276490 WHITE - CITY CLERK �p,,���aaa......��� � /� PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 -r���/��.■ CANARY - DEPARTM6NT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O.__,._ r� �� V BLUE - MAYOR /r j ncil es lution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wf�REAS, the City of St. Paul is authorized to retain a consulting firm qualified to provide the necessary specialized professional engineering services to complete in Infiltration/Inflow (I/I) analysis of its sewer system under the Federal and State Grants Program, pursuant to Council Resolution C.F. 275766, approved October 8, 1980, and WI�REAS, in accordance with U.S.E.P.A. Rules and Regulations, the Department of Public Works has negotiated a contract for said professional consultant services with Donohue and Asso- ciates, Inc. , at the estimated ceiling price of $613,970.66, and an estimated ceil�ag price of $61,214.84 for City Force Account Work, resulting in a final total esti.mate of $675,185.50 to conduct the I/I Analysis; and WHEREAS, the U.S.E.P.A. will fund 75� of the study cost and the State of Minnesota will con- tribute 15� of the study cost under a matching grand fund; now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are authorized to execute the Engineering Agreement for I/I Analysis Study between the City of St. Paul and Donohue and Associates, Inc. , and be it further RESOLVED, that the city share of the funding in the estimated amount of $67,500 will be provided as follows: $25,000 1981 Public Improvement Aid as identified in the Mayor's proposed 1981 Capital Improvement Budget, Page XIV, and $42,500 22201 Sewer Repair Fund COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � Publi rks Levine [n Favor � / n� c11�Mahon �/� "�/ snow�iter --C.L-- Against BY ' Tedesco Donald E. Nygaard, ir or (REB) �Ison Adopted by Council: Date MAR � p ��� Form Approved by y A orney Certified Passed by Council Se etary • BY App v b : �o�: Date _ MAR 13 1981 Approv or for Submis ion ouncil By _ BY t�St�ED MAR 2 � 19 8� UM Ut : IZ/ ly/5 Rev: �+/8/76 %� EXPL�1tJA�i(`�l E}F ff3ftlNIST�'�.TIVE 4RDERS, . RFSOLI!1-IOIiS, ���J�Uf?DI�:ANCES � �,,.�*�� � � /�`;1r�i� ; Ddte: Ma.r.ci; ;, 1��81 ' , T0: MAYCR GEC�'Gt LATIMER FR• lic�r�ald F. N��qaard, Director of Public Works RE• Ir.t:i_1?_:rzlti.on,''Icifloc,� Analysis ' AC710Pd RFC!;:E�',' FD; Aut:hor� ?_y �:o�: ,�?ty of:�ic:ials to �xer.ute an ac�r��ment fcar professional service� and ap�?rove ��ity �har�<: <;r r-,:rc?i r�g fc�.r sai�i ssrvic�s. . PURP�S� ^•..'�.^ R:.^T f�,,I^,LF �QR TH(� ACT I CN: This F>roj�ct: is undertaken in coordinati.on with the MWCC and MPCA as a part af the �OZ Facilitie� Planniiig and PL ��-50U (CLEAIV WATER ACT) . Funding is providecl as follows: Cit�� S'.zaz-e 10� State Shart: .1.5so Federal Share 75� ATTAC}ir;ENT�: , Resol.u.ticx, . Copy of Aqreemerit Pac}cage ' DJ D;'RFF,/c F; ._ ��..������1 WMIT� ' CtTY CLERK . � �� . � .... �. . ' � .. . . .: .. .. � � .. ��INK� - FINANCE . .: .�. CO{t!►Ci�I� � . . . � . CANARY - DErARTMENT � � � � � d •wc - M.,roR C�ITY OF �:'"�AINT � At.�'L ' F�le NQ. � Council Resolutior� Presented E3y --- �� Referred To ___---_---.-- Committee: Date Out of Committee By_._�.______ DatQ wHEREAS, the City of St. Paul is authorized to retain a consulting firm qualified ta provide the necessary specialized professionai engineering �ervices to complets in Znfiltration/Infl:ow (I/I) analysis of its sewer system under the F�deral and State 'Gr�;nts �'rogram, `gursuant tc� Council Resolution C,F. 275766, approved October;8, �.98Q, a:ai�d WHEREAS, in accordance with U.S.E.P.A. Rules and=ReguiatianS, t,h� Depax'tment of Public Wor3cs has negotiated a contract for said`professional consultant service$ with Dorlohue and Asso- ' ciates, Inc. , at the estimated ceiling price of $613,970.66, �rsd an'e�timated ceiling price of $61,214.84 for City Force Account Work, resulting in a fina�l �qt,.�l, estunate of $f75,Z85�.50 to conduct the I/I Analysis; and ,. WHEREAS, the U.S.E.P.A. will fund 75� of the study cost and the 8tate'of Minn�sota wil]. can- tribute 15� of the study cost under a ,matching grand fundf now there�4r� be it ;; RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are authorized to execut� the` Enqineering Agreement , for I/I Analysis Study between the City of St. Paul and Donahu,e and Asspciates, �nc. , and be it'further RESOLVED, that the city share of the funding in the esti.mated amount of $f7,5QQ will be : provided as follows: a`; $25,000 1981 Public Improvement,Aid as ider�tified in the Mayor's proposed � 1981 Capital Improv�ttent Budget, Page XIVR and $42,500 22201 Sewer Repair Fcnnd 1 �` ; COUNC'ILMEN Requext�d by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt P17b11C WOX�{S �er��e 1n Favor � naaddoX � nn�Msnon --- Against gY _.�.�..,� snowa�te► Tedesco Donald L. Nygaazd, Dir�ctor (REB) wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted bv Council: Date -- -- , ---__.__.___ GerUf�ed Vus�c:d by Council Secretary BY -- - - Eiy -._.__ _ _ -__._ __ -- ___. _ .__ _ _:._._.___ _ . __ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cauacil or� o i: t 2/t 975 Rev: 9/8/76 EXPLAt�A'F I QN tlF Q.OM 1 N I STRAT I VE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES s`^•...� ,-� . � ���#�� Date: �rch 3, 1981 t ' T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FR• �nald E. Nygaard, Director of Public Works RE: Infiltration/Inflow Analysis ' ACTION REQUESTED: Authority for city officials to execute an agreement for professional services and approve ' city share of funding for said services. . PURFQSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This project is undertaken in coordination with the MWCC and MPCA as a part of the 201 Facilities Planning and PL 92-500 (CLEAN WATER ACT) . Funding is provided as follows: City Share 10� State Share l5� Federal Share 75� � ATTACHMENTS: Resolution . � Copy of Aqreement Package • . DJD/REB/ck � . . S