276457 WHITE - CITYCLERK • � A ��� PINK - FINANCE COUACII ����� C�1 NARY� . DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T� PA iT L BC'lJE - MAYOR File N O. Co l lution Presented By LICENSE COMMITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application for Sunday On Sale Liquor license made by the following applicants who are holders of an On Sale Liquor License at the addresses shown, be and the same are hereby granted and in compliance with C.F. No. 235531 , Ordinance No. 13755, which amends Chapter No. 308 of the St. Paul Legislative Code and Ordinance. Quinn Creative Inc. 638 Thomas Ave. Appn. Q 17553 Renew G & M Bar, Inc. 460 St. Peter St. " Q 17564 " J & L Liquors, Inc. 1537 University Ave. " Q 17678 " Bataglia, Inc. 1174 W. 7th St. " Q 17838 " The Brass Rail of St. Paul Tnc. 225 W. 7th St. " Q 17863 " Sun Ray Lounge, Inc. 2245 Hudson Rd. " Q 17877 " Will , Inc. 956 Payne Ave. " Q 17916 " The Janet Corp & Doval , Inc. 1414-18 White Bear Ave. Q 17977 " The Cromwell , Inc. 2511 University Ave. " Q 18011 " Gene Ricci 1082 Arcade St. " Q 18055 " Dahl 's 620 Club, Inc. 620 W. 7th St. " Q 18071 " St. Paul Council 397 K. of C. 1026 W. 7th St. " Q 18096 " James C. Toner 880 E. 7th St. " Q 18105 " Howard Johnson Co. 1825 Suburban Ave. " Q 18108 " McTeague's Bar, Inc. 1415 University Ave. " Q 18119 " Jerry Belgea Enterprises Inc. 605 Front Ave. " Q 18150 " Kenneth A. & Viola M. Thompson 866 University Ave. " Q 18170 " Leo H. Gadbois 96 N. Dale St. " Q 18187 " COUN CILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hu�t �evine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter A gai n s t y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by 17avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK ' FINANCE '��.�, .�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �A U L COUIICII ����'"'"� . . eL.UE - MAYOR File N O. V Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date License Applications - Page 2 Parrish's, Inc. 2176 W. 7th St. Appn. Q 18219 Renew S & J Inc. 949 W. 7th St. " Q 18236 " E & E Liquors 949 E. 7th St. " Q 18340 " Mangini , Inc. 1345 E. Rose Ave. " Q 18376 " Cusick's Inc. 816 Payne Ave. " Q 18427 " Anchi , Inc. 1112 Arcade St. " Q 18451 " Rowe, Inc. 995 W. 7th St. " Q 18487 " P�.ab East & Moun Koury & Anthony J. Koury, Sr. 1180 E. 7th St. " Q 18563 " William C. Heine & Joel T. Koehnen 315 For t Road " Q 18584 " Ronald W. Anderson 760 Payne Ave. " Q 18595 " COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �tev;ns_ In Favor Maddox � � __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson MAR 3 �J�� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopt y Coun �1: Date ertified V• _ed by Council Secreta BY App v y Ylayor: a R 4 ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY p�.tSS#� MAP 1 4 19 81