276345 WHITE �-� CITYCLERK �.' j'� PINK - i1NANCE ����_`�� CANARY - 17EPARTMENT � COUIICII v BL�IE� - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLUID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review perta.ining tA the follvwing listed property and as shown by the �cerpt�ed Minutes of said BoaYrl � of Appeals and Review, dated January 13, 1981, and marked E�iIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: I]ATE OF BCIARD M�iUI'ES CASE NO. PRpPEl�!'Y p,ppII,TANT 1/13/81 58-80-H 475-481 Laurel Ave. F. Soott Fitzgerald (12 units) CondominitIIn Ass'n �OARD ACTION: Granted. varianoe of Minnesota Uniform Builcling Cod�e, Article 13.03, pertaining to use of fire-rated. materials, t�o perniit c�ontinued occ�aricy of 12 QondpminiLUn units, each equipped with doors and windaws which dp not co�ly with fire-safety oode requir�ents in the rear porch area, after having received waivers signed. by every condominitun awner acknawled.ging and asstaning the risks created by this variance, copies of which are marked EXHIBIT B and incorporated by reference. Said variance is tA be recorded on deed of each candominitun unit, placing future purcha.sers on notioe of the variance granted herein, and a copy of this resolution is tA be posted for tw� weeks in a conspicupus and oomran area of the con.dominiLUn co�lex. Property Description: Woodland Park Addition Apart�nt Ownership No. 19 lmawn as F. Scott Fitzgerald CondanirLitm, being Lots 16, 17, & 18, Block 10, Woodland Park Add.ition, Apart�nent Nos. E-1 thru E6 and La 1 thru W-6, and an Lu�.divided 8 1/3 interest 1/13/81 60-80-H 838 Lincoln Greg Laszlo, Sr. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In FBVO[ Maddox McMahon Showalter - __ Agel[1St BY Tedesco wlson Form Approved by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B �c�-�=t °�-3� By —_ Approved by 1Aavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ – BY - � ������ BOARD AGTI�T: Granted varianoe of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.13, pertaining tA bas�nent occ�ancies, to pernnit occ�ancy of two tmi.ts nwre than 50� belaw grade, on condition that bedroom windows of each Lmit be replaced with escape-type windows no highex than four feet frcen floar level or, as an alternative, provide a step up to escape windaws to facilitate acoess. Property Description: St�mit Park Addition E. 3 Ft. of Lot 11 and All of Lot 10, Block 16 1/13/81 59-80-H 1066 Ross Gary StAltanan (tY�ree tm.its) BQ�1RD AGTI�T: Granted varianoe of St. Paul Legislativ� Code, Section 54.13, to p�xnut occupancy of first floor apartment where acoess frcgn one bedrooan to the bathroan is through another bedroom. Property Description: Terry's Addition W. 1/2 of Lot 11, B]_ock 8 1/13/81 61-80-H 532 Ashland TAC 'I�D, IlVC. (18 bedrooQns) Reentry Serviaes BOARD ACTION: Granted variances of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.14, pertaining to light and ventilation, to pezmit use of RocHn 33 as a sleeping roan, and Section 54.17, pertaining to requirement of one bathroan facility for each five residents in a lioensed roaming house, to permit an increase frcan 30 residents to 38. Praperty Description: Woodland Park Additian Lot 7, BloCk 15 1/13/81 52-80-H 899 So. Cleveland City of St. Paul Public (144 units) Housing Agency 2. � �.�'; �1 > ;�,i ' ��s�� Property Descriptian: Auditor's Subdivision No. 87 S. 250 Ft. of N. 1530 54/100 Ft. Mol. Lying E. of A. L. 671 4/10 Ft. W. from and parallel to E. L. of Sec. 17 of Lot 1 1/13/81 52-80-H 1743 E. Iawa City of St. Paul Public (148 units) Housing Agency Praperty Description: L. T. Lawton's Subdivision of Lot 8 of Keswin's Outlots Vac. Alley between and Lots 5 thriz 26, Bloc]c 1 1/13/81 52-80-H 727 Front City of St. Paul Public (151 tu�.its) Housing Agency Property Description: Ware and Hospi's Addition Vac. Ave. and Alleys Accruing and Fol. Lots 23 thru 27, Block 5, and Lots 8 thnz 13, and Lot 16 thru 23, Block 6 1/13/81 52-80-H 10 W. Exchange City of St. Paul Public (194 units) Housing Agency Property Description: Bazil and Guerin's Addition. NWly 5/6 of Lots 1 and 2, and NWly 2/3 of Lot 3, Block 8 1/13/81 52-80-H 1000 Edgerton City of St. Paul Public (220 tuiits) Housing Agency Property Description: Arlington Hills Addition. Jenks St. Accruing as Vac. in Doc. 1836953 and Fol. : Lots 16 thru 22 and Lots 24 thru 26, Block 15. Also subject to Ave. : Lot 4, Lots 6 thru 12 and N. 80 Ft. of Lots 13 thru 15, Block 16 1/13/81 52-�0-H 777 N. Hamline City of St. Paul Public (186 units) Housing Agency Praperty Description: College Pla.oe East Division. S. 1/2 of Hubbard Ave. Vac. Accruing and Fol. : Ex. W. 124 Ft. ; Lots 2 and 3 and All of Lots 1 and 4, B1ocJc 16 3. �i-,!�'i �-�-;}/ WHITE � - CITY CLERK y.� }� PINK � ' FINANCE ����A e�ye RY - �MAYOR MENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L F le cil N O. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Ths follawing applies to all properties listed above �der Case No. 52-80-H: BOARD ACTIOrT: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.09, pertaining to dead bolt lock require.�rents effective JLme, 1982, to permit pernk-jnent use of existing dead bolt locks not in c�o�lianoe with sai.d code regulation. and be it FUlrl�ft RESOLVED, That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed tA transmit a copy of this resolutian for reoording t�o the Ramsey County Offi� of the Regist,er of Deeds. 4. COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favol Maddox McMahon C7 B Showalter __ AgainSt Y Tedesco Wilson FE� � �j (98� Form Approved by City Attocney Adopte y Coun � . Date — C ► d _ed b Council S re ry B ` �� ������/ � Approv d ;Niayor. Da ` �QR�_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY FEB 2 i 19�- � , � 3 �- _ 7b ^ _ � � �.4 STAT� 0� MINN�SOTA ) Q Coun�y o� Ramaey ) b�. � CITy 0� SAINT PAUL ) � � I .Rose.Mix, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Gf.�y C.Q.2Jtk , , . . . . . . .. o� �h.e Ci.ty o� Scu.n� Pau,C, M�.nne,b o�a, do he�ceb y ceh,t,�.�y �h.aa I have compcviced �he a�ached copy o� Counc.i,2 �.i.�e No276345. . a.a adap�ed b y �he Ci.ty Counc,i.e . .. Feb...�o.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1�1. . and appnoved 6 y �'he Mayoh. . . . . . . . . Feb...12'. . .. .. . . .. .. . 1�1.. - w.i.th �'he on,i.g�.na,e �'heneo� on �.i.Ce �.n my o���.ce. ao � _ . .°. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s_. � r�t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . C . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. c'�"f � � . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . ta� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . T �uh,th.e�c ce�r.#'�.�y �h.a.t bcr.i.d capy .i.a a �ir.u.e and co�vicec,t co, a� a a,id ar,f.g.i,na.� and �'he who.2e �'h.etc.eo�. WI TN�SS m y h.and and �he d eu,2 a� �h.e Gi ty a� Sa,i.v�t Pa.c�,P, , , � � 1 - �, � �� � 12th � o February, , � Hli.nn ,. . . . . y � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A.�. 1981.. �-. ',. �f". . 1 5:� .. � 1; i ,6: t � / . 1 {� � � + . , � • • • � S . • . . . � • • • •. . . • . • . • . .�- � "��.�. � 81a2 $ 00.00 — A � WMITE � •• CITY CLERK_ � � COUflCII �lS��� PINKw. � - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I N T PA U L �� CAf.AWV � DEPARTMENT File NO. . B�u� . �Ay�R Council Resolution Presented By � '' �_ Referred ��_.._.._--------______._ .._...__ __,_ C�mmitie..e::_. Date ._ :g . _ - Date Out of Committee By �;,., r�<;,. � � � �•� tY c� safnt� �ul. Boesd o! ljppe�aL. a��Ae�vi�e� p�rtain�9 � a� tt�s a�im � aod as � by � 8�oae�cpbd Mf� o� ,aid eoa�Yd � to �e ioZl,e�dnq lis� p�o�e�tl' � o� Ap�pe�+ls a�d A�vier. aat�pd Jaruatp 13, 1481, and a�oed ffi�Tt' A, �d att�d r.y 2�+et� a�d mnrds a pe+rt �of by �oe: � � �ATB Qr AO@�ID l�ffi � �. ,:.�� . � �,�/gi 58 8G-8 4'75-rt81 Le�+al Av�. !'. 9oo�tt lit�oga�ald r�- �12 mit� � e Oanr�ovlai.ta ]Is+s'a �=� BOl��D 7�Ci'�: t�t�d var3ano� o� 1�esota tk�f���uildfag Cl�s, �►�tircla 33.Ei3, � p�ctsirirq to tn� � tis+ewrrt�ect me�bssials. 'b� p�rsdt vontf�ed 000u�ea�o�► o! 12 utiits, � �PP�"with t�oo�s a�d rl��9o�ois � cb �at aaaQ]�► wit3� f3zm-�e#� cpc� !a tt�s ''� t+�nr pv�+di a� sft�e�' �d�g z+eosived �ai� a3g�d by eaeaY . aondont�i.em coa�ear �o�rL�3gls�q aaod a�ing t3�e r3�cs c��eatad bp t3�is �ar3enas: aapd�ss o� rt�ldz a�s a�laed � 8 a�d 3noc�po�at�sd by �Ss�nee�ce. Ssi�d � is �6u b� �mao�d m �sd o� � corx3a0dniisu mit, pla�ing fut�+a aa ac�ttoe o! tbe , wr�,m�aa gcant�ed h�+eds�, aad a c� c� �fii.s 3s m be " poe�ed �aac tw i�ae�rs 3a a ae�d +oom�on at�e�ot o� t�s . ca�r�]om�ioi� ooiQl�ac. _ - ps,cp�rty De�oc�3pti�oa: iabod�rd paslc �di.ti� : � A�r��aent � �o. 19 lac�o�n � F. Sot�t Fit.sqeacal�d pood�o�nic�t. beiriq Lcyts 16, I7, i 18, SLoc�c 1t1, t�oodl�and Fi�C AR��.�a 2� I�10�6. �"1 �lt1i F� � �-1 � i�llr�6� �1 at! t�31V��'l�ed $ 1,/'3 �t �,/�/�1 b!!-'84-t� 838 I.3�vJ� �''� �� �• � `q.0 vaf� � ' � COUNCILMEN Requestgd by'Department o�: . Yeas NaYs . Hunt " ��r,e In Favor - Maddox . M�nnenon " Against By . Showa�ter -- Tedesco . . wlson ' . • _ Form Approved by City A � Adopted by Council: Date , ��--- . �, l'���, �- -�-6� Certified Passed by Council Secretary By� Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Councii Approved by Mavor: Date ay - By 4� , y r � � 1 e/�y, `/�_ I��v� i� '.�1 � '� �1 'i � ,� 1 � - ti . � • BQARD ALTICAV: Grant�ed varianoe of St. Paul Legislative Coc�, Section 54.13, pertaining t�o basement occ�ancies, to pezmit occ�zcy of two units more than 50� belaw grade, on condition that bedrooan . windows of each Lmit be replaced with escape-type wir�dr�ws no . higher than four feet frcm floo.r level or, as an alternative, • provide a step up to escape windows to facilitate access. � Property Description: S�mit Park Addition E. 3 Ft. of Lot 11 and Al1 of Lot 10, Block 16 1/13/81 59-80-H 1066 Ross Gary Stoltzman (thi�e tmits) BOARD ACrI�T: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.13, to pexmit occ�icy of first floor apartrnent where access fran one bedrocHn to the bathrocan is through another bedrocen. Property Description: Terry's Addition W: 1/2 of Lot 11, Block 8 ----------------------- 1/13/81 61-80-H , 532 Ashland TAC �, IlVC. (18 bedrooms) Reentry Servi�s �OARD ACTION: Granted variances of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 5�.14, pezta�ning to light and ventilation, to permit use of Ro�n 33 as a sleeping roan, and Section 54.17, pertaining to requirement of one bathroam facility for each five resicl�ents in a licensed rooming house, t�o permit an increase fran 30 residents to 38. Property Description: Woodland Park Addition Lot 7, Block 15 1/13/81 52-80-H 899 So. Cleveland City of St. Paul Public ' (144 tmits) Housing Agency 2. � ��,_,._ , , ; � . . A , �'76��5 :a � .�._ �. � 0 � � property Description: Audit,�r's Subdivision No. 87 S. 250 Ft. of N. 1530 54/100 Ft. Mol. Lying E. of A. L. 671 4/10 Ft. W. fr+o�nn and parallel to E. L. � of Sec. 17 of Lot 1 1/13/81 • 52-80-H . 1743 E. Iawa City of St. Paul Public � (148 t�its) Housing Agency Property Description: L. T. Lawtan's Subdivision of Lot 8 of Kerwin's Outlots Vac. Alley betwe�.n and Lots 5 thn� 26, Block 1 1/13/81 52-80-H 727 Front City of St. Paul Public (151 Lmits) Housing Agency Property Description: Ware and Hospi's Addition Vac. Ave. and Alleys Accruirig and Fol. Lots 23 thnx 27, Block 5, and Lots 8 thru 13, and I,ot 16 thru 23, Block 6 1/13/81 52-80-H 10-W. Exchange City of St. Paul Public � (194 units) Housing Agency property Descri�tion: Bazil and Guerin's Addition. NWly 5/6 of Lots 1 and 2, and NWly 2/3 of Lot 3, Block 8 1/13/81 52-80-H 1000 Edgertr�� City of St. Paul Public (220 �.its) Housing Agency ' Property Description: Arlington Hills Addition. Jenks St. Accruing as �ac. in Doc. 1836953 and Fol. : Lots 16 thru 22 and Lots 24 thru 26, Block 15. Also subject to Ave. : Lot 4, I,ots 6 thru 12 and N. 80 Ft. of Lots 13 thru 15, Block 16 1/13/81 52-80-H 777 N. Hamline City of St. Paul Public (186 tmits) Housing Agency Property Description: College Pla.oe East Division. S. 1/2 of Hubbard Ave. Vac. Accruing and Fol. : Ex. irl. 124 Ft. ; Lots 2 and 3 and All of Lots 1 and 4, Block 16 3. � i._1, _ -; ,:, WHITE = � CITY CLERK . � -' ' PINK"� � ' FINANCE . . . � . ����� CIMA/�.R�lf-� DEPARTMENT COU[fC1I �� �r �� . BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA L3 L File N O. � Council Resoluti�� — -PFesented--�; �______ rt_ �_. _.__ ._.____.__--- �_ _ _._----- Referred To Com�ittee: Date � � Out of Committee By Date • , • , . , �a �Iloaring app23s� bo ati pmapez�s Ii��ed � ir�c3a�c lC.�ies�. �-Ss � . HOARD ACt�101tz t��enbad var3a��oe c� St. �ni L�e�gtsl,ative t�o�. Sevtfw 54.09, pe�rtaiain3 t� dead bo�It Iac;k �neqesireo�►ts'ef�ectivQ .h�ne, 1982, � , ta pexmit pe�ma�nt ne0 af es3slitq +dae� bo1� loc�ts �ot ia ' «` wit�'�aid c�cx9a _ L� ..,a. ..�.... . ..,. , �i � a�d � it P� I�D� '1"!'1dt 'the Cft�► Cl� is � a�d dil+�ct�@�3 bD �t a e�apy o�€ thi� re�oluti�on �ar reoa�airq t� t3�re zt�e.p Oaaty offic�a af t3�e a�giaLe�r af D�ec�. � 4. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine � �f1 F8V0[ Maddox Showa�ce � Against BY _• Tedesco wlson FEB 10 198j- Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - - � �1 . t ,� -`„���, � - J��/ CerUfied Vassed by Council Secretary B�— � � " By / _ _ .. Approved by lilavor: Date �.L��1�.Q.� Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By _ BY � • ..�..�.� � j• � � � ? � � d � � � `. ' � I � �N f C �, �' � � � N' o � m , n �, � o -� ,�' o c 'm " � � $ � o � � � 7 . 7�. m � � �, � � g $ m � N (`;, -C o e o a � ,'`rt � cn � i.� 2 A � .► K � � v a,/ r� � G) � � �' � ^ D , � ` U t�l � � 0� � v � _ � � ' � rn Q ""' 4�re ; a� � �7N � N3 N ' K � � � � � � "► ` � .., �i ` . � . _ k'.. . - : � . a�1 � 3 �' `f� � STAT� 0� MINNFSOTA ) � County o� Ram,aey ) ea. � CITy 0� SAINT PAUL ) � I . . . . .Rose Mixi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ge f2 � , . . . . . . . . . . . .Ci.�y eh o b #he Cc.ty o� Sa.i.n,t Pau.�, M�inne,�o�a., do heneb y ceht,i.�y �ha;� I have compcviced �he aztached copy a� Caunc,i.e �.i.ee No�?6345. , a.a ado p.ted 6 y �he C�.ty Couv�c.� .Feb. �10: � . . � � � . . . . . ��1 , .. . . .. and appnoved by �'he Mayoh . . . . . . . . ..Feb: .l?: . . . . . . . . . . . 19g1. w.i�h �he on,ig�.na,e xheneo� on �.i.ee �.n my a���.ce. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . „� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . �r � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . ,�.,, . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i • • • • � • • • • • • � • • • • • • • • •� �� • • • � • • � • • • • • • • •� • • • •• • • • • �1 • � �. • • • • � � • w'\% � � • � • • • • • • • • • � • • • • � • • • • � • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � � • • • • • • • • • • • • � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � • •• • • � � • • - • • • • • • • • • • � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � • • • • � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � • • • • • • • • • � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • �� • • • • � • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • � � • • � • • • • • • • � • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • � • • • • • • � • • • • � • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • � • • • • • � � � • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •� • •• • • �• • � • • I �w�the�c ce�r,ti,�y �'h.a.t �aa.i.d copy .i,a a �u.ce and co�vr.e.at co; o b e a,id an,i.g.i,na.0 and �'he who.�e �'he�ceo S. UII TN�SS my hand and �'h.e a ea.0 o� �h.e Ci�y o� Scr„i.v�t Pau,�., � .� �v: , ' ��. �� 23rd � , ebruary .�.,�. ��1 ,� . ,. . . . . . y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � � ' % i , _ �/�. . . . .ti�rT. .:,. . . .; .� . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . � � C(•ty PlLf2. / Z � �1 � � � 0.� 4 —' � WNITE �- CITY CLERK R /�}� PINK - FINANCE � �C�/1r� CAN/►RY - DEPARTMENT , �I �`Y O� SA I � T �I�AU L COUflC1I V �aV BL•'�E - MAYOR . , • File � � ncil R esolution Presented By _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLUID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby oex�tifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of p,ppeals and Review pertaininq to the following listed property and as shcx�m by the �cerpted Mi nutes of said Boa� of Appeals and R�eview, dated January 13, 1981, and mar]ced EHIiIgIT A, an�1 attached hereto and macle a part hereof by reference: I]ATE OF BC��2D MINUI�S CASE NO. PROPER'I'Y APAF'f,T,ANr 1/13/81 58-80-H 475-481 Laurel Ave. F. Scott Fitzg�erald (12 tmits) Cor�do�nini�n Ass'n BC�AF� AC'I'ICI�T: Granted varianoe of Miruzesota Uniform Building Code, Article 13.03, Pertaining tA use of fire-rated materials, to permit o�ntinued occt�icY of 12 c�onc3�aninitun units, each equiPPed with doors and windc�ws which cb not cc�ly with fire-safety c7ode requiranents in the rear porch area, aft�es having received waivers signed bY ev+erY � car�daninitan vwner acknowledging and assuni.ng the risks created by e,,.,� this varianoe, vopies of which are marked EXfiIBIT B and inc�orporated � by referenoe. Said variance is to be reo�rded on de�d of each .��. c�d�ni�iun i.uZit, placing future purchasers on notioe of the t� varianoe granted herein, and a oopy of this resolution is t,� be � posted for two weeks in a conspicur�us and vam�n area of the aanck�niniLan cce�Qlex. Property Description: Woodland Park Additioal Apari�nent Ownership No. 19 ]mawn as F. Swtt Fitzgerald Condaniniun, being Lots 16, 17, & 18, Block 10, Woodland Park Addition, Apartrrent Nos. E-1 thru E6 and �a 1 thru W-6, and an tmdivided 8 1/3 interest 1/13/81 60-80-H 838 Linoo]n Greg Laszlo, Sr. - COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt - Levine �(1 FBVOi Maddox McMahon snoweiter Against BY Tedesco wison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne Certified Passed by Council Secretary B kZ�-�Ct- ` 'c"�-� � °1 J ' i gy, Approved by IWavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bl' - --- BY oZ � . � ;��r���� �OARD ACTICtJ: Granted varianc�e of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.13, pertaining t�o base�nt occt�ancies, to permit occ�.-�ncy of twn �.its more than 50� belaw gracle, on oonditio� that bedroo�n windaws of each tmit be replaced with escape-type wirx3�ws no higher th�-�n four feet frcen floar lev�el or, as an alte.rnative, ;� provicle a step up to escape windvws tA facilitate acoess. �"i � Property Description: Siamlit Park Addition � E. 3 Ft. of Lot 11 and All of Lot 10, Block 16 � � -------------------------- � 1/13/81 59-80-H 1066 Ross Gazy Stolt�-ui (three Lmits) BQ�1RD ACI'ICt�T: Grantsd variance of St. Paul Legislativ�e C�, Section 54.13, to pennit occupancy of first floor apart�nt where acoess frcm one bedroan to the bathroan is through another bedr�oan. _ Property Description: �erry's Addition W. 1/2 of Lot 11, Block 8 � 1/13/81 61-80-H 532 Ashland TAC �in1D, IlVC. (18 bedroo�ttis) Reentry Servic�s �0�1RD ACTION: C�anted variances of St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 54.14, pertaining tA light and ventilation, to permit use of Rocan 33 as a sleeping roan, and Sectioaz 54.17, pert��*��g to r�quiremPnt of arie bathroom facility for each five residents in a lioensed roo�ning house, to nP�+;t an increase fran 30 residents to 38. Property Description: Woodland Park Addition Lot 7, Block 15 1/13/81 52-80-H 899 So. Cleveland City of St. Paul Public (144 tmits) Housing Agency 2. . `� __ ;,.;,, .1 �,i .� � ��6�� ,'� Prc�erty Description: AuditAr's Subdi.vision No. 87 H S. 250 Ft. of N. 1530 54/100 Ft. Mol. Lying E. of � A. L. 671 4/10 Ft. W. froan and parallel to E. L. � of Sec. 17 of Lot 1 � 1/13/81 52-80-H 1743 E. Iowa City of St. Paul Public (148 units) Housing Agency � Prc�.rty Description: L. T. Lawt�'s Subdivision of Lot 8 of Kerwin's Outlots Vac. Alley between and Lots 5 thru 26, Bloc)c 1 1/13/81 52-80-H 727 Front City of St. Paul Public (151 tmits) Housin9 A9��Y ProPertY Descriptiari: Ware and Hospi's Addition Vac. Ave.' and Alleys Accruing and Fol. Lots 23 thni 27, � Block 5, and Lots 8 thru 13, and Lot 16 thn� 23, Block 6 1/13/81 52-80-H 10 W. Exchange City of St. Paul Public (194 Lmits) Housing A9��Y Property Descriptian: Bazil and Guexin's Addition. NWly 5/6 of Lots 1 and 2, and NWly 2/3 of Lot 3, Block 8 1/13/81 52-80-H 1000 EdgertAn City of St. Paul Public (220 �i.ts) HoUSing Agency Property Description: Arlingtan Hills Addition. Jenks St. Accruing as Vac. in Doc. 1836953 and Fol. : Lots 16 thru 22 and Ipts 24 thru 26, Block 15. Also subject to Ave. : Ipt 4, Lots 6 thru 12 and N. 80 Ft. of Lots 13 thru 15, Block 16 1/13/81 52-80-H 777 N. Hamline City of St. Paul Public (186 Lmi.ts) Housing Agency Praperty Description: College Plaoe East Division. S. 1/2 of Hubbard Ave. Vac. Accn,;ra and Fol. : Ex. W. 124 Ft. ; Lots 2 and 3 and All of Lots 1 and 4, Block 16 3. y _-'�(�j: L. .�, > 1], WHITF �- CITY CLERK R�'((� pINK - FINANCE � COUflCI� / /r1��� BLyC RY - MAYOR MENT „ G I T Y O F S A I N T I A U L File N O. �v� ���� � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The following applies to all properties list�ed above tmder Case No. 52-80-H: ,� B0�2D ACTI�T: Granted variance of St. Paul Legislative Code, Sectiari 54.09, � pertaining tA dead bolt lock requirgnents effective Jtme, 1982, � to pernnit pernkanent use of existing dead bolt locks not in :�. ��lianoe with sai.d oode regulation. � !�-� -------------------------- � and be it FUI�IER RE�OLUED, That the City Clerk is hereby autYiorized and directed to tran.sRU.t a oopy of this resolution for re�rcling tA the Ran�sey Cotmty Offioe of the Regist,er of Deeds. 4. COUNCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine lfl FBVOf Maddox McMahon � sno�ite� A gai n s t BY Tedesco �Ison FES 1 0 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted-by Coun . Date _` . Ce �d :ed b Council S re ry gy—�G� t' ���'�L •h����� , �- 3, � _ Approv d �favor: Da ` Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - BY FEg 21 198�- �5 � � '' y � . " , . `C—� �' cp � � � � �-1 - , � � r n'1 �i � � m =�' �,' u = m n °��' � c�o �- o °� � o ;,�e � -. �t • Z � �i � v � � � � � � � -� \£2. n � p � Z � �^{ t-� 7 <;, �� p ..* � � n7 ,F � � .� 0 � � r � � � . � .+s � T ca ,.; - � , � � ao � � � D 1�/�� � 7i ry O W O �] � T � • a � `' � � � � �.,�. � � ,• � � '� ;v CD � � � � • � � �� � � � N ! � � � �� �- � � � • �G rt n�i � .. C �"r � M>, .r; iA. � -°�1���;: � .�� � � ������� � ��6�4� ' � January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the eight fee owners living in the six units of the-F. -Scott Fitzgerald condominiu�n build- ing at 475-477 Laurel Avenue, here stat� that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retent�on of the original decorative glass in the r2ar doors and windovrs of their units, and willing- ly choose ta do without the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is respectfully requested. _ E-1 Tani-s Oksendahl ' �� � ,��, �.i/�'�L1�'o " .�� - ✓ � E-2 Molly Cuiligan ;r � � ' - „ �v E-3 Bob Thorson �(,� . � 7 � E-4 Peter Krembs � �` �,,,,� 3 � �� ,.� � �'�)t� E-5 Frank & Pam Harri s �;'„� �' �� ��ti� �« �..�.. �'' n�-� --�.� E-6 Jim & Cathy Ingebretsen �� - ��%y� � �i This instrument was prepared by: Subscribed and sworn to be e me this � day �� _ ,�/ Ja u ry, 1981 . ���,�� j - � - �/ �,�� . �t.?1��` Notar Public $ f:�%�.,` PAM�IA M. HARRIS ';;K.11 �+ NOTAAY PUBUG-MlNKC507A t ��� ° RAIvISEY CUUNTY a �� My Commission Expiree i�+ov. i. 1388 ; ��s�45 � January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the eight fee owners living in the six units of the F. Scott Fitzgerald condominium bui1d- ing at 475-477 Laurel Avenue, here s�tate that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the ariginal decorative glass in the rear doors and windows of their units, and willing- ly choose ta do without the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is respectfully requested. E-1 Tanis Oksendahl �-�_�[/'�����fG��,z;�.�.-�,, , � � E-2 Molly Culligan f' � " ? �' � E-3 8ob Thorson �(,� E-4 Peter Krembs � �a ? E-5 Frank & P --�--- ,� ,� :'�i��.!/t;�I�i�t�. am Harris -.�,,�,,.,, ,:-� j�.� E-6 Jim & Cathy Ingebretsen "`����� � ,____,� This instrument was prepared by: Subscribed and sworn to � bef e me this � day , � /� Ja u ry, 1981 . • / %— � — �i �u�c�. �.���� . Notar Public f,;:r�,�, PAM�LA M. HARRIS .,`��,St fyqTARY PUBLIG-�dlNNESOTA �tt�� RAMSEY CUUNTY '�9�� My Gomm��sion Eap'�ree�1ov. 1. 19AQ � ��16��� � January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the eight fee owners living in the six units of the F. Scott Fitzgerald condominium build- ing at 475-477 Laurel Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the original decorative glass in the rear doors and windows of their units, and willing- ly choose to do without the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is respectfully requested. /�� E-1 Tanis Oksendahl � �, ,�.tir��! I 21.����.�,,.�.r .__. � E-2 Molly Culligan " " �' .-�� sto E-3 Bob Thorson �L� E-4 Peter Krembs � , *�,�� / - ' '":',l / � )I_ E-5 n ._�--- �a�` f :��tu�..�/h��`�j��� Fra k & Pam Harr�s �,�,,.,� ;-,� � '�i'���u� f� , , ,-�C..i E-6 Jim & Cathy Ingebretsen "`,� �,,,�, � This instrument was prepared by: Subscribed and sworn to / � be e me this � day // Ja u ry, 1981 . . I r�' ,/fi...��� . . � � — � -- �� �,�;�� Zl.��4,� Notar Public f:r� PAMELA M. }-lARRIS �, �t �� NO�AAY PUBLIG-�INNESOTA ����a��, RAMSEY CUUMTY �++►�J i.4y Commission Expire�Nov. 1. 1986 ��s��� � January 1981 The undersigned, being a11 of the eight fee o��ners �iving in the six units of. the F. Scott Fitzgerald condominium build- ing at 475-477 Laure7 Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the original decorative glass in the rear doors and windows of their units, and willing- ly choose ta do without the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is respectfully requested. � E-1 Tani s Oksendahl ����,��.��f�2��:��,,��, ✓ .r, � E-2 Molly Culligan '' ? E-3 Bob Thorson �(,� �� E-4 Peter Krembs ; �` � � E-5 Frank & P � � .pi' ' "',�ji� am Ha rr�s , :-r,�,,_ �t,.� �c'c.7',u�-i.. r�-+�! E-6 Jim & Cathy Ingebretsen /; This instrument was prepared by: Subscribed and sworn to � be e me this � day °;%�� � " Ja u ry, 1981 . '���� /-- � — �/ �,�� , tc.)?��-' Notar Publ ic ,_:��PAMEIA M. HAARIS .',�.,Z � t�FpTARV PUBLIG-�A�NNESQ7A. '•��, flAMSEY CUUNTY .� My Comm�3sion Expire!Nw.i. 19B6 IGi4�V��� � January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the eight fee owners 1`�ving in the six units of the F. Scott Fitzgerald condominium build- ing at 475-477 Laurel Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the original decorative glass in the rear doors and urindows of thear units, and willing- ly choose to do without the protection of wire-impregnated fTre glass. Accordingly, a variance is respectfuily requested. E-1 Tanis Oksendahl �i>21��l��?���,��� :� , � � E-2 Molly Culligan _ f � l'�/ E-3 Bob Thorson �t� E-4 Peter Krembs �' � E-5 Fr nk . � �` �,,� ` j/��''��Z� a & Pam Harri s ,��.a,,�..,, ;, � j/�t.� lCf�.�ly*C.C-� ��- �i/ i 1L"/ . E-6 Jim & Cathy Ingebretsen ��„�� �� _ -- This instrument was prepared by: Subscribed and sworn to be e me this � day ,�j / Ja u ry, 1981 . � � � ��� �%�j %- �/ - �/ (�,��, Zt.?�t� Notar Public }:«�; PAMCLA M. HARR15 ��!;g,,Tx • t+tpTaRY Pt18lIG-�iNN£SOTA '�,�a,� `` AAMSEY CUUNi'Y t "�"k"k/ 0.Ry Cammission Experes t4o+r. 1, t�ff �,�6�c�� � January 1981 ` The undersigned, being all of the eight fee oNrners living in the six units of the F. Scott Fitzgerald condominium build- ing at 475-477 Laurel Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the original decorative glass in the rear doors and windows of their units, and wiTling-- ly choose to do without the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is respectfully requested. � � r _ E-1 Tanis Oksendahi /,�f���,;����� � ����� . �. E-2 Molly Culligan ,f "' � �� it,.r E-3 Bob Thorson �(,�Z�;�%-e`- E-4 Peter Krembs � ry � ) � � ,��/ �� �� E-5 Frank & Pam Harri s �., r :�;� �j,�ci! �� r�`� �l`.�. r� _ / «t7,��--�-�-- �� �..�..� . ; -.�c..,� E-6 Jim & Cathy Ingebretsen � F - This instrument was prepared by: Subscribed and sworn to � / � be e me this � day � Ja u ry, 1981 . .�! %- � - �/ �u�t�,. . �.>>�� Notar Public �.-:r°=� PAMELA tv1. HARRIS :�,�t + tdpTAAY PUBIIG-�AlNHE507A `� RAMSEY CUUi�!'!'Y :`o,� ` '�i�,.� My Cemm�ssion Expitsa t`bv!. i. 18lSB ������� January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the nine fee owners living in the six units of the F. Scott Fi.tzgerald condominium build- ing at 479-48T Laurel Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the original decorative glass in the rear doors and windows of their units, and willing- ly choose to do witf�out the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is res- e f requested. �� . ��� _ � W-1 Mark & Chiya Bauer ��'`" , � C ,, W-2 Ragnhild Westby �' � 1 i , ' ��_. --� W-3 Dick & Lois McDermott � .};4�r'���\1`���•ti,y�� � . �.� g 1 / - G� �'�` x W-4 / �; ':��G�-�.'=�� ��'��'-G2.� W-5 Theresa Byrne '�~ r^ � N W-6 Jim McCarthy � � `'�� ` This instrument was prepared by: Subs ' ed and s��p rn to � r--- bef re e thi s �`M� day /' Ja uar , 1981 . - 1�t � � -- �o ���. . �, ,�. Notar Public ,-�',:;��1 PAMELA le+i. HARRIS � ;� �� �� ►rpTARY PUBI,tG-MINNESOTA °•''� RAMSEY CUUNTY � lriy Comm�ssron Exp�re�Nov. i. 198� �Jd 6��� January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the nine fee owners living in. the six units of_the F. Scott Fitzgerald condominium build- . _ ing at 479-481 Laurel Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the original decorative glass in the rear doors and windows of their units, and Vrilling- ly choose to do without the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is res- e f requested. �� . �1�' � W-1 Mark & Chiya Bauer ��'�'` W-2 Ragnhi l d 4lestby �; t, '; �C. ��" �_..__ _.. - � W-3 Dick & Lois McDermott },;�.�,�`��,`'�'�c.�;�,.t....,�v'\ � !•d-4 /�/���" � ,.'.��� ��zC�e.� 1/ i W-5 Theresa Byrne ' ��;,;;;�, �. -�--��_�� — W-6 Jim McCarthy ! , a��� ` � � r ; This instrument was prepared by: Subs ' ed and s,�p rn to � bef re e this $?�., day � / Ja uar , i 981 . - ..��. �' �-,� � _ �� ���.. � / � . �� �— Notar Public ,�':y�:; �AMELA M. NAFiAiS s n •�"�t �� NOTAAY?L181i�•1uUMTiESOTA 'r� i�A1�tSEY CUUNTY `�'1.°_t..• ►�ly Commuaion fxpires Nov.i, t966 ����6��� January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the nine fee owners living _ in the six units:of the F. Scott Fitzgerald condominium build- ing at 479-481 Laurel Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retentian of the original decorative - glass in the rear doors and windows of their units, and willing- ly choose to do without the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is res Re f requested. J�� ��-' ` r W-1 Mark & Chiya Bauer ��'` r C�, � W-2 Ragnhi 1 d WestbY �( Q�.I�)�.� �____ __� � 4J-3 Dick & Lois McDermott � ��� � �L�•,.,.� � �� '�.r�..y�v� � � _ o � I) �.. � , _ W-4 � % ����,.-�_��� ���-z. � W-5 Theresa Byrne ' � � � ��` � W-6 Jim McCarthy � � ` This instrument was prepared by: Subs ' ed and s rn to � . bef re e thi s �., day Ja uar , 1981 . `" _ ?5 � ��+'�tx.ct. � � � �� �— Notar Public ,�%'�� . PAMEIA M. HAARtS ,'� f� �• PJOTARV PU9liG•�ifNNE50TA �•� RAMSEY CUUAl7Y 2 ��� tvfy Comm�sa�ort Expiref Nor. 1, 1958 �`i���� January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the nine fee owners living in the six units of the F. Scott Fitzgerald condominium build- ing at 479-481 Laurel Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the original decorative glass in the rear doors and windo�is of their units, and willing- ly choose to do �raithout the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is re�pe f�r requested. `�,- :���" W-1 Mark & Chiya Bauer ��'t'" � W-2 Ragnhild Westby _:; ^, 1 r} � � �--- _� W-3 Dick & Lois McDermott • .,�:,�,,,�,�`�'��� `����;�,.�.��v� � � � , � , _ w-4 � � � 4�1�-==- �' �..���-� W-5 Theresa Byrne '�l ��,,� ._ `� � W-6 Jim McCarthy ��� � °� ` � This instrument was prepared by: Subs ' ed and s,�p rn to l bef re e thi s �� day / - Ja uar , 1981 . �� � - �i �� . �� ` � ,�- Notar Public �..��;� PAMELA M. NAAAIS „ws ff u AiOTAqY pUBIIG•MINNESOTA �� RAMSEY CUUl�tTY �`� My Commission Expires Nov. i. i9?9 ' ��r 6�4� January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the nine fee owners living in the six units of the F. Scott Fitzgerald corrdominium build- ing at 479-481 Laurel Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the original decorative glass in the rear doors and windows of their units, and willing- 1y choose to do without the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is res-pe 'f requested. ��� ��= � � W-1 Mark & Chiya Bauer � - � �� �r W-2 Ragnhi 1 d Westby ,' � , z��f�-�-L.___. .. ,_l - , ;�', \ �, ,.`. . W-3 Di ck & Loi s McDermott ' ..,;����.�, �����,��i W-4 � � ���` � ��z�z ��_��� W-5 Theresa Byrne � � � W-6 Jim McCarthy ' �,. � � � � This instrument was prepared by: Subs ' ed and s rn to ,,�-� bef re e thi s �,, day Ja uar , 1981 . �� ` � -- �� ����... . » . � Notar Public ,.'.%%�ti, PAMELA M. NARRiS � ;� It �� P3OTAiiY pUgIIG•�lNNESOTA ���a� RAMSEY CUUMTY + `+��� ►.ly Comrn�sa�on Expl�es Nov. i. 19R8 �`i���� January 1981 The undersigned, being all of the nine fee owners living in the six units of the F. Scott Fitzgerald condominium build- ing at 479-481 Laurel Avenue, here state that they knowingly assume the risk inherent in retention of the original decorative glass in the rear doors and windows of their units, and willing- ly choose to do without the protection of wire-impregnated fire glass. Accordingly, a variance is re�- e f requested. G'� . ��-' - � W-i Mark & Chiya Bauer ��'�` � 1�, ; W-2 Ragnhild Westby �����,���� \�-__- -1 : �,;. \ �� . 41-3 Dick & Lois McDermott ��,,,�r.�, `�ti"�.���v� � s � i� � _ > W-4 l �, z?`G,.-.--. �-����� W-5 Theresa Byrne ���.`��, W-6 Jim McCarthy 4 a ' c This instrument was prepared by: Subs ' ed and s,yd,p rn to �- bef re e thi s �?�1., day Ja uar , 1981 . � � /�-- � � �/ ���.� �� �-- Notar Public ,�'�•* PAMELA M. HARRiS ���� �� NpTARY PU9UG•�fINN$SOTA �t��t� `' RAMS�Y CUUNTY `�A1c..• My Commi�slon Exp�rot Plov.i. 1995 1/13/81 - Meeting No. 16� MINUTES OF THE MEETING �/6��� � ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS � REVIEjV Tuesday, January 13 , 1981. Room 707 City Hall, 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Members Present : Ron Glassman, Chairman Glenn Gausman A. Wali Naibi tiVilliam L. Tilton Rudolph Sawyer Harold D. Knutson l�iembers Absent : None Agencies Present : Department of Community Ser.vices : Alice Bijjani - Housing Code Enforcement Division Wm. McCausland - Public Health Division Public Housing Agency : Russ Harju Donald D. Paul , Police Dep artment : Officer Michael Perzichilli Others Present : Frank V. Harris , Catherine Ingebretsen , R.Williams , Bruce Giendenen , Gary Stoltzman, Greg Laszlo, Sr. , Lana Cheatham Staff Present : Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order at 1: 35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of December 9 , 1980 , were approved as distributed. Chairman Glassman welcomed the three new members , Messrs . Tilton , Sa��yer, und Knuts on . The chairman called for nominations to the post of vice chairman . P:ir. Naibi was nominated and elected unanimously. -6- 1/13/8I - Meeting No. 169 61- 80 532 Ashland TAC TtVO, INC. (18 bedrooms) Reentry Services SUBJECT: Request variance on S�ction 54. 14 , St. Paul Legislative Code , pertaining to light and ventilation , for Room 33, and variaa�ce on Section 54 . 17 , pertaining to number of bathrooms in a rooming house in relation to ths number of residents , to permit occupancy of room with less than minimum light requirements and an in crease from 30 to 38 residents , respectively , because of the need for this type of facility. APPEARANCE : Bruce Clenderien , R. Williams , representing appellant Wm. McCausland, representing Dept. of Public Health PROCEEDINGS : Mr. tiVilliams explained that his organizatian was licensed as a residential type of halfway house by the state ' s Dept. of Corrections . Under state requirements , the facilities would allow for over 40 people , but the city health regulations for a rooming house require one bathroom per six residents . There are fiv�` complete bathrooms , plus an additional toilet, which, under state licensing , would qualify for the requested increase in number of residents to 38 . In the matter of instzfficient light for Room 33 , it has been used as a conference room, but appellant wished to convert it to an additional bedroom. The window area provided about 7�0 of the floor area in light and ventilation , as �compared with state rec{uirements Qf 8% and city requirements of 10% . M�r. McCausland stated that his agency would have no objection to the appellant ' s requests . BOARD ACTION: Asr. Tilton moved that vaxiances on Sections 54 . 14 and 54 . 17, St. Paul Legislative Code , be granted, limited to the pxesent use and method �of operation by the appellant organization, TAC TtiVO, INC. , Reentry Services . Mr. Knutson seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nayes - 0 Abstentions - Q ljl3/8Z - Meeting No. Ib9 ���V"f� - MINUTES OF THE I�4EETING ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS �, REVIEj�V Tuesday, January 13 , 1981 Room 707 City Hall , 15 6V. Kellogg Blvd. Nlembers Present : Ron Glassman, Chairman Glenn Gausman A. �Yali Naibi William L. Tilton Rudolph Sawyer Harold D. Knutson I��iembers Absent : None Agencies Present : Department of Community Services: Alice Bijjani - Housing Code Enforcement Division Wm. McCausland - Public Health Division Public Housing Agency : RusS Harj u Donald D. Paul Police Department : Officer P�Iichael Perzichilli Others Present : Frank V. Harris , Cat�ierine Ingebretsen, R.tiVilliams , Bruce Glendenen , Gary Sto2tzman, Greg Laszlo, Sr. , Lana Cheatham Staff Present : Patricia Moxness The meeting tiaas called to order at 1 : 35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of December 9 , 1980 , were approved as distributed. Chairman Glassman cvelcomed the three new members , Messrs . Tilton , Sawyer, un d Knutson. The chairman called for nominations to the post of vice chairman . r1r. Naibi i�ras nominated and elected unanimously. • -4- 1/13/81 . - Meeting No. 169 59- 80-H 1066 Ross Gary Stoltzrnan (three units) SUBJECT : Reauest variances on Sections 54. 11 , pertaining to basic facilities , and 54. 13 , pertaining to access to bathrooms , to permit occupancy of unit where bathroom lacks handsink and occupancy of three-bedroam unit where access to bathroom requires passing through a bedroom, respectively , because of practical dif�iculty and financial considera.tions . APPEARANCE : Gary Sfioltzman PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Stoltzman stated that he had completed extensive rehahilitation of his building, but there was no space to put in a handsink in the small third-floor unit , although the kitchen sink was within si.x �'eet of the b athroom entrance. The other situation for which he also asked a variance iaas the access arrangement in the first floor three-bedroom apartment wher.e it was necessary to pass through a bedroom to reach the bathroom from one of the other bedrooms . BOARD ACTION : Mr. Knutson moved to grant a variance on Section 54. 11, to permit occupancy of the third floor unit where the bathroom lacked a handsink. Mr. Tilton seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 4 Nays - 2 (Naibi � Gau�man) No abstentions Regarding the bathroom access problem in the first floor unit , Mr. Knutson suggested walling off a corner of the bedroom to provide privacy at the entrance area of the bathroom. Chairman Glassman suggested that the unit be rented as a two-bedroom apartment, with the third bedroom to be used as a sewing room, den, or any other use except as a bedroom. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Naibi moved to grant a variance on Section 54. 13 , to permit occupancy of the three-bedroom first floor ap artment where access from one of the bzdrooms to the bathroom could be gained only by passing through another bedroom. Mr. Tilton seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. T�iE VOTE : Ayes - 5 Nays - 1 (Knutson) No abstentions 1/13/81 - Meeting No, lh9 b, � � � - .:� , ... MINUTES OF THE MEETING � ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS F� REVIEtiU Tuesday, January 1� , 1981 - Room 707 City Hall , 15 1V. Kellogg Blvd. Members Present : Ron Glassman, Chairman - - - Glenn Gausman A. Wali Naibi William L. Tilton Rudolph Sawyer Harold D. Knutson Members Absent : None Agencies Present : Department o£ Community Services : Alice Bijjani - Housing Code Enforcement Division Wm. bicCausland - Public Health Division _ Public Housing Agency; Russ Harju Donald D. Paul Police Department : Officer Michael Perzichilli Others Present : Frank V. Harris , Catherine Ingebretsen , R.�dilliams , Bruce Glendenen , Gary Stoltzman, Greg Laszlo, Sr. , Lana Cheatham Staff Present : Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order at 1: 35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of December 9 , 1980 , were approved as distributed. Chairman Glassman welcomed the three neti,r members , Messrs . Tilton , Sawyer, �.nd Knutson. The chairman called for nominations to the post of vice chairman. Mr. Naibi �aas nominated and elected unanimous-ly. - 3- 1/13/31 - A�eeting No. 169 60- 80-H 838 Lincoln Greg Laszlo, Sr. (10 units) SUBJECT: Request variance on Section 54. 13, St. Paul Legislative Code , to permit occupancy of two apartments more than 50o below grade , because of financial considerations . APPEARANCE : Greg Laszlo, Sr. PROCEEDINGS : Alice Bijjani reported that the two apartments were very attractive , but the windows were 4% ft. above floor level and some�ehat unsatisfactory for use as escape windows . Sill height should be no more than 4 ft. BOARD ACTION: Mr. Gausman moved to grant a variance of Section 54. 13, to permit occupancy of two basement units , on condition that the bedroom win- dows of each unit be replaced with escape type windot�rs , and that either the window sill height be lowered to four ft . or a step up be provided under the escape windo�,�s . Mr. Sawyer seconded. MOTION CARRIED AND SO ORDERED. THE VOTE : Ayes - 6 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0 1/13/81 - Meeting �o. lb9 �tl���� . MINUTES OF THE MEETI�IG ST. PAUL BOARD OF APPE�LS• F� REVIEtiN Tuesday, January 13 , 1981 Room 707 City Hall , 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. Niembers Present : Ron Glassman, Chairman Glenn Gausman A. ti+lali Naibi William L. Tilton Rudolph Sawyer Harold D. Knutson Members Absent : None Agencies Present : Department of Community Services : Alice Bijjani - Housing Code Enforcement Division Wm. McCausland - Public Health Division Public Housing Agency : Russ Harju Donald D. Paul Police Department : Officer P�Iichael Perzichilli Others Present : Frank V. Harris , Catherine Ingebretsen , R.til�illiams , Bruce Giendenen , Gary Stoltzman, Greg Laszlo, Sr. , Lan a Cheatham Staff Present : Patricia Moxness The meeting was called to order at 1 : 35 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of December 9 , 1980 , were approved as distributed. Chairman Glassman welcomed the three new members , Messrs . Tilton , Sacayer, und Knutson. The chairman called for nominations to the post of vice chairman . i�ir. Naibi was nominated and elected unanimously. - 3- 1/13/81 - Meeti�g No. 169 - � APPEARANCE : Catherine Ingebretsen , Frank V. Harris , owner-residents of two units PROCEEDINGS : Mr. Harris stated that the city had ordered replaeement of certain beveled- glass windows in the rear porch areas of each unit with wire g2ass . All o�aners of the 12 condominiums had signed a statement indicating their wi,11- ingness to assume the risk inherent if allowed to retain the exlsting windows . Mrs . Ingebretsen said there were smoke detectors and fire extinguishexs �.n each of the back stairiaells . The otaners had obtained bids of approaimately $2 ,000 for replacement of the twelve kitchen windows , but this did not include replacement of glass in the doors , which the bidder was unwil�i�g to bid on. BOARD ACTION : hir. Gausman moved that a variance on Section 13. 03, Uniform Builciing Code , be granted, on condition that an affidavit confirming willingness to assume the risk inherent in retaining tvindows and doors that do not meet fire safety specifications be signed by each unit oti,mer, to be recorded on the abstract of each p roperty. T•Ir. Naibi seconded. MOTION CARRIED A:VD SO ORDERED. THE VOTE: Ayes - 6 Nays - 0 Abstentions - 0