276500 WHITE - CITY CLERK �b�'.�t PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L COUIfC1I ��f��� BI,UE - MAYOR -'� File N 0. uncil Resolution Presente Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date T��kiEREAS, the City of St. Paul recognizes the need for community development and community service and establishes social serivice as a high priority; and WEIEREAS, the Cooperating Fund Drive represents 22 social aervice agencies, neighborhood groups and consumer advocacy organizations; and WFIEREAS, the City of St. Paul acknowledges that City employees, should have the opportunity to give to the charity or organization of their choice; now, therefore be it RESOLVID, that in accordance with the proc�dures and requirementa in the Sa3nt Paul City Charter and other laws applicable there to, the Council of the City of St. Paul cloes hereby support the Cooperating Fund Drives inclusion in the City's payroll deduction plan; and be it further RESOLVED that the Council of the City of St. Paul encouragea all City officers and employees to take this opportunity to give to the charity organization of their choice during the Cooperating Fund Drive Gift of Choice campaign March 17-20, 1981. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon � B snowa�ter - __ Against Y — �+i�wo- wison MAR 12 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopte y Council• Date — C ified Ya:� by Council S�cretar BY M�� 3 ��1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appr d y ;Nayor: Dat — B BY P.�1.tS�i� MAP 2 1 1981 , . .:. , : . _ _. _ _ ti • f�, � - � f. w. `\J O�J I�l�[, ��l J�r - :� '"•,>r.; r o � ��d�� �f.�,...,,F�.� �5����U� �1��1.���� ��_5��n , (�`� Liberty Bank Building -V--------� Selby and Snelling t�oom 215 ;� � St. Paui, Minn. 55104 . 612- 6�7-04�0 PRESS R�LEASE FOR FtEL�ASE: i�'_arch 1-17 C�*�TACT: Susan t^7e?nb�r� � . The Cooperating Fund Drive (CFD) a f�deration of nonprofit organizations, will be conducting a payroll dcduction campaign for employees of th� City of St . Paul. Th-> CFD Giit of Choic� ' campaign, sCh�dul��d f.or March 1-17, �aill offer city �m�loyees . an opportunity to contribute to a vari^tyo uf nonprofit org�niza- tions . Un1iY.t� otrer such cam�aigns , CFD offArs a uniqu�� option. � Fmploy�es car. choose to dir�ct thnir contribution ta all CFD memb•�r agencies , desiqnate funds to sp�ci.fic m��nb�r ag��nci=��s or designat� funds for any nonnro�it organization in Minn��sota . Th��� Cooperating Fund Drivc� is an association of n��ic�hborizood � orqan�_zations , social s�rvic� �g�nci�s and c�nsumAr advoc�cy groups which address issuns o� soci.al change and car.i��unity improv�m �nt . A�:ionc� its m�mb��rs ar� �`Test S�v•��nth Stre �t Fed- : eration, Lexin��ton-ItamJ.in^. CoinmuniLy Council, Unit�d Ii�nc7i_c��pp�rd Fedc�ra.tion, �nd thc� W�stsi.de Community IIealth Cent �x. . ,._ . , .,, ..... . . ,.. . _. _.. . . , . .... .... . _ .., .. . .. _ _ _ _ _: � �:1�5��fl ��� . � , y The Ci�y of St . Paul Campaign is th�� first payroll �eduction , campaign sponsored by CFD. CFD b��gan in 1c78 as a v^h-'-cl� to obtain sustaining support for community �r!}?�rov��m�n� organ- � izations . Prior fundraising �r".forts },av � incZuded sp��ci_a1 events sucli as a Tl�e��re B��n��fit and an antival IIasl:�yti%z1I _. P�taratlzon. - . -JO- . t: ..�� ���`55�� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL r :,�;��`,'�`.���,1,' OFFICE OF THF. CITY COIINGIL + ,��„���.,,� :t:5 iSPFLw':[9i. y�zn9�cc p,nr.� . = ri���.,-�. � _ �� GEORGE McMAHON Councilman Mc1rCh 11, 1981 MEMO T0: Council President Ron Maddox and Members of the City Council -�,_ FROM: Councilman George McMahon _ Attached is a resolution expressing the Council`s support for including Cooperating. Fund Drive in the city' s payroll deduction plan and encourac�ing city employees to consider availing themselves of that opportunity during Cooperating Fund Drive' s campaign March 17 through 20, 1981. As the drive will be kicked off on Monday, March 16, this Council resolution would need to be considered this Thursday, March 12. Unfortunately, my office neglected to get the matter to the Gity Clerk in sufficient time to have it included on the agenda. I regret the error and ask your permission to bring it up speciaZly at the March 12 meeting. Additionally, two individuals connected with the Cooperating Fund Drive would appreci�te an opportunity to speak briefly to the Council on Thursday. If you have any questions about this matter, please feel free to give me a call. Thank you in advance for your consideration. GMcM/jfr Attachments cc: City C1erk ✓ CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55202 612l293-5679 °@�C?