00-695�Counal Fitc � ��.. `�t5 ORtG1r�.�.�. Presented Ep Referred To RESOLUTION Gzeen Sheet r �a.11.S OF SA1NT PAUL, MSNNESOTA �� Ccr�itte_c Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("Saint Paul") possesses fee sunple title to a 100-foot wide strip of 1_and 2 that is commonly known as the Vadnais Conduit right-of-way ("R/W") and is located in the City of Little 3 Canada ("Litt1e Canada"}, and Saint Paul's ownership interest is specificaliy described in its deed as, "for the 4 benefit of the Boazd of Water Commissioners" {"Board"); and 6'WHEREAS, the Boazd did adopt Resoiution No. 4719, which declazed fee titie ownership interest in a 6- 7 foot wide by 50-foot long strip of land within the RlW ("Parcei") to be surplus, and also authozized the 8 negotiation of an agreement between the necessary parties to convey title interests in the Parcel to Northeast 9 Residence, Ina ("NER"), owner of property adjacent to the Parcel; and 10 I 1 WIlEI2EA5, the Saint Paul City Council did adopt Resolution No. 00-566 which concurred with the Board 12 of Watez Commissioners and declazed said fee title ownership of the Parcel to be surplus; and 13 14 WF7EREAS, a certified real estate appraisal company prepared an appraisal of the Parcel and estimates the 15 worth to be $600.00, and the city attomey's office did prepare a Land Sale and Purchase Agreement between 16 the Board and NER which stipulates, among other things, a sales price of that amount; and 17 18 WAEREAS, the Board did adopt Resolution No. 4726 which approved said Land Sale and Purchase 19 Agreement and requested the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul to concur with the Boazd and 20 approve and authorize execution of said Agreement; now, therefore, be it 21 22 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Land Sale and 23 Purchase Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and Northeast Residence, Inc., and does 24 hereby authorize the execution of said Agzeement and conesponding documents by the proper City officials 25 on its behalf. Requested by Depu[ment of: Saint Paul Regional Water Service BY �.e $ � ���_ General Manager �doption Cer�ed by Council Seaetary Form Approved by Ciry Attamey 5 = �� ---�, � (—�c �� --'� �Y' �� ��7 j7 Oo pproved 6y Mayor: Date���� � C�_��'�r/��.�� Approved by Ma}ror Eor Submission to Council B �� ���� ,dopted by Council: Date� aaoa � PRTI/H�fIpFFq Saint Paul Water o�li2)z000 GREEN SHEET � oc -GgS t�o 1 G2?25 +.mYOaa. ancaua�. oa�e�ruiecrae TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 � on.,rma. �' 7'`' Z 1�.40 ❑ a�.aenc � wwcu�mncFtoR ❑ ran.ouaenrucero � rvae/��tarM�ry ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 516NATUit� Approval of Council Resolution approving Land Sale and Purchase Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and Northeast Residence, Inc. "�.,f Attachmentso 1) Proposed Resolution � 2) Council Resolution No. 00-566 � 3) Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4726 __ PLANNING CAMMISSION ^ CIBCOMM(TfEE CMl SERVICE CAMMISSION A Board of Water Commissioner Hes mis µvsaJrum everworketl wde, a ar�ad mrnus depaemenn YES NO tias mis v�� avr been a aty emakl�� { YES t10 ocec mic a�rm weeess a sla'A mt � Mr amr currem car emob�i�? YES MQ k U�is PerepJfim e Fargefed vendalt # YES ND Northeast Itesidence, Inc, desires to purchase a 6-foot wide strip of the Board's Vadnais Conduit right-of-way in order to meet building seCback requiremenCS for their proposed 6- bedroom respite care facility. Council Resolution No. 00-566 declared title interest to the strip to be surplus. Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No.'4726 approved the purchase agreement'and also requested City Cou�cil approval. Northeast Residence wi11 be able to build a 6-bedroom respite care facility. � R � g accl� Ge�` Ga - None. �V� � The care facility cannot be built as planned. OF TRANSACTION � � ����IVED JU� �, a �E€�'t ��� ��T'1"(7RNEY COST/REYENUE BUDfiETED (GRCLE ONEI _.h���iR`Ti7',P�?7 L:di!:J�iL YEE NO oo. Gis � oR���Na� � Prese��ea �V �e£e_red T_o coun�il r _� e # �o �b C^�taitte=: �ate /� 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("Saint Paul") owns a 100-foot wide strip of land that is 2 commonly known as the Vadnais Conduit right-of-way ("R/W") and is located in the City of 3 Little Canada ("Little Canada"), and Saint Paul's ownership interest is specifically described in 4 its deed as, "for the benefit of the Boazd of Water Commissioners" ("Boazd"); and 5 6 WHEREAS, Northeast Residence, Ina ("NER") desires to construct a six bedroom respite cue 7 facility ("facility") adjacent to the R/W, but the planned facility does not comply with Little 8 Canada zoning requirements which require a greater setback from the R/W; and 9 10 WT3EREAS, in order to comply with the Little Canada setback requirements, NER has 11 requested that the Board and/or Saint Paul convey their fee title ownership interests, but retain all 12 necessary easements or impose any necessary restrictive covenants, in a limited b-foot wide by 13 50-foot long strip of the R!W ("Pazcel") that is more particulazly described as follows: 14 15 The westerly 6.00 feet of the City of Saint Paul Water Works right-of-way in 16 Section 8, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, easteriy of and ad}acent 1� to Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 348, Ramsey County, Minnesota 18 lying southeasterly of a line paraliel with and 70.00 feet southeasterly of the 19 northwesterly line of said Tract B, and lying northwesterly of a]ine parailel 20 with and 120.00 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly line of said Tract B.; ?i 22 23 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 30 FT�L:I WHEREA5, the Board did adopt resolution No. 4719, which detersnined that fee title ownership interest in the limited area of the Pazcel is surplus under the unique facts and circumstances presented, and that the Parcel could be conveyed to NER, provided that NER's use and ownership is restricted in the following manner: 1. NER may only use the Parcel to eain compliance with Little Canada Zoning seiback requirements; and Greea Sheet # � ���� RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA -1- .. . ..� �RIGI�IAL 2. No buildin�s, facilities, aoods, or struchues, temporary or otherwise, shall be allowed to be placed or stored on the pazcei; and 0 eo,.GqS `L`O �c�C 3. The Boazd and Saint Paul shall retain an easement which allows them to continue usin� the Parcel in whatever manner they choose; and 6 7 10 11 12 -2- Rcquc;:cd 'oy Dcpa��cnc of: .doption Certine� Sy Cniac! Secetary r. � ���._ a � ��-�-�—,✓' . oprovee �y Mayor: Datc �U`� � Z�� Y <�1� '��' I WHEREAS, the Board requests that the Ciry Council of the City of Saint Paul concur and declaze said fee title ownership of the Pazcel to be stuplus; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paui does hereby concur with the Boazd of Water Commissioners and does declaze said fee tide ownership of the Pazcel to be surplus, subject to the terms and conditions described in Boazd Resolution No. 4714. Saint Paul ReQional Water Services By; � �,�... /l • G��*-e t.c,t�'1 General Manager ror.j Apo; ovc� hy Cr� ?.ttor :cy BY ' � � t ��+.� S-3o.ao Approvc^ � by f h�iaqcr for Subsssioa to Cou�� 3y. ( iS /I ���%�U�L� c �� � .dapced �y Cou�� Datc � \'t, aae o BOARD OF WATER CAMMISSIONERS ��r��S RE50LUT10N — GEIVERAL FORM N, �+�26 PRESENTED HY COMMISSIONEfi pq WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul possesses fee title to a 100 foot wide right-of -way in Section 8, Township 29 North, Range 22 West for benefit of the Board of Water Commissioners; and tiYI�ERE �S, Northeast Residence, Inc. ("1vBR�') desires to construct a respite care tacility on Lirle Canada Road zd}acent to said right-of-way, but the building plans do not meet the setbac?� requirenenis of the City of Little Canada; and WHEREAS, in order to meet the said setback requirements, NER has requested that the Board and/or Saint Paul convey their fee title ownership interests in a limited 6-foot wide by 50-foot long strip of the R/W ("Pazcel") that is more particulazly described as follows: The westerly 6.00 feet of the City oi Saint Paul Wate: Works ri�ht-of-way in Section 8, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, easteriy of and adjacent to Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 348, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying southeasteriy of a line parallel with and 70.00 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly line of said Tract B, and lying northwesterly of a line pazallel with and 120.00 feet southeastezly of the northwesterly line of said Tract B.; � Wf3EREAS, the Board is willing to convey fee title ownership interests to NER at fair market value, pravided the following use restrictions are included in the conveyance deed: NER may only use the Parcei to gain compiiance with Little Canada Zoning setback requirements; and 2. No buildings, facilities, goods, ar structures, temporary or othenvise, shall be allowed to be placed or stored on the parcel; and 3. The Board and Saint Paul shall retain an easement which allows them to continue using the Parcel in whatever �anner they choose; and Water Coassnissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays In favor�_ Opposa<L. SECY. BOARB OF WATER CpMMi5510NfR5 RESOLUTiON — GEiJERAL FORM PRESENTcD H`� Harris COMMISSIONER 00 -�qs r{o 4726 pA � July 11, 2000 WHEREAS, the Boazd did adopt Resolution No. 4719 which declared fee simple title to the Parcei to be surpius, subject to the above use restrictions, and which did a7so request the Saint Pau1 City Council to concu with the Board and deciaze said fee rifle owaership of the Pazcei to be surplus in o�der io negotiate an agreemen2 between the necessary parties and convey title intz: ests in the Parcei to NER; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Ci� Council did adopt Resolution No.00-�66 which did declaze said fee title ownership of the Pazcel to be surplus; and WfiEREAS, Forsyth Appraisals, Inc., a certified Real Estate Appraisal Company, prepared an appraisal of the Property and estimates the worth to be $600.00, or $2.00 per square foot, based upon the sale of comparable land neaz the Propeny and upon the above restriction and riahts imposed by the Boazd; and WEiEREAS, staff has prepared a Land Sa1e and Purchase Ab eement which stipulates the above purchase price and use restrictions, and does zecommend approval of same; and WfIEREA5, the assistant city attorney has reviewed and approved said Land Sa1e and Purchase Agreement as to form; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the Land Sale and Purchase Agreement with Northeast Residence, Inc., and does hereby authorize the proper officers of the Board to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Board; and, be it FiJRTHER RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby request the Honorabte Council of the City of Saint Paul to concur with the Boazd and approve and authorize execution of said Agieement; and, be it FINA.LLY RESOLVED, That the Boazd does hereby request the Ciry of Saint Paul to quitclaun its fee title interest in the Pazcel in favor of the Northeast Residence, Inc, foilowing approval and execution of said A�eement_ Water Commissioners yeyy Cardinal j.7 Harris tiice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of Water Commissionezs Su1v 11, � 2�00 In favor 4_ Oppos� � ��� SEGY. �Counal Fitc � ��.. `�t5 ORtG1r�.�.�. Presented Ep Referred To RESOLUTION Gzeen Sheet r �a.11.S OF SA1NT PAUL, MSNNESOTA �� Ccr�itte_c Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("Saint Paul") possesses fee sunple title to a 100-foot wide strip of 1_and 2 that is commonly known as the Vadnais Conduit right-of-way ("R/W") and is located in the City of Little 3 Canada ("Litt1e Canada"}, and Saint Paul's ownership interest is specificaliy described in its deed as, "for the 4 benefit of the Boazd of Water Commissioners" {"Board"); and 6'WHEREAS, the Boazd did adopt Resoiution No. 4719, which declazed fee titie ownership interest in a 6- 7 foot wide by 50-foot long strip of land within the RlW ("Parcei") to be surplus, and also authozized the 8 negotiation of an agreement between the necessary parties to convey title interests in the Parcel to Northeast 9 Residence, Ina ("NER"), owner of property adjacent to the Parcel; and 10 I 1 WIlEI2EA5, the Saint Paul City Council did adopt Resolution No. 00-566 which concurred with the Board 12 of Watez Commissioners and declazed said fee title ownership of the Parcel to be surplus; and 13 14 WF7EREAS, a certified real estate appraisal company prepared an appraisal of the Parcel and estimates the 15 worth to be $600.00, and the city attomey's office did prepare a Land Sale and Purchase Agreement between 16 the Board and NER which stipulates, among other things, a sales price of that amount; and 17 18 WAEREAS, the Board did adopt Resolution No. 4726 which approved said Land Sale and Purchase 19 Agreement and requested the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul to concur with the Boazd and 20 approve and authorize execution of said Agreement; now, therefore, be it 21 22 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Land Sale and 23 Purchase Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and Northeast Residence, Inc., and does 24 hereby authorize the execution of said Agzeement and conesponding documents by the proper City officials 25 on its behalf. Requested by Depu[ment of: Saint Paul Regional Water Service BY �.e $ � ���_ General Manager �doption Cer�ed by Council Seaetary Form Approved by Ciry Attamey 5 = �� ---�, � (—�c �� --'� �Y' �� ��7 j7 Oo pproved 6y Mayor: Date���� � C�_��'�r/��.�� Approved by Ma}ror Eor Submission to Council B �� ���� ,dopted by Council: Date� aaoa � PRTI/H�fIpFFq Saint Paul Water o�li2)z000 GREEN SHEET � oc -GgS t�o 1 G2?25 +.mYOaa. ancaua�. oa�e�ruiecrae TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 � on.,rma. �' 7'`' Z 1�.40 ❑ a�.aenc � wwcu�mncFtoR ❑ ran.ouaenrucero � rvae/��tarM�ry ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 516NATUit� Approval of Council Resolution approving Land Sale and Purchase Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and Northeast Residence, Inc. "�.,f Attachmentso 1) Proposed Resolution � 2) Council Resolution No. 00-566 � 3) Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4726 __ PLANNING CAMMISSION ^ CIBCOMM(TfEE CMl SERVICE CAMMISSION A Board of Water Commissioner Hes mis µvsaJrum everworketl wde, a ar�ad mrnus depaemenn YES NO tias mis v�� avr been a aty emakl�� { YES t10 ocec mic a�rm weeess a sla'A mt � Mr amr currem car emob�i�? YES MQ k U�is PerepJfim e Fargefed vendalt # YES ND Northeast Itesidence, Inc, desires to purchase a 6-foot wide strip of the Board's Vadnais Conduit right-of-way in order to meet building seCback requiremenCS for their proposed 6- bedroom respite care facility. Council Resolution No. 00-566 declared title interest to the strip to be surplus. Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No.'4726 approved the purchase agreement'and also requested City Cou�cil approval. Northeast Residence wi11 be able to build a 6-bedroom respite care facility. � R � g accl� Ge�` Ga - None. �V� � The care facility cannot be built as planned. OF TRANSACTION � � ����IVED JU� �, a �E€�'t ��� ��T'1"(7RNEY COST/REYENUE BUDfiETED (GRCLE ONEI _.h���iR`Ti7',P�?7 L:di!:J�iL YEE NO oo. Gis � oR���Na� � Prese��ea �V �e£e_red T_o coun�il r _� e # �o �b C^�taitte=: �ate /� 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("Saint Paul") owns a 100-foot wide strip of land that is 2 commonly known as the Vadnais Conduit right-of-way ("R/W") and is located in the City of 3 Little Canada ("Little Canada"), and Saint Paul's ownership interest is specifically described in 4 its deed as, "for the benefit of the Boazd of Water Commissioners" ("Boazd"); and 5 6 WHEREAS, Northeast Residence, Ina ("NER") desires to construct a six bedroom respite cue 7 facility ("facility") adjacent to the R/W, but the planned facility does not comply with Little 8 Canada zoning requirements which require a greater setback from the R/W; and 9 10 WT3EREAS, in order to comply with the Little Canada setback requirements, NER has 11 requested that the Board and/or Saint Paul convey their fee title ownership interests, but retain all 12 necessary easements or impose any necessary restrictive covenants, in a limited b-foot wide by 13 50-foot long strip of the R!W ("Pazcel") that is more particulazly described as follows: 14 15 The westerly 6.00 feet of the City of Saint Paul Water Works right-of-way in 16 Section 8, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, easteriy of and ad}acent 1� to Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 348, Ramsey County, Minnesota 18 lying southeasterly of a line paraliel with and 70.00 feet southeasterly of the 19 northwesterly line of said Tract B, and lying northwesterly of a]ine parailel 20 with and 120.00 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly line of said Tract B.; ?i 22 23 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 30 FT�L:I WHEREA5, the Board did adopt resolution No. 4719, which detersnined that fee title ownership interest in the limited area of the Pazcel is surplus under the unique facts and circumstances presented, and that the Parcel could be conveyed to NER, provided that NER's use and ownership is restricted in the following manner: 1. NER may only use the Parcel to eain compliance with Little Canada Zoning seiback requirements; and Greea Sheet # � ���� RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA -1- .. . ..� �RIGI�IAL 2. No buildin�s, facilities, aoods, or struchues, temporary or otherwise, shall be allowed to be placed or stored on the pazcei; and 0 eo,.GqS `L`O �c�C 3. The Boazd and Saint Paul shall retain an easement which allows them to continue usin� the Parcel in whatever manner they choose; and 6 7 10 11 12 -2- Rcquc;:cd 'oy Dcpa��cnc of: .doption Certine� Sy Cniac! Secetary r. � ���._ a � ��-�-�—,✓' . oprovee �y Mayor: Datc �U`� � Z�� Y <�1� '��' I WHEREAS, the Board requests that the Ciry Council of the City of Saint Paul concur and declaze said fee title ownership of the Pazcel to be stuplus; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paui does hereby concur with the Boazd of Water Commissioners and does declaze said fee tide ownership of the Pazcel to be surplus, subject to the terms and conditions described in Boazd Resolution No. 4714. Saint Paul ReQional Water Services By; � �,�... /l • G��*-e t.c,t�'1 General Manager ror.j Apo; ovc� hy Cr� ?.ttor :cy BY ' � � t ��+.� S-3o.ao Approvc^ � by f h�iaqcr for Subsssioa to Cou�� 3y. ( iS /I ���%�U�L� c �� � .dapced �y Cou�� Datc � \'t, aae o BOARD OF WATER CAMMISSIONERS ��r��S RE50LUT10N — GEIVERAL FORM N, �+�26 PRESENTED HY COMMISSIONEfi pq WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul possesses fee title to a 100 foot wide right-of -way in Section 8, Township 29 North, Range 22 West for benefit of the Board of Water Commissioners; and tiYI�ERE �S, Northeast Residence, Inc. ("1vBR�') desires to construct a respite care tacility on Lirle Canada Road zd}acent to said right-of-way, but the building plans do not meet the setbac?� requirenenis of the City of Little Canada; and WHEREAS, in order to meet the said setback requirements, NER has requested that the Board and/or Saint Paul convey their fee title ownership interests in a limited 6-foot wide by 50-foot long strip of the R/W ("Pazcel") that is more particulazly described as follows: The westerly 6.00 feet of the City oi Saint Paul Wate: Works ri�ht-of-way in Section 8, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, easteriy of and adjacent to Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 348, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying southeasteriy of a line parallel with and 70.00 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly line of said Tract B, and lying northwesterly of a line pazallel with and 120.00 feet southeastezly of the northwesterly line of said Tract B.; � Wf3EREAS, the Board is willing to convey fee title ownership interests to NER at fair market value, pravided the following use restrictions are included in the conveyance deed: NER may only use the Parcei to gain compiiance with Little Canada Zoning setback requirements; and 2. No buildings, facilities, goods, ar structures, temporary or othenvise, shall be allowed to be placed or stored on the parcel; and 3. The Board and Saint Paul shall retain an easement which allows them to continue using the Parcel in whatever �anner they choose; and Water Coassnissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays In favor�_ Opposa<L. SECY. BOARB OF WATER CpMMi5510NfR5 RESOLUTiON — GEiJERAL FORM PRESENTcD H`� Harris COMMISSIONER 00 -�qs r{o 4726 pA � July 11, 2000 WHEREAS, the Boazd did adopt Resolution No. 4719 which declared fee simple title to the Parcei to be surpius, subject to the above use restrictions, and which did a7so request the Saint Pau1 City Council to concu with the Board and deciaze said fee rifle owaership of the Pazcei to be surplus in o�der io negotiate an agreemen2 between the necessary parties and convey title intz: ests in the Parcei to NER; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Ci� Council did adopt Resolution No.00-�66 which did declaze said fee title ownership of the Pazcel to be surplus; and WfiEREAS, Forsyth Appraisals, Inc., a certified Real Estate Appraisal Company, prepared an appraisal of the Property and estimates the worth to be $600.00, or $2.00 per square foot, based upon the sale of comparable land neaz the Propeny and upon the above restriction and riahts imposed by the Boazd; and WEiEREAS, staff has prepared a Land Sa1e and Purchase Ab eement which stipulates the above purchase price and use restrictions, and does zecommend approval of same; and WfIEREA5, the assistant city attorney has reviewed and approved said Land Sa1e and Purchase Agreement as to form; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the Land Sale and Purchase Agreement with Northeast Residence, Inc., and does hereby authorize the proper officers of the Board to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Board; and, be it FiJRTHER RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby request the Honorabte Council of the City of Saint Paul to concur with the Boazd and approve and authorize execution of said Agieement; and, be it FINA.LLY RESOLVED, That the Boazd does hereby request the Ciry of Saint Paul to quitclaun its fee title interest in the Pazcel in favor of the Northeast Residence, Inc, foilowing approval and execution of said A�eement_ Water Commissioners yeyy Cardinal j.7 Harris tiice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of Water Commissionezs Su1v 11, � 2�00 In favor 4_ Oppos� � ��� SEGY. �Counal Fitc � ��.. `�t5 ORtG1r�.�.�. Presented Ep Referred To RESOLUTION Gzeen Sheet r �a.11.S OF SA1NT PAUL, MSNNESOTA �� Ccr�itte_c Date 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("Saint Paul") possesses fee sunple title to a 100-foot wide strip of 1_and 2 that is commonly known as the Vadnais Conduit right-of-way ("R/W") and is located in the City of Little 3 Canada ("Litt1e Canada"}, and Saint Paul's ownership interest is specificaliy described in its deed as, "for the 4 benefit of the Boazd of Water Commissioners" {"Board"); and 6'WHEREAS, the Boazd did adopt Resoiution No. 4719, which declazed fee titie ownership interest in a 6- 7 foot wide by 50-foot long strip of land within the RlW ("Parcei") to be surplus, and also authozized the 8 negotiation of an agreement between the necessary parties to convey title interests in the Parcel to Northeast 9 Residence, Ina ("NER"), owner of property adjacent to the Parcel; and 10 I 1 WIlEI2EA5, the Saint Paul City Council did adopt Resolution No. 00-566 which concurred with the Board 12 of Watez Commissioners and declazed said fee title ownership of the Parcel to be surplus; and 13 14 WF7EREAS, a certified real estate appraisal company prepared an appraisal of the Parcel and estimates the 15 worth to be $600.00, and the city attomey's office did prepare a Land Sale and Purchase Agreement between 16 the Board and NER which stipulates, among other things, a sales price of that amount; and 17 18 WAEREAS, the Board did adopt Resolution No. 4726 which approved said Land Sale and Purchase 19 Agreement and requested the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul to concur with the Boazd and 20 approve and authorize execution of said Agreement; now, therefore, be it 21 22 RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the Land Sale and 23 Purchase Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and Northeast Residence, Inc., and does 24 hereby authorize the execution of said Agzeement and conesponding documents by the proper City officials 25 on its behalf. Requested by Depu[ment of: Saint Paul Regional Water Service BY �.e $ � ���_ General Manager �doption Cer�ed by Council Seaetary Form Approved by Ciry Attamey 5 = �� ---�, � (—�c �� --'� �Y' �� ��7 j7 Oo pproved 6y Mayor: Date���� � C�_��'�r/��.�� Approved by Ma}ror Eor Submission to Council B �� ���� ,dopted by Council: Date� aaoa � PRTI/H�fIpFFq Saint Paul Water o�li2)z000 GREEN SHEET � oc -GgS t�o 1 G2?25 +.mYOaa. ancaua�. oa�e�ruiecrae TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 � on.,rma. �' 7'`' Z 1�.40 ❑ a�.aenc � wwcu�mncFtoR ❑ ran.ouaenrucero � rvae/��tarM�ry ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 516NATUit� Approval of Council Resolution approving Land Sale and Purchase Agreement between the Board of Water Commissioners and Northeast Residence, Inc. "�.,f Attachmentso 1) Proposed Resolution � 2) Council Resolution No. 00-566 � 3) Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No. 4726 __ PLANNING CAMMISSION ^ CIBCOMM(TfEE CMl SERVICE CAMMISSION A Board of Water Commissioner Hes mis µvsaJrum everworketl wde, a ar�ad mrnus depaemenn YES NO tias mis v�� avr been a aty emakl�� { YES t10 ocec mic a�rm weeess a sla'A mt � Mr amr currem car emob�i�? YES MQ k U�is PerepJfim e Fargefed vendalt # YES ND Northeast Itesidence, Inc, desires to purchase a 6-foot wide strip of the Board's Vadnais Conduit right-of-way in order to meet building seCback requiremenCS for their proposed 6- bedroom respite care facility. Council Resolution No. 00-566 declared title interest to the strip to be surplus. Board of Water Commissioners Resolution No.'4726 approved the purchase agreement'and also requested City Cou�cil approval. Northeast Residence wi11 be able to build a 6-bedroom respite care facility. � R � g accl� Ge�` Ga - None. �V� � The care facility cannot be built as planned. OF TRANSACTION � � ����IVED JU� �, a �E€�'t ��� ��T'1"(7RNEY COST/REYENUE BUDfiETED (GRCLE ONEI _.h���iR`Ti7',P�?7 L:di!:J�iL YEE NO oo. Gis � oR���Na� � Prese��ea �V �e£e_red T_o coun�il r _� e # �o �b C^�taitte=: �ate /� 1 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("Saint Paul") owns a 100-foot wide strip of land that is 2 commonly known as the Vadnais Conduit right-of-way ("R/W") and is located in the City of 3 Little Canada ("Little Canada"), and Saint Paul's ownership interest is specifically described in 4 its deed as, "for the benefit of the Boazd of Water Commissioners" ("Boazd"); and 5 6 WHEREAS, Northeast Residence, Ina ("NER") desires to construct a six bedroom respite cue 7 facility ("facility") adjacent to the R/W, but the planned facility does not comply with Little 8 Canada zoning requirements which require a greater setback from the R/W; and 9 10 WT3EREAS, in order to comply with the Little Canada setback requirements, NER has 11 requested that the Board and/or Saint Paul convey their fee title ownership interests, but retain all 12 necessary easements or impose any necessary restrictive covenants, in a limited b-foot wide by 13 50-foot long strip of the R!W ("Pazcel") that is more particulazly described as follows: 14 15 The westerly 6.00 feet of the City of Saint Paul Water Works right-of-way in 16 Section 8, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, easteriy of and ad}acent 1� to Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 348, Ramsey County, Minnesota 18 lying southeasterly of a line paraliel with and 70.00 feet southeasterly of the 19 northwesterly line of said Tract B, and lying northwesterly of a]ine parailel 20 with and 120.00 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly line of said Tract B.; ?i 22 23 24 25 26 ?7 28 29 30 FT�L:I WHEREA5, the Board did adopt resolution No. 4719, which detersnined that fee title ownership interest in the limited area of the Pazcel is surplus under the unique facts and circumstances presented, and that the Parcel could be conveyed to NER, provided that NER's use and ownership is restricted in the following manner: 1. NER may only use the Parcel to eain compliance with Little Canada Zoning seiback requirements; and Greea Sheet # � ���� RESOLUTION SA1NT PAUL, MINNESOTA -1- .. . ..� �RIGI�IAL 2. No buildin�s, facilities, aoods, or struchues, temporary or otherwise, shall be allowed to be placed or stored on the pazcei; and 0 eo,.GqS `L`O �c�C 3. The Boazd and Saint Paul shall retain an easement which allows them to continue usin� the Parcel in whatever manner they choose; and 6 7 10 11 12 -2- Rcquc;:cd 'oy Dcpa��cnc of: .doption Certine� Sy Cniac! Secetary r. � ���._ a � ��-�-�—,✓' . oprovee �y Mayor: Datc �U`� � Z�� Y <�1� '��' I WHEREAS, the Board requests that the Ciry Council of the City of Saint Paul concur and declaze said fee title ownership of the Pazcel to be stuplus; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paui does hereby concur with the Boazd of Water Commissioners and does declaze said fee tide ownership of the Pazcel to be surplus, subject to the terms and conditions described in Boazd Resolution No. 4714. Saint Paul ReQional Water Services By; � �,�... /l • G��*-e t.c,t�'1 General Manager ror.j Apo; ovc� hy Cr� ?.ttor :cy BY ' � � t ��+.� S-3o.ao Approvc^ � by f h�iaqcr for Subsssioa to Cou�� 3y. ( iS /I ���%�U�L� c �� � .dapced �y Cou�� Datc � \'t, aae o BOARD OF WATER CAMMISSIONERS ��r��S RE50LUT10N — GEIVERAL FORM N, �+�26 PRESENTED HY COMMISSIONEfi pq WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul possesses fee title to a 100 foot wide right-of -way in Section 8, Township 29 North, Range 22 West for benefit of the Board of Water Commissioners; and tiYI�ERE �S, Northeast Residence, Inc. ("1vBR�') desires to construct a respite care tacility on Lirle Canada Road zd}acent to said right-of-way, but the building plans do not meet the setbac?� requirenenis of the City of Little Canada; and WHEREAS, in order to meet the said setback requirements, NER has requested that the Board and/or Saint Paul convey their fee title ownership interests in a limited 6-foot wide by 50-foot long strip of the R/W ("Pazcel") that is more particulazly described as follows: The westerly 6.00 feet of the City oi Saint Paul Wate: Works ri�ht-of-way in Section 8, Township 29 North, Range 22 West, easteriy of and adjacent to Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 348, Ramsey County, Minnesota lying southeasteriy of a line parallel with and 70.00 feet southeasterly of the northwesterly line of said Tract B, and lying northwesterly of a line pazallel with and 120.00 feet southeastezly of the northwesterly line of said Tract B.; � Wf3EREAS, the Board is willing to convey fee title ownership interests to NER at fair market value, pravided the following use restrictions are included in the conveyance deed: NER may only use the Parcei to gain compiiance with Little Canada Zoning setback requirements; and 2. No buildings, facilities, goods, ar structures, temporary or othenvise, shall be allowed to be placed or stored on the parcel; and 3. The Board and Saint Paul shall retain an easement which allows them to continue using the Parcel in whatever �anner they choose; and Water Coassnissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays In favor�_ Opposa<L. SECY. BOARB OF WATER CpMMi5510NfR5 RESOLUTiON — GEiJERAL FORM PRESENTcD H`� Harris COMMISSIONER 00 -�qs r{o 4726 pA � July 11, 2000 WHEREAS, the Boazd did adopt Resolution No. 4719 which declared fee simple title to the Parcei to be surpius, subject to the above use restrictions, and which did a7so request the Saint Pau1 City Council to concu with the Board and deciaze said fee rifle owaership of the Pazcei to be surplus in o�der io negotiate an agreemen2 between the necessary parties and convey title intz: ests in the Parcei to NER; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Ci� Council did adopt Resolution No.00-�66 which did declaze said fee title ownership of the Pazcel to be surplus; and WfiEREAS, Forsyth Appraisals, Inc., a certified Real Estate Appraisal Company, prepared an appraisal of the Property and estimates the worth to be $600.00, or $2.00 per square foot, based upon the sale of comparable land neaz the Propeny and upon the above restriction and riahts imposed by the Boazd; and WEiEREAS, staff has prepared a Land Sa1e and Purchase Ab eement which stipulates the above purchase price and use restrictions, and does zecommend approval of same; and WfIEREA5, the assistant city attorney has reviewed and approved said Land Sa1e and Purchase Agreement as to form; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners does hereby approve the Land Sale and Purchase Agreement with Northeast Residence, Inc., and does hereby authorize the proper officers of the Board to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Board; and, be it FiJRTHER RESOLVED, That the Board does hereby request the Honorabte Council of the City of Saint Paul to concur with the Boazd and approve and authorize execution of said Agieement; and, be it FINA.LLY RESOLVED, That the Boazd does hereby request the Ciry of Saint Paul to quitclaun its fee title interest in the Pazcel in favor of the Northeast Residence, Inc, foilowing approval and execution of said A�eement_ Water Commissioners yeyy Cardinal j.7 Harris tiice President Haselmann President Reiter Adopted by the Board of Water Commissionezs Su1v 11, � 2�00 In favor 4_ Oppos� � ��� SEGY.