276434 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��?.'�!�^ �y A PINK - FINANCE C011I1C11 ���Li�y BLU�R�-�AYOR MENT I T Y O F SA I N T PA IT L r'r i •s File N 0. _ . /� O/ WZ/`�Z/`CG Ordinance NO. � �J�// Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15742, as amended, entitled: "An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, the corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, a franchise to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of conveying and supplying steam for all purposes for a term extending from January 1, 1975 to December 31, 1984, prescribing rates which the Company may charge for such service, and determining the amount which the Company shall pay to the City for the use and occupancy of its streets and other public property", and further amending Ordinance No. 16722. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Those interim steam rates effective on all bills based on meter readinqs on and after October 15, 1980, are herebv approved as law- ful and reasonable rates for the period to which said interim rates applv, and no refund shall be due by reason of the establishment of steam rates bv this ordinance. Section 2. That Appendix "A" of Section 502.06 of the Saint Paul Legisla- tive Code, as amended, is deleted in full and said Section 502.06 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In FavOT Maddox McMahon Showalter A gai nst BY Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK - PINK - FINANCE COII[ICll {, �'�°p�� CAIV{1RY�-- �DEBARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA U L ��� BLUE - MKVOR File N 0. G f l�`i� _ _ r � O/ W Z/L�/LCG Ordinance N O. � �O�/� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. is further amended to read as follows: 502.06. The rates contained in amended Appendix "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof are duly constituted ���e���t rates �enel��e�-a-���a�-de�e����a��e� approved by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul e� ��e on application for rate increase filed by Company with City on August 22, 1980, under Section 502.07 of the Legislative Code and are effective on all bills based on meter readings on and after 9e�ebe�-�5,--�989= s��eet-�e-�e��t��l-e�-a�.�-e�eese-axtet���-w���i-���e�es� a�-8:��-�e�ee��-�e�-a��tu�t-ese�-��e-�a�es-as-���a��� es�ab��e�e�-3��-��e-e�e�e�at��a��e�-e�-�l�e-����-6ee�1�e��r the effective date of this ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the public hearing prescribed by law and thirty (30) days after its passage, approval, and publication, and as provided in Section 502.02 hereof. COUNCILMEIV Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � �evine In Favor — Maddox McMahon Showalter � Against BY Tedesc n �� i 7 ��81 Form p roved by Attorney A pted by Council• Date Certified P d by C uncil Secretary . � Y � Ap d by Mayor: � �-9 }S8� _ proved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy By vueusK�o MAR 2 81981 � . , ;� ����i� M STANDARD RATE SHEET VOLUME ' ],L�� �V1S� SHEET nto. 66 FORM 17-8109 � NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE No. STF�AM SERVICE S`team Effective In: City of St Paul � Availability: Available to c�nmercial and industrial custaners for general use of Steam Service. Steam Service furnished fram law pressure mains is available fr�n September 1 to May 31, inclusive- and Steam Service furnished fran high pressure mains is available the entire year. Rate: First 200 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $10.34 per 1 000 lbs Next 300 000 lbs of condensate per rmnth @ $ 9.46 per 1 000 lbs Next 500 000 lbs of condensate per rmnth @ $ 8.43 per 1 OOO lbs Next 2 000 000 lbs of condensate per month @ $ 7.72 per 1 000 lbs Excess lbs of condensate per month @ $ 6.98 per 1 000 lbs Monthly Minim.un Qzarge: $20.00 per meter Ftzel Clause: �ere shall be added to or deducted frc�n the net monthly bill, 'l.'l¢ per thousand pounds of steam for the first whole one half cent increase above or decrease belaw $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam production plant of L�brthern States A7wer Cb�iy supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and shall include the costs in FERC Account 501 - �.iel for �ch Steam Production Plant. Prcx�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5� will be added tA net bill, c��uted at the rate s�xxan above, which charge sY�all eonstitue a disco�mt fran gross bill tor payment within the discount period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7� will be included in the gross and net rronthly bills ca�q�uted under this rate schedule. ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE . . . ;���'���4 �� BTANDARD RATE �MEET VOLUME � Ej� j�V1S� SHEET No. 66.1 FORM 17-6109 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO. II�TI'ERRUPTIBLE STFAM SERVICE Steam Eftective In: City of St �aul Availabilitye Available on an interruptible basis to conmercial and industrial custorners that are located on portions of the Q�mpany's steam distribution system having adequate capacity to serve customer's interrup- tible load without ii�airing service t�o other custocners. E�ctensions or enlargeinent of the O�r�any's distribution facilities required t�o serve an interruptible load will be r�de in accordance with the Q�mpany's General Rules and Regulations. 'Ihe total capacity of all interruptible custcaners shall be limited to the excess capacity of �mpany's steam production plant after service requirements to its finn custcaners are met. C�stc�ner will agree to (1) curtail his use of steam whenever requested to do so by the Cbmpany; and (2) provide necessary energy requirements during curt.ailment fram another source. This rate will be in effect oommencing with the meter reading of OctoY�er and ending with meter reading of May of the follc�aing year. During the Fneter reading rronths of June through September, steam service will be available under the steam service rate in effect at that time. Character of Service: 'Ihe delivery of steam hereunder shall be curtailed upon request of ��any. S�ch requests shall be made as far in advance as possible. Fate: Per 1 U00 lbs $5.75 Monthly Minir�uun Charge: Zhe minit�n.un bill for service rendered hereunder sY�all be $20.00 per meter, the amo�t prorated for curtailment periods. F�el Clause: 'Ihere shall be added to or deducted frorn the net mpnthly bill, 2.'l¢ per thousand po�ds of steam for the first whole one-half cent increase above or decrease belav $1.361 per million Btu and for each whole cent change thereafter in the average cost of fuel used during the preceding twelve rmnths by the steam production plant of Northern States Pbwer Wmpany supplying steam to its St Paul distribution system and sY�all include the costs in FERC Accotmt 501 - Ftiiel for Stiich Steam Production Plant. (O�ntinued on follaving sheet) ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE �-. �,. �� � • f �1���� �� iT/►NDARD RATE iMEET VOLUME Ej�'1 �V1S� SHEET No. 66.2 � FORM 17-6109 � • NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY RATE NO. INPERRUPTIBLE STEAM SERVICE (�ntinued) Steam Additional Charge tor Use of Steam During C�.irtailment: If custamer fails t�o curt.ail his use of steam when requested tA do so by Q��any, he shall pay in addition to the above rate an amotmt of $13.00 per thousand pounds of steam used in excess of the volune to which customer was requested to curtail. Such gayment, hvwever, shall not preclude Q�mFany froan shutting off custaner's supply of steam in the event of custosners' failure tro curtail his use thereof when requested to do so. F]nergency Steam Service for Interruptible Steam Gtiistaners: �nergency steam service for interruptible steam custocners during periods of curt�ilment may be available if Cbr�any's ability to furnish such emergency service will not, in ��any's judgment, carnprarnise O�mpany's ability to provide firm steam service to its firm steam custo�ners. gnergency steam service to curtailed interruptible steam custamers will be approved by O�rrQany provided: 1. IInergency steam service is requested by custamer and such request is confirmed in writing no later than 48 hours after the initial request. If the initial request is in writing, the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. 2. 2he emergency is in the nature of a breakdown of stancmy equignent which could not reasonably have been foreseen by custoaner. The rate for emergency steam service sY�all be $9.00 per 1 000 po�ds of steam used during the emergency period. Zhe emergency period shall end when customer's standby equipnent is repaired and customer has notified ��iy or the end of the curtailment during which the emergency steam service was requested. Pra�t Payment Provision: A charge of 5$ will be added to net bill, c�iputed at the rates shown above, which shall constitute a disco�t fran gross bill tor payment within the discotmt period. Surcharge: A surcharge of 8.7$ will be included in the gross and net mr�nthly bills co�uted under this rate schedule. Term of Agreement: Interruptible Steam Service agreement shall be for a term of not less than one year. Upon expiration of the term, agreement remains in effect until termi.nated by at least thirty days' riotice by either party. ISSUED EFFECTIVE AUTHORIZED BY DATE ��G �'�'��" : .=�..h�;�. xo���o�r ��R�s a�- s�a�tv�€�� ; �� ���� ei.�ee� ;� - I t,e:eo e.x: 'e�. .� t�p` � '� - '�xcy x,m aae ��� ��.: por of t6e bub ,�yq�,. +Py�vat et a '" Poaer' , �ra'� � ", w.�y , ` pws�.�ec�o *�tes s�.r. . � .; �►`. �r ci�' �� . �:.A . �.�. � � �� _� � .,:k �... �nx �_�._ :a�c� - .'r>�;�►��s�,ise� . —___-_______ . . _ � � °' �, � 3 � r ��0 Northern States Power Company �' w � � � � ,�� 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis,Minnesota 55401 ��YY �r���{�f����'��a Telephone(612)330-5500 sr aE�l.� � N. March 31, 1981 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The undersigned, Northern States Power Company, does hereby accept and agree to abide by, keep and perform all of . the terms, limitations , conditions and provisions of Council File No. 276434, being Ordinance No. 16771, adopted by the Council on March 17, 1981 and approved by the Mayor on March 19, 1981. NORTHERN STATES POWER COM PANY By ���t \ General Manager Saint Paul Division And , Assista ecre ary AP VES AS TO FO � �- � � 'U'G City Attorney � � Mont6l�Mfaimam C6ar�e.i�.�Per meter Additiooal C6arre tor Use ot Skam Dor►ns { OFFICIAL PftOCEEDINGS Fue1 Clause: There shatl be addetl to or Curtaitmen�If customer tails to curtail his OF THE COUNCIL deduMed imm t6e net moathly bill,2.2 cents use of steazn when requested to do so by per thousand pounds of steam for the first Company,he sha11 pay ln addition to t6e whole one-hali cent increase above or above rate an amount ot E13.00 per thousand OBDINANCES decrease below i1.361 per million Btu and Pounds of steam used in excess of the for each whole cent change thereatter in the �olume to whlch cuetomer was requested to Couodl File No.Z7843d—Ordinance No.1E771 average coat of fuel used during t6e Nrtail.Such payment,however,shall not —By Joanne Showalter— preceding twelve months by the steam pro- Preclude Company from ahutting off ductiun plant of Northern States Power �tomer's supply ot steam la the event ot M ordtnwtt ameadlns Ordinance No. Compeny supplying steam to its St Paul customers'feilure to curtail his use thereof 15742, n amended, entitled: "M ordiaance distribution system and shall include the wAen requested to do so. `rantia`to Northern States Power Company, costs in FERC Account 501—Fuel for Such Eme.r6encY Steam Servlce ler Interroptisle � the mrporation oreaniud undv the lawa ot g�8m Production P1ant. Steam Cnetomen:Emergency steam servfce t6e State of Mimesota, it: successors and p��p�P`�p�ppvWoo:A charge of S% tor interruptlble steam customers durin� � assip��,a fcanchise to�se the ttreets aud other �y;�l be added to net bill,computed at the ��Oas o!cudailment may be avdilable it publte property Ixated in the Clty ot Selat rate ahown abo've,whicd eharge chall con-; Company's abiltty to furnish such emergen- P�ul for t6e purpose of conveyfn`�nd�upply sfltute�discount irom gross blll tor pey-1� �Y��'ice will not,tn Company's judgment, 1n`tteam tor all purposes for a term extea• ment withtn the discount period. , compromise Company's ability to provide ' dtn` tmm January 1, 19T5 to December 31, firm steam service to its flrm ateam 1984, prescribtng ntes which the Company SuroAar�r. A sureharge of 8.7% wlll be lo- �tomers. may charQe for such service,and determining cluded in the gross and net monthly bllls Emergency steam service to curtailed ipter� � the�mount whlc6 the Company s6all pay to computed under this rate uhedule. nptible steam customers will he appmved t6e City for the use and occupancy of tts � by Company providedi. ftreets wd ot6er publlc property",and tur INTER6UP17BLE STEAM SEAI�tCE . 1. Emergency steam service is reqdested b ther amendia`Ordlaaace No.16722. Y • Etfective In:City o!St.Paul customer and such request is conffrmed' The Cou�il of t6e City of Saint Paul Does AvailaAtlityi Available on an interruptible �n writing no later than!8 hours efter the basis to commerclal and industrlal , initial request.If the initlal request Is in Ordaia: writing,the 48 hour provision is fulfilled. customen that are located on portions of the _ SECI'ION 1 � 4•7'he emergency is in the nature of a s—$t. P8U1 I.Eq81 IRdgCT ' breakdown of standby equipment which 'l�wse interlm steam rates eflective on�ll I D could not reasonably have been foraeeu b111s based oe meter readings on and arier Oc- �/f��0� I by customer. tober IS,1980,att haeby approved as lawful • �nd reawnable rata for the perlod to which T1ie rate tor emergency tteam service shall, ° — � be 59.00 per 1000 pounds of steam used dur-; said interim ntes apply,and no rntund ahell � be due by reeson of the estebllslunmt of steam inB the emergency perlod.'ll�e emergency rates by thb ordinauce. Company's ateam dietdbution system haV- pertod shall end when customer's.standby ing adequate capecity to serve customer's in- equipment is mpatred and customer has SECfION 1 terruptible load without impairing service notified Compeny or the end of the curtail• to other custome�s.Extensions or enlargr ment during w6ich the emergency steam ser- lbat Appeadt�c"A"oi Section 508.06 of t6e ment ot the Company's distributton vice was mquested. ` Saint Paul Lesislative Code,as amended,!s facilities rn uired to serve an interruptible deleted ln full and said Section 502.06 is tur• 4 Pt'ou�P�PAlMept Provbloa:A charge'ot 590 load will De made in accardance w[th the will be added to ne!bill,rnmputed at the ther emended to read as follows: Company's General Rules and Regulations. rates shown above,which shall rnnstitute a 502,p6.The ratea COO}AIOGa SR 8IIllnflld �e tqtal capacity of all Interruptible ' d'ucount from gross bill tor payment within Appendfx"A"attu6ed hento end made a ' customen shall be limited to the excess I the disrnunt period. p�rt hereof are duly constttuted ntes ap� capacity ot Company's steam production proved bq t6e CStq Cou�[1 ot the City oi , p►ant a[ter service requirements to Its firm '' Snrc6arge:A sureharse ot 8.796 wlll be includ- Saint Paul on applicatlon for rate increase � customers am met. ed in the gross and net moathly bllls com- filed by Comp�ny witd City on August 22, � Customer will agree to p)curtail hls use of ' puted under this rate sc6edule. 1980,under Scction 502•07 ot the Legislative steam whenever requested to do:o by the j Term ol A�reement:Interivptible Steam Ser Code and are etfective on all bills based on Company;and(2)provide aecessary energy i °1�BB��nt shal!be tor a term of not leas meter nadin`s oa and aiter the eitective requirements during curtailment trom i than one year.Upon explration ot the term, date ot tht:ordSnance. another source. egreement mmains in efiect until ter This rete wiil be in etfcct commenctng w[th minated by at least thirty daya'notice by SECt'ION� ' the meter readtng of OMober and ending elther perty. 'Phi�erdinance shall take effxt end be ta wtth meter read(n6 of May oi the tollowing lorce atter the public hearing prescrlbed by year.During the meter reading months ai law and thirty(30)days efter its passage,ap- June through September,ateam service will proval,aad publicatlon,and as provided in �available under the steam service rate in Sectiou 502.02 hereof. etfect at that time. Adopted bq the Councfl March 1T,1981. �b�k�ot Service:The delSvery of steam yeas-Couacilmen Hunt,Levine,Maddox, hereunder shall be curlelled upon request of Mcb[a6on,Showalter,Tedesco,Wilson-7. Company.Such requests s6a11 be made as Nays-0. tar in advance as possibk. Approved 1d�rch 19�1981. Rate: GEORGE I.ATIMEA Per I OOO lba i5.7S r � Maqor Monthlp Mlnlmum C6ae�e:T6e mintmum btll (Maxc6 28,1981) for service rendered hereunder shall be � i20.00 per meter,t6e emount prorated for � curtailment perlods. STEAM SERVICE Puel Clanse: 'f1�ere shall be added to or FdteeUve In:City ot S�.Paul deducled trom the net monthly bill,22 ceuts Ava1l�EilltT Available to rnmmerclel and ia- Per thousand pounda ot steam for the ll�st dustrial customers for general use oi Steam whole one-helf cent lacrease above or Se�y;ce,gteam Servlce fumtshed irom low a��e below i1.981 per milllon Stu and pressure maina is available fmm September - tor each whole cent change thernatter in the 1 to tdsy 31,[nclusive;and Steam Service sverege cost of tuel used during the preceding twelve months by the steam pro- �umfsbed trom Wgh pressure malns �e ductlon plant of Northern Statea Power � available the entlre year• _ �mp�y Bupplying steam to its 3t Paul � Bate: dlstribution system and shaA lnclude the t Flnt Y00 000 Ibs of condensate_per mont6 ��s��g�p�.o�t 501—Fuel for Such O i10.34 per 1 000 lbs Steam Production Plant. Nezt 300 000 Ibs of coadenaate per month O i9.46 per 1000 lbs � l��R� Next 500 000 lbs ot condensate per month � � •f6.43 per l 0001ba Next 2 000 OOO lbs of condemate per month / �tT.72 per l 0001ba �/�,Q��/ Excess lbs of condensate per month O i8•� / a per 1 OOO lba \ � , ; f ___. _ _ _ / _ � . lst �( — .�,�' '� � % 2nd � " � — �l � � 3rd � '—��� �0 I Adopted ��"� �—� / Yeas � , Nays / � _ - HUNT �� 7�/ / / % . LEVINE . ' , McMAHOv � ../ .� S110WALTER �v/ ��t�� TEDESCO WILSON . PRESIDENT (MADDOX) �: f� . . y:,_,. .c . i:�:f�� �Y-