276354 Y�\ A, yyy^^^qqqp
WHITE — C�TV CIERK F'i.,/ �b1 � ,
PINK — FINANCE I y O F SA I NT PA U L Council f� U
VAI�UATION BUTO U .n i solution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WI�F;EAS, the State of Minnesota did convey certain tax-forfeited land
in Ramsey County to the City of Saint Paul, hereinaf"ter described to
be used exclusively for the purpose of paxks; and
WI�REAS, the land hereinafter described has ceased to be used for paxk
purposes; therefore be it
RE50LVED, that the proper City off`icials are authorized and directed
to execute the necessary documents releasing and returning the following
described tax-forfeited property to the State of Minnesota, to wit:
Subject to road, part South of North line of Leone
Avenue of following: beginning on North line of
and �+35 22�100 feet from Northwest corner of Lot 6;
thence East 8�+ 38�100 feet; thence South 0 degrees
13 minutes Ea.st 512 10�100 feet; thence Northwesterly
93 83 100 feet to a �oint which is 0 degrees 13 minutes
East 79 79�100 feet Prom point of beginning; thence
to beginning onNorth line of Lot 6, Auditor's Subclivision
No. 55, St. Paul, Minn.,
and be it also
RFS OLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul approve that said �a,rcel be
deeded to Housing and Redevelopment Authority by the State of Minnesota .
for development purposes.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler Hunt � F'i.nance and Mana ement Services
ZZ Levine In Favo[ _�
H Maddox
I.�v e rwcMahon �-- Against BY
M�dd � {� Director
Showaiter V���
e�� Wils FEB i 0 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopte�-tiy Counc� . °Date , l` 3'�
itified Y• ed by uncil Secret3ary
By •
Appr by Ylavor: D t FE� � 2 1981 Approv Mayor for Sub ssiori�to Council
By _ BY
� �.� FEB 21 1981
Department of Revenue SDForm 875 IRev.11/75) Approved by Attorney General 7-?0�69
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision 1, the STATE OF
MINNESOTA, as trustee under Minnesota Statutes, Section 281.25, on the 7th day of J�-y ,
19 78 , conveyed to_ _the City of St. Paul
a governrnental subdivision, the lands hereinafter desc�ibed, to be used for an authorized public use,and
WHEREAS, Said governmental subdivision ��esfei�ed�te-fxr�-x:eF►-ler►d-tc��the-pebFietrseferwh+ekt+t-
-was-ooFweyec#*has abandoned the public use for which such land was conveyed, and now desires to
reconvey said lands to the State of Minnesota, as such trustee, .
NOW, THEREFORE, This indenture, made this 34 day of Oct,ober _, �g 80 �
between Cit.Y of St. Paul a governmental subdivision of the
State of Minnesota, as party of the first part, and the State of Minnesota, as trustee as hereinafter set forth,
as party of the second part,
WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, in consideration of the �remises and other
valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby Grant, Bargain, Quitclaim
and Reconvey unto the said party of the second part all the tract or parcel of land lying and being in the
County of Ftsmsey in the State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit:
Subject to road, part South of North line of Zeone Avenue of following: beginning on 1Vort
line of and �+35 22�100 f�eet from Northwest co.rner of Lot 6; thence East 84 38/100 feet;
thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes East 512 10�100 feet; thence Northwesterly 93 $3�100
��ience°to �°eg�nnin�ony�o0t�ie�neso�'3Lo�n�ate�u�i�or�s79S��fli�siontNor�Sp°��t ��u�e�nnr
in trust as provided by�111innesota Statutes, Section 2�1.25, upon like conditions and wit like effect as if
said lands had not been conveyed to said party of the first part as aforesaid.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, Together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part and its successors and
assigns, Forever. '
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Said party of the first part has caused these presentsto be executed
in its corporate name by its Mavor, Gity Glerk _
and its n; r c� .�r �f �i nan�P and ManagQmPn{-`SPrvi�PG and its corporate seal to be
hereunto affixed the day and year first above written.
In Presence of: C?ty of Saint Paul
Name of Governmental Subdivision !
--- gY
Its Mayor
— BY
Its City Clerk
•Strike out clause not applicab/e. By
STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS Its Uirector of Finance and Management
County of Ramse.y ) Serv:ices
On this day of , 19 , before me,
a Notar,yPublic within and for said county, persnnally appeared
Georp;e Latimer� Rose Mix __and Bernard Carlson
to me personalfY known, who, being each by me duly sworn say that they a�e respectivefy
the M.ayor, City Clerk andthe �rec�or of Finance & Mgmt.Servic�he
governmental subd'evision named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed to
said insirument is the corporate seal of said governmental subdivision, and that said
instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said governmental subdivision by authority of
its City Council and said A4a�Yor, City Clerk
and �rector of I�'inance & A�nt.Serv-ic�nowledged said instrument to be the free
act and deed of said governmental subdivision.
The undersigned, actir�g for the Commissioner nf Revenue of the State of Minnesota,under delegation
of authority duly filed with the Secretary of State, does hereby app�ove the foregoing conveyance to the
State of M i n nesota.
In the Presence of:
Commissioner of Revenue
. ,OM Ol: 12,/1975 ':
: - . � Rev. - 9/8l76 ".
L , R
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�A�a ��s$� �
t3a�te: �'�'.�
October 30, 1980 ����
�� J. William Donovan, Val. Assmt. eer, Dept. of Finance & M�nt. Ser�i.-ees (Ext.
Rf: � ?0�9) '
Reconveyance of Tax Forfeited Land at the request of Coamcunity Servic�es
Part of Aud3tor's Subdivision No. 55 �
Former Upper Afton School Site Development r
., _
Mayoral approval a,nd submission of the attached resolution to City Cauncil,
authorizing City off`I.cials to reconvey referenced lands.
Department of Community Sex�rices requests the referenced land b� released
fraan its present u,se of paxk purposes. Sub�Q�t land to be conveyed from
the State to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority for housing develop-
ment purposes.
l. Resolution .
2. Copy o� Application of Reconveyance
3. , Area M�p
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