276346 WHITE - CITY CLERK �j PINK - FINANCE ���J�s CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COUIICIl �� BLUE - MAYOR File N . ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1981 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve General Transfer to Budget Fund 09060-536-000 $ 20� �g� To: Mayor's Administration Transfer to special fund (30110) 00100-537-000 $ 5,037 Planning and Economic Development Transfer to special fund 15, 750 06000-537-000 $ 20, 787 Approved, as to funding: Approved: ��� � � Director B dget Dir ctor De artment of F' an COU[vCILM N �9 �e Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Planninct and Economic Development Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B snowa�ter - _ Against Y Tedesco Wil FEB 1 0 1981 Form Approve b City Att ney A pted by Counc� . Date — Certified �ssed by ou Sec�tary BY By �`. Appr ;Vlavor: Date �� Appr y Mayor for ub iss'on o Council By _ BY rst�fl FEB 21 1981 oM oi: ia/is�s � Rev. : 9/8j75 Rev. : 5/?/8Q EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES �.���� Date: 1/29/81 T�: Mayor George Latimer FROMs Warren Frost Project Manager (NPM) �� Funding commitment for the NPM program ! - � ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of resolution for submission to City Council PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The Neighborhood Pride in Maintenance Program (NPM) is a tool lending library that has focused on resident participation in improvements. The program provides tools to low and moderate income residents so that they may perform maintenance and make improvements on their homes. The program also sponsors educational wo�kshops to . , , teach- home repair skills and provide information on repairs and � energy conservation. Initially, CETA funds were used to fund the related staffing costs and community development dollars purchased the program' s tools. Upon the expiration of CETA funds, the Saint Pau1 Energy Project aided �the program by providing staff funds. However, �hat source has -been de- - pleted. The program currently has 350 member borrowers. Approximately 275 telephone calls relating to the program, energy conservation or rehabilitation are received each month. This request is proposed so that the funding for the tool iending library will exist. This-:rescalut�ion v�i11 prbvide sutfici�ent :tunding to cor�tinue the program to December 3I, 1981. ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution - _ _ _ Mayar-_Lat�mer' s memo .(;8-/15/8Q) _ _ ' � �; . �Ir3..'Y O�+' C'Aliti'I' �.�.7T�� � .�, ��� � � OI'FIC� OF THE CIT�" COIINGZL �,�"V�� �;:< ��. .:��� < ..,.....,.,,- �:. �'�•,'�. 3���V�i•. . �S• ��.� . ��� ry t �ote ; February 5, 1981 �,� . C, Q � � ���� � � � � � �� TQ : Sc�inf P�u! City Council F�d �11� � COt71fit�'fi@� OR FINANCE, D1ANAGEME�dT & PERSOfdNEL - George McMahon , ct�oirman, makes the 9`oi lowing repart on C. F. [� Ordinance (6) (�X Resolution [� . Ofiher � Ti7LE : At its meeting of February 5, 1981 , the Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: . � . _` -- . 1 . Resolution approving funding for the Neighborhood Pride in P1aintenance Program (NPM). . 2. Resolution transferring $1 ,480 to pay the State Auditor for Central Village audit for month of November. 198�. (11674-GM) �, 3. Reso]ution establishing class soecifications for new��titles of Senior Mechanical Inspector-Pipefitter and Senior Mechanical Inspector-Sheet Metal ; and abolishing . class specifications for title of Senior Mechanical �Irrspector. (11681-G��11 4. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Administrative Manager--Community Services, Grade 16, Section 3.J (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors Group) of Civil Service Rules. (11679-GM) 5. Resolution revising minimum qualifications in class specification for �ztizen " Participation Coordinator by deleting the phrase, "or in grant program implementation." (11680-GM) 6. Resolution replacing class . specification for Police Community Officer with new specification which reflects change in job duties and minimum qualifications. (11682-GM) CITY HAI.L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, 1�lIVNESOZ'a SSiQ2 .�'`'J .�� r f• . . � �tT*b,� CITY OF+ S.A.�CN� �AUL �(63�6 ..�'' ,, �. � � o � � OFFICB OF TH� �iA�.''OR +�_L_� � �11111f 111111 ti !� •�lt1 l.111�: a� � . . �♦ A 347 CI9l'Y IiALL � ����� SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTH.-SSJO� � GEORGE IATIMER (6I2) 298-4323 � MftYOR August 15, 198Q Reverend Richard Goebel , Chair District 6 Planning Cauncil � 1021 Marion Saint Paul , Minnesota 55117 Oear Reverer�d Gaebel : � - You are absolutely right; tfie City's pos9tion regardi►�g the hleic�fiGoriuiad Pride in Ma�intenance Pragram has not been clearly articula�ed to a71 concerned. We regrei: the uncertai nty that has exi sted i n the past and T taant �a iiSSUY'f' J�GU that we are commit�ed to the program. I have heard many complimenl;arX remarks on tf�e program and I cengratuiate District 6 on your commitment ta neighbarhac�d �improvem�nt and � energy conservation through .the toal lending library� As you know9 NPM was approved as a CD Year V project. NUD �egulations do nofi allow us to� use CDBG funds to pay salary expenses. 't'he same res�:r•icti�ns apply to the use of Capital Improvement Bond (CIB) funds< I�s a i�esuli:, we havc� liad t� use existing staff budgets from my office to continue Mr. Ka?uza's einployment since his 18-month CETA funding has expired. We hav� mad� arrangements to continue funding from my staff budget until the end (l� OC�Q�J�1" 1.9HO,. Afiter� 1:ha�:, we hope to fund. the NPM Program from a federa1 �nnovatiu� energy canservation grant. If we do not receive the innovative energy grant� we wi11 iind another way to continue 'the program. Therefore, planning for fa11 conservatiot� programs and expansion of the available tools can proceed wi�h �h�e r�emaining unexpendecf � $3,03Q in CD Year� V funds. If you h�ve any further need to di scuss the aperati or� �r �'ur�di r�q �f -t:h�i s ��roc�rams. please contact Mre William Q6 Patton, Adminis�ra�kar af Gan�ncfrEi�:y [)�vc'�opmc���i: a�: 298-558b. � • Sincere`iy, MER Mayo of Saint Paul GL/sh cc: Waa�ren �rost Alice Murphy John Kaluza Wiiliam Patton Robert Kessler Gary Stout � Terry McNellis Becky Yust ! ' - _R'�k� . . . .