277622 WHITE - CITY CLERK ����y PINK - FINANCE I`�f� s V� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUflC1I BLUE - MAYOR File N . Co n 'l R e u ion Presented By ` + ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paui does hereby authorize and direct the proper City Officers to execute Traffic Control Signal Agreement No. 60607M, between the City of Saint Pau1. and the State of Minnesota, Department of Transpo rtation, covering the installation of pedestrian actuated traffic control signal on Trunk High- way No. 49 (Rice Street) at Wayzata Street. A copy of said agreement is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. COU[VC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Pub 1 i c Wo rks Levine Itl FBVOi � � Maddox McMahon � showaiter - __ Against BY — �"dE° Donald E. Nygaard, D ctor � wilson OCT 2 9 1981 Form Approved by i y rney Adopted by Council: Date _ CertifiE:d • Ss y o nci , BY � _ Appro e by :Vlavor. Date _�+T 3 0 �� Appro e by Mayo or �s 'on to Council � By� - - — � BLISHED N 4V 7 198i 1 , ����`�`�� RECElVED � . _ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ST, PAUL, MINNESOTAUG� � � t�'�'� t MEMO ROUTING SLIP ��TY AT�0��3EY �, Jerqine J.��Segal /� INITIALS CIRCULATE Assistan,t Ci y A orney Rqom��f City I1 DATE FILE - � B rn rdrJ, arlso Di r ct r � P � /� �' � �° 1 N FO RMAT I ON F �ar�c� b M nag nt Se v es AN D �`�°�' � � Y �� • RETURN VERSATION SE�--ME� George Latimer FOR SIGNATURE Mayor / Room 347 City Hall / �_', REMARKS: FROM: p�� 2 ,1981 Donald E. Nygaard, Director U� 1 PHONE 4241 FORM 1009 �1-9-75) o . OM 01 : 12/1975 _ � Rev. : 9/8/76 '� . Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS , Rev. : 4/30/81 RESDLUTIONS AND ORDlNANCES � ����� � �� ��� DATE: OCtober 13, 1981 - , '� htayor, #tv �;t. �_� , PRinn. ro: r�no� Latt� MIt1POR's oF"�t�;E ���.C- �._ � FROM: Tho�s J. Eggtm, Pub�,ic w�ks pt�ifc�e S�git'�eC RE: P�ed�strfamt actuated T�affic Cbnt,�vl Sic,�nal cc� Ti�csk Hiqt�y I�b. 49 (Rice gtree�t) at �yzat�e� Stre�t. ACTION REQUESTED: ' �is a�'ee�t grants the at%Y Pe�isSiean t�p install� c�perate tUnd mai�ts3ri the pe��an a�tuatsd tra�ffc aantsol signnls aa State . Trunic Higt�e�y Nc�. 49 (Rioe stree�t) at 1�yzata. ' . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � , Tfie 8ignal �8 e0nat�uCted thta pa,st sPc'�iq bY' r,�7d att t�e C�:ty�s �se and is no�r � operat�o�. sfrrae the s�,�nal ia aa a d�c�nated Sta�te Trunit �nY Pe�mfsa� frr� tt�e State �a r�equi�ed. �,,r FINANCIAL IMPACT: Non� -» T�ie tAtal oast «f pc�oject �s $28.262.00, pe��8 #rq�a 1980, CD y�ear 6 fuads. P�tie i�ks Pro,�ect No. T-11QGD. ATTACHMENTS: �'' � � Re�lutf;�a s�# • • �CPT� O t= C-��KAtyC L ��",��,'�"� � i i � i. �. MINI�ESCTA TRANSPORTATIC1v DEPARTMEN'I I :� i TRAFFIC CCNTROL SIGNAL � �� � � �. AGREEI�9ENT N0. 606071�'i I � BETGvEEN THE STATE OF MIN1vESCTA, DEPARTNsENT OF TRANSPORTATIOP� ; AND .t THE CI'I�Y QF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ; �. � � FOR � A Traffic" Control Signal with Street Lights on Trunk Highway No. 49 (Rice Street) at Wayzata Str.eet in St. Paul , Minnesota. � , � C.S. 6213 Pregared by Traffic Engineering � � � fi ESTIMATED AN�CUNT RECEIVABLE ANiOUNT ENCUNIfiERED �' it � None None �;: z , ,a., e ,.� 'r � J � � • � P �-- v^....w� >war_�war-semwz- - . — - .�2��.��'Ji':eD4S.':W'�c]=ti11._.l4lS_:'J":_�^f'.:}}^�.'1e'�'+^" _.. __ , .._ - � . .... '.i . . � k►���,� TFIIS AGFEEMENT made and entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, '�egartment of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State" , and the City of St. Faul , hereinafter referred to as the "City" , WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, •the City desires to provide a pedestrian actuated traffic control signal with street lights cn Trunk Highway No. 49 (Rice Street) at Wayzata Street in the City; and WHEREAS, the City will �rovide , maintain and operate said traffic contro3 signal as hereinafter set forth; NUW, THEREFORE, IT IS AC�REE� AS FOLLOV�S : 1. The City shall preF•are the necessary plan, specifications and �roposal and �hall Ferform th�e engineering and inspection required to complete the items af work hereinafter set forth. 2. The City shall install or cause the installation of a pedestr-ian actuated traffic control signal with street lights on Trunk Highway No. 49 (Rice Street) at Wayzata Street in accordance with the plan and sFecification prepared by the City, a�l at the cost an.d expense of the Gity. 3. Zhe City shall install or cause the installation of an adequate electrical Fower supply to the service �ole or pad including any necessary extensions of Fower lines, an� upon completion of said signal with street lights installation shall provide necessary electrical power for its o�eration at the cost and expense of the City. 60607M -1- � __.__ ._._...__..__��. �__...__ .__ ._ . � � , _ __. �_ � Mq �� 4• U�on completion of the work con'tem late P d ln paragraph 2 hereof, the City shall maintain and keep in reFair the traffic control signal and maintain the street lights at its and expense. cost 5• The City indemnifies , saves, and holds harmless the State and all of its agents and employees of and from an an claims demands actions y d all ' � or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out of, or by reason of, the e any work by the Cit P rformance of Y prcvided for hereby, and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or commenced for the Proceeding purpose of as-sertang any claim of whatsoever character arising in connection with or by virt�e of control signal here�y installed � • the tra.ffic � the City. 6' AnY and all persons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of and any and all claims that ma or the City ` Y might arise under the Worker ' s .7 Compensation Act of this State on behalf of sai d employees while so engaged , and any and all claims rr,ade by any third consequence of an Farty as a y act or omission on the part of said enFloyees while so engaged on any of the �ork contemplated herein sha the sole obligation and responsibility of the City, 11 be �• �'iming of thE traffic control signals grovided for herein shall be initially determined by the City 's Traffi Engineer . Ad 'ustments of said si nal timin C J g g may be determined by ; the State, through its Commissioner of Transportation changes shall be made thereafter exceFt with the a �ro an� no I S tate , P� val of the � �,,.,._.. • . , ' ������� CITY OF ST. PAUL RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVP.L: Ey �irector of Public Works Mayor APPROVED AS TC FORM: (City Seal ) sy Director of Finance & City Attorney Management Service STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTrIENT OF TFtANSPGRTATION �' a � RECOMD�ENDED FOR APFRCVAL: BEPARTMENT CF TRANSPORTATICN Ey �� District Engineer Assistant Commissioner Operations Division Dated APPROVED AS TQ FCRM F1ND EXECUTION: DEPARTNtENT CF ATMINISZ'RATICIV Ey Special Assistant Attorney General - State of Dlinnesota Dated 60607M -3- �