277643 WHITE - CITY CLERK ����V-;L/ PINK - FINANCE � COIlI1C1I GNARY�- DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I T.TT .PA U L � BLUE - MAYOR � File N 0. . / r ZIZGLIZCP. Ordinance NO. � �D U �� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, PROVIDING REVISIONS IN THE CODE FOR FIRE SUPPLIES, STP.EET SERVICES (SIZE AND LOCATION), AND INTERIOR WORK AND AI�IENDING SECTIONS 89.17, 93.08, 94.04, 94.07 and 94.08 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' SECTION I That Section 89.17 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 89.17 �.i-gs�./ Exceptions. Standpipes hereinafter installed in an unsprinklered building and to be used exclusively for fire protection purposes shall be considered as a fire supply and installed in accordance with this chapter, except that a maximum of three such stand—pipes may, with written permission, be supplied with water through the domestic service provided that the size of such standpipes sha11 be no larger than the size of the domestic water meter, and provided further that the building has no other fire protection service to which they can be connected. Wet standpipe systems shall be separated from the domestic water system by use of an approved type back—flow preventer. No anti—freeze shall be introduced into the standpipe system. Automatic sprinklers to be installed in a building not served by a separate automatic fire service and to be used exclusively for fire protection purposes may be installed with written permission of the Board, and shall be considered as a fire supply and installed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, except that the design demand of the automatic sprinkler system shall not exceed the capacity of the domestic service and meter. If a proposed automatic sprinkler system design demand exceeds 150 gallons per minute, a separate fire service is required. Automatic sprinkler interior piping shall be separated from the domestic water system by use of an approved type back—flow preventer. No anti—freeze sha11 be introduced into the automatic sprinkler system. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine Water 11Aaddox In Favor McMahon Showalter A gai n s t BY T�� General hlanag r — Saint Paul. wlson Water Utility Form Approved C' ttor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date A r v d by yo o is�ion to Council gy B WNITE - CITY CLERK J `�J�� PINK - FINANCE TT COUIICll N�' �' CrANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA ll L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. • 1 O/ W Z/L�/LC�i Ordinance N O. 1 �D��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2. SECTION 2 That Section 93.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 93.08 Location of ineter. The meter setting shall be as close as possible to the inside foundation wall at the point of entrance of the service connection, and all piping beyond the meter shall be carried above the basement floor, except that the water utility may permit a special location of the meter i.r�-,�-�.n�����-e�--�k�ex-e ��-,�.���.�.�.��.e.��_�.��,���_������.i.r�u�o.oia.J, provided in all cases the pipe shall be at a sufficient depth to prevent freezing. tdhere such permission is granted, the pipe between the point of entrance and the water meter shall be as short as possible and may be run overhead or carried under the concrete f loor. �-�-c���i�-d-u�a�-t-�a�-�ea�,/ If a joint is provided on a copper service under a concrete floor, � the copper pipe shall be installed in a vitrified sewer tile pipe, cement asbestos pipe or Orangeburg pipe, or approved equal, having a minimum diameter of four inches, laid continuous from a point 24 inches outside of the founda- tion wall to the meter location, shall have tight joints, shali be laid sufficiently straight to permit the installation or withdrawal of the water pipe, and shall be laid to drain to the outside of the foundation wall. A��a�se��-f-����-t-���.�a��3�.a--Faips--�te.ud�.d-uat-ta-exce�ed��i�ce.._o.f._f au.�_£ee.t �s�a-a�-�l�a-��si�da-�.ace.-a�_t,}as_£auu.cL�ti.aa.�aa.3L-b.e._i.nsta.LLe.d`aithaut_the_u.s.e__af �a-4.-�as�-s�.�s�a-ceuclu�-t.-I�iPa-T�x.auid.ed_iaz�LL�ases_t}aa.t-the-��a�a�-��e--a� t�e-�t���-��k-�e-�r-e�v�er��-�r-e�ea��g.- SECTION 3 That Section 94.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 94.04 Meters, settings. The meter setting shall ss���s�-e€ include the water meter, the meter valves, a��-sl�au��a�-a�-s�esl4-alase.�b.e.�,- and check valve when required, COUNC[LMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine ldateY _ Maddox [n Favor McMahon Showalter A gains t BY Tedesco General Tianager - Saint Paul w�son water Utility Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date A r by Mayor o ut�nission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK •p 'I'��(1,wn. PINK - FINANCE P E l n11=� CANARY�- DEPARTMENT COLLI1C11 ii'� • �/-sV BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File - NO. • 0 r in�nce Ordinance N 0. ���� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date SECTION 3 (continued) Page 3. a�� installed aEee�d��g in accordance with �e-s�a��a�� meter setting� standards of the water utility. The normal settings from the centerline of the meter spuds to the wall shall not be less than eight inches for one-inch and smaller meters, or closer than ten inches for two-inch meters. The height above the floor in all instances shall not be less than twelve inches or more than forty-eight inches, except by special permission. The meter setting and vertical riser shall be strong and securely attached to an adja- cent wall to prevent sagginb, swaying or undue vibration. On new services or renewals carried to the basement, the meter shall in all cases be set above the floor. Large meters may be set directly on the floor when their weight cannot otherwise be properly supported. SECTION 4 That Section 94.07 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 94.07 Meters, shut-off valves. Each service shall be provided with two rising stem gate valves placed in close proximity to the meter�, and both vaives shall be the same size as the service or larger. On services two inches and smaller, the valves shall be guaranteed for a working pressure of not less than 125 pounds water pressure, of virgin alloy of copper, tin, lead and zinc, having a full opening for maximum flow volume, and accurately machined for tight closing, capable of repacking under pressure when fully opened or closed, and provided with suitable attached handwheel. The valve on the house side of the meter shal� have a drainl, or a separate drain coctc may be installed at the base of the riser in lieu of the drain on the valve. On services larger than two inches, the valves shall be double disc all bronze or iron body bronze mounted. Al1 valves shall be stamped or identified as to size and manufacturer' s name or trademark. All valves shall be as approved by the water util- ity, COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine water Maddox In Favor McMahon Showalter Against BY Tedesco General Manager - Saint Paul �Ison Water Utility Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CLERK �' /1� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl f� CANARY�- D6PARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA II L � BLUE - MAYOR File � N O. • 0� in�nce Ordinance N�. � ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date SECTION 5 Page 4. That Section 94.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 94.08 f4i�-e�am�e�s: ��e�e-s�s��-�e-��g�s��ed-e�-��e-�e�se-s��e-e€-��e-�e�e�-e��-��te kease-s��e-e€-��e-e�eel�-�e��ae-��-e�ese-��e�}x����-��e�e�e-a�-a��-e�er��e�-e�-e���e�e� s�eee�-abse��e�-w��ei�-s�8��-�e-e€-smp�e-s�ge-are�-eapee��y-�e-�e�t�ee-wa�e�-�sr�x�e� es-r�e�-as-�pes9���e:-��e-�+���x�t�x�-pe�rn}ss}��e-s�ge-s�e��-�e-�ae-��e�res-��-��er�e�e� a��-s�x��-�r�e�es-�h�o�:-9�-9e��a3ees-���ge�-��ar�-��ae-#�e�re9;-��e-��er�e�e�-e€-��e e�am�e�-s�a��-�e-�i�ree-inehes.- Shock absorbers. Approved shock absorbers may be required by the water utility when it is necesary to reduce water hammer in the water utility distribution system. They shall be located on the building side of the meter and in close proximity thereto. Fast closing valves shall not be utilized on the interior piping when such valves cause water hammer. SECTION 6 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � WateY Levine In Favor �i�iwr McMahon snowe�ter � Against BY �°- General Manager - Saint Pau1 J�Gisca 9 19a� Water Uti 'ty Adopted by Council: Date N�V 1 Form Approved by Ci t ney Certified ssed by Council Secretary BY By ` Approv y Mayor: Dat � Appr v d y Ma f binission to Council By BY BUSHED D E C 5198� � � CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ �162 �` ' ' , OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS ` ����� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Showalter July 29� 1.9�1 COMMISSIONER -- DATE �L3VLT�U �tEIER�AS, Chapter 89 c►f the Saiat Paul Legfslative Ceda e�tabl.i�hes code r�quirsments fas fire suppliea. Chapter 93 of the 3aint Faul I.egisl�tive Code establiah�s cocte requireaes�ts for street servicss (siae and lc►eatic�n), aad Chapter 44 +�f the Sai�t Paul Legialative Code eatablish�• aada re�quiremirnts for intertor �ro�k; and WHEREA8. A Wat�r Utility staff stady has detsrmiaed ¢ltat a saEall nambar of fire apriA– klsr heads awy ba aerved by a dowes�i�e serwice if such service is pro�►erly desigr�ed` and WHSBBAS, The Wtter Utility statf haa datermined aftsr atudy that a e�rrier pipa for copper :ervices uader floors is not na¢�saary in all eas+e� and t'�e o�iasion of ths carrier pfpe in such caae�s vili redu�e baildi�g coastr��tion costs �+ithouc reducing qualftY of service� snd �EREAS, The W�ter Utility staff h�s dat�rmined after at�dy that air chambers on �ter setting� should not ba raquired; snd, aa a�a �lcer�at+e to a valv� with a drai�, a separate drain aMy be per�f.tted aC the meter s��ti�g i�or t�ro inch "rnd smaller ser- viess� aad these chan�e� will reduce building constructioa c0ses �ith �no redu�ctio� in qualitq of servi�e; end WHE�EA3, The Water Utiltty stai�€ has dete�sined �€ter stu�y that a stctiari in tbe �ode should bs provid�d to permit the Nat�r tTtility to reqnire shocic absorbtrs a��t prohibit fasC acti�g �ralves xhea it is in the health and s�f�ty i�Cerest of ths cc�mu– nicy; �oW, therega�e, be it RBSOLYSD, Th�t the Baard of Wacer Com�issionisa hereby amthorises aAd appraves ths follwring chaages in th� Sai�xt Fiul l,e�islttiv� Codez i. Seetion 89.17 shall he a�e�ded t� in�ltide a provision thac permit� t�►e installation of a �ew spri�►kler h�ads on �o�estic water service�. 2. $ectie+a 93.Ua shal2 b� a�a��d�eQ to s•qnire aarriar pipes oalq oA - copper services wich a joint �rder • co�ar�t� fic�or a�d not on all servi,ces. 3. Sectioa 94.U4 shall b� amended to elia�iiuta� the requirsment o� sn air ch�aber on � �ator setti��,. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays — — — 19— In favor— Opposed __ ASST. SECY. •>_ , ~-� CITY OF ST. PAUL No._ — � OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMf�"StO�tERS `" *y�"#�"� RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM �Gi����� PRESENTED BV COMMISSIONER -- DATE RE54LVED 4. Sec�ton 44.07 shall be ame�ded ta provide an alcers�ats tc �► v,alv� with a drain on servicas t�+o inches at�d smaller� permitting a sap�rate drafn as the ac�ept�ble alternate. 5. Section 9�.0� shall be �ead�d tp elimir��ts air chambers, prohibit f�sc actiAg valves as�d provide rsquired shock absarbers wben ��eessarp to reduce watax haras�sr. and be it furth�r xESOLVED, That the City Co�»cil is rsQusstdd to concur aad adopt tlas •ttich�ed praspased ordfn�nce plscing ixto e£fsct tt��sa �ended a�d u��rly establfahed provisiona. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays Maddox Shot�7.te� _ Ju3.y �9 1 y"=1 Qice Preeident Ba�hr�c�h In favor 3 — Opposed � ✓v _y �SECY. . , OM O1 e- ��1'9� ��,, �-' Rev. : 9/8/76 Rev.� S/7/80 Rev.;`�; �4�3a��$1 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES nate: August 5, 1981 �����,��-- �,--. `�... _;;,o.r',�,,,.�^� AUG 1 1 1gg1 TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ;�,llp�R�'O�# C�,�i���;�' FROM: ELMER A. Hi7SET, GENERAL MANAGER, � SAINT PAUL WATER UTILITY RE: Proposed amendments to Sections 89•17, 93.08, 91+.01+, 9�+.07 and 9�+.08 of the Saint Pau1 Le�islative Code ACTION REQUESTED: The City Council is requested to concur with Board of Water Commissioners' Resolution 3162 and pass the attached Ordinance amending Code requirements for fire supplies, street services and interior plumbing work. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � At the request of representatives of the St. Paul Piping Industry the Water Utility conducted a study to determine if certain proposed changes in the Code would be feasible. Code changes recommended by the stuc�y and incor- porated in the attached ordinance axe primarily related to interior pluxnbing. FINANCIAL IMPACT: Code changes authorized by the proposed ordinance will reduce building construction costs with no reduction in the quality of service. �� ATTACHMENTS: Boaxd of Water Commissioners' Resolution 3162 Proposed Ordinance � lst -� � �i � �_2nd / 3rd l� - . / �1 _– ' � 1�/ Adopted_�— _ Yeas . NayS HUNT LEVZNE � `� U �� McMAHON 3 �/���� SHOWALTER . TEDESCO WILSON PRESIDEIVT (I�jDOX) I