277638 WHITE - CITY CLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE n CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T 1 �U L COURCII � � BLUE - MAYOR File N . Cou cil R lution Presented By LICENSE COI�'�lITTEE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RFSOLVEDs That Application Q22027 for the transfer of Class C-R�staurant, �i Sale Ma1t Beverage and Off Sale Pqa].t Beverage Li.censes� expir3ng November 3, 1982, AND Application Q22028 for the transfer of the Cigarette License and Foodstuff Vending Macbine I,icense� expiring March 31, 1982� all 3asued to George J. Costanzo at 535 N. Dal.e Street, be and the same are hereby transferred to Steven R. and Margaret A. Cheney at the same address to do business as Peggy's Place. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In FBVOc Maddox McMahon '� __ A gai n s t BY Showalter - — Tedesco Wilso� NO� � ,�l Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa �e Counc�l S tar BY -`_ Appr e by Mavor. _ OV 4 I9S� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY PUBLISHED NOV 141981 . . g �d'7��8 _��`"���"�����"" CITY OF SAINT PAUL CiTT p�s4ii -``� ''��"'� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �a �,, '� uii'iii1° �= '_.+, �= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �..• Room 203, City Hall J"'�m,�".,..��"'` GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR �ovember 3, 1981 Madam President and Honorable I�embers of the City Council Saint Paul� Minnesota Ma.dam President and Honorable 2fembers: George J. Costanzo and Steven R. and I�4argaret A. Cheney request that the Class C-Rsstaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage, Off Sa1e Ma1t Beverage, Cigarette and Foodstuff vending Machine Licenses presently issuecT to George J. Cos- tanzo be transferred to Steven R. and Margaret A. Cheney at the same address. Theg are going to operate this busine�s personally and it will be known as Peggy�s Place. This application has been reniewed by the License and Permit Division and the City Attorney's office. The re- commendat3on is for approval. Very truly yours� ����r Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector O .'-' . . . . . . . .. _. . ... ._ . .. ,.. . : . .. . .. . . : 6 � R � . . . . . . � . ' ,. � , . .. � . . . � ����i'� October 29� 1981 � Mr. and Mra.' Stev+en R. Cheney � 1118 Sherbwrns Avenn�e St. Paul� Hin�eata �5101t , Dear Sir and 2�Iad�: � tranafer of On Sale Malt Beverage� etc. Tueadqy� Ncrre�aber ;3s �9�1 . � , r+* " ' ' 10:00 A.M. Co�ncil' Chambei�, thi�rd��'loor Ctty 'He'y.1. , �