276682 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��(��SA[� PINK - FINANCE V V CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T PA U L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR File N O. ouncil Resolution Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution revising the minimum qualifications in the Class Specification for the title of Grounds and Labor Coordinator in the Civil Ser�i.ce Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 32 the Class Specification for the title of Grounds �.d Labor Coordinator, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Specification for the title of Grounds and Labor Coordinator. Approved: < � I C airm Civil Service Commission COUNCIL64EN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE �,� In Favor Maddox McMahon A ainst BY Showalter �-- g Tedesco Wilson APR 1 4 1g�1 Form A roved Cit o ey Adopted by Council: Date r Certified Pa s d b ouncil retary BY t App by 1�layor: te � APR � 6 1981 App ed y Mayor for S s ' to Cou�icil By BY PUBLISHED AP R 2 51981 '1'itle ot class: 'GROUNDS AND LABOR COORDINATOR ��66�2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work planning, programming, and directing the grounds maintenance activities, supervising the groundsworkers and coordinating the laborers and truck drivers for the School Plant Planning and Maintenance Departmerit of the School District; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Executive Director of School Plant Planning and rla.intenance. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within this unit supervision directly and/or through subordinate supervisors over ?aborers, truck drivers and groundsworkers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed e�amples may not include all duties perform� by all positions in � this class. Develops, programs and implements a site maintenance program including such activities as lawn cutting, sodding, weed control, fertilization, mainten- ance of trees and shrubs, snow plowing, laying of bituminous material, seal coating, placing of concrete, f ence installation repair and replace- ment, maintenance of athletic fields and tracks, installation and repair of physical education equipment, trenching and excavati.ng, and ather related site maintenance activities. Programs, schedules and directs all work performed by personnel engaged in grounds maintenance work. Develops and implements a vehicle saf ety program. ' Develops annual recommendations, cost estimates, and specif ications for vehicle and equipment purchase. Schedules, coordinates and directs the work of all laborers assigned to the Plant Planning and Maintenance Department and all truck driver and equipment operator activities related to the School Plant Planning and Maintenance Department. Supervises the operation and is responsible for the programmed and preventive maintenance of all trucks and powered mechanical equipment. Develops, programs and implements a long-range grounds development and maintenance plan for all District properties. Develops, prepares and monitors the unit budget. Coordinates City-School District joint use site maintenance agreements and determines reimbursement costs as per said agreenents. Plans, directs and inspects the maintenance, testing and replace�ent of fire prevention equipment in the District's facilities. Prepares reports and recommendations as required o.r directed. Prepares Board agenda requests. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to coordinate activities with other units of the department. Considerable ability to develop, plan, implement and supervise and set priorities. Some knowledge.of the principles of landscape archi�ecture and horticulture. Considerable knowledge of the procedures and techniques of grounds maintenance. PiINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A degree in laadscape architecture or horticulture and one year's supervisory experience in grounds maintenance work {and coordinating labor and tru�k driver activities) ; or five years' experience in grounds maintenaace work; or five years' experience as a Grounc�sworker, Laborer or Truck Driver in the Grounds Maintenance Operation of the School District. l:itte ot class: � GROUNDS AND LABOR COORDINATOR ���"�� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsibI.e supervisory work planning, prograr�ing, and directing the grounds maintenance activities, supervising the groundsworkers and coordinating the lab.oxers and truck drivers for the School Plant Planning and Maintenance Department of the School District; and performs related duties as reqvired. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision af the Executive Director of School Plant Planning and Maintenance. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within this unit supervision directly and/or through subordinate supervisors over laborers, truck drivers and groundsworkers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORb1ID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in . this class. Develops, programs and implements a site maintenance prograrl including such activities as lawn cutting, sodding, weed control, f ertilization, mainten- ance of trees and shrubs, snow plowing, laying of bituminous material, seal coating, placing of concrete, f ence installation repair and replace- ment, maintenance of athletic fields and tracks, installation and repair of physical education equipment, trenching and excaVating, and other related site maintenance activities. Programs, schedules and directs all work performed by personnel engaged in grounds mai.ntenance work. Develops and implenents a vehicle safety program. Develops annual recommendations, cost estimates, and specif ications for vehicle and equipment purchase. Schedules, coordinates and directs the cvork of all laborers assigned to the Plant Planning and Maintenance Department and all truck driver and equipr.ient operator activities related to the School Plant Plannino and Maintenance Depar�ent. Supervises the operation and is responsible for the programmed and preventive maintenance of all trucks and powered mechanical equipment. Develops, programs and implements a long-range grounds development and maintenance plan for all District properties. Develops, prepares and monitors the unit budget. Coordinates City-School District joint use site maintenance agreements and determines reimbursement costs as per said agreements. Plans, directs and inspects the maintenance, testing and replacement of f ire prevention equipment in the District's facilities. Prepares reports and recoramendations as required or directed. Prepares Board agenda requests. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to coordinate activities with other units of the department. Considerable ability to develop, plan, implement and supervise and set priorities. Some knowledge of the principles of landscape architeeture and horticulture. Considerable knowledge of the procedures and techniques of grounds maintenance. TSINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A degree in landscape archit�cture or.horticulture and one year's supervisory experience in grounds maintenance work (and coordinating labor and truck driver activities) ; or five years' experience in grounds maintenance work; or five yearsT experience as a Groundsworker, Laborer or Truck Driver in the Grounds Maintenance Operation of the School District. _ _ ... __ - -- - _. _ ti WHiTE ' CITY CLERK ' - ,... .. � .. . ' .��'����� PlNK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T �A u L BLUE - MAYOR � FIIe N O. CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution revising the mi.nimum quali.fications in the Clas s Specification for the title of Grounds and Labor Coordinator i.n the Civil Seruice Rule s. � RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking from Section 32 the Class Speci.fication for the title of Grounds �d Labor Coordinator, and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Specification for the title of Grounds and Labor Coordi.nator. APProved: Chairman Civil Service Commis sion COUIVCIL69EN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter A gai n s t y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved by Vlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy _ By Title of class: � " � • , 6ROUNDS AND LABOR COORDINATOR ���l��� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible supervisory work planning, programming, and directing the grounds maintenance activities, supervising the groundsworkers and coordinating the laborers and truck drivers for the School Plant Planning and Maintenance Department of the School District; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Executive Director of School Plant Planning and Maintenance. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within this unit supervision directly and/or through subordinate supervisors over laborers, truck drivers and groundsworkers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�IID The listed examples may nat include all duties per€ormed by all positions in this class. Develops, programs and implements a site maintenance program including such activities as lawn cutting, sodding, weed control, f ertilization, mainten- ance of trees and shrubs, snow plowing, laying of bituminous material, seal coating, placing of concrete, f ence installation repair and r•eplace- ment, maintenance of athletic fields and tracks, installation and repair of physical education equipment, trenching and excavating, and other related site maintenance activities. Programs, schedules and directs all work performed by personnel engaged in grounds maintenance work. Develops and implenents a vehicle safety program. Develops annual recommendations, cost estimates, and specif ications f.or vehicle and equipment purchase. Schedules, coordinates and directs the work of all laborers assigned to the Plant Planning and Maintenance Department and all truck driver and equip�aent operator activities related to the School Plant Planning and Maintenance Department. Supervises the operation and is responsible for the pragrammed and preventive maintenance of all trucks and pawered mechanical equipment. Develops, programs and implements a long-raage grounds developm.ent and maintenance plan for all District properties. Develops, prepares and monitors the unit budget. Coordinates City-School District joint use site maintenance agreements and determines reimbursement costs as per said agreements. Plans, directs and inspects the maintenance, testing and replacement of f ire prevention equipment in the District's facilities. Prepares reports and recommendations as required or directed. Prepares Board agenda requests. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working ability to coordinate activities with other units of the department. Considerable ability to develop, plan, iriplement and supervise and set priorities. Some knowledge of the principles of landscape architecture and horticulture. Considerable knowledge of the procedures and techniques of grounds naintenance. r1INIMiT"f QUALIFICATIONS A degree in landscape architecture or horticulture and one year`s supervisory experience in grounds maintenance work (and coordinating labar and truck driver activities) ; or five years` experience in grounds maintenance oiork; or five years' experience as a Groundsworker, Laborer ar Truck Driver in the Grounds rlaintenance Operation of the School District. �� __ . .,. • �CITY O�E` �AI�v'i` �'.�1ZTX� ������ �:: � �� � " OFFIC� flF TIIE �CZTY C4Ui�CIL �:: .. '...: !_ :��;'> �,, ....;` ;.... ...,_,.. �1�: n�a�^�. . k;� .F�j�.�.� • _- i: � �-j r �j�'° Da t e : Apri 1 2, 1981 �: _� li� tdl � l l i � � i`� � � V � i - TO : Sainf Paut City Council FROI1dB � Camreritte� Oti FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL George �1cMahon , chairman, mc�kes the iol lowing �eporf on C.F. [� Ordinarice (10) Q Resolution � Othe� TITLE : At its meeting of April 2, 1981 , the Finance Committee recorr�nended approv<�1 of the following: 10. Resolution establishing title of Food Service Equipment Specialist. (11835-GM) 11 . Resolution establishing rate of pay for new title of Food Service-Equipment Specialist. (11843-GM) . � 12. Resolution establishing titles of Food Preparation Supervisor, Quality Control . Assistant, and School Lunch Coordinator. (11837-GM) - 13. Resolution approving Agreement between the City and the Public Employees Association to amend insurance article in contract. (11833-GM) 14. Resolution clarifying provision regarding the length of time an employee may be off work after resignation and still retain rights and privileges after reinstatement or re-employment. (11842-GM) 15. Resolution revising minimum qualifications for class of Storehouse Helper. (11841-GN 16. Resolution revising minimum qualifications for class of Occupational Theraoy Assistant. (11838-GM) 17. Resolution revising minimum qualifications for class of Grounds and Labor Coordinator. (11836-GM) 18. Resolution establishing titles of Production Manager and Quality Control Supervisor. (11839-GM) . . 19. Resolution abolishing title and class specification for Fire Service Aide. (11834-GM) CITY HALL SEVENTH FL002 S.�INT PAUL, 1ti\NESOTA 5�I0? ' , . . � - ���� �� � # $�--��' Do not detach this memorandum from the ��r�y���� resol�tion so that this information will be +� avai��b�EXPLANATibN QF"�1KiNISTR.ATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: March 13, 1981 �'����� ���. MAR 1 �1981 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ��,�R����; FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This resolution will revise the minimum qualifications for the class of Grounds a.nd Labor Coordinator for the purpose of allowing additional employees to quali.fy for the examination. ATTACFIMENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk. � � � .. � � �� � �� � . Title of clasa: GROUNDS AND LABOR COORDINATOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performa responsihle supervisory work planning, programming, and directing the grounds maintenance activities, sugervising Che groundsworkers and coardinating the laborers and truck drivers for the School Plant Planning and Maintenance Department of the School District; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the Exe.cutive Dfrector of School Plant Planning and Maintenance. Su ervision Exercised: Exercises within this unit supervision directly and or through subordinate supervisors over laborers, truck drivers and greundsworkers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID Tlze listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Develops, programs and implements a site maintenance program including such activities as lawn cutting, sodding, weed control, fertilization, mainten- � ance of trees and shrubs, snow plowing, laying of bituminous material, seal coating, placing of concrete, fence installation repair and replace- ment, maintenance of athletic fields and tracks, installation and repair o.f physical education eguipment, trenching and excavating, and other related site maintenance activitieso Programs, schedules and directs all work performed by personnel engaged in grounds maintenance worke Develops and implements a vehicle safety programo Develops annual recommendations, cost estimates, and specifications for vehicle and equipment purchaseo Schedules, coordinates and directs the work of all laborers assigned to the Plant Planning and Maintenance Department and all truck driver and equipment operator activities related to the School Plant Planning and Maintenance Departmento Supervises the operation and is responsible for the programmed and preventive maintenance of all trucks and powered mechanical equipmento Develcps, programs and implements a long-range grounds development and maintenance plan for all District propertiese Develops, prepares and monitors the unit budgeta Coordinates City-School District �oint use site maintenance agreements and determines reimbursement costs as per said agreements, Plans, directs and inspects the maintenance, test3ng and replacement of fire prevention equipment in the District's facilitiesa Prepares reports and reco�araendations as required or directede Prepares Board agenda requestso � (continued on reverse side) Effective February 14, 1981 GROUNDS AND LABOR COORDINATOR � . � , � . � GROUNDS AND LABOR COORDINATOR � (continued) KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AN'D ABILITIES Wcrking ability to coordinate activities with other units of the department. Considerable abili�y to develop, pl,an, implement and supervise and set priorities. Some knowledge of the principles of landscape architecture and horticulturea Considerable knowledge of the procedures and techniques of grounds mais�tenance. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A degree in landscape architecture or horticulture and one year's supervisory experience in grounds maintenance work (and coordinating labor and truck driver activities); cr five year`s experience in grounds maintenance work, � �