276686 WMIT6 - CITY CLERK ��[y[�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COIl[IC1I rv�° vv BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. C uncil Resolution Presented By C Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative R.e solution e stabli shing new ti.tles and class specificati.ons in the Civil Service Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 3.M (Special Employment) by inserting in proper alphabetical order the following ti.tles: School Food Se rvice Supe rvi sor I School Food Se rvi ce Supe rvi so r II School Food Se rvice Supe rvi sor III ; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil 5e rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 32 by inserting in proper alphabetical order the attached cl�.ss specifications for School Food Service Supervisor I, II, and III. App rove d: � hai rm Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays � p E O N E O F F C E �w�. [n Favor Maddox �/ McMahon vo Showalter __ Agalnst BY Tedesco Wilso� APR 14 1981 Form by Cit `'ney Adopted by Council: Date �. Certified • s•e by Counci , cret B � Ap r d by ;Vlayor. a e � � Appr y Mayor for Su m� io �to ncil By BY PUBLlSHED APR2 5 19$J � . �766�6 Title of class: SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR I DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of �dork: Performs supervisory work involving responsibility for ordering, receiving, preparing and serving food in a School Food Service Kitchen and cafeteria in a school with an enrollment of 350 students or less excluding kindergarten; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a School Lunch Coordinator. Supervision Exercised: May exercise direct. technical and administrative supervision over food service aides. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples riay not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and directs the work of ersployees in the satellite kitchen. Acts as cashier when necessary, checks cash and ticket receipts and makes out reports as required. Orders food and supplies from the office of the Director of School Food Service and the Production Kitchen. Inspects merchandise received and insures quantities received are as ordered. Checks the quality, tastefulness, neatness, arrangement and portion size of all foods served. Prepares foods as directed and required. Sets up food counters in an attractive and sanitary manner. Operates kitchen equipment as required. - Insures the cleanliness and sanitation of the kitchen equipment and personnel. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES tJorking knowledge of the basics of nutrition and the nutritional inpact of food storage and preparation. Ldorking ability to prepare foods for serving. Working ability to use institutional kitchen equipment and to maintain it in a clean and sanitary condition. Working ability to handle ticket sales, make daily cash reports and make other reports as required. Working ability to make arithmetic computations. Working ability to deal f irmly and courteously with cafeteria patrons. Working ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMUf4 QUALIFICATIONS Six �onths' experience as a food service aide in quantity preparation and serving of foods in a school caf eteria or its equivalent. SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR I Title of cTass: � �66(��l SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR II DESCRIPTION OF �v'ORK General Statement of Work: Performs supervisory work involving responsibility for ordering, receiving, preparing and serving food in a School Food Service Kitchen and caf eteria in a school with an enrollment of 351 students or more excluding kindergarten; and performs related duties as assigned. - Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a School Lunch Coordinator. Supervision Exercised: Exercises direct technical and administrative supervision over food service aides. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and directs the work of employees in the satellita kitchen. Acts as cashier when necessary, checks cash and ticicet receipts and makes out reports as required. Orders foods and supplies from the off ice of the Director of School Pood Service and the Production Kitchen. Inspects merchandise received and insures quantities received are as �ordered. Checks the quality, tastefulness, neatness, arrangement and portion size of all foods served. Prepares foods as directed and required. Sets up food counters in an attractive and sanitary nanner. Operates kitchen equipment as required. - Insures the cleanliness ar_d sanitation of the kitchen equipment and personnel. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the basics of nutrition and the nutritional impact of food storage and preparation. Working ability to prepare foods for serving. Working ability to use institutional kitchen equipment and to maintain it in a clean and sanitary condition. Working ability to handle ticket sales, make daily cash reports and r�ake other reports as required. Working ability to make arithmetic computations. Working ability to deal f irmly and courteously with cafeteria patrons. Working ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year's experience as a food service aide in quantity preparation and serving of foo3s in a school cafeteria or its equivalent. SCAOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR II � � ��66�6 Title of class: SCHOOL FOOD SERVYCE SUPERVISOR III DESCRIPTION OF WORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work involving responsi- bility for ordering, receiving, preparing and serving food in a Senior High School Food Service kitchen and cafeteria; directing the operation and personnel in a manner which insures that wholesome, appetizing and appealing products are presented at all times; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a School Lunch Coordinator. Supervision Exercised: Exercises direct technical and admin3:strative supervision over food service aides. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples ma.y not include all duties per€ormed by all positions in this class. Supervises and directs the work of the employees in a satellite kitchen as directed and insures that they are accorsplishing. their responsibilities in a neat and efficient mann.er. Acts as a cashier or checker when necessary, checks cash receipts and makes reports as required. Orders food supplies from the office of the Director of School Food Service and the district kitchen. Inspects merchandise received and insures quantities received are as ordered. _ Checks on the quality, tastiness, neatness or arrangement, and size of portions of all foods served. Prepares meats, vegetables, salads and other foods as required. Sets up food counters in an attractive and sanitary manner. Operates kitchen machinery as required. Insures the cleanliness and sanitation of the equipment, kitchen and serving area. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working 2:nowledge of the basics of nutrition and the nutritional impact of food storage and preparation. Tn'orking ability to prepare foods for serving. Working ability to use institutional kitchen equipment and to maintain it in a clean and sanitary condition. Working ability to handle ticket sales, make daily cash reports and make other reports as required. Working ability to make arithmetic computations. Working ability to deal firmly and courteously with caf eteria patrons. Working ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of oehers. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a School Food Service Supervisor II, Cook II, Baker II or equivalent. SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR III Title of class: � ��v�V� SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR I DESCRIPTION OF �dORK General Statement of j�?ork: Performs supervisory work involving responsibility for ordering, receiving, preparing and serving food in a School Food Service Kitchen and caf eteria in a school �aith an enroll�ent of 350 students or less excluding kindergarten; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a School Lunch Coordinator. Supervision Exercised: rfay exercise direct technical and adninistrative supervision over food service aides. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORrIED The listed examples riay not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and directs the work of er.iployees in the satellite kitchen. Acts as cashier when necessary, checks cash and ticket receipts and makes out reports as required. Orders food and supplies from the office of the Director of School Food Service and the Production Kitchen. Inspects merchandise received and insures quantities received are as ordered. ' Checks the quality, tastefulness, neatness, arrangenent and portion size of all foods served. Prepares foods as directed and required. Sets up food counters in an attractive and sanitary manner. Operates kitchen equipment as required. � Insures the cleanliness and sanitation of the kitchen equipment and personnel. KI30WLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the basics of nutrition and the nutritional impact of food storage and preparation. Working ability to prepare foods for serving. Working ability to use institutional kitchen equipment and to maintain it in a clean and sanitary condition. Working ability to handle ticket sales, make daily cash reports and make other reports as required. Working ability to make arithmetic computations. Working ability to deal f irr.ily and courteously with caf eteria patrons. Working ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMUNI QUALIFICATIONS Six months' experience as a food service aide in quantity preparation and serving of foods in a school cafeteria or its equivalent. SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR I Title of class: ' �,'.��js�,s ' SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Work: Perforr.�s supervisory work involving responsibility for ordering, receiving, preparing and serving food in a School Food Service Kitchen and caf eteria in a school with an enrollment of 351 students or more excluding kindergarten; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a School Lunch Coordinator. Supervision Exercised: Exercises direct technical and administrative . supervision over food service aides. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. Supervises and directs the work of employees in the satellite kitchen. Acts as cashier when necessary, checks cash and ticket receipts and makes out reports as required. Orders foods and supplies from the office of the Director of School Food Service and the Production Kitchen. Inspects merchandise received and insures quantities received are as ordered. Checks the quality, tastefulness, neatness, arrangement and portion size of all foods served. Prepares foods as directed and required.. Sets up food counters in an attractive and sanitary r.anner. Operates kitchen equipment as required. - Insures the cleanliness and sanitation of the kitchen equipment and personnel. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the basics of nutrition and the nutritional inpact of food storage and preparation. Glorking ability to prepare foods for serving. Working ability to use institutional kitchen equipment and to maintain it in a clean and sanitary condition. Working ability to handle ticket sales, make daily cash reports and make other reports as required. Working ability to make arithmetic computations. Working ability to deal f irmly and courteously with cafeteria patrons. Working ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMiJM QUALIFICATIONS One year's experience as a food service aide in quantity preparation and serving of foods in a school cafeteria or its ec}uivalent. SCHOOL �OOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR II � ���s�s Title of class: SCAOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR III DESCRIPTION OF WORK - General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work involving responsi- bility for ordering, receiving, preparing and serving food in a Senior High School Food Service kitchen and cafeteria; directing the operation and personnel in a manner which insures that wholesome, appetizing and appealing products are presanted at all times; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a School Lunch Coordinator. , Supervision Exercised: Exercises direct technical and administrative supervision over food service aides. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFOR.'�IED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and directs the work of the employees in a satellite kitchen as directed and insures that they are accomplishing their responsib3lities in a neat and efficient manner. Acts as a cashier or checker when necessary, checks cash receipts and makes reports as required. Orders food supplies from the off ice of the Director of School Food Service and the district kitchen. Inspects merchandise received and insures quantities received are as ordered. _ Checks on the quality, tastiness, neatness or arrangement, and size of portions of all foods served. Prepares meats, vegetables, salads and other foods as required. Sets up food counters in an attractive and sanitary manner. Operates kitchen machinery as required. Insures the cleanliness and sanitation of the equipment, kitchen and serving area. K130WLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the basics of nutrition and the nutritional impact of food storage and preparation. Working ability to prepare foods for serving. Working ability to use institutional kitchen equipment and to maintain it in a clean and sanitary condition. Working ability to handle ticket sales, make daily cash reports and make other reports as required. Working ability to make arithmetic computations. Working ability to deal firmly and courteously with caf eteria patrons. Working ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINI2�NM QUALIFICATIOi�S Two years' experience as a School Food Service Supervisor II, Cook II, Baker II or equivalent. SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR III WN17'E� - CITYCLERK � �y�CQ� � PINN - �FINANCE - TT COU(ICll vvu < CANARY - DEPARTMENT , G�TY OF SA I NT �L� l� L BLUE. - MAYOR ' . , Fll@ N O. � C I T Y C L E R K C�uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing new ti.tles and class specificata.ons in the Civil Service Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended i.n Section 3.M (Special Employment) by inserting in proper alphabetical order t,he following titles: School Food Se rvice Supe rvi sor I School Food Service Supervisor Li School Food Se rvi ce Supe rvi sor III ; and be it FURTHER R,ESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 32 by inserting in proper alphabetical order the attached class specifications for School Food Service 5upervisor I, II, and III. App rove d: Chai rman Civil Service Comm.ission COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B� . Approved by :�lavor. Date �' Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounciI B�� _ By Title of class: �f ��V V SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR I DESCP.IPTION OF WORK General Statement of j�?ork: Performs supervisory work involving responsibility for ordering, receiving, preparing and serving food in a School Food Service Kitchen and caf eteria in a school with an enrollnent of 350 students or less excluding kindergarten; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a Schoo3 Lunch Coordinator. Supervision Exercised: ria.y exercise direct technical and administrative supervision over food service aides. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORrIED The listed examples �ay not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and directs the work of er.iployees in the satellite kitchen. Acts as cashier when necessary, checks cash and ticket receipts and makes out reports as required. Orders food and supplies from the office of the Director of School Food Service and the Production Kitchen. Inspects merchandise received and insures quantities received are as ordered. ' Checks the quality, tastefulness, neatness, arrangement and portion size of all foods served. Prepares foods as directed and required. Sets up food counters in an attractive and sanitary manner. Operates kitchen equipment as required. � Insures the cleanliness and sanitation of the kitchen equipment and personnel. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Ldorking knowledge of the basics of nutrition and the nutritional impact of food storage and preparation. [r'orking ability to prepare foods for serving. Working ability to use institutional kitchen equipment and to maintain it in a clean and sanitary condition. Working ability to handle ticket sales, make daily cash reports and make other reports as required. Working ability to make arithmetic computations. �tiorking ability to deal firmly and courteously with cafeteria patrons. Working ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMUM QLIALIFICATIONS Six months' experience as a food service aide in quantity preparation and serving of foods in a school caf eteria or its equ�valent. SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR I Title of class: � `�����5 SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR II DESCRIPTIOI�T OF WORK General Statement of Work: Performs supervisory work involving responsibility for ordering, receiving, preparing ancl serving food in a School Food Service Kitchen and caf eteria in a school with an enrollment of 351 students or more excluding kindergarten; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision P,eceived: Works under the direction of a School Lunch Coordinator. Supervision Exercised: Exercises direct technical and administrative supervision over food service aides. TI'PICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and directs the work of employees in the satellite kitchen. Acts as cashier when necessary, checks cash and ticket receipts and makes out reports as required. Orders foods and supplies from the office of the Director of School Food Service and the Production Kitchen. Inspects merchandise received and insures quantities received are as ordered. Checks the quality, tastefulness, neatness, arrangement and portion size of all foods served. Prepares foods as directed and required. Sets up food counters ir_ an attractive and sanitary manner. Operates kitchen equipment as required. - Insures the cleanliness and sanitation of the kitchen equipment and personnel. KNOLv'LEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the basics of nutrition and the nutritional impact of food storage and preparation. Glorking ability to prepare foods for serving. Working ability to use institutional kitchen equipment and to maintain it in a clean and sanitary condition. Working ability to handle ticket sales, make daily cash reports and make other reports as required. Working ability to make arithmetic computations. Working ability to deal firmly and courteously with caf eteria patrons. Worlcing ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS One year's experience as a food service aide in quantity preparation and serving of foods in a school cafeteria or its equivalent. SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR II . � � �� � . . � Title of class: SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR III DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs supervisory work invoiving responsi- bility for ordering, receiving, preparing and serving food in a Senior High School Food Service kitchen and cafeteria; directing the operation and personnel in a manner which insures that wholesome, appetizing and appealing products are presented at all times; and performs related duties as assigned. Supervision Received: Works under the direction of a School Lunch Coordinator. . Supervision Exercised: Exercises direct technical and administrative supervision over food service aides. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Supervises and directs the work of the employees in a satellite kitchen as directed and insures that they are accomplishing their responsibilities in a neat and efficient manner. Acts as a cashier or checker when necessary, checks cash receipts and makes reports as required. Orders food supplies from the off ice of the Director of School Food Service and the district kitchen. Inspects merchandise received and insures quantities received are as ordered. _ Checks on the quality, tastiness, neatness or arrangement, and size of portions of all foods served. Prepares meats, vegetables, salads and other foods as required. Sets up food counters in an attractive and sanitary manner. Operates kitchen machinery as required. Insures the cleanliness and sanitation of the equipu-►ent, kitchen and serving area. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of the basics of nutrition and the nutritionaZ impact of food storage and preparation. Working ability to prepare foods for serving. �lorking ability to use institutional kitchen equipment and to maintain it in a clean and sanitary condition. Working ability to handle ticket sales, �ake daily cash reports and make other reports as required. Working ability to make arithmetic computations. Working ability to deal firmly and courteously with caf eteria patrons. Working ability to plan, direct and evaluate the work of others. MINIMUri QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a School Food Service Supervisor II, Cook II, Baker II or equivalent. SCHOOL FOOD SERVICE SUPERVISOR III �_ '� ' ' �'ZT�Y fl�' ►�.�il?'y� �.�.U�� �/ �6�6 ___� %f t'~��: OF�'I�.'� U.:^ 1'tii+. �I'�t'Y CO�'1C?L' f.':�� ._._,.u�.:. �..� �=; �`:�.��:«:��:� �.:;� �- ��� _. ;:� . � � Da t e ; Apri l 2, 1981 �� . •_. _ �.� �y�\� li � t'a'il��� � � � � �'L � �. 1�" � � F� '� 0 : 5ain� Paul Cif � Cour��il .. . ,�� - F R O I� � C 0 i�'!i f9 i'�7�� �Il FI NANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL . �. .. � Gearge McMahon; choirman, m�kes the foiic4ving . report on C. F. � � Ordinance . (g) [�X Resolution . - ' - . � � (��t�er - � � ��'�� : � � At its meetinc� of Apri� 2, 1981 , the Finance Committee recommended approval of the fol l owi ng: . _--_ _ _ � 1�. Resolution extending Shopper Parking Program. ' - � 2. Resolution transferr�ng $100,000 from 1981 Contingent Reset^ve Specified budget � for Sewer Inspection Program. (11817-McM) _ 3. Res�lution trans.ferring funds for repayment of temoorary transfers of funds . to Watergate Site Acquisition and Mattocks School . _ - 4. .ResoTution approving transfer of $58,051 in 1979 Capital Improvement Bonds fr.om the ,Downtown People Mover to the 1981 Capital Improvement Budget. . . 5. Resolution amending the 1981 Capital Improvement 6udget to provide additional funding within the Municipal State Aid Fund. . 6. Resolution transferring. $26,000 from Contingent Reserve General to pay.State Auditor for EDP audit testing and some 1979 and 1980 department audits. (11845-GM) 7. Resolution opposing IRS revenue ruling disallowing deduction by banks for � interest on public funds. (11819-GM) � . 8. Resolution establishing titles of School Food Service Supervisor I, II and III. (11840-GM) 9. Resolution establishing rates of pay for new titles of School Food Service Supervisor I , II and III. (11844-GM) - . (CONTIP��UED . . .} CITY i�LL SEVENTH FLOO:t S:'�1tiT P�TJL, biI\\ES�JTA S�IQ.�. � ' .._ ;��..� F,r� .r P�.- ��-�4/-59 Do not detach this memorandum from the °• r resolution so that this information wii� be ���� available to the City Council. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ����►������� Date: February 24, 1981 �1 91981 �!�'�'!�'SCi�AACc T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR TflIS ACTION: Thi s Re solution e stabli she s the title s of School Food Se rvice Supe rvi sor I, School Food Se rvice Supe rvi so r II, and School Food 5e rvi ce Supe rvi so r IIi, in Section 3.M (Special Employment) of the Civil Service Ru1es and the class specifications for these ti.tles in 5ection 32. ATTACHI�ENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.