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To: Ron Ma.ddox, Council President
and Members of the City Council
From: J. William Donova.n
Valuation and yssessment Engineer
Date: September 21, 198�
Subject: Petition of Port Authority of St. Pau1, et al, for the
vacation of certain streets and alleys in Southport
Industrial District.
Public Hearing - October ]�, 1981
The Fort Authority of the City of Saint Pa.ul and the Trustees of the property
of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Company, Debtor, have jointly
petitioned th�.t portions of Lamprey Avenue, East Belvidere Street, Versailles
Averrue, Winona Street, Wyoming Street, Greve Street and the alleys within
Blocks of 45, 4g, 51 and 56 be �a.cated so as to permit the Port Authority to
develop this property (Southport Industrial District) for industrial purposes.
The Port Authority and the Railroad awn all the abutting property at this time.
The streets and alleys are not needed now nor in the foreseeable fl�ture for
public purposes, and it is the intention of the Port Authority to rededicate
and replat ar�y streets that ma.y be needed as pa.rt of the development of the
property for industrial purposes. The total public right-of wa.y to be va-
cated is �+.27 acres and is zoned I-2.
Because the property is to be devoted for the benefit of the general public
the Port Authority, the Trustees of the Praperty of the Chicago, Rock Island
and Pacific Railroad Company, Debtor, have requested that the City Council
va.cate these streets at no compensation to the City.
The Public Works Department ha.s no objections to the proposed vacation, subject
to the follaw=ng conditions:
l. The retention of specific easements (restrictions within
the easement area will be stated later in this report) for
the existing series of drain�.ge ditches in this area that
must be retained or replaced with an adequate piped storm sewer
2. The storm sewer system should be part of an overall stormwa.ter
mana.gement proposal for this area, approved by the Depa.rtment
oi Public ��Jorks Sewer Engineer.
3. The petitioners should replat this area and dedicate the
necessary street right-of-ways to service the area.
Northern States Power Comn�ny, having reviewed the said vacation area,
states they h�ve electric and gas distribution facilities in the vacation
area. They request that their interests be protected.
There were no other recommendations or objections from ar�y other public or
private agencies involved.
In view of the foregoing, I recommend approval of the vacation, subject to
the follawing terms and conditions ;
1. That the legal description of the properties to be
va.cated read as follows:
Parcel I - I,amprey Avenue
From Northerly line of vacated East
Belvidere Street to I�Torth line of
Blocks 1 and 2 of Moriarty's Addition
to West Saint Pdul extended.
Pa.rcel II - East Belvidere Street
Fr�n Northeaster� right-of-way line of the
Chicago Great F�estern Railroad to North-
westerly extension of Southwesterly line
of Lot 14, Block 56, The West St. Paul
Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate
Addition No. �+.
Parce� III - Versailles Avenue
From North line of East Annapolis Street
to the Northwesterly line of East Belvidere
Pa.rcel N - Winona. Street
From Northeasterly right-of-wa.y line of the
Chicago Great Western Railroad to a line
extending from the Northwest corner of Lot
9, Block 51, to the S rnzthwest corner of Lot
24, Block 56, al1 in the West St. Pe.ul Real
Estate and Iznprovement Syndica$e Addition
No. 4.
Parcel V - Wyoming Street
Fram Northeasterly right-of way line of the
Chicago Great Western Railroa.d to a line
extending from the Northwest corner of Lot
4, Block 49, to the Southwest corner of Lot
19, Block 51, all in the West St. Paul Rea1
Estate and Improvement Syndicate Addition
No. �+.
� � . . . _3_ �"��'���
Parcel VI - Greve Street
From Southwesterly line of Versa.illes
Avernze to a line extending f�om the
Northwest corner of Lot 16, Block �+5, to
the Southwest corner of Lot 12, Block
49, all in the West St. Pa.ul Real Estate
and Improvement Syndicate Addition No. 4.
Including all those portions of the Northwesterly to aouth-
easterly alleys in Blocks 56 and 51, West St. Paul Real
Estate and Tlnprovement Syndicate No. �+ and Blocks 49 and
45, West St. Paul Real Estate and Improvement Syndicate
No. 3, Ramsey County, Minnesota.
�Z: That the vacation be subject to all the terms and. conditions of
Cha.pter 130 (codified March 1, 1981) of the St. Pau1 Legislative
Code, as amended, including the retention of all existing public
utilities easements until such time as they are released by
Certificates of Intended Non-Use.
�j3� TYr�t an easement be retained to protect the interests of Northern
States Power Compar�y electric and gas line f�.cilities.
„�! That specific easements be retained for all existixig drainage
ditches in said area until they are replaced with an adequate
piped storm sewer system that is pa.rt of an overall stormwater
management system for the area approv�td by the Department of
Public Works Sewer Engineer.
That restrictions within the easement area shall be as follv�rs:
a) That no buildings, structures, or trees are permitted
within the easement area, or aqy temporary structures,
material storage, fixture or other ob�ects that will
prohibit norma.l access to wa.ter or sewer facilities
for ma.intenance purposes.
b) That no cha e from the existing rade is per�nit#�ed
without. writ�en permission fr.om t�e D.epartmen oz Public Works
Sewer Engineer. --
c) That no chan�e in surfacing within the ea.sement area
is permitted without written permission from the
Department of Public Works Sewer Engineer.
d) That the petitioner, its successors and assigns shall
flxll,y indemnify, defend aud save harmless the City of St.
Paul, their officers, agents, employees and servants
� from all suits, actions or clai.ms which shall arise from
any in�uries or damages received or sustained by a�y
break in an�y service pipe, sewer, water tnain or connection
in said reserved easements, arising out of or resulting
from ar�y action or negligence of the prime petitioner,
its employees, agents or business invitees.
, � ,�9�'� � I
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'{� That the�petitioner agrees to replat this area and •
dedicate the necessary street right-of ways to
service this area within five years of adoption of
this resolution.
�� That the Port Authority or assigns must agree to
be responsible for all costs and expenses in the re-
platting of this property, the dedication and im-
provement of all new dedicated streets and easements
made necessary for the proper development of this
property, all to be accomplished under the supervision
of and approva.l by the Department of Public Works, and
that the proper City Officials shall be authorized to
accept said Deed of Dedication an@ easements.
(n�. That the Port Authority being the prime petitioner sh�all
not be required to pay compensation to the Ci�y for this
�-8: That the petitioner, its assigns or successors, by
acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation,
agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City
of Saint Pa.u1, its officers and employees f`rom all suits,
actions, or claims of a�y character, including, but not
limited to, a clai.m �rought because of ar�y in�uries, or
damages received or susta.ined by ar�y person, persons, or
property, on account of this va.cation; or because of a�y
act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner;
or because of ar�y clai.m or liability arising from or ba.sed
on ar�y violation of ar�y law or regulation ma.de in accordance
with the law, whether by the petitioner or an�y of its agents
or employees.
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