277506 WFi1TE - CITY CLERK �g,y����...��yyy //ry�� PINK - FINANCE •l' /���,[�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L COl1I1CII /� '�. � •€ � BLUE - MAYOR _ F1IE' N 4'. Co cil Resolution Presented Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Ci�y has financed the removal of djseased trees as part of its Shade Tree Disease Contro1 Program; and WHEREAS, the Cjty has provided a 100 percent subsidy to residential property owners for the cost of diseased tree removal ; and WHEREAS, the S�ate of M�nneso�a has, in the past, provided a substantial portion of �he costs associa�ed with removal of diseased trees; and WHEREAS, the recent cutbacks in State and Federal assistance have placed �he Ci�y in a position where it must examine its priorities and identify al�erna�ive funding sources; and WHEREAS, the Sta�e funding for Shade Tree Disease Control has been, and is expected �o continue to decrease; and WHEREAS, the City can no longer afford to provide total subsidies for residen��a1 diseased tree rerrroval ; now, therefore, be it � • RESOLVED, that the St. Paul City Council has determined that benefited residen��al property owners will be responsible for some portion of the cost for remova1 of diseased trees identjfied after January 1, 1982; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that appropriate City officials will present alternatives for handling residential tree removal no later than November 1, 1981 to the Ci�y Counci1 for review and approval . COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt COMMUNITY SER Levine In Favor Maddo�� McMahon Showalter ' __ Against Tedesco Wilson O�� � '�p' O Adopted by Council: Date _ Form Approved by City Certified �s_ d by Council Secr y BY ` —�`��/ B' —,�� l App by .Vlavor. T o�_ Ap by Mayor Eor S sion to Council B B PUBIISHED OCT 2 4 ��$1 1 � � � �Jt-1 s�,Z • .��.� A • � � � � R�V. : 9/a/��� �_=• ' - •- �ev. . �/�/s� EXPL7\1`IATIO�d Oi� ADMIN�...".`.T'F?71TIVE ORnERS , Y.ev. : 4 '' � r�— i2ESOLUTIOc�u I-��+i�OI:i7Ii37�t•JCE5 : �, . ` , - ---- — i s Date: September 24, 1981 lo: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER � Fxo�2: THOMAS J. KELLEY F,E; ` RESIDENTIAL TREE REMOVAL BUDGET AND SUBSIDIES . . ACTTON REQUESTED: _ City Council direction to re-establish residential tree removal bi1lings or assessments. ' PURP�SE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: City Council' has determined that residential property owners will be responsib1e for a portion of the costs for residential disesaed tree removal beginning wi�h trees identified as diseased after January 1, 1982. FI?`d1�I�ICIAL IP�7PACT: � A f�inding p1an for partia1 subsidies to residential property owners is being requested by Council no later than Novemper 1, 1981. . �mrr-�CYii-TE�vT�: