277517 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE ►.y yy CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COl1flC1I •a� �// BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � • �� • ; ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That Council Resolution, File No. 277003, which was approved by this Council on June 16, 1981 , a copy of which is attached hereto , is hereby repealed in its entirety; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That any legal effects which occurred as a result of the passage of this resolution are hereby nullified and void. Approved: Chairman Civil Service Commission COUfVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays �unt ` Levine■' [n Favo[ �'Maddox �McMahorr^ _ ` howalter �-- Against BY `Tedesco WilsoQ� T �C I � ��� Form Appro b ity tt ney Adopted by Council: Date — CertifiE:d P _se by Council Secre BY By Approved ithout signature of the Mayor Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council pursuant to Chapter 6.08 of the City Charter. By — ;�;;�:s;,�;; OCT 2 41981 WMITE - , CITY CLERK �� f `�� }V� PINK _ , - FJNANCE COUflCII • '� CANABV •, i7EPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT I�A U L / Bl.��E - w M�YOR File N�. ��r� �/ � ' Council Resolution � _ y.: , . .---�*���` .�.. P.resented By ' Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date 1 - 2 - "If a disparity is determined to exist as to both women and race or national origin, then when vacancies are created in that job or series of jobs, the Personnel Office shall ce rtify the three highe st eligible candidate s for that position and shall then al so ce rtify the next three highe st candidate s who are members of a protected class relating to race or national origin, and shall then also ce rtify the next three highest women on the eligible list. The appointing officer may then appoint one of those so certified. This Section shall apply only to original entrance eligible li sts. L�lotwithstanding any other provision of Section 8.B, the procedures of Section 8.B shall be used only for the first vacancy and every third vacancy thereafter in any such job or series of jobs. " Approved: � ��� hai rm Civil Ser 'ce Cominission and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED� That this resolution shall take effect upon its approval and publication and sha11 only be applicable to those Civil Service tests and examinations administered after its effective date. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � PERSONNEL OFF. CE Levine �Il FflVOf / Maddox �,/ McMahon �� B Showalter Against Y — Tedesco Wilson '� JUN 1 6 1981 F'or Approved by � m � Adopted hy Council: Date — � Certifie�d i�ti. d by Counc Secr eey � BY - f �� � ��'�'_�"� - '�UN �} ' ;1��p �� hti Ylavor: D e __ 1_9 �98�__ Appro y Mayor for S mission to Coun ' B --- ----- _- --_._.— E�` - -- - —--- — Y PUEUSHED JUN :; � ?�R� ,� `1.•. _1 " /� WMITH - 'CITY CLERK rj f �1� PINK "� - F."TIANCE L j COUflC1I /� t + �' '%'7 CANARV - DCYARTMENT G I TY O 1" SA I NT 1'.�LI L � BLUE ' � .M�YOR � F11@ N�. -� � o ci solution �; ; � Presented By � � _ � �� �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution amending the Civil Service Rules with regard to certification. RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be amended in Section 8 thereof so that said Section 8 shall be designated as Section 8.A; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended by inserting imrnediately after Section 8.A the following new language: "8.B Afte r a review of the file s and records of the Pe rsonnel Office, ' dicate ma e records so in the Director of Personnel, if th , y determine that a disparity as to women, or as to race or - �tional origi exists within a job or a series of jobs within � a�3epar men . Those jobs which shall constitute a se rie s of jobs shall be established by the Personnel Office and shall be on written record therein. If a disparity is determined to exist as to women, then when vacancies are created in that job or series of jobs, the Personnel Office shall certify the three highest eligible candidates for that position and shall then also certify the next three highest women on the eligible list. The appointing officer may then appoint one of those so certified. If a disparity is determined to exist as to race or national origin, then when vacancies are created in that job or series of jobs, the Personnel Office shall certify the three highest eligible candidates for that position and shall then also certify the next three highest candidates who are members of a protected class relating to race or national origin. The appoinf:ing officer may then appoint one of those so certified. (continued) COU[VC[L17ElY Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Eavor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter __ Against Y -- - Tedesco wlson Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted bv Council: Date � Cert�fif�d F'atised by Council Secretary BY H�" ---- -- AE,��r„��•-i ��ti �1��vor. Date __ ____ _ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY -- — --- ------ -- E;y __ PIlVK " 'rINANGE . !��+.�rv w CAN/�st`l - DEPARTMENT () j '1",7 ��. . �� � ��T� I�A iI L � Council -!)_ /.e/�� •// BLUEr• t �.MbiYOR Flie �Q. fM ;i C �.i„_ 1 . �� - .• ou�zc�l Resoc�ution � _---._-- yy ��� � Presented By � � ' • Referred To Committee: a t Out of Committee By ate , \ � BE IT RESOLVED, That Council Resolution, File No. �7�J', 277003, which was approved by this Council on June 16, /�] 1981 , a copy of which is attached hereto, is hereby � repealed in its entirety; and, be it - FURTHER RESOLVED, That any legal effects which occurred as a result of the passage of this resolution are hereby nullified and void. Approved: �� ai man Civil Servi e Commission �;2° � 3 - 8 ! . COUNCILMEN Ye�s "\ Nays Requestgd by Department of: 1�Funt ` ����e--- In Favor �addox . "� McFJlahowr'—' . +� �Showalter �Z^- A ga i n s t BY sn �Tedsseo ' iNilsop�-- �+ �t�� � �9�� Form Appro b ity tt ney Adopted hy Council: Date eertif�c•d F' ti5ed by Council Secre BY — B� � �t.." '� .� Approved (aithout signature of the Mayor Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council pursuant to Chapter 6.08 of the City Charter.� BY - . N � ♦ � � . � (�,�,s.;t.�,;. .. Wy.ITH n%-p' CITY�CLERK % j-����� � �� P�r;,� ;�F�Nnnce Council �`� � l e�u',."r��- MAYOR MffNT G I TY O F SA I N T ��A LT L File N 0. � . �� "- �°� � � '��``� Council Resolution ..������..�Y.,�Y��-- !� �l r f' � � ��'��"] ; :�''U � ` Presen�d By r Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date At� adminiertrative Res�ltxtiv� a�eading the Civil Service RuLea �th regard � certi$catiaa. _ . � R.ESC3LVED, that tI� Civil Sarvice Rules be arrver�derl in Sectiau� 8 . . thereof so tl�st a�id Sec�ioa 8 slaall be ci�signabGd as Sectios 8.A; ax�d be it �'UR7'HER ,RES�OLVED, thst tbe Civil Se rvics Rule s be furtbe r ameac�ed by ix:se�na i�diabsly af�ar 5�ctia�► 8.A tbe fcllawing uew Iangw�ge: � . "8.B A#bs r a rs�►te�r of tha £�Ie s axtd recosds af the Pe rsc�.nel ��$ce, tl� Dlrect�sr of Pessa�el, ff the re�ord� so indicate, map det�sr�ai�e 1�a►t a cl��p�ritp za to aROmea, or aa to race or natic�al oslgiis, a�sts withia a job oY a earis�r af job� wit�ia � a dspzs#raea� TBose jobs �rhich eha11��co��titnte a series of joh� sbsll T� estab��hwd br the Pb:s�el t7ffice and ahall be c� wsitbra rscord Lhersi�a. Iir a dispar�t�r is �sbermia�+d to exlst �� ta woYaea, thea whea vacamcies are creabed ia that jo� or �+erries af�ohs, t3ie Pbrsannel �#Sce shat2 tertify t.3�e threw 2�€�est eligible ca�n�ida�� far �hat posi#i� aacl sh�l�the�s a1 so �e rtifjr �e Aaxt th r+ee hi ghe st �vomeu on tbe eligibl+e li�L .Tbe appo�inting of.ficer za�ey t�en appoin# one oi tboss eo cesti�ed. If a disp�arLi�r 4s c3efiernQiped to e�3�t as ta �ace or aatiexsal origia, #hen va�ea vacancies are �reatect i� t�at �ob c�r �erees of jobs, the � Persau�el Of�ce ahall certifY t3�e thz�ee higbs�t eligible eaudi�iabss for that po�it�aAa and �ahall then also ces�fy the �ext three hig3�eat car►didatea aho are rnsa�bers af a �ratected claas relat#�aag to race or ns#icnal oriain. Tbe appointisg o�Scer xx�ay the� appoia� aaa of . tbass sa eeztiSed. {cc�nt�aned) COUIVC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: ��� � r 2 �-g/ Yeas Nays Hunt �e���e [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter _ Agai(1St Y Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by :Utayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By By WH3TE. � CITY CLERK . . � � � � � � . . . . � . PId:K • r FINANCE �` ��' COURCII � . CANA�Y•-r DEPARTMENT � G I TY� OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. � ����� BLUE . - MAYOR � � � . -+ , , ��� � � f �� Council Resolution � , Presented By Referred`To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date – � _ -� _ r _.. _. . . ., _ .. :� , - "it a c�#agarit� is det�erm�rzed to s�cist as to b�iii �r�ea� a,ad . :� - : ra�ce or aatio�a.i o�sia, t�ea c►hea vac�in+tiea are �reated �` fn khat�ob c�r seri��s �'�c�,, the Persc�nel �fSce s�.all . csrtify f�oe� #brea bigbest�lig�bla cand�.dae�es for thst positi.ou �nd �►31 t�.ea al,�vi ceztifT t�e ne�cL thre�e �tig�e�at candidates . ro�rho �re �em.bers of� grc�c�ed claas xtlatiag to raca or nat�c�a� or�gi�y 2�d �hall th�s� a?cso eesk�f�► tho ��r.t ��ee ��g�ss#�amea aa #he eligibls Iia�. Tb� appo�atiag o#ticer �� � appo�ist r�e of thas+s ao�e st�e� - �hi� Set#�uu �aRll appt� �aty ta► origi��aD �a#arasYCe el.ip�fble � . � �s�ts. ' �ie�twl#�s�di�g �a3r athar psvrtaiaa of Seetiads �.�3, ths - pracedtsre s of Sectia4s 8.8 slis3l 1as a�ad �alg foi the #'i rat . . vacaacy aad ev�ery t�ir3.��acy t�ereafber in aaT su�h job . � or �sles� o#jobFs� " .�ppr�reds Chsi�aa ' Civif Sesvlc�e �ox�ssico . �� bs it � �J�iS�Y RB9DLVSt1t �tt t�.i:s zesoluti� sha1�, La�ke �ftect upon its e���arv�l � publ3cst3t�et aua�c� �h�3.3. cu�2�r t�� s�c�b2e to t.3�oae� ��f3. �era�cxF teata �d �atla�s a��istr.r�ci af'�r it� etlectivex �ate« COUNCILMEN Yeas Naqs Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PI:B►+�0�'�#3KEL �FFIC..x'. Levine � In Favor Maddox ,-�. McMahon "' , snowaite� _ Against BY -- Tedesco Wiison �RO� __ -.�_ _, , JUN 1 6 �o Form Approved by City At,torn�y / j'J Adopted hy Council: Date � �� ,y�%�- f. {` Jf. r Certified Passed by Coun�ir;Secretary ' By,``°– � " w . -• , . � B� t:��--�=i 7��i � 1i��.---�`..^._..•' .. ��N � 9 �gg� Approved.,�y Mayor for Submis�Council Approved by 1�1a�•or. Date — :t ;�;«.� S-: 2 �w "s E .}�;, C i B}. _ $y �..�'. •,t,rtL , . _.. . _._..... . _ . .. . .. . . . . _ . . . . _.. . . . . _.. _. . . . ..... ..-.__i . :.......__ ..