277504 WHITE - CiTY CLERK / ,����. � PINK - FINANCE . COIIIICIl BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL q � _ File N 0. \\ u cil Resolution Presente Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee;By flate WHEREAS, Council File 266798 adopted February 17, 1976 provides for no assessment of sidewalk reconstruction; and WHEREAS, There has been severe cutbacks in State and Federal funding to the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul is forced to make significant budget reductions for 1982; and f�k3EREAS, The City of Saint Paul Sidewalk Replacement Program is a necessary Program to provide adequate and safe sidewalks; and WHEREAS, The Policy of providinq 100$ City funding for sidewalk reconstruction is no longer economically feasible; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Policy be amended to provide for 50$ City funding on reconstruction of sidewalks, the r�nainder of the required funding to be assessed aqainst the abutting property; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Department of Public Works be requested to submit a reoommendation to the City Council as to the procedure and guidelines necessary to implement this Policy. COUNCILMEN Yeas iygddpl�►'� Nays Requested by Department of: Tedesco � Pub ' orks (JFK Showalter [n Favor McMahon � • ��t _ A gainst BY Wilson r�ev�ne 0 CT 1 1981 Form Approved by City rney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Y-;s d by Council Se ta B gy. App d by ;Vlavor: Da 1 ��j 5 ��� APP by Mayor o issiat+ to Council UBLISNED OCT 2 41981 � � ' oM 8I: t�#1q7 r� {� � Rev. : 9/8l7b�/��l�. Rev. : 5/7/80 EkP�ANATI ON OF ADMI N I STRATI VE ORDERS, Rev.: 4/30 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDiNANCfS � -��. DATE: Septamber 25, 1981 TO:. 1KaYor Georqe Latimer fROM: Donald E. Nyqaard, Director of Public Worka �; 1982 Siderralk Reconstruction Budqet Policy Amenc�►ent Providing for Partial Assessment of Reconstruction. ACT10N REQUESTED: Amsndment of present sidewalk recanstruction policy chanqing fundinq from 100+k City funding to 50� City fundinq and 501 asaessn�ent to t+buttinq property owner. PUti�'OSE AND RATIOPlALE fOR THIS ACTION: Severe cutbacks in State and Federal fundinq to the City. of Saint Paul have forced the City of Saint Paul to make significant budqet reductions for�1982. The Sidewalk Reconstruction Proqram is a necessary Progra�a to provide safe and adequate sidewalks. � FINANCIAL IMPACT: The 1982 P.I.A. budgeted amount for sidewalk reconstruction has been reduced by $178,000.00. E The loss of $178,000.00 of 1982 �.I.A. funds for the 1982 S:idewalk Reconstruction Proqran will be offset by direct a:s�ssments to abuttinq properties. � ATTACHMENTS: ��. Council Resolution , i � � �