276437 WHITE - CITY CLERK ���yyy
�� " ncil Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City
of Saint Paul, Minnesota, (the HRA) on December 19, 1979, adopted
a Resolution, No. 79-12/19-5, approved by Resolution No. 274160
of the City Council adopted on December 20, 1979, authorizing the
issuance and sale of Housing Development Revenue Bonds for the
Gallery Towers Project, which are now outstanding in the form of
a single registered bond numbered R-1, held by Northwestern
National Bank of Minneapolis (the Bank) , subject to registration
of transfer and exchange as provided in said resolution; and
WHEREAS, the HIZA has adopted its Resolution No. 81-2�25-4 for
the purpose of modifying certain procedures for the future execu-
tion, registration and exchange of such Revenue Bonds and for the
certification and verification of facts in connection therewith,
to conform with procedures now developed for similar housing
developments, without affecting in any respect the provisions
heretofore made for the security of said Revenue Bonds in said
Resolutions and in the Loan Agreement dated as of December l, 1979,
and other documents referred to therein; and
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine In Favor
McMahon B
Showaiter __ Against Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By
Approved by Mayor: Date _ App ve by Mayor Eo u m�ssion to Council
gy _ B
Bl,UE � - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T F�A U L File N O.
�" � uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Bank and Gallery Towers, as parties to said
Loan Agreement, have consented to such modifications; now,
therefore, be it
RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows:
l. That the amendments to HRA Resolution No. 79-12/19-5 as
set forth in HIZA Resolution No. 81-2�25-4 be and hereby are
approved by the City.
2. That the amendments to the Loan Agreement and to the form
of Revenue Bonds approved in paragraphs 2 and 3 of said HRA
Resolution No. 79-12/19-5 be and hereby are approved by the City.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine In Favo[
snowaite� --�--- Against BY
FEB 2 6 1981 Form Approved Cit Att e
Ado ed bv Counc� : Date — --'
� � l
ertified P• _ed Coun � Secretary BY
Approv y :Vlayor. a
• g 2 � 198) Appr d y Mayor r ssio,n to Councii
r,._. .;.: ,, -� ...z r t�
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On December 19, 1979 the HRA Board authorized the issuance and sale of $10 million of revenue
bonds for the construction and permanent financing of units in the Gallery Tawers Project. The
first units in the project are now nearing completion and closings on the mortgage loans for these
units are anticipated within 30 days.
In preparation fo� these closings, HRA and City staff discussed the procedures for approval of
loan applications uf eligible borrowers and for the issuance and reg,istration of exchanged revenue
bonds v�ith Northwestern National Bank (the bond holder), Bond Counsel, and the developer.
As a result of these discussions it was agreed that certain modifications in the original procedures
would be desirable.
Basically, these modifications provide for a form of certification for eligible borrowers and for
the maintenance of bond registration records by Northwestern National Bank. The proposed
amendrnents will make these procedures consistent with those appro��ed b}� HRA in Decemher
of 1980 for the Harkins/City Walk and Children's Hospital/Irvine HilI Projects. The proposed
amendments do not effect the security of the revenue bonds.
Staff requests that the Board approve the amendments as specifically described in the Resolution
which is attached f or your consideration and approvaL .
Steve Thompson
.� . �• ' � �/ 06 i� •
the manual signature of an Authorized Representative `
of Northwestern National Bank of Minneapol.is, Minne-
apolis, Minnesota, which is designated as Authenti-
cating Agent. -
Attest: Countersigned:
City Clerk Director of Finance and
Management Services
(SEAL) :
Secretary Executive Director
(SEAL) .
This is one of the Revenue Bonds issu.ed pursuant
to the Resolution adopted December 19, 1979, referred �
to herein.
Authorized Representative
• . . . :.
� . �_ - ,
(c) The registration provisions shall be amended
as follows: �
The transfer of the within Revenue Bond to the
holder last noted below has been registered on the '
' books of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of .
the. City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, on the date indi-
� ca�ed below and the Principal Balance thereof and
interest thereon are payable to .said registered �
holder from and after the date of the registra�tion.
Name and �
Authorized Address of Installments
Signature Registered Da.�.e of Principal Due and
of Regis�rar Holder Registration Balance _ Un ap id ''
(d) Revenue Bond No. R-1, as heretofore delivered
to the Bank, is amended by annexing thereto a ledger of
payments of principal and issuance of new Revenue Bonds .
in exchange for portions of the principal thereof, which
the Bank shall maintain at all times until said Bond is
fully paid, in substantially the following form: �
The Principal Balance of the within Housirig De--
velopment Revenue Bond (Gallery Towers Project) num-
bered R-1, the monthly installments of interest pay- �
able thereon to September I, 1981, and the monthly � �
installments of principal and interest payable coc�-
mencing October 1, 1981, are reduced to the amounts
shown opposite the date last noted below, by vir.tue
af payments of principal and issuance of ;new Revenue
Bonds in exchange for gortions of principal o� and
prior to said date, as set forth below: �
' �
. . � . .. . � � r.
, • � . �, �'�� �
, - ��t �� _
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the HRA) on December 19, 1979,
adopted a Resolution, No. 79-1'L/19-5, approved by Resolution
of the City Council adopted on December 20, 1979, authorizing '
the issuance and sale of Housing Development Revenue Bonds for
the Gallery Towers Project, which are now ou�standing in the
form of a single re�istered bond numbered R-1, held by North-
western National Bank of Minneapolis (the Bank) , subject to
registration of transfer and exchange as provided in said
resolution; and
WHEREAS, it is desired to modify certain procedures for
the future execution, registration and exchange of such Reve-
nue Bonds and for the certification and verification of facts
in connection therewith, to conform with procedures now de--
veloped for similar housing developments, without affecting
in any respect the provisions heretofore made for the security
of said Revenue Bonds in said Resolutions and ix� the Loan
Agreement dated as of December l, 1979, and other documents
referred to therein; and ' -�°�. -
WHEREAS, the Bank and Gallery Towerss as parties to� said
Loan Agr.eement, have consented to such modifications;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE I� RESOLVED by the Board of Commis�ioners
of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint
Paul; Mir�nesota, tr�at Resolutian No. 79-12/19-�, said Loan Agree-
ment dated December 1, 1979, and the form of the Housing Develop-- _
ment Revenue Bonds referred to therein shall be amended as �ollows:
le The Laan Agreement approved in paragraph 2 and here-
tofore executed is authorized to be amended a.n accordance with
the form of amendment now on file with i:he Secretary of the
HRA, which has been reviewed to the extent necessary for the .
purpose of this Resolution and is approved. Subject� to approval
of this Resolution by the Council, the Mayor, City Clerk and .
Director of Finance and Management Services of the City of Saint
Paul and the Chairman, Secretary and Executive Director of the
HRA are authorized and directed to execute the amendment in
substantially the form presented but including such modif ica-
tions, insertions and additions as a�� necessary and approPri�
ate, insubstantial in nature, consisi�eni: with t�he Act and
approved by the City Attorney prior �.o execution. The execuR
tion of the amenclnient by said officers sha11 be canclusive.
` , evidence of the approval thereof by the CS.t�y and HRA.
. � � � ..�
2.. The form of Revenue Bond approved in paragraph 3 shall
be amPnded as follows: -
(a) The seventh paragraph of the Revenue Bond shall
be amended as follows: ��
"This Revenue Bond is transferable upon the
� books of the HRA at the office of Northwestern
National Bank of Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
which is designated as Bond Reg�.strar, by the regis-
tered holder hereof in person or by its attorney duly
suthorized in writing, but only upon surrender hereof
.together with a written instrument of transfer satis- �
factory to the Bond Registrar, stating the principal
� balance of the Revenue Bond which is then outstanding
� and the amounts, if any, of installments which are .
then due and unpaid, duly executed by the registered
. hold�er or its duly authorized attorney. Upon such
transfer, the Bond Registrar will enter in the regis--
tration books and endorse on this Revenue Bond the
date of registration, the principal balan�,e then out-
standing, the amounts, if any, of installments then �
� due and unpaid, and the name an�l address of the new
� registered holder, and will sign such endorsement
and deliver this Revenue Bond to the new registered
holder. The City, the HRA and the Bond Registrar
may deem and treat the person in. whose name this
Revenue Bond is last registered iipon the registration
books of the Bond Registrar, as noted hereon, as the
absolute owner hereof for the purpose of receiving
payment of or on account of the Principal Balance and
interest and for all other purposes. All such pay-
ments so made to tlie registered holder or u�on his
� order shall be va�.id s�nd effectual_ ta satisfy and
discharge the liability on this Revenue `Bond to the
extent of the sum or sums so paid, and the City, the
HRA and the Bond Registrar shall not be affected by.
any notice to the contrary."
(b) The last paragraph and signature blocl� of the �
� Revenue Bond shall be amended as follows:
"IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Ci�y has caused this �
Revenue Bond to be duly executed by the manual or ,
facsimile signatures of the Mayor, City Clerk and
Director of Finance and Management Services of the
City and the Chairman, Secretary and Executive
�Director of �the HRA and thei.r corporate seals or fac-
similes thereof to be affixed hereto, as of December
1, 1979. However, this Revenue Bond shall not be �
etfectiv� for any purpose until authenticated by
_• . �. �_ ����`7
. n�te
Principal � -
Discharged .
by Payment
or Exchange .
____T___� -
New Revenue �
Bonds �
Bond No. �
Unit No. �
Reduced �
to 9/1/81
Reduced •
on and after �
f or Bank ��
� 3. Paragraph 3 shall be amended as foll.ocas:
"3. The offer of the Bank to purchase the Revenue
Bonds upon the terms recited in this Resolution and in
the Loan Agreement, and at a price equal. to the total
principal amount required to be advanced under the Loan
Agreement, is found to be reasonable and advantageous to
the City. Subject to the approval of the City Council,
the offer is accepted and the form of Revenue Bond sub-
mitted to the HRA and on file with the HRA Secretary is
approved. The Revenue Bonds shall be desigx�ated as Hous-
ing Development Revenue Bonds (Gallery Towers Project),
shall be dated as of December 1, 1979, and shall Ue issued
in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed �10,OOO,p00.
They shall be executed on behalf of the Ci�y by the manual
or facsima.le signatures of the Mayor, C�ty Clerk and Direc-
tor of Finance and Management Services of the Ci_ty, the .
Chairman and Secretary of the HRA, and the HRA Director,
and shali be sealed with the corporai�e seals of� the City
: . • ..
,�.., � _ _ _ __.__.__ .- - . -. ---
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. . � � � � .��
and the �iRA or facsimiles thereof; and when so executed
. shall be authenticated by the manual signature of a duly
authorized representative of the Bank, which is designated
as Authenticating Agent. They shall be delivered to the
Bank, simultaneously with the execution and delivery of
the Loan Agreement and Mortgage, initially in the form of �
a single registered bond, numbered R-1, payable to the
Bank or registered assigns, subject to registration of
exchange for Revenue Bonds of smaller denominations as
hereinafter set forth."
4. Paragraph 6 shall be�'amended as follows: �
"6. (a) The principal of and interest on each -
Revenue Bond shall be payable to the registered holder at
the principal office of the Bank, at Minneapolis, Minne-
sota, or at such otiher place as may be agreed upon with
the registered holder, in lawful money of the United
States. So long as any of the Revenue Bonds shall remain
outstanding the HRA shall ma.intain at the affice of the
Bank, which is designa�ed as Bond Registrar, books for
the registratie� of exchange and transfer thereof. Each
Revenue Bond shall be subject to registration of exchange
and transfer only upon said books, by the registered holder
thereof or by its attorney duly authorized in writing, upon
delivery of a written instrument authorizing the exchange
or transfer, satisfactory to the Registrar, stating the
principal balance of the Revenue Bond which is then out-
standing and the amounts, if any, of:`-installments which
are then due and unpaid, and duly executed by the regis-
tered holder or by its duly authorized attorney.
(b) Upon the assumption by an Eligible Borrower of
� any portion of the principal amount of Revenue Bond No.
R-1, the Registrar shall issue in the name of the Bank or
its tratisferee a new registerec: Reveiilie Bond in i:hat prin-
cipal amount bearing a serial number different from that .
of any other Revenue Bond contemporaneously outstanding,
with the amount of the monthly installment payment com-
puted and inserted as provided in paragragh 5(a}, and
containing a reference to the uni� in the Project secur-
ing that Revenue Bond; and the principal amount of Revenue
Bond No. R-1 shall be reduced by a corresponding amount. �
The reduction in the principal amount and the monthly
" installments due on the reduced principal amoun� shall be
reflected by the Registrar on Revenue Bond No. R-1 as pro-
vided in para�raph 9(d) . .
(c) Upon surrender of any Revenue Bond for registra-
tion of transfer, the Registrar sha].1 enter in the regis--
tration books and endorse on the Revenue Bond the date of
=egistfation, the principal balance then outstanding, the
: � �
. � ' - �_ � �1����
� amounts, if any, of installments then due and`'unpaid, �and �
the name and address of the new registered holder, and
shall sign such endorsement on the Revenue Bond and de- �
liver it to the new registered holder. �
(d) The City, the HRA, the Registrar and any paying
agent ma.y deem and treat the person in whose name any � -
outstanding Revenue Bond shall be registered upon the
registration books of the HRA as the absolute owner of
such Bond, whether or not any payment thereon is overdue, -
for the purpose of receiving payment of or on accaunt of
the principal and interest and for all other purposes, �
and all such payments so ma.de to any registered holder
. or upon its order shall be valid and effectual to satisfy
and discharge the liability upon the Revenue Bond to the
extent of the sum or sums paid, and neithe r the City, the
HRA, the Registrar nor any paying agent shall be affected
by any notice to the contrary. For every such conversion
or transfer the City, the HRA, the Registrar or the paying
agent may make a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any
tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid
with respect thereto. "
5. Paragraph 8 shall be amended as follows:
"8. Each application by an Eligible Borrower for �
the financing of the purchase of a housing unit i�n the
Project shall be made in form as prescribed by the HRA �
Director, including certification of facts establihsing
that th e applicant is an Eligible Borrower, as defined
i� Section 5.04 of the Loan Agreement and accompanied b�:
� (a) A copy of the promissory note to be executed
by the applicant, payable to the order of the �IRA, in a
principal amount which (with any aniount of cash trans-
mitted to be deposited in the Collateral �Account� is
equal to ninety percent (90%) of the purchase price of
the un�t to be acquired by the Eligible Borrower, and �
conforming as to interest rate and terms of payment and
� redemption with the Revenue Bonds;
� (b) A copy of the mortgage on the housing unit to �
be given by the applicant to the Bank for the security
of the payment of the promissory note and a 13.ke prin- -
cipal amount of the Revenue Bonds, to be represented by
a ne�� Revenue Bond issued in exchange for the same prin--
cipal amount of Revenue Bond No. R-1; which mortgage
shall provide, among other things, that any sale, . �rans-
fer or conveyance of the housing uni.L- , without� i:he prior
written consent of the holder of the Kevenue Bond, shall
be an Event of Default thereund�ry .
i � (c) A written statement by a duly authorized offi- �
cer of the Bank certifying:
. � � � � � � � . � � A�.
_ . .. .. . � . �,- � � � .. � ' ��
(i) that �the Bank has made such investigation -
as it deems. ne`cessar}� to ascertain and is satisf ied' as
to the cre�it wortliiness of the applicant and the value
of the housing unit in relation to the amount of the Loan
assumed by the Eligible Borrower;
(ii) that the promissory note and mortgage are
in form and substance satisfactory to the Bank; � �
(i�ii) the in�erest rate and term then deemed by
the Bank to be available in the conventional mortgage
market for a comparable mortgage loan; .
(iv) the annualized amounts o£ pri.ncipal and interest
(assuming the iY�terest rate and term referred to above),. �
.taxes and insurance on the unit, payments for monthly
parking in the ramp belo�v the housing unit, if any, and
common expenses (as defined in Section 51�.02, Subdivision 8,
Minnesota Statutes) , �nd the Adjusted Famil.y Income of �
the applicant computed in accordance with Section 5.04
of the Loan Agreement.
(v) that the Bank consents to and reSuests the
assignment of the promissory note as security for a like
principal amount of the Revenue Bonds issued and sold .
pursuant to this Resolution, and the issuance of a
Revenue Bond in that amount p�yable to the Bank, or to
another holder in whose name the Bank requests registra-
tion of transfer of said principal amount;
(vi) }he principal amount theretofore disbursed
with respect to Revenue Bond No. It-1, less any amount
theretofore prepaid;
. (��:�i.) the aggr.egate pr_incip�l su�n deposited or -
to be deposited in the Collateral Account;
(viii) the aggregate principal amount repre-
sented by Revenue Bonds theretofore issued and then to
be issued in exchange for Revenue Bond No. R-1;
(ix) the principal amount of Revenue Bond No. R-1
to remain outstanding upon the issuance of the Revenue
Band to be exchanged, ascertained by deducting the _
amounts stated in clause (viii) from the amount stated
in clause (vi) ; and
(x) that forthwith upon delivery.af the new Revenue
Bot�c� the Bank will release the condominium unit therein
described from the lien of the Mortg�ge securing the
Loan, �.nd wi11 record such release and the mort�age
i�. �substitution therefor securing the promissory note
aud ne�� �tevenue Bond; . :
,'� , ~ � �_ .
� (xi) that the Bank has reviewed the application � -
and accompanying documents and the representations
ma.de therein and has interviewed the applicant; that
based on such interview and review and to its best in-
formation and belief, the applicant is an Eligible Bar-
rower as defined in the Loan Agreement, and that, as
required therein, the annual payments of principal, in-
terest, taxes, insurance, payments for monthly �parking
in the ramp below the hausing unit, it applicable,
and common expenses with respect to the housing unit
to be purchased, if a loan in the same amount were
ma.de on terms available in the conventional mortgage
market as determined �y the Bank in accordance with
Section 5.04 of the Loan Agreement, would exceed one-
fifth of the applicant's Adjusted Family Income and �
that the amount of the loan does not exceed the ma.ximum
limits permitted under the Loan Agreement; and
(xii) that the Bank has advised the applicant
that occupancy of the housing unit as a principal
residence is a condition for the assumption of a por�ion
of the Loan, and the Bank is unaware that the applicant
does not intend to occupy the housing unit as a princi-
pal residence; �
(d) A certificate of the Developer, stating i�he
agreed purchase price of the housing unit and cer�i-
fying that, simultaneously with the delivery of the �
Promissory Note, the Developer ��ill deposit in the Co1-
lateral Account the amount, if any, l�y which ninety
percent (90%) of the purchase price exceeds the principal
amount of the Promissory Notes; and
(e) A certificate of the mortgagor, stating tliat -
the housing unit is to be occupied by the mortgagor
as his principal residence, and otherwzse conforming to
�he requirements of Section 5.04(I) of the Loan Agreement. 'r
6. Paragraph 9 shall be amended as iollo�as�
"9. Upon receipt of th� application, documentss
statement and certificates required in paragraph 8, the
HRA Director, or the Director of Projects of tlie Renewal '
Division of the HRA or any other person to whom the HRA
Director may delegate the functions described in this
paragraph to be performed on behalf of the City, shall re-
view the same to determine thai: �hey con�orm to paragraph
8, and in such revie�v may conclusively rely upon the
accuracy of all statements and cer�a.fica�ions in said
I � documents. If the review indicates compliance with
' paragraph 8, the HRA Director or oLher authorized person
, . .
. - i:
� � • . .•_
" (a) Endorse the Promissory Note on behalf of the -
� City, without recourse, to the order of the Bank;
� � (b) Direct the $ank as Registrar to cause a new
Revenue Bond to be prepared for issuance in a denomina-
. tion equal to the principal amount of the Promissory �
Note, and to be registered in the name of the Bank or
its assignee, in exchange and substitution for a like _
principal amount of Revenue Bond No. R-1; inserting the
proper principal amount and installment amount and the
description of the unit of the project to be mortgaged �
to secure the Promissory Note and the Revenue Bond, and
assigning a registration number to the Revenue Bond dif-
ferent from the number of any �ther Revenue Bvnd contem-
poraneously outsCanding; and
(c) Direct the Bank to enter the Revenue Bond and .
housing unit numbers appearing on the Ledger of Payments
and Exchanges of Principal with respect to Revenue Bond _
No. R-1, together with the r.educed principal balance and , .
monthly installments resulting from such exchange; pro-
vided that �.f the aggregate principal amount of. the ne«
Revenue Bonu and all others previously exchanged for
Revenue Bond No. R-1 equals the total principal amount
theretofore disbursed and not prepaid, Revenue Bond No.
R-1 shall be surrenclered and canceled; and �
(d) Authorize the new Revenue Bond to be executed
and delivered to the registered holder.
Adopted this day of , 1981.. �
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