276672 �ss��
FI NAL ORDER '� � ��'
BY ��,� (/�'��^�
File No. a� l�l, thrY� 3�946
�n the Matter of �Qg�►#�rnatioa a! sida+�alkr �sd all Mcrrk inoidt+ut+tl th�r�co3
_ � 10842 Mas t si�h a! DOlp�1MM SS�!! fr�t �ias t 7 th it trN C to tioo�riah S tr+a t.
� � 10�4! M�s� sid� o! QAl1►I�A 8'l�R1�t �rar 6tvtgl,s �tr++r�tt to �rris�a Av+epu�.
a 10A44 �ocb si�e� o# lttLTt1li Si't�S? #ras 11+�iversitp �waw eo �z1:s Ar�a�.
8 1Q8y6 south rid� o! Gi?iR Ai1�tR f�+o� i3ordoa Fl,�d� e� Qor�4�a Aqenu� at
�3�0 Cart�r aaly, ,
__ ...
under Administrative Order approved
under Preliminary Order_���Q �� � approved � ' / ��/
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and `
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
' .RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: DateAPR 14 1981
Yeas Nays
ertifie assed by Co ncil ecretary
�OS {, �!�
Hunt �ln Favor
�' �' � APR 16 1981
� Maddox --�--Against
M� dbx McMat,�F Mayor
Mc ahon snoW<�<<
. Sch waltr�r redes�- PUBUSHED APR2 5198]
Tede Cq �ilsn-
P$ELt�tA�e�R:. F s.�
. . � _::q::z�:s';.��.
Couocil.�ile Nm.�.'.�±�-$y c�Or:J. .
T_edc�ea ' � .7,�r �
In t6e lt6tter?o�ft��lie�[�de�valks
amrl�11 sv�m�urk�p�ddlM�ii�;�",.
S I�41 tto7tl�-�'�i�l�Y'°11�ENUE
from 'StTeet .
�=1084'd WBd�'81�1rb!''`'f�'S1NA11'�1`R�ET
'fl�atir`iYe�t 9lis^$tlpEt�+hE'a68�rl�trfet.
S 1�45 Weft side of GAjtFFLLD�AEEy'
irom Sturgis SYl%eetlalTa'rrlsen 11vk9tue.
S 10844 Hoth iidis�'�ot MiLR'6Pf'�Ef
, from Universit��vef�uelo t�arles Aveaue,
S 10848.3outh�st sldE of I,ANGFORD
PARK EAST lrom_C�osdon Avepue to 260
feet$outh`bf Blake Av@mte.'� `s: .
R,; ;
S 10846 3outh.stde ot_CARTER AVEIdUE
t�+om Gorddn"E►t�e to 6tif�Cn Av�t1�e',at
Y350 Cartkr onLy
The Co�ncll of t4e City of rRai�iip�yl�ving
recelved t6e,It�wit of ttte A�ayOt'�'�upqun'fAe
above`�mpti�Vmtient. an�l'1SaWiug coL#�8el�i•:
seid teport.heretr�+'}lsoivcr: . ' �
1.That'tl� said rnport agQ Y1ie sap!e�.iS
� hei�eby'sppmved w7th'pb��ptefnBtiVes.
� and that the estLa4feil cbcf t8l7ebY le�
*ecops�i�iaf oi si�vsll�s tobriftlariF-
ed tiq Commui6ty DeVeCo�t`Year VIf
2. 1�a4 a publirtiea�llt�be�8 on seld�
at 10:00 o'q�,g t ouncU
Chamben:oi_the.G1tY--#�Nl.and Coust
House B�Iding in tEe City o[Saint Fwl�
3:14saE �ti�of.,�ei�'pwbtic htarie�Of
given to t6e Ixrsc�m1 fif th�'e�n'iMli
and P1ace ai hMUOnY..iM�aW+YSpEf�e Ims,
preveme�at aa+t tbe tot�l.eq(it•tl�oc a�r
estimated. ,
Adopted by the Cau�ckl3Nai�dtt�3.4�Y.:.:...
APProved March 19�1981.�;' � �`"_��
(Merch 28�1QA1) ,.�.y� .
� �. � � � �. � ! � �' � �3U � � � � �r���`�`��
� � � L � � � � � � I �V � � C� � I � �
� lD �' ih��L � � � I� �T €� �J � T � C� IV
' I F I L E h!Q. s ios4i
j � I PAGE ,
��� p� �t i :o �e�.ic.e or. wh���._._ to :?roceee ,.�t;. as�, �� _.�dewai�: cens�rLC-
� t L c^
� North side of SiJMMIT AVENUE from Mackubin St. to Dale St.
�"� � a�i 1 N G Tues�a�� , April 14, 1981, i�:`�� =�-'°� I
� Cit�- Cou^ci� Cha��ers, 3rd r'oor Ci*y c:a11 �
P`0� �� �V���� � 7r �.�iZ I,CL"71C1_ -, �TC'J2S _::c "`TO�eC� 2 �Orrl.-- OT C�"?e COSt�
i �:�dv bE dSSeSS�..42`�31I1St '"J2_e=1t�EG -J�n^�,��'��.�• Ttle ESti::tct2C�i
���O� M� Y '�1� i 2S52SS�T.2P.�S cYG dS rOi�GWS: - --
� :.�Cr�,cT�?-�_��:, (rep'ace e}:�st� �� wa_hj- _<C AS�LSS"1�\T
� �,i'.��' TIt.� CO`;STRL'C"=0\ of �' .:a;% (c:here nore e�c;sts)
i �cr i anc �' �ar:i��r rroa°rt------ � �. 0:? per `oo` I
�er al"� �tne: rorerr�.- -Sg.nn ;,er tcc* �
li1 2C1��~10i1T C.^.d:"�LS fOY ?�:t�3 WOT=:. SL`C1": 2S dG�1ClOi.2� S1G�- �
wai'_-: u-ia�h, dr�ve«avi cens�ructio::, et_. �,'�i� be ad,�ed to the �
assessT:e:�t �or t:!e beneiitce-a pro���t�-. � �
. ;
�_ �h�S -�S d L1Z'SC C1I^E' CO:1StrL'C�iO^� Ci?2 l,l��" COUi1Cli Wlli I
� �o].d a �ubiic nearing after the sidewai�: is co.^..�leted. �he �
i ^iST7OSP o_ t�.at �hearing -�i1_1 be �o rat-i*�• the assessments ;
� �or �ne �roiect. 7ou wil� receive a ^otice ar tha*_ time �
Lad�.-isir.g~��ou c= *_'�e amoun� vou wili he recu�rec to pav. �
Q V� ST�� !� S CO'�S�RL'C�Z01 - ?98-�+2�5 a.SSESS'.�?�'�� - 298-�125
Also, Cit-.• sta�f will be availabie to ans�.�er anv last mir,ute I
Iquestions or this proiect in City Coun¢il Chamber-s -from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the sa�e dav as the hearin'.
`:otice sent �rch 27, 1981 7�' the �'aluatior. and Assessment Di�isien
Department of Finance and Management Services
Room 218 Citr H211 - Court House
St. Paul, '.v:innesota 5�102
� `� F� A � � � � �' Y � �► U �l � lL
� � �. : � �a � � � � � � �vo -� � � � �s���
soQ � Wa� � � a � �� � uc� � on�
� F I L E N Q. s ios42
�V R � o SE To decide or. whetner to :�roceed wit� �ublic . �cewalr; construc-
. � t ion
LOCA710 �d � i
West side of Dousman Street from W. 7th St. to Goodrich St.
H E A R I N C �Tuesda��, April 14, 1981, 1�:o� ��1
Cit.� Cour.cil Charbers, 3rd Floor Cit} Hall ,
!�►SSESS!�lGt� E I T__` the CeLnc�l approves the project, a portion o� tne cest� i
,:�av be assessec aga;nst benefitteG prcperties. The esti�:ated
INFORMATIO�i assessmerts are as �follows: +
i F.�C�`�S'��t?CTIO'� (realace e�:istir.g walk)---ti0 �?SSrSS'�'.�"�T i
i rIF.ST TI*�F CONSTRL'CTION of �' waik (where none eVists) �
I ror ? and 2 famil�: propert��-----=55.00 per `oot
For all etner rronerty-----------�5.G0 per foot i
' In addition, charges for e�tra work, such as additioral side-
I waik width, drivewav construction, etc. �•,i���l be added to tne
assessmer.t for tne benefitted propertv. -
If this is a rirst time constructior., the Cit�- Council will
hold a pubiic hearing after the sidewalk is co�pleted. The
�ur�ose of that hearing will be to rati�v the assess:nents
ror the project. Y:ou wi11 receive a notice at that time
advising vou of the amount vou will be recuirec to pa��.
QV G JT� 01� S CONSTRLTCTION - 298-4255 ASSESS:�'E:�T - 29S-�125
Also, Citr staff wiil be available to answer anv last minute
questions on this proiect in City Council. Chambers -from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the sane day as the hearin�.
'�otice sent March 27, 1981 bc the Valuatior. an� Assessr�ent Divisien
Department o` Finance and Mar.agement Services
Room 218 Cit�T Hall - �ourt riouse
St. Paul, `Iinnesota 5710�
� � � � � � g�.o � 1 i � V � � `�.o61r n
� f 4�10 ! � � 6 �� I :�
� t� � i.. l � � � M � � V �
SIDE �',4L �C � � �VST � U �TI� �U
� -�
� F I L E N 4. S 1084 3
i TO t"�.eC1C� OP. :tihi-:�I:ET t0 '.JTOCGe� C.'l�ll D'u�I��C ��CeW3�i: COPStii;C- I
, j C 10:1
West side of GARFIELD STREET from Sturgis St. to Harrison Ave.l
H E A R i N G � iuesda��, April 14, 1981, i0:00 �`' �
LCitt� Counc�.l. Char�bers, 3rd F1oor Cit}� kall
ASSESS�111EN�' I* t�-�e Counc�l a�proves t?�:e �re;�°ct, a por*_icn e� the costs
::av be assessec against be^ef-;t��d ^ro�er�;es. The est�^�ated
�Ni� Q�MA°f'I�N assess:�ents are as �ollo�.s:
� ::F�O\ST_�'iT�'"T�'.'ti �Zc��cif_' �..i5�_. . W21K1---\�l aSSE�s11�'.��'
i rI?�ST TI`iE CONSTFL'CTIO� o= �' :�-alk (w<<ere nc.e existsj
( ror i and 2 `amil�: �.roae-t�•------���.OQ per `oo*_
For al� otne_ nrepert}�-----------SS. On ner fe�t i
IIr. additior, charges for e�ctra work, such as additior.al side- �
ic,•alk k�idth, drivewav construction, etc. �viii be added to t��e ,
assessment for the bene*it�ed prcpert�-. �
If this is a Lirst time constructior., tne Cit� Counc�l w:11 �
hold a pubiic hearir.g after *he side�.-alk is comp?eted. The �
purpose o` that hearing will be to r2tif�� the assessments I
ior the project. You wi11 receive a notice at that time �
advisir.g �-ou of the amount vou kill be �:ecuired to nav.
Q U E ST I 0 N S COtiSTRL'CTZO�i - 298-!�2» �SSESS:��E\T - ?98-51?j (
Also, Cit�• sta:f will be avaiiab�e to answer anv last minute
questions or: this proiect ir. City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the sa�e dav as the nearing.
'�otice sent March 27, 1981 b�- the Va�uatic:: a;�d �ssess�ent Division
De�artment o= Finrr;.e and Management Services
Room 218 .,���° Ha�� - �ourt House
St. Paui, ``.T�nesota >>10�
. C�
� �. � � � �... � � � `� � � � � � � � ����'`.3
� � � �.�. � � � � � �CI � � � t� � 1 � �
S � � Ei��L � � � � ST � �JG � fC� N
i (. I � � �— � �O. S 10844
� ; PAGE
� I
�VR •� oSE TC� ,�E�1.2 0:' �..:°:hE'I- t0 :?="C��2E..'G� i+i�:: �'..._,1�.: �_C?4:dli: CC^S�rL:C-
t t'-G^
� Both sides of MILTON STREET from University Ave. to Charles
H E A R�N�7 i ���esdav, April 14, 1981, i0:0�� =L'�I
jCit�.� Ccur.cii C:�a�:.oers, 3-d r�oor Cit�- na�1 i
�V �iv V V���� ?� `C'it �.Gi::iC�_ 3�";r0'J2S ...".2 �Z'O;�PCi., c �Orr10'1 Oi t'.^.E COS�S
:::�uV vE aSSE.'SSP_C 2�3-i.^.Si. �2:':zi'�t�CU �'TOi?E'T�iP,S. �'_'Ile ZSt?'.;12�2G
��1 Ol� �A 6 �o� , .?_SSZSS�^:2^t5 22'P 2S ��lOC.TS:
j z:!�l;C'`.:.,_.,`.Crt-?r,-.� ; i- _-,� �---tiC �SSESS"�'�_
-����ace e_.is�'� w2_k,
' _ �..JT �rrti.`,^_ CV?vCl:�l;�,1 �1�i O.. � � +:dik: ��.ilt_Y° I10.^.E e�i���S� 1
; ror � and � _`.."� : ronert�.------��. 00 per `oo*_ i
_ _ . ; .
�or a1� other „�-,�-,�rt�------------Sc. ;�,� ;,e� `oo� i
Ir addition, cnar�es for e�tra work, such as additior.a' side- i
I �a'_�: wioth, dri�-ewa�� cons�ruction, etc. ,._11 be added to ti:e
a�sessT:er.t �or t:�� cenefitted arcaert�°. � �
I� this is � 'irst time ce^structior., t:�e Cit�� Council will
':�i��li G ��il�.:.i� �nt-�i Z::� Grtel r�2e sidec�al�: ZcJ conpleted. The �
puraose of t�at hearin� ::il� be �o rat�`�• t'r.e assessments
�O� ��c rroject. �v^L' W1ii recei�-e a 71Ctl�E 2t that ClIDf
dG`J1S1P.R �011 Oi t`:�E 2:nC.:�� VOli Wil� be T2Cll1�eC t0 Dd�'.
Q��S� d �� S COVS�RL'C�iG� — 2qg_'•255 ASS�SS:��L:�T — 298-5125
��lso, Cit•� sta`f ;�i11 be availahle to ansc:er anv last minute
questicns or this pro�ect ir. City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 �*'. tne sane dav as the nearing.
':otice sent March 27, 1981 b�. tre �'aluatior, anc: �ssessment Division
Deaart�er,t or Finance and Management Services
R.00;� ?13 Cit�� i:al' - Court House
St . P�:ul, '�`.i�nesota 57102
. ��:e.�v/1---�'
ST. PA �lL� � � 1- � C � U [VClL �
�'�66�7' �
PU � LI � � EA► � It� � N � TI � E
F I �E N 0. S 10845
PUR i' 0 S E =�� �'ecide on wi�etner to �roceed with public sidewalk corstruc- I
� t ior.
Southeast side of LANGFORD PARK EAST from Gordon Ave. to
240' South of Blake Ave.
f{E A R�N� Tuesday� April 14, 1981, i C:00 �'�:ti.
Cit� Council Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit� Ha11
�SS�SSAl1E(VT If tne Council approves ��:e project, a portien o,`. tne costs
::�av be assessed against beref�tted properties. The estim2ted
INFORMATIC�N assessmer.ts are as �ollows:
RFCO\S"'��'CTTO\ (rep'_ace existing walk)---tiC ASSESS:�SE'�T
FIP.ST TI_M.E CO'�STFLCTIOti of �' walk (where none ex�sts) I
For i and 2 �amil�� propert��-----,�5.00 per foo� �
Fcr a11 otner ^roperty-----------SS.00 per Toot
In addition, charges for extra work, such as additional side- �
walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the
assess�rer.� for the beneiitted propert�. �
If this is a first time constructior., *_he Cit� Council will
hold a pubiic heari:�g after the sidewalk is comnleted. The
purpose of that hearing will b2 to ratif.r the assessments
tor the pro�ect. �ou will receive a notice at that time
advising ♦ou of the amount you will be reouired to pa�.
Q V G ST��N S COVSTRLTCTIO?v - 298-4255 P.SSESSME\T - ?98-5125
Also, Cit}• staff will be available to answer anv last minute
questions on tnis proiect in 'City Council Chambers from 9:30 -
10:00 AM the same day as the hearing.
tiotice sent �rch 27, 1981 bv tne Valuatior, and Assessment Di�ision
Department o` Finance and Management Services
Room 218 -City Aall - Court House '
St. Paul,..Minnesota 55102
� � �..��,...�
� �: �' � � �. � � � '; � � � �� � � � �66�'?
� � � �. � � I� � � � � l� � � O � � � E
SIDE �A�. K � � � ��' � � CT � (� (�
; ' : F I � E P� Q. S 10846 �
; � � PAGE ;
; � �
�V �1 � � S� I _. =C�.�..? .. � �...��.._.� ..,. iC`1..2�.�. Ci=_.. 71��i�_ �._�.P�Sclr: :.C:�:Sr`.i_`-
. ` '_.' I
��J4�� �Di'� i
! South side of CARTER AVENUE from Gordon Place to Gordon Ave. !
� 2350 Carter only. i
•,�, � ,� �� �� � .�esr:a:� , April 14, 1981, _�:�:? _�- �
j C�- __�r.c_.i. C:������rs �~d ;�oo_ C�t- ;a='+_ f
d� � � r� � '
l�9V' �d` � V' ��� ,� T ...1•`- ,C��.?__._ . . '_�OtC� ° �'i 2�� .. -'l� �1_ .. . .. �:�'c �..�.J�- �
� .:?' �2 GSSCSS2C ? �..�� ��..2"��_.... �_ ._. � __,;. _..., ac`__..�._��= I
� �d+i���a �/��i�� ' �ss,>.�s-�en=s __ _ �_su=o___�.�s: �
_.-��`,_,_. _ .�'T�`� - - ----�_ �..�st�,�' "-___'� ;---'�C __. . 'S�"�';. I
. ?�'.��. '?'I'�`:= CO:CST=:��-�J\� .,= � .._.__.. (�z;:e°� no.._ v_:__ __.
' =,_,,- � -,,,,; �, .-..._, -: .- •-,-.�.,�.-�-:-------�� . �� �,?� _�,�.�
_ .-.r ai� �_.,�_ . . ���-----------��. .e° -. . '
; - .
_.. ad�__ior , `^ar^es =�r _..,._,_ . ,.~�:. s�c'-, as a��_t��-.a'_ . �_----
�a� . ,._��. e-��:2„� �o:',. . _ �_ __. . _ . �..._ _ _ =�c. �.' _� _:.:_ '
� a`� __..:"ic::_. FC� �`!Z J�'C: _��2� : `:��.'.' '
� _. �."'.__ �S _. �_:St �1T^.0 ..Oi?��rL_���_. L`:_ �.� �=:i.:�i ..�__
�':?��� c `�ti '_C :^.C.'.3�"'i.:;�'.. ..'�°: �i?e �i:.�.�i::•:�1... �S ..._.:�:��_2rc:'. _.,_. '
_ _ ` I
�:r�.ose o: �.,_t he�:rir: .._:.1 -� __ �a�i' --� _�ssess:�:en�s j
� _C: ..:.2 _`C1EC� . �.... W1-- I�°:'�.�:E' ._ .^:0�:�"c c� Cil?_� C-i:?c
_. �
� ,_� . ��---, :t_ � . �1'2 �..:Oli'�_ VC��� „_!__. ��E :"°C __"E� �O `'°�-, �
L �
Qt3 � STl �� � i _. -�T...:�T_.,�, _ ��s_��;� �.5��...�..�.._ - ��� -._- �
i -J j
i :�ij;l� C� � ' �` _ .��i�, i;� � l��' ['1 ?��C��.:_:i �::�:� �� �.!� �
_�� �c` cic._ a �.�-L.' l. ic� i.:li'. ��
I �=�i='sr-c=:c �� �.�=� ''�����- -..,City Council Chambers firom 9:30 - �
' �.�'.:�n ^�.r L::z g2i':� C.c^_�- ati �he R::c�_. , . 1
.-.Ot1C2 52IIt March 27� 1981. . �iie'. . �._�.�_�.�.. 2tll: �SSeSSi.^.�:^� ���lS��:l �
-%C"?= _C?'12;�.. ., . _ii:..:_�' ��id �'icP.ZQ2T.':�:?: �2'_". _�t�n
-.�_�.. ? �5 C���- .,__._. - �our� :iouse
�� . . <_.'; . �`.�"::�E�_ .:<_ ��`;��