276343 ��r'���; CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER By File No. � 10786 th�t� $ 1G796 In the Matter of ao��r�ribg ar r�coaa�xnc ting •id�a t�es sai work ia�id�at.�l tbrr�t�a $ 1078b MQ�cth si��t vf � SQAD ts�an So. t�e�iagtoa lktry. to va+e��t+e� fMSrgreaa �lr�cs. 8 1A787 fouth sids ot' A�'T�6 AiR. �raf t�at.s�rarth �t. ta 'lUras��t A�e. S 10788 �cwth sid+� at ��? AY�. iraN �s�cal St. to Bsrste►� I�t. . aLuctio� 1�i84 oaly� S 10784 Y�rst sida of t�AL'!I!R iT. ltas W. Gott+r�s ,��w. to 1►rli��ta� AwR, B 10?9t� �outh �t�a ot !'t�klAnT A'�R. Yra� t�u�t�s�rorth 8t. to Ne+�t Y0�'. � 1a791 rorcn aias r�f N: c�►i,arrE�ltu A1ts. �ra. c!�lo:d ac. to fi..t as•. S:�I0792 ioth sLdfs ot �!1 1tY�. ♦t �6►,b2,66.7I,7�,79.8�,9T, 6 130 tftin �ad th�r dltis aiAe ot 22T9, ��6Q �i�twaad. 8 1�79� l�s t side ot C?IS J►iR. f ro�s Cl��ial� S r. co Rw tia S trs�t a t Sl�Q i�W S�tt� Atir. S 10?94 i�th sidea Qi i�A�Y AYI�. �ra�, Snth �t. to liorto�ia l�t.. Ebuttiag l940, 1S4b� 1473 s 1979 t 3885� 19�i3 aw1 �011 R�ioltp. S IA79S �ot3� �idss o� R. �tt AYt. frae l�ia aw. to �st •t Z120, Zl�b, 213Z, 213�, sad 2143 �s. �t 11374� le�tb Rid�s a! E. J'i�AMil� A{tt, fra� Mai�oai� Ave to l�st at 214� �e+� 31�8 3essawi�at. ' ��. w• under Administrative Order approved under Preliminary Order ���j�d Q approved / /�'�� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shail report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. FEB 1 0 1981 COUNCILMEN Adopted b uncil: Date Yeas Nays ertified Pa Counc' S cr t �..��Z�� Hunt .r tint Levine d In Favor �-- � Maddox ����`� McMahort Against �� ' �'�` Showalter Mayor M C "1'1:�i! Tedesco S � I;tt� wi�son . edesco� �� �EB 21 1581 � / ,. � � T: �' AUL � I �" Y COl1 �V � 1 � PUB �. IC HEARING �V � TICE �T�, *� -, �����. SIDEWA�. K CC� NSTRUCT � ON � F1LE NQ. Slo�sb PAGE PU R P 0 SE � T� ��`1« �r whether ro �?receed w��� pu51�� �����:z��: �.��SrrL�- ��o� � LO CAT 10 N � North side of EDGCUMBE ROAD from S Lexin�ton Pkwy. to . j vacated Evergreen Place. L � HEARiNG Tues�a�, February 10, 1981 at 1�:�� �-'' ; � Cit�� �our.cii Char�bers, 3rd F1oor City nall ; . ` ASSESSAAENT If the Council approves the project, a portien o' tne costs mav be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated • ' INFORMA�'ION ` �ssessmer.ts are as `ollows: � RECO\STRt�C'IIO`d (replace existing waik)---��0 :SSrSSIr��T I rIRST TIME CONSTRL'CTIOV of �' walk (where nor.e e_tiists) �or i and ? familv propertv------55.00 ner foot � Fer al1 otner ^roperty-----------58. ��� ?er .`oo� I In addit,�on, cn2rges ror e:�:tra wo-k, such as acc�_�or.a1 s��'e- � i walk wld�h, d_-ivewa�- construction, etc. �•-i1' �e :�,.ed to t�:e � assessTent for t':�e beneritted prcae-t��. � - i i� tt1�:S 1S � LlZ'SC C1T^E constructior.� ri'.0 �l�`: �:"1.^.C1�. :�li� il0_C 3 Cll}J11C �":E:3riI1�' aFrt'T tCle S1.'�E_'�,3i�: 1S `""',.^.'-E'C?'�. _:';° Ipuraose a� tha� hearir.g �.a;�l be �o ratif�• r.�:e ��sess�ents ror t;,e project. :ou :ai�l receive a r.ot�ce at ^a*_ ti:�e � Iad�-isir.� vot. oL the amount vou will. be reou�rec �o �a�•. Q V�ST� �1� S CO`;STR�C:'IO�i - 298-'�?5� ASSESS�tE:;'�' - ?98-�125 � IAlse, :.��•,• sta�f �aill be availal;;e �o answ�er �,��-iast mir.ut_ c.iiestior,s or. this proiect ;n Roon ?18 !;it�• I?�L ro:�: 9' 30 I10:00 �M ti�e sa�e dav as t7e heari^,. I t � ;otice ser.t January 23 , 1981 the �.'�._,.�_��.,.. a:�r: �sses�:ne�t �_ . :si„^ vcD2it�E'.*'.0 O-` . �^<I1��_ �_.._. ..__..� ,'_2'::c`.it ..._"_"�:iC@,S.' ' � ROO": _ L�; r:L�T �LL_ - .,OL._ . .__!S' �:�. p:'_l'l . ...�'�.'1F�O��= - �- j � f. -. �� � � � � � � � b � � �/ �/ � � V f ` h'�r,w%�TA!'"'4/���•ay dGr ��t�`3�?1 PU � L. IC � EAf� ING �i0T1 � E SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION F I LE N0. s io�s� . PAGE r U R f o �' E To decide on whether to �roceed with public sidewal� construc- tion LO CAT 10 N South side of ARMSTRONG AVENUE from Chatsworth Street to Pleasant Avenue. HEARING Tuesday, gebruary 10, 1981 at 1^:00 A:'�t Citv Council Cnambers, 3rd Floor City Hall A S S E S S INlE N T If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs mav be assessed against benefitted properties. The estir�ated � 1 N F 0 R M AT f 0 N assessments are as follows: RECO\STRt'CTZON (replace existir.g walk)---ti0 ASSESSMEtiT FIRST TIME CONSTRUCTION of 5' walk (where none exists) ror 1 and 2 famil�� property------$5.00 per foot For all other property-----------S8.00 per foot In addition, charges for extra work, such as additional side- ! walk width, drivewav construction, etc. will be added to the I assessment for the benefitted propert�. if this is a iirst time constructior., the Cit� Council will hold a public hearing after the sidewali: is completed. The purpose of that hearing aill be to ratif.�� the assessments ror the project. You will receive a notice at that time advising you of the amount vou will be required to pa�. Q U E S T I 0 N S CO\TSTRLCTIOV - 298-42�5 ASSESSMEtiT - 29$-5125 Also, Cit� staff will be available to answer anv last minute questions or. this proiect in Room 218 City Hall from 9: 30 - 10:00 AM the same da� as the hearinQ. ?�o[ice sent January 23, 1981 � n�: the �'aluati.or. an� assessment Di�ision De�artment o_` Finar.�.e ar.d '�anagement Services Roo;� ?18 Citt� Ha1i - �ourt house St. Paul. "`i^nesot,-i 5�10`' i ,� ' ' , ti /.."! � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � : � � E� �. � � � EAh� ING �i0 �' i � � ������� SIDEiNALK � ONST � UCTIC� N F I L E N 0. s 4.o�as � PAGE 1 F?uR � OSE i To �e�i�� on whether to �roceed wi�:; puhlic s:ceG:a.l:�: cer.struc- i ( �'-=� 1 LO �Q��O i� � South side of SUI�'Il�fIT AVENUE from Pascal S treet to Saratoga ( � i Street, abutting ��1484 only. j � H�A�� �� , �'uesda�.�, Februa ry 10, 1981 a t i�:'�:� y=•`- ' � � � Cit-: '�o��r:�il Chambers, 3rd rloor Cit�:- :iaii , �SSESS�111EN�' If t7e Council approves the project, a portien of L'ne costs I :�av be assessed against benefitted p�operties. '''he estimated � IN�ORMA�'�ON � assessme^ts are as follows: I ` F�C!�`:STRt'CTIOti (replace existi^� ��a�k;---'�0 AS��SS:�I�'�'" I =IP.S'� TIME CO�STRL'CTION of 5' �.:a'k twhere nor.e �=:i�ts) � i :or i and 2 familv propert��------�S.OQ per `cot � For all other property-----------�4.00 -�er `cot ' � In adci�ion, charges f.or extra work, such as addit:or.al s��'e- I � '�'dl�r: C�iCi.�l� Cltl`72Wc1V CO:1S�ri1Ct10I1� 2CC. �Jlii b2 2:.��E� t0 �i�.r'- � � a�sessmen� For t:�e ber.erit�ed propert��. � I � 1T , �� �his is a iirst time cor.structior., the. Ci.t•: Cour.c_i c�,.i� i I :i0'!L �i vll�1�C �"123T1P.g 3�C2T �'C12 SIG�E?(tid1:C 1S C�?"'..^�i�C�?Q. T}i'� � i - �u.pose of ti,�at hearing hi�l be �o rati`�� t�:e assess;�er.ts i =or *he project. �ou wili rPceive a r.otice at *nat ti^�e a��:is�r.� �-ou o� the amoun*_ vou N�l' be reqi:�red *c �a�•:. I � � QUE �T � ON � i �.o�,sT�T-cTZO� - ?9�-:�?�� �ssESS?�E:�_ - �9s-�i�� I ic�iSO� '.ii.:� SCdLf Wl�1 lile availa��E.' t0 3PSW2r '.;.^.'� i��.. �:�li.11t� � cu�stio^.-� or. t'_.�s proiect i^ Roo� ?i8 Cit�- Hal_ �ro:� °: 30 - � � 10:00 :��f the sa�:�e dav as the hearin;. � � ot«e s��nt January 23, 1981� ��- the `'a,ua�:.o� ar,__ :��s�ss�:�^t ��i�_s�_ .� De�art:�ent :� _ _..ar:�.c� �.... .�._.. %e-�:ert >�-. .ces Room ?lu C� H��_ - �o�r� :ious� �t. P:_�� ..�_,,;e--_._ 5- �"' .. ° � � � �f ��, ���_ ��'. S �: � �1 �JL. C � `� 1� � t� U � � � L �;����4� F� U � �. � � � E �� I � G �IOTI � E � SIC� EVId;�LK �� � NSTf� UCTlC� �! F I L E (�l Q, s lo�s9 PAGE �u R f � S E ='e cecid2 0� whether to �roceed with public �ic�walk ce::struc- tion LO C AT 10 N Wes t side of GALTIER STREET from W Cottage Avenue to . Arlington Avenue. �"�E A R� t�l� iuesdav� February 10, 1981 a t 10����� =L'`� Citv �ouncil Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit� :ia11 ASSESSAAENT If the Council approves the project, a portion of t_ne costs mav be assessed against benefitted prooerties. The estimated � lN�ORMATION assessmer.ts are as follows: RECO\STRUCTIO;� (r2�lace e�:isting walk)---�C AS�ESS?fE'�T ( FIRST TIME CONSTRL'CTI0�1 of �' walk (where none exists) ror 1 and ? *amil�� propertv------S5.Q0 per foot For all other preperty-----------58.00 ner foot In addition, charges for e�tra work, such as additional side- � ::al�: width, drivewa�� cons�ruction, etr_. will be added *_o the assessment for the benetitce�' pr�pert�-. i It this is a iirst time constructior., t7e Cit�: Counci? ;.;ill � hold a pubiic hearir.g after the sidekalk is corrleted. The � purpose of that hearing �i'_1 be to ratif�� the <_ssessments �or the project. You wiil receive a notice at that time advisir.g �•ou of the amoun*_ vou will be recu�red to pa� . �V G ST � �1, S COtiSTKi:CTIO?; - ?98-42�5 ySSESS`SE;vT - ?98-j125 ��lso, Cit�� sta�f �aill be available to ar.sc.�er an-� iast mi::ute cuestions on this prt�iec* ir. Roo:� �18 �ity Hall =ror 9: 30 - 10:00 :L'�t the sa-�e ciav as the heari.n,. ';ot�ce se:-�t January 23, 1981' . .- tne �.'a'�_:a;�i.cr. ar.c ?.ssessT;er.t Di��ision Dt�art�ent o` 'r'�nan�.� and ..<:nage^�e^t �ervices R.cc^ ?i8 C�t, Ir_:'_� - ;�ourt ;;ouse �=• ?�_ui, -'i:.,_.�ota ;, .�� i� 5T �' � � L. � � �' � C � t11� � lL ��������� PU � � 1C t� E � RI �iG NOTICE SIDE 'WALK � � NSTF� UCTION F I L E N0. s io�90 PAGE 1 P U R P 0 S E �c ��e=ide or. whether to nroceed with nublic Jldewaln cons�ruc- tion LOCATlON ( South side of PLEASANT AVENUE from Chatsworth Street to West 200 feet. HEARIN� iuesdav, February 10, 1981 at 1�:`�`� �'`; Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Ha11 A S S E S S Al1E N T If the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs mav be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated ' INF4RMATION assessmer.ts are as follows: RECO\ST_RL`CTION (replace existing walk)---tiC ASSESS`SE\T FIRST TI:�E CONSTRUCTION of �' walk (where none exists) ror i and 2 familt� propert��------55.00 per foot For all other property-----------S8.00 ner *oot In addition, charges for eYtra work, such as additior.al side- I walk width, drivewav construction, etc. �aili be added to the � assessmer.t for the benefitted propert��. � Iz this is a iirst time constructior., the Cit�� Co��ncil will � hold a pubiic hearing after the sidewalk is cor..rleted. The purpose o` that hearing will be to ratifv tne assessments for the project. You �ai11 receive a r.otice at that tin:e advising �ou of the amount you wi11 be reauired to na�. Q U E ST I 0 N S CO'�'STRL'CTIO�I - 298-!�255 ASSESSME\T - ?98-5125 also, Citv staff wi11 be available to answer an�J last mir.ute questions or. this proiect in Room 218 Citv Hall �rom °: 30 - 10:00 A:'�t the same da� as the hearing. ':oti�e sent January 23, 1981 `��: the Valuati.or. and ?�ssessr�ent Di�'isio:: De�art�ent o` Finance and `1a::ageTe:�t Services .�'.00i1 �1� Clt�' �2Z1 - rOl::t :.011S2 �t. puil�... �'`i.ri:lLSOt� 5� ='�� . , �� �� � � �' f r�:.;_ - � �'. �' � � �... � � �' �`' � � � � �, � � F� � � �. I � � E �+ � � �VG � � �' I � � �;������ SlDE '1NALK � � �V �T � UC � � � f� � � F I � E ��. s �0�9� � i ; , PAGE 1 i � ��JI\ � oV� -' �?^��i� ��' ,..,�_^c�T �O '�L'O;_c'i�C� Wi�.. DL:�'.J.�1C � __.�,.�..... __ _..__�i:C:- � ; ` ip^ 1 �OC�TlO �i � North side of ta. CALIFORNIA AVENUE from Oxford S treet to � � West 63 feet. 1 � � A�� �� i �I�'s:?a'�; February 10, 1981 at '-�•''� =��-'� ' i C=� . _.,.:r:cii C;�a::���rs, 3r� �laor Cit� '.�ai1 I AS SESSMENI' � I` tne CoLnci� approves t:e pro_.;ect, a norticr. � : th� costs i , ;:av be assesse:: a�ainst be^eritted pro-�ert�es. _ne est:.�ate�� ' � �1 Ol1�� 1 �V17 i dSS�SS�12??�S 2�'a �g `OZIOWS: I ::;C�.'_:j'�rt-`.^Tn'` (:"2i�13Ct.' e}:1St�^,L, W21k�,1---_.l�' =_J��J,�''`,.^".'`T I � _TF_S� TI'".�� CUNSTFL'CTION of �' .:�'_k �t•:::er_ ne~:e ���;5ts) i � =or _ and ? �amil� �ro�ert� ------:>;, `�1 ^er `<,�- ' , � ,- � , � - = - - = � . - � '� �nr al l C��ne� nror.ertv-----------��. ri1 '�E" iC(�~ I iiP. 3CQ'_:iOP.� C:':3TyeS f01' Z_�:ti3.WOT'li, SUC�1 2S �t�i�l� � 1 c '�E-'- I ' �3��: �JLQ��:� .cL"i':?Wc': Ci�:��`TLCtlO:l� �?tC . F?1! � Jc .�. ::iG t:-? .�_ i _.�sessT.��= -`r �`:e benerit`e�? arcp�rt�:. � � :`! S �S '�TSt t1P..E' .:Oi1StrLCCLO;;� t_�lE', � �. .� i „-_'- � I . _ � _� _ `:. .�� �. , ' c �' �.v�� �.,'1�: .`!23i l:?c � �C?' CIlP_ ;��Cl�?[:a.Lti �S ��;�. . i i ':1LDOSG C; :i':?C �?E'_::Tlil� .�.___� '.^�? .`_O [2:1"\• _..� :?�ti�'_�St?I@rlCS ' � ��r rt t r•rn CC i: . �^vll �J1� � TeCE''tVE' 'l0`i c�2 i?� Cli;lE' I � a_c� .�__ :t�.: o� �:�_e r:,,:�u.,t vou wil� �_. re�,:i-..� _� -�a� . I L - � Q�.9 G �� i Q N S � �.��;5�-F"C-?i�ti, - ??8-;.�55 �5SF�S?tE_:T - ,�aq-�l?5 , i Y . � i '�'_s.�, s��_=_` i'_1 be a�-aila' ' e t�� �.s � �. ::�t �i^ut: I i CtiGst�o.._,. o-: t�:.�. ^�roie��: _.. ��0:�:� __ , , iC. H�_l� _�� q: '�^� _ � I ��:l�fl �t�`r L::e S�..:'i�'. C�?' 3S' i.^2 C?G"���'i.� I �� I ,�*i�� s�.nt January 23, 1981 - _n�_ �._._�_,�.. .,, . _ , _ _- , ._:t , _ ..:� :. :.�L")3: �,-i=..�. _ . _ ....... ._...... .. ;c:..::e�:.� ...._� . _ .,_.-. � hnJr_ �� i" . . ..... _ — -�,_.. _ ...,._ _t� .,�. !��. .... .......... . .... � . .J.^. ;. . � • • � � � i � ! � � � � � � T � � .., q'�^I�dT~ .�U. ' -�. ' � !e.9t���,� � � � �. 1 � � E � � ING � O � E S1D � �iALK � � NSTf� UCTI� N FILE (V0. s io�92 � � PAG E I p�R •� OSE 'O �c= _..� .. . WI1EtP.-C'T t0 ',�Z'OC_2�u [J1�:� DL`F`11� ..;C�G72�i: CC::S�i�C- ( r - I i tion , i LOCATiOt� � ; Both sides of OTIS AVENUE at 56, 62, 6$, 71 , 73, 79, 83, 97, • j and 130 Otis and the Otis side of 2279, 2280 Riverwood. y L � � H E A R 1 N G i it:es�av , February 10, 1981 a t =���'� �='` � Cit�� �'o�r.ci� Chambers, 3rd Floor Cit�� :ia11 ' � " �SSESSMENT 1f the Council approves t�:e project, a portion o,`. the costs mav be assessed against ber.efitted aro�erties. The estimated •' �I�IF�� �AT1o� assessments are as follows: ::�CC`;5'I'rtCTION (repiace existi^� waikj---�+0 �SS:.SS:�fE'�T rIP,ST TIME CONSTRL'CTION of �' ::alk (where nor.e exists) :or 1 and 2 famil�- propert-�-------$5.00 per fOOt � �or all otner nreperty-----------SS•00 pe- `cot In adci_ion, charges for eVtra work, such as additior,al s��'e- i � :�ail; caict`�:, drivewa,� tionstructicn, etc. �•�i11 �e added to tne � � assess-:er.� `cr �:�e o��e��t:.e_�? ^rc;aert�-. � . . � , 1 If this ,�s a rirst time censtructior., the Ci�_. Council w'1` I ^old a �ub'�'_c hearing a`_ter the sidewaik is corr.leted. �'he , purpose er th�t hearing ��:i�l be �o ratiF�� the assess�ents � fo- the nroiect. Fcu ;oil' receive a r.otice at that time advisir.� �:o,� of the amaunt ��ou wi11 be re�uired to na�:. Qu� S� � oNS CO`'STRt;ClIO� - 298-4255 �?SSESS`tE\T - ?9�-�125 ( - _ , , � .. :�150� l '��'. ci.ai f Wl�l be c3Vc11dJ�e t�`. a^5�+°r .:i7V 13St i.ilP.i:t� ! jcuestie�:s or �nis pr�iect i^ Roo*� ?i8 Cit•� Hall �rem U: 30 - I . ( 10:00 ^L" t:,e sar�e dav as the hear.i.r.,. � t ..CtICe Si�??t January 23 � 198�. '?'. ��F:Et \�c.,ll3�...�.. 2I1:.- r'_.�c2�5:.^.E::.^.t l�i'. _�:...� •)C'-?dT�C'?!P.ili. �` _..al�:.:P ��C: �'i�i^:dF'C.^.'.t�:?C J�'_�. _�E'S tZ.00.T. � :�� �i*t` .._:�._ - �Oi1T'` i GllS� C�� . pl.._. '�_�...,___ ._�_ ���.�� . . .. ,� � �: �' � � � � � � '� � � � � �" � � ,. ,�.rar�� �'o � � � �.. � � � E � � � � � �il� i l � � � e���� SI � E1�d�ALK C � �i ��' � UC �' � � N � � � F I � E P�C. s 10793� ( PAG E 1 { I F'UR P a SE � T" -c'=;�'� �`� whether �o �roceed wit.� o.iblic �'_cez;al:, ce_:s�r;:c- I ! �,°" 1 LO CAT I O N � East side of OTIS AVE�TUE from Glendale Street to Eustis � . i Street at 500 and 506 Otis. �i E A R 1 N G T��sdav, February 10, 1981 a t -�':`��l =y.` } ' i � Cit�� �o��r.cil Chamoers, 3rd rloor Cit,:° i�.ail . -- �SS� S��E1�l� If the CoLncil approves the aroject, a portion o; tne costs ( �:av be assessec against benefit*ed �roperties. ;he esti�ated � lNFOR �ATi��U i assessmer.ts are as `ollows: __ I � RECO\�'?'RT?CTI�ti (r2p�ace e�:istin� wa��j- �:C aS��S�"E°;T i rIP.ST TI'?E COtiSTt.UCTION of �' �:alk (where nor.� e_{;stsj I :or i and 2 *amil�• prop°rt�,------��. 00 �er `°°t I Per all other prepert�T-----------�S.nn �e- ;��*_ In addition, charges for e4:tra wori�, such as adci�io^�1 s��e- ! I �'311: `n'iCi.�l� GjL1V�Wc'iV �0:1SiTllCClOil� 2CC'. [•-1� 1 �C ...C'"cC� rn �'":c' � � asses,Te^t for t'�e ':�enerit�e�? ar:�p�rt�-. � � I � * this is : -�rst tim� ccnstru�_tior., t�� C±_� C:,�.�n�:1 .v�._�. � f :old a �ub'._..�nea:ing a`te: t�e side�:alh �s co:-^'_ete�. -r.° i Ir�,1r70SE' O:. �tl?t hearing :�1�.� :`� �O Y'c1?'l��' i.'"iC .?SSP_SS�!L'TL�S f , _-or tL;e ^ro;ect. �iou :oi'__ receive a r.otice 2t that ti^�e <3GaV'i51P.�: �'OLi Or CL'.2 �.^.10�1L1r VOLi w_l1�_ DE? T2C1t.1TGG r0 D?..`.'. o���S� � 0 N S � �OtiSTRT��TZO�+ - 298-�2�5 aSSF..SS:�tE:�T - 29S-�'."'S � <:lso, �it�� sta:` will be availabie to answcr �r�.�_�ast mir.ute -�:estio�:�� cr. t":is nroiect �r. Roo-� ?i8 �it�� Hal�� _re:�. 9: 30 , 1n:00 ^�°i c}�e sarne da�- as �he h�a-i.r,. ;ot��.. ��nt January 23, 1981' - �he � ';� o: _ ' >> 1 � �'_. _s_�� .�t��� t-�c ,� . _n�...�c _:Zd ..,_�: ,:,e^�e:�t _ __ . �ces , u�'�T - -,. .., �- ..�_. - �o�:r= :iou��. ;t . `'.,,: .., .. .,�;c __ _ _�,. / / .. , -� _ ', , °,!' � T �' � � �. e � �' � � � � � � � �. ., ,�,., - � � UE� �. � � f� � � � I �V �G � C� �' l � � � ����a. SlDEWALK � � 4� ST � � C � � � � � �FI � E P��. S 10794 ( PAG E PV� f� SE T� decire ;:r :anetner �o �roceee with oubli� ��e?;:�ali: �_ns_r��- I � t lon i L� CQ� t� N Both sides of REANEY AVENUE from Ruth Street to Nortonia St. , I abutting 1940, 1946, 1973, 1979, 198�, 1993 and 2011 Reaney. � l HEARING iuesdav, February 10, 1981 at i�:�'�' �-''` � � Ci*v Cour.��ii Char::bers, 3rd Floor Cit•�� fiall ; AS SESS�NEIV�' I` the Co::ncil approves tne project, a nortion of tne costs i ( mav be assessed against �ene`itted properties. The estimated •' lNFORMATION i assessments are as follows: � �����,jTTt'CTI�� (replace e.�:istin� waikj---'�C �S��S�"�`�`� � . I �IF.ST TI`�r CONST'RUCTION of �' kalk (��here none e�t�7ts j � �er i and 2 iamil�� propert��------SS• J�'? ner Foo*_ � _ . � For 21'_ otner property-----------�g.�� ^�'" `��* I In addition, c:,:arges for e�ctra work, sucn 2s additioi.al si<'_e- � W31�: W1CL i� �T1V2W?_v corstructi��n, 2tC. ��%1�-� �c 3��E� tC` C:":c: ; ' � ass2ssmer.� Fcr �`�e ber.erit�e� aropert�•. i It this is � rirst tir�e cor.str��ctior., the Cit.: Co��r.ci1 :.�__ � nold a pubiic hearing after the side.�a;k is cc�^:r'eted. �'�.�' i i?llI'?JOS? C� �i�?� �le2TlI7� :+�1=i ht..' �O rati*�' i.�'_°_ 3�iS:'SS?le?1CS . � * or the proiect. You wi�l receice �_ rotice at �hat ti:�e i dG�L'i�1P.° `%Oii Oi Che c'i:?I011I'�r VQL: �'11�. }?`c' T2!1L'1:"i-C. rO ^2�'• � O�u G JT� V N s CO?;STRiJCTIC�; - ?98-�255 ASSESS�t�';T - '`9�-51?� ( . � _ . ,,� �.-, _ � � * . � ��lso, Cit•. s�a�f wi11 be a�aila:,�e �o ar,�,�cr � _ �..s� r:i^�st� ! auestion� or t^.is nra?ect i.^. Rocm 2i8 Cit�� Hali :rom °: �i - � l�?:00 �'�1 t',.4> ;a.^..e dav as the hear.i.n,• � ':otice s��nt January 23, 19$1, . - the �'aluUt:.c;. �nc: _.ss��smen* D'_���sion De�art:�er.� o: . _.,ar.�� ,_�:c' `'�n��e^���� S�r� _.�s ?.oe.., - �? C-�`° i'�_'_: - Co�r� ;iouse ;r . P,. .... .._ ...��<� - - �' __ .. . ,../r'�� ST: �' � �l � � � `� Y C � l� � � i �. ° .�.�x � � R I N T I �' i���'� PU � L. lC �iE � �VG 0 � E SIDEWALK � 4NSTRUCTION FlLE N0. S 10795 PAG E 1 PUR P 0 SE , T�` �z�ide on whether �o oroceed wit� oublic s:�ewal� co*.:struc- tion LO CAT 10 N � goth sides of East ROSE AVENUE from Nokomis Avec�ue to East at 2120, 2126, 2132, 2138, and 2143 Rose Avenue. HEARiNG Tuesdav, February 10, 1981 at 1�=�� '�-''` f Citv Cour.cil Chambers, 3rd rloor City Ha11 � A S S E S S AAE N T If the Council approves the proj ect, a portien of the costs mav be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated ' t N FOR M AT I ON assessmer.ts are as foliows: RECO\S':'RL'CTION (replace existing walkj---ti0 ASSESS�f�'�: FIRST TI:°fE CONSTRUCTION of �' walk (whera no,^:e exists) ror i and 2 familv propert}�------�5.00 per foot �'or all other property-----------S8.00 per feot In addit�on, charges for extra work, such 2s additional side- ; wali�: w�dt:�, drivewav construction, etc. �•:ill be ad:?ed to the � assessTer.t for the benefitted propert��. � _ I If this is a *irst time constructior., the Cit�- Council wiil � Ihold a pubiic hearing a`ter the sidewalk is cor..pleted. The Ipurpose o` that hearing -ail1 be to ratif.�� tre assess:�ents ror �he project. Ycu ,ai11 receive a notice at that ti:�e advisir.g �ou oL the amount vou wi11 be required to �av. Q U E ST�o N S CO:�'STRI;CTIO^I - 298-4255 ASSESSME\T - 29g-�125 Also, Cit•� s�aff will be available to answer anv last mir.ute cuestions or. this proiect ir. Room 218 Citv Hall from 9: 30 - � 1C:00 ;.*�t tile sa�e dac as the hearin�. `:otice sent January 23, 198�1 �- the �'a'uatior, and �ssess�ent Di��;sic:� De�art�en� o� Fir.ar.:�e and `'ar.aoement Services R.00m 218 Ci.t�� I'.al'_ - Court ::ous2 St. Paul, :�:inr.esota ;�'�"' ./ - •� ' � �*��- /��~ � �� � �. � � � � '� � � � � � � � � 1 �. �;�j`���� f� U � � l � � EAF� � �VG � � TI � E SID � iNAL �C C � NSTRUCTi� N � F 1 L E N Q. s 10796 . I PAGE 1 �U R � Q S� , Tn ;a�,,. �_r'.z or. whether to oroceed with public sidewalk construc- � ticn LOCATION Both sides of E. JESSAMINE AVENUE from Nokomis Avenue to � ' East at 2147 and 2118 Jessamine. � }�EA���� Tuesdav, February 10, 1981 at i�=�� A�' � Citv Cour.cil C:�ambers, 3rd Floor Cit�� Ha11 � . � ASSESS�AEtVT Zf the Council approves the project, a portion of the costs I mav be assessed against benefitted properties. The estimated • iNF�RMA i �oN assessmer.ts are as follows: P.�CO�:ST�.�CTIOti (realace existir.g walk)---'�0 ASSESS�fE�T_ FZRST TI;VTE CONSTFUCTION of 5' walk (where none ex�sts) ror i and 2 familv property------55. 00 per foot � For al1 other property-----------58.00 per foot i In addition, charges *or extra work, such as additional si�'e- ! � wal�: width, drivewav construction, etc. �ail1 be ac:ed to tne � assessment for t:�e beneLitted propert��. ! � Tf this is a =irst time constructior., the Cit� Counc�l wi11 ( ��o1d a pubii� �earing after the sidewalk is co�p�eted. �'r�e I purpose o� that hearing �.:i�l be to rati*v the :ssessmer.ts for �he pro;�ect. `iou will receive a noticc at t:�at time acvisir� �•ou o` tre amount vou wi11 be requirec to r.a�•. QU E ST ! � N S C0�}STRt'C'�'I0� - ?98-!�2�5 ASSESS:�SE�T - �9g-�125 :lise, �it�- sta�` wii 1 be availabie to answer an�� last r::inute I ctiestio;:s or. t�.is proiect ir. Room 213 Citv Hall �ro:n 9: 30 - i�:QO ^�t t�:e same da�- as the hearin�. ':ati�.e sent January 23, 1981 � the �' �luat,�c,^. an�i �ssess�ent �:�'��ion :it:�d2'Ci�lei.� C�F r11.ciI!�.C' 3i?d �'dP.'�'.o2m�"1C �c.rV'�CE'S '�00:;1 �:Q C'_�'. .��.!.� - �i�'�r� �O11S2 .,�. pF�ll:., �`�'�'.l^F'c:^�� ���'�- •��<e�-, ,�^X << �1�t�`��a � � . :�,.��- ��u�u�_�-#�i� _ - counc�l•!'ur�rra.x�t�M,?s�., a, Tedesco— `.3�!4;.�.s: ia t4s,11ftiM[�t��lltu�e�iuE er�atruc- ting std�vl�fy ewd wbtir3�IdeaeaYtl{veto: S 19786 ' AoAD from 80,.Le�.��*;pc+ vuated Everg»�p Pl�._ S IO�b7 Sarth fitY.,�#�ONG AVE. fran Gut�i01�'� Jb P.lerumt Ave. r.s�s..':'N"�J� :ii. S 107�� L4VL. froin Pnea1 ffi., . iMtltini 1484 anl�.+��i '`T � ,S 1074��YE' T �T item W.'�� " � E ::,.,: S 1 A�/E. from '. �. �° , - v,. °+��� ii.':�- AVE�� � ,,.,�� , 3 10�l�tji�1+K:{�1i�Cra�Iw jfi'�� �.¢i�:�,'36�'�.�7,Y'P;Ir29�O4flrP¢�� Otis qd�l�Riv�lqii.:r;.-e�J[,7yt 8 1�`trt'�8e of�Y'!��?lplit� C4MMif�l�i�lb$troNa�9l�t�= . x��a�..�� �, -�r:_l��;?� �a�vY Of k .- �'Orl��' i° � . 1910;��i'�Ql�9:19f6�'1�Eiti1lri� ��.;:? b.� 3 i6�9f=�s[d�of�S:?�03E AY�. froM 2�ilio��to Eo�at:ltfb 11�6. Y1SY,�� :. S 1 �.tldes of S. �+:�,,�NE AVE��l4akoal�rpve t41��4147 and llli�,�� _ The a! having �eceivred thR� � E��Pon� above 1` .�'comidered said.repo�l:��iYa�: 1.Tlut � amd t6e same 1s hernby`: ffi tw dtern8tives, a4a thA�k theseof ls to b`��I/Y 1.} �ds. 2.Thytti P�61ic �:had'on,tat$tcn. ��` _ ��fE�� . ; __, g.� �fWlF+ad�t�1��� gtVeei`�t�l- Pi'ovl�ill�li��' a�Rf �r ��rM��k�Y���� estl�o�ted. s,�SLF�,�;r i�iE N'ile Nox�,l{'�� ; �j����!?j. AdopEeli►�r�d �j'i :` APPravte4J`fiYuar913;� s� .,�� �����'9IY�`Y�:: h. . �c;.�.er+r,.