277611 WHITE - CITY CLERK ' ,'������.� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUIICII ������ '� BLUE - MAYOR , File N . � u cil ution - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �iS Park �a ('k�t As�c3,a�tes h�s s�aquested pe�sias to reaonatrnct tl�s afdene].k ad,j�t the Park S'�are �uct Baildfr�g oa tt�� aocth sicle e�fi Fdat Si�ctl� Street a�acdmately 140 feet east c� SiUley Street in a me�ec in aoaflict �rith the City v� Sa�fnt P�aul., Mlirn�vta, Depei�i�ent o� Public �1as. St:arydar+d Detail Plmtes, apecifical].y by in�- stallinq a taidc paner aurfr,ae. RFSCLYID, th�ct p�t to p�►�1.sf.c�ns cxE C�aptera 121 a�d 123 0� tt�e Satnt Peonl I�egl,al�tti�ne C.b�e, tt�e Dtrect� of Pnb�.�c l�To�Iss f�s he�x+eTdy a�tho�iaed tio iasne to Park � Cburt Aaa�oetntee o� tca a lioe�aed and booaed sic�+a]Ic aontraat� act�nq a�r ag�erit i`cr sai�i P�urk S�e�a�re Oa�rt l��d�ta�, a pe�dt tc� s�eoonsttv�ct tt�e �elk ad,�aaent to i,o�t 7, Hlcek 7, l�its��* a�d 9�tth'e Add�tiaci by inata].lit�g l�c'ick pec�ne�s. .aid pe�fit is gFa�t�ed amd a�e aoqo�ly �bject to the �olle�rinq t� aud oanditia�a 1, That anid pe�na3ttree ahnl7., at its aai aost a�d eacpenae, and its a�000c�oe Nith al]. appliceTale a�dtne�a o� tbe d.ty ofi saint Paul, aocistract and �;�,i-�•f*+ aa3d sic3ewalk; 2. Tbnt aa�:td sic3�weilk cxanstructicn az�d 3�netallatfvn shmll be fn atrict confo�na�ae with p�s ap�r�cn�ecl by the De�Onrtment ot Pulalic Wo�'ke; 3. �at �id p�mitt,ee a�twll pnp the cx�ta o� iuspecti�cxz and pnbli.odtian af thi.s r�eoluti+c�; - 4. Thnt aaid side�lk sha�l]. be se�oNed by e�d at tbe ao1� a�t ofi aatid pe�d.ttee �r�c tl�e Qo�ci]. o�' tl�e G`ity of Salint Pa�l shall by s-�oltttatm dQte�mdne such s�emcpal n�eae�ry in the pqblic 3aterest ar�d aoac��rlinqly c�+d�r its reanval: COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snoWaite� __ Against y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by A7avor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Gouncil By _ _ _ By WHITE - CITV CI.ERK ��^�� PINK �- FINANCE ` CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUIICSl � BLUE i MAVOR File NO• ' � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 5. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish a Surety Bond to the City of Saint Paul in the sum of Ten Thous�d Dollars ($10,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this resolution and to indemnify said City from all liability, costs and expenses that may accrue, occasioned by the making of the improve- ment or arising out of the same; 6. That said permittee and/or its successors in interest shall hold harm- less, indermify and defend the City of Saint Paul against any and all liability on account of all claims, causes of action, suits and judgments or on account of injury to persons and/or property arising f rom and connected with the construction, mainten�ce or operation of said sidewalk; 7. That supplemental to all other obligations on its part, said pe rmittee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish and maintatn and pay all premiums and other expense for pubtic liability insurance coverage by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota in an amount of $250,000.00 against liability for injury to any one pe rson and $500,000.00 for personal injuries in any one accident, and against liability for injury to property in an amount of $100,000.00 for any one accident, and in the said amounts and for the said purposes respectively, tndemnifying said permittee, its successors in interest, and the City of Saint Paul against liability on account of al l claims of thi rd persons for injury to person and/ or prope rty arising from or connected with the construction, operat[an or maintenance and/or removal of said sidewalk and shall furnish a certificate of said cove rage from time to time to the Office Engineer, Department of Public Works and must be of a form acceptable to the City Attorney; 8. That said permittee shall within thirty (30) days after the effectiv�e date of this resolution file with the City Clerk its written acceptance of the terms, provisions and ca�ditians of this resolution. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Pub 1 i c Works Levine �_ In Favor Maddox McMahon _ a __ Against BY ������� • Showatter TJE/ d� Tedesco Wilson OCT 2 7 1981 Form Approved b it ttorney Adopted by Council: D te — Ce Yassed by C c'1 S cr'e y BY By� Elpproved by IVIa . Date OCT 2 8 198� Approved ayor r Submiss' Council BY - – — BY �`�� PuBL1SME� NOV 71981 �"7fi?1 ; , . . o►� o� : �2/�97s �- ' � Rev. : 9/$/7G � Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATlVE ORDERS , Rev. : 4/30/81 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES DATE: p��r 16, 1981 OGT 2U1981 T o: r�y�or c�o�}e Latiner FROM: � J. Dggun, 9�61�i.�c Worlts Offiae Fhgiheer RE: pu}��c Sidewalk adjaoent Park Square Oourt on North Side of East Sixth Street East of Sibley Street. ACTION REQUESTED: . Resalutian wauld c,gant Park Square Court Associat�es pernvtssion to install and maintain bridc pav�r surfacing ai a portion of the sidewalk an the north side of East Si�h Street at the privat�e alley 140 feet east of Sihley Street. , . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: � The bridc paver surfacing do� not c�ontornn to the City's standards for sidewalks. thder this resoluticu Park Squar� C,aurt w�ould be responsible for t�e aonstructiari, q�eration, a�d maintenanae of the sidewalks subject to the terms a�d oandit3ans oontaineki in the re�olttti.an. A similar brick surfacing was installed at 1648 Grand Avenue "Mac I�rket" by authority of Couzcf.l file # 274021, acbpted Nov�nber 13, 1979. FINANCIAL IMPACT: ZR�e pern�dttee will pay the City's aost for �ngineering and Inspection �der this project, estimated to be or�e Htaiclred D�llars ($100.00) . ATTACHMENTS: R�eso].utian Nfap of Area dc �y �) / / � • H/ (n / F • � / u� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ST. PAUL� MINNESOTA MEMO ROUTING SLIP ' INITIALS CIRCUTATE � _� f-�_:� �-` ,I DATE FILE � 1 , � 1,�'. l _-. ` �- � � INFOR- ' `, c, � ,_! i i'� _ � � MAT I ON NOTE AND RETURN PER CON- VERSATION SEE ME FOR SIG- NATURE REMARKS: j fi � . _ - __:� 1- . , ,_ _ ! - 'r�= _ � � � � , -; -� . _ !'_.�-. � � �' ./, '/ j - • � . . / �" , , , - � --. ' , � FROM: � DATE� - �-� %, !.�- -�-< <.� �� _ - � ;�/. � ��/ . , ` !� // ��`�7` - ,� PNONE _ _ _� `� ; �; _ < < �' / FORM 1009 (9-77� • � � ' � � � G i.� � . PARK s��1�P�� �oG:�.� ��:s��tA'�E:; �- -� p9gC?1'J r:=;t.3;:i'��c �"�'.= INi�'�,.J e4l:e�°d.�'�. `v`1.::-a1.3 .� TO THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Ladies and Gentlemen: We, the undersigned petitioners, hereby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of City Council File No. �77611 , adopted by the Council on October 27, i98T regarding the granting of permission to Park Square Court Associates to install brick paver surface on the pul�lic side- walk on the north side of East Sixth Street approximately 140 feet east of Sibley Street. �� �y �/ ,