00-683City of St. Paul APPRQV=ISG ASSESSMENT AIQD FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON COUNCybj� L NO. OO - (�g� By �—� � — File No. as listed d� Assessment No. as listed Vofing Ward Tn the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for the a ading and paving of alleys for ffie 3 following projects : alley in Block 1Q Sylvan Place (Bounded by Palace, Sarato�a, 7effezson, and Warwick) with the Pascal-7efferson Pro}ect. 18892a Preliminary Order . 99-0048 Approved . 1l13l1949 0683 FinalOrder . 99-0203 Approved . 3l3f1999 alley in Block 6, Syivan Pazk and Block 3 Vernon's RE.. {Bounded by 7efferson, Brimhali, Stanford, and Saratoga with the Pascal-3efferson Project. 18892b Preliminary Order . 99-0050 Approved : i/13l1949 0584 Final Order . 99-0205 Approved : 3!3l1999 alley in Block 6, 7efferson Park (Bounded by Wellesley, Pascal, Stanford and Albert with the Pascal-Jefferson Projact. 18892c Preliminary Order . 99-0052 Approved : 1f13(1999 0685 Final Order . 99-0207 Approved :, 3 13/1999 alley in Block 3,Sylvan Park Addition and Block 2, Vemon's RE.(Bounded by Brimhall, St. Clair, Saratoga, and Stanford with the Pascal-7efferson Project. 18892d Preliminary Order . 99-0054 Approved : 1/13/1999 0686 Final Order . 99-0209 Approved : 3/311499 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connecflon wiffi the above improvement having been submitted to the Councii, and the Council having considered sauie and found the said assessment satisfactory, thezefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED P'U12THER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 23th dav of Aueust. 2000. at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M. in the Councii Chamber of the Court House and City Hali Building, in the Clty of St. Paul; that the V aluation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetin�s, as required by the Charter, staUng in said noUce the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particulaz owner to whom the notice is directed. COi3NCILPERSON Adopted by the Councii: Date: . Yeas R��� ✓ �_-$enanavv � Blakey �/ Bostrom Coleman � Hazris �/ Lantry _� Reiter Nays Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By � Against 1 ��ar�� QYIBLISF�D DtiG 3 `� �.-�g3 T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: >ntact Person aad Pk�one Namber: Glenn Picha 266-8862 �-� [ut[ be on Coma7 Agenda 6y: Jdy 19, 2000 3/27f00 Green Sheet Number; 104726 8P2RTlSENT DIRECfOR ^ (;iT]'COUNCII. 4 ATTORNEY CLER% ccf.be'm Com�cil Research Office duly 12, 2000 noon on Fridav 1 )N REQUESTED: _ � l ng date of public hearing. Approve assessments for graving and paving of alleys in Pascal Jefferson ec 1&892a,18892b,18892 and 18892d in 1999. . .m�nmAxioxs nrr�ovc (A) oe �cc (s) ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: ♦� � . Has the person/Frm ever worked mdet a contract tor this deparN4ent7 YFS NO PIu1NMNG COMMI3SION A STAFF ' . Haz this petsodfirm ever been a City employee? yES NO CSPILSERViCECOMMISS[ON A PuhucHealQ� . Dces this person/�irm possess a s6ill notnonnally po.aessed by any YES NO C@ COMMITTE6 A v,�a,n s�a�. current City employee? Eaplain all YES ans�vers on a separate sheet and attach. �T1NG PROBLEM, ISSi7E, OPPORTONITY (�Vho, What, `Vhen, Where, r4hy?): tication is necessary in order to begin wllecting assessments to hetp pay for the project. PAGES IF AYPROVED: as above. ANTAGES IF APPROVED: TF NOT APPROVED: JUL 112000 )UN'C OF TRANSACTION: $52�127 cosT�vEwE avncE�n �cuictE o�> x�s xo >vxcE: Assessments only aczivrrY�,�Ex: INFORMATiON: (EXPLAIIV) City of St. Paul APPRQV=ISG ASSESSMENT AIQD FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON COUNCybj� L NO. OO - (�g� By �—� � — File No. as listed d� Assessment No. as listed Vofing Ward Tn the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for the a ading and paving of alleys for ffie 3 following projects : alley in Block 1Q Sylvan Place (Bounded by Palace, Sarato�a, 7effezson, and Warwick) with the Pascal-7efferson Pro}ect. 18892a Preliminary Order . 99-0048 Approved . 1l13l1949 0683 FinalOrder . 99-0203 Approved . 3l3f1999 alley in Block 6, Syivan Pazk and Block 3 Vernon's RE.. {Bounded by 7efferson, Brimhali, Stanford, and Saratoga with the Pascal-3efferson Project. 18892b Preliminary Order . 99-0050 Approved : i/13l1949 0584 Final Order . 99-0205 Approved : 3!3l1999 alley in Block 6, 7efferson Park (Bounded by Wellesley, Pascal, Stanford and Albert with the Pascal-Jefferson Projact. 18892c Preliminary Order . 99-0052 Approved : 1f13(1999 0685 Final Order . 99-0207 Approved :, 3 13/1999 alley in Block 3,Sylvan Park Addition and Block 2, Vemon's RE.(Bounded by Brimhall, St. Clair, Saratoga, and Stanford with the Pascal-7efferson Project. 18892d Preliminary Order . 99-0054 Approved : 1/13/1999 0686 Final Order . 99-0209 Approved : 3/311499 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connecflon wiffi the above improvement having been submitted to the Councii, and the Council having considered sauie and found the said assessment satisfactory, thezefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED P'U12THER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 23th dav of Aueust. 2000. at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M. in the Councii Chamber of the Court House and City Hali Building, in the Clty of St. Paul; that the V aluation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetin�s, as required by the Charter, staUng in said noUce the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particulaz owner to whom the notice is directed. COi3NCILPERSON Adopted by the Councii: Date: . Yeas R��� ✓ �_-$enanavv � Blakey �/ Bostrom Coleman � Hazris �/ Lantry _� Reiter Nays Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By � Against 1 ��ar�� QYIBLISF�D DtiG 3 `� �.-�g3 T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: >ntact Person aad Pk�one Namber: Glenn Picha 266-8862 �-� [ut[ be on Coma7 Agenda 6y: Jdy 19, 2000 3/27f00 Green Sheet Number; 104726 8P2RTlSENT DIRECfOR ^ (;iT]'COUNCII. 4 ATTORNEY CLER% ccf.be'm Com�cil Research Office duly 12, 2000 noon on Fridav 1 )N REQUESTED: _ � l ng date of public hearing. Approve assessments for graving and paving of alleys in Pascal Jefferson ec 1&892a,18892b,18892 and 18892d in 1999. . .m�nmAxioxs nrr�ovc (A) oe �cc (s) ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: ♦� � . Has the person/Frm ever worked mdet a contract tor this deparN4ent7 YFS NO PIu1NMNG COMMI3SION A STAFF ' . Haz this petsodfirm ever been a City employee? yES NO CSPILSERViCECOMMISS[ON A PuhucHealQ� . Dces this person/�irm possess a s6ill notnonnally po.aessed by any YES NO C@ COMMITTE6 A v,�a,n s�a�. current City employee? Eaplain all YES ans�vers on a separate sheet and attach. �T1NG PROBLEM, ISSi7E, OPPORTONITY (�Vho, What, `Vhen, Where, r4hy?): tication is necessary in order to begin wllecting assessments to hetp pay for the project. PAGES IF AYPROVED: as above. ANTAGES IF APPROVED: TF NOT APPROVED: JUL 112000 )UN'C OF TRANSACTION: $52�127 cosT�vEwE avncE�n �cuictE o�> x�s xo >vxcE: Assessments only aczivrrY�,�Ex: INFORMATiON: (EXPLAIIV) City of St. Paul APPRQV=ISG ASSESSMENT AIQD FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON COUNCybj� L NO. OO - (�g� By �—� � — File No. as listed d� Assessment No. as listed Vofing Ward Tn the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for the a ading and paving of alleys for ffie 3 following projects : alley in Block 1Q Sylvan Place (Bounded by Palace, Sarato�a, 7effezson, and Warwick) with the Pascal-7efferson Pro}ect. 18892a Preliminary Order . 99-0048 Approved . 1l13l1949 0683 FinalOrder . 99-0203 Approved . 3l3f1999 alley in Block 6, Syivan Pazk and Block 3 Vernon's RE.. {Bounded by 7efferson, Brimhali, Stanford, and Saratoga with the Pascal-3efferson Project. 18892b Preliminary Order . 99-0050 Approved : i/13l1949 0584 Final Order . 99-0205 Approved : 3!3l1999 alley in Block 6, 7efferson Park (Bounded by Wellesley, Pascal, Stanford and Albert with the Pascal-Jefferson Projact. 18892c Preliminary Order . 99-0052 Approved : 1f13(1999 0685 Final Order . 99-0207 Approved :, 3 13/1999 alley in Block 3,Sylvan Park Addition and Block 2, Vemon's RE.(Bounded by Brimhall, St. Clair, Saratoga, and Stanford with the Pascal-7efferson Project. 18892d Preliminary Order . 99-0054 Approved : 1/13/1999 0686 Final Order . 99-0209 Approved : 3/311499 The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connecflon wiffi the above improvement having been submitted to the Councii, and the Council having considered sauie and found the said assessment satisfactory, thezefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED P'U12THER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 23th dav of Aueust. 2000. at the hour of 5:30 o'clock P.M. in the Councii Chamber of the Court House and City Hali Building, in the Clty of St. Paul; that the V aluation and Assessment Engineer give notice of said meetin�s, as required by the Charter, staUng in said noUce the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particulaz owner to whom the notice is directed. COi3NCILPERSON Adopted by the Councii: Date: . Yeas R��� ✓ �_-$enanavv � Blakey �/ Bostrom Coleman � Hazris �/ Lantry _� Reiter Nays Certified Passes by Council Secretary � In Favor By � Against 1 ��ar�� QYIBLISF�D DtiG 3 `� �.-�g3 T.M.S.IREAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: >ntact Person aad Pk�one Namber: Glenn Picha 266-8862 �-� [ut[ be on Coma7 Agenda 6y: Jdy 19, 2000 3/27f00 Green Sheet Number; 104726 8P2RTlSENT DIRECfOR ^ (;iT]'COUNCII. 4 ATTORNEY CLER% ccf.be'm Com�cil Research Office duly 12, 2000 noon on Fridav 1 )N REQUESTED: _ � l ng date of public hearing. Approve assessments for graving and paving of alleys in Pascal Jefferson ec 1&892a,18892b,18892 and 18892d in 1999. . .m�nmAxioxs nrr�ovc (A) oe �cc (s) ONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: ♦� � . Has the person/Frm ever worked mdet a contract tor this deparN4ent7 YFS NO PIu1NMNG COMMI3SION A STAFF ' . Haz this petsodfirm ever been a City employee? yES NO CSPILSERViCECOMMISS[ON A PuhucHealQ� . Dces this person/�irm possess a s6ill notnonnally po.aessed by any YES NO C@ COMMITTE6 A v,�a,n s�a�. current City employee? Eaplain all YES ans�vers on a separate sheet and attach. �T1NG PROBLEM, ISSi7E, OPPORTONITY (�Vho, What, `Vhen, Where, r4hy?): tication is necessary in order to begin wllecting assessments to hetp pay for the project. PAGES IF AYPROVED: as above. ANTAGES IF APPROVED: TF NOT APPROVED: JUL 112000 )UN'C OF TRANSACTION: $52�127 cosT�vEwE avncE�n �cuictE o�> x�s xo >vxcE: Assessments only aczivrrY�,�Ex: INFORMATiON: (EXPLAIIV)