276688 WHITE - CITY�CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE COI1i1C11 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. c ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re soluiaon amending the Civil Se rvice Rules concerning reinstatement after resignati.on. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 23.B so that th.e second paragraph of said Section 23.B sha11 read as follows: "Any rights and privileges which would accrue to the employee following hi s/he r rein statement afte r resignation shall also accrue to the employee if he/she rs-�e-e�g��e�lo�i.�g-ee��i�i-o-afi,�er� actually be�ins work in a position followin� certification from any eligible list within one year of his/her resignation; however, no seniority rights shall accrue within any given j ob ti.tle except by se rvi ce in that j ob ti.tle. " . Approved: , � � i rm Civil 5ervice Commission COUfVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � PE S NNEL OFFI E mw;� [n Favor Maddox � McMahon snowaite� - __ Against BY .�...o.. wason Adopted by Council: Date APR 14 1981 Form A ove Cit c ne Certified Y• s e Co Incil S etar By t Appr by Ylayor: D e •„rR 1 � App ov by Mayoc f ission to ouncil By _ BY PUBLISHED APR2 51981 WHITE - CITY GLERK - � PINK - FINANCE TT COUflC1I � �-y � CANARY - DEPARTMENT " �I T Y O F S A I N T �,� ll L • BLUE . - MAYOR , File N.O. . � ( ��� C I T Y C L E R K Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date An administrative R.esoluti.on amending the Civil Service Rules concerning reinstatement after resignati.on. RESOLVED, that the Givil Service Rules be amended in Section 23.B so that the second paragraph of said Section 23.B shall read as fo].lows: "Any ri ght s and p ri vile ge s whi ch would ac c rue to the employee following hi s/he r reinstatement afte r resignation shall also accrue to the employee if � he/she rs-�e-e��kc��c�#e�].o�ti�a.g-ee��i�i�.a#.�er2 actually be�ins work in a position followin� certifi.cation from " any eligible list within one year of his/her resignation; however, no seniority rights shall accrue wifihin any given job title except by service in that job ta.tle. " . App rove d: � - � Chai rman Civil Service Commissian COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon 8 Showalter _ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by :4layor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY ,�``::'-. � .' . � C ITY ��+' ►�A 1�.�i�.i' .��1Z.7?L ����� ��:,. _ ;R� `� ``�� ' OF�+TICi. OF TIIF �CZTY C4IIitiCTL rr� ;`- s.-_. ►'u,� , = � f•.., r e`<:x , . . .� 5y� �`�. •� �i��t....�� it�w�saa�a-• 1�!�^. �+a '�-- ..s_�:�� ��. . t„ - s_: �t; ��° Date : April 2, 1981 :;:�.,�_ C0 �l � l��T° � � � � � � �� �' T4 : Soint Paui City Council F R 0 � � CUffti�il##�E� O fi FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George P�1cMahon , choirman, makes the �ollowing report or� G. F. � Ordin�rice (10) []X Resolution � Ofiher � ���E : At its meeting of April 2, 1981 , the Finance Committee recommended approval of the follawing: 10. Resolution establishing title of Food Service Equi�ment Specialist. (11835-GM) 11 . Resolution establishing rate of pay for new title of Food Service-Equipment Specialist. (11843-GM) � 12. Resolution establishing titles of Food Preparation Supervisor, Quality Control� . Assistant, and School Lunch Coordinator. (11837-GM) - 13. Resolution approving Agreement between the City and the Public Employees Association to amend insurance article in contract. (11833-GM) � ardin he len th of time an em lo ee ma 14. Resolution clarifying provision reg g t g p Y Y be off work after resignation and still retain rights and privileges after reinstatement or re-employment. (11842-GM) 15. Resolution revising minimum qualifications for class of Storehouse Helper. (11841-GM 16. Resolution revising minimum qualifications for class of Occupational Therapy Assistant. (11838-GM) 17. Resolution revising minimum qualifications for class of Grounds and Labor Coordinator. (11836-GM) 18. Resolution establishing titles of Production Manager and Quality Control Supervisor. (11839-GM) . 19. Resolution abolishing title and class specification for Fire Service Aide. (11834-GM) CITY HA.LL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, tiII�Ti�iESOTA »I03 ,�, m�- Pe #8/-�l ''Do `nbt detach this memorandt�m from the �r/V[,jp resolutfon so that this information witf. be � � � �� � ��, ... avaitabfe to the City Council. :��,������ ' EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIUE ORDERS, MAR 1 ���� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ���a� Date: February 17, 1981 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ' FR: Pereonnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution is for the purpose of clarifying the provision regarding the lengtli of time tliat an employee may be off work afte r re signati.on and still retain his or her rights and privileges after reinstatement or re- employment. ATTAC�IMENTS: R.esolution and copy for the City Clerk.