277510 WHITE, - CITY CLERK PINK � FINANCE t CANARY - DEPARTMENT I T Y O F SA I N T PA LT L COIIRCII �� � BLUE - MAYOR � FlI@ N O. ��� ~�� • � CZ Reso ution �age l of 2 Presented Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Mayor Latimer' s proposed 1982 Special Funds budget document sorted budgets into two major categories: Governmental Funds and Proprietary Funds, recognizing that improved budget control for these budgets is necessary, and WHEREAS, the Director of Finance and Management Services has developed and implemented "Specific Planning, Accounting and Reporting" procedures to facilitate improved control of the Proprietary Funds, and WHEREAS, general fund budget decision making is becoming m�re difficult because of cuts in federal and state aids and because of new levy limit laws restricting the use of property tax financing, and G•JHEREAS, budget concerns such as indirect cost accounting, assessment financing, working capital, and cash flow are becoming more important because of declining resources, and WHEREAS, general fund budget decision making involves transfers to and contributions from special funds, as well as options of transferring the financing of city services from one fund to another, and 1nTIiEREAS, accurate estimates of 1982 federal and state grants and aids for � governmental funds are not available during this time of uncertain economic conditions, and thus many revenue sources identified in the 1982 proposed financing plans for the governmental funds are extremely uncertain and subject to significant change, Now Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Saint Paul approves of the following Special Fund Eudget Policy for the 1982 budget year: The Department of Finance and Management Services, departmental accountants and the City Budget Director shall implement an automated budget control system for all 1982 governmental funds. The automated control system COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter __ Against Y — Tedesco wlson Form Approved by City Att rn Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary B � By� Approved by ;Nayor: Date _ Ap by Mayor fo mi ion to Council By _ B WHITE - CITY CLERK �+{wW PINK� - FINANCE �'`,/' /��� � CANARY�- DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L F le cil N 0• :'+ e BLUE - MAYOR � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date should record all financing sources (fund balances, revenues, transfers, etc. ) and all authorized expenditures. The system should provide monthly status reports for both financing and expenses and encumbrances to department managers and accountants and to the City administration and City Council . The authorized amounts for financing and expenditures are those amounts identified in the Mayor 's Proposed 1982 Special Funds Budget as amended by City Council action. If during the course of the budget year, projected revenue estimates are revised downward, the City Budget Director is authorized to reduce or eliminate any approved expenditure line item to match available resources. If total revenues received are greater than the budget estimate, then a revised expenditure plan must be approved by City Council resolution. Any request for a new budget activity must be authorized by City Council resolution. After the automated control system for governmental funds is in place, the "Specific Planning, Accounting and Reporting System"used for the proprietary funds should be automated during 1982 if staff resources are available . COUNCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox�- McMahon B snowaiter __ Against Y — — Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date OCT � 19a� Form Approved by City Attorney CerlifiE:d a.s by Co nci ecre BY � Appr t�y ;Nayor: a �` 1981 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By� By PUBUSHED OCT 2 41981 �.,� ����� � Councilman McMahon moves to amend Item #31 1 )First sentance on second page, add "and City Council �` Delete third sentence from botton of page "at no time can the Budget Director increase a line item expense by more than 15� without a Council resolution approving the transaction." And insert in its place: "If total revenues received are greater than the budget estimate, then a revised expenditure plan must be approved by City Council resolution." - CITY CLERK - FIN/�NCE /� ` /� .� I Y - DEF'�ItTMENT \) 1 Ir l� ♦/�+` �A I ti,1' YA U Ii COUf1C1 - MAV'.iR File NO. Co��acil �esolution Page 2 of 2 Present�d 13}� --------- • — Referred To — _ Committee: Date �__-- Out of Committee By________ Date - should record all financing sources (fund balances , revenues, transfers, etc . ) and all authorized expenditures. The system should provide moni�nly status reports for both financing and expenses and encumbrances to department managers and accountants and to the City administration. The authorized amounts for financing and expenditures are those amounts identified in the Mayor' s Proposed 7�982 Special Funds Budget as amendecl by City Council action . If durir�g the course of the budget year, projected revenue estimates are revised downward, the City Budget Director is authorized to reduce or eliminate any approved expenditure line item to matcYi available resources. At no time can the Budget Director increase a line item expense by more than 15% iaithout a Council resolution approving the transaction. . Any request for a ne�v budget activity must be authorized by City Council resolution. AFter the automated control system for yov�rnmental funds is in place, the "5pecific Planning, Accounting and Reporting system used for the proprietary funds should be automated during 1982 if staff resources are available . � i WHITE - CITY CLERK -� r ;� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �� �� ' � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L '� BLUE - MA R F1Ie N O. Council ReSO`ZL�ZO�Z Page 2 of 2 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date should record all fi ncing sources (fund balances, revenues, transfers, etc. ) and all authori d expenditures. The system should provide monthly status reports for both financing and expenses and encumbrances to department managers and countants and to the City administration. The authorized amounts for fi ncing and expenditures are those amounts identified in the Mayor' s P oposed 1982 Special Funds Budget as amended by City Council action. If ring the course of the budget year, projected revenue estimates are revised ownward, the City Budget Director is authorized to reduce or elimina e any approved expenditure line item to match available resources. At n time can the Budget Director increase a line item expense by more than � without a Council resolution approving the transaction. Any re est for a new budget activity must be authorized by City Council resol ion. After the automated control system for governmental funds is in � ace, the "Specific Planning, Accounting and Reporting system used for the prop ietary funds should b� automated during 1982 if staff resources are avai able. COUIVCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon s�,o,�,aite� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date — ( Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY g�,. Approved by ;�layor: Date _ A r v d by Mayor f r mi�sion to Council By _ — B