning and there terminating. together with the following described property : Those parts of Lot,S 1 to 5, inclusive, and accretions thereto, I31ock 5. Lats 7 to 10. incl.usivE�. and accretions thereto, Block 170, and adjoining (;uster Street. vacated. tow�1 of West St . Patil . accordic��; to the plat thereof on file in the office of the County Recorder. Ramsey Cou�itv, i�Tinnesota. descri ?:,ed as follows : � Commencing at the sotithwest corner of Lot 9, Block 4, said town of West St . Paul ; thence east along the south lines of Blocks 4 and 3 and the extension thereof and along the south line of Block 2, all said town of West St . Paul . to the southeast corner of Lot 6, said Block 2 ; thence north along the east line of said Lot 6, Block 2, a distance of 153 . 52 feet ; thence northwesterly 861 . 32 feet along a line which if extended would intersect the northwesterly line of said Lot 9. Block 170, at a point thereon distant 135 . 87 feet northeaster_ ly from the most westerly corner of said T.ot 7. Block 170 ; thence on a tangential curve to the right having a radius of 1635 feet to an intersection with said northwesterly line of Lot 9, Block 170, said point being tfze poi�lt of beginning of the parcel to be described ; thence southeasterly along the last descrihed curve and the tangent to said curve, a distance of 155 . 00 feet ; thence southwesterly at right angles to said tangent, a distance of 175. 00 feet ; thence southwesterly to a point on the southwester. ly line of said Block 5, which point is 225 . 00 feet southeasterly of the most westerly corner of said Lot 7. Block 170, measured along the southwesterly line of said Block 170 and said li.ne extended and the southwesterly line of said Block 5 ; thence northwesterly 225 . 00 feet, to said most westerly corner of Lot 7 ; thence northeasterly 144 . 23 feet. more or less, to the point of beginning and there terminating . cu � � -r i nc -x cuc �-rc