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00-669� \_ � _ � ��� � Council File # C�O— ��,� k'tJS���� � � \ Green Sheet # `� � g �.S Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of z the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the a City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). 4 5 6 � s 9 io ii ia 13 14 is 16 i� is 19 zo zi z2 23 24 2s 26 z� as 29 30 31 32 Appointments Michael Chanaka Joy Evangelist Daniel Galles Richard Hanson Louis Henry Richard Krohn Rolf Middleton Michelle Ott Kathleen Pinkett Shelley Rose Mary Schmitz Ellen E. Watters Joy Wise Davis Richard Grigos Eng Herr James Smith Lorrie Louder William P. Lynch Donovan Schwichtenberg Harry Melander Mary Brunkow Jon Gutzmann John Mohr Charlotte Strong Jerry Blakey RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Representing Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Economic Development Education Education Labor One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner Elected Official Expiration Date June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 3une 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 po-G6q �, Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date p p Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ����,� Approved by Mayor: Date VV� Z� l�v04 By. Ci�� f� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . � ���-C. /�/ �` " ° "�,�f " — (�p-CGq Mayor's Office pNTACT POtSON 8 PFiO1�E Lucia Lebens 266-853 IUS! BE aP7 COIRic�Lnc,H�DA BY (OATq July 12, 2000 �,E�,m 7-19-00 wrt TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET No 104895 � � oB�..�rowccrae anw�ac� � anwtrowEr ❑ arv�tac ❑ wuwy�scau¢rsuw. ❑ wurcu�mreuccra �wvael�uonum ❑ (CUP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving appointments of Michael Chanaka, Joy Evangelist, Daniel Galles, Richard Hanson, LouisHenry, Richard Krohn, Rolf Middleton, Michelle Ott, Kathleen Pinkett, Shelly Ross, Mary Schmitz, Ellen Watters, Joy Wise-Davis, Richard Grigos, Eng Herr, James Smith, Lorrie Louder, William Lynch, Donovan Schwichtenberg, Harry Melander, Mary Brunkow, Jon Gutzman, John Mohr, Charlotte_Strong and.Councilmember Jerry Blakey, by Mayor Coleman, to serve on the City- County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION OF TRANSACTION t SOURCE (IXPWN) tias mic rR�� ever workea under a contract tor mis department? YES NO Fias ihis P�eaMrm e�er been a dly empbyee9 YES I� ooes mis oe+soMrm vwsecs a da� not norma��ra�ssed nr �n wm.m cnv en YES NO Ia this peiedJfirm a tarpeletl ventloY! VES � CAST/REVQIUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO d0-�GY CITY OF SAINT PAUL sso c�r> xarr Norm Coleman, Mapor IS West Kellogg Bou[evard Saint Paul, MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom FROM: Councilmember Jay Benanav Counciimember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Ma or Telephone: 612-266 85 7 0 Facsimi[e: 612-266-8513 DATE: July 18, 2000 � �.� �� i�- w RE: City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) �✓� � f ,-�� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments o�'Michael Chanak�oy Evangelist�Daniel Galles, Richard Hanson, Louis Henry, Richard Krohn, Rolf Middleton, Michelle Ott, Kathleen Pinkett, Shelley Rose, Mary Schmitz, Ellen Watters, Joy Davis, Richard Grigos, Eng Herr, James Smith, Lorrie Louder, William Lynch, Donovan Schwichtenberg, Harry Melander, Mary Brunkow, Jon Gutzmann, John Mohr, Chariotte S4rong, and Councilmember Jerry Blakey to the City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals and copies of their applications. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments 'j c: Terry Zurn, Workforce Investment Board Staff � naY'-31-2000 i2�03 SAINT PAUL ARER CHArHER Coxsolidated Program Workjorce Irtvestaeent Board (WIBj Membership Application Privat¢,frtfOrmalion Nazne: Michael J. Place of Employment: Northem States Power Company 512 223 S1I9 P.02i05 ChQhaKA oo-GC� Work Address: 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis Hennepin Street City County Telephone Number: (Work) 612-330-bb71 (Home) �_„(FA.X) b12-330-7935 55401 Zip E-Mail Address: CHNMOI @ NSPCO. com Job Title: Manager, Corporate Reciviting, Staffing, Tes6ng & Assessment Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: C�nttua L. Lesher,Ptesident NSP Gas Address: 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401 Phone;LHomel 2} Name: V � , .� . Address: Phone:fFiomcl jWorkl What aze your reasons £or wanting to serve on the WIB? I was recommended as a candidate bv C L Lesher President NSP �as Opdona� Tn an attempt to ensure that Board n�presentarion reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge cf the following infomiation is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. x White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (Afi American) Asian or Paeific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: x Female: Disabled: a Yes x No Tf speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: N/A at this time Tbe infor,narian on thi,t apptication wlll be uud lo evdLOte and srlect members ojt6e fi7B. Applicants may reJuu ro supply r8c reqWCSred rofornearioa Ezeeptjor yoJuntary iejoin�aftan, howwery the jallarc to complcte tbc apyTitadox moy resu11 in it being discarded ?/�ir dala nray be reviewrQ and used by Runuey County asd SaintPaa! srajf, The data oa diu page is private. Apri14, 2000 r�aY'-31-2000 12�63 SRINT ?RUL ARER CHAMBER_ 612 223 5119 P.94i06 Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) o o- G 69 Category Descriptions ���,�L� you are as described below. or Labor positions, please nttach a to your Busercess, def:ned as for�rofrt (nominated by local business organiurions and/or business trade associetions - attech your aominafion ierter): 0 Business owner, chief executive or operating offices, aad other execurive or employer witb optimum policymaking or hiring authority x Represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local azea Also please indicate if you represent; x lazge business O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Comrnuniry-Based Organizations, defned arnonptofit organizations: ❑ Representarive of commuaities ar significant segmeau of comxnunities providing job traiaing � Agency serving youth 0 Agency serving displeced homemakers ❑ Union-related orgaaizarion O Employer-related aonprofit organizadon 0 Orgaz�ization serving nonreservation Indian and uibal government Q Agency representing veterans O Agency representing individuals with disabilities O Other:_. �Economic Development Agency: 0 Private Sector Q Public Sector Education (nominated by tegional or locel educational agencies, institutions, or organizarions representing sueh local educational entities - ettach your aomination letter): O Local educatiaaal enfities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds � Entities providing aduit educatioa and literacy activities ❑ Posuecondary educational insriNtions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ Nominated by recognized state aad/or Iocal labor federafions (attsch your nomination ietterj One-Srop Warkfo�ce CenrerPa�tners (defined as the pariners that cazry out the following acuvities/programs): O Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Narive American and Veteraas' Workforce (WIA Tifle n ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act 0 Aduit Education aad Literacy (WIA Tide In p Vocatioaal Rehabiliwrioa (Rehabilitation Act TitIe T} O Welfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Titic V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Peddns VocationaI and Applied Technology Edacation Act) ❑ Trade,Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1474 Tifle In O Local Veterans' Employment Represeatadves end Disabled Veteraas Ou�each (Tifle 38, U.S.C.) 0 Communiry Services Block Grant 0 Depaimient of Tiousing aad Uzban bevelopmaat Apri14, 2000 Sei£0'd 6£08 992 SS9 ?�3�JHNHW A1Nf10� .135WFi2i S0:£S 0002-5£-.ltlW nAY-31-2009 12�04 SAINT PAU� ARER CHRMHER 00-6�5 Consolidated Progranr Workforce Inveslmenr Board (WIBj � Membership Applica�ion Nazne: Michael (Mike) J. Chanaka Home Address: 8807 Kilbimie Teaace Brooklyn Park S�eet Ciry What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? k'1�e see attachedsesume Length of initial term you aze intaested in: one-year ? Are you a Veteran?: O Yes x No Ramscy County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Coxsolidated Program Woikforce Itrvestmenf Baard (WIB) Category Descriptiores form on thc reversc of this page. Please indicate, on fhe reverse side, tl�e category or categorzes you can represent on the WIB. _ . . ;... .,. . . . Mail or Fax your WIB Meaibershl A:,`cahon; to:.. .:. .. _ �, ,.P PP�.- ,.s _ . _.. , . . .... .. . •.. ... •. ..: , -. , , -.. .. ; Bonaie .Xnckeleii Chief Clerk - Courry Board,'Suite 230� IS Wesr KelJogg BouTevard, ,Saini Paul, Minnesota 55102 (Pcu: 651-265:8039; Pboi+e: �6S1=ZG(r8b14J: AppGcctions must be rec,eived by May.IZ; ZDDO. . We will ho]d [wo orientation sessians for members who are appoimed to the WIB. 7hese sessioas aze T'hursday, Jnne 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday,lune 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask that members atteud one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We expeet that appiicanu will be officially no�ified mid-June on the status of their applieation, Thank yoa i'or ynur iaterest The injonnadon on H�is app(ieation rvJ!! bc resed to tva/�tate and Selecr members ojthe R'I� Appficanls moy rtjuse to srrpply tbe reynesMd information Except jar wlnntary infonreatiee, 6owever, tl�e jailn�e ro camptete the appllca6oe rnay rawk in it beirrg discarGed �'his deta n�ry be �evtewed aed used byRaersey Coa�uy and Sainr Paul staf(. The deta on t/�is page and rbe revene side Is pxblic and, therejorg available ro �he pablia two-year ? 612 223 5119 P.05i@6 Hennepin 55443 Counry Zip For Ofiice Usc only Commissinner Disaict Plenuing District C,auneil City Council Wazd Ap�l 4. 2000 S0ib0'd 6£08 99Z S59 213�JFiNtiW 1.1Nf10J 1,3541t� 50:�L 00az-S£-.IFJW S0'd �Fi101 Michael J_ Chanaka aa- G�Y CI�-�-�-�-- 8907 Kilb:mi<1'erace Minnts polit, Minneson SSa43 Phane 612330-667 � Fex 612-330-7935 � E Meil CHNMOIQo NSPCO.cOM SKSLL5(AHILSTIES/IQIOWLEDGE/EXPERTZ9E Hwnan Resoucc� (HR) Leader wich over 2a years of uperience in busiaess. Exseasive «perieoce & laaowledge in HR: sorategic HR consulting; workforce rclatons, philosophy & policy development; discipliae; workforcc s�affing/plsnniag; busiaess eonsulcing; perfoimance managemear, lrnowiedge maaagemenr tesuucnuin�Jrcorgaaization; metger �eams; diverairy sttategy; problem resolurian; communication; pre-employmcat tcs6ng; cntpotate uaivecsiry metE�odology/designlimplemmtation; & HR u a"saategic business partner" tha� adds bottom line value ro rhe company. FTORlC HISTORY 1997_ Presenr ?eam Leader (Manager), Rerruiring, StaJfing. Assrssment & Terting, Norrhern Sta�er Powrr Compeny, Minneopolis. MN Lcad / manage etie design & delivery of all wmpany rec:uitiag, eraffing, workforce planning, reswcNringlreorganiudon, employmen� (EEO, ADA, e�c.j law complianee Bc kno�v)edge managemept stra[egies 1992-l997 Team Leadrr (Menager), EmployeeAsressment•& DeveJopment, Norther» Srares Power Company, Minneapolis, MN Led/maaeged thc design & delivery of a corporate univcniry, prc-employment testing, skilllcomp�tency assessmeat & dcvclopment, educauoe funding � Imowledge manegemcnt l990-l991 Rdm;nistraror, f3'orkjorceDrvcrrity & Emptoyee Relofions, Norlhern Stares Power Company, Minneapolis, MN Led/managed the desiga & deli�ery af compeay-wide disapline poliey / proceu, HTZ businese wnsulting, peer grievance resolurioa, FiR policy developmeudintecpretadoa, mediatianhhird pacty; workforee diversity cotporate spategy 1982-l990 SeniarEmployeeRelerionr Conrutrant, Nordrern Srnres Pmw Compaxy, Mi�neapolrr, MN Senior inremal HR eonsuttant ro company managemeat regerding ooipordte grie�ance process, discipline (unian & nan-union), workfo�ce relstions issues; & prnvided training faciliaaaa af numecans cuaiicula EDUCATION Bachelor of Scimce • Se Cloud State Universiry, 17I5 • Universiry of Minnesora Cerlson School of Management - I.�ading the Human Rcsouice Funetioq 1993 ACC�Z,I3E�NT3 • Desigaed � implemenud oompany-wide knowledge management strategy t6ac resulted in boaom line business impact (ie., up to SO% fazter solutions of technical probimu) • Plant Hreakthrough Project: Consuttod plant outage team resulting in $ I.5 million in praducuvity.gains • Implemented company peer group resolution process (interna] dnt process for non-unian emplayees) that resulced in litigaaon a+roidanee of ao estimated 3100,000. per caze ♦ Implemeated company Sraffia$ sdection tesring thst resulted in a firsr ycar cost nvings of $4�S,U00. (av estimaxd by our mcanal customers) SaiSF�'d FS'0B 992 i59 2139tlNtiW .11Nf10J J,35Wda 90:�t 0002—T£—J.dW�^ Scnt ; ;185 Con>dnlBS nay-26-20 19:07 fron 6126998922�651 266 BBS9 va9e i� 2 Conratideted Program WorXforee Xnvesernenr Boa�d (YYIB) �fembership Application 6 b - G�`� �IomeAddress: /�Sio ��mr.-• �'v��,e.F S r-c��-�.-f'fy SSf%E ' Street City County Zip What skills, trzinin3 and experience do you possess for WTB membership? �r. L'., i�-lSf. 'S� F'lrV-c*-l'Y� ��-r 4 "G t9'SS' f' "t�� !/��%'Ki�:'X'G!z( � .' / / '!,�' i? —c�' ✓�. � F Y� ��k c'� ! �' 2�� ' o/' '� � �' �.: t� �G'.!1 �/ � ��,.._ C/�`7r lC« �� ��' �t�� f� Length of initial term you are interested in Are you a Veteran?: O Xcs �IVo one-year_ two•year �� Ramsey County and ttie City of Saint �aui are recruiting individulls to rep�csent various categories 1s detailed oti the Cnnsolidnterl Progrron Workforce Invuf�rienrl�nard (WX13J Caregory Descriptions fo�m on the revcrse of this pnge. Ple�se indicate, on the reverse side the category or categorics y0u cAn r2p1'esent on tfic WTf3. .:) Yi':�� � . Mail or Faz your•�YIB Membetsh�p' Applicati�on toi ' '..: , .,`�>;'� ,. , . - � . _ . '�� ":�::;... •:: . � � =: s ;:-:.: : :'�:::a,�'s::�:: . . :�:_ . ,.,:. ,r �::- :�;_ . /3w�nie ;Icrckefe�r, Chre -. Coti��ty`Board,�Suite 1SO ]S WesYKellOg� B .iS101 (I�nx: 6S!-ZGG-&0�9; Phoni.�:-G51-266=8014). Applicntio»s nrust ba r'�crived by.Mny32,'1000:' •.. �Ve �vi�, hoid•h:�e-e:ientai%on sessio�s for �ncmbers who arc appcin::d tc die'.YIB, lbese s-ssions are � Ttnu'sday, June Z2 (5:00 ta 30:00 a.m.) or ?ucsday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:60 p.nt.) We ask tl�at members atccnd onc of thcse hvo sessions. PlcaSe reservc thcse datcs on }`our ealendar. \Ve expat ih3t applicants will bc af:lcially aotified mid-June on the staha of thcir appfication Tl�ank you for yosr intcresf. Tliu :r�jenr,nlinr� o;� [his epylicatiri� uif! bc usc•d ta evalunl� andst(cc( me�rrbcrs o�l�re WITi. �tpplicmds rnqv ra f«s� ro sr.p�t�•:}: raguesfcrl iuJarnrattP��. Et'ecpfJor vnlunfnry i�+fn�nrcdion, hu�UCVCr, tbr fnilnrc to eentplcte lk: npplicalion nray r¢suJ: in tt beir.z disca�deri. T'ki.c dntrrmay�hrrevicnueJnrrtluscdbyRan�seyCoun[y andSainlPaulstoJ� 7heda�aonlhispage i.� pubfic rr,rrl, d�er�fnre, availahle ro �hepublic. Foe OtFec Usc ouly Cocnntissioncr nistricl Planning District Council Ciq• Council Ward �rni ., .au�� (OV.GRJ JUN-01-20e8 10�22 RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 651 266 8039 P.02/04 61Z LL3 Jla7 r.uc+�+� MAY;3i-2,000 15�2a SRINl PHUt. �R �gE ^ Co�soGdatedprvgram Workforcelnvestment Board {W.fS) _ DO — G � `t MrmbersbipAPF��on w' Home stt�� Vyhat skiils, a'ainin8 v?d c�� �� ' t: .� . ... r� CauntY ����� � � � , ,,,, . � , . . ttl �>r1J�ar i�' i5 t� C i iL°,S "�`D"ir)uF�$'f /�J u� �gth of initial term Ynu are intrrested ia: onayeaz� rivo-year ..._- L�.!'Jr ATe Yan� a V�araA?: � Yes �No RamseY County aad the Ci1Y of Saiat P'aul are rccruf�ting )adiv,duals to xeprescnt variaus categ,orics ae detaited un the Con a 11dated� ���°on the reve� d tnc cat�gory or ca the zevcrse of ihis p g , on the'4ViB. .MsU or �ai Bonnie Jack 3SIt12`.(Faz� i: ' 1 We aviR hold two oritntation sasion9 tor members wLc are appoiated to the WID. These sessinns ere ?hutsday, Jane 22 (8:90 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tue9day. June Z7 (1:0� to 3:00 P.m.2 We aslc that memlx�s atte�d °ae °f th�se t�'° seuians. Pleate resetve ihe9e ddles on yout c2leadan We ezpect tbat applicaets wnll be officially mtificd mid Jime on �r�P e�s of their aovlicetion. � � T6ank You ior your i�tereat Tke f+Slo►+�atioe oa fl�iv ePPt'�°tion ru718e nsrQ io evd�ate aed seled a�e�nbas ojr6c if1� �eppfieancs eray re�icse to s�pply rhe ,�q,�.�d Mfo„�aao�.. ?�arjor whuua+9Woro+aOen, leaw�cve� tl�6Ja�ure ta mnpiete tLr �p7i�affon awY nsL)t tn it b¢iny �rde� T1Yly daut ��p' beieviewed aad wxd 6y Raiuffiy Corary and Sainr,�au! srafj. T7/e dam ow rhis pape a+rd Yhe reve�se side isprtWir. a�d, tf�ercjo.� avvi7obltW llupublia l �prit a �.000 j I JUN-B1-2000 �i�:, a P.03iO4 i S�" °a -6 c� to qouz [f yeu are appO�B for Business, Edueatiou, or 1.anor puo,,...,.a. r ----- - a pplicatioa ss descn'bed bclow. e mmiaated bY 1,oca1 bussncss arS��arions andlor business uade azs�ziatians - Business, defu+ed asfot�ptof� � attac6 Your aominatloa letter)- offiar, and other execnrive or employer with aP�um C� Business owner, chief exe�"�ve or opccadng po �y�ng orhiting authoeitY �efSe.ct the local area �j Repcesect business with csaployment oppacmnities tbat . ,4lso please indicate if yw �ep�e°t� 7t � busiaess O smsll business (fewer than 500 emp1Q?'e�) Cmnmynity-Basea Otgo»izations, defsned as nonp�of�t organizafions: ob 2rdinin8 p gapresentarive of cammuairi�s or significant sE�e°ts of eommunities Praviding S O Ageac.y serving Youth O A$��5' S�� �'9P�� bnmemalocts O Unioa-se]s�ed �� O Employu-rr7�ted noaptofit cr�uizaAom , � Orgenizerion serviag nenrae:vation Iudisn and�tn�bal Sp�+emment 0 Agmcy iepr��S vetarans 0 Agcacy repf��8 individuel9 wirh disab"dities i O Otbes: �conomic Development Agen Q �61ic Settor ❑ Privatt Sectaf ErJuearion (aominated by regio�l ��� 81�uwaonal egea�i�s, �tutions, or or�d� r�P�'°� � local cdurational entiues - Adath your nominatioa letter): Q T.ocal educational eutities Cmclvding K 12) , O Local school boardg aetirities O Entities pto'viding adult eduratioa aad litezacy f O PosrsecandaiY aducad°°e�'�h°t'°°6 I O Othar: j,a6or $�pach our unmination lettcr) O Nlomineted by reeo�nnized s�te and/or local labar �Aons ( y : I�Yor wce Center Partners (de8ned a, the Parmers ibat cazrY out tl� folloa�ing activitieslPr°��?}: OnerStop kj Tide I) p,,�au��, Dutoea�ed wozk�r >'Y��. Job Corps, Native American and Vetasns' Worl�nrce (�'`�� n wag�er-Peyser Act Tjfl 11) ' Q Adult F•ducarioo andLitetacy (WIA ' O Voeaaonal Relubilitation {Rehsbilitsrioa wctT'ttle n � 0 Wolfa:e-w-Wark Progams (Social Sec�ustY Act) cans Act O Seaior CoasmunitY Se�vice EmP1eYm� ('I'�tle V of tbe�� Oider Ameri ) O PostseronderY �du�auou (C`ul A. Perl�as Voearioaal afid AF'Ptied Teebnology Educati� Ac2} �,�� �j ,,��� (fpp) sad NAFTA TA,A� (7sade Act of 1974 Title Y� O Local Ve[aans' Employmeat Reptaentatives aad�led Veteraas Ou�ch (Title 38, U.S.C.) 0 Communiry Services Bloek Grant O Dcparnncnt of Housin% aad U�au Development i ��<-� I 10�22 RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 15;25 SR1NT P�1L Rr'2ER CHHI'wtK 651 266 8039 Conso&daudProgram 1�'ork�e� 1 � rrt�$Oard (WI�� CRteg n' 'I' C.� JUN-01-2600 10�23 M43Y-31-2000 15%?S RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 5A1NT PRLp_ RRER CHHMatrc Gonsolidaud Piogrum Workforee Invesement Boa►d� �n Men�bershipApp � Private I�lurmat�on L Place �� 651 266 8039 nauw.......�_- S�SCC� l.CJ� � Y'J� ��� TelephoneNumber• (wnrk)a€d-�-(Hame��-�lS7� (FA�-��59! 7 E-MailAddress: �vd e �� 5t• �� _ p¢rtonal Refercu�� tincludc e:sa cade) �� N�� en;se F�r�?� Aaa�es�: m ��� Phnnc�':s.. � � �St51 Q`?(i ��C� 2) Name: L c�! l� f�_-- / Address:.._.�m� l G,���_ j ,� �io �- � 8a ��s� �w�� �.�/ - � � - ��.�9 Opliona� In an attempt W eatv[e tf�at Boazd represeafshon ieAocts the malceuQ of our commumi7', �orrawb� of thc foliowing iaformation is helpfvL FToa+eva'. completion of this infocmaIIOa is voluntary. x White (Csucasian) Hispanic Asian or Yecific Tslander Bleck (Afrimn Aa�icsn) Other Americaa Iaditut os Alaskan Eslrimo . �— • Male: Q FeIIS�e: I?isabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No If speciai accommodatioas ate needed, Alease specify: THe iw fa.�wadm a� (his oyplicafion x�U! bt �oe� tn evaLtata awd xled Mcmbas ojd�c R'18 .(pplicanlf txay rnI� � s�ppl} Nie requested infamr�+orc �P�I� nnlnuary mjonnaLo+b ba»twcr, tde j�drse m oa nple/e +1m 9PPliOOmp a•ry resatr In i+ DainS tiscarled Tl� QoiK+�+aY be r�a"'�d and rrsed by Raarsey C°�+NY 01��1°t Paul staff: T7+a data cn rl�is page lr pdvmr� Apiil d, ]A00 TOTCU. P.05 S� po-CG`T - .• . TOTRL P.04 Sent les Con�anies �ay-26-08 19:07 fron 6126980B22�651 266 8259 Place of Employme Wock Address:! Telephone Number: E-Mai( Address: C Job Title:_Q��-,ti��.� Personal References (include area code) 1) 2) Name• ,�,�ffiG�i�c1sF Address:�_�� �,�. - 7� .s�'r�. Pnone•(HomelCC_�.- � o r9� What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? (Workl Cf �i 2 .�` Cs �`J� F' nptinnnl: In an attempt to ensure tha: Board representation reflects the makeup of our community knowledge of the followine information is helpful However, comp(etion of this information is voluntary. <-� White (Gtucfl.ier,) _ I31ack (African American) f�me�ican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male: f� Female: ❑ bisabled: Q Yes l�� Hispsnic Asian or Pacific Tslander Otiter If speciaf accommodations are �eeded, please specify:_ �� 77ie i� jurrrratiort mi tkis npplicatio�� wi(( bc used ln rvalua�c und select �rre�n6ers nJUm WI1J. Applicanu xiay rrjusa to sapply Ibe �eqncsltd infor�ation. Eacrp(for vulun[ory infnrnroCio�i, ko�+MVer, tbejaifu�c� m e0�rrp1elc (he epplicoliort may result in if bein; discrtrrlyd Ttiu d�da rreay be revirwrrt nnd Nsed by Ramsey� Counry nnd Soint paul staff. 9�e dafa on tkis page is privrtle. Consolidaeed Program Wor�force Investmenr 33oa�d (WIg) Me�nbership AppTication Privace Informa&on ; .� / �'�/i�� oa9e,�_2� 2 Oo-GCq �. Sfreet COUfI[y � Zip (work)��•s• � � 9�a .9a� (Home)r��-. .�90 • Y�o� ���4�'�� EpS-OS�� r Phone;�Tomelr r»•J G9c� . ?as {Workl �G5' � �z'?:�- `.',�'o �'9 � ''/� r i r� •'�Yr � t z c° c�.' �� 7cti+--L��t.oy�I � xw-. F�. . — r — L i � d� .lR.f - '�Y? E l��i� �a �,.�- _ � rCt�'a�>' i/�i.t ��� �- �s.%c �� 04i10 '00 10�00 iD�C�rii A=�A:RS FAX:651-737-3CE: PRGc 60-��� City uf Snint Paul-Rnmsey Cnunty T3'orkforce Znvestrnent Board d f= Membership Applicatinn Page 1 of 4 Name: Richazd E. lDickZHanson Place of F.mployment:3�1 Communitv Affairs Mailing Address:Bldg 59]-30-02, St. Paul, Ramsey, VN 55125 Strcet City County Zip T'elephonel�umbcr: (Work)¢51/733-8335 (Home)651/735-56R5 (1�AX)b5]/737-30G1 E-Mail Address: rehansonl Job'1'itle: Dirertor, 3Ui C;ommunity Affairs, VY 3M l�ound Rcasons for your intcrest in serving on thc \Vorkforcc lnvcstmcnt Board: 1 've served on the St. Pfiul PIC/\VnC_ for the oast four vears and have been instrwnental in renre sentin ihe private business sector and in the effori to comolidate the Citv & Countv ��'IBe To brin� cloeure to mv invol��ement 1 would like to snend one ti�eaz as meinber of the new WIA to h�ln orovid° continuity of leadertihip Mv ultimate Qoal however. is to hclo redesit;n our communitv emnlov�»ent svstem tc� eliminate the disconnects between emolovers and iob-seekers. Wha[ skills, trzininb tmd expzrience do you possess for Workforce Investment Aozrd l�Sembership? Private sector business ma�ia�ement as well as the linka��ee 1 l,ave helned build bctwecn busincss and the local �ublic and non-nrofit sectors involved in the emnloyment �vstem At the samc timc ! serve on the boards of the Saint Paut Area Chambci of Commerce Emnlovers Solutiors Inc the Communicv F.mnlovment Pannushin, and the iJnited �Vav of the Saint Patil Arca Length of term you are interested in: one-year 0 two-ycaz ❑ IIow did you hear abrnd thi; op2ning (include nominations) T�hrough the St. Paul tiVorkforce Development Council (OYF. RJ oo._`� 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�COrii1 F�FAIP.S FAX�651-737-3Co1 PA6E = ��cK. NaKSOh In an attcmpt to ensurc that commiticc rcprescntatio�i reflects tlie makcup of our community, plcase check the line applicable to you; this information is voluntary. O White (Caucasian) ❑ F31ack (African Amcrican) ❑ American Indian or Aiaskan Eskimo Male: m T'emale: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes D �Iispanic ❑ Asian or Yacific lslandcr ❑ Other Cx] No Veterans:O Yes ❑ No If special accommodations are needed, please sPzcify: PERSO�'4L REFEREIv'CES (include arca codc) 1) 1`'ame: Mayor Nonn Colem Address: City Hall, St. Phonc:f� - 2) Nao�e: T.arry Do�vell, Address: Saint Pau] /�rca Chambcr of Phone: Home (Workl � W orkl �Ve nre recruiting individuals to represent varioiis categories as detailed on the attachcd IYnrkfnrce In��e.crment Bnard Cmlegory Descriptions form. Please indicate the entegory or categories you can rcprescnt on thc WIB on this form �nd recurn it ++ith your applicntion. Mflil or Fax ��our WIII N1emUershi� Annlication to: Bonnie .Tackelc�i, C1:ief.C�erk, Counly� Buurd, Suite 150, I S{i�ect Ke(logg Botdzvard, .Saint 1'aul, �Yliiinesorcr 55102 (Fax: 651 Phone: �57-26G-8074). Appllcatlais rnust be received by May Il, 2000. For Officc Usc onlv }']casc notc that two orientation sessions will be held in June for members who are appointed to the ne<<� Cit: County Workforce Investment Board. The�e sessions arc 1'hursdey, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00) or Tu esdn)', June 27 (1:00 to 3:00). Ple�se jot these dates on your calendar at this time; w•e expect that applicants ��'ill b� officialfy notified mid-June on the status of their application. Commissioner District Pfanning T)istrict Council . Ciry Council Werd Tiie irijorn:ation i�icluded i�7 rhis npplicarrnn is cm�srdered private dala accurdrng t0 1he Minne.eoia Ciovernmenl Dulu Pructices Act. As a re.rulr. lhis infnrniatiwr is nut rrleu�ed !o tne �enera( puGfic. Me��cl+29, 200U 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�C07i7 P.~rFiP.S FAiC�651-737-3061 PA�� �iCk E'�0, N S� h a p_�,6`l Workforce lnvestmenf Board Category Descriptions Bcisiness (defined as private, for-pro6t businesscs): ❑ business owner, chief executive or operating of(icer, and other executive or cmployer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority O rePresent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local zrea Also please indicate if you represcnt: m largc busincss � small business (less than 500 employees) Community-Ziosed Organizalions (defined as privatc, nonpz•ofit orgauizations): CJ representative of communities or significant scgmcnts of communities providing job truininti ❑ agcncy scrving youth ❑ agency scrving displaced homemakers ❑ union-related organization � emPloyer-retated nonprofit organization ❑ organiz2tion scrvin� non-rescrvation Jndian and tribal government ❑ agency representing veterans ❑ agency representing individuals with disabilities Economic Develurment Axency: O Private Sector ❑ Pubiic Sector Gducatio�:: ❑ local educational entities (includins K-12} ❑ local school boards ❑ entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ postsecondary cducational institutions Lc�hor ❑ Nominated by recognized state and local lahor federations (O f'E RJ 04�10 '00 10�01 ID�C�rni AFFAIRS FAX�651-737-3061 PqG� 4 b� c K � One-S�op WorkJurce Center Purrners (defined as the parmers that cany out the following activi[ieslpro�ams): ❑ Adult, Dislocated �Vorkcr, Youth, Job Corps, Native American & Vctcrans' Workforcc (WIA "I'itlz I) ❑ Wagner-Peyser A�t ❑ Adult �ducation and Literacy (WIA Title II) ❑ V ocational Rehabititation (Rehabilitation Act "1'itte [j Db -c�� ❑ Wclfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Scnior Community Service Employment (Title V of thc Uldcr Amcricans AcQ ❑ Postsecondary F.ducation (Carl D. Pei•kins Vocational & Applied "I'echnology Lducation Act) ❑'l�radc Adjustment Assista�lce (TAA) & NAFTA T'AA ('1'rade Aci of 1974'1'itic 11) D 1,oca1 Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 3R,1J.S.C: � Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department of Housing and iJrban Developmem ❑ Statc Uncmployment Compensation I,aws (in �ccordance with applicable federal law) (OYL• R) AFR 11�39 ST PaUL PLF�iilihiG & Eu�N W1GGiwJJLY r��✓���i�J Consolidated Program T�orkforce Inve.H�nf Board (WIB) M¢mberskip ApPlication � ��I_; bo -`Gq 10 Home A3dress: b v � - � �-� ° - - Street City CouirtY 2ip Length of initiai tzrm }'o e urterested in: one-ycaz _ Are you a Vete; an?: Yes ❑ No two-year «'e w•ill hold n:•o orienLVOn s�ssiozs fer membzrs w'ho are a�po"v�ted to th� WIB. Thzse swsiens aze � 7 hnrsday, 3une 22 (8:00 ta 10:00 a.m) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask diat mctt;ocrs 1tL.nd one of thzse tw�o se>sions. Please reserve these dates on yocr cal�da.r. Wc expcct tliat applicants r}'ill bc off,cialfy notified mid-June ou the status of their applica�ion. Thank yau for your interest. !hc informai:on nn [his appticozion xill be used to evaZraate errd sdect membarr aJthe WIB. AppSicantx may rcfuse to supply i'r.e requerred inforrr�ation. Ereepr for voluxTary inJ'arrnrrtian, hawever, ihe ja�l+<m ta cnmptrle ihe applicatinn,nay resulz in it being disa:rded Tnis data may be revis+�.�ed an3 used 6y Ramsey County and 5airsf Paul daj{. The duta on tFispaa e and thc revert� sida +s pubtic ¢nd, therejoro, wa+labTe tn tka publec. For Office Use onlr Coc.missioner Di�'[::ct � Plersvag Dis;rict Co�cil Cit}� Cot:ari141'ard A� t 4, 2�00 (�VER) �tihzt skills, tra'uiing and expe;iznce do you possess frir WID membership? 12amscy Couaty and the City of �uaint Yuui are recruiting indivfdusls to represent various categuries as detailed on t5e Consol�daled Workfarce Invesiment (I�'IB) Ca2egory•Descrigtions form on the reverst of this page. Please indiC&te, on the Yeverse side, the Category' or categories you can represent on the FVIB. F?R-iC 11�40 ST PaUL FLFNNING E ECO�! T c512r�t�"�t-+ r.e�a-1_ Consolidaied Program Workfo�ce Inv��tment Board (i3'IB) � � � r� Category I)escript8ons 00 -CCq if you are applying for Busirtess, Educatian, or Lahor positions, pltase attach a nomination letter to your Business, de ned as for profd (nominat�d by lacal business organizations azd,�or bus�ess nade ass°ciafions - attach p our na atton letter): Susiness ownor, chiaf executive or operatu� o�'icer, and othar zxecutive or enploycr witY, optimum polic}•making oc hirin� sutnority C.t Feprescn� business with 2mptoym�t oppo�u� �� rzflect the lo a� Also please indiczte if you reptesent: O larga bu�ness small business (iecvcr than >00 employees) Commur.iry-Bassd O�ganizattonr, deftn:d as nvxptofiJ organtzations: G R.:pres�tarivz of communibes or significant segments of com�unitizs prpvi�ng jo6 traizung ❑ Ag�ncy san�ine youth Q Agency sarving displaced homemakers O UniOA O[ �'2i11Z3L cri ! O Employec•relaYed nonpro5t organization ❑ OrgatizaYion serving nonresar��ation Indiu� and tribal go•.•ern'nent Q Agency repr�enting veterans �J Agenay rzpresentiag individuls with disabili�es � Qthe:' Ecorsomic Develapmenl,4gency: � P:ivate Sactor O Public 52ctor Education (no�-inated by or locaI educarional agazcies, insdcutions, or organizafions represenring such locJ educatioaai e�tie> - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Lacal educarional entiries (indudin3 K-12) Q C.ocal school boazds ❑ Entities praviding a9ui� educadon end titera..'y zcti«cies '� Ponszcondary educarional instimdo�u � OtSer. Labar ❑\ominated by recognized state and/or local lahor federztions (attach your nomiration letter) One-Srop LL�or�force CenlerParmers (defined zs the parm°rs that casry out the following activities!programs)' ❑ Adul� Dislocated Wo:ker, Youth, Job Cocps, Ivative r\me��en and Vetzrans' Workforce (WIA Tidc n ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct O Adult Educaaon and Literacy (VJIA Tide II} ❑ Vocarionzl Rehabilita[ion (Rebaoilitation AcY Tit1e I) � Welfzr°-*o-WorkP;�grams (Socisl SeciuityAct) ❑ Senior Comrm:r�ity S�rvico Employnent (Tide V ofthe OEd_: American; Act) G Postsecondary bducz�on (Carl D. P�kins Vocarional a�d Applisd Tecnnolo�' Educzricn Act) ❑ Trade Adju�n�t Assistance (IAA) 2nd NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Tide II) ❑ La21 tietera�s' Ecnployment Represe�atives and Disabled Veterans Ouceac� (Title 38, U.S.CJ O Community Services Block Grarn ❑ Departmznt of Housing end TJrban Dav�lopmznt Q State Uneawtoyment Compensation Laws (in accordancz hitn applica�!e faderzl larvj fiFR-10 11�4�J ST PAUL FLFNNING & ECON bJi3e8.i.3:4 P.�_%i� Consolidated Progm�n ZYorkforce Investment Board (WIB) ,�lembe+skig rlpPiication private Inform � n 1�� � , n _� . l /�-- b0 —��`t �M � 1 cl S v � ��— .., - � � . Place of Employmem: 1 'Z 6 O o(1-a �� � 5'� � l� /� r ,� .�s ) b� WorkAddress'_ Ci�, Co.tnTy 2iP Street Telephwie ivumber: {t�ork) ZZ � - "�'� Q (Home) � � � � � 4 / �F �`� 2Z y � Z � E-Mail Address: F-+ vr i� v Sob Title: �' �" 1 P �`(�' Perso�ial Fteferences 'nclude 1) Name. Address'._ � 9 0 Phone: omel 2� Name. . � �R.C�' F+3r�J area cede) �j j �, � r-wLi— �4'orkl 2 �' C 4 J t�l �.. �,�, Sw, ��!��i S v 5 r�✓1 f-� /�d C � ' L/d �! n� � Whzt are youc reasons for wanting to serve on the VY�? fL.� lU. �_-�� ..�_ w�,'i� rssrr-��� _ Z�� �J�`l � 31� �� � pprioxai: In an attempt to ensu; e that Board represenCaGOn refleccs the mzkeup ot our com.7iunity, knowledge o£ the followin inforr=iation is heipfiil. However, comptetion o: this informarian i; voluncary: 'te (Caucasian) Hispanic Black ( ncun American) Asiz� or Pacific IsL-,dcr Am � can Indian or Alaskan Esk'tmo Other tiiale: Fer�ale: Q Disabled: C3 Yes ❑ No If special zecommpdations are needed, please specify: [ rse iKformat.on ors tkis app?icatinn wi11 be used tu evaluate and select mrmhers of il�e K'7B- Ap,nlicantc muy refuse ta s:y�p tke requested injotmation. PYte,pt jor vofurtSury injurmation� horvever, thefailurc fn croinpletz ihe app!icatian may resuFt in it Leir.g dtscarded Thts dala may be )cwiewe3 m+d ttsr� by Ra+rcary Countv nnd Saint Paul sra Tke dala on th'u page is priv� April �. 2000 f�FF-le-zaoa iL�a1 s�� P�Fnriiv� & e�xr� DRAFT DOCUMElti'T 03I29/Z006 :alccw�i�. r.�.� �,. �a�s N e o_C6� City of Saint Paui-RamseY Caunty �Vorkforce Investmtnt Board pirector Positian principles and Characteristics The East Ivtetro business commuaity is an investor in Wor�orce Developme, t porzfoGos, a gartner in education and training programs, �d s���older in the outco�.es of youth aad adul[s. Business needs a«'orkforce tl�at has fu?1 command of 211 basic skills, higl:er le�el skills and an understanding of the workplacc. A well-prepared worldorce c.'eates a ��brant ecenomic en�ironmer.t, ar.d economic scability drives sacial stability. The Saint Paul ZYorkforce Council offen the following principles that need to be considered in selecting a director, snd emphasizes that the hiring decision must be made by September 1, 200Q. The Saint Paul Workforce GounCil belier•es thaz tota} 2ttention naeds to be given to P.�EW LE.�ERSHIP ROLES for 1�'ORKFORCE 80ARD5. For example: • Assess and articulatc changing vrorkplace oeeds • Shape a market-driven visior. • Buiid a comprehensive system • Provide effective ieadership • Launch assativc outreach The Saim Paul Workforce Council 6elieves i1 SHAPING SYSTEhSS to REFLECT CHARAC'IERISTICS VAI.LTfiD by BUSILy'ESS. These are: • Market-davea . Comprehensive . Portablc . Accountable • Customer-focused • Re�ponsive • Fle�ble . Customized The Sainc Paul Workforce Council wants PLTBLSC SYSTEMS ALIGN�D �i�th the N1.qRKETPLACE. For example: • Market demanda drive business skill requiremeats • Continuousty deHne changing business requiremeats • Identify specific industry trends and skill requireMents . Set high standards for educatior. and training provi3ers The Sain? Paul Worl�'orce Counc�l believes in ACCOL?�IABII.ITY to :vL4RKETPLACE STAIdDARDS for TRP.ItiLvG AND C�vIPETENCIES. For exaRiple: • S:: new srandazds for employer satisfaction and contmuous impzovement RPR-10-"c2�Zf 1 L��1 ST PNUL PLFNN ih�G & EQ]I'1 • Publicly disCiosed performence af u'aixu�, Pro�nders • O�erall system performaace 6ased on specific measureble outcomes �^..�J�GG�JJi+ i .v�� �� �W� � Do -CG`� Tha Saint Pa:il Worl�'orce Counci! believes u� BUILDING CItEDIBII-ITY with EhiPLOYERS. This hapQms when: . Employers buy imo the vis�on • Comnirt to systemic change Fucus on results Ensure a euality product Based on the five principles outIined ahove, the Sait�t Pnul R'orkforce Cocncll ofPers the folloK'ing charscteristics essential for an e�ective direetor. i. An adept busir.ess co��cator with demonstrated resulu � a11 five areas: improved lzadesship roles, crezting Systems that have business characterist�cs, alignment of public yy,cenv xnth the mazketplace, aCCOUntability to marketnlace standards, and building credibility with employers. 2. Ability to be a risk taker end managa chan�e and dive; siry. 3. Possccs tne courage of conviction and th2 ab'uty to implement the Vdorl�orce Investment Board vision. JUN 07'00 @9:a8 FR AGC OF MINN=SOTR � 651 632 E928 TO 2669039 Coresolidated'Progt�n Wotkforce �nvrstmenl.8nard (WIB) Me�xLership Applicatioa P.2��g. �0 —C�`t Home Street e r�i d,n � City County Zio ��Glt�'tE.� �'��'�- �� ��.���' ,l��^��� r�Pr s Jf�p-�J ��c�� L��-P A-�,r��R� c-zr�hi�� �� �� Leneth ofinitial term you are interested in: on�year� two-year� A-�e you a Veceran?: � Yes �No t�ac��s Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruicing individuals to represeot various categor;es as detailed on the Consolidaled 1°rogrmn Workfo�celm•esln,ent,l3oard (FYIZ?) CategoryDescriptions form on the reverse of this page. 1'lease indicate, on the reverse side, the categary or categories you can represent on the WIB. .. �- � .sa � - :v - • ivlailor"�azyouc;WI$Membcrship�Applicatian'tn:=?•;:„�c ;:,=: • . . : :.r; _ , >--�• . a ., - : - ,,;� •. ;., : ' 'y. �. ... . sS;','�:..: I3on�rie,Inckele��,'Chie .Cterk=�oYUi ` 8�o6rd,�'Suife:230,'IS`•Wes11 l. . . ..:_�Y. _....,. , - ,iSlOZ (1'cc�';'G.iJ=2GG=8039, Applicatioiis., ' '4, :.,`: ' _;, ��. -�: ,�-:. � ,;.� - ' _ ... . ::::..:.. . .�_... �Vc will hold hvo oricntation sessions for mcmbcrs tivho arc 2ppointed to the WIB. Thesc scssions are � Thursday, June 22 (9:00 to 10:04 a.m.) or Tuesday, dene Z9 (L:�4 ta 3:�0 p,m.). We ask tha[ mer.,he�s �� attend one o`these t�vo sessions. Ylease reseNC these dates on }•ouc calendar. �Ve ecpect thac applicants �� i(l bc e�cially noti6ed mid-Junc on thc satus of their application. Thankyou foryour i�iterest. 7hc i�rfprrrintiai ort this applicalion u•i11 bc user7 ta evrrluale and seletf nrenrbert ojf6e W771. .4ppliearts may rr f��� to, u;n!�• r�2 �egucstcr! in jo�mation. Ercep�j vulurtfary i�rformotion, hoWevcr� the jailu�e za eomplete t6c applicnlion ma}'result in it bt�nF d'ucn�drd 1'his da(a may bc rcvie�oed nfid ustd by R�m.sey County and Sart Pau1 stvJf. The data art [nis page artd thc rctirrsc sid: isp«bfic artrl, thrrcfore, ovailabfe 10 thc public: For Offcc Usc only Co mniissio ne r District Planning Ais!tict Coun:il Gt}• Council Ward _ A; r„ a, 2000 (OYERJ What skiils, training and experiencc do you possess for Wffi membership? JUN 07'00 09�4° FR AGC OF M1NN�SOTR 651 632 8928 TO 266@@39 Co�solidaiedProgram WorkforcelnvestmentBoard (T�i'I',8) . CategoryDescriprians �, P.03�2< �-�'� �� � �o -66`t Ifyou are applying ior Businas, Education, orLabor positione, ptease attach a nomination ]etter to yaur application as described below. Biair.ers, de, fined asfor profrt (ttominated by local business o�ganizztions andlor busir,ess tade associations - attach your nomination Ietter}: � Businss oumer, chief execurive or operating officec, and other executive or employer with oprimum policymaidng or hiring authoriry . �Represent business with employment oppomuuties that reflea the local uea A1so please indicate ifyou represent: �large business Q small business (fewer than 500 employees) Conu»uxity Based Organizalionr, defrned as nonprofil organiza6ons: � Representa4ve of communi�es or significant segmenls oFrorrJnuniries p�ovidin; job ttaining p Agencyservingyouth ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers � CJnion-related organization d Employer-related nonprofit organization 0 Oreanuation serving nonresecvapon7ndian and tribal govemment 0 Agency representing vete[2ns 0 Agency representing individuals wich disabi[ities Q Other, � $2ononiic ,pe��elopn:enrAgency: 0 Private Seetor � Publi� Sector L•duca[ion (notrunated by regional or local educational ageacies, instiNtions, or organiurions representing such local educaciona! entities - actTCh your nomination letter); C! Loca! educarional enriries (includingK-12) � b Locz school boards Q Er,tities Qroviding adule education and literacy activicies O 1'ostsecondary edueational institutions � O:P,_r: -- Labor Q Iv'o:�,ina�ed by recognized state u�dlor local laber federations (attach your nomi,iation lettet•) One-Srop 1t'or�force Centcr Parincrs (defined as the p�ners that cury out the fol[o��'ing aciivi[ies/pro�rams): ❑ Adult, l3islocaced Worker, You;h, 7ob Corps, Piative American and Veterz�,s' Wo�kforce (WJA Titie I) ❑ 0 ❑ Q ❑ Q � �] nr,�nmencofHousineandUrbalDevelopment Wagner-Peyser Act A?u1t Bducation and Literacy (WIA ?it!e II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitarion Act Tide I� �?,'e(rare-to-Work �'rograms (Socizl Securiry Act) Senior Community Sennce Employment (Zitle V of the Otder America�s Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology �ducation Act) Trde Adjus;mu,t Assiscance (TAA) a�d NAFI'A TAA (Tradc Ac; of 1974 Titlz II) Loczl Veterans' Employment Ftepresentatives and T)isabled Vete�ans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Commt:nity Services Block Grxn`. JUN 07�60 09:a9 FR RGC OF MINNESOTA 651 b3Z 6928 TO 2668039 Consolidated Pragram Workforce Invesirrsent Board (fi'IB) Membersbip Application Privalelnformation F.04�ig4 60 -�� PlzceofEmployment: PC`'� Gc�'F2{}G� o�- �'V� ►�j, __ Work Address: � { s y�t ��.p " ��i Tb 1,L� I �'r �(�l-�l, �4�,^��'� .551 \ � Street City Gounry Zip TelephonaNumber: (Work)�6`�1) (�3Z �^ (FAX}���t 3z` Sq2� E-MailAddress: �gJb�1��L � aG ��Q Job�'itle: Dl(��L �rr u�oQ�F(72��-����tl��M�„L Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address: 2� �� F�- � • � � 4 � F'hone:(Home� • Work b�l Z2 " 2 9 2) Name. �Di'✓I t�� �l.�t��� � y.(? — ('�� �i''�)��� C�rI�T. � Phone:(Homel ` — What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WID? ��� . � ii�i._. �- �.f � .� s � � �� r:.. �.►� ! •> ���G�„ � • i � C. I.� i � f ��r�. ��' � �l ♦ � ► \�_ � i L �7 � �� �7C_ . . i sr � .. u 1� ��?�_ s' . re � i— 1� " f •� ��. Optional: Tn an attempt to ensure tha[ Boacd representetion refleds the makeup of our community, knowled;e of the fotlowing information is helpful. Fiowever, completion of this information is voluncary. � White (Caucasian) Black (A£rican American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asixn or kacific Islander O�her Male: ❑ Fema!e: 0 Aisabled:�Xes dNo If special accommodarions are needed, ptease speci�:, � U` t��' The i� forMntion on Lhis applicetinn will be used !o evalwaic and sefect mr�++bers ejrht WIl3. Applicanls nrcy �c juse tu suppl�� rF�z requ�sitd injormatia�t. Euept jor volun(ary infurma(ion, tiowever, rhejailure to cu.nplere the applicat;on may resuit �n i: bcing discordrd 7hir Jata may be revic�vrd and used by Ramsey Cuunty and Sairtt PuuL staJf. The defa art Ihit pagC iS j�rirate. �a �-� r� ►dd�.c� ConsolidatedProgram WarkjorcelnvestinentBonrrl (ii'IB) RECEEI/EU Memberslrip Application MAY 1 6 0—C �`T , 5 2000 OG� � i C��I'��T'v�,/ Home Address: l MAYOR'S QFFICE /�s Street What skills, training and City do you possess for WIB membership? Zip Length o£ initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: O Yes �YNo /\ two-year `� Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recraiting indir•iduals to represent various categories as detailed on the Co�:solidafed Program YYorkforce InveSMze�et Board (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, fhc categon' or categorics yvu can represent on the WIB. 1�1ai! or Fax your WIB Ntembership Appiicatlon to: I3onnie Jackelen, Chief Cferk- Coetnty Board, Suite 15Q, 1� iYest Kellagg 13oulerm•d Saint Patrl, Minnesota �510? (Fcrs: 651-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-80I4). Appliealio�ts nrr�st be reeeii•ed by blrty 12, 2000. We will hold two orientation sessions for members �vlio are appointed to the �VIB, Tl�ese sessions are � Tliursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June Z7 (1:00 to 3;00 p.m.). 1Ve ask that members attend one of [liese two sessions. Please reserve these dates mi your calendar. 1b'e expect that applicants �vill be officially notified mid-lune on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. TLe iefJanrinlion o�� lbls nppllcnf/a� wJ!! b¢ used fo evnluafe ¢rvl selecl nrembers of tlfe W/B. Rpplrcnul3 nray rejuse !o supplr Ure reryues�ed i��fonttnfinn. Extepl for voltu�(ary in jonnnBQr�, /wwev¢�, !he frrl�ure to rompfete tl�r nppllcntiox may result i„ it br;n� discarded. TGis drzra may be re�/ewed and used b}� Rrnuse}• County tt�idSnin( Pauf Sttrff. 7l�e t6nu nn ILia pr+ge «nd fLe reverse sidr i.r public aurl, tLerejore, nvrdlable 10 �be public. � For OfGcc Use only Commissioner District Planning District Council Ciry Council Ward April 4, z000 (Q y,�'/() 20�� m���, � -��q Consolidated Program Workforce Investmenr Boar�t (WIB) � -. Category Descrtpiions If you are appiying for $usiness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a appiication as described below. S tlb� �u�sep.vr� letter to }'our Business, defined as jor-proft (nominated by local business organizations and(or bu;iness tcade associations - attac� oyu nomination letter): �Business owner, chief executive or operating of#icer, and other executi�•� or emplo}•er with optimum policymaking or hiring authority O Represent business with employmenc opportunities that reflzct the local zrea Aiso please indicate if you represent: O large business small business (few�er [han �00 employez;) Community-Based Organrza�ions, defined as nonprafll organizations: ❑ Representative of communities or significant segments of communities providingjob [raining 0 Agency serving youth � Agency serving displaced homemakers � Union-re(ated organization � Emplo}•er-refated nonprofit organization O Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities ❑ Other: Economie Development Agency: O Private Sector O Public Sectoc Edtrcntiox (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, ins!itutions, or orga�izations representing such local educational entities - attach your nomination letter): 0 Local educational entities (including K-12) t7 Local school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities � Postsecondazy educational institutions ❑ Other: Ca6or � T�`ominated by recognized state and/or local labor federations (attach your nominstion letter) One-Stop Yt'orkforce Center Poriners (de£ined as the partners that carry out the follex-ing activities�programs): O Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterar.s' Workfocce (WIA Title I) O ❑ ❑ ❑ p ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 Wagner-Peyser Act Adult £ducation and Literacy (WIA Tttle lI} Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Welface-to-WOrk Programs (Social Sec�rity Act) Senior Community Service Emptoyment (Tide V of the O:dec Americans Acc} PostSecondary Education (Csrl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Tech�otogy Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (T�ade Act of 1974 Title II) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disab(ed Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Depsrtment of Housing and Urban Development c.�.P � �nP..,,,i��,,,P�r Cnmr,Pnsation I,a�vs (in accordance with applicnble iederal la�c) �t� m���.l�n ' Consafidaled Program Workjorce Inveslment Board (I3'IB) Memberskip Applicalion /� Priva�e lnjormation �. �o�� /�/Z•d�/�,�/ . �o—cGq Place of Employment: �GIi�Q ��� Work ����� Street �s ���/, City °. �r�'d'��d�r Telephone Number: (Work) ��`S"IZZ (Home}�s/lo� �s9(, (FAX�a�2 .33I- �39� �Mail Job ��XCGU7)� Personai T2eferences (include azea code) 1) Name: �LG� _�tsriil Address: �'����A� �Q��� Phone:(Homel ��� Z9Z' d�U 2) I�Tame: �/G� 1�SO.� Address �3tn C�,� Phone:(Homel What aze your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? rwork� lv�/ 7,'3,� -' ��3� _ Optionnl: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, kno�� ledLe of the following information is helpful. How•ever, completion of this information is voluntary. � �Vhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Btack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Aiaskan Eskimo Other Male: Q Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes O I�'o If speciaf accommodations are needed, please specify: Zip �/�.sria sS /o (Workl �5�� �iIO.S"SS��' 7z cl'�` P.o-� Tl� t 4tjormaliox on rlds appf(catlon wlfl be nsed 10 evoJua(e and select nremberr of the WIB. App(itanls nrqc rejuSe lo Strpp!}' d�c requested injormatlon. E.rcepl fo� voluntary lrtjormatlon, hawever, 1he jal(u�e to conrp(efe Ihe applicutiai mi�y result in ir being <liscarded Thts du�a may be revleweQ anJ used by Rn.nsey Counry and SaLU Paul stajf. The dum on t/tls pnge is p�ivate. � � Vi � G ►ui• ao -ccq Rolf Middleton Business, Public Service, Civic & Professional, rZilitary, Education & Jo6s As A Youngster PRIVATE SECTOR Owner and Presideut, MSP Companies, Commercial Real Estate/Office Buildings Owner and President, MSP Park Place, Inc. (Airport Parking & Shuttle Service) ELR Systems, Vicr President, Operations & SAles (Rchabititation & T-�ousing Services) Qnetiev, Vice Presideat, Markering and Sales, (Medical Records Software S}^stems) CCSI, Sales Eaecurive, {Automated Informarion Systems) Manegemept Trainee, St. Paut Fire & Marine Companies PUBLIC SERVICE Member, Governor's Cabinet (Commissioner, MN Department of Economic Security) riember, Goveruor's Economic Roundtable Member, Governor's Urban Ts�nes Gtonp Member; Governor's Rura! Developmeat Council Member, Committee Staff Ass's�ments: Nationa{ Governors' Association Board Member, Interstete Conference of Employment Security Administrxtors (RepresenHag the States of MN, �VI, IL, 2bSI,1N and OH) Meuibcr, Advisory $asrd NAt10IIHI AS.YOC141L106 Of RC�IO�flI COUIICILY Member, Speciai Committee (Busineas Issues) of the Minnesota Busincss Partnership President & Board Member, Minnesota Software A.+�.vociation hiember, Govemar's Commission on Software Technology Advisary Board, ti of M Schaot of ?�Sanagement, Division of Software Technology Urban pinnaer, Metropolitna Planning Commisaioa Ecanomist, Metropolitan Council Budget & Plenning Analy�t, State of Wisconsin Deputy Director, hletropolitan Dane Couaty Development Commission, Madisou, WI Ezecutive Director, ltegionxl Devetopraent Commiasion, Rnchester, b1N (�ol� (tlddc��, � b _ � KNOWLEDGE BASE 1►�efropolitau Iseues * Transportatiom Systems: $ighwaye (Inflnence on Urban Growth Patterns * Transportation Systems: Transit (RaiUSus Policy) �` MSP Internationa] Airport: Analysis of the "Ham Lake" site proposed by MAC in 1966�57 * Impact of retail expenditures on the location of major shopping centers in the Twin Cities metropoliten area * Population trend�, hou9ing and income distribution r * • * * . Impact of major interceptor sewer5 on the location of residential, commercial and industrixl eapansion Solid waste management program9 Regionat psrlcs and open spACes Lsnd development policies and programs Subdivisian and zoning ordinance management Agricultural land preservation I2uralissues Economic revitali�tion programs for non-metropolitaa hiinnesota Countryside Communities: program for stability and growth in rural areas Workforce & Human Servicc Systems • Workforce Development Policies and Programs * Welfare-to-Work ' HealYh Care: LLVUrance, 314{b) CertificBte of Pieed for F[ospitel Espaavion * Criminal JustiCe * Developmentul Aisabilities " Vocational Rehabilitation Economic Assistance Programs '� Fuel Assistsace * WeatLeri�tion ' Unempioyment Campen�ation Arts and Humanities Granb aupporting the arb and humanities Special servicp; Mothereed/Fathereed, Teachers' Institute 20� m�at�-�, �a -c� CIVIC & PROFESSIONAL Board Member, hiinnesota I3umanities Commission Chairman, Worfdorce Tuvestment Board, City of St Paul Member, St Paul Chamber of Commerce Chair, Bnaine+s Development CommitEee of the St Paul Chamber of Commerce Chair, State-Wide Committee/Small Busineas, hinCare (Heatth Insurance) Member, Araerican Ma+nagement Asaociatiou Charter Mearber, Big Brothen of Greater St Paul, Inc. (Board Member & Active Big Brother) Vice Chair, West 7th Business & Professional Association Policy Working Group, Workforce Council ASerger Member, Employers' Partnerahip, Ramsey County Member, West 7th Commanity Center (SL I'sui) $oard Member, Bu�Ene� Revitslizstion Council, West 7th Street Board Member, Northeest Busines� Associstion (Minneepolis) M�LITARY Enlisted, 1963. Eig6t years active and reserve Captain, At Discharge, US Army Artillery EDUCATION 112orton Public School St John's Universify Rfankato State College BA. Economics & PoliHcnl Science One Xear of Graduate Work Business Managemeat Ro�- m��d�, ao-�6� .IOBS AS A YOUNGSTER Delivcred Minneapoli+lSt Paul Newspstpers Garbage Collection & Disposal Service Surveyor'a Aa�istant Farm Hand Rsised Sheep, Heifets and Pi� Custom $aiUng Operator (Alfa(fa & Straw) Custom Corn Sheller Operator Lumber Yard Assistant Grocery Produce Depar�ent & Store Maintenance Construction Worker (Grain Storage Bins) Corn and Pea Prceea�ing Plant Operntor Carpentry Apprentice Highway Rod & TApe A�sistant Trnck Driver (Gravel) HOME ADDRESS 1406 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, bSN 55116 651 690-1590 BUSINESS DiSP Companiea Suite 410 202] EasY Hennepia Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 rmail: mspcompsmy@aoLcom 612 331-4422 (office) 612 331-4391 (fax) MARRIED & FATHER tiVife of 31 years: Karen Sherlock (RN., College ot St. Cetherine, St. Paui, NIl� Three adult c6ildren (Yaul, Beih and Kate) graduated from Cretia-Derham High School, St. Paui, MN and S� John's University, Creighton University and the College of Si. �cnedict Ko� m�d�(,�, D0-CGq INTERESTS Reading, Impreasionistic Art, the $umanities, Rus.vian History, Travet, Fishing, Gopher �asketball and Beseball and Major League Basebalf �o� �n�� �� �o ���� SNAPSHOT OF WORKFORCE EMPLOYMENT & TRAIiv'ING EXPERIENCE • Chief Executive Officer in charge of consolidating three independent state agencies into one public service organization throughout tbe State of Minnesota . State Cabinet veteran of seven generat and speciallegislative sessions during the recessioaay period of the earlier 1980s . Responsible for the direction and management of a consolidated state agency of some 2,700 personnel in over 100 locations throaghout the State. Financlal resources over �60U,000,000 . Merged multiple state agency budgetary, personnel, administrative and operating syetems . Produced cost saving results that were repositioned to serve citizens . Designed and [mplemented changes in poliry setting, program management, support services and service delivery • Introduced large scale, technology-based information management systems at the statellocal o�ce level . Established "Locai Servlce Teams" for the agency's public-serving offices to provide one-stop services to job seekers and employers . E.xperienced with Workforce Investment Act (WIA) as the Chairman of the St. Paui Workforce Investmenf Board (V4'IB) . Knowledgeable regarding Private Industry Council to WIB transition • Understands the signiflcance of the WIA reforms for developing WIB Boards into policy making bodies and tbe�r usefulness as vehicles for leadership in their communities . Esperienced in establishing and using perEormance/accountability standards and utilizing the results to produce change through continuous improvement principles and practices. . Understands the critical importance of developing capacity buildirag for WIB Board and WIB executive staff leadership • Provlded the leader9hip and direction for the Sf. Paul WIB's creative "Community Success Initiative" and its centerpiece - the "Community Investment Strategy" 3 oa -C�`t M�y 12, 2040 TO: Bonnie Jackelen RE: My "Bio" for membership on the Ramsey Count WIB _ Some background stuff for membership on the aew WIB. Thanks. �� � Rolf Middleton 1406 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55413 YPy-12 h�1 Od�3� Rii r���H�� �rcu�u�n�i rnn ivu, o4c4��5 r. uc 00 -��`( Consolidated I'rogram fYorkforce Investment Buard (IYIB) . ���Ef�EQ _ ' ' MemLershipAppludlion ' MAY 1 5 2000 Name: Michellc E. Ott HomeAddress: . Street City County . - Zip;' : What skills, trainino and _ea�perience do you possess for tiVIB membership? _ �As a Human Resovrces pzofessional for the�ast 8 vears. T have had the oonommitv to work in all azeas of emolovmenC includinq recnrirment. selection and retention. My experiences in human resources are iiiverse; as I h�ve worl:ed in different industries, ineludin� hum,2n scrvices, manufacturin2 and bnoacicastirc�: T know fhe challen�es emplovers face in findin�qualified candidates for emplovment and havc worked to Fnd solutions fo help inv emplovers attract and keep qu3lified neoble. T am we11 versed and kee�o to dafe in the aretvs of einDlovment law, inferviewina. recruitment, and emoloveerelafions. I am aLso a trainer of _� emnlovment issues aswell. ' Len;ih.of initial term pou aze iriterested in: one-year XX Are you a Veteran?: Ycs X No Ramsey County and the Cit��. of Suin± Paul arc recruiting individuals to represent r'arious categaries as detdile� un the Consolidrrierl Program IYorkforce litvestmerit Board_(IYIB)_Category Deseriptions foi�ia on !he reverse_ of ihis page. .Please indicate, on fhe reverse side, the category or categories you can represent . on the R'IB: s e VJe will hoid two orientation sessions for membcrs who aze appointed to the WIB. These sessions are Thursday, June 22 (S:OQto 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesdap, .Tune 27 (] :t10 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that mecnber.s aTterid one of fhese fwo ;: -' sessions. Pleaze reserve these dates on your.calendar. We expect that applicaotc will bc officially notifed_mid-June on - the satus oftheir.application� Thank you for your intcrest. �� �The irtfonaation on this apptica[ioa wil! Ge used to evglaute and select members oj/He WIE. AppJrcaxls mny "rejuse to supply 1bC_ .�- . •reqaested Jnjoiinntton. Erceps for vo.lunrary lnjonnufio�r, however, ihrjniture ta cnmplete �l�e npplicmlon may ruultyi ir beiug `- d'scwded T.=is. data may be revkwed.and iase� by Ranuey Gounty and SaintPau! staff.: 37re data bn tleis paoe aird llee reverse side ' � & prtblic ani� rleerefare, evallable iw Yhe pnbllc , � � _ . � , Foi Office Use ouly , Commissioner Disuitt Pianning Disuia Counci( Ciry Council �Yard - � . . � Ap..-il 4, 2000�` ' . . . � . . . _ .. . . . , two-yeaz M;Y*12-00 FR[ 08�3° AM HUdBAdU �KUAD�AS[ rHx nu, oy�4�ly r.u� ti rn= e�..11e, � .D-t-E- . Consolidated 1'ra Workjorce Investmeni Board (l3'IB) ... . . _ p�._CG� C'atej,�oryDescsipiia"e's � . : described or er. to your Business, defined as for: prnft (nominated by local business organizatians and/or business vade associaYions -;. attfieh ponrnomination letter}: Susiness owne�, chief executive or operating of£icer, and other executit�e or employer with optimun policymakin� or.hirina authoiity X Represen: business Gv7th eniplayment oppor(unities tha� reflect the local azea Also please indicate ifyou, represent: X large bosiness small business (fewer than 500 employees) Cmm�u�niry-Based O;ganzzations, defined as nonprofrt organizations: Representative of communities or significant seg�nentt of communities providin� job trairiing Agepcy serving youth Agency serving displacec! homemakers Union-related organizauon _ � Employer-related rionprofit 6rganization Ocganizntion sctving nonreservation Indian and tribal government mprzsenfing veterans Agency representing individuals �vith disabilities Other: Economic Develnpment Agenc•y: Privat� Scctor Public Sector F,ducdtiurr {nominafed by regonal or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations represeritin� such locnl educatiqnal entities -attachyout nomination letfer}: Loca1 educational e'ntities (including K-12) I.ocal school boazds � Entities pruviding adult education and lite�acy activities Postsecondary"educ2tionaf instimtions Other: Labor Nominated by recognized state and/or 1oca1 lubor federations (ait:sch your nqmination letter) . . One-Stop Workforce Certter pa�tners (dcfined as the partners that cany oui thc following activities/programs): .. Aduit, Dislo�ated �Vorkcr, Yoath, Job Corps, Nstive American and Veterans' Workforce. (WI�'['itleI� . Vl�a�er-Peyser Act . ° • Adu1t bducation anii Literacy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Tide I) : -. Welfare-to-Work Programs (Socisl Security Act) . Senior Communicy Service Employment (Title V of ihe Older Americans Act) � PostseconflaryEducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology �ducation. Act) 'I'rade Adjustinent Assistance (TAA) and t IAFTA TAA {Trede Act,of 1974.Tide II) . Local Veterans' Eraployment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S:C:) Cominunity Services:Block Grant' Departrrient ofHousing and Urban Development Stsita LJneinptoymcnt_Compensation•s,(in accordance vvith app]icable federal law) .., . � } Apri14, 2000 ^ . `�, � � � ' _ � . . . . MP,Y-12 FRI 08�4'0 Aii HU�tlRKU tlKUHUGH�I rrn IVJ. OSL4J14 r.�4 � ;: Coi7solidated Prograrn,Worbforce Invest�nent Board (1YIB) ,;-: ... . Membership":4pplicaiinn Privafe Infortnation � _C�`t Naine: 2vFichelle E. Ott Place of Einployment: Hubbazd Broadcastin� Inc. Work Address: 3415 Univetsitv Aveaue St Paui • _ 1 'n1m1Y) . . TelephoneNumber: (Work)651-642-4638 {Home) 651-714-09I0 (FA� -651-642-4314 - E-Mail Address: mottna, ' Joh Title: Emplovee Relations Mana�er Personal2teferenccs (incltde azea code) 1) N1me: Vire.inia Hubbard Monis Phone:{Homel ('�Vork) � (651)642-4160 2) Nazne: Rrindv Robison Address: 1735 Terraca Drive, Roseville, MN �5113 Phonz:fHomel (6I21 Sb6-2727 (Workl (6121930-8867 communitv wi11 be valuable asthe Board helns develon strateeies for workfoice developrrient in our communitv' I also want to serve on the Board so I can have the opportunitv to lcam moic about challenees 1he con�muni'v faces and h°I ko d°velop sound workforce strate�ies that benefits all in t3ie communifv. ��s a lifelonz resident of St. Pau1 and Ramsev Couniv. I feel this oppoituniN mv chance to �ive io hi� communitv. Oplinnatr in an aftempt to ensure.that Board zepresentation reflects the makeup of our kn.owtedge of the foliovring informati�n is helpful. However, completion.of this information is voluntary: . '4Vhitc-(Caucasian)_ Hispanic Black (African Asnerican) . Asian or Pacific Islander Amcrican Indian or Alaskan Eskuno Otner � Male: O remale: O. Disabled: O Yes O IvTO ,_ If.special accommodations are needed; glease specify:_ 'APri! 4; 2000 . . . . - � � What nre your reasons lor wanting to serve on the WIB? �Vith _the unemplovrrient rate in the Twin Cities area at an all time low and mv.role as a human r�sources professional. I know how hard it 'is for emnlovers to f nd qualified candidates foz emnloti�ment. I Imow fl�ere aze-. people in the communiN who want to work but do npt �mssess necessazv skills to succeed. I beliede 2mnlovers i�AY rHl Utl�3ti Hf! nu�� �;;v otur,u�r,�i �nn �w, o,c,��, F �..., po-C6`� Hubhard Broadcasting, Inc. ::. 3415 i7niverrity Avenue, SL Faut, MN 55114 Date: SI12f2000 ��� Tumbtt of paga mcladi� coversheer: ' 5 To: � Bnnnie ]ackelen � ChieEClcrk-Cnunty Hoard_ " IS WestKellogg BIvd, Suite Z50 St. Paul, MV 55102 " Phone; (651) 266-fi014 ` Fax phoce: (G51) 26b•80i9 CCs FY-om_ Michetle E. Otc l�ubbud i�roadcasria; lnc: ` Humaa Resources.Department • Phone: (651)642-4638 ' Fax phone: (651) 642-4314 REb7r1I2KSp � Urgent � For your reviccv , � R,.^pIy ASAP ❑_ Please conunent Ms. 7acketen- Please find attached my application for membership with the Workforce Lnvestment Iloazd. My ' nomination tefter wi11 be sent from the Mid�vay Area Chamber of Conunerce. Piease contact me ai tkc telephone number above if you baec qucstions, � ` - . ;t �• ! i . :, ��.�. F � �� � �`�' � i �.�..ev e �AY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.6=5 P.3i5 ,. - Consolidated Progrnm Workforce Xnvestment Board (WIB) � p—��`�. " Memberskip AppIicalion Nanle; Kachleen L. Pinkect • • Home Address; 57? w. cRncral Ave;,�e . s� Pau1 Ra:sey 55203 Street . City County Zip What skills, traitung and experience do you possess £or WIB membership? - Dizecg aLl erplo�n� ac[ivities (recruitin2 hirin2. reten�(on) f r Mimerota tifn cb��,.�� �ar ea�cr pr�,.��� e�cploy>_r in SL. Paul• = Served as Chair, F�nd Discribution Ceamittee of llnited Way oL• the St. Paul A�ea. s�hi.h inr_t,A c fu-�rii� allccacion to nongrofit ao ncies p:eoar'sng Lour-ineonr iadividual.s Eor e�r,oloy*renc, - Seaves on B�ard L'or Erploye�enc Solutioqs, Inc.; a parcner wich Ca.�muni[y Employecent Partnershio, iinking eccployers with 1ow sitilied, ].ow-ir�ocre indivtduats. . Lengih of initial term you are interested in; Are you a Veteran?: Ct Yes C$ No one-year _ two-year �_ �amsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Cansalidared Progrnm Workforce Inveslment Boartl (WXB) CategorylJescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'the reverse side, the category or tategories yov can represent an the'SVIB. ' ' �l�,Isil Bonn 5Sl D: 4Ve witt hotd f�vo orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are � Thursday, 3une 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:Ofl p.m.). �Yeask thatmernbers attend one of these nvo sessions, Pieaze reserve these dates on your calendar. We e�pect that zppticants �vi11 be off�cially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thank you for your intcresf. The injormalion on this appIitoticn �vil! be used to evafuate andselect membe�s aJlhe FYIB. Appficanfs may teJuse to supply requesYed injarmation. Ercept fa� volumtary information, ho�✓evc�, the jaiture to comp7ete the aFpiicatiori may �esult in ir be d"uearded 1'kisdatamaybereviewedandusedbyRa�nseyCauntynndSaintPaulstajf. T6edalaorsihispageandlher�+'erse is publie and, therejore, evcilable to the public Fur OlTice lise onlp Commissioncr Districc planning District Counci! Cit}� Councib Ward Apri13,200Q . (O�RJ HRY.11.2000 12�35PM MY MUTURL H R N0.635 P.4i5 �. �}?'nl�tt� Consotidated Program WvrkforcelnvesimeniBnard (WIB) Category Descriptions 0 0 -��`� � i If you are applying forBusiness, Educstion, or Labor posiYions, please attach a nomination letter fo your application as described below. Busixess, de, fined as for profit (nominated by local business organizarions and/or btisiness trade associations - attach your nomination letter):t p Bus'uiess ovmer, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer rveth oprimum policytnaking or hiring authority C9'Represeat busirtess with employmertt opportunities that reflect the local azea Also please indicate if you represent: C's� lazge business O smal( business (fewer than 500 employees) ^' 2�'cnination iettetforthcor,�ng frem 5�. Paul Ohamber of Cocm�rce. '� ' `� •- Comni�mity-$nsed Organirations, defined as nonprof�l organizadom?� ••- � ❑ Representarive of communiries or significant segments of communities providing job traiiiing ❑ Agency serving youth f] Agency serving displaced homemaksrs - Q Union-related organizarion � Employer-related nonprofit organization C1 Organizarion serving nonreserration Tndian and h-ibal govemment O Agency representing veterans 0 Agency representing individuals with disabitities � Other. . Ecoxon�ic .C?evelopment Agency: d Private Sector Q Public Sector Ed�rcalion (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institurions, or organizatior�s representing such [oczl educationa] entities - attxcfi your nomination letter): Q T.oca� edacational entities (including K-I2) ' g Loca1 school boazds CI $ntities providing adult education and literacy 2ctivities � postsecondary educational institutions • C] Other. Labor Q 2Vominated 6y recognized sta;e and/or locaI labor fe.d:tations (attach your nomination ]etter) One-Stop Workforce Cenler pnriners (de£ined as the partners that carry out ths following activ,ties/programs): [3 Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (�V7A Title ?) ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct d Adult Educerion znd Literacy (WIA'Titie In ❑ Vocation�' Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation ActTitlen ❑ Welfara-to-Work Pro;rams (Soci�I Security Act} Q Senior Cor.mmunity Service �mployment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) .❑ Postsecondary Educztion (Cazl D, Perkins Vocational znd Applied 7echnolo,�y Education Act) ❑ Trade Adjustment Assistenca (TAA) and NAkTA 7AA (Trade Act of 1974 Title TI) O Loca� Veterzns' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department of Housing and TJrban Devetopmen[ r, .... .. , _ . _ .. . ._ _ . NRY.11.2000 12�36Pi'1 N�N MUTURL H R N0.635 P.SiS Consolidated Pragram Woskforce Inveslment Eoard (T3�1'B) Membership Apptication r " Private Information j`I3Th0; Kathleen L. Pinkect ' Plzce of Employment; r'=nneso�a tife • Work Addtess: Telephone Number: City oo-C6� Zip (1�ork) (651) 66�3442 (Home)( 292-9015 (F'�, (65t) 665-3551 E-Mzi( Addcess; kathy vinketa•:C cainnesoca:-ruwal.cem 7ob Title: Second Vice Presidenc, Y.ur>n Resources Planning Personal l2eferences (include area code) 1� Name: ��'•uren Segal, Presidenc oF che UnLCed Way oi ckie Saint Paul Area Addcess: 702 Pairrrounc Avenue; Sc. Paul, N,,1 55105 Phone:�N'omel (65U 22�8132 (WoCk� (651) 291�383 2) I`'ame: D�:nise .re:,nson, eL*ea S!Le DSreccor oL Achlevecrenc P1us Address; 8�54 eonco:d Cou:c Irver Grove l�teieFcs,.MN 55016 Phone:(T�iomel (651) 453-1357 IWo*kl (65?) 293-6511 What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? In my pro`essional capa,ity I have 2n in-d�pth understandinR oF c�ia� tFa needs are for for- profit•�organizations and the recessary skiils e�loyees need to be success�ul. I also tiaw P�erience with progrzns th:t successfully prepare and �:ork With individuals so tney accor,rolisli ecC,tiornic Sel�:sufficiencv Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation �eRects the makeup of our community, kno�vtedgz o; the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is votuntary, White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Al2skzr� Eskimo Mate: ❑ Female: L� Disabled: ❑ Yes I; special accommodations zre needed, please �/ Hispanic Asian oc Pacific Tslander Other Q�to Tke ii formntion on ihrs applicatian wit! be ua'ed lo evatuate and selecl Members ofthe WIB, App�+�ants may refitse to suppl� �c requested injormatiox. Fxeepljor vatuntory injorrrration, however, iheJaifure ro complrte the applicafion May l�.squ �n it b^ing discorded. This datn may be �evicwed and used by Ramsry Counly and SaintPaul staJf, The dnla nn ikis page is privat�• �RY.11.2009 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.635 P.2i5 Mfnnesafa Lite Insursnce Compeny aoa Ro6ert Sheet North St paul, MN 55101-2�88 851.665.9442 Tei Kalhlemn L. pinkett Second Yca Pres�denc i� ci-���"�r�l-c ` ' �"�� ao — Cc�9 MINNESOTA LIFE A AAlnnatoG� MuNa! Ccmpany RECEtVFD May 11, 2000 MAY 1 2 200Q MAYOR'S OfFICE Bonnie 7ackeIen Chief Cierk— County Boazd 1� West ICellogg Boulevard — Suite 250 St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. 7ackelen: �nclosed is my application for the City-County Workforce Investrnent Board. T am interested in and willing to serve as a Uusiness/for-profif representative. My nomination letter of recommendation is fortlicomin� fTOm the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce. After review of my zpplication, please let me lrnow if you have any questions, Sincerely, � <�� Kathleen L. Pinlcett Second Vice President Human Resources Planning I�L,P/ttn cc: Lazry Dow, President St. Paul Chamber of Commerce Applicarion Page 1 of 3 she,t�e� �.ose� �� -� Wednesday 21st of June 2000 01:44:53 PM Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board Mexnbershi A lication Name: Shclley K. Rose Home Address: � 2240 Boxwood Avenue SainY PauI, MN, Ramsey 55119 What skilis, training and esperience do you possess for Workforce Investment Board Membership? I am a business owner of a nine-employee intemet company providing local govemment best practices to cities and counties across the nation. The business is located downtown St. Paul, I also live in St. Paul. l have a B.S. in Business Administration from the Univ of MN. I am also a recent \"graduate\" of the Leadership St. Paul program, serve as a committee chair for the St. Paul Area Chamber, and am acting G�ber Village Ambassador/Coordinator. My project for Leadership St. Paul was worlring with the Wilder Foundation in idenrifying the Asset Accumulation opportunities for low income families and those just entering the workforce. Length of term ( pne Yeaz J interested in: Are you a Veteran? [ No ] 12easons for your interest in serving on the Workforce Investment Board: I would commit to a one-year term, but may very well be able to serve for two yeazs. I am interestcd in this boazd in order to help lead the $ast Metro area in workforce development as well as be involved in the economic development of this area. I azn very interested in helping to represent St. Pau11's growing high-tech, new media industry. Bnsiness, defined as for-profit (x]Business owner, chief execurive ot operating o�cer, and other executive or empioyer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority []Represent business with cm loyment opporiunities that reflect the local area Please indicate the business you re resent:[ Small ] Community-Based Organizutions (defined as private, nonprofft organizations): []Representative of communities or significant scgments of communiries providing job training [ ]Agency senring youth [ ]Agency serving displaced homemakers [ ]Union-rclated organizarion [ ]Employer-related nonprofit organization [ JOrganization serving non-reservation Indian and tribal govcmment [ ]Agency tepresenting veterans [ )Agency representing individuals with disabiliries Econotnle Deveiopment Agency:[ ]Private Sector []Public Sector Application ]Local educarional entities (including K-12) �Locai school boazds JEntities providing adult education and literacy acrivities JPostsecondary educationai institutions state and local labor Page 2 of 3 S�ItecJ `4�Dse. � . ba —C� One-Stop Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activities/programs): [)Adult, Dislocated Worker, Xouth, 7ob Coips, IvTative American & Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title I) [ ] Wagner-Peyser Act []Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title II} [ ]Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title n [ ]Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) (]Senior Community Service Employment (Tifle V of the Older Americans Act) []Postsecondary Education (Cazl D. Perkias Vocational & Applied Technology Educarion jTrade Adjustrnent Assistance (TAA) & NAF'TA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title In ]Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Tit1e 33, f.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Crrant ]Departrnent of Housing and Urban Development Laws (in accordance with applicable federal b0'd �d101 ....� — - V ' _ .. „_ .. �� �`Co l .. Ma�� 12 00 11 : 22a Mf3Y-11-20H0 16 � 49 Home Jeane Thorne Inc. SpINT PAU� RRER CHRMHER 612 298-0448 612 223 5119 P.02iO3 Consolidated Prograrx Workjorce Irrvcstmertt Board (TYIB) Membership �Ippticafion Street City P•� QC1—�O�q RECEfi/E'� MAY 1 5 2p00 .�S%/ sYills, trainiag and experience do you posscss foz WIB mcmbaship? Length of initial tean you are interested in: one-ycar _(„ two-year Arc you s Veteran9; 0 Yes '�No Rsmsey Counry and the Ciry of Saint Paul are rccruiting Indivlduals to represent varioua categories 8s detailed on the Consolldated Pro�ram Workforce Investmcnt Baard (iYIB) Cat¢gory Descriptrons fortn on the revecse of this page. Please iadicxte, on the roverse side, the category or categorin ynu can represent an t6e WIE. Mail or Fiyc. . BiVIEm�eTCbiP'APPlicatlon to: ..' --:----:—=------ � � . - . .. �. •.... , ttonriie Jacxeten; Chief Cierk �-�Counry Board; Sui�e 250,.15 West Kellogg.Boulevard, 5aint Paul, Minnesota SSI01(F�ax'.65]-266=8039; Phone: 651-266.-E014). AppJlcalloirs must be recelved by May.12,"1000�� We witl hold two orientation sessions for mem6cts who are appoint�d to tt�e WIB. 2hese scssions are Thursday, June 22 (5:99 to IO:QO a.m.) nr Tuesday, 3uae 27 (I:U4 to 3:00 p.m.� W e ask lhat membeis attend oqe of these iwo ses�ioos. Please rescrve thcsc dates on yo�r celendar. We expect that applican[s wilt be otTicially notificd mid-June on tLe status of thcir application. Thaak you for your intereet. The irrjannatlon an this applicatinn wltt bt rsed to ewrfuate and sdtct rnrmbers oJeJte WIB. Appficantr mqy rtjicse fo svpply the requuted tnforinadpn. Fxeept jor vOtunlary Iq(orma(ion, Iwwn'er, Ihe jailurc to cee�p(ete fhc applicuton �nay reault In it being dizearded This da[a enay be �sv7ax�ed and used fry Rmusry CauRry rnd SalrtrPaw( #aJf. TheGafa an tlris yagr aed tbe rrnrse side is public p�Q iherejone, ava;lable to f6r pudtic Apri14,Z000 ..Ma��12 00 11:22a MFlY-11-2000 16�49 Jeane Tnorne Inc. SR1M PAUL PREA CW�IMBER 612 298-0448 612 223 5119 P.02�03 Consolirfated Program Wnrkjorce Investmeat Board (WIB) MembersJ�ip �IpplicalJon P•2 �6 —C6� RECEf11E0 MAY 1 5 2000 Hame skills, training and experience do you posscss for WIB mcmbaship? .�S%a/ Length of initial tcan you are interested in: one-ycar ,L two-year _ Are you a VeteranT; 0 Yes '�fo Ramsey County and the City of Seiat Paul are rccrv3dng indivldua[s to repreaent varioua categories as detailed on the Corssvlldaled Program Workforce Investmeat Board (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on tho reverse side, the category nr estegorics you can represent on thc WIB, Mnil orFiuc .. . B�;2em�b,ersfilP'APPHcaiion to: " _—' _ — r-------- . �:. - . .,_....:..,-. .,... • • . onriic Jacketeni Chief Clerk = Coiinry BoQrd, Suite 250, b5 West Ke!(ogg.Boulevard, Sain! Pau1, Minnesota SSI D2 (Fnx �.551-266=8039; Phone: 651•26¢BQ14J. App1lcatlons must be recefved 6y hfay 11, ?�00: .: We wi(l hold two orientation sessions for members who ue appointed to t6c WIB. Ihese sessions are T6ursdiy, June 21(8:09 to 10:Q0 a.m.) nr Tuesdny, Sune 27 (l:t}Q to 3:Q0 p.m.� We ask that membezs atteud oqe ofthese iwo sessioos. Please reserve thcse dates on your catendar. Wc expect that applicants wilt be ofTicially no[ified mid-June on the status of thcir application. Thaak you for your interest. The brjoraatlow on t6is apptl�erwn w1t1 be vsed ro nwtr.are andsdrer,nembns ojrke WB. Appt�canes,nqy,rf�.sc to supply rhe reqursled in f0lT¢Gp/4 Fxcept jor velunfary L�(ormalion, kaw�ever, !he jail�rc ta caa�p/e�e the app7icaton Mcy re�ult In ir bting discarded This data maq be rsvlewnl end attd by Raiesty Cauety rnd SalarPavl #aff. The data on rlris pag� artd the rewrse srde rs publie arQ fherejo% avai(abte !o IbrDu6(re Apri14,2000 . Ma� 12 00 11:23a Jeane Thorne Inc. 612 298-044a' p.� 1^AY-11-2000 15�59 SR1NT PAUL RRER CHRMBER 612 223 5119 P.03iO3 6 a -C6� ConsoliQated Program Workjorce Investrnent Board (W%B1 �� C ����y (J Category Descriptlons � f � (' J If yuu are applyiag for Bus�ess, Education, or La6or positinns, please attach a aomination tetter to your application as de3cribetl below. 8usiness, defined asjor�rofit (nominated by toca] business organizations eadlor businas tradc associations - attach yuur nomiaatian tetter): � Business owntt, cUief exccutive or operating offiur, and other exccutive or employer with optimum policyraakiag or hiring authority O Rcpceseut business with employment opportunities that reflcct the local area Also ple�se indicate if you represcnt: O Isrgc business �E small busincss (fcwer [hen 500 empioyees) �.�� � ��� � Communiry-Based Organizations,defirtedatuoeprofuorganizalions: (/ �z��� �� � Representativo of communitics or significent segments ofeommunities providing�ob hait � g Q Aganey serving youth 4 Ageacy serving disptaced homemakers _ � Union-rclated organize[3on U Employer-related noaprofit organization O Organizadon serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govctnmcnt O Agency repraenting veterans ❑ Agrncy represtrrting individuals with disabilities 0 Othcr: Economie bevelopment Agency: ❑ Private Sector p Public Sectar Educatron (nominated by regionel or local educationai ageacies, institutions, or organiutions rcpresenting such loca! educationa( entities • attach your nomineNon letter): ❑ Local educationa2 entities (including K-12) O Localschooihoards ❑ Entities providing adult education andliteracy accivities ❑ Postsxondary educarional instimtions O Other: _ Lu6or O Nominated by rccognized state and/or ]aal labor fedeTatinns (attsch your nominafion Setter) One-Srop Workforce CenterPartners(deftned as the ptutners that earty ovt the fotlowing activities/programs): � Adu1t, Dislocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Cocps, Native Ameriean and Vetcrans' Workforce (WIA Title ]) Q Wagner-Peyser Act � Adult Educazion and Literacy (W1A Tide II) 0 Vocational ftehabilitation (Kehabiiitation Act Title I) 0 Weffaze-to-Work Programs (Social Scetuity Act) O Senior Communiry Sorvice Employmtnt (Titic V of the Oldcr Americaas Act) ❑ Postsxondary Education (Cazl D. Perkias Vocational and Applied Tahnology Education Act) ❑ Tradc Adjustment Assistsnce {TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trede Act of 1974 TitIc II) t] Local Veterens' Employment Represcntatives aad Disnblcd Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Communiry Services Block Grant ❑ Depaitment of Housing and Urban I1eveIopmcnt Av�l a, 2� TOTAL P.03 .,Application �✓����� Page 1 of 2 60 - � �� � , l.�a�'e.rS Tuesday 16th of May 2000 0331:50 AM R Consolidated Program Workforce Investment MAY 1 9 ZO�JO Board Membership Application en►Vf1R'. n�Fir Address ��1600 Universiry Avenue, Sui[e 4 St. PauININ/Ramiey/i5104 skills, training and experience do you possess for Norkforce Investment Board hIembership? �nt of �00 member Midway Chamber of Commerce, whose number one priority is he(ping employers £nd and retain a ��vorkforce; also servin� as Presidznt of Employer Solutions, Inc., an or�anization founded by Chambers ro connect yers ���ith govemment, nonprofit and for profit recruitment and retzntion resources. Board member of Communiry of term interested in:ll( One Year a Veteran? ��[ No Reasons for }�our in[erest in serving on the �Vorkforce Investment Board: Y(y daily work is largely involved in workforce issues, both at the Chamber and at Employer Solutions. I hear on a near �ourly basis, storizs of how employers arz shuggling and succeeding in this difficult labor environment. In addition, throu�h ny near 3 years of work with the Community Employment Parcnership, [ have gained a greater undzatanding of the challenees facine some of the unemoloyed and underemployed in our communiry. Both perspectives are needed on the �VIB. Business, defined as for-profit [x)Businzss o�sner, chief executive or opzrating officer, and other executive or employer �vith optimum policymakin� or hiring authoriry ( 1Reoresent businzss with employment opportunities that reflect the local area indicate the business }•ou represent: [ Small 'ommunity-Based Organizations (defined as private, nonprofi[ organizations): ]Represzntative of communities or significant se�ments of communities providingjob training )Agency szrving youth ]Agenty sen�ing displaced homemakers ]Union-related organization � ]Employer-related nonprofit organization jOrganization serving non-reservation [ndian and tribal government ]Agency representing vetzrans laoencv renresentino individuals wi[h disabilities ment Aeency: f 1Privare Secror f lPublic Sector )Local educational en[ities (including K-12) ]Local school boa:ds ]Entities providing adult education and lireracy activities ]Postsecondary educational institutions stare and local lahor �ne-S[op 1Vorkforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the following ac[ivities/programs): ]Adult, Dislocated Worker, YoutS, Job Corps, Native American & Vererans' �Vorkforee (WI.4 Title I) ] Wagner-Peyser Act ]Adult Educztion and Literaty (�VIA Tide Iq ]Vocationa{ Rehabititation (Rehabititation Act Title I) ]Welfarz-ro-lVOCk Pmgram; (Social Security Ac[) ]Senior Community Service EmploymznC (T�tle V of the O(der Americans Act) ]Postszcondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational & Applied "Cechnotogy Education AcC) ]Trade Adjuscment Assistance (TAA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197� Tfde II) ]Local Vererans' Employment Representatives and Disab(ed Veterans Outreach (Tide 38, U.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Grant ]Department of Housing and Urban Development iSrare Unemolovment Comoensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) filz://C:\W INDO\4'S\TEMP\Ellen Watters.html 5/ 18�00 Application l.� ' ��-�} Y� Page 2 of 2 6�-�6q fi Iz.!/C:\ W[N D01VS\TE�1PtEllen�Vatters.html 5/ l 8.'00 , MAY-12-2000 08�27 SAINT PAUL ARER CHAM3eR 612 223 5119 P.07i09 . . _ ao-G�`l Corrsatidated.t'�ogram WorkjorcelnveStmeniBoard (YYIB) ��, Me�nbershrp Application MAY 15 200Q Home Street City Wh2t skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? ��r...P l a+ r�n a eY r�.�t�e� e�..., �.)��n �)r�,v� ��11 at�aJ � � �ne a� �.-�-�v� r��r T,engih of initiai term you are interested in' one-yeaz,� Are you a Veteran?: O Yes ut"No � Counry v Zip two-year _ Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various cs�tegories as detaffed on the Consofidared P�ogram Workforce Inves(rxent Board (WIBJ Categary ,Uescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Pleate indicate, on the reverse side, Ihe category or categories you ean represent on the WTB. Mail o'r Faz your VS�IB�Mgarti;er'�hip App]iCatiOri=to: ' Bonnie.Tnckelen, ChiefClerk-.Counryl3onrc� Suite 250, IS West.ICellbgg:Boulev�d, SaintPaul,-Mnnesota 55101 (Fax: 651-266-8039; Rhone; 651-266=8014). Applieations must be reteived by Mny 1l, 20D0: W e will l�old tWO orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are � Thursday, Junc 2Z (8:00 to 10:�0 a.m.) or Tuesdap, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members attend one of these two sessions_ Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We expect titat appl icants will be officially notified mid•June on the status of their application. Thunk you for youz interest. T4¢ infnrMUtiox nn t/�Ec app/icario�i wit! be «tedto avaluate andseleef inembe�t ofllle WIB. Applioturu may rtfuse ta supp/y !Lr requesled iu jurmaciun. Eccept jar vo�untary inJarmation, lioweve�, die jaiiure to camp�ere tlee epplication �rray rerulr in it bei�+� dis�ardcd. Fliis rlata niay bt reviewed rtnd ured by Ranuey Counry anrl Saixl Paul staJf. Tl�e data on 111i<pagc arzd fhe reverse strle is public and, tl�ucjore, availcbie ro rlie public. For OfCice Use only Commissioncr Aistricr Planning Distria Councit City Council Ward Apd( a. 200U (OYER) MAY-12-2020 08�2? SRINT PFU� ARER CHqMHcR 612 223 5119 P.08i09 Consofidated Program rVorkforcelnvesYment,8oard (WIB) ' ����' Categnry Descriptions ,�j. � �� D� "� 6 � �� Tf you are applying far $usiness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your annlicution as described below. Bccriness, defined as for prvfit (nomina�ed by local business organizations and/or business �rade associacions - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Busincss owncr, chief execu�ive or operating o�cer, and other executive or employer with optimum �olicymakirtg or hiring authoriry l� Represent business wich employment oppottunities that reflect the locai area Also please indica�e if you represenc: �'large business O smal� business (fewer [han 500 employees) Commuxiry-Based Orgarrizations, defined as aonp�of�t arganizatfons: O Represencacive of communicies oc significant seamenu of communities providin� job [raining ❑ Agencysecvingyouth _ � Q A;ency serVing displaced homemake�s � Union-related organization O Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonres�cva[ion Indian and nibal governmenc O Agency representing veterans O Agency reptesanting individuals with disabilities 0 Other: Economic Development Agency: � Private Sector O Publie Sector Education (nominated by regiona! or local educational agencies, ins:itutions, or organizations rcpresenting such local educazional entities - attach your nomiaation letter): G Lo�al educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Localschoolboards � G Entities providing aduft education and lite�acy activities � O Postsecondary eduoational institutions � 0 Other: Labor Q Nominated by recognized state and/or tocal tabor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Srop GYor�orce Cenrer Parmers (defined as the partcters that carry out the foflowing activicies/programs): Q Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and VeLerars' Workforce {WIA Ti[1e 1) O G � � O G � 0 G G ` Wagaer-Peyser Act Adul[ Education and L�ieracy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation ActTitle I) Welfate•to-Work programs ($ocia} Security Act) Senior Community Service Employmenc (Title V of the Older Americans Rct) Postseeondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Teehnology Edacation Act) Trade Adjustmen[ Assistance (TAA} and NAFTA TAA (frade Act of 1974 Title lI) Loca! Veterans' Employmenc Representatives and Disabled Vccerans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Stock Grant DepaRment of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensatiort Laws (in accordance with appticablc f:dcral law) MqY-12-2000 08�28 Nane: � I o y� Place of Employmenc. Work Address: . � c SAINT PRUL RRER CHRMBER E12 223 5119 P.e��as Consolidated Pros�am Workforce I+:vestment Board (WIB) Membership Applicatioa Private Infornfatioi: � � _ �0�2 l S D� � S1-• �'a�I �5I � Ciry Counry Zip Te,ephone Number: (Work) � S� ` I - �5�7 (Honie) �n SI -� � y �f7��a.x� � sl- 3l � "a ° g6 E-Mail Job Titl Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address., Phone:L 2) Name: Address: Phone;(Homel (O l� - �'�3 Fi-- 93rF� are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? rwoxk� �o �a - (� �.� - aa ta v lWo*kl n���} � � e.,��,1�,v.. -�, „J n,l.. ,,.>,-Fe. e-�-�-v Ca�,M ru.U-� � ae.� �� Opllonai: n an a ttempt to e tha Board represcntztion teflects the makeup of our commtinity, knowlede.° of the followip9 information is helpful. However, completion of this informatio� is volun�ary. White (Cauczsian) ��_ Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Is;ander Other Male: ❑ Female: �! Aisabied: ❑ Yes Q No i' If special accommodations are needed, pltase specify:_ Tl�e i�rJoru,rnio�� o�� rGts applicarinn �vi!( be rrscd fo evnluate �udselecr mentbers oJrlie SYlD. .lpplrcrnur i�m�• �cfuse ro s+ippl,r Urr re��rcsfcd iujnrnmrion. .Eeetptjor valru�frrrp luJunualio��, /ioNtvu. /6CJtti/trre to Coit�plele drtnpn/rCa(ioir nm�• reeirlf i�r i1 beiu� rti�crr�derL Thia d�rta aeuy he revierved nnd uted b�� Ru�nz¢y Comiry �rnd Sai�u Pnul sla TGe dni� o�r d�is yu�e is p�rvrrrt. April d. _UUU TOTRL P.O� . rl 7� n�n 1 f� �,`'-� G-�-• �t � n,� m wr4nn (1/1 ��`F a Cosuotidated Program 6Yorkforce Irrvestment Board {iYIB) Membersliip Applicatio�: Richard Grigos Home Address: �02 Fairmount ave. , St. Paul Street City 00 �CGq 551 County Zip �Vhat skills, trainin� and e�perience do you possess for �VIB membership? As Resource Development Director I have worked to develop er�nlovment—related programs for youth. For the past two years I have served on the St. Paul Workforce Development Council serving on the Board Executive Committee, Youth Coaunitl�e,__z-�d other committees. Personally, I have mentored an at—risk youth on employment issues. _ Len�th of initial term you are interested in: one-year Are you a Veteran?: 0 Yes �kNo rivo-year X Ramse�� Count}' �lnd the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent �•lrious cateaories as detailed on the Coi:solidated Program lYorbforce Lzvesb�teirt Board (tiVIB) Cate�ory Descriptions form on the re��erse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the categon' or categories ti�ou c�n represen on thc �VIB. Mail or Fax }•our �VIB Nlembership Application to: Bonnie Juckelen, Chief Clerk - Courtty Boarcf, Suite ?.i0, l.i bi'est Kellogg Bou?erard. Scrint Prrul, tLlirit72sota .i.i 103 (Fax: 6� 1-2GG-8039; P{rone: G.i 1-266-5014). Applications n:ust be receiti�ed by Nlay 12, 2000. We ��ill hnld rivo orientation sessions for members �vho are aopointed to th: �1'[B. These sessions are � Tltuc•sda}�, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 �.m.) or Tuesd�y, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). �Ve 1sk that meir.bers attend one of these t�vo seisions. Please reserve these dates on your cal endac 1\`e e�pect that app(icents «ill be officially notified mid-June on the status of their app(ication. Th1n1: y�ou for y'our interest. The i�rfunn�rtiai n�� this «pplicaliat a�ifl be used to evnluate m�d select u�enrbers oJ1he I3'!B. .4pptinn:ts trurn refi+sr to s:epplr t ,•«<«<.,r<<� ;�rr���„�trr�,,,. e.«<�r f�� ,•�r�r„r�,�,• �„f��„:«r�o,,, liou•erer, tGe failure to cmttplet2 dte «pplicatinit �uqP resrrlt ir. ir hrr discrrrr/rd. T/�is rlrure mnt• he rei•iea•ed aud taerl bt' Rren:set' Couit�}• rmrl Sai��t Puut sta Tl�r da�a at this pa�e mrd t/�e rc i�ersr s� is paGlic �tnd 1/terefore, av�ti(able [o t6r puGlic. For Ot7'icc Use onh Coinmissioner District � Plannin� District Council Cin Council lVard April 4. ?UUt1 (04'ERJ Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (fVIB) Category Descriptior:s dr��oS �o-�G9 If }�ou nre npplyina for Business, Education, or Labor positions, piease attach a nominition letter to }'o application ns described belotiv. .................................................................................... Business, defined as for pi•ofit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - lttach }-our nomination letter): G Business o«'nzr, chief executive or operatin� oEficer, and other executivz or emp(oyer with optimum policymakin� or hirin� authority C1 Represent businzss with employmen[ oppoRimities that reflect the local area Also ptease indicate if you represen!: O targe business O smal! business (fewer than 500 emplo}�� Contn�ea�itr-P�nsed Orgnni_ations, defined ns uonprofrt organi>crtions: ❑['jepresentltive of communities or si�nificant se�ments of communities providin� job trlinin� ��A�enc}' servin� youth 0 A�zncy sen•in� displaced homemakers ❑ Union-relatzd oroanization CI Employer-related nonprofi[ or�anization ❑ Or�anization serving nonrzservation Indian and tribal government ❑ A�enc}' representin� veterans ❑ ARency representin� individuals with disabilities C� Other: Economic Derelopment Agency: ❑ Prira[e Secror ❑ Public Sec[or Educc�tior� (nominated by re�ional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or oreanizations representina sucl Ioca! educational entities - attach }�otir nomination letter): ❑ Local educational entities (includin� K-12) ❑ Local school boarcis CI L-n[i[ies providin� adult education and literacy activities Cl Pos[secondary educational institutions CI O[her: Laba- C! \ominated by reco�nized scate and/or local (abor federations (attach your nomination letter) Onc-S7op 1� i�rk/a•ce Cen�er Pcu•tners (deEined as the partners that carry out the follo«'ina activi[ies/programs) ❑ Adul[, Dislocated �1'orker. You[h, Job Corps, Na[ive American and Vetenns�\\'orl:force (« <:� T�� O 1�'agnzr-Peyser Ac[ =I Adult Education and Literac}� (NIA Title II) U\'ocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitaiion Act Title I) ❑ �J G G ❑ Cl ❑ Dzparmient of Housing and Urban Development Q S[ate Unzmployment Compensation La�rs (in accordance with applicable iedzral Ici�� ) tiYelFare-to-�Vork Programs (Social Security Act} Se�iior Communih• Ser�•icz Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Pos[secondary Gducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technolo�}� Education A��) Trade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) and NAFTA TAA ("frade Act of 197�1 Title ll) Locaf Veczrans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outrzadi (Title 38, U.S.C�) Communitv Services Block Grant Consolidated Pro�ran: Worbforce Investinent Board (1VIB) tblembership Application Private L:fornration �50 -C6q Iv`ame: Richard Gri os Place of Employment: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities bVork Address Telephone �`umber: 2575 University Avenue West St. Paul Rzmsey 55114 Stree[ Ciry Counn Zip (�Vork) 651-967-1110 �H� 651-225-8132 �Fp„i� 651-967-1101 E-Vlail Address: rgrigos@bovsand Qir1s orQ __— _ Job Title: Vice President-Finance Personal References (include arza code) 1) Name: Richard Hanson, 3� - Directoi of na,�.��.•• 3�I Center B1dQ. 591-30-02, St. Paul Affairs rPI 55144-1000 Phone:(Homel (�Vorkl 651-733-8335 2) Name: Commander Jose h Mollner - St. Paul Police De�artment 100 E. Eleventh St., St. Paul, rN, 55101 Phone:(Homel �Vhat are your reasons for wanting to serve on the tiVIB? (��'orkl 651-292-3615 The WIB will play a key role in meeting the needs of employers while helping at-risk individuals become more self-sufficient From a professional viewpoint, this is consi5tent with the Boys & Girls Club's mission. As a member oi the St. Paul Sdorkforce Council, I hve developed espertise I wish to put to use. Optia:n[: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, I:no�� 1ed_ of the foilo�rins information is helpful. However, completion of this information is �oluntaR. � White (Caucasian) B(ack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Vlale: G`] Female: ❑ Disabled: G Yes G No If spzcial accommodations are needzd. p!ease specify:_ Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Tlee irtfonrrativn on l6is trpp(icatio�� a•i(! be ��sed tu evalunte a�id se[ect mea�bers of tlie LV16. .-fpplicauu nrc�r reft�se to suppi'. reqrresterl i��j�innatio�t. E.ccept fnr rn/urrrurr iujurn�aria��. l�oivever. t1�e jailrvr w comp(rtr d�� applicurinu n�ur res«(t in it he: /ISC�vd�d. ��ItA :liffu I�tuC b revi���•e:( �eud usr�( b �� Rann�er ! uud.S��r+rt P:reri ,«r7': `:: i;rr�� �,,, •��;� q,�,� r.c n�i��at��. hi?'t- 8-�0 MG�! (2:14 P��i l:dONG I�ti P�,C ASS FAX N0, i782413 ' F. 3 Consolidarcd Program Workforce Invest�reent Board (WIB) Memberskip Application 1V'hat skills, training and experiEnce do you possess for WIB membership? r� Length of initi2l tetm you are interested in: Are you a Veteran?: O Yes od No one-year ✓ two-year� � . 06 -6�4 R�c�����o �;'l�Y () �i ���.. Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paui are recruiting individuxls to represent various categories as detaS]ed on the Consolidated Program Warkjorce Irivestment:8oartl(WIB) Category Descripaons form on the reverse of this page. Ptease indicate, on thereverse side, the category or categories you can repretent on the R'LB. � - $otrnie Jackele. 55lQ2 (Fax: .,.• emtiership �.ppiicatidn�tc T.$. ? -,°,_==� "• �rY. ;�;Gofr»ry Boa"rd, �Sfiite"� �; Phone:� 651-266-801 �1). � =:k::��y����� ' -.'�; : V.k;;rs. rc�:: : -.`:::;::::'z ''� : }'^�>..�'.S,^'r�.:'j: �. ' il:.' .ti?�. ivard, Saint P�cuil,=°Minfikso(a �:::,,:: � ;::.: . : !ved by May •� �. We wilt hold two orientation sessions for mcmbcrs w'ho are appointed to the \VIB. ?hase sessioas are � Thursday, June Z2 (3:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or 7uesday, J¢ne 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask ihat members atcend one of these rnro se5sions. Pk.ase reserve these dates on your calendar. We expcct that app!icaacs «,�� be officially notified mid-7ur.e on �he status of their application. � Thank you Cor your interest. The infarmalion on 16is applicatia� �y��� be usel to evaluate and sefecl members oJihe WIB. Applicar.ts may �ejuse to suppl�' �'% rzquested ir.jormation. fxeeptjorvoluntaq ittformatior.,Covn p a�dsl rtePauinall T t dataa�lk�rpageandt 4 e�c+e rses; � 't dEsearded 76is da[a .r�ay be �wiewed and used by Ramsey 1 1' is public and, therejore, availa6le to tke pu6lie. For OfGce Ttse only Coaunissioner Discrict Ptanning District Council Ciry' Countii Ward Apri; 4, 2000 (OVERJ hiA`( 8-GO h�'GN 12� l5 F�+i 3:�i0NG MiI P?,� �SS FAk h0. 7782413 �ng ConsofidatedPragram f3'or�forcelnvestmentBoard (YYIB) Category Descriptions F. � T �!e r r da�`�`� IC you are apptying for Business, Educatton, or Labor positions, please aitach a nomination letter to your a plication as described below. Business, defined as jor profit (nominated by local besiness orgzn:zations and(or business trade associarions - attach your nomination letter): O Business owner, chief execurive or operating officer, xnd ofner execurive or cniployer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority O Represent business with employment oppottuniries that reflect the tocel erea Also please indicate ifyou represens: O lazge business O smal] business (fewer than 500 employees) Comma�niry-Based Organizarions, defined as nonprofit organixafions: fl Representarive of communities or signific2nt segments of communities providing job trauiing � Agency serving youth ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers d Union-related organization ❑ Employer-related nonprofit orgz^ization � Organizarion secving nonreservation Tndian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans � Agency repre enring in wich disabilities � Other: %�� >'�zp � �� Economic Developmen! fSgency: 0 Private Sector O k'ublic Sector X'ducation (nominated by regional or local educationa� agencies, institu� ons, or organizations representing such loczl educahonal en!ities - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boards ❑ Entities pro��ding adult educatio� and literacy activi±ies Q Postsecondary educationat insti!vtiorts ❑ Other. Lahor G Nominated by recognized sta,e and/or locz] labor federa;iors (xttach your nomination letter) One-Slop Workforce Center Pariners (deitned as che parmers that cz .ry ou*. the following acrivities/progrems): Q Adult, Aislocated Worker, Youin, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title Il ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Q Adult Education and Literacy (lY1A Title In p Vocation�l Rehabilitarion (Rehzbilitation ActTitle n a ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ n O Department of Fiousing and Urban Development ❑ State Unemployment Compensation Lzws (in accordzncz witn epplica�le federal law) Welfare-to-Work Progrzms (Soci�i Security Act) Senior Communiry Sen,�ce Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Ed��cation (Carl D. Perkins Vocationa a�� Applied Techr,ology Education Act) ?rade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Titie In Local Veterans' EmploymentRepresentatives andDisabled Veterans Ouheach (Title 38,TJ.S.C.) Commt:niry Services Block Gran: hi�l'(— & MG�i l[� l3 F4i ;criOi�G hi�( PAC �SS f�X h0. •i7�241j F. 2' Cattsolidated Yrvgram Woskforce Invutmeni Boa�d (Ii'IB) Membership.4pplication P�ivate Informa6an . Piace Work 6b��6�t TelephoneIr'umber: (Work)�S�1�7����� (Home)./f'/--�-�5�1(FAX)�f�—��k`���� E-?vlail Address: Job Title: ,���'��°``�� ���'��'� Pecsonal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address Phone:� 2) Name: Address: Phone:�t-Tomel lds�l �3�� ��� � What ar�your reasons for wanting�o serve on the WTB? / r / (Work �05�/— z-7i�.- `�3 � �° - r Oplionn7: In an zttempi to ensure that $oard representation reftects ine m2'�eup of our community, kno�v e�S� of the following information is heipfu!. However, comQletion o� this in�orriz:ion is roluntary. Whlte (Cauca9ian) Black (African �nerican) American Indian or Alzskan Eskimo �I212 4d i ❑ Disebled: Cl Yes � anic Asian or Pacific Is'.2ndec _�o If specizl accommod2tio�5 2re needed, please speci:y: J� The inJ�rmntion on this application wi[f be used to evaluole and selrct �nembera ojthe 11'!G. AppGcants nrayTeJuse io s�'i'�`? reyuesYed in jormalion. Ezcepc j ar voluntary infonr+ation, kowever, S Pau! staff. Th<_ da�a �on�hls page ts p��•e��i: bc:r. discarded This data mQy be re�ie+yed and used by Ram.sey Couaty Anril4, 20W 1„me� (Workl �J�`'�'� �° _ 05/11/2008 12:15 6512224581 i Name: Home Address CATHOLIC CHARITIES Consolidated Program Workjorce Invesfinenl,8oard (W7,8) Membership Applica6on Stree[ What skills, tcaining and experience do �� Lengih of initial term you are interested in: one-year Ase you a Veteran?: O Yes �No !� � PAGt 02 60 -��q �� � Zip.. L/ Ramsey County xnd the City of Saint �'aul are recruiting 9ndividuals to represent various categories as detailed on the ConsolidatedProgrrzm Tf'orkforcelnvestment.$oa�rl (WI$) Cate�oryDescriptinns form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can re�resent on the WT�. � We will hold lwo o: sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. Tnese sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 fo 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June zl (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members � attznd one o£these t�vo sessions. Please res.rve these dates an your calendar. We espze[ th2t applicants �4'iil be officizlly notified mid-June on the status of their applicztioc. Thxnk you for your interest. Xice irtformatiort on this npplicafion ivill be used to evaluate and selecl members oJfhe WIB. Applicantsmay rejuse [o suppt� the requested injormation. EYCepf jor voluntary injoimalion, ho�vever� ihe failure to complete Ihe applicatian may resvlt in it being discarded Tkis data neay be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Pau! staJf. The data oR this poge and the rererse siGe is pub(ic and, fherefore, avai(oble [o [ke pu6lic. �'or Otfice L(se onl}' Coavnissioner District Planning DisU Council City �i'� membership? two-year X Ci:}� Courcil Ward Aprit4,2000 (DYER) 05/11/2000 12:15 65122245B1 CATHOLIC CHARITIES PAGE 03 - Jan�s� F Sn��� Consatidated,Program Wo�kforcelnvesYment,8o¢rd (WIB) �� _6�� Caregory Descriptions If you are app]ying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, piease attach a nomination Ietter to your ap lication as described below. Business, defined as jor profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): O�usiness owner, chief execurive or opeeating officer, and other executive or empioyer with opfimum policymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business with employmeni oppoRuniRes that reflect the local azea Also pleese indicate ifyou tepresent: O lazge business O smal! business (fewer than 500 employees} Conrntuniry-Based Organizations, definzd as nonprofet organizations: �f Representarive of communities or significant segments of communities providing job haiiung $f Agency serving youth � Agenry serving displaced homemakers O Union-related organizarion ❑ �mpioyer-related nonprofit organizarion Q Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govemm�nt � Agency representing veterans � Agency epresenti in roiduals�n th dis ❑ Other. �fkt .S'�.e�r ��'D-�IdlCn.a) IA-e���c� Economic,t?evelopment Agency: Q Private Sector O Public Sector Educarion (nominated by regional or loc�l educationa! agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such 1oc21 educ2tional entiries-attachyournomination letter): Q I.oca] educarional entities (including IC-12} Q Local school boards • C] Entiqes providin3 adult education and literacy activiries Q PostsecondaJy educational institutions . L] Other: Labor ❑ Nominzted by recognized state end/or local labor federations (attach your nominatiori letter) One-Stop Workforce CenlcrPnrtners (defined as the partners fhat cany out the following activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, 7ob Co:ps, Iv'ative Amzrican and Veterans' Workforce (WTA T'itie T) O Wagner-Peyser Act • O O O ❑ ❑ C7 ❑ ❑ ❑ D Adult Education and Literacy (WJA Title 7!) ' Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabititation Act Title n , Welfare-to-Work Programs {Socizl Securiry Act) Senior Community Service $mployment (Title V of the Older f�,mericans Act) Postsecond�y Education (Cazl D, perkfns Vocational and Applied Technology EducaSon Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Irade Act of 1974 Title Il} S,ocal Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S,C.� Communiry Services Block Grant bepartment of Housing and Urban Development � State Unemp(oyment Compensation Laws (in acCOrdance with ap�licable federal law) 05/11/2000 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITIES CoxsolidatedProgram WorkforcelnvestmenfBoa�d (WIB) , Memberskip �pplicalion , � _ PrivateTnformation Place Work Address: PAGE 04 0� � Street City County Zip TelephoneNumber: (Wo,k}�S�'��5'`���- (Home) ��l'�Z���� (g��e�/;? E-2v1ai1 Address: " Job ��� / ��, Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: YW-�dRl �� �L ` �SC . t Address: d' � ltl. ' , dco� s�'tcl � Phone: ome (Wor'�l �`�"�� ~ 63�� 2) Name: V '" U, u«L� I Address: J� t..t. � S �"t� �� �� Phone:(Homel What re y u reasons fot w ting to serve on the � -}- �'�1Tt'f� �Cl�vxWYt� � Du`�l`COtzI,;KLl�fW�6�l5' 17� llJ� �� f3, Optionnl: In 2z a[;empt to ensure that Board representation reflects thz makeup of our community, kno�vledge ef the £o(lowing in:o�nation is helpfi:l. F�owever, completion of this information is voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Hispznic �lack (African American) Asian or PaciSe Is?ander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male � F'emal� O Disablec: pl'es ❑No IFspecial accemmodations are needed, please specify:. 7f�e i� fo�malion on fhis application x•il! bc used ta evaluaf� and selecl mern6ers ojihe lY7B. Applicants may rejure to su(p(< «' requesYeJ informatian. Fxcept jor volun(ary informatiort, /�oweve�, tkefaiture lo tomplete tne appffcation rnay result i,+ i1 h.=i�; disca�ded ?his data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey Counly anJ Sainf Paul Sfajf. The dnta on this pvge 'u pri ratr. �Workl ��f � 02�1�{ �� . Fl,nri14,200U - - � Consolidated Program Workjorcelnvestment.8oa�d (WIB) Membership Application Private Ittformation Street � ���.�r'/� �L�'�t/Ch� • Name: . Place of Employment: ���,aui �i6/� GhQO/s Work � ZSb — ��`� Zip Telephone Number: (Work) /'�3 ��"�'/3 (Home) �1'l'�-6'0/9 (FA� � ) �3 - .5507 E Address:_ ,Pi// LY,vo/, � �Sf�Ps, or� 7ob Title: �% �y�n�i' % .Sc�io�/ � Fv�U•eE Personal References (include area code) // . :.: � . Address:_360 Col�rr�e �"7'�.�t/�. I7'�1N. ,�s5/fl � Phone:fHome) � (Workl �L� 7� SZ l.� 3 2) Name: /l�s. �m.� ��E.�bms�N Address:_ �f�� l�2 �,r,' � /9� �T� /J7N. .i�/o/ Phone:fHome) �Vhat are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? (Workl Z10�/�/r'6 Z,sE�i�vE ir is ��n�.CTA>✓T FG�e YNE ST��iG T�u6/c Sc%o/s Ta r;� ,2eor,� sosri7�� o,d �fi. t�e��s G�i,vr� o s D.t.�orlv�/� '_ � _ i'o/z ssrr,a�,�✓rs wl�o /ro .n oa,�. �iSr ,�d Z.��u��E' Tf�i _TLL.ilil�� lldf/� .PP,/J/JJlOifT6YY']A/ �- Lwih y1l/lT -ft/v�C �«ni.�irl L.o rriiAG�:S o,✓ �rs '� OptionnL• In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge of the following information is helpful. Fiowever, completion of this infonnation is voluntary. �White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ Americazi Indian or Alaska�i Eskimo Male: �' Female: ❑ Disabled: Q Yes ❑ No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander If specidl accommodauons aze needed, plcase specify: /YOit/E The infurmarinn nn t/tic upplicatinn rvi1! be trsed ta evafi�ate nnd selee! �nembr�s ojl/re WI� Applicmus nray reJirse io Supply I/re requested irrfurmatinn. Except for vofufilary i+rformalion, however, thejallurr �o eomplere t/te upplicarinn nray result in ir bcing dircarded Tlei� data may be reviewed and tued by Ran�sey Counry and Saix[ Paal stajf. The dma an dris page is private. � I,= .�'fl Cansolidated Program Workjorce Investment Boa�d (W!B) Membersltip Application � Q — � � � �Vhat skilts, training and experience do you po5sess for WIB membership? - %/ / . /,✓/ I � �� i . i i� � i �l � � � � �%/ !.�/ �i � I I . �i I� /�i � /� � � �//l! i�v S�e. /fs. — Length of initial term you are interested in: on�yeaz Are you a Veteran?: O Yes C�}'�o ,sT 6ZS two-year t� Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paui are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolutaterl Program Workforcetnvestment Board ({YIB) Categorybescriptivns form on � the reverse o£ this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the VVTB. Mait or Fax your �V.IB Membership Application to: Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - Cosrnty Board, Suite 250, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Mnnesotn � i10? (Fax: 651-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-8014J. Applications must be received by May 12, 200�. We wi11 hold two orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the �VIB. These sessions ace � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members attend one of thesc two sessions. Ptease reserve these dates ort your calendar. �Ve expect that applicants will be o�cially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thonk you for your interest. Tlfe injorm�r�ion a,r rhis applicatron will be rrsed to evatuate and select n:enrbers of Ote WI6. Applicmits nray rejuse 10 supplv /�+� requesred infnrmatio�7. ,Eccept for volunlary L�formatiaa, J+awever, tAe jaitr�re to comptete Ure apptication nray resutt itt it being discarded. Tlrisdntamaybe�evlewednndutedbyRamseyCounryandSaimPrrufttajf. ThednraontliispagcmiQflfereverseside is pablic and, d�erejore, uvnifab(e In t/re pubfic For Office Usc only � Commissioner District Planning Disttia Counci( City Council Ward April 4, 2000 (OVERJ ,90'd �y101 Consolidated Program Workforce Investmenc Bnard (WXB) Category Descriptions � � �► - • If you are applyino for Business, Education, or Labor positions, ptease attach a nomination letter to �•our annlica6on as described bctow. Business, defned asjor-profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): d Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and ocher executive or employer with optimum policymakin� or hiring authority 0 Represent business with employment opportunities thac reflect the loca( area Also please indicate ifyou represent: O lazge business O smal] business (fewer than 500 emplo�•ees) Community-$ased Organizations, defined as noxprafit organizotions: O Ftepresentative of communities or significant segments of communities providing job training ❑ Agency serving youch O Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization 0 Employer-re(ated nonprofit organization � Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government 0 Agency representing veterans Cl Agency representing individuals with disabilities Q Other: _ Ecor+omic Development Agency: O Private Sector 0 Public Sector Education (nominated by regiona( or locai educationa! agcncics, inriitutions, or organizations representing such local educat�i naI entities - attach your nomination letter): CB'f,oeal educationa( entities (ineluding K-12) q Local school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities � Postsecondary educational institutions Q Other: La6or d Nominated by recogni2ed state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Sro� � 0 O Q ❑ d n ❑ Q � Q ❑ Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out che following activities/programs): Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Cocps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title 1) Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title lI) Vocational Rehabititation (Rehabilitation Act Titte I) ,. . Wetfare-to-Work Programs (Social Securiry Act) Senior Community Service Employmcnt (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Posuecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocationai and Applied Technology Education Act} Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title Il) Local Veterans' Employmeat Representativcs and Disabled Veterans Outreach jTitle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Department of Housing and Urban Deveiopment Statc Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accocdance u-ith applicable federa! law) r MRY-12-2002 Q8�42 ST. PRUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.02i06 • _ _ Consolidafed Progr¢m Workfo�ce,lnvesftnent Bottrd (WIB) ��C��V�� DO -� �' � tidembershipApplication MAY 15 2000 N2me: Doaovan Schvichcer.berg MAYOR�S OFFICE Home Address: 6621 Biscavne Blvd. Edina 55436 Street City County Zip What skitls, training and exoerience do you possess for WIB membership? I have a backKround in vocational education and have served as che head of both N_inneapolis and St. Paul 2echnical College. I have experience in de- velopinR educational proQrams for adults and vouth and have served in a leadershiv role in cuseomized traininQ• I am presentlY serving on the Saint Pau1 Workforce Development Council. � Len�th of initia] term you are interested in: one-yeaz _ Are vou a Veteran?: � Yes D No two-year X �tamsey County and the City o! Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on Yhe Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Cntegory Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the �VIS. Mail or Xsx }•our WIB NZembership Application to: Bonnie lackelen, ChieJClerk - Counry Board, Suite 150, 1� West Kellogg Bou2evard, Saint Paul, tllinnesota �5101(Fc�x: 6�1-366-8039; Phone: 651-266-8014). App[ieatioxs ntust be received 6y May 12, Z000. We will hoid hvo orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the 1VIB. These sessions are � 'Ihursday, June 22 (5:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). R�e ask that members attend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calenda:. We e�pect that applicants will bz officially notified mid-Inne on the status of their zpplication. Thank you for your interest. The irejnrntaiiore mt tkis «pplicatia� will bC t�5¢J �o evRluafe and Sele[t irtember5 Of llte WIB. A7plicmrls ntrty �efi+se fo strppli' Il+r req�te5fed ittfOrnt4fi01t. L•rC¢jl! j0� VOt�qtt[try injormatioit, 6owever, 1he fai7nre ro complete the applicarion n+ay test+/t iir i1 bei�r; d'acurdrrf. Tliis data �uny be rcviewed and ttsed bp Rrsnssey Cotnrry and Saint PrW1 staff. Tke daln ort dtis prre e and t/+e reve�se side is pirbtic «irr1, tloerejore, avai(able to the public. For Office L'se only Commissio�er Discrict /�pri; 4. ?000 Ptannin� District Councif (OYER) City CounciV Ward MAY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i06 � - Consolidated Pro�ram Workforce L:vestment Board (WI,B) � _�(, q etifembership Application ,Privafe .l+:formafioiz Name: Donovau SchvichtenberQ Place of Employment: sc. Pau1 Technical Colie�e Work 235 Marshall Avenue St_ Paul Teiephone Number: Street City 55102 Zip (Work) 651-221-1364 (Home) 612-938-0227 (FAX} 651-221-1416 E-MailAddress: Job Title: Pres Personal I2eferences (include area code) 1� 1`Iame: Hovard Guthmsnn Address: 1300 Norwest Center; St. Paul, Minneso�a 55101 Phone:jHome) (��orkl b51-222-1841 2) h2m�: Richard AnfanQ .4ddress: Sc Paul Buildinst Trades Council• 411 Main Street� St Paul Minnesnc�55107 Phone:(Homel What are yout reasons for wanting to serve on the 'WTB? fWork) 651-224�9445 I have an i�terest in heloinR a21 nembers of our sociecy beco�e em�loved in ¢ood jobs I believe it benefits the individual their famllies emplovers and _ society My reasons also are goals of St Paul Technical Co11eRe. I believe I _ can make a valuable contribution to the new organization. Optioi:al: In an attempt to ensure tnat Board representation refleets the makeup of our community, lcnov��led2e of the followino infotmation is helpfuf. However, completion o` this information is voluntary. x White (Caucasian) Black (African Americdn) American Tndizn or Alaskan Eskimo Male: � Female; ❑ Disabled: � Yes O I�Io If specia! accommodations 1re needed, pleaSe speeify:_ Hispanic Asian or Pacific Isl2nder T/�e i�zfarnrafian o�r f/tis applicatio�z ivi!! be+�sed to evulnutr naJselect inenrbers oj11�e WLB. Applicm+n iurq� rrjase ro srrpplr r1�e �equested i�rjomtalinn. C•.rcept jor volunurrti infonua�iarr, lfowever, thefai/erre �o complere tl+e applicutiorr �ffny restrtt i�i ii bci�i,�, discnrded. 7kis tla(rr �1ray be revie�aeJ a�zd usrd b}' Ra�rae}• Caunty ct�:J Srriir! Paerl slaff. Tke data an tLis p�toe it privrrte. .__�.....n� MRY-12-2000 08�48 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i07 �jo-C6 Consolidafed Progrnm Workfarce Irsvesfinenl Board (WIB) . Care Descripiions jj S c h u�� �h ��n k� �" If you 1re applying far Business, �ducation, or Labor positions, please aYtach a nomination leYter to pour annlication as described belo�v. Business, defined as for profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associacions - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and o[her executive or employer with optimum policymakin� or hirino authority ❑ Represent business wi�h employment oppoRUnities chat reflect the local area Also please indic2te if you represent: O large business O small business (fewer chan 500 employees) Commzrniry-Based Organi>arions, defin2d as nonprofit organi=arions: G Representative of communities or significant sesments of communities providing job train'rng ❑ G O 0 ❑ 0 G Agency representing individuals �vith disabitities � Ocher: A�ency serving youth A�ency serving displaced homemakers Union-related organization Employer-related nonprofit or�anization Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government A�ency representing veterans £conomic Development Agency: ❑ Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Eclucnrion (nominated by re�ional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such locai educational entities - attach your nomination Ietter): d Local educationa! entities (includins K-12) G Local school boards G Entities providing adult education and literacy activities �Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Other: Labor G Nominated by recognized sta[e 2nd/or local labor federztions (attach your nomination letter) O�ae-Stop iVorkfo�•ce Center Pm•tners (defined as the pactners that carry out the folfowing activities/pro�rams): G Adut�, Dis(ocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title 1) ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title II) G Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) � We(fare-to-Work Pro�rams (Social Security Acc) G Senior Communi�y Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Voeational and Applied Technology Education Act) ❑ Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and t�tAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197-t Title fl) O Local Vecerans' Emp(oymen� Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) G Comm�mity Secvices Block Grant ❑ Department of Housin� and Urban Development ❑ Sta[e Unemplo�•ment CompensaTion La�vs (in accordance with applicable federai la��•} MAY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PRU� TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.04i06 Q�-C�9 Donovan Lee Schwi.chtenberg, Ph.D. G621 Biscayne Boulec:azd 612-221-1364 (�Y/ozk) Edina, Minnesota 612-93&9227 (Home) Leadership Acknow!ed;ed hioh energy wirh a cleaz zecord of efiecavely managing change in a numbei of organizauons. Demonsuaced leadexship in 6sca1 naaxgement, sc_vice to busincss and industry, pcoblem idenrification and zesolution. Cdlegial management srjle which identifia high e�pectarion ftom stafE and faculry widi resula for she benefic of studencs. Available co all membeis of the Collese and respecced fot his leadcrship throuehout Minnesota State Colleges and Univezices. Ptofessional Presidenc, SL Paul Technical CoLege, St. Paul, Mi�aesota (March 1990-Present) Experience Pcincipal, Hm�rson Alternadve School, MinnespoLs, Minne>oca (1959-199Q) President, Minncapolis Technical College, Minneapo!�s, Minncso:s (1982-1959) Principai, IYfaLShaU-Utuvetsiry High School, Mianeapolis, I�finnesora (1979-1952) Pxincipal, Fzanl:lin J unioc High School, bfinncapolis, Minncsota (1978-1979) Principal, Ramsey Ninth Grade Cencec, MinreapoLs, Minneson (19741978) Assiscant ro East A�ea Super'sntendenc, bSinaeapotis PubGc Scheos (1973-1974) Assistant Principal, Centx�t I-Iigh School, hf:nneapo�s,1� +Lnnesoca (i972-1973) Assisr.�nt Prinupal, Ramsey Junio: High School, �finncapolis, Mirnesota (19G9•1972} Adjuncc Piofec:or, Univexsiry• of D4+nnesoca, hLnneapolis, Minne�ota (1969) Neighbochood Youtii Cosps Coozdinatot, South�cesc High Schoal, �Vest High School, Centcai High School, Minneaoolis Public Sci:ools (19G6-1969) Psoject Adr.iinis��atoc, Operation Readir.ess, Uniced Scaces OfEice of �conomic Oppoctuairy Communiiy Educldon Duectot, Notcheast Conn:unity Centez, �linncapolis, Minnosoca (19GG-19G8) Voa:ional Cooxclinatoz, Wsshbum High Schoal, A4inneapolis Public Schoals (19G4-1966) Teachez, Vocaaonal Evening School, Mi:u:eapolis Public Schoo!s (1960-1965) Teachcz, Cenaal High School, Minneapolis Public Schools (1960-19G4) Uaited Scates Axmy,19�7 BankTellec, St Clair State Banl:, St Clais, Minnesoca (19�G-19�7� Education Doctor of Philosophy in Educauonal Adcnizivaao0. Waldcr, Uniceniry (1978) Snecialist in Educadonal Administcarion, UnicecsiS oE Sc T'honas (1980) h4astet of Science, Cucricnlum and Instracuoa, Unieezsiry of bfinnesota (1968) Bachelox of $uence, Business Education/Socia? S:udies/Busincss Adminiscration, biankaco State Univasicy (]960) MAY-12-2000 08�43 Dissertation Topics Membeiship and Leadership (Pau and Pzesent) ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.05i06 -� S . . BQ-�6� A Study of ctte Effecnvencss of the Subsacutz Tcachezs in rhe Secondary SchooLs of 14linneapolis, Minnesora, 1998 Parent's Opinions of Dccenccalization in the tif:nr.eapolis Public Sc�ools,19S0 Minnesoca Technical College Presidenrs' Ascocisdon, Past Presideac bfinnesora Technical College Presideaa' Assouaaon Finance Cos:r�aee, Past Chairpezson Minnesora Technical Coll oe Presidents' Studenc Secvices Comrniecee, Pase Cha:rper,on blinnesota Scate Colleges and Univasides CF.�,�cclloc's Search Ca�nittce Minnesota Scate Colleges and L3ziveisiries Inter_m Chancellor's Council of PreSidenu hleaopolitan Educacional Tclec�nmun.icarions Necwork, Treasuc� Saint Pxul'Tech Prep Consonrium Higher Educarion Box.rd Escluded Administracocs Task Force m Minnesoca Srace �'echnical College I'zesidents' Associauon Humaa Resoucces Committce bfinnesoca Sta[e Technical Coilege Presidenes' Associarion Lcgislarive Coca�niccee MinneapoLs Public Schook Principals' Forum, Pas[ Pcesidenc Minneapais Public S<hools Prineipals' Foru.�n I�,�e�otiaCng�ee, Chaixpe=son Encironmen[ and Eneco�y Resource Center, Dueccor l�rillma: Ccus:muniry Collcge PresidenG Sea:ch United Way of Saint Paul Communiry Iniriadves Volunceer Comri;cee Sain: Paul Puhlic Schools I�Soxth Cenual Evaluator Anoka Technical College Nozth Central Evaluacor Saint Paul/Roseville School to l"l�ock Paztncuhip E�ecudve Com_miuee Ciry of Saint Pa�:l Wockfacce Devdopment Cou. cii Eaccuuve Cor,nrniccee $aint Paul Rocary Red Wir.g/Winona Technical Collese Pxesidenris! Search Coxxunitte�, Chzizpecson Mttro Area Two-year Colltgc Planning Gouncil 2�fulu-Culcural Gender Disabiliry• Ftir Educaaor. Advi,cory $oard Sainc Paul Pu6lic Schools $upetinu:ndenc's CouncIl Nxtiona! Assoua[ion Mi:u�esota Vocational Associarion Minncsora Labor Ha�her Education Cou�cil LLA��//�ocd/MnSCCI Truning Cen[er Comr.�:.ce, Coozddnator M:�SCU Biennial Commitmenc to Insatu�ons Camr.uccee, Chairperson M:�SCU Sk:ill Bascd Tzansfet Committee, Chai-pe:soa Mn5CC7 Per:nr.nel Plan Advisory Commiaee Edina Public Schools Volunteex MRY-12-2060 08�43 Membesship and Leadetship (Past and Present) ST. PRUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.06i26 �, Scl��� �h�t�.b° Scafford Collcgc (Enghn�-St. Paul Technical College Profesvonal E�change Q 6 � t hSid-Minaesora Telecommuniations Consortiu*n Wmona Technical College Scate Evaluaioz Sainc Paul Arca Chamber of Commexce Midway Chamber of Commecce h2inneapolis Assodaaon of Secondary School PiincipaLc Minneapolis Kiwanis Ivfinneso*a Associaaon of Secondary Pzincipalc T�cin Ciaes Ecoaornic L'levelopment Group, D'uector hfnSCU Progcam and Sen�ice Alignment Planning Team iin� _J•G� , ^ � Consolidated Program N'arkforce Irtvestment Botud (Ti�l'$) 1Kem6ership Appl'uadon Frivate l'njunaatian 51 1-:=:�L -�:�h1 i la $. c�ON 652229.'s314 P.24ia? ' RFc��u�o 60 -�Gq �h9AY 2 5 2000 Name: xARRY MELANDER �I�� PlaceofEmployIIlent: ST. PAUL BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL �VorkAddress:411 MAIN ST, #206 ST. PAUL RAMSEY 5 City County TelephoneNumber: (Work) 651-224-9445 � (�:� b51-224-9783 E-Mail Job Business Representative Persoaal References (include azea code) 1) Tiame: Dick Anfang Addiess: 411 biain St, #206, St. Paul MN 55103 Phone:fHomel 651-�57-7891 �Work} fi51-224-9445 z� Name: Bernard Brommer 175 Aurora Ave., St. Paul MN 55103 Phone:jHome� �Vork) 651-227-7647 What tue your reasons for wanting to serve oa the WIB? I believe I can voice Labor's concerns and bring a practical yet wor3cable consciousness to the board. Optional.• In an attempi to ensure that �oard represematiou reflects the ma.keup of our community, laiowledge of the following informarion is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntFUy. X White (Caucasian) � Black (African American) _ ?unerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male: Cz� Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No Hispa.nic Asian or Pacific Islander Other If special accommodations are needed, please specify: T7ee ireJormatton on tlris appficaflnn wUl be used to eyaluate o�d seterJ membu.s ojthe WIB. Appticann may rejure ta supp{y the requested injormaliotr. �cept for yotuntary infotmation, however, the feiltrse to complele the appu�atlnn may resutt !n U being rtiscardeJ. Tltis dala moy be reviewed and wed by Rwnsey County and Saint Paal stajj. Tke dnta on tkls page ts prlvate. n...�� � �Mn Tf7T�l P Gn r:r+r—i rtv�u� :5: �5 S i rn.�L PLR`N I YG � cNN 6512283314 P, 03i84 Consolidaied Program Workforce Invesimeni Board (WIB) .. Je� M ,�(a ' v`." � CategoryDescriptions �arr� �p—� `� If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor posifions, please attach a nomination letter to your annlicatioa as described below. � --- -- --- --------°°-•— ' Business, defined asfor prafer (nominated by local business organizations andlor business trade associations - attach your nominatian tetter): ❑ Business ownet, chief exeeutive or operating officer, and other execntive or emplayer wich optimum poticymaking or hiring authority Cl Represent bu�iness with employment opportunities that reflect ihe local area Aiso please indicate if you represent: O large business J small business (fewer than 500 employees) Community-Based Organiatioru, defined as reonprafit organizations: ❑ Representative of communities or significant segments of cammunities providingjob training ❑ A�ency serving youth ❑ Agency serving disptaced homemalcErs ❑ Union-related organization a Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonreservation Fndian and tribat government ❑ Agencyrepresentingvetetans ❑ Ageney representing individuais wish disa6ililies p Ocher: Economic Development Agency: O Privntc Sector 0 Pubtic 5ector Educatron (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational entiries - attach yonr nominarion lettcr): • p Local educationa! entities (inctuding K-12) C� Local school boards 0 Cntitics providing adult education and 3iteracy activities ❑ Postsccondary educationat institutions ❑ Other: Labor � TYominated by recognized state and/ot local ]abor fcderations (attach yonr nomination letter) One-St�p Workforoe Cenrer Partners (defined as the parmers fhai carry out the following activitiesJprograms): O Adult, Disiooated Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title I) ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Tide II) a Vocafional Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Tikle I) O Welfare-to-Work Progruns (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Educ;ation Act) ❑ Trade Adjustrnent Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title Il} ❑ Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Ouh�each (I'ide 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Commurlity Services Block Grant • ❑ Departmcnt of Housing and Urban Development C] State Unempfoyment Compensacion Laws (in accordance with applicab(c fcdcml law) ,,�„—�,—�uw 1J•G-r 5i rHU� YLHNNiNti 8 ECGY 65122633i4 P.02i24 ConsolidatedProgram A'jorkforcelnvestmentBoard (WIS) � QO -��� Membsrskip Application ae: HARRY MELANDER 716 PARK AVE rIAHTOrIEDI WASAINGTOi1 55115 Home StreEt c�cy What sldlls, �ainia� end experience do you possess for WIB membership? see attached Lcngth of initial term you are interzsted in: one-year � Are yon a Veteran?: � Yes �! No County Zip hvo-yeaz x We will hold two orientation sessions far members who ars appointed to the WJB. These sessions fue � Thursday, 3uno 22 (8:OD to 10:40 a.m.) or Tuesday,'dune 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask tiiat members attend one of these rivo sessions. Piease reserve thesa dates on your calendat. We expect that applicants will be o�cially notified m�d-)une on the status of their agplication. Thank yau for yonr mterest. The lnjormalian on Htls applica(ian wi[t de uaed to evatuale and sGiect members of the WIB. Appllcants may refuse to supp(v 1��e requesred tnformatinx. Flceptjar voiunrary inJ'ormatton, however, A�e failurc to camplate the appllcatlon may rrsult Ix it bciag uiscarded This daea may be �eviewcd aud used 6y Ramsey County and Salnt Pauf stafj: T he data on fhis pugs and the rtverse side [s public mrd, tkrrefore, avuita6te to lhepubTio �'or Office i7ae only Couunissioner District Pianning District Couacil Ciry Councii ward ADril 4, 2D00 (OYER) Ramsey Caunty and the City af Saint Paul are recruitiug ind'eViduals ta represent various categories as detailed on the Consotidaled Arogram Work,jorce Investment Baard (T3'I�) Category Aescreptinns form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categocies yoa oan represent on the WIB. ao -C�`� Harry D. Melander Jr. 716 Park Avenue Mahtomedi, Minnesota 55115 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: ST. PAUL BUII,DRvTG & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCII, Business Representative (1997-Present) * Responsible for the legislative, community, and education agenda for 29 affiliates Create and coordinate all School-To �Vork, minority recruitment, gender balance efforts in St. Paul SOUTHERN DISTRICT COWi CIL OF CARPE�ITERS Community Outreach/Proa am Development (1994-1996) St. Paul * Responsible for recruitment effort with the minority community and efforts to create gender balance in the trades Program coordinator for (PAY) Program For Apprenticeable Youth. Bud;et design/Program Administration * Developed and coordinated St. Paul Central's Building Technology Academy � MINNE30TA STATE�,VIDE DISTRICT COLNCIL OF CARPENTERS (1986-1994) ST. PAUL, MN Human Resources/TraininglReseazch * Devetop persounel policy for staff and affiliates * Par�cipated in negotiations and grievance proceedings * Managed the budget and fmancial regulations of the organization, and it's benefit plans �` Created personnel lraining progams for staff/members 00 -C�q Melander, age 2 �` Provided direction and leadership for a harmonious Community/LaborManagement relationship within the construction industry throughout Minnesota * Prepazed and presented press releases for organization MCGOUGH CONSTRUCTION (1984 -1986 ) ST. PAUL, M�I Construction Layout, Carpentry * Responsible for the placement of commercial structure, and their components in relationship to azclutectural specification * Provided traditional cazpentry duties EASTERi�T IOWA CO�IUNITY COLLEGE (1978 -1984 ) MU3CATPi 1E, IOWA Building Technology Department Instructor of Buildin; Technology Ctasses * Provided leadership for one of three major divisions within the college * Instructor of Construction Engineering and Building compliance classes * Responsible for the construction and maintenance of campus-owned grojects, including single family homes and campus instructional facilities * Negotizted instructionai staff contract, handled grievance proceedings EDUCATION• DEGREE PROGRAM; University of Wisconsin - Stoui 1977 B.S. TechnologyBducation ADVAIvCE STUDIES: University of Minnesota 1986 University of Oregon 1987 ao -C�� VOCATIONAL: Melander, page 3 MinnesotaDeparhnentofLabor/Division �97g of Voluntary ApprenticesIup Program, Carpentry CIVIC PARTICIPATION• * St. Paul �Vorkforce Development Board * St. Paul Urban Lea�ue * 916 Foundation * State Commission for NaYl & Community Svc * Phalen Corridor Initiative / Founding Member * Twin City Housing & Redevelopment Corp. * �Vashington Co.Boazd of Adjustment Chairperson * Washington County HRA, Chairperson * Mahtomedi Pazk Commission * University of M�t Labor Relations Advisory Boazd * Washington Co. Planning Commission, Chairperson * Weatherization Reseazch and Production Inc. � Chairperson * Mahtomedi School District Transportation, Technology Committee * Governor's Commission for Affordable Housing in the 90's (1998-1999) (1997-1999} (1996-1999) (1994-1999} (1994-1999) (1995-1999) (1995-1999) (1996-1998) (1998-1999) (1995-1998) (1992-1996} (1988-1996) (1989-1994) (1989-1994} (1998-1989) ��� DOWN�O�'� Si 'PnUL rax�5�129�130o Ap�^ 11 'GC 14�43 P.U2� Consofidated 2'ro�ram Workforce Investment,Board (I�IB) Membership A,pplication � Hone Add*ess: Street cicy Q� —���{ Counry• Zip �Vha? skills, t: aining and experience do you possess for �VIB memb:rship? �7' �r/F' ,�6£�tI /hIUOLUF�l/J W iTT� �f - La V/n6ti/ i � .� T'�A-�i�/i�r6 ��al'/(i9�'1-S 3�Y�s Z �R/NG GX �,..fs�UF X,vaw« �nlD CDGL OGCA't/0•J �/C/LLS F 0»1 �.�m2/l�n2c� C?�r�_�e , <�5/Je�! �vE. Length of initial term you ue interested in: one-year � A:e y'ou e Veteran?: O Xes �I�o E. / rtt�F �z. two-year /� U �'/C �i� Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are ��ecruiting indiciduals to represent �'arious categories as detfliled on the Consofidafed Pro�ram FYorkforce InveslmentBoard (lYI$) Care,or�� Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicafe, on fhe reverse side, the category' or cafegories you can represent on the ZYI$. .... ..... . .... ... ; .. . . .. . _ .. ... . .... . y1siT .:_- . $ortnieJaekelen,:ChiefClerk=Counryl IS L�KStICellogg-Eottleiard SointPbecl,'itlinrresa{a SSIQZ (Fax: GSI-26,6 GJI-265-�014)::Applicationsmusthe._receivedbyhlny12,20D0. : .�/ �Ve will hold t��o orientation sessioas for members who are zppointed to t�.e t1'IB. These sessions zre � Thursda}•, June 22 (8:00 Yo 20:D0 a.m.) or Tuesday, Jvne 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.mJ. �b�e ask tl�ai members arend one of [hese h�•o sessions. Plezse reserve thesz dates on your calendzr. \4'e zxpect that applican's w•ill be o�icially r,otir�ed mid-June en the status o:`their application. Thank } for your interest. The in formtttion ox IGts app(icafion will be uSed ta eraluale and Se(:ct n�emb oj[he 1{7B. Applicrsnts nr�ry rejuse m su�pi� ii�e teqatsled infnnnafio�t. Bxczp! jor vof�ntrtry injorn�etion, fiowever, rleeJailnre to conaplere !hr application may re5ult in it b°:no rl�scarded. Tleis dala mny be rzvie�ved nnd used by Ramsey Cow�ry nnrt Salnt Pned staff. 71re dar�+ ar� tleis pa,e m�d tlae reverse si:f< is public and, therefore, avaifable to !ke public. For OFfiee Us< only Concaissioner Distritt t'b � �i F(annin� District Councii Ci.yCounci! Wud April A. 2000 (DYERJ WFC DOW�70WN ST•PAUL Fax�6�129�1306 Fpr 11 '00 _;�43 �. , - Cot:solidated Pt•ogram Workforce Invesimeni$oard (WIB) Category Descriptions r. u� �flll�t �� W �p-�6Y If you are apply�ng for Susiness, Education, or X,abor posifions, please attach a nomination letter to your anolication as described beloK�. Bu;, defired as for-profrt {nominaced by local business orgznizations and!oc businzss r.ade associa:ions - attach your nomination lefter): ❑ Business owner, chiz`executice or operatin� officer, and other execucive or employcr with optimum policymzking or hirin� authority d Represent business �ti�ith employment opportunicies thzt rzflect the local zrea Also please indiczte if you represer,,: O lazge business O small business (fe«er than 500 emolo}ees) Com.mzenity-2nsed Organizations, d=fined as nonprofir nrganlaotions: (� Representztive of communities or sionificanc segments of communities providin� job trzining ❑ A�ency serving youtn O A�ency serving displaced hom�makers O Union-related or;aniz2tion � Emp(oyer-related nonprofit organization 0 O:g2nization servino nonreservation Indi2n 2nd tribal gov�mment O A�enty repre;enting veterins C1 A�ency representiag individual_< tvitit disabilities d Other. Economic Developmanf Agency: C� Pri��ate Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by re�ional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or org2nizacions representin� such local educational entities - attach your nomination letter); CI Local educational. entities (including K-12) 0 Local school boa:ds Labor ❑ Er.ti:ies p:ovidin� adult education and lit°racy activities O Postsecondary educa�ional institutions O Other: � i�orc:ina�ed by reco;nized state and/or loca( labor federations (attach your nomination letter) Oae-Stop Workjorce Center Pa; tners (defined as the partners thz[ ezrry out the followins activities/proarams): ❑ Adul!, Dislocated 1�Vorker, Y�u:h_ Job Corps,lative American and Veterz�s'�«'orkforc� (WIA Tide i) '�, Wagner-Peyser AcC �7 Adult Education znd Literacy (WI?. Title I]} Q Voca?ions( Rehzbilitz;ion (Rehabili,ztion Act Title I) rJ Welfare-to-Work Pro;rams (Secial Security Act) ❑ Senio: Coinmunity Sen�ice Employment (Title V of the Oidzr Americzns rlct) 0 Postsecondary Educ3t:on (Carl D. Perkins Voe2tional and Ap�lied Techaology Ecuea;ion Act) � Tradc Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA 'I'AA (Trade Act of 1974 Title 11) � Loca1 Veterans' EmplOymznt Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Tide 33, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department ofHousin� and Urban Development �( State Unempioymcnt Gompen�a[ior Laws (in accordance with applie2ble federal law) WFC DOWtiTOW� ST�PRUI. Fax:6�129�1306 Fpr 11 '00 i4:4� Consolidoted Program Workforce Xnvestment Eoard (WIS) hlembership Applicafian �/� n 1'rivate Information IamP• 1/ 1�9L V ') G�! � li! N.0 1 J� Place of �Vor:<Address: � OQ� ���'�� E. f�02777` S1� v�SStr� t�� S�E� T g7�. fJ` � L i ' P. U4 �p - � �`� Jr(5 � U� ?,Ty�o s r .�-� � a ,7279 on Zip � y C Telephoae Nnmber: (�Vork)/�5/-77 q-5 !0 6 J (Home) — (FAX) G� /- 7�9 SG Si6 Gs� GS/ -29'7 -/�06 E-y1ailAddtess: /YI{�I'1.�nKow� »a.iwmQil.-�eS.STare. `� Job Title: �F��O�ilf{`[, �f�'/�/�(E2 -' �.S% ��/��(� Personal I2eferences (include area code) 1) Name: 3Y�c �1lo�rfl < Phone:(Homel — 2) Name: Add;ess: 3 y� N0� � / C� Gn� Phone:(Homel �-' J .5`3 . (�vorkl G� S/- �96 — (0 0 ( % cS 1. �/�'GlC� /�//.✓ ✓�S �wotx� 6.s/- a96 � /� 902 Oplional: ln an attempt to ensure that Board representatioa reflects the makeup o`our communiq•, kno�vledge of the follow•ing information is helpfiit. I-Iowever, completion of this information is voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Black (African Ame;ican) American Indian or A!ask�z Eskime Male: t7 Female:� Disabled: O Yes �t�'o Hispanic Asizn or Pzcific Is!andet If special accommodations are needed, pleasz specify: 1U�� !/fe inJo�mertion ar il�it applicntion wi[1 be uscd to evnluate mrd select xrembers of the li�IB. �fppllca��fs muy reJuselo supply tl�e reques(ed irtjormntlort. Excepl for volr�ntary injurmatinn, Gowever, the jai/ure m comylete rl+e appticrsdon may resi�lt in It beh+; discarded. 7his data may be �eviewed and �azd by Rwrssey Counry and Sain1 Pat�! stn Tke da�a on dt "u page is privute. Apri t 4-, 2000 What zre your reasons for wuztir.� to serve on tne WIB? ,MAY-12-2000� e9�44 LIFETRRCK RESOURCES 651 227 0021 P.02/�0 Consolidated Program TYorkforce Investmcni $nard (T3'IB) Membership Appticasion pFCEfVE� 6a - L 6 `� MAY 1 5 2004 John Mohr HomeAddress: 2315 Timber Trail, Maplewood, MN (Ramsey, County) 551�YOR'SOFFICE Street City County Zip What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? See attached sheet 1 Length of initial term you are interested in: one-year Ate you a Veteran?: O Yes � i�io two-year X Ttamsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program Workforce Investment.8oard (WIB) Calegory Aescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the'F�IB. 1VIsi1 oc.'-Eax;ypu'c' IB ;N _.. . �'�: 55IO2 (I'�ar:'.6SI-266=8039;'P� :� ,651=266=801 �1). �A`.`4..w�'.y `,i�.:x`%F%i � �: , .:rd"4�.;aPr:tif �:� �-`�; :,� :; c' - "���A:�:���-.:�=:�:>:�. Boiilevarci, 'Saiiil Paiil,aMinrieso/n _;;, . .. n received by hlay;l2� 2000 `::: We wili hold nvo orientation scssions for members who are appointed to the tiVIB. These sessions arc � Thursday, June 22 (8;60 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members attend one ofthese m•o sessions. Piease resecve these dates on your ta[endat. �Ve expect that applicants ��'��� bc officially notified mid-Iune on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. ..-. . • � ...•. . .r:. '_"r. "'t'.....:�� L_ ..��J s� _.�L...�_ .._J...I,...i .�,..�F,..e n/iFe LY7R dn..lfrnn/v r.�mi ra(iica /n tunn(e f�/ •MRY-12-2000 10�08 LIFETRACK RESOURCES 6�1 22? 2021 P.04i25 . �,ansotraatea ,t'rogram Workforce InvesYment Board (WIB) pp-C�,q Category Descriptions ` ` � /� n hY— V /i 1'w If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to yovr apptication as described below. Busrness, defined as far prafd (nominated 6y local business orgznizarioas and/or 6usiness trade 2ssociations - attach your nominarion letter): 0 Business owner, chief executive or operating o�cer, and other executive or employer with optimum polirymaking or hiring authoriry 0 Represent husiness vrith emp4oymenc oppornuuaes Lhat reflect the Iocal area F.lso ple�se indicate iEyou represent: O large business O small 6isir;ess (iewer than 500 employzes) Com�tuniry-Based O�ganizations, defined ar nonprofit organi±arions: � Representative of communities or signi5cant segmens of communities providing job traitiuig :. ■ w Agency serving youth Agency serving displaced homemalcecs tJnion-related organization Empfoyer-related nonprofic organizarion Organization serving nonreservarion Indian and trib�l govemment Agenty representing veterans Agenry represen[ing individuals with disabiliries Other: Econoniic DeveTopment Agency: Q Priv2te S°ctor ❑ Public Sector Education (nomina�ed by regional or local educational agencies, insritutions, or organizations representing such local educational enaries - attach your nomina6on letter): � Local educational entiries (including K-12) O Loc�l schooi boazds ❑ Enticies providing adult educarion and literacy acriviries Q Postsecondazy educational insricutions � � Orher: Laoo� d Nominated by recognized stzte and/or loca! Jabor federations (attxch your nomin�tion letter) One-5top IYorhforce Center partners (defined as the parmers that car,y out the fol!o«�ng acrivities/programs): � Adult, Distocated Worket, Youth, Job Corps, Iv Ar,erican and Vete;z.ns' Wor4:force (WIATitle i) Q � G � v d G O a Wagner-Peyscr Act Adult Educatioa and Literae.y (WIA Titte In Voczrion�l Rehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Title n �l'elFzre-to-Work Programs (Soci�! Securiry Act) Senior Communiry Secvice Emptoyment (Tide V of the Ofder Americzs �1:�) Poscsecondary Educarion (Carf D. Perkins Vocarional and Aoplied Techaology Educarion Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFIA"I�AA (Trade Act of 19�;?icte II) Local Ve[erans' Employment Representarives and Disabled Veterans Outre�ch (7itle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Biock Grant � Department of Housing and Ur6an Development � S�ace Unemploymenc ComQensa�ion Laws (in accordance «ith app(icabl� ied:ral ta«�) .MAY-12-2000 10�09 LIFETRRCK Rc50URCE5 651 227 0621 P.05i06 Consolidated Program Workforce Invesincent Board (WIB) Memberskip Application ,Private Injormation Place �ohn Mohr ��-6�`t Lifetrack Resources (formerly St. Paul Rehabi7itation Center) Work Address: 709 University Ave. W, St. Paul, Ramsey County, 55104 Street City County Zip Telephonelr'umber: (Work) 651-265-2340 � 651-730-8592 �� 651-227-0621 E-MailAddress: lohnm@lifetrackresources.orq _ JobTitle: Chief Executive Officer Yersonal Referanccs (include area code) 1) Name: Andy Boss 2247 Hendon Ave., 5t. Paul, MN, 55108-3545 Phone:�Fiomel 651-644-3545 � 651-523-7807 2) Name: Ellen Watters Add ress: Midway Chamber of Commerce, Spruce 7ree Ctr., 5te 4, 16D0 University,_ '"'S'�"�; T�N 5'5 Phone:(Homel �Vhat are your reasons foc wanting to se�ve on the WIB? See attached sheet 2 (Workl 651-646-2636 Optional: In an 2ttempt to ensure tha[ Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, i:no�� of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this infoirnation is voluntary, Whice (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo b4ale: � Female: Ct Disab(ed; ❑ Yes � I�o IFspecial accommodations are needed, please spe�ify: Hispanic Asian or Pacif c Islander 1"he ir jorm¢tion on ikis applitation xi(1 be use� to evafuale and setect membr�s ojfhe K"IB. Appticanls may rejuse tv su/+f'. reqaraYed injormatioe. .Excepe jor vofunevry information, howtve�, the Jailure ta complete Ihe applicatio� rnay resu![ tl� �t �' discar�ted T/�is dala may be reviewed and used by Ramsty Counry and Sairtt Pau1 staff. 7he data ort this page is pri�'nt:. A�ril -t, ?OOU t5:-iY-1G-G'GCG iGe.a �.rc�n.-...n nc,:.�...:..,`.o . "_ _' __'_ '. Attached sheet 1 What skiUs traininc and exnerience do vou qossess for WIB membersh�p? Jonn m�h o�,��� I am the CEO of an organization which last yeaz placed in employmcnt over 1,000 persons who had challengcs to employment such as welfaze dependency, disability, lack of English language sldlls, and lack of work expericnce. I understand the needs oi low income, challenged job- seekers and lead an organizsGOn that has demonstratcd superior results in helping such persons attain employment. At the same rime, I understaad the needs of employers for dependable employees, and the fact that their needs as customers must be met in the workforce azena. Our organi�arion successfully worked with approximately 300 employcrs in the past year; in addicion to job placement we have p.ovided employers with on-site sofr sldll training and consultation concerning a non-uadiriona! workforce. Additionally, T am the past President oi the Midway Chamber of Commerce and in that role gained valuablc experience in understanding the needs of employers for assistance in the recruitment and retention of good employees. Lastly, while I have a good understanding of public worl�orce palicies and grograms, I am deeply interested in reform that will lead to more effective use of resources to truly meet the needs of both job-seeker and employer customers. I am interested in helping lead innovarion that is necded in chc workforce system. .MRY-12-2000 10�09 Attached sheet 2 LIFETRACK RESOURCES Whaz aze vour reasons for wantine to serve on the WID? 6si 2z� eozi P.05ieo �ohn �°a r �9 I want to serve on the WiB because this is a criricai rime when major change in the workforce system needs to occur and is possible_ The time is crirical partty because of welfaze reform and the clock that is rickiag for people to become economically self-sufficirnt. It alw is a carical time whrn employers are experiencing labor shortages and the growth of the local economy is dependent on an adequate world'orce. Significant change in the workforce system is possible because thae is a growing local awareness that the current system has performed inadequately; merger of the rity and county systems also carries the potential far a new and more effective spgroach. I bring a valuable set of experiences and a saong desire to help make a much more effecrive system that better meeu the needs of employers, job-scekas, and [he economy of the community. P TOTFIL P.Oc 05/11/200� 13:27 Home Addtess:Y � � � b Street City �TJk!at skills, training and experience do you possess for �VIB membership? n i l� , i �o� vtt l ,C � PAG� 0» �� �G�o l �� �� � . �tl . • � u 1. �. +► 1 ! ►��� 1 a / �..1 .����� � ��-lt� � � �y ��.bc� c� @tx��-�� Length of initial term you are intereste3 in: one-year _ Are you a V eteran?: � Yes W�+o a t,a�r�e,�rtic two-year � Ramsey County and the Ciq� o£ Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to r Cate e or ` detailed on the Consolidated Progrnm fYorkforce Investment .Bonrd (YYI'.8) $ Y the reverse of this page. Please andicate, on the reverse side, the category or categc on the �VZB. ur.. IB-D'Tetnb"eY"shipApplica#iozi=fo;-,-,;:;:�;':.;;;�� _ �Iail or �'sx yo W. . ..._..... ..;. ,:�.y:>.: .; - hie Clerk-.'County.�'oard,-Suite��5Q::'1 S'lVest'Kellagg,'B�u?evard, � Tonnie Jackelen, C f , ,. -..:. - - 55103 (F�x:.6.i1=266-8039;.Phn?ie:.6�1.;266-$U��4}: ApFlicatiolls mitst by�l esora We ��ill hold two orientation sessions for menbers who are appointed to tne R'I$. hese sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesda}', June 27 (I:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask that members a_�end one of these two sessions. Plezse reserve these datss on your calenda:. W e xpect t11at applicants wil; be officially notified mid-June on the status of their applicstion. Thankyou for your interest. The Itzfnr�ivftion on tltis appleca�ion wi!! be «sed to evaluate mid select »tenibers of tlie WIB. App(ic nts may reJ�ae to suPP�l' ��'' reqttes(ed informatiof+. E.ecept jor vnl�ui(trry iftformatiott, l�owever, tke Jnili�re to canPlete die apy cafiatt may result in it 6eing discanled. Tleis rlata rnay'6e revtewed and i+sed by Ramsey County mad Saint Pauf Staff. The data on his pnge «nd dte rev:rse side is p«b!(e ru�d, tlterejoie, «vrtilnble �0 !he pttblia l _ For Oftice Use only Conmissioner Districc PlannicU District Council � April 4. 200'J 651E422123 ruN-r;��v Jos �a�Ps Consolidaled Program iYorkforce Xnvestment Board (WIB) MernGership App(«ation (OV ERJ Ciry• Counfiil Ward - JV� �us categories as :riplions form on you enn represent 05/11/2000 13:27 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CuRrS PAGE 02 — —'— — — — � Consotidafed Progran: Wor�force Fnvestment Board (IYIB) Mernbership Applicafion Private Xnjormation Place of Work Address City (Home) G �� 'I'elephoneNumber: (�Vock) .� ^ . _ � E-Maii Job Title: Personal References (include azea code) 1) Name: ` G .i_ n �8 �G�9 l 2� I.?ame: Phone: ome � What are your re�uons for ��aating to serve on the WIB? r V A _ ,. �'; . Oprio,:ai: In an accempt to ensuze that $oazd representation reflects the makeLO of o of the fol! owing informadon is helpfiil. �Iotive�er completion o: this information is .� ��'hite (Caucasian) Hispanic $lack (African Amezican) Asian or P�cifcc Is1an� American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Otner Nlale: Cl Femate: � Aisabted: ❑ Yes �i No If special accommodations are needed plzase specify: , knoWledge TGe ueformatiun on this rtpplicntion wi!! be ns¢d ro evnluate nxd selecf inenebers oJ1L¢ W16. Applic�nu nzay refitse Lo supply !hz reqttestetf injormaUon. Exrep(jor voluritnry infarmnllon, hoWever, t4ejailtrre to coinp(ere the appll� MRy lCSUl111t !f I1e[no dlscarderL Thls duta may be reviewed and used by R�+msey Cuunry nnd Saint Paul stajf. Tke d�tta ot lbis pnge is privale. �.,.,i a �onn __ 05/11;200H 13;27 6516420123 . HUM?HR�Y JOB CORPS � PAGE 03 _ po -��`� Corrsofid2ted �Pro�rnni Worhforce Investment Bonrd (lVIB) Category Descriptiot:s Jf you ��re applYtng for Business, �ducation, or Labor positions, please attach a no a lic�tion as described belo�v_ ,_ _ _. .. Bt�sirsess. definsd as fur prof t (nominated by Iocal business ocganizations and/or business attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating ofticer, and o[her executive or err po(icymaking or hiring authoricy Q[�epresett� business with emptoyment opportuni:ies tha: rzflect the tocat 2rez Also please indicate if you repr�sent: � Izrge business O sma1V business (i Community-Bnsed Organiaations, defined as nonpraft organizations: O Representative of communities or significant segments of �ommunities q Agency serving youth C1 Agency serving displaced homemskers ❑ Union-related organizztion Q Emptoyer-related nonprofit organiz2tion O Organization secving nonreservation Indian and tribal government p Agency representing veterans (] Agency represen?in; individuals with disabilities O Ozher: �conom�c Development Agency: ❑ Pri�ate Sector ❑ Public Sector Educntion (isomin2ted by re�ion2l or local educational agencies, institutions, or o lecal educationa! entities - attach your nomination letter): d Local educational entities (including IC-12) Cl Local schoo( boards ❑ Enti[ies providing adult education and iiteracy rzctivities ❑ Posisecondary educational institutions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ iv'ominated by reeogni2ed state andlor local l2bor Federations (attach your S��..: letter to �'our associations - er N�ith optimum than 500 employee;) training representing such letter) One-S�o Yi�orkforce Cenrer Partners• (defined as the partners th�.t carry' out the followin aczivities/programs)� � Adutt, Dis(ocated Worker, Yeuth,lob Cor s, N2tive American and Veterans' 9lorkforcz (WtA Title L � Waener-Peyser Ac� • � Q ❑ � � � n � O O Adu(t Education and Literacy (WIA Title fI) Vocationzl Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Welfare-to-Work Progrzms (Social Security Act) Senior Community Secvice Employment (Title V of the Older Amerieans A Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Petkins Vocational and Applied Techno( Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197�3 Locat Vetecans' Employmeni Representacives znd Disabled Veterans Outre Communiry Secvices Biock Grant Depattment of Housing and Urban Development State Unemp�oyment Compensacion Laws (in accordance with applicable f Education A�c) e [I) (Titte 38, U.S.C.) law) JUN-01-2000 08�51 RRMSEY COUNTY MANRGER 651 266 8039 P.BSi07 . .. . . ; . . � ^ � . � : . . � .: � .. .. ' � . 60 --� �q �' - ' .. . . ,�:'•; �. ��"r :'��;• ;:.,' �'�' ' ' •_..:.._: ..`l. '. `. ..��... .r`' ' . " ' . ; ':.::' :.. : ' • ' . �. ' � ' _ ' " " ' �_...�:._•." = . ,�:�,:� _ .fSYlKCI(t :.�•. . . ,,;,; .. � : . . : ::�,� t Aog.ant�i3!nikfoiceliri± � . „ $oatd(T3�zBj _ • . . , . �,. � . . ... � _- ,..... ._. . . , . .... �.. _ .r �.. . . . . . : , � . . '' �. ' - ' - - . . . . .. . . e�'. :,.' `•; .. •-'� :.: •_....< � , � : .: ! ..,,: .�; � , .. . . . . . �,Memberslrip�pP.Tiratiq �. , , , , �. . . � . ��,` '. . . • -; . � . .. _ : :;: .. . . - - -. � :• _ � . -• . ... ..:... ' . .' ._. - I _ - -- ... � - � . •:. ..,: �. � - - . . . , �� _ . � ::':._`. . . . � . .' %, � P ' '. �� }� ' _ : V ...� : ' . ` . ... . ' • :..-�. ,,. _.:._;:� _ . . • . , - ` '. .: .. _ R` . . . . � _ . . :... .. . :......... ..: • ��.:;. .�. _ .. . .. _ l� ��: ,'. :' . 1.. . .��r-e:Sk�e�� - �i,�;�na�,s ���� .-S�.Y7!? : . � .. . . .. . . - _ • _ _ � . . - . - - Sueet _ . � '.. _ G�fq Goi�nry �'�'� .. '� - - .: . . . . . . ,.,:, . _ . ., . ., ... . _ . . . . . _ .' -• :Wliaf -�laUs;-frainu?$aad experience do you pbssess for WIB rirembershi}i?, -, , � �,_ : , . : �� ;•. • . . ? (� � r , :,'.r ., ,� . � . :, �' tit�c�e,e�' ��- �'� ii.a.�+ � ��'a9 sTfM;.�z� ��e.b��0.�n.�¢ �� �74" � . ., k ( ��,��(�(} � f� t' .� i � �\ 5` �o>>n�r� "`t.I32 6'CC.NailSe�' 1oG�tK m-�:f� wc'�� � iaaGl" T�'4�t�-s �^ra' ^-� , .... . ,, . . . ... ,..: . . . . . , ', ..': ,.. . . ,.. .. � . . n ve �1 � _ . �. ^ . . .. .; . ;: �. <<�'•;: - _ � ',�`a��gc, a.�:. w244.��1=eo-.:.,.:•lpa�eQs�;o��'(��v'e srac+�o�., • � �r. .- �. , � �,,. - � - - :.,r.� .b f •M ��� Qe �'SpB�}� - � Pa�•. C .. � < _ . . . . -• .. , � . .... :. , . . . . . .. - . ; : I:eii� o£�iriuial term yqu are iti.terested in:�. bneryeai _ , , . 'two year.,�. � ;',.. . � � • : : � ' '.. ;. _ . •' . . . : . -. - • • . „ - . - . . you a �!eceran?: g•Yes_ ; � h'o ; ' • ' , � ' . _ - .:: -..,.., , . , . . . . ...:. . . , .. ... , '.;�„;`- : • . �''>' .;. :.IYsuisey ... ,`dEfatTed on `tha`'ConsoTidctad,Pr��ahi �T3'orkfqr�ce IxvesimeRi'BDard' (WXB) �ategor}fDesGSphaxsParm on ' . ;• �,.. , .. , .�. � , ,.� . , �, � i$er�verstofthis;page.'�Please.iridicateronfhereverse'sid�tNecategory,o'riategor'res.�aq.rdn.reprrsent.:, . . �:on'Ylie�i'I$: .�... . . ,. ,. ` .._. ,: .. . - . . _ . . . , . • .. . : . `�,. _. ' .: : � - '. '..t, -� .. s:.?sL��' ....t+ '�KTir .`t6:}tr� ' s'�yc., :u.,: S:° ... . ' Cd4.:.^aN F '4%""^.^ ' ` _� _ ;:.'�( : � .�.. �t'va.�', f�F.� :k�.�.::,.`r....�.-'.'4.,�. '� �L:..a \- �:1'dr�`.�` - � ��i114'tS�.YC�',O,U.Y. m j�`M. �IC1Fil���f1�iS �i�:�i."'�'y.�`i.`.��"c.t�,.�+�,-"�..°c.�:i',°y.,,�"n`w:�.''"�+'�.a:«:%`.S�^n-9;�.:i�r,�; �:=: ,.,w ; • ;'t.n:.� , ..y���� +b �o�s�.R: �u,... '1 Y;Y �° ��3'.::. s. `.. ....:, i. `�.r�w.'Si,E-;^,�"':..: � ,.' . }. r." .+i a,.. =t ,� j � .� �.,, ,�_ ^t.'�!•k-s.:;,;... �Y,.. ti .�.d.•'3t^ �:.�tit a �s"a�:/ce_�K 0`L:'� :Sa'.T.-°� ..��!"�'^ °t,..b._:..... n.�,.'�T'x'°.�k.i � i '' �_S'Y ° P.-....:'�'A:.T�.t�.�.-�...'��'�.^. �'r ._�Ti"Leb �c'.'1!:;�..-� A y 5. 'A°"..J,S..k..�y'^'\.-g`.,, . 7p � /'}r �.rF y � - � - � -�r�� Q :Y � � .�y+:'�Y:F„"w '� w e �-•-• {i.i.iR� 1 4:K �" ."_t d.L. u I� J ^ 0 u `n� ^%.-..� 1..' .''�'✓.��:'y'�� . , .- Bmrni"e'oa4ck`e �}t e,�' r �y(/p p/ � $ $'P�v:�.S'i. .:2.',5��'st:lte�1 g a�'b:�S � l�1 � t �p s � { � � - � 'r. � .'4: .�.r a �w^i :Ya ��= mrt' „`l � �+-nc^ S . .t4�, •LS+.�,,�;.Y.xw . • t',N'm•:"Q'r�� x.�r'���'.'�G . � . . �s���(��`" �;°��a�uYe�ay��z�. . �,.. < ..`r?k , r a u- . .: `� � .. . . :'"+' i....._.'. . ^'i:si.:� . " f � _ j � - — . . ... ..vf . .....� . � � ., ../ - .. �..• j .� .. .. . . ...''• ��. •'�..' . •y' � =� ��' , :WCivil�hold.twoArientafwasessions.foXmeinbersrwhoarGappointed[at}ieWLB: :*_ - _'i•.`...'..'` ....:� �-:•�.,_-. : . ., .-,.. : . . . _ . . . . ... . . . .. : .� T�uzsday;:Juna22`(8;;00"LaTfl:DOaiii.}orT�iesdap,Jting27(�;00�i_m) WCaslct7iatirisiiitiecs' �� �.. ;:..,.. : �, : :.,. ; :. . . . .. , _ . _. .. .. . . ,. .. _..� attend�6peaftlie.'setwo�asions; Pleate-ie'se�vettiese'dates:oczyoutcalerida,r:'WeeapecC'ttiataqplicanu:wili � . . , ... _ , ..: .: : . ,. : .._ - .,.: :.... •�- � - - .., , ,. . . ., , . , {�rb�ciaIIg ' , �fied'm't,d�3ane onthe fYatus,p�; tk�ir:aPplicaxii�q:; . ,:..::. . ,.::; _ _.. ..:. .. . .. w.: .: ��, ..:, . • • _- :... . ; - � _ .. •• �t�� • t . - . �.M- •P � . , . - . ` TTiia'akyou�toryour.interest:•� . . , •� - .. ; • - .;�Tlii : ie�or�riciiomon �thit:applica�o'n will8e iire�YO<evclruf� an, d seTect mein,beis oJlhe WIB. _ApplicaiiLt may rejnsetasupply th "e, .� �:.'..�.:'.::.. ,.. . � i.•..,.�:._._..t,.<.. icq,�tr�:+!�rrratioa :�crepi fcr� voJ«ata�j' iq�e?,�ori°n; howav�e ;.?ke failWe to'eceiiptefe ihe appluvhwrmay rv.mrt2=u�-�`t;bcing. :.. � . .,'� °` ' .T'l�itdala`tiw be,reviewedaxd+uedb' l�Fanu Co aidSdInfFaulsia �7ee.d�aonYk'is a%tdikriev�iserrde' ..,.. ,. �lisY.. . �•-� _ .�.. �;.. _ . ....x r,.... � �r. fl.-'. .P�" _ ... `•`_f.t�ii3fic�aisd�:.t}irueforc�•avai7qbk'taYhe�tibfiG'. , � . � - . ., - ... _�- ., .. ...... . ..c. . - .. . . . . . ...r, ._� . � �� . ' �' ... ' ' .. .. , � _ ` .: '` r.' :i,' .� . �..: �$oibfTiCebse.tiniy- � : ;;;. „ . ,, . � ,. :CommissicnaiTiisfricc:: , ':= , ;P . IaQnirigbisv,'ia,Conaa7 : ' . 'Cfij('auacFl.A'azd'<: � .,.^ .. ' r, . _ - . .. • � - . - .,: .,.} . • _ . . .. .�� �, j�• - . . . . : �a�'�R1 � - � ' , : � . .. , . . . ; : .. •.. ...:.;'.. . . . �• .. . - JUN-01-2000 08�52 RRMSEY COUNTY MHNRGER 651 266 8039 P.Bo/67 . 00 -66q Consolidatedprogram'WorkforcelnvestmeRt,Boa�d (WIB) � � Membership Application Q 1� Private Infarmadon riame: � tcs..� � l�`� t�.CX^� d . � . - �- P3ac.e of;EinpTdyineiu-. :-��v�, � • Q Iktl �' ��8 ��-=� . � - • � ` " �= .. . . <WoikAdar� - -•� . � . �� �S �f: p�ec�:S'�� � - �T�,;Q:��v��vi�i�i�:�s ` . ... " _ '; �.}. _ ' „Sfreat' . ' . ."�Cih';:•_-.. � , <County . ;Z( �. ;- . .. . , P ... ..:..� . .. . .. . : _ :_.• � : .,;�.,:: •� .` .. -:'. ..•.:.. . _ . - ;Te[ephane Number, .; �(Work �1. {Hame) Z ' `�A��. !�~��-���1� �'. : • ) �. . ,. _ _.. ..: ....�... •. . _ . �=,'. <,. �;.:�Mai1'AddreSS:-.:. '. � - . . ,: , , ,.:.. , _ 1 w�- , . : � �� 7ab;?it�e: � a`� ` . ' : - -. _ .._ , . ,, . , : �.•.�.� . . ..:. ..: .. .. . �. . . . • . , ._ . � • . . - . . � .�Persona'k�te�erenees,�ncludea7eacade)� , . - �, : . ... :. :. . . .... : . . . �. . . ';;, r _ .' :, � .. _ ' . . � ... >` - . . : . .:, . . . _.: .�..�-p� - • . . ' , , .. . � . .. .... . . . , . . . . .... _ ` __ . . . . ' '. ' •�3.[710 . . . . . . -� . . . .. ;, .:., .:. , :1�,;�.., ,:., ::'' ��_': •f� . ��'• .� 1 •�, � - • AC�[II`CSS: ' - n S•+ ���j � t� � � .[�✓'�. � . . ` � � . l . ' , . , • • : .:�;;�Phon��iomel� - ' .. : ... . ._ . ' Work 51��� ` .,. .. ._,�}'=.Na�e:' ,. � � � � . ;; ., is �- i , - � , ' , . ;.:�,; . . . .. • •� . ' -� -�.x;N�,e . ..::4i3d�ess� � ;: , �`�C . �.o<=- 0 ie.:'�:.ecc�. Q `'�.e � 1 —�-�---- � es � . khonuCHoir�e)` � , .' . . �: . � • . �'or(cl`:�c'�.[''� 6�Fi�`=:�b��i`..., _ . . t•'° :: . • � .... •; . . . � , , .%.!�Vfiat.are. your reasans �or<wantin to ser'v� on tfi� W�? ,, • .. ,8: . . . r '"•. . • :;.. . : . . ' . ,: . � � '.` , . °.; ,.. ��t2�cci��'.i���•'�h �a; 'ffl":,�=�,-i�,°.�:,;�.Yt :,..... • ` , o M �D� .`�.� - ' -���11.. iiJC • fk.i�',.�) n ¢ '�� �}e.�- ,. . . . ` ,. -?^��s��1�:a�a• � Ev�v�,.,' . �., �_��9t�i ��x5 �—� , " � ' � . 1, � -_—_�.� � . j7;,4 , ' � •�C�Y�md-� ., \_. � tZ�.d! ��' .�' - . � . -- ' � ` � ` , ' ` ' '� � \ `.. ��, � • OC.._' p : . :'� �c�.er'-�s `1t.�.. UJ1�'.�' ri� 1��"�Ga,1�'l,$' �C�... • , • . : � . �'.. .. `��;*��:e�q?'�.�yd . c � > tis. . :: ._ •� Qytioiral,� Iri a�i=attempt to ensure thaE Board reptesentatian reflects the makeup of our cammtinity, .�ipwledge •�° of�he following information is helpfvf. T�oweS�er, completion of this ittfortnation is Yoluntary. ;:::; •_ . • �: v°� "i�'fnte;(Ca;�casian); � � ,:. : . . :- . . , . ;. ..: . . .; ... '� : . . . • - • • ' .:'.`. Blacic.{P;frican rlmerican�, � . � : , :: . ::. .., , ... . • .. . .Hisparnc: . : • :• Y • ' Asian orpaoifeo.Islazider . : ,: . , . ,.: . . .: Aiiierican�Tpd'tan ar Alaskar, Eslamo;. � � : ��Other - _ `'`i�fale;: D�� �'Feii�atei . Disabled: O Yes 3do . ' " - � • • - . . . . .. .� �, . ... r.:• ;�,. .. ' '. . : . .. . , . : ., .: .. .. '.... . : - ' �. . .. � . .. ... _ � �.I�'specia} accominodations are needed� glease specify: " ', � ' ' ,: . -. � ' • ;�.'Tbei,iJarlydt+o,rrorrrkis�epptiaakon.xi!lbeicserl'fb'evcf++akdndSC?cdiir'csibersojt6o'i�'tE�.,App�T'i'�mkfsiriayrejrrse�tosq l�tke ; or;vpt�nt .`�i� orrirako kaisrev'e� `7ke �lxre la m" Idetkeriypl�calioer +rre , rerw�t lti F! beur �ceJ+tJ °'Y, f. . .�. �5.: s. .. j . MF .. Y.. g . .' ':..��ra: ��.a�,,,sya�.,�,,.;�°.a,����K�y�;;,�,�sQ�r�aKz.��9; ;�i�E 'data.6alJiispage'isp�wate.; ; - ;.,:, � : ' � .. .. '. , ' ' � � . , c,;i"�s: . p,�,n14,2000 , � � . . , , . . ,,..��,�, , ".::_�.:::. .. JUN-01-2000 08�53 RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 651 266 8039 P.07/07 . • � , ' . � �.�! �. . :' . .' . . .CoxsolidatedA'ogramWar kforcelxvestme�it.8owd(WZB) 00-6�� • , �, Cnlegory DescriprEons ' • ' . . Tf you are applying far Business, Education, or Labor posifions, please attach a nomination ]ettcr to yovr •• a lication as desctibed below. • '� �� ��' '�` .�usiness, defined arjor-prafit (nominated by Iocal business orgaiuzaao�s andlor business trade associazions - nttxch . �• your nominztion letter): • ' � ❑ Business owner, c2nefexecurive or operating afficer, and other execurive or employer with optimum . • . polityina]dnS or hiring authority • ' ❑ Represent business with employme�rt opportunities that reftect the local azea • plcase indicate ifyou iepresen� O largebusiness O small business (feweY than 500 employees} Communiry Based Organiraeions, defined as nanprofit organisafrons: .. �epresenwtive of communiries or significant segments of communiries providing job ttaimng , � �p �lgencyservingyouth ' , ' • ' p ,qgen�yr sr.rviag disptaced homemalccrs Q Union-relazedorgan�zation � • L] Employer-relatednonprofitozganizaeon . 0 Organizanon serving ndnresetwation Indian and tribal gover�nent p Agcncy representing veterans • .� �'� q Agen�y represenrittg indi�iduals iLith disabilities • � Othet' EeonomieDevelopmanlrlgeney: � p private Sectot �Public Sedor fducation (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutioas, or ocganizations repcesenting sueh ]ocs • educarional entitics - artach your nomination letter): ' ' O Loca1 educational cnfities (including K-12) ' ' ❑ Local school boazds Q�ntities providing adult educarion and literary activities � � � Q Postsecondary educationa! institutions p Other. � J abor ' Q Nominated by reeoguzed state and/ot locai labor federauons (attach your nomina6on lettez) One-Srvp Workforce Cen[erParfners (defined as the parmezs that carry out the following acrivities/programs): � dult, Dislocazed Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Narive American and Vete:ans' Workforce (WTA Title � Wag�er-Peysef Act ❑ Adult �ducarion and Jate�acy (WIA 7ide II) p Vocational I2ehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Title � � Welfaro-taWorkPrograms (Social Securiry Aa) Senior Com-nunity S ervice �mployment (?itle V of the Older Americans Ad} � Fostsecondary Edueation (Carl 1�. Per]tins Vocational and Applied Technologyr Educarion Aet) • O x'cade Adjustment Auistazice (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 ?itle l� 0 T.ocal Vete�ans' Empioyment Representatives and Disabled Vetetans Outreach (Tide 3s, U.S.C.) O Community Secvices $tock Gsant ��� . � �� � .. T_....7��.....♦ TOTRL P.07 h' Cansolidaied Program l3'orkfnrce Investmeni Board (WIB) Membership Applicaiion Q b—� 6 `� Home Street City ss� oa Zip ��. �- � - ...- � �.. � - , .. � • - � Length of term you are interested in: one-year _ two-yeaz � Are you a Veteran? ❑ Yes � No , Itamsey Cau»ty and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Category Descripdons form on the reverse o£ th'ss page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Thank you for your interest. The injormation on this applicalian will be used to evaluate and seled members of the WIB. Applicants �nay refuse tn supply the reguested injormafion. Except for voluniary injarmation, hvsvever, the failure to romplde fhe applicatinn may ruult in it being discarded This data may be revierved and used by Ramsey County and Saint Pau[ stajf. The data on this page and the reverse side 'u public an� therejare, available to tke public For Office Use only Commissioner District Apri14,200� Planning District Council (OVER) Ciry Councii Wazd What skills, training and experience do you possess for VJIB Membership? Cansolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) �����9 Category Ducriptioru If you are applying for Business, Educarion, or Labor posi6ons, please attach a nomination letter Yo yaur applicafion as described below. ' � Business, defined as for profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or btisiness trade associations - attach your nominarion letter): a Business owner, chief execurive or oQerating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local azea .. Also please indicate if you represen4: O]azge business O smalI business (less than 500 employees) Community-Based Organizations (defined as nonproft orgazuzarions): � � Representative o£ communiries br significant segments of commtuuries pro4iding job training � ❑ Agency serving youth _ � ' ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organizarion ` � ❑ Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabiliries �Ocher:�_���{i c �}fJu�,n Rviw�____ 1 Economic I?evelopment Agency: a Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educarional agencies, institutions, or organizarions representutg such locai educational entities - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Local educarional entiries (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds ❑ Enrities providing adult educarion and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educarional insritutions ❑ Other: Labor � Nominated by recoguzed state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Stop Workforce Center Parrners (defined as the partners that carry out the fottowing activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Narive American & Veterans' Worl�'orce (WIA Title � ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title In ■ a ■ ■ Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titie n Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Educarion (Cazl D. Perkins Vocarional and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title In Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach {Title 38, U.S.C.) Cammunity Services Block Csrant Aeparhnent of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal taw) Consolidated Prngram Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Membership Application , Private Information t�-F.P 6O d Name: J o V� {`/1. ���' fMAN'� Place of Employment: _ S't: 1i:[.li� Telephone Number: E-Mail � Job Title: � eCi-+�"'� �ir2c. r Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: �.. �n �Q, �.Q �.J I,�O SS Address: Phone: I�-Iomel CeSt- Co4�t - `33�t �_ (Workl Eo5 t- 5 Z-3 � � 3v'1 2) Name: �'�r,�it� r� �1'��i�'c r ,�/�iJ�nP�r�� �TC TrkeB.e.c Address: �pD Tf�.�-�P r Q� S�"• PG�� Phone: (Homel l�5 �- 'l 3 g- 23 5�;' What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the VY�? 1 _ . r. � �,� ,, .. —� - � . i�• � �el��z�� � 3� w+.o�e s�ec`��.1 v�e�ds .� �o c�r G(i2.�Fs, Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge o the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. � �_ White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male:� Female: ❑ Dis . es `�No If tal accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or The informaiion on th'u apptication wil! be used ta evaluaie and select members ojthe H'IB. Applicants may reJuse tn supply the �equesYed injormation. Except for vofuntary information, however, the jailure to complete the application may resuli in i1 be'vrg discarded This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saixt Paut siaff. The data on this pvge is privafe. 3- 6et�:eve '�i�s �-�c(�-ert2h�e W�ll lne1,� �e c������ �-(�-e So�l rpa a, �000 o� �{�.� Gi-h,� — �O ✓ n� (� 0 ���fl('crL �v �2M'� �,�q r� . G '� �l .� � r �' 7r' � \ Street City County 1 Zip C�0 -G �`I n (�t'ork) Co S ! -2�i 2' � 1 7 Z (Home) �Sl - 22S - oS�1 � (FA� (05l - 2�i S - L 1L 5� ORIGiNAL Presented By Referred To Committee:U Date ., i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to an approves of z the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individual o serve on the a City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). 4 5 s � a 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 i� is 19 20 ai aa 23 24 as 26 z7 aa 29 30 31 32 Appointments Karen Dee Daniel Galles Richard Hanson Louis Henry Richard Krohn Rolf Middleton Michelle Ott Kathleen Pinkett Shelley Rose Mary Schmitz Ellen E. Watters Joy Wise Davis Richard Grigos Eng Herr James Smith Lorrie Louder William P. L ncY Donovan S wic] Harry ander Mary unkow Jon utzmann Jo Mohr arlotte Strong Reuresenting Business Business Business Business � Business Business Susiness Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Economic Development Education Education Labor One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner Expiration Date June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 3une 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2Q02 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 Jnne 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2�02 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 covncil File # p �- G G 9 Green Sheet # tio� g q y, RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� lf,�� r�� �o-CVR Lucia Lebens 6-8533 Si BE ON COUNCIL AG6�IDA BY (DA'fE) 7112/00 wrt TOTAL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET o�►ue.rarta�ecTOa oo-GG4 No 106894 � a�reauMC�. aiYllna�u�kr � ❑ alYa8tic .qwc,.tacRVCCSOa ❑ I��uraRwawsasrnrt� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj Approving the appointments of Karen Dee, Daniel Galles, Richard Hanson, Louis Henry, Richard ICrohn, Rolf Middleton, Michelle Ott, Rathleen Pinkett, Shelly Rose, Mary Schmitz, Ellen Watte , Joy Wise-Davis, Richard Grigos, Eng Herr, James Smith, Lorrie Louder, William Lynch, Donovan Schwichtenberg, Harry Melander, Mary Brunkow, Jon Gutzman, John Mohr and Charlotte Strong, by Mayor Coleman, to the City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE C1VIL SERVICE CAMMISSION . l �' SOURCE VI� thie cereoNfirm ever Marketl untler a mrtract rortnis aepartmentv � VES NO Fles thte ae�aoM�m ever bean a eity empbyeeT Y6 NO Doer. Mis Oersonlfirm P� a slup not name➢YP�eeO by am' anreM d�Y emGbYee'7 YES Iq Is tltis peisprvfirm a tarpMed wntlo/t . YES NO COST/REVENUEBUOGETEO(pRCLEONE� ACiNRY NUMBER YES NO INFORMFTION (O(GLNN) 00 - 669 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Iantry FROM: Lucia Lebens, a 's� DATE: July 5, 2000 RE: Workforce Investment Board Appointments Attached is a list of the Mayor's appointments for the Workforce Investment Board (WIB). The purpose of this memo is to give you some background on the Workforce Investment Board Appointment Process. Peter Hames and I have been working closely with County and City staff for their input and suggestions. You may recall that the Workforce Development Consolidation joint powers agreement (7PA) called for the Workforce Investment Board. In order to represent and advance City interests, the JPA gives the Mayor the authority to appoint one-half of the members. You may also recall that federal and state legislation mandate the membership categories to be included in the VJIB, resulting in a 46 member body. For example, business representatives must make up a majority of this inclusive board. The state requires that we have a full board in place by August 1, 2000. To make sure the appoinhnents meet the requirements of the JPA and the law, the Mayor and Commissioner Ortega met today to review the applicants and make their individual selections. The attached list of names meets those requirements. Peter Hames (6-8796) will contact you in the next week to discuss the WIB appointments. Thank you for your time and consideration. We are excited about this process moving forward. Senc ; ;les Canoanies nay-26-@H 19c@7 fron 6126998822d651 266 8059 aa9e 3i 2 Consoiidctcd ,Progran+ WorXforce Invcstnuxs ,8oard (iYlB) Membership Appticarion oo-�G9 Iiome Address: /�SfO ��mr.—• �,-�c��:..�F ..C-'7`, r/��',<•��'. r-c��a--�--�'�y ��lf E � ' " Street Ci:y Councy Zip What skil{s, trairung and ezperience do you possess for V1rTB membership? !.�C ri 4' i�A�! S¢ S< /9l r-s*1'Y� .�n..r a "G /9'SS� fj �a� "'� Y9��- f/'✓Ki+=X"c se� ? � �1 .� I c�—.—c� t - c� r� T`' l' k n � - °��c,z �',�l' ' �(' 'F !� �G�t c� '" S. v� lt.r f•' 7�� ` Gc�� !� Length of initial term you are interested in; one-yea� Are you a Vetecan?: O Yes .�o two-year �✓ Rnmsey County and tl�e City of Saint Paut are recruitIng individuals to represent vnrious categories as detailcd on ti�e Consaltdntcd P�agrmi� FYorkjorce InvesUnenrl3oar�l (WX13) Catego�}� Descriptions form on the revcrse of this page. Plcase indieate, on the reverac side, the cztegory or categorics y0u cxn repYescnt on tlic W1�3. .:> yi�:�� . . '_' Mailor�azyour:lVIRMembcrshipApplicati�ontoi. '. ';x;°us-::;.. ,.. . - ' �:� , .,; • .�>:....--. , :-:, .• s..,:r:F.::;;, .,r:, .,,,:.., •::- ::. Bonnie ;Iackelen, Chie -. Goii��lyBoard,�Suile ZSO �I3 WesCKelld��Botrt2verr�d,.5aint;F?ti:rl,.1✓linri'e�vta .iSJ02 (l�cr.r: 6Sl-IGG-80��;'Phoii�.':�GSI-166=8014J. Ap�litatiwismttYtTiti'�ceivedby,May12,1000:' •-. " We �via; I�old•hv3-ecientat%on sessiocu for iacmbers �r•ho arc apGcin:ed ta tite'.VIB. lbcsc ssssions am � Tt�ursd�y, June 22 (6:0a to I0:00 a.n�.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask tiiat members atcend one of chcse hvo sessions. Plcase reservc thesc datcs on you� calendar. �Ve e�pat that applicants w+l! bc af:'icia(ly notified mid-June on thc ataau of their aQptication Tt�anlc you for your iiiterest_ TLn brJerrrm�la� m� lhir e�y�licattnir u i(! Gc urUd Lo ewufuale and srlcc! me�nbcrs pjflrr WITi. rtpplicnrrfs inqv rejrrscYo sup/+fj• r.�:e requas/d+! i»jornrNr4�i. E�•ec/�t for vnlunlnry i�rjqrnrcdion, huwever, thC fnilurn t0 eentpltfe fh= a/lplica(io�r nray r¢.tuk i�r it bting discnrd�rt. 7hi.�• data nvn}• b2 revit��+eJnnd used by Ramsey Caunty and Saint Pau! sYaJf. The dafa on lhispage trnd (ke reverse sid�� r.r pubtic artd, thenfnr�+, availahle ro the p+.h(ie. For oificc Usc only Comntissioncr Aislric4 ^rra •, .�ouu Planning District Council (OVLR) Cih' Council Wacd i1,7t'. - - .= - ' ,.i: . ��I�TEF_�Ri}_i � :,e •..+. c ..�_ Senc les Coneanies nay-26-B8 19:87 fron 6126988622965i 266 8259 Place of Employmei WoCk Address: � Teiephone 23umber: E-Mai[ Address: C Iod 7itle: _O�s+x�.� Yersona112eferences (include area code) 1) 2) 23ame� �C/-�',�i �inc.c s�" Address: 1.�. 7'� 3f. Phone•fH4melCC ra ± o��— t9� What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WI$? (Work� C� �� S.�gCS- �4.� � 4ptinnaf: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup oPonr comm❑nity knowledge of the following i�formation is helpfvl However, compietion of chis inFormation is voiuntary. <� White (Cauctt�iar,) �lac{: (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male� �Y Female: � Disabled: Q Yes Hispsnic A�ian or Pacific Is(ander Qther � ., � lf special accommodations are needed, please specify: �?� 7'hc ii jurrnation oit 11ris Rpp(fCatiDn riiU bt uaed tn evu(yalc und sefeel mem6Cr5 aJtkc W16. f(pptetants xeay rrfuse to swpply (ht requcSfrd iajormutiorz. Fxcr(ilfvr vuluaLory in/nrn�o[iox, kowrver, tl�ejoilu.e rn ea�r�plele the applicotioa rnoy resu(t in i! bein; discorrled ]'A'u dala txrsy be itviewed nrrAnsed by Itamsey+ County and Saittt;Pau! Sta �'he da(a o� thu page is prE�are. Consalidated Aogravte Wor�force7nvutment Bou�d {WIB) Membership App7ication ,�ivateTnforma&an .�: / /�.,�//�� � Pa9e__2� 2 _ oc -�bq City (Work)l�•s� ) 69f�e .9�� (HOme)�('-<<� u�90 • v�o3 (FA�IF..>^- E o g _ as •�, Phone;�Comel� /�'> G�4 .. zas �Workl ��sr > a z-�:�- 9.� �°.�� f"/� �r�' •7`�_.c. i ,e�'rbN�,_�°m'Z2O..-t�,�� �,.a.^..,aer��aa� -�... /�a►.rw._ i� /C'1 t ' ' cY�Y �/� d. [ .C+a- 4s : G+� "�/"��l `'�Glcr es` 04i10 '00 10�00 iD�C�riii A=�R:RS FAX�651-737-3CE- PAGc City uf Saint Paul-Ramsey County 13'orkfbrce Xnvesiment Board Metnbcrslrip ApPlic�tinn 00 -��9 J t� — � Page 1 of 4 Name: 12ichazd E. (Dickl Hanson Place of F.mpioyment:3b1 Communitv Affairs Mailing Address:Bldg 591-30-02, St. Paul, Ramsey, M�I 55] Strcet City County Zip f�elephoneNtitmbcr: (Work)651/733-8335 (Home)651/735-5685 (}'AX)651/737-3061 E-Mail Address: rehansonl Job'1'itle; llirector, 3�1 Community Affairs, VY 3M l�oundation Rcasons for your intcrest in serving on thc lVorkforcc lnvcstmcnt Board: I've setved on the St. Ptiul PIClW1�C_ for the psst four vears and have been instrumental in renresentine the orivate business sector, and in the ef'fori to concolidate the Citv & Countv «'IBS To brinb cloture to tny involvement ] would like to spcnd one veaz 2s member of the new WIB to help nrovjde continuitv of leaderthip Mv ultimate ¢oal however is to hclo redesiem our communitv emplovment svttem 1<> eliminate the dizconnecis belwcen cmolovcrs and iob-seekers. What skills, training m7d experience do you possess for Workforce Jnvestment Aoard Membcrship? Private sector bueiness ma�ia�ement as well as the linkagec 1 have helned build bchvecn husincss. and the local _ Public and non-nrofit seclors involved in the emplovment Svetem At the samc timc 1 serve on the boards ef the Saint Paui Area Chamber of Commerce Em�iovers Solutions Inc the Communitv Emotovmenl Aartnership _ an�l the LJnited �Vav of the Saint Paul Arca Length of term you are interested in: one-year � two-ycaz ❑ IIow did you hear about thi; opening (includc nominations) "I'hrough the St. Paul Norkforce I�evelopment Counci] (OYF.R) 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�CO�i7 A�FAIP.S FAX�651-737-3Co1 P��E = ��c� NaKSo� In an attempt to ensurc that committcc rcpresentation renects t]te makeup of ous community, plcase check the line app3icable to you; this information i, voluntary. � White (Caucasian) ❑ F31ack (African Amcrican) ❑ American Indian or Alaskan Eskime OC- 6G� D fiispanic C7 Asian or Yacific lslander ❑ Other Mate: t�l T�emale: ❑ D'ssabied: ❑ Yes 0 No Jf specia} accommodations are needed, p{ease sPecify: PERSONAL REFERENCES (inciude arca codc) 1) I�Tame: MayorNonn Address: City Hali, St. Phonc:fl-lomc) 2) Name: I.arry Dowell, Address: Saint Paul �rea Chambcr of Yhone:(Home) Vetcrans:� Yes Q No f �Vorkl �Workl �Ve nre reeruitin� individuals to represent varions categories as detailed on the attached 3Ynrkfnrce Im�e.ctment Bnard Category Descriptions form. Please indicate the entegor}• or categories you can rcprescnt on thc WIB �n fhis form and return iE with your application. M�il or �ax �•our WIB MemUershin Anniication to: ITo�:nie.lackelen, ChiefCt�rk, Co7lntyBvurct, Suite 250, IS i3'e.�'! KelloggBoulevard, Saintl'nul, fLlinnesotcr 55102 (Fax: 651-26b-3039; Phone: <>51-2fi6-807�F). Appllcatlon.r must fie receivett byMay 12, 2DD0. For Officc Usc onlv Nlcasc notc that two orientafion sessions wili he heid in June for members who are appointed to the new City- County Workforce Investment Board. 7he;e sessions arc 1'hursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00} or Tuesda}', June 27 (1:00 to 3:00). Please jot these dates on your calendar at this time; we expect that applicants wil! be officialfy notified mid-June on the status of their application. t;ommiss+oner District Planning nistrict Council City Councii Ward _ The ir forJ�ialion iricltrded irt Ihis crpplicarinn is ennsidered prii�alc• dala accvrding to thc Minne.�nra C;nvernnren[ Uala Pruertces Act. As t� re.sult, tlris infornralion is not rcleused to the general MercT 29, 20bU 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�C077 P.�rRiP.S FAX�651-737-3061 PAGc �iCk �"'A�� � oo-G�9 Workforce Investment Board Category Descripiions I3usiness (defined as privatc, for-profit busincsscs): ❑ business owner, chief executive or operating oCCcer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking ar hiring authority OO represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local area Also please indicate if you rcprescnt: m largc busincss ❑ small business (less than 500 employees) Cnmmunity-Bosed Organizations (defined as privatc, nonpi'ofit orgnni•r.ations): CJ representative of communities pr significant scgmcnts of communities providing job truinin� ❑ agcncy scrving youth ❑ agcncy servins displaced homemakers ❑ union-related organization � employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ organization scrving non-reservation lndian and tribal government ❑ agency representing veterans ❑ agency representing individuals with disabilities Economic I)eveloPment Agency: � Private Sector ❑ Public Sector L:ducation: ❑ local educational entities (including K-12} O local school boards Lahor ❑ entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ postsecondary cducational institutions ❑ Iv'ominated by recognized state and local lahor federations (OVER) OAi10 '00 10�01 ID�COrui FFFAIP,S FAX�651-737-3061 PA�E � b� t K +-�a.�s°s� One-Slop Warkfvrce Center Purtners (defined as the partners thxt carry out the following activities/probrams): ❑ Adult, Dislocated �Vorkcr, Youth, Job Corps, Nafive American & Vctcrans' Workforcc (W1A "title I) ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act 0 Adult Lducation and Literacy (WIA Title II) 00-6`� ❑ Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act'1'itle I) ❑ Wclfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of thc Uldcr Americans Act) ❑ Yostsccondary F.ducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational & Applied "I'echnology Lducation Aet) �'!'radc Adjustment Aszistance (TAA) & NAFTA'I'AA ('1'rade Aci of 1974 �l"itic il) � I,oca] Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreacl� (7itle 3R, iJ.S.C:.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department of Nousing and Urban Development ❑ Statc Unemployment ComPensation i,aws (in �ccordance with applicable federal law) (ovcR� APR-it7 11�39 St PAUL PLFNNING 8 E'ZtJ EJSGG�J14 F�.�C��/L� Consolidared Pi'aSr'am Workfarce Inuesiment Eaard (R'IBJ MemberskiP APFlicatian �� (_; _ oa - ��a 03 Length of uutial term yo e urterested in� one-year Are you a Veteran?: u� Yes ❑ No two-yenr � w'e wili hold n�o orienr:tian sVssions fer menbers whu aze appointed to the WTB. Thzse scssiens ar: � Thursday, .)uae 22 (8:00 to 10;00 a.m) or Tuesday, June 27 (I:00 to 3:06 p.m.). We ask d�ai mcmocrs attend one of th�so tHO sessions Please reserve .hese da2ea on yonr cal�dar. We ospcct tliat ag�licants tisill bc off,cially notificd mid-June ou the status of their applicafion. Thank you far your interest. The irs furm:�ric+n un [his apptiration r��itt be usert tn walxute and stiM_ members af the WIB• App?ica+�t� may refuse to suppiy tFe requesr¢d informarion. EYCept jor vo7uxtruy information, hnweves, the fat7ure to camptete rHe appliratiors �nay resxtt in ii being discwded Tnis data may be revi�wed and used by Itwtuey Couxity and Sainf Puut stajj. The data ors tEu p�e and the rererre side is public urtd, tkerejore, availabla to tha pablic. For Officz Use auly Commissiuner Dit:ct � P�amdnS District Ceuacil City' Council 4tiard tl�it 4, 2�00 � Streex i:tty .,.,�.,.� �.r What s1.711s, training and experience do you possess £vr WIH mem.tecship' 12amacy County and the City af Saint Yaul tu'e recruiting incllvidusls to represent various categuries as detailtd on the CortsaGdated Program Workfarce Investment Baard �Y3'IB) Cafagory Descrigtions focm nn the reversa of thls page. PleaSe indicate, on the reverse side, the tategory or categories you can represent on the WIB. fiPR-10 11�40 ST PaUL PLF.NNING & ECDPI os12eZ3ui-+ r.v�a-i_� Consolidated Program Workforce Inv��tment Board (Li'II3) �uiS � r � Category Desc�iptions p O— G 6R If you are spplying for Business, Education, ar Lahor pasitians, ploase attach a nominaiion letter ta your a lication as described beiow. Susinesa, de nzd as far profd {nominat� by local business organizations sad�'or bu<_iness trade associations - astach ynur no hon letter): Business owncr, duef executive or operatina officer, and ather executive or ampioycr mth oPtimum pulicymalanS or hiring autuoriiy � Represcns business with employment oppartwuues tha� nffect the lo ana Ako please indiczte if you iepresent: O large bu�ness small bus3ness (fewcr than 500 employees) Commur.iry•-Based Organizations, defined as nn�profuorgantwtions: G Ropres�carive of aommunities or significant segmenu of comnunitias provid�ng jo6 trausing ❑ Ag�ncy senine youth Q Agency serving d�sptaeed homemakezs D Union-relatt�d orgamzafion ! O Empioyer-ralated aonprofit organization ❑ Organizahon serving nonresacvationIndian anduibai gocern.�nent Q tlg�ncy repr�entng veterans �.t Agenay represenUng individuals with disabilities � Qthe� Econom ic De velapment Ag¢ncy.• ❑ Private Secto: O Public Sector Educativn (nomin�ted by regional or locat educarional &genaes, instimtions, or organizarions represenring such local educatiunai erctities - attach your nominatlon letter): � Lacal educarional eatiries (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds d Entities providing adi:it education end liteca..y a.ctiviues ❑ Postsecondary educarional instimtions � Other. Labar ❑\"om�nated by recognized state and/or local laboc federziions (attach your nomiration letter} One-Stop it�orkforee CenterParmers (defined zs t1�e p�n lhat cazry out tha foUowing acavities(programs): ❑ Adul; Disiocat:d Wocker, Youth, Job Corps, Ivative �.mencan and Veterans' Workforce (WTA Tide n ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act � Adult Educarion and Liceracy (WIP+ Title "m 0 Y ocationzl Rehabiirtarion (Rebabilitation Act Title I) ❑ Welfaz:-'aWork Programs (Sncisl Security Act) ❑ Senior Commi:nity 5orvice Einploynent (Tide V ofth°. OEder Amaricans Ac>) G Posuecondary Educz�on (Carl D. Pcrkins Vocarional and Applied Tecnnolo� Educ�rien Act) Q 7rade Adjushn�t Assistana (TAA} and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 ?ifle II} ❑ Local Vetera.�s' Employment Represe�rtati�es and Disabled Ve�rans Outr2ach (Title 38, U.S.CJ Q Comm�ity Services Block Grexrt ❑ Departmant of Housing and Urban Dev�lopment ❑ State Un�noloyment CompensationL2ws (in accordance v,ritn applirza!e fader2l law) . P,FR-10 11�40 ST PflUL FLF.NNING & ECON Place Work �i'z�s�� P.a=-�; Consolidated Progra�n �I'orkforce InvesYment Board (A'IB) 1Ylemberslsip ApPlicatiort privase Infarmation S , �-1� � .�-� ,�� �` s � �,�-- �' � � ar�-o �,e' � � _ 5 � L � Street Ct � � 2.Z �4 ome ?i ) �Q ( {F.� Z?-������� Telephone Ivumber: (Work) 2-?- � ,�'��— � �� E-Mail Address: i-� v� c� v Job Title: Y�' 1 C��'�' personalReferences 'nclvde 1 } Name: Address'. � � � - Phone: ome 2) Name: , ) �-� Phone:(HomeZ Z Svs� t� What aze your ceasons for azea cede) �2��� - �V4Jt�/�.� Oo - GGq � �� --�'�l� � � � �- � �a� 1 - s,� ,�- � 3� � ' � �Varkl .t��m,5srm� — Z—db �77 to serve on the WIB? � ,-- o-rL-�a — pprionai: In an attempt to ensure that Board representa�on reflects the makeup oi o�,r com.ziunity, knowiedge of [he foilpwin infarrnation is he(pful. However, cospletion o: this inTOrmarion i; voiuncary 'te (Caucasian) I�ispanic Black can American) Asizn or Pacific Islz�dcr Am �can Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Other �fa1e: Fer�ale: Ca Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No If special acaommodation; ue needed, plea;e specify: '1'k� infarm�aian on ihis appficatiars wt11 be used ta evaluate asd srlect rae�a6ers of tJ,�e WI& ?.ppticantc may �efuse fo s:�pp[y tke requestek infor»uttion. Ezeepi jor voluxs�+ry infurmafion, horrere', the failu� ta ro+wplete Nce aP n+ay reaxH in it beir.g dCscarded Tftfs da7a m. ay be review _M and rzsr� by Rarcmry Coeu�ry aed Saint Paul staff. ZNe data an ehis page is priva�e. APC:I A, 200D HPk-10-z`d�a 11�41 ST PaUL PLFhJNING & E�SJN DgAFF DOCUMEPi'T 0313912000 .�.JIGGCJ.J1� {�ats C9ty of Saint Pau1-RamSZY Cau°tY YVarkfarce Inrestmtnt Board pirector Posifian Principles and Characteristics r.<,�.... ��� Oo- 669 The East Nietro business community is � investor in Workforce Aevelapme. t ponfolios, a partna in education and training programs, and a s�2keholder in the outcomes of youth and adults. Business needs a��orkforce that has full oommand of all basic sldlls, hi�her lecel skills and an understanding of the workplace. A we11-prepared workforce treates a vibrant ecenomic errvitonmer.t, and economic stability drives soc'sal stability. The Saint Paul Piorkforce Councit offers the follawing princiPles that need to be considered in selecting a director, and emphasizes that the birins decision must be made by September 7, 2000. The Saint Paut Workforce Council belieces that tota} attention nzeds to be given to A�EW LE.ADER5HIP ROLES for WORKFORCE �OAR�S. For example: . Assess and articulate chan�ing workPlace oeeds . Shapeamazket-drivenvision . Build a comprehensive system • Provide effective leadership . Launch assativc outreach Ths Saint Paul Workforce Council believes in SHAPING SYSTEbiS to REFT ECT CF3AR.9CTERISTICS VALiJED by BUSII��SS. These az'e: • Market-driven . Comprehensive . Portabic . A�ountable . Customer-focused • Responsive . Fle�bk . Customized The Saini Paul Workforce Council wants PIFBLSC SY57EMS ALIGN�.'D �i2th the M.AiZKETPLACE. For example: • Market demands drive 6usiness skiti requirements + Caminuously define changing business requiremarrts . Identify specific industry ucnds and skill require�ents . Set high standards for eflucatior an�1 training provi3ers The Saint Paul Workforce Councii believes in ACCOUNTABII-TTY to :vi-4Ri{ETpLACE STAIdDARDS for TRAIlVL'3G AND C�MPE?ENC7ES. For exza�ple: • Set new standazds for employer satisfaction and contmuaus improvement RPR-10 11 � 41 ST PAUL PLFNN i NG & Ec�Jr� . Publicly disclosed perforn�ance of u'a+n��g Pro�2ders . Qcerall system parformaace based on specific measureble outcomcs OJIGGJ�)J1� � .'-'-" �- � W„— V �o-�G9 The Saint Pul Workforce Council believes m BUII-DING CRE3�IDII.TTY with EhiPLOI'ERS. This happa�s when: • Employers buy into tht vision . Commit to systemic c.l�nge Fc�cus on results Ensure a ouatity product Eased on the �ve princ�ples outlincd above, the SainE Paul FVoridorce Coencll afPers the Pollowing characteristics essendal fur an effective diractor. 1. 2. 3. An a3ept busu:ess co��cator with danonsuated results in ai1 five areas: improved leadership roles, creating systiems that have business characteristics, aligiment of public systems with the mazketplace, accountability to marketnlace standards, and building credibility with employers. Ability to 6e a risk talcer ead manaba chan�e and d�versity. Posscss the courage of conviction and tba ab'uty ta implement the Vvori�occe Investment Boazd vision. JUN 07'00 09:a8 FR RGC OF MINN'cSOTA 651 632 8928 70 2668@39 Co.ualidated'Program �'o�kforce Invrstment .8oatd (FYIB) Membership Application CO'(.{�c� 1 Home Street City County Zip What s}dlls, training and experience do you possess for VJID membership? e r�� �,n -- �t 7t1�'-- Leneth of initial term you are interested in: one-year,� two-year �.. Are you a Ve:eran?; � Yes �No Rxmsey County and the City oFSaint Yaul are recruiting individuals to represeat various categaries as detailcd on the Conso7idaterl Prograrn WorkJorce Inreslment ,t3oard (FYfl3) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categaries you can represent on the WIB. hlail or'Faz'you"r'.WI$`Membci Ronnie Jcrckete�r,'.Gytref Clerk - C .i510Z (1'ccz'.•''G.iI-1GG-8039;'Pho; 0 '� .�%: �.,. \ �vaid„$ai"rit `Piiiil,=MinnesoGc f:-. ....,1 R C: a,%.;:��r��'�nna ,,, ' 1Vc �vill hold ha�o oricnta[ion sessions for mcmbcrs �vho arc appoin[ed to the WIB. These scssions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 to 1.0:Od a.m.) or'I'uesday, .1une Z7 (1:0o to 3:09 p,m.). We ask that menb�rs attend one of thesc t�vo sessions. Pleaze reserve these dates on your ca]endar. We eepect thac applicants ��•ill bc offcially notified mid-June on the status of their application. �hank you for your intcrest. Zhc ii�onrinliai oi� this applicotion irill bc wsed to evtrlun(e and sclect nrenr6ers ajllre WU3. slpplirnuLs may rrfurc to cupplr tf:e rcqutstc<( injormarion. Fitep� jor vulurttnry irtf6rmofion, however� the failurC ta complde thc applicntiort may rtsult in it bting dircnrdcd AHis dntn may bc revinved and used by Rernsey County and $a+rct Pau! stajf. The data an Chis page nrtd thr rcvnrsa siAc is pub(ic antl, fhrrcfore, avoilabtr lo thc�ublia Eor Officc'Usc only CommissioncrDistrict Planning Aisttict Caunci[ 7 P.02�04 ���?�- c�� . � c�� Citp Council Ward A; r,t a, 2000 (OYbRJ crai�ra•� erreQ oo� rro vvnu�.iui.i i JUN 07•00 09:49 FR aGC OF MINNESOTA 651 632 892d TO 2^068039 Cansalidared Prograr,i Workforce In vrstment Board (N�I'� • Categnry Descr�ptians � P.03i�A �-�` �� � ao -��q If you are spp►ying for �usinas, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to yaur spplication as deseribed below. B�atnets, defined asjor profrt (namsnated by local business organizztions andJor business tade associaCOns - a ttach yoar nomina6on tetter)_ 0 Busin?5s owner, chief executive or operaBng officec, and other execufive or employer with optimum po(icysnalring or hiring authoriry � Represent business with employment opportunities that reflea the locai area Also please indicake ifyou tepresent: �large business O small business (fewer than 560 employees) Coiru�iunrry-Based OrganizaAOns, defined as no�eprofit organiza6oxs: � 1Zepresentative af communiries orsignificant segments of communiries providin� job tr2ining a � 0 ❑ 0 0 ❑ Cl Agency serving youth Agency serving displaced homemakers YJnion-related organizarion EmQloyer•related nonprofit organizarion Oreanization serving nonreservation 7ndian and iribai govemment Agency representing verer2ns Agency represeneing individual5 with disabitiries t7ther: .Gconomic AecelopnrentAgency: 0 Private Sector � Public Setror L•ducation (nominated by regional or {ocal educationa4 agencies, instiNtions, or organiurions representing such locai educaeionaS entities - attach rour nomination letter); Q Local educaeonal entiries (induding Y.-12) � Cl Lotzf school boards Q Entiti:s providing aduit education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ O:her: Labor R IQominated by recognized State ancUor ]ocal iabor federations (nttach your nom]»ation letter) Onc-Srop T�'o�x�orce Cenmr Partncrs (deFined ae the partners that cury out thc fol[o�ti'ing aciiviHeslpro�tams): i� Adult, Dislocated Worker, You;h, Job Corps, Placive American and Veterzns' Wo�kforce (Witl Tit1e � ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Q Adult Educacion and Literacy (WIA Tit!e 3� � Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title � Cl 1�'el.`are-to-Work Prograrns (Soci21 Setutity ACC) ❑ 5enior Community Se�vice Empioyment (�'itle V of the Oide� Asnericans Ac�) Q Postsecondary Educarion (Carl b. Per}, Vocational and Applied Technotogy �dueation Act) Q Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) a�d NAFTA TAA (7rade Act oF 1914 �'icia TI) Q Loczl Veterans' �mployment Representatives and ?�isabled Veterans Oufreach (Iitte 38, U.S.C.) O Cnr.tmunity Sasvices Block Grz�t 0 Depa-tmentofHousingandUc6anJ�evelopment . ,. , .. ..:._ ---r,..�i., r a�..,t �z�„t _.�, ..�^.. . �...... �..-, +,-.. � . i�..��. ��. i� � � � . ennn � �rv �u�e rr.. er ..nne � n � �n r JuN 07'00 a9:a9 FR aGC OF MINNESOTR 651 632 8928 TO 2668939 CansolidatedPragsam WorkforcelnvestrrceniBoard (iYIB) Membership Apptica&ox Privarelrcformation R, 64��04 Go -GGg Place ofEmQloyment: It�.�f�1�T��i�iL'#�91-L vF�.tTc�cc.1'�►�5- 04- �1 �.�„ Work Address: � �S ���i(� jd�rE �L �T �r�.7� �e�`� S�� 1 � Street City Coun[y Zip TelephoneNumber: (Work}�6`-�1) ��z �- (FAX)(�Si�,f„32' 8�2� E-Mail . t' .. � � �.._.�� _ .. � --! � -- � � � - — Personat ReCerences (include area code) I) Name: 2� Phane:{Harr�e� • 2) Name. Phone:(Homel ` What are youc ceasocu foc wanting to serve on the WID? ��� . � �lf9i._. 'i �� • . 1 .. J 'r T i I �� �•.. �J� � C': . �\��� � � ' � /.� t�� '�1 �ri.�* � y � , ► \�_ / � � L ..l - ei I!C__ . � � :�= _ _ �' � ° � � • _�_! � > _ , ,� _ � c _ i i t �+r�_ Oplronal: In an actempt co ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowled;e of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntaty. � White (Caucasian) � Black (P,;frican American) American Tndian or Alaskan Bskimo Male: f� Female: ❑ Disabled:�lXes ONo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander O�her If special accommociations are needed, ptzase specify: C� k� �' T6 e irtformalion on t/�is applitetinn wil! be used fa evaluafe and se[tct mer,rbers oJthe k'IG. Apj�liccnit neay rcjuse tu supp[�' the �equesfed inJormatiort. Ertejd jor vofunfary infarn�a(ian, hOweve�� (6e failure fa cumplete lhe applkatioK may reS+tlt in it beiag diseardcd i7�is ��rta �nay 6e rrvic�ved and used by Rnmsey Cuunly ond SaiKr Puul sraJf. T6e data an tleispage is pri�ate. n�ri� n 7t!nn /hf.l'J L �a I-� r� � ddl�br Conso[idated Program Workjorce Investment Bonrd (WIB) RECE�VEQ OO _ MembershipApplication MAY 1 I 5 2000 '�j iC/q���� MAYOR'S QFFICE ,� Home Street What Skills, training and City do you possess for WIB membership? Zip %/s Length of initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: � Yes � /\ two-year � Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Ca:solid¢ted Program Workjorce InvesM:ent Boa�d (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, thc category or c�tcgories you can represent on the WIB. Mail or Fax your WIB Membership A.pplicatlon to: /3onnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - County Board, Suite 150, 1� West Kellogg 13oulevard Saint Pacrl, MrnneSOta .i5103 (Fas: 651-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-8014). Applications rnust be received by May 12, �D00. We wifl hold two orientation sessions for members wlio are appointed to the �VI$. Tl�ese sessions are � Ttiursday, June 22 (8:00 ro 10:00 a.m.) or TuesJay, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members atrend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. �Ve expect that app�ica�tts wilf be officially notified mid-June on the stams of their application. Thank you for your interest. Tl�e ir� Jornxorion a+ !!ds rtppllcnRon w1U be used to evnfun�e mu( select members af lhe N'IB. Appticnnts mny reJuse 10 St�pplf tl�e rery+�es�ed injommtfnn. Escepl jor volturfary inforn�rslJqr�, /roweve�, ll�eJalGrre fo corapfele U�e nppllcntiun neay iesttlt in if bei�tg discarderl. This drzta nmy be r¢v)ewed nnd trsed b}' RruuS¢y Couitly nnd Sninf Pnn! Stttff. Tlie tGrtrt n/t fHiS p�l�e «nd U�e reverSe Side is pub(ic ru« !, tLe�ejo�e, nvullable fo /l�e pubtic � For Officc Use only Comm issioner District Planning District Council City Council Ward Aprit 4, 2000 (OY.E'R) 20�� m���, Consoliduterl Prog�am Workforce In vestmeni Board (WXB) b �-��� Category Descrtptions If you are appiying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, piease attach a application as descrihed below_ 5-Glbm,/!uf SP�,rTr� 2etter to your Business, defined as jor-proflt (nominated by loca! business organizations andlor business trade associations - attac ou nominat;on letter): Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or empio}'er with optimum policymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business with emptoyment opportunities that reflect the local area Aiso please indicate if you represent: O large business small business (fewer than i00 employees) Community-Based Organizations, defrned as nonproJll organizations: ❑ Representative of communities or significant segments oP communities providingjob training � ❑ Q O U ❑ a a Agency serving youth Agency serving displaced homemakers (lnion-re{ated organization Employer-refated nonprofit organization Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government Agency representing veterans Agency representing individuals with disabilities Other: Economic DevelopmentAgency: 0 Private Sector 0 Public Sector Edircntion (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institntions, or organizations representing such loca! educationai entities - attach your nomination letter): O Locai educational entities (including K-12) O Locat school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities O Postsecondazy educationaf institutions � Other: Labor Q t`�ominated by recognized state and(or loca( (abor federations (attach your nominstion letter) One-Stop Workjorre Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the follewing activitieslpcograms): Q Adu(t, Dislocated Worker, Youth,lob Corps, Native American and Veterzns' Workforce (�VIA Title 1) O 0 ❑ O ❑ O � O Q O O Wagner-Peyser Act Aduit Education and Literacy (WIA Title I[) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titie 1) Welface-to-Work Programs (Social Security Aet) Senior Commun'sty Service �mployment (Tide V of the Otde� Americans Act} Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technoio�y Education Aet) 7rade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (T�ade Act af 1474. Title II) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 3$, i.3.$.C.) Community Services Block Grant ilepsrtment of Housing and Urban Devefopment State Unemploymen[ Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicnbS; iederat {a��'} Q�t-� t�+'��n 0��`/2 00 - G�q Place of Employment: �LliT"� ��� Work /� � � � �c°it-po �s Ciry County Telephone Numbez: {Work) IO�Z ��'`1`�ZZ (Home�ds/��� ��9v (FAX�o�Z 3a!- 5'39/ �Mail Address: Job XCGcr Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Addres Phone: 2) Name: � � ,(� L / c.� /_ ��i r 'Y�`f' C.=l.i'd9 N/E r What are your reasons foz wenting to serve on the WIB? ��/�.o-u� ,�.5 /o rwork� � s'/ GGS"- SSe3 Oplionn/: In an attempt to ensure that Soard representation reflects the makeup of our community, kno«•led�e of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is vo(untary. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Siack (African American) ,4sian os Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Othez Male: �3 Female: � Disabled: ❑ Yes d No II special accommodations are needed, please specify: The A�jortnation on thls app!!ca(ton wt1lbe used ta evnivate n�d setect memberr of tke iYlB, Applicmrn nmr �eJuse !o t[rppl}' I/re requesfed injormatlon. Excepf jo� voluntarylnjarmnftoR, however, lfiejalture to comple(elhe applicufrai nray result in ir being ditcarde�[ TIdS duta may be rev[ewtG anJ trsed by Rnmsey Counry anJ SaLd Pau! stajf. Tde dutn on tlds pnge is privare. ' Consnlidaled Program Workforce Investment Baard (l3'IB) Membership Application � / Private Injormation �7C,lJ�� �f/�J ° ��'°��d/-C�7� Aprd 4, 20UU Phone:(Hor�ae) r { Workl �oV�/ 7��i� � �33c� � �i .i ♦• 00 - GG9 Rolf Middleton Business, Public Serv�ce, Civic & Prafessional, Military, Education & .Tobs As A Youngster PRNATE SECTOR Owner and President, MSP Companies, Commercial Real Estate/O�ce Buildings Owner and President, MSP Park Place, Inc. (Airport Parking & Shuttle Service) ELR Systems, Vice President, Operatzons & Sales (Rehabilitation & Housing Services) Qnetics, Vice Preaident, Marketing and Sales, (Medical Records 5oftware S}^.�tems) CCSI, Sales Eaecurive, (Automated Informatiop Systems) Manegement Trainee, St. Paui Fire & Marine Companies PUBLIC SERVICE Member, Governor's Cabinet (Commissioner, MN Department of Ecoaomic Security) Member, Govemor's Economic Roundtable Member, Governor'a Urban Is�aes Gronp Member, Governor's Rural Development Council Member, Committee Staff Assiguments: National Governors' Association Board Membor, Interstete Conference of Employment Security Administrators {Representing the States of MN,lVI, IL, MI, il\' and OH) Member, Advisory Board, PIstHona( As.4ociation of Regionai Councils Member, Speclal Committee (Busineas I�sues} of thc Minnesots Bu�iness Partnership President & Board 111ember, Minneaots Software Ar�vociation h3ember, Govemor's Commission on Software Technology A,dvisury Board, U of M Schoot of Management, Division of Software Technology Urbao Planoer, Metropolitxn Planning Commiseion Econornist, Metropotitan Council Budget & Planaing Analy�i, State of Wiuonsin Deputy Director, Metropolitan Dane County bevelopment Commission, Madison, WI Ezecutive Director, RegionAl Development Commiasion, Rochester, Mti (�ol� (�Nd�,� 00 - 66q KNOWLEDGE BASE Nietropolitan Isnues * Trensportation Sy9tems: Highways (Influence on Urban Grawth Paiterns * Transportation Systems: Transit (RaillBus Policy) '� MSP InternAtiona] Airport: Analysis of the "Ham Lake" site proposed by MA.0 in 196G-67 * ImpaM of retail expenditures on the location of arajor shopping centers ia the Twin CiTies metropoliten area * Population trend�, housing and income distribution * Impact of major interceptor sewers on the IocaYian of residential, commereial and iadustrial ea}rensioa * Solid waste management programs * RegionAi parks and open spaces * Land development policic� and programs * Subdivisioa and zoaing ordinance management • Agricu[Yural4ind preserration I2uraltasues Economic revitalizstion programs for non-metropolitaa Minnesota Countryside Communities: pcogram for stability and growth in rural areas Workforce & Human Service Systems * Workforce Development Policies and Programs * Welfare-to-Wark ` Health Care: Tnsuiance, 314(b) Certifecate of I�ieed for L�ospitat Erpansioa * Criminal Ju�dce * Deve)opmentai Disabi)itie9 '� Vocational Rehabi{itation Economic Assistance Programs * Fuel Assisience * WeStherizatiou • Unemployment Compensation Arts and Humanities Graats aupporting the arb aad humanitics Special services: MothereadlFatheread, Teachers` Institute 20�- m�at�, ao-�` CIVIC & PROFESSIONAL Board Member, Minnesotst Humanities Commission Chairman, Worldorce Inveatment Board, City otSt Paul Member, St Paui Chamber of Commerce Chair, Bneine+s Development Committee of the St Paul Chamber of Commerce Chair, State-Wide Committee/Sma11 Businegs, MnCare (Health Insurance) Member, American Mnnagement Associetioq Charter Member, Big Brother� of Greater St Paul, Inc. (Board Member & Active Big Brother) Vice Chair, West 7th $usines� & Professional A.ssociation Po]icy Working Group, WorWorce Council 2'►�erger Member, Emgloyers' Fartnership, Ramsey County Member, West 7th Comraanity Center (SL Paul) Board Member, Bueinea� Revitslizstion Council, West 7th Street Board Member, Northeast Busiues� Assacistion (i�Iinneapolis) MILITARY Enlisted, 1963. Eight years active and reserve Captain, At Discherge, US Army Artitlery EDUCATION Morton Public School St 3ohn's University 1�ianlceto State College BA. Economica & PoliNcal Srience One Xear of Greduate Work. Business Management Ro�- m���, oc-cc, JOBS AS A YO[,,,JNGSTER Delivered MinneapotimlSL Paul Newspapers Garbage Coliection & Disposal Se[vice Surveyor'a Aa�istant Farm $and Raised Sheep, $eifers and Pi� Custom Baiting Operator (Alfalfa & Straw) Custom Corn Sheller Ogerator Lumber Yard Assistattt Groce,ry Produce I}eparbment & Store Maintenance Construction Worker (Grain Storage Bins) Cora and Pea Proceuing Plant OQerator Carpentry Apprentice Highvray Rod & Tape A�sistaat Truck Driver (Gravel) HOME ADDRESS 1406 Edgcumbe Rnad St. Paul, biN 55116 6S1 690-1590 BUSINESS MSP Companies Suite 4�0 2021 EAat Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 e-maiL• m� 612 33]-44Z1 (office) 612 331-d391 (fax) MARRIED & FATHER Wife of 31 years; Karea Sherlock (RN., College of St. Cetberine, St..Paul, MN) Three adult children (Paul, Beth and I{ete) graduated from Cretin-Derham High School, St. Paul, MN and St John's University, Creighton IInivecsity and the College of St. Benrdict Ko� m��,�(�, 00 - G �q Reading, Impreasioaistic Att, the HumAnities, Russian History, Travel, Fishing, Gopher Basketbali and Besebail and Major I.eague Baseball �01-� �1�dd �2`� 00- G69 SNAYSHOT OF WORKFORCE �MPLOYMENT & TRAINING EXpERIENCE • Chief Exeeutive Officer in charge of consolidating three independent state agencies into one public service organization throughout the State of Minnesota • State Cabinet veteran of seven general and specisl legislative sessions during the recessionay period of the earlier 1980s • I2espoasible for the direction and management of a consolidated state agency of some 2,7U0 pecsonnel in over 100 locations throughout the State. FinaneIal resources over 5600,�00,000 . Merged multiple state agency budgetary, personnel, administrative and operating systems . Produced cost saving resulte that were repositioned to serve citizens • Designed sad implemented changes in policy setting, program management, support services and ser�ice delivery • Introduced large scale, technology-based information management systems at the statellocal affiee level • Established "Local Servlce Teams" for the agency's public-serving of�ices to provide one-stop services to job seekers and employers • Experienced with Workforce Investment Act (WZA) as the Chairman of the St. Psul Workforce Investmenf Board (WIB) . Knowledgeabie regarding Private Industry Council to WIB transition • Understands the signifcance of the WZA reforms for developing WIB Boards into policy making bodies and their usefulness as vehicles Sor leadersbip in their communities . Esperienced in establishing and using performance/accountability standards and utilizing the results to produce change through continuous improvement principles and practices. . Understands the critical importance of developing capacity building for WIB Board and WIB executive staff leadership • Provjded the leadership and direction for the St. Paul VVIB's creative "Community Succe9s Initiative" and its centerpiece - the "Community Investment Strategy" Oa-t6q May 12, 2000 TO: Bonnie Jackelen RE: My "Bio" for membership on the Ramsey Count WIB Some background stuff for mennbership on the aew WIB. Thanks. �� � Rolf Middleton 1406 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55413 MP f-12-�0 FRi �8�39 Ain KU�tlHKU tlKUHU�HJ( Chn I�u, o9C4�t4 Oo-GG9 Consolidated,Program Wor�forcelnves7ment.Board (�YIB} , f�FCEfVED _ _ . Membership tipplication htAY 15 2000 Name: Michelle E. Ott Home Address:-- . = 656 Wi� Street CiTy Counky . Zip_.:. What skiIls, training anct _experience do you possess for �VIB membership?. As a"Htunan Itesouices professional for the nast 8 veats. T have had the ogpottunitv to �uork in all areas of � emDlavmenC including recruitment. selection and retention. Mv experierices in human resotirces aze diverse; as T lv'�ve wor'ked in different industries. irieiuding hum�n scrviccs, manufacturin¢ and broadcastircz: . T know the chaile es exngtovers face in finding gualified candidates for etnploymeni and have worked to find salutions to he� mv em,plovers attract and keep qu3lified neotile. T am we11 versed and keen iio to date in the azei,s of e�lovment Iaw, inferviewina, recruitment, and em�loveerelations. I am also a.txainer o£.� emnlovmenc issues as weli. � Lengih.of initial term you are iriterested in: oi�e-yeaz XX Are you a Vcteran?: Ycs X No Ramsey Cor�ntyand the Cit�cof Suint Paul arc recruifing individuats to represerit varions'categories as detaileci on the Co�:svliduted Program {Yorkforce Iirvesimerit;Board (l3'IB)_Caregory.I�escriptions fonn on t�e reve,rse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories }on can regreseut on the WIB: ._ _ ....._..._��....._ ---.. .,_._ _.� ..._......_...:........... ...,. , .: ............._..,... _... -T,:..._w_. �_.,._. ,. �.w.�,..,_.r.,,.:mw�,..,,..,n..�-.-.,:,....a<>..,;-..',� :: ;,�.,, < - � er e. � ��I�;�.�'¢ `� ,.� ..:_ �:�.._ r, uc We will fiold t�vo orientatian sessions for members wlio aze appointed to the WI6. These sessions are Thursday, June 22 (8:00 in 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesdap, .Iune 27 (7 :00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that membets atterid one of,ihesa fwo ;::." sessions. Pleace reserve these'dates on your calendar. We expeet.that a{�plicao�, will be officialty nofifed mid-June on -tfie status iiftheir application. " Thank you for your iuterest. The infonnafion on ihis ayplica3ion witl be used W evqlaute und setect m�m6ers.ojtke WYE. �lpplicanu �nay rejuse So supply �e _ -sequnled lnfor�nntfon. Lxceps for poluntary lnfonnutiox, haii+ever, r)refniture ra rompltte rlie npplicruion may result in it beu:� :- dsearded. �'i5is dasa mrry be revkwed.and.tise� by Ranuey Coirnry' and 5"aintPau! staff.. Tlie data bN lliis pdge and fhe severse side '' . .�Lipribllcaai;_rlrerefo�e,evailableioilrrp�bite . � � � . .. � .. ' � . For Office Use only , . " CommissionerDimict � �Apri1 "� � � . . ^ Planning Districc Council two-yeaz Ciry Council bYard _ s M�Y-12-00 FRI 08;39 AM HU88ftRU dKUftDL'A5! rHx nu, o4�4�i4 r,u� ,rn, e�..( I� f . O+E-. Co»solidated .t'ragTam Workjorce Investment Soard (id7B) . _ CategoryDescriptiairs - �p •�,�Ci arr ssdescribed below: or a nominarion detter.4o your : �...>....�.. J••,•. ., ..J...w...wurvwvi��..a.�..+.wauwaWVavuuaaaa.wuouva�owttutV�u.— _ atiuch ponr nomination lefter): : Svsiness otiiraer, chief executive or operating ofFicer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or_hirin;-au.thority X Represent business with eniplayment opportunities thaE reflect the local azea Atso piease indicate if you represent: X large business sma11 business {fewer than S00 employeas) Communrty-Based Organizations, defrned as nonprofit organizations: Reprecentar.ive of communities or significant segmentc of rommunipes ptoviding job trairiing A�ency serving youth Agency serving displacccl homemakers Union-related organization _ Employer-related rianprofit 6rganization Organ'�ntion sccving nonzcscrvation Iadian and tribal �ovemment represenfing veteians Agency representing individuals with disabilities Other Economic Develnpment Agency: Pr��2te Scctor Public Sector F.ciucation (nominated by regional or loeal educacional agencies, in.nitutions, ar organizations represeziting sucC� loc�l edacational entities - attach your nominatiou letter): ' Loca1 educational enfifses (ineluding K-12} Local school boazds Enlities prpviding adult education and titecacy activities Postsecondazy"educa4onal instimtions Zabor Nominated by rec,ognized s�taze andlor local tabor fedecatioos (at�ach your nominafion tefter) , . One=Stop Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that cazry out the faliowing activities/progtams): ... Adul� Dislocaied Workcr, Youth, Job Corps, Native American a�id Veierans' Workforce.(VJIA Title7Z :. Wa�er-PeyserAct . Adult Education and Literacy (VJIA Title In . Vocauonal Rehabilita6on (Rehabilitation Act Tide I) Welfare-to-Wor!c Programs (Social Security Act) - Senior Community Service Emp(oymenf (Title V of the Oldet AmeTicdns Actj PostsecandaiyBducation (CarT D. Perkins �Idcationa!•aad Applied_ Technology Educarion. Act) 'Tratle Adjustinent Assiscance_ (TAA} and_s IAF'I'A TAA �Trade Act,of 19?4.Tide II) . Loeal. Veterans' Er.ipioyment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38; U.S:C.) Cominunity Services`Block C`rrant • Departrrient of$ousfng and Ucban Development Stsita LJnemploymcnt_Compensation accordance with app&cable federal law) ,. _:A�pri14,2000���. '�: � . . � . . . MP,Y-12-00 FRI 08�4U AM HUd�AKU �ttuHU�H�i rnn ivu. ovc4�i4 r u4 - . CorrsolidaledProgram, yYor�force Invesbne.ntBoard (WIB) .. _ a�� `�� MembershiP �PPruation Priv¢fe Injormniion Naine: Michelle E. Ott Place of Eruploytnent: IIubbard Broadcastin� Inc. Work Address: 3415 Universitv Avenue St Paul :et C:ny_ • County , . TeTephoneNumber: (Workj651-G42-4638 {F3ome) 651-714-09I0 (FA� -651-642-4314 :&-Mai1 Address: . motf(a� Job Title: Emplovee Relations Manaeer Personal References (incltde azea code) 1) I�Tame: Vireinia Hubbazd Morris Address: 3415 Universitv Avenue. St. Yaul. MrI 55114 Phone:(Homel (Workl (6511642-41b0 2) Name: Rtmdv Itobison ' Addtess: 1735 Terrace Drive. Rosevitle MN �SI li Phone:fHome) (6i21566-2727 (Workl (6121930-8867 What are yaur reasons. for wanting to serve on the WIB? ' With the unemolovment rate in the Twin Cities area at an all time low and mv.role as a human r�sources professional. I know how hard it is for emnlovers to f nd qualified candidates f'oz emnlovirient. "I know fltere are, �eo�le in the communitv who want to work but do not rmssess necessarv skills to succeed I beliede �mnlovers are part of the solufion in workforce issues in communities. I want to serve on the Board because�I believe mv " ex�eriences workin¢ with recnritment selection and retention and mv employers commitment to tlie whole "., commtuntv will be valuable as the Board helvs develop strategies for wo kfoice iievelopment in oui communitv' T also want to serve on the Board so I can have the opportunitv to lcam moze'abou: challenees 1he .. � con7muintv faces and hel�ko develop sound workforce strate�ies that benefitS all in the commimifv. .- As a rifelonz resident of St Paul'and Ranisev Counzv. I feel this opportunitv mv chance to �ive_to mt� corcimunitv. OptinnaL• 3n ari attempi to ensvie.that Boaazd regresentation reIIects the makeup of our knowledge of the follovring informati�n is helpful. Horvever, this informarion is voliintasy: '(�fhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Bl�ck (African American) . Asian or Pacific Islander Anicrican Indiari or Alaskan Eskimo Other � Male: O RemaIe: O. Disabled: O Yes � No If.special aceommodations are needed, glea�e specify; � ..�prii 4, 20tY0 �. . _ . � " . ' . . .. � . . . � . NAY-I2 FK1 U8�3d Hfl ttu�antu ottunu�r�i r�n IiV� UYGYJlY t ,.� oo-c�q Hubbazd Broadcasting, Ina ::. 3415 Univexsity Avenue, St. Paul, M23 55114 � A � Date: 51Y2/200fl .C�. Numbec of pages mcludi� covecsheet: ' S To: � &onnielackelen Chiof Clerk-County BOard IS WestKellogg BIvd, Suite 2S0 St. Paul, MV 55102 Phone; (651)Z66-8014 Pax phone: (G51)266-8039 CC: - ' �'om: Michetle E: Oh Hubbazd Broadczs�ing; lnc. `HumanResources.Department ` phone: (65]) 642-4638 � Fax phone: . (651}642-4314 RENIARKS; � Urgent � For your revic�J � Reply A5AP Q.Pleasa cenunmt Ms.7ackelen- . Please .ind attached my application for membership with the Workforce Investment IIoazd. My nomination lefter will be sent from the Mid�vay Area Chamber of Conuneroe. Please cansact me at ihe telephone nuinhes above ifyou have qucstions. 0 � � ( R 9 � ��� ! �. � l i . L� � :, � � �� � �`�� � �AY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.635 P.3i5 Consolidated Program Workforce Xnvcstrnent Board (WIB) Memberski,p Application O0 — " N3me: Kathleen L. Pinkect � • Hoitte AddCess; 57? W_ Central Avenue . St. Pau1 Ra^•sey 55103 Street . City County Zip What skills, training and experience do you possess for WtB membership? - Direcg a11 emplo�ment activicies (recnitinQ hirine. retentionl fo- Min�esot� T.ifr. Sprrtcr� l�rd cr r ivar� employ?r in St. Paul. - Served a5 ChdiY, Elmd Di5[Yihution Cett[nittee of UaiCed WaV of the SG. Paul Ar.ea. 4hich inrltedes inndina allocation to nonorofic ad ncies p*eparing l.ow-income individual.s for eRULov�t�nc. - Serves on Hoard for IIrploycrenc Sol Inc.', a parcner wi[h Ca.ntunity Emplome_nt Par[nership, tinking employers with low skilled, ].ow-incoire individuals. . Length of initial term you are interested in; one-year _ two-year _� Are you a Veteran?; Q Yes C� No Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detaited on the Consotidaied .Progr4m Wotkfbrce Invesiment Board (�'1'B) Cate�ory Descripfions form on thc reverse of this page. Please indicate, o� 'the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the'kYIB. � ' .�/ We will hold pvo orientation scssions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are /� Thursday, June 22 (8;00 to 10:0� a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 j1:00 to 3;00 p.m.). 1Ve ask that members �� attend one of these rvo sessions, Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We e�pect that applicants wiii be officially notified mid-3une on the siatus of their application. Thank you for your interest. The informatian on this applicatian �vi1! be used !o evaluale and relect meinbers ajthe iYIS, Applicanls may rejuse to supply (he requened information. Fxcept jar volunlary in�a�mation, hoiuever, 2hejailure io complete the applieatia� may resull in it bei�rs d'ucarded This data may be reviewed aad used by Ramsey Cauniy and Saint Paul stajf. The data on tbispage andthe rererse sidc is public and, therejore, eveilobte to the pubtic. For OlTice Use only CommissionerDis[rict - Planning District Counci! Cig• Counci! Wazd Apri14,2000 ., (O�R) �RY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MU7URL H R N0.635 P.4i5 �• �;�(c�-H- Consotidated Program Wo�kforce InvesimenrBoard (WIB) Category Descriptions � _ " qi, Tfyou are applying forBusiness, Education, or I,abor positions, please attach a nomination letter to y r a lication as desCribed below. Business, de, fined as for prof�t (nominated by local business organizarions and/or b�siness trade associations - attach your nomination ]etter):* Q Bus'mess owner, chie£executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authoriry IH'Represent business with employment oppomuuties that reflect the locai azea Also please indicate if you represenr C� lazge business O smalt business (fawer than S00 employees) %� Ncmination letterforthcoming from S[. Pau1 Q�arober oE Coim�erce. " ' � '- Comn�irnity Based Organizations, defined as nonprof�l organiza6omJ; -' -� ❑ Representativa of communiries or significant segments of communifies providing job training Q Agencyservingyouth ❑ Agency se�ving disp(aced homemakers • Q Union-related orgazuzarion � Employer-related nonprofic organization Cl Organizaaon serving nonreservation Tndian and tribal govemment O Agency represenring veterans O Agency representing individuals with disabi(ities ❑ Other: . Economic IlevelopmenrAgency: ❑ Private Sactor ❑ Public Sector Ed��cation (nominated by regional or local educational ageneies, institutions, or organizations representing such (ocal educarional entities - attach your nomination letter): C] Local educational entities (including K-12} ' Q Local school boards Q Entities providing aduit edacation and literacy activities O Postsecondary educational institutions • C] Other: Labor C] Nominated by recognized state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomination Jetter} One-Stop Workforce CenlerPnrtners (defined aS the pariners that carry out the following acrivities/programs): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Narive American and Veterans' Workforce (1�VIA Tide I) ❑ ❑ a 0 ❑ � 0 Q 0 ❑ ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Educztion and Literacy (WIA Titie I� Vocational Rehabilitation (12ehabilitation Act Title � We(fare-to-WorkPro�rams (Soci21 SecurityAct) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act} ]'ostsecondary �ducarion (Cazl D, Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistenca (TAA) and NAFI'A TAA (7�ade Act of 1974 7itle 7I� Loca2 Veterans' Employmen[ Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 3 S, U.S.C.) Communiry Services Block Grant Department of Fiousing and Urban Devetopment State Unemployment Compensation I,aws (in accordance with app(icable £ederal law) MAY.11.2060 12�36PM MN MUTUAL H R Minnesoca Life ConsolidatedProgram Workforcelnvesfinent Board (R?B) Membership AppTication r " Private Information 0 0— C Name: [tarhie�, t Pinkett Place Work Telephone Number: Streat H0.635 P.SiS County (4Vork) (651) 665-3442 (Home)(6 292-9015 (gp,� (651} 665-3551 E-Mai1 Address: kathv vSnkett;@ r,�nnesocaautual cem -- Job Title: Second vice Yresidenc, Huran 8esource5 Planning Personal I2eferences (include area code) 1} Name: Lauren Sega1, President of the UnLted of [he Sain� Paul Area Addcess: 702 Pairmount Avenue; Sc. Paul, N,N 557.05 Phone:{Homel (651) 225-8132 (Workl (651.) 291.-8383 2� IramO; Ik:nise 7olinson, A+�es Site Director oE Achievecrznt P1u5 Address; 8754 Cbncard Cou-c Imrer Grove l�ich�s MN 55016 Phone:(Fiome) (651) 453-1357 _ _ fWo�k1 (65?) 2Q3_65t1 What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? In my profes5ionat capacity I 2n in-depth Understandin� of s��ac the ervlov;rcmt needs are for for-profit�organizations and the necessary skitls employees need to he successEul. I also have P�perience with progzams Chat successfully prepare and o:ork With individuals so thzy accomolish ecditiomi� Sel�fsufftciency Optional: Tn an attempt to ensure that Board r�presentation reflects the makeup of our community, kno�vledgz o: the fotlowing information is hetpful. However, comptetion of this information is voluntary, White (Caucasian) ✓ Hispanic Black (African American} Asian o; Pacific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: ❑ Pemale: l� Aisabled: ❑ Yes C`3'�No If speciat aceommodations zre needed, please specify: The i� Jormation on this app[icetion ivi!( be Hsed ta evalaate and setect mem6ers aJ[he WIB, Appticanis may refiue to supplt' ��� reqwesfed injormation. F�ccept for vo(unlory injormaiion, hawever, the Jaifure to complete the appticdlion may resuls in �t being �ircarded. Tkis datn may be reviewed anE used by Ramsey Counly and Saint Pau! staJf, ?he dnla nn tkis page is privQle. Apri14,20Q0 �AY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.635 P.2i5 Mlnnesota life Insursnee Compeny 40� RobeR Shaet North St Paul, MN 55701-2090 851.665.9M142 Te1 Kaihlemn L. Glnkett SeconC Yca Prasidenc ��v'�r�/.c� ��� oo-«q MINNESOTALIFE A M/nnasota Mutuaf Company REC€tVED May 11, 2000 MAY 1 2 2p00 MAYQR'S OFFfCE Bonnie Jackelen Chief Clerk— County Boazd 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd — Suite 250 St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. Jackelen: �nclosed is my application for the City-County Workforce Investrnent Boazd. T am interesEed in and willing to serve as a Uusiness/for-profit representative. My nomination letter of recommendation is forihconiing from the St, Paul Chainber of Commerce. After review of my application, please let me lrnow if you have any questions, Sincerely, � �� Kathleen L. Pinkett Second Viee President Human Resources Planning T�T.,P/ttn cc: Larry Dow, President St. Paul Chamber of Commerce Applicarion 51�F.tle� Wednesday 21st of June 2000 01:44:53 PM Page i of 3 �,ose_ �v-c�9 Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board 1Vlembershi A lication Name: � Shelley K. Rose Home Address: 2240 Boxwood Avenue Saint PauI, MN, Ramsey 55119 What skills, training and esperieuce do you possess for Workforce Investment Board Membership? I am a business owner of a nine-employee inYemet company providing local govemment best pracuces to ciries and counties across the nation. The business is located downtown St. Paul, I also live in St. Paul. I have a B.S. in Business Administration from the Univ of MN. I am also a recent \"graduate\" of the Leadership St. Paul program, serve as a committee chair for the St. Paul Area Chamber, and am acting Cyber Village Ambassador/Coordinator. My project for Leadership St. Paul was worldng with the Wilder Foundation in identifying the Asset Accumulation opportunities for low income families and those jurt entering the workforce. Length of term � One Yeaz ] interested in: Are you a Veteran? [ No j Reasans for your interest in serving on tLe Workforce Investment Board: I wouid commit to a one-year term, but may very well be able to serve for two yeazs. I am interestcd in this board in order to help lead the Bast Metro area in workforce development as well as be involved in the economic development of this azea. I am very interested in helping to represent St. Paul\'s growing high-tech, new media industry. Bnsiness, defined as for-profit [x]Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority []Represent business with em loyment oppoilunities that reflect the local azea Please indicate the business you re resent:[ Small ] Comiccunity-Based Organizutions (de5ned as private, nonprofit organizations): [ JRepresentative of communities or significant segments of communities providing job training [ ]Agency serving youth [ jAgency serving displaced homemakers ( ]tTnian-related organization [ ]Employer-related aonprofit organization [ JOrganization serving non-reserration Indian and tribal govemment [ ]Agency representing veterans [ ]Agency representing individuals with disabilities Economie Development A ency:[ ]Private Sector []Public Scctor �,��,�� Application Page 2 of 3 51�(te� �sse. i r..J � � jLocal educational entities (including K-l2) )LocaI school boards ]Entities providing adult education and literacy acrivities JPostsecondary educational institutioas ,abor: []Nominated by recognized state and local labor federarions 1ne-Stop Workforce Center Partners (deT'med as the partners that carry out the �Ilowing activities/programs): JAdult, Dislocated Worker, Xouth, Job Cotps, Native American & Veterans' Workforce V1IA Tit1e n ]Wagner-Peyser Act ]Adult Bducation aad Literacy (WIA Title In ]Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabi]itation Act Title I� JWelfare-to-Work Programs (Social Secutity Act) jSenior Community Service Employment {Title V of the Older Americans Act) }Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Petldns Vocational & Applied Technology Education ]Trade Adjushnent Assistance (TAA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title Il� ]Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Titie 33, f.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Grant ]Department of Housing and Urban Laws (in accotdance with annlicable federal b0'd �tl101 Y �� • � `- • � + U � ��� � �� � aa-c`9 .,��,�� Ma�- 12 �� 11:22a MAY-li-2090 16:49 Home Jeane Thorne Inc. Sq ��.�7 pqU� qREq CHRMHER 612 288-0448 612 223 5119 Consalydaled Progranr Workjorce Investmertt 6oard {WIBJ Membership rlppticatlon skills, tcainiag and experience do you posscss for W IS mcm6aship? P•? P.02iO3 d0 - CCg RECEiVt�3 MAY i 5 20�D ��OFFICt .��.5%O/ Lengdt of inidal term you aze interested in: one-year �, two-year � Are you a VMeran?; O Ycs '�No Ramsey County snd the City of Saint Paul are recrviting indivtduais to repreaent various categories as dctailed oa the Consolldtiled Program Workjorce Investment Board (WIB) Category Dtscriptinns forrtn on the reverse of this page. Plense indicste, on the reverse side, tLe category or estegories ynu can represent on thc WIB. Mail orFiz.yy��..�;R1biEm�,er.c6iP APPlfcaifon to: .." —_--.—`-=---- � ✓ :�. .. - .. .. .., . .. Bonriie.7acketen; Chief Cferk=�CnunryBoard; 5uite 150, IS Wert Kelfogg.Boulevard, 5airt1 PauI, 3vfinnesoro 55102 (Faz�.651-36d=8039; Phone: 631-26¢801d)..lpplicatlons must be recelved by 1rf'a'y l,t, 2000� We will hold two orientation session: fnr members who are appointa! to tl�e WtB. 'Ihese scssions are T6ursdiy, June 22 (B:OU to Ifl:tfO a.m.) nr Tvcsday, 3uae 17 jl:fl4 tu 3:OD p.m.} W e ask thet membas ettead o0.e of these two sessions. Please resene thesc dates on your caleudar. Wn expezt that applicants wilt be ofTicially notifiod mid-June on the statas of thcir application. Thaek yon for your IntereSt. Tke injernatlan on tlrrs app(lcetian wl!! y� rsert m nwturrle endsdect nteenbcrs ojJte WIB. .�pplicart[s rnqy rrjnrclo supply Ihe req4asild informa4�n. F_cupt/or volun(ayl�onrtotioR, Jwwtarr, fheloilvrc fp eeaplefe the appl'ua�on May resuh Irt it bting d;scnracd This deta neay br revls�ueJ and uaed dy Rawrsty Caw� y yrtd SoLrrPaut rta,fj. Thr daro on t;6is page and rhe rrwrae side is pu6lie aed, therejo% available ta lh. ys4[Ec Apri14,2000 Ma�- 12 �� 11:22a MRY-11-2000 16�49 Home Jeane Thorne Inc. SRIM PAUL RREA CHRMBER 612 298-0448 p•? 612 223 5119 P.02�63 Consolidared Rogranr Workforce Investmea[ Board (WIB) Membe�ship ApplicaJlos Street City What skills, training and expexience do ynu posscss for WIB mcmbaship? oo-�`q RECEEIlEO MAY 1 5 2�OQ �'S%/ Length of inibal term you are interested in: onE-year 1, two-year _ Arc you s VeteranT: 0 Yes '�(No Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are rccruiting indivldua[s to represent varioua categories as dctailed on tho Consolldc[ed Program Workforce lnvestmcrtt Board (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please iadicate, on the reverse side, the category nr categorin you can represent on thc WIB. Mail rir ,,. .... � •. _ onnie Jackefen; Chief Cferk = Cvunry 5ujte 250, IS West Ke!logg�Boulevard, Sainl Pau1, 7vfinnesota SS�02 (Faz? GSI-266=8039; Phoo¢: 651=266.-8014). Appllcatlaru rnus( be recetved by May.1,Z, 2QOQ. . .. ' - - --- ---� —_� / We wi(1 hold two ocientation sessions fnr members who are appointcd to tLe �'IB. These scssions are Thursdiy, June 22 (8:00 to 10;00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:04 to 3:00 p.m.� W e ask that membeis ettend oqe of these two :essioos. Please reserve thcx dates on your catendar. We expect thet applicants will be otFicially notiGcd mid-June on the status oCthcir application. Thank you for your intereat. Tke infennalfow on this applicetian wUt bt rzed to ttp(uate and sdttt tntnibns ojflYe WIB. Appliearttr mqy rajraclo s�pply the requssted rnfnrinaBnn. £rupr jo� v0lrr�fary !q(oimalioq, Gaw�tvsr, ehe jnilurc to ce,nyfrre the applicaAOe e�ay re>ult In it being diseerCed This data may be rsvrenYd ard arcd by Ra�esty Cauey artd SalerPawl rta(f. The dam on tk& pag� aed the rrvrrte side (spu6lie an1, tkerejoro, availablc to fl�r pu8(ie AQri14,2000 Ma� 12 00 11:23a MRY-11-2060 15=59 Jeane Thorne Inc. gq�N7 pqUL RRER CHfiMBER 612 298-�44b 612 223 5119 ConsoliQated Program Workjorce Investntenl Board ff�'IB} Category Descriptions rn �('� you are ae de3cribed below. or please P.03iO p.e OO�GC9 Sca��� :tter ta your 8usiness, defined asjor�rnftt (nominatad by loea] business organizations andlor busiaess tradc associations - Attach your nominstian }etter): � Business owna, chief exxutive or opersang officer, and other ezccutive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring aufhority O Represent business with employment opporiunities that refloct the local area Also please indicate if you represcnt: O largc business 18E small busincss (fewer than 500 employees) ��� � ��� � Communiry-Based Organizations,definedasttoaprofitarganizations: (� ��Z,�.� ,�vG�2���,,,� O Aepresentativo of communiucs or significant segnents of commvqities providing aob trai � g ��� D Agonry serving youth 4 Agency serving disptaced homemakers _ O Union-rclated organizat3on d Employer-related nonpro£t organization Q Organizadon serving nonreservation Indiars and tribaf governmcnt 0 Agency representing veterans Q Agrncy represerrting individuals with disabilities 0 Other: Economic IJevelopment Ag¢ncy: 0 Private Sector O Pvblic Sector Education (nominated by regionel or local educafional ageucies, institutions, or organizationa representing such loca! educationei entities -�ttach your aominaHon letter): ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) O Local school boards � Eatities providing adutt education and literaey activities Q Post�aondary educe6onal instirutions O Other: Lubor 0 Nominated by recognized swtc and/or locat labor fcderatio�s (attach your nominaHoa letter) One-Srop Woshforce CenrerPartners(defined as the parmers that carty out the following activities/programs): O Adult, Disiocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Corpa, Native Ameriear� and Vetcrans' Workforce (W1A TiUe 1) 0 Wagner-Peyser Act � Adult Educffiioif and Literacy (WIA Tide Il) O Vocationa2 KehabilitaGon (Rehabilitation Act Title I) O Wctfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Smuity Act) � Senior Coauouaity Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) O Postsxondary Education (Cazl D. Perkias Vocazionai and Applied Txhnology Education Act) 0 Tradc Adjustmant Assistance {TAA) and N,4FTA TAA (Trede Act of 1974 Titic II) D Local Veterans' Employment Repceseniatives and Disnbled Yeterazu Outreach (Tit1e 38, U.S.C.) Q Community Services Bfock Grant ❑ Depactment of Housing and Urban DcveIopmcnt Aprit 4, 2D0� TOTAL P.05 .,Application Tuesday 16th of May 2000 0831:50 AM ������ Page 1 of 2 �. w"""'�SDO-CG9 R�rc;�IGfI Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board Membership Application Ellen E �Vatters Address: 111600 4 St. 104 MAY 1 9 2000 skills, training and esperience do you possess for Workforce Investment Board Membership? ent of 500 member Midway Chaznber of Commerce, whose number one priority is hefping employers find and re[ain a � workforce; also servin� as President of Employer Sofutions, [nc., an organization Founded by Chambers ro connect yers with govemment, nonprofit and for profit recruitment and re[ention resources. Board member of Community of term interested in:llf One Year :youaVeteran? � �[No) �sons for your interest in serving on the Workforce Investment Board: daily work is largety involved in workforce issues, both a[ the Chamber and at Employer Solutions. I hear on a near rly basis, srories of how employers are struggling and succeeding in this dif£cult labor environment. In addition, through near 3 years of work with the Communiry Employment Partnershiq I have gained a greater understanding of the Ilenees facine some of the unemployed and underemployed in our communiry. Both perspectives are needed on the WIB. �iness, defined as for-profit 3usiness owner, chief executive or operatin� officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or ng authority �,epresent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local area _ indicate the business vou represenb f Small 'ommunity-Based Organizations (defined as private, nonprofit organizations): ]Representative of communities or significant segmenK of communities providingjob training ]Agenty serving youth JAgency serving displaced homemakers � ]Union-related organization � ]Employer-related nonprofit organization ]Organization serving non-reservation [ndian and tribal govemment ]Agency representing veterans lAeencv rwresentine individua(s with disabilities Private Sector (1Pubhc Secror ]Local educational entities (including K-l2) ]Local school boa:ds ]Entities providing adult education and literacy activities ]Postsecondary educationat institutions state and local labor federations ine-Stop lVorkforce Cen[er Partners (defined as the partners [hat carry out the following activities/programs): ]Adult, Dislocated Worker, YoutS, lob Corps, Native American & Vererans' Workforce (WIA Title I) ] W a�nerPeyser Act ]Adult Education and Literacy (4VIA Tide II) ]Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) ]Welfare-to-\Vork Programs (Social Security Act) ]Senior Community Service Employment ("Citle V of the O(der Am:ricans Act) ]Postsecondary Education (Car( D. Perkins Vocational & Applied Technolo�y Education Act) ]Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title II) ]Local Veterans'-Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Grant ]Depattment of Housing and Urban Development lState Ilnemolovment Comoensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) . file:/!C:\WIND04VS\TEMP\EllenWatters.html 5/18/00 Application � ,��.�+-er� Page 2 of 2 Oo - ��9 file:!/C:\W INDO W S\TEA1P\EltenW attecs.html 5/ t 8/00 _ MRY-12-2000 09�27 SAINT PRUL RRER CHAMBER 612 223 5119 P.07i09 . • - Oo-�`q Consolidated Piogram WorkJorte Invesiment Board (WIB) �E����D Home Whac skills, u-aining and experience do yau possess for WIB membership? Street Membership Application City Thank yov for your iaterest. Planning Discria Councit MAY 15 2ppQ Counry v Zip �v`ull al�aJ �n.Q -�i �e ar� �.-P�-�� rn�.r�f Length of initial tezm you are inurested in: Are you a Veteran?: O Yes G7�o Ramsey Couaty and the City of Saint Paui are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detafied on ihe Co�solidated Prog�um Workfo�ce Investment Soard (WI'B) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the'VVTB. Mail or•' Faac yynr �IB'M�iiitier�hip AppliCatibri�to: ' Bonnie.lackelen, ChiefClerk�.Gounryf3onrc� Suite254, ISWestKellb'g"g;Bovlevrud, SainlPoul.-Mnnesota 55102 (FaY: 65l-166-8039; Phone: 651-166=8014J. Ap�flieations must be reteived'by May 12, 2000: We will liold two orientacion sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. 'Chese sessions are � Thursday, Sune 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members aaend one of these two sessions. Piease reserve these dates on your calendar. We expect ihat appticants will be officially notified mid•7une on the status of thei� application. The infnrmativx nn lhic applicetie�i wilt be ��ted to evalaate and srlect mcmbe�s oJfke WI� Appl�ct�nu n�ay iefuse ta supply !Gr reques[eJ injurrrtaliar. Eccepl jor voluntury inJorma(ion, liowtveq 11ie j ailure ra co�rrp�rte tl�e applicatroe may rrsulr in it beb�� discurdcd. Tbis rfata aiay ba reviewed rtnd usrd 6y Raruty Counry aad Saint �au/ slaJf, Tl�e dara on t/ris and fhe reverse side is public nrtd, rteerejore, avaitab[ero rlie public. For Office Use anly Commissioncr District apd(a.200U (OVER) City Council Ward one-yeaz� two-year_ MAY-12-2000 08=2? SAINT PAUL RREA CHRMBER 612 223 5119 P.08�09 Consolidated Program Workforcelnvestment,8oard (WIB) ' �}��� Ca2egory Descri,plions ,�j. � �� �� oo-��q Tf you are applying for Business, Education, or Labur positions, please attach s norainacion letter to your annlicufion as de5cribed below. Bccxiness, defrned ar for profrt (nominated by 1oca1 business organizations andlor busincss trade assoziations - attach your nomination letter): Q Busintss owncr, chief execu�ive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum �olicymaking or hiring authority Ef F2epresenc business with empfoyment opponunities that reflect the loca! area Also pfease indica�e if you represent: �'large business O small business (fewe� than 500 employees) Commuxiry-Based Organizatiotu, definad as nanp�afit o�ganizations: O Represen�ative of communities o� significant seaments of communi[ies providin� job training ❑ _. Q O O ❑ O ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities ❑ Other: Agency serving youth A�ency ser�ing displaced homemake�s Union-related organization Employer-related nonprofts organization Organization serving nonrese�vacion Indian and tribat govemment Agency representing veterans Economic Developncent Agency: d Private Sector � Public Sector Educerion (nominated by regional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or organiutions represen�ing such tocat educacional entities - attach your nomination letter): G Local educational entities (including K-12) O Localschool boards G Entities providing adult educa[ion and litetacy activities � ❑ Postsecondary educational inscieutions ' 0 Other: Lobor Q Nominated by cecognized sta[e andJoc locat labor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Srop LYorkforee Cenrer Parrners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activicies/programs): Q Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youch, Job Corps, Native American and Verenns' Workforee (WTA Ticla �) 0 Cs O O O CJ ❑ 0 C� ❑ J Wagnec-Peyser Act Aduit Education and L�teracy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titie t) Welfate-to-Work Programs (Socia! Secuciry Act) Senior Communi[y Serviee Employmcnt (I'itlt V of the Older Americans Ac[) Poscseeondary bducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocationat and Applied Teehnology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistartce (TAA) and I�IAFTA TAA (C�ade Act of 1974 Tit{e lI) Loea! Veterans' Employment Reptesentatives and Disabled Vecerans Outreach (7'itle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant DepaRment of Housino and Urban Devetopment Scate Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordanee with applicablc federal law) � MAY-12-2000 a8�2B SRINT PRUL RREA CHRMBER 612 223 5115 P.95i65 _ Consolidated Prog�am Workforce I�:vestment Board (WIB) Membership Application Q � ! � `9 private Infarntation �-�' � � . Name Place of Work TeiephoneNumber: (Work)�_SI-`�/U'S�J7 (Home) �S�" E-Mail Address: t �t_l- Job Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address: Phone:�F 2) Name; What are your reasons for wanting co serve on the WTB? � (Wozkl �P � p�- • �D o2� - v�o (a U i��- cs.� �,7+�-. �,a.-fe. e-t-�-✓ �a-v� ru �e.a.�c.e.�� �� OptFonal: n a n attempt to e nsure tha Board represcntation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledee of the fo(lowins information is helpful. 1-Iowever, completion of this information is voluncary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic ��� Slack (African America�) Asian or Pacif c Is:ander American Indian or AtaSkan Eskimo __ Other Male: O Female: �! Aisabled: ❑ Yes Q No i If special accommodations are needed, please specify: ;� �. -r. � Tlre i�rfonna�iori o�+ tli(s �rppAcarinn �vi1! be rrsed ro evaU�ale ared selecr meruber� eJrhe 3VtD. �py/)��i��rs mrq• rcfase ra s+�pply drr rcqurs�ed rirjnnrtnlia�. E.�Ctpt jor vobiutrrrp Lrfom�pliou, Go�ve�er, tbt Jrei/urelo tanple�e d�t npplit�rrion nirf}• re3ult in i� beiu�� dirca�ded. Tbi., rinra nmy be revin�rd nnd used 6v Ransey Cotu�ry rmd Suiur PnulslaJf. THe dnrrt nn diis yrr� e rs p�ivart. AD���'�•' T�TA� P.09 Phone:�HomelCo/� fWbrkl n.��F} Co�:solidated Program lYor�force Ir:vestment Board (iYIB) Memberslzip Applicatioli Name: Richard Grigos HonteAddress: 702 Fairciount AVe., St. Pau1 Street City � oo-«q 551 County Zip �Vhat skills, trainin� and ehperience do you possess for WIB membership? As Resource Development Director I have worked to develop er�olovment—related programs for youth For the past two years I have served on the St. Paul Workforce Development Council serving on the Board Executive Committee, Youth Committe�,_and other committees. Personally I have mentored an at—risk youth on employment issues. Len�th of initial term you are interested in: one-year_ Are you a Veteran?: O Yes �]cNo two-year X Rnmsey Counh• and the City of Saint Paut are recruiting individuals to represent vlrious catesories as detailed on the Conso/idated Progran: lVorkforce It:vest�nent Bonrd (WIB) Cate�ory Descriptions form on tlie reverse of this p�ge. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the categon� or cltegories you can represent on the WIB. Mail or Fac pour ��'IB Membership Application to: Bonnie .lackelen, Chief Clerk - Cozrnty Boarcl, Sz�ite 2.i0, 1� IVest Kellogg Boulercu•d, Saint P�rul, �Llinnesota �.i 10? (Fcrx: G.i 1-266-SO.i 9; Phofre: 6� 1-266-5014). Applicatioris r�:ust be reeeired by Nlay 12, Z000. �Ve �vill hnld hvo orientation sessions for members who are aopointed to the �VIB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 or Tuesda}', June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). �Ve ask that members attend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. \�'e e�pect that applicants will be officially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thanl. you for y'our interest. The iiifi�ne+ation on tliis «pp(icatiau u•i(1 be used to evale�ate anrlselect merrrbers ojthe 3f76. Applicrratr tnat• rejuse to supplr th. req�rested ir{joruiariari. E.ccept jor ral�mtan• iitforntatim+, ltoivever, t/te jtrileve [o complet2 d�e app/icntia� mql' resrdt ir. it hern, disc�rrded. Tltis data inr{i' he revie�ved «nd used bt• Rarrrse}• Count}' �urr! Saint Pau! staJf. T6z dat�t on this paae rtiid !he rererse sirl is perGlic «�rrl, tlierefore, avtrilablelo d�e prrG/ic. For Officc Usc onl�• Commissioner District � Plannin� District Council Cin' Council Ward April a. 3upo (O1'ER) Consolidaterl Program Workforce Investment Board (bYIB) Category Descriptio�:s 6r�`�°5 oa-��q If }'ou :�re lpplyina for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please atfach a nomination letter to }�oi application as described below. Bcrsiness, defined as for profit (nominaced by local business or�anizations and/or businzss trade associations - nttach }�our nomination letter}: ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum poficymakin� or hirin� authority ❑ Represent business with employment opportunities that reflec[ the local area Also please indicate if you represent: O lar�e business O smalf business (fewer tllan 500 emplo}�z� Commzu:ih•-6ased Organi=ations, deftned as itor:profit organi=ations: ❑� I�presentative of communities or si�nificant se�ments of communities providing job trainin� �A�ency serving youth � A�zncy servin� displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization ❑ Employer-retated nonprofit organization ❑ Or�anization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ A�ency representin� veterins ❑ A�ency re¢resentin� individuals �vith disabilities ❑ Other: Econonric Deti'elopment Agency: ❑ Pri�•ate Sector ❑ Public Sector L•duca�iorr (nominated by reQional or local educationa! agencies, institutions, or or�anizations representina such loca( educational enti[ies - attach }•our nomination letter): ❑ Local educational entities (includin� K-12) CI Local school boards CI Gntities providin� adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Odier: Labor ❑\'ominated by rzco�nized state and/or local labor federations (attach }'our nomination letter) One-Slop ft•'orkfi�rce Cen[er Pm•trrers (defined as the partners that carq' out the follo��'ine activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Distocated 1\'orker. Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans�\1'orl:force (��'IA Tid� CS J U ❑ �J ❑ G ❑ ❑ 1�'a�ner-Peyses Act Adult Education and Lireracy (�VIA Title t[) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) ❑ Depariment of Housina and Urban Development C1 State Unemploymzn[ Compensation La�vs (in accordance �vith applicablz fzdzral la�� ) Nelfare-to-�Vork Pro�rams (Social Security Act) Senior Communih' Sen•ice Employment (Tit1e V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Cducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Ac�} Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197-F Titlz I I) Local Vetzrans' Emplo}'ment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (�title 3S, U.S.C.) Communiiv Services Block Grant Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (YVIB) Membership Application Private Iriformation Ivrame: Richard Gri os Q� � `�q Piace of Empioyment: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities �,Vork Address 2575 Univer Avenue West St. Paul 55114 Zip Telzphone Number: Street Ciry CounR (�,Vork) 651-967-1110 (Homz) 651-225-8132 (FAX 651-967-1101 E-V1ailAddress: r ri os@bo sand irls.or 10b Title: Vice President-Finance Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Richard Hanson, 3M - Director of Community Affairs Address: 3�I Center B1dg. 591-30-02, St. Paul, 2�L`I 55144-1000 Phone:�omel (�Vorkl 651-733-8335 2) Name: Commander Jose h Mollner - St. Paul Police Denartment Address: 100 E. Eleventh St., St. Paul, r.N 55101 Phone:(Homel (�Vorkl 651-292-3615 �,Uhat are your reasons for �vanting to serve on the WIB? The �dZB will play a key role in meeting the needs of employers while helping at-risk individuals become moze self-sufficient. From a rofessional vie oint, this is consistent with the Boys & Girls C1ub`s mission. As a member of the St. Paul �dorkforce Council, I hve developed espertise I wish to put to use. Optia:al: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeuo of our community, kno���led?e of the followins information is helpful. However, completion of this informaiion is ��oluntan . _� �Vhite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Other viale: � Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No If spzcial accommodations are needed, please specify:_ T/ee irrfonrratiori on this «pplicatim� rvi!! 6e used !o evalurtte m�r! select niemben� ojthe LVlB. .-Ippfrc�rt�ts �mn' rej«se to supp{r r'. req«esred ii�j arrruiti�tt. Except fiir rn(tuitivr i�+forn�atinrt. lia�vever. dee jailrere tn ronrpfetr tl�e applicurion e�en• reserlt ire it heii+; lice�trded. Tlris d�ttu ntur h rr.rie�red �utd resed br Rmraer Cnuntr ueed .San�r Paur ,�u1C '�. iar�r .,�� •�r.� ��t:�e ia� n�irutr. ��'t- 8 MC�N 12:I4 Pi� ?idOt1G hi�I P�C ASS FAX N0. 7782413 ' F, 3 Consolidaied Program Warkjorce In++estment Boa�d (WIB) Merreberskip AppIication JLLb4.• ��� d0 -6C, ?�cfi��,��� R (9�Y � 4 �n�., Length of initiat term you are interested in: Are you a Veteran?: 0 Yes Od No one-year �% two-year ^ .�. Ramsey County and the City of Saint paul are recruiting individuxls to represent variou: categories as detaSied o'n the Consalidated Program TYorkforce Investment73oard (T�IB) Category Deseriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'thareverse Side, the category or catego`ries you can repreunt on the WIB. . - , , Mail`or=Faz Bwrnie Jack 55lOZ (Fax: :;s���, M .,: : �wG ��b:Rr�.<�:'i.�`'<::'v�� , .S • :' . �„,<.:;.. • :::-:N�;�;��,.? •u; : �<;. . .... .. '.h �:xr'°k-:"t� :»..,., . •d,'Saint P�tl,=Min'riesofa �.�. ' by iYfay;I2;�200Q::�;;"' ~\ We witl hold two orientation sessions for membcrs µ•ho are appointed to the WIB. �+�se sessions are � Thursday, June Z� (3:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:04 p.m.). Wo ask ihat mernbers attend one of these nvo sessions. F1a'se resecve these dates on your ca(endar. �Ve expect that app!icants ti�'t�1 be officiaUy notified mid-June on che stams o£their application. � Thank you for your interest. Tke inJonnnlion an tkis applicatiort ivi(( be used to evnluare andsefect members oflhe WIB. App�'uan[s may �ejuse to suppfy' ��e requeated inJorma2ion. Fxcept for voluntar}' informat+on, haruevrr, ihejailure so compleEe the appti:¢lian may result in it beir.g d�scarded 7his data .r+ay be �evie�+ed and ured by Ramsey County and Sain1 Paul stajf. The data on this page and tkr rm'erse sidz is public and, thereJore, available fo tke pubtic. Fo� Office Use only Commissioner Distri�c Piannin$ Distrid Councif Cic}• Countil Ward A¢ril �4, 2000 {OYER) ,,.t_..�: u_ ._._._.. __a ...,�.,«s,,,.o .��.,��� ���ceec forSVID membershin? M�`f- 8-00 I�GN 1�� l5 Fi� 3`dOidG I�Y PP.0 ASS F�X t�0. 7782413 �n� ConsoLidafed Program TYorbJ'orcelnvestrnenrBoatd (WIB) Caiegory Descriptions ao-��9 Ityou are applying far Bustness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as described below. - Business, deftned as jor profu (nomirtated by local business organuatioru andlor basiness trade usociatioru - attach your nomination letter); O Business owner, chief executive or opetating officet, and other executive or cmployer with optimum policymaking or hiring authoriry ❑ Represent busit5ess with employment oppominiries that reflect the local erea A1so please indicate if you represent: O lazga business O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Can�nttrniry-Based O�ganizarions, de, fined as non,profet organtzalions: t] Representarive of communities or signifit2nt segments of eommunities providing job training �Agency serving youth 0 Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related ocganizarion O Employer-related nonprofit organization 0 Organizarion serving nonreservation Tndian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans � Agency repre enring individuals wich disabilities � Other:_ l��->'� ��r�` Economic DeveTopment Agency: O Private Sector 0 Pubtic Secto� £dircation (nominated by regional or local educarion2l agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such locaf educahonal entities - attach your nominarion letter}: ❑ Local educarional entitics (including K-12) O T.ocal school boards Q Entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educationa! institutions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ Nominated by recognized state andlor ]ocal labor federations (xttach your nomination letter) One-S1op Workforce Center Partners (defined as the pariners that sarry nut the foltowing activitiaslprograms): Q Adult, Aislocated Worker, You[h, 7ob Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIP. Title I) ❑ Waa,�er-Peyser Act Q Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title In p VocationalRehabilitarion(RehabilitationActTitleT} ■ ■ ■ • • O Department of Housing and Urban Development ❑ State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance witn applicable federal law) Welfare-to-Work Programs (Socia! Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Atnericans Act) Postsecondary Ed�scation (Cari D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Techr,ology Education Act) 7rade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) andNAFTATAA (Trade Act of 1974 Titic 1T} Local Veterans' Employment Itepresentarives and Aisabled Veterans Oufreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Gran: P. 4 T F�err htA'1- 8-00 �tON l2� 13 P�i 31�OhG 64�i PAL �SS FAX N0. =7722413 P. 2 . Z�Iame'— Place of Work A� Consolidated 1'rogram Workfarce Investneexi $oard (Y37B) M¢mbership flppiicarion Psivare Information 00-6G°� Tetephone Number: (Work) �7 �� (Hame). ��-�°'L'j�`S°`�I�AX) '� ��� ��k��� � E-Mail Iob Personat References (include area code) 1) 2) Name: Address: Phone:fHomel 1��� �.�/� �77 / What ar�your reasons for wanting jo serve on the WTB? i �� i (Workl �oS/� Z���- '�3 � � � OptioriaT: In an aetempt to ensure that Board representation re�lects the makeup of our community, know!eeee of the following information is helpful. However, completion o: this in£orr,ia:ton is voluntary. White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian oc Alaskan Eskimo iviale• 4il Femate: C1 Disebled: q Yes anic Asian or P2ciEr Is!ander Other , � �o If speci2l accommodatioas zre needed, please specity. Tke informnti0n on fhis application wii! be used fo evaluafe nnd select n+embers of ihe WlG. tfpp��cuttLS n+ay rejuse Io SuPI'�� t ` - diseanled Tkis da may �Iewed and sed by Ra�insey Courtty�and Sa�irrt Paul sraJf. dn�a ort�kls page is pri�'atcic bcir.; Apnl �. 2000 v�..,..a rt.r„mP� iWorkl fi'",7 ��'�-° T - 05/11/2008 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITIES PAGE 02 Name: FIome Addres< Consolidated Program Workforce Investinenl,8oard (W7.8) Memberski,p .4pplication oo-GGq Street What skiils, training and experience do Lengih of initiat term you are interested in: one-year Ase you a Veteran?: � Yes �No two-year x Zip 1/ Ramsey County and fhe City of Saint �aut are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the ConsoIidafetlProgram Workforcelnvestment,8oarrl(WI$) CategoryDescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on �he reverse side,.the category or categories you can re�resent on the WtJ3. � We wilt hold cwo orienta:ion sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB, These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 fo 10:00 s.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). tiVe ask that members r attznd one of these h�o sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We e:cpect that applicants �tiill be offtcially notified mid-7une on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. Xhe informatiott on ikis applieafian rvi(! be used to evaluate vnd select members oJfhe Tf'IB. Applicantsmay suppf}• tbe requested informafion. EYCept for volurttary information, ko�vev�•� fheJailure to comp/efe the app/icafion may result in iY being dLtcarded Tkis data may be revie.ved and used by Ramsey Caunty and Sainf Pau! sYaJf. 7he data art thispage and the recerse side is pu6fie and, (hereJore, avai(ab(e to tkepu6iic. ' . �� �'ar OfFce Use anly Cocrunissioner Dis4ict Planning District Councit City �� membershio? Ci.ry� Council Ward _ ApriS 4, 2900 (6YER} 05/11/2000 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITIES PAGE 03 . JQn�s � SM� t►'� Consolidated,program Workforce Investmenl.8oard (T3rlB) Caregory Descriptions OO — Gf. c� Ifyou are appIying forBusiness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your ap licatinn as described betow. Business, defined asfor prafit (nominated by local business orga.nizariocu and(oc busir�ess nade associations - attach your nomination letter): ❑�asiness owner, chieFexecurive or operaring officer, and oiher execurive or employer with opfimum poticymaking or hiring authority E] Represent business with employment opporhuuties that reflect the local area Also please indicate ifyou tepresent: O lazge business O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Ca�zmunity-Based Organrzalions, dzfined os nonprofit organrzalions: �3( FLepresentarive of communities or significant segments of communities providing job trauung $f Agency serving youth � Agency serving displaced homemakers Q Union•related organizsrion � ❑ �mployer-related nooprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonreservation Indian and fibal govemment 0 Agency represenring veserans � Agency epresenti{�, in rviduals}�'�th dis ilities O Other: � t�{. �'}.¢fdqr �d�Y3.vj IUtG R.n ) tctt� � , �conomic,Developrnent Agency: ❑ Private Sector Q Public Sector L•ducorion (nominaEed by regionaf or local educational agenctes, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational entiries - attach your nomination lefter}: ❑ I,ocal educarional entities (including K-12) O Locai schoot boards Q Entities providing adult education and titeracy activities � Postsecondary educational institutions _ CJ Other. Lobor ❑ Nominated by recognized state andlor (ocal labor federations (aftach your nominatiori letter) One-Sfop YYOrkforce CentcrPartners (defined 2s the partners fhat cany out the fotlowing activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Aislocated Worker, Xouth, Job Co:ps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title I) ❑ W ❑ � ❑ Q a O ❑ ❑ agner-Peyser Act � Adult Education and Literacy (VJXA Tide JI) � VocaRonal Rehabilitation (Rehabititation Act Title n . Welfare-to-Work Programs (Socizl Securiry Act) Senior Community Service �mployment (I'itle V of the Older Asnericans Act) Postsecondary Educacion (Carl D. Perkins Voeational and Applied Technology EducaSon Act) Trade Adjwtment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Irade Act of 1974 Tide I� S,ocal Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Oufreach (Tifle 38, U.S.C.� Community Services Block Grant bepartment of Housing and Urban Development - State tJnemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) 05/11/2009 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITZES PAGE 04 Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) _ 7Vlembership A�pplication � _ Private Infarmation Place ofEmployment: Work Address: �-� Telephane Number: E-Ivlail Address: Job Title: vY1tp Personal Iteferences 1) Name: j YlA-ii Address:__ A�;' un�P co - ycq � � } C�. �R �t-C��`i � Uvaw� � �a�zavl ��� � Street Gty County Zip (Work)�S� �JS`��� (Home) �5��7�b�-�31 (FAX)�a�/ ; e area code) � �ed a — � ���� 2) Name: �J �2 " �.6 uf.Gt Addcess: �� t,t. � � Phone:(Homel i5�or d 5A �� • �-.�dco� ��'l� � (Workl 6 � I `a2� '��31e� � �`� [Ox (Wnrkl ��f ' ��i� � to serve on the � -f_ Dv`t.�'Gbcv�y+U � U� KJ� �� 93, Opfionai: In an at:empt to ensure that Board representation reftects thz makeup of our community, kno�vledge of the £ollowing information is helpfi:l FTowever, completion of this information is vo(untary. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African [lmerican} Asian orPacificIslander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _ Other __ _— Male� � Femzle ❑ Disabled: � Yes O No If specia( accemmodations are needed, please specify: The ir jonnatian on this appiica2ion i.z!! be used to eva[uate and selec( mear6e�s Ojthe 3Y7L3. Apptican# may re fus� ro sunr4 r� -' reguesYed informatiort. Eecept jor vofxnlary ircformation, 6awcve�, ike�ai[ure lo complele fhe application may resull in it 6ei�;- discarded Zhis dafa may be rrviewed and used by Ramsey Couxfy and Saint PauL slajf. The dala on thrs page is pri i•ate. Apri14,206U =--� Consofidat¢d Program Workforce Investment Board ({yjg) MembershipApplication OG- f.G Private Information 9 � l�i//,�m �Ls�•r/c� Name: - Place of Employment:�r�,au� ,�6/� . G av/s Work � Street City Telephone Number: (Work) /�3 �v` (Home),��j�-60/9 (FA.� � , �3 - �'So7 E-Mail Address:_ ,�i//, � �5'f�f's, or5 Job Titie: l'-�y���r % Sc/soi/ Ta Fv�u,� Personal References (include area code) // - � r Address:__ ��60 Col�nrne �T�,/!//. /7'.fR/, �S5/fly . Phone:(Homel Z) What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? � ..,. � : ����i�vE is_ is�.a�.2r.4,✓r Fe.� r�1� aSr��iG Tv6/c s�%/s To s� ,2eo�,o .�a.n-p� .�,✓ �� c �,qsea �s �.�-d � s ��o �.�� fo2 srv,a�rvrs w�� /rP .� o�,�. �iSr.�cr .�d L.8�u� �1ia�i tiL.���i� �tJ�i/ii OO/1/biosiTQa7r��/ � w.ih �ii �r .ri c �......�.✓ L.s .r���< oN �iS OptinrtaL• In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects Che makeup of our community, knowled5e of the foliawing information is helpful. However, completion of this information is volantary. _. �1Vhite (Caucasian) Black (African American) America�x Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male: �Y Female: ❑ Disabled: � Yes a No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Zstander Other If special accommodauoiis are needed, please specify: /Yoit�E �' Ttre infurnration orr thir upplicatinR mi!( be irsed to evaluare and tefect membeis oftlte WIB. Applicnnrs may refuse to su�p[y Ihe reques[ed irrfumlation. Except for vofuntary informo(ion, however, lke jallurr 10 eomptUe fLe applicarinn may resulr in it berng discarded Tkis data �rzay be reviewed cnd arsed by Ramsey Coanry and Saiat Pnul staJf. The data an diis page is private. 80i90'd� 6E08 992 TS9 213�JdNFiW ,11Nf10� .l3SWF121 L£:9i 0002-9Z-AHW Phone:fHome) (Workl Z �/�/�'6 � oo-C`9 Nante: ��//i.4-�n � LYit/G/� Home What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? - '' � i/ . /.✓! i i � �. i � ii � i O� � � %/ �/l � i � i • a ii !� //�/ i /�� %�//l! � �� iN S�e. f/s, ,.- Length of initial term you are Snterested in: on�year Are you a Veteran?: C] Yes C�'!ffo O � tWO-year � Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paut are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on-the Consolidated,Prograrn il'orkfo�celnvestmentBoarcl (WIB) Categorybescriptlons form on � the reverse of this page. Please iadicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WTB. Mail or Fax your � Membership App[ication to: Bonnie Jacketen, Chief Clerk - CatrntyBoard, Suite 250, I S West Keltogg$oulevard, Saint Paul. Mznnesotcr �.i IO? (Fax: 651-266-8039; Phone.� 651-266-8014). Applications must be received by May 12, 2000. We will hoid two orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the �VIB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:90 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tnesday, 3une 27 (1:90 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that mcmbcrs attend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We expect that applicants wilt be officially natified mid-June on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. Tlre informa�ioa on rGis appticatian wi!! be nsed ro eva(uate axd select n:earbers af rke WIB. Rppficaiets nrRy rejuse to supp/v tke reyuested i�ejnrmario�t. �ccepi jnr volunmry L�jorma�ion, kawever, tlre jailure ta compiete t17e applicolio�i mny resutt fn it bei�+g discarded. T/r�s datn �nay be reviewed and used by Ramsey Counry and Sainr Pauf sraff. Tbe dara on U�ispoge anrl flie revene sir/e is prrbfic mrd, t/rerejore, available tn tl�e p�iblic For Office Use only � Commissioner District April 4, 2000 Consalidated P�ogram Workjorce Investment Board (WIB) Meire6erslsip App[ication Planning Disvia Council (OI�ER) City Council Ward 80/L0'd 6E08 992 IS9 ?J3�JtiNFi4l A1Nf10� J.35Wtl21 8£:9T 000z-9Z-AHW ; 90'd �tf101 Consolidated Program Workforce Invesfinent Board (WIB) Category Descriptions v 00 -CGy Ifyou are appiyirtg for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to �•our annlication as described betow. Business, defirred asfor profrt (nominated by local b¢siness organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): ❑ 8usiness owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employec with optimum policymaking o� hiring authority , ❑ Represent business wich employment opgoctunities that reflect the local area Also please indicate ifyou represent: O lazge business O small business (fewerthan 500 employees) Community-$ased Organizations, defined as nonprofit organizations: 0 Representative of comsnunities or significant segments of communities providing job training Q Agency serving youth f] Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organiution 0 Emp(oyer-related nonprofit organization Cl Organization serving nonreservation Indian and triba! governmeat ❑ Agency representing veterans Q Agency representing individuals with disabilities � Other: Economic Development Agency: ❑ Private Seetor 0 Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educat�i nal entities - attaeh your nominarion letter): �'C,ocal educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educationai institutions ❑ Other: Lubor O Nominated by �ecogniaed state and/or local labor federations (aHach yoar nomination Ietter) One-Stoy � ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ Workforce Cenler Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activities/programs): Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title 1) Wagner-Peyser Act Aduit Education and Literacy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I), . _ Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Securicy Act) Senior Community Service Employmcnf (1'itle V of the 0)der Americans Act) Posueeondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocationa! and Applied Technotogy Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA 7'AA ('frade Act of 1474 Title II) Local Vecerans' Employment Representativcs and Disabled Veterans Outreaeh (7itle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Department of Housing and Urban Development Statc Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance �•ith applieable federal !aw) 80/80'd 6�08 992 ti59 b3�JdNdW J,1Nf1�� J,35WFi2I 8£:9T 0002-9z-1.dW MRY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.02i06 .. Consolidared Program Wo�kfo�ce Investrnent Bonrd (WIB) RECE{VED � — " q MembershipApplication MAY 15 2000 N2me: Donovan Schvichtenberg MAYOR'S OfFICE Home Address: 6621 Biscame Blvd. Edina 55436 Street City County Zip What skitls, training and exnerience do you possess for WIB membership? I have a back�.round in vocational education and have served as the head of both Minneapolis and Sc. Paul Technical College. I have experience in de- velo�intt educational oro�rams for adults and vouth and have served in a leadershio role in cuseomized traininR- I am presently servin� on the Saint Paul Workforce Develo ment Council. � Len�th of initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: B Yes C1 �10 12amsey County and the City oI Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program Workforce7nves1menl Board (WIB) Cnte; ory Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. PIease indicate, on the reverse side, the category or cate;ories you can represent on the �VIB. Mail or Fax }•our WIB Nlembership Application to: :_ Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - Counry Board, Suite 250, 1� West KeTlogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota .i510? (Fras: 6�1-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-801 �}. Applications neusi be received by May 12, Z000. We will hold Rvo orienta:ion sessions for members who are appointed to the WTB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). �Ve ask tliac members attend one of [hese ttivo sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calenda:. We e�pect chat applicants wilt be officially notified mid-June on the status of their zpplication. Thank you for your interest. two-yeaz X TLe tnfnrnurtiore nn d+Er upp/icrt�ion wifl be used 10 evaluate mad select members njUze WlB. Applican�s lrtay reJuse to srrpplv 1he reqrcested iejorn:a(ioir. Ercepf fer voiunlary injorn7atioii, hnwever, tlre jailtrre 7o complete �6e rspplicarion n+ay restrlt iir it bei�r; d'ucarded. 7'kis Jatn nmy be reviewed and used b�• Ranuey Caufry and Saint Puut staff. Tke datn ort tlzis pa;e «nd ike reve�se side is pubTic arul, tt�erejore, rsvailabte m the pnblic For Office Use only Commissioner Discrict Plannin� Districc Council City Council W2rd Aprit 3. ?ODU (OVER) G Departmenc of Housin� and Urban Developmens MRY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PRU� TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i06 - Consofidaled Program Workforce Investment Boa�d (WIB) tllembersl:ipApplication 00 -LG9 Private .F+:formatia: Name: Donovan SchvichtenberR Place Of Employment: St. Paul Technical Colle�e Work 235 Marshall Avenue St_ Yaul 55102 Street County Zip Telephone Number: (Work) 651-221-1364 (Home) 612-938-0227 (FAX) 651-221-1416 E-Mail Address: Job President Personal T2eferences (include azea code) � 1) Name: Hocaard u hm n Address: 1300 Norwest Center; St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone:�Home) (�Vorkl 651-222-1801 2) �2me: Richard AnfanQ Address: sc Paul BuildinR Trades Council• 411 Main Street• St Paul Minnesoca 55t02 Phone:lHomel (Workl 65i-224�9445 '4Vhat are your reasons £or wanting to serve on the WIB? I have an intezest in helping all members of our societv become emploved in ¢ood jobs I believe it benefits the individual their families eaplovers, and ^ society My reasons also are goals of St Pau2 Technical Co11eRe. I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the new organization. Oprional: In an attempt to ensure thzt Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, lcno��led_e. of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluniary. x White {Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islznder American Tndian oz Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: � Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ I�Io Tf specia! accommodations are needed please specify:, The i�:fannation on tiris app(icatiou �vi!! be used m evaturrtr u�td setecl rreenrbers of the WI.B. Applicnnts utrry reJuse �a srrpph• rlie reqr�esred injormutialr. Grceptjor vo�unrury• injornurtiort, howeve�, t/ie jnile�re to complete tlre applicatiom m�y result in it bein„ discnrded. 7Yiis drt(tt nray be reviewed aed used b}• R�uruey Counry ruad Sain[ Paul slnff. Tl+e dara o�i rtris pave is pffvate. _ Aprit �!. 2000 MRY-12-2000 08�48 ST. PAU� TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i07 Consofidafed Program Workfa�ce Invesiment Boar�! ({3�IB} Category Descripiions J� S c h►�� �h �rn bt �- OD-/.l If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please atfach a nomination letter to your annlication as described belotiv. _ - _ --- -- - _ Business, defrned asjor profrr (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associaiions - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating ofFcer, and other executive or empioyer with optimum policymakin� or hiring authoriry O Represent business with emptoyment opponunities that reflect the local area Also please indicate if you repcesent: O large business O smali business (fewer than SOQ emptoyees) Comm:rniry-Based Organi>ations, defined ar nonp�ofir organi=arions: G Representative of communities or significant segments of communities providingjob training ❑ A�ency serving youth G A�ency serving displaced homemakers O Union-rela[ed organization ❑ Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serviog nonreservation Indian and tribal government L] A�ency representing veterans G Agency representi�g individuals with disabilities � Ocher: Economic Developtnent Agency: � Privace Sector ❑ Public Sector Edtrcarion (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local education2l entities - attach your nomination ]etter): Cl Local educational en[ities (includin� K-12) G Local school boards G Entities providing adult education and literacy activities �Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Other. Labor G Nominated by recognized state and/or tocai labor federation5 (attach your nomination letter) One-Sro� iVorkforce Center Pnrrners (defined as the partners that carry out the followin� activitiesJpro�rams): G Adutc, Dislocated �Vorker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (W1A Title I) D ❑ G ❑ O C� ❑ O G ❑ ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Adulc Education and Liceracy (WIA Tii(e Il) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Wetfare-to-Work Pro�rams (Socia! Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational a�d Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) and 2�3AF"1'A TAA (Trade Act of 197� Title [t) Local Vecerans' Employment Represenutives and Disabled VeteCans Outreach (Title 38. U.S.C.) Commcinity Services Block Grant Department of Housin� and Urban Deveiopment Sta[e Unemplopment Compensation La�vs (in accordance with applicable federal la��•) MRY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.04i06 Donovan Lee Schw�chtenberg, Ph.D. oo - c�g G621 Biscapne Boulecud G12-221-1364 (QC�osk) Edina, Mianewta G12-93&9227 (Home) Leadership Acknowled�ed high enecgy wich a cleaz zecotd of efieccively managing change in a numbez cf oiganizauons. Demonsteated lesdaship in 6sca1 managemenc, sezvicc to busincss and industxy, pxoblem idenriEication aad resolution. Collegial maaagemenL sryle which identifies high e�peccarion fzom smff and faculry wich rUUlu for che benefic of smdenrs. Available [o all memben of che College and respecced foc his leadership thzoughou[ Minaesota State Colleges and Univezsiues. Professional PresidenS St Paul Technical Gollege, St. Paul, Minnesota (Maith 1990-Presenc) Experience Pcincipal, Emccson Aiternative School, Minneapolis, Minae�ota (1959-1994) Pzesident, Minncapolis Techzucal Gollege, Minneapolis, Miancsota (1982-1959) P=incipal, bfatshall-Univetsiry High School, ?vlinaeapolis, I�Tiaaesota (1979-1952) PrinciPal, Ftanllia Junior High School, blinncapolis, Minacsota (1978-1979) Principal, Ramsey Ninth Grade Cencet, Minneapolis, Minnesota (1974-1978) Assistant tu East Acea Superincendent, Minneapolis Public SchooL+ (1973-1974) Assisrant Pcincipal, Central H�h School, Minneapolis, I�finnesoea (1972-1973) Assistant Prinupal, Ramsey Juniox High School, hlinncapolis, Miraesota (19G9-1972) Adjuncc Ptofecsor, Univexsiry• of btinnesoul, Minneapolis, Minnesota (1969) Neighboihood Youth Cocps Coo=dinacoz, Souch�cesc High Schonl, lVest I-Iigh School, Cenual High $chool, Minneapolis PubGc Schools (1966-1969) Project Administretor, Opezation Read+aess, United States Office of Economic Oppocmniry Community Education Dizector, Nor:heast Community Center, Minncapolis, Minncsoca(19GG-1968) Vorational Coordinacoz, Washbum Fiigh Schonl, Minneapolis Public Schools (19G4-]966) Teacher, Vocaaanal Evening School, Mi=meapolis Public Schoo!s (1960-1965} Teachez, Cencral High School, Minneapoli5 Public Schools (2960-1964) Uniced States Army, 19�7 Bank Tellez, Sc Clair Siate Ban}:, St Clair, Minnesota (19�6-19>'� Educacion Doctor of Philosophy in Educauonal Administndon, Walden Univezsity (1978) Specialist in Educational Adminisczarion, Univecsity of St. Thomas (1980} Mascer of Science, Cu=riculum and Insttucdon, Universiry of i�tinnesota (1968) Bachelox oE Suence, Business Educauon/Social Smdies/Businas Adminiscrarion, biankazo Stace Univcrsicy (1460) MRY-12-2000 08�43 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.05i06 Dissertarion Topics Membe=ship and Leadership (Pastand Pxesent) � s�w� c.k�ev�be� A Smdy oF thc Effecrivencss of che Subsdcute Tcachers ia rhe Secondary Schools of � 0 �� `9 I�finneapolis, Minnesota, 1998 Paresit's Opuuons of Decentcalization in the �nneapolis Public Schools,19S0 Minneson Technical Collegt Presidena' Ascociaaon, Past President Minnesoea Technical College Presidencs' Assouarion Finance Corcrsccee, Pasc Chaicpezson Minnesora Technical Colleoe Presidencs' Studeac Services Committee, Past Cha:rperson blinnesou State Colleges xnd Univttsities Chanccllo='s Search Ca-nmit�ce Minnesoca Scate Colleges and Univezsiues Inceri.m Chancelloz's CouncIl of Presidencs I�Ieaopolitan Educaaonal Tclecommunicarions Nenvork, Treasur� Saint Paul Tech Prep Coasoztium Highec Education Board E:ccluded Administrarors Task Fozce Minnesota Srace'Z'echnical College Pxe>idents' Associa¢on Humaa Resoucccs Cortunittce I�finnesota State Technical College Presidents' Associa¢on Lc�isladve Conuniccee Minneapolis Public Schook Principals' Fon�m, Past Pcesident Minneapalis Public Schook Ptinapals' Fonun Negotiaang Comr.inee, Chaizperson Encironment and Enetgy Resource Center, Diteccor Willmaz Communiry College Presidenu Seazch Comrnitcee Uniced Way of Saint Paul Communiry Tniriaaves Volun[eu Comr.utcee Saint Pau1 Public Schools North Centcal Evaluacoc Anoka Technical College North Centnl Evaluator Saint Paul/Roseville School2o Wock Partncuhip E�ecudvc Com:niuee Ciry of $aint Paul Woikfoxce Devclopment Council Eaccuuve Conmiccee Saint Paul Rocary Red Wing/�nona Technical College Piesidencal Seatch Cammittee, Chairperson M�tro A=ea Two-year Collepc Planninb Gouncil hfulu-Culmral Genda Disabiliry• Faii F:ducadon Advisory Board Saint Paul Public Schools Supetintendent's Council National Vocauonal Association Minnesots Vocational Association Minncsoca Laboz Hlghez Education Couricil UA�Y�/Fozd/MnSCtJ Training Cencer Committec, CooLdiaacoz MnSGU Bienrual Commitmenc co Institutions Cawniccee, Chairpcsou MnSCU Skill Bascd Txansfec Committee, Chairpe:soa MnSCtT Persor.nel Plan Advisory Commitcee Edina Public Sthools Volunteex e MRY-12-2000 08�43 Membezship and Leadetship (Paatand Present) ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.06i06 �. .SC�1uJi C��'tl�-b U Scaffocd Collcgc (Englancn-St. Paul Technical College Professional Erchange 00- (�(�q hSid-Minaesora TelecoaLmunicatioas Consortium Winona Technical College State Evalua:nr Sinc Paul Area Chamber of Commuce Midvrap Chambex oE Commexce h2inneapolis Associacion of Secondary School Pcincipalc Minneapolis Kiwanis Minnesora Associarion of Secondary PrincipaLc Tw-in Citie� Development Group, Director Mn$CU Program aad Sccvice Alignment Planning Team rnTOi a AF �n i rc�cu _� • cD b I Y'r.UL r�Hi\h t lu & c��N 5 _ � Consolidated Progrnm Workforoe Investtnent Bourd (WIS) Membership Appl'uation Private Injormation 65:2293314 P.2Gia4 RECEINED 00 -tG9 M AY 2 5 2000 N�� HARRY MELANDER � L� Place ofFlnployri7ent: ST. PAUL BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COt3NCIL Work 411 MAIN ST, �r206 ST. PAUL RAMSEY 55102 Stzeet City Couttty TelephoneNumber: (Work) 651-224-9445 � 651-426-540B (�:� 651-224-9783 E-Mail Job Business.Representative Personal References (include azea code) 1) Name; Dick Anf Address: 411 Main St, #206, St. Paul MN 5510� Phone:(Homel 651-457-7691 �Work) 651-224-9445 2) Name: Bernard Brommer AddTeSS: 175 Aurora Ave., St. Paul MN 55103 Phone:�Homel �� 651-227-7647 What Are your reasons for wsnting to serve on the WIB? I believe I can voice Labor's concerns and bring a practical yet workable consciousness to the board. Optional: In an attempi to ensure that Board represemation reflects the makeup of our communiry, lmowledge of the fallowing informaHan is helpful, However, oompletion of this iafosmation is volurrtary. X OJhite (Caucasian) Hi c Black Aftican American S � � ) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Esldnto Other Male: G9 k'emale: Q Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No IF special accommodations are aeeded, please specify: 77ee injorm¢rinn nrt tkis appdkatlon w!U be rased to evaluale aad select mem6us af the WIS App[icants �nay refuse to supply tl�e requested injormcliem �cept jar vo[uniary inforn�ation, howevu, thejaiture Jo Complete fha cppU�atlnn may �esu1[ tn !t being discarded. Tli'u data may be ►eviewed aed wed by Rmnsey County and Saint P�l srujf. T6e data nn Uris poge !s private n�.:�e oMn znnf� Tf7T01 P LVt S3Q5'21,L �NIQ'II(Ifi ESG6 6ZZ TS9 k'�'3 Z6:60 .�'03� 00/ZZ/SO , r;nr-rr��e� :5:G5 ST PA.�L PLRNNItiu &-CON 6512283314 P.03iO4 Consolidated Frograrn Workf'orce Investment B'aasd (LVIB) M � /_„, fe�" +CategnryDescr�pfions �ar�� ���`� Do-t&q if you sre applying for Busiuess, Education, or Labvr posiiions, please attach a nomination letter to your nnnlication as descrihed below. ___ ,� - Business, defrned as for-prafr (nominated by local business otganizations and/or business tiade associarions - attach yaur aomination letter}: C! Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other exeeurive or employer w�th optimum polioymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business wiih employment opportunities that reflect the local area ALso please indicstte if you represent: O large husiness O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Community-Based Urgan�ations, defined as nonprofi! organization.s= C1 Representative of communities or significant segmentt of cammunities providing job training O Agency serving youth 0 Agency serving disptaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization OI Employer-related nonprofit organization C] Organization serviag nonreservation Indian and tribal government Q Agancy representing veterans O Agency representing individuals wich disabilieies Q Other: Economic Developmen�rtgency.• O PrivaYe Secior O Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutians, or organizations representing such local educationat entiries - attach your namiaation letter): � O Locai educationat entities (including K-t2) C� Local school baerds O L'ntities pmvid'rng adult education and literacy activides ❑ Postsecondary educationa� institutions ❑ dther: Labor � I3ominated by recognized state andlor loaal labor federations (attach your nomination ietter) One-Stop Workforce Cenrer Partners (defined as the pam�ers that carry out the following activities/pcograzns): ❑ Adult, Dislocated �Vorker, Youth, Job Corps, Native Ameciean and Veterans' W orkforce (WIA Titte I) 0 Wagner-PeyserAct ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title d Yocarional Retiabilitation (FtehabiIitation Act Tikle I) d ❑ Q d Q 0 0 Q Welfare-to-Wark Programs (Social Securily Act) Senior Community Servica Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocarionat ¢nd Applied Technotagy Educ;aaon Act) Trade Adjustrneat Assistanee (TAA) and NAFTA TAA ('['nde Aet of 1974 Tit�e Il) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Vetersns Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant � Deparcmcnt of Housing and i3rban Development State Unempfoyment Compensation Laws (in accordance with appticab(c fcdcrat Iaw} i,ni-ir^�uv� 1��cY 51 YHUL YLHNNINV $ ECLN �ansotidated Program Workforce Investmeitt Board (WIB) Merrsbsrship Applicafien Home F3ARRX MELA_'`DER 716 PARK AVE Street rsr�mo�nz City Witat sldlls, isaining and cxperience do yvu possess £or WIB mesubership? see attached Length of initial term you are interested in; one-yeaz Are yon a Veteran?: a Yes �] No oo—��q tiVASAINGTON 55115 County Zip t�VO yeat x We witt hold hvo orientation sessiotts fnr melnbers who ara appoiated ta the WIR. These sessions Fue � Thursday, .Tune 22 (8:00 to 10:OQ a.m.) or Tuesday,,�utte 27 (1:Q0 to 3:00 p.m.). We aslc that members attend one of these rivo Sessions. Pleese feserve these dates on your aslendat, We expeci that applicants wilt be offciallynotified mid-]une on the status oftheirapplication. Thank you far yonr mterest. The tnformation on rhts applicalinn wti! 6e rtsed ro evaluafe and seleet members of tlie {f7B. Apptleanrs muy refuse to aupp(y 16e requested ldfomratinn F.xceptjor voluntary informatlon, however, t��e failure [o camplete !he applkaelon may result in it beiteg d'ucatded Thisdatamaybeteviewai!¢nduaedbyRamaeyCou»tyaadSalntPaxlstajJ. 77iedataonthiapugeondihereversesids Fs pvblic and, fkutfore, evnilabte ta thepubTiF For O�ce Use only Commusioaer District Pienning Dishict CouacIl City Cwncil Watd 65122833.4 P.0?/24 �pril4, 2000 (OYER) Ramsey County and the City nf Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent varions categories as detailed an the Consotidated Arogram Workfarce Investment Baltrd (WIB) Category Desctzptinns form ou the reverse of this page. Please indicate, ott the reverse side, the category or Categories yon ean represent on the WIB, oo-�`g Harry D. Melander Jr. 'li6 Park Avenne Mahtomedi, Minnesota 55115 PRORESSTONAL EXPERIENCE: ST. PALTL BUII,DING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL Business Representative t1997-Present) * Responsible for the legislative, community, and education agenda for 29 affiliates Create and coordinate all School-To Work, minority recruitment, gender balance efforts in St. Paul SOUTHERN DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CARPEIVTBRS Community Outreach/Pr ocram Development (1994-1996) St. Paul * Responsible for recruitment effort with the minority community and efforts to create gender balance in the trades Program coordinator for (PAX) Program For Apprenticea6le Youth. Budget design/Program Administration * Developed and coordinated St. Paul Central's Building Technology Academy � MIlVNESOTA STATEWIDE DISTRICT COINCIL OF CARPENTERS (1986-1994) ST. PAUL, NIN Human Resources(Training(Reseazch * Develop persounel policy for staff and affiliates * Participated in negoliations and grievance proceedings �` Managed the budget and fmancial regulations of the organization, and it's benefit plans * Czeated personnel training programs for staff/memhers Ca -c �9 i�Ielander, age 2 " Provided direction and leadership for a harmonious CommunitylLaborManagement relationship within the construction industry throughout Minnesota * Prepazed and presented press releases for organization MCGOUGH CONSTRUCTION (1984 -1986 ) ST. PAUL, MN Construction Layout, Carpentry Responsible for the placement of commercial structure, and their components in relationship to azchitectural specification * Provided traditional cazpentry duties EASTERN IOWA COVIMUlVITY COLLEGE ( 1978 - 1984 ) MUSCATINE, IOWA Building Technology Departrnent Instructor of Building Technology Classes * Provided leadership for one of three major divisions within ihe coilege * Instructor of Construction Engineering and Building compliance classes "` Responsible for the construction and maintenance of campus-owned proyects, including single family homes and campus instructional facilities * Negotiated instructional staff contract, handled grievance proceedings �DUCATION: DEGREE PROGRANI: University of Wisconsin - Stout 1977 B.S. TechnologyBducation ADVAI�CE STtTDIES: University of Minnesota 1986 University of Oregon 1987 ba-CCQ Melander, page 3 . VOCATI0�IAL: Minnesota Departinent af LaborlDivision 1 g7g of Voluntary Apprenticeship Program, Carpentry CIVIC PARTICTPATIO`'� * St. Paul Workforce Development Board * St. Paul Urban League * 916 Foundation " State Commission for Nat'I & Community Svc * Phalen Corridor Initiative / Founding Member * Twin City Housing & Redevelopment Coip. * Washington Co.Boud of Adjustment Chaitperson '" Washington County IiRp., Chairperson * Mafitomedi Park Commission "` University of M�7 Labor Relations Advisory Boazd * Washington Co. Planning Commission, Chairperson * Weatherization Reseazcfi and Ptoduction Inc. Chairperson * Mahtomedi School District Transportation, Technology Committee * Governor's Commission for Affordable Housing in the 90's (1998-1999) (1997-1999) (1996-1999) (2994-1999) (1994-1999) (1995-1999) (1995-1999) (1996-1998) (1998-1999) (1995-1998) (1992-1996) (1988-1996) (1989-1994) (1989-1994) {1998-1989} ��C DO�NTOWN ST•PnUL F"ax�o5129�130o Pp� 11 'GC 14�43 Consolidated Program Workforce Invutment $oard (A�IB) � Hone Address: Street Memberskip Applicafion � c�ty P. OZ � a- 6Gq Countp Zip �Vk?at skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? T 1�1-�Y�rF .k�6£aI /hlUoC.�iF�J t.�iTl"-/_ i�1r U �'2 i � Are you e Ve;eran?: O Xes �9,No Ramsey County and fhe City of Saint Paul are recruiting inditi•iduals to represent various categories as detfliled on the Consatidaterf Pro�ram iYorkforce Investment Board (Ff'I$) Cate,ory Descriptiotrs form on the reverse of this paae. Please indicate, on fhe reverse side, the categoz'y or cafegoYies you can represent on the SVIB. .._ . .. . .,.. . . . ,. . . ; .. . : • � �.; ylx�l_orFaz you[;WlB,1Vleinb"ers�i A lic'afion;io>;� ..;:. '� `- . p..PP ,. _ .. .., �cr:: ,.. -.. ._., .... . . ., ._ ... ... � . . . .. .. . . . . . . , . . . . . .. � :..c• .. .. . .. _ . . ; .,....... .. Bo»nie JackeFen,:�Chief Clerk = Counry Board, Suite:254,".I.i ti�%�st Kellogg 2oule•iard.Saint Pkze1, M:'nnesbtn �5102 (Fax: GSI=266-,8f139; Pnon2: 657-265-8014); Appficutioris ritkst he.raceived by May IZ, Z000. : .�/ We �viil hold t��o orientation sessions for members who are zppointed to tFe �'liB. These ses,ions zre � Thursdav, �une 22 (8:00 to 1D:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, 3une 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). 1Ve ask t11at members aCend one of these rivo sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendzr. ��'e expect tliat applicants tvil] be officially r,otified midJune en the status o:`their apptication. Thank y�ou for }�our interest. Tlre information on tkis applicalion wifl be resed Yo evaluate anAselec! members ojdee ll'IB. ApP�icaxts nray refuse to suppl}• dJe teguested injonantioe. �ece,pt jo� ruluntrtry inforno¢tion, however, Ore failnre to cnmplere rhe applicalion naay resu![ in ir beine clisca�ded. This data may be �evi:wed and used by Ramsey Cow7ry and Salnt Pard staff. 17re datr+ air t/iis pnge and i/re reve�se side is public und, t/leiejare, available lo If+e public. ti µ,,� y� Canmissiones Distcict ��d Apri14, 2000 Fo� o[r.�� Vs<o..�y Plannin� District Council Ci.y Council Ward (DYE� E.-/T"tt-EiC Length of initial term you are intzrested in: one-year � two-yexr � WFC DOWN7�WN ST•PRUL Fax�6�129�1306 Ppr 11 '00 i,-�5 �. � Cot:solidafed Prooram Workforce Investment,8oard (WIB) Ck1Eo DP.}% DESCT!)JIIOtIS r. w �$R.�l�t �� uz 60 . ��e� If you are applyina for Susiness, Education, or X,abor positions, ptease attach a nomination letfer fo your, defined as for profit {nominated by local business or�aniza[ions and.+or business r,ade associations - attach your nomination letter): � Business owner, chief executice ot operating officer, and othe: executive or employcr with optimun poticymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business wi[h employment oppoRunities that reflec[ the loca! area Also plelse indiczte if you represent � large business O small business (fe�tier than 500 emoloyees) Commtenity-EnseelOrganizations, d fned ns narsproft nrganiaotions: ❑ Represen[acivc of communities or sienificant segments of communities providin; job trzinin� O A�ency serving youtn ❑ A�ency serving displaced homemakers � Union-related or;anization O Employer-related nonprofit organi2ation Q O:gznization servina nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ Agency repre;enting veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals witn disabilities ❑ Other: Economic Developmenl Agency: O Private Sector d Pubiic Sector Fducation (nominated by cegional o^ local educafional agencies, insti[utions, or or�2niza:ions representin� such Ioca1 educational ent;cies - attach }'our nomination letter): C� Locai educational entities (includin� IC-12) U Locafschoolboards d Er.tities providing adult education and lit:racy activiiies O Postsecondary educational institutions � Other: _ _ _ _ _ Zabor � 1�'orr.inzted by recognized state and/or 1oc21 labot federations (attach your nomination lefter) One-Stop Workjorce Center Pariners (defined as the partners thzt carry out the foliowin� >ciivities/pro�rams): � Adult, Aislocated 4Vorker, You;h, Job Corps, �ative American and Veterz�s' R'orkforc� (WIA Ti.fe i) '� Wzgner-Peyser Act ❑ Adul� Education znd Literzcy (WIA TiYle II) ❑ Vocations� Rehabilita;ion (Rehabili,ation Act Title I) ❑ Welfare-to-Work Programs (Secial Security Act) ❑ Senio: Community Service Emp(oyment (Tit(e V o,`the 01der Americ2ns Act) O Postsecondazy Educatson (Carl D. Perkins Voc2tiona; and APP��ed Technology Ecucation Act) ;B( rrzdc Adjustment Assis�ance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197=t Title !I) � Locat Veterans' Bmployment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Titic 33, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Depaztmcnt ofI-tousing and Urban Development �( State Unemploymcnt Compen�ation Laws (in aecordance tvith applicable federal law) � WFC DOWNTOWN ST�PAUL �ax�6512971306 P,pr 11 '00 i4:4� Consolidoted Proa ram Wor�force Investment Saard (FYIB) Memb ersh ip Rpplication 2�rivate Information f�mP• ��� I/ � �� U �✓ ,�fJ � P1ace ofEmploym2nt: (/U/U11� tvor'.<Adcress � �Q� ��� P. OC Oo-GCq uul � r .4u c_' �. t�� S 5T _ C�� Courrfy Zip > , /l�m sFj s s�oi Telephone Nnmber: (Work)GS/-77g"-s !o G J (Home) �' (FAX) G�/ - � �9- SG �/6 G5/"��� GS/ -R9'7 -'�06 E-ti1ai1 Address: /Yl h/' u n Ko c✓ � n m tz l�e5. S7 mn. us Job Title: ��G�O�iI�L //If�?'J�}C�� -" �$% ///��C� Persona] References (include arza code) 1) Name: < 2TH dll���zr Phone:jHomel '-"' 2) Name: ��C'-X ��/t���f Arlr�rPCC• �7� No�rf� 'ID�J�T Phone:(Homel 1' .sisG�y�rc, 1�1 J 53 !o� (Workl GS/- 029� - (o0( % � ,/JRtirc, I�I.✓ ��o {Work] �S/ a9� -1� 9� Optionai; In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup o� our community, know�Iedge of the follow•ing information is helpful. Hoti�ever, comgtetion of this information is voluntary. � White (Caucasiaa) Hispanic $lack (African Ame:ican) Asizn or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskzn Eskimo Othzr __ _ __ r�ale: C]. Female: � Disabled: � Yes �No If special accommodations are needed, p!ease specify: �U Ylre injurmaiion u�: iltis application wi[( 6e uSed to evatuate aridselecr members oJthe lVIB. .fpp(Icanti muy refi�se to supply 1lie iequcS[ed irt�ormatlart, ,Eccept for voBmtary injurmarinn, Goweveq Ure jaile�re to complete U+e nppiicarlon muy �eserlf in It behr� discarded 7his dnln may be reviewed and:esed by Ranssey Carnly anJ Suin1 Partl stnJf. TJte dr�ta an dris prrge is privule. Apri14-, 2000 -" -'--_ .'--"-__.._....,_.. . ....... � ., ......_,_..w.....•.....�.._ ............... What ue your reasons for wzntir.g to serve on ine WIB? ,Mf�Y-12-2090 09:44 LIFETRACK RESOURCES 651 227 0621 P.02i06 . Consolidated Psogram Workforee Investment $aard (WIl?) pp � Memberskip AppIication RFCE{VED MAY 1 5 200a Name: 3ohn Mohr HomeAddress: z315 Timber Traii, Maplewood, MN (Ramsey, County) 551L94YOR'SOFFICE Street City County Zip What skilis, tnining and experience do you possess for VdID membership? See attached sheet 1 Length of initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: I> Yes t� No two-year X Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuats to represent various categories as deiailed on the Consolidated Progran� Workforce InvestmentBoarri (WIB) Cafegory Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the't�IB. lYIai1 oc=k'az Bonnie Jnck ssioi �'cn: 1 =za�`6=aot�r):" . We wi!( hold nvo orientation scssions for members who are appointed to the wIB. These sessions aro i� Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members , attend one of these nvo sessions. Piease resecve these dates on your calendac �Ve expect that applicants ��i11 bc officially notified mid-Iune on the status of their application. Thank you for your interesi. ...� . � .•. . o:__....r'._.'_.....:nL_..��J�.._._!.._�....-J.,.I,.n/...w...Fn.<nlILa1Y7R dnn/irnnleiwnv�e(ncvfnaunnlrlS:r •MRY-12-2000 10�08 LIFETRRCK RESOUftCES 651 227 0021 P.BGi90 , c,ansouaatea t7ogram Workforce Invesimeni Board (Wl'B) Qa _ ��q Cafegory Descripfions `�� n � � � 'V ICyou are applying for Businus, EduCation, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as described below. Busrners, defined as fo�.p�af� (nominated by local business orguuzarions and/or basiness trade associatioru - attach your nomination letter): 0$usine5s owner, chief executive ot operaring officat, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority � Represcnt business with emp(oyment oppottururies that reflect ttie Iocal area Also please indicaze if you represent: O large business O small busir.ess (tewer than 500 employees) Co�rtntunity-Based Organizations, defined as nonprofit organizadons; � Representacive of communities or sigiuficant segments of communities providing job training :. ■ • �� Agency secving youch Agency serving displaced homemakecs Union-related otganizatioa Employer-celated nonprofic organizarion Organizarion se�ving nonreservarion Indian and tri6zl govemment Agency representing veterans Agency reQresenting indiriduals with disa6ilities Other: � Econon�ic DeveTopmentAgency: � Private Sector 0 Public Sector E'd«cotion (nominated by regional or loca! educationa! agencies, insritutions, or organizations representing such local educationai enaaes - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Loca1 educational entiries (inctudin� K-12) ❑ Locai schoot boatds � Entiries providing aduli educarion and literacy acriviries ' � Postsecondazy educacional utsritutioru ❑ Other: Labor d Nomir,ated by recognized state and/oc locallabor federations (attxch your nomination letter) 0�7e-5top Y3'or�force Center Par[ners (defined a� the parmers that car,y out the fol!o«1ng acrivities/programs): 0 Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, 2r'ative Am:rican and Vet:;zns' Workforce (WIA Titte i) ❑ � G � v d ❑ � a Wa3ner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literaty (WTA 7i[te 7� Vocarional Rehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Title n 1�'elfare-co-Work Programs (Social Securiry Acc} Senior Communicy Secvice Employment (Tide V of �he O(der Americz� ?,c.) Postsecondary Educarion (Cazl D. Perkins Vocarionai and Aop(ied Techao(ogy �ducarion Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197; Title II) Local Ve[erans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Oureach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Communiry Services Block Granc � Depanmen� of Housing and Urban Developmenc � S�a[a Unemployment Compensation Laws (in aaordance «ith applicabl_ ied�ral !au•) MRY-12-2000 10�09 �IFETRaCK RES�URCES 651 227 0621 P.05i06 _ Consolidated Pragram i3roskforce Ixvesimenf Board (WIB) Membership Apptication 0p _ � Private Information �ohn Mohr PlaceoFEmployment: �-�fietrack Resources (formerly St. Paul Rehabi74tation Center} Work Address: �09 University Ave. W, St. Pau1, Ramsey County, 55104 Street County TetephoneNumber: (Work} 651-265-2340 � 651-730-8592 �� 651-227-0621 E-MailAddress: �ohnm@lifetrackresources.orq JobTitle: Chief Executive Officer Yersonat RePerences (include area code) 1} Name: Andy Boss Address: 2247 Hendon Ave., St. Daul, MN, 55108-3545 Phone:{Fiomel 651-644-3545 �y 651-523-7807 2) Name: Ellen Watters Address: Midway Chamber of Commerce, Spruce Tree Ctr., Ste 4, 1600 UniJersity, �55 Phone:(Home) tiVhat are your reasons for wanting to serve on ths WIB? See attached sheet 2 (Work) 651-646-2636 Op[ional: In an attempc to ensure that $oard representation reflects the makeup of our community, kno�v(edg: of the foltowing information is hetpful. However, completion of this infortnation is voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Biack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Fiispanic Asian or Pacific Isfander Other `1ate: � Female: d Disabled: ❑ Yes �J I�To If specia] accommodations are needed, please spe�ify: The ir jormarion on tk+s application x•iIt be aseQ [o evaluate and selrct rnembcrs ojlhe li'IB. Applicaats may �ejuse tv sup{'i� rrqwrated injarre.ation. ,FxceQl f Of VOIttR�elj' tHf armation, 6o.�ver� the failu�e fo corrtplete the applicatian �nay result in it b: dG�carded ifris data may be reviewed and used by Ranctry Counry and Saiat Pau! atajf. T6r data nrt thLr page it pri �'�r�• .a,ri1 =�, ?OOU fiHY-1G—CC✓VJ iC•ela Attached sheef 1 �. a r c� Rr..,r� ��co�.v�� What skills haininc and exverience da vou oos5ess for WIS membershin� Oo-G`9 I am the CEO of an organi2ation which last ycar placed in employmrnt over 1,000 persons who had challenges to employtnent such as welfaze dep�ndency, disability, lack of English language sldlls, and lack of work experirnce. I understand the needs oi low income, challenged job- seekers and lead an organizstion that has demonstrated superior resutts in helping such persons attain employment. At the same rime, I understaad the needs of employers for dependable employees, and the fact that their needs as customers must be met in tho workforce azenz. Our organiurion successfully worked with approximately 300 employcrs in the past year; in addition co job placement we have provided employers with on-site soft s4d11 naining and consultation concerning a non-�aditinnal workforce. Addidonally, I am the past President of the Midway Chamber of Commeroe and in that role gained valuable experience in understanding the needs of employezs for assistance in the rec:uitment and retrnHon of good employees. Lastly, while T have a good understanding of public wor}�'orce policies and progams, I am deeply inierested in reform that wili lead to more effective use of resources to �uly meet the needs of both job-seeker and employer customers. I am interested in helping lead innovarion that is needed in che workforce system. John nl�hr MAY-12-2000 10�09 �IFETRACK RESOURCES 651 227 0621 P.06i06 Attached sheet 2 What aze vour reasons fot wanrine to seive an the W�? I want to serve on the WIB because this is a crirical time when major change in the wnrl�'orce system needs to occur and is possble. The time is critical partly because of welfaze reform and the clock that is tickiz�g for people to become economically self-sufficien� It also is a cxirical time whrn employers are experirncing labar shortages and fhe growth of the local economy is dependent on an adequate world'orce. Significant change in the workForce system is possible because thae is a growing local awazeness that the current system has performed inadequately; merger of the cicy and county systems also carries the potential for a new and more effective spproach. I bring a valuable set of experiences and a suoag desire to help make a much more effective system tt�at beteer meeu the needs of etnployers, job-seckrss, and the economy of the community. �}ohn �Y1ohr 00-C`q O TOTRL P.06 __05/11f2000 13:27 ^ 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CORPS I PAGE 04 1 Home Conso[idated Program i�i!orkforce Xnvestment_Board (T3'IB) Membersh+p Application 5treet City Wk!at skiils, uainin� and experience do you possess for WIB membezship7 .i �__��,.. _� 11,.0" 1 l��-1� `-�C- �1G taX).�( �,L'�,rn,� t� �t?N��-'���.. L ength of initial tecm you are anferested in: one-year � A*e you a VEter�1?: �l Xes �� oo-��q . • i ►, 1�i �- '+i 1 � ��►� lt �. ► �` . �� . � ♦ a.t, 1�_, ���- . �� . , � .[,� �,t)Y�� two-year � Rxmsey County and the Ciry o£ Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent detailed on the Conso(idated Program Workforce L:vestnsent Board (Wl'.8) Category the reverse o£ this page. Please fndicate, on fhe reverse side, the category or categ< on the �V�B. . .. .. ... ... , :.. ... . �:.. __ ,�. Mail or �sx,your W1B Metnk�erstizp �ppnca Bonnie Jacke[en, Ch.ief Clerk.,:.Gounty:�oard,= 5510? (Fax: 6.i1=266=8039,'.Phone:: �� � • �� 1 _ n51n (�n 9lntfl�A 1 . �us categories as :riptions £arm on you cnn represent We wiil hold two orienxation sessions for members who are appointed to the NI$. I�ese sessions are � Thursday, June 22 j8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (Z:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask that members attend one of these two sesstons. Ptease reserve these dates on your calendar. We xpect that applicants will be officially notified snid-June on the status of iheir application. _ ____.....,.Y_ __...._,e .,,�..,.a,�...u. Thank you for your interest. The Irifonnatior: on rkis npplicalion wr!! be r�sCJ 10 evaluate mid select menebers of tlse WIB. Appl�� nn n:ay rejuse to sj�pp�Y �Jfe requested injormation. E.ecept far oottm[crry informafion, however, U,e jniL�re ta co+nplere rke npp cntion muy �¢suk in it being discanle�l This data may be revtewed and used by Ramsey County und Salnt Pauf Staff. Th¢ dQta On fiis page itnd Uie reverse Side is publte and, rlterejore, availnb(e to !he ptrbtia ` ' For Office Use only Conmissioner Districc Pfanning Disfrict Counci! Ciq� Coun�il Wazd April A. 20QU ��V'e� _ fl5/1112000 13:27 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CORPS ' PAGE 02 � O � �i �i � Consolidafed Psogram Workjorce Investment Bnard (H`Zg) Mernbership Application � � � Privafe Information Place of Work Stree; c��v Work �l��t"y`X.� �Home) � - �� Telephone Number: ( ) 3 hhh v„�� ,�Y,,,��. c�� E-Maii Address:_�_ , „ . , _ 3ob Title. Yersonal References (include azea code) 1) Name: G .i_ n . 2) Name: Phone:( 'omel � 0 ��Q��" t � IG,t P What are your re�uons for wanting to serve on tkae WIB? , „ - —r tn„o � Optiaza[: In an attempt to ensure th2t $oard representation reflects the makeup of o of the foliowing information is helpfiil. However cocnpletion of this information is .� White (Caucasian) Hispanic Btack (A&ican American} Asian or Pacific Islanc Ameriean Indian or Alaskan Bskime Othex Male: O Female: � Disabied: Q Xes �1 No If special accomuiodations are aieeded please specify: , knowledge The ii:jormntia� un tleis r�ppticafion wi(( be ris¢d ro evaluate and selet! tnenzbe�s oJfh¢ WI6. Applic�n�s muy refi�s¢ to supply tlae requestet! information. Exc¢pf jor volunlnry injarmntlon, kowever, thejniture ro comp!¢te Uee nppll� a[i07t rriay resuf111t i1 being dlscarded. Tl�ts data may be �eviewed and used by R�+msey Cawiry anASaint Pau1 staff. The dnla o' tLis prrge is private• { Aprit 4.2U00 __ 65/11;2889 13:27 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CORPS I PAGE B3 , - oo-�Cq ConSnlidated Program Warkforce Investment Soard (t�IB) f C�� • i �— `� Cniegory Descriptiolts � � ducation, or Labor pasitions, please attach a If you nre applying for Ausiness, � sonlic�tion as described belo�v- Brtsiness, defined as for-prof t (nominated by local business organizations and/or business attach your nomination letter): p Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or err policymaking or hiring authority p Represei�t business with e�nployment opportunities that reflect the local area Also please indica[e if you represenC O large business O small business ('. Community-Based Drganizations defi+ted as nonprofi organizations: O EZepresentative of communities or significant segments of communities ❑ Agency serving youth p Agency serving displaced homem�ers d Un�on-celated otganization ❑ Emptoyer-related nonprofit organization p prganization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govecnment O Agency representing veterans d Agency representin; �ndi� iduals with disabilities O Other: Economic Devefopment Ageney: Q Private Sector U Public Sector Education (nominated by re�iona( or loca( educational agencies, institutions, or lecal educational entities - aYtach your nomination letter}: ❑ Local edacational entities (including K-t?) Cl Loc21 school boacds p Entities providing adult education and literacy activities p Postsecondary educational instit�tions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ Nominzted by recogni2ed state and/or local tabor federations (attach your n Dne-Sto ti3'orkforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the fo!(owi' � Adult, Dis(ocated Worker, Youth, 1o�s, N�tive American and Veteran: O Wagner-Peyser Act ' 0 Adult Education and Literacy (W1A Title II} (] Vocationa4 Rehabiticaiion (Rehabilitation Ac[ Title I) ❑ WelEare-to-Work Progrzms (Social Security Act} O Senior Community Service Employment (Titie �' of the Oider Americans A O Postsecondary 6ducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technob ❑ l'rade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197�1 p Local Vetecans' Employment Representacives and Disabled Veterans Outre ❑ Communiry Services Block Grant ❑ pzpartment of Housing 2nd Urban Development O State Unemp�oyment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable f letter to �'our associations - with optim��m than 500 emptoyees) job uainiag repcesenting such lettet') ; acLivities/pzograms): Workforce (W�A Title I) Education Act) e [I) (Titie 38, U.S.C.) law) JUN-01-2000 08�51 RAMSEY COUNTY MRNAGER 651 266 8039 P.05i0? • .' . , , _ � . :. .. _ '..: � .. :. oo.-LGq -: - .. : . , ; -: :.. �.; :::,.:.. ; , ; . .._ .. : . .. :...::.::� . ; � • � �. ;,- . - ' ;� _ , .:..: `:�C'a�iio�JatedPrngiaiiti!!oFkf'aicelfi�?�st+�ieift-Bodfil`(f3?Bj_ - . . . • _.. ... ° . :;3: .... ;MerieEersisip�l'P.&�ction':..., . . - _. __ ,.. ... , , z.�-'J . . , � . -_ . • . , _ - .- - • � - � � - - : � �.'e�' . '.L��,�."e1�z' -. � _ .. _ _ ' _ � . . .��;;;�= t����•�Z�2 _ . - . .. : . � . - . , , _ .. :.. ; .. =::--, ..:. .... ._ f -. . � . .: Fiottie 1►ddiess - l - > ` •�s'rf.S� �,i.l? .' ' �v�rn �,�a �; 5 t'�ri��rili-' -�`y �7 t?_ - .: ,: , :: ; � � •..: . � , _ _ � _ . . - . • - .�. ...•- = _. � - - ".. � ' ' � � � _ COIYG - - � . � . . - ' $t[E� : � • . .. � � .. . .. �/:=�''' ?.�.. • ' - - _:, ,.., -'.-` ' ". - '- �".. • ': . . , . . . _ , . - .:: ,_. ..- '.+...,,� : .....: : ...:.:. . .. . . � � . .::.^ Wliat sld.lT�s;•iraining�a�3" ezperience do yoii posses,s for WIB iirembersFii}i2 � . •. . - '" l -- Z`F�c'�1-E':d �',t,�t�� �� �Chflr �1k � �aoS"'CH+t�.�'��Y c_�P.��C'�..`ln.�Q 1�..�7G-.� � � •`��.. ..1�`�u'_ ''S� co��Q .: 1�3 6'� �'te-�Y����JGQ�-�-w:C.Qw "@.�i?itr4l'''P��..-'i;x�^'�=e5�: .��v� . � ... .. , , . .. ,.. . : . .p,� ' . 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' , • -. !`;Coi�russtoneiTSisx�ci:':;;c .,�P1iQni:igbiruia�Counc�7 .'Cityfaiincti.ylax8'�.�' .:. . _ �. _ _ 3:t•� '. .' _ . . . , . � . -• � , . ...`'n' '•'ZOQO',. - � . . � . . ' (7: `� ' � , .. �idg, •.� E'E`R1- _ �: . ♦ .. a �i .. _ .. �]i��. ... �} . . . . r � �. r . �T� �� . . ... .. .. . �' � .. �.... ' . . . . " � JUN-01-2000 08�52 RRMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.06i07 . Consolidatedprogram Workforce Investme�t Baard (R?B) Membership ffpplicariort � (,(,� Q 1� Aivatelnjorntation dp • � G9 . n r!ame. �vK�� � �`U lK'X'e U � . , -. . =P3ace of,Employmeitt-_ '��. ' Q �lI' _ �-' ��9'6� � -f�' �n. ," - .-. - : �= - - . . ��:vwo��aa�;.��= :� �f': ���' ��, `ST'� ���� �Z�1�riS�I �s �_ � '.; : _� �treet _ , � .. �. . . 'City,,�_� :Couflty _ :�p . _ _ :-_:.� .' . 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' . ' . .. , . �� .i : � � . .. . ' .. . _.•,%':!�Vfiat are. Yaw;[q3son.s�or.wantiagrto serv� o� t}ie W3$? �. '; „ �,-� �k�c�s�'r�}�' ''�Y�.�PE�=.,c..� S �< ,�_-��� ��s,:o�ss:t�L.� �� •�e�4e�se;�� , -�... . •:}�,�_:r� .: �t: � •'°..n . ...n°._... :. . . . � '=::50 ' � " ,'.� � N �:.-. . .� �.es., '.,,` ...i •� • R . : .� v s� � .� � �_ , i : � ;. : �;:; . �,�, : 1T5.�!.� �' ,. - ....f ., .._ .: ,_ •�' .C?ptioniQl; �ri aa: attempc to ensure thai Board represen2ation reflebts the inakeup of our communiky, kiiowledge �= of:the follov±zn,g•iirf'orcziaYion is helpf'vt. � Hbw'ss�er, complet;�d of this info'rnadon:is voluntary , / k • •-,, '.: °✓: �Vfnte;(-G�.a.casian�. • " `.. ., ' , , . ,. ;. . ._ . . - .. ,., : ' . . . ). � •. "F#ispariic: . ': ••. , .. . : : . ,: , :. . . � ' .:. �. 81�ck. .At'ncan tlmerican , � ,, � , � . .. . , . . t . _ . ) : ,, .:. . ' � A:siat[ orPaoi�tc.IsJaader . : . :: , :: . ._ . . . _ ... . . ., ..<.. =� :: . . . . . . . � Other • �`3+�fate:. � �� � Disabled' D�Ycs i10 . : • , � , " • '� . . . . _ _. :�, . . . ,:.. ;�:. .. � . . , � ' : : ..- ...:. . .. .:. �, . .. •-._- :, • - � � ' I�'sPecia} accommodations'ar� fleeded� glease specify: : . � - ' . , . �: . � • .; � ; �..';- : bei�sed�ta'e'v6l�afi an$sE?ca1"irr�:be'r"s ojrbc'i�'IB< ;.I ,, . . • --- . - ... Ts�baY'rts � . .. � - --. _-- �..... �..�..c..xyc..,.cs�vpy�.tcaJ�f�7.(,p)f�J ��t��.F•�.APf114.2Q00 ' � . . . .,, ZD/ZO'd B6[SEZZI59 'ON Xd� PR., Ieayrefia'etosuPPYtke the jetlirri ta ovinpldetkea�ptscoFoer rnoy.rea+rft lir Ftbeurg r"?dSairPY'i'awl.s��; 3 �TredataAaYkispageispisv'ate; ; • n�txo�.nd �aoa �wa�ss,tio a3M oo-te-��u JUN-01-2000 08=53 RRMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.0?i07 . ' . . ' . . �.IJ ltiCl.�f , .,- , . � . Coasolidated Progtam Workforce Iitvcslme�it Bo�d (T�YIB) 00 - G (.q <: C�egory Descriptions • IS pou are apptying for Bnsiness, Education, ot Labor posi6ons, pleasc attach a nomination lettcr to your -• a lieation as desuibed helow. '�' '' �.$usinus, defined as,�or-profit (�minated by Iocal buginess orSanizaaons andlor business tzad� associations - atfxch . • yow'nomia3tion letter): a Business uwner, clrief executive or opecating officer, and othec executive or employec with optimum . • . policymaldttS or hiting autlwcity . ' D Repzesent business with employmeM oppomuuties that reflect the Iocal azea •,- '' Also please indicate if you represent O large business� O small bvsiness (feweT than 500 employees) .. Con�muniry Based Organiza6oru, def�ned as nortprofit orgarusations: .. �epteseatalive of wmmuniries oi Significant segments of commvnities ptoviding job trainittg �p AgencyseNingyouth ' , ' � O Agenay servistg disp�aeed homemalccrs Q Unian-relamdorganu.ation � ❑ Employer-related nonprofit organizarion O Organi7arion serving ndnreservation 7ndian and tribal govemment p Agcncy representing veterans •:• t�� Q Agency representing iridividuals iLith disabilities - O Other. £conomiel?avelopmentAg�+ay: � � Private Sectot �Public Sedor l:ducation (nominated by regional or local educauonal agencies, ins6tunons, or organizations representing such local • educarional entitics - attach yous nomination letter): • Q I.ocal educational cnfities (induding K-12) ' . O Local school boazds Q Bnuties providing adalt educarion and ticeracy acrivities ' ' � C1 Posuecondary educational iastitutiens Q Other. Zcbvr ' Q Nominated by reeogiized state and/or local labor £ederations (attach your nomination letter) One-Srop Workforce CenterPariners (defined as the parmeis that carry out the following acrivities/programs): �dult, Dislocased Worker, Youth, 7ob Cocps, Nauve American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title � t7 Wag�er-Peyse( Act . Q Adutt�ducarionandl:iteracY(WIA7idel� O Vxaflonal Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act 7itle � � Welfazo-to-WozkPrograzns (Sacial Security Act) Senior Camsnunity Service Emploqment (Iitle V of the Older Americans Act) � Postsecoadary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Educarion Act) • p'I'cade Adjustment AssistaTtce (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 ?ide 1� - p Tacal Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veteraas Outreach (Side 38, II.S.C.) O Community Servius Blxk Grant .__ . ..., ._..__i.�_..... TOTAL P.07 �- Consotidated Program Workfarce Investment Board (Wl8) 00 - C 6q Membership Application Go w�� ✓.� �{� Are you a Veteran? ❑ Yes �S No SS� OZ Zip Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program R'orkforce Investment Board (YVIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Thank you for your interest. The information on this applicarion will be used to evaluate and seled members ofihe WIB. Applicaxts may refuse fo supply the requested information. Ercept for voluntary injormation, however, the jailure to cnmplete the applic�ion may result in it being discarded This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Paul staff. The data on this page and the reverse side is pub[ic an� therejare, availa6le to the public Home Street City What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB Membership? For �ce Use only Commissioner District April 4, 2000 Planning District Council (OVER) City Council Wazd Length of term you are interested in: one-year _ two-year � Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) OO -`(� g Cafegory Descriprions If you are applying for Business, Education, or La6or posifions, please attach a nomination letter to your apnlication as described below. " ' " � Business, defrned as for (nominated by loca! business organizarions and/or btisiness trade associations - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other execurive or employer witfi optimum policymaking or hiring authority � Represent business with employinent opportunities thaY reflectthe local azea . . Also please indicate if you represenf: O lazge business Communiry, Based Organizations (defined as nonprof t organizarions): � � Representative of communiries or significant segments of commiuvries pro4iding job training • � O Agency serving youth , � • ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers . . ❑ Union-related organizarion ` ❑ Empioyer-related nonprofit organizarion ❑ Organization secving nonreservarion Tndian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities �Other: S �ac,( fi c �flu4,n RN Economic DevelopmentAgency: ❑ Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational enrities - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds ❑ Enrities providing adult educarion and literacy activiries ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Other: [ ••ir ❑ Nominated by recognized state andlor local labor federarions (attach your nomination letter) One-Stop Workforce Center Pariners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activities/prograzns): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Narive American & Veterans' Worl�orce (WIA Title n a i ■ ■ ■ Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Tide In Vocational Rehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Tifle n Welfaze-to-Work Prograzns (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Educarion (Cazl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAF'TA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Titie 1� Local Veterans' Employment Representarives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Btock G�ant Department of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensarion Laws (in accotdance with appticable federal law) O smalI business (less than 500 employees) Consolidated Prngram Woskforce Invesfineni Board (WIB) Mtmbership Application _ Privatelnformation 00. "o� Name: J O✓� �1 � h�' z rMa �n r Place of Employment: WOrk �uU` l�.a r �i c t ��+.P 60 d .. `� �� r. `n'� � Telephone Number: E-Mail Street City County � Zip (Work) Co S I -2ti 2- loti�I2 (Home) �SI - 22y - oS�t q(FA� <oSt - 2q S-�lL58 Job Tide: � Q Gc.r�1v'fL �irn, c� r Personal References (inciude area code) 1) 2) Name: Lt�..Q+ncQ.fQ� k�OS.S Address: Phone: (IIome�, [eSt- o4�t -' 3S�1 �_ Name: Phone: (Homel G �S�- 7 35'- 23 SR (Workl CoSI- SZ3 " 7c`3v� Address: �Ot� Tt�.�.S�P c- ,�.4. S� PG�-� What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? . r. , r. � � ., _ � . � . .nn . i�• �� M� �el ��R�� oF 30 w�.a�e 5�}ea�.� v�eed5 .� �O o�r Gtie�Fs. Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge o the following information is helpfui. However, completion of this information is voluntary. � �_ White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male:)ffi Female: ❑ . . accommodatio�s are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific The injormatian on this application will be used to evaluate and select members of the WIB. Applicanis may reJuse tn supply the requesYed information. Fxcept for voluntary injormation, however, the jailure to camplete ihe application may ruuk in it being d'uearded Tl�rs data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey Couxty and Saint Paul stajf. The data on ihis page is private. .S- beli.PvQ �/i�S .2x�kr�2vul2 w��l 1net,� �nn� cdv�rd��-Q �xj -{4�,e 50�.1� ,� a, s000 o� 'f�.� C�-� — CD ✓�-�-1 W D �iF�--�o�c2 �v �P�x'� ��c� r� . SAINT twU L � AA�A oO ���1 Applicants Sought for Positions on the New City-County Workforce Investment Board March 29, 2000 For Immediate Release Saint Paul Mayor Norm Coleman and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners are seeking applicants for the new City-County Wori�'orce Investment Board (WIB). The City- County W 1B wi11 replace the currently-separate Saint Paul iVori�orce I?evelopment Councu and Ramsey County Worl�'orce Council. The newiy-formed City-County WIB will develop a comprehensive countywide strategy to meet the community's workforce development needs under the new federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. The City-County WIB will provide oversight and policy direction to the newly-consolidated City-County worl�'orce development department. Potential citizen volunteer members should be residents of, or work in, Ramsey County. Individuals selected for this first WIB will fill one or two-year terms; thereafter, terms will be two years. The WIB will have business/for-profit representation of at least 51 percent. WIB members will also represent the One-Stop Worl�'orce Center partners, such as the 7ob Corps, Job Service/Unempioyment Insurance, Veterans, Rehabilitation Services, Title V 01der Worker Programs, Welfaze-to-Work Programs, Adult Education and Community Service Btock Grant Programs. The special City of Saint Paul-Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board application is available by contacting Bobbie Crancer at (651) 266.8001, or The special application will aiso be available on the City and County websites ( or as of Apri13, 2000. Completed applications are due as soon as convenient and should be mailed or faxed to Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk-County Board, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Suite 250, Saint Paul, MN 55102 (fax: 651.266.8039). For more information, contact Terry Zurn at 651.770.4497, or 00- GG� `Vorl:force Investment Board (tiVIB) Fact Sheet The Consolidated �Vorkforce Investment Board (tiVIB) is bein� created as the central ptannin� authority for fundin� under the �Vorkforce Investment Act and shal[ commence its activities on July 1, 2040. ' To the extent possible, the Board appointments should be at an upper mana�ement level in order to communicate to the community the importance [his Board �vill have in shapin� workforce development in Ramsey County. �,VIB members shall reside in Ramsey County, be employed by a Ramsey County employer, or pro��ide services in Ramsey County; membership terms �rill be one and two years for the first year, t��ro years thereafrer. All aciivitizs will be done in partnership �vith the County Board and a ne�vly-created County department, including: � produce a strate;ic plan, identifying trends, emer�in� issues and appropriate strategies, that inte�rates the departmenYs programs; . assist ihe departinent in implementation of thz strategic plan; � seek out and apply for other funds that will levera�e private and public workforce investments; � de��elop en[repreneurial strate�ies for financin� the provision of u�orkforce services and implement those strategies; > de�•elop a budget; > appoint members to the �VIB youth council and dzvelop �nd appro��e a}•outh service delivery system, based on their recommendations; � coordinate �vith local economic development initiatives; � provide iaput in he:,r govem.r=een! ��tiliaes tax dollars for employment R trainin� efforts; � assure that �vorkforce development services are deli�•ered efficientl}� and effectively. E�pectations for �VIB members include: be an active participant; attend the reQularly-scheduled meetinQs; �vorkforce development services in the employer communit} «•iih le�islators on «�orkforce development issues �s requested. Ca�taet Terry Zurn a! 770-4497 for more injormatiat on d�e TYIB. � \_ � _ � ��� � Council File # C�O— ��,� k'tJS���� � � \ Green Sheet # `� � g �.S Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of z the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the a City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). 4 5 6 � s 9 io ii ia 13 14 is 16 i� is 19 zo zi z2 23 24 2s 26 z� as 29 30 31 32 Appointments Michael Chanaka Joy Evangelist Daniel Galles Richard Hanson Louis Henry Richard Krohn Rolf Middleton Michelle Ott Kathleen Pinkett Shelley Rose Mary Schmitz Ellen E. Watters Joy Wise Davis Richard Grigos Eng Herr James Smith Lorrie Louder William P. Lynch Donovan Schwichtenberg Harry Melander Mary Brunkow Jon Gutzmann John Mohr Charlotte Strong Jerry Blakey RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Representing Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Economic Development Education Education Labor One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner Elected Official Expiration Date June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 3une 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 po-G6q �, Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date p p Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ����,� Approved by Mayor: Date VV� Z� l�v04 By. Ci�� f� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . � ���-C. /�/ �` " ° "�,�f " — (�p-CGq Mayor's Office pNTACT POtSON 8 PFiO1�E Lucia Lebens 266-853 IUS! BE aP7 COIRic�Lnc,H�DA BY (OATq July 12, 2000 �,E�,m 7-19-00 wrt TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET No 104895 � � oB�..�rowccrae anw�ac� � anwtrowEr ❑ arv�tac ❑ wuwy�scau¢rsuw. ❑ wurcu�mreuccra �wvael�uonum ❑ (CUP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving appointments of Michael Chanaka, Joy Evangelist, Daniel Galles, Richard Hanson, LouisHenry, Richard Krohn, Rolf Middleton, Michelle Ott, Kathleen Pinkett, Shelly Ross, Mary Schmitz, Ellen Watters, Joy Wise-Davis, Richard Grigos, Eng Herr, James Smith, Lorrie Louder, William Lynch, Donovan Schwichtenberg, Harry Melander, Mary Brunkow, Jon Gutzman, John Mohr, Charlotte_Strong and.Councilmember Jerry Blakey, by Mayor Coleman, to serve on the City- County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION OF TRANSACTION t SOURCE (IXPWN) tias mic rR�� ever workea under a contract tor mis department? YES NO Fias ihis P�eaMrm e�er been a dly empbyee9 YES I� ooes mis oe+soMrm vwsecs a da� not norma��ra�ssed nr �n wm.m cnv en YES NO Ia this peiedJfirm a tarpeletl ventloY! VES � CAST/REVQIUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO d0-�GY 'j CITY OF SAINT PAUL sso c�r> xarr Norm Coleman, Mapor IS West Kellogg Bou[evard Saint Paul, MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom FROM: ��� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments o�'Michael Chanak�oy Evangelist�Daniel Galles, Richard Hanson, Louis Henry, Richard Krohn, Rolf Middleton, Michelle Ott, Kathleen Pinkett, Shelley Rose, Mary Schmitz, Ellen Watters, Joy Davis, Richard Grigos, Eng Herr, James Smith, Lorrie Louder, William Lynch, Donovan Schwichtenberg, Harry Melander, Mary Brunkow, Jon Gutzmann, John Mohr, Chariotte S4rong, and Councilmember Jerry Blakey to the City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Councilmember Jay Benanav Counciimember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Ma or Telephone: 612-266 85 7 0 Facsimi[e: 612-266-8513 DATE: July 18, 2000 � �.� �� i�- w RE: City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) � L ��� f ,-�� Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals and copies of their applications. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Terry Zurn, Workforce Investment Board Staff � naY'-31-2000 i2�03 SAINT PAUL ARER CHArHER Coxsolidated Program Workjorce Irtvestaeent Board (WIBj Membership Application Privat¢,frtfOrmalion Nazne: Michael J. Place of Employment: Northem States Power Company 512 223 S1I9 P.02i05 ChQhaKA oo-GC� Work Address: 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis Hennepin Street City County Telephone Number: (Work) 612-330-bb71 (Home) �_„(FA.X) b12-330-7935 55401 Zip E-Mail Address: CHNMOI @ NSPCO. com Job Title: Manager, Corporate Reciviting, Staffing, Tes6ng & Assessment Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: C�nttua L. Lesher,Ptesident NSP Gas Address: 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401 Phone;LHomel 2} Name: V � , .� . Address: Phone:fFiomcl jWorkl What aze your reasons £or wanting to serve on the WIB? I was recommended as a candidate bv C L Lesher President NSP �as Opdona� Tn an attempt to ensure that Board n�presentarion reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge cf the following infomiation is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. x White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (Afi American) Asian or Paeific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: x Female: Disabled: a Yes x No Tf speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: N/A at this time Tbe infor,narian on thi,t apptication wlll be uud lo evdLOte and srlect members ojt6e fi7B. Applicants may reJuu ro supply r8c reqWCSred rofornearioa Ezeeptjor yoJuntary iejoin�aftan, howwery the jallarc to complcte tbc apyTitadox moy resu11 in it being discarded ?/�ir dala nray be reviewrQ and used by Runuey County asd SaintPaa! srajf, The data oa diu page is private. Apri14, 2000 r�aY'-31-2000 12�63 SRINT ?RUL ARER CHAMBER_ 612 223 5119 P.94i06 Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) o o- G 69 Category Descriptions ���,�L� you are as described below. or Labor positions, please nttach a to your Busercess, def:ned as for�rofrt (nominated by local business organiurions and/or business trade associetions - attech your aominafion ierter): 0 Business owner, chief executive or operating offices, aad other execurive or employer witb optimum policymaking or hiring authority x Represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local azea Also please indicate if you represent; x lazge business O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Comrnuniry-Based Organizations, defned arnonptofit organizations: ❑ Representarive of commuaities ar significant segmeau of comxnunities providing job traiaing � Agency serving youth 0 Agency serving displeced homemakers ❑ Union-related orgaaizarion O Employer-related aonprofit organizadon 0 Orgaz�ization serving nonreservation Indian and uibal government Q Agency representing veterans O Agency representing individuals with disabilities O Other:_. �Economic Development Agency: 0 Private Sector Q Public Sector Education (nominated by tegional or locel educational agencies, institutions, or organizarions representing sueh local educational entities - ettach your aomination letter): O Local educatiaaal enfities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds � Entities providing aduit educatioa and literacy activities ❑ Posuecondary educational insriNtions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ Nominated by recognized state aad/or Iocal labor federafions (attsch your nomination ietterj One-Srop Warkfo�ce CenrerPa�tners (defined as the pariners that cazry out the following acuvities/programs): O Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Narive American and Veteraas' Workforce (WIA Tifle n ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act 0 Aduit Education aad Literacy (WIA Tide In p Vocatioaal Rehabiliwrioa (Rehabilitation Act TitIe T} O Welfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Titic V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Peddns VocationaI and Applied Technology Edacation Act) ❑ Trade,Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1474 Tifle In O Local Veterans' Employment Represeatadves end Disabled Veteraas Ou�each (Tifle 38, U.S.C.) 0 Communiry Services Block Grant 0 Depaimient of Tiousing aad Uzban bevelopmaat Apri14, 2000 Sei£0'd 6£08 992 SS9 ?�3�JHNHW A1Nf10� .135WFi2i S0:£S 0002-5£-.ltlW nAY-31-2009 12�04 SAINT PAU� ARER CHRMHER 00-6�5 Consolidated Progranr Workforce Inveslmenr Board (WIBj � Membership Applica�ion Nazne: Michael (Mike) J. Chanaka Home Address: 8807 Kilbimie Teaace Brooklyn Park S�eet Ciry What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? k'1�e see attachedsesume Length of initial term you aze intaested in: one-year ? Are you a Veteran?: O Yes x No Ramscy County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Coxsolidated Program Woikforce Itrvestmenf Baard (WIB) Category Descriptiores form on thc reversc of this page. Please indicate, on fhe reverse side, tl�e category or categorzes you can represent on the WIB. _ . . ;... .,. . . . Mail or Fax your WIB Meaibershl A:,`cahon; to:.. .:. .. _ �, ,.P PP�.- ,.s _ . _.. , . . .... .. . •.. ... •. ..: , -. , , -.. .. ; Bonaie .Xnckeleii Chief Clerk - Courry Board,'Suite 230� IS Wesr KelJogg BouTevard, ,Saini Paul, Minnesota 55102 (Pcu: 651-265:8039; Pboi+e: �6S1=ZG(r8b14J: AppGcctions must be rec,eived by May.IZ; ZDDO. . We will ho]d [wo orientation sessians for members who are appoimed to the WIB. 7hese sessioas aze T'hursday, Jnne 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday,lune 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask that members atteud one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We expeet that appiicanu will be officially no�ified mid-June on the status of their applieation, Thank yoa i'or ynur iaterest The injonnadon on H�is app(ieation rvJ!! bc resed to tva/�tate and Selecr members ojthe R'I� Appficanls moy rtjuse to srrpply tbe reynesMd information Except jar wlnntary infonreatiee, 6owever, tl�e jailn�e ro camptete the appllca6oe rnay rawk in it beirrg discarGed �'his deta n�ry be �evtewed aed used byRaersey Coa�uy and Sainr Paul staf(. The deta on t/�is page and rbe revene side Is pxblic and, therejorg available ro �he pablia two-year ? 612 223 5119 P.05i@6 Hennepin 55443 Counry Zip For Ofiice Usc only Commissinner Disaict Plenuing District C,auneil City Council Wazd Ap�l 4. 2000 S0ib0'd 6£08 99Z S59 213�JFiNtiW 1.1Nf10J 1,3541t� 50:�L 00az-S£-.IFJW S0'd �Fi101 Michael J_ Chanaka aa- G�Y CI�-�-�-�-- 8907 Kilb:mi<1'erace Minnts polit, Minneson SSa43 Phane 612330-667 � Fex 612-330-7935 � E Meil CHNMOIQo NSPCO.cOM SKSLL5(AHILSTIES/IQIOWLEDGE/EXPERTZ9E Hwnan Resoucc� (HR) Leader wich over 2a years of uperience in busiaess. Exseasive «perieoce & laaowledge in HR: sorategic HR consulting; workforce rclatons, philosophy & policy development; discipliae; workforcc s�affing/plsnniag; busiaess eonsulcing; perfoimance managemear, lrnowiedge maaagemenr tesuucnuin�Jrcorgaaization; metger �eams; diverairy sttategy; problem resolurian; communication; pre-employmcat tcs6ng; cntpotate uaivecsiry metE�odology/designlimplemmtation; & HR u a"saategic business partner" tha� adds bottom line value ro rhe company. FTORlC HISTORY 1997_ Presenr ?eam Leader (Manager), Rerruiring, StaJfing. Assrssment & Terting, Norrhern Sta�er Powrr Compeny, Minneopolis. MN Lcad / manage etie design & delivery of all wmpany rec:uitiag, eraffing, workforce planning, reswcNringlreorganiudon, employmen� (EEO, ADA, e�c.j law complianee Bc kno�v)edge managemept stra[egies 1992-l997 Team Leadrr (Menager), EmployeeAsressment•& DeveJopment, Norther» Srares Power Company, Minneapolis, MN Led/maaeged thc design & delivery of a corporate univcniry, prc-employment testing, skilllcomp�tency assessmeat & dcvclopment, educauoe funding � Imowledge manegemcnt l990-l991 Rdm;nistraror, f3'orkjorceDrvcrrity & Emptoyee Relofions, Norlhern Stares Power Company, Minneapolis, MN Led/managed the desiga & deli�ery af compeay-wide disapline poliey / proceu, HTZ businese wnsulting, peer grievance resolurioa, FiR policy developmeudintecpretadoa, mediatianhhird pacty; workforee diversity cotporate spategy 1982-l990 SeniarEmployeeRelerionr Conrutrant, Nordrern Srnres Pmw Compaxy, Mi�neapolrr, MN Senior inremal HR eonsuttant ro company managemeat regerding ooipordte grie�ance process, discipline (unian & nan-union), workfo�ce relstions issues; & prnvided training faciliaaaa af numecans cuaiicula EDUCATION Bachelor of Scimce • Se Cloud State Universiry, 17I5 • Universiry of Minnesora Cerlson School of Management - I.�ading the Human Rcsouice Funetioq 1993 ACC�Z,I3E�NT3 • Desigaed � implemenud oompany-wide knowledge management strategy t6ac resulted in boaom line business impact (ie., up to SO% fazter solutions of technical probimu) • Plant Hreakthrough Project: Consuttod plant outage team resulting in $ I.5 million in praducuvity.gains • Implemented company peer group resolution process (interna] dnt process for non-unian emplayees) that resulced in litigaaon a+roidanee of ao estimated 3100,000. per caze ♦ Implemeated company Sraffia$ sdection tesring thst resulted in a firsr ycar cost nvings of $4�S,U00. (av estimaxd by our mcanal customers) SaiSF�'d FS'0B 992 i59 2139tlNtiW .11Nf10J J,35Wda 90:�t 0002—T£—J.dW�^ Scnt ; ;185 Con>dnlBS nay-26-20 19:07 fron 6126998922�651 266 BBS9 va9e i� 2 Conratideted Program WorXforee Xnvesernenr Boa�d (YYIB) �fembership Application 6 b - G�`� �IomeAddress: /�Sio ��mr.-• �'v��,e.F S r-c��-�.-f'fy SSf%E ' Street City County Zip What skills, trzinin3 and experience do you possess for WTB membership? �r. L'., i�-lSf. 'S� F'lrV-c*-l'Y� ��-r 4 "G t9'SS' f' "t�� !/��%'Ki�:'X'G!z( � .' / / '!,�' i? —c�' ✓�. � F Y� ��k c'� ! �' 2�� ' o/' '� � �' �.: t� �G'.!1 �/ � ��,.._ C/�`7r lC« �� ��' �t�� f� Length of initial term you are interested in Are you a Veteran?: O Xcs �IVo one-year_ two•year �� Ramsey County and ttie City of Saint �aui are recruiting individulls to rep�csent various categories 1s detailed oti the Cnnsolidnterl Progrron Workforce Invuf�rienrl�nard (WX13J Caregory Descriptions fo�m on the revcrse of this pnge. Ple�se indicate, on the reverse side the category or categorics y0u cAn r2p1'esent on tfic WTf3. .:) Yi':�� � . Mail or Faz your•�YIB Membetsh�p' Applicati�on toi ' '..: , .,`�>;'� ,. , . - � . _ . '�� ":�::;... •:: . � � =: s ;:-:.: : :'�:::a,�'s::�:: . . :�:_ . ,.,:. ,r �::- :�;_ . /3w�nie ;Icrckefe�r, Chre -. Coti��ty`Board,�Suite 1SO ]S WesYKellOg� B .iS101 (I�nx: 6S!-ZGG-&0�9; Phoni.�:-G51-266=8014). Applicntio»s nrust ba r'�crived by.Mny32,'1000:' •.. �Ve �vi�, hoid•h:�e-e:ientai%on sessio�s for �ncmbers who arc appcin::d tc die'.YIB, lbese s-ssions are � Ttnu'sday, June Z2 (5:00 ta 30:00 a.m.) or ?ucsday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:60 p.nt.) We ask tl�at members atccnd onc of thcse hvo sessions. PlcaSe reservc thcse datcs on }`our ealendar. \Ve expat ih3t applicants will bc af:lcially aotified mid-June on the staha of thcir appfication Tl�ank you for yosr intcresf. Tliu :r�jenr,nlinr� o;� [his epylicatiri� uif! bc usc•d ta evalunl� andst(cc( me�rrbcrs o�l�re WITi. �tpplicmds rnqv ra f«s� ro sr.p�t�•:}: raguesfcrl iuJarnrattP��. Et'ecpfJor vnlunfnry i�+fn�nrcdion, hu�UCVCr, tbr fnilnrc to eentplcte lk: npplicalion nray r¢suJ: in tt beir.z disca�deri. T'ki.c dntrrmay�hrrevicnueJnrrtluscdbyRan�seyCoun[y andSainlPaulstoJ� 7heda�aonlhispage i.� pubfic rr,rrl, d�er�fnre, availahle ro �hepublic. Foe OtFec Usc ouly Cocnntissioncr nistricl Planning District Council Ciq• Council Ward �rni ., .au�� (OV.GRJ JUN-01-20e8 10�22 RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 651 266 8039 P.02/04 61Z LL3 Jla7 r.uc+�+� MAY;3i-2,000 15�2a SRINl PHUt. �R �gE ^ Co�soGdatedprvgram Workforcelnvestment Board {W.fS) _ DO — G � `t MrmbersbipAPF��on w' Home stt�� Vyhat skiils, a'ainin8 v?d c�� �� ' t: .� . ... r� CauntY ����� � � � , ,,,, . � , . . ttl �>r1J�ar i�' i5 t� C i iL°,S "�`D"ir)uF�$'f /�J u� �gth of initial term Ynu are intrrested ia: onayeaz� rivo-year ..._- L�.!'Jr ATe Yan� a V�araA?: � Yes �No RamseY County aad the Ci1Y of Saiat P'aul are rccruf�ting )adiv,duals to xeprescnt variaus categ,orics ae detaited un the Con a 11dated� ���°on the reve� d tnc cat�gory or ca the zevcrse of ihis p g , on the'4ViB. .MsU or �ai Bonnie Jack 3SIt12`.(Faz� i: ' 1 We aviR hold two oritntation sasion9 tor members wLc are appoiated to the WID. These sessinns ere ?hutsday, Jane 22 (8:90 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tue9day. June Z7 (1:0� to 3:00 P.m.2 We aslc that memlx�s atte�d °ae °f th�se t�'° seuians. Pleate resetve ihe9e ddles on yout c2leadan We ezpect tbat applicaets wnll be officially mtificd mid Jime on �r�P e�s of their aovlicetion. � � T6ank You ior your i�tereat Tke f+Slo►+�atioe oa fl�iv ePPt'�°tion ru718e nsrQ io evd�ate aed seled a�e�nbas ojr6c if1� �eppfieancs eray re�icse to s�pply rhe ,�q,�.�d Mfo„�aao�.. ?�arjor whuua+9Woro+aOen, leaw�cve� tl�6Ja�ure ta mnpiete tLr �p7i�affon awY nsL)t tn it b¢iny �rde� T1Yly daut ��p' beieviewed aad wxd 6y Raiuffiy Corary and Sainr,�au! srafj. T7/e dam ow rhis pape a+rd Yhe reve�se side isprtWir. a�d, tf�ercjo.� avvi7obltW llupublia l �prit a �.000 j I JUN-B1-2000 �i�:, a P.03iO4 i S�" °a -6 c� to qouz [f yeu are appO�B for Business, Edueatiou, or 1.anor puo,,...,.a. r ----- - a pplicatioa ss descn'bed bclow. e mmiaated bY 1,oca1 bussncss arS��arions andlor business uade azs�ziatians - Business, defu+ed asfot�ptof� � attac6 Your aominatloa letter)- offiar, and other execnrive or employer with aP�um C� Business owner, chief exe�"�ve or opccadng po �y�ng orhiting authoeitY �efSe.ct the local area �j Repcesect business with csaployment oppacmnities tbat . ,4lso please indicate if yw �ep�e°t� 7t � busiaess O smsll business (fewer than 500 emp1Q?'e�) Cmnmynity-Basea Otgo»izations, defsned as nonp�of�t organizafions: ob 2rdinin8 p gapresentarive of cammuairi�s or significant sE�e°ts of eommunities Praviding S O Ageac.y serving Youth O A$��5' S�� �'9P�� bnmemalocts O Unioa-se]s�ed �� O Employu-rr7�ted noaptofit cr�uizaAom , � Orgenizerion serviag nenrae:vation Iudisn and�tn�bal Sp�+emment 0 Agmcy iepr��S vetarans 0 Agcacy repf��8 individuel9 wirh disab"dities i O Otbes: �conomic Development Agen Q �61ic Settor ❑ Privatt Sectaf ErJuearion (aominated by regio�l ��� 81�uwaonal egea�i�s, �tutions, or or�d� r�P�'°� � local cdurational entiues - Adath your nominatioa letter): Q T.ocal educational eutities Cmclvding K 12) , O Local school boardg aetirities O Entities pto'viding adult eduratioa aad litezacy f O PosrsecandaiY aducad°°e�'�h°t'°°6 I O Othar: j,a6or $�pach our unmination lettcr) O Nlomineted by reeo�nnized s�te and/or local labar �Aons ( y : I�Yor wce Center Partners (de8ned a, the Parmers ibat cazrY out tl� folloa�ing activitieslPr°��?}: OnerStop kj Tide I) p,,�au��, Dutoea�ed wozk�r >'Y��. Job Corps, Native American and Vetasns' Worl�nrce (�'`�� n wag�er-Peyser Act Tjfl 11) ' Q Adult F•ducarioo andLitetacy (WIA ' O Voeaaonal Relubilitation {Rehsbilitsrioa wctT'ttle n � 0 Wolfa:e-w-Wark Progams (Social Sec�ustY Act) cans Act O Seaior CoasmunitY Se�vice EmP1eYm� ('I'�tle V of tbe�� Oider Ameri ) O PostseronderY �du�auou (C`ul A. Perl�as Voearioaal afid AF'Ptied Teebnology Educati� Ac2} �,�� �j ,,��� (fpp) sad NAFTA TA,A� (7sade Act of 1974 Title Y� O Local Ve[aans' Employmeat Reptaentatives aad�led Veteraas Ou�ch (Title 38, U.S.C.) 0 Communiry Services Bloek Grant O Dcparnncnt of Housin% aad U�au Development i ��<-� I 10�22 RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 15;25 SR1NT P�1L Rr'2ER CHHI'wtK 651 266 8039 Conso&daudProgram 1�'ork�e� 1 � rrt�$Oard (WI�� CRteg n' 'I' C.� JUN-01-2600 10�23 M43Y-31-2000 15%?S RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 5A1NT PRLp_ RRER CHHMatrc Gonsolidaud Piogrum Workforee Invesement Boa►d� �n Men�bershipApp � Private I�lurmat�on L Place �� 651 266 8039 nauw.......�_- S�SCC� l.CJ� � Y'J� ��� TelephoneNumber• (wnrk)a€d-�-(Hame��-�lS7� (FA�-��59! 7 E-MailAddress: �vd e �� 5t• �� _ p¢rtonal Refercu�� tincludc e:sa cade) �� N�� en;se F�r�?� Aaa�es�: m ��� Phnnc�':s.. � � �St51 Q`?(i ��C� 2) Name: L c�! l� f�_-- / Address:.._.�m� l G,���_ j ,� �io �- � 8a ��s� �w�� �.�/ - � � - ��.�9 Opliona� In an attempt W eatv[e tf�at Boazd represeafshon ieAocts the malceuQ of our commumi7', �orrawb� of thc foliowing iaformation is helpfvL FToa+eva'. completion of this infocmaIIOa is voluntary. x White (Csucasian) Hispanic Asian or Yecific Tslander Bleck (Afrimn Aa�icsn) Other Americaa Iaditut os Alaskan Eslrimo . �— • Male: Q FeIIS�e: I?isabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No If speciai accommodatioas ate needed, Alease specify: THe iw fa.�wadm a� (his oyplicafion x�U! bt �oe� tn evaLtata awd xled Mcmbas ojd�c R'18 .(pplicanlf txay rnI� � s�ppl} Nie requested infamr�+orc �P�I� nnlnuary mjonnaLo+b ba»twcr, tde j�drse m oa nple/e +1m 9PPliOOmp a•ry resatr In i+ DainS tiscarled Tl� QoiK+�+aY be r�a"'�d and rrsed by Raarsey C°�+NY 01��1°t Paul staff: T7+a data cn rl�is page lr pdvmr� Apiil d, ]A00 TOTCU. P.05 S� po-CG`T - .• . TOTRL P.04 Sent les Con�anies �ay-26-08 19:07 fron 6126980B22�651 266 8259 Place of Employme Wock Address:! Telephone Number: E-Mai( Address: C Job Title:_Q��-,ti��.� Personal References (include area code) 1) 2) Name• ,�,�ffiG�i�c1sF Address:�_�� �,�. - 7� .s�'r�. Pnone•(HomelCC_�.- � o r9� What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? (Workl Cf �i 2 .�` Cs �`J� F' nptinnnl: In an attempt to ensure tha: Board representation reflects the makeup of our community knowledge of the followine information is helpful However, comp(etion of this information is voluntary. <-� White (Gtucfl.ier,) _ I31ack (African American) f�me�ican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male: f� Female: ❑ bisabled: Q Yes l�� Hispsnic Asian or Pacific Tslander Otiter If speciaf accommodations are �eeded, please specify:_ �� 77ie i� jurrrratiort mi tkis npplicatio�� wi(( bc used ln rvalua�c und select �rre�n6ers nJUm WI1J. Applicanu xiay rrjusa to sapply Ibe �eqncsltd infor�ation. Eacrp(for vulun[ory infnrnroCio�i, ko�+MVer, tbejaifu�c� m e0�rrp1elc (he epplicoliort may result in if bein; discrtrrlyd Ttiu d�da rreay be revirwrrt nnd Nsed by Ramsey� Counry nnd Soint paul staff. 9�e dafa on tkis page is privrtle. Consolidaeed Program Wor�force Investmenr 33oa�d (WIg) Me�nbership AppTication Privace Informa&on ; .� / �'�/i�� oa9e,�_2� 2 Oo-GCq �. Sfreet COUfI[y � Zip (work)��•s• � � 9�a .9a� (Home)r��-. .�90 • Y�o� ���4�'�� EpS-OS�� r Phone;�Tomelr r»•J G9c� . ?as {Workl �G5' � �z'?:�- `.',�'o �'9 � ''/� r i r� •'�Yr � t z c° c�.' �� 7cti+--L��t.oy�I � xw-. F�. . — r — L i � d� .lR.f - '�Y? E l��i� �a �,.�- _ � rCt�'a�>' i/�i.t ��� �- �s.%c �� 04i10 '00 10�00 iD�C�rii A=�A:RS FAX:651-737-3CE: PRGc 60-��� City uf Snint Paul-Rnmsey Cnunty T3'orkforce Znvestrnent Board d f= Membership Applicatinn Page 1 of 4 Name: Richazd E. lDickZHanson Place of F.mployment:3�1 Communitv Affairs Mailing Address:Bldg 59]-30-02, St. Paul, Ramsey, VN 55125 Strcet City County Zip T'elephonel�umbcr: (Work)¢51/733-8335 (Home)651/735-56R5 (1�AX)b5]/737-30G1 E-Mail Address: rehansonl Job'1'itle: Dirertor, 3Ui C;ommunity Affairs, VY 3M l�ound Rcasons for your intcrest in serving on thc \Vorkforcc lnvcstmcnt Board: 1 've served on the St. Pfiul PIC/\VnC_ for the oast four vears and have been instrwnental in renre sentin ihe private business sector and in the effori to comolidate the Citv & Countv ��'IBe To brin� cloeure to mv invol��ement 1 would like to snend one ti�eaz as meinber of the new WIA to h�ln orovid° continuity of leadertihip Mv ultimate Qoal however. is to hclo redesit;n our communitv emnlov�»ent svstem tc� eliminate the disconnects between emolovers and iob-seekers. Wha[ skills, trzininb tmd expzrience do you possess for Workforce Investment Aozrd l�Sembership? Private sector business ma�ia�ement as well as the linka��ee 1 l,ave helned build bctwecn busincss and the local �ublic and non-nrofit sectors involved in the emnloyment �vstem At the samc timc ! serve on the boards of the Saint Paut Area Chambci of Commerce Emnlovers Solutiors Inc the Communicv F.mnlovment Pannushin, and the iJnited �Vav of the Saint Patil Arca Length of term you are interested in: one-year 0 two-ycaz ❑ IIow did you hear abrnd thi; op2ning (include nominations) T�hrough the St. Paul tiVorkforce Development Council (OYF. RJ oo._`� 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�COrii1 F�FAIP.S FAX�651-737-3Co1 PA6E = ��cK. NaKSOh In an attcmpt to ensurc that commiticc rcprescntatio�i reflects tlie makcup of our community, plcase check the line applicable to you; this information is voluntary. O White (Caucasian) ❑ F31ack (African Amcrican) ❑ American Indian or Aiaskan Eskimo Male: m T'emale: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes D �Iispanic ❑ Asian or Yacific lslandcr ❑ Other Cx] No Veterans:O Yes ❑ No If special accommodations are needed, please sPzcify: PERSO�'4L REFEREIv'CES (include arca codc) 1) 1`'ame: Mayor Nonn Colem Address: City Hall, St. Phonc:f� - 2) Nao�e: T.arry Do�vell, Address: Saint Pau] /�rca Chambcr of Phone: Home (Workl � W orkl �Ve nre recruiting individuals to represent varioiis categories as detailed on the attachcd IYnrkfnrce In��e.crment Bnard Cmlegory Descriptions form. Please indicate the entegory or categories you can rcprescnt on thc WIB on this form �nd recurn it ++ith your applicntion. Mflil or Fax ��our WIII N1emUershi� Annlication to: Bonnie .Tackelc�i, C1:ief.C�erk, Counly� Buurd, Suite 150, I S{i�ect Ke(logg Botdzvard, .Saint 1'aul, �Yliiinesorcr 55102 (Fax: 651 Phone: �57-26G-8074). Appllcatlais rnust be received by May Il, 2000. For Officc Usc onlv }']casc notc that two orientation sessions will be held in June for members who are appointed to the ne<<� Cit: County Workforce Investment Board. The�e sessions arc 1'hursdey, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00) or Tu esdn)', June 27 (1:00 to 3:00). Ple�se jot these dates on your calendar at this time; w•e expect that applicants ��'ill b� officialfy notified mid-June on the status of their application. Commissioner District Pfanning T)istrict Council . Ciry Council Werd Tiie irijorn:ation i�icluded i�7 rhis npplicarrnn is cm�srdered private dala accurdrng t0 1he Minne.eoia Ciovernmenl Dulu Pructices Act. As a re.rulr. lhis infnrniatiwr is nut rrleu�ed !o tne �enera( puGfic. Me��cl+29, 200U 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�C07i7 P.~rFiP.S FAiC�651-737-3061 PA�� �iCk E'�0, N S� h a p_�,6`l Workforce lnvestmenf Board Category Descriptions Bcisiness (defined as private, for-pro6t businesscs): ❑ business owner, chief executive or operating of(icer, and other executive or cmployer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority O rePresent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local zrea Also please indicate if you represcnt: m largc busincss � small business (less than 500 employees) Community-Ziosed Organizalions (defined as privatc, nonpz•ofit orgauizations): CJ representative of communities or significant scgmcnts of communities providing job truininti ❑ agcncy scrving youth ❑ agency scrving displaced homemakers ❑ union-related organization � emPloyer-retated nonprofit organization ❑ organiz2tion scrvin� non-rescrvation Jndian and tribal government ❑ agency representing veterans ❑ agency representing individuals with disabilities Economic Develurment Axency: O Private Sector ❑ Pubiic Sector Gducatio�:: ❑ local educational entities (includins K-12} ❑ local school boards ❑ entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ postsecondary cducational institutions Lc�hor ❑ Nominated by recognized state and local lahor federations (O f'E RJ 04�10 '00 10�01 ID�C�rni AFFAIRS FAX�651-737-3061 PqG� 4 b� c K � One-S�op WorkJurce Center Purrners (defined as the parmers that cany out the following activi[ieslpro�ams): ❑ Adult, Dislocated �Vorkcr, Youth, Job Corps, Native American & Vctcrans' Workforcc (WIA "I'itlz I) ❑ Wagner-Peyser A�t ❑ Adult �ducation and Literacy (WIA Title II) ❑ V ocational Rehabititation (Rehabilitation Act "1'itte [j Db -c�� ❑ Wclfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Scnior Community Service Employment (Title V of thc Uldcr Amcricans AcQ ❑ Postsecondary F.ducation (Carl D. Pei•kins Vocational & Applied "I'echnology Lducation Act) ❑'l�radc Adjustment Assista�lce (TAA) & NAFTA T'AA ('1'rade Aci of 1974'1'itic 11) D 1,oca1 Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 3R,1J.S.C: � Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department of Housing and iJrban Developmem ❑ Statc Uncmployment Compensation I,aws (in �ccordance with applicable federal law) (OYL• R) AFR 11�39 ST PaUL PLF�iilihiG & Eu�N W1GGiwJJLY r��✓���i�J Consolidated Program T�orkforce Inve.H�nf Board (WIB) M¢mberskip ApPlication � ��I_; bo -`Gq 10 Home A3dress: b v � - � �-� ° - - Street City CouirtY 2ip Length of initiai tzrm }'o e urterested in: one-ycaz _ Are you a Vete; an?: Yes ❑ No two-year «'e w•ill hold n:•o orienLVOn s�ssiozs fer membzrs w'ho are a�po"v�ted to th� WIB. Thzse swsiens aze � 7 hnrsday, 3une 22 (8:00 ta 10:00 a.m) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask diat mctt;ocrs 1tL.nd one of thzse tw�o se>sions. Please reserve these dates on yocr cal�da.r. Wc expcct tliat applicants r}'ill bc off,cialfy notified mid-June ou the status of their applica�ion. Thank yau for your interest. !hc informai:on nn [his appticozion xill be used to evaZraate errd sdect membarr aJthe WIB. AppSicantx may rcfuse to supply i'r.e requerred inforrr�ation. Ereepr for voluxTary inJ'arrnrrtian, hawever, ihe ja�l+<m ta cnmptrle ihe applicatinn,nay resulz in it being disa:rded Tnis data may be revis+�.�ed an3 used 6y Ramsey County and 5airsf Paul daj{. The duta on tFispaa e and thc revert� sida +s pubtic ¢nd, therejoro, wa+labTe tn tka publec. For Office Use onlr Coc.missioner Di�'[::ct � Plersvag Dis;rict Co�cil Cit}� Cot:ari141'ard A� t 4, 2�00 (�VER) �tihzt skills, tra'uiing and expe;iznce do you possess frir WID membership? 12amscy Couaty and the City of �uaint Yuui are recruiting indivfdusls to represent various categuries as detailed on t5e Consol�daled Workfarce Invesiment (I�'IB) Ca2egory•Descrigtions form on the reverst of this page. Please indiC&te, on the Yeverse side, the Category' or categories you can represent on the FVIB. F?R-iC 11�40 ST PaUL FLFNNING E ECO�! T c512r�t�"�t-+ r.e�a-1_ Consolidaied Program Workfo�ce Inv��tment Board (i3'IB) � � � r� Category I)escript8ons 00 -CCq if you are applying for Busirtess, Educatian, or Lahor positions, pltase attach a nomination letter to your Business, de ned as for profd (nominat�d by lacal business organizations azd,�or bus�ess nade ass°ciafions - attach p our na atton letter): Susiness ownor, chiaf executive or operatu� o�'icer, and othar zxecutive or enploycr witY, optimum polic}•making oc hirin� sutnority C.t Feprescn� business with 2mptoym�t oppo�u� �� rzflect the lo a� Also please indiczte if you reptesent: O larga bu�ness small business (iecvcr than >00 employees) Commur.iry-Bassd O�ganizattonr, deftn:d as nvxptofiJ organtzations: G R.:pres�tarivz of communibes or significant segments of com�unitizs prpvi�ng jo6 traizung ❑ Ag�ncy san�ine youth Q Agency sarving displaced homemakers O UniOA O[ �'2i11Z3L cri ! O Employec•relaYed nonpro5t organization ❑ OrgatizaYion serving nonresar��ation Indiu� and tribal go•.•ern'nent Q Agency repr�enting veterans �J Agenay rzpresentiag individuls with disabili�es � Qthe:' Ecorsomic Develapmenl,4gency: � P:ivate Sactor O Public 52ctor Education (no�-inated by or locaI educarional agazcies, insdcutions, or organizafions represenring such locJ educatioaai e�tie> - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Lacal educarional entiries (indudin3 K-12) Q C.ocal school boazds ❑ Entities praviding a9ui� educadon end titera..'y zcti«cies '� Ponszcondary educarional instimdo�u � OtSer. Labar ❑\ominated by recognized state and/or local lahor federztions (attach your nomiration letter) One-Srop LL�or�force CenlerParmers (defined zs the parm°rs that casry out the following activities!programs)' ❑ Adul� Dislocated Wo:ker, Youth, Job Cocps, Ivative r\me��en and Vetzrans' Workforce (WIA Tidc n ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct O Adult Educaaon and Literacy (VJIA Tide II} ❑ Vocarionzl Rehabilita[ion (Rebaoilitation AcY Tit1e I) � Welfzr°-*o-WorkP;�grams (Socisl SeciuityAct) ❑ Senior Comrm:r�ity S�rvico Employnent (Tide V ofthe OEd_: American; Act) G Postsecondary bducz�on (Carl D. P�kins Vocarional a�d Applisd Tecnnolo�' Educzricn Act) ❑ Trade Adju�n�t Assistance (IAA) 2nd NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Tide II) ❑ La21 tietera�s' Ecnployment Represe�atives and Disabled Veterans Ouceac� (Title 38, U.S.CJ O Community Services Block Grarn ❑ Departmznt of Housing end TJrban Dav�lopmznt Q State Uneawtoyment Compensation Laws (in accordancz hitn applica�!e faderzl larvj fiFR-10 11�4�J ST PAUL FLFNNING & ECON bJi3e8.i.3:4 P.�_%i� Consolidated Progm�n ZYorkforce Investment Board (WIB) ,�lembe+skig rlpPiication private Inform � n 1�� � , n _� . l /�-- b0 —��`t �M � 1 cl S v � ��— .., - � � . Place of Employmem: 1 'Z 6 O o(1-a �� � 5'� � l� /� r ,� .�s ) b� WorkAddress'_ Ci�, Co.tnTy 2iP Street Telephwie ivumber: {t�ork) ZZ � - "�'� Q (Home) � � � � � 4 / �F �`� 2Z y � Z � E-Mail Address: F-+ vr i� v Sob Title: �' �" 1 P �`(�' Perso�ial Fteferences 'nclude 1) Name. Address'._ � 9 0 Phone: omel 2� Name. . � �R.C�' F+3r�J area cede) �j j �, � r-wLi— �4'orkl 2 �' C 4 J t�l �.. �,�, Sw, ��!��i S v 5 r�✓1 f-� /�d C � ' L/d �! n� � Whzt are youc reasons for wanting to serve on the VY�? fL.� lU. �_-�� ..�_ w�,'i� rssrr-��� _ Z�� �J�`l � 31� �� � pprioxai: In an attempt to ensu; e that Board represenCaGOn refleccs the mzkeup ot our com.7iunity, knowledge o£ the followin inforr=iation is heipfiil. However, comptetion o: this informarian i; voluncary: 'te (Caucasian) Hispanic Black ( ncun American) Asiz� or Pacific IsL-,dcr Am � can Indian or Alaskan Esk'tmo Other tiiale: Fer�ale: Q Disabled: C3 Yes ❑ No If special zecommpdations are needed, please specify: [ rse iKformat.on ors tkis app?icatinn wi11 be used tu evaluate and select mrmhers of il�e K'7B- Ap,nlicantc muy refuse ta s:y�p tke requested injotmation. PYte,pt jor vofurtSury injurmation� horvever, thefailurc fn croinpletz ihe app!icatian may resuFt in it Leir.g dtscarded Thts dala may be )cwiewe3 m+d ttsr� by Ra+rcary Countv nnd Saint Paul sra Tke dala on th'u page is priv� April �. 2000 f�FF-le-zaoa iL�a1 s�� P�Fnriiv� & e�xr� DRAFT DOCUMElti'T 03I29/Z006 :alccw�i�. r.�.� �,. �a�s N e o_C6� City of Saint Paui-RamseY Caunty �Vorkforce Investmtnt Board pirector Positian principles and Characteristics The East Ivtetro business commuaity is an investor in Wor�orce Developme, t porzfoGos, a gartner in education and training programs, �d s���older in the outco�.es of youth aad adul[s. Business needs a«'orkforce tl�at has fu?1 command of 211 basic skills, higl:er le�el skills and an understanding of the workplacc. A well-prepared worldorce c.'eates a ��brant ecenomic en�ironmer.t, ar.d economic scability drives sacial stability. The Saint Paul ZYorkforce Council offen the following principles that need to be considered in selecting a director, snd emphasizes that the hiring decision must be made by September 1, 200Q. The Saint Paul Workforce GounCil belier•es thaz tota} 2ttention naeds to be given to P.�EW LE.�ERSHIP ROLES for 1�'ORKFORCE 80ARD5. For example: • Assess and articulatc changing vrorkplace oeeds • Shape a market-driven visior. • Buiid a comprehensive system • Provide effective ieadership • Launch assativc outreach The Saim Paul Workforce Council 6elieves i1 SHAPING SYSTEhSS to REFLECT CHARAC'IERISTICS VAI.LTfiD by BUSILy'ESS. These are: • Market-davea . Comprehensive . Portablc . Accountable • Customer-focused • Re�ponsive • Fle�ble . Customized The Sainc Paul Workforce Council wants PLTBLSC SYSTEMS ALIGN�D �i�th the N1.qRKETPLACE. For example: • Market demanda drive business skill requiremeats • Continuousty deHne changing business requiremeats • Identify specific industry trends and skill requireMents . Set high standards for educatior. and training provi3ers The Sain? Paul Worl�'orce Counc�l believes in ACCOL?�IABII.ITY to :vL4RKETPLACE STAIdDARDS for TRP.ItiLvG AND C�vIPETENCIES. For exaRiple: • S:: new srandazds for employer satisfaction and contmuous impzovement RPR-10-"c2�Zf 1 L��1 ST PNUL PLFNN ih�G & EQ]I'1 • Publicly disCiosed performence af u'aixu�, Pro�nders • O�erall system performaace 6ased on specific measureble outcomes �^..�J�GG�JJi+ i .v�� �� �W� � Do -CG`� Tha Saint Pa:il Worl�'orce Counci! believes u� BUILDING CItEDIBII-ITY with EhiPLOYERS. This hapQms when: . Employers buy imo the vis�on • Comnirt to systemic change Fucus on results Ensure a euality product Based on the five principles outIined ahove, the Sait�t Pnul R'orkforce Cocncll ofPers the folloK'ing charscteristics essential for an e�ective direetor. i. An adept busir.ess co��cator with demonstrated resulu � a11 five areas: improved lzadesship roles, crezting Systems that have business characterist�cs, alignment of public yy,cenv xnth the mazketplace, aCCOUntability to marketnlace standards, and building credibility with employers. 2. Ability to be a risk taker end managa chan�e and dive; siry. 3. Possccs tne courage of conviction and th2 ab'uty to implement the Vdorl�orce Investment Board vision. JUN 07'00 @9:a8 FR AGC OF MINN=SOTR � 651 632 E928 TO 2669039 Coresolidated'Progt�n Wotkforce �nvrstmenl.8nard (WIB) Me�xLership Applicatioa P.2��g. �0 —C�`t Home Street e r�i d,n � City County Zio ��Glt�'tE.� �'��'�- �� ��.���' ,l��^��� r�Pr s Jf�p-�J ��c�� L��-P A-�,r��R� c-zr�hi�� �� �� Leneth ofinitial term you are interested in: on�year� two-year� A-�e you a Veceran?: � Yes �No t�ac��s Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruicing individuals to represeot various categor;es as detailed on the Consolidaled 1°rogrmn Workfo�celm•esln,ent,l3oard (FYIZ?) CategoryDescriptions form on the reverse of this page. 1'lease indicate, on the reverse side, the categary or categories you can represent on the WIB. .. �- � .sa � - :v - • ivlailor"�azyouc;WI$Membcrship�Applicatian'tn:=?•;:„�c ;:,=: • . . : :.r; _ , >--�• . a ., - : - ,,;� •. ;., : ' 'y. �. ... . sS;','�:..: I3on�rie,Inckele��,'Chie .Cterk=�oYUi ` 8�o6rd,�'Suife:230,'IS`•Wes11 l. . . ..:_�Y. _....,. , - ,iSlOZ (1'cc�';'G.iJ=2GG=8039, Applicatioiis., ' '4, :.,`: ' _;, ��. -�: ,�-:. � ,;.� - ' _ ... . ::::..:.. . .�_... �Vc will hold hvo oricntation sessions for mcmbcrs tivho arc 2ppointed to the WIB. Thesc scssions are � Thursday, June 22 (9:00 to 10:04 a.m.) or Tuesday, dene Z9 (L:�4 ta 3:�0 p,m.). We ask tha[ mer.,he�s �� attend one o`these t�vo sessions. Ylease reseNC these dates on }•ouc calendar. �Ve ecpect thac applicants �� i(l bc e�cially noti6ed mid-Junc on thc satus of their application. Thankyou foryour i�iterest. 7hc i�rfprrrintiai ort this applicalion u•i11 bc user7 ta evrrluale and seletf nrenrbert ojf6e W771. .4ppliearts may rr f��� to, u;n!�• r�2 �egucstcr! in jo�mation. Ercep�j vulurtfary i�rformotion, hoWevcr� the jailu�e za eomplete t6c applicnlion ma}'result in it bt�nF d'ucn�drd 1'his da(a may bc rcvie�oed nfid ustd by R�m.sey County and Sart Pau1 stvJf. The data art [nis page artd thc rctirrsc sid: isp«bfic artrl, thrrcfore, ovailabfe 10 thc public: For Offcc Usc only Co mniissio ne r District Planning Ais!tict Coun:il Gt}• Council Ward _ A; r„ a, 2000 (OYERJ What skiils, training and experiencc do you possess for Wffi membership? JUN 07'00 09�4° FR AGC OF M1NN�SOTR 651 632 8928 TO 266@@39 Co�solidaiedProgram WorkforcelnvestmentBoard (T�i'I',8) . CategoryDescriprians �, P.03�2< �-�'� �� � �o -66`t Ifyou are applying ior Businas, Education, orLabor positione, ptease attach a nomination ]etter to yaur application as described below. Biair.ers, de, fined asfor profrt (ttominated by local business o�ganizztions andlor busir,ess tade associations - attach your nomination Ietter}: � Businss oumer, chief execurive or operating officec, and other executive or employer with oprimum policymaidng or hiring authoriry . �Represent business with employment oppomuuties that reflea the local uea A1so please indicate ifyou represent: �large business Q small business (fewer than 500 employees) Conu»uxity Based Organizalionr, defrned as nonprofil organiza6ons: � Representa4ve of communi�es or significant segmenls oFrorrJnuniries p�ovidin; job ttaining p Agencyservingyouth ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers � CJnion-related organization d Employer-related nonprofit organization 0 Oreanuation serving nonresecvapon7ndian and tribal govemment 0 Agency representing vete[2ns 0 Agency representing individuals wich disabi[ities Q Other, � $2ononiic ,pe��elopn:enrAgency: 0 Private Seetor � Publi� Sector L•duca[ion (notrunated by regional or local educational ageacies, instiNtions, or organiurions representing such local educaciona! entities - actTCh your nomination letter); C! Loca! educarional enriries (includingK-12) � b Locz school boards Q Er,tities Qroviding adule education and literacy activicies O 1'ostsecondary edueational institutions � O:P,_r: -- Labor Q Iv'o:�,ina�ed by recognized state u�dlor local laber federations (attach your nomi,iation lettet•) One-Srop 1t'or�force Centcr Parincrs (defined as the p�ners that cury out the fol[o��'ing aciivi[ies/pro�rams): ❑ Adult, l3islocaced Worker, You;h, 7ob Corps, Piative American and Veterz�,s' Wo�kforce (WJA Titie I) ❑ 0 ❑ Q ❑ Q � �] nr,�nmencofHousineandUrbalDevelopment Wagner-Peyser Act A?u1t Bducation and Literacy (WIA ?it!e II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitarion Act Tide I� �?,'e(rare-to-Work �'rograms (Socizl Securiry Act) Senior Community Sennce Employment (Zitle V of the Otder America�s Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology �ducation Act) Trde Adjus;mu,t Assiscance (TAA) a�d NAFI'A TAA (Tradc Ac; of 1974 Titlz II) Loczl Veterans' Employment Ftepresentatives and T)isabled Vete�ans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Commt:nity Services Block Grxn`. JUN 07�60 09:a9 FR RGC OF MINNESOTA 651 b3Z 6928 TO 2668039 Consolidated Pragram Workforce Invesirrsent Board (fi'IB) Membersbip Application Privalelnformation F.04�ig4 60 -�� PlzceofEmployment: PC`'� Gc�'F2{}G� o�- �'V� ►�j, __ Work Address: � { s y�t ��.p " ��i Tb 1,L� I �'r �(�l-�l, �4�,^��'� .551 \ � Street City Gounry Zip TelephonaNumber: (Work)�6`�1) (�3Z �^ (FAX}���t 3z` Sq2� E-MailAddress: �gJb�1��L � aG ��Q Job�'itle: Dl(��L �rr u�oQ�F(72��-����tl��M�„L Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address: 2� �� F�- � • � � 4 � F'hone:(Home� • Work b�l Z2 " 2 9 2) Name. �Di'✓I t�� �l.�t��� � y.(? — ('�� �i''�)��� C�rI�T. � Phone:(Homel ` — What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WID? ��� . � ii�i._. �- �.f � .� s � � �� r:.. �.►� ! •> ���G�„ � • i � C. I.� i � f ��r�. ��' � �l ♦ � ► \�_ � i L �7 � �� �7C_ . . i sr � .. u 1� ��?�_ s' . re � i— 1� " f •� ��. Optional: Tn an attempt to ensure tha[ Boacd representetion refleds the makeup of our community, knowled;e of the fotlowing information is helpful. Fiowever, completion of this information is voluncary. � White (Caucasian) Black (A£rican American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asixn or kacific Islander O�her Male: ❑ Fema!e: 0 Aisabled:�Xes dNo If special accommodarions are needed, ptease speci�:, � U` t��' The i� forMntion on Lhis applicetinn will be used !o evalwaic and sefect mr�++bers ejrht WIl3. Applicanls nrcy �c juse tu suppl�� rF�z requ�sitd injormatia�t. Euept jor volun(ary infurma(ion, tiowever, rhejailure to cu.nplere the applicat;on may resuit �n i: bcing discordrd 7hir Jata may be revic�vrd and used by Ramsey Cuunty and Sairtt PuuL staJf. The defa art Ihit pagC iS j�rirate. �a �-� r� ►dd�.c� ConsolidatedProgram WarkjorcelnvestinentBonrrl (ii'IB) RECEEI/EU Memberslrip Application MAY 1 6 0—C �`T , 5 2000 OG� � i C��I'��T'v�,/ Home Address: l MAYOR'S QFFICE /�s Street What skills, training and City do you possess for WIB membership? Zip Length o£ initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: O Yes �YNo /\ two-year `� Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recraiting indir•iduals to represent various categories as detailed on the Co�:solidafed Program YYorkforce InveSMze�et Board (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, fhc categon' or categorics yvu can represent on the WIB. 1�1ai! or Fax your WIB Ntembership Appiicatlon to: I3onnie Jackelen, Chief Cferk- Coetnty Board, Suite 15Q, 1� iYest Kellagg 13oulerm•d Saint Patrl, Minnesota �510? (Fcrs: 651-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-80I4). Appliealio�ts nrr�st be reeeii•ed by blrty 12, 2000. We will hold two orientation sessions for members �vlio are appointed to the �VIB, Tl�ese sessions are � Tliursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June Z7 (1:00 to 3;00 p.m.). 1Ve ask that members attend one of [liese two sessions. Please reserve these dates mi your calendar. 1b'e expect that applicants �vill be officially notified mid-lune on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. TLe iefJanrinlion o�� lbls nppllcnf/a� wJ!! b¢ used fo evnluafe ¢rvl selecl nrembers of tlfe W/B. Rpplrcnul3 nray rejuse !o supplr Ure reryues�ed i��fonttnfinn. Extepl for voltu�(ary in jonnnBQr�, /wwev¢�, !he frrl�ure to rompfete tl�r nppllcntiox may result i„ it br;n� discarded. TGis drzra may be re�/ewed and used b}� Rrnuse}• County tt�idSnin( Pauf Sttrff. 7l�e t6nu nn ILia pr+ge «nd fLe reverse sidr i.r public aurl, tLerejore, nvrdlable 10 �be public. � For OfGcc Use only Commissioner District Planning District Council Ciry Council Ward April 4, z000 (Q y,�'/() 20�� m���, � -��q Consolidated Program Workforce Investmenr Boar�t (WIB) � -. Category Descrtpiions If you are appiying for $usiness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a appiication as described below. S tlb� �u�sep.vr� letter to }'our Business, defined as jor-proft (nominated by local business organizations and(or bu;iness tcade associations - attac� oyu nomination letter): �Business owner, chief executive or operating of#icer, and other executi�•� or emplo}•er with optimum policymaking or hiring authority O Represent business with employmenc opportunities that reflzct the local zrea Aiso please indicate if you represent: O large business small business (few�er [han �00 employez;) Community-Based Organrza�ions, defined as nonprafll organizations: ❑ Representative of communities or significant segments of communities providingjob [raining 0 Agency serving youth � Agency serving displaced homemakers � Union-re(ated organization � Emplo}•er-refated nonprofit organization O Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities ❑ Other: Economie Development Agency: O Private Sector O Public Sectoc Edtrcntiox (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, ins!itutions, or orga�izations representing such local educational entities - attach your nomination letter): 0 Local educational entities (including K-12) t7 Local school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities � Postsecondazy educational institutions ❑ Other: Ca6or � T�`ominated by recognized state and/or local labor federations (attach your nominstion letter) One-Stop Yt'orkforce Center Poriners (de£ined as the partners that carry out the follex-ing activities�programs): O Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterar.s' Workfocce (WIA Title I) O ❑ ❑ ❑ p ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 Wagner-Peyser Act Adult £ducation and Literacy (WIA Tttle lI} Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Welface-to-WOrk Programs (Social Sec�rity Act) Senior Community Service Emptoyment (Tide V of the O:dec Americans Acc} PostSecondary Education (Csrl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Tech�otogy Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (T�ade Act of 1974 Title II) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disab(ed Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Depsrtment of Housing and Urban Development c.�.P � �nP..,,,i��,,,P�r Cnmr,Pnsation I,a�vs (in accordance with applicnble iederal la�c) �t� m���.l�n ' Consafidaled Program Workjorce Inveslment Board (I3'IB) Memberskip Applicalion /� Priva�e lnjormation �. �o�� /�/Z•d�/�,�/ . �o—cGq Place of Employment: �GIi�Q ��� Work ����� Street �s ���/, City °. �r�'d'��d�r Telephone Number: (Work) ��`S"IZZ (Home}�s/lo� �s9(, (FAX�a�2 .33I- �39� �Mail Job ��XCGU7)� Personai T2eferences (include azea code) 1) Name: �LG� _�tsriil Address: �'����A� �Q��� Phone:(Homel ��� Z9Z' d�U 2) I�Tame: �/G� 1�SO.� Address �3tn C�,� Phone:(Homel What aze your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? rwork� lv�/ 7,'3,� -' ��3� _ Optionnl: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, kno�� ledLe of the following information is helpful. How•ever, completion of this information is voluntary. � �Vhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Btack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Aiaskan Eskimo Other Male: Q Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes O I�'o If speciaf accommodations are needed, please specify: Zip �/�.sria sS /o (Workl �5�� �iIO.S"SS��' 7z cl'�` P.o-� Tl� t 4tjormaliox on rlds appf(catlon wlfl be nsed 10 evoJua(e and select nremberr of the WIB. App(itanls nrqc rejuSe lo Strpp!}' d�c requested injormatlon. E.rcepl fo� voluntary lrtjormatlon, hawever, 1he jal(u�e to conrp(efe Ihe applicutiai mi�y result in ir being <liscarded Thts du�a may be revleweQ anJ used by Rn.nsey Counry and SaLU Paul stajf. The dum on t/tls pnge is p�ivate. � � Vi � G ►ui• ao -ccq Rolf Middleton Business, Public Service, Civic & Professional, rZilitary, Education & Jo6s As A Youngster PRIVATE SECTOR Owner and Presideut, MSP Companies, Commercial Real Estate/Office Buildings Owner and President, MSP Park Place, Inc. (Airport Parking & Shuttle Service) ELR Systems, Vicr President, Operations & SAles (Rchabititation & T-�ousing Services) Qnetiev, Vice Presideat, Markering and Sales, (Medical Records Software S}^stems) CCSI, Sales Eaecurive, {Automated Informarion Systems) Manegemept Trainee, St. Paut Fire & Marine Companies PUBLIC SERVICE Member, Governor's Cabinet (Commissioner, MN Department of Economic Security) riember, Goveruor's Economic Roundtable Member, Governor's Urban Ts�nes Gtonp Member; Governor's Rura! Developmeat Council Member, Committee Staff Ass's�ments: Nationa{ Governors' Association Board Member, Interstete Conference of Employment Security Administrxtors (RepresenHag the States of MN, �VI, IL, 2bSI,1N and OH) Meuibcr, Advisory $asrd NAt10IIHI AS.YOC141L106 Of RC�IO�flI COUIICILY Member, Speciai Committee (Busineas Issues) of the Minnesota Busincss Partnership President & Board Member, Minnesota Software A.+�.vociation hiember, Govemar's Commission on Software Technology Advisary Board, ti of M Schaot of ?�Sanagement, Division of Software Technology Urban pinnaer, Metropolitna Planning Commisaioa Ecanomist, Metropolitan Council Budget & Plenning Analy�t, State of Wisconsin Deputy Director, hletropolitan Dane Couaty Development Commission, Madisou, WI Ezecutive Director, ltegionxl Devetopraent Commiasion, Rnchester, b1N (�ol� (tlddc��, � b _ � KNOWLEDGE BASE 1►�efropolitau Iseues * Transportatiom Systems: $ighwaye (Inflnence on Urban Growth Patterns * Transportation Systems: Transit (RaiUSus Policy) �` MSP Internationa] Airport: Analysis of the "Ham Lake" site proposed by MAC in 1966�57 * Impact of retail expenditures on the location of major shopping centers in the Twin Cities metropoliten area * Population trend�, hou9ing and income distribution r * • * * . Impact of major interceptor sewer5 on the location of residential, commercial and industrixl eapansion Solid waste management program9 Regionat psrlcs and open spACes Lsnd development policies and programs Subdivisian and zoning ordinance management Agricultural land preservation I2uralissues Economic revitali�tion programs for non-metropolitaa hiinnesota Countryside Communities: program for stability and growth in rural areas Workforce & Human Servicc Systems • Workforce Development Policies and Programs * Welfare-to-Work ' HealYh Care: LLVUrance, 314{b) CertificBte of Pieed for F[ospitel Espaavion * Criminal JustiCe * Developmentul Aisabilities " Vocational Rehabilitation Economic Assistance Programs '� Fuel Assistsace * WeatLeri�tion ' Unempioyment Campen�ation Arts and Humanities Granb aupporting the arb and humanities Special servicp; Mothereed/Fathereed, Teachers' Institute 20� m�at�-�, �a -c� CIVIC & PROFESSIONAL Board Member, hiinnesota I3umanities Commission Chairman, Worfdorce Tuvestment Board, City of St Paul Member, St Paul Chamber of Commerce Chair, Bnaine+s Development CommitEee of the St Paul Chamber of Commerce Chair, State-Wide Committee/Small Busineas, hinCare (Heatth Insurance) Member, Araerican Ma+nagement Asaociatiou Charter Mearber, Big Brothen of Greater St Paul, Inc. (Board Member & Active Big Brother) Vice Chair, West 7th Business & Professional Association Policy Working Group, Workforce Council ASerger Member, Employers' Partnerahip, Ramsey County Member, West 7th Commanity Center (SL I'sui) $oard Member, Bu�Ene� Revitslizstion Council, West 7th Street Board Member, Northeest Busines� Associstion (Minneepolis) M�LITARY Enlisted, 1963. Eig6t years active and reserve Captain, At Discharge, US Army Artillery EDUCATION 112orton Public School St John's Universify Rfankato State College BA. Economics & PoliHcnl Science One Xear of Graduate Work Business Managemeat Ro�- m��d�, ao-�6� .IOBS AS A YOUNGSTER Delivcred Minneapoli+lSt Paul Newspstpers Garbage Collection & Disposal Service Surveyor'a Aa�istant Farm Hand Rsised Sheep, Heifets and Pi� Custom $aiUng Operator (Alfa(fa & Straw) Custom Corn Sheller Operator Lumber Yard Assistant Grocery Produce Depar�ent & Store Maintenance Construction Worker (Grain Storage Bins) Corn and Pea Prceea�ing Plant Operntor Carpentry Apprentice Highway Rod & TApe A�sistant Trnck Driver (Gravel) HOME ADDRESS 1406 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, bSN 55116 651 690-1590 BUSINESS DiSP Companiea Suite 410 202] EasY Hennepia Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 rmail: mspcompsmy@aoLcom 612 331-4422 (office) 612 331-4391 (fax) MARRIED & FATHER tiVife of 31 years: Karen Sherlock (RN., College ot St. Cetherine, St. Paui, NIl� Three adult c6ildren (Yaul, Beih and Kate) graduated from Cretia-Derham High School, St. Paui, MN and S� John's University, Creighton University and the College of Si. �cnedict Ko� m�d�(,�, D0-CGq INTERESTS Reading, Impreasionistic Art, the $umanities, Rus.vian History, Travet, Fishing, Gopher �asketball and Beseball and Major League Basebalf �o� �n�� �� �o ���� SNAPSHOT OF WORKFORCE EMPLOYMENT & TRAIiv'ING EXPERIENCE • Chief Executive Officer in charge of consolidating three independent state agencies into one public service organization throughout tbe State of Minnesota . State Cabinet veteran of seven generat and speciallegislative sessions during the recessioaay period of the earlier 1980s . Responsible for the direction and management of a consolidated state agency of some 2,700 personnel in over 100 locations throaghout the State. Financlal resources over �60U,000,000 . Merged multiple state agency budgetary, personnel, administrative and operating syetems . Produced cost saving results that were repositioned to serve citizens . Designed and [mplemented changes in poliry setting, program management, support services and service delivery • Introduced large scale, technology-based information management systems at the statellocal o�ce level . Established "Locai Servlce Teams" for the agency's public-serving offices to provide one-stop services to job seekers and employers . E.xperienced with Workforce Investment Act (WIA) as the Chairman of the St. Paui Workforce Investmenf Board (V4'IB) . Knowledgeable regarding Private Industry Council to WIB transition • Understands the signiflcance of the WIA reforms for developing WIB Boards into policy making bodies and tbe�r usefulness as vehicles for leadership in their communities . Esperienced in establishing and using perEormance/accountability standards and utilizing the results to produce change through continuous improvement principles and practices. . Understands the critical importance of developing capacity buildirag for WIB Board and WIB executive staff leadership • Provlded the leader9hip and direction for the Sf. Paul WIB's creative "Community Success Initiative" and its centerpiece - the "Community Investment Strategy" 3 oa -C�`t M�y 12, 2040 TO: Bonnie Jackelen RE: My "Bio" for membership on the Ramsey Count WIB _ Some background stuff for membership on the aew WIB. Thanks. �� � Rolf Middleton 1406 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55413 YPy-12 h�1 Od�3� Rii r���H�� �rcu�u�n�i rnn ivu, o4c4��5 r. uc 00 -��`( Consolidated I'rogram fYorkforce Investment Buard (IYIB) . ���Ef�EQ _ ' ' MemLershipAppludlion ' MAY 1 5 2000 Name: Michellc E. Ott HomeAddress: . Street City County . - Zip;' : What skills, trainino and _ea�perience do you possess for tiVIB membership? _ �As a Human Resovrces pzofessional for the�ast 8 vears. T have had the oonommitv to work in all azeas of emolovmenC includinq recnrirment. selection and retention. My experiences in human resources are iiiverse; as I h�ve worl:ed in different industries, ineludin� hum,2n scrvices, manufacturin2 and bnoacicastirc�: T know fhe challen�es emplovers face in findin�qualified candidates for emplovment and havc worked to Fnd solutions fo help inv emplovers attract and keep qu3lified neoble. T am we11 versed and kee�o to dafe in the aretvs of einDlovment law, inferviewina. recruitment, and emoloveerelafions. I am aLso a trainer of _� emnlovment issues aswell. ' Len;ih.of initial term pou aze iriterested in: one-year XX Are you a Veteran?: Ycs X No Ramsey County and the Cit��. of Suin± Paul arc recruiting individuals to represent r'arious categaries as detdile� un the Consolidrrierl Program IYorkforce litvestmerit Board_(IYIB)_Category Deseriptions foi�ia on !he reverse_ of ihis page. .Please indicate, on fhe reverse side, the category or categories you can represent . on the R'IB: s e VJe will hoid two orientation sessions for membcrs who aze appointed to the WIB. These sessions are Thursday, June 22 (S:OQto 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesdap, .Tune 27 (] :t10 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that mecnber.s aTterid one of fhese fwo ;: -' sessions. Pleaze reserve these dates on your.calendar. We expect that applicaotc will bc officially notifed_mid-June on - the satus oftheir.application� Thank you for your intcrest. �� �The irtfonaation on this apptica[ioa wil! Ge used to evglaute and select members oj/He WIE. AppJrcaxls mny "rejuse to supply 1bC_ .�- . •reqaested Jnjoiinntton. Erceps for vo.lunrary lnjonnufio�r, however, ihrjniture ta cnmplete �l�e npplicmlon may ruultyi ir beiug `- d'scwded T.=is. data may be revkwed.and iase� by Ranuey Gounty and SaintPau! staff.: 37re data bn tleis paoe aird llee reverse side ' � & prtblic ani� rleerefare, evallable iw Yhe pnbllc , � � _ . � , Foi Office Use ouly , Commissioner Disuitt Pianning Disuia Counci( Ciry Council �Yard - � . . � Ap..-il 4, 2000�` ' . . . � . . . _ .. . . . , two-yeaz M;Y*12-00 FR[ 08�3° AM HUdBAdU �KUAD�AS[ rHx nu, oy�4�ly r.u� ti rn= e�..11e, � .D-t-E- . Consolidated 1'ra Workjorce Investmeni Board (l3'IB) ... . . _ p�._CG� C'atej,�oryDescsipiia"e's � . : described or er. to your Business, defined as for: prnft (nominated by local business organizatians and/or business vade associaYions -;. attfieh ponrnomination letter}: Susiness owne�, chief executive or operating of£icer, and other executit�e or employer with optimun policymakin� or.hirina authoiity X Represen: business Gv7th eniplayment oppor(unities tha� reflect the local azea Also please indicate ifyou, represent: X large bosiness small business (fewer than 500 employees) Cmm�u�niry-Based O;ganzzations, defined as nonprofrt organizations: Representative of communities or significant seg�nentt of communities providin� job trairiing Agepcy serving youth Agency serving displacec! homemakers Union-related organizauon _ � Employer-related rionprofit 6rganization Ocganizntion sctving nonreservation Indian and tribal government mprzsenfing veterans Agency representing individuals �vith disabilities Other: Economic Develnpment Agenc•y: Privat� Scctor Public Sector F,ducdtiurr {nominafed by regonal or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations represeritin� such locnl educatiqnal entities -attachyout nomination letfer}: Loca1 educational e'ntities (including K-12) I.ocal school boazds � Entities pruviding adult education and lite�acy activities Postsecondary"educ2tionaf instimtions Other: Labor Nominated by recognized state and/or 1oca1 lubor federations (ait:sch your nqmination letter) . . One-Stop Workforce Certter pa�tners (dcfined as the partners that cany oui thc following activities/programs): .. Aduit, Dislo�ated �Vorkcr, Yoath, Job Corps, Nstive American and Veterans' Workforce. (WI�'['itleI� . Vl�a�er-Peyser Act . ° • Adu1t bducation anii Literacy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Tide I) : -. Welfare-to-Work Programs (Socisl Security Act) . Senior Communicy Service Employment (Title V of ihe Older Americans Act) � PostseconflaryEducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology �ducation. Act) 'I'rade Adjustinent Assistance (TAA) and t IAFTA TAA {Trede Act,of 1974.Tide II) . Local Veterans' Eraployment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S:C:) Cominunity Services:Block Grant' Departrrient ofHousing and Urban Development Stsita LJneinptoymcnt_Compensation•s,(in accordance vvith app]icable federal law) .., . � } Apri14, 2000 ^ . `�, � � � ' _ � . . . . MP,Y-12 FRI 08�4'0 Aii HU�tlRKU tlKUHUGH�I rrn IVJ. OSL4J14 r.�4 � ;: Coi7solidated Prograrn,Worbforce Invest�nent Board (1YIB) ,;-: ... . Membership":4pplicaiinn Privafe Infortnation � _C�`t Naine: 2vFichelle E. Ott Place of Einployment: Hubbazd Broadcastin� Inc. Work Address: 3415 Univetsitv Aveaue St Paui • _ 1 'n1m1Y) . . TelephoneNumber: (Work)651-642-4638 {Home) 651-714-09I0 (FA� -651-642-4314 - E-Mail Address: mottna, ' Joh Title: Emplovee Relations Mana�er Personal2teferenccs (incltde azea code) 1) N1me: Vire.inia Hubbard Monis Phone:{Homel ('�Vork) � (651)642-4160 2) Nazne: Rrindv Robison Address: 1735 Terraca Drive, Roseville, MN �5113 Phonz:fHomel (6I21 Sb6-2727 (Workl (6121930-8867 communitv wi11 be valuable asthe Board helns develon strateeies for workfoice developrrient in our communitv' I also want to serve on the Board so I can have the opportunitv to lcam moic about challenees 1he con�muni'v faces and h°I ko d°velop sound workforce strate�ies that benefits all in t3ie communifv. ��s a lifelonz resident of St. Pau1 and Ramsev Couniv. I feel this oppoituniN mv chance to �ive io hi� communitv. Oplinnatr in an aftempt to ensure.that Board zepresentation reflects the makeup of our kn.owtedge of the foliovring informati�n is helpful. However, completion.of this information is voluntary: . '4Vhitc-(Caucasian)_ Hispanic Black (African Asnerican) . Asian or Pacific Islander Amcrican Indian or Alaskan Eskuno Otner � Male: O remale: O. Disabled: O Yes O IvTO ,_ If.special accommodations are needed; glease specify:_ 'APri! 4; 2000 . . . . - � � What nre your reasons lor wanting to serve on the WIB? �Vith _the unemplovrrient rate in the Twin Cities area at an all time low and mv.role as a human r�sources professional. I know how hard it 'is for emnlovers to f nd qualified candidates foz emnloti�ment. I Imow fl�ere aze-. people in the communiN who want to work but do npt �mssess necessazv skills to succeed. I beliede 2mnlovers i�AY rHl Utl�3ti Hf! nu�� �;;v otur,u�r,�i �nn �w, o,c,��, F �..., po-C6`� Hubhard Broadcasting, Inc. ::. 3415 i7niverrity Avenue, SL Faut, MN 55114 Date: SI12f2000 ��� Tumbtt of paga mcladi� coversheer: ' 5 To: � Bnnnie ]ackelen � ChieEClcrk-Cnunty Hoard_ " IS WestKellogg BIvd, Suite Z50 St. Paul, MV 55102 " Phone; (651) 266-fi014 ` Fax phoce: (G51) 26b•80i9 CCs FY-om_ Michetle E. Otc l�ubbud i�roadcasria; lnc: ` Humaa Resources.Department • Phone: (651)642-4638 ' Fax phone: (651) 642-4314 REb7r1I2KSp � Urgent � For your reviccv , � R,.^pIy ASAP ❑_ Please conunent Ms. 7acketen- Please find attached my application for membership with the Workforce Lnvestment Iloazd. My ' nomination tefter wi11 be sent from the Mid�vay Area Chamber of Conunerce. Piease contact me ai tkc telephone number above if you baec qucstions, � ` - . ;t �• ! i . :, ��.�. F � �� � �`�' � i �.�..ev e �AY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.6=5 P.3i5 ,. - Consolidated Progrnm Workforce Xnvestment Board (WIB) � p—��`�. " Memberskip AppIicalion Nanle; Kachleen L. Pinkect • • Home Address; 57? w. cRncral Ave;,�e . s� Pau1 Ra:sey 55203 Street . City County Zip What skills, traitung and experience do you possess £or WIB membership? - Dizecg aLl erplo�n� ac[ivities (recruitin2 hirin2. reten�(on) f r Mimerota tifn cb��,.�� �ar ea�cr pr�,.��� e�cploy>_r in SL. Paul• = Served as Chair, F�nd Discribution Ceamittee of llnited Way oL• the St. Paul A�ea. s�hi.h inr_t,A c fu-�rii� allccacion to nongrofit ao ncies p:eoar'sng Lour-ineonr iadividual.s Eor e�r,oloy*renc, - Seaves on B�ard L'or Erploye�enc Solutioqs, Inc.; a parcner wich Ca.�muni[y Employecent Partnershio, iinking eccployers with 1ow sitilied, ].ow-ir�ocre indivtduats. . Lengih of initial term you are interested in; Are you a Veteran?: Ct Yes C$ No one-year _ two-year �_ �amsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Cansalidared Progrnm Workforce Inveslment Boartl (WXB) CategorylJescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'the reverse side, the category or tategories yov can represent an the'SVIB. ' ' �l�,Isil Bonn 5Sl D: 4Ve witt hotd f�vo orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are � Thursday, 3une 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:Ofl p.m.). �Yeask thatmernbers attend one of these nvo sessions, Pieaze reserve these dates on your calendar. We e�pect that zppticants �vi11 be off�cially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thank you for your intcresf. The injormalion on this appIitoticn �vil! be used to evafuate andselect membe�s aJlhe FYIB. Appficanfs may teJuse to supply requesYed injarmation. Ercept fa� volumtary information, ho�✓evc�, the jaiture to comp7ete the aFpiicatiori may �esult in ir be d"uearded 1'kisdatamaybereviewedandusedbyRa�nseyCauntynndSaintPaulstajf. T6edalaorsihispageandlher�+'erse is publie and, therejore, evcilable to the public Fur OlTice lise onlp Commissioncr Districc planning District Counci! Cit}� Councib Ward Apri13,200Q . (O�RJ HRY.11.2000 12�35PM MY MUTURL H R N0.635 P.4i5 �. �}?'nl�tt� Consotidated Program WvrkforcelnvesimeniBnard (WIB) Category Descriptions 0 0 -��`� � i If you are applying forBusiness, Educstion, or Labor posiYions, please attach a nomination letter fo your application as described below. Busixess, de, fined as for profit (nominated by local business organizarions and/or btisiness trade associations - attach your nomination letter):t p Bus'uiess ovmer, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer rveth oprimum policytnaking or hiring authority C9'Represeat busirtess with employmertt opportunities that reflect the local azea Also please indicate if you represent: C's� lazge business O smal( business (fewer than 500 employees) ^' 2�'cnination iettetforthcor,�ng frem 5�. Paul Ohamber of Cocm�rce. '� ' `� •- Comni�mity-$nsed Organirations, defined as nonprof�l organizadom?� ••- � ❑ Representarive of communiries or significant segments of communities providing job traiiiing ❑ Agency serving youth f] Agency serving displaced homemaksrs - Q Union-related organizarion � Employer-related nonprofit organization C1 Organizarion serving nonreserration Tndian and h-ibal govemment O Agency representing veterans 0 Agency representing individuals with disabitities � Other. . Ecoxon�ic .C?evelopment Agency: d Private Sector Q Public Sector Ed�rcalion (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institurions, or organizatior�s representing such [oczl educationa] entities - attxcfi your nomination letter): Q T.oca� edacational entities (including K-I2) ' g Loca1 school boazds CI $ntities providing adult education and literacy 2ctivities � postsecondary educational institutions • C] Other. Labor Q 2Vominated 6y recognized sta;e and/or locaI labor fe.d:tations (attach your nomination ]etter) One-Stop Workforce Cenler pnriners (de£ined as the partners that carry out ths following activ,ties/programs): [3 Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (�V7A Title ?) ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct d Adult Educerion znd Literacy (WIA'Titie In ❑ Vocation�' Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation ActTitlen ❑ Welfara-to-Work Pro;rams (Soci�I Security Act} Q Senior Cor.mmunity Service �mployment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) .❑ Postsecondary Educztion (Cazl D, Perkins Vocational znd Applied 7echnolo,�y Education Act) ❑ Trade Adjustment Assistenca (TAA) and NAkTA 7AA (Trade Act of 1974 Title TI) O Loca� Veterzns' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department of Housing and TJrban Devetopmen[ r, .... .. , _ . _ .. . ._ _ . NRY.11.2000 12�36Pi'1 N�N MUTURL H R N0.635 P.SiS Consolidated Pragram Woskforce Inveslment Eoard (T3�1'B) Membership Apptication r " Private Information j`I3Th0; Kathleen L. Pinkect ' Plzce of Employment; r'=nneso�a tife • Work Addtess: Telephone Number: City oo-C6� Zip (1�ork) (651) 66�3442 (Home)( 292-9015 (F'�, (65t) 665-3551 E-Mzi( Addcess; kathy vinketa•:C cainnesoca:-ruwal.cem 7ob Title: Second Vice Presidenc, Y.ur>n Resources Planning Personal l2eferences (include area code) 1� Name: ��'•uren Segal, Presidenc oF che UnLCed Way oi ckie Saint Paul Area Addcess: 702 Pairrrounc Avenue; Sc. Paul, N,,1 55105 Phone:�N'omel (65U 22�8132 (WoCk� (651) 291�383 2) I`'ame: D�:nise .re:,nson, eL*ea S!Le DSreccor oL Achlevecrenc P1us Address; 8�54 eonco:d Cou:c Irver Grove l�teieFcs,.MN 55016 Phone:(T�iomel (651) 453-1357 IWo*kl (65?) 293-6511 What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? In my pro`essional capa,ity I have 2n in-d�pth understandinR oF c�ia� tFa needs are for for- profit•�organizations and the recessary skiils e�loyees need to be success�ul. I also tiaw P�erience with progrzns th:t successfully prepare and �:ork With individuals so tney accor,rolisli ecC,tiornic Sel�:sufficiencv Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation �eRects the makeup of our community, kno�vtedgz o; the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is votuntary, White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Al2skzr� Eskimo Mate: ❑ Female: L� Disabled: ❑ Yes I; special accommodations zre needed, please �/ Hispanic Asian oc Pacific Tslander Other Q�to Tke ii formntion on ihrs applicatian wit! be ua'ed lo evatuate and selecl Members ofthe WIB, App�+�ants may refitse to suppl� �c requested injormatiox. Fxeepljor vatuntory injorrrration, however, iheJaifure ro complrte the applicafion May l�.squ �n it b^ing discorded. This datn may be �evicwed and used by Ramsry Counly and SaintPaul staJf, The dnla nn ikis page is privat�• �RY.11.2009 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.635 P.2i5 Mfnnesafa Lite Insursnce Compeny aoa Ro6ert Sheet North St paul, MN 55101-2�88 851.665.9442 Tei Kalhlemn L. pinkett Second Yca Pres�denc i� ci-���"�r�l-c ` ' �"�� ao — Cc�9 MINNESOTA LIFE A AAlnnatoG� MuNa! Ccmpany RECEtVFD May 11, 2000 MAY 1 2 200Q MAYOR'S OfFICE Bonnie 7ackeIen Chief Cierk— County Boazd 1� West ICellogg Boulevard — Suite 250 St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. 7ackelen: �nclosed is my application for the City-County Workforce Investrnent Board. T am interested in and willing to serve as a Uusiness/for-profif representative. My nomination letter of recommendation is fortlicomin� fTOm the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce. After review of my zpplication, please let me lrnow if you have any questions, Sincerely, � <�� Kathleen L. Pinlcett Second Vice President Human Resources Planning I�L,P/ttn cc: Lazry Dow, President St. Paul Chamber of Commerce Applicarion Page 1 of 3 she,t�e� �.ose� �� -� Wednesday 21st of June 2000 01:44:53 PM Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board Mexnbershi A lication Name: Shclley K. Rose Home Address: � 2240 Boxwood Avenue SainY PauI, MN, Ramsey 55119 What skilis, training and esperience do you possess for Workforce Investment Board Membership? I am a business owner of a nine-employee intemet company providing local govemment best practices to cities and counties across the nation. The business is located downtown St. Paul, I also live in St. Paul. l have a B.S. in Business Administration from the Univ of MN. I am also a recent \"graduate\" of the Leadership St. Paul program, serve as a committee chair for the St. Paul Area Chamber, and am acting G�ber Village Ambassador/Coordinator. My project for Leadership St. Paul was worlring with the Wilder Foundation in idenrifying the Asset Accumulation opportunities for low income families and those just entering the workforce. Length of term ( pne Yeaz J interested in: Are you a Veteran? [ No ] 12easons for your interest in serving on the Workforce Investment Board: I would commit to a one-year term, but may very well be able to serve for two yeazs. I am interestcd in this boazd in order to help lead the $ast Metro area in workforce development as well as be involved in the economic development of this area. I azn very interested in helping to represent St. Pau11's growing high-tech, new media industry. Bnsiness, defined as for-profit (x]Business owner, chief execurive ot operating o�cer, and other executive or empioyer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority []Represent business with cm loyment opporiunities that reflect the local area Please indicate the business you re resent:[ Small ] Community-Based Organizutions (defined as private, nonprofft organizations): []Representative of communities or significant scgments of communiries providing job training [ ]Agency senring youth [ ]Agency serving displaced homemakers [ ]Union-rclated organizarion [ ]Employer-related nonprofit organization [ JOrganization serving non-reservation Indian and tribal govcmment [ ]Agency tepresenting veterans [ )Agency representing individuals with disabiliries Econotnle Deveiopment Agency:[ ]Private Sector []Public Sector Application ]Local educarional entities (including K-12) �Locai school boazds JEntities providing adult education and literacy acrivities JPostsecondary educationai institutions state and local labor Page 2 of 3 S�ItecJ `4�Dse. � . ba —C� One-Stop Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activities/programs): [)Adult, Dislocated Worker, Xouth, 7ob Coips, IvTative American & Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title I) [ ] Wagner-Peyser Act []Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title II} [ ]Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title n [ ]Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) (]Senior Community Service Employment (Tifle V of the Older Americans Act) []Postsecondary Education (Cazl D. Perkias Vocational & Applied Technology Educarion jTrade Adjustrnent Assistance (TAA) & NAF'TA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title In ]Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Tit1e 33, f.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Crrant ]Departrnent of Housing and Urban Development Laws (in accordance with applicable federal b0'd �d101 ....� — - V ' _ .. „_ .. �� �`Co l .. Ma�� 12 00 11 : 22a Mf3Y-11-20H0 16 � 49 Home Jeane Thorne Inc. SpINT PAU� RRER CHRMHER 612 298-0448 612 223 5119 P.02iO3 Consolidated Prograrx Workjorce Irrvcstmertt Board (TYIB) Membership �Ippticafion Street City P•� QC1—�O�q RECEfi/E'� MAY 1 5 2p00 .�S%/ sYills, trainiag and experience do you posscss foz WIB mcmbaship? Length of initial tean you are interested in: one-ycar _(„ two-year Arc you s Veteran9; 0 Yes '�No Rsmsey Counry and the Ciry of Saint Paul are rccruiting Indivlduals to represent varioua categories 8s detailed on the Consolldated Pro�ram Workforce Investmcnt Baard (iYIB) Cat¢gory Descriptrons fortn on the revecse of this page. Please iadicxte, on the roverse side, the category or categorin ynu can represent an t6e WIE. Mail or Fiyc. . BiVIEm�eTCbiP'APPlicatlon to: ..' --:----:—=------ � � . - . .. �. •.... , ttonriie Jacxeten; Chief Cierk �-�Counry Board; Sui�e 250,.15 West Kellogg.Boulevard, 5aint Paul, Minnesota SSI01(F�ax'.65]-266=8039; Phone: 651-266.-E014). AppJlcalloirs must be recelved by May.12,"1000�� We witl hold two orientation sessions for mem6cts who are appoint�d to tt�e WIB. 2hese scssions are Thursday, June 22 (5:99 to IO:QO a.m.) nr Tuesday, 3uae 27 (I:U4 to 3:00 p.m.� W e ask lhat membeis attend oqe of these iwo ses�ioos. Please rescrve thcsc dates on yo�r celendar. We expect that applican[s wilt be otTicially notificd mid-June on tLe status of thcir application. Thaak you for your intereet. The irrjannatlon an this applicatinn wltt bt rsed to ewrfuate and sdtct rnrmbers oJeJte WIB. Appficantr mqy rtjicse fo svpply the requuted tnforinadpn. Fxeept jor vOtunlary Iq(orma(ion, Iwwn'er, Ihe jailurc to cee�p(ete fhc applicuton �nay reault In it being dizearded This da[a enay be �sv7ax�ed and used fry Rmusry CauRry rnd SalrtrPaw( #aJf. TheGafa an tlris yagr aed tbe rrnrse side is public p�Q iherejone, ava;lable to f6r pudtic Apri14,Z000 ..Ma��12 00 11:22a MFlY-11-2000 16�49 Jeane Tnorne Inc. SR1M PAUL PREA CW�IMBER 612 298-0448 612 223 5119 P.02�03 Consolirfated Program Wnrkjorce Investmeat Board (WIB) MembersJ�ip �IpplicalJon P•2 �6 —C6� RECEf11E0 MAY 1 5 2000 Hame skills, training and experience do you posscss for WIB mcmbaship? .�S%a/ Length of initial tcan you are interested in: one-ycar ,L two-year _ Are you a VeteranT; 0 Yes '�fo Ramsey County and the City of Seiat Paul are rccrv3dng indivldua[s to repreaent varioua categories as detailed on the Corssvlldaled Program Workforce Investmeat Board (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on tho reverse side, the category nr estegorics you can represent on thc WIB, Mnil orFiuc .. . B�;2em�b,ersfilP'APPHcaiion to: " _—' _ — r-------- . �:. - . .,_....:..,-. .,... • • . onriic Jacketeni Chief Clerk = Coiinry BoQrd, Suite 250, b5 West Ke!(ogg.Boulevard, Sain! Pau1, Minnesota SSI D2 (Fnx �.551-266=8039; Phone: 651•26¢BQ14J. App1lcatlons must be recefved 6y hfay 11, ?�00: .: We wi(l hold two orientation sessions for members who ue appointed to t6c WIB. Ihese sessions are T6ursdiy, June 21(8:09 to 10:Q0 a.m.) nr Tuesdny, Sune 27 (l:t}Q to 3:Q0 p.m.� We ask that membezs atteud oqe ofthese iwo sessioos. Please reserve thcse dates on your catendar. Wc expect that applicants wilt be ofTicially no[ified mid-June on the status of thcir application. Thaak you for your interest. The brjoraatlow on t6is apptl�erwn w1t1 be vsed ro nwtr.are andsdrer,nembns ojrke WB. Appt�canes,nqy,rf�.sc to supply rhe reqursled in f0lT¢Gp/4 Fxcept jor velunfary L�(ormalion, kaw�ever, !he jail�rc ta caa�p/e�e the app7icaton Mcy re�ult In ir bting discarded This data maq be rsvlewnl end attd by Raiesty Cauety rnd SalarPavl #aff. The data on rlris pag� artd the rewrse srde rs publie arQ fherejo% avai(abte !o IbrDu6(re Apri14,2000 . Ma� 12 00 11:23a Jeane Thorne Inc. 612 298-044a' p.� 1^AY-11-2000 15�59 SR1NT PAUL RRER CHRMBER 612 223 5119 P.03iO3 6 a -C6� ConsoliQated Program Workjorce Investrnent Board (W%B1 �� C ����y (J Category Descriptlons � f � (' J If yuu are applyiag for Bus�ess, Education, or La6or positinns, please attach a aomination tetter to your application as de3cribetl below. 8usiness, defined asjor�rofit (nominated by toca] business organizations eadlor businas tradc associations - attach yuur nomiaatian tetter): � Business owntt, cUief exccutive or operating offiur, and other exccutive or employer with optimum policyraakiag or hiring authority O Rcpceseut business with employment opportunities that reflcct the local area Also ple�se indicate if you represcnt: O Isrgc business �E small busincss (fcwer [hen 500 empioyees) �.�� � ��� � Communiry-Based Organizations,defirtedatuoeprofuorganizalions: (/ �z��� �� � Representativo of communitics or significent segments ofeommunities providing�ob hait � g Q Aganey serving youth 4 Ageacy serving disptaced homemakers _ � Union-rclated organize[3on U Employer-related noaprofit organization O Organizadon serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govctnmcnt O Agency repraenting veterans ❑ Agrncy represtrrting individuals with disabilities 0 Othcr: Economie bevelopment Agency: ❑ Private Sector p Public Sectar Educatron (nominated by regionel or local educationai ageacies, institutions, or organiutions rcpresenting such loca! educationa( entities • attach your nomineNon letter): ❑ Local educationa2 entities (including K-12) O Localschooihoards ❑ Entities providing adult education andliteracy accivities ❑ Postsxondary educarional instimtions O Other: _ Lu6or O Nominated by rccognized state and/or ]aal labor fedeTatinns (attsch your nominafion Setter) One-Srop Workforce CenterPartners(deftned as the ptutners that earty ovt the fotlowing activities/programs): � Adu1t, Dislocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Cocps, Native Ameriean and Vetcrans' Workforce (WIA Title ]) Q Wagner-Peyser Act � Adult Educazion and Literacy (W1A Tide II) 0 Vocational ftehabilitation (Kehabiiitation Act Title I) 0 Weffaze-to-Work Programs (Social Scetuity Act) O Senior Communiry Sorvice Employmtnt (Titic V of the Oldcr Americaas Act) ❑ Postsxondary Education (Cazl D. Perkias Vocational and Applied Tahnology Education Act) ❑ Tradc Adjustment Assistsnce {TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trede Act of 1974 TitIc II) t] Local Veterens' Employment Represcntatives aad Disnblcd Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Communiry Services Block Grant ❑ Depaitment of Housing and Urban I1eveIopmcnt Av�l a, 2� TOTAL P.03 .,Application �✓����� Page 1 of 2 60 - � �� � , l.�a�'e.rS Tuesday 16th of May 2000 0331:50 AM R Consolidated Program Workforce Investment MAY 1 9 ZO�JO Board Membership Application en►Vf1R'. n�Fir Address ��1600 Universiry Avenue, Sui[e 4 St. PauININ/Ramiey/i5104 skills, training and experience do you possess for Norkforce Investment Board hIembership? �nt of �00 member Midway Chamber of Commerce, whose number one priority is he(ping employers £nd and retain a ��vorkforce; also servin� as Presidznt of Employer Solutions, Inc., an or�anization founded by Chambers ro connect yers ���ith govemment, nonprofit and for profit recruitment and retzntion resources. Board member of Communiry of term interested in:ll( One Year a Veteran? ��[ No Reasons for }�our in[erest in serving on the �Vorkforce Investment Board: Y(y daily work is largely involved in workforce issues, both at the Chamber and at Employer Solutions. I hear on a near �ourly basis, storizs of how employers arz shuggling and succeeding in this difficult labor environment. In addition, throu�h ny near 3 years of work with the Community Employment Parcnership, [ have gained a greater undzatanding of the challenees facine some of the unemoloyed and underemployed in our communiry. Both perspectives are needed on the �VIB. Business, defined as for-profit [x)Businzss o�sner, chief executive or opzrating officer, and other executive or employer �vith optimum policymakin� or hiring authoriry ( 1Reoresent businzss with employment opportunities that reflect the local area indicate the business }•ou represent: [ Small 'ommunity-Based Organizations (defined as private, nonprofi[ organizations): ]Represzntative of communities or significant se�ments of communities providingjob training )Agency szrving youth ]Agenty sen�ing displaced homemakers ]Union-related organization � ]Employer-related nonprofit organization jOrganization serving non-reservation [ndian and tribal government ]Agency representing vetzrans laoencv renresentino individuals wi[h disabilities ment Aeency: f 1Privare Secror f lPublic Sector )Local educational en[ities (including K-12) ]Local school boa:ds ]Entities providing adult education and lireracy activities ]Postsecondary educational institutions stare and local lahor �ne-S[op 1Vorkforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the following ac[ivities/programs): ]Adult, Dislocated Worker, YoutS, Job Corps, Native American & Vererans' �Vorkforee (WI.4 Title I) ] Wagner-Peyser Act ]Adult Educztion and Literaty (�VIA Tide Iq ]Vocationa{ Rehabititation (Rehabititation Act Title I) ]Welfarz-ro-lVOCk Pmgram; (Social Security Ac[) ]Senior Community Service EmploymznC (T�tle V of the O(der Americans Act) ]Postszcondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational & Applied "Cechnotogy Education AcC) ]Trade Adjuscment Assistance (TAA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197� Tfde II) ]Local Vererans' Employment Representatives and Disab(ed Veterans Outreach (Tide 38, U.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Grant ]Department of Housing and Urban Development iSrare Unemolovment Comoensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) filz://C:\W INDO\4'S\TEMP\Ellen Watters.html 5/ 18�00 Application l.� ' ��-�} Y� Page 2 of 2 6�-�6q fi Iz.!/C:\ W[N D01VS\TE�1PtEllen�Vatters.html 5/ l 8.'00 , MAY-12-2000 08�27 SAINT PAUL ARER CHAM3eR 612 223 5119 P.07i09 . . _ ao-G�`l Corrsatidated.t'�ogram WorkjorcelnveStmeniBoard (YYIB) ��, Me�nbershrp Application MAY 15 200Q Home Street City Wh2t skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? ��r...P l a+ r�n a eY r�.�t�e� e�..., �.)��n �)r�,v� ��11 at�aJ � � �ne a� �.-�-�v� r��r T,engih of initiai term you are interested in' one-yeaz,� Are you a Veteran?: O Yes ut"No � Counry v Zip two-year _ Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various cs�tegories as detaffed on the Consofidared P�ogram Workforce Inves(rxent Board (WIBJ Categary ,Uescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Pleate indicate, on the reverse side, Ihe category or categories you ean represent on the WTB. Mail o'r Faz your VS�IB�Mgarti;er'�hip App]iCatiOri=to: ' Bonnie.Tnckelen, ChiefClerk-.Counryl3onrc� Suite 250, IS West.ICellbgg:Boulev�d, SaintPaul,-Mnnesota 55101 (Fax: 651-266-8039; Rhone; 651-266=8014). Applieations must be reteived by Mny 1l, 20D0: W e will l�old tWO orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are � Thursday, Junc 2Z (8:00 to 10:�0 a.m.) or Tuesdap, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members attend one of these two sessions_ Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We expect titat appl icants will be officially notified mid•June on the status of their application. Thunk you for youz interest. T4¢ infnrMUtiox nn t/�Ec app/icario�i wit! be «tedto avaluate andseleef inembe�t ofllle WIB. Applioturu may rtfuse ta supp/y !Lr requesled iu jurmaciun. Eccept jar vo�untary inJarmation, lioweve�, die jaiiure to camp�ere tlee epplication �rray rerulr in it bei�+� dis�ardcd. Fliis rlata niay bt reviewed rtnd ured by Ranuey Counry anrl Saixl Paul staJf. Tl�e data on 111i<pagc arzd fhe reverse strle is public and, tl�ucjore, availcbie ro rlie public. For OfCice Use only Commissioncr Aistricr Planning Distria Councit City Council Ward Apd( a. 200U (OYER) MAY-12-2020 08�2? SRINT PFU� ARER CHqMHcR 612 223 5119 P.08i09 Consofidated Program rVorkforcelnvesYment,8oard (WIB) ' ����' Categnry Descriptions ,�j. � �� D� "� 6 � �� Tf you are applying far $usiness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your annlicution as described below. Bccriness, defined as for prvfit (nomina�ed by local business organizations and/or business �rade associacions - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Busincss owncr, chief execu�ive or operating o�cer, and other executive or employer with optimum �olicymakirtg or hiring authoriry l� Represent business wich employment oppottunities that reflect the locai area Also please indica�e if you represenc: �'large business O smal� business (fewer [han 500 employees) Commuxiry-Based Orgarrizations, defined as aonp�of�t arganizatfons: O Represencacive of communicies oc significant seamenu of communities providin� job [raining ❑ Agencysecvingyouth _ � Q A;ency serVing displaced homemake�s � Union-related organization O Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonres�cva[ion Indian and nibal governmenc O Agency representing veterans O Agency reptesanting individuals with disabilities 0 Other: Economic Development Agency: � Private Sector O Publie Sector Education (nominated by regiona! or local educational agencies, ins:itutions, or organizations rcpresenting such local educazional entities - attach your nomiaation letter): G Lo�al educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Localschoolboards � G Entities providing aduft education and lite�acy activities � O Postsecondary eduoational institutions � 0 Other: Labor Q Nominated by recognized state and/or tocal tabor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Srop GYor�orce Cenrer Parmers (defined as the partcters that carry out the foflowing activicies/programs): Q Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and VeLerars' Workforce {WIA Ti[1e 1) O G � � O G � 0 G G ` Wagaer-Peyser Act Adul[ Education and L�ieracy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation ActTitle I) Welfate•to-Work programs ($ocia} Security Act) Senior Community Service Employmenc (Title V of the Older Americans Rct) Postseeondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Teehnology Edacation Act) Trade Adjustmen[ Assistance (TAA} and NAFTA TAA (frade Act of 1974 Title lI) Loca! Veterans' Employmenc Representatives and Disabled Vccerans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Stock Grant DepaRment of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensatiort Laws (in accordance with appticablc f:dcral law) MqY-12-2000 08�28 Nane: � I o y� Place of Employmenc. Work Address: . � c SAINT PRUL RRER CHRMBER E12 223 5119 P.e��as Consolidated Pros�am Workforce I+:vestment Board (WIB) Membership Applicatioa Private Infornfatioi: � � _ �0�2 l S D� � S1-• �'a�I �5I � Ciry Counry Zip Te,ephone Number: (Work) � S� ` I - �5�7 (Honie) �n SI -� � y �f7��a.x� � sl- 3l � "a ° g6 E-Mail Job Titl Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address., Phone:L 2) Name: Address: Phone;(Homel (O l� - �'�3 Fi-- 93rF� are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? rwoxk� �o �a - (� �.� - aa ta v lWo*kl n���} � � e.,��,1�,v.. -�, „J n,l.. ,,.>,-Fe. e-�-�-v Ca�,M ru.U-� � ae.� �� Opllonai: n an a ttempt to e tha Board represcntztion teflects the makeup of our commtinity, knowlede.° of the followip9 information is helpful. However, completion of this informatio� is volun�ary. White (Cauczsian) ��_ Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Is;ander Other Male: ❑ Female: �! Aisabied: ❑ Yes Q No i' If special accommodations are needed, pltase specify:_ Tl�e i�rJoru,rnio�� o�� rGts applicarinn �vi!( be rrscd fo evnluate �udselecr mentbers oJrlie SYlD. .lpplrcrnur i�m�• �cfuse ro s+ippl,r Urr re��rcsfcd iujnrnmrion. .Eeetptjor valru�frrrp luJunualio��, /ioNtvu. /6CJtti/trre to Coit�plele drtnpn/rCa(ioir nm�• reeirlf i�r i1 beiu� rti�crr�derL Thia d�rta aeuy he revierved nnd uted b�� Ru�nz¢y Comiry �rnd Sai�u Pnul sla TGe dni� o�r d�is yu�e is p�rvrrrt. April d. _UUU TOTRL P.O� . rl 7� n�n 1 f� �,`'-� G-�-• �t � n,� m wr4nn (1/1 ��`F a Cosuotidated Program 6Yorkforce Irrvestment Board {iYIB) Membersliip Applicatio�: Richard Grigos Home Address: �02 Fairmount ave. , St. Paul Street City 00 �CGq 551 County Zip �Vhat skills, trainin� and e�perience do you possess for �VIB membership? As Resource Development Director I have worked to develop er�nlovment—related programs for youth. For the past two years I have served on the St. Paul Workforce Development Council serving on the Board Executive Committee, Youth Coaunitl�e,__z-�d other committees. Personally, I have mentored an at—risk youth on employment issues. _ Len�th of initial term you are interested in: one-year Are you a Veteran?: 0 Yes �kNo rivo-year X Ramse�� Count}' �lnd the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent �•lrious cateaories as detailed on the Coi:solidated Program lYorbforce Lzvesb�teirt Board (tiVIB) Cate�ory Descriptions form on the re��erse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the categon' or categories ti�ou c�n represen on thc �VIB. Mail or Fax }•our �VIB Nlembership Application to: Bonnie Juckelen, Chief Clerk - Courtty Boarcf, Suite ?.i0, l.i bi'est Kellogg Bou?erard. Scrint Prrul, tLlirit72sota .i.i 103 (Fax: 6� 1-2GG-8039; P{rone: G.i 1-266-5014). Applications n:ust be receiti�ed by Nlay 12, 2000. We ��ill hnld rivo orientation sessions for members �vho are aopointed to th: �1'[B. These sessions are � Tltuc•sda}�, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 �.m.) or Tuesd�y, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). �Ve 1sk that meir.bers attend one of these t�vo seisions. Please reserve these dates on your cal endac 1\`e e�pect that app(icents «ill be officially notified mid-June on the status of their app(ication. Th1n1: y�ou for y'our interest. The i�rfunn�rtiai n�� this «pplicaliat a�ifl be used to evnluate m�d select u�enrbers oJ1he I3'!B. .4pptinn:ts trurn refi+sr to s:epplr t ,•«<«<.,r<<� ;�rr���„�trr�,,,. e.«<�r f�� ,•�r�r„r�,�,• �„f��„:«r�o,,, liou•erer, tGe failure to cmttplet2 dte «pplicatinit �uqP resrrlt ir. ir hrr discrrrr/rd. T/�is rlrure mnt• he rei•iea•ed aud taerl bt' Rren:set' Couit�}• rmrl Sai��t Puut sta Tl�r da�a at this pa�e mrd t/�e rc i�ersr s� is paGlic �tnd 1/terefore, av�ti(able [o t6r puGlic. For Ot7'icc Use onh Coinmissioner District � Plannin� District Council Cin Council lVard April 4. ?UUt1 (04'ERJ Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (fVIB) Category Descriptior:s dr��oS �o-�G9 If }�ou nre npplyina for Business, Education, or Labor positions, piease attach a nominition letter to }'o application ns described belotiv. .................................................................................... Business, defined as for pi•ofit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - lttach }-our nomination letter): G Business o«'nzr, chief executive or operatin� oEficer, and other executivz or emp(oyer with optimum policymakin� or hirin� authority C1 Represent businzss with employmen[ oppoRimities that reflect the local area Also ptease indicate if you represen!: O targe business O smal! business (fewer than 500 emplo}�� Contn�ea�itr-P�nsed Orgnni_ations, defined ns uonprofrt organi>crtions: ❑['jepresentltive of communities or si�nificant se�ments of communities providin� job trlinin� ��A�enc}' servin� youth 0 A�zncy sen•in� displaced homemakers ❑ Union-relatzd oroanization CI Employer-related nonprofi[ or�anization ❑ Or�anization serving nonrzservation Indian and tribal government ❑ A�enc}' representin� veterans ❑ ARency representin� individuals with disabilities C� Other: Economic Derelopment Agency: ❑ Prira[e Secror ❑ Public Sec[or Educc�tior� (nominated by re�ional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or oreanizations representina sucl Ioca! educational entities - attach }�otir nomination letter): ❑ Local educational entities (includin� K-12) ❑ Local school boarcis CI L-n[i[ies providin� adult education and literacy activities Cl Pos[secondary educational institutions CI O[her: Laba- C! \ominated by reco�nized scate and/or local (abor federations (attach your nomination letter) Onc-S7op 1� i�rk/a•ce Cen�er Pcu•tners (deEined as the partners that carry out the follo«'ina activi[ies/programs) ❑ Adul[, Dislocated �1'orker. You[h, Job Corps, Na[ive American and Vetenns�\\'orl:force (« <:� T�� O 1�'agnzr-Peyser Ac[ =I Adult Education and Literac}� (NIA Title II) U\'ocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitaiion Act Title I) ❑ �J G G ❑ Cl ❑ Dzparmient of Housing and Urban Development Q S[ate Unzmployment Compensation La�rs (in accordance with applicable iedzral Ici�� ) tiYelFare-to-�Vork Programs (Social Security Act} Se�iior Communih• Ser�•icz Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Pos[secondary Gducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technolo�}� Education A��) Trade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) and NAFTA TAA ("frade Act of 197�1 Title ll) Locaf Veczrans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outrzadi (Title 38, U.S.C�) Communitv Services Block Grant Consolidated Pro�ran: Worbforce Investinent Board (1VIB) tblembership Application Private L:fornration �50 -C6q Iv`ame: Richard Gri os Place of Employment: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities bVork Address Telephone �`umber: 2575 University Avenue West St. Paul Rzmsey 55114 Stree[ Ciry Counn Zip (�Vork) 651-967-1110 �H� 651-225-8132 �Fp„i� 651-967-1101 E-Vlail Address: rgrigos@bovsand Qir1s orQ __— _ Job Title: Vice President-Finance Personal References (include arza code) 1) Name: Richard Hanson, 3� - Directoi of na,�.��.•• 3�I Center B1dQ. 591-30-02, St. Paul Affairs rPI 55144-1000 Phone:(Homel (�Vorkl 651-733-8335 2) Name: Commander Jose h Mollner - St. Paul Police De�artment 100 E. Eleventh St., St. Paul, rN, 55101 Phone:(Homel �Vhat are your reasons for wanting to serve on the tiVIB? (��'orkl 651-292-3615 The WIB will play a key role in meeting the needs of employers while helping at-risk individuals become more self-sufficient From a professional viewpoint, this is consi5tent with the Boys & Girls Club's mission. As a member oi the St. Paul Sdorkforce Council, I hve developed espertise I wish to put to use. Optia:n[: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, I:no�� 1ed_ of the foilo�rins information is helpful. However, completion of this information is �oluntaR. � White (Caucasian) B(ack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Vlale: G`] Female: ❑ Disabled: G Yes G No If spzcial accommodations are needzd. p!ease specify:_ Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Tlee irtfonrrativn on l6is trpp(icatio�� a•i(! be ��sed tu evalunte a�id se[ect mea�bers of tlie LV16. .-fpplicauu nrc�r reft�se to suppi'. reqrresterl i��j�innatio�t. E.ccept fnr rn/urrrurr iujurn�aria��. l�oivever. t1�e jailrvr w comp(rtr d�� applicurinu n�ur res«(t in it he: /ISC�vd�d. ��ItA :liffu I�tuC b revi���•e:( �eud usr�( b �� Rann�er ! uud.S��r+rt P:reri ,«r7': `:: i;rr�� �,,, •��;� q,�,� r.c n�i��at��. hi?'t- 8-�0 MG�! (2:14 P��i l:dONG I�ti P�,C ASS FAX N0, i782413 ' F. 3 Consolidarcd Program Workforce Invest�reent Board (WIB) Memberskip Application 1V'hat skills, training and experiEnce do you possess for WIB membership? r� Length of initi2l tetm you are interested in: Are you a Veteran?: O Yes od No one-year ✓ two-year� � . 06 -6�4 R�c�����o �;'l�Y () �i ���.. Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paui are recruiting individuxls to represent various categories as detaS]ed on the Consolidated Program Warkjorce Irivestment:8oartl(WIB) Category Descripaons form on the reverse of this page. Ptease indicate, on thereverse side, the category or categories you can repretent on the R'LB. � - $otrnie Jackele. 55lQ2 (Fax: .,.• emtiership �.ppiicatidn�tc T.$. ? -,°,_==� "• �rY. ;�;Gofr»ry Boa"rd, �Sfiite"� �; Phone:� 651-266-801 �1). � =:k::��y����� ' -.'�; : V.k;;rs. rc�:: : -.`:::;::::'z ''� : }'^�>..�'.S,^'r�.:'j: �. ' il:.' .ti?�. ivard, Saint P�cuil,=°Minfikso(a �:::,,:: � ;::.: . : !ved by May •� �. We wilt hold two orientation sessions for mcmbcrs w'ho are appointed to the \VIB. ?hase sessioas are � Thursday, June Z2 (3:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or 7uesday, J¢ne 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask ihat members atcend one of these rnro se5sions. Pk.ase reserve these dates on your calendar. We expcct that app!icaacs «,�� be officially notified mid-7ur.e on �he status of their application. � Thank you Cor your interest. The infarmalion on 16is applicatia� �y��� be usel to evaluate and sefecl members oJihe WIB. Applicar.ts may �ejuse to suppl�' �'% rzquested ir.jormation. fxeeptjorvoluntaq ittformatior.,Covn p a�dsl rtePauinall T t dataa�lk�rpageandt 4 e�c+e rses; � 't dEsearded 76is da[a .r�ay be �wiewed and used by Ramsey 1 1' is public and, therejore, availa6le to tke pu6lie. For OfGce Ttse only Coaunissioner Discrict Ptanning District Council Ciry' Countii Ward Apri; 4, 2000 (OVERJ hiA`( 8-GO h�'GN 12� l5 F�+i 3:�i0NG MiI P?,� �SS FAk h0. 7782413 �ng ConsofidatedPragram f3'or�forcelnvestmentBoard (YYIB) Category Descriptions F. � T �!e r r da�`�`� IC you are apptying for Business, Educatton, or Labor positions, please aitach a nomination letter to your a plication as described below. Business, defined as jor profit (nominated by local besiness orgzn:zations and(or business trade associarions - attach your nomination letter): O Business owner, chief execurive or operating officer, xnd ofner execurive or cniployer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority O Represent business with employment oppottuniries that reflect the tocel erea Also please indicate ifyou represens: O lazge business O smal] business (fewer than 500 employees) Comma�niry-Based Organizarions, defined as nonprofit organixafions: fl Representarive of communities or signific2nt segments of communities providing job trauiing � Agency serving youth ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers d Union-related organization ❑ Employer-related nonprofit orgz^ization � Organizarion secving nonreservation Tndian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans � Agency repre enring in wich disabilities � Other: %�� >'�zp � �� Economic Developmen! fSgency: 0 Private Sector O k'ublic Sector X'ducation (nominated by regional or local educationa� agencies, institu� ons, or organizations representing such loczl educahonal en!ities - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boards ❑ Entities pro��ding adult educatio� and literacy activi±ies Q Postsecondary educationat insti!vtiorts ❑ Other. Lahor G Nominated by recognized sta,e and/or locz] labor federa;iors (xttach your nomination letter) One-Slop Workforce Center Pariners (deitned as che parmers that cz .ry ou*. the following acrivities/progrems): Q Adult, Aislocated Worker, Youin, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title Il ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Q Adult Education and Literacy (lY1A Title In p Vocation�l Rehabilitarion (Rehzbilitation ActTitle n a ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ n O Department of Fiousing and Urban Development ❑ State Unemployment Compensation Lzws (in accordzncz witn epplica�le federal law) Welfare-to-Work Progrzms (Soci�i Security Act) Senior Communiry Sen,�ce Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Ed��cation (Carl D. Perkins Vocationa a�� Applied Techr,ology Education Act) ?rade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Titie In Local Veterans' EmploymentRepresentatives andDisabled Veterans Ouheach (Title 38,TJ.S.C.) Commt:niry Services Block Gran: hi�l'(— & MG�i l[� l3 F4i ;criOi�G hi�( PAC �SS f�X h0. •i7�241j F. 2' Cattsolidated Yrvgram Woskforce Invutmeni Boa�d (Ii'IB) Membership.4pplication P�ivate Informa6an . Piace Work 6b��6�t TelephoneIr'umber: (Work)�S�1�7����� (Home)./f'/--�-�5�1(FAX)�f�—��k`���� E-?vlail Address: Job Title: ,���'��°``�� ���'��'� Pecsonal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address Phone:� 2) Name: Address: Phone:�t-Tomel lds�l �3�� ��� � What ar�your reasons for wanting�o serve on the WTB? / r / (Work �05�/— z-7i�.- `�3 � �° - r Oplionn7: In an zttempi to ensure that $oard representation reftects ine m2'�eup of our community, kno�v e�S� of the following information is heipfu!. However, comQletion o� this in�orriz:ion is roluntary. Whlte (Cauca9ian) Black (African �nerican) American Indian or Alzskan Eskimo �I212 4d i ❑ Disebled: Cl Yes � anic Asian or Pacific Is'.2ndec _�o If specizl accommod2tio�5 2re needed, please speci:y: J� The inJ�rmntion on this application wi[f be used to evaluole and selrct �nembera ojthe 11'!G. AppGcants nrayTeJuse io s�'i'�`? reyuesYed in jormalion. Ezcepc j ar voluntary infonr+ation, kowever, S Pau! staff. Th<_ da�a �on�hls page ts p��•e��i: bc:r. discarded This data mQy be re�ie+yed and used by Ram.sey Couaty Anril4, 20W 1„me� (Workl �J�`'�'� �° _ 05/11/2008 12:15 6512224581 i Name: Home Address CATHOLIC CHARITIES Consolidated Program Workjorce Invesfinenl,8oard (W7,8) Membership Applica6on Stree[ What skills, tcaining and experience do �� Lengih of initial term you are interested in: one-year Ase you a Veteran?: O Yes �No !� � PAGt 02 60 -��q �� � Zip.. L/ Ramsey County xnd the City of Saint �'aul are recruiting 9ndividuals to represent various categories as detailed on the ConsolidatedProgrrzm Tf'orkforcelnvestment.$oa�rl (WI$) Cate�oryDescriptinns form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can re�resent on the WT�. � We will hold lwo o: sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. Tnese sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 fo 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June zl (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members � attznd one o£these t�vo sessions. Please res.rve these dates an your calendar. We espze[ th2t applicants �4'iil be officizlly notified mid-June on the status of their applicztioc. Thxnk you for your interest. Xice irtformatiort on this npplicafion ivill be used to evaluate and selecl members oJfhe WIB. Applicantsmay rejuse [o suppt� the requested injormation. EYCepf jor voluntary injoimalion, ho�vever� ihe failure to complete Ihe applicatian may resvlt in it being discarded Tkis data neay be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Pau! staJf. The data oR this poge and the rererse siGe is pub(ic and, fherefore, avai(oble [o [ke pu6lic. �'or Otfice L(se onl}' Coavnissioner District Planning DisU Council City �i'� membership? two-year X Ci:}� Courcil Ward Aprit4,2000 (DYER) 05/11/2000 12:15 65122245B1 CATHOLIC CHARITIES PAGE 03 - Jan�s� F Sn��� Consatidated,Program Wo�kforcelnvesYment,8o¢rd (WIB) �� _6�� Caregory Descriptions If you are app]ying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, piease attach a nomination Ietter to your ap lication as described below. Business, defined as jor profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): O�usiness owner, chief execurive or opeeating officer, and other executive or empioyer with opfimum policymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business with employmeni oppoRuniRes that reflect the local azea Also pleese indicate ifyou tepresent: O lazge business O smal! business (fewer than 500 employees} Conrntuniry-Based Organizations, definzd as nonprofet organizations: �f Representarive of communities or significant segments of communities providing job haiiung $f Agency serving youth � Agenry serving displaced homemakers O Union-related organizarion ❑ �mpioyer-related nonprofit organizarion Q Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govemm�nt � Agency representing veterans � Agency epresenti in roiduals�n th dis ❑ Other. �fkt .S'�.e�r ��'D-�IdlCn.a) IA-e���c� Economic,t?evelopment Agency: Q Private Sector O Public Sector Educarion (nominated by regional or loc�l educationa! agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such 1oc21 educ2tional entiries-attachyournomination letter): Q I.oca] educarional entities (including IC-12} Q Local school boards • C] Entiqes providin3 adult education and literacy activiries Q PostsecondaJy educational institutions . L] Other: Labor ❑ Nominzted by recognized state end/or local labor federations (attach your nominatiori letter) One-Stop Workforce CenlcrPnrtners (defined as the partners fhat cany out the following activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, 7ob Co:ps, Iv'ative Amzrican and Veterans' Workforce (WTA T'itie T) O Wagner-Peyser Act • O O O ❑ ❑ C7 ❑ ❑ ❑ D Adult Education and Literacy (WJA Title 7!) ' Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabititation Act Title n , Welfare-to-Work Programs {Socizl Securiry Act) Senior Community Service $mployment (Title V of the Older f�,mericans Act) Postsecond�y Education (Cazl D, perkfns Vocational and Applied Technology EducaSon Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Irade Act of 1974 Title Il} S,ocal Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S,C.� Communiry Services Block Grant bepartment of Housing and Urban Development � State Unemp(oyment Compensation Laws (in acCOrdance with ap�licable federal law) 05/11/2000 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITIES CoxsolidatedProgram WorkforcelnvestmenfBoa�d (WIB) , Memberskip �pplicalion , � _ PrivateTnformation Place Work Address: PAGE 04 0� � Street City County Zip TelephoneNumber: (Wo,k}�S�'��5'`���- (Home) ��l'�Z���� (g��e�/;? E-2v1ai1 Address: " Job ��� / ��, Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: YW-�dRl �� �L ` �SC . t Address: d' � ltl. ' , dco� s�'tcl � Phone: ome (Wor'�l �`�"�� ~ 63�� 2) Name: V '" U, u«L� I Address: J� t..t. � S �"t� �� �� Phone:(Homel What re y u reasons fot w ting to serve on the � -}- �'�1Tt'f� �Cl�vxWYt� � Du`�l`COtzI,;KLl�fW�6�l5' 17� llJ� �� f3, Optionnl: In 2z a[;empt to ensure that Board representation reflects thz makeup of our community, kno�vledge ef the £o(lowing in:o�nation is helpfi:l. F�owever, completion of this information is voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Hispznic �lack (African American) Asian or PaciSe Is?ander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male � F'emal� O Disablec: pl'es ❑No IFspecial accemmodations are needed, please specify:. 7f�e i� fo�malion on fhis application x•il! bc used ta evaluaf� and selecl mern6ers ojihe lY7B. Applicants may rejure to su(p(< «' requesYeJ informatian. Fxcept jor volun(ary informatiort, /�oweve�, tkefaiture lo tomplete tne appffcation rnay result i,+ i1 h.=i�; disca�ded ?his data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey Counly anJ Sainf Paul Sfajf. The dnta on this pvge 'u pri ratr. �Workl ��f � 02�1�{ �� . Fl,nri14,200U - - � Consolidated Program Workjorcelnvestment.8oa�d (WIB) Membership Application Private Ittformation Street � ���.�r'/� �L�'�t/Ch� • Name: . Place of Employment: ���,aui �i6/� GhQO/s Work � ZSb — ��`� Zip Telephone Number: (Work) /'�3 ��"�'/3 (Home) �1'l'�-6'0/9 (FA� � ) �3 - .5507 E Address:_ ,Pi// LY,vo/, � �Sf�Ps, or� 7ob Title: �% �y�n�i' % .Sc�io�/ � Fv�U•eE Personal References (include area code) // . :.: � . Address:_360 Col�rr�e �"7'�.�t/�. I7'�1N. ,�s5/fl � Phone:fHome) � (Workl �L� 7� SZ l.� 3 2) Name: /l�s. �m.� ��E.�bms�N Address:_ �f�� l�2 �,r,' � /9� �T� /J7N. .i�/o/ Phone:fHome) �Vhat are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? (Workl Z10�/�/r'6 Z,sE�i�vE ir is ��n�.CTA>✓T FG�e YNE ST��iG T�u6/c Sc%o/s Ta r;� ,2eor,� sosri7�� o,d �fi. t�e��s G�i,vr� o s D.t.�orlv�/� '_ � _ i'o/z ssrr,a�,�✓rs wl�o /ro .n oa,�. �iSr ,�d Z.��u��E' Tf�i _TLL.ilil�� lldf/� .PP,/J/JJlOifT6YY']A/ �- Lwih y1l/lT -ft/v�C �«ni.�irl L.o rriiAG�:S o,✓ �rs '� OptionnL• In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge of the following information is helpful. Fiowever, completion of this infonnation is voluntary. �White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ Americazi Indian or Alaska�i Eskimo Male: �' Female: ❑ Disabled: Q Yes ❑ No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander If specidl accommodauons aze needed, plcase specify: /YOit/E The infurmarinn nn t/tic upplicatinn rvi1! be trsed ta evafi�ate nnd selee! �nembr�s ojl/re WI� Applicmus nray reJirse io Supply I/re requested irrfurmatinn. Except for vofufilary i+rformalion, however, thejallurr �o eomplere t/te upplicarinn nray result in ir bcing dircarded Tlei� data may be reviewed and tued by Ran�sey Counry and Saix[ Paal stajf. The dma an dris page is private. � I,= .�'fl Cansolidated Program Workjorce Investment Boa�d (W!B) Membersltip Application � Q — � � � �Vhat skilts, training and experience do you po5sess for WIB membership? - %/ / . /,✓/ I � �� i . i i� � i �l � � � � �%/ !.�/ �i � I I . �i I� /�i � /� � � �//l! i�v S�e. /fs. — Length of initial term you are interested in: on�yeaz Are you a Veteran?: O Yes C�}'�o ,sT 6ZS two-year t� Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paui are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolutaterl Program Workforcetnvestment Board ({YIB) Categorybescriptivns form on � the reverse o£ this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the VVTB. Mait or Fax your �V.IB Membership Application to: Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - Cosrnty Board, Suite 250, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Mnnesotn � i10? (Fax: 651-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-8014J. Applications must be received by May 12, 200�. We wi11 hold two orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the �VIB. These sessions ace � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members attend one of thesc two sessions. Ptease reserve these dates ort your calendar. �Ve expect that applicants will be o�cially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thonk you for your interest. Tlfe injorm�r�ion a,r rhis applicatron will be rrsed to evatuate and select n:enrbers of Ote WI6. Applicmits nray rejuse 10 supplv /�+� requesred infnrmatio�7. ,Eccept for volunlary L�formatiaa, J+awever, tAe jaitr�re to comptete Ure apptication nray resutt itt it being discarded. Tlrisdntamaybe�evlewednndutedbyRamseyCounryandSaimPrrufttajf. ThednraontliispagcmiQflfereverseside is pablic and, d�erejore, uvnifab(e In t/re pubfic For Office Usc only � Commissioner District Planning Disttia Counci( City Council Ward April 4, 2000 (OVERJ ,90'd �y101 Consolidated Program Workforce Investmenc Bnard (WXB) Category Descriptions � � �► - • If you are applyino for Business, Education, or Labor positions, ptease attach a nomination letter to �•our annlica6on as described bctow. Business, defned asjor-profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): d Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and ocher executive or employer with optimum policymakin� or hiring authority 0 Represent business with employment opportunities thac reflect the loca( area Also please indicate ifyou represent: O lazge business O smal] business (fewer than 500 emplo�•ees) Community-$ased Organizations, defined as noxprafit organizotions: O Ftepresentative of communities or significant segments of communities providing job training ❑ Agency serving youch O Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization 0 Employer-re(ated nonprofit organization � Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government 0 Agency representing veterans Cl Agency representing individuals with disabilities Q Other: _ Ecor+omic Development Agency: O Private Sector 0 Public Sector Education (nominated by regiona( or locai educationa! agcncics, inriitutions, or organizations representing such local educat�i naI entities - attach your nomination letter): CB'f,oeal educationa( entities (ineluding K-12) q Local school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities � Postsecondary educational institutions Q Other: La6or d Nominated by recogni2ed state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Sro� � 0 O Q ❑ d n ❑ Q � Q ❑ Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out che following activities/programs): Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Cocps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title 1) Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title lI) Vocational Rehabititation (Rehabilitation Act Titte I) ,. . Wetfare-to-Work Programs (Social Securiry Act) Senior Community Service Employmcnt (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Posuecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocationai and Applied Technology Education Act} Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title Il) Local Veterans' Employmeat Representativcs and Disabled Veterans Outreach jTitle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Department of Housing and Urban Deveiopment Statc Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accocdance u-ith applicable federa! law) r MRY-12-2002 Q8�42 ST. PRUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.02i06 • _ _ Consolidafed Progr¢m Workfo�ce,lnvesftnent Bottrd (WIB) ��C��V�� DO -� �' � tidembershipApplication MAY 15 2000 N2me: Doaovan Schvichcer.berg MAYOR�S OFFICE Home Address: 6621 Biscavne Blvd. Edina 55436 Street City County Zip What skitls, training and exoerience do you possess for WIB membership? I have a backKround in vocational education and have served as che head of both N_inneapolis and St. Paul 2echnical College. I have experience in de- velopinR educational proQrams for adults and vouth and have served in a leadershiv role in cuseomized traininQ• I am presentlY serving on the Saint Pau1 Workforce Development Council. � Len�th of initia] term you are interested in: one-yeaz _ Are vou a Veteran?: � Yes D No two-year X �tamsey County and the City o! Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on Yhe Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Cntegory Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the �VIS. Mail or Xsx }•our WIB NZembership Application to: Bonnie lackelen, ChieJClerk - Counry Board, Suite 150, 1� West Kellogg Bou2evard, Saint Paul, tllinnesota �5101(Fc�x: 6�1-366-8039; Phone: 651-266-8014). App[ieatioxs ntust be received 6y May 12, Z000. We will hoid hvo orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the 1VIB. These sessions are � 'Ihursday, June 22 (5:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). R�e ask that members attend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calenda:. We e�pect that applicants will bz officially notified mid-Inne on the status of their zpplication. Thank you for your interest. The irejnrntaiiore mt tkis «pplicatia� will bC t�5¢J �o evRluafe and Sele[t irtember5 Of llte WIB. A7plicmrls ntrty �efi+se fo strppli' Il+r req�te5fed ittfOrnt4fi01t. L•rC¢jl! j0� VOt�qtt[try injormatioit, 6owever, 1he fai7nre ro complete the applicarion n+ay test+/t iir i1 bei�r; d'acurdrrf. Tliis data �uny be rcviewed and ttsed bp Rrsnssey Cotnrry and Saint PrW1 staff. Tke daln ort dtis prre e and t/+e reve�se side is pirbtic «irr1, tloerejore, avai(able to the public. For Office L'se only Commissio�er Discrict /�pri; 4. ?000 Ptannin� District Councif (OYER) City CounciV Ward MAY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i06 � - Consolidated Pro�ram Workforce L:vestment Board (WI,B) � _�(, q etifembership Application ,Privafe .l+:formafioiz Name: Donovau SchvichtenberQ Place of Employment: sc. Pau1 Technical Colie�e Work 235 Marshall Avenue St_ Paul Teiephone Number: Street City 55102 Zip (Work) 651-221-1364 (Home) 612-938-0227 (FAX} 651-221-1416 E-MailAddress: Job Title: Pres Personal I2eferences (include area code) 1� 1`Iame: Hovard Guthmsnn Address: 1300 Norwest Center; St. Paul, Minneso�a 55101 Phone:jHome) (��orkl b51-222-1841 2) h2m�: Richard AnfanQ .4ddress: Sc Paul Buildinst Trades Council• 411 Main Street� St Paul Minnesnc�55107 Phone:(Homel What are yout reasons for wanting to serve on the 'WTB? fWork) 651-224�9445 I have an i�terest in heloinR a21 nembers of our sociecy beco�e em�loved in ¢ood jobs I believe it benefits the individual their famllies emplovers and _ society My reasons also are goals of St Paul Technical Co11eRe. I believe I _ can make a valuable contribution to the new organization. Optioi:al: In an attempt to ensure tnat Board representation refleets the makeup of our community, lcnov��led2e of the followino infotmation is helpfuf. However, completion o` this information is voluntary. x White (Caucasian) Black (African Americdn) American Tndizn or Alaskan Eskimo Male: � Female; ❑ Disabled: � Yes O I�Io If specia! accommodations 1re needed, pleaSe speeify:_ Hispanic Asian or Pacific Isl2nder T/�e i�zfarnrafian o�r f/tis applicatio�z ivi!! be+�sed to evulnutr naJselect inenrbers oj11�e WLB. Applicm+n iurq� rrjase ro srrpplr r1�e �equested i�rjomtalinn. C•.rcept jor volunurrti infonua�iarr, lfowever, thefai/erre �o complere tl+e applicutiorr �ffny restrtt i�i ii bci�i,�, discnrded. 7kis tla(rr �1ray be revie�aeJ a�zd usrd b}' Ra�rae}• Caunty ct�:J Srriir! Paerl slaff. Tke data an tLis p�toe it privrrte. .__�.....n� MRY-12-2000 08�48 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i07 �jo-C6 Consolidafed Progrnm Workfarce Irsvesfinenl Board (WIB) . Care Descripiions jj S c h u�� �h ��n k� �" If you 1re applying far Business, �ducation, or Labor positions, please aYtach a nomination leYter to pour annlication as described belo�v. Business, defined as for profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associacions - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and o[her executive or employer with optimum policymakin� or hirino authority ❑ Represent business wi�h employment oppoRUnities chat reflect the local area Also please indic2te if you represent: O large business O small business (fewer chan 500 employees) Commzrniry-Based Organi>arions, defin2d as nonprofit organi=arions: G Representative of communities or significant sesments of communities providing job train'rng ❑ G O 0 ❑ 0 G Agency representing individuals �vith disabitities � Ocher: A�ency serving youth A�ency serving displaced homemakers Union-related organization Employer-related nonprofit or�anization Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government A�ency representing veterans £conomic Development Agency: ❑ Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Eclucnrion (nominated by re�ional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such locai educational entities - attach your nomination Ietter): d Local educationa! entities (includins K-12) G Local school boards G Entities providing adult education and literacy activities �Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Other: Labor G Nominated by recognized sta[e 2nd/or local labor federztions (attach your nomination letter) O�ae-Stop iVorkfo�•ce Center Pm•tners (defined as the pactners that carry out the folfowing activities/pro�rams): G Adut�, Dis(ocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title 1) ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title II) G Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) � We(fare-to-Work Pro�rams (Social Security Acc) G Senior Communi�y Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Voeational and Applied Technology Education Act) ❑ Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and t�tAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197-t Title fl) O Local Vecerans' Emp(oymen� Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) G Comm�mity Secvices Block Grant ❑ Department of Housin� and Urban Development ❑ Sta[e Unemplo�•ment CompensaTion La�vs (in accordance with applicable federai la��•} MAY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PRU� TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.04i06 Q�-C�9 Donovan Lee Schwi.chtenberg, Ph.D. G621 Biscayne Boulec:azd 612-221-1364 (�Y/ozk) Edina, Minnesota 612-93&9227 (Home) Leadership Acknow!ed;ed hioh energy wirh a cleaz zecord of efiecavely managing change in a numbei of organizauons. Demonsuaced leadexship in 6sca1 naaxgement, sc_vice to busincss and industry, pcoblem idenrification and zesolution. Cdlegial management srjle which identifia high e�pectarion ftom stafE and faculry widi resula for she benefic of studencs. Available co all membeis of the Collese and respecced fot his leadcrship throuehout Minnesota State Colleges and Univezices. Ptofessional Presidenc, SL Paul Technical CoLege, St. Paul, Mi�aesota (March 1990-Present) Experience Pcincipal, Hm�rson Alternadve School, MinnespoLs, Minne>oca (1959-199Q) President, Minncapolis Technical College, Minneapo!�s, Minncso:s (1982-1959) Principai, IYfaLShaU-Utuvetsiry High School, Mianeapolis, I�finnesora (1979-1952) Pxincipal, Fzanl:lin J unioc High School, bfinncapolis, Minncsota (1978-1979) Principal, Ramsey Ninth Grade Cencec, MinreapoLs, Minneson (19741978) Assiscant ro East A�ea Super'sntendenc, bSinaeapotis PubGc Scheos (1973-1974) Assistant Principal, Centx�t I-Iigh School, hf:nneapo�s,1� +Lnnesoca (i972-1973) Assisr.�nt Prinupal, Ramsey Junio: High School, �finncapolis, Mirnesota (19G9•1972} Adjuncc Piofec:or, Univexsiry• of D4+nnesoca, hLnneapolis, Minne�ota (1969) Neighbochood Youtii Cosps Coozdinatot, South�cesc High Schoal, �Vest High School, Centcai High School, Minneaoolis Public Sci:ools (19G6-1969) Psoject Adr.iinis��atoc, Operation Readir.ess, Uniced Scaces OfEice of �conomic Oppoctuairy Communiiy Educldon Duectot, Notcheast Conn:unity Centez, �linncapolis, Minnosoca (19GG-19G8) Voa:ional Cooxclinatoz, Wsshbum High Schoal, A4inneapolis Public Schoals (19G4-1966) Teachez, Vocaaonal Evening School, Mi:u:eapolis Public Schoo!s (1960-1965) Teachcz, Cenaal High School, Minneapolis Public Schools (1960-19G4) Uaited Scates Axmy,19�7 BankTellec, St Clair State Banl:, St Clais, Minnesoca (19�G-19�7� Education Doctor of Philosophy in Educauonal Adcnizivaao0. Waldcr, Uniceniry (1978) Snecialist in Educadonal Administcarion, UnicecsiS oE Sc T'honas (1980) h4astet of Science, Cucricnlum and Instracuoa, Unieezsiry of bfinnesota (1968) Bachelox of $uence, Business Education/Socia? S:udies/Busincss Adminiscration, biankaco State Univasicy (]960) MAY-12-2000 08�43 Dissertation Topics Membeiship and Leadership (Pau and Pzesent) ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.05i06 -� S . . BQ-�6� A Study of ctte Effecnvencss of the Subsacutz Tcachezs in rhe Secondary SchooLs of 14linneapolis, Minnesora, 1998 Parent's Opinions of Dccenccalization in the tif:nr.eapolis Public Sc�ools,19S0 Minnesoca Technical College Presidenrs' Ascocisdon, Past Presideac bfinnesora Technical College Presideaa' Assouaaon Finance Cos:r�aee, Past Chairpezson Minnesora Technical Coll oe Presidents' Studenc Secvices Comrniecee, Pase Cha:rper,on blinnesota Scate Colleges and Univasides CF.�,�cclloc's Search Ca�nittce Minnesota Scate Colleges and L3ziveisiries Inter_m Chancellor's Council of PreSidenu hleaopolitan Educacional Tclec�nmun.icarions Necwork, Treasuc� Saint Pxul'Tech Prep Consonrium Higher Educarion Box.rd Escluded Administracocs Task Force m Minnesoca Srace �'echnical College I'zesidents' Associauon Humaa Resoucces Committce bfinnesoca Sta[e Technical Coilege Presidenes' Associarion Lcgislarive Coca�niccee MinneapoLs Public Schook Principals' Forum, Pas[ Pcesidenc Minneapais Public S<hools Prineipals' Foru.�n I�,�e�otiaCng�ee, Chaixpe=son Encironmen[ and Eneco�y Resource Center, Dueccor l�rillma: Ccus:muniry Collcge PresidenG Sea:ch United Way of Saint Paul Communiry Iniriadves Volunceer Comri;cee Sain: Paul Puhlic Schools I�Soxth Cenual Evaluator Anoka Technical College Nozth Central Evaluacor Saint Paul/Roseville School to l"l�ock Paztncuhip E�ecudve Com_miuee Ciry of Saint Pa�:l Wockfacce Devdopment Cou. cii Eaccuuve Cor,nrniccee $aint Paul Rocary Red Wir.g/Winona Technical Collese Pxesidenris! Search Coxxunitte�, Chzizpecson Mttro Area Two-year Colltgc Planning Gouncil 2�fulu-Culcural Gender Disabiliry• Ftir Educaaor. Advi,cory $oard Sainc Paul Pu6lic Schools $upetinu:ndenc's CouncIl Nxtiona! Assoua[ion Mi:u�esota Vocational Associarion Minncsora Labor Ha�her Education Cou�cil LLA��//�ocd/MnSCCI Truning Cen[er Comr.�:.ce, Coozddnator M:�SCU Biennial Commitmenc to Insatu�ons Camr.uccee, Chairperson M:�SCU Sk:ill Bascd Tzansfet Committee, Chai-pe:soa Mn5CC7 Per:nr.nel Plan Advisory Commiaee Edina Public Schools Volunteex MRY-12-2060 08�43 Membesship and Leadetship (Past and Present) ST. PRUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.06i26 �, Scl��� �h�t�.b° Scafford Collcgc (Enghn�-St. Paul Technical College Profesvonal E�change Q 6 � t hSid-Minaesora Telecommuniations Consortiu*n Wmona Technical College Scate Evaluaioz Sainc Paul Arca Chamber of Commexce Midway Chamber of Commecce h2inneapolis Assodaaon of Secondary School PiincipaLc Minneapolis Kiwanis Ivfinneso*a Associaaon of Secondary Pzincipalc T�cin Ciaes Ecoaornic L'levelopment Group, D'uector hfnSCU Progcam and Sen�ice Alignment Planning Team iin� _J•G� , ^ � Consolidated Program N'arkforce Irtvestment Botud (Ti�l'$) 1Kem6ership Appl'uadon Frivate l'njunaatian 51 1-:=:�L -�:�h1 i la $. c�ON 652229.'s314 P.24ia? ' RFc��u�o 60 -�Gq �h9AY 2 5 2000 Name: xARRY MELANDER �I�� PlaceofEmployIIlent: ST. PAUL BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL �VorkAddress:411 MAIN ST, #206 ST. PAUL RAMSEY 5 City County TelephoneNumber: (Work) 651-224-9445 � (�:� b51-224-9783 E-Mail Job Business Representative Persoaal References (include azea code) 1) Tiame: Dick Anfang Addiess: 411 biain St, #206, St. Paul MN 55103 Phone:fHomel 651-�57-7891 �Work} fi51-224-9445 z� Name: Bernard Brommer 175 Aurora Ave., St. Paul MN 55103 Phone:jHome� �Vork) 651-227-7647 What tue your reasons for wanting to serve oa the WIB? I believe I can voice Labor's concerns and bring a practical yet wor3cable consciousness to the board. Optional.• In an attempi to ensure that �oard represematiou reflects the ma.keup of our community, laiowledge of the following informarion is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntFUy. X White (Caucasian) � Black (African American) _ ?unerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male: Cz� Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No Hispa.nic Asian or Pacific Islander Other If special accommodations are needed, please specify: T7ee ireJormatton on tlris appficaflnn wUl be used to eyaluate o�d seterJ membu.s ojthe WIB. Appticann may rejure ta supp{y the requested injormaliotr. �cept for yotuntary infotmation, however, the feiltrse to complele the appu�atlnn may resutt !n U being rtiscardeJ. Tltis dala moy be reviewed and wed by Rwnsey County and Saint Paal stajj. Tke dnta on tkls page ts prlvate. n...�� � �Mn Tf7T�l P Gn r:r+r—i rtv�u� :5: �5 S i rn.�L PLR`N I YG � cNN 6512283314 P, 03i84 Consolidaied Program Workforce Invesimeni Board (WIB) .. Je� M ,�(a ' v`." � CategoryDescriptions �arr� �p—� `� If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor posifions, please attach a nomination letter to your annlicatioa as described below. � --- -- --- --------°°-•— ' Business, defined asfor prafer (nominated by local business organizations andlor business trade associations - attach your nominatian tetter): ❑ Business ownet, chief exeeutive or operating officer, and other execntive or emplayer wich optimum poticymaking or hiring authority Cl Represent bu�iness with employment opportunities that reflect ihe local area Aiso please indicate if you represent: O large business J small business (fewer than 500 employees) Community-Based Organiatioru, defined as reonprafit organizations: ❑ Representative of communities or significant segments of cammunities providingjob training ❑ A�ency serving youth ❑ Agency serving disptaced homemalcErs ❑ Union-related organization a Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonreservation Fndian and tribat government ❑ Agencyrepresentingvetetans ❑ Ageney representing individuais wish disa6ililies p Ocher: Economic Development Agency: O Privntc Sector 0 Pubtic 5ector Educatron (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational entiries - attach yonr nominarion lettcr): • p Local educationa! entities (inctuding K-12) C� Local school boards 0 Cntitics providing adult education and 3iteracy activities ❑ Postsccondary educationat institutions ❑ Other: Labor � TYominated by recognized state and/ot local ]abor fcderations (attach yonr nomination letter) One-St�p Workforoe Cenrer Partners (defined as the parmers fhai carry out the following activitiesJprograms): O Adult, Disiooated Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title I) ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Tide II) a Vocafional Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Tikle I) O Welfare-to-Work Progruns (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Educ;ation Act) ❑ Trade Adjustrnent Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title Il} ❑ Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Ouh�each (I'ide 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Commurlity Services Block Grant • ❑ Departmcnt of Housing and Urban Development C] State Unempfoyment Compensacion Laws (in accordance with applicab(c fcdcml law) ,,�„—�,—�uw 1J•G-r 5i rHU� YLHNNiNti 8 ECGY 65122633i4 P.02i24 ConsolidatedProgram A'jorkforcelnvestmentBoard (WIS) � QO -��� Membsrskip Application ae: HARRY MELANDER 716 PARK AVE rIAHTOrIEDI WASAINGTOi1 55115 Home StreEt c�cy What sldlls, �ainia� end experience do you possess for WIB membership? see attached Lcngth of initial term you are interzsted in: one-year � Are yon a Veteran?: � Yes �! No County Zip hvo-yeaz x We will hold two orientation sessions far members who ars appointed to the WJB. These sessions fue � Thursday, 3uno 22 (8:OD to 10:40 a.m.) or Tuesday,'dune 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask tiiat members attend one of these rivo sessions. Piease reserve thesa dates on your calendat. We expect that applicants will be o�cially notified m�d-)une on the status of their agplication. Thank yau for yonr mterest. The lnjormalian on Htls applica(ian wi[t de uaed to evatuale and sGiect members of the WIB. Appllcants may refuse to supp(v 1��e requesred tnformatinx. Flceptjar voiunrary inJ'ormatton, however, A�e failurc to camplate the appllcatlon may rrsult Ix it bciag uiscarded This daea may be �eviewcd aud used 6y Ramsey County and Salnt Pauf stafj: T he data on fhis pugs and the rtverse side [s public mrd, tkrrefore, avuita6te to lhepubTio �'or Office i7ae only Couunissioner District Pianning District Couacil Ciry Councii ward ADril 4, 2D00 (OYER) Ramsey Caunty and the City af Saint Paul are recruitiug ind'eViduals ta represent various categories as detailed on the Consotidaled Arogram Work,jorce Investment Baard (T3'I�) Category Aescreptinns form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categocies yoa oan represent on the WIB. ao -C�`� Harry D. Melander Jr. 716 Park Avenue Mahtomedi, Minnesota 55115 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: ST. PAUL BUII,DRvTG & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCII, Business Representative (1997-Present) * Responsible for the legislative, community, and education agenda for 29 affiliates Create and coordinate all School-To �Vork, minority recruitment, gender balance efforts in St. Paul SOUTHERN DISTRICT COWi CIL OF CARPE�ITERS Community Outreach/Proa am Development (1994-1996) St. Paul * Responsible for recruitment effort with the minority community and efforts to create gender balance in the trades Program coordinator for (PAY) Program For Apprenticeable Youth. Bud;et design/Program Administration * Developed and coordinated St. Paul Central's Building Technology Academy � MINNE30TA STATE�,VIDE DISTRICT COLNCIL OF CARPENTERS (1986-1994) ST. PAUL, MN Human Resources/TraininglReseazch * Devetop persounel policy for staff and affiliates * Par�cipated in negotiations and grievance proceedings * Managed the budget and fmancial regulations of the organization, and it's benefit plans �` Created personnel lraining progams for staff/members 00 -C�q Melander, age 2 �` Provided direction and leadership for a harmonious Community/LaborManagement relationship within the construction industry throughout Minnesota * Prepazed and presented press releases for organization MCGOUGH CONSTRUCTION (1984 -1986 ) ST. PAUL, M�I Construction Layout, Carpentry * Responsible for the placement of commercial structure, and their components in relationship to azclutectural specification * Provided traditional cazpentry duties EASTERi�T IOWA CO�IUNITY COLLEGE (1978 -1984 ) MU3CATPi 1E, IOWA Building Technology Department Instructor of Buildin; Technology Ctasses * Provided leadership for one of three major divisions within the college * Instructor of Construction Engineering and Building compliance classes * Responsible for the construction and maintenance of campus-owned grojects, including single family homes and campus instructional facilities * Negotizted instructionai staff contract, handled grievance proceedings EDUCATION• DEGREE PROGRAM; University of Wisconsin - Stoui 1977 B.S. TechnologyBducation ADVAIvCE STUDIES: University of Minnesota 1986 University of Oregon 1987 ao -C�� VOCATIONAL: Melander, page 3 MinnesotaDeparhnentofLabor/Division �97g of Voluntary ApprenticesIup Program, Carpentry CIVIC PARTICIPATION• * St. Paul �Vorkforce Development Board * St. Paul Urban Lea�ue * 916 Foundation * State Commission for NaYl & Community Svc * Phalen Corridor Initiative / Founding Member * Twin City Housing & Redevelopment Corp. * �Vashington Co.Boazd of Adjustment Chairperson * Washington County HRA, Chairperson * Mahtomedi Pazk Commission * University of M�t Labor Relations Advisory Boazd * Washington Co. Planning Commission, Chairperson * Weatherization Reseazch and Production Inc. � Chairperson * Mahtomedi School District Transportation, Technology Committee * Governor's Commission for Affordable Housing in the 90's (1998-1999) (1997-1999} (1996-1999) (1994-1999} (1994-1999) (1995-1999) (1995-1999) (1996-1998) (1998-1999) (1995-1998) (1992-1996} (1988-1996) (1989-1994) (1989-1994} (1998-1989) ��� DOWN�O�'� Si 'PnUL rax�5�129�130o Ap�^ 11 'GC 14�43 P.U2� Consofidated 2'ro�ram Workforce Investment,Board (I�IB) Membership A,pplication � Hone Add*ess: Street cicy Q� —���{ Counry• Zip �Vha? skills, t: aining and experience do you possess for �VIB memb:rship? �7' �r/F' ,�6£�tI /hIUOLUF�l/J W iTT� �f - La V/n6ti/ i � .� T'�A-�i�/i�r6 ��al'/(i9�'1-S 3�Y�s Z �R/NG GX �,..fs�UF X,vaw« �nlD CDGL OGCA't/0•J �/C/LLS F 0»1 �.�m2/l�n2c� C?�r�_�e , <�5/Je�! �vE. Length of initial term you ue interested in: one-year � A:e y'ou e Veteran?: O Xes �I�o E. / rtt�F �z. two-year /� U �'/C �i� Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are ��ecruiting indiciduals to represent �'arious categories as detfliled on the Consofidafed Pro�ram FYorkforce InveslmentBoard (lYI$) Care,or�� Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicafe, on fhe reverse side, the category' or cafegories you can represent on the ZYI$. .... ..... . .... ... ; .. . . .. . _ .. ... . .... . y1siT .:_- . $ortnieJaekelen,:ChiefClerk=Counryl IS L�KStICellogg-Eottleiard SointPbecl,'itlinrresa{a SSIQZ (Fax: GSI-26,6 GJI-265-�014)::Applicationsmusthe._receivedbyhlny12,20D0. : .�/ �Ve will hold t��o orientation sessioas for members who are zppointed to t�.e t1'IB. These sessions zre � Thursda}•, June 22 (8:00 Yo 20:D0 a.m.) or Tuesday, Jvne 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.mJ. �b�e ask tl�ai members arend one of [hese h�•o sessions. Plezse reserve thesz dates on your calendzr. \4'e zxpect that applican's w•ill be o�icially r,otir�ed mid-June en the status o:`their application. Thank } for your interest. The in formtttion ox IGts app(icafion will be uSed ta eraluale and Se(:ct n�emb oj[he 1{7B. Applicrsnts nr�ry rejuse m su�pi� ii�e teqatsled infnnnafio�t. Bxczp! jor vof�ntrtry injorn�etion, fiowever, rleeJailnre to conaplere !hr application may re5ult in it b°:no rl�scarded. Tleis dala mny be rzvie�ved nnd used by Ramsey Cow�ry nnrt Salnt Pned staff. 71re dar�+ ar� tleis pa,e m�d tlae reverse si:f< is public and, therefore, avaifable to !ke public. For OFfiee Us< only Concaissioner Distritt t'b � �i F(annin� District Councii Ci.yCounci! Wud April A. 2000 (DYERJ WFC DOW�70WN ST•PAUL Fax�6�129�1306 Fpr 11 '00 _;�43 �. , - Cot:solidated Pt•ogram Workforce Invesimeni$oard (WIB) Category Descriptions r. u� �flll�t �� W �p-�6Y If you are apply�ng for Susiness, Education, or X,abor posifions, please attach a nomination letter to your anolication as described beloK�. Bu;, defired as for-profrt {nominaced by local business orgznizations and!oc businzss r.ade associa:ions - attach your nomination lefter): ❑ Business owner, chiz`executice or operatin� officer, and other execucive or employcr with optimum policymzking or hirin� authority d Represent business �ti�ith employment opportunicies thzt rzflect the local zrea Also please indiczte if you represer,,: O lazge business O small business (fe«er than 500 emolo}ees) Com.mzenity-2nsed Organizations, d=fined as nonprofir nrganlaotions: (� Representztive of communities or sionificanc segments of communities providin� job trzining ❑ A�ency serving youtn O A�ency serving displaced hom�makers O Union-related or;aniz2tion � Emp(oyer-related nonprofit organization 0 O:g2nization servino nonreservation Indi2n 2nd tribal gov�mment O A�enty repre;enting veterins C1 A�ency representiag individual_< tvitit disabilities d Other. Economic Developmanf Agency: C� Pri��ate Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by re�ional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or org2nizacions representin� such local educational entities - attach your nomination letter); CI Local educational. entities (including K-12) 0 Local school boa:ds Labor ❑ Er.ti:ies p:ovidin� adult education and lit°racy activities O Postsecondary educa�ional institutions O Other: � i�orc:ina�ed by reco;nized state and/or loca( labor federations (attach your nomination letter) Oae-Stop Workjorce Center Pa; tners (defined as the partners thz[ ezrry out the followins activities/proarams): ❑ Adul!, Dislocated 1�Vorker, Y�u:h_ Job Corps,lative American and Veterz�s'�«'orkforc� (WIA Tide i) '�, Wagner-Peyser AcC �7 Adult Education znd Literacy (WI?. Title I]} Q Voca?ions( Rehzbilitz;ion (Rehabili,ztion Act Title I) rJ Welfare-to-Work Pro;rams (Secial Security Act) ❑ Senio: Coinmunity Sen�ice Employment (Title V of the Oidzr Americzns rlct) 0 Postsecondary Educ3t:on (Carl D. Perkins Voe2tional and Ap�lied Techaology Ecuea;ion Act) � Tradc Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA 'I'AA (Trade Act of 1974 Title 11) � Loca1 Veterans' EmplOymznt Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Tide 33, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department ofHousin� and Urban Development �( State Unempioymcnt Gompen�a[ior Laws (in accordance with applie2ble federal law) WFC DOWtiTOW� ST�PRUI. Fax:6�129�1306 Fpr 11 '00 i4:4� Consolidoted Program Workforce Xnvestment Eoard (WIS) hlembership Applicafian �/� n 1'rivate Information IamP• 1/ 1�9L V ') G�! � li! N.0 1 J� Place of �Vor:<Address: � OQ� ���'�� E. f�02777` S1� v�SStr� t�� S�E� T g7�. fJ` � L i ' P. U4 �p - � �`� Jr(5 � U� ?,Ty�o s r .�-� � a ,7279 on Zip � y C Telephoae Nnmber: (�Vork)/�5/-77 q-5 !0 6 J (Home) — (FAX) G� /- 7�9 SG Si6 Gs� GS/ -29'7 -/�06 E-y1ailAddtess: /YI{�I'1.�nKow� »a.iwmQil.-�eS.STare. `� Job Title: �F��O�ilf{`[, �f�'/�/�(E2 -' �.S% ��/��(� Personal I2eferences (include area code) 1) Name: 3Y�c �1lo�rfl < Phone:(Homel — 2) Name: Add;ess: 3 y� N0� � / C� Gn� Phone:(Homel �-' J .5`3 . (�vorkl G� S/- �96 — (0 0 ( % cS 1. �/�'GlC� /�//.✓ ✓�S �wotx� 6.s/- a96 � /� 902 Oplional: ln an attempt to ensure that Board representatioa reflects the makeup o`our communiq•, kno�vledge of the follow•ing information is helpfiit. I-Iowever, completion of this information is voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Black (African Ame;ican) American Indian or A!ask�z Eskime Male: t7 Female:� Disabled: O Yes �t�'o Hispanic Asizn or Pzcific Is!andet If special accommodations are needed, pleasz specify: 1U�� !/fe inJo�mertion ar il�it applicntion wi[1 be uscd to evnluate mrd select xrembers of the li�IB. �fppllca��fs muy reJuselo supply tl�e reques(ed irtjormntlort. Excepl for volr�ntary injurmatinn, Gowever, the jai/ure m comylete rl+e appticrsdon may resi�lt in It beh+; discarded. 7his data may be �eviewed and �azd by Rwrssey Counry and Sain1 Pat�! stn Tke da�a on dt "u page is privute. Apri t 4-, 2000 What zre your reasons for wuztir.� to serve on tne WIB? ,MAY-12-2000� e9�44 LIFETRRCK RESOURCES 651 227 0021 P.02/�0 Consolidated Program TYorkforce Investmcni $nard (T3'IB) Membership Appticasion pFCEfVE� 6a - L 6 `� MAY 1 5 2004 John Mohr HomeAddress: 2315 Timber Trail, Maplewood, MN (Ramsey, County) 551�YOR'SOFFICE Street City County Zip What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? See attached sheet 1 Length of initial term you are interested in: one-year Ate you a Veteran?: O Yes � i�io two-year X Ttamsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program Workforce Investment.8oard (WIB) Calegory Aescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the'F�IB. 1VIsi1 oc.'-Eax;ypu'c' IB ;N _.. . �'�: 55IO2 (I'�ar:'.6SI-266=8039;'P� :� ,651=266=801 �1). �A`.`4..w�'.y `,i�.:x`%F%i � �: , .:rd"4�.;aPr:tif �:� �-`�; :,� :; c' - "���A:�:���-.:�=:�:>:�. Boiilevarci, 'Saiiil Paiil,aMinrieso/n _;;, . .. n received by hlay;l2� 2000 `::: We wili hold nvo orientation scssions for members who are appointed to the tiVIB. These sessions arc � Thursday, June 22 (8;60 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members attend one ofthese m•o sessions. Piease resecve these dates on your ta[endat. �Ve expect that applicants ��'��� bc officially notified mid-Iune on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. ..-. . • � ...•. . .r:. '_"r. "'t'.....:�� L_ ..��J s� _.�L...�_ .._J...I,...i .�,..�F,..e n/iFe LY7R dn..lfrnn/v r.�mi ra(iica /n tunn(e f�/ •MRY-12-2000 10�08 LIFETRACK RESOURCES 6�1 22? 2021 P.04i25 . �,ansotraatea ,t'rogram Workforce InvesYment Board (WIB) pp-C�,q Category Descriptions ` ` � /� n hY— V /i 1'w If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to yovr apptication as described below. Busrness, defined as far prafd (nominated 6y local business orgznizarioas and/or 6usiness trade 2ssociations - attach your nominarion letter): 0 Business owner, chief executive or operating o�cer, and other executive or employer with optimum polirymaking or hiring authoriry 0 Represent husiness vrith emp4oymenc oppornuuaes Lhat reflect the Iocal area F.lso ple�se indicate iEyou represent: O large business O small 6isir;ess (iewer than 500 employzes) Com�tuniry-Based O�ganizations, defined ar nonprofit organi±arions: � Representative of communities or signi5cant segmens of communities providing job traitiuig :. ■ w Agency serving youth Agency serving displaced homemalcecs tJnion-related organization Empfoyer-related nonprofic organizarion Organization serving nonreservarion Indian and trib�l govemment Agenty representing veterans Agenry represen[ing individuals with disabiliries Other: Econoniic DeveTopment Agency: Q Priv2te S°ctor ❑ Public Sector Education (nomina�ed by regional or local educational agencies, insritutions, or organizations representing such local educational enaries - attach your nomina6on letter): � Local educational entiries (including K-12) O Loc�l schooi boazds ❑ Enticies providing adult educarion and literacy acriviries Q Postsecondazy educational insricutions � � Orher: Laoo� d Nominated by recognized stzte and/or loca! Jabor federations (attxch your nomin�tion letter) One-5top IYorhforce Center partners (defined as the parmers that car,y out the fol!o«�ng acrivities/programs): � Adult, Distocated Worket, Youth, Job Corps, Iv Ar,erican and Vete;z.ns' Wor4:force (WIATitle i) Q � G � v d G O a Wagner-Peyscr Act Adult Educatioa and Literae.y (WIA Titte In Voczrion�l Rehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Title n �l'elFzre-to-Work Programs (Soci�! Securiry Act) Senior Communiry Secvice Emptoyment (Tide V of the Ofder Americzs �1:�) Poscsecondary Educarion (Carf D. Perkins Vocarional and Aoplied Techaology Educarion Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFIA"I�AA (Trade Act of 19�;?icte II) Local Ve[erans' Employment Representarives and Disabled Veterans Outre�ch (7itle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Biock Grant � Department of Housing and Ur6an Development � S�ace Unemploymenc ComQensa�ion Laws (in accordance «ith app(icabl� ied:ral ta«�) .MAY-12-2000 10�09 LIFETRRCK Rc50URCE5 651 227 0621 P.05i06 Consolidated Program Workforce Invesincent Board (WIB) Memberskip Application ,Private Injormation Place �ohn Mohr ��-6�`t Lifetrack Resources (formerly St. Paul Rehabi7itation Center) Work Address: 709 University Ave. W, St. Paul, Ramsey County, 55104 Street City County Zip Telephonelr'umber: (Work) 651-265-2340 � 651-730-8592 �� 651-227-0621 E-MailAddress: lohnm@lifetrackresources.orq _ JobTitle: Chief Executive Officer Yersonal Referanccs (include area code) 1) Name: Andy Boss 2247 Hendon Ave., 5t. Paul, MN, 55108-3545 Phone:�Fiomel 651-644-3545 � 651-523-7807 2) Name: Ellen Watters Add ress: Midway Chamber of Commerce, Spruce 7ree Ctr., 5te 4, 16D0 University,_ '"'S'�"�; T�N 5'5 Phone:(Homel �Vhat are your reasons foc wanting to se�ve on the WIB? See attached sheet 2 (Workl 651-646-2636 Optional: In an 2ttempt to ensure tha[ Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, i:no�� of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this infoirnation is voluntary, Whice (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo b4ale: � Female: Ct Disab(ed; ❑ Yes � I�o IFspecial accommodations are needed, please spe�ify: Hispanic Asian or Pacif c Islander 1"he ir jorm¢tion on ikis applitation xi(1 be use� to evafuale and setect membr�s ojfhe K"IB. Appticanls may rejuse tv su/+f'. reqaraYed injormatioe. .Excepe jor vofunevry information, howtve�, the Jailure ta complete Ihe applicatio� rnay resu![ tl� �t �' discar�ted T/�is dala may be reviewed and used by Ramsty Counry and Sairtt Pau1 staff. 7he data ort this page is pri�'nt:. A�ril -t, ?OOU t5:-iY-1G-G'GCG iGe.a �.rc�n.-...n nc,:.�...:..,`.o . "_ _' __'_ '. Attached sheet 1 What skiUs traininc and exnerience do vou qossess for WIB membersh�p? Jonn m�h o�,��� I am the CEO of an organization which last yeaz placed in employmcnt over 1,000 persons who had challengcs to employment such as welfaze dependency, disability, lack of English language sldlls, and lack of work expericnce. I understand the needs oi low income, challenged job- seekers and lead an organizsGOn that has demonstratcd superior results in helping such persons attain employment. At the same rime, I understaad the needs of employers for dependable employees, and the fact that their needs as customers must be met in the workforce azena. Our organi�arion successfully worked with approximately 300 employcrs in the past year; in addicion to job placement we have p.ovided employers with on-site sofr sldll training and consultation concerning a non-uadiriona! workforce. Additionally, T am the past President oi the Midway Chamber of Commerce and in that role gained valuablc experience in understanding the needs of employers for assistance in the recruitment and retention of good employees. Lastly, while I have a good understanding of public worl�orce palicies and grograms, I am deeply interested in reform that will lead to more effective use of resources to truly meet the needs of both job-seeker and employer customers. I am interested in helping lead innovarion that is necded in chc workforce system. .MRY-12-2000 10�09 Attached sheet 2 LIFETRACK RESOURCES Whaz aze vour reasons for wantine to serve on the WID? 6si 2z� eozi P.05ieo �ohn �°a r �9 I want to serve on the WiB because this is a criricai rime when major change in the workforce system needs to occur and is possible_ The time is crirical partty because of welfaze reform and the clock that is rickiag for people to become economically self-sufficirnt. It alw is a carical time whrn employers are experiencing labor shortages and the growth of the local economy is dependent on an adequate world'orce. Significant change in the workforce system is possible because thae is a growing local awareness that the current system has performed inadequately; merger of the rity and county systems also carries the potential far a new and more effective spgroach. I bring a valuable set of experiences and a saong desire to help make a much more effecrive system that better meeu the needs of employers, job-scekas, and [he economy of the community. P TOTFIL P.Oc 05/11/200� 13:27 Home Addtess:Y � � � b Street City �TJk!at skills, training and experience do you possess for �VIB membership? n i l� , i �o� vtt l ,C � PAG� 0» �� �G�o l �� �� � . �tl . • � u 1. �. +► 1 ! ►��� 1 a / �..1 .����� � ��-lt� � � �y ��.bc� c� @tx��-�� Length of initial term you are intereste3 in: one-year _ Are you a V eteran?: � Yes W�+o a t,a�r�e,�rtic two-year � Ramsey County and the Ciq� o£ Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to r Cate e or ` detailed on the Consolidated Progrnm fYorkforce Investment .Bonrd (YYI'.8) $ Y the reverse of this page. Please andicate, on the reverse side, the category or categc on the �VZB. ur.. IB-D'Tetnb"eY"shipApplica#iozi=fo;-,-,;:;:�;':.;;;�� _ �Iail or �'sx yo W. . ..._..... ..;. ,:�.y:>.: .; - hie Clerk-.'County.�'oard,-Suite��5Q::'1 S'lVest'Kellagg,'B�u?evard, � Tonnie Jackelen, C f , ,. -..:. - - 55103 (F�x:.6.i1=266-8039;.Phn?ie:.6�1.;266-$U��4}: ApFlicatiolls mitst by�l esora We ��ill hold two orientation sessions for menbers who are appointed to tne R'I$. hese sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesda}', June 27 (I:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask that members a_�end one of these two sessions. Plezse reserve these datss on your calenda:. W e xpect t11at applicants wil; be officially notified mid-June on the status of their applicstion. Thankyou for your interest. The Itzfnr�ivftion on tltis appleca�ion wi!! be «sed to evaluate mid select »tenibers of tlie WIB. App(ic nts may reJ�ae to suPP�l' ��'' reqttes(ed informatiof+. E.ecept jor vnl�ui(trry iftformatiott, l�owever, tke Jnili�re to canPlete die apy cafiatt may result in it 6eing discanled. Tleis rlata rnay'6e revtewed and i+sed by Ramsey County mad Saint Pauf Staff. The data on his pnge «nd dte rev:rse side is p«b!(e ru�d, tlterejoie, «vrtilnble �0 !he pttblia l _ For Oftice Use only Conmissioner Districc PlannicU District Council � April 4. 200'J 651E422123 ruN-r;��v Jos �a�Ps Consolidaled Program iYorkforce Xnvestment Board (WIB) MernGership App(«ation (OV ERJ Ciry• Counfiil Ward - JV� �us categories as :riplions form on you enn represent 05/11/2000 13:27 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CuRrS PAGE 02 — —'— — — — � Consotidafed Progran: Wor�force Fnvestment Board (IYIB) Mernbership Applicafion Private Xnjormation Place of Work Address City (Home) G �� 'I'elephoneNumber: (�Vock) .� ^ . _ � E-Maii Job Title: Personal References (include azea code) 1) Name: ` G .i_ n �8 �G�9 l 2� I.?ame: Phone: ome � What are your re�uons for ��aating to serve on the WIB? r V A _ ,. �'; . Oprio,:ai: In an accempt to ensuze that $oazd representation reflects the makeLO of o of the fol! owing informadon is helpfiil. �Iotive�er completion o: this information is .� ��'hite (Caucasian) Hispanic $lack (African Amezican) Asian or P�cifcc Is1an� American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Otner Nlale: Cl Femate: � Aisabted: ❑ Yes �i No If special accommodations are needed plzase specify: , knoWledge TGe ueformatiun on this rtpplicntion wi!! be ns¢d ro evnluate nxd selecf inenebers oJ1L¢ W16. Applic�nu nzay refitse Lo supply !hz reqttestetf injormaUon. Exrep(jor voluritnry infarmnllon, hoWever, t4ejailtrre to coinp(ere the appll� MRy lCSUl111t !f I1e[no dlscarderL Thls duta may be reviewed and used by R�+msey Cuunry nnd Saint Paul stajf. Tke d�tta ot lbis pnge is privale. �.,.,i a �onn __ 05/11;200H 13;27 6516420123 . HUM?HR�Y JOB CORPS � PAGE 03 _ po -��`� Corrsofid2ted �Pro�rnni Worhforce Investment Bonrd (lVIB) Category Descriptiot:s Jf you ��re applYtng for Business, �ducation, or Labor positions, please attach a no a lic�tion as described belo�v_ ,_ _ _. .. Bt�sirsess. definsd as fur prof t (nominated by Iocal business ocganizations and/or business attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating ofticer, and o[her executive or err po(icymaking or hiring authoricy Q[�epresett� business with emptoyment opportuni:ies tha: rzflect the tocat 2rez Also please indicate if you repr�sent: � Izrge business O sma1V business (i Community-Bnsed Organiaations, defined as nonpraft organizations: O Representative of communities or significant segments of �ommunities q Agency serving youth C1 Agency serving displaced homemskers ❑ Union-related organizztion Q Emptoyer-related nonprofit organiz2tion O Organization secving nonreservation Indian and tribal government p Agency representing veterans (] Agency represen?in; individuals with disabilities O Ozher: �conom�c Development Agency: ❑ Pri�ate Sector ❑ Public Sector Educntion (isomin2ted by re�ion2l or local educational agencies, institutions, or o lecal educationa! entities - attach your nomination letter): d Local educational entities (including IC-12) Cl Local schoo( boards ❑ Enti[ies providing adult education and iiteracy rzctivities ❑ Posisecondary educational institutions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ iv'ominated by reeogni2ed state andlor local l2bor Federations (attach your S��..: letter to �'our associations - er N�ith optimum than 500 employee;) training representing such letter) One-S�o Yi�orkforce Cenrer Partners• (defined as the partners th�.t carry' out the followin aczivities/programs)� � Adutt, Dis(ocated Worker, Yeuth,lob Cor s, N2tive American and Veterans' 9lorkforcz (WtA Title L � Waener-Peyser Ac� • � Q ❑ � � � n � O O Adu(t Education and Literacy (WIA Title fI) Vocationzl Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Welfare-to-Work Progrzms (Social Security Act) Senior Community Secvice Employment (Title V of the Older Amerieans A Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Petkins Vocational and Applied Techno( Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197�3 Locat Vetecans' Employmeni Representacives znd Disabled Veterans Outre Communiry Secvices Biock Grant Depattment of Housing and Urban Development State Unemp�oyment Compensacion Laws (in accordance with applicable f Education A�c) e [I) (Titte 38, U.S.C.) law) JUN-01-2000 08�51 RRMSEY COUNTY MANRGER 651 266 8039 P.BSi07 . .. . . ; . . � ^ � . � : . . � .: � .. .. ' � . 60 --� �q �' - ' .. . . ,�:'•; �. ��"r :'��;• ;:.,' �'�' ' ' •_..:.._: ..`l. '. `. ..��... .r`' ' . " ' . ; ':.::' :.. : ' • ' . �. ' � ' _ ' " " ' �_...�:._•." = . ,�:�,:� _ .fSYlKCI(t :.�•. . . ,,;,; .. � : . . : ::�,� t Aog.ant�i3!nikfoiceliri± � . „ $oatd(T3�zBj _ • . . , . �,. � . . ... � _- ,..... ._. . . , . .... �.. _ .r �.. . . . . . : , � . . '' �. ' - ' - - . . . . .. . . e�'. :,.' `•; .. •-'� :.: •_....< � , � : .: ! ..,,: .�; � , .. . . . . . �,Memberslrip�pP.Tiratiq �. , , , , �. . . � . ��,` '. . . • -; . � . .. _ : :;: .. . . - - -. � :• _ � . -• . ... ..:... ' . .' ._. - I _ - -- ... � - � . •:. ..,: �. � - - . . . , �� _ . � ::':._`. . . . � . .' %, � P ' '. �� }� ' _ : V ...� : ' . ` . ... . ' • :..-�. ,,. _.:._;:� _ . . • . , - ` '. .: .. _ R` . . . . � _ . . :... .. . :......... ..: • ��.:;. .�. _ .. . .. _ l� ��: ,'. :' . 1.. . .��r-e:Sk�e�� - �i,�;�na�,s ���� .-S�.Y7!? : . � .. . . .. . . - _ • _ _ � . . - . - - Sueet _ . � '.. _ G�fq Goi�nry �'�'� .. '� - - .: . . . . . . ,.,:, . _ . ., . ., ... . _ . . . . . _ .' -• :Wliaf -�laUs;-frainu?$aad experience do you pbssess for WIB rirembershi}i?, -, , � �,_ : , . : �� ;•. • . . ? (� � r , :,'.r ., ,� . � . :, �' tit�c�e,e�' ��- �'� ii.a.�+ � ��'a9 sTfM;.�z� ��e.b��0.�n.�¢ �� �74" � . ., k ( ��,��(�(} � f� t' .� i � �\ 5` �o>>n�r� "`t.I32 6'CC.NailSe�' 1oG�tK m-�:f� wc'�� � iaaGl" T�'4�t�-s �^ra' ^-� , .... . ,, . . . ... ,..: . . . . . , ', ..': ,.. . . ,.. .. � . . n ve �1 � _ . �. ^ . . .. .; . ;: �. <<�'•;: - _ � ',�`a��gc, a.�:. w244.��1=eo-.:.,.:•lpa�eQs�;o��'(��v'e srac+�o�., • � �r. .- �. , � �,,. - � - - :.,r.� .b f •M ��� Qe �'SpB�}� - � Pa�•. C .. � < _ . . . . -• .. , � . .... :. , . . . . . .. - . ; : I:eii� o£�iriuial term yqu are iti.terested in:�. bneryeai _ , , . 'two year.,�. � ;',.. . � � • : : � ' '.. ;. _ . •' . . . : . -. - • • . „ - . - . . you a �!eceran?: g•Yes_ ; � h'o ; ' • ' , � ' . _ - .:: -..,.., , . , . . . . ...:. . . , .. ... , '.;�„;`- : • . �''>' .;. :.IYsuisey ... ,`dEfatTed on `tha`'ConsoTidctad,Pr��ahi �T3'orkfqr�ce IxvesimeRi'BDard' (WXB) �ategor}fDesGSphaxsParm on ' . ;• �,.. , .. , .�. � , ,.� . , �, � i$er�verstofthis;page.'�Please.iridicateronfhereverse'sid�tNecategory,o'riategor'res.�aq.rdn.reprrsent.:, . . �:on'Ylie�i'I$: .�... . . ,. ,. ` .._. ,: .. . - . . _ . . . , . • .. . : . `�,. _. ' .: : � - '. '..t, -� .. s:.?sL��' ....t+ '�KTir .`t6:}tr� ' s'�yc., :u.,: S:° ... . ' Cd4.:.^aN F '4%""^.^ ' ` _� _ ;:.'�( : � .�.. �t'va.�', f�F.� :k�.�.::,.`r....�.-'.'4.,�. '� �L:..a \- �:1'dr�`.�` - � ��i114'tS�.YC�',O,U.Y. m j�`M. �IC1Fil���f1�iS �i�:�i."'�'y.�`i.`.��"c.t�,.�+�,-"�..°c.�:i',°y.,,�"n`w:�.''"�+'�.a:«:%`.S�^n-9;�.:i�r,�; �:=: ,.,w ; • ;'t.n:.� , ..y���� +b �o�s�.R: �u,... 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" f � _ j � - — . . ... ..vf . .....� . � � ., ../ - .. �..• j .� .. .. . . ...''• ��. •'�..' . •y' � =� ��' , :WCivil�hold.twoArientafwasessions.foXmeinbersrwhoarGappointed[at}ieWLB: :*_ - _'i•.`...'..'` ....:� �-:•�.,_-. : . ., .-,.. : . . . _ . . . . ... . . . .. : .� T�uzsday;:Juna22`(8;;00"LaTfl:DOaiii.}orT�iesdap,Jting27(�;00�i_m) WCaslct7iatirisiiitiecs' �� �.. ;:..,.. : �, : :.,. ; :. . . . .. , _ . _. .. .. . . ,. .. _..� attend�6peaftlie.'setwo�asions; Pleate-ie'se�vettiese'dates:oczyoutcalerida,r:'WeeapecC'ttiataqplicanu:wili � . . , ... _ , ..: .: : . ,. : .._ - .,.: :.... •�- � - - .., , ,. . . ., , . , {�rb�ciaIIg ' , �fied'm't,d�3ane onthe fYatus,p�; tk�ir:aPplicaxii�q:; . ,:..::. . ,.::; _ _.. ..:. .. . .. w.: .: ��, ..:, . • • _- :... . ; - � _ .. •• �t�� • t . - . �.M- •P � . , . - . ` TTiia'akyou�toryour.interest:•� . . , •� - .. ; • - .;�Tlii : ie�or�riciiomon �thit:applica�o'n will8e iire�YO<evclruf� an, d seTect mein,beis oJlhe WIB. _ApplicaiiLt may rejnsetasupply th "e, .� �:.'..�.:'.::.. ,.. . � i.•..,.�:._._..t,.<.. icq,�tr�:+!�rrratioa :�crepi fcr� voJ«ata�j' iq�e?,�ori°n; howav�e ;.?ke failWe to'eceiiptefe ihe appluvhwrmay rv.mrt2=u�-�`t;bcing. :.. � . .,'� °` ' .T'l�itdala`tiw be,reviewedaxd+uedb' l�Fanu Co aidSdInfFaulsia �7ee.d�aonYk'is a%tdikriev�iserrde' ..,.. ,. �lisY.. . �•-� _ .�.. �;.. _ . ....x r,.... � �r. fl.-'. .P�" _ ... `•`_f.t�ii3fic�aisd�:.t}irueforc�•avai7qbk'taYhe�tibfiG'. , � . � - . ., - ... _�- ., .. ...... . ..c. . - .. . . . . . ...r, ._� . � �� . ' �' ... ' ' .. .. , � _ ` .: '` r.' :i,' .� . �..: �$oibfTiCebse.tiniy- � : ;;;. „ . ,, . � ,. :CommissicnaiTiisfricc:: , ':= , ;P . IaQnirigbisv,'ia,Conaa7 : ' . 'Cfij('auacFl.A'azd'<: � .,.^ .. ' r, . _ - . .. • � - . - .,: .,.} . • _ . . .. .�� �, j�• - . . . . : �a�'�R1 � - � ' , : � . .. , . . . ; : .. •.. ...:.;'.. . . . �• .. . - JUN-01-2000 08�52 RRMSEY COUNTY MHNRGER 651 266 8039 P.Bo/67 . 00 -66q Consolidatedprogram'WorkforcelnvestmeRt,Boa�d (WIB) � � Membership Application Q 1� Private Infarmadon riame: � tcs..� � l�`� t�.CX^� d . � . - �- P3ac.e of;EinpTdyineiu-. :-��v�, � • Q Iktl �' ��8 ��-=� . � - • � ` " �= .. . . <WoikAdar� - -•� . � . �� �S �f: p�ec�:S'�� � - �T�,;Q:��v��vi�i�i�:�s ` . ... " _ '; �.}. _ ' „Sfreat' . ' . ."�Cih';:•_-.. � , <County . ;Z( �. ;- . .. . , P ... ..:..� . .. . .. . : _ :_.• � : .,;�.,:: •� .` .. -:'. ..•.:.. . _ . - ;Te[ephane Number, .; �(Work �1. {Hame) Z ' `�A��. !�~��-���1� �'. : • ) �. . ,. _ _.. ..: ....�... •. . _ . �=,'. <,. �;.:�Mai1'AddreSS:-.:. '. � - . . ,: , , ,.:.. , _ 1 w�- , . : � �� 7ab;?it�e: � a`� ` . ' : - -. _ .._ , . ,, . , : �.•.�.� . . ..:. ..: .. .. . �. . . . • . , ._ . � • . . - . . � .�Persona'k�te�erenees,�ncludea7eacade)� , . - �, : . ... :. :. . . .... : . . . �. . . ';;, r _ .' :, � .. _ ' . . � ... >` - . . : . .:, . . . _.: .�..�-p� - • . . ' , , .. . � . .. .... . . . , . . . . .... _ ` __ . . . . ' '. ' •�3.[710 . . . . . . -� . . . .. ;, .:., .:. , :1�,;�.., ,:., ::'' ��_': •f� . ��'• .� 1 •�, � - • AC�[II`CSS: ' - n S•+ ���j � t� � � .[�✓'�. � . . ` � � . l . ' , . , • • : .:�;;�Phon��iomel� - ' .. : ... . ._ . ' Work 51��� ` .,. .. ._,�}'=.Na�e:' ,. � � � � . ;; ., is �- i , - � , ' , . ;.:�,; . . . .. • •� . ' -� -�.x;N�,e . ..::4i3d�ess� � ;: , �`�C . �.o<=- 0 ie.:'�:.ecc�. Q `'�.e � 1 —�-�---- � es � . khonuCHoir�e)` � , .' . . �: . � • . �'or(cl`:�c'�.[''� 6�Fi�`=:�b��i`..., _ . . t•'° :: . • � .... •; . . . � , , .%.!�Vfiat.are. your reasans �or<wantin to ser'v� on tfi� W�? ,, • .. ,8: . . . r '"•. . • :;.. . : . . ' . ,: . � � '.` , . °.; ,.. ��t2�cci��'.i���•'�h �a; 'ffl":,�=�,-i�,°.�:,;�.Yt :,..... • ` , o M �D� .`�.� - ' -���11.. iiJC • fk.i�',.�) n ¢ '�� �}e.�- ,. . . . ` ,. -?^��s��1�:a�a• � Ev�v�,.,' . �., �_��9t�i ��x5 �—� , " � ' � . 1, � -_—_�.� � . j7;,4 , ' � •�C�Y�md-� ., \_. � tZ�.d! ��' .�' - . � . -- ' � ` � ` , ' ` ' '� � \ `.. ��, � • OC.._' p : . :'� �c�.er'-�s `1t.�.. UJ1�'.�' ri� 1��"�Ga,1�'l,$' �C�... • , • . : � . �'.. .. `��;*��:e�q?'�.�yd . c � > tis. . :: ._ •� Qytioiral,� Iri a�i=attempt to ensure thaE Board reptesentatian reflects the makeup of our cammtinity, .�ipwledge •�° of�he following information is helpfvf. T�oweS�er, completion of this ittfortnation is Yoluntary. ;:::; •_ . • �: v°� "i�'fnte;(Ca;�casian); � � ,:. : . . :- . . , . ;. ..: . . .; ... '� : . . . • - • • ' .:'.`. Blacic.{P;frican rlmerican�, � . � : , :: . ::. .., , ... . • .. . .Hisparnc: . : • :• Y • ' Asian orpaoifeo.Islazider . : ,: . , . ,.: . . .: Aiiierican�Tpd'tan ar Alaskar, Eslamo;. � � : ��Other - _ `'`i�fale;: D�� �'Feii�atei . Disabled: O Yes 3do . ' " - � • • - . . . . .. .� �, . ... r.:• ;�,. .. ' '. . : . .. . , . : ., .: .. .. '.... . : - ' �. . .. � . .. ... _ � �.I�'specia} accominodations are needed� glease specify: " ', � ' ' ,: . -. � ' • ;�.'Tbei,iJarlydt+o,rrorrrkis�epptiaakon.xi!lbeicserl'fb'evcf++akdndSC?cdiir'csibersojt6o'i�'tE�.,App�T'i'�mkfsiriayrejrrse�tosq l�tke ; or;vpt�nt .`�i� orrirako kaisrev'e� `7ke �lxre la m" Idetkeriypl�calioer +rre , rerw�t lti F! beur �ceJ+tJ °'Y, f. . .�. �5.: s. .. j . MF .. Y.. g . .' ':..��ra: ��.a�,,,sya�.,�,,.;�°.a,����K�y�;;,�,�sQ�r�aKz.��9; ;�i�E 'data.6alJiispage'isp�wate.; ; - ;.,:, � : ' � .. .. '. , ' ' � � . , c,;i"�s: . p,�,n14,2000 , � � . . , , . . ,,..��,�, , ".::_�.:::. .. JUN-01-2000 08�53 RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 651 266 8039 P.07/07 . • � , ' . � �.�! �. . :' . .' . . .CoxsolidatedA'ogramWar kforcelxvestme�it.8owd(WZB) 00-6�� • , �, Cnlegory DescriprEons ' • ' . . Tf you are applying far Business, Education, or Labor posifions, please attach a nomination ]ettcr to yovr •• a lication as desctibed below. • '� �� ��' '�` .�usiness, defined arjor-prafit (nominated by Iocal business orgaiuzaao�s andlor business trade associazions - nttxch . �• your nominztion letter): • ' � ❑ Business owner, c2nefexecurive or operating afficer, and other execurive or employer with optimum . • . polityina]dnS or hiring authority • ' ❑ Represent business with employme�rt opportunities that reftect the local azea • plcase indicate ifyou iepresen� O largebusiness O small business (feweY than 500 employees} Communiry Based Organiraeions, defined as nanprofit organisafrons: .. �epresenwtive of communiries or significant segments of communiries providing job ttaimng , � �p �lgencyservingyouth ' , ' • ' p ,qgen�yr sr.rviag disptaced homemalccrs Q Union-relazedorgan�zation � • L] Employer-relatednonprofitozganizaeon . 0 Organizanon serving ndnresetwation Indian and tribal gover�nent p Agcncy representing veterans • .� �'� q Agen�y represenrittg indi�iduals iLith disabilities • � Othet' EeonomieDevelopmanlrlgeney: � p private Sectot �Public Sedor fducation (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutioas, or ocganizations repcesenting sueh ]ocs • educarional entitics - artach your nomination letter): ' ' O Loca1 educational cnfities (including K-12) ' ' ❑ Local school boazds Q�ntities providing adult educarion and literary activities � � � Q Postsecondary educationa! institutions p Other. � J abor ' Q Nominated by reeoguzed state and/ot locai labor federauons (attach your nomina6on lettez) One-Srvp Workforce Cen[erParfners (defined as the parmezs that carry out the following acrivities/programs): � dult, Dislocazed Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Narive American and Vete:ans' Workforce (WTA Title � Wag�er-Peysef Act ❑ Adult �ducarion and Jate�acy (WIA 7ide II) p Vocational I2ehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Title � � Welfaro-taWorkPrograms (Social Securiry Aa) Senior Com-nunity S ervice �mployment (?itle V of the Older Americans Ad} � Fostsecondary Edueation (Carl 1�. Per]tins Vocational and Applied Technologyr Educarion Aet) • O x'cade Adjustment Auistazice (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 ?itle l� 0 T.ocal Vete�ans' Empioyment Representatives and Disabled Vetetans Outreach (Tide 3s, U.S.C.) O Community Secvices $tock Gsant ��� . � �� � .. T_....7��.....♦ TOTRL P.07 h' Cansolidaied Program l3'orkfnrce Investmeni Board (WIB) Membership Applicaiion Q b—� 6 `� Home Street City ss� oa Zip ��. �- � - ...- � �.. � - , .. � • - � Length of term you are interested in: one-year _ two-yeaz � Are you a Veteran? ❑ Yes � No , Itamsey Cau»ty and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Category Descripdons form on the reverse o£ th'ss page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Thank you for your interest. The injormation on this applicalian will be used to evaluate and seled members of the WIB. Applicants �nay refuse tn supply the reguested injormafion. Except for voluniary injarmation, hvsvever, the failure to romplde fhe applicatinn may ruult in it being discarded This data may be revierved and used by Ramsey County and Saint Pau[ stajf. The data on this page and the reverse side 'u public an� therejare, available to tke public For Office Use only Commissioner District Apri14,200� Planning District Council (OVER) Ciry Councii Wazd What skills, training and experience do you possess for VJIB Membership? Cansolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) �����9 Category Ducriptioru If you are applying for Business, Educarion, or Labor posi6ons, please attach a nomination letter Yo yaur applicafion as described below. ' � Business, defined as for profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or btisiness trade associations - attach your nominarion letter): a Business owner, chief execurive or oQerating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local azea .. Also please indicate if you represen4: O]azge business O smalI business (less than 500 employees) Community-Based Organizations (defined as nonproft orgazuzarions): � � Representative o£ communiries br significant segments of commtuuries pro4iding job training � ❑ Agency serving youth _ � ' ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organizarion ` � ❑ Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabiliries �Ocher:�_���{i c �}fJu�,n Rviw�____ 1 Economic I?evelopment Agency: a Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educarional agencies, institutions, or organizarions representutg such locai educational entities - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Local educarional entiries (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds ❑ Enrities providing adult educarion and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educarional insritutions ❑ Other: Labor � Nominated by recoguzed state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Stop Workforce Center Parrners (defined as the partners that carry out the fottowing activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Narive American & Veterans' Worl�'orce (WIA Title � ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title In ■ a ■ ■ Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titie n Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Educarion (Cazl D. Perkins Vocarional and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title In Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach {Title 38, U.S.C.) Cammunity Services Block Csrant Aeparhnent of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal taw) Consolidated Prngram Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Membership Application , Private Information t�-F.P 6O d Name: J o V� {`/1. ���' fMAN'� Place of Employment: _ S't: 1i:[.li� Telephone Number: E-Mail � Job Title: � eCi-+�"'� �ir2c. r Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: �.. �n �Q, �.Q �.J I,�O SS Address: Phone: I�-Iomel CeSt- Co4�t - `33�t �_ (Workl Eo5 t- 5 Z-3 � � 3v'1 2) Name: �'�r,�it� r� �1'��i�'c r ,�/�iJ�nP�r�� �TC TrkeB.e.c Address: �pD Tf�.�-�P r Q� S�"• PG�� Phone: (Homel l�5 �- 'l 3 g- 23 5�;' What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the VY�? 1 _ . r. � �,� ,, .. —� - � . i�• � �el��z�� � 3� w+.o�e s�ec`��.1 v�e�ds .� �o c�r G(i2.�Fs, Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge o the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. � �_ White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male:� Female: ❑ Dis . es `�No If tal accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or The informaiion on th'u apptication wil! be used ta evaluaie and select members ojthe H'IB. Applicants may reJuse tn supply the �equesYed injormation. Except for vofuntary information, however, the jailure to complete the application may resuli in i1 be'vrg discarded This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saixt Paut siaff. The data on this pvge is privafe. 3- 6et�:eve '�i�s �-�c(�-ert2h�e W�ll lne1,� �e c������ �-(�-e So�l rpa a, �000 o� �{�.� Gi-h,� — �O ✓ n� (� 0 ���fl('crL �v �2M'� �,�q r� . G '� �l .� � r �' 7r' � \ Street City County 1 Zip C�0 -G �`I n (�t'ork) Co S ! -2�i 2' � 1 7 Z (Home) �Sl - 22S - oS�1 � (FA� (05l - 2�i S - L 1L 5� ORIGiNAL Presented By Referred To Committee:U Date ., i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to an approves of z the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individual o serve on the a City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). 4 5 s � a 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 i� is 19 20 ai aa 23 24 as 26 z7 aa 29 30 31 32 Appointments Karen Dee Daniel Galles Richard Hanson Louis Henry Richard Krohn Rolf Middleton Michelle Ott Kathleen Pinkett Shelley Rose Mary Schmitz Ellen E. Watters Joy Wise Davis Richard Grigos Eng Herr James Smith Lorrie Louder William P. L ncY Donovan S wic] Harry ander Mary unkow Jon utzmann Jo Mohr arlotte Strong Reuresenting Business Business Business Business � Business Business Susiness Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Economic Development Education Education Labor One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner Expiration Date June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 3une 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2Q02 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 Jnne 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2�02 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 covncil File # p �- G G 9 Green Sheet # tio� g q y, RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� lf,�� r�� �o-CVR Lucia Lebens 6-8533 Si BE ON COUNCIL AG6�IDA BY (DA'fE) 7112/00 wrt TOTAL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET o�►ue.rarta�ecTOa oo-GG4 No 106894 � a�reauMC�. aiYllna�u�kr � ❑ alYa8tic .qwc,.tacRVCCSOa ❑ I��uraRwawsasrnrt� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj Approving the appointments of Karen Dee, Daniel Galles, Richard Hanson, Louis Henry, Richard ICrohn, Rolf Middleton, Michelle Ott, Rathleen Pinkett, Shelly Rose, Mary Schmitz, Ellen Watte , Joy Wise-Davis, Richard Grigos, Eng Herr, James Smith, Lorrie Louder, William Lynch, Donovan Schwichtenberg, Harry Melander, Mary Brunkow, Jon Gutzman, John Mohr and Charlotte Strong, by Mayor Coleman, to the City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE C1VIL SERVICE CAMMISSION . l �' SOURCE VI� thie cereoNfirm ever Marketl untler a mrtract rortnis aepartmentv � VES NO Fles thte ae�aoM�m ever bean a eity empbyeeT Y6 NO Doer. Mis Oersonlfirm P� a slup not name➢YP�eeO by am' anreM d�Y emGbYee'7 YES Iq Is tltis peisprvfirm a tarpMed wntlo/t . YES NO COST/REVENUEBUOGETEO(pRCLEONE� ACiNRY NUMBER YES NO INFORMFTION (O(GLNN) 00 - 669 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Iantry FROM: Lucia Lebens, a 's� DATE: July 5, 2000 RE: Workforce Investment Board Appointments Attached is a list of the Mayor's appointments for the Workforce Investment Board (WIB). The purpose of this memo is to give you some background on the Workforce Investment Board Appointment Process. Peter Hames and I have been working closely with County and City staff for their input and suggestions. You may recall that the Workforce Development Consolidation joint powers agreement (7PA) called for the Workforce Investment Board. In order to represent and advance City interests, the JPA gives the Mayor the authority to appoint one-half of the members. You may also recall that federal and state legislation mandate the membership categories to be included in the VJIB, resulting in a 46 member body. For example, business representatives must make up a majority of this inclusive board. The state requires that we have a full board in place by August 1, 2000. To make sure the appoinhnents meet the requirements of the JPA and the law, the Mayor and Commissioner Ortega met today to review the applicants and make their individual selections. The attached list of names meets those requirements. Peter Hames (6-8796) will contact you in the next week to discuss the WIB appointments. Thank you for your time and consideration. We are excited about this process moving forward. Senc ; ;les Canoanies nay-26-@H 19c@7 fron 6126998822d651 266 8059 aa9e 3i 2 Consoiidctcd ,Progran+ WorXforce Invcstnuxs ,8oard (iYlB) Membership Appticarion oo-�G9 Iiome Address: /�SfO ��mr.—• �,-�c��:..�F ..C-'7`, r/��',<•��'. r-c��a--�--�'�y ��lf E � ' " Street Ci:y Councy Zip What skil{s, trairung and ezperience do you possess for V1rTB membership? !.�C ri 4' i�A�! S¢ S< /9l r-s*1'Y� .�n..r a "G /9'SS� fj �a� "'� Y9��- f/'✓Ki+=X"c se� ? � �1 .� I c�—.—c� t - c� r� T`' l' k n � - °��c,z �',�l' ' �(' 'F !� �G�t c� '" S. v� lt.r f•' 7�� ` Gc�� !� Length of initial term you are interested in; one-yea� Are you a Vetecan?: O Yes .�o two-year �✓ Rnmsey County and tl�e City of Saint Paut are recruitIng individuals to represent vnrious categories as detailcd on ti�e Consaltdntcd P�agrmi� FYorkjorce InvesUnenrl3oar�l (WX13) Catego�}� Descriptions form on the revcrse of this page. Plcase indieate, on the reverac side, the cztegory or categorics y0u cxn repYescnt on tlic W1�3. .:> yi�:�� . . '_' Mailor�azyour:lVIRMembcrshipApplicati�ontoi. '. ';x;°us-::;.. ,.. . - ' �:� , .,; • .�>:....--. , :-:, .• s..,:r:F.::;;, .,r:, .,,,:.., •::- ::. Bonnie ;Iackelen, Chie -. Goii��lyBoard,�Suile ZSO �I3 WesCKelld��Botrt2verr�d,.5aint;F?ti:rl,.1✓linri'e�vta .iSJ02 (l�cr.r: 6Sl-IGG-80��;'Phoii�.':�GSI-166=8014J. Ap�litatiwismttYtTiti'�ceivedby,May12,1000:' •-. " We �via; I�old•hv3-ecientat%on sessiocu for iacmbers �r•ho arc apGcin:ed ta tite'.VIB. lbcsc ssssions am � Tt�ursd�y, June 22 (6:0a to I0:00 a.n�.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask tiiat members atcend one of chcse hvo sessions. Plcase reservc thesc datcs on you� calendar. �Ve e�pat that applicants w+l! bc af:'icia(ly notified mid-June on thc ataau of their aQptication Tt�anlc you for your iiiterest_ TLn brJerrrm�la� m� lhir e�y�licattnir u i(! Gc urUd Lo ewufuale and srlcc! me�nbcrs pjflrr WITi. rtpplicnrrfs inqv rejrrscYo sup/+fj• r.�:e requas/d+! i»jornrNr4�i. E�•ec/�t for vnlunlnry i�rjqrnrcdion, huwever, thC fnilurn t0 eentpltfe fh= a/lplica(io�r nray r¢.tuk i�r it bting discnrd�rt. 7hi.�• data nvn}• b2 revit��+eJnnd used by Ramsey Caunty and Saint Pau! sYaJf. The dafa on lhispage trnd (ke reverse sid�� r.r pubtic artd, thenfnr�+, availahle ro the p+.h(ie. For oificc Usc only Comntissioncr Aislric4 ^rra •, .�ouu Planning District Council (OVLR) Cih' Council Wacd i1,7t'. - - .= - ' ,.i: . ��I�TEF_�Ri}_i � :,e •..+. c ..�_ Senc les Coneanies nay-26-B8 19:87 fron 6126988622965i 266 8259 Place of Employmei WoCk Address: � Teiephone 23umber: E-Mai[ Address: C Iod 7itle: _O�s+x�.� Yersona112eferences (include area code) 1) 2) 23ame� �C/-�',�i �inc.c s�" Address: 1.�. 7'� 3f. Phone•fH4melCC ra ± o��— t9� What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WI$? (Work� C� �� S.�gCS- �4.� � 4ptinnaf: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup oPonr comm❑nity knowledge of the following i�formation is helpfvl However, compietion of chis inFormation is voiuntary. <� White (Cauctt�iar,) �lac{: (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male� �Y Female: � Disabled: Q Yes Hispsnic A�ian or Pacific Is(ander Qther � ., � lf special accommodations are needed, please specify: �?� 7'hc ii jurrnation oit 11ris Rpp(fCatiDn riiU bt uaed tn evu(yalc und sefeel mem6Cr5 aJtkc W16. f(pptetants xeay rrfuse to swpply (ht requcSfrd iajormutiorz. Fxcr(ilfvr vuluaLory in/nrn�o[iox, kowrver, tl�ejoilu.e rn ea�r�plele the applicotioa rnoy resu(t in i! bein; discorrled ]'A'u dala txrsy be itviewed nrrAnsed by Itamsey+ County and Saittt;Pau! Sta �'he da(a o� thu page is prE�are. Consalidated Aogravte Wor�force7nvutment Bou�d {WIB) Membership App7ication ,�ivateTnforma&an .�: / /�.,�//�� � Pa9e__2� 2 _ oc -�bq City (Work)l�•s� ) 69f�e .9�� (HOme)�('-<<� u�90 • v�o3 (FA�IF..>^- E o g _ as •�, Phone;�Comel� /�'> G�4 .. zas �Workl ��sr > a z-�:�- 9.� �°.�� f"/� �r�' •7`�_.c. i ,e�'rbN�,_�°m'Z2O..-t�,�� �,.a.^..,aer��aa� -�... /�a►.rw._ i� /C'1 t ' ' cY�Y �/� d. [ .C+a- 4s : G+� "�/"��l `'�Glcr es` 04i10 '00 10�00 iD�C�riii A=�R:RS FAX�651-737-3CE- PAGc City uf Saint Paul-Ramsey County 13'orkfbrce Xnvesiment Board Metnbcrslrip ApPlic�tinn 00 -��9 J t� — � Page 1 of 4 Name: 12ichazd E. (Dickl Hanson Place of F.mpioyment:3b1 Communitv Affairs Mailing Address:Bldg 591-30-02, St. Paul, Ramsey, M�I 55] Strcet City County Zip f�elephoneNtitmbcr: (Work)651/733-8335 (Home)651/735-5685 (}'AX)651/737-3061 E-Mail Address: rehansonl Job'1'itle; llirector, 3�1 Community Affairs, VY 3M l�oundation Rcasons for your intcrest in serving on thc lVorkforcc lnvcstmcnt Board: I've setved on the St. Ptiul PIClW1�C_ for the psst four vears and have been instrumental in renresentine the orivate business sector, and in the ef'fori to concolidate the Citv & Countv «'IBS To brinb cloture to tny involvement ] would like to spcnd one veaz 2s member of the new WIB to help nrovjde continuitv of leaderthip Mv ultimate ¢oal however is to hclo redesiem our communitv emplovment svttem 1<> eliminate the dizconnecis belwcen cmolovcrs and iob-seekers. What skills, training m7d experience do you possess for Workforce Jnvestment Aoard Membcrship? Private sector bueiness ma�ia�ement as well as the linkagec 1 have helned build bchvecn husincss. and the local _ Public and non-nrofit seclors involved in the emplovment Svetem At the samc timc 1 serve on the boards ef the Saint Paui Area Chamber of Commerce Em�iovers Solutions Inc the Communitv Emotovmenl Aartnership _ an�l the LJnited �Vav of the Saint Paul Arca Length of term you are interested in: one-year � two-ycaz ❑ IIow did you hear about thi; opening (includc nominations) "I'hrough the St. Paul Norkforce I�evelopment Counci] (OYF.R) 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�CO�i7 A�FAIP.S FAX�651-737-3Co1 P��E = ��c� NaKSo� In an attempt to ensurc that committcc rcpresentation renects t]te makeup of ous community, plcase check the line app3icable to you; this information i, voluntary. � White (Caucasian) ❑ F31ack (African Amcrican) ❑ American Indian or Alaskan Eskime OC- 6G� D fiispanic C7 Asian or Yacific lslander ❑ Other Mate: t�l T�emale: ❑ D'ssabied: ❑ Yes 0 No Jf specia} accommodations are needed, p{ease sPecify: PERSONAL REFERENCES (inciude arca codc) 1) I�Tame: MayorNonn Address: City Hali, St. Phonc:fl-lomc) 2) Name: I.arry Dowell, Address: Saint Paul �rea Chambcr of Yhone:(Home) Vetcrans:� Yes Q No f �Vorkl �Workl �Ve nre reeruitin� individuals to represent varions categories as detailed on the attached 3Ynrkfnrce Im�e.ctment Bnard Category Descriptions form. Please indicate the entegor}• or categories you can rcprescnt on thc WIB �n fhis form and return iE with your application. M�il or �ax �•our WIB MemUershin Anniication to: ITo�:nie.lackelen, ChiefCt�rk, Co7lntyBvurct, Suite 250, IS i3'e.�'! KelloggBoulevard, Saintl'nul, fLlinnesotcr 55102 (Fax: 651-26b-3039; Phone: <>51-2fi6-807�F). Appllcatlon.r must fie receivett byMay 12, 2DD0. For Officc Usc onlv Nlcasc notc that two orientafion sessions wili he heid in June for members who are appointed to the new City- County Workforce Investment Board. 7he;e sessions arc 1'hursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00} or Tuesda}', June 27 (1:00 to 3:00). Please jot these dates on your calendar at this time; we expect that applicants wil! be officialfy notified mid-June on the status of their application. t;ommiss+oner District Planning nistrict Council City Councii Ward _ The ir forJ�ialion iricltrded irt Ihis crpplicarinn is ennsidered prii�alc• dala accvrding to thc Minne.�nra C;nvernnren[ Uala Pruertces Act. As t� re.sult, tlris infornralion is not rcleused to the general MercT 29, 20bU 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�C077 P.�rRiP.S FAX�651-737-3061 PAGc �iCk �"'A�� � oo-G�9 Workforce Investment Board Category Descripiions I3usiness (defined as privatc, for-profit busincsscs): ❑ business owner, chief executive or operating oCCcer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking ar hiring authority OO represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local area Also please indicate if you rcprescnt: m largc busincss ❑ small business (less than 500 employees) Cnmmunity-Bosed Organizations (defined as privatc, nonpi'ofit orgnni•r.ations): CJ representative of communities pr significant scgmcnts of communities providing job truinin� ❑ agcncy scrving youth ❑ agcncy servins displaced homemakers ❑ union-related organization � employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ organization scrving non-reservation lndian and tribal government ❑ agency representing veterans ❑ agency representing individuals with disabilities Economic I)eveloPment Agency: � Private Sector ❑ Public Sector L:ducation: ❑ local educational entities (including K-12} O local school boards Lahor ❑ entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ postsecondary cducational institutions ❑ Iv'ominated by recognized state and local lahor federations (OVER) OAi10 '00 10�01 ID�COrui FFFAIP,S FAX�651-737-3061 PA�E � b� t K +-�a.�s°s� One-Slop Warkfvrce Center Purtners (defined as the partners thxt carry out the following activities/probrams): ❑ Adult, Dislocated �Vorkcr, Youth, Job Corps, Nafive American & Vctcrans' Workforcc (W1A "title I) ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act 0 Adult Lducation and Literacy (WIA Title II) 00-6`� ❑ Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act'1'itle I) ❑ Wclfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of thc Uldcr Americans Act) ❑ Yostsccondary F.ducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational & Applied "I'echnology Lducation Aet) �'!'radc Adjustment Aszistance (TAA) & NAFTA'I'AA ('1'rade Aci of 1974 �l"itic il) � I,oca] Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreacl� (7itle 3R, iJ.S.C:.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department of Nousing and Urban Development ❑ Statc Unemployment ComPensation i,aws (in �ccordance with applicable federal law) (ovcR� APR-it7 11�39 St PAUL PLFNNING 8 E'ZtJ EJSGG�J14 F�.�C��/L� Consolidared Pi'aSr'am Workfarce Inuesiment Eaard (R'IBJ MemberskiP APFlicatian �� (_; _ oa - ��a 03 Length of uutial term yo e urterested in� one-year Are you a Veteran?: u� Yes ❑ No two-yenr � w'e wili hold n�o orienr:tian sVssions fer menbers whu aze appointed to the WTB. Thzse scssiens ar: � Thursday, .)uae 22 (8:00 to 10;00 a.m) or Tuesday, June 27 (I:00 to 3:06 p.m.). We ask d�ai mcmocrs attend one of th�so tHO sessions Please reserve .hese da2ea on yonr cal�dar. We ospcct tliat ag�licants tisill bc off,cially notificd mid-June ou the status of their applicafion. Thank you far your interest. The irs furm:�ric+n un [his apptiration r��itt be usert tn walxute and stiM_ members af the WIB• App?ica+�t� may refuse to suppiy tFe requesr¢d informarion. EYCept jor vo7uxtruy information, hnweves, the fat7ure to camptete rHe appliratiors �nay resxtt in ii being discwded Tnis data may be revi�wed and used by Itwtuey Couxity and Sainf Puut stajj. The data ors tEu p�e and the rererre side is public urtd, tkerejore, availabla to tha pablic. For Officz Use auly Commissiuner Dit:ct � P�amdnS District Ceuacil City' Council 4tiard tl�it 4, 2�00 � Streex i:tty .,.,�.,.� �.r What s1.711s, training and experience do you possess £vr WIH mem.tecship' 12amacy County and the City af Saint Yaul tu'e recruiting incllvidusls to represent various categuries as detailtd on the CortsaGdated Program Workfarce Investment Baard �Y3'IB) Cafagory Descrigtions focm nn the reversa of thls page. PleaSe indicate, on the reverse side, the tategory or categories you can represent on the WIB. fiPR-10 11�40 ST PaUL PLF.NNING & ECDPI os12eZ3ui-+ r.v�a-i_� Consolidated Program Workforce Inv��tment Board (Li'II3) �uiS � r � Category Desc�iptions p O— G 6R If you are spplying for Business, Education, ar Lahor pasitians, ploase attach a nominaiion letter ta your a lication as described beiow. Susinesa, de nzd as far profd {nominat� by local business organizations sad�'or bu<_iness trade associations - astach ynur no hon letter): Business owncr, duef executive or operatina officer, and ather executive or ampioycr mth oPtimum pulicymalanS or hiring autuoriiy � Represcns business with employment oppartwuues tha� nffect the lo ana Ako please indiczte if you iepresent: O large bu�ness small bus3ness (fewcr than 500 employees) Commur.iry•-Based Organizations, defined as nn�profuorgantwtions: G Ropres�carive of aommunities or significant segmenu of comnunitias provid�ng jo6 trausing ❑ Ag�ncy senine youth Q Agency serving d�sptaeed homemakezs D Union-relatt�d orgamzafion ! O Empioyer-ralated aonprofit organization ❑ Organizahon serving nonresacvationIndian anduibai gocern.�nent Q tlg�ncy repr�entng veterans �.t Agenay represenUng individuals with disabilities � Qthe� Econom ic De velapment Ag¢ncy.• ❑ Private Secto: O Public Sector Educativn (nomin�ted by regional or locat educarional &genaes, instimtions, or organizarions represenring such local educatiunai erctities - attach your nominatlon letter): � Lacal educarional eatiries (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds d Entities providing adi:it education end liteca..y a.ctiviues ❑ Postsecondary educarional instimtions � Other. Labar ❑\"om�nated by recognized state and/or local laboc federziions (attach your nomiration letter} One-Stop it�orkforee CenterParmers (defined zs t1�e p�n lhat cazry out tha foUowing acavities(programs): ❑ Adul; Disiocat:d Wocker, Youth, Job Corps, Ivative �.mencan and Veterans' Workforce (WTA Tide n ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act � Adult Educarion and Liceracy (WIP+ Title "m 0 Y ocationzl Rehabiirtarion (Rebabilitation Act Title I) ❑ Welfaz:-'aWork Programs (Sncisl Security Act) ❑ Senior Commi:nity 5orvice Einploynent (Tide V ofth°. OEder Amaricans Ac>) G Posuecondary Educz�on (Carl D. Pcrkins Vocarional and Applied Tecnnolo� Educ�rien Act) Q 7rade Adjushn�t Assistana (TAA} and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 ?ifle II} ❑ Local Vetera.�s' Employment Represe�rtati�es and Disabled Ve�rans Outr2ach (Title 38, U.S.CJ Q Comm�ity Services Block Grexrt ❑ Departmant of Housing and Urban Dev�lopment ❑ State Un�noloyment CompensationL2ws (in accordance v,ritn applirza!e fader2l law) . P,FR-10 11�40 ST PflUL FLF.NNING & ECON Place Work �i'z�s�� P.a=-�; Consolidated Progra�n �I'orkforce InvesYment Board (A'IB) 1Ylemberslsip ApPlicatiort privase Infarmation S , �-1� � .�-� ,�� �` s � �,�-- �' � � ar�-o �,e' � � _ 5 � L � Street Ct � � 2.Z �4 ome ?i ) �Q ( {F.� Z?-������� Telephone Ivumber: (Work) 2-?- � ,�'��— � �� E-Mail Address: i-� v� c� v Job Title: Y�' 1 C��'�' personalReferences 'nclvde 1 } Name: Address'. � � � - Phone: ome 2) Name: , ) �-� Phone:(HomeZ Z Svs� t� What aze your ceasons for azea cede) �2��� - �V4Jt�/�.� Oo - GGq � �� --�'�l� � � � �- � �a� 1 - s,� ,�- � 3� � ' � �Varkl .t��m,5srm� — Z—db �77 to serve on the WIB? � ,-- o-rL-�a — pprionai: In an attempt to ensure that Board representa�on reflects the makeup oi o�,r com.ziunity, knowiedge of [he foilpwin infarrnation is he(pful. However, cospletion o: this inTOrmarion i; voiuncary 'te (Caucasian) I�ispanic Black can American) Asizn or Pacific Islz�dcr Am �can Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Other �fa1e: Fer�ale: Ca Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No If special acaommodation; ue needed, plea;e specify: '1'k� infarm�aian on ihis appficatiars wt11 be used ta evaluate asd srlect rae�a6ers of tJ,�e WI& ?.ppticantc may �efuse fo s:�pp[y tke requestek infor»uttion. Ezeepi jor voluxs�+ry infurmafion, horrere', the failu� ta ro+wplete Nce aP n+ay reaxH in it beir.g dCscarded Tftfs da7a m. ay be review _M and rzsr� by Rarcmry Coeu�ry aed Saint Paul staff. ZNe data an ehis page is priva�e. APC:I A, 200D HPk-10-z`d�a 11�41 ST PaUL PLFhJNING & E�SJN DgAFF DOCUMEPi'T 0313912000 .�.JIGGCJ.J1� {�ats C9ty of Saint Pau1-RamSZY Cau°tY YVarkfarce Inrestmtnt Board pirector Posifian Principles and Characteristics r.<,�.... ��� Oo- 669 The East Nietro business community is � investor in Workforce Aevelapme. t ponfolios, a partna in education and training programs, and a s�2keholder in the outcomes of youth and adults. Business needs a��orkforce that has full oommand of all basic sldlls, hi�her lecel skills and an understanding of the workplace. A we11-prepared workforce treates a vibrant ecenomic errvitonmer.t, and economic stability drives soc'sal stability. The Saint Paul Piorkforce Councit offers the follawing princiPles that need to be considered in selecting a director, and emphasizes that the birins decision must be made by September 7, 2000. The Saint Paut Workforce Council belieces that tota} attention nzeds to be given to A�EW LE.ADER5HIP ROLES for WORKFORCE �OAR�S. For example: . Assess and articulate chan�ing workPlace oeeds . Shapeamazket-drivenvision . Build a comprehensive system • Provide effective leadership . Launch assativc outreach Ths Saint Paul Workforce Council believes in SHAPING SYSTEbiS to REFT ECT CF3AR.9CTERISTICS VALiJED by BUSII��SS. These az'e: • Market-driven . Comprehensive . Portabic . A�ountable . Customer-focused • Responsive . Fle�bk . Customized The Saini Paul Workforce Council wants PIFBLSC SY57EMS ALIGN�.'D �i2th the M.AiZKETPLACE. For example: • Market demands drive 6usiness skiti requirements + Caminuously define changing business requiremarrts . Identify specific industry ucnds and skill require�ents . Set high standards for eflucatior an�1 training provi3ers The Saint Paul Workforce Councii believes in ACCOUNTABII-TTY to :vi-4Ri{ETpLACE STAIdDARDS for TRAIlVL'3G AND C�MPE?ENC7ES. For exza�ple: • Set new standazds for employer satisfaction and contmuaus improvement RPR-10 11 � 41 ST PAUL PLFNN i NG & Ec�Jr� . Publicly disclosed perforn�ance of u'a+n��g Pro�2ders . Qcerall system parformaace based on specific measureble outcomcs OJIGGJ�)J1� � .'-'-" �- � W„— V �o-�G9 The Saint Pul Workforce Council believes m BUII-DING CRE3�IDII.TTY with EhiPLOI'ERS. This happa�s when: • Employers buy into tht vision . Commit to systemic c.l�nge Fc�cus on results Ensure a ouatity product Eased on the �ve princ�ples outlincd above, the SainE Paul FVoridorce Coencll afPers the Pollowing characteristics essendal fur an effective diractor. 1. 2. 3. An a3ept busu:ess co��cator with danonsuated results in ai1 five areas: improved leadership roles, creating systiems that have business characteristics, aligiment of public systems with the mazketplace, accountability to marketnlace standards, and building credibility with employers. Ability to 6e a risk talcer ead manaba chan�e and d�versity. Posscss the courage of conviction and tba ab'uty ta implement the Vvori�occe Investment Boazd vision. JUN 07'00 09:a8 FR RGC OF MINN'cSOTA 651 632 8928 70 2668@39 Co.ualidated'Program �'o�kforce Invrstment .8oatd (FYIB) Membership Application CO'(.{�c� 1 Home Street City County Zip What s}dlls, training and experience do you possess for VJID membership? e r�� �,n -- �t 7t1�'-- Leneth of initial term you are interested in: one-year,� two-year �.. Are you a Ve:eran?; � Yes �No Rxmsey County and the City oFSaint Yaul are recruiting individuals to represeat various categaries as detailcd on the Conso7idaterl Prograrn WorkJorce Inreslment ,t3oard (FYfl3) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categaries you can represent on the WIB. hlail or'Faz'you"r'.WI$`Membci Ronnie Jcrckete�r,'.Gytref Clerk - C .i510Z (1'ccz'.•''G.iI-1GG-8039;'Pho; 0 '� .�%: �.,. \ �vaid„$ai"rit `Piiiil,=MinnesoGc f:-. ....,1 R C: a,%.;:��r��'�nna ,,, ' 1Vc �vill hold ha�o oricnta[ion sessions for mcmbcrs �vho arc appoin[ed to the WIB. These scssions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 to 1.0:Od a.m.) or'I'uesday, .1une Z7 (1:0o to 3:09 p,m.). We ask that menb�rs attend one of thesc t�vo sessions. Pleaze reserve these dates on your ca]endar. We eepect thac applicants ��•ill bc offcially notified mid-June on the status of their application. �hank you for your intcrest. Zhc ii�onrinliai oi� this applicotion irill bc wsed to evtrlun(e and sclect nrenr6ers ajllre WU3. slpplirnuLs may rrfurc to cupplr tf:e rcqutstc<( injormarion. Fitep� jor vulurttnry irtf6rmofion, however� the failurC ta complde thc applicntiort may rtsult in it bting dircnrdcd AHis dntn may bc revinved and used by Rernsey County and $a+rct Pau! stajf. The data an Chis page nrtd thr rcvnrsa siAc is pub(ic antl, fhrrcfore, avoilabtr lo thc�ublia Eor Officc'Usc only CommissioncrDistrict Planning Aisttict Caunci[ 7 P.02�04 ���?�- c�� . � c�� Citp Council Ward A; r,t a, 2000 (OYbRJ crai�ra•� erreQ oo� rro vvnu�.iui.i i JUN 07•00 09:49 FR aGC OF MINNESOTA 651 632 892d TO 2^068039 Cansalidared Prograr,i Workforce In vrstment Board (N�I'� • Categnry Descr�ptians � P.03i�A �-�` �� � ao -��q If you are spp►ying for �usinas, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to yaur spplication as deseribed below. B�atnets, defined asjor profrt (namsnated by local business organizztions andJor business tade associaCOns - a ttach yoar nomina6on tetter)_ 0 Busin?5s owner, chief executive or operaBng officec, and other execufive or employer with optimum po(icysnalring or hiring authoriry � Represent business with employment opportunities that reflea the locai area Also please indicake ifyou tepresent: �large business O small business (fewer than 560 employees) Coiru�iunrry-Based OrganizaAOns, defined as no�eprofit organiza6oxs: � 1Zepresentative af communiries orsignificant segments of communiries providin� job tr2ining a � 0 ❑ 0 0 ❑ Cl Agency serving youth Agency serving displaced homemakers YJnion-related organizarion EmQloyer•related nonprofit organizarion Oreanization serving nonreservation 7ndian and iribai govemment Agency representing verer2ns Agency represeneing individual5 with disabitiries t7ther: .Gconomic AecelopnrentAgency: 0 Private Sector � Public Setror L•ducation (nominated by regional or {ocal educationa4 agencies, instiNtions, or organiurions representing such locai educaeionaS entities - attach rour nomination letter); Q Local educaeonal entiries (induding Y.-12) � Cl Lotzf school boards Q Entiti:s providing aduit education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ O:her: Labor R IQominated by recognized State ancUor ]ocal iabor federations (nttach your nom]»ation letter) Onc-Srop T�'o�x�orce Cenmr Partncrs (deFined ae the partners that cury out thc fol[o�ti'ing aciiviHeslpro�tams): i� Adult, Dislocated Worker, You;h, Job Corps, Placive American and Veterzns' Wo�kforce (Witl Tit1e � ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Q Adult Educacion and Literacy (WIA Tit!e 3� � Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title � Cl 1�'el.`are-to-Work Prograrns (Soci21 Setutity ACC) ❑ 5enior Community Se�vice Empioyment (�'itle V of the Oide� Asnericans Ac�) Q Postsecondary Educarion (Carl b. Per}, Vocational and Applied Technotogy �dueation Act) Q Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) a�d NAFTA TAA (7rade Act oF 1914 �'icia TI) Q Loczl Veterans' �mployment Representatives and ?�isabled Veterans Oufreach (Iitte 38, U.S.C.) O Cnr.tmunity Sasvices Block Grz�t 0 Depa-tmentofHousingandUc6anJ�evelopment . ,. , .. ..:._ ---r,..�i., r a�..,t �z�„t _.�, ..�^.. . �...... �..-, +,-.. � . i�..��. ��. i� � � � . ennn � �rv �u�e rr.. er ..nne � n � �n r JuN 07'00 a9:a9 FR aGC OF MINNESOTR 651 632 8928 TO 2668939 CansolidatedPragsam WorkforcelnvestrrceniBoard (iYIB) Membership Apptica&ox Privarelrcformation R, 64��04 Go -GGg Place ofEmQloyment: It�.�f�1�T��i�iL'#�91-L vF�.tTc�cc.1'�►�5- 04- �1 �.�„ Work Address: � �S ���i(� jd�rE �L �T �r�.7� �e�`� S�� 1 � Street City Coun[y Zip TelephoneNumber: (Work}�6`-�1) ��z �- (FAX)(�Si�,f„32' 8�2� E-Mail . t' .. � � �.._.�� _ .. � --! � -- � � � - — Personat ReCerences (include area code) I) Name: 2� Phane:{Harr�e� • 2) Name. Phone:(Homel ` What are youc ceasocu foc wanting to serve on the WID? ��� . � �lf9i._. 'i �� • . 1 .. J 'r T i I �� �•.. �J� � C': . �\��� � � ' � /.� t�� '�1 �ri.�* � y � , ► \�_ / � � L ..l - ei I!C__ . � � :�= _ _ �' � ° � � • _�_! � > _ , ,� _ � c _ i i t �+r�_ Oplronal: In an actempt co ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowled;e of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntaty. � White (Caucasian) � Black (P,;frican American) American Tndian or Alaskan Bskimo Male: f� Female: ❑ Disabled:�lXes ONo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander O�her If special accommociations are needed, ptzase specify: C� k� �' T6 e irtformalion on t/�is applitetinn wil! be used fa evaluafe and se[tct mer,rbers oJthe k'IG. Apj�liccnit neay rcjuse tu supp[�' the �equesfed inJormatiort. Ertejd jor vofunfary infarn�a(ian, hOweve�� (6e failure fa cumplete lhe applkatioK may reS+tlt in it beiag diseardcd i7�is ��rta �nay 6e rrvic�ved and used by Rnmsey Cuunly ond SaiKr Puul sraJf. T6e data an tleispage is pri�ate. n�ri� n 7t!nn /hf.l'J L �a I-� r� � ddl�br Conso[idated Program Workjorce Investment Bonrd (WIB) RECE�VEQ OO _ MembershipApplication MAY 1 I 5 2000 '�j iC/q���� MAYOR'S QFFICE ,� Home Street What Skills, training and City do you possess for WIB membership? Zip %/s Length of initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: � Yes � /\ two-year � Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Ca:solid¢ted Program Workjorce InvesM:ent Boa�d (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, thc category or c�tcgories you can represent on the WIB. Mail or Fax your WIB Membership A.pplicatlon to: /3onnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - County Board, Suite 150, 1� West Kellogg 13oulevard Saint Pacrl, MrnneSOta .i5103 (Fas: 651-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-8014). Applications rnust be received by May 12, �D00. We wifl hold two orientation sessions for members wlio are appointed to the �VI$. Tl�ese sessions are � Ttiursday, June 22 (8:00 ro 10:00 a.m.) or TuesJay, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members atrend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. �Ve expect that app�ica�tts wilf be officially notified mid-June on the stams of their application. Thank you for your interest. Tl�e ir� Jornxorion a+ !!ds rtppllcnRon w1U be used to evnfun�e mu( select members af lhe N'IB. Appticnnts mny reJuse 10 St�pplf tl�e rery+�es�ed injommtfnn. Escepl jor volturfary inforn�rslJqr�, /roweve�, ll�eJalGrre fo corapfele U�e nppllcntiun neay iesttlt in if bei�tg discarderl. This drzta nmy be r¢v)ewed nnd trsed b}' RruuS¢y Couitly nnd Sninf Pnn! Stttff. Tlie tGrtrt n/t fHiS p�l�e «nd U�e reverSe Side is pub(ic ru« !, tLe�ejo�e, nvullable fo /l�e pubtic � For Officc Use only Comm issioner District Planning District Council City Council Ward Aprit 4, 2000 (OY.E'R) 20�� m���, Consoliduterl Prog�am Workforce In vestmeni Board (WXB) b �-��� Category Descrtptions If you are appiying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, piease attach a application as descrihed below_ 5-Glbm,/!uf SP�,rTr� 2etter to your Business, defined as jor-proflt (nominated by loca! business organizations andlor business trade associations - attac ou nominat;on letter): Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or empio}'er with optimum policymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business with emptoyment opportunities that reflect the local area Aiso please indicate if you represent: O large business small business (fewer than i00 employees) Community-Based Organizations, defrned as nonproJll organizations: ❑ Representative of communities or significant segments oP communities providingjob training � ❑ Q O U ❑ a a Agency serving youth Agency serving displaced homemakers (lnion-re{ated organization Employer-refated nonprofit organization Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government Agency representing veterans Agency representing individuals with disabilities Other: Economic DevelopmentAgency: 0 Private Sector 0 Public Sector Edircntion (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institntions, or organizations representing such loca! educationai entities - attach your nomination letter): O Locai educational entities (including K-12) O Locat school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities O Postsecondazy educationaf institutions � Other: Labor Q t`�ominated by recognized state and(or loca( (abor federations (attach your nominstion letter) One-Stop Workjorre Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the follewing activitieslpcograms): Q Adu(t, Dislocated Worker, Youth,lob Corps, Native American and Veterzns' Workforce (�VIA Title 1) O 0 ❑ O ❑ O � O Q O O Wagner-Peyser Act Aduit Education and Literacy (WIA Title I[) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titie 1) Welface-to-Work Programs (Social Security Aet) Senior Commun'sty Service �mployment (Tide V of the Otde� Americans Act} Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technoio�y Education Aet) 7rade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (T�ade Act af 1474. Title II) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 3$, i.3.$.C.) Community Services Block Grant ilepsrtment of Housing and Urban Devefopment State Unemploymen[ Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicnbS; iederat {a��'} Q�t-� t�+'��n 0��`/2 00 - G�q Place of Employment: �LliT"� ��� Work /� � � � �c°it-po �s Ciry County Telephone Numbez: {Work) IO�Z ��'`1`�ZZ (Home�ds/��� ��9v (FAX�o�Z 3a!- 5'39/ �Mail Address: Job XCGcr Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Addres Phone: 2) Name: � � ,(� L / c.� /_ ��i r 'Y�`f' C.=l.i'd9 N/E r What are your reasons foz wenting to serve on the WIB? ��/�.o-u� ,�.5 /o rwork� � s'/ GGS"- SSe3 Oplionn/: In an attempt to ensure that Soard representation reflects the makeup of our community, kno«•led�e of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is vo(untary. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Siack (African American) ,4sian os Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Othez Male: �3 Female: � Disabled: ❑ Yes d No II special accommodations are needed, please specify: The A�jortnation on thls app!!ca(ton wt1lbe used ta evnivate n�d setect memberr of tke iYlB, Applicmrn nmr �eJuse !o t[rppl}' I/re requesfed injormatlon. Excepf jo� voluntarylnjarmnftoR, however, lfiejalture to comple(elhe applicufrai nray result in ir being ditcarde�[ TIdS duta may be rev[ewtG anJ trsed by Rnmsey Counry anJ SaLd Pau! stajf. Tde dutn on tlds pnge is privare. ' Consnlidaled Program Workforce Investment Baard (l3'IB) Membership Application � / Private Injormation �7C,lJ�� �f/�J ° ��'°��d/-C�7� Aprd 4, 20UU Phone:(Hor�ae) r { Workl �oV�/ 7��i� � �33c� � �i .i ♦• 00 - GG9 Rolf Middleton Business, Public Serv�ce, Civic & Prafessional, Military, Education & .Tobs As A Youngster PRNATE SECTOR Owner and President, MSP Companies, Commercial Real Estate/O�ce Buildings Owner and President, MSP Park Place, Inc. (Airport Parking & Shuttle Service) ELR Systems, Vice President, Operatzons & Sales (Rehabilitation & Housing Services) Qnetics, Vice Preaident, Marketing and Sales, (Medical Records 5oftware S}^.�tems) CCSI, Sales Eaecurive, (Automated Informatiop Systems) Manegement Trainee, St. Paui Fire & Marine Companies PUBLIC SERVICE Member, Governor's Cabinet (Commissioner, MN Department of Ecoaomic Security) Member, Govemor's Economic Roundtable Member, Governor'a Urban Is�aes Gronp Member, Governor's Rural Development Council Member, Committee Staff Assiguments: National Governors' Association Board Membor, Interstete Conference of Employment Security Administrators {Representing the States of MN,lVI, IL, MI, il\' and OH) Member, Advisory Board, PIstHona( As.4ociation of Regionai Councils Member, Speclal Committee (Busineas I�sues} of thc Minnesots Bu�iness Partnership President & Board 111ember, Minneaots Software Ar�vociation h3ember, Govemor's Commission on Software Technology A,dvisury Board, U of M Schoot of Management, Division of Software Technology Urbao Planoer, Metropolitxn Planning Commiseion Econornist, Metropotitan Council Budget & Planaing Analy�i, State of Wiuonsin Deputy Director, Metropolitan Dane County bevelopment Commission, Madison, WI Ezecutive Director, RegionAl Development Commiasion, Rochester, Mti (�ol� (�Nd�,� 00 - 66q KNOWLEDGE BASE Nietropolitan Isnues * Trensportation Sy9tems: Highways (Influence on Urban Grawth Paiterns * Transportation Systems: Transit (RaillBus Policy) '� MSP InternAtiona] Airport: Analysis of the "Ham Lake" site proposed by MA.0 in 196G-67 * ImpaM of retail expenditures on the location of arajor shopping centers ia the Twin CiTies metropoliten area * Population trend�, housing and income distribution * Impact of major interceptor sewers on the IocaYian of residential, commereial and iadustrial ea}rensioa * Solid waste management programs * RegionAi parks and open spaces * Land development policic� and programs * Subdivisioa and zoaing ordinance management • Agricu[Yural4ind preserration I2uraltasues Economic revitalizstion programs for non-metropolitaa Minnesota Countryside Communities: pcogram for stability and growth in rural areas Workforce & Human Service Systems * Workforce Development Policies and Programs * Welfare-to-Wark ` Health Care: Tnsuiance, 314(b) Certifecate of I�ieed for L�ospitat Erpansioa * Criminal Ju�dce * Deve)opmentai Disabi)itie9 '� Vocational Rehabi{itation Economic Assistance Programs * Fuel Assisience * WeStherizatiou • Unemployment Compensation Arts and Humanities Graats aupporting the arb aad humanitics Special services: MothereadlFatheread, Teachers` Institute 20�- m�at�, ao-�` CIVIC & PROFESSIONAL Board Member, Minnesotst Humanities Commission Chairman, Worldorce Inveatment Board, City otSt Paul Member, St Paui Chamber of Commerce Chair, Bneine+s Development Committee of the St Paul Chamber of Commerce Chair, State-Wide Committee/Sma11 Businegs, MnCare (Health Insurance) Member, American Mnnagement Associetioq Charter Member, Big Brother� of Greater St Paul, Inc. (Board Member & Active Big Brother) Vice Chair, West 7th $usines� & Professional A.ssociation Po]icy Working Group, WorWorce Council 2'►�erger Member, Emgloyers' Fartnership, Ramsey County Member, West 7th Comraanity Center (SL Paul) Board Member, Bueinea� Revitslizstion Council, West 7th Street Board Member, Northeast Busiues� Assacistion (i�Iinneapolis) MILITARY Enlisted, 1963. Eight years active and reserve Captain, At Discherge, US Army Artitlery EDUCATION Morton Public School St 3ohn's University 1�ianlceto State College BA. Economica & PoliNcal Srience One Xear of Greduate Work. Business Management Ro�- m���, oc-cc, JOBS AS A YO[,,,JNGSTER Delivered MinneapotimlSL Paul Newspapers Garbage Coliection & Disposal Se[vice Surveyor'a Aa�istant Farm $and Raised Sheep, $eifers and Pi� Custom Baiting Operator (Alfalfa & Straw) Custom Corn Sheller Ogerator Lumber Yard Assistattt Groce,ry Produce I}eparbment & Store Maintenance Construction Worker (Grain Storage Bins) Cora and Pea Proceuing Plant OQerator Carpentry Apprentice Highvray Rod & Tape A�sistaat Truck Driver (Gravel) HOME ADDRESS 1406 Edgcumbe Rnad St. Paul, biN 55116 6S1 690-1590 BUSINESS MSP Companies Suite 4�0 2021 EAat Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 e-maiL• m� 612 33]-44Z1 (office) 612 331-d391 (fax) MARRIED & FATHER Wife of 31 years; Karea Sherlock (RN., College of St. Cetberine, St..Paul, MN) Three adult children (Paul, Beth and I{ete) graduated from Cretin-Derham High School, St. Paul, MN and St John's University, Creighton IInivecsity and the College of St. Benrdict Ko� m��,�(�, 00 - G �q Reading, Impreasioaistic Att, the HumAnities, Russian History, Travel, Fishing, Gopher Basketbali and Besebail and Major I.eague Baseball �01-� �1�dd �2`� 00- G69 SNAYSHOT OF WORKFORCE �MPLOYMENT & TRAINING EXpERIENCE • Chief Exeeutive Officer in charge of consolidating three independent state agencies into one public service organization throughout the State of Minnesota • State Cabinet veteran of seven general and specisl legislative sessions during the recessionay period of the earlier 1980s • I2espoasible for the direction and management of a consolidated state agency of some 2,7U0 pecsonnel in over 100 locations throughout the State. FinaneIal resources over 5600,�00,000 . Merged multiple state agency budgetary, personnel, administrative and operating systems . Produced cost saving resulte that were repositioned to serve citizens • Designed sad implemented changes in policy setting, program management, support services and ser�ice delivery • Introduced large scale, technology-based information management systems at the statellocal affiee level • Established "Local Servlce Teams" for the agency's public-serving of�ices to provide one-stop services to job seekers and employers • Experienced with Workforce Investment Act (WZA) as the Chairman of the St. Psul Workforce Investmenf Board (WIB) . Knowledgeabie regarding Private Industry Council to WIB transition • Understands the signifcance of the WZA reforms for developing WIB Boards into policy making bodies and their usefulness as vehicles Sor leadersbip in their communities . Esperienced in establishing and using performance/accountability standards and utilizing the results to produce change through continuous improvement principles and practices. . Understands the critical importance of developing capacity building for WIB Board and WIB executive staff leadership • Provjded the leadership and direction for the St. Paul VVIB's creative "Community Succe9s Initiative" and its centerpiece - the "Community Investment Strategy" Oa-t6q May 12, 2000 TO: Bonnie Jackelen RE: My "Bio" for membership on the Ramsey Count WIB Some background stuff for mennbership on the aew WIB. Thanks. �� � Rolf Middleton 1406 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55413 MP f-12-�0 FRi �8�39 Ain KU�tlHKU tlKUHU�HJ( Chn I�u, o9C4�t4 Oo-GG9 Consolidated,Program Wor�forcelnves7ment.Board (�YIB} , f�FCEfVED _ _ . Membership tipplication htAY 15 2000 Name: Michelle E. Ott Home Address:-- . = 656 Wi� Street CiTy Counky . Zip_.:. What skiIls, training anct _experience do you possess for �VIB membership?. As a"Htunan Itesouices professional for the nast 8 veats. T have had the ogpottunitv to �uork in all areas of � emDlavmenC including recruitment. selection and retention. Mv experierices in human resotirces aze diverse; as T lv'�ve wor'ked in different industries. irieiuding hum�n scrviccs, manufacturin¢ and broadcastircz: . T know the chaile es exngtovers face in finding gualified candidates for etnploymeni and have worked to find salutions to he� mv em,plovers attract and keep qu3lified neotile. T am we11 versed and keen iio to date in the azei,s of e�lovment Iaw, inferviewina, recruitment, and em�loveerelations. I am also a.txainer o£.� emnlovmenc issues as weli. � Lengih.of initial term you are iriterested in: oi�e-yeaz XX Are you a Vcteran?: Ycs X No Ramsey Cor�ntyand the Cit�cof Suint Paul arc recruifing individuats to represerit varions'categories as detaileci on the Co�:svliduted Program {Yorkforce Iirvesimerit;Board (l3'IB)_Caregory.I�escriptions fonn on t�e reve,rse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories }on can regreseut on the WIB: ._ _ ....._..._��....._ ---.. .,_._ _.� ..._......_...:........... ...,. , .: ............._..,... _... -T,:..._w_. �_.,._. ,. �.w.�,..,_.r.,,.:mw�,..,,..,n..�-.-.,:,....a<>..,;-..',� :: ;,�.,, < - � er e. � ��I�;�.�'¢ `� ,.� ..:_ �:�.._ r, uc We will fiold t�vo orientatian sessions for members wlio aze appointed to the WI6. These sessions are Thursday, June 22 (8:00 in 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesdap, .Iune 27 (7 :00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that membets atterid one of,ihesa fwo ;::." sessions. Pleace reserve these'dates on your calendar. We expeet.that a{�plicao�, will be officialty nofifed mid-June on -tfie status iiftheir application. " Thank you for your iuterest. The infonnafion on ihis ayplica3ion witl be used W evqlaute und setect m�m6ers.ojtke WYE. �lpplicanu �nay rejuse So supply �e _ -sequnled lnfor�nntfon. Lxceps for poluntary lnfonnutiox, haii+ever, r)refniture ra rompltte rlie npplicruion may result in it beu:� :- dsearded. �'i5is dasa mrry be revkwed.and.tise� by Ranuey Coirnry' and 5"aintPau! staff.. Tlie data bN lliis pdge and fhe severse side '' . .�Lipribllcaai;_rlrerefo�e,evailableioilrrp�bite . � � � . .. � .. ' � . For Office Use only , . " CommissionerDimict � �Apri1 "� � � . . ^ Planning Districc Council two-yeaz Ciry Council bYard _ s M�Y-12-00 FRI 08;39 AM HU88ftRU dKUftDL'A5! rHx nu, o4�4�i4 r,u� ,rn, e�..( I� f . O+E-. Co»solidated .t'ragTam Workjorce Investment Soard (id7B) . _ CategoryDescriptiairs - �p •�,�Ci arr ssdescribed below: or a nominarion detter.4o your : �...>....�.. J••,•. ., ..J...w...wurvwvi��..a.�..+.wauwaWVavuuaaaa.wuouva�owttutV�u.— _ atiuch ponr nomination lefter): : Svsiness otiiraer, chief executive or operating ofFicer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or_hirin;-au.thority X Represent business with eniplayment opportunities thaE reflect the local azea Atso piease indicate if you represent: X large business sma11 business {fewer than S00 employeas) Communrty-Based Organizations, defrned as nonprofit organizations: Reprecentar.ive of communities or significant segmentc of rommunipes ptoviding job trairiing A�ency serving youth Agency serving displacccl homemakers Union-related organization _ Employer-related rianprofit 6rganization Organ'�ntion sccving nonzcscrvation Iadian and tribal �ovemment represenfing veteians Agency representing individuals with disabilities Other Economic Develnpment Agency: Pr��2te Scctor Public Sector F.ciucation (nominated by regional or loeal educacional agencies, in.nitutions, ar organizations represeziting sucC� loc�l edacational entities - attach your nominatiou letter): ' Loca1 educational enfifses (ineluding K-12} Local school boazds Enlities prpviding adult education and titecacy activities Postsecondazy"educa4onal instimtions Zabor Nominated by rec,ognized s�taze andlor local tabor fedecatioos (at�ach your nominafion tefter) , . One=Stop Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that cazry out the faliowing activities/progtams): ... Adul� Dislocaied Workcr, Youth, Job Corps, Native American a�id Veierans' Workforce.(VJIA Title7Z :. Wa�er-PeyserAct . Adult Education and Literacy (VJIA Title In . Vocauonal Rehabilita6on (Rehabilitation Act Tide I) Welfare-to-Wor!c Programs (Social Security Act) - Senior Community Service Emp(oymenf (Title V of the Oldet AmeTicdns Actj PostsecandaiyBducation (CarT D. Perkins �Idcationa!•aad Applied_ Technology Educarion. Act) 'Tratle Adjustinent Assiscance_ (TAA} and_s IAF'I'A TAA �Trade Act,of 19?4.Tide II) . Loeal. Veterans' Er.ipioyment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38; U.S:C.) Cominunity Services`Block C`rrant • Departrrient of$ousfng and Ucban Development Stsita LJnemploymcnt_Compensation accordance with app&cable federal law) ,. _:A�pri14,2000���. '�: � . . � . . . MP,Y-12-00 FRI 08�4U AM HUd�AKU �ttuHU�H�i rnn ivu. ovc4�i4 r u4 - . CorrsolidaledProgram, yYor�force Invesbne.ntBoard (WIB) .. _ a�� `�� MembershiP �PPruation Priv¢fe Injormniion Naine: Michelle E. Ott Place of Eruploytnent: IIubbard Broadcastin� Inc. Work Address: 3415 Universitv Avenue St Paul :et C:ny_ • County , . TeTephoneNumber: (Workj651-G42-4638 {F3ome) 651-714-09I0 (FA� -651-642-4314 :&-Mai1 Address: . motf(a� Job Title: Emplovee Relations Manaeer Personal References (incltde azea code) 1) I�Tame: Vireinia Hubbazd Morris Address: 3415 Universitv Avenue. St. Yaul. MrI 55114 Phone:(Homel (Workl (6511642-41b0 2) Name: Rtmdv Itobison ' Addtess: 1735 Terrace Drive. Rosevitle MN �SI li Phone:fHome) (6i21566-2727 (Workl (6121930-8867 What are yaur reasons. for wanting to serve on the WIB? ' With the unemolovment rate in the Twin Cities area at an all time low and mv.role as a human r�sources professional. I know how hard it is for emnlovers to f nd qualified candidates f'oz emnlovirient. "I know fltere are, �eo�le in the communitv who want to work but do not rmssess necessarv skills to succeed I beliede �mnlovers are part of the solufion in workforce issues in communities. I want to serve on the Board because�I believe mv " ex�eriences workin¢ with recnritment selection and retention and mv employers commitment to tlie whole "., commtuntv will be valuable as the Board helvs develop strategies for wo kfoice iievelopment in oui communitv' T also want to serve on the Board so I can have the opportunitv to lcam moze'abou: challenees 1he .. � con7muintv faces and hel�ko develop sound workforce strate�ies that benefitS all in the commimifv. .- As a rifelonz resident of St Paul'and Ranisev Counzv. I feel this opportunitv mv chance to �ive_to mt� corcimunitv. OptinnaL• 3n ari attempi to ensvie.that Boaazd regresentation reIIects the makeup of our knowledge of the follovring informati�n is helpful. Horvever, this informarion is voliintasy: '(�fhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Bl�ck (African American) . Asian or Pacific Islander Anicrican Indiari or Alaskan Eskimo Other � Male: O RemaIe: O. Disabled: O Yes � No If.special aceommodations are needed, glea�e specify; � ..�prii 4, 20tY0 �. . _ . � " . ' . . .. � . . . � . NAY-I2 FK1 U8�3d Hfl ttu�antu ottunu�r�i r�n IiV� UYGYJlY t ,.� oo-c�q Hubbazd Broadcasting, Ina ::. 3415 Univexsity Avenue, St. Paul, M23 55114 � A � Date: 51Y2/200fl .C�. Numbec of pages mcludi� covecsheet: ' S To: � &onnielackelen Chiof Clerk-County BOard IS WestKellogg BIvd, Suite 2S0 St. Paul, MV 55102 Phone; (651)Z66-8014 Pax phone: (G51)266-8039 CC: - ' �'om: Michetle E: Oh Hubbazd Broadczs�ing; lnc. `HumanResources.Department ` phone: (65]) 642-4638 � Fax phone: . (651}642-4314 RENIARKS; � Urgent � For your revic�J � Reply A5AP Q.Pleasa cenunmt Ms.7ackelen- . Please .ind attached my application for membership with the Workforce Investment IIoazd. My nomination lefter will be sent from the Mid�vay Area Chamber of Conuneroe. Please cansact me at ihe telephone nuinhes above ifyou have qucstions. 0 � � ( R 9 � ��� ! �. � l i . L� � :, � � �� � �`�� � �AY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.635 P.3i5 Consolidated Program Workforce Xnvcstrnent Board (WIB) Memberski,p Application O0 — " N3me: Kathleen L. Pinkect � • Hoitte AddCess; 57? W_ Central Avenue . St. Pau1 Ra^•sey 55103 Street . City County Zip What skills, training and experience do you possess for WtB membership? - Direcg a11 emplo�ment activicies (recnitinQ hirine. retentionl fo- Min�esot� T.ifr. Sprrtcr� l�rd cr r ivar� employ?r in St. Paul. - Served a5 ChdiY, Elmd Di5[Yihution Cett[nittee of UaiCed WaV of the SG. Paul Ar.ea. 4hich inrltedes inndina allocation to nonorofic ad ncies p*eparing l.ow-income individual.s for eRULov�t�nc. - Serves on Hoard for IIrploycrenc Sol Inc.', a parcner wi[h Ca.ntunity Emplome_nt Par[nership, tinking employers with low skilled, ].ow-incoire individuals. . Length of initial term you are interested in; one-year _ two-year _� Are you a Veteran?; Q Yes C� No Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detaited on the Consotidaied .Progr4m Wotkfbrce Invesiment Board (�'1'B) Cate�ory Descripfions form on thc reverse of this page. Please indicate, o� 'the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the'kYIB. � ' .�/ We will hold pvo orientation scssions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are /� Thursday, June 22 (8;00 to 10:0� a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 j1:00 to 3;00 p.m.). 1Ve ask that members �� attend one of these rvo sessions, Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We e�pect that applicants wiii be officially notified mid-3une on the siatus of their application. Thank you for your interest. The informatian on this applicatian �vi1! be used !o evaluale and relect meinbers ajthe iYIS, Applicanls may rejuse to supply (he requened information. Fxcept jar volunlary in�a�mation, hoiuever, 2hejailure io complete the applieatia� may resull in it bei�rs d'ucarded This data may be reviewed aad used by Ramsey Cauniy and Saint Paul stajf. The data on tbispage andthe rererse sidc is public and, therejore, eveilobte to the pubtic. For OlTice Use only CommissionerDis[rict - Planning District Counci! Cig• Counci! Wazd Apri14,2000 ., (O�R) �RY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MU7URL H R N0.635 P.4i5 �• �;�(c�-H- Consotidated Program Wo�kforce InvesimenrBoard (WIB) Category Descriptions � _ " qi, Tfyou are applying forBusiness, Education, or I,abor positions, please attach a nomination letter to y r a lication as desCribed below. Business, de, fined as for prof�t (nominated by local business organizarions and/or b�siness trade associations - attach your nomination ]etter):* Q Bus'mess owner, chie£executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authoriry IH'Represent business with employment oppomuuties that reflect the locai azea Also please indicate if you represenr C� lazge business O smalt business (fawer than S00 employees) %� Ncmination letterforthcoming from S[. Pau1 Q�arober oE Coim�erce. " ' � '- Comn�irnity Based Organizations, defined as nonprof�l organiza6omJ; -' -� ❑ Representativa of communiries or significant segments of communifies providing job training Q Agencyservingyouth ❑ Agency se�ving disp(aced homemakers • Q Union-related orgazuzarion � Employer-related nonprofic organization Cl Organizaaon serving nonreservation Tndian and tribal govemment O Agency represenring veterans O Agency representing individuals with disabi(ities ❑ Other: . Economic IlevelopmenrAgency: ❑ Private Sactor ❑ Public Sector Ed��cation (nominated by regional or local educational ageneies, institutions, or organizations representing such (ocal educarional entities - attach your nomination letter): C] Local educational entities (including K-12} ' Q Local school boards Q Entities providing aduit edacation and literacy activities O Postsecondary educational institutions • C] Other: Labor C] Nominated by recognized state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomination Jetter} One-Stop Workforce CenlerPnrtners (defined aS the pariners that carry out the following acrivities/programs): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Narive American and Veterans' Workforce (1�VIA Tide I) ❑ ❑ a 0 ❑ � 0 Q 0 ❑ ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Educztion and Literacy (WIA Titie I� Vocational Rehabilitation (12ehabilitation Act Title � We(fare-to-WorkPro�rams (Soci21 SecurityAct) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act} ]'ostsecondary �ducarion (Cazl D, Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistenca (TAA) and NAFI'A TAA (7�ade Act of 1974 7itle 7I� Loca2 Veterans' Employmen[ Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 3 S, U.S.C.) Communiry Services Block Grant Department of Fiousing and Urban Devetopment State Unemployment Compensation I,aws (in accordance with app(icable £ederal law) MAY.11.2060 12�36PM MN MUTUAL H R Minnesoca Life ConsolidatedProgram Workforcelnvesfinent Board (R?B) Membership AppTication r " Private Information 0 0— C Name: [tarhie�, t Pinkett Place Work Telephone Number: Streat H0.635 P.SiS County (4Vork) (651) 665-3442 (Home)(6 292-9015 (gp,� (651} 665-3551 E-Mai1 Address: kathv vSnkett;@ r,�nnesocaautual cem -- Job Title: Second vice Yresidenc, Huran 8esource5 Planning Personal I2eferences (include area code) 1} Name: Lauren Sega1, President of the UnLted of [he Sain� Paul Area Addcess: 702 Pairmount Avenue; Sc. Paul, N,N 557.05 Phone:{Homel (651) 225-8132 (Workl (651.) 291.-8383 2� IramO; Ik:nise 7olinson, A+�es Site Director oE Achievecrznt P1u5 Address; 8754 Cbncard Cou-c Imrer Grove l�ich�s MN 55016 Phone:(Fiome) (651) 453-1357 _ _ fWo�k1 (65?) 2Q3_65t1 What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? In my profes5ionat capacity I 2n in-depth Understandin� of s��ac the ervlov;rcmt needs are for for-profit�organizations and the necessary skitls employees need to he successEul. I also have P�perience with progzams Chat successfully prepare and o:ork With individuals so thzy accomolish ecditiomi� Sel�fsufftciency Optional: Tn an attempt to ensure that Board r�presentation reflects the makeup of our community, kno�vledgz o: the fotlowing information is hetpful. However, comptetion of this information is voluntary, White (Caucasian) ✓ Hispanic Black (African American} Asian o; Pacific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: ❑ Pemale: l� Aisabled: ❑ Yes C`3'�No If speciat aceommodations zre needed, please specify: The i� Jormation on this app[icetion ivi!( be Hsed ta evalaate and setect mem6ers aJ[he WIB, Appticanis may refiue to supplt' ��� reqwesfed injormation. F�ccept for vo(unlory injormaiion, hawever, the Jaifure to complete the appticdlion may resuls in �t being �ircarded. Tkis datn may be reviewed anE used by Ramsey Counly and Saint Pau! staJf, ?he dnla nn tkis page is privQle. Apri14,20Q0 �AY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.635 P.2i5 Mlnnesota life Insursnee Compeny 40� RobeR Shaet North St Paul, MN 55701-2090 851.665.9M142 Te1 Kaihlemn L. Glnkett SeconC Yca Prasidenc ��v'�r�/.c� ��� oo-«q MINNESOTALIFE A M/nnasota Mutuaf Company REC€tVED May 11, 2000 MAY 1 2 2p00 MAYQR'S OFFfCE Bonnie Jackelen Chief Clerk— County Boazd 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd — Suite 250 St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. Jackelen: �nclosed is my application for the City-County Workforce Investrnent Boazd. T am interesEed in and willing to serve as a Uusiness/for-profit representative. My nomination letter of recommendation is forihconiing from the St, Paul Chainber of Commerce. After review of my application, please let me lrnow if you have any questions, Sincerely, � �� Kathleen L. Pinkett Second Viee President Human Resources Planning T�T.,P/ttn cc: Larry Dow, President St. Paul Chamber of Commerce Applicarion 51�F.tle� Wednesday 21st of June 2000 01:44:53 PM Page i of 3 �,ose_ �v-c�9 Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board 1Vlembershi A lication Name: � Shelley K. Rose Home Address: 2240 Boxwood Avenue Saint PauI, MN, Ramsey 55119 What skills, training and esperieuce do you possess for Workforce Investment Board Membership? I am a business owner of a nine-employee inYemet company providing local govemment best pracuces to ciries and counties across the nation. The business is located downtown St. Paul, I also live in St. Paul. I have a B.S. in Business Administration from the Univ of MN. I am also a recent \"graduate\" of the Leadership St. Paul program, serve as a committee chair for the St. Paul Area Chamber, and am acting Cyber Village Ambassador/Coordinator. My project for Leadership St. Paul was worldng with the Wilder Foundation in identifying the Asset Accumulation opportunities for low income families and those jurt entering the workforce. Length of term � One Yeaz ] interested in: Are you a Veteran? [ No j Reasans for your interest in serving on tLe Workforce Investment Board: I wouid commit to a one-year term, but may very well be able to serve for two yeazs. I am interestcd in this board in order to help lead the Bast Metro area in workforce development as well as be involved in the economic development of this azea. I am very interested in helping to represent St. Paul\'s growing high-tech, new media industry. Bnsiness, defined as for-profit [x]Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority []Represent business with em loyment oppoilunities that reflect the local azea Please indicate the business you re resent:[ Small ] Comiccunity-Based Organizutions (de5ned as private, nonprofit organizations): [ JRepresentative of communities or significant segments of communities providing job training [ ]Agency serving youth [ jAgency serving displaced homemakers ( ]tTnian-related organization [ ]Employer-related aonprofit organization [ JOrganization serving non-reserration Indian and tribal govemment [ ]Agency representing veterans [ ]Agency representing individuals with disabilities Economie Development A ency:[ ]Private Sector []Public Scctor �,��,�� Application Page 2 of 3 51�(te� �sse. i r..J � � jLocal educational entities (including K-l2) )LocaI school boards ]Entities providing adult education and literacy acrivities JPostsecondary educational institutioas ,abor: []Nominated by recognized state and local labor federarions 1ne-Stop Workforce Center Partners (deT'med as the partners that carry out the �Ilowing activities/programs): JAdult, Dislocated Worker, Xouth, Job Cotps, Native American & Veterans' Workforce V1IA Tit1e n ]Wagner-Peyser Act ]Adult Bducation aad Literacy (WIA Title In ]Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabi]itation Act Title I� JWelfare-to-Work Programs (Social Secutity Act) jSenior Community Service Employment {Title V of the Older Americans Act) }Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Petldns Vocational & Applied Technology Education ]Trade Adjushnent Assistance (TAA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title Il� ]Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Titie 33, f.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Grant ]Department of Housing and Urban Laws (in accotdance with annlicable federal b0'd �tl101 Y �� • � `- • � + U � ��� � �� � aa-c`9 .,��,�� Ma�- 12 �� 11:22a MAY-li-2090 16:49 Home Jeane Thorne Inc. Sq ��.�7 pqU� qREq CHRMHER 612 288-0448 612 223 5119 Consalydaled Progranr Workjorce Investmertt 6oard {WIBJ Membership rlppticatlon skills, tcainiag and experience do you posscss for W IS mcm6aship? P•? P.02iO3 d0 - CCg RECEiVt�3 MAY i 5 20�D ��OFFICt .��.5%O/ Lengdt of inidal term you aze interested in: one-year �, two-year � Are you a VMeran?; O Ycs '�No Ramsey County snd the City of Saint Paul are recrviting indivtduais to repreaent various categories as dctailed oa the Consolldtiled Program Workjorce Investment Board (WIB) Category Dtscriptinns forrtn on the reverse of this page. Plense indicste, on the reverse side, tLe category or estegories ynu can represent on thc WIB. Mail orFiz.yy��..�;R1biEm�,er.c6iP APPlfcaifon to: .." —_--.—`-=---- � ✓ :�. .. - .. .. .., . .. Bonriie.7acketen; Chief Cferk=�CnunryBoard; 5uite 150, IS Wert Kelfogg.Boulevard, 5airt1 PauI, 3vfinnesoro 55102 (Faz�.651-36d=8039; Phone: 631-26¢801d)..lpplicatlons must be recelved by 1rf'a'y l,t, 2000� We will hold two orientation session: fnr members who are appointa! to tl�e WtB. 'Ihese scssions are T6ursdiy, June 22 (B:OU to Ifl:tfO a.m.) nr Tvcsday, 3uae 17 jl:fl4 tu 3:OD p.m.} W e ask thet membas ettead o0.e of these two sessions. Please resene thesc dates on your caleudar. Wn expezt that applicants wilt be ofTicially notifiod mid-June on the statas of thcir application. Thaek yon for your IntereSt. Tke injernatlan on tlrrs app(lcetian wl!! y� rsert m nwturrle endsdect nteenbcrs ojJte WIB. .�pplicart[s rnqy rrjnrclo supply Ihe req4asild informa4�n. F_cupt/or volun(ayl�onrtotioR, Jwwtarr, fheloilvrc fp eeaplefe the appl'ua�on May resuh Irt it bting d;scnracd This deta neay br revls�ueJ and uaed dy Rawrsty Caw� y yrtd SoLrrPaut rta,fj. Thr daro on t;6is page and rhe rrwrae side is pu6lie aed, therejo% available ta lh. ys4[Ec Apri14,2000 Ma�- 12 �� 11:22a MRY-11-2000 16�49 Home Jeane Thorne Inc. SRIM PAUL RREA CHRMBER 612 298-0448 p•? 612 223 5119 P.02�63 Consolidared Rogranr Workforce Investmea[ Board (WIB) Membe�ship ApplicaJlos Street City What skills, training and expexience do ynu posscss for WIB mcmbaship? oo-�`q RECEEIlEO MAY 1 5 2�OQ �'S%/ Length of inibal term you are interested in: onE-year 1, two-year _ Arc you s VeteranT: 0 Yes '�(No Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are rccruiting indivldua[s to represent varioua categories as dctailed on tho Consolldc[ed Program Workforce lnvestmcrtt Board (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please iadicate, on the reverse side, the category nr categorin you can represent on thc WIB. Mail rir ,,. .... � •. _ onnie Jackefen; Chief Cferk = Cvunry 5ujte 250, IS West Ke!logg�Boulevard, Sainl Pau1, 7vfinnesota SS�02 (Faz? GSI-266=8039; Phoo¢: 651=266.-8014). Appllcatlaru rnus( be recetved by May.1,Z, 2QOQ. . .. ' - - --- ---� —_� / We wi(1 hold two ocientation sessions fnr members who are appointcd to tLe �'IB. These scssions are Thursdiy, June 22 (8:00 to 10;00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:04 to 3:00 p.m.� W e ask that membeis ettend oqe of these two :essioos. Please reserve thcx dates on your catendar. We expect thet applicants will be otFicially notiGcd mid-June on the status oCthcir application. Thank you for your intereat. Tke infennalfow on this applicetian wUt bt rzed to ttp(uate and sdttt tntnibns ojflYe WIB. Appliearttr mqy rajraclo s�pply the requssted rnfnrinaBnn. £rupr jo� v0lrr�fary !q(oimalioq, Gaw�tvsr, ehe jnilurc to ce,nyfrre the applicaAOe e�ay re>ult In it being diseerCed This data may be rsvrenYd ard arcd by Ra�esty Cauey artd SalerPawl rta(f. The dam on tk& pag� aed the rrvrrte side (spu6lie an1, tkerejoro, availablc to fl�r pu8(ie AQri14,2000 Ma� 12 00 11:23a MRY-11-2060 15=59 Jeane Thorne Inc. gq�N7 pqUL RRER CHfiMBER 612 298-�44b 612 223 5119 ConsoliQated Program Workjorce Investntenl Board ff�'IB} Category Descriptions rn �('� you are ae de3cribed below. or please P.03iO p.e OO�GC9 Sca��� :tter ta your 8usiness, defined asjor�rnftt (nominatad by loea] business organizations andlor busiaess tradc associations - Attach your nominstian }etter): � Business owna, chief exxutive or opersang officer, and other ezccutive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring aufhority O Represent business with employment opporiunities that refloct the local area Also please indicate if you represcnt: O largc business 18E small busincss (fewer than 500 employees) ��� � ��� � Communiry-Based Organizations,definedasttoaprofitarganizations: (� ��Z,�.� ,�vG�2���,,,� O Aepresentativo of communiucs or significant segnents of commvqities providing aob trai � g ��� D Agonry serving youth 4 Agency serving disptaced homemakers _ O Union-rclated organizat3on d Employer-related nonpro£t organization Q Organizadon serving nonreservation Indiars and tribaf governmcnt 0 Agency representing veterans Q Agrncy represerrting individuals with disabilities 0 Other: Economic IJevelopment Ag¢ncy: 0 Private Sector O Pvblic Sector Education (nominated by regionel or local educafional ageucies, institutions, or organizationa representing such loca! educationei entities -�ttach your aominaHon letter): ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) O Local school boards � Eatities providing adutt education and literaey activities Q Post�aondary educe6onal instirutions O Other: Lubor 0 Nominated by recognized swtc and/or locat labor fcderatio�s (attach your nominaHoa letter) One-Srop Woshforce CenrerPartners(defined as the parmers that carty out the following activities/programs): O Adult, Disiocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Corpa, Native Ameriear� and Vetcrans' Workforce (W1A TiUe 1) 0 Wagner-Peyser Act � Adult Educffiioif and Literacy (WIA Tide Il) O Vocationa2 KehabilitaGon (Rehabilitation Act Title I) O Wctfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Smuity Act) � Senior Coauouaity Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) O Postsxondary Education (Cazl D. Perkias Vocazionai and Applied Txhnology Education Act) 0 Tradc Adjustmant Assistance {TAA) and N,4FTA TAA (Trede Act of 1974 Titic II) D Local Veterans' Employment Repceseniatives and Disnbled Yeterazu Outreach (Tit1e 38, U.S.C.) Q Community Services Bfock Grant ❑ Depactment of Housing and Urban DcveIopmcnt Aprit 4, 2D0� TOTAL P.05 .,Application Tuesday 16th of May 2000 0831:50 AM ������ Page 1 of 2 �. w"""'�SDO-CG9 R�rc;�IGfI Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board Membership Application Ellen E �Vatters Address: 111600 4 St. 104 MAY 1 9 2000 skills, training and esperience do you possess for Workforce Investment Board Membership? ent of 500 member Midway Chaznber of Commerce, whose number one priority is hefping employers find and re[ain a � workforce; also servin� as President of Employer Sofutions, [nc., an organization Founded by Chambers ro connect yers with govemment, nonprofit and for profit recruitment and re[ention resources. Board member of Community of term interested in:llf One Year :youaVeteran? � �[No) �sons for your interest in serving on the Workforce Investment Board: daily work is largety involved in workforce issues, both a[ the Chamber and at Employer Solutions. I hear on a near rly basis, srories of how employers are struggling and succeeding in this dif£cult labor environment. In addition, through near 3 years of work with the Communiry Employment Partnershiq I have gained a greater understanding of the Ilenees facine some of the unemployed and underemployed in our communiry. Both perspectives are needed on the WIB. �iness, defined as for-profit 3usiness owner, chief executive or operatin� officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or ng authority �,epresent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local area _ indicate the business vou represenb f Small 'ommunity-Based Organizations (defined as private, nonprofit organizations): ]Representative of communities or significant segmenK of communities providingjob training ]Agenty serving youth JAgency serving displaced homemakers � ]Union-related organization � ]Employer-related nonprofit organization ]Organization serving non-reservation [ndian and tribal govemment ]Agency representing veterans lAeencv rwresentine individua(s with disabilities Private Sector (1Pubhc Secror ]Local educational entities (including K-l2) ]Local school boa:ds ]Entities providing adult education and literacy activities ]Postsecondary educationat institutions state and local labor federations ine-Stop lVorkforce Cen[er Partners (defined as the partners [hat carry out the following activities/programs): ]Adult, Dislocated Worker, YoutS, lob Corps, Native American & Vererans' Workforce (WIA Title I) ] W a�nerPeyser Act ]Adult Education and Literacy (4VIA Tide II) ]Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) ]Welfare-to-\Vork Programs (Social Security Act) ]Senior Community Service Employment ("Citle V of the O(der Am:ricans Act) ]Postsecondary Education (Car( D. Perkins Vocational & Applied Technolo�y Education Act) ]Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title II) ]Local Veterans'-Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Grant ]Depattment of Housing and Urban Development lState Ilnemolovment Comoensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) . file:/!C:\WIND04VS\TEMP\EllenWatters.html 5/18/00 Application � ,��.�+-er� Page 2 of 2 Oo - ��9 file:!/C:\W INDO W S\TEA1P\EltenW attecs.html 5/ t 8/00 _ MRY-12-2000 09�27 SAINT PRUL RRER CHAMBER 612 223 5119 P.07i09 . • - Oo-�`q Consolidated Piogram WorkJorte Invesiment Board (WIB) �E����D Home Whac skills, u-aining and experience do yau possess for WIB membership? Street Membership Application City Thank yov for your iaterest. Planning Discria Councit MAY 15 2ppQ Counry v Zip �v`ull al�aJ �n.Q -�i �e ar� �.-P�-�� rn�.r�f Length of initial tezm you are inurested in: Are you a Veteran?: O Yes G7�o Ramsey Couaty and the City of Saint Paui are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detafied on ihe Co�solidated Prog�um Workfo�ce Investment Soard (WI'B) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the'VVTB. Mail or•' Faac yynr �IB'M�iiitier�hip AppliCatibri�to: ' Bonnie.lackelen, ChiefClerk�.Gounryf3onrc� Suite254, ISWestKellb'g"g;Bovlevrud, SainlPoul.-Mnnesota 55102 (FaY: 65l-166-8039; Phone: 651-166=8014J. Ap�flieations must be reteived'by May 12, 2000: We will liold two orientacion sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. 'Chese sessions are � Thursday, Sune 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members aaend one of these two sessions. Piease reserve these dates on your calendar. We expect ihat appticants will be officially notified mid•7une on the status of thei� application. The infnrmativx nn lhic applicetie�i wilt be ��ted to evalaate and srlect mcmbe�s oJfke WI� Appl�ct�nu n�ay iefuse ta supply !Gr reques[eJ injurrrtaliar. Eccepl jor voluntury inJorma(ion, liowtveq 11ie j ailure ra co�rrp�rte tl�e applicatroe may rrsulr in it beb�� discurdcd. Tbis rfata aiay ba reviewed rtnd usrd 6y Raruty Counry aad Saint �au/ slaJf, Tl�e dara on t/ris and fhe reverse side is public nrtd, rteerejore, avaitab[ero rlie public. For Office Use anly Commissioncr District apd(a.200U (OVER) City Council Ward one-yeaz� two-year_ MAY-12-2000 08=2? SAINT PAUL RREA CHRMBER 612 223 5119 P.08�09 Consolidated Program Workforcelnvestment,8oard (WIB) ' �}��� Ca2egory Descri,plions ,�j. � �� �� oo-��q Tf you are applying for Business, Education, or Labur positions, please attach s norainacion letter to your annlicufion as de5cribed below. Bccxiness, defrned ar for profrt (nominated by 1oca1 business organizations andlor busincss trade assoziations - attach your nomination letter): Q Busintss owncr, chief execu�ive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum �olicymaking or hiring authority Ef F2epresenc business with empfoyment opponunities that reflect the loca! area Also pfease indica�e if you represent: �'large business O small business (fewe� than 500 employees) Commuxiry-Based Organizatiotu, definad as nanp�afit o�ganizations: O Represen�ative of communities o� significant seaments of communi[ies providin� job training ❑ _. Q O O ❑ O ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities ❑ Other: Agency serving youth A�ency ser�ing displaced homemake�s Union-related organization Employer-related nonprofts organization Organization serving nonrese�vacion Indian and tribat govemment Agency representing veterans Economic Developncent Agency: d Private Sector � Public Sector Educerion (nominated by regional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or organiutions represen�ing such tocat educacional entities - attach your nomination letter): G Local educational entities (including K-12) O Localschool boards G Entities providing adult educa[ion and litetacy activities � ❑ Postsecondary educational inscieutions ' 0 Other: Lobor Q Nominated by cecognized sta[e andJoc locat labor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Srop LYorkforee Cenrer Parrners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activicies/programs): Q Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youch, Job Corps, Native American and Verenns' Workforee (WTA Ticla �) 0 Cs O O O CJ ❑ 0 C� ❑ J Wagnec-Peyser Act Aduit Education and L�teracy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titie t) Welfate-to-Work Programs (Socia! Secuciry Act) Senior Communi[y Serviee Employmcnt (I'itlt V of the Older Americans Ac[) Poscseeondary bducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocationat and Applied Teehnology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistartce (TAA) and I�IAFTA TAA (C�ade Act of 1974 Tit{e lI) Loea! Veterans' Employment Reptesentatives and Disabled Vecerans Outreach (7'itle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant DepaRment of Housino and Urban Devetopment Scate Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordanee with applicablc federal law) � MAY-12-2000 a8�2B SRINT PRUL RREA CHRMBER 612 223 5115 P.95i65 _ Consolidated Prog�am Workforce I�:vestment Board (WIB) Membership Application Q � ! � `9 private Infarntation �-�' � � . Name Place of Work TeiephoneNumber: (Work)�_SI-`�/U'S�J7 (Home) �S�" E-Mail Address: t �t_l- Job Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address: Phone:�F 2) Name; What are your reasons for wanting co serve on the WTB? � (Wozkl �P � p�- • �D o2� - v�o (a U i��- cs.� �,7+�-. �,a.-fe. e-t-�-✓ �a-v� ru �e.a.�c.e.�� �� OptFonal: n a n attempt to e nsure tha Board represcntation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledee of the fo(lowins information is helpful. 1-Iowever, completion of this information is voluncary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic ��� Slack (African America�) Asian or Pacif c Is:ander American Indian or AtaSkan Eskimo __ Other Male: O Female: �! Aisabled: ❑ Yes Q No i If special accommodations are needed, please specify: ;� �. -r. � Tlre i�rfonna�iori o�+ tli(s �rppAcarinn �vi1! be rrsed ro evaU�ale ared selecr meruber� eJrhe 3VtD. �py/)��i��rs mrq• rcfase ra s+�pply drr rcqurs�ed rirjnnrtnlia�. E.�Ctpt jor vobiutrrrp Lrfom�pliou, Go�ve�er, tbt Jrei/urelo tanple�e d�t npplit�rrion nirf}• re3ult in i� beiu�� dirca�ded. Tbi., rinra nmy be revin�rd nnd used 6v Ransey Cotu�ry rmd Suiur PnulslaJf. THe dnrrt nn diis yrr� e rs p�ivart. AD���'�•' T�TA� P.09 Phone:�HomelCo/� fWbrkl n.��F} Co�:solidated Program lYor�force Ir:vestment Board (iYIB) Memberslzip Applicatioli Name: Richard Grigos HonteAddress: 702 Fairciount AVe., St. Pau1 Street City � oo-«q 551 County Zip �Vhat skills, trainin� and ehperience do you possess for WIB membership? As Resource Development Director I have worked to develop er�olovment—related programs for youth For the past two years I have served on the St. Paul Workforce Development Council serving on the Board Executive Committee, Youth Committe�,_and other committees. Personally I have mentored an at—risk youth on employment issues. Len�th of initial term you are interested in: one-year_ Are you a Veteran?: O Yes �]cNo two-year X Rnmsey Counh• and the City of Saint Paut are recruiting individuals to represent vlrious catesories as detailed on the Conso/idated Progran: lVorkforce It:vest�nent Bonrd (WIB) Cate�ory Descriptions form on tlie reverse of this p�ge. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the categon� or cltegories you can represent on the WIB. Mail or Fac pour ��'IB Membership Application to: Bonnie .lackelen, Chief Clerk - Cozrnty Boarcl, Sz�ite 2.i0, 1� IVest Kellogg Boulercu•d, Saint P�rul, �Llinnesota �.i 10? (Fcrx: G.i 1-266-SO.i 9; Phofre: 6� 1-266-5014). Applicatioris r�:ust be reeeired by Nlay 12, Z000. �Ve �vill hnld hvo orientation sessions for members who are aopointed to the �VIB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 or Tuesda}', June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). �Ve ask that members attend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. \�'e e�pect that applicants will be officially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thanl. you for y'our interest. The iiifi�ne+ation on tliis «pp(icatiau u•i(1 be used to evale�ate anrlselect merrrbers ojthe 3f76. Applicrratr tnat• rejuse to supplr th. req�rested ir{joruiariari. E.ccept jor ral�mtan• iitforntatim+, ltoivever, t/te jtrileve [o complet2 d�e app/icntia� mql' resrdt ir. it hern, disc�rrded. Tltis data inr{i' he revie�ved «nd used bt• Rarrrse}• Count}' �urr! Saint Pau! staJf. T6z dat�t on this paae rtiid !he rererse sirl is perGlic «�rrl, tlierefore, avtrilablelo d�e prrG/ic. For Officc Usc onl�• Commissioner District � Plannin� District Council Cin' Council Ward April a. 3upo (O1'ER) Consolidaterl Program Workforce Investment Board (bYIB) Category Descriptio�:s 6r�`�°5 oa-��q If }'ou :�re lpplyina for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please atfach a nomination letter to }�oi application as described below. Bcrsiness, defined as for profit (nominaced by local business or�anizations and/or businzss trade associations - nttach }�our nomination letter}: ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum poficymakin� or hirin� authority ❑ Represent business with employment opportunities that reflec[ the local area Also please indicate if you represent: O lar�e business O smalf business (fewer tllan 500 emplo}�z� Commzu:ih•-6ased Organi=ations, deftned as itor:profit organi=ations: ❑� I�presentative of communities or si�nificant se�ments of communities providing job trainin� �A�ency serving youth � A�zncy servin� displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization ❑ Employer-retated nonprofit organization ❑ Or�anization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ A�ency representin� veterins ❑ A�ency re¢resentin� individuals �vith disabilities ❑ Other: Econonric Deti'elopment Agency: ❑ Pri�•ate Sector ❑ Public Sector L•duca�iorr (nominated by reQional or local educationa! agencies, institutions, or or�anizations representina such loca( educational enti[ies - attach }•our nomination letter): ❑ Local educational entities (includin� K-12) CI Local school boards CI Gntities providin� adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Odier: Labor ❑\'ominated by rzco�nized state and/or local labor federations (attach }'our nomination letter) One-Slop ft•'orkfi�rce Cen[er Pm•trrers (defined as the partners that carq' out the follo��'ine activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Distocated 1\'orker. Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans�\1'orl:force (��'IA Tid� CS J U ❑ �J ❑ G ❑ ❑ 1�'a�ner-Peyses Act Adult Education and Lireracy (�VIA Title t[) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) ❑ Depariment of Housina and Urban Development C1 State Unemploymzn[ Compensation La�vs (in accordance �vith applicablz fzdzral la�� ) Nelfare-to-�Vork Pro�rams (Social Security Act) Senior Communih' Sen•ice Employment (Tit1e V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Cducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Ac�} Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197-F Titlz I I) Local Vetzrans' Emplo}'ment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (�title 3S, U.S.C.) Communiiv Services Block Grant Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (YVIB) Membership Application Private Iriformation Ivrame: Richard Gri os Q� � `�q Piace of Empioyment: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities �,Vork Address 2575 Univer Avenue West St. Paul 55114 Zip Telzphone Number: Street Ciry CounR (�,Vork) 651-967-1110 (Homz) 651-225-8132 (FAX 651-967-1101 E-V1ailAddress: r ri os@bo sand irls.or 10b Title: Vice President-Finance Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Richard Hanson, 3M - Director of Community Affairs Address: 3�I Center B1dg. 591-30-02, St. Paul, 2�L`I 55144-1000 Phone:�omel (�Vorkl 651-733-8335 2) Name: Commander Jose h Mollner - St. Paul Police Denartment Address: 100 E. Eleventh St., St. Paul, r.N 55101 Phone:(Homel (�Vorkl 651-292-3615 �,Uhat are your reasons for �vanting to serve on the WIB? The �dZB will play a key role in meeting the needs of employers while helping at-risk individuals become moze self-sufficient. From a rofessional vie oint, this is consistent with the Boys & Girls C1ub`s mission. As a member of the St. Paul �dorkforce Council, I hve developed espertise I wish to put to use. Optia:al: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeuo of our community, kno���led?e of the followins information is helpful. However, completion of this informaiion is ��oluntan . _� �Vhite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Other viale: � Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No If spzcial accommodations are needed, please specify:_ T/ee irrfonrratiori on this «pplicatim� rvi!! 6e used !o evalurtte m�r! select niemben� ojthe LVlB. .-Ippfrc�rt�ts �mn' rej«se to supp{r r'. req«esred ii�j arrruiti�tt. Except fiir rn(tuitivr i�+forn�atinrt. lia�vever. dee jailrere tn ronrpfetr tl�e applicurion e�en• reserlt ire it heii+; lice�trded. Tlris d�ttu ntur h rr.rie�red �utd resed br Rmraer Cnuntr ueed .San�r Paur ,�u1C '�. iar�r .,�� •�r.� ��t:�e ia� n�irutr. ��'t- 8 MC�N 12:I4 Pi� ?idOt1G hi�I P�C ASS FAX N0. 7782413 ' F, 3 Consolidaied Program Warkjorce In++estment Boa�d (WIB) Merreberskip AppIication JLLb4.• ��� d0 -6C, ?�cfi��,��� R (9�Y � 4 �n�., Length of initiat term you are interested in: Are you a Veteran?: 0 Yes Od No one-year �% two-year ^ .�. Ramsey County and the City of Saint paul are recruiting individuxls to represent variou: categories as detaSied o'n the Consalidated Program TYorkforce Investment73oard (T�IB) Category Deseriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'thareverse Side, the category or catego`ries you can repreunt on the WIB. . - , , Mail`or=Faz Bwrnie Jack 55lOZ (Fax: :;s���, M .,: : �wG ��b:Rr�.<�:'i.�`'<::'v�� , .S • :' . �„,<.:;.. • :::-:N�;�;��,.? •u; : �<;. . .... .. '.h �:xr'°k-:"t� :»..,., . •d,'Saint P�tl,=Min'riesofa �.�. ' by iYfay;I2;�200Q::�;;"' ~\ We witl hold two orientation sessions for membcrs µ•ho are appointed to the WIB. �+�se sessions are � Thursday, June Z� (3:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:04 p.m.). Wo ask ihat mernbers attend one of these nvo sessions. F1a'se resecve these dates on your ca(endar. �Ve expect that app!icants ti�'t�1 be officiaUy notified mid-June on che stams o£their application. � Thank you for your interest. Tke inJonnnlion an tkis applicatiort ivi(( be used to evnluare andsefect members oflhe WIB. App�'uan[s may �ejuse to suppfy' ��e requeated inJorma2ion. Fxcept for voluntar}' informat+on, haruevrr, ihejailure so compleEe the appti:¢lian may result in it beir.g d�scarded 7his data .r+ay be �evie�+ed and ured by Ramsey County and Sain1 Paul stajf. The data on this page and tkr rm'erse sidz is public and, thereJore, available fo tke pubtic. Fo� Office Use only Commissioner Distri�c Piannin$ Distrid Councif Cic}• Countil Ward A¢ril �4, 2000 {OYER) ,,.t_..�: u_ ._._._.. __a ...,�.,«s,,,.o .��.,��� ���ceec forSVID membershin? M�`f- 8-00 I�GN 1�� l5 Fi� 3`dOidG I�Y PP.0 ASS F�X t�0. 7782413 �n� ConsoLidafed Program TYorbJ'orcelnvestrnenrBoatd (WIB) Caiegory Descriptions ao-��9 Ityou are applying far Bustness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as described below. - Business, deftned as jor profu (nomirtated by local business organuatioru andlor basiness trade usociatioru - attach your nomination letter); O Business owner, chief executive or opetating officet, and other executive or cmployer with optimum policymaking or hiring authoriry ❑ Represent busit5ess with employment oppominiries that reflect the local erea A1so please indicate if you represent: O lazga business O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Can�nttrniry-Based O�ganizarions, de, fined as non,profet organtzalions: t] Representarive of communities or signifit2nt segments of eommunities providing job training �Agency serving youth 0 Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related ocganizarion O Employer-related nonprofit organization 0 Organizarion serving nonreservation Tndian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans � Agency repre enring individuals wich disabilities � Other:_ l��->'� ��r�` Economic DeveTopment Agency: O Private Sector 0 Pubtic Secto� £dircation (nominated by regional or local educarion2l agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such locaf educahonal entities - attach your nominarion letter}: ❑ Local educarional entitics (including K-12) O T.ocal school boards Q Entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educationa! institutions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ Nominated by recognized state andlor ]ocal labor federations (xttach your nomination letter) One-S1op Workforce Center Partners (defined as the pariners that sarry nut the foltowing activitiaslprograms): Q Adult, Aislocated Worker, You[h, 7ob Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIP. Title I) ❑ Waa,�er-Peyser Act Q Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title In p VocationalRehabilitarion(RehabilitationActTitleT} ■ ■ ■ • • O Department of Housing and Urban Development ❑ State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance witn applicable federal law) Welfare-to-Work Programs (Socia! Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Atnericans Act) Postsecondary Ed�scation (Cari D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Techr,ology Education Act) 7rade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) andNAFTATAA (Trade Act of 1974 Titic 1T} Local Veterans' Employment Itepresentarives and Aisabled Veterans Oufreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Gran: P. 4 T F�err htA'1- 8-00 �tON l2� 13 P�i 31�OhG 64�i PAL �SS FAX N0. =7722413 P. 2 . Z�Iame'— Place of Work A� Consolidated 1'rogram Workfarce Investneexi $oard (Y37B) M¢mbership flppiicarion Psivare Information 00-6G°� Tetephone Number: (Work) �7 �� (Hame). ��-�°'L'j�`S°`�I�AX) '� ��� ��k��� � E-Mail Iob Personat References (include area code) 1) 2) Name: Address: Phone:fHomel 1��� �.�/� �77 / What ar�your reasons for wanting jo serve on the WTB? i �� i (Workl �oS/� Z���- '�3 � � � OptioriaT: In an aetempt to ensure that Board representation re�lects the makeup of our community, know!eeee of the following information is helpful. However, completion o: this in£orr,ia:ton is voluntary. White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian oc Alaskan Eskimo iviale• 4il Femate: C1 Disebled: q Yes anic Asian or P2ciEr Is!ander Other , � �o If speci2l accommodatioas zre needed, please specity. Tke informnti0n on fhis application wii! be used fo evaluafe nnd select n+embers of ihe WlG. tfpp��cuttLS n+ay rejuse Io SuPI'�� t ` - diseanled Tkis da may �Iewed and sed by Ra�insey Courtty�and Sa�irrt Paul sraJf. dn�a ort�kls page is pri�'atcic bcir.; Apnl �. 2000 v�..,..a rt.r„mP� iWorkl fi'",7 ��'�-° T - 05/11/2008 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITIES PAGE 02 Name: FIome Addres< Consolidated Program Workforce Investinenl,8oard (W7.8) Memberski,p .4pplication oo-GGq Street What skiils, training and experience do Lengih of initiat term you are interested in: one-year Ase you a Veteran?: � Yes �No two-year x Zip 1/ Ramsey County and fhe City of Saint �aut are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the ConsoIidafetlProgram Workforcelnvestment,8oarrl(WI$) CategoryDescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on �he reverse side,.the category or categories you can re�resent on the WtJ3. � We wilt hold cwo orienta:ion sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB, These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 fo 10:00 s.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). tiVe ask that members r attznd one of these h�o sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We e:cpect that applicants �tiill be offtcially notified mid-7une on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. Xhe informatiott on ikis applieafian rvi(! be used to evaluate vnd select members oJfhe Tf'IB. Applicantsmay suppf}• tbe requested informafion. EYCept for volurttary information, ko�vev�•� fheJailure to comp/efe the app/icafion may result in iY being dLtcarded Tkis data may be revie.ved and used by Ramsey Caunty and Sainf Pau! sYaJf. 7he data art thispage and the recerse side is pu6fie and, (hereJore, avai(ab(e to tkepu6iic. ' . �� �'ar OfFce Use anly Cocrunissioner Dis4ict Planning District Councit City �� membershio? Ci.ry� Council Ward _ ApriS 4, 2900 (6YER} 05/11/2000 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITIES PAGE 03 . JQn�s � SM� t►'� Consolidated,program Workforce Investmenl.8oard (T3rlB) Caregory Descriptions OO — Gf. c� Ifyou are appIying forBusiness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your ap licatinn as described betow. Business, defined asfor prafit (nominated by local business orga.nizariocu and(oc busir�ess nade associations - attach your nomination letter): ❑�asiness owner, chieFexecurive or operaring officer, and oiher execurive or employer with opfimum poticymaking or hiring authority E] Represent business with employment opporhuuties that reflect the local area Also please indicate ifyou tepresent: O lazge business O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Ca�zmunity-Based Organrzalions, dzfined os nonprofit organrzalions: �3( FLepresentarive of communities or significant segments of communities providing job trauung $f Agency serving youth � Agency serving displaced homemakers Q Union•related organizsrion � ❑ �mployer-related nooprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonreservation Indian and fibal govemment 0 Agency represenring veserans � Agency epresenti{�, in rviduals}�'�th dis ilities O Other: � t�{. �'}.¢fdqr �d�Y3.vj IUtG R.n ) tctt� � , �conomic,Developrnent Agency: ❑ Private Sector Q Public Sector L•ducorion (nominaEed by regionaf or local educational agenctes, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational entiries - attach your nomination lefter}: ❑ I,ocal educarional entities (including K-12) O Locai schoot boards Q Entities providing adult education and titeracy activities � Postsecondary educational institutions _ CJ Other. Lobor ❑ Nominated by recognized state andlor (ocal labor federations (aftach your nominatiori letter) One-Sfop YYOrkforce CentcrPartners (defined 2s the partners fhat cany out the fotlowing activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Aislocated Worker, Xouth, Job Co:ps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title I) ❑ W ❑ � ❑ Q a O ❑ ❑ agner-Peyser Act � Adult Education and Literacy (VJXA Tide JI) � VocaRonal Rehabilitation (Rehabititation Act Title n . Welfare-to-Work Programs (Socizl Securiry Act) Senior Community Service �mployment (I'itle V of the Older Asnericans Act) Postsecondary Educacion (Carl D. Perkins Voeational and Applied Technology EducaSon Act) Trade Adjwtment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Irade Act of 1974 Tide I� S,ocal Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Oufreach (Tifle 38, U.S.C.� Community Services Block Grant bepartment of Housing and Urban Development - State tJnemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) 05/11/2009 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITZES PAGE 04 Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) _ 7Vlembership A�pplication � _ Private Infarmation Place ofEmployment: Work Address: �-� Telephane Number: E-Ivlail Address: Job Title: vY1tp Personal Iteferences 1) Name: j YlA-ii Address:__ A�;' un�P co - ycq � � } C�. �R �t-C��`i � Uvaw� � �a�zavl ��� � Street Gty County Zip (Work)�S� �JS`��� (Home) �5��7�b�-�31 (FAX)�a�/ ; e area code) � �ed a — � ���� 2) Name: �J �2 " �.6 uf.Gt Addcess: �� t,t. � � Phone:(Homel i5�or d 5A �� • �-.�dco� ��'l� � (Workl 6 � I `a2� '��31e� � �`� [Ox (Wnrkl ��f ' ��i� � to serve on the � -f_ Dv`t.�'Gbcv�y+U � U� KJ� �� 93, Opfionai: In an at:empt to ensure that Board representation reftects thz makeup of our community, kno�vledge of the £ollowing information is helpfi:l FTowever, completion of this information is vo(untary. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African [lmerican} Asian orPacificIslander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _ Other __ _— Male� � Femzle ❑ Disabled: � Yes O No If specia( accemmodations are needed, please specify: The ir jonnatian on this appiica2ion i.z!! be used to eva[uate and selec( mear6e�s Ojthe 3Y7L3. Apptican# may re fus� ro sunr4 r� -' reguesYed informatiort. Eecept jor vofxnlary ircformation, 6awcve�, ike�ai[ure lo complele fhe application may resull in it 6ei�;- discarded Zhis dafa may be rrviewed and used by Ramsey Couxfy and Saint PauL slajf. The dala on thrs page is pri i•ate. Apri14,206U =--� Consofidat¢d Program Workforce Investment Board ({yjg) MembershipApplication OG- f.G Private Information 9 � l�i//,�m �Ls�•r/c� Name: - Place of Employment:�r�,au� ,�6/� . G av/s Work � Street City Telephone Number: (Work) /�3 �v` (Home),��j�-60/9 (FA.� � , �3 - �'So7 E-Mail Address:_ ,�i//, � �5'f�f's, or5 Job Titie: l'-�y���r % Sc/soi/ Ta Fv�u,� Personal References (include area code) // - � r Address:__ ��60 Col�nrne �T�,/!//. /7'.fR/, �S5/fly . Phone:(Homel Z) What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? � ..,. � : ����i�vE is_ is�.a�.2r.4,✓r Fe.� r�1� aSr��iG Tv6/c s�%/s To s� ,2eo�,o .�a.n-p� .�,✓ �� c �,qsea �s �.�-d � s ��o �.�� fo2 srv,a�rvrs w�� /rP .� o�,�. �iSr.�cr .�d L.8�u� �1ia�i tiL.���i� �tJ�i/ii OO/1/biosiTQa7r��/ � w.ih �ii �r .ri c �......�.✓ L.s .r���< oN �iS OptinrtaL• In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects Che makeup of our community, knowled5e of the foliawing information is helpful. However, completion of this information is volantary. _. �1Vhite (Caucasian) Black (African American) America�x Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male: �Y Female: ❑ Disabled: � Yes a No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Zstander Other If special accommodauoiis are needed, please specify: /Yoit�E �' Ttre infurnration orr thir upplicatinR mi!( be irsed to evaluare and tefect membeis oftlte WIB. Applicnnrs may refuse to su�p[y Ihe reques[ed irrfumlation. Except for vofuntary informo(ion, however, lke jallurr 10 eomptUe fLe applicarinn may resulr in it berng discarded Tkis data �rzay be reviewed cnd arsed by Ramsey Coanry and Saiat Pnul staJf. The data an diis page is private. 80i90'd� 6E08 992 TS9 213�JdNFiW ,11Nf10� .l3SWF121 L£:9i 0002-9Z-AHW Phone:fHome) (Workl Z �/�/�'6 � oo-C`9 Nante: ��//i.4-�n � LYit/G/� Home What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? - '' � i/ . /.✓! i i � �. i � ii � i O� � � %/ �/l � i � i • a ii !� //�/ i /�� %�//l! � �� iN S�e. f/s, ,.- Length of initial term you are Snterested in: on�year Are you a Veteran?: C] Yes C�'!ffo O � tWO-year � Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paut are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on-the Consolidated,Prograrn il'orkfo�celnvestmentBoarcl (WIB) Categorybescriptlons form on � the reverse of this page. Please iadicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WTB. Mail or Fax your � Membership App[ication to: Bonnie Jacketen, Chief Clerk - CatrntyBoard, Suite 250, I S West Keltogg$oulevard, Saint Paul. Mznnesotcr �.i IO? (Fax: 651-266-8039; Phone.� 651-266-8014). Applications must be received by May 12, 2000. We will hoid two orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the �VIB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:90 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tnesday, 3une 27 (1:90 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that mcmbcrs attend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We expect that applicants wilt be officially natified mid-June on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. Tlre informa�ioa on rGis appticatian wi!! be nsed ro eva(uate axd select n:earbers af rke WIB. Rppficaiets nrRy rejuse to supp/v tke reyuested i�ejnrmario�t. �ccepi jnr volunmry L�jorma�ion, kawever, tlre jailure ta compiete t17e applicolio�i mny resutt fn it bei�+g discarded. T/r�s datn �nay be reviewed and used by Ramsey Counry and Sainr Pauf sraff. Tbe dara on U�ispoge anrl flie revene sir/e is prrbfic mrd, t/rerejore, available tn tl�e p�iblic For Office Use only � Commissioner District April 4, 2000 Consalidated P�ogram Workjorce Investment Board (WIB) Meire6erslsip App[ication Planning Disvia Council (OI�ER) City Council Ward 80/L0'd 6E08 992 IS9 ?J3�JtiNFi4l A1Nf10� J.35Wtl21 8£:9T 000z-9Z-AHW ; 90'd �tf101 Consolidated Program Workforce Invesfinent Board (WIB) Category Descriptions v 00 -CGy Ifyou are appiyirtg for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to �•our annlication as described betow. Business, defirred asfor profrt (nominated by local b¢siness organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): ❑ 8usiness owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employec with optimum policymaking o� hiring authority , ❑ Represent business wich employment opgoctunities that reflect the local area Also please indicate ifyou represent: O lazge business O small business (fewerthan 500 employees) Community-$ased Organizations, defined as nonprofit organizations: 0 Representative of comsnunities or significant segments of communities providing job training Q Agency serving youth f] Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organiution 0 Emp(oyer-related nonprofit organization Cl Organization serving nonreservation Indian and triba! governmeat ❑ Agency representing veterans Q Agency representing individuals with disabilities � Other: Economic Development Agency: ❑ Private Seetor 0 Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educat�i nal entities - attaeh your nominarion letter): �'C,ocal educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educationai institutions ❑ Other: Lubor O Nominated by �ecogniaed state and/or local labor federations (aHach yoar nomination Ietter) One-Stoy � ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ Workforce Cenler Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activities/programs): Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title 1) Wagner-Peyser Act Aduit Education and Literacy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I), . _ Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Securicy Act) Senior Community Service Employmcnf (1'itle V of the 0)der Americans Act) Posueeondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocationa! and Applied Technotogy Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA 7'AA ('frade Act of 1474 Title II) Local Vecerans' Employment Representativcs and Disabled Veterans Outreaeh (7itle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Department of Housing and Urban Development Statc Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance �•ith applieable federal !aw) 80/80'd 6�08 992 ti59 b3�JdNdW J,1Nf1�� J,35WFi2I 8£:9T 0002-9z-1.dW MRY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.02i06 .. Consolidared Program Wo�kfo�ce Investrnent Bonrd (WIB) RECE{VED � — " q MembershipApplication MAY 15 2000 N2me: Donovan Schvichtenberg MAYOR'S OfFICE Home Address: 6621 Biscame Blvd. Edina 55436 Street City County Zip What skitls, training and exnerience do you possess for WIB membership? I have a back�.round in vocational education and have served as the head of both Minneapolis and Sc. Paul Technical College. I have experience in de- velo�intt educational oro�rams for adults and vouth and have served in a leadershio role in cuseomized traininR- I am presently servin� on the Saint Paul Workforce Develo ment Council. � Len�th of initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: B Yes C1 �10 12amsey County and the City oI Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program Workforce7nves1menl Board (WIB) Cnte; ory Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. PIease indicate, on the reverse side, the category or cate;ories you can represent on the �VIB. Mail or Fax }•our WIB Nlembership Application to: :_ Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - Counry Board, Suite 250, 1� West KeTlogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota .i510? (Fras: 6�1-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-801 �}. Applications neusi be received by May 12, Z000. We will hold Rvo orienta:ion sessions for members who are appointed to the WTB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). �Ve ask tliac members attend one of [hese ttivo sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calenda:. We e�pect chat applicants wilt be officially notified mid-June on the status of their zpplication. Thank you for your interest. two-yeaz X TLe tnfnrnurtiore nn d+Er upp/icrt�ion wifl be used 10 evaluate mad select members njUze WlB. Applican�s lrtay reJuse to srrpplv 1he reqrcested iejorn:a(ioir. Ercepf fer voiunlary injorn7atioii, hnwever, tlre jailtrre 7o complete �6e rspplicarion n+ay restrlt iir it bei�r; d'ucarded. 7'kis Jatn nmy be reviewed and used b�• Ranuey Caufry and Saint Puut staff. Tke datn ort tlzis pa;e «nd ike reve�se side is pubTic arul, tt�erejore, rsvailabte m the pnblic For Office Use only Commissioner Discrict Plannin� Districc Council City Council W2rd Aprit 3. ?ODU (OVER) G Departmenc of Housin� and Urban Developmens MRY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PRU� TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i06 - Consofidaled Program Workforce Investment Boa�d (WIB) tllembersl:ipApplication 00 -LG9 Private .F+:formatia: Name: Donovan SchvichtenberR Place Of Employment: St. Paul Technical Colle�e Work 235 Marshall Avenue St_ Yaul 55102 Street County Zip Telephone Number: (Work) 651-221-1364 (Home) 612-938-0227 (FAX) 651-221-1416 E-Mail Address: Job President Personal T2eferences (include azea code) � 1) Name: Hocaard u hm n Address: 1300 Norwest Center; St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone:�Home) (�Vorkl 651-222-1801 2) �2me: Richard AnfanQ Address: sc Paul BuildinR Trades Council• 411 Main Street• St Paul Minnesoca 55t02 Phone:lHomel (Workl 65i-224�9445 '4Vhat are your reasons £or wanting to serve on the WIB? I have an intezest in helping all members of our societv become emploved in ¢ood jobs I believe it benefits the individual their families eaplovers, and ^ society My reasons also are goals of St Pau2 Technical Co11eRe. I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the new organization. Oprional: In an attempt to ensure thzt Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, lcno��led_e. of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluniary. x White {Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islznder American Tndian oz Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: � Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ I�Io Tf specia! accommodations are needed please specify:, The i�:fannation on tiris app(icatiou �vi!! be used m evaturrtr u�td setecl rreenrbers of the WI.B. Applicnnts utrry reJuse �a srrpph• rlie reqr�esred injormutialr. Grceptjor vo�unrury• injornurtiort, howeve�, t/ie jnile�re to complete tlre applicatiom m�y result in it bein„ discnrded. 7Yiis drt(tt nray be reviewed aed used b}• R�uruey Counry ruad Sain[ Paul slnff. Tl+e dara o�i rtris pave is pffvate. _ Aprit �!. 2000 MRY-12-2000 08�48 ST. PAU� TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i07 Consofidafed Program Workfa�ce Invesiment Boar�! ({3�IB} Category Descripiions J� S c h►�� �h �rn bt �- OD-/.l If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please atfach a nomination letter to your annlication as described belotiv. _ - _ --- -- - _ Business, defrned asjor profrr (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associaiions - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating ofFcer, and other executive or empioyer with optimum policymakin� or hiring authoriry O Represent business with emptoyment opponunities that reflect the local area Also please indicate if you repcesent: O large business O smali business (fewer than SOQ emptoyees) Comm:rniry-Based Organi>ations, defined ar nonp�ofir organi=arions: G Representative of communities or significant segments of communities providingjob training ❑ A�ency serving youth G A�ency serving displaced homemakers O Union-rela[ed organization ❑ Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serviog nonreservation Indian and tribal government L] A�ency representing veterans G Agency representi�g individuals with disabilities � Ocher: Economic Developtnent Agency: � Privace Sector ❑ Public Sector Edtrcarion (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local education2l entities - attach your nomination ]etter): Cl Local educational en[ities (includin� K-12) G Local school boards G Entities providing adult education and literacy activities �Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Other. Labor G Nominated by recognized state and/or tocai labor federation5 (attach your nomination letter) One-Sro� iVorkforce Center Pnrrners (defined as the partners that carry out the followin� activitiesJpro�rams): G Adutc, Dislocated �Vorker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (W1A Title I) D ❑ G ❑ O C� ❑ O G ❑ ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Adulc Education and Liceracy (WIA Tii(e Il) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Wetfare-to-Work Pro�rams (Socia! Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational a�d Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) and 2�3AF"1'A TAA (Trade Act of 197� Title [t) Local Vecerans' Employment Represenutives and Disabled VeteCans Outreach (Title 38. U.S.C.) Commcinity Services Block Grant Department of Housin� and Urban Deveiopment Sta[e Unemplopment Compensation La�vs (in accordance with applicable federal la��•) MRY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.04i06 Donovan Lee Schw�chtenberg, Ph.D. oo - c�g G621 Biscapne Boulecud G12-221-1364 (QC�osk) Edina, Mianewta G12-93&9227 (Home) Leadership Acknowled�ed high enecgy wich a cleaz zecotd of efieccively managing change in a numbez cf oiganizauons. Demonsteated lesdaship in 6sca1 managemenc, sezvicc to busincss and industxy, pxoblem idenriEication aad resolution. Collegial maaagemenL sryle which identifies high e�peccarion fzom smff and faculry wich rUUlu for che benefic of smdenrs. Available [o all memben of che College and respecced foc his leadership thzoughou[ Minaesota State Colleges and Univezsiues. Professional PresidenS St Paul Technical Gollege, St. Paul, Minnesota (Maith 1990-Presenc) Experience Pcincipal, Emccson Aiternative School, Minneapolis, Minae�ota (1959-1994) Pzesident, Minncapolis Techzucal Gollege, Minneapolis, Miancsota (1982-1959) P=incipal, bfatshall-Univetsiry High School, ?vlinaeapolis, I�Tiaaesota (1979-1952) PrinciPal, Ftanllia Junior High School, blinncapolis, Minacsota (1978-1979) Principal, Ramsey Ninth Grade Cencet, Minneapolis, Minnesota (1974-1978) Assistant tu East Acea Superincendent, Minneapolis Public SchooL+ (1973-1974) Assisrant Pcincipal, Central H�h School, Minneapolis, I�finnesoea (1972-1973) Assistant Prinupal, Ramsey Juniox High School, hlinncapolis, Miraesota (19G9-1972) Adjuncc Ptofecsor, Univexsiry• of btinnesoul, Minneapolis, Minnesota (1969) Neighboihood Youth Cocps Coo=dinacoz, Souch�cesc High Schonl, lVest I-Iigh School, Cenual High $chool, Minneapolis PubGc Schools (1966-1969) Project Administretor, Opezation Read+aess, United States Office of Economic Oppocmniry Community Education Dizector, Nor:heast Community Center, Minncapolis, Minncsoca(19GG-1968) Vorational Coordinacoz, Washbum Fiigh Schonl, Minneapolis Public Schools (19G4-]966) Teacher, Vocaaanal Evening School, Mi=meapolis Public Schoo!s (1960-1965} Teachez, Cencral High School, Minneapoli5 Public Schools (2960-1964) Uniced States Army, 19�7 Bank Tellez, Sc Clair Siate Ban}:, St Clair, Minnesota (19�6-19>'� Educacion Doctor of Philosophy in Educauonal Administndon, Walden Univezsity (1978) Specialist in Educational Adminisczarion, Univecsity of St. Thomas (1980} Mascer of Science, Cu=riculum and Insttucdon, Universiry of i�tinnesota (1968) Bachelox oE Suence, Business Educauon/Social Smdies/Businas Adminiscrarion, biankazo Stace Univcrsicy (1460) MRY-12-2000 08�43 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.05i06 Dissertarion Topics Membe=ship and Leadership (Pastand Pxesent) � s�w� c.k�ev�be� A Smdy oF thc Effecrivencss of che Subsdcute Tcachers ia rhe Secondary Schools of � 0 �� `9 I�finneapolis, Minnesota, 1998 Paresit's Opuuons of Decentcalization in the �nneapolis Public Schools,19S0 Minneson Technical Collegt Presidena' Ascociaaon, Past President Minnesoea Technical College Presidencs' Assouarion Finance Corcrsccee, Pasc Chaicpezson Minnesora Technical Colleoe Presidencs' Studeac Services Committee, Past Cha:rperson blinnesou State Colleges xnd Univttsities Chanccllo='s Search Ca-nmit�ce Minnesoca Scate Colleges and Univezsiues Inceri.m Chancelloz's CouncIl of Presidencs I�Ieaopolitan Educaaonal Tclecommunicarions Nenvork, Treasur� Saint Paul Tech Prep Coasoztium Highec Education Board E:ccluded Administrarors Task Fozce Minnesota Srace'Z'echnical College Pxe>idents' Associa¢on Humaa Resoucccs Cortunittce I�finnesota State Technical College Presidents' Associa¢on Lc�isladve Conuniccee Minneapolis Public Schook Principals' Fon�m, Past Pcesident Minneapalis Public Schook Ptinapals' Fonun Negotiaang Comr.inee, Chaizperson Encironment and Enetgy Resource Center, Diteccor Willmaz Communiry College Presidenu Seazch Comrnitcee Uniced Way of Saint Paul Communiry Tniriaaves Volun[eu Comr.utcee Saint Pau1 Public Schools North Centcal Evaluacoc Anoka Technical College North Centnl Evaluator Saint Paul/Roseville School2o Wock Partncuhip E�ecudvc Com:niuee Ciry of $aint Paul Woikfoxce Devclopment Council Eaccuuve Conmiccee Saint Paul Rocary Red Wing/�nona Technical College Piesidencal Seatch Cammittee, Chairperson M�tro A=ea Two-year Collepc Planninb Gouncil hfulu-Culmral Genda Disabiliry• Faii F:ducadon Advisory Board Saint Paul Public Schools Supetintendent's Council National Vocauonal Association Minnesots Vocational Association Minncsoca Laboz Hlghez Education Couricil UA�Y�/Fozd/MnSCtJ Training Cencer Committec, CooLdiaacoz MnSGU Bienrual Commitmenc co Institutions Cawniccee, Chairpcsou MnSCU Skill Bascd Txansfec Committee, Chairpe:soa MnSCtT Persor.nel Plan Advisory Commitcee Edina Public Sthools Volunteex e MRY-12-2000 08�43 Membezship and Leadetship (Paatand Present) ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.06i06 �. .SC�1uJi C��'tl�-b U Scaffocd Collcgc (Englancn-St. Paul Technical College Professional Erchange 00- (�(�q hSid-Minaesora TelecoaLmunicatioas Consortium Winona Technical College State Evalua:nr Sinc Paul Area Chamber of Commuce Midvrap Chambex oE Commexce h2inneapolis Associacion of Secondary School Pcincipalc Minneapolis Kiwanis Minnesora Associarion of Secondary PrincipaLc Tw-in Citie� Development Group, Director Mn$CU Program aad Sccvice Alignment Planning Team rnTOi a AF �n i rc�cu _� • cD b I Y'r.UL r�Hi\h t lu & c��N 5 _ � Consolidated Progrnm Workforoe Investtnent Bourd (WIS) Membership Appl'uation Private Injormation 65:2293314 P.2Gia4 RECEINED 00 -tG9 M AY 2 5 2000 N�� HARRY MELANDER � L� Place ofFlnployri7ent: ST. PAUL BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COt3NCIL Work 411 MAIN ST, �r206 ST. PAUL RAMSEY 55102 Stzeet City Couttty TelephoneNumber: (Work) 651-224-9445 � 651-426-540B (�:� 651-224-9783 E-Mail Job Business.Representative Personal References (include azea code) 1) Name; Dick Anf Address: 411 Main St, #206, St. Paul MN 5510� Phone:(Homel 651-457-7691 �Work) 651-224-9445 2) Name: Bernard Brommer AddTeSS: 175 Aurora Ave., St. Paul MN 55103 Phone:�Homel �� 651-227-7647 What Are your reasons for wsnting to serve on the WIB? I believe I can voice Labor's concerns and bring a practical yet workable consciousness to the board. Optional: In an attempi to ensure that Board represemation reflects the makeup of our communiry, lmowledge of the fallowing informaHan is helpful, However, oompletion of this iafosmation is volurrtary. X OJhite (Caucasian) Hi c Black Aftican American S � � ) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Esldnto Other Male: G9 k'emale: Q Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No IF special accommodations are aeeded, please specify: 77ee injorm¢rinn nrt tkis appdkatlon w!U be rased to evaluale aad select mem6us af the WIS App[icants �nay refuse to supply tl�e requested injormcliem �cept jar vo[uniary inforn�ation, howevu, thejaiture Jo Complete fha cppU�atlnn may �esu1[ tn !t being discarded. Tli'u data may be ►eviewed aed wed by Rmnsey County and Saint P�l srujf. T6e data nn Uris poge !s private n�.:�e oMn znnf� Tf7T01 P LVt S3Q5'21,L �NIQ'II(Ifi ESG6 6ZZ TS9 k'�'3 Z6:60 .�'03� 00/ZZ/SO , r;nr-rr��e� :5:G5 ST PA.�L PLRNNItiu &-CON 6512283314 P.03iO4 Consolidated Frograrn Workf'orce Investment B'aasd (LVIB) M � /_„, fe�" +CategnryDescr�pfions �ar�� ���`� Do-t&q if you sre applying for Busiuess, Education, or Labvr posiiions, please attach a nomination letter to your nnnlication as descrihed below. ___ ,� - Business, defrned as for-prafr (nominated by local business otganizations and/or business tiade associarions - attach yaur aomination letter}: C! Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other exeeurive or employer w�th optimum polioymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business wiih employment opportunities that reflect the local area ALso please indicstte if you represent: O large husiness O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Community-Based Urgan�ations, defined as nonprofi! organization.s= C1 Representative of communities or significant segmentt of cammunities providing job training O Agency serving youth 0 Agency serving disptaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization OI Employer-related nonprofit organization C] Organization serviag nonreservation Indian and tribal government Q Agancy representing veterans O Agency representing individuals wich disabilieies Q Other: Economic Developmen�rtgency.• O PrivaYe Secior O Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutians, or organizations representing such local educationat entiries - attach your namiaation letter): � O Locai educationat entities (including K-t2) C� Local school baerds O L'ntities pmvid'rng adult education and literacy activides ❑ Postsecondary educationa� institutions ❑ dther: Labor � I3ominated by recognized state andlor loaal labor federations (attach your nomination ietter) One-Stop Workforce Cenrer Partners (defined as the pam�ers that carry out the following activities/pcograzns): ❑ Adult, Dislocated �Vorker, Youth, Job Corps, Native Ameciean and Veterans' W orkforce (WIA Titte I) 0 Wagner-PeyserAct ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title d Yocarional Retiabilitation (FtehabiIitation Act Tikle I) d ❑ Q d Q 0 0 Q Welfare-to-Wark Programs (Social Securily Act) Senior Community Servica Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocarionat ¢nd Applied Technotagy Educ;aaon Act) Trade Adjustrneat Assistanee (TAA) and NAFTA TAA ('['nde Aet of 1974 Tit�e Il) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Vetersns Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant � Deparcmcnt of Housing and i3rban Development State Unempfoyment Compensation Laws (in accordance with appticab(c fcdcrat Iaw} i,ni-ir^�uv� 1��cY 51 YHUL YLHNNINV $ ECLN �ansotidated Program Workforce Investmeitt Board (WIB) Merrsbsrship Applicafien Home F3ARRX MELA_'`DER 716 PARK AVE Street rsr�mo�nz City Witat sldlls, isaining and cxperience do yvu possess £or WIB mesubership? see attached Length of initial term you are interested in; one-yeaz Are yon a Veteran?: a Yes �] No oo—��q tiVASAINGTON 55115 County Zip t�VO yeat x We witt hold hvo orientation sessiotts fnr melnbers who ara appoiated ta the WIR. These sessions Fue � Thursday, .Tune 22 (8:00 to 10:OQ a.m.) or Tuesday,,�utte 27 (1:Q0 to 3:00 p.m.). We aslc that members attend one of these rivo Sessions. Pleese feserve these dates on your aslendat, We expeci that applicants wilt be offciallynotified mid-]une on the status oftheirapplication. Thank you far yonr mterest. The tnformation on rhts applicalinn wti! 6e rtsed ro evaluafe and seleet members of tlie {f7B. Apptleanrs muy refuse to aupp(y 16e requested ldfomratinn F.xceptjor voluntary informatlon, however, t��e failure [o camplete !he applkaelon may result in it beiteg d'ucatded Thisdatamaybeteviewai!¢nduaedbyRamaeyCou»tyaadSalntPaxlstajJ. 77iedataonthiapugeondihereversesids Fs pvblic and, fkutfore, evnilabte ta thepubTiF For O�ce Use only Commusioaer District Pienning Dishict CouacIl City Cwncil Watd 65122833.4 P.0?/24 �pril4, 2000 (OYER) Ramsey County and the City nf Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent varions categories as detailed an the Consotidated Arogram Workfarce Investment Baltrd (WIB) Category Desctzptinns form ou the reverse of this page. Please indicate, ott the reverse side, the category or Categories yon ean represent on the WIB, oo-�`g Harry D. Melander Jr. 'li6 Park Avenne Mahtomedi, Minnesota 55115 PRORESSTONAL EXPERIENCE: ST. PALTL BUII,DING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL Business Representative t1997-Present) * Responsible for the legislative, community, and education agenda for 29 affiliates Create and coordinate all School-To Work, minority recruitment, gender balance efforts in St. Paul SOUTHERN DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CARPEIVTBRS Community Outreach/Pr ocram Development (1994-1996) St. Paul * Responsible for recruitment effort with the minority community and efforts to create gender balance in the trades Program coordinator for (PAX) Program For Apprenticea6le Youth. Budget design/Program Administration * Developed and coordinated St. Paul Central's Building Technology Academy � MIlVNESOTA STATEWIDE DISTRICT COINCIL OF CARPENTERS (1986-1994) ST. PAUL, NIN Human Resources(Training(Reseazch * Develop persounel policy for staff and affiliates * Participated in negoliations and grievance proceedings �` Managed the budget and fmancial regulations of the organization, and it's benefit plans * Czeated personnel training programs for staff/memhers Ca -c �9 i�Ielander, age 2 " Provided direction and leadership for a harmonious CommunitylLaborManagement relationship within the construction industry throughout Minnesota * Prepazed and presented press releases for organization MCGOUGH CONSTRUCTION (1984 -1986 ) ST. PAUL, MN Construction Layout, Carpentry Responsible for the placement of commercial structure, and their components in relationship to azchitectural specification * Provided traditional cazpentry duties EASTERN IOWA COVIMUlVITY COLLEGE ( 1978 - 1984 ) MUSCATINE, IOWA Building Technology Departrnent Instructor of Building Technology Classes * Provided leadership for one of three major divisions within ihe coilege * Instructor of Construction Engineering and Building compliance classes "` Responsible for the construction and maintenance of campus-owned proyects, including single family homes and campus instructional facilities * Negotiated instructional staff contract, handled grievance proceedings �DUCATION: DEGREE PROGRANI: University of Wisconsin - Stout 1977 B.S. TechnologyBducation ADVAI�CE STtTDIES: University of Minnesota 1986 University of Oregon 1987 ba-CCQ Melander, page 3 . VOCATI0�IAL: Minnesota Departinent af LaborlDivision 1 g7g of Voluntary Apprenticeship Program, Carpentry CIVIC PARTICTPATIO`'� * St. Paul Workforce Development Board * St. Paul Urban League * 916 Foundation " State Commission for Nat'I & Community Svc * Phalen Corridor Initiative / Founding Member * Twin City Housing & Redevelopment Coip. * Washington Co.Boud of Adjustment Chaitperson '" Washington County IiRp., Chairperson * Mafitomedi Park Commission "` University of M�7 Labor Relations Advisory Boazd * Washington Co. Planning Commission, Chairperson * Weatherization Reseazcfi and Ptoduction Inc. Chairperson * Mahtomedi School District Transportation, Technology Committee * Governor's Commission for Affordable Housing in the 90's (1998-1999) (1997-1999) (1996-1999) (2994-1999) (1994-1999) (1995-1999) (1995-1999) (1996-1998) (1998-1999) (1995-1998) (1992-1996) (1988-1996) (1989-1994) (1989-1994) {1998-1989} ��C DO�NTOWN ST•PnUL F"ax�o5129�130o Pp� 11 'GC 14�43 Consolidated Program Workforce Invutment $oard (A�IB) � Hone Address: Street Memberskip Applicafion � c�ty P. OZ � a- 6Gq Countp Zip �Vk?at skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? T 1�1-�Y�rF .k�6£aI /hlUoC.�iF�J t.�iTl"-/_ i�1r U �'2 i � Are you e Ve;eran?: O Xes �9,No Ramsey County and fhe City of Saint Paul are recruiting inditi•iduals to represent various categories as detfliled on the Consatidaterf Pro�ram iYorkforce Investment Board (Ff'I$) Cate,ory Descriptiotrs form on the reverse of this paae. Please indicate, on fhe reverse side, the categoz'y or cafegoYies you can represent on the SVIB. .._ . .. . .,.. . . . ,. . . ; .. . : • � �.; ylx�l_orFaz you[;WlB,1Vleinb"ers�i A lic'afion;io>;� ..;:. '� `- . p..PP ,. _ .. .., �cr:: ,.. -.. ._., .... . . ., ._ ... ... � . . . .. .. . . . . . . , . . . . . .. � :..c• .. .. . .. _ . . ; .,....... .. Bo»nie JackeFen,:�Chief Clerk = Counry Board, Suite:254,".I.i ti�%�st Kellogg 2oule•iard.Saint Pkze1, M:'nnesbtn �5102 (Fax: GSI=266-,8f139; Pnon2: 657-265-8014); Appficutioris ritkst he.raceived by May IZ, Z000. : .�/ We �viil hold t��o orientation sessions for members who are zppointed to tFe �'liB. These ses,ions zre � Thursdav, �une 22 (8:00 to 1D:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, 3une 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). 1Ve ask t11at members aCend one of these rivo sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendzr. ��'e expect tliat applicants tvil] be officially r,otified midJune en the status o:`their apptication. Thank y�ou for }�our interest. Tlre information on tkis applicalion wifl be resed Yo evaluate anAselec! members ojdee ll'IB. ApP�icaxts nray refuse to suppl}• dJe teguested injonantioe. �ece,pt jo� ruluntrtry inforno¢tion, however, Ore failnre to cnmplere rhe applicalion naay resu![ in ir beine clisca�ded. This data may be �evi:wed and used by Ramsey Cow7ry and Salnt Pard staff. 17re datr+ air t/iis pnge and i/re reve�se side is public und, t/leiejare, available lo If+e public. ti µ,,� y� Canmissiones Distcict ��d Apri14, 2000 Fo� o[r.�� Vs<o..�y Plannin� District Council Ci.y Council Ward (DYE� E.-/T"tt-EiC Length of initial term you are intzrested in: one-year � two-yexr � WFC DOWN7�WN ST•PRUL Fax�6�129�1306 Ppr 11 '00 i,-�5 �. � Cot:solidafed Prooram Workforce Investment,8oard (WIB) Ck1Eo DP.}% DESCT!)JIIOtIS r. w �$R.�l�t �� uz 60 . ��e� If you are applyina for Susiness, Education, or X,abor positions, ptease attach a nomination letfer fo your, defined as for profit {nominated by local business or�aniza[ions and.+or business r,ade associations - attach your nomination letter): � Business owner, chief executice ot operating officer, and othe: executive or employcr with optimun poticymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business wi[h employment oppoRunities that reflec[ the loca! area Also plelse indiczte if you represent � large business O small business (fe�tier than 500 emoloyees) Commtenity-EnseelOrganizations, d fned ns narsproft nrganiaotions: ❑ Represen[acivc of communities or sienificant segments of communities providin; job trzinin� O A�ency serving youtn ❑ A�ency serving displaced homemakers � Union-related or;anization O Employer-related nonprofit organi2ation Q O:gznization servina nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ Agency repre;enting veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals witn disabilities ❑ Other: Economic Developmenl Agency: O Private Sector d Pubiic Sector Fducation (nominated by cegional o^ local educafional agencies, insti[utions, or or�2niza:ions representin� such Ioca1 educational ent;cies - attach }'our nomination letter): C� Locai educational entities (includin� IC-12) U Locafschoolboards d Er.tities providing adult education and lit:racy activiiies O Postsecondary educational institutions � Other: _ _ _ _ _ Zabor � 1�'orr.inzted by recognized state and/or 1oc21 labot federations (attach your nomination lefter) One-Stop Workjorce Center Pariners (defined as the partners thzt carry out the foliowin� >ciivities/pro�rams): � Adult, Aislocated 4Vorker, You;h, Job Corps, �ative American and Veterz�s' R'orkforc� (WIA Ti.fe i) '� Wzgner-Peyser Act ❑ Adul� Education znd Literzcy (WIA TiYle II) ❑ Vocations� Rehabilita;ion (Rehabili,ation Act Title I) ❑ Welfare-to-Work Programs (Secial Security Act) ❑ Senio: Community Service Emp(oyment (Tit(e V o,`the 01der Americ2ns Act) O Postsecondazy Educatson (Carl D. Perkins Voc2tiona; and APP��ed Technology Ecucation Act) ;B( rrzdc Adjustment Assis�ance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197=t Title !I) � Locat Veterans' Bmployment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Titic 33, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Depaztmcnt ofI-tousing and Urban Development �( State Unemploymcnt Compen�ation Laws (in aecordance tvith applicable federal law) � WFC DOWNTOWN ST�PAUL �ax�6512971306 P,pr 11 '00 i4:4� Consolidoted Proa ram Wor�force Investment Saard (FYIB) Memb ersh ip Rpplication 2�rivate Information f�mP• ��� I/ � �� U �✓ ,�fJ � P1ace ofEmploym2nt: (/U/U11� tvor'.<Adcress � �Q� ��� P. OC Oo-GCq uul � r .4u c_' �. t�� S 5T _ C�� Courrfy Zip > , /l�m sFj s s�oi Telephone Nnmber: (Work)GS/-77g"-s !o G J (Home) �' (FAX) G�/ - � �9- SG �/6 G5/"��� GS/ -R9'7 -'�06 E-ti1ai1 Address: /Yl h/' u n Ko c✓ � n m tz l�e5. S7 mn. us Job Title: ��G�O�iI�L //If�?'J�}C�� -" �$% ///��C� Persona] References (include arza code) 1) Name: < 2TH dll���zr Phone:jHomel '-"' 2) Name: ��C'-X ��/t���f Arlr�rPCC• �7� No�rf� 'ID�J�T Phone:(Homel 1' .sisG�y�rc, 1�1 J 53 !o� (Workl GS/- 029� - (o0( % � ,/JRtirc, I�I.✓ ��o {Work] �S/ a9� -1� 9� Optionai; In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup o� our community, know�Iedge of the follow•ing information is helpful. Hoti�ever, comgtetion of this information is voluntary. � White (Caucasiaa) Hispanic $lack (African Ame:ican) Asizn or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskzn Eskimo Othzr __ _ __ r�ale: C]. Female: � Disabled: � Yes �No If special accommodations are needed, p!ease specify: �U Ylre injurmaiion u�: iltis application wi[( 6e uSed to evatuate aridselecr members oJthe lVIB. .fpp(Icanti muy refi�se to supply 1lie iequcS[ed irt�ormatlart, ,Eccept for voBmtary injurmarinn, Goweveq Ure jaile�re to complete U+e nppiicarlon muy �eserlf in It behr� discarded 7his dnln may be reviewed and:esed by Ranssey Carnly anJ Suin1 Partl stnJf. TJte dr�ta an dris prrge is privule. Apri14-, 2000 -" -'--_ .'--"-__.._....,_.. . ....... � ., ......_,_..w.....•.....�.._ ............... What ue your reasons for wzntir.g to serve on ine WIB? ,Mf�Y-12-2090 09:44 LIFETRACK RESOURCES 651 227 0621 P.02i06 . Consolidated Psogram Workforee Investment $aard (WIl?) pp � Memberskip AppIication RFCE{VED MAY 1 5 200a Name: 3ohn Mohr HomeAddress: z315 Timber Traii, Maplewood, MN (Ramsey, County) 551L94YOR'SOFFICE Street City County Zip What skilis, tnining and experience do you possess for VdID membership? See attached sheet 1 Length of initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: I> Yes t� No two-year X Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuats to represent various categories as deiailed on the Consolidated Progran� Workforce InvestmentBoarri (WIB) Cafegory Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the't�IB. lYIai1 oc=k'az Bonnie Jnck ssioi �'cn: 1 =za�`6=aot�r):" . We wi!( hold nvo orientation scssions for members who are appointed to the wIB. These sessions aro i� Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members , attend one of these nvo sessions. Piease resecve these dates on your calendac �Ve expect that applicants ��i11 bc officially notified mid-Iune on the status of their application. Thank you for your interesi. ...� . � .•. . o:__....r'._.'_.....:nL_..��J�.._._!.._�....-J.,.I,.n/...w...Fn.<nlILa1Y7R dnn/irnnleiwnv�e(ncvfnaunnlrlS:r •MRY-12-2000 10�08 LIFETRRCK RESOUftCES 651 227 0021 P.BGi90 , c,ansouaatea t7ogram Workforce Invesimeni Board (Wl'B) Qa _ ��q Cafegory Descripfions `�� n � � � 'V ICyou are applying for Businus, EduCation, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as described below. Busrners, defined as fo�.p�af� (nominated by local business orguuzarions and/or basiness trade associatioru - attach your nomination letter): 0$usine5s owner, chief executive ot operaring officat, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority � Represcnt business with emp(oyment oppottururies that reflect ttie Iocal area Also please indicaze if you represent: O large business O small busir.ess (tewer than 500 employees) Co�rtntunity-Based Organizations, defined as nonprofit organizadons; � Representacive of communities or sigiuficant segments of communities providing job training :. ■ • �� Agency secving youch Agency serving displaced homemakecs Union-related otganizatioa Employer-celated nonprofic organizarion Organizarion se�ving nonreservarion Indian and tri6zl govemment Agency representing veterans Agency reQresenting indiriduals with disa6ilities Other: � Econon�ic DeveTopmentAgency: � Private Sector 0 Public Sector E'd«cotion (nominated by regional or loca! educationa! agencies, insritutions, or organizations representing such local educationai enaaes - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Loca1 educational entiries (inctudin� K-12) ❑ Locai schoot boatds � Entiries providing aduli educarion and literacy acriviries ' � Postsecondazy educacional utsritutioru ❑ Other: Labor d Nomir,ated by recognized state and/oc locallabor federations (attxch your nomination letter) 0�7e-5top Y3'or�force Center Par[ners (defined a� the parmers that car,y out the fol!o«1ng acrivities/programs): 0 Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, 2r'ative Am:rican and Vet:;zns' Workforce (WIA Titte i) ❑ � G � v d ❑ � a Wa3ner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literaty (WTA 7i[te 7� Vocarional Rehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Title n 1�'elfare-co-Work Programs (Social Securiry Acc} Senior Communicy Secvice Employment (Tide V of �he O(der Americz� ?,c.) Postsecondary Educarion (Cazl D. Perkins Vocarionai and Aop(ied Techao(ogy �ducarion Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197; Title II) Local Ve[erans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Oureach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Communiry Services Block Granc � Depanmen� of Housing and Urban Developmenc � S�a[a Unemployment Compensation Laws (in aaordance «ith applicabl_ ied�ral !au•) MRY-12-2000 10�09 �IFETRaCK RES�URCES 651 227 0621 P.05i06 _ Consolidated Pragram i3roskforce Ixvesimenf Board (WIB) Membership Apptication 0p _ � Private Information �ohn Mohr PlaceoFEmployment: �-�fietrack Resources (formerly St. Paul Rehabi74tation Center} Work Address: �09 University Ave. W, St. Pau1, Ramsey County, 55104 Street County TetephoneNumber: (Work} 651-265-2340 � 651-730-8592 �� 651-227-0621 E-MailAddress: �ohnm@lifetrackresources.orq JobTitle: Chief Executive Officer Yersonat RePerences (include area code) 1} Name: Andy Boss Address: 2247 Hendon Ave., St. Daul, MN, 55108-3545 Phone:{Fiomel 651-644-3545 �y 651-523-7807 2) Name: Ellen Watters Address: Midway Chamber of Commerce, Spruce Tree Ctr., Ste 4, 1600 UniJersity, �55 Phone:(Home) tiVhat are your reasons for wanting to serve on ths WIB? See attached sheet 2 (Work) 651-646-2636 Op[ional: In an attempc to ensure that $oard representation reflects the makeup of our community, kno�v(edg: of the foltowing information is hetpful. However, completion of this infortnation is voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Biack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Fiispanic Asian or Pacific Isfander Other `1ate: � Female: d Disabled: ❑ Yes �J I�To If specia] accommodations are needed, please spe�ify: The ir jormarion on tk+s application x•iIt be aseQ [o evaluate and selrct rnembcrs ojlhe li'IB. Applicaats may �ejuse tv sup{'i� rrqwrated injarre.ation. ,FxceQl f Of VOIttR�elj' tHf armation, 6o.�ver� the failu�e fo corrtplete the applicatian �nay result in it b: dG�carded ifris data may be reviewed and used by Ranctry Counry and Saiat Pau! atajf. T6r data nrt thLr page it pri �'�r�• .a,ri1 =�, ?OOU fiHY-1G—CC✓VJ iC•ela Attached sheef 1 �. a r c� Rr..,r� ��co�.v�� What skills haininc and exverience da vou oos5ess for WIS membershin� Oo-G`9 I am the CEO of an organi2ation which last ycar placed in employmrnt over 1,000 persons who had challenges to employtnent such as welfaze dep�ndency, disability, lack of English language sldlls, and lack of work experirnce. I understand the needs oi low income, challenged job- seekers and lead an organizstion that has demonstrated superior resutts in helping such persons attain employment. At the same rime, I understaad the needs of employers for dependable employees, and the fact that their needs as customers must be met in tho workforce azenz. Our organiurion successfully worked with approximately 300 employcrs in the past year; in addition co job placement we have provided employers with on-site soft s4d11 naining and consultation concerning a non-�aditinnal workforce. Addidonally, I am the past President of the Midway Chamber of Commeroe and in that role gained valuable experience in understanding the needs of employezs for assistance in the rec:uitment and retrnHon of good employees. Lastly, while T have a good understanding of public wor}�'orce policies and progams, I am deeply inierested in reform that wili lead to more effective use of resources to �uly meet the needs of both job-seeker and employer customers. I am interested in helping lead innovarion that is needed in che workforce system. John nl�hr MAY-12-2000 10�09 �IFETRACK RESOURCES 651 227 0621 P.06i06 Attached sheet 2 What aze vour reasons fot wanrine to seive an the W�? I want to serve on the WIB because this is a crirical time when major change in the wnrl�'orce system needs to occur and is possble. The time is critical partly because of welfaze reform and the clock that is tickiz�g for people to become economically self-sufficien� It also is a cxirical time whrn employers are experirncing labar shortages and fhe growth of the local economy is dependent on an adequate world'orce. Significant change in the workForce system is possible because thae is a growing local awazeness that the current system has performed inadequately; merger of the cicy and county systems also carries the potential for a new and more effective spproach. I bring a valuable set of experiences and a suoag desire to help make a much more effective system tt�at beteer meeu the needs of etnployers, job-seckrss, and the economy of the community. �}ohn �Y1ohr 00-C`q O TOTRL P.06 __05/11f2000 13:27 ^ 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CORPS I PAGE 04 1 Home Conso[idated Program i�i!orkforce Xnvestment_Board (T3'IB) Membersh+p Application 5treet City Wk!at skiils, uainin� and experience do you possess for WIB membezship7 .i �__��,.. _� 11,.0" 1 l��-1� `-�C- �1G taX).�( �,L'�,rn,� t� �t?N��-'���.. L ength of initial tecm you are anferested in: one-year � A*e you a VEter�1?: �l Xes �� oo-��q . • i ►, 1�i �- '+i 1 � ��►� lt �. ► �` . �� . � ♦ a.t, 1�_, ���- . �� . , � .[,� �,t)Y�� two-year � Rxmsey County and the Ciry o£ Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent detailed on the Conso(idated Program Workforce L:vestnsent Board (Wl'.8) Category the reverse o£ this page. Please fndicate, on fhe reverse side, the category or categ< on the �V�B. . .. .. ... ... , :.. ... . �:.. __ ,�. Mail or �sx,your W1B Metnk�erstizp �ppnca Bonnie Jacke[en, Ch.ief Clerk.,:.Gounty:�oard,= 5510? (Fax: 6.i1=266=8039,'.Phone:: �� � • �� 1 _ n51n (�n 9lntfl�A 1 . �us categories as :riptions £arm on you cnn represent We wiil hold two orienxation sessions for members who are appointed to the NI$. I�ese sessions are � Thursday, June 22 j8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (Z:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask that members attend one of these two sesstons. Ptease reserve these dates on your calendar. We xpect that applicants will be officially notified snid-June on the status of iheir application. _ ____.....,.Y_ __...._,e .,,�..,.a,�...u. Thank you for your interest. The Irifonnatior: on rkis npplicalion wr!! be r�sCJ 10 evaluate mid select menebers of tlse WIB. Appl�� nn n:ay rejuse to sj�pp�Y �Jfe requested injormation. E.ecept far oottm[crry informafion, however, U,e jniL�re ta co+nplere rke npp cntion muy �¢suk in it being discanle�l This data may be revtewed and used by Ramsey County und Salnt Pauf Staff. Th¢ dQta On fiis page itnd Uie reverse Side is publte and, rlterejore, availnb(e to !he ptrbtia ` ' For Office Use only Conmissioner Districc Pfanning Disfrict Counci! Ciq� Coun�il Wazd April A. 20QU ��V'e� _ fl5/1112000 13:27 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CORPS ' PAGE 02 � O � �i �i � Consolidafed Psogram Workjorce Investment Bnard (H`Zg) Mernbership Application � � � Privafe Information Place of Work Stree; c��v Work �l��t"y`X.� �Home) � - �� Telephone Number: ( ) 3 hhh v„�� ,�Y,,,��. c�� E-Maii Address:_�_ , „ . , _ 3ob Title. Yersonal References (include azea code) 1) Name: G .i_ n . 2) Name: Phone:( 'omel � 0 ��Q��" t � IG,t P What are your re�uons for wanting to serve on tkae WIB? , „ - —r tn„o � Optiaza[: In an attempt to ensure th2t $oard representation reflects the makeup of o of the foliowing information is helpfiil. However cocnpletion of this information is .� White (Caucasian) Hispanic Btack (A&ican American} Asian or Pacific Islanc Ameriean Indian or Alaskan Bskime Othex Male: O Female: � Disabied: Q Xes �1 No If special accomuiodations are aieeded please specify: , knowledge The ii:jormntia� un tleis r�ppticafion wi(( be ris¢d ro evaluate and selet! tnenzbe�s oJfh¢ WI6. Applic�n�s muy refi�s¢ to supply tlae requestet! information. Exc¢pf jor volunlnry injarmntlon, kowever, thejniture ro comp!¢te Uee nppll� a[i07t rriay resuf111t i1 being dlscarded. Tl�ts data may be �eviewed and used by R�+msey Cawiry anASaint Pau1 staff. The dnla o' tLis prrge is private• { Aprit 4.2U00 __ 65/11;2889 13:27 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CORPS I PAGE B3 , - oo-�Cq ConSnlidated Program Warkforce Investment Soard (t�IB) f C�� • i �— `� Cniegory Descriptiolts � � ducation, or Labor pasitions, please attach a If you nre applying for Ausiness, � sonlic�tion as described belo�v- Brtsiness, defined as for-prof t (nominated by local business organizations and/or business attach your nomination letter): p Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or err policymaking or hiring authority p Represei�t business with e�nployment opportunities that reflect the local area Also please indica[e if you represenC O large business O small business ('. Community-Based Drganizations defi+ted as nonprofi organizations: O EZepresentative of communities or significant segments of communities ❑ Agency serving youth p Agency serving displaced homem�ers d Un�on-celated otganization ❑ Emptoyer-related nonprofit organization p prganization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govecnment O Agency representing veterans d Agency representin; �ndi� iduals with disabilities O Other: Economic Devefopment Ageney: Q Private Sector U Public Sector Education (nominated by re�iona( or loca( educational agencies, institutions, or lecal educational entities - aYtach your nomination letter}: ❑ Local edacational entities (including K-t?) Cl Loc21 school boacds p Entities providing adult education and literacy activities p Postsecondary educational instit�tions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ Nominzted by recogni2ed state and/or local tabor federations (attach your n Dne-Sto ti3'orkforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the fo!(owi' � Adult, Dis(ocated Worker, Youth, 1o�s, N�tive American and Veteran: O Wagner-Peyser Act ' 0 Adult Education and Literacy (W1A Title II} (] Vocationa4 Rehabiticaiion (Rehabilitation Ac[ Title I) ❑ WelEare-to-Work Progrzms (Social Security Act} O Senior Community Service Employment (Titie �' of the Oider Americans A O Postsecondary 6ducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technob ❑ l'rade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197�1 p Local Vetecans' Employment Representacives and Disabled Veterans Outre ❑ Communiry Services Block Grant ❑ pzpartment of Housing 2nd Urban Development O State Unemp�oyment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable f letter to �'our associations - with optim��m than 500 emptoyees) job uainiag repcesenting such lettet') ; acLivities/pzograms): Workforce (W�A Title I) Education Act) e [I) (Titie 38, U.S.C.) law) JUN-01-2000 08�51 RAMSEY COUNTY MRNAGER 651 266 8039 P.05i0? • .' . , , _ � . :. .. _ '..: � .. :. oo.-LGq -: - .. : . , ; -: :.. �.; :::,.:.. ; , ; . .._ .. : . .. :...::.::� . ; � • � �. ;,- . - ' ;� _ , .:..: `:�C'a�iio�JatedPrngiaiiti!!oFkf'aicelfi�?�st+�ieift-Bodfil`(f3?Bj_ - . . . • _.. ... ° . :;3: .... ;MerieEersisip�l'P.&�ction':..., . . - _. __ ,.. ... , , z.�-'J . . , � . -_ . • . , _ - .- - • � - � � - - : � �.'e�' . '.L��,�."e1�z' -. � _ .. _ _ ' _ � . . .��;;;�= t����•�Z�2 _ . - . .. : . � . - . , , _ .. :.. ; .. =::--, ..:. .... ._ f -. . � . .: Fiottie 1►ddiess - l - > ` •�s'rf.S� �,i.l? .' ' �v�rn �,�a �; 5 t'�ri��rili-' -�`y �7 t?_ - .: ,: , :: ; � � •..: . � , _ _ � _ . . - . • - .�. ...•- = _. � - - ".. � ' ' � � � _ COIYG - - � . � . . - ' $t[E� : � • . .. � � .. . .. �/:=�''' ?.�.. • ' - - _:, ,.., -'.-` ' ". - '- �".. • ': . . , . . . _ , . - .:: ,_. ..- '.+...,,� : .....: : ...:.:. . .. . . � � . .::.^ Wliat sld.lT�s;•iraining�a�3" ezperience do yoii posses,s for WIB iirembersFii}i2 � . •. . - '" l -- Z`F�c'�1-E':d �',t,�t�� �� �Chflr �1k � �aoS"'CH+t�.�'��Y c_�P.��C'�..`ln.�Q 1�..�7G-.� � � •`��.. ..1�`�u'_ ''S� co��Q .: 1�3 6'� �'te-�Y����JGQ�-�-w:C.Qw "@.�i?itr4l'''P��..-'i;x�^'�=e5�: .��v� . � ... .. , , . .. ,.. . : . .p,� ' . ', .... r . . ^"T: . . ..,., . .. � . .. . _ ,�, : r . . _ �:. �. . , . , ... . _ . .. _ . _ .�,: , .� � '� � . . _.: �. . . `` - ' � ,a ` � . . �. � san ..:,= • . ,.. _,. :� , � . - , , ; - _ � �nn.: .b f .M�c��+.� o �'sABl�' �`F'��: •�, ` . ... ,,. ;, .. • -• '� T;eiisth�o£"inuial ternl yod aze'iriterested in:�: oneryeai _.,. two year.,�.� c ;. ,,`, :: _ � � , „ , _ ', , Are you`a Yet,eian?s Lt•Yes:. : �.No � . . . . . . - , . . "'>` .{. `:.$susse :�oaniy.aarFt�ie:�ity;ol5aint:PAi��re'recru,itipg, retei�t �;.' � Y.,,., . . . , .. . . .. � . . .. , '; : ,`aEfaiTeden!ihe�•ConsoTida%rt;Fr�,a»il3''orkj`orcel,ivestisientBoard'.(�1`B)'�'ategor}F�'e.iirripti»:i�sForm�og � ;• .., , : - �_ . . •- <•.: ; tire i=�ve�sa.oitlus page.'� klease i►idicate; on t�e reperse:sid� tlie'res.'�uu�cap.r �_ ; � �"� -'•� oh ttie Si'IB: �. . . , , . . .. r . ' 7 .° , r ., . . .. _ , ,. . ,. . .. . ., . . , . .: .. . , .__.... , . '..rr :: < i. y „`^^`'.�` "`"� :.«w' N- 4 � r rr,��..,v`�cv... y � /� [ '°t:Lr �{''(�� -�.,; • �y�� � >u1�W :: � _ " ; :,,�,�_. :', ' � � Y � � M1 � N4.'j�f'S. 1 �.ya+.� C YY _ ' Y Sii'.�" N e�"CF:�� - ��'1�i4•d�s�5e:�;oa 1�'em,� �t .� pl ,a:: :�:.�..•: �'c�r,s.�"��; �> 'r~` �..�,�.>�.:s,...� �- �,�; . . ,. t . yr r� W ,��'{f[ 4s• .w. ?C:'��• w. 1`�i �yiu�.`.r:'�J.a• <: �v �� ti' S. � �'�' � �L"n'�S � r4f 6�n»♦ i! '�x•t � �' �n�'$ Y r+ � i�e� �vFr+�� i laa.. 41.Hw. ^ /r � dln�.�i ��kw� �� �� �'� - ±�3.:Sr`YM�v�Nrii�l.:n '�"r'�e':+� " k.� ' f��:'"3�t,.4.,�..' - + �a..'. w . _a ;`�q°,'��K.: _'^"�'�.a:� . `J.' 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" t` _ _ _ . , .-. _ :. -,.; .: . . . . _ •_ � � i. � �`. +: .� � • . � Y»::�i. _ : . .` .� �Y�� •. .^ � :: f' .''.� . ' �.M-.\ ^.I::�P. - _ �Tha'akyou'foryour��atcrest:�� , . ..• . -,�.�':" .,. _ .. .. ' .:, . .-- _:= ; ; ,: .....; .,, - , _, . ',°:..:' •.. � ;;,;:``: `i'3'litiejoriri?t?4±C:�!R��!'OPP�oiiwill�i+irndYO }t' . . . � .. � . )� 'i ..\:.' . ^ Y- ' � `:,i[qnts�itin�ii�utw.n; :].�sc�pi f,di vof..�,iwy iqj`oipw=icir; howars� :�lie j�'ai�`Ya eeriipteie ike'bp�Leu�armap i,es+r�! ra•u,bcing ';.�. - "'�lisieqr�d;�'IFv�bwji3ereviewedandirsedbyltaniseyCbu+Cya . =`s'f`�`iibliaai'rdyt}ioefere,•ar8ilqbtrtathep�i6lic':, . � • . •.� ,, , :... : _ .,_ - ::-:: . . .._. . . . . ._ ,. . ... . .- _ . , �, ., . � _ � ''' - _ - - - ' ., � r . ,_ . . . _ . .. . . . ;,: _:i. '.' .. .� � ,�_ $oC�C6�9eAaiJ! .. .. . ':; ..-. . _ . . . . . . .. � . . � � ". ' , • -. !`;Coi�russtoneiTSisx�ci:':;;c .,�P1iQni:igbiruia�Counc�7 .'Cityfaiincti.ylax8'�.�' .:. . _ �. _ _ 3:t•� '. .' _ . . . , . � . -• � , . ...`'n' '•'ZOQO',. - � . . � . . ' (7: `� ' � , .. �idg, •.� E'E`R1- _ �: . ♦ .. a �i .. _ .. �]i��. ... �} . . . . r � �. r . �T� �� . . ... .. .. . �' � .. �.... ' . . . . " � JUN-01-2000 08�52 RRMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.06i07 . Consolidatedprogram Workforce Investme�t Baard (R?B) Membership ffpplicariort � (,(,� Q 1� Aivatelnjorntation dp • � G9 . n r!ame. �vK�� � �`U lK'X'e U � . , -. . =P3ace of,Employmeitt-_ '��. ' Q �lI' _ �-' ��9'6� � -f�' �n. ," - .-. - : �= - - . . ��:vwo��aa�;.��= :� �f': ���' ��, `ST'� ���� �Z�1�riS�I �s �_ � '.; : _� �treet _ , � .. �. . . 'City,,�_� :Couflty _ :�p . _ _ :-_:.� .' . '_; ; . . .: : ., .;. �., .: �: - .: : . ; '. ... • ,:..- - �'Tek� oi+e.Nuinber, ..•(Work)��. {HQirte) - `(�A�G�i�E—:��3''`�1�$�`�-:: � .�:. � 2. ,. ._ : ;. : : ..��: ,. . �. . . _ -,.. . ;; .- . .. �r-�� - ���"> =�r� naa«: - �,,,,, . . .. , , . ,>� ; . , . : � � - .T.ob;�lile: " - c :� a�o � ' " c � . _ ' . .. .' � . -. ' - . ". : .- . . . � � �: . : . ' . . :`Persona`L . : - . .: �•;,,,�° ��� ... �. ,.. � .. , : . , , . • , i ' - . , : • . . ,.<. . ` _ ; . : , ...... " : . , ' ;: . >�- - � . _ � �. ,: ?� ='Narne:. . . ... � � . .;�', - t`�� ."� 1 (;..._ , •. . .�,�.<:. �..' .4� ;'. .. �•• .^+ :Y ......� ....._L� , . ��G,�I@SS �• -�nS: ���� .. �� � '��` �'��..� . .� " - :�: 'P�IOA��OhaC�'. �`-' • � .. �' `'' : _ ` ' . ' . ' - - . ' erk Sl ^� � --` . . _:• , : .: ` ,.'.: ' ' ' sr � --sti. ' n 4 q . � :�- y ��` 1 ':q[e��`.1`1az13C.` ' t '_� ,i y�l� ., � ' � ��p . Jh_�� _ _�._ _ �s\� _ ./'1T . � . -i•�. : " Ad¢�ess- ~ 'Nl:�.�„ ('�: ah�.,. ��horu;fHo�e'� . . � ,��.`."�'_- ,2. , ' .. . . ' . ' . .. , . �� .i : � � . .. . ' .. . _.•,%':!�Vfiat are. Yaw;[q3son.s�or.wantiagrto serv� o� t}ie W3$? �. '; „ �,-� �k�c�s�'r�}�' ''�Y�.�PE�=.,c..� S �< ,�_-��� ��s,:o�ss:t�L.� �� •�e�4e�se;�� , -�... . •:}�,�_:r� .: �t: � •'°..n . ...n°._... :. . . . � '=::50 ' � " ,'.� � N �:.-. . .� �.es., '.,,` ...i •� • R . : .� v s� � .� � �_ , i : � ;. : �;:; . �,�, : 1T5.�!.� �' ,. - ....f ., .._ .: ,_ •�' .C?ptioniQl; �ri aa: attempc to ensure thai Board represen2ation reflebts the inakeup of our communiky, kiiowledge �= of:the follov±zn,g•iirf'orcziaYion is helpf'vt. � Hbw'ss�er, complet;�d of this info'rnadon:is voluntary , / k • •-,, '.: °✓: �Vfnte;(-G�.a.casian�. • " `.. ., ' , , . ,. ;. . ._ . . - .. ,., : ' . . . ). � •. "F#ispariic: . ': ••. , .. . : : . ,: , :. . . � ' .:. �. 81�ck. .At'ncan tlmerican , � ,, � , � . .. . , . . t . _ . ) : ,, .:. . ' � A:siat[ orPaoi�tc.IsJaader . : . :: , :: . ._ . . . _ ... . . ., ..<.. =� :: . . . . . . . � Other • �`3+�fate:. � �� � Disabled' D�Ycs i10 . : • , � , " • '� . . . . _ _. :�, . . . ,:.. ;�:. .. � . . , � ' : : ..- ...:. . .. .:. �, . .. •-._- :, • - � � ' I�'sPecia} accommodations'ar� fleeded� glease specify: : . � - ' . , . �: . � • .; � ; �..';- : bei�sed�ta'e'v6l�afi an$sE?ca1"irr�:be'r"s ojrbc'i�'IB< ;.I ,, . . • --- . - ... Ts�baY'rts � . .. � - --. _-- �..... �..�..c..xyc..,.cs�vpy�.tcaJ�f�7.(,p)f�J ��t��.F•�.APf114.2Q00 ' � . . . .,, ZD/ZO'd B6[SEZZI59 'ON Xd� PR., Ieayrefia'etosuPPYtke the jetlirri ta ovinpldetkea�ptscoFoer rnoy.rea+rft lir Ftbeurg r"?dSairPY'i'awl.s��; 3 �TredataAaYkispageispisv'ate; ; • n�txo�.nd �aoa �wa�ss,tio a3M oo-te-��u JUN-01-2000 08=53 RRMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.0?i07 . ' . . ' . . �.IJ ltiCl.�f , .,- , . � . Coasolidated Progtam Workforce Iitvcslme�it Bo�d (T�YIB) 00 - G (.q <: C�egory Descriptions • IS pou are apptying for Bnsiness, Education, ot Labor posi6ons, pleasc attach a nomination lettcr to your -• a lieation as desuibed helow. '�' '' �.$usinus, defined as,�or-profit (�minated by Iocal buginess orSanizaaons andlor business tzad� associations - atfxch . • yow'nomia3tion letter): a Business uwner, clrief executive or opecating officer, and othec executive or employec with optimum . • . policymaldttS or hiting autlwcity . ' D Repzesent business with employmeM oppomuuties that reflect the Iocal azea •,- '' Also please indicate if you represent O large business� O small bvsiness (feweT than 500 employees) .. Con�muniry Based Organiza6oru, def�ned as nortprofit orgarusations: .. �epteseatalive of wmmuniries oi Significant segments of commvnities ptoviding job trainittg �p AgencyseNingyouth ' , ' � O Agenay servistg disp�aeed homemalccrs Q Unian-relamdorganu.ation � ❑ Employer-related nonprofit organizarion O Organi7arion serving ndnreservation 7ndian and tribal govemment p Agcncy representing veterans •:• t�� Q Agency representing iridividuals iLith disabilities - O Other. £conomiel?avelopmentAg�+ay: � � Private Sectot �Public Sedor l:ducation (nominated by regional or local educauonal agencies, ins6tunons, or organizations representing such local • educarional entitics - attach yous nomination letter): • Q I.ocal educational cnfities (induding K-12) ' . O Local school boazds Q Bnuties providing adalt educarion and ticeracy acrivities ' ' � C1 Posuecondary educational iastitutiens Q Other. Zcbvr ' Q Nominated by reeogiized state and/or local labor £ederations (attach your nomination letter) One-Srop Workforce CenterPariners (defined as the parmeis that carry out the following acrivities/programs): �dult, Dislocased Worker, Youth, 7ob Cocps, Nauve American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title � t7 Wag�er-Peyse( Act . Q Adutt�ducarionandl:iteracY(WIA7idel� O Vxaflonal Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act 7itle � � Welfazo-to-WozkPrograzns (Sacial Security Act) Senior Camsnunity Service Emploqment (Iitle V of the Older Americans Act) � Postsecoadary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Educarion Act) • p'I'cade Adjustment AssistaTtce (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 ?ide 1� - p Tacal Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veteraas Outreach (Side 38, II.S.C.) O Community Servius Blxk Grant .__ . ..., ._..__i.�_..... TOTAL P.07 �- Consotidated Program Workfarce Investment Board (Wl8) 00 - C 6q Membership Application Go w�� ✓.� �{� Are you a Veteran? ❑ Yes �S No SS� OZ Zip Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program R'orkforce Investment Board (YVIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Thank you for your interest. The information on this applicarion will be used to evaluate and seled members ofihe WIB. Applicaxts may refuse fo supply the requested information. Ercept for voluntary injormation, however, the jailure to cnmplete the applic�ion may result in it being discarded This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Paul staff. The data on this page and the reverse side is pub[ic an� therejare, availa6le to the public Home Street City What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB Membership? For �ce Use only Commissioner District April 4, 2000 Planning District Council (OVER) City Council Wazd Length of term you are interested in: one-year _ two-year � Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) OO -`(� g Cafegory Descriprions If you are applying for Business, Education, or La6or posifions, please attach a nomination letter to your apnlication as described below. " ' " � Business, defrned as for (nominated by loca! business organizarions and/or btisiness trade associations - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other execurive or employer witfi optimum policymaking or hiring authority � Represent business with employinent opportunities thaY reflectthe local azea . . Also please indicate if you represenf: O lazge business Communiry, Based Organizations (defined as nonprof t organizarions): � � Representative of communiries or significant segments of commiuvries pro4iding job training • � O Agency serving youth , � • ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers . . ❑ Union-related organizarion ` ❑ Empioyer-related nonprofit organizarion ❑ Organization secving nonreservarion Tndian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities �Other: S �ac,( fi c �flu4,n RN Economic DevelopmentAgency: ❑ Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational enrities - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds ❑ Enrities providing adult educarion and literacy activiries ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Other: [ ••ir ❑ Nominated by recognized state andlor local labor federarions (attach your nomination letter) One-Stop Workforce Center Pariners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activities/prograzns): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Narive American & Veterans' Worl�orce (WIA Title n a i ■ ■ ■ Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Tide In Vocational Rehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Tifle n Welfaze-to-Work Prograzns (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Educarion (Cazl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAF'TA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Titie 1� Local Veterans' Employment Representarives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Btock G�ant Department of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensarion Laws (in accotdance with appticable federal law) O smalI business (less than 500 employees) Consolidated Prngram Woskforce Invesfineni Board (WIB) Mtmbership Application _ Privatelnformation 00. "o� Name: J O✓� �1 � h�' z rMa �n r Place of Employment: WOrk �uU` l�.a r �i c t ��+.P 60 d .. `� �� r. `n'� � Telephone Number: E-Mail Street City County � Zip (Work) Co S I -2ti 2- loti�I2 (Home) �SI - 22y - oS�t q(FA� <oSt - 2q S-�lL58 Job Tide: � Q Gc.r�1v'fL �irn, c� r Personal References (inciude area code) 1) 2) Name: Lt�..Q+ncQ.fQ� k�OS.S Address: Phone: (IIome�, [eSt- o4�t -' 3S�1 �_ Name: Phone: (Homel G �S�- 7 35'- 23 SR (Workl CoSI- SZ3 " 7c`3v� Address: �Ot� Tt�.�.S�P c- ,�.4. S� PG�-� What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? . r. , r. � � ., _ � . � . .nn . i�• �� M� �el ��R�� oF 30 w�.a�e 5�}ea�.� v�eed5 .� �O o�r Gtie�Fs. Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge o the following information is helpfui. However, completion of this information is voluntary. � �_ White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male:)ffi Female: ❑ . . accommodatio�s are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific The injormatian on this application will be used to evaluate and select members of the WIB. Applicanis may reJuse tn supply the requesYed information. Fxcept for voluntary injormation, however, the jailure to camplete ihe application may ruuk in it being d'uearded Tl�rs data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey Couxty and Saint Paul stajf. The data on ihis page is private. .S- beli.PvQ �/i�S .2x�kr�2vul2 w��l 1net,� �nn� cdv�rd��-Q �xj -{4�,e 50�.1� ,� a, s000 o� 'f�.� C�-� — CD ✓�-�-1 W D �iF�--�o�c2 �v �P�x'� ��c� r� . SAINT twU L � AA�A oO ���1 Applicants Sought for Positions on the New City-County Workforce Investment Board March 29, 2000 For Immediate Release Saint Paul Mayor Norm Coleman and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners are seeking applicants for the new City-County Wori�'orce Investment Board (WIB). The City- County W 1B wi11 replace the currently-separate Saint Paul iVori�orce I?evelopment Councu and Ramsey County Worl�'orce Council. The newiy-formed City-County WIB will develop a comprehensive countywide strategy to meet the community's workforce development needs under the new federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. The City-County WIB will provide oversight and policy direction to the newly-consolidated City-County worl�'orce development department. Potential citizen volunteer members should be residents of, or work in, Ramsey County. Individuals selected for this first WIB will fill one or two-year terms; thereafter, terms will be two years. The WIB will have business/for-profit representation of at least 51 percent. WIB members will also represent the One-Stop Worl�'orce Center partners, such as the 7ob Corps, Job Service/Unempioyment Insurance, Veterans, Rehabilitation Services, Title V 01der Worker Programs, Welfaze-to-Work Programs, Adult Education and Community Service Btock Grant Programs. The special City of Saint Paul-Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board application is available by contacting Bobbie Crancer at (651) 266.8001, or The special application will aiso be available on the City and County websites ( or as of Apri13, 2000. Completed applications are due as soon as convenient and should be mailed or faxed to Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk-County Board, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Suite 250, Saint Paul, MN 55102 (fax: 651.266.8039). For more information, contact Terry Zurn at 651.770.4497, or 00- GG� `Vorl:force Investment Board (tiVIB) Fact Sheet The Consolidated �Vorkforce Investment Board (tiVIB) is bein� created as the central ptannin� authority for fundin� under the �Vorkforce Investment Act and shal[ commence its activities on July 1, 2040. ' To the extent possible, the Board appointments should be at an upper mana�ement level in order to communicate to the community the importance [his Board �vill have in shapin� workforce development in Ramsey County. �,VIB members shall reside in Ramsey County, be employed by a Ramsey County employer, or pro��ide services in Ramsey County; membership terms �rill be one and two years for the first year, t��ro years thereafrer. All aciivitizs will be done in partnership �vith the County Board and a ne�vly-created County department, including: � produce a strate;ic plan, identifying trends, emer�in� issues and appropriate strategies, that inte�rates the departmenYs programs; . assist ihe departinent in implementation of thz strategic plan; � seek out and apply for other funds that will levera�e private and public workforce investments; � de��elop en[repreneurial strate�ies for financin� the provision of u�orkforce services and implement those strategies; > de�•elop a budget; > appoint members to the �VIB youth council and dzvelop �nd appro��e a}•outh service delivery system, based on their recommendations; � coordinate �vith local economic development initiatives; � provide iaput in he:,r govem.r=een! ��tiliaes tax dollars for employment R trainin� efforts; � assure that �vorkforce development services are deli�•ered efficientl}� and effectively. E�pectations for �VIB members include: be an active participant; attend the reQularly-scheduled meetinQs; �vorkforce development services in the employer communit} «•iih le�islators on «�orkforce development issues �s requested. Ca�taet Terry Zurn a! 770-4497 for more injormatiat on d�e TYIB. � \_ � _ � ��� � Council File # C�O— ��,� k'tJS���� � � \ Green Sheet # `� � g �.S Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of z the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individuals to serve on the a City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). 4 5 6 � s 9 io ii ia 13 14 is 16 i� is 19 zo zi z2 23 24 2s 26 z� as 29 30 31 32 Appointments Michael Chanaka Joy Evangelist Daniel Galles Richard Hanson Louis Henry Richard Krohn Rolf Middleton Michelle Ott Kathleen Pinkett Shelley Rose Mary Schmitz Ellen E. Watters Joy Wise Davis Richard Grigos Eng Herr James Smith Lorrie Louder William P. Lynch Donovan Schwichtenberg Harry Melander Mary Brunkow Jon Gutzmann John Mohr Charlotte Strong Jerry Blakey RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Representing Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Business Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Economic Development Education Education Labor One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner Elected Official Expiration Date June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 3une 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 po-G6q �, Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date p p Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ����,� Approved by Mayor: Date VV� Z� l�v04 By. Ci�� f� By: Form Approved by City Attorney By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . � ���-C. /�/ �` " ° "�,�f " — (�p-CGq Mayor's Office pNTACT POtSON 8 PFiO1�E Lucia Lebens 266-853 IUS! BE aP7 COIRic�Lnc,H�DA BY (OATq July 12, 2000 �,E�,m 7-19-00 wrt TOTAL � OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 GREEN SHEET No 104895 � � oB�..�rowccrae anw�ac� � anwtrowEr ❑ arv�tac ❑ wuwy�scau¢rsuw. ❑ wurcu�mreuccra �wvael�uonum ❑ (CUP ALL IOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approving appointments of Michael Chanaka, Joy Evangelist, Daniel Galles, Richard Hanson, LouisHenry, Richard Krohn, Rolf Middleton, Michelle Ott, Kathleen Pinkett, Shelly Ross, Mary Schmitz, Ellen Watters, Joy Wise-Davis, Richard Grigos, Eng Herr, James Smith, Lorrie Louder, William Lynch, Donovan Schwichtenberg, Harry Melander, Mary Brunkow, Jon Gutzman, John Mohr, Charlotte_Strong and.Councilmember Jerry Blakey, by Mayor Coleman, to serve on the City- County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). PLANNING CAMMISSION CIB CAMMITfEE CML SERVICE CAMMISSION OF TRANSACTION t SOURCE (IXPWN) tias mic rR�� ever workea under a contract tor mis department? YES NO Fias ihis P�eaMrm e�er been a dly empbyee9 YES I� ooes mis oe+soMrm vwsecs a da� not norma��ra�ssed nr �n wm.m cnv en YES NO Ia this peiedJfirm a tarpeletl ventloY! VES � CAST/REVQIUE BUDfiETED (CIRCLE ON� ACTNITY NUMBER YES NO d0-�GY 'j CITY OF SAINT PAUL sso c�r> xarr Norm Coleman, Mapor IS West Kellogg Bou[evard Saint Paul, MN 55102 TO: Saint Paul City Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom FROM: ��� Mayor Coleman has recommended the appointments o�'Michael Chanak�oy Evangelist�Daniel Galles, Richard Hanson, Louis Henry, Richard Krohn, Rolf Middleton, Michelle Ott, Kathleen Pinkett, Shelley Rose, Mary Schmitz, Ellen Watters, Joy Davis, Richard Grigos, Eng Herr, James Smith, Lorrie Louder, William Lynch, Donovan Schwichtenberg, Harry Melander, Mary Brunkow, Jon Gutzmann, John Mohr, Chariotte S4rong, and Councilmember Jerry Blakey to the City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). Councilmember Jay Benanav Counciimember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Lucia Lebens Assistant to the Ma or Telephone: 612-266 85 7 0 Facsimi[e: 612-266-8513 DATE: July 18, 2000 � �.� �� i�- w RE: City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) � L ��� f ,-�� Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating these individuals and copies of their applications. Feel free to contact me at 266-8533 if you have any questions regarding these appointments. Attachments c: Terry Zurn, Workforce Investment Board Staff � naY'-31-2000 i2�03 SAINT PAUL ARER CHArHER Coxsolidated Program Workjorce Irtvestaeent Board (WIBj Membership Application Privat¢,frtfOrmalion Nazne: Michael J. Place of Employment: Northem States Power Company 512 223 S1I9 P.02i05 ChQhaKA oo-GC� Work Address: 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis Hennepin Street City County Telephone Number: (Work) 612-330-bb71 (Home) �_„(FA.X) b12-330-7935 55401 Zip E-Mail Address: CHNMOI @ NSPCO. com Job Title: Manager, Corporate Reciviting, Staffing, Tes6ng & Assessment Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: C�nttua L. Lesher,Ptesident NSP Gas Address: 414 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN 55401 Phone;LHomel 2} Name: V � , .� . Address: Phone:fFiomcl jWorkl What aze your reasons £or wanting to serve on the WIB? I was recommended as a candidate bv C L Lesher President NSP �as Opdona� Tn an attempt to ensure that Board n�presentarion reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge cf the following infomiation is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. x White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (Afi American) Asian or Paeific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: x Female: Disabled: a Yes x No Tf speciai accommodations are needed, please specify: N/A at this time Tbe infor,narian on thi,t apptication wlll be uud lo evdLOte and srlect members ojt6e fi7B. Applicants may reJuu ro supply r8c reqWCSred rofornearioa Ezeeptjor yoJuntary iejoin�aftan, howwery the jallarc to complcte tbc apyTitadox moy resu11 in it being discarded ?/�ir dala nray be reviewrQ and used by Runuey County asd SaintPaa! srajf, The data oa diu page is private. Apri14, 2000 r�aY'-31-2000 12�63 SRINT ?RUL ARER CHAMBER_ 612 223 5119 P.94i06 Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) o o- G 69 Category Descriptions ���,�L� you are as described below. or Labor positions, please nttach a to your Busercess, def:ned as for�rofrt (nominated by local business organiurions and/or business trade associetions - attech your aominafion ierter): 0 Business owner, chief executive or operating offices, aad other execurive or employer witb optimum policymaking or hiring authority x Represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local azea Also please indicate if you represent; x lazge business O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Comrnuniry-Based Organizations, defned arnonptofit organizations: ❑ Representarive of commuaities ar significant segmeau of comxnunities providing job traiaing � Agency serving youth 0 Agency serving displeced homemakers ❑ Union-related orgaaizarion O Employer-related aonprofit organizadon 0 Orgaz�ization serving nonreservation Indian and uibal government Q Agency representing veterans O Agency representing individuals with disabilities O Other:_. �Economic Development Agency: 0 Private Sector Q Public Sector Education (nominated by tegional or locel educational agencies, institutions, or organizarions representing sueh local educational entities - ettach your aomination letter): O Local educatiaaal enfities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds � Entities providing aduit educatioa and literacy activities ❑ Posuecondary educational insriNtions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ Nominated by recognized state aad/or Iocal labor federafions (attsch your nomination ietterj One-Srop Warkfo�ce CenrerPa�tners (defined as the pariners that cazry out the following acuvities/programs): O Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Narive American and Veteraas' Workforce (WIA Tifle n ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act 0 Aduit Education aad Literacy (WIA Tide In p Vocatioaal Rehabiliwrioa (Rehabilitation Act TitIe T} O Welfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Titic V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Peddns VocationaI and Applied Technology Edacation Act) ❑ Trade,Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1474 Tifle In O Local Veterans' Employment Represeatadves end Disabled Veteraas Ou�each (Tifle 38, U.S.C.) 0 Communiry Services Block Grant 0 Depaimient of Tiousing aad Uzban bevelopmaat Apri14, 2000 Sei£0'd 6£08 992 SS9 ?�3�JHNHW A1Nf10� .135WFi2i S0:£S 0002-5£-.ltlW nAY-31-2009 12�04 SAINT PAU� ARER CHRMHER 00-6�5 Consolidated Progranr Workforce Inveslmenr Board (WIBj � Membership Applica�ion Nazne: Michael (Mike) J. Chanaka Home Address: 8807 Kilbimie Teaace Brooklyn Park S�eet Ciry What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? k'1�e see attachedsesume Length of initial term you aze intaested in: one-year ? Are you a Veteran?: O Yes x No Ramscy County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Coxsolidated Program Woikforce Itrvestmenf Baard (WIB) Category Descriptiores form on thc reversc of this page. Please indicate, on fhe reverse side, tl�e category or categorzes you can represent on the WIB. _ . . ;... .,. . . . Mail or Fax your WIB Meaibershl A:,`cahon; to:.. .:. .. _ �, ,.P PP�.- ,.s _ . _.. , . . .... .. . •.. ... •. ..: , -. , , -.. .. ; Bonaie .Xnckeleii Chief Clerk - Courry Board,'Suite 230� IS Wesr KelJogg BouTevard, ,Saini Paul, Minnesota 55102 (Pcu: 651-265:8039; Pboi+e: �6S1=ZG(r8b14J: AppGcctions must be rec,eived by May.IZ; ZDDO. . We will ho]d [wo orientation sessians for members who are appoimed to the WIB. 7hese sessioas aze T'hursday, Jnne 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday,lune 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask that members atteud one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We expeet that appiicanu will be officially no�ified mid-June on the status of their applieation, Thank yoa i'or ynur iaterest The injonnadon on H�is app(ieation rvJ!! bc resed to tva/�tate and Selecr members ojthe R'I� Appficanls moy rtjuse to srrpply tbe reynesMd information Except jar wlnntary infonreatiee, 6owever, tl�e jailn�e ro camptete the appllca6oe rnay rawk in it beirrg discarGed �'his deta n�ry be �evtewed aed used byRaersey Coa�uy and Sainr Paul staf(. The deta on t/�is page and rbe revene side Is pxblic and, therejorg available ro �he pablia two-year ? 612 223 5119 P.05i@6 Hennepin 55443 Counry Zip For Ofiice Usc only Commissinner Disaict Plenuing District C,auneil City Council Wazd Ap�l 4. 2000 S0ib0'd 6£08 99Z S59 213�JFiNtiW 1.1Nf10J 1,3541t� 50:�L 00az-S£-.IFJW S0'd �Fi101 Michael J_ Chanaka aa- G�Y CI�-�-�-�-- 8907 Kilb:mi<1'erace Minnts polit, Minneson SSa43 Phane 612330-667 � Fex 612-330-7935 � E Meil CHNMOIQo NSPCO.cOM SKSLL5(AHILSTIES/IQIOWLEDGE/EXPERTZ9E Hwnan Resoucc� (HR) Leader wich over 2a years of uperience in busiaess. Exseasive «perieoce & laaowledge in HR: sorategic HR consulting; workforce rclatons, philosophy & policy development; discipliae; workforcc s�affing/plsnniag; busiaess eonsulcing; perfoimance managemear, lrnowiedge maaagemenr tesuucnuin�Jrcorgaaization; metger �eams; diverairy sttategy; problem resolurian; communication; pre-employmcat tcs6ng; cntpotate uaivecsiry metE�odology/designlimplemmtation; & HR u a"saategic business partner" tha� adds bottom line value ro rhe company. FTORlC HISTORY 1997_ Presenr ?eam Leader (Manager), Rerruiring, StaJfing. Assrssment & Terting, Norrhern Sta�er Powrr Compeny, Minneopolis. MN Lcad / manage etie design & delivery of all wmpany rec:uitiag, eraffing, workforce planning, reswcNringlreorganiudon, employmen� (EEO, ADA, e�c.j law complianee Bc kno�v)edge managemept stra[egies 1992-l997 Team Leadrr (Menager), EmployeeAsressment•& DeveJopment, Norther» Srares Power Company, Minneapolis, MN Led/maaeged thc design & delivery of a corporate univcniry, prc-employment testing, skilllcomp�tency assessmeat & dcvclopment, educauoe funding � Imowledge manegemcnt l990-l991 Rdm;nistraror, f3'orkjorceDrvcrrity & Emptoyee Relofions, Norlhern Stares Power Company, Minneapolis, MN Led/managed the desiga & deli�ery af compeay-wide disapline poliey / proceu, HTZ businese wnsulting, peer grievance resolurioa, FiR policy developmeudintecpretadoa, mediatianhhird pacty; workforee diversity cotporate spategy 1982-l990 SeniarEmployeeRelerionr Conrutrant, Nordrern Srnres Pmw Compaxy, Mi�neapolrr, MN Senior inremal HR eonsuttant ro company managemeat regerding ooipordte grie�ance process, discipline (unian & nan-union), workfo�ce relstions issues; & prnvided training faciliaaaa af numecans cuaiicula EDUCATION Bachelor of Scimce • Se Cloud State Universiry, 17I5 • Universiry of Minnesora Cerlson School of Management - I.�ading the Human Rcsouice Funetioq 1993 ACC�Z,I3E�NT3 • Desigaed � implemenud oompany-wide knowledge management strategy t6ac resulted in boaom line business impact (ie., up to SO% fazter solutions of technical probimu) • Plant Hreakthrough Project: Consuttod plant outage team resulting in $ I.5 million in praducuvity.gains • Implemented company peer group resolution process (interna] dnt process for non-unian emplayees) that resulced in litigaaon a+roidanee of ao estimated 3100,000. per caze ♦ Implemeated company Sraffia$ sdection tesring thst resulted in a firsr ycar cost nvings of $4�S,U00. (av estimaxd by our mcanal customers) SaiSF�'d FS'0B 992 i59 2139tlNtiW .11Nf10J J,35Wda 90:�t 0002—T£—J.dW�^ Scnt ; ;185 Con>dnlBS nay-26-20 19:07 fron 6126998922�651 266 BBS9 va9e i� 2 Conratideted Program WorXforee Xnvesernenr Boa�d (YYIB) �fembership Application 6 b - G�`� �IomeAddress: /�Sio ��mr.-• �'v��,e.F S r-c��-�.-f'fy SSf%E ' Street City County Zip What skills, trzinin3 and experience do you possess for WTB membership? �r. L'., i�-lSf. 'S� F'lrV-c*-l'Y� ��-r 4 "G t9'SS' f' "t�� !/��%'Ki�:'X'G!z( � .' / / '!,�' i? —c�' ✓�. � F Y� ��k c'� ! �' 2�� ' o/' '� � �' �.: t� �G'.!1 �/ � ��,.._ C/�`7r lC« �� ��' �t�� f� Length of initial term you are interested in Are you a Veteran?: O Xcs �IVo one-year_ two•year �� Ramsey County and ttie City of Saint �aui are recruiting individulls to rep�csent various categories 1s detailed oti the Cnnsolidnterl Progrron Workforce Invuf�rienrl�nard (WX13J Caregory Descriptions fo�m on the revcrse of this pnge. Ple�se indicate, on the reverse side the category or categorics y0u cAn r2p1'esent on tfic WTf3. .:) Yi':�� � . Mail or Faz your•�YIB Membetsh�p' Applicati�on toi ' '..: , .,`�>;'� ,. , . - � . _ . '�� ":�::;... •:: . � � =: s ;:-:.: : :'�:::a,�'s::�:: . . :�:_ . ,.,:. ,r �::- :�;_ . /3w�nie ;Icrckefe�r, Chre -. Coti��ty`Board,�Suite 1SO ]S WesYKellOg� B .iS101 (I�nx: 6S!-ZGG-&0�9; Phoni.�:-G51-266=8014). Applicntio»s nrust ba r'�crived by.Mny32,'1000:' •.. �Ve �vi�, hoid•h:�e-e:ientai%on sessio�s for �ncmbers who arc appcin::d tc die'.YIB, lbese s-ssions are � Ttnu'sday, June Z2 (5:00 ta 30:00 a.m.) or ?ucsday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:60 p.nt.) We ask tl�at members atccnd onc of thcse hvo sessions. PlcaSe reservc thcse datcs on }`our ealendar. \Ve expat ih3t applicants will bc af:lcially aotified mid-June on the staha of thcir appfication Tl�ank you for yosr intcresf. Tliu :r�jenr,nlinr� o;� [his epylicatiri� uif! bc usc•d ta evalunl� andst(cc( me�rrbcrs o�l�re WITi. �tpplicmds rnqv ra f«s� ro sr.p�t�•:}: raguesfcrl iuJarnrattP��. Et'ecpfJor vnlunfnry i�+fn�nrcdion, hu�UCVCr, tbr fnilnrc to eentplcte lk: npplicalion nray r¢suJ: in tt beir.z disca�deri. T'ki.c dntrrmay�hrrevicnueJnrrtluscdbyRan�seyCoun[y andSainlPaulstoJ� 7heda�aonlhispage i.� pubfic rr,rrl, d�er�fnre, availahle ro �hepublic. Foe OtFec Usc ouly Cocnntissioncr nistricl Planning District Council Ciq• Council Ward �rni ., .au�� (OV.GRJ JUN-01-20e8 10�22 RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 651 266 8039 P.02/04 61Z LL3 Jla7 r.uc+�+� MAY;3i-2,000 15�2a SRINl PHUt. �R �gE ^ Co�soGdatedprvgram Workforcelnvestment Board {W.fS) _ DO — G � `t MrmbersbipAPF��on w' Home stt�� Vyhat skiils, a'ainin8 v?d c�� �� ' t: .� . ... r� CauntY ����� � � � , ,,,, . � , . . ttl �>r1J�ar i�' i5 t� C i iL°,S "�`D"ir)uF�$'f /�J u� �gth of initial term Ynu are intrrested ia: onayeaz� rivo-year ..._- L�.!'Jr ATe Yan� a V�araA?: � Yes �No RamseY County aad the Ci1Y of Saiat P'aul are rccruf�ting )adiv,duals to xeprescnt variaus categ,orics ae detaited un the Con a 11dated� ���°on the reve� d tnc cat�gory or ca the zevcrse of ihis p g , on the'4ViB. .MsU or �ai Bonnie Jack 3SIt12`.(Faz� i: ' 1 We aviR hold two oritntation sasion9 tor members wLc are appoiated to the WID. These sessinns ere ?hutsday, Jane 22 (8:90 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tue9day. June Z7 (1:0� to 3:00 P.m.2 We aslc that memlx�s atte�d °ae °f th�se t�'° seuians. Pleate resetve ihe9e ddles on yout c2leadan We ezpect tbat applicaets wnll be officially mtificd mid Jime on �r�P e�s of their aovlicetion. � � T6ank You ior your i�tereat Tke f+Slo►+�atioe oa fl�iv ePPt'�°tion ru718e nsrQ io evd�ate aed seled a�e�nbas ojr6c if1� �eppfieancs eray re�icse to s�pply rhe ,�q,�.�d Mfo„�aao�.. ?�arjor whuua+9Woro+aOen, leaw�cve� tl�6Ja�ure ta mnpiete tLr �p7i�affon awY nsL)t tn it b¢iny �rde� T1Yly daut ��p' beieviewed aad wxd 6y Raiuffiy Corary and Sainr,�au! srafj. T7/e dam ow rhis pape a+rd Yhe reve�se side isprtWir. a�d, tf�ercjo.� avvi7obltW llupublia l �prit a �.000 j I JUN-B1-2000 �i�:, a P.03iO4 i S�" °a -6 c� to qouz [f yeu are appO�B for Business, Edueatiou, or 1.anor puo,,...,.a. r ----- - a pplicatioa ss descn'bed bclow. e mmiaated bY 1,oca1 bussncss arS��arions andlor business uade azs�ziatians - Business, defu+ed asfot�ptof� � attac6 Your aominatloa letter)- offiar, and other execnrive or employer with aP�um C� Business owner, chief exe�"�ve or opccadng po �y�ng orhiting authoeitY �efSe.ct the local area �j Repcesect business with csaployment oppacmnities tbat . ,4lso please indicate if yw �ep�e°t� 7t � busiaess O smsll business (fewer than 500 emp1Q?'e�) Cmnmynity-Basea Otgo»izations, defsned as nonp�of�t organizafions: ob 2rdinin8 p gapresentarive of cammuairi�s or significant sE�e°ts of eommunities Praviding S O Ageac.y serving Youth O A$��5' S�� �'9P�� bnmemalocts O Unioa-se]s�ed �� O Employu-rr7�ted noaptofit cr�uizaAom , � Orgenizerion serviag nenrae:vation Iudisn and�tn�bal Sp�+emment 0 Agmcy iepr��S vetarans 0 Agcacy repf��8 individuel9 wirh disab"dities i O Otbes: �conomic Development Agen Q �61ic Settor ❑ Privatt Sectaf ErJuearion (aominated by regio�l ��� 81�uwaonal egea�i�s, �tutions, or or�d� r�P�'°� � local cdurational entiues - Adath your nominatioa letter): Q T.ocal educational eutities Cmclvding K 12) , O Local school boardg aetirities O Entities pto'viding adult eduratioa aad litezacy f O PosrsecandaiY aducad°°e�'�h°t'°°6 I O Othar: j,a6or $�pach our unmination lettcr) O Nlomineted by reeo�nnized s�te and/or local labar �Aons ( y : I�Yor wce Center Partners (de8ned a, the Parmers ibat cazrY out tl� folloa�ing activitieslPr°��?}: OnerStop kj Tide I) p,,�au��, Dutoea�ed wozk�r >'Y��. Job Corps, Native American and Vetasns' Worl�nrce (�'`�� n wag�er-Peyser Act Tjfl 11) ' Q Adult F•ducarioo andLitetacy (WIA ' O Voeaaonal Relubilitation {Rehsbilitsrioa wctT'ttle n � 0 Wolfa:e-w-Wark Progams (Social Sec�ustY Act) cans Act O Seaior CoasmunitY Se�vice EmP1eYm� ('I'�tle V of tbe�� Oider Ameri ) O PostseronderY �du�auou (C`ul A. Perl�as Voearioaal afid AF'Ptied Teebnology Educati� Ac2} �,�� �j ,,��� (fpp) sad NAFTA TA,A� (7sade Act of 1974 Title Y� O Local Ve[aans' Employmeat Reptaentatives aad�led Veteraas Ou�ch (Title 38, U.S.C.) 0 Communiry Services Bloek Grant O Dcparnncnt of Housin% aad U�au Development i ��<-� I 10�22 RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 15;25 SR1NT P�1L Rr'2ER CHHI'wtK 651 266 8039 Conso&daudProgram 1�'ork�e� 1 � rrt�$Oard (WI�� CRteg n' 'I' C.� JUN-01-2600 10�23 M43Y-31-2000 15%?S RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 5A1NT PRLp_ RRER CHHMatrc Gonsolidaud Piogrum Workforee Invesement Boa►d� �n Men�bershipApp � Private I�lurmat�on L Place �� 651 266 8039 nauw.......�_- S�SCC� l.CJ� � Y'J� ��� TelephoneNumber• (wnrk)a€d-�-(Hame��-�lS7� (FA�-��59! 7 E-MailAddress: �vd e �� 5t• �� _ p¢rtonal Refercu�� tincludc e:sa cade) �� N�� en;se F�r�?� Aaa�es�: m ��� Phnnc�':s.. � � �St51 Q`?(i ��C� 2) Name: L c�! l� f�_-- / Address:.._.�m� l G,���_ j ,� �io �- � 8a ��s� �w�� �.�/ - � � - ��.�9 Opliona� In an attempt W eatv[e tf�at Boazd represeafshon ieAocts the malceuQ of our commumi7', �orrawb� of thc foliowing iaformation is helpfvL FToa+eva'. completion of this infocmaIIOa is voluntary. x White (Csucasian) Hispanic Asian or Yecific Tslander Bleck (Afrimn Aa�icsn) Other Americaa Iaditut os Alaskan Eslrimo . �— • Male: Q FeIIS�e: I?isabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No If speciai accommodatioas ate needed, Alease specify: THe iw fa.�wadm a� (his oyplicafion x�U! bt �oe� tn evaLtata awd xled Mcmbas ojd�c R'18 .(pplicanlf txay rnI� � s�ppl} Nie requested infamr�+orc �P�I� nnlnuary mjonnaLo+b ba»twcr, tde j�drse m oa nple/e +1m 9PPliOOmp a•ry resatr In i+ DainS tiscarled Tl� QoiK+�+aY be r�a"'�d and rrsed by Raarsey C°�+NY 01��1°t Paul staff: T7+a data cn rl�is page lr pdvmr� Apiil d, ]A00 TOTCU. P.05 S� po-CG`T - .• . TOTRL P.04 Sent les Con�anies �ay-26-08 19:07 fron 6126980B22�651 266 8259 Place of Employme Wock Address:! Telephone Number: E-Mai( Address: C Job Title:_Q��-,ti��.� Personal References (include area code) 1) 2) Name• ,�,�ffiG�i�c1sF Address:�_�� �,�. - 7� .s�'r�. Pnone•(HomelCC_�.- � o r9� What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? (Workl Cf �i 2 .�` Cs �`J� F' nptinnnl: In an attempt to ensure tha: Board representation reflects the makeup of our community knowledge of the followine information is helpful However, comp(etion of this information is voluntary. <-� White (Gtucfl.ier,) _ I31ack (African American) f�me�ican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male: f� Female: ❑ bisabled: Q Yes l�� Hispsnic Asian or Pacific Tslander Otiter If speciaf accommodations are �eeded, please specify:_ �� 77ie i� jurrrratiort mi tkis npplicatio�� wi(( bc used ln rvalua�c und select �rre�n6ers nJUm WI1J. Applicanu xiay rrjusa to sapply Ibe �eqncsltd infor�ation. Eacrp(for vulun[ory infnrnroCio�i, ko�+MVer, tbejaifu�c� m e0�rrp1elc (he epplicoliort may result in if bein; discrtrrlyd Ttiu d�da rreay be revirwrrt nnd Nsed by Ramsey� Counry nnd Soint paul staff. 9�e dafa on tkis page is privrtle. Consolidaeed Program Wor�force Investmenr 33oa�d (WIg) Me�nbership AppTication Privace Informa&on ; .� / �'�/i�� oa9e,�_2� 2 Oo-GCq �. Sfreet COUfI[y � Zip (work)��•s• � � 9�a .9a� (Home)r��-. .�90 • Y�o� ���4�'�� EpS-OS�� r Phone;�Tomelr r»•J G9c� . ?as {Workl �G5' � �z'?:�- `.',�'o �'9 � ''/� r i r� •'�Yr � t z c° c�.' �� 7cti+--L��t.oy�I � xw-. F�. . — r — L i � d� .lR.f - '�Y? E l��i� �a �,.�- _ � rCt�'a�>' i/�i.t ��� �- �s.%c �� 04i10 '00 10�00 iD�C�rii A=�A:RS FAX:651-737-3CE: PRGc 60-��� City uf Snint Paul-Rnmsey Cnunty T3'orkforce Znvestrnent Board d f= Membership Applicatinn Page 1 of 4 Name: Richazd E. lDickZHanson Place of F.mployment:3�1 Communitv Affairs Mailing Address:Bldg 59]-30-02, St. Paul, Ramsey, VN 55125 Strcet City County Zip T'elephonel�umbcr: (Work)¢51/733-8335 (Home)651/735-56R5 (1�AX)b5]/737-30G1 E-Mail Address: rehansonl Job'1'itle: Dirertor, 3Ui C;ommunity Affairs, VY 3M l�ound Rcasons for your intcrest in serving on thc \Vorkforcc lnvcstmcnt Board: 1 've served on the St. Pfiul PIC/\VnC_ for the oast four vears and have been instrwnental in renre sentin ihe private business sector and in the effori to comolidate the Citv & Countv ��'IBe To brin� cloeure to mv invol��ement 1 would like to snend one ti�eaz as meinber of the new WIA to h�ln orovid° continuity of leadertihip Mv ultimate Qoal however. is to hclo redesit;n our communitv emnlov�»ent svstem tc� eliminate the disconnects between emolovers and iob-seekers. Wha[ skills, trzininb tmd expzrience do you possess for Workforce Investment Aozrd l�Sembership? Private sector business ma�ia�ement as well as the linka��ee 1 l,ave helned build bctwecn busincss and the local �ublic and non-nrofit sectors involved in the emnloyment �vstem At the samc timc ! serve on the boards of the Saint Paut Area Chambci of Commerce Emnlovers Solutiors Inc the Communicv F.mnlovment Pannushin, and the iJnited �Vav of the Saint Patil Arca Length of term you are interested in: one-year 0 two-ycaz ❑ IIow did you hear abrnd thi; op2ning (include nominations) T�hrough the St. Paul tiVorkforce Development Council (OYF. RJ oo._`� 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�COrii1 F�FAIP.S FAX�651-737-3Co1 PA6E = ��cK. NaKSOh In an attcmpt to ensurc that commiticc rcprescntatio�i reflects tlie makcup of our community, plcase check the line applicable to you; this information is voluntary. O White (Caucasian) ❑ F31ack (African Amcrican) ❑ American Indian or Aiaskan Eskimo Male: m T'emale: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes D �Iispanic ❑ Asian or Yacific lslandcr ❑ Other Cx] No Veterans:O Yes ❑ No If special accommodations are needed, please sPzcify: PERSO�'4L REFEREIv'CES (include arca codc) 1) 1`'ame: Mayor Nonn Colem Address: City Hall, St. Phonc:f� - 2) Nao�e: T.arry Do�vell, Address: Saint Pau] /�rca Chambcr of Phone: Home (Workl � W orkl �Ve nre recruiting individuals to represent varioiis categories as detailed on the attachcd IYnrkfnrce In��e.crment Bnard Cmlegory Descriptions form. Please indicate the entegory or categories you can rcprescnt on thc WIB on this form �nd recurn it ++ith your applicntion. Mflil or Fax ��our WIII N1emUershi� Annlication to: Bonnie .Tackelc�i, C1:ief.C�erk, Counly� Buurd, Suite 150, I S{i�ect Ke(logg Botdzvard, .Saint 1'aul, �Yliiinesorcr 55102 (Fax: 651 Phone: �57-26G-8074). Appllcatlais rnust be received by May Il, 2000. For Officc Usc onlv }']casc notc that two orientation sessions will be held in June for members who are appointed to the ne<<� Cit: County Workforce Investment Board. The�e sessions arc 1'hursdey, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00) or Tu esdn)', June 27 (1:00 to 3:00). Ple�se jot these dates on your calendar at this time; w•e expect that applicants ��'ill b� officialfy notified mid-June on the status of their application. Commissioner District Pfanning T)istrict Council . Ciry Council Werd Tiie irijorn:ation i�icluded i�7 rhis npplicarrnn is cm�srdered private dala accurdrng t0 1he Minne.eoia Ciovernmenl Dulu Pructices Act. As a re.rulr. lhis infnrniatiwr is nut rrleu�ed !o tne �enera( puGfic. Me��cl+29, 200U 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�C07i7 P.~rFiP.S FAiC�651-737-3061 PA�� �iCk E'�0, N S� h a p_�,6`l Workforce lnvestmenf Board Category Descriptions Bcisiness (defined as private, for-pro6t businesscs): ❑ business owner, chief executive or operating of(icer, and other executive or cmployer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority O rePresent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local zrea Also please indicate if you represcnt: m largc busincss � small business (less than 500 employees) Community-Ziosed Organizalions (defined as privatc, nonpz•ofit orgauizations): CJ representative of communities or significant scgmcnts of communities providing job truininti ❑ agcncy scrving youth ❑ agency scrving displaced homemakers ❑ union-related organization � emPloyer-retated nonprofit organization ❑ organiz2tion scrvin� non-rescrvation Jndian and tribal government ❑ agency representing veterans ❑ agency representing individuals with disabilities Economic Develurment Axency: O Private Sector ❑ Pubiic Sector Gducatio�:: ❑ local educational entities (includins K-12} ❑ local school boards ❑ entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ postsecondary cducational institutions Lc�hor ❑ Nominated by recognized state and local lahor federations (O f'E RJ 04�10 '00 10�01 ID�C�rni AFFAIRS FAX�651-737-3061 PqG� 4 b� c K � One-S�op WorkJurce Center Purrners (defined as the parmers that cany out the following activi[ieslpro�ams): ❑ Adult, Dislocated �Vorkcr, Youth, Job Corps, Native American & Vctcrans' Workforcc (WIA "I'itlz I) ❑ Wagner-Peyser A�t ❑ Adult �ducation and Literacy (WIA Title II) ❑ V ocational Rehabititation (Rehabilitation Act "1'itte [j Db -c�� ❑ Wclfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Scnior Community Service Employment (Title V of thc Uldcr Amcricans AcQ ❑ Postsecondary F.ducation (Carl D. Pei•kins Vocational & Applied "I'echnology Lducation Act) ❑'l�radc Adjustment Assista�lce (TAA) & NAFTA T'AA ('1'rade Aci of 1974'1'itic 11) D 1,oca1 Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 3R,1J.S.C: � Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department of Housing and iJrban Developmem ❑ Statc Uncmployment Compensation I,aws (in �ccordance with applicable federal law) (OYL• R) AFR 11�39 ST PaUL PLF�iilihiG & Eu�N W1GGiwJJLY r��✓���i�J Consolidated Program T�orkforce Inve.H�nf Board (WIB) M¢mberskip ApPlication � ��I_; bo -`Gq 10 Home A3dress: b v � - � �-� ° - - Street City CouirtY 2ip Length of initiai tzrm }'o e urterested in: one-ycaz _ Are you a Vete; an?: Yes ❑ No two-year «'e w•ill hold n:•o orienLVOn s�ssiozs fer membzrs w'ho are a�po"v�ted to th� WIB. Thzse swsiens aze � 7 hnrsday, 3une 22 (8:00 ta 10:00 a.m) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask diat mctt;ocrs 1tL.nd one of thzse tw�o se>sions. Please reserve these dates on yocr cal�da.r. Wc expcct tliat applicants r}'ill bc off,cialfy notified mid-June ou the status of their applica�ion. Thank yau for your interest. !hc informai:on nn [his appticozion xill be used to evaZraate errd sdect membarr aJthe WIB. AppSicantx may rcfuse to supply i'r.e requerred inforrr�ation. Ereepr for voluxTary inJ'arrnrrtian, hawever, ihe ja�l+<m ta cnmptrle ihe applicatinn,nay resulz in it being disa:rded Tnis data may be revis+�.�ed an3 used 6y Ramsey County and 5airsf Paul daj{. The duta on tFispaa e and thc revert� sida +s pubtic ¢nd, therejoro, wa+labTe tn tka publec. For Office Use onlr Coc.missioner Di�'[::ct � Plersvag Dis;rict Co�cil Cit}� Cot:ari141'ard A� t 4, 2�00 (�VER) �tihzt skills, tra'uiing and expe;iznce do you possess frir WID membership? 12amscy Couaty and the City of �uaint Yuui are recruiting indivfdusls to represent various categuries as detailed on t5e Consol�daled Workfarce Invesiment (I�'IB) Ca2egory•Descrigtions form on the reverst of this page. Please indiC&te, on the Yeverse side, the Category' or categories you can represent on the FVIB. F?R-iC 11�40 ST PaUL FLFNNING E ECO�! T c512r�t�"�t-+ r.e�a-1_ Consolidaied Program Workfo�ce Inv��tment Board (i3'IB) � � � r� Category I)escript8ons 00 -CCq if you are applying for Busirtess, Educatian, or Lahor positions, pltase attach a nomination letter to your Business, de ned as for profd (nominat�d by lacal business organizations azd,�or bus�ess nade ass°ciafions - attach p our na atton letter): Susiness ownor, chiaf executive or operatu� o�'icer, and othar zxecutive or enploycr witY, optimum polic}•making oc hirin� sutnority C.t Feprescn� business with 2mptoym�t oppo�u� �� rzflect the lo a� Also please indiczte if you reptesent: O larga bu�ness small business (iecvcr than >00 employees) Commur.iry-Bassd O�ganizattonr, deftn:d as nvxptofiJ organtzations: G R.:pres�tarivz of communibes or significant segments of com�unitizs prpvi�ng jo6 traizung ❑ Ag�ncy san�ine youth Q Agency sarving displaced homemakers O UniOA O[ �'2i11Z3L cri ! O Employec•relaYed nonpro5t organization ❑ OrgatizaYion serving nonresar��ation Indiu� and tribal go•.•ern'nent Q Agency repr�enting veterans �J Agenay rzpresentiag individuls with disabili�es � Qthe:' Ecorsomic Develapmenl,4gency: � P:ivate Sactor O Public 52ctor Education (no�-inated by or locaI educarional agazcies, insdcutions, or organizafions represenring such locJ educatioaai e�tie> - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Lacal educarional entiries (indudin3 K-12) Q C.ocal school boazds ❑ Entities praviding a9ui� educadon end titera..'y zcti«cies '� Ponszcondary educarional instimdo�u � OtSer. Labar ❑\ominated by recognized state and/or local lahor federztions (attach your nomiration letter) One-Srop LL�or�force CenlerParmers (defined zs the parm°rs that casry out the following activities!programs)' ❑ Adul� Dislocated Wo:ker, Youth, Job Cocps, Ivative r\me��en and Vetzrans' Workforce (WIA Tidc n ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct O Adult Educaaon and Literacy (VJIA Tide II} ❑ Vocarionzl Rehabilita[ion (Rebaoilitation AcY Tit1e I) � Welfzr°-*o-WorkP;�grams (Socisl SeciuityAct) ❑ Senior Comrm:r�ity S�rvico Employnent (Tide V ofthe OEd_: American; Act) G Postsecondary bducz�on (Carl D. P�kins Vocarional a�d Applisd Tecnnolo�' Educzricn Act) ❑ Trade Adju�n�t Assistance (IAA) 2nd NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Tide II) ❑ La21 tietera�s' Ecnployment Represe�atives and Disabled Veterans Ouceac� (Title 38, U.S.CJ O Community Services Block Grarn ❑ Departmznt of Housing end TJrban Dav�lopmznt Q State Uneawtoyment Compensation Laws (in accordancz hitn applica�!e faderzl larvj fiFR-10 11�4�J ST PAUL FLFNNING & ECON bJi3e8.i.3:4 P.�_%i� Consolidated Progm�n ZYorkforce Investment Board (WIB) ,�lembe+skig rlpPiication private Inform � n 1�� � , n _� . l /�-- b0 —��`t �M � 1 cl S v � ��— .., - � � . Place of Employmem: 1 'Z 6 O o(1-a �� � 5'� � l� /� r ,� .�s ) b� WorkAddress'_ Ci�, Co.tnTy 2iP Street Telephwie ivumber: {t�ork) ZZ � - "�'� Q (Home) � � � � � 4 / �F �`� 2Z y � Z � E-Mail Address: F-+ vr i� v Sob Title: �' �" 1 P �`(�' Perso�ial Fteferences 'nclude 1) Name. Address'._ � 9 0 Phone: omel 2� Name. . � �R.C�' F+3r�J area cede) �j j �, � r-wLi— �4'orkl 2 �' C 4 J t�l �.. �,�, Sw, ��!��i S v 5 r�✓1 f-� /�d C � ' L/d �! n� � Whzt are youc reasons for wanting to serve on the VY�? fL.� lU. �_-�� ..�_ w�,'i� rssrr-��� _ Z�� �J�`l � 31� �� � pprioxai: In an attempt to ensu; e that Board represenCaGOn refleccs the mzkeup ot our com.7iunity, knowledge o£ the followin inforr=iation is heipfiil. However, comptetion o: this informarian i; voluncary: 'te (Caucasian) Hispanic Black ( ncun American) Asiz� or Pacific IsL-,dcr Am � can Indian or Alaskan Esk'tmo Other tiiale: Fer�ale: Q Disabled: C3 Yes ❑ No If special zecommpdations are needed, please specify: [ rse iKformat.on ors tkis app?icatinn wi11 be used tu evaluate and select mrmhers of il�e K'7B- Ap,nlicantc muy refuse ta s:y�p tke requested injotmation. PYte,pt jor vofurtSury injurmation� horvever, thefailurc fn croinpletz ihe app!icatian may resuFt in it Leir.g dtscarded Thts dala may be )cwiewe3 m+d ttsr� by Ra+rcary Countv nnd Saint Paul sra Tke dala on th'u page is priv� April �. 2000 f�FF-le-zaoa iL�a1 s�� P�Fnriiv� & e�xr� DRAFT DOCUMElti'T 03I29/Z006 :alccw�i�. r.�.� �,. �a�s N e o_C6� City of Saint Paui-RamseY Caunty �Vorkforce Investmtnt Board pirector Positian principles and Characteristics The East Ivtetro business commuaity is an investor in Wor�orce Developme, t porzfoGos, a gartner in education and training programs, �d s���older in the outco�.es of youth aad adul[s. Business needs a«'orkforce tl�at has fu?1 command of 211 basic skills, higl:er le�el skills and an understanding of the workplacc. A well-prepared worldorce c.'eates a ��brant ecenomic en�ironmer.t, ar.d economic scability drives sacial stability. The Saint Paul ZYorkforce Council offen the following principles that need to be considered in selecting a director, snd emphasizes that the hiring decision must be made by September 1, 200Q. The Saint Paul Workforce GounCil belier•es thaz tota} 2ttention naeds to be given to P.�EW LE.�ERSHIP ROLES for 1�'ORKFORCE 80ARD5. For example: • Assess and articulatc changing vrorkplace oeeds • Shape a market-driven visior. • Buiid a comprehensive system • Provide effective ieadership • Launch assativc outreach The Saim Paul Workforce Council 6elieves i1 SHAPING SYSTEhSS to REFLECT CHARAC'IERISTICS VAI.LTfiD by BUSILy'ESS. These are: • Market-davea . Comprehensive . Portablc . Accountable • Customer-focused • Re�ponsive • Fle�ble . Customized The Sainc Paul Workforce Council wants PLTBLSC SYSTEMS ALIGN�D �i�th the N1.qRKETPLACE. For example: • Market demanda drive business skill requiremeats • Continuousty deHne changing business requiremeats • Identify specific industry trends and skill requireMents . Set high standards for educatior. and training provi3ers The Sain? Paul Worl�'orce Counc�l believes in ACCOL?�IABII.ITY to :vL4RKETPLACE STAIdDARDS for TRP.ItiLvG AND C�vIPETENCIES. For exaRiple: • S:: new srandazds for employer satisfaction and contmuous impzovement RPR-10-"c2�Zf 1 L��1 ST PNUL PLFNN ih�G & EQ]I'1 • Publicly disCiosed performence af u'aixu�, Pro�nders • O�erall system performaace 6ased on specific measureble outcomes �^..�J�GG�JJi+ i .v�� �� �W� � Do -CG`� Tha Saint Pa:il Worl�'orce Counci! believes u� BUILDING CItEDIBII-ITY with EhiPLOYERS. This hapQms when: . Employers buy imo the vis�on • Comnirt to systemic change Fucus on results Ensure a euality product Based on the five principles outIined ahove, the Sait�t Pnul R'orkforce Cocncll ofPers the folloK'ing charscteristics essential for an e�ective direetor. i. An adept busir.ess co��cator with demonstrated resulu � a11 five areas: improved lzadesship roles, crezting Systems that have business characterist�cs, alignment of public yy,cenv xnth the mazketplace, aCCOUntability to marketnlace standards, and building credibility with employers. 2. Ability to be a risk taker end managa chan�e and dive; siry. 3. Possccs tne courage of conviction and th2 ab'uty to implement the Vdorl�orce Investment Board vision. JUN 07'00 @9:a8 FR AGC OF MINN=SOTR � 651 632 E928 TO 2669039 Coresolidated'Progt�n Wotkforce �nvrstmenl.8nard (WIB) Me�xLership Applicatioa P.2��g. �0 —C�`t Home Street e r�i d,n � City County Zio ��Glt�'tE.� �'��'�- �� ��.���' ,l��^��� r�Pr s Jf�p-�J ��c�� L��-P A-�,r��R� c-zr�hi�� �� �� Leneth ofinitial term you are interested in: on�year� two-year� A-�e you a Veceran?: � Yes �No t�ac��s Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruicing individuals to represeot various categor;es as detailed on the Consolidaled 1°rogrmn Workfo�celm•esln,ent,l3oard (FYIZ?) CategoryDescriptions form on the reverse of this page. 1'lease indicate, on the reverse side, the categary or categories you can represent on the WIB. .. �- � .sa � - :v - • ivlailor"�azyouc;WI$Membcrship�Applicatian'tn:=?•;:„�c ;:,=: • . . : :.r; _ , >--�• . a ., - : - ,,;� •. ;., : ' 'y. �. ... . sS;','�:..: I3on�rie,Inckele��,'Chie .Cterk=�oYUi ` 8�o6rd,�'Suife:230,'IS`•Wes11 l. . . ..:_�Y. _....,. , - ,iSlOZ (1'cc�';'G.iJ=2GG=8039, Applicatioiis., ' '4, :.,`: ' _;, ��. -�: ,�-:. � ,;.� - ' _ ... . ::::..:.. . .�_... �Vc will hold hvo oricntation sessions for mcmbcrs tivho arc 2ppointed to the WIB. Thesc scssions are � Thursday, June 22 (9:00 to 10:04 a.m.) or Tuesday, dene Z9 (L:�4 ta 3:�0 p,m.). We ask tha[ mer.,he�s �� attend one o`these t�vo sessions. Ylease reseNC these dates on }•ouc calendar. �Ve ecpect thac applicants �� i(l bc e�cially noti6ed mid-Junc on thc satus of their application. Thankyou foryour i�iterest. 7hc i�rfprrrintiai ort this applicalion u•i11 bc user7 ta evrrluale and seletf nrenrbert ojf6e W771. .4ppliearts may rr f��� to, u;n!�• r�2 �egucstcr! in jo�mation. Ercep�j vulurtfary i�rformotion, hoWevcr� the jailu�e za eomplete t6c applicnlion ma}'result in it bt�nF d'ucn�drd 1'his da(a may bc rcvie�oed nfid ustd by R�m.sey County and Sart Pau1 stvJf. The data art [nis page artd thc rctirrsc sid: isp«bfic artrl, thrrcfore, ovailabfe 10 thc public: For Offcc Usc only Co mniissio ne r District Planning Ais!tict Coun:il Gt}• Council Ward _ A; r„ a, 2000 (OYERJ What skiils, training and experiencc do you possess for Wffi membership? JUN 07'00 09�4° FR AGC OF M1NN�SOTR 651 632 8928 TO 266@@39 Co�solidaiedProgram WorkforcelnvestmentBoard (T�i'I',8) . CategoryDescriprians �, P.03�2< �-�'� �� � �o -66`t Ifyou are applying ior Businas, Education, orLabor positione, ptease attach a nomination ]etter to yaur application as described below. Biair.ers, de, fined asfor profrt (ttominated by local business o�ganizztions andlor busir,ess tade associations - attach your nomination Ietter}: � Businss oumer, chief execurive or operating officec, and other executive or employer with oprimum policymaidng or hiring authoriry . �Represent business with employment oppomuuties that reflea the local uea A1so please indicate ifyou represent: �large business Q small business (fewer than 500 employees) Conu»uxity Based Organizalionr, defrned as nonprofil organiza6ons: � Representa4ve of communi�es or significant segmenls oFrorrJnuniries p�ovidin; job ttaining p Agencyservingyouth ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers � CJnion-related organization d Employer-related nonprofit organization 0 Oreanuation serving nonresecvapon7ndian and tribal govemment 0 Agency representing vete[2ns 0 Agency representing individuals wich disabi[ities Q Other, � $2ononiic ,pe��elopn:enrAgency: 0 Private Seetor � Publi� Sector L•duca[ion (notrunated by regional or local educational ageacies, instiNtions, or organiurions representing such local educaciona! entities - actTCh your nomination letter); C! Loca! educarional enriries (includingK-12) � b Locz school boards Q Er,tities Qroviding adule education and literacy activicies O 1'ostsecondary edueational institutions � O:P,_r: -- Labor Q Iv'o:�,ina�ed by recognized state u�dlor local laber federations (attach your nomi,iation lettet•) One-Srop 1t'or�force Centcr Parincrs (defined as the p�ners that cury out the fol[o��'ing aciivi[ies/pro�rams): ❑ Adult, l3islocaced Worker, You;h, 7ob Corps, Piative American and Veterz�,s' Wo�kforce (WJA Titie I) ❑ 0 ❑ Q ❑ Q � �] nr,�nmencofHousineandUrbalDevelopment Wagner-Peyser Act A?u1t Bducation and Literacy (WIA ?it!e II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitarion Act Tide I� �?,'e(rare-to-Work �'rograms (Socizl Securiry Act) Senior Community Sennce Employment (Zitle V of the Otder America�s Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology �ducation Act) Trde Adjus;mu,t Assiscance (TAA) a�d NAFI'A TAA (Tradc Ac; of 1974 Titlz II) Loczl Veterans' Employment Ftepresentatives and T)isabled Vete�ans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Commt:nity Services Block Grxn`. JUN 07�60 09:a9 FR RGC OF MINNESOTA 651 b3Z 6928 TO 2668039 Consolidated Pragram Workforce Invesirrsent Board (fi'IB) Membersbip Application Privalelnformation F.04�ig4 60 -�� PlzceofEmployment: PC`'� Gc�'F2{}G� o�- �'V� ►�j, __ Work Address: � { s y�t ��.p " ��i Tb 1,L� I �'r �(�l-�l, �4�,^��'� .551 \ � Street City Gounry Zip TelephonaNumber: (Work)�6`�1) (�3Z �^ (FAX}���t 3z` Sq2� E-MailAddress: �gJb�1��L � aG ��Q Job�'itle: Dl(��L �rr u�oQ�F(72��-����tl��M�„L Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address: 2� �� F�- � • � � 4 � F'hone:(Home� • Work b�l Z2 " 2 9 2) Name. �Di'✓I t�� �l.�t��� � y.(? — ('�� �i''�)��� C�rI�T. � Phone:(Homel ` — What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WID? ��� . � ii�i._. �- �.f � .� s � � �� r:.. �.►� ! •> ���G�„ � • i � C. I.� i � f ��r�. ��' � �l ♦ � ► \�_ � i L �7 � �� �7C_ . . i sr � .. u 1� ��?�_ s' . re � i— 1� " f •� ��. Optional: Tn an attempt to ensure tha[ Boacd representetion refleds the makeup of our community, knowled;e of the fotlowing information is helpful. Fiowever, completion of this information is voluncary. � White (Caucasian) Black (A£rican American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asixn or kacific Islander O�her Male: ❑ Fema!e: 0 Aisabled:�Xes dNo If special accommodarions are needed, ptease speci�:, � U` t��' The i� forMntion on Lhis applicetinn will be used !o evalwaic and sefect mr�++bers ejrht WIl3. Applicanls nrcy �c juse tu suppl�� rF�z requ�sitd injormatia�t. Euept jor volun(ary infurma(ion, tiowever, rhejailure to cu.nplere the applicat;on may resuit �n i: bcing discordrd 7hir Jata may be revic�vrd and used by Ramsey Cuunty and Sairtt PuuL staJf. The defa art Ihit pagC iS j�rirate. �a �-� r� ►dd�.c� ConsolidatedProgram WarkjorcelnvestinentBonrrl (ii'IB) RECEEI/EU Memberslrip Application MAY 1 6 0—C �`T , 5 2000 OG� � i C��I'��T'v�,/ Home Address: l MAYOR'S QFFICE /�s Street What skills, training and City do you possess for WIB membership? Zip Length o£ initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: O Yes �YNo /\ two-year `� Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recraiting indir•iduals to represent various categories as detailed on the Co�:solidafed Program YYorkforce InveSMze�et Board (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, fhc categon' or categorics yvu can represent on the WIB. 1�1ai! or Fax your WIB Ntembership Appiicatlon to: I3onnie Jackelen, Chief Cferk- Coetnty Board, Suite 15Q, 1� iYest Kellagg 13oulerm•d Saint Patrl, Minnesota �510? (Fcrs: 651-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-80I4). Appliealio�ts nrr�st be reeeii•ed by blrty 12, 2000. We will hold two orientation sessions for members �vlio are appointed to the �VIB, Tl�ese sessions are � Tliursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June Z7 (1:00 to 3;00 p.m.). 1Ve ask that members attend one of [liese two sessions. Please reserve these dates mi your calendar. 1b'e expect that applicants �vill be officially notified mid-lune on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. TLe iefJanrinlion o�� lbls nppllcnf/a� wJ!! b¢ used fo evnluafe ¢rvl selecl nrembers of tlfe W/B. Rpplrcnul3 nray rejuse !o supplr Ure reryues�ed i��fonttnfinn. Extepl for voltu�(ary in jonnnBQr�, /wwev¢�, !he frrl�ure to rompfete tl�r nppllcntiox may result i„ it br;n� discarded. TGis drzra may be re�/ewed and used b}� Rrnuse}• County tt�idSnin( Pauf Sttrff. 7l�e t6nu nn ILia pr+ge «nd fLe reverse sidr i.r public aurl, tLerejore, nvrdlable 10 �be public. � For OfGcc Use only Commissioner District Planning District Council Ciry Council Ward April 4, z000 (Q y,�'/() 20�� m���, � -��q Consolidated Program Workforce Investmenr Boar�t (WIB) � -. Category Descrtpiions If you are appiying for $usiness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a appiication as described below. S tlb� �u�sep.vr� letter to }'our Business, defined as jor-proft (nominated by local business organizations and(or bu;iness tcade associations - attac� oyu nomination letter): �Business owner, chief executive or operating of#icer, and other executi�•� or emplo}•er with optimum policymaking or hiring authority O Represent business with employmenc opportunities that reflzct the local zrea Aiso please indicate if you represent: O large business small business (few�er [han �00 employez;) Community-Based Organrza�ions, defined as nonprafll organizations: ❑ Representative of communities or significant segments of communities providingjob [raining 0 Agency serving youth � Agency serving displaced homemakers � Union-re(ated organization � Emplo}•er-refated nonprofit organization O Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities ❑ Other: Economie Development Agency: O Private Sector O Public Sectoc Edtrcntiox (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, ins!itutions, or orga�izations representing such local educational entities - attach your nomination letter): 0 Local educational entities (including K-12) t7 Local school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities � Postsecondazy educational institutions ❑ Other: Ca6or � T�`ominated by recognized state and/or local labor federations (attach your nominstion letter) One-Stop Yt'orkforce Center Poriners (de£ined as the partners that carry out the follex-ing activities�programs): O Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterar.s' Workfocce (WIA Title I) O ❑ ❑ ❑ p ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 Wagner-Peyser Act Adult £ducation and Literacy (WIA Tttle lI} Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Welface-to-WOrk Programs (Social Sec�rity Act) Senior Community Service Emptoyment (Tide V of the O:dec Americans Acc} PostSecondary Education (Csrl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Tech�otogy Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (T�ade Act of 1974 Title II) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disab(ed Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Depsrtment of Housing and Urban Development c.�.P � �nP..,,,i��,,,P�r Cnmr,Pnsation I,a�vs (in accordance with applicnble iederal la�c) �t� m���.l�n ' Consafidaled Program Workjorce Inveslment Board (I3'IB) Memberskip Applicalion /� Priva�e lnjormation �. �o�� /�/Z•d�/�,�/ . �o—cGq Place of Employment: �GIi�Q ��� Work ����� Street �s ���/, City °. �r�'d'��d�r Telephone Number: (Work) ��`S"IZZ (Home}�s/lo� �s9(, (FAX�a�2 .33I- �39� �Mail Job ��XCGU7)� Personai T2eferences (include azea code) 1) Name: �LG� _�tsriil Address: �'����A� �Q��� Phone:(Homel ��� Z9Z' d�U 2) I�Tame: �/G� 1�SO.� Address �3tn C�,� Phone:(Homel What aze your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? rwork� lv�/ 7,'3,� -' ��3� _ Optionnl: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, kno�� ledLe of the following information is helpful. How•ever, completion of this information is voluntary. � �Vhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Btack (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Aiaskan Eskimo Other Male: Q Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes O I�'o If speciaf accommodations are needed, please specify: Zip �/�.sria sS /o (Workl �5�� �iIO.S"SS��' 7z cl'�` P.o-� Tl� t 4tjormaliox on rlds appf(catlon wlfl be nsed 10 evoJua(e and select nremberr of the WIB. App(itanls nrqc rejuSe lo Strpp!}' d�c requested injormatlon. E.rcepl fo� voluntary lrtjormatlon, hawever, 1he jal(u�e to conrp(efe Ihe applicutiai mi�y result in ir being <liscarded Thts du�a may be revleweQ anJ used by Rn.nsey Counry and SaLU Paul stajf. The dum on t/tls pnge is p�ivate. � � Vi � G ►ui• ao -ccq Rolf Middleton Business, Public Service, Civic & Professional, rZilitary, Education & Jo6s As A Youngster PRIVATE SECTOR Owner and Presideut, MSP Companies, Commercial Real Estate/Office Buildings Owner and President, MSP Park Place, Inc. (Airport Parking & Shuttle Service) ELR Systems, Vicr President, Operations & SAles (Rchabititation & T-�ousing Services) Qnetiev, Vice Presideat, Markering and Sales, (Medical Records Software S}^stems) CCSI, Sales Eaecurive, {Automated Informarion Systems) Manegemept Trainee, St. Paut Fire & Marine Companies PUBLIC SERVICE Member, Governor's Cabinet (Commissioner, MN Department of Economic Security) riember, Goveruor's Economic Roundtable Member, Governor's Urban Ts�nes Gtonp Member; Governor's Rura! Developmeat Council Member, Committee Staff Ass's�ments: Nationa{ Governors' Association Board Member, Interstete Conference of Employment Security Administrxtors (RepresenHag the States of MN, �VI, IL, 2bSI,1N and OH) Meuibcr, Advisory $asrd NAt10IIHI AS.YOC141L106 Of RC�IO�flI COUIICILY Member, Speciai Committee (Busineas Issues) of the Minnesota Busincss Partnership President & Board Member, Minnesota Software A.+�.vociation hiember, Govemar's Commission on Software Technology Advisary Board, ti of M Schaot of ?�Sanagement, Division of Software Technology Urban pinnaer, Metropolitna Planning Commisaioa Ecanomist, Metropolitan Council Budget & Plenning Analy�t, State of Wisconsin Deputy Director, hletropolitan Dane Couaty Development Commission, Madisou, WI Ezecutive Director, ltegionxl Devetopraent Commiasion, Rnchester, b1N (�ol� (tlddc��, � b _ � KNOWLEDGE BASE 1►�efropolitau Iseues * Transportatiom Systems: $ighwaye (Inflnence on Urban Growth Patterns * Transportation Systems: Transit (RaiUSus Policy) �` MSP Internationa] Airport: Analysis of the "Ham Lake" site proposed by MAC in 1966�57 * Impact of retail expenditures on the location of major shopping centers in the Twin Cities metropoliten area * Population trend�, hou9ing and income distribution r * • * * . Impact of major interceptor sewer5 on the location of residential, commercial and industrixl eapansion Solid waste management program9 Regionat psrlcs and open spACes Lsnd development policies and programs Subdivisian and zoning ordinance management Agricultural land preservation I2uralissues Economic revitali�tion programs for non-metropolitaa hiinnesota Countryside Communities: program for stability and growth in rural areas Workforce & Human Servicc Systems • Workforce Development Policies and Programs * Welfare-to-Work ' HealYh Care: LLVUrance, 314{b) CertificBte of Pieed for F[ospitel Espaavion * Criminal JustiCe * Developmentul Aisabilities " Vocational Rehabilitation Economic Assistance Programs '� Fuel Assistsace * WeatLeri�tion ' Unempioyment Campen�ation Arts and Humanities Granb aupporting the arb and humanities Special servicp; Mothereed/Fathereed, Teachers' Institute 20� m�at�-�, �a -c� CIVIC & PROFESSIONAL Board Member, hiinnesota I3umanities Commission Chairman, Worfdorce Tuvestment Board, City of St Paul Member, St Paul Chamber of Commerce Chair, Bnaine+s Development CommitEee of the St Paul Chamber of Commerce Chair, State-Wide Committee/Small Busineas, hinCare (Heatth Insurance) Member, Araerican Ma+nagement Asaociatiou Charter Mearber, Big Brothen of Greater St Paul, Inc. (Board Member & Active Big Brother) Vice Chair, West 7th Business & Professional Association Policy Working Group, Workforce Council ASerger Member, Employers' Partnerahip, Ramsey County Member, West 7th Commanity Center (SL I'sui) $oard Member, Bu�Ene� Revitslizstion Council, West 7th Street Board Member, Northeest Busines� Associstion (Minneepolis) M�LITARY Enlisted, 1963. Eig6t years active and reserve Captain, At Discharge, US Army Artillery EDUCATION 112orton Public School St John's Universify Rfankato State College BA. Economics & PoliHcnl Science One Xear of Graduate Work Business Managemeat Ro�- m��d�, ao-�6� .IOBS AS A YOUNGSTER Delivcred Minneapoli+lSt Paul Newspstpers Garbage Collection & Disposal Service Surveyor'a Aa�istant Farm Hand Rsised Sheep, Heifets and Pi� Custom $aiUng Operator (Alfa(fa & Straw) Custom Corn Sheller Operator Lumber Yard Assistant Grocery Produce Depar�ent & Store Maintenance Construction Worker (Grain Storage Bins) Corn and Pea Prceea�ing Plant Operntor Carpentry Apprentice Highway Rod & TApe A�sistant Trnck Driver (Gravel) HOME ADDRESS 1406 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, bSN 55116 651 690-1590 BUSINESS DiSP Companiea Suite 410 202] EasY Hennepia Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 rmail: mspcompsmy@aoLcom 612 331-4422 (office) 612 331-4391 (fax) MARRIED & FATHER tiVife of 31 years: Karen Sherlock (RN., College ot St. Cetherine, St. Paui, NIl� Three adult c6ildren (Yaul, Beih and Kate) graduated from Cretia-Derham High School, St. Paui, MN and S� John's University, Creighton University and the College of Si. �cnedict Ko� m�d�(,�, D0-CGq INTERESTS Reading, Impreasionistic Art, the $umanities, Rus.vian History, Travet, Fishing, Gopher �asketball and Beseball and Major League Basebalf �o� �n�� �� �o ���� SNAPSHOT OF WORKFORCE EMPLOYMENT & TRAIiv'ING EXPERIENCE • Chief Executive Officer in charge of consolidating three independent state agencies into one public service organization throughout tbe State of Minnesota . State Cabinet veteran of seven generat and speciallegislative sessions during the recessioaay period of the earlier 1980s . Responsible for the direction and management of a consolidated state agency of some 2,700 personnel in over 100 locations throaghout the State. Financlal resources over �60U,000,000 . Merged multiple state agency budgetary, personnel, administrative and operating syetems . Produced cost saving results that were repositioned to serve citizens . Designed and [mplemented changes in poliry setting, program management, support services and service delivery • Introduced large scale, technology-based information management systems at the statellocal o�ce level . Established "Locai Servlce Teams" for the agency's public-serving offices to provide one-stop services to job seekers and employers . E.xperienced with Workforce Investment Act (WIA) as the Chairman of the St. Paui Workforce Investmenf Board (V4'IB) . Knowledgeable regarding Private Industry Council to WIB transition • Understands the signiflcance of the WIA reforms for developing WIB Boards into policy making bodies and tbe�r usefulness as vehicles for leadership in their communities . Esperienced in establishing and using perEormance/accountability standards and utilizing the results to produce change through continuous improvement principles and practices. . Understands the critical importance of developing capacity buildirag for WIB Board and WIB executive staff leadership • Provlded the leader9hip and direction for the Sf. Paul WIB's creative "Community Success Initiative" and its centerpiece - the "Community Investment Strategy" 3 oa -C�`t M�y 12, 2040 TO: Bonnie Jackelen RE: My "Bio" for membership on the Ramsey Count WIB _ Some background stuff for membership on the aew WIB. Thanks. �� � Rolf Middleton 1406 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55413 YPy-12 h�1 Od�3� Rii r���H�� �rcu�u�n�i rnn ivu, o4c4��5 r. uc 00 -��`( Consolidated I'rogram fYorkforce Investment Buard (IYIB) . ���Ef�EQ _ ' ' MemLershipAppludlion ' MAY 1 5 2000 Name: Michellc E. Ott HomeAddress: . Street City County . - Zip;' : What skills, trainino and _ea�perience do you possess for tiVIB membership? _ �As a Human Resovrces pzofessional for the�ast 8 vears. T have had the oonommitv to work in all azeas of emolovmenC includinq recnrirment. selection and retention. My experiences in human resources are iiiverse; as I h�ve worl:ed in different industries, ineludin� hum,2n scrvices, manufacturin2 and bnoacicastirc�: T know fhe challen�es emplovers face in findin�qualified candidates for emplovment and havc worked to Fnd solutions fo help inv emplovers attract and keep qu3lified neoble. T am we11 versed and kee�o to dafe in the aretvs of einDlovment law, inferviewina. recruitment, and emoloveerelafions. I am aLso a trainer of _� emnlovment issues aswell. ' Len;ih.of initial term pou aze iriterested in: one-year XX Are you a Veteran?: Ycs X No Ramsey County and the Cit��. of Suin± Paul arc recruiting individuals to represent r'arious categaries as detdile� un the Consolidrrierl Program IYorkforce litvestmerit Board_(IYIB)_Category Deseriptions foi�ia on !he reverse_ of ihis page. .Please indicate, on fhe reverse side, the category or categories you can represent . on the R'IB: s e VJe will hoid two orientation sessions for membcrs who aze appointed to the WIB. These sessions are Thursday, June 22 (S:OQto 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesdap, .Tune 27 (] :t10 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that mecnber.s aTterid one of fhese fwo ;: -' sessions. Pleaze reserve these dates on your.calendar. We expect that applicaotc will bc officially notifed_mid-June on - the satus oftheir.application� Thank you for your intcrest. �� �The irtfonaation on this apptica[ioa wil! Ge used to evglaute and select members oj/He WIE. AppJrcaxls mny "rejuse to supply 1bC_ .�- . •reqaested Jnjoiinntton. Erceps for vo.lunrary lnjonnufio�r, however, ihrjniture ta cnmplete �l�e npplicmlon may ruultyi ir beiug `- d'scwded T.=is. data may be revkwed.and iase� by Ranuey Gounty and SaintPau! staff.: 37re data bn tleis paoe aird llee reverse side ' � & prtblic ani� rleerefare, evallable iw Yhe pnbllc , � � _ . � , Foi Office Use ouly , Commissioner Disuitt Pianning Disuia Counci( Ciry Council �Yard - � . . � Ap..-il 4, 2000�` ' . . . � . . . _ .. . . . , two-yeaz M;Y*12-00 FR[ 08�3° AM HUdBAdU �KUAD�AS[ rHx nu, oy�4�ly r.u� ti rn= e�..11e, � .D-t-E- . Consolidated 1'ra Workjorce Investmeni Board (l3'IB) ... . . _ p�._CG� C'atej,�oryDescsipiia"e's � . : described or er. to your Business, defined as for: prnft (nominated by local business organizatians and/or business vade associaYions -;. attfieh ponrnomination letter}: Susiness owne�, chief executive or operating of£icer, and other executit�e or employer with optimun policymakin� or.hirina authoiity X Represen: business Gv7th eniplayment oppor(unities tha� reflect the local azea Also please indicate ifyou, represent: X large bosiness small business (fewer than 500 employees) Cmm�u�niry-Based O;ganzzations, defined as nonprofrt organizations: Representative of communities or significant seg�nentt of communities providin� job trairiing Agepcy serving youth Agency serving displacec! homemakers Union-related organizauon _ � Employer-related rionprofit 6rganization Ocganizntion sctving nonreservation Indian and tribal government mprzsenfing veterans Agency representing individuals �vith disabilities Other: Economic Develnpment Agenc•y: Privat� Scctor Public Sector F,ducdtiurr {nominafed by regonal or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations represeritin� such locnl educatiqnal entities -attachyout nomination letfer}: Loca1 educational e'ntities (including K-12) I.ocal school boazds � Entities pruviding adult education and lite�acy activities Postsecondary"educ2tionaf instimtions Other: Labor Nominated by recognized state and/or 1oca1 lubor federations (ait:sch your nqmination letter) . . One-Stop Workforce Certter pa�tners (dcfined as the partners that cany oui thc following activities/programs): .. Aduit, Dislo�ated �Vorkcr, Yoath, Job Corps, Nstive American and Veterans' Workforce. (WI�'['itleI� . Vl�a�er-Peyser Act . ° • Adu1t bducation anii Literacy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Tide I) : -. Welfare-to-Work Programs (Socisl Security Act) . Senior Communicy Service Employment (Title V of ihe Older Americans Act) � PostseconflaryEducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology �ducation. Act) 'I'rade Adjustinent Assistance (TAA) and t IAFTA TAA {Trede Act,of 1974.Tide II) . Local Veterans' Eraployment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S:C:) Cominunity Services:Block Grant' Departrrient ofHousing and Urban Development Stsita LJneinptoymcnt_Compensation•s,(in accordance vvith app]icable federal law) .., . � } Apri14, 2000 ^ . `�, � � � ' _ � . . . . MP,Y-12 FRI 08�4'0 Aii HU�tlRKU tlKUHUGH�I rrn IVJ. OSL4J14 r.�4 � ;: Coi7solidated Prograrn,Worbforce Invest�nent Board (1YIB) ,;-: ... . Membership":4pplicaiinn Privafe Infortnation � _C�`t Naine: 2vFichelle E. Ott Place of Einployment: Hubbazd Broadcastin� Inc. Work Address: 3415 Univetsitv Aveaue St Paui • _ 1 'n1m1Y) . . TelephoneNumber: (Work)651-642-4638 {Home) 651-714-09I0 (FA� -651-642-4314 - E-Mail Address: mottna, ' Joh Title: Emplovee Relations Mana�er Personal2teferenccs (incltde azea code) 1) N1me: Vire.inia Hubbard Monis Phone:{Homel ('�Vork) � (651)642-4160 2) Nazne: Rrindv Robison Address: 1735 Terraca Drive, Roseville, MN �5113 Phonz:fHomel (6I21 Sb6-2727 (Workl (6121930-8867 communitv wi11 be valuable asthe Board helns develon strateeies for workfoice developrrient in our communitv' I also want to serve on the Board so I can have the opportunitv to lcam moic about challenees 1he con�muni'v faces and h°I ko d°velop sound workforce strate�ies that benefits all in t3ie communifv. ��s a lifelonz resident of St. Pau1 and Ramsev Couniv. I feel this oppoituniN mv chance to �ive io hi� communitv. Oplinnatr in an aftempt to ensure.that Board zepresentation reflects the makeup of our kn.owtedge of the foliovring informati�n is helpful. However, completion.of this information is voluntary: . '4Vhitc-(Caucasian)_ Hispanic Black (African Asnerican) . Asian or Pacific Islander Amcrican Indian or Alaskan Eskuno Otner � Male: O remale: O. Disabled: O Yes O IvTO ,_ If.special accommodations are needed; glease specify:_ 'APri! 4; 2000 . . . . - � � What nre your reasons lor wanting to serve on the WIB? �Vith _the unemplovrrient rate in the Twin Cities area at an all time low and mv.role as a human r�sources professional. I know how hard it 'is for emnlovers to f nd qualified candidates foz emnloti�ment. I Imow fl�ere aze-. people in the communiN who want to work but do npt �mssess necessazv skills to succeed. I beliede 2mnlovers i�AY rHl Utl�3ti Hf! nu�� �;;v otur,u�r,�i �nn �w, o,c,��, F �..., po-C6`� Hubhard Broadcasting, Inc. ::. 3415 i7niverrity Avenue, SL Faut, MN 55114 Date: SI12f2000 ��� Tumbtt of paga mcladi� coversheer: ' 5 To: � Bnnnie ]ackelen � ChieEClcrk-Cnunty Hoard_ " IS WestKellogg BIvd, Suite Z50 St. Paul, MV 55102 " Phone; (651) 266-fi014 ` Fax phoce: (G51) 26b•80i9 CCs FY-om_ Michetle E. Otc l�ubbud i�roadcasria; lnc: ` Humaa Resources.Department • Phone: (651)642-4638 ' Fax phone: (651) 642-4314 REb7r1I2KSp � Urgent � For your reviccv , � R,.^pIy ASAP ❑_ Please conunent Ms. 7acketen- Please find attached my application for membership with the Workforce Lnvestment Iloazd. My ' nomination tefter wi11 be sent from the Mid�vay Area Chamber of Conunerce. Piease contact me ai tkc telephone number above if you baec qucstions, � ` - . ;t �• ! i . :, ��.�. F � �� � �`�' � i �.�..ev e �AY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.6=5 P.3i5 ,. - Consolidated Progrnm Workforce Xnvestment Board (WIB) � p—��`�. " Memberskip AppIicalion Nanle; Kachleen L. Pinkect • • Home Address; 57? w. cRncral Ave;,�e . s� Pau1 Ra:sey 55203 Street . City County Zip What skills, traitung and experience do you possess £or WIB membership? - Dizecg aLl erplo�n� ac[ivities (recruitin2 hirin2. reten�(on) f r Mimerota tifn cb��,.�� �ar ea�cr pr�,.��� e�cploy>_r in SL. Paul• = Served as Chair, F�nd Discribution Ceamittee of llnited Way oL• the St. Paul A�ea. s�hi.h inr_t,A c fu-�rii� allccacion to nongrofit ao ncies p:eoar'sng Lour-ineonr iadividual.s Eor e�r,oloy*renc, - Seaves on B�ard L'or Erploye�enc Solutioqs, Inc.; a parcner wich Ca.�muni[y Employecent Partnershio, iinking eccployers with 1ow sitilied, ].ow-ir�ocre indivtduats. . Lengih of initial term you are interested in; Are you a Veteran?: Ct Yes C$ No one-year _ two-year �_ �amsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Cansalidared Progrnm Workforce Inveslment Boartl (WXB) CategorylJescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'the reverse side, the category or tategories yov can represent an the'SVIB. ' ' �l�,Isil Bonn 5Sl D: 4Ve witt hotd f�vo orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are � Thursday, 3une 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:Ofl p.m.). �Yeask thatmernbers attend one of these nvo sessions, Pieaze reserve these dates on your calendar. We e�pect that zppticants �vi11 be off�cially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thank you for your intcresf. The injormalion on this appIitoticn �vil! be used to evafuate andselect membe�s aJlhe FYIB. Appficanfs may teJuse to supply requesYed injarmation. Ercept fa� volumtary information, ho�✓evc�, the jaiture to comp7ete the aFpiicatiori may �esult in ir be d"uearded 1'kisdatamaybereviewedandusedbyRa�nseyCauntynndSaintPaulstajf. T6edalaorsihispageandlher�+'erse is publie and, therejore, evcilable to the public Fur OlTice lise onlp Commissioncr Districc planning District Counci! Cit}� Councib Ward Apri13,200Q . (O�RJ HRY.11.2000 12�35PM MY MUTURL H R N0.635 P.4i5 �. �}?'nl�tt� Consotidated Program WvrkforcelnvesimeniBnard (WIB) Category Descriptions 0 0 -��`� � i If you are applying forBusiness, Educstion, or Labor posiYions, please attach a nomination letter fo your application as described below. Busixess, de, fined as for profit (nominated by local business organizarions and/or btisiness trade associations - attach your nomination letter):t p Bus'uiess ovmer, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer rveth oprimum policytnaking or hiring authority C9'Represeat busirtess with employmertt opportunities that reflect the local azea Also please indicate if you represent: C's� lazge business O smal( business (fewer than 500 employees) ^' 2�'cnination iettetforthcor,�ng frem 5�. Paul Ohamber of Cocm�rce. '� ' `� •- Comni�mity-$nsed Organirations, defined as nonprof�l organizadom?� ••- � ❑ Representarive of communiries or significant segments of communities providing job traiiiing ❑ Agency serving youth f] Agency serving displaced homemaksrs - Q Union-related organizarion � Employer-related nonprofit organization C1 Organizarion serving nonreserration Tndian and h-ibal govemment O Agency representing veterans 0 Agency representing individuals with disabitities � Other. . Ecoxon�ic .C?evelopment Agency: d Private Sector Q Public Sector Ed�rcalion (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institurions, or organizatior�s representing such [oczl educationa] entities - attxcfi your nomination letter): Q T.oca� edacational entities (including K-I2) ' g Loca1 school boazds CI $ntities providing adult education and literacy 2ctivities � postsecondary educational institutions • C] Other. Labor Q 2Vominated 6y recognized sta;e and/or locaI labor fe.d:tations (attach your nomination ]etter) One-Stop Workforce Cenler pnriners (de£ined as the partners that carry out ths following activ,ties/programs): [3 Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (�V7A Title ?) ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct d Adult Educerion znd Literacy (WIA'Titie In ❑ Vocation�' Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation ActTitlen ❑ Welfara-to-Work Pro;rams (Soci�I Security Act} Q Senior Cor.mmunity Service �mployment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) .❑ Postsecondary Educztion (Cazl D, Perkins Vocational znd Applied 7echnolo,�y Education Act) ❑ Trade Adjustment Assistenca (TAA) and NAkTA 7AA (Trade Act of 1974 Title TI) O Loca� Veterzns' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department of Housing and TJrban Devetopmen[ r, .... .. , _ . _ .. . ._ _ . NRY.11.2000 12�36Pi'1 N�N MUTURL H R N0.635 P.SiS Consolidated Pragram Woskforce Inveslment Eoard (T3�1'B) Membership Apptication r " Private Information j`I3Th0; Kathleen L. Pinkect ' Plzce of Employment; r'=nneso�a tife • Work Addtess: Telephone Number: City oo-C6� Zip (1�ork) (651) 66�3442 (Home)( 292-9015 (F'�, (65t) 665-3551 E-Mzi( Addcess; kathy vinketa•:C cainnesoca:-ruwal.cem 7ob Title: Second Vice Presidenc, Y.ur>n Resources Planning Personal l2eferences (include area code) 1� Name: ��'•uren Segal, Presidenc oF che UnLCed Way oi ckie Saint Paul Area Addcess: 702 Pairrrounc Avenue; Sc. Paul, N,,1 55105 Phone:�N'omel (65U 22�8132 (WoCk� (651) 291�383 2) I`'ame: D�:nise .re:,nson, eL*ea S!Le DSreccor oL Achlevecrenc P1us Address; 8�54 eonco:d Cou:c Irver Grove l�teieFcs,.MN 55016 Phone:(T�iomel (651) 453-1357 IWo*kl (65?) 293-6511 What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? In my pro`essional capa,ity I have 2n in-d�pth understandinR oF c�ia� tFa needs are for for- profit•�organizations and the recessary skiils e�loyees need to be success�ul. I also tiaw P�erience with progrzns th:t successfully prepare and �:ork With individuals so tney accor,rolisli ecC,tiornic Sel�:sufficiencv Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation �eRects the makeup of our community, kno�vtedgz o; the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is votuntary, White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Al2skzr� Eskimo Mate: ❑ Female: L� Disabled: ❑ Yes I; special accommodations zre needed, please �/ Hispanic Asian oc Pacific Tslander Other Q�to Tke ii formntion on ihrs applicatian wit! be ua'ed lo evatuate and selecl Members ofthe WIB, App�+�ants may refitse to suppl� �c requested injormatiox. Fxeepljor vatuntory injorrrration, however, iheJaifure ro complrte the applicafion May l�.squ �n it b^ing discorded. This datn may be �evicwed and used by Ramsry Counly and SaintPaul staJf, The dnla nn ikis page is privat�• �RY.11.2009 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.635 P.2i5 Mfnnesafa Lite Insursnce Compeny aoa Ro6ert Sheet North St paul, MN 55101-2�88 851.665.9442 Tei Kalhlemn L. pinkett Second Yca Pres�denc i� ci-���"�r�l-c ` ' �"�� ao — Cc�9 MINNESOTA LIFE A AAlnnatoG� MuNa! Ccmpany RECEtVFD May 11, 2000 MAY 1 2 200Q MAYOR'S OfFICE Bonnie 7ackeIen Chief Cierk— County Boazd 1� West ICellogg Boulevard — Suite 250 St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. 7ackelen: �nclosed is my application for the City-County Workforce Investrnent Board. T am interested in and willing to serve as a Uusiness/for-profif representative. My nomination letter of recommendation is fortlicomin� fTOm the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce. After review of my zpplication, please let me lrnow if you have any questions, Sincerely, � <�� Kathleen L. Pinlcett Second Vice President Human Resources Planning I�L,P/ttn cc: Lazry Dow, President St. Paul Chamber of Commerce Applicarion Page 1 of 3 she,t�e� �.ose� �� -� Wednesday 21st of June 2000 01:44:53 PM Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board Mexnbershi A lication Name: Shclley K. Rose Home Address: � 2240 Boxwood Avenue SainY PauI, MN, Ramsey 55119 What skilis, training and esperience do you possess for Workforce Investment Board Membership? I am a business owner of a nine-employee intemet company providing local govemment best practices to cities and counties across the nation. The business is located downtown St. Paul, I also live in St. Paul. l have a B.S. in Business Administration from the Univ of MN. I am also a recent \"graduate\" of the Leadership St. Paul program, serve as a committee chair for the St. Paul Area Chamber, and am acting G�ber Village Ambassador/Coordinator. My project for Leadership St. Paul was worlring with the Wilder Foundation in idenrifying the Asset Accumulation opportunities for low income families and those just entering the workforce. Length of term ( pne Yeaz J interested in: Are you a Veteran? [ No ] 12easons for your interest in serving on the Workforce Investment Board: I would commit to a one-year term, but may very well be able to serve for two yeazs. I am interestcd in this boazd in order to help lead the $ast Metro area in workforce development as well as be involved in the economic development of this area. I azn very interested in helping to represent St. Pau11's growing high-tech, new media industry. Bnsiness, defined as for-profit (x]Business owner, chief execurive ot operating o�cer, and other executive or empioyer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority []Represent business with cm loyment opporiunities that reflect the local area Please indicate the business you re resent:[ Small ] Community-Based Organizutions (defined as private, nonprofft organizations): []Representative of communities or significant scgments of communiries providing job training [ ]Agency senring youth [ ]Agency serving displaced homemakers [ ]Union-rclated organizarion [ ]Employer-related nonprofit organization [ JOrganization serving non-reservation Indian and tribal govcmment [ ]Agency tepresenting veterans [ )Agency representing individuals with disabiliries Econotnle Deveiopment Agency:[ ]Private Sector []Public Sector Application ]Local educarional entities (including K-12) �Locai school boazds JEntities providing adult education and literacy acrivities JPostsecondary educationai institutions state and local labor Page 2 of 3 S�ItecJ `4�Dse. � . ba —C� One-Stop Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activities/programs): [)Adult, Dislocated Worker, Xouth, 7ob Coips, IvTative American & Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title I) [ ] Wagner-Peyser Act []Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title II} [ ]Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title n [ ]Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) (]Senior Community Service Employment (Tifle V of the Older Americans Act) []Postsecondary Education (Cazl D. Perkias Vocational & Applied Technology Educarion jTrade Adjustrnent Assistance (TAA) & NAF'TA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title In ]Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Tit1e 33, f.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Crrant ]Departrnent of Housing and Urban Development Laws (in accordance with applicable federal b0'd �d101 ....� — - V ' _ .. „_ .. �� �`Co l .. Ma�� 12 00 11 : 22a Mf3Y-11-20H0 16 � 49 Home Jeane Thorne Inc. SpINT PAU� RRER CHRMHER 612 298-0448 612 223 5119 P.02iO3 Consolidated Prograrx Workjorce Irrvcstmertt Board (TYIB) Membership �Ippticafion Street City P•� QC1—�O�q RECEfi/E'� MAY 1 5 2p00 .�S%/ sYills, trainiag and experience do you posscss foz WIB mcmbaship? Length of initial tean you are interested in: one-ycar _(„ two-year Arc you s Veteran9; 0 Yes '�No Rsmsey Counry and the Ciry of Saint Paul are rccruiting Indivlduals to represent varioua categories 8s detailed on the Consolldated Pro�ram Workforce Investmcnt Baard (iYIB) Cat¢gory Descriptrons fortn on the revecse of this page. Please iadicxte, on the roverse side, the category or categorin ynu can represent an t6e WIE. Mail or Fiyc. . BiVIEm�eTCbiP'APPlicatlon to: ..' --:----:—=------ � � . - . .. �. •.... , ttonriie Jacxeten; Chief Cierk �-�Counry Board; Sui�e 250,.15 West Kellogg.Boulevard, 5aint Paul, Minnesota SSI01(F�ax'.65]-266=8039; Phone: 651-266.-E014). AppJlcalloirs must be recelved by May.12,"1000�� We witl hold two orientation sessions for mem6cts who are appoint�d to tt�e WIB. 2hese scssions are Thursday, June 22 (5:99 to IO:QO a.m.) nr Tuesday, 3uae 27 (I:U4 to 3:00 p.m.� W e ask lhat membeis attend oqe of these iwo ses�ioos. Please rescrve thcsc dates on yo�r celendar. We expect that applican[s wilt be otTicially notificd mid-June on tLe status of thcir application. Thaak you for your intereet. The irrjannatlon an this applicatinn wltt bt rsed to ewrfuate and sdtct rnrmbers oJeJte WIB. Appficantr mqy rtjicse fo svpply the requuted tnforinadpn. Fxeept jor vOtunlary Iq(orma(ion, Iwwn'er, Ihe jailurc to cee�p(ete fhc applicuton �nay reault In it being dizearded This da[a enay be �sv7ax�ed and used fry Rmusry CauRry rnd SalrtrPaw( #aJf. TheGafa an tlris yagr aed tbe rrnrse side is public p�Q iherejone, ava;lable to f6r pudtic Apri14,Z000 ..Ma��12 00 11:22a MFlY-11-2000 16�49 Jeane Tnorne Inc. SR1M PAUL PREA CW�IMBER 612 298-0448 612 223 5119 P.02�03 Consolirfated Program Wnrkjorce Investmeat Board (WIB) MembersJ�ip �IpplicalJon P•2 �6 —C6� RECEf11E0 MAY 1 5 2000 Hame skills, training and experience do you posscss for WIB mcmbaship? .�S%a/ Length of initial tcan you are interested in: one-ycar ,L two-year _ Are you a VeteranT; 0 Yes '�fo Ramsey County and the City of Seiat Paul are rccrv3dng indivldua[s to repreaent varioua categories as detailed on the Corssvlldaled Program Workforce Investmeat Board (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on tho reverse side, the category nr estegorics you can represent on thc WIB, Mnil orFiuc .. . B�;2em�b,ersfilP'APPHcaiion to: " _—' _ — r-------- . �:. - . .,_....:..,-. .,... • • . onriic Jacketeni Chief Clerk = Coiinry BoQrd, Suite 250, b5 West Ke!(ogg.Boulevard, Sain! Pau1, Minnesota SSI D2 (Fnx �.551-266=8039; Phone: 651•26¢BQ14J. App1lcatlons must be recefved 6y hfay 11, ?�00: .: We wi(l hold two orientation sessions for members who ue appointed to t6c WIB. Ihese sessions are T6ursdiy, June 21(8:09 to 10:Q0 a.m.) nr Tuesdny, Sune 27 (l:t}Q to 3:Q0 p.m.� We ask that membezs atteud oqe ofthese iwo sessioos. Please reserve thcse dates on your catendar. Wc expect that applicants wilt be ofTicially no[ified mid-June on the status of thcir application. Thaak you for your interest. The brjoraatlow on t6is apptl�erwn w1t1 be vsed ro nwtr.are andsdrer,nembns ojrke WB. Appt�canes,nqy,rf�.sc to supply rhe reqursled in f0lT¢Gp/4 Fxcept jor velunfary L�(ormalion, kaw�ever, !he jail�rc ta caa�p/e�e the app7icaton Mcy re�ult In ir bting discarded This data maq be rsvlewnl end attd by Raiesty Cauety rnd SalarPavl #aff. The data on rlris pag� artd the rewrse srde rs publie arQ fherejo% avai(abte !o IbrDu6(re Apri14,2000 . Ma� 12 00 11:23a Jeane Thorne Inc. 612 298-044a' p.� 1^AY-11-2000 15�59 SR1NT PAUL RRER CHRMBER 612 223 5119 P.03iO3 6 a -C6� ConsoliQated Program Workjorce Investrnent Board (W%B1 �� C ����y (J Category Descriptlons � f � (' J If yuu are applyiag for Bus�ess, Education, or La6or positinns, please attach a aomination tetter to your application as de3cribetl below. 8usiness, defined asjor�rofit (nominated by toca] business organizations eadlor businas tradc associations - attach yuur nomiaatian tetter): � Business owntt, cUief exccutive or operating offiur, and other exccutive or employer with optimum policyraakiag or hiring authority O Rcpceseut business with employment opportunities that reflcct the local area Also ple�se indicate if you represcnt: O Isrgc business �E small busincss (fcwer [hen 500 empioyees) �.�� � ��� � Communiry-Based Organizations,defirtedatuoeprofuorganizalions: (/ �z��� �� � Representativo of communitics or significent segments ofeommunities providing�ob hait � g Q Aganey serving youth 4 Ageacy serving disptaced homemakers _ � Union-rclated organize[3on U Employer-related noaprofit organization O Organizadon serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govctnmcnt O Agency repraenting veterans ❑ Agrncy represtrrting individuals with disabilities 0 Othcr: Economie bevelopment Agency: ❑ Private Sector p Public Sectar Educatron (nominated by regionel or local educationai ageacies, institutions, or organiutions rcpresenting such loca! educationa( entities • attach your nomineNon letter): ❑ Local educationa2 entities (including K-12) O Localschooihoards ❑ Entities providing adult education andliteracy accivities ❑ Postsxondary educarional instimtions O Other: _ Lu6or O Nominated by rccognized state and/or ]aal labor fedeTatinns (attsch your nominafion Setter) One-Srop Workforce CenterPartners(deftned as the ptutners that earty ovt the fotlowing activities/programs): � Adu1t, Dislocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Cocps, Native Ameriean and Vetcrans' Workforce (WIA Title ]) Q Wagner-Peyser Act � Adult Educazion and Literacy (W1A Tide II) 0 Vocational ftehabilitation (Kehabiiitation Act Title I) 0 Weffaze-to-Work Programs (Social Scetuity Act) O Senior Communiry Sorvice Employmtnt (Titic V of the Oldcr Americaas Act) ❑ Postsxondary Education (Cazl D. Perkias Vocational and Applied Tahnology Education Act) ❑ Tradc Adjustment Assistsnce {TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trede Act of 1974 TitIc II) t] Local Veterens' Employment Represcntatives aad Disnblcd Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Communiry Services Block Grant ❑ Depaitment of Housing and Urban I1eveIopmcnt Av�l a, 2� TOTAL P.03 .,Application �✓����� Page 1 of 2 60 - � �� � , l.�a�'e.rS Tuesday 16th of May 2000 0331:50 AM R Consolidated Program Workforce Investment MAY 1 9 ZO�JO Board Membership Application en►Vf1R'. n�Fir Address ��1600 Universiry Avenue, Sui[e 4 St. PauININ/Ramiey/i5104 skills, training and experience do you possess for Norkforce Investment Board hIembership? �nt of �00 member Midway Chamber of Commerce, whose number one priority is he(ping employers £nd and retain a ��vorkforce; also servin� as Presidznt of Employer Solutions, Inc., an or�anization founded by Chambers ro connect yers ���ith govemment, nonprofit and for profit recruitment and retzntion resources. Board member of Communiry of term interested in:ll( One Year a Veteran? ��[ No Reasons for }�our in[erest in serving on the �Vorkforce Investment Board: Y(y daily work is largely involved in workforce issues, both at the Chamber and at Employer Solutions. I hear on a near �ourly basis, storizs of how employers arz shuggling and succeeding in this difficult labor environment. In addition, throu�h ny near 3 years of work with the Community Employment Parcnership, [ have gained a greater undzatanding of the challenees facine some of the unemoloyed and underemployed in our communiry. Both perspectives are needed on the �VIB. Business, defined as for-profit [x)Businzss o�sner, chief executive or opzrating officer, and other executive or employer �vith optimum policymakin� or hiring authoriry ( 1Reoresent businzss with employment opportunities that reflect the local area indicate the business }•ou represent: [ Small 'ommunity-Based Organizations (defined as private, nonprofi[ organizations): ]Represzntative of communities or significant se�ments of communities providingjob training )Agency szrving youth ]Agenty sen�ing displaced homemakers ]Union-related organization � ]Employer-related nonprofit organization jOrganization serving non-reservation [ndian and tribal government ]Agency representing vetzrans laoencv renresentino individuals wi[h disabilities ment Aeency: f 1Privare Secror f lPublic Sector )Local educational en[ities (including K-12) ]Local school boa:ds ]Entities providing adult education and lireracy activities ]Postsecondary educational institutions stare and local lahor �ne-S[op 1Vorkforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the following ac[ivities/programs): ]Adult, Dislocated Worker, YoutS, Job Corps, Native American & Vererans' �Vorkforee (WI.4 Title I) ] Wagner-Peyser Act ]Adult Educztion and Literaty (�VIA Tide Iq ]Vocationa{ Rehabititation (Rehabititation Act Title I) ]Welfarz-ro-lVOCk Pmgram; (Social Security Ac[) ]Senior Community Service EmploymznC (T�tle V of the O(der Americans Act) ]Postszcondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational & Applied "Cechnotogy Education AcC) ]Trade Adjuscment Assistance (TAA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197� Tfde II) ]Local Vererans' Employment Representatives and Disab(ed Veterans Outreach (Tide 38, U.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Grant ]Department of Housing and Urban Development iSrare Unemolovment Comoensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) filz://C:\W INDO\4'S\TEMP\Ellen Watters.html 5/ 18�00 Application l.� ' ��-�} Y� Page 2 of 2 6�-�6q fi Iz.!/C:\ W[N D01VS\TE�1PtEllen�Vatters.html 5/ l 8.'00 , MAY-12-2000 08�27 SAINT PAUL ARER CHAM3eR 612 223 5119 P.07i09 . . _ ao-G�`l Corrsatidated.t'�ogram WorkjorcelnveStmeniBoard (YYIB) ��, Me�nbershrp Application MAY 15 200Q Home Street City Wh2t skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? ��r...P l a+ r�n a eY r�.�t�e� e�..., �.)��n �)r�,v� ��11 at�aJ � � �ne a� �.-�-�v� r��r T,engih of initiai term you are interested in' one-yeaz,� Are you a Veteran?: O Yes ut"No � Counry v Zip two-year _ Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various cs�tegories as detaffed on the Consofidared P�ogram Workforce Inves(rxent Board (WIBJ Categary ,Uescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Pleate indicate, on the reverse side, Ihe category or categories you ean represent on the WTB. Mail o'r Faz your VS�IB�Mgarti;er'�hip App]iCatiOri=to: ' Bonnie.Tnckelen, ChiefClerk-.Counryl3onrc� Suite 250, IS West.ICellbgg:Boulev�d, SaintPaul,-Mnnesota 55101 (Fax: 651-266-8039; Rhone; 651-266=8014). Applieations must be reteived by Mny 1l, 20D0: W e will l�old tWO orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are � Thursday, Junc 2Z (8:00 to 10:�0 a.m.) or Tuesdap, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members attend one of these two sessions_ Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We expect titat appl icants will be officially notified mid•June on the status of their application. Thunk you for youz interest. T4¢ infnrMUtiox nn t/�Ec app/icario�i wit! be «tedto avaluate andseleef inembe�t ofllle WIB. Applioturu may rtfuse ta supp/y !Lr requesled iu jurmaciun. Eccept jar vo�untary inJarmation, lioweve�, die jaiiure to camp�ere tlee epplication �rray rerulr in it bei�+� dis�ardcd. Fliis rlata niay bt reviewed rtnd ured by Ranuey Counry anrl Saixl Paul staJf. Tl�e data on 111i<pagc arzd fhe reverse strle is public and, tl�ucjore, availcbie ro rlie public. For OfCice Use only Commissioncr Aistricr Planning Distria Councit City Council Ward Apd( a. 200U (OYER) MAY-12-2020 08�2? SRINT PFU� ARER CHqMHcR 612 223 5119 P.08i09 Consofidated Program rVorkforcelnvesYment,8oard (WIB) ' ����' Categnry Descriptions ,�j. � �� D� "� 6 � �� Tf you are applying far $usiness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your annlicution as described below. Bccriness, defined as for prvfit (nomina�ed by local business organizations and/or business �rade associacions - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Busincss owncr, chief execu�ive or operating o�cer, and other executive or employer with optimum �olicymakirtg or hiring authoriry l� Represent business wich employment oppottunities that reflect the locai area Also please indica�e if you represenc: �'large business O smal� business (fewer [han 500 employees) Commuxiry-Based Orgarrizations, defined as aonp�of�t arganizatfons: O Represencacive of communicies oc significant seamenu of communities providin� job [raining ❑ Agencysecvingyouth _ � Q A;ency serVing displaced homemake�s � Union-related organization O Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonres�cva[ion Indian and nibal governmenc O Agency representing veterans O Agency reptesanting individuals with disabilities 0 Other: Economic Development Agency: � Private Sector O Publie Sector Education (nominated by regiona! or local educational agencies, ins:itutions, or organizations rcpresenting such local educazional entities - attach your nomiaation letter): G Lo�al educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Localschoolboards � G Entities providing aduft education and lite�acy activities � O Postsecondary eduoational institutions � 0 Other: Labor Q Nominated by recognized state and/or tocal tabor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Srop GYor�orce Cenrer Parmers (defined as the partcters that carry out the foflowing activicies/programs): Q Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and VeLerars' Workforce {WIA Ti[1e 1) O G � � O G � 0 G G ` Wagaer-Peyser Act Adul[ Education and L�ieracy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation ActTitle I) Welfate•to-Work programs ($ocia} Security Act) Senior Community Service Employmenc (Title V of the Older Americans Rct) Postseeondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Teehnology Edacation Act) Trade Adjustmen[ Assistance (TAA} and NAFTA TAA (frade Act of 1974 Title lI) Loca! Veterans' Employmenc Representatives and Disabled Vccerans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Stock Grant DepaRment of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensatiort Laws (in accordance with appticablc f:dcral law) MqY-12-2000 08�28 Nane: � I o y� Place of Employmenc. Work Address: . � c SAINT PRUL RRER CHRMBER E12 223 5119 P.e��as Consolidated Pros�am Workforce I+:vestment Board (WIB) Membership Applicatioa Private Infornfatioi: � � _ �0�2 l S D� � S1-• �'a�I �5I � Ciry Counry Zip Te,ephone Number: (Work) � S� ` I - �5�7 (Honie) �n SI -� � y �f7��a.x� � sl- 3l � "a ° g6 E-Mail Job Titl Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address., Phone:L 2) Name: Address: Phone;(Homel (O l� - �'�3 Fi-- 93rF� are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? rwoxk� �o �a - (� �.� - aa ta v lWo*kl n���} � � e.,��,1�,v.. -�, „J n,l.. ,,.>,-Fe. e-�-�-v Ca�,M ru.U-� � ae.� �� Opllonai: n an a ttempt to e tha Board represcntztion teflects the makeup of our commtinity, knowlede.° of the followip9 information is helpful. However, completion of this informatio� is volun�ary. White (Cauczsian) ��_ Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Is;ander Other Male: ❑ Female: �! Aisabied: ❑ Yes Q No i' If special accommodations are needed, pltase specify:_ Tl�e i�rJoru,rnio�� o�� rGts applicarinn �vi!( be rrscd fo evnluate �udselecr mentbers oJrlie SYlD. .lpplrcrnur i�m�• �cfuse ro s+ippl,r Urr re��rcsfcd iujnrnmrion. .Eeetptjor valru�frrrp luJunualio��, /ioNtvu. /6CJtti/trre to Coit�plele drtnpn/rCa(ioir nm�• reeirlf i�r i1 beiu� rti�crr�derL Thia d�rta aeuy he revierved nnd uted b�� Ru�nz¢y Comiry �rnd Sai�u Pnul sla TGe dni� o�r d�is yu�e is p�rvrrrt. April d. _UUU TOTRL P.O� . rl 7� n�n 1 f� �,`'-� G-�-• �t � n,� m wr4nn (1/1 ��`F a Cosuotidated Program 6Yorkforce Irrvestment Board {iYIB) Membersliip Applicatio�: Richard Grigos Home Address: �02 Fairmount ave. , St. Paul Street City 00 �CGq 551 County Zip �Vhat skills, trainin� and e�perience do you possess for �VIB membership? As Resource Development Director I have worked to develop er�nlovment—related programs for youth. For the past two years I have served on the St. Paul Workforce Development Council serving on the Board Executive Committee, Youth Coaunitl�e,__z-�d other committees. Personally, I have mentored an at—risk youth on employment issues. _ Len�th of initial term you are interested in: one-year Are you a Veteran?: 0 Yes �kNo rivo-year X Ramse�� Count}' �lnd the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent �•lrious cateaories as detailed on the Coi:solidated Program lYorbforce Lzvesb�teirt Board (tiVIB) Cate�ory Descriptions form on the re��erse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the categon' or categories ti�ou c�n represen on thc �VIB. Mail or Fax }•our �VIB Nlembership Application to: Bonnie Juckelen, Chief Clerk - Courtty Boarcf, Suite ?.i0, l.i bi'est Kellogg Bou?erard. Scrint Prrul, tLlirit72sota .i.i 103 (Fax: 6� 1-2GG-8039; P{rone: G.i 1-266-5014). Applications n:ust be receiti�ed by Nlay 12, 2000. We ��ill hnld rivo orientation sessions for members �vho are aopointed to th: �1'[B. These sessions are � Tltuc•sda}�, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 �.m.) or Tuesd�y, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). �Ve 1sk that meir.bers attend one of these t�vo seisions. Please reserve these dates on your cal endac 1\`e e�pect that app(icents «ill be officially notified mid-June on the status of their app(ication. Th1n1: y�ou for y'our interest. The i�rfunn�rtiai n�� this «pplicaliat a�ifl be used to evnluate m�d select u�enrbers oJ1he I3'!B. .4pptinn:ts trurn refi+sr to s:epplr t ,•«<«<.,r<<� ;�rr���„�trr�,,,. e.«<�r f�� ,•�r�r„r�,�,• �„f��„:«r�o,,, liou•erer, tGe failure to cmttplet2 dte «pplicatinit �uqP resrrlt ir. ir hrr discrrrr/rd. T/�is rlrure mnt• he rei•iea•ed aud taerl bt' Rren:set' Couit�}• rmrl Sai��t Puut sta Tl�r da�a at this pa�e mrd t/�e rc i�ersr s� is paGlic �tnd 1/terefore, av�ti(able [o t6r puGlic. For Ot7'icc Use onh Coinmissioner District � Plannin� District Council Cin Council lVard April 4. ?UUt1 (04'ERJ Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (fVIB) Category Descriptior:s dr��oS �o-�G9 If }�ou nre npplyina for Business, Education, or Labor positions, piease attach a nominition letter to }'o application ns described belotiv. .................................................................................... Business, defined as for pi•ofit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - lttach }-our nomination letter): G Business o«'nzr, chief executive or operatin� oEficer, and other executivz or emp(oyer with optimum policymakin� or hirin� authority C1 Represent businzss with employmen[ oppoRimities that reflect the local area Also ptease indicate if you represen!: O targe business O smal! business (fewer than 500 emplo}�� Contn�ea�itr-P�nsed Orgnni_ations, defined ns uonprofrt organi>crtions: ❑['jepresentltive of communities or si�nificant se�ments of communities providin� job trlinin� ��A�enc}' servin� youth 0 A�zncy sen•in� displaced homemakers ❑ Union-relatzd oroanization CI Employer-related nonprofi[ or�anization ❑ Or�anization serving nonrzservation Indian and tribal government ❑ A�enc}' representin� veterans ❑ ARency representin� individuals with disabilities C� Other: Economic Derelopment Agency: ❑ Prira[e Secror ❑ Public Sec[or Educc�tior� (nominated by re�ional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or oreanizations representina sucl Ioca! educational entities - attach }�otir nomination letter): ❑ Local educational entities (includin� K-12) ❑ Local school boarcis CI L-n[i[ies providin� adult education and literacy activities Cl Pos[secondary educational institutions CI O[her: Laba- C! \ominated by reco�nized scate and/or local (abor federations (attach your nomination letter) Onc-S7op 1� i�rk/a•ce Cen�er Pcu•tners (deEined as the partners that carry out the follo«'ina activi[ies/programs) ❑ Adul[, Dislocated �1'orker. You[h, Job Corps, Na[ive American and Vetenns�\\'orl:force (« <:� T�� O 1�'agnzr-Peyser Ac[ =I Adult Education and Literac}� (NIA Title II) U\'ocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitaiion Act Title I) ❑ �J G G ❑ Cl ❑ Dzparmient of Housing and Urban Development Q S[ate Unzmployment Compensation La�rs (in accordance with applicable iedzral Ici�� ) tiYelFare-to-�Vork Programs (Social Security Act} Se�iior Communih• Ser�•icz Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Pos[secondary Gducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technolo�}� Education A��) Trade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) and NAFTA TAA ("frade Act of 197�1 Title ll) Locaf Veczrans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outrzadi (Title 38, U.S.C�) Communitv Services Block Grant Consolidated Pro�ran: Worbforce Investinent Board (1VIB) tblembership Application Private L:fornration �50 -C6q Iv`ame: Richard Gri os Place of Employment: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities bVork Address Telephone �`umber: 2575 University Avenue West St. Paul Rzmsey 55114 Stree[ Ciry Counn Zip (�Vork) 651-967-1110 �H� 651-225-8132 �Fp„i� 651-967-1101 E-Vlail Address: rgrigos@bovsand Qir1s orQ __— _ Job Title: Vice President-Finance Personal References (include arza code) 1) Name: Richard Hanson, 3� - Directoi of na,�.��.•• 3�I Center B1dQ. 591-30-02, St. Paul Affairs rPI 55144-1000 Phone:(Homel (�Vorkl 651-733-8335 2) Name: Commander Jose h Mollner - St. Paul Police De�artment 100 E. Eleventh St., St. Paul, rN, 55101 Phone:(Homel �Vhat are your reasons for wanting to serve on the tiVIB? (��'orkl 651-292-3615 The WIB will play a key role in meeting the needs of employers while helping at-risk individuals become more self-sufficient From a professional viewpoint, this is consi5tent with the Boys & Girls Club's mission. As a member oi the St. Paul Sdorkforce Council, I hve developed espertise I wish to put to use. Optia:n[: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, I:no�� 1ed_ of the foilo�rins information is helpful. However, completion of this information is �oluntaR. � White (Caucasian) B(ack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Vlale: G`] Female: ❑ Disabled: G Yes G No If spzcial accommodations are needzd. p!ease specify:_ Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Tlee irtfonrrativn on l6is trpp(icatio�� a•i(! be ��sed tu evalunte a�id se[ect mea�bers of tlie LV16. .-fpplicauu nrc�r reft�se to suppi'. reqrresterl i��j�innatio�t. E.ccept fnr rn/urrrurr iujurn�aria��. l�oivever. t1�e jailrvr w comp(rtr d�� applicurinu n�ur res«(t in it he: /ISC�vd�d. ��ItA :liffu I�tuC b revi���•e:( �eud usr�( b �� Rann�er ! uud.S��r+rt P:reri ,«r7': `:: i;rr�� �,,, •��;� q,�,� r.c n�i��at��. hi?'t- 8-�0 MG�! (2:14 P��i l:dONG I�ti P�,C ASS FAX N0, i782413 ' F. 3 Consolidarcd Program Workforce Invest�reent Board (WIB) Memberskip Application 1V'hat skills, training and experiEnce do you possess for WIB membership? r� Length of initi2l tetm you are interested in: Are you a Veteran?: O Yes od No one-year ✓ two-year� � . 06 -6�4 R�c�����o �;'l�Y () �i ���.. Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paui are recruiting individuxls to represent various categories as detaS]ed on the Consolidated Program Warkjorce Irivestment:8oartl(WIB) Category Descripaons form on the reverse of this page. Ptease indicate, on thereverse side, the category or categories you can repretent on the R'LB. � - $otrnie Jackele. 55lQ2 (Fax: .,.• emtiership �.ppiicatidn�tc T.$. ? -,°,_==� "• �rY. ;�;Gofr»ry Boa"rd, �Sfiite"� �; Phone:� 651-266-801 �1). � =:k::��y����� ' -.'�; : V.k;;rs. rc�:: : -.`:::;::::'z ''� : }'^�>..�'.S,^'r�.:'j: �. ' il:.' .ti?�. ivard, Saint P�cuil,=°Minfikso(a �:::,,:: � ;::.: . : !ved by May •� �. We wilt hold two orientation sessions for mcmbcrs w'ho are appointed to the \VIB. ?hase sessioas are � Thursday, June Z2 (3:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or 7uesday, J¢ne 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask ihat members atcend one of these rnro se5sions. Pk.ase reserve these dates on your calendar. We expcct that app!icaacs «,�� be officially notified mid-7ur.e on �he status of their application. � Thank you Cor your interest. The infarmalion on 16is applicatia� �y��� be usel to evaluate and sefecl members oJihe WIB. Applicar.ts may �ejuse to suppl�' �'% rzquested ir.jormation. fxeeptjorvoluntaq ittformatior.,Covn p a�dsl rtePauinall T t dataa�lk�rpageandt 4 e�c+e rses; � 't dEsearded 76is da[a .r�ay be �wiewed and used by Ramsey 1 1' is public and, therejore, availa6le to tke pu6lie. For OfGce Ttse only Coaunissioner Discrict Ptanning District Council Ciry' Countii Ward Apri; 4, 2000 (OVERJ hiA`( 8-GO h�'GN 12� l5 F�+i 3:�i0NG MiI P?,� �SS FAk h0. 7782413 �ng ConsofidatedPragram f3'or�forcelnvestmentBoard (YYIB) Category Descriptions F. � T �!e r r da�`�`� IC you are apptying for Business, Educatton, or Labor positions, please aitach a nomination letter to your a plication as described below. Business, defined as jor profit (nominated by local besiness orgzn:zations and(or business trade associarions - attach your nomination letter): O Business owner, chief execurive or operating officer, xnd ofner execurive or cniployer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority O Represent business with employment oppottuniries that reflect the tocel erea Also please indicate ifyou represens: O lazge business O smal] business (fewer than 500 employees) Comma�niry-Based Organizarions, defined as nonprofit organixafions: fl Representarive of communities or signific2nt segments of communities providing job trauiing � Agency serving youth ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers d Union-related organization ❑ Employer-related nonprofit orgz^ization � Organizarion secving nonreservation Tndian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans � Agency repre enring in wich disabilities � Other: %�� >'�zp � �� Economic Developmen! fSgency: 0 Private Sector O k'ublic Sector X'ducation (nominated by regional or local educationa� agencies, institu� ons, or organizations representing such loczl educahonal en!ities - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boards ❑ Entities pro��ding adult educatio� and literacy activi±ies Q Postsecondary educationat insti!vtiorts ❑ Other. Lahor G Nominated by recognized sta,e and/or locz] labor federa;iors (xttach your nomination letter) One-Slop Workforce Center Pariners (deitned as che parmers that cz .ry ou*. the following acrivities/progrems): Q Adult, Aislocated Worker, Youin, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title Il ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Q Adult Education and Literacy (lY1A Title In p Vocation�l Rehabilitarion (Rehzbilitation ActTitle n a ❑ 0 ❑ ❑ n O Department of Fiousing and Urban Development ❑ State Unemployment Compensation Lzws (in accordzncz witn epplica�le federal law) Welfare-to-Work Progrzms (Soci�i Security Act) Senior Communiry Sen,�ce Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Ed��cation (Carl D. Perkins Vocationa a�� Applied Techr,ology Education Act) ?rade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Titie In Local Veterans' EmploymentRepresentatives andDisabled Veterans Ouheach (Title 38,TJ.S.C.) Commt:niry Services Block Gran: hi�l'(— & MG�i l[� l3 F4i ;criOi�G hi�( PAC �SS f�X h0. •i7�241j F. 2' Cattsolidated Yrvgram Woskforce Invutmeni Boa�d (Ii'IB) Membership.4pplication P�ivate Informa6an . Piace Work 6b��6�t TelephoneIr'umber: (Work)�S�1�7����� (Home)./f'/--�-�5�1(FAX)�f�—��k`���� E-?vlail Address: Job Title: ,���'��°``�� ���'��'� Pecsonal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address Phone:� 2) Name: Address: Phone:�t-Tomel lds�l �3�� ��� � What ar�your reasons for wanting�o serve on the WTB? / r / (Work �05�/— z-7i�.- `�3 � �° - r Oplionn7: In an zttempi to ensure that $oard representation reftects ine m2'�eup of our community, kno�v e�S� of the following information is heipfu!. However, comQletion o� this in�orriz:ion is roluntary. Whlte (Cauca9ian) Black (African �nerican) American Indian or Alzskan Eskimo �I212 4d i ❑ Disebled: Cl Yes � anic Asian or Pacific Is'.2ndec _�o If specizl accommod2tio�5 2re needed, please speci:y: J� The inJ�rmntion on this application wi[f be used to evaluole and selrct �nembera ojthe 11'!G. AppGcants nrayTeJuse io s�'i'�`? reyuesYed in jormalion. Ezcepc j ar voluntary infonr+ation, kowever, S Pau! staff. Th<_ da�a �on�hls page ts p��•e��i: bc:r. discarded This data mQy be re�ie+yed and used by Ram.sey Couaty Anril4, 20W 1„me� (Workl �J�`'�'� �° _ 05/11/2008 12:15 6512224581 i Name: Home Address CATHOLIC CHARITIES Consolidated Program Workjorce Invesfinenl,8oard (W7,8) Membership Applica6on Stree[ What skills, tcaining and experience do �� Lengih of initial term you are interested in: one-year Ase you a Veteran?: O Yes �No !� � PAGt 02 60 -��q �� � Zip.. L/ Ramsey County xnd the City of Saint �'aul are recruiting 9ndividuals to represent various categories as detailed on the ConsolidatedProgrrzm Tf'orkforcelnvestment.$oa�rl (WI$) Cate�oryDescriptinns form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can re�resent on the WT�. � We will hold lwo o: sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. Tnese sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 fo 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June zl (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members � attznd one o£these t�vo sessions. Please res.rve these dates an your calendar. We espze[ th2t applicants �4'iil be officizlly notified mid-June on the status of their applicztioc. Thxnk you for your interest. Xice irtformatiort on this npplicafion ivill be used to evaluate and selecl members oJfhe WIB. Applicantsmay rejuse [o suppt� the requested injormation. EYCepf jor voluntary injoimalion, ho�vever� ihe failure to complete Ihe applicatian may resvlt in it being discarded Tkis data neay be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Pau! staJf. The data oR this poge and the rererse siGe is pub(ic and, fherefore, avai(oble [o [ke pu6lic. �'or Otfice L(se onl}' Coavnissioner District Planning DisU Council City �i'� membership? two-year X Ci:}� Courcil Ward Aprit4,2000 (DYER) 05/11/2000 12:15 65122245B1 CATHOLIC CHARITIES PAGE 03 - Jan�s� F Sn��� Consatidated,Program Wo�kforcelnvesYment,8o¢rd (WIB) �� _6�� Caregory Descriptions If you are app]ying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, piease attach a nomination Ietter to your ap lication as described below. Business, defined as jor profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): O�usiness owner, chief execurive or opeeating officer, and other executive or empioyer with opfimum policymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business with employmeni oppoRuniRes that reflect the local azea Also pleese indicate ifyou tepresent: O lazge business O smal! business (fewer than 500 employees} Conrntuniry-Based Organizations, definzd as nonprofet organizations: �f Representarive of communities or significant segments of communities providing job haiiung $f Agency serving youth � Agenry serving displaced homemakers O Union-related organizarion ❑ �mpioyer-related nonprofit organizarion Q Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govemm�nt � Agency representing veterans � Agency epresenti in roiduals�n th dis ❑ Other. �fkt .S'�.e�r ��'D-�IdlCn.a) IA-e���c� Economic,t?evelopment Agency: Q Private Sector O Public Sector Educarion (nominated by regional or loc�l educationa! agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such 1oc21 educ2tional entiries-attachyournomination letter): Q I.oca] educarional entities (including IC-12} Q Local school boards • C] Entiqes providin3 adult education and literacy activiries Q PostsecondaJy educational institutions . L] Other: Labor ❑ Nominzted by recognized state end/or local labor federations (attach your nominatiori letter) One-Stop Workforce CenlcrPnrtners (defined as the partners fhat cany out the following activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, 7ob Co:ps, Iv'ative Amzrican and Veterans' Workforce (WTA T'itie T) O Wagner-Peyser Act • O O O ❑ ❑ C7 ❑ ❑ ❑ D Adult Education and Literacy (WJA Title 7!) ' Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabititation Act Title n , Welfare-to-Work Programs {Socizl Securiry Act) Senior Community Service $mployment (Title V of the Older f�,mericans Act) Postsecond�y Education (Cazl D, perkfns Vocational and Applied Technology EducaSon Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Irade Act of 1974 Title Il} S,ocal Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S,C.� Communiry Services Block Grant bepartment of Housing and Urban Development � State Unemp(oyment Compensation Laws (in acCOrdance with ap�licable federal law) 05/11/2000 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITIES CoxsolidatedProgram WorkforcelnvestmenfBoa�d (WIB) , Memberskip �pplicalion , � _ PrivateTnformation Place Work Address: PAGE 04 0� � Street City County Zip TelephoneNumber: (Wo,k}�S�'��5'`���- (Home) ��l'�Z���� (g��e�/;? E-2v1ai1 Address: " Job ��� / ��, Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: YW-�dRl �� �L ` �SC . t Address: d' � ltl. ' , dco� s�'tcl � Phone: ome (Wor'�l �`�"�� ~ 63�� 2) Name: V '" U, u«L� I Address: J� t..t. � S �"t� �� �� Phone:(Homel What re y u reasons fot w ting to serve on the � -}- �'�1Tt'f� �Cl�vxWYt� � Du`�l`COtzI,;KLl�fW�6�l5' 17� llJ� �� f3, Optionnl: In 2z a[;empt to ensure that Board representation reflects thz makeup of our community, kno�vledge ef the £o(lowing in:o�nation is helpfi:l. F�owever, completion of this information is voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Hispznic �lack (African American) Asian or PaciSe Is?ander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male � F'emal� O Disablec: pl'es ❑No IFspecial accemmodations are needed, please specify:. 7f�e i� fo�malion on fhis application x•il! bc used ta evaluaf� and selecl mern6ers ojihe lY7B. Applicants may rejure to su(p(< «' requesYeJ informatian. Fxcept jor volun(ary informatiort, /�oweve�, tkefaiture lo tomplete tne appffcation rnay result i,+ i1 h.=i�; disca�ded ?his data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey Counly anJ Sainf Paul Sfajf. The dnta on this pvge 'u pri ratr. �Workl ��f � 02�1�{ �� . Fl,nri14,200U - - � Consolidated Program Workjorcelnvestment.8oa�d (WIB) Membership Application Private Ittformation Street � ���.�r'/� �L�'�t/Ch� • Name: . Place of Employment: ���,aui �i6/� GhQO/s Work � ZSb — ��`� Zip Telephone Number: (Work) /'�3 ��"�'/3 (Home) �1'l'�-6'0/9 (FA� � ) �3 - .5507 E Address:_ ,Pi// LY,vo/, � �Sf�Ps, or� 7ob Title: �% �y�n�i' % .Sc�io�/ � Fv�U•eE Personal References (include area code) // . :.: � . Address:_360 Col�rr�e �"7'�.�t/�. I7'�1N. ,�s5/fl � Phone:fHome) � (Workl �L� 7� SZ l.� 3 2) Name: /l�s. �m.� ��E.�bms�N Address:_ �f�� l�2 �,r,' � /9� �T� /J7N. .i�/o/ Phone:fHome) �Vhat are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? (Workl Z10�/�/r'6 Z,sE�i�vE ir is ��n�.CTA>✓T FG�e YNE ST��iG T�u6/c Sc%o/s Ta r;� ,2eor,� sosri7�� o,d �fi. t�e��s G�i,vr� o s D.t.�orlv�/� '_ � _ i'o/z ssrr,a�,�✓rs wl�o /ro .n oa,�. �iSr ,�d Z.��u��E' Tf�i _TLL.ilil�� lldf/� .PP,/J/JJlOifT6YY']A/ �- Lwih y1l/lT -ft/v�C �«ni.�irl L.o rriiAG�:S o,✓ �rs '� OptionnL• In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge of the following information is helpful. Fiowever, completion of this infonnation is voluntary. �White (Caucasian) _ Black (African American) _ Americazi Indian or Alaska�i Eskimo Male: �' Female: ❑ Disabled: Q Yes ❑ No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander If specidl accommodauons aze needed, plcase specify: /YOit/E The infurmarinn nn t/tic upplicatinn rvi1! be trsed ta evafi�ate nnd selee! �nembr�s ojl/re WI� Applicmus nray reJirse io Supply I/re requested irrfurmatinn. Except for vofufilary i+rformalion, however, thejallurr �o eomplere t/te upplicarinn nray result in ir bcing dircarded Tlei� data may be reviewed and tued by Ran�sey Counry and Saix[ Paal stajf. The dma an dris page is private. � I,= .�'fl Cansolidated Program Workjorce Investment Boa�d (W!B) Membersltip Application � Q — � � � �Vhat skilts, training and experience do you po5sess for WIB membership? - %/ / . /,✓/ I � �� i . i i� � i �l � � � � �%/ !.�/ �i � I I . �i I� /�i � /� � � �//l! i�v S�e. /fs. — Length of initial term you are interested in: on�yeaz Are you a Veteran?: O Yes C�}'�o ,sT 6ZS two-year t� Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paui are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolutaterl Program Workforcetnvestment Board ({YIB) Categorybescriptivns form on � the reverse o£ this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the VVTB. Mait or Fax your �V.IB Membership Application to: Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - Cosrnty Board, Suite 250, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Mnnesotn � i10? (Fax: 651-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-8014J. Applications must be received by May 12, 200�. We wi11 hold two orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the �VIB. These sessions ace � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members attend one of thesc two sessions. Ptease reserve these dates ort your calendar. �Ve expect that applicants will be o�cially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thonk you for your interest. Tlfe injorm�r�ion a,r rhis applicatron will be rrsed to evatuate and select n:enrbers of Ote WI6. Applicmits nray rejuse 10 supplv /�+� requesred infnrmatio�7. ,Eccept for volunlary L�formatiaa, J+awever, tAe jaitr�re to comptete Ure apptication nray resutt itt it being discarded. Tlrisdntamaybe�evlewednndutedbyRamseyCounryandSaimPrrufttajf. ThednraontliispagcmiQflfereverseside is pablic and, d�erejore, uvnifab(e In t/re pubfic For Office Usc only � Commissioner District Planning Disttia Counci( City Council Ward April 4, 2000 (OVERJ ,90'd �y101 Consolidated Program Workforce Investmenc Bnard (WXB) Category Descriptions � � �► - • If you are applyino for Business, Education, or Labor positions, ptease attach a nomination letter to �•our annlica6on as described bctow. Business, defned asjor-profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): d Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and ocher executive or employer with optimum policymakin� or hiring authority 0 Represent business with employment opportunities thac reflect the loca( area Also please indicate ifyou represent: O lazge business O smal] business (fewer than 500 emplo�•ees) Community-$ased Organizations, defined as noxprafit organizotions: O Ftepresentative of communities or significant segments of communities providing job training ❑ Agency serving youch O Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization 0 Employer-re(ated nonprofit organization � Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government 0 Agency representing veterans Cl Agency representing individuals with disabilities Q Other: _ Ecor+omic Development Agency: O Private Sector 0 Public Sector Education (nominated by regiona( or locai educationa! agcncics, inriitutions, or organizations representing such local educat�i naI entities - attach your nomination letter): CB'f,oeal educationa( entities (ineluding K-12) q Local school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities � Postsecondary educational institutions Q Other: La6or d Nominated by recogni2ed state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Sro� � 0 O Q ❑ d n ❑ Q � Q ❑ Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out che following activities/programs): Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Cocps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title 1) Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title lI) Vocational Rehabititation (Rehabilitation Act Titte I) ,. . Wetfare-to-Work Programs (Social Securiry Act) Senior Community Service Employmcnt (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Posuecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocationai and Applied Technology Education Act} Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title Il) Local Veterans' Employmeat Representativcs and Disabled Veterans Outreach jTitle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Department of Housing and Urban Deveiopment Statc Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accocdance u-ith applicable federa! law) r MRY-12-2002 Q8�42 ST. PRUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.02i06 • _ _ Consolidafed Progr¢m Workfo�ce,lnvesftnent Bottrd (WIB) ��C��V�� DO -� �' � tidembershipApplication MAY 15 2000 N2me: Doaovan Schvichcer.berg MAYOR�S OFFICE Home Address: 6621 Biscavne Blvd. Edina 55436 Street City County Zip What skitls, training and exoerience do you possess for WIB membership? I have a backKround in vocational education and have served as che head of both N_inneapolis and St. Paul 2echnical College. I have experience in de- velopinR educational proQrams for adults and vouth and have served in a leadershiv role in cuseomized traininQ• I am presentlY serving on the Saint Pau1 Workforce Development Council. � Len�th of initia] term you are interested in: one-yeaz _ Are vou a Veteran?: � Yes D No two-year X �tamsey County and the City o! Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on Yhe Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Cntegory Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the �VIS. Mail or Xsx }•our WIB NZembership Application to: Bonnie lackelen, ChieJClerk - Counry Board, Suite 150, 1� West Kellogg Bou2evard, Saint Paul, tllinnesota �5101(Fc�x: 6�1-366-8039; Phone: 651-266-8014). App[ieatioxs ntust be received 6y May 12, Z000. We will hoid hvo orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the 1VIB. These sessions are � 'Ihursday, June 22 (5:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). R�e ask that members attend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calenda:. We e�pect that applicants will bz officially notified mid-Inne on the status of their zpplication. Thank you for your interest. The irejnrntaiiore mt tkis «pplicatia� will bC t�5¢J �o evRluafe and Sele[t irtember5 Of llte WIB. A7plicmrls ntrty �efi+se fo strppli' Il+r req�te5fed ittfOrnt4fi01t. L•rC¢jl! j0� VOt�qtt[try injormatioit, 6owever, 1he fai7nre ro complete the applicarion n+ay test+/t iir i1 bei�r; d'acurdrrf. Tliis data �uny be rcviewed and ttsed bp Rrsnssey Cotnrry and Saint PrW1 staff. Tke daln ort dtis prre e and t/+e reve�se side is pirbtic «irr1, tloerejore, avai(able to the public. For Office L'se only Commissio�er Discrict /�pri; 4. ?000 Ptannin� District Councif (OYER) City CounciV Ward MAY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i06 � - Consolidated Pro�ram Workforce L:vestment Board (WI,B) � _�(, q etifembership Application ,Privafe .l+:formafioiz Name: Donovau SchvichtenberQ Place of Employment: sc. Pau1 Technical Colie�e Work 235 Marshall Avenue St_ Paul Teiephone Number: Street City 55102 Zip (Work) 651-221-1364 (Home) 612-938-0227 (FAX} 651-221-1416 E-MailAddress: Job Title: Pres Personal I2eferences (include area code) 1� 1`Iame: Hovard Guthmsnn Address: 1300 Norwest Center; St. Paul, Minneso�a 55101 Phone:jHome) (��orkl b51-222-1841 2) h2m�: Richard AnfanQ .4ddress: Sc Paul Buildinst Trades Council• 411 Main Street� St Paul Minnesnc�55107 Phone:(Homel What are yout reasons for wanting to serve on the 'WTB? fWork) 651-224�9445 I have an i�terest in heloinR a21 nembers of our sociecy beco�e em�loved in ¢ood jobs I believe it benefits the individual their famllies emplovers and _ society My reasons also are goals of St Paul Technical Co11eRe. I believe I _ can make a valuable contribution to the new organization. Optioi:al: In an attempt to ensure tnat Board representation refleets the makeup of our community, lcnov��led2e of the followino infotmation is helpfuf. However, completion o` this information is voluntary. x White (Caucasian) Black (African Americdn) American Tndizn or Alaskan Eskimo Male: � Female; ❑ Disabled: � Yes O I�Io If specia! accommodations 1re needed, pleaSe speeify:_ Hispanic Asian or Pacific Isl2nder T/�e i�zfarnrafian o�r f/tis applicatio�z ivi!! be+�sed to evulnutr naJselect inenrbers oj11�e WLB. Applicm+n iurq� rrjase ro srrpplr r1�e �equested i�rjomtalinn. C•.rcept jor volunurrti infonua�iarr, lfowever, thefai/erre �o complere tl+e applicutiorr �ffny restrtt i�i ii bci�i,�, discnrded. 7kis tla(rr �1ray be revie�aeJ a�zd usrd b}' Ra�rae}• Caunty ct�:J Srriir! Paerl slaff. Tke data an tLis p�toe it privrrte. .__�.....n� MRY-12-2000 08�48 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i07 �jo-C6 Consolidafed Progrnm Workfarce Irsvesfinenl Board (WIB) . Care Descripiions jj S c h u�� �h ��n k� �" If you 1re applying far Business, �ducation, or Labor positions, please aYtach a nomination leYter to pour annlication as described belo�v. Business, defined as for profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associacions - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and o[her executive or employer with optimum policymakin� or hirino authority ❑ Represent business wi�h employment oppoRUnities chat reflect the local area Also please indic2te if you represent: O large business O small business (fewer chan 500 employees) Commzrniry-Based Organi>arions, defin2d as nonprofit organi=arions: G Representative of communities or significant sesments of communities providing job train'rng ❑ G O 0 ❑ 0 G Agency representing individuals �vith disabitities � Ocher: A�ency serving youth A�ency serving displaced homemakers Union-related organization Employer-related nonprofit or�anization Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government A�ency representing veterans £conomic Development Agency: ❑ Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Eclucnrion (nominated by re�ional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such locai educational entities - attach your nomination Ietter): d Local educationa! entities (includins K-12) G Local school boards G Entities providing adult education and literacy activities �Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Other: Labor G Nominated by recognized sta[e 2nd/or local labor federztions (attach your nomination letter) O�ae-Stop iVorkfo�•ce Center Pm•tners (defined as the pactners that carry out the folfowing activities/pro�rams): G Adut�, Dis(ocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title 1) ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title II) G Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) � We(fare-to-Work Pro�rams (Social Security Acc) G Senior Communi�y Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Voeational and Applied Technology Education Act) ❑ Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and t�tAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197-t Title fl) O Local Vecerans' Emp(oymen� Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) G Comm�mity Secvices Block Grant ❑ Department of Housin� and Urban Development ❑ Sta[e Unemplo�•ment CompensaTion La�vs (in accordance with applicable federai la��•} MAY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PRU� TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.04i06 Q�-C�9 Donovan Lee Schwi.chtenberg, Ph.D. G621 Biscayne Boulec:azd 612-221-1364 (�Y/ozk) Edina, Minnesota 612-93&9227 (Home) Leadership Acknow!ed;ed hioh energy wirh a cleaz zecord of efiecavely managing change in a numbei of organizauons. Demonsuaced leadexship in 6sca1 naaxgement, sc_vice to busincss and industry, pcoblem idenrification and zesolution. Cdlegial management srjle which identifia high e�pectarion ftom stafE and faculry widi resula for she benefic of studencs. Available co all membeis of the Collese and respecced fot his leadcrship throuehout Minnesota State Colleges and Univezices. Ptofessional Presidenc, SL Paul Technical CoLege, St. Paul, Mi�aesota (March 1990-Present) Experience Pcincipal, Hm�rson Alternadve School, MinnespoLs, Minne>oca (1959-199Q) President, Minncapolis Technical College, Minneapo!�s, Minncso:s (1982-1959) Principai, IYfaLShaU-Utuvetsiry High School, Mianeapolis, I�finnesora (1979-1952) Pxincipal, Fzanl:lin J unioc High School, bfinncapolis, Minncsota (1978-1979) Principal, Ramsey Ninth Grade Cencec, MinreapoLs, Minneson (19741978) Assiscant ro East A�ea Super'sntendenc, bSinaeapotis PubGc Scheos (1973-1974) Assistant Principal, Centx�t I-Iigh School, hf:nneapo�s,1� +Lnnesoca (i972-1973) Assisr.�nt Prinupal, Ramsey Junio: High School, �finncapolis, Mirnesota (19G9•1972} Adjuncc Piofec:or, Univexsiry• of D4+nnesoca, hLnneapolis, Minne�ota (1969) Neighbochood Youtii Cosps Coozdinatot, South�cesc High Schoal, �Vest High School, Centcai High School, Minneaoolis Public Sci:ools (19G6-1969) Psoject Adr.iinis��atoc, Operation Readir.ess, Uniced Scaces OfEice of �conomic Oppoctuairy Communiiy Educldon Duectot, Notcheast Conn:unity Centez, �linncapolis, Minnosoca (19GG-19G8) Voa:ional Cooxclinatoz, Wsshbum High Schoal, A4inneapolis Public Schoals (19G4-1966) Teachez, Vocaaonal Evening School, Mi:u:eapolis Public Schoo!s (1960-1965) Teachcz, Cenaal High School, Minneapolis Public Schools (1960-19G4) Uaited Scates Axmy,19�7 BankTellec, St Clair State Banl:, St Clais, Minnesoca (19�G-19�7� Education Doctor of Philosophy in Educauonal Adcnizivaao0. Waldcr, Uniceniry (1978) Snecialist in Educadonal Administcarion, UnicecsiS oE Sc T'honas (1980) h4astet of Science, Cucricnlum and Instracuoa, Unieezsiry of bfinnesota (1968) Bachelox of $uence, Business Education/Socia? S:udies/Busincss Adminiscration, biankaco State Univasicy (]960) MAY-12-2000 08�43 Dissertation Topics Membeiship and Leadership (Pau and Pzesent) ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.05i06 -� S . . BQ-�6� A Study of ctte Effecnvencss of the Subsacutz Tcachezs in rhe Secondary SchooLs of 14linneapolis, Minnesora, 1998 Parent's Opinions of Dccenccalization in the tif:nr.eapolis Public Sc�ools,19S0 Minnesoca Technical College Presidenrs' Ascocisdon, Past Presideac bfinnesora Technical College Presideaa' Assouaaon Finance Cos:r�aee, Past Chairpezson Minnesora Technical Coll oe Presidents' Studenc Secvices Comrniecee, Pase Cha:rper,on blinnesota Scate Colleges and Univasides CF.�,�cclloc's Search Ca�nittce Minnesota Scate Colleges and L3ziveisiries Inter_m Chancellor's Council of PreSidenu hleaopolitan Educacional Tclec�nmun.icarions Necwork, Treasuc� Saint Pxul'Tech Prep Consonrium Higher Educarion Box.rd Escluded Administracocs Task Force m Minnesoca Srace �'echnical College I'zesidents' Associauon Humaa Resoucces Committce bfinnesoca Sta[e Technical Coilege Presidenes' Associarion Lcgislarive Coca�niccee MinneapoLs Public Schook Principals' Forum, Pas[ Pcesidenc Minneapais Public S<hools Prineipals' Foru.�n I�,�e�otiaCng�ee, Chaixpe=son Encironmen[ and Eneco�y Resource Center, Dueccor l�rillma: Ccus:muniry Collcge PresidenG Sea:ch United Way of Saint Paul Communiry Iniriadves Volunceer Comri;cee Sain: Paul Puhlic Schools I�Soxth Cenual Evaluator Anoka Technical College Nozth Central Evaluacor Saint Paul/Roseville School to l"l�ock Paztncuhip E�ecudve Com_miuee Ciry of Saint Pa�:l Wockfacce Devdopment Cou. cii Eaccuuve Cor,nrniccee $aint Paul Rocary Red Wir.g/Winona Technical Collese Pxesidenris! Search Coxxunitte�, Chzizpecson Mttro Area Two-year Colltgc Planning Gouncil 2�fulu-Culcural Gender Disabiliry• Ftir Educaaor. Advi,cory $oard Sainc Paul Pu6lic Schools $upetinu:ndenc's CouncIl Nxtiona! Assoua[ion Mi:u�esota Vocational Associarion Minncsora Labor Ha�her Education Cou�cil LLA��//�ocd/MnSCCI Truning Cen[er Comr.�:.ce, Coozddnator M:�SCU Biennial Commitmenc to Insatu�ons Camr.uccee, Chairperson M:�SCU Sk:ill Bascd Tzansfet Committee, Chai-pe:soa Mn5CC7 Per:nr.nel Plan Advisory Commiaee Edina Public Schools Volunteex MRY-12-2060 08�43 Membesship and Leadetship (Past and Present) ST. PRUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.06i26 �, Scl��� �h�t�.b° Scafford Collcgc (Enghn�-St. Paul Technical College Profesvonal E�change Q 6 � t hSid-Minaesora Telecommuniations Consortiu*n Wmona Technical College Scate Evaluaioz Sainc Paul Arca Chamber of Commexce Midway Chamber of Commecce h2inneapolis Assodaaon of Secondary School PiincipaLc Minneapolis Kiwanis Ivfinneso*a Associaaon of Secondary Pzincipalc T�cin Ciaes Ecoaornic L'levelopment Group, D'uector hfnSCU Progcam and Sen�ice Alignment Planning Team iin� _J•G� , ^ � Consolidated Program N'arkforce Irtvestment Botud (Ti�l'$) 1Kem6ership Appl'uadon Frivate l'njunaatian 51 1-:=:�L -�:�h1 i la $. c�ON 652229.'s314 P.24ia? ' RFc��u�o 60 -�Gq �h9AY 2 5 2000 Name: xARRY MELANDER �I�� PlaceofEmployIIlent: ST. PAUL BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL �VorkAddress:411 MAIN ST, #206 ST. PAUL RAMSEY 5 City County TelephoneNumber: (Work) 651-224-9445 � (�:� b51-224-9783 E-Mail Job Business Representative Persoaal References (include azea code) 1) Tiame: Dick Anfang Addiess: 411 biain St, #206, St. Paul MN 55103 Phone:fHomel 651-�57-7891 �Work} fi51-224-9445 z� Name: Bernard Brommer 175 Aurora Ave., St. Paul MN 55103 Phone:jHome� �Vork) 651-227-7647 What tue your reasons for wanting to serve oa the WIB? I believe I can voice Labor's concerns and bring a practical yet wor3cable consciousness to the board. Optional.• In an attempi to ensure that �oard represematiou reflects the ma.keup of our community, laiowledge of the following informarion is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntFUy. X White (Caucasian) � Black (African American) _ ?unerican Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male: Cz� Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No Hispa.nic Asian or Pacific Islander Other If special accommodations are needed, please specify: T7ee ireJormatton on tlris appficaflnn wUl be used to eyaluate o�d seterJ membu.s ojthe WIB. Appticann may rejure ta supp{y the requested injormaliotr. �cept for yotuntary infotmation, however, the feiltrse to complele the appu�atlnn may resutt !n U being rtiscardeJ. Tltis dala moy be reviewed and wed by Rwnsey County and Saint Paal stajj. Tke dnta on tkls page ts prlvate. n...�� � �Mn Tf7T�l P Gn r:r+r—i rtv�u� :5: �5 S i rn.�L PLR`N I YG � cNN 6512283314 P, 03i84 Consolidaied Program Workforce Invesimeni Board (WIB) .. Je� M ,�(a ' v`." � CategoryDescriptions �arr� �p—� `� If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor posifions, please attach a nomination letter to your annlicatioa as described below. � --- -- --- --------°°-•— ' Business, defined asfor prafer (nominated by local business organizations andlor business trade associations - attach your nominatian tetter): ❑ Business ownet, chief exeeutive or operating officer, and other execntive or emplayer wich optimum poticymaking or hiring authority Cl Represent bu�iness with employment opportunities that reflect ihe local area Aiso please indicate if you represent: O large business J small business (fewer than 500 employees) Community-Based Organiatioru, defined as reonprafit organizations: ❑ Representative of communities or significant segments of cammunities providingjob training ❑ A�ency serving youth ❑ Agency serving disptaced homemalcErs ❑ Union-related organization a Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonreservation Fndian and tribat government ❑ Agencyrepresentingvetetans ❑ Ageney representing individuais wish disa6ililies p Ocher: Economic Development Agency: O Privntc Sector 0 Pubtic 5ector Educatron (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational entiries - attach yonr nominarion lettcr): • p Local educationa! entities (inctuding K-12) C� Local school boards 0 Cntitics providing adult education and 3iteracy activities ❑ Postsccondary educationat institutions ❑ Other: Labor � TYominated by recognized state and/ot local ]abor fcderations (attach yonr nomination letter) One-St�p Workforoe Cenrer Partners (defined as the parmers fhai carry out the following activitiesJprograms): O Adult, Disiooated Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title I) ❑ Wagner-PeyserAct ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Tide II) a Vocafional Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Tikle I) O Welfare-to-Work Progruns (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) ❑ Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Educ;ation Act) ❑ Trade Adjustrnent Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title Il} ❑ Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Ouh�each (I'ide 38, U.S.C.) ❑ Commurlity Services Block Grant • ❑ Departmcnt of Housing and Urban Development C] State Unempfoyment Compensacion Laws (in accordance with applicab(c fcdcml law) ,,�„—�,—�uw 1J•G-r 5i rHU� YLHNNiNti 8 ECGY 65122633i4 P.02i24 ConsolidatedProgram A'jorkforcelnvestmentBoard (WIS) � QO -��� Membsrskip Application ae: HARRY MELANDER 716 PARK AVE rIAHTOrIEDI WASAINGTOi1 55115 Home StreEt c�cy What sldlls, �ainia� end experience do you possess for WIB membership? see attached Lcngth of initial term you are interzsted in: one-year � Are yon a Veteran?: � Yes �! No County Zip hvo-yeaz x We will hold two orientation sessions far members who ars appointed to the WJB. These sessions fue � Thursday, 3uno 22 (8:OD to 10:40 a.m.) or Tuesday,'dune 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask tiiat members attend one of these rivo sessions. Piease reserve thesa dates on your calendat. We expect that applicants will be o�cially notified m�d-)une on the status of their agplication. Thank yau for yonr mterest. The lnjormalian on Htls applica(ian wi[t de uaed to evatuale and sGiect members of the WIB. Appllcants may refuse to supp(v 1��e requesred tnformatinx. Flceptjar voiunrary inJ'ormatton, however, A�e failurc to camplate the appllcatlon may rrsult Ix it bciag uiscarded This daea may be �eviewcd aud used 6y Ramsey County and Salnt Pauf stafj: T he data on fhis pugs and the rtverse side [s public mrd, tkrrefore, avuita6te to lhepubTio �'or Office i7ae only Couunissioner District Pianning District Couacil Ciry Councii ward ADril 4, 2D00 (OYER) Ramsey Caunty and the City af Saint Paul are recruitiug ind'eViduals ta represent various categories as detailed on the Consotidaled Arogram Work,jorce Investment Baard (T3'I�) Category Aescreptinns form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categocies yoa oan represent on the WIB. ao -C�`� Harry D. Melander Jr. 716 Park Avenue Mahtomedi, Minnesota 55115 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: ST. PAUL BUII,DRvTG & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCII, Business Representative (1997-Present) * Responsible for the legislative, community, and education agenda for 29 affiliates Create and coordinate all School-To �Vork, minority recruitment, gender balance efforts in St. Paul SOUTHERN DISTRICT COWi CIL OF CARPE�ITERS Community Outreach/Proa am Development (1994-1996) St. Paul * Responsible for recruitment effort with the minority community and efforts to create gender balance in the trades Program coordinator for (PAY) Program For Apprenticeable Youth. Bud;et design/Program Administration * Developed and coordinated St. Paul Central's Building Technology Academy � MINNE30TA STATE�,VIDE DISTRICT COLNCIL OF CARPENTERS (1986-1994) ST. PAUL, MN Human Resources/TraininglReseazch * Devetop persounel policy for staff and affiliates * Par�cipated in negotiations and grievance proceedings * Managed the budget and fmancial regulations of the organization, and it's benefit plans �` Created personnel lraining progams for staff/members 00 -C�q Melander, age 2 �` Provided direction and leadership for a harmonious Community/LaborManagement relationship within the construction industry throughout Minnesota * Prepazed and presented press releases for organization MCGOUGH CONSTRUCTION (1984 -1986 ) ST. PAUL, M�I Construction Layout, Carpentry * Responsible for the placement of commercial structure, and their components in relationship to azclutectural specification * Provided traditional cazpentry duties EASTERi�T IOWA CO�IUNITY COLLEGE (1978 -1984 ) MU3CATPi 1E, IOWA Building Technology Department Instructor of Buildin; Technology Ctasses * Provided leadership for one of three major divisions within the college * Instructor of Construction Engineering and Building compliance classes * Responsible for the construction and maintenance of campus-owned grojects, including single family homes and campus instructional facilities * Negotizted instructionai staff contract, handled grievance proceedings EDUCATION• DEGREE PROGRAM; University of Wisconsin - Stoui 1977 B.S. TechnologyBducation ADVAIvCE STUDIES: University of Minnesota 1986 University of Oregon 1987 ao -C�� VOCATIONAL: Melander, page 3 MinnesotaDeparhnentofLabor/Division �97g of Voluntary ApprenticesIup Program, Carpentry CIVIC PARTICIPATION• * St. Paul �Vorkforce Development Board * St. Paul Urban Lea�ue * 916 Foundation * State Commission for NaYl & Community Svc * Phalen Corridor Initiative / Founding Member * Twin City Housing & Redevelopment Corp. * �Vashington Co.Boazd of Adjustment Chairperson * Washington County HRA, Chairperson * Mahtomedi Pazk Commission * University of M�t Labor Relations Advisory Boazd * Washington Co. Planning Commission, Chairperson * Weatherization Reseazch and Production Inc. � Chairperson * Mahtomedi School District Transportation, Technology Committee * Governor's Commission for Affordable Housing in the 90's (1998-1999) (1997-1999} (1996-1999) (1994-1999} (1994-1999) (1995-1999) (1995-1999) (1996-1998) (1998-1999) (1995-1998) (1992-1996} (1988-1996) (1989-1994) (1989-1994} (1998-1989) ��� DOWN�O�'� Si 'PnUL rax�5�129�130o Ap�^ 11 'GC 14�43 P.U2� Consofidated 2'ro�ram Workforce Investment,Board (I�IB) Membership A,pplication � Hone Add*ess: Street cicy Q� —���{ Counry• Zip �Vha? skills, t: aining and experience do you possess for �VIB memb:rship? �7' �r/F' ,�6£�tI /hIUOLUF�l/J W iTT� �f - La V/n6ti/ i � .� T'�A-�i�/i�r6 ��al'/(i9�'1-S 3�Y�s Z �R/NG GX �,..fs�UF X,vaw« �nlD CDGL OGCA't/0•J �/C/LLS F 0»1 �.�m2/l�n2c� C?�r�_�e , <�5/Je�! �vE. Length of initial term you ue interested in: one-year � A:e y'ou e Veteran?: O Xes �I�o E. / rtt�F �z. two-year /� U �'/C �i� Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are ��ecruiting indiciduals to represent �'arious categories as detfliled on the Consofidafed Pro�ram FYorkforce InveslmentBoard (lYI$) Care,or�� Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicafe, on fhe reverse side, the category' or cafegories you can represent on the ZYI$. .... ..... . .... ... ; .. . . .. . _ .. ... . .... . y1siT .:_- . $ortnieJaekelen,:ChiefClerk=Counryl IS L�KStICellogg-Eottleiard SointPbecl,'itlinrresa{a SSIQZ (Fax: GSI-26,6 GJI-265-�014)::Applicationsmusthe._receivedbyhlny12,20D0. : .�/ �Ve will hold t��o orientation sessioas for members who are zppointed to t�.e t1'IB. These sessions zre � Thursda}•, June 22 (8:00 Yo 20:D0 a.m.) or Tuesday, Jvne 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.mJ. �b�e ask tl�ai members arend one of [hese h�•o sessions. Plezse reserve thesz dates on your calendzr. \4'e zxpect that applican's w•ill be o�icially r,otir�ed mid-June en the status o:`their application. Thank } for your interest. The in formtttion ox IGts app(icafion will be uSed ta eraluale and Se(:ct n�emb oj[he 1{7B. Applicrsnts nr�ry rejuse m su�pi� ii�e teqatsled infnnnafio�t. Bxczp! jor vof�ntrtry injorn�etion, fiowever, rleeJailnre to conaplere !hr application may re5ult in it b°:no rl�scarded. Tleis dala mny be rzvie�ved nnd used by Ramsey Cow�ry nnrt Salnt Pned staff. 71re dar�+ ar� tleis pa,e m�d tlae reverse si:f< is public and, therefore, avaifable to !ke public. For OFfiee Us< only Concaissioner Distritt t'b � �i F(annin� District Councii Ci.yCounci! Wud April A. 2000 (DYERJ WFC DOW�70WN ST•PAUL Fax�6�129�1306 Fpr 11 '00 _;�43 �. , - Cot:solidated Pt•ogram Workforce Invesimeni$oard (WIB) Category Descriptions r. u� �flll�t �� W �p-�6Y If you are apply�ng for Susiness, Education, or X,abor posifions, please attach a nomination letter to your anolication as described beloK�. Bu;, defired as for-profrt {nominaced by local business orgznizations and!oc businzss r.ade associa:ions - attach your nomination lefter): ❑ Business owner, chiz`executice or operatin� officer, and other execucive or employcr with optimum policymzking or hirin� authority d Represent business �ti�ith employment opportunicies thzt rzflect the local zrea Also please indiczte if you represer,,: O lazge business O small business (fe«er than 500 emolo}ees) Com.mzenity-2nsed Organizations, d=fined as nonprofir nrganlaotions: (� Representztive of communities or sionificanc segments of communities providin� job trzining ❑ A�ency serving youtn O A�ency serving displaced hom�makers O Union-related or;aniz2tion � Emp(oyer-related nonprofit organization 0 O:g2nization servino nonreservation Indi2n 2nd tribal gov�mment O A�enty repre;enting veterins C1 A�ency representiag individual_< tvitit disabilities d Other. Economic Developmanf Agency: C� Pri��ate Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by re�ional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or org2nizacions representin� such local educational entities - attach your nomination letter); CI Local educational. entities (including K-12) 0 Local school boa:ds Labor ❑ Er.ti:ies p:ovidin� adult education and lit°racy activities O Postsecondary educa�ional institutions O Other: � i�orc:ina�ed by reco;nized state and/or loca( labor federations (attach your nomination letter) Oae-Stop Workjorce Center Pa; tners (defined as the partners thz[ ezrry out the followins activities/proarams): ❑ Adul!, Dislocated 1�Vorker, Y�u:h_ Job Corps,lative American and Veterz�s'�«'orkforc� (WIA Tide i) '�, Wagner-Peyser AcC �7 Adult Education znd Literacy (WI?. Title I]} Q Voca?ions( Rehzbilitz;ion (Rehabili,ztion Act Title I) rJ Welfare-to-Work Pro;rams (Secial Security Act) ❑ Senio: Coinmunity Sen�ice Employment (Title V of the Oidzr Americzns rlct) 0 Postsecondary Educ3t:on (Carl D. Perkins Voe2tional and Ap�lied Techaology Ecuea;ion Act) � Tradc Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA 'I'AA (Trade Act of 1974 Title 11) � Loca1 Veterans' EmplOymznt Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Tide 33, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department ofHousin� and Urban Development �( State Unempioymcnt Gompen�a[ior Laws (in accordance with applie2ble federal law) WFC DOWtiTOW� ST�PRUI. Fax:6�129�1306 Fpr 11 '00 i4:4� Consolidoted Program Workforce Xnvestment Eoard (WIS) hlembership Applicafian �/� n 1'rivate Information IamP• 1/ 1�9L V ') G�! � li! N.0 1 J� Place of �Vor:<Address: � OQ� ���'�� E. f�02777` S1� v�SStr� t�� S�E� T g7�. fJ` � L i ' P. U4 �p - � �`� Jr(5 � U� ?,Ty�o s r .�-� � a ,7279 on Zip � y C Telephoae Nnmber: (�Vork)/�5/-77 q-5 !0 6 J (Home) — (FAX) G� /- 7�9 SG Si6 Gs� GS/ -29'7 -/�06 E-y1ailAddtess: /YI{�I'1.�nKow� »a.iwmQil.-�eS.STare. `� Job Title: �F��O�ilf{`[, �f�'/�/�(E2 -' �.S% ��/��(� Personal I2eferences (include area code) 1) Name: 3Y�c �1lo�rfl < Phone:(Homel — 2) Name: Add;ess: 3 y� N0� � / C� Gn� Phone:(Homel �-' J .5`3 . (�vorkl G� S/- �96 — (0 0 ( % cS 1. �/�'GlC� /�//.✓ ✓�S �wotx� 6.s/- a96 � /� 902 Oplional: ln an attempt to ensure that Board representatioa reflects the makeup o`our communiq•, kno�vledge of the follow•ing information is helpfiit. I-Iowever, completion of this information is voluntary. � White (Caucasian) Black (African Ame;ican) American Indian or A!ask�z Eskime Male: t7 Female:� Disabled: O Yes �t�'o Hispanic Asizn or Pzcific Is!andet If special accommodations are needed, pleasz specify: 1U�� !/fe inJo�mertion ar il�it applicntion wi[1 be uscd to evnluate mrd select xrembers of the li�IB. �fppllca��fs muy reJuselo supply tl�e reques(ed irtjormntlort. Excepl for volr�ntary injurmatinn, Gowever, the jai/ure m comylete rl+e appticrsdon may resi�lt in It beh+; discarded. 7his data may be �eviewed and �azd by Rwrssey Counry and Sain1 Pat�! stn Tke da�a on dt "u page is privute. Apri t 4-, 2000 What zre your reasons for wuztir.� to serve on tne WIB? ,MAY-12-2000� e9�44 LIFETRRCK RESOURCES 651 227 0021 P.02/�0 Consolidated Program TYorkforce Investmcni $nard (T3'IB) Membership Appticasion pFCEfVE� 6a - L 6 `� MAY 1 5 2004 John Mohr HomeAddress: 2315 Timber Trail, Maplewood, MN (Ramsey, County) 551�YOR'SOFFICE Street City County Zip What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? See attached sheet 1 Length of initial term you are interested in: one-year Ate you a Veteran?: O Yes � i�io two-year X Ttamsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program Workforce Investment.8oard (WIB) Calegory Aescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the'F�IB. 1VIsi1 oc.'-Eax;ypu'c' IB ;N _.. . �'�: 55IO2 (I'�ar:'.6SI-266=8039;'P� :� ,651=266=801 �1). �A`.`4..w�'.y `,i�.:x`%F%i � �: , .:rd"4�.;aPr:tif �:� �-`�; :,� :; c' - "���A:�:���-.:�=:�:>:�. Boiilevarci, 'Saiiil Paiil,aMinrieso/n _;;, . .. n received by hlay;l2� 2000 `::: We wili hold nvo orientation scssions for members who are appointed to the tiVIB. These sessions arc � Thursday, June 22 (8;60 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members attend one ofthese m•o sessions. Piease resecve these dates on your ta[endat. �Ve expect that applicants ��'��� bc officially notified mid-Iune on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. ..-. . • � ...•. . .r:. '_"r. "'t'.....:�� L_ ..��J s� _.�L...�_ .._J...I,...i .�,..�F,..e n/iFe LY7R dn..lfrnn/v r.�mi ra(iica /n tunn(e f�/ •MRY-12-2000 10�08 LIFETRACK RESOURCES 6�1 22? 2021 P.04i25 . �,ansotraatea ,t'rogram Workforce InvesYment Board (WIB) pp-C�,q Category Descriptions ` ` � /� n hY— V /i 1'w If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to yovr apptication as described below. Busrness, defined as far prafd (nominated 6y local business orgznizarioas and/or 6usiness trade 2ssociations - attach your nominarion letter): 0 Business owner, chief executive or operating o�cer, and other executive or employer with optimum polirymaking or hiring authoriry 0 Represent husiness vrith emp4oymenc oppornuuaes Lhat reflect the Iocal area F.lso ple�se indicate iEyou represent: O large business O small 6isir;ess (iewer than 500 employzes) Com�tuniry-Based O�ganizations, defined ar nonprofit organi±arions: � Representative of communities or signi5cant segmens of communities providing job traitiuig :. ■ w Agency serving youth Agency serving displaced homemalcecs tJnion-related organization Empfoyer-related nonprofic organizarion Organization serving nonreservarion Indian and trib�l govemment Agenty representing veterans Agenry represen[ing individuals with disabiliries Other: Econoniic DeveTopment Agency: Q Priv2te S°ctor ❑ Public Sector Education (nomina�ed by regional or local educational agencies, insritutions, or organizations representing such local educational enaries - attach your nomina6on letter): � Local educational entiries (including K-12) O Loc�l schooi boazds ❑ Enticies providing adult educarion and literacy acriviries Q Postsecondazy educational insricutions � � Orher: Laoo� d Nominated by recognized stzte and/or loca! Jabor federations (attxch your nomin�tion letter) One-5top IYorhforce Center partners (defined as the parmers that car,y out the fol!o«�ng acrivities/programs): � Adult, Distocated Worket, Youth, Job Corps, Iv Ar,erican and Vete;z.ns' Wor4:force (WIATitle i) Q � G � v d G O a Wagner-Peyscr Act Adult Educatioa and Literae.y (WIA Titte In Voczrion�l Rehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Title n �l'elFzre-to-Work Programs (Soci�! Securiry Act) Senior Communiry Secvice Emptoyment (Tide V of the Ofder Americzs �1:�) Poscsecondary Educarion (Carf D. Perkins Vocarional and Aoplied Techaology Educarion Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFIA"I�AA (Trade Act of 19�;?icte II) Local Ve[erans' Employment Representarives and Disabled Veterans Outre�ch (7itle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Biock Grant � Department of Housing and Ur6an Development � S�ace Unemploymenc ComQensa�ion Laws (in accordance «ith app(icabl� ied:ral ta«�) .MAY-12-2000 10�09 LIFETRRCK Rc50URCE5 651 227 0621 P.05i06 Consolidated Program Workforce Invesincent Board (WIB) Memberskip Application ,Private Injormation Place �ohn Mohr ��-6�`t Lifetrack Resources (formerly St. Paul Rehabi7itation Center) Work Address: 709 University Ave. W, St. Paul, Ramsey County, 55104 Street City County Zip Telephonelr'umber: (Work) 651-265-2340 � 651-730-8592 �� 651-227-0621 E-MailAddress: lohnm@lifetrackresources.orq _ JobTitle: Chief Executive Officer Yersonal Referanccs (include area code) 1) Name: Andy Boss 2247 Hendon Ave., 5t. Paul, MN, 55108-3545 Phone:�Fiomel 651-644-3545 � 651-523-7807 2) Name: Ellen Watters Add ress: Midway Chamber of Commerce, Spruce 7ree Ctr., 5te 4, 16D0 University,_ '"'S'�"�; T�N 5'5 Phone:(Homel �Vhat are your reasons foc wanting to se�ve on the WIB? See attached sheet 2 (Workl 651-646-2636 Optional: In an 2ttempt to ensure tha[ Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, i:no�� of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this infoirnation is voluntary, Whice (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo b4ale: � Female: Ct Disab(ed; ❑ Yes � I�o IFspecial accommodations are needed, please spe�ify: Hispanic Asian or Pacif c Islander 1"he ir jorm¢tion on ikis applitation xi(1 be use� to evafuale and setect membr�s ojfhe K"IB. Appticanls may rejuse tv su/+f'. reqaraYed injormatioe. .Excepe jor vofunevry information, howtve�, the Jailure ta complete Ihe applicatio� rnay resu![ tl� �t �' discar�ted T/�is dala may be reviewed and used by Ramsty Counry and Sairtt Pau1 staff. 7he data ort this page is pri�'nt:. A�ril -t, ?OOU t5:-iY-1G-G'GCG iGe.a �.rc�n.-...n nc,:.�...:..,`.o . "_ _' __'_ '. Attached sheet 1 What skiUs traininc and exnerience do vou qossess for WIB membersh�p? Jonn m�h o�,��� I am the CEO of an organization which last yeaz placed in employmcnt over 1,000 persons who had challengcs to employment such as welfaze dependency, disability, lack of English language sldlls, and lack of work expericnce. I understand the needs oi low income, challenged job- seekers and lead an organizsGOn that has demonstratcd superior results in helping such persons attain employment. At the same rime, I understaad the needs of employers for dependable employees, and the fact that their needs as customers must be met in the workforce azena. Our organi�arion successfully worked with approximately 300 employcrs in the past year; in addicion to job placement we have p.ovided employers with on-site sofr sldll training and consultation concerning a non-uadiriona! workforce. Additionally, T am the past President oi the Midway Chamber of Commerce and in that role gained valuablc experience in understanding the needs of employers for assistance in the recruitment and retention of good employees. Lastly, while I have a good understanding of public worl�orce palicies and grograms, I am deeply interested in reform that will lead to more effective use of resources to truly meet the needs of both job-seeker and employer customers. I am interested in helping lead innovarion that is necded in chc workforce system. .MRY-12-2000 10�09 Attached sheet 2 LIFETRACK RESOURCES Whaz aze vour reasons for wantine to serve on the WID? 6si 2z� eozi P.05ieo �ohn �°a r �9 I want to serve on the WiB because this is a criricai rime when major change in the workforce system needs to occur and is possible_ The time is crirical partty because of welfaze reform and the clock that is rickiag for people to become economically self-sufficirnt. It alw is a carical time whrn employers are experiencing labor shortages and the growth of the local economy is dependent on an adequate world'orce. Significant change in the workforce system is possible because thae is a growing local awareness that the current system has performed inadequately; merger of the rity and county systems also carries the potential far a new and more effective spgroach. I bring a valuable set of experiences and a saong desire to help make a much more effecrive system that better meeu the needs of employers, job-scekas, and [he economy of the community. P TOTFIL P.Oc 05/11/200� 13:27 Home Addtess:Y � � � b Street City �TJk!at skills, training and experience do you possess for �VIB membership? n i l� , i �o� vtt l ,C � PAG� 0» �� �G�o l �� �� � . �tl . • � u 1. �. +► 1 ! ►��� 1 a / �..1 .����� � ��-lt� � � �y ��.bc� c� @tx��-�� Length of initial term you are intereste3 in: one-year _ Are you a V eteran?: � Yes W�+o a t,a�r�e,�rtic two-year � Ramsey County and the Ciq� o£ Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to r Cate e or ` detailed on the Consolidated Progrnm fYorkforce Investment .Bonrd (YYI'.8) $ Y the reverse of this page. Please andicate, on the reverse side, the category or categc on the �VZB. ur.. IB-D'Tetnb"eY"shipApplica#iozi=fo;-,-,;:;:�;':.;;;�� _ �Iail or �'sx yo W. . ..._..... ..;. ,:�.y:>.: .; - hie Clerk-.'County.�'oard,-Suite��5Q::'1 S'lVest'Kellagg,'B�u?evard, � Tonnie Jackelen, C f , ,. -..:. - - 55103 (F�x:.6.i1=266-8039;.Phn?ie:.6�1.;266-$U��4}: ApFlicatiolls mitst by�l esora We ��ill hold two orientation sessions for menbers who are appointed to tne R'I$. hese sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesda}', June 27 (I:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask that members a_�end one of these two sessions. Plezse reserve these datss on your calenda:. W e xpect t11at applicants wil; be officially notified mid-June on the status of their applicstion. Thankyou for your interest. The Itzfnr�ivftion on tltis appleca�ion wi!! be «sed to evaluate mid select »tenibers of tlie WIB. App(ic nts may reJ�ae to suPP�l' ��'' reqttes(ed informatiof+. E.ecept jor vnl�ui(trry iftformatiott, l�owever, tke Jnili�re to canPlete die apy cafiatt may result in it 6eing discanled. Tleis rlata rnay'6e revtewed and i+sed by Ramsey County mad Saint Pauf Staff. The data on his pnge «nd dte rev:rse side is p«b!(e ru�d, tlterejoie, «vrtilnble �0 !he pttblia l _ For Oftice Use only Conmissioner Districc PlannicU District Council � April 4. 200'J 651E422123 ruN-r;��v Jos �a�Ps Consolidaled Program iYorkforce Xnvestment Board (WIB) MernGership App(«ation (OV ERJ Ciry• Counfiil Ward - JV� �us categories as :riplions form on you enn represent 05/11/2000 13:27 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CuRrS PAGE 02 — —'— — — — � Consotidafed Progran: Wor�force Fnvestment Board (IYIB) Mernbership Applicafion Private Xnjormation Place of Work Address City (Home) G �� 'I'elephoneNumber: (�Vock) .� ^ . _ � E-Maii Job Title: Personal References (include azea code) 1) Name: ` G .i_ n �8 �G�9 l 2� I.?ame: Phone: ome � What are your re�uons for ��aating to serve on the WIB? r V A _ ,. �'; . Oprio,:ai: In an accempt to ensuze that $oazd representation reflects the makeLO of o of the fol! owing informadon is helpfiil. �Iotive�er completion o: this information is .� ��'hite (Caucasian) Hispanic $lack (African Amezican) Asian or P�cifcc Is1an� American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Otner Nlale: Cl Femate: � Aisabted: ❑ Yes �i No If special accommodations are needed plzase specify: , knoWledge TGe ueformatiun on this rtpplicntion wi!! be ns¢d ro evnluate nxd selecf inenebers oJ1L¢ W16. Applic�nu nzay refitse Lo supply !hz reqttestetf injormaUon. Exrep(jor voluritnry infarmnllon, hoWever, t4ejailtrre to coinp(ere the appll� MRy lCSUl111t !f I1e[no dlscarderL Thls duta may be reviewed and used by R�+msey Cuunry nnd Saint Paul stajf. Tke d�tta ot lbis pnge is privale. �.,.,i a �onn __ 05/11;200H 13;27 6516420123 . HUM?HR�Y JOB CORPS � PAGE 03 _ po -��`� Corrsofid2ted �Pro�rnni Worhforce Investment Bonrd (lVIB) Category Descriptiot:s Jf you ��re applYtng for Business, �ducation, or Labor positions, please attach a no a lic�tion as described belo�v_ ,_ _ _. .. Bt�sirsess. definsd as fur prof t (nominated by Iocal business ocganizations and/or business attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating ofticer, and o[her executive or err po(icymaking or hiring authoricy Q[�epresett� business with emptoyment opportuni:ies tha: rzflect the tocat 2rez Also please indicate if you repr�sent: � Izrge business O sma1V business (i Community-Bnsed Organiaations, defined as nonpraft organizations: O Representative of communities or significant segments of �ommunities q Agency serving youth C1 Agency serving displaced homemskers ❑ Union-related organizztion Q Emptoyer-related nonprofit organiz2tion O Organization secving nonreservation Indian and tribal government p Agency representing veterans (] Agency represen?in; individuals with disabilities O Ozher: �conom�c Development Agency: ❑ Pri�ate Sector ❑ Public Sector Educntion (isomin2ted by re�ion2l or local educational agencies, institutions, or o lecal educationa! entities - attach your nomination letter): d Local educational entities (including IC-12) Cl Local schoo( boards ❑ Enti[ies providing adult education and iiteracy rzctivities ❑ Posisecondary educational institutions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ iv'ominated by reeogni2ed state andlor local l2bor Federations (attach your • • I letter to �'our associations - er N�ith optimum than 500 employee;) training representing such letter) One-S�o Yi�orkforce Cenrer Partners• (defined as the partners th�.t carry' out the followin aczivities/programs)� � Adutt, Dis(ocated Worker, Yeuth,lob Cor s, N2tive American and Veterans' 9lorkforcz (WtA Title L � Waener-Peyser Ac� • � Q ❑ � � � n � O O Adu(t Education and Literacy (WIA Title fI) Vocationzl Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Welfare-to-Work Progrzms (Social Security Act) Senior Community Secvice Employment (Title V of the Older Amerieans A Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Petkins Vocational and Applied Techno( Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197�3 Locat Vetecans' Employmeni Representacives znd Disabled Veterans Outre Communiry Secvices Biock Grant Depattment of Housing and Urban Development State Unemp�oyment Compensacion Laws (in accordance with applicable f Education A�c) e [I) (Titte 38, U.S.C.) law) JUN-01-2000 08�51 RRMSEY COUNTY MANRGER 651 266 8039 P.BSi07 . .. . . ; . . � ^ � . � : . . � .: � .. .. ' � . 60 --� �q �' - ' .. . . ,�:'•; �. ��"r :'��;• ;:.,' �'�' ' ' •_..:.._: ..`l. '. `. ..��... .r`' ' . " ' . ; ':.::' :.. : ' • ' . �. ' � ' _ ' " " ' �_...�:._•." = . ,�:�,:� _ .fSYlKCI(t :.�•. . . ,,;,; .. � : . . : ::�,� t Aog.ant�i3!nikfoiceliri± � . „ $oatd(T3�zBj _ • . . , . �,. � . . ... � _- ,..... ._. . . , . .... �.. _ .r �.. . . . . . : , � . . '' �. ' - ' - - . . . . .. . . e�'. :,.' `•; .. •-'� :.: •_....< � , � : .: ! ..,,: .�; � , .. . . . . . �,Memberslrip�pP.Tiratiq �. , , , , �. . . � . ��,` '. . . • -; . � . .. _ : :;: .. . . - - -. � :• _ � . -• . ... ..:... ' . .' ._. - I _ - -- ... � - � . •:. ..,: �. � - - . . . , �� _ . � ::':._`. . . . � . .' %, � P ' '. �� }� ' _ : V ...� : ' . ` . ... . ' • :..-�. ,,. _.:._;:� _ . . • . , - ` '. .: .. _ R` . . . . � _ . . :... .. . :......... ..: • ��.:;. .�. _ .. . .. _ l� ��: ,'. :' . 1.. . .��r-e:Sk�e�� - �i,�;�na�,s ���� .-S�.Y7!? : . � .. . . .. . . - _ • _ _ � . . - . - - Sueet _ . � '.. _ G�fq Goi�nry �'�'� .. '� - - .: . . . . . . ,.,:, . _ . ., . ., ... . _ . . . . . _ .' -• :Wliaf -�laUs;-frainu?$aad experience do you pbssess for WIB rirembershi}i?, -, , � �,_ : , . : �� ;•. • . . ? (� � r , :,'.r ., ,� . � . :, �' tit�c�e,e�' ��- �'� ii.a.�+ � ��'a9 sTfM;.�z� ��e.b��0.�n.�¢ �� �74" � . ., k ( ��,��(�(} � f� t' .� i � �\ 5` �o>>n�r� "`t.I32 6'CC.NailSe�' 1oG�tK m-�:f� wc'�� � iaaGl" T�'4�t�-s �^ra' ^-� , .... . ,, . . . ... ,..: . . . . . , ', ..': ,.. . . ,.. .. � . . n ve �1 � _ . �. ^ . . .. .; . ;: �. <<�'•;: - _ � ',�`a��gc, a.�:. w244.��1=eo-.:.,.:•lpa�eQs�;o��'(��v'e srac+�o�., • � �r. .- �. , � �,,. - � - - :.,r.� .b f •M ��� Qe �'SpB�}� - � Pa�•. C .. � < _ . . . . -• .. , � . .... :. , . . . . . .. - . ; : I:eii� o£�iriuial term yqu are iti.terested in:�. bneryeai _ , , . 'two year.,�. � ;',.. . � � • : : � ' '.. ;. _ . •' . . . : . -. - • • . „ - . - . . you a �!eceran?: g•Yes_ ; � h'o ; ' • ' , � ' . _ - .:: -..,.., , . , . . . . ...:. . . , .. ... , '.;�„;`- : • . �''>' .;. :.IYsuisey ... ,`dEfatTed on `tha`'ConsoTidctad,Pr��ahi �T3'orkfqr�ce IxvesimeRi'BDard' (WXB) �ategor}fDesGSphaxsParm on ' . ;• �,.. , .. , .�. � , ,.� . , �, � i$er�verstofthis;page.'�Please.iridicateronfhereverse'sid�tNecategory,o'riategor'res.�aq.rdn.reprrsent.:, . . �:on'Ylie�i'I$: .�... . . ,. ,. ` .._. ,: .. . - . . _ . . . , . • .. . : . `�,. _. ' .: : � - '. '..t, -� .. s:.?sL��' ....t+ '�KTir .`t6:}tr� ' s'�yc., :u.,: S:° ... . ' Cd4.:.^aN F '4%""^.^ ' ` _� _ ;:.'�( : � .�.. �t'va.�', f�F.� :k�.�.::,.`r....�.-'.'4.,�. '� �L:..a \- �:1'dr�`.�` - � ��i114'tS�.YC�',O,U.Y. m j�`M. �IC1Fil���f1�iS �i�:�i."'�'y.�`i.`.��"c.t�,.�+�,-"�..°c.�:i',°y.,,�"n`w:�.''"�+'�.a:«:%`.S�^n-9;�.:i�r,�; �:=: ,.,w ; • ;'t.n:.� , ..y���� +b �o�s�.R: �u,... 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' �' ... ' ' .. .. , � _ ` .: '` r.' :i,' .� . �..: �$oibfTiCebse.tiniy- � : ;;;. „ . ,, . � ,. :CommissicnaiTiisfricc:: , ':= , ;P . IaQnirigbisv,'ia,Conaa7 : ' . 'Cfij('auacFl.A'azd'<: � .,.^ .. ' r, . _ - . .. • � - . - .,: .,.} . • _ . . .. .�� �, j�• - . . . . : �a�'�R1 � - � ' , : � . .. , . . . ; : .. •.. ...:.;'.. . . . �• .. . - JUN-01-2000 08�52 RRMSEY COUNTY MHNRGER 651 266 8039 P.Bo/67 . 00 -66q Consolidatedprogram'WorkforcelnvestmeRt,Boa�d (WIB) � � Membership Application Q 1� Private Infarmadon riame: � tcs..� � l�`� t�.CX^� d . � . - �- P3ac.e of;EinpTdyineiu-. :-��v�, � • Q Iktl �' ��8 ��-=� . � - • � ` " �= .. . . <WoikAdar� - -•� . � . �� �S �f: p�ec�:S'�� � - �T�,;Q:��v��vi�i�i�:�s ` . ... " _ '; �.}. _ ' „Sfreat' . 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T�oweS�er, completion of this ittfortnation is Yoluntary. ;:::; •_ . • �: v°� "i�'fnte;(Ca;�casian); � � ,:. : . . :- . . , . ;. ..: . . .; ... '� : . . . • - • • ' .:'.`. Blacic.{P;frican rlmerican�, � . � : , :: . ::. .., , ... . • .. . .Hisparnc: . : • :• Y • ' Asian orpaoifeo.Islazider . : ,: . , . ,.: . . .: Aiiierican�Tpd'tan ar Alaskar, Eslamo;. � � : ��Other - _ `'`i�fale;: D�� �'Feii�atei . Disabled: O Yes 3do . ' " - � • • - . . . . .. .� �, . ... r.:• ;�,. .. ' '. . : . .. . , . : ., .: .. .. '.... . : - ' �. . .. � . .. ... _ � �.I�'specia} accominodations are needed� glease specify: " ', � ' ' ,: . -. � ' • ;�.'Tbei,iJarlydt+o,rrorrrkis�epptiaakon.xi!lbeicserl'fb'evcf++akdndSC?cdiir'csibersojt6o'i�'tE�.,App�T'i'�mkfsiriayrejrrse�tosq l�tke ; or;vpt�nt .`�i� orrirako kaisrev'e� `7ke �lxre la m" Idetkeriypl�calioer +rre , rerw�t lti F! beur �ceJ+tJ °'Y, f. . .�. �5.: s. .. j . MF .. Y.. g . .' ':..��ra: ��.a�,,,sya�.,�,,.;�°.a,����K�y�;;,�,�sQ�r�aKz.��9; ;�i�E 'data.6alJiispage'isp�wate.; ; - ;.,:, � : ' � .. .. '. , ' ' � � . , c,;i"�s: . p,�,n14,2000 , � � . . , , . . ,,..��,�, , ".::_�.:::. .. JUN-01-2000 08�53 RRMSEY COUNTY MRNRGER 651 266 8039 P.07/07 . • � , ' . � �.�! �. . :' . .' . . .CoxsolidatedA'ogramWar kforcelxvestme�it.8owd(WZB) 00-6�� • , �, Cnlegory DescriprEons ' • ' . . Tf you are applying far Business, Education, or Labor posifions, please attach a nomination ]ettcr to yovr •• a lication as desctibed below. • '� �� ��' '�` .�usiness, defined arjor-prafit (nominated by Iocal business orgaiuzaao�s andlor business trade associazions - nttxch . �• your nominztion letter): • ' � ❑ Business owner, c2nefexecurive or operating afficer, and other execurive or employer with optimum . • . polityina]dnS or hiring authority • ' ❑ Represent business with employme�rt opportunities that reftect the local azea • plcase indicate ifyou iepresen� O largebusiness O small business (feweY than 500 employees} Communiry Based Organiraeions, defined as nanprofit organisafrons: .. �epresenwtive of communiries or significant segments of communiries providing job ttaimng , � �p �lgencyservingyouth ' , ' • ' p ,qgen�yr sr.rviag disptaced homemalccrs Q Union-relazedorgan�zation � • L] Employer-relatednonprofitozganizaeon . 0 Organizanon serving ndnresetwation Indian and tribal gover�nent p Agcncy representing veterans • .� �'� q Agen�y represenrittg indi�iduals iLith disabilities • � Othet' EeonomieDevelopmanlrlgeney: � p private Sectot �Public Sedor fducation (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutioas, or ocganizations repcesenting sueh ]ocs • educarional entitics - artach your nomination letter): ' ' O Loca1 educational cnfities (including K-12) ' ' ❑ Local school boazds Q�ntities providing adult educarion and literary activities � � � Q Postsecondary educationa! institutions p Other. � J abor ' Q Nominated by reeoguzed state and/ot locai labor federauons (attach your nomina6on lettez) One-Srvp Workforce Cen[erParfners (defined as the parmezs that carry out the following acrivities/programs): � dult, Dislocazed Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Narive American and Vete:ans' Workforce (WTA Title � Wag�er-Peysef Act ❑ Adult �ducarion and Jate�acy (WIA 7ide II) p Vocational I2ehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Title � � Welfaro-taWorkPrograms (Social Securiry Aa) Senior Com-nunity S ervice �mployment (?itle V of the Older Americans Ad} � Fostsecondary Edueation (Carl 1�. Per]tins Vocational and Applied Technologyr Educarion Aet) • O x'cade Adjustment Auistazice (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 ?itle l� 0 T.ocal Vete�ans' Empioyment Representatives and Disabled Vetetans Outreach (Tide 3s, U.S.C.) O Community Secvices $tock Gsant ��� . � �� � .. T_....7��.....♦ TOTRL P.07 h' Cansolidaied Program l3'orkfnrce Investmeni Board (WIB) Membership Applicaiion Q b—� 6 `� Home Street City ss� oa Zip ��. �- � - ...- � �.. � - , .. � • - � Length of term you are interested in: one-year _ two-yeaz � Are you a Veteran? ❑ Yes � No , Itamsey Cau»ty and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Category Descripdons form on the reverse o£ th'ss page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Thank you for your interest. The injormation on this applicalian will be used to evaluate and seled members of the WIB. Applicants �nay refuse tn supply the reguested injormafion. Except for voluniary injarmation, hvsvever, the failure to romplde fhe applicatinn may ruult in it being discarded This data may be revierved and used by Ramsey County and Saint Pau[ stajf. The data on this page and the reverse side 'u public an� therejare, available to tke public For Office Use only Commissioner District Apri14,200� Planning District Council (OVER) Ciry Councii Wazd What skills, training and experience do you possess for VJIB Membership? Cansolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) �����9 Category Ducriptioru If you are applying for Business, Educarion, or Labor posi6ons, please attach a nomination letter Yo yaur applicafion as described below. ' � Business, defined as for profit (nominated by local business organizations and/or btisiness trade associations - attach your nominarion letter): a Business owner, chief execurive or oQerating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local azea .. Also please indicate if you represen4: O]azge business O smalI business (less than 500 employees) Community-Based Organizations (defined as nonproft orgazuzarions): � � Representative o£ communiries br significant segments of commtuuries pro4iding job training � ❑ Agency serving youth _ � ' ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organizarion ` � ❑ Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabiliries �Ocher:�_���{i c �}fJu�,n Rviw�____ 1 Economic I?evelopment Agency: a Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educarional agencies, institutions, or organizarions representutg such locai educational entities - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Local educarional entiries (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds ❑ Enrities providing adult educarion and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educarional insritutions ❑ Other: Labor � Nominated by recoguzed state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Stop Workforce Center Parrners (defined as the partners that carry out the fottowing activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Narive American & Veterans' Worl�'orce (WIA Title � ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title In ■ a ■ ■ Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titie n Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Educarion (Cazl D. Perkins Vocarional and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title In Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach {Title 38, U.S.C.) Cammunity Services Block Csrant Aeparhnent of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal taw) Consolidated Prngram Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Membership Application , Private Information t�-F.P 6O d Name: J o V� {`/1. ���' fMAN'� Place of Employment: _ S't: 1i:[.li� Telephone Number: E-Mail � Job Title: � eCi-+�"'� �ir2c. r Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: �.. �n �Q, �.Q �.J I,�O SS Address: Phone: I�-Iomel CeSt- Co4�t - `33�t �_ (Workl Eo5 t- 5 Z-3 � � 3v'1 2) Name: �'�r,�it� r� �1'��i�'c r ,�/�iJ�nP�r�� �TC TrkeB.e.c Address: �pD Tf�.�-�P r Q� S�"• PG�� Phone: (Homel l�5 �- 'l 3 g- 23 5�;' What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the VY�? 1 _ . r. � �,� ,, .. —� - � . i�• � �el��z�� � 3� w+.o�e s�ec`��.1 v�e�ds .� �o c�r G(i2.�Fs, Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge o the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntary. � �_ White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male:� Female: ❑ Dis . es `�No If tal accommodations are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or The informaiion on th'u apptication wil! be used ta evaluaie and select members ojthe H'IB. Applicants may reJuse tn supply the �equesYed injormation. Except for vofuntary information, however, the jailure to complete the application may resuli in i1 be'vrg discarded This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saixt Paut siaff. The data on this pvge is privafe. 3- 6et�:eve '�i�s �-�c(�-ert2h�e W�ll lne1,� �e c������ �-(�-e So�l rpa a, �000 o� �{�.� Gi-h,� — �O ✓ n� (� 0 ���fl('crL �v �2M'� �,�q r� . G '� �l .� � r �' 7r' � \ Street City County 1 Zip C�0 -G �`I n (�t'ork) Co S ! -2�i 2' � 1 7 Z (Home) �Sl - 22S - oS�1 � (FA� (05l - 2�i S - L 1L 5� ORIGiNAL Presented By Referred To Committee:U Date ., i RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to an approves of z the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following individual o serve on the a City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB). 4 5 s � a 9 io ii iz 13 14 is 16 i� is 19 20 ai aa 23 24 as 26 z7 aa 29 30 31 32 Appointments Karen Dee Daniel Galles Richard Hanson Louis Henry Richard Krohn Rolf Middleton Michelle Ott Kathleen Pinkett Shelley Rose Mary Schmitz Ellen E. Watters Joy Wise Davis Richard Grigos Eng Herr James Smith Lorrie Louder William P. L ncY Donovan S wic] Harry ander Mary unkow Jon utzmann Jo Mohr arlotte Strong Reuresenting Business Business Business Business � Business Business Susiness Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Community Based Org. Economic Development Education Education Labor One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner One-Stop Partner Expiration Date June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 3une 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2Q02 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 Jnne 30, 2001 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2�02 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2001 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 June 30, 2002 covncil File # p �- G G 9 Green Sheet # tio� g q y, RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� lf,�� r�� �o-CVR Lucia Lebens 6-8533 Si BE ON COUNCIL AG6�IDA BY (DA'fE) 7112/00 wrt TOTAL tt OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET o�►ue.rarta�ecTOa oo-GG4 No 106894 � a�reauMC�. aiYllna�u�kr � ❑ alYa8tic .qwc,.tacRVCCSOa ❑ I��uraRwawsasrnrt� ❑ (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj Approving the appointments of Karen Dee, Daniel Galles, Richard Hanson, Louis Henry, Richard ICrohn, Rolf Middleton, Michelle Ott, Rathleen Pinkett, Shelly Rose, Mary Schmitz, Ellen Watte , Joy Wise-Davis, Richard Grigos, Eng Herr, James Smith, Lorrie Louder, William Lynch, Donovan Schwichtenberg, Harry Melander, Mary Brunkow, Jon Gutzman, John Mohr and Charlotte Strong, by Mayor Coleman, to the City-County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) PL4NNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE C1VIL SERVICE CAMMISSION . l �' SOURCE VI� thie cereoNfirm ever Marketl untler a mrtract rortnis aepartmentv � VES NO Fles thte ae�aoM�m ever bean a eity empbyeeT Y6 NO Doer. Mis Oersonlfirm P� a slup not name➢YP�eeO by am' anreM d�Y emGbYee'7 YES Iq Is tltis peisprvfirm a tarpMed wntlo/t . YES NO COST/REVENUEBUOGETEO(pRCLEONE� ACiNRY NUMBER YES NO INFORMFTION (O(GLNN) 00 - 669 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember 7erry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Mike Harris Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jim Reiter Councilmember Kathy Iantry FROM: Lucia Lebens, a 's� DATE: July 5, 2000 RE: Workforce Investment Board Appointments Attached is a list of the Mayor's appointments for the Workforce Investment Board (WIB). The purpose of this memo is to give you some background on the Workforce Investment Board Appointment Process. Peter Hames and I have been working closely with County and City staff for their input and suggestions. You may recall that the Workforce Development Consolidation joint powers agreement (7PA) called for the Workforce Investment Board. In order to represent and advance City interests, the JPA gives the Mayor the authority to appoint one-half of the members. You may also recall that federal and state legislation mandate the membership categories to be included in the VJIB, resulting in a 46 member body. For example, business representatives must make up a majority of this inclusive board. The state requires that we have a full board in place by August 1, 2000. To make sure the appoinhnents meet the requirements of the JPA and the law, the Mayor and Commissioner Ortega met today to review the applicants and make their individual selections. The attached list of names meets those requirements. Peter Hames (6-8796) will contact you in the next week to discuss the WIB appointments. Thank you for your time and consideration. We are excited about this process moving forward. Senc ; ;les Canoanies nay-26-@H 19c@7 fron 6126998822d651 266 8059 aa9e 3i 2 Consoiidctcd ,Progran+ WorXforce Invcstnuxs ,8oard (iYlB) Membership Appticarion oo-�G9 Iiome Address: /�SfO ��mr.—• �,-�c��:..�F ..C-'7`, r/��',<•��'. r-c��a--�--�'�y ��lf E � ' " Street Ci:y Councy Zip What skil{s, trairung and ezperience do you possess for V1rTB membership? !.�C ri 4' i�A�! S¢ S< /9l r-s*1'Y� .�n..r a "G /9'SS� fj �a� "'� Y9��- f/'✓Ki+=X"c se� ? � �1 .� I c�—.—c� t - c� r� T`' l' k n � - °��c,z �',�l' ' �(' 'F !� �G�t c� '" S. v� lt.r f•' 7�� ` Gc�� !� Length of initial term you are interested in; one-yea� Are you a Vetecan?: O Yes .�o two-year �✓ Rnmsey County and tl�e City of Saint Paut are recruitIng individuals to represent vnrious categories as detailcd on ti�e Consaltdntcd P�agrmi� FYorkjorce InvesUnenrl3oar�l (WX13) Catego�}� Descriptions form on the revcrse of this page. Plcase indieate, on the reverac side, the cztegory or categorics y0u cxn repYescnt on tlic W1�3. .:> yi�:�� . . '_' Mailor�azyour:lVIRMembcrshipApplicati�ontoi. '. ';x;°us-::;.. ,.. . - ' �:� , .,; • .�>:....--. , :-:, .• s..,:r:F.::;;, .,r:, .,,,:.., •::- ::. Bonnie ;Iackelen, Chie -. Goii��lyBoard,�Suile ZSO �I3 WesCKelld��Botrt2verr�d,.5aint;F?ti:rl,.1✓linri'e�vta .iSJ02 (l�cr.r: 6Sl-IGG-80��;'Phoii�.':�GSI-166=8014J. Ap�litatiwismttYtTiti'�ceivedby,May12,1000:' •-. " We �via; I�old•hv3-ecientat%on sessiocu for iacmbers �r•ho arc apGcin:ed ta tite'.VIB. lbcsc ssssions am � Tt�ursd�y, June 22 (6:0a to I0:00 a.n�.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask tiiat members atcend one of chcse hvo sessions. Plcase reservc thesc datcs on you� calendar. �Ve e�pat that applicants w+l! bc af:'icia(ly notified mid-June on thc ataau of their aQptication Tt�anlc you for your iiiterest_ TLn brJerrrm�la� m� lhir e�y�licattnir u i(! Gc urUd Lo ewufuale and srlcc! me�nbcrs pjflrr WITi. rtpplicnrrfs inqv rejrrscYo sup/+fj• r.�:e requas/d+! i»jornrNr4�i. E�•ec/�t for vnlunlnry i�rjqrnrcdion, huwever, thC fnilurn t0 eentpltfe fh= a/lplica(io�r nray r¢.tuk i�r it bting discnrd�rt. 7hi.�• data nvn}• b2 revit��+eJnnd used by Ramsey Caunty and Saint Pau! sYaJf. The dafa on lhispage trnd (ke reverse sid�� r.r pubtic artd, thenfnr�+, availahle ro the p+.h(ie. For oificc Usc only Comntissioncr Aislric4 ^rra •, .�ouu Planning District Council (OVLR) Cih' Council Wacd i1,7t'. - - .= - ' ,.i: . ��I�TEF_�Ri}_i � :,e •..+. c ..�_ Senc les Coneanies nay-26-B8 19:87 fron 6126988622965i 266 8259 Place of Employmei WoCk Address: � Teiephone 23umber: E-Mai[ Address: C Iod 7itle: _O�s+x�.� Yersona112eferences (include area code) 1) 2) 23ame� �C/-�',�i �inc.c s�" Address: 1.�. 7'� 3f. Phone•fH4melCC ra ± o��— t9� What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WI$? (Work� C� �� S.�gCS- �4.� � 4ptinnaf: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup oPonr comm❑nity knowledge of the following i�formation is helpfvl However, compietion of chis inFormation is voiuntary. <� White (Cauctt�iar,) �lac{: (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male� �Y Female: � Disabled: Q Yes Hispsnic A�ian or Pacific Is(ander Qther � ., � lf special accommodations are needed, please specify: �?� 7'hc ii jurrnation oit 11ris Rpp(fCatiDn riiU bt uaed tn evu(yalc und sefeel mem6Cr5 aJtkc W16. f(pptetants xeay rrfuse to swpply (ht requcSfrd iajormutiorz. Fxcr(ilfvr vuluaLory in/nrn�o[iox, kowrver, tl�ejoilu.e rn ea�r�plele the applicotioa rnoy resu(t in i! bein; discorrled ]'A'u dala txrsy be itviewed nrrAnsed by Itamsey+ County and Saittt;Pau! Sta �'he da(a o� thu page is prE�are. Consalidated Aogravte Wor�force7nvutment Bou�d {WIB) Membership App7ication ,�ivateTnforma&an .�: / /�.,�//�� � Pa9e__2� 2 _ oc -�bq City (Work)l�•s� ) 69f�e .9�� (HOme)�('-<<� u�90 • v�o3 (FA�IF..>^- E o g _ as •�, Phone;�Comel� /�'> G�4 .. zas �Workl ��sr > a z-�:�- 9.� �°.�� f"/� �r�' •7`�_.c. i ,e�'rbN�,_�°m'Z2O..-t�,�� �,.a.^..,aer��aa� -�... /�a►.rw._ i� /C'1 t ' ' cY�Y �/� d. [ .C+a- 4s : G+� "�/"��l `'�Glcr es` 04i10 '00 10�00 iD�C�riii A=�R:RS FAX�651-737-3CE- PAGc City uf Saint Paul-Ramsey County 13'orkfbrce Xnvesiment Board Metnbcrslrip ApPlic�tinn 00 -��9 J t� — � Page 1 of 4 Name: 12ichazd E. (Dickl Hanson Place of F.mpioyment:3b1 Communitv Affairs Mailing Address:Bldg 591-30-02, St. Paul, Ramsey, M�I 55] Strcet City County Zip f�elephoneNtitmbcr: (Work)651/733-8335 (Home)651/735-5685 (}'AX)651/737-3061 E-Mail Address: rehansonl Job'1'itle; llirector, 3�1 Community Affairs, VY 3M l�oundation Rcasons for your intcrest in serving on thc lVorkforcc lnvcstmcnt Board: I've setved on the St. Ptiul PIClW1�C_ for the psst four vears and have been instrumental in renresentine the orivate business sector, and in the ef'fori to concolidate the Citv & Countv «'IBS To brinb cloture to tny involvement ] would like to spcnd one veaz 2s member of the new WIB to help nrovjde continuitv of leaderthip Mv ultimate ¢oal however is to hclo redesiem our communitv emplovment svttem 1<> eliminate the dizconnecis belwcen cmolovcrs and iob-seekers. What skills, training m7d experience do you possess for Workforce Jnvestment Aoard Membcrship? Private sector bueiness ma�ia�ement as well as the linkagec 1 have helned build bchvecn husincss. and the local _ Public and non-nrofit seclors involved in the emplovment Svetem At the samc timc 1 serve on the boards ef the Saint Paui Area Chamber of Commerce Em�iovers Solutions Inc the Communitv Emotovmenl Aartnership _ an�l the LJnited �Vav of the Saint Paul Arca Length of term you are interested in: one-year � two-ycaz ❑ IIow did you hear about thi; opening (includc nominations) "I'hrough the St. Paul Norkforce I�evelopment Counci] (OYF.R) 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�CO�i7 A�FAIP.S FAX�651-737-3Co1 P��E = ��c� NaKSo� In an attempt to ensurc that committcc rcpresentation renects t]te makeup of ous community, plcase check the line app3icable to you; this information i, voluntary. � White (Caucasian) ❑ F31ack (African Amcrican) ❑ American Indian or Alaskan Eskime OC- 6G� D fiispanic C7 Asian or Yacific lslander ❑ Other Mate: t�l T�emale: ❑ D'ssabied: ❑ Yes 0 No Jf specia} accommodations are needed, p{ease sPecify: PERSONAL REFERENCES (inciude arca codc) 1) I�Tame: MayorNonn Address: City Hali, St. Phonc:fl-lomc) 2) Name: I.arry Dowell, Address: Saint Paul �rea Chambcr of Yhone:(Home) Vetcrans:� Yes Q No f �Vorkl �Workl �Ve nre reeruitin� individuals to represent varions categories as detailed on the attached 3Ynrkfnrce Im�e.ctment Bnard Category Descriptions form. Please indicate the entegor}• or categories you can rcprescnt on thc WIB �n fhis form and return iE with your application. M�il or �ax �•our WIB MemUershin Anniication to: ITo�:nie.lackelen, ChiefCt�rk, Co7lntyBvurct, Suite 250, IS i3'e.�'! KelloggBoulevard, Saintl'nul, fLlinnesotcr 55102 (Fax: 651-26b-3039; Phone: <>51-2fi6-807�F). Appllcatlon.r must fie receivett byMay 12, 2DD0. For Officc Usc onlv Nlcasc notc that two orientafion sessions wili he heid in June for members who are appointed to the new City- County Workforce Investment Board. 7he;e sessions arc 1'hursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00} or Tuesda}', June 27 (1:00 to 3:00). Please jot these dates on your calendar at this time; we expect that applicants wil! be officialfy notified mid-June on the status of their application. t;ommiss+oner District Planning nistrict Council City Councii Ward _ The ir forJ�ialion iricltrded irt Ihis crpplicarinn is ennsidered prii�alc• dala accvrding to thc Minne.�nra C;nvernnren[ Uala Pruertces Act. As t� re.sult, tlris infornralion is not rcleused to the general MercT 29, 20bU 04i10 '00 10�00 ID�C077 P.�rRiP.S FAX�651-737-3061 PAGc �iCk �"'A�� � oo-G�9 Workforce Investment Board Category Descripiions I3usiness (defined as privatc, for-profit busincsscs): ❑ business owner, chief executive or operating oCCcer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking ar hiring authority OO represent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local area Also please indicate if you rcprescnt: m largc busincss ❑ small business (less than 500 employees) Cnmmunity-Bosed Organizations (defined as privatc, nonpi'ofit orgnni•r.ations): CJ representative of communities pr significant scgmcnts of communities providing job truinin� ❑ agcncy scrving youth ❑ agcncy servins displaced homemakers ❑ union-related organization � employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ organization scrving non-reservation lndian and tribal government ❑ agency representing veterans ❑ agency representing individuals with disabilities Economic I)eveloPment Agency: � Private Sector ❑ Public Sector L:ducation: ❑ local educational entities (including K-12} O local school boards Lahor ❑ entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ postsecondary cducational institutions ❑ Iv'ominated by recognized state and local lahor federations (OVER) OAi10 '00 10�01 ID�COrui FFFAIP,S FAX�651-737-3061 PA�E � b� t K +-�a.�s°s� One-Slop Warkfvrce Center Purtners (defined as the partners thxt carry out the following activities/probrams): ❑ Adult, Dislocated �Vorkcr, Youth, Job Corps, Nafive American & Vctcrans' Workforcc (W1A "title I) ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act 0 Adult Lducation and Literacy (WIA Title II) 00-6`� ❑ Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act'1'itle I) ❑ Wclfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Security Act) ❑ Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of thc Uldcr Americans Act) ❑ Yostsccondary F.ducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational & Applied "I'echnology Lducation Aet) �'!'radc Adjustment Aszistance (TAA) & NAFTA'I'AA ('1'rade Aci of 1974 �l"itic il) � I,oca] Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreacl� (7itle 3R, iJ.S.C:.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Department of Nousing and Urban Development ❑ Statc Unemployment ComPensation i,aws (in �ccordance with applicable federal law) (ovcR� APR-it7 11�39 St PAUL PLFNNING 8 E'ZtJ EJSGG�J14 F�.�C��/L� Consolidared Pi'aSr'am Workfarce Inuesiment Eaard (R'IBJ MemberskiP APFlicatian �� (_; _ oa - ��a 03 Length of uutial term yo e urterested in� one-year Are you a Veteran?: u� Yes ❑ No two-yenr � w'e wili hold n�o orienr:tian sVssions fer menbers whu aze appointed to the WTB. Thzse scssiens ar: � Thursday, .)uae 22 (8:00 to 10;00 a.m) or Tuesday, June 27 (I:00 to 3:06 p.m.). We ask d�ai mcmocrs attend one of th�so tHO sessions Please reserve .hese da2ea on yonr cal�dar. We ospcct tliat ag�licants tisill bc off,cially notificd mid-June ou the status of their applicafion. Thank you far your interest. The irs furm:�ric+n un [his apptiration r��itt be usert tn walxute and stiM_ members af the WIB• App?ica+�t� may refuse to suppiy tFe requesr¢d informarion. EYCept jor vo7uxtruy information, hnweves, the fat7ure to camptete rHe appliratiors �nay resxtt in ii being discwded Tnis data may be revi�wed and used by Itwtuey Couxity and Sainf Puut stajj. The data ors tEu p�e and the rererre side is public urtd, tkerejore, availabla to tha pablic. For Officz Use auly Commissiuner Dit:ct � P�amdnS District Ceuacil City' Council 4tiard tl�it 4, 2�00 � Streex i:tty .,.,�.,.� �.r What s1.711s, training and experience do you possess £vr WIH mem.tecship' 12amacy County and the City af Saint Yaul tu'e recruiting incllvidusls to represent various categuries as detailtd on the CortsaGdated Program Workfarce Investment Baard �Y3'IB) Cafagory Descrigtions focm nn the reversa of thls page. PleaSe indicate, on the reverse side, the tategory or categories you can represent on the WIB. fiPR-10 11�40 ST PaUL PLF.NNING & ECDPI os12eZ3ui-+ r.v�a-i_� Consolidated Program Workforce Inv��tment Board (Li'II3) �uiS � r � Category Desc�iptions p O— G 6R If you are spplying for Business, Education, ar Lahor pasitians, ploase attach a nominaiion letter ta your a lication as described beiow. Susinesa, de nzd as far profd {nominat� by local business organizations sad�'or bu<_iness trade associations - astach ynur no hon letter): Business owncr, duef executive or operatina officer, and ather executive or ampioycr mth oPtimum pulicymalanS or hiring autuoriiy � Represcns business with employment oppartwuues tha� nffect the lo ana Ako please indiczte if you iepresent: O large bu�ness small bus3ness (fewcr than 500 employees) Commur.iry•-Based Organizations, defined as nn�profuorgantwtions: G Ropres�carive of aommunities or significant segmenu of comnunitias provid�ng jo6 trausing ❑ Ag�ncy senine youth Q Agency serving d�sptaeed homemakezs D Union-relatt�d orgamzafion ! O Empioyer-ralated aonprofit organization ❑ Organizahon serving nonresacvationIndian anduibai gocern.�nent Q tlg�ncy repr�entng veterans �.t Agenay represenUng individuals with disabilities � Qthe� Econom ic De velapment Ag¢ncy.• ❑ Private Secto: O Public Sector Educativn (nomin�ted by regional or locat educarional &genaes, instimtions, or organizarions represenring such local educatiunai erctities - attach your nominatlon letter): � Lacal educarional eatiries (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds d Entities providing adi:it education end liteca..y a.ctiviues ❑ Postsecondary educarional instimtions � Other. Labar ❑\"om�nated by recognized state and/or local laboc federziions (attach your nomiration letter} One-Stop it�orkforee CenterParmers (defined zs t1�e p�n lhat cazry out tha foUowing acavities(programs): ❑ Adul; Disiocat:d Wocker, Youth, Job Corps, Ivative �.mencan and Veterans' Workforce (WTA Tide n ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act � Adult Educarion and Liceracy (WIP+ Title "m 0 Y ocationzl Rehabiirtarion (Rebabilitation Act Title I) ❑ Welfaz:-'aWork Programs (Sncisl Security Act) ❑ Senior Commi:nity 5orvice Einploynent (Tide V ofth°. OEder Amaricans Ac>) G Posuecondary Educz�on (Carl D. Pcrkins Vocarional and Applied Tecnnolo� Educ�rien Act) Q 7rade Adjushn�t Assistana (TAA} and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 ?ifle II} ❑ Local Vetera.�s' Employment Represe�rtati�es and Disabled Ve�rans Outr2ach (Title 38, U.S.CJ Q Comm�ity Services Block Grexrt ❑ Departmant of Housing and Urban Dev�lopment ❑ State Un�noloyment CompensationL2ws (in accordance v,ritn applirza!e fader2l law) . P,FR-10 11�40 ST PflUL FLF.NNING & ECON Place Work �i'z�s�� P.a=-�; Consolidated Progra�n �I'orkforce InvesYment Board (A'IB) 1Ylemberslsip ApPlicatiort privase Infarmation S , �-1� � .�-� ,�� �` s � �,�-- �' � � ar�-o �,e' � � _ 5 � L � Street Ct � � 2.Z �4 ome ?i ) �Q ( {F.� Z?-������� Telephone Ivumber: (Work) 2-?- � ,�'��— � �� E-Mail Address: i-� v� c� v Job Title: Y�' 1 C��'�' personalReferences 'nclvde 1 } Name: Address'. � � � - Phone: ome 2) Name: , ) �-� Phone:(HomeZ Z Svs� t� What aze your ceasons for azea cede) �2��� - �V4Jt�/�.� Oo - GGq � �� --�'�l� � � � �- � �a� 1 - s,� ,�- � 3� � ' � �Varkl .t��m,5srm� — Z—db �77 to serve on the WIB? � ,-- o-rL-�a — pprionai: In an attempt to ensure that Board representa�on reflects the makeup oi o�,r com.ziunity, knowiedge of [he foilpwin infarrnation is he(pful. However, cospletion o: this inTOrmarion i; voiuncary 'te (Caucasian) I�ispanic Black can American) Asizn or Pacific Islz�dcr Am �can Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Other �fa1e: Fer�ale: Ca Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No If special acaommodation; ue needed, plea;e specify: '1'k� infarm�aian on ihis appficatiars wt11 be used ta evaluate asd srlect rae�a6ers of tJ,�e WI& ?.ppticantc may �efuse fo s:�pp[y tke requestek infor»uttion. Ezeepi jor voluxs�+ry infurmafion, horrere', the failu� ta ro+wplete Nce aP n+ay reaxH in it beir.g dCscarded Tftfs da7a m. ay be review _M and rzsr� by Rarcmry Coeu�ry aed Saint Paul staff. ZNe data an ehis page is priva�e. APC:I A, 200D HPk-10-z`d�a 11�41 ST PaUL PLFhJNING & E�SJN DgAFF DOCUMEPi'T 0313912000 .�.JIGGCJ.J1� {�ats C9ty of Saint Pau1-RamSZY Cau°tY YVarkfarce Inrestmtnt Board pirector Posifian Principles and Characteristics r.<,�.... ��� Oo- 669 The East Nietro business community is � investor in Workforce Aevelapme. t ponfolios, a partna in education and training programs, and a s�2keholder in the outcomes of youth and adults. Business needs a��orkforce that has full oommand of all basic sldlls, hi�her lecel skills and an understanding of the workplace. A we11-prepared workforce treates a vibrant ecenomic errvitonmer.t, and economic stability drives soc'sal stability. The Saint Paul Piorkforce Councit offers the follawing princiPles that need to be considered in selecting a director, and emphasizes that the birins decision must be made by September 7, 2000. The Saint Paut Workforce Council belieces that tota} attention nzeds to be given to A�EW LE.ADER5HIP ROLES for WORKFORCE �OAR�S. For example: . Assess and articulate chan�ing workPlace oeeds . Shapeamazket-drivenvision . Build a comprehensive system • Provide effective leadership . Launch assativc outreach Ths Saint Paul Workforce Council believes in SHAPING SYSTEbiS to REFT ECT CF3AR.9CTERISTICS VALiJED by BUSII��SS. These az'e: • Market-driven . Comprehensive . Portabic . A�ountable . Customer-focused • Responsive . Fle�bk . Customized The Saini Paul Workforce Council wants PIFBLSC SY57EMS ALIGN�.'D �i2th the M.AiZKETPLACE. For example: • Market demands drive 6usiness skiti requirements + Caminuously define changing business requiremarrts . Identify specific industry ucnds and skill require�ents . Set high standards for eflucatior an�1 training provi3ers The Saint Paul Workforce Councii believes in ACCOUNTABII-TTY to :vi-4Ri{ETpLACE STAIdDARDS for TRAIlVL'3G AND C�MPE?ENC7ES. For exza�ple: • Set new standazds for employer satisfaction and contmuaus improvement RPR-10 11 � 41 ST PAUL PLFNN i NG & Ec�Jr� . Publicly disclosed perforn�ance of u'a+n��g Pro�2ders . Qcerall system parformaace based on specific measureble outcomcs OJIGGJ�)J1� � .'-'-" �- � W„— V �o-�G9 The Saint Pul Workforce Council believes m BUII-DING CRE3�IDII.TTY with EhiPLOI'ERS. This happa�s when: • Employers buy into tht vision . Commit to systemic c.l�nge Fc�cus on results Ensure a ouatity product Eased on the �ve princ�ples outlincd above, the SainE Paul FVoridorce Coencll afPers the Pollowing characteristics essendal fur an effective diractor. 1. 2. 3. An a3ept busu:ess co��cator with danonsuated results in ai1 five areas: improved leadership roles, creating systiems that have business characteristics, aligiment of public systems with the mazketplace, accountability to marketnlace standards, and building credibility with employers. Ability to 6e a risk talcer ead manaba chan�e and d�versity. Posscss the courage of conviction and tba ab'uty ta implement the Vvori�occe Investment Boazd vision. JUN 07'00 09:a8 FR RGC OF MINN'cSOTA 651 632 8928 70 2668@39 Co.ualidated'Program �'o�kforce Invrstment .8oatd (FYIB) Membership Application CO'(.{�c� 1 Home Street City County Zip What s}dlls, training and experience do you possess for VJID membership? e r�� �,n -- �t 7t1�'-- Leneth of initial term you are interested in: one-year,� two-year �.. Are you a Ve:eran?; � Yes �No Rxmsey County and the City oFSaint Yaul are recruiting individuals to represeat various categaries as detailcd on the Conso7idaterl Prograrn WorkJorce Inreslment ,t3oard (FYfl3) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categaries you can represent on the WIB. hlail or'Faz'you"r'.WI$`Membci Ronnie Jcrckete�r,'.Gytref Clerk - C .i510Z (1'ccz'.•''G.iI-1GG-8039;'Pho; 0 '� .�%: �.,. \ �vaid„$ai"rit `Piiiil,=MinnesoGc f:-. ....,1 R C: a,%.;:��r��'�nna ,,, ' 1Vc �vill hold ha�o oricnta[ion sessions for mcmbcrs �vho arc appoin[ed to the WIB. These scssions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 to 1.0:Od a.m.) or'I'uesday, .1une Z7 (1:0o to 3:09 p,m.). We ask that menb�rs attend one of thesc t�vo sessions. Pleaze reserve these dates on your ca]endar. We eepect thac applicants ��•ill bc offcially notified mid-June on the status of their application. �hank you for your intcrest. Zhc ii�onrinliai oi� this applicotion irill bc wsed to evtrlun(e and sclect nrenr6ers ajllre WU3. slpplirnuLs may rrfurc to cupplr tf:e rcqutstc<( injormarion. Fitep� jor vulurttnry irtf6rmofion, however� the failurC ta complde thc applicntiort may rtsult in it bting dircnrdcd AHis dntn may bc revinved and used by Rernsey County and $a+rct Pau! stajf. The data an Chis page nrtd thr rcvnrsa siAc is pub(ic antl, fhrrcfore, avoilabtr lo thc�ublia Eor Officc'Usc only CommissioncrDistrict Planning Aisttict Caunci[ 7 P.02�04 ���?�- c�� . � c�� Citp Council Ward A; r,t a, 2000 (OYbRJ crai�ra•� erreQ oo� rro vvnu�.iui.i i JUN 07•00 09:49 FR aGC OF MINNESOTA 651 632 892d TO 2^068039 Cansalidared Prograr,i Workforce In vrstment Board (N�I'� • Categnry Descr�ptians � P.03i�A �-�` �� � ao -��q If you are spp►ying for �usinas, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to yaur spplication as deseribed below. B�atnets, defined asjor profrt (namsnated by local business organizztions andJor business tade associaCOns - a ttach yoar nomina6on tetter)_ 0 Busin?5s owner, chief executive or operaBng officec, and other execufive or employer with optimum po(icysnalring or hiring authoriry � Represent business with employment opportunities that reflea the locai area Also please indicake ifyou tepresent: �large business O small business (fewer than 560 employees) Coiru�iunrry-Based OrganizaAOns, defined as no�eprofit organiza6oxs: � 1Zepresentative af communiries orsignificant segments of communiries providin� job tr2ining a � 0 ❑ 0 0 ❑ Cl Agency serving youth Agency serving displaced homemakers YJnion-related organizarion EmQloyer•related nonprofit organizarion Oreanization serving nonreservation 7ndian and iribai govemment Agency representing verer2ns Agency represeneing individual5 with disabitiries t7ther: .Gconomic AecelopnrentAgency: 0 Private Sector � Public Setror L•ducation (nominated by regional or {ocal educationa4 agencies, instiNtions, or organiurions representing such locai educaeionaS entities - attach rour nomination letter); Q Local educaeonal entiries (induding Y.-12) � Cl Lotzf school boards Q Entiti:s providing aduit education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ O:her: Labor R IQominated by recognized State ancUor ]ocal iabor federations (nttach your nom]»ation letter) Onc-Srop T�'o�x�orce Cenmr Partncrs (deFined ae the partners that cury out thc fol[o�ti'ing aciiviHeslpro�tams): i� Adult, Dislocated Worker, You;h, Job Corps, Placive American and Veterzns' Wo�kforce (Witl Tit1e � ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Q Adult Educacion and Literacy (WIA Tit!e 3� � Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title � Cl 1�'el.`are-to-Work Prograrns (Soci21 Setutity ACC) ❑ 5enior Community Se�vice Empioyment (�'itle V of the Oide� Asnericans Ac�) Q Postsecondary Educarion (Carl b. Per}, Vocational and Applied Technotogy �dueation Act) Q Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) a�d NAFTA TAA (7rade Act oF 1914 �'icia TI) Q Loczl Veterans' �mployment Representatives and ?�isabled Veterans Oufreach (Iitte 38, U.S.C.) O Cnr.tmunity Sasvices Block Grz�t 0 Depa-tmentofHousingandUc6anJ�evelopment . ,. , .. ..:._ ---r,..�i., r a�..,t �z�„t _.�, ..�^.. . �...... �..-, +,-.. � . i�..��. ��. i� � � � . ennn � �rv �u�e rr.. er ..nne � n � �n r JuN 07'00 a9:a9 FR aGC OF MINNESOTR 651 632 8928 TO 2668939 CansolidatedPragsam WorkforcelnvestrrceniBoard (iYIB) Membership Apptica&ox Privarelrcformation R, 64��04 Go -GGg Place ofEmQloyment: It�.�f�1�T��i�iL'#�91-L vF�.tTc�cc.1'�►�5- 04- �1 �.�„ Work Address: � �S ���i(� jd�rE �L �T �r�.7� �e�`� S�� 1 � Street City Coun[y Zip TelephoneNumber: (Work}�6`-�1) ��z �- (FAX)(�Si�,f„32' 8�2� E-Mail . t' .. � � �.._.�� _ .. � --! � -- � � � - — Personat ReCerences (include area code) I) Name: 2� Phane:{Harr�e� • 2) Name. Phone:(Homel ` What are youc ceasocu foc wanting to serve on the WID? ��� . � �lf9i._. 'i �� • . 1 .. J 'r T i I �� �•.. �J� � C': . �\��� � � ' � /.� t�� '�1 �ri.�* � y � , ► \�_ / � � L ..l - ei I!C__ . � � :�= _ _ �' � ° � � • _�_! � > _ , ,� _ � c _ i i t �+r�_ Oplronal: In an actempt co ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowled;e of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluntaty. � White (Caucasian) � Black (P,;frican American) American Tndian or Alaskan Bskimo Male: f� Female: ❑ Disabled:�lXes ONo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander O�her If special accommociations are needed, ptzase specify: C� k� �' T6 e irtformalion on t/�is applitetinn wil! be used fa evaluafe and se[tct mer,rbers oJthe k'IG. Apj�liccnit neay rcjuse tu supp[�' the �equesfed inJormatiort. Ertejd jor vofunfary infarn�a(ian, hOweve�� (6e failure fa cumplete lhe applkatioK may reS+tlt in it beiag diseardcd i7�is ��rta �nay 6e rrvic�ved and used by Rnmsey Cuunly ond SaiKr Puul sraJf. T6e data an tleispage is pri�ate. n�ri� n 7t!nn /hf.l'J L �a I-� r� � ddl�br Conso[idated Program Workjorce Investment Bonrd (WIB) RECE�VEQ OO _ MembershipApplication MAY 1 I 5 2000 '�j iC/q���� MAYOR'S QFFICE ,� Home Street What Skills, training and City do you possess for WIB membership? Zip %/s Length of initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: � Yes � /\ two-year � Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Ca:solid¢ted Program Workjorce InvesM:ent Boa�d (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, thc category or c�tcgories you can represent on the WIB. Mail or Fax your WIB Membership A.pplicatlon to: /3onnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - County Board, Suite 150, 1� West Kellogg 13oulevard Saint Pacrl, MrnneSOta .i5103 (Fas: 651-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-8014). Applications rnust be received by May 12, �D00. We wifl hold two orientation sessions for members wlio are appointed to the �VI$. Tl�ese sessions are � Ttiursday, June 22 (8:00 ro 10:00 a.m.) or TuesJay, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members atrend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. �Ve expect that app�ica�tts wilf be officially notified mid-June on the stams of their application. Thank you for your interest. Tl�e ir� Jornxorion a+ !!ds rtppllcnRon w1U be used to evnfun�e mu( select members af lhe N'IB. Appticnnts mny reJuse 10 St�pplf tl�e rery+�es�ed injommtfnn. Escepl jor volturfary inforn�rslJqr�, /roweve�, ll�eJalGrre fo corapfele U�e nppllcntiun neay iesttlt in if bei�tg discarderl. This drzta nmy be r¢v)ewed nnd trsed b}' RruuS¢y Couitly nnd Sninf Pnn! Stttff. Tlie tGrtrt n/t fHiS p�l�e «nd U�e reverSe Side is pub(ic ru« !, tLe�ejo�e, nvullable fo /l�e pubtic � For Officc Use only Comm issioner District Planning District Council City Council Ward Aprit 4, 2000 (OY.E'R) 20�� m���, Consoliduterl Prog�am Workforce In vestmeni Board (WXB) b �-��� Category Descrtptions If you are appiying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, piease attach a application as descrihed below_ 5-Glbm,/!uf SP�,rTr� 2etter to your Business, defined as jor-proflt (nominated by loca! business organizations andlor business trade associations - attac ou nominat;on letter): Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or empio}'er with optimum policymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business with emptoyment opportunities that reflect the local area Aiso please indicate if you represent: O large business small business (fewer than i00 employees) Community-Based Organizations, defrned as nonproJll organizations: ❑ Representative of communities or significant segments oP communities providingjob training � ❑ Q O U ❑ a a Agency serving youth Agency serving displaced homemakers (lnion-re{ated organization Employer-refated nonprofit organization Organization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government Agency representing veterans Agency representing individuals with disabilities Other: Economic DevelopmentAgency: 0 Private Sector 0 Public Sector Edircntion (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institntions, or organizations representing such loca! educationai entities - attach your nomination letter): O Locai educational entities (including K-12) O Locat school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities O Postsecondazy educationaf institutions � Other: Labor Q t`�ominated by recognized state and(or loca( (abor federations (attach your nominstion letter) One-Stop Workjorre Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the follewing activitieslpcograms): Q Adu(t, Dislocated Worker, Youth,lob Corps, Native American and Veterzns' Workforce (�VIA Title 1) O 0 ❑ O ❑ O � O Q O O Wagner-Peyser Act Aduit Education and Literacy (WIA Title I[) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titie 1) Welface-to-Work Programs (Social Security Aet) Senior Commun'sty Service �mployment (Tide V of the Otde� Americans Act} Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technoio�y Education Aet) 7rade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (T�ade Act af 1474. Title II) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 3$, i.3.$.C.) Community Services Block Grant ilepsrtment of Housing and Urban Devefopment State Unemploymen[ Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicnbS; iederat {a��'} Q�t-� t�+'��n 0��`/2 00 - G�q Place of Employment: �LliT"� ��� Work /� � � � �c°it-po �s Ciry County Telephone Numbez: {Work) IO�Z ��'`1`�ZZ (Home�ds/��� ��9v (FAX�o�Z 3a!- 5'39/ �Mail Address: Job XCGcr Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Addres Phone: 2) Name: � � ,(� L / c.� /_ ��i r 'Y�`f' C.=l.i'd9 N/E r What are your reasons foz wenting to serve on the WIB? ��/�.o-u� ,�.5 /o rwork� � s'/ GGS"- SSe3 Oplionn/: In an attempt to ensure that Soard representation reflects the makeup of our community, kno«•led�e of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is vo(untary. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Siack (African American) ,4sian os Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Othez Male: �3 Female: � Disabled: ❑ Yes d No II special accommodations are needed, please specify: The A�jortnation on thls app!!ca(ton wt1lbe used ta evnivate n�d setect memberr of tke iYlB, Applicmrn nmr �eJuse !o t[rppl}' I/re requesfed injormatlon. Excepf jo� voluntarylnjarmnftoR, however, lfiejalture to comple(elhe applicufrai nray result in ir being ditcarde�[ TIdS duta may be rev[ewtG anJ trsed by Rnmsey Counry anJ SaLd Pau! stajf. Tde dutn on tlds pnge is privare. ' Consnlidaled Program Workforce Investment Baard (l3'IB) Membership Application � / Private Injormation �7C,lJ�� �f/�J ° ��'°��d/-C�7� Aprd 4, 20UU Phone:(Hor�ae) r { Workl �oV�/ 7��i� � �33c� � �i .i ♦• 00 - GG9 Rolf Middleton Business, Public Serv�ce, Civic & Prafessional, Military, Education & .Tobs As A Youngster PRNATE SECTOR Owner and President, MSP Companies, Commercial Real Estate/O�ce Buildings Owner and President, MSP Park Place, Inc. (Airport Parking & Shuttle Service) ELR Systems, Vice President, Operatzons & Sales (Rehabilitation & Housing Services) Qnetics, Vice Preaident, Marketing and Sales, (Medical Records 5oftware S}^.�tems) CCSI, Sales Eaecurive, (Automated Informatiop Systems) Manegement Trainee, St. Paui Fire & Marine Companies PUBLIC SERVICE Member, Governor's Cabinet (Commissioner, MN Department of Ecoaomic Security) Member, Govemor's Economic Roundtable Member, Governor'a Urban Is�aes Gronp Member, Governor's Rural Development Council Member, Committee Staff Assiguments: National Governors' Association Board Membor, Interstete Conference of Employment Security Administrators {Representing the States of MN,lVI, IL, MI, il\' and OH) Member, Advisory Board, PIstHona( As.4ociation of Regionai Councils Member, Speclal Committee (Busineas I�sues} of thc Minnesots Bu�iness Partnership President & Board 111ember, Minneaots Software Ar�vociation h3ember, Govemor's Commission on Software Technology A,dvisury Board, U of M Schoot of Management, Division of Software Technology Urbao Planoer, Metropolitxn Planning Commiseion Econornist, Metropotitan Council Budget & Planaing Analy�i, State of Wiuonsin Deputy Director, Metropolitan Dane County bevelopment Commission, Madison, WI Ezecutive Director, RegionAl Development Commiasion, Rochester, Mti (�ol� (�Nd�,� 00 - 66q KNOWLEDGE BASE Nietropolitan Isnues * Trensportation Sy9tems: Highways (Influence on Urban Grawth Paiterns * Transportation Systems: Transit (RaillBus Policy) '� MSP InternAtiona] Airport: Analysis of the "Ham Lake" site proposed by MA.0 in 196G-67 * ImpaM of retail expenditures on the location of arajor shopping centers ia the Twin CiTies metropoliten area * Population trend�, housing and income distribution * Impact of major interceptor sewers on the IocaYian of residential, commereial and iadustrial ea}rensioa * Solid waste management programs * RegionAi parks and open spaces * Land development policic� and programs * Subdivisioa and zoaing ordinance management • Agricu[Yural4ind preserration I2uraltasues Economic revitalizstion programs for non-metropolitaa Minnesota Countryside Communities: pcogram for stability and growth in rural areas Workforce & Human Service Systems * Workforce Development Policies and Programs * Welfare-to-Wark ` Health Care: Tnsuiance, 314(b) Certifecate of I�ieed for L�ospitat Erpansioa * Criminal Ju�dce * Deve)opmentai Disabi)itie9 '� Vocational Rehabi{itation Economic Assistance Programs * Fuel Assisience * WeStherizatiou • Unemployment Compensation Arts and Humanities Graats aupporting the arb aad humanitics Special services: MothereadlFatheread, Teachers` Institute 20�- m�at�, ao-�` CIVIC & PROFESSIONAL Board Member, Minnesotst Humanities Commission Chairman, Worldorce Inveatment Board, City otSt Paul Member, St Paui Chamber of Commerce Chair, Bneine+s Development Committee of the St Paul Chamber of Commerce Chair, State-Wide Committee/Sma11 Businegs, MnCare (Health Insurance) Member, American Mnnagement Associetioq Charter Member, Big Brother� of Greater St Paul, Inc. (Board Member & Active Big Brother) Vice Chair, West 7th $usines� & Professional A.ssociation Po]icy Working Group, WorWorce Council 2'►�erger Member, Emgloyers' Fartnership, Ramsey County Member, West 7th Comraanity Center (SL Paul) Board Member, Bueinea� Revitslizstion Council, West 7th Street Board Member, Northeast Busiues� Assacistion (i�Iinneapolis) MILITARY Enlisted, 1963. Eight years active and reserve Captain, At Discherge, US Army Artitlery EDUCATION Morton Public School St 3ohn's University 1�ianlceto State College BA. Economica & PoliNcal Srience One Xear of Greduate Work. Business Management Ro�- m���, oc-cc, JOBS AS A YO[,,,JNGSTER Delivered MinneapotimlSL Paul Newspapers Garbage Coliection & Disposal Se[vice Surveyor'a Aa�istant Farm $and Raised Sheep, $eifers and Pi� Custom Baiting Operator (Alfalfa & Straw) Custom Corn Sheller Ogerator Lumber Yard Assistattt Groce,ry Produce I}eparbment & Store Maintenance Construction Worker (Grain Storage Bins) Cora and Pea Proceuing Plant OQerator Carpentry Apprentice Highvray Rod & Tape A�sistaat Truck Driver (Gravel) HOME ADDRESS 1406 Edgcumbe Rnad St. Paul, biN 55116 6S1 690-1590 BUSINESS MSP Companies Suite 4�0 2021 EAat Hennepin Avenue Minneapolis, MN 55413 e-maiL• m� 612 33]-44Z1 (office) 612 331-d391 (fax) MARRIED & FATHER Wife of 31 years; Karea Sherlock (RN., College of St. Cetberine, St..Paul, MN) Three adult children (Paul, Beth and I{ete) graduated from Cretin-Derham High School, St. Paul, MN and St John's University, Creighton IInivecsity and the College of St. Benrdict Ko� m��,�(�, 00 - G �q Reading, Impreasioaistic Att, the HumAnities, Russian History, Travel, Fishing, Gopher Basketbali and Besebail and Major I.eague Baseball �01-� �1�dd �2`� 00- G69 SNAYSHOT OF WORKFORCE �MPLOYMENT & TRAINING EXpERIENCE • Chief Exeeutive Officer in charge of consolidating three independent state agencies into one public service organization throughout the State of Minnesota • State Cabinet veteran of seven general and specisl legislative sessions during the recessionay period of the earlier 1980s • I2espoasible for the direction and management of a consolidated state agency of some 2,7U0 pecsonnel in over 100 locations throughout the State. FinaneIal resources over 5600,�00,000 . Merged multiple state agency budgetary, personnel, administrative and operating systems . Produced cost saving resulte that were repositioned to serve citizens • Designed sad implemented changes in policy setting, program management, support services and ser�ice delivery • Introduced large scale, technology-based information management systems at the statellocal affiee level • Established "Local Servlce Teams" for the agency's public-serving of�ices to provide one-stop services to job seekers and employers • Experienced with Workforce Investment Act (WZA) as the Chairman of the St. Psul Workforce Investmenf Board (WIB) . Knowledgeabie regarding Private Industry Council to WIB transition • Understands the signifcance of the WZA reforms for developing WIB Boards into policy making bodies and their usefulness as vehicles Sor leadersbip in their communities . Esperienced in establishing and using performance/accountability standards and utilizing the results to produce change through continuous improvement principles and practices. . Understands the critical importance of developing capacity building for WIB Board and WIB executive staff leadership • Provjded the leadership and direction for the St. Paul VVIB's creative "Community Succe9s Initiative" and its centerpiece - the "Community Investment Strategy" Oa-t6q May 12, 2000 TO: Bonnie Jackelen RE: My "Bio" for membership on the Ramsey Count WIB Some background stuff for mennbership on the aew WIB. Thanks. �� � Rolf Middleton 1406 Edgcumbe Road St. Paul, MN 55413 MP f-12-�0 FRi �8�39 Ain KU�tlHKU tlKUHU�HJ( Chn I�u, o9C4�t4 Oo-GG9 Consolidated,Program Wor�forcelnves7ment.Board (�YIB} , f�FCEfVED _ _ . Membership tipplication htAY 15 2000 Name: Michelle E. Ott Home Address:-- . = 656 Wi� Street CiTy Counky . Zip_.:. What skiIls, training anct _experience do you possess for �VIB membership?. As a"Htunan Itesouices professional for the nast 8 veats. T have had the ogpottunitv to �uork in all areas of � emDlavmenC including recruitment. selection and retention. Mv experierices in human resotirces aze diverse; as T lv'�ve wor'ked in different industries. irieiuding hum�n scrviccs, manufacturin¢ and broadcastircz: . T know the chaile es exngtovers face in finding gualified candidates for etnploymeni and have worked to find salutions to he� mv em,plovers attract and keep qu3lified neotile. T am we11 versed and keen iio to date in the azei,s of e�lovment Iaw, inferviewina, recruitment, and em�loveerelations. I am also a.txainer o£.� emnlovmenc issues as weli. � Lengih.of initial term you are iriterested in: oi�e-yeaz XX Are you a Vcteran?: Ycs X No Ramsey Cor�ntyand the Cit�cof Suint Paul arc recruifing individuats to represerit varions'categories as detaileci on the Co�:svliduted Program {Yorkforce Iirvesimerit;Board (l3'IB)_Caregory.I�escriptions fonn on t�e reve,rse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories }on can regreseut on the WIB: ._ _ ....._..._��....._ ---.. .,_._ _.� ..._......_...:........... ...,. , .: ............._..,... _... -T,:..._w_. �_.,._. ,. �.w.�,..,_.r.,,.:mw�,..,,..,n..�-.-.,:,....a<>..,;-..',� :: ;,�.,, < - � er e. � ��I�;�.�'¢ `� ,.� ..:_ �:�.._ r, uc We will fiold t�vo orientatian sessions for members wlio aze appointed to the WI6. These sessions are Thursday, June 22 (8:00 in 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesdap, .Iune 27 (7 :00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that membets atterid one of,ihesa fwo ;::." sessions. Pleace reserve these'dates on your calendar. We expeet.that a{�plicao�, will be officialty nofifed mid-June on -tfie status iiftheir application. " Thank you for your iuterest. The infonnafion on ihis ayplica3ion witl be used W evqlaute und setect m�m6ers.ojtke WYE. �lpplicanu �nay rejuse So supply �e _ -sequnled lnfor�nntfon. Lxceps for poluntary lnfonnutiox, haii+ever, r)refniture ra rompltte rlie npplicruion may result in it beu:� :- dsearded. �'i5is dasa mrry be revkwed.and.tise� by Ranuey Coirnry' and 5"aintPau! staff.. Tlie data bN lliis pdge and fhe severse side '' . .�Lipribllcaai;_rlrerefo�e,evailableioilrrp�bite . � � � . .. � .. ' � . For Office Use only , . " CommissionerDimict � �Apri1 "� � � . . ^ Planning Districc Council two-yeaz Ciry Council bYard _ s M�Y-12-00 FRI 08;39 AM HU88ftRU dKUftDL'A5! rHx nu, o4�4�i4 r,u� ,rn, e�..( I� f . O+E-. Co»solidated .t'ragTam Workjorce Investment Soard (id7B) . _ CategoryDescriptiairs - �p •�,�Ci arr ssdescribed below: or a nominarion detter.4o your : �...>....�.. J••,•. ., ..J...w...wurvwvi��..a.�..+.wauwaWVavuuaaaa.wuouva�owttutV�u.— _ atiuch ponr nomination lefter): : Svsiness otiiraer, chief executive or operating ofFicer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or_hirin;-au.thority X Represent business with eniplayment opportunities thaE reflect the local azea Atso piease indicate if you represent: X large business sma11 business {fewer than S00 employeas) Communrty-Based Organizations, defrned as nonprofit organizations: Reprecentar.ive of communities or significant segmentc of rommunipes ptoviding job trairiing A�ency serving youth Agency serving displacccl homemakers Union-related organization _ Employer-related rianprofit 6rganization Organ'�ntion sccving nonzcscrvation Iadian and tribal �ovemment represenfing veteians Agency representing individuals with disabilities Other Economic Develnpment Agency: Pr��2te Scctor Public Sector F.ciucation (nominated by regional or loeal educacional agencies, in.nitutions, ar organizations represeziting sucC� loc�l edacational entities - attach your nominatiou letter): ' Loca1 educational enfifses (ineluding K-12} Local school boazds Enlities prpviding adult education and titecacy activities Postsecondazy"educa4onal instimtions Zabor Nominated by rec,ognized s�taze andlor local tabor fedecatioos (at�ach your nominafion tefter) , . One=Stop Workforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that cazry out the faliowing activities/progtams): ... Adul� Dislocaied Workcr, Youth, Job Corps, Native American a�id Veierans' Workforce.(VJIA Title7Z :. Wa�er-PeyserAct . Adult Education and Literacy (VJIA Title In . Vocauonal Rehabilita6on (Rehabilitation Act Tide I) Welfare-to-Wor!c Programs (Social Security Act) - Senior Community Service Emp(oymenf (Title V of the Oldet AmeTicdns Actj PostsecandaiyBducation (CarT D. Perkins �Idcationa!•aad Applied_ Technology Educarion. Act) 'Tratle Adjustinent Assiscance_ (TAA} and_s IAF'I'A TAA �Trade Act,of 19?4.Tide II) . Loeal. Veterans' Er.ipioyment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38; U.S:C.) Cominunity Services`Block C`rrant • Departrrient of$ousfng and Ucban Development Stsita LJnemploymcnt_Compensation accordance with app&cable federal law) ,. _:A�pri14,2000���. '�: � . . � . . . MP,Y-12-00 FRI 08�4U AM HUd�AKU �ttuHU�H�i rnn ivu. ovc4�i4 r u4 - . CorrsolidaledProgram, yYor�force Invesbne.ntBoard (WIB) .. _ a�� `�� MembershiP �PPruation Priv¢fe Injormniion Naine: Michelle E. Ott Place of Eruploytnent: IIubbard Broadcastin� Inc. Work Address: 3415 Universitv Avenue St Paul :et C:ny_ • County , . TeTephoneNumber: (Workj651-G42-4638 {F3ome) 651-714-09I0 (FA� -651-642-4314 :&-Mai1 Address: . motf(a� Job Title: Emplovee Relations Manaeer Personal References (incltde azea code) 1) I�Tame: Vireinia Hubbazd Morris Address: 3415 Universitv Avenue. St. Yaul. MrI 55114 Phone:(Homel (Workl (6511642-41b0 2) Name: Rtmdv Itobison ' Addtess: 1735 Terrace Drive. Rosevitle MN �SI li Phone:fHome) (6i21566-2727 (Workl (6121930-8867 What are yaur reasons. for wanting to serve on the WIB? ' With the unemolovment rate in the Twin Cities area at an all time low and mv.role as a human r�sources professional. I know how hard it is for emnlovers to f nd qualified candidates f'oz emnlovirient. "I know fltere are, �eo�le in the communitv who want to work but do not rmssess necessarv skills to succeed I beliede �mnlovers are part of the solufion in workforce issues in communities. I want to serve on the Board because�I believe mv " ex�eriences workin¢ with recnritment selection and retention and mv employers commitment to tlie whole "., commtuntv will be valuable as the Board helvs develop strategies for wo kfoice iievelopment in oui communitv' T also want to serve on the Board so I can have the opportunitv to lcam moze'abou: challenees 1he .. � con7muintv faces and hel�ko develop sound workforce strate�ies that benefitS all in the commimifv. .- As a rifelonz resident of St Paul'and Ranisev Counzv. I feel this opportunitv mv chance to �ive_to mt� corcimunitv. OptinnaL• 3n ari attempi to ensvie.that Boaazd regresentation reIIects the makeup of our knowledge of the follovring informati�n is helpful. Horvever, this informarion is voliintasy: '(�fhite (Caucasian) Hispanic Bl�ck (African American) . Asian or Pacific Islander Anicrican Indiari or Alaskan Eskimo Other � Male: O RemaIe: O. Disabled: O Yes � No If.special aceommodations are needed, glea�e specify; � ..�prii 4, 20tY0 �. . _ . � " . ' . . .. � . . . � . NAY-I2 FK1 U8�3d Hfl ttu�antu ottunu�r�i r�n IiV� UYGYJlY t ,.� oo-c�q Hubbazd Broadcasting, Ina ::. 3415 Univexsity Avenue, St. Paul, M23 55114 � A � Date: 51Y2/200fl .C�. Numbec of pages mcludi� covecsheet: ' S To: � &onnielackelen Chiof Clerk-County BOard IS WestKellogg BIvd, Suite 2S0 St. Paul, MV 55102 Phone; (651)Z66-8014 Pax phone: (G51)266-8039 CC: - ' �'om: Michetle E: Oh Hubbazd Broadczs�ing; lnc. `HumanResources.Department ` phone: (65]) 642-4638 � Fax phone: . (651}642-4314 RENIARKS; � Urgent � For your revic�J � Reply A5AP Q.Pleasa cenunmt Ms.7ackelen- . Please .ind attached my application for membership with the Workforce Investment IIoazd. My nomination lefter will be sent from the Mid�vay Area Chamber of Conuneroe. Please cansact me at ihe telephone nuinhes above ifyou have qucstions. 0 � � ( R 9 � ��� ! �. � l i . L� � :, � � �� � �`�� � �AY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.635 P.3i5 Consolidated Program Workforce Xnvcstrnent Board (WIB) Memberski,p Application O0 — " N3me: Kathleen L. Pinkect � • Hoitte AddCess; 57? W_ Central Avenue . St. Pau1 Ra^•sey 55103 Street . City County Zip What skills, training and experience do you possess for WtB membership? - Direcg a11 emplo�ment activicies (recnitinQ hirine. retentionl fo- Min�esot� T.ifr. Sprrtcr� l�rd cr r ivar� employ?r in St. Paul. - Served a5 ChdiY, Elmd Di5[Yihution Cett[nittee of UaiCed WaV of the SG. Paul Ar.ea. 4hich inrltedes inndina allocation to nonorofic ad ncies p*eparing l.ow-income individual.s for eRULov�t�nc. - Serves on Hoard for IIrploycrenc Sol Inc.', a parcner wi[h Ca.ntunity Emplome_nt Par[nership, tinking employers with low skilled, ].ow-incoire individuals. . Length of initial term you are interested in; one-year _ two-year _� Are you a Veteran?; Q Yes C� No Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detaited on the Consotidaied .Progr4m Wotkfbrce Invesiment Board (�'1'B) Cate�ory Descripfions form on thc reverse of this page. Please indicate, o� 'the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the'kYIB. � ' .�/ We will hold pvo orientation scssions for members who are appointed to the WIB. These sessions are /� Thursday, June 22 (8;00 to 10:0� a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 j1:00 to 3;00 p.m.). 1Ve ask that members �� attend one of these rvo sessions, Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We e�pect that applicants wiii be officially notified mid-3une on the siatus of their application. Thank you for your interest. The informatian on this applicatian �vi1! be used !o evaluale and relect meinbers ajthe iYIS, Applicanls may rejuse to supply (he requened information. Fxcept jar volunlary in�a�mation, hoiuever, 2hejailure io complete the applieatia� may resull in it bei�rs d'ucarded This data may be reviewed aad used by Ramsey Cauniy and Saint Paul stajf. The data on tbispage andthe rererse sidc is public and, therejore, eveilobte to the pubtic. For OlTice Use only CommissionerDis[rict - Planning District Counci! Cig• Counci! Wazd Apri14,2000 ., (O�R) �RY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MU7URL H R N0.635 P.4i5 �• �;�(c�-H- Consotidated Program Wo�kforce InvesimenrBoard (WIB) Category Descriptions � _ " qi, Tfyou are applying forBusiness, Education, or I,abor positions, please attach a nomination letter to y r a lication as desCribed below. Business, de, fined as for prof�t (nominated by local business organizarions and/or b�siness trade associations - attach your nomination ]etter):* Q Bus'mess owner, chie£executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authoriry IH'Represent business with employment oppomuuties that reflect the locai azea Also please indicate if you represenr C� lazge business O smalt business (fawer than S00 employees) %� Ncmination letterforthcoming from S[. Pau1 Q�arober oE Coim�erce. " ' � '- Comn�irnity Based Organizations, defined as nonprof�l organiza6omJ; -' -� ❑ Representativa of communiries or significant segments of communifies providing job training Q Agencyservingyouth ❑ Agency se�ving disp(aced homemakers • Q Union-related orgazuzarion � Employer-related nonprofic organization Cl Organizaaon serving nonreservation Tndian and tribal govemment O Agency represenring veterans O Agency representing individuals with disabi(ities ❑ Other: . Economic IlevelopmenrAgency: ❑ Private Sactor ❑ Public Sector Ed��cation (nominated by regional or local educational ageneies, institutions, or organizations representing such (ocal educarional entities - attach your nomination letter): C] Local educational entities (including K-12} ' Q Local school boards Q Entities providing aduit edacation and literacy activities O Postsecondary educational institutions • C] Other: Labor C] Nominated by recognized state and/or local labor federations (attach your nomination Jetter} One-Stop Workforce CenlerPnrtners (defined aS the pariners that carry out the following acrivities/programs): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, Narive American and Veterans' Workforce (1�VIA Tide I) ❑ ❑ a 0 ❑ � 0 Q 0 ❑ ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Educztion and Literacy (WIA Titie I� Vocational Rehabilitation (12ehabilitation Act Title � We(fare-to-WorkPro�rams (Soci21 SecurityAct) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act} ]'ostsecondary �ducarion (Cazl D, Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistenca (TAA) and NAFI'A TAA (7�ade Act of 1974 7itle 7I� Loca2 Veterans' Employmen[ Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 3 S, U.S.C.) Communiry Services Block Grant Department of Fiousing and Urban Devetopment State Unemployment Compensation I,aws (in accordance with app(icable £ederal law) MAY.11.2060 12�36PM MN MUTUAL H R Minnesoca Life ConsolidatedProgram Workforcelnvesfinent Board (R?B) Membership AppTication r " Private Information 0 0— C Name: [tarhie�, t Pinkett Place Work Telephone Number: Streat H0.635 P.SiS County (4Vork) (651) 665-3442 (Home)(6 292-9015 (gp,� (651} 665-3551 E-Mai1 Address: kathv vSnkett;@ r,�nnesocaautual cem -- Job Title: Second vice Yresidenc, Huran 8esource5 Planning Personal I2eferences (include area code) 1} Name: Lauren Sega1, President of the UnLted of [he Sain� Paul Area Addcess: 702 Pairmount Avenue; Sc. Paul, N,N 557.05 Phone:{Homel (651) 225-8132 (Workl (651.) 291.-8383 2� IramO; Ik:nise 7olinson, A+�es Site Director oE Achievecrznt P1u5 Address; 8754 Cbncard Cou-c Imrer Grove l�ich�s MN 55016 Phone:(Fiome) (651) 453-1357 _ _ fWo�k1 (65?) 2Q3_65t1 What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? In my profes5ionat capacity I 2n in-depth Understandin� of s��ac the ervlov;rcmt needs are for for-profit�organizations and the necessary skitls employees need to he successEul. I also have P�perience with progzams Chat successfully prepare and o:ork With individuals so thzy accomolish ecditiomi� Sel�fsufftciency Optional: Tn an attempt to ensure that Board r�presentation reflects the makeup of our community, kno�vledgz o: the fotlowing information is hetpful. However, comptetion of this information is voluntary, White (Caucasian) ✓ Hispanic Black (African American} Asian o; Pacific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: ❑ Pemale: l� Aisabled: ❑ Yes C`3'�No If speciat aceommodations zre needed, please specify: The i� Jormation on this app[icetion ivi!( be Hsed ta evalaate and setect mem6ers aJ[he WIB, Appticanis may refiue to supplt' ��� reqwesfed injormation. F�ccept for vo(unlory injormaiion, hawever, the Jaifure to complete the appticdlion may resuls in �t being �ircarded. Tkis datn may be reviewed anE used by Ramsey Counly and Saint Pau! staJf, ?he dnla nn tkis page is privQle. Apri14,20Q0 �AY.11.2000 12�35PM MN MUTURL H R N0.635 P.2i5 Mlnnesota life Insursnee Compeny 40� RobeR Shaet North St Paul, MN 55701-2090 851.665.9M142 Te1 Kaihlemn L. Glnkett SeconC Yca Prasidenc ��v'�r�/.c� ��� oo-«q MINNESOTALIFE A M/nnasota Mutuaf Company REC€tVED May 11, 2000 MAY 1 2 2p00 MAYQR'S OFFfCE Bonnie Jackelen Chief Clerk— County Boazd 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd — Suite 250 St. Paul, MN 55102 Deaz Ms. Jackelen: �nclosed is my application for the City-County Workforce Investrnent Boazd. T am interesEed in and willing to serve as a Uusiness/for-profit representative. My nomination letter of recommendation is forihconiing from the St, Paul Chainber of Commerce. After review of my application, please let me lrnow if you have any questions, Sincerely, � �� Kathleen L. Pinkett Second Viee President Human Resources Planning T�T.,P/ttn cc: Larry Dow, President St. Paul Chamber of Commerce Applicarion 51�F.tle� Wednesday 21st of June 2000 01:44:53 PM Page i of 3 �,ose_ �v-c�9 Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board 1Vlembershi A lication Name: � Shelley K. Rose Home Address: 2240 Boxwood Avenue Saint PauI, MN, Ramsey 55119 What skills, training and esperieuce do you possess for Workforce Investment Board Membership? I am a business owner of a nine-employee inYemet company providing local govemment best pracuces to ciries and counties across the nation. The business is located downtown St. Paul, I also live in St. Paul. I have a B.S. in Business Administration from the Univ of MN. I am also a recent \"graduate\" of the Leadership St. Paul program, serve as a committee chair for the St. Paul Area Chamber, and am acting Cyber Village Ambassador/Coordinator. My project for Leadership St. Paul was worldng with the Wilder Foundation in identifying the Asset Accumulation opportunities for low income families and those jurt entering the workforce. Length of term � One Yeaz ] interested in: Are you a Veteran? [ No j Reasans for your interest in serving on tLe Workforce Investment Board: I wouid commit to a one-year term, but may very well be able to serve for two yeazs. I am interestcd in this board in order to help lead the Bast Metro area in workforce development as well as be involved in the economic development of this azea. I am very interested in helping to represent St. Paul\'s growing high-tech, new media industry. Bnsiness, defined as for-profit [x]Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority []Represent business with em loyment oppoilunities that reflect the local azea Please indicate the business you re resent:[ Small ] Comiccunity-Based Organizutions (de5ned as private, nonprofit organizations): [ JRepresentative of communities or significant segments of communities providing job training [ ]Agency serving youth [ jAgency serving displaced homemakers ( ]tTnian-related organization [ ]Employer-related aonprofit organization [ JOrganization serving non-reserration Indian and tribal govemment [ ]Agency representing veterans [ ]Agency representing individuals with disabilities Economie Development A ency:[ ]Private Sector []Public Scctor �,��,�� Application Page 2 of 3 51�(te� �sse. i r..J � � jLocal educational entities (including K-l2) )LocaI school boards ]Entities providing adult education and literacy acrivities JPostsecondary educational institutioas ,abor: []Nominated by recognized state and local labor federarions 1ne-Stop Workforce Center Partners (deT'med as the partners that carry out the �Ilowing activities/programs): JAdult, Dislocated Worker, Xouth, Job Cotps, Native American & Veterans' Workforce V1IA Tit1e n ]Wagner-Peyser Act ]Adult Bducation aad Literacy (WIA Title In ]Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabi]itation Act Title I� JWelfare-to-Work Programs (Social Secutity Act) jSenior Community Service Employment {Title V of the Older Americans Act) }Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Petldns Vocational & Applied Technology Education ]Trade Adjushnent Assistance (TAA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title Il� ]Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Titie 33, f.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Grant ]Department of Housing and Urban Laws (in accotdance with annlicable federal b0'd �tl101 Y �� • � `- • � + U � ��� � �� � aa-c`9 .,��,�� Ma�- 12 �� 11:22a MAY-li-2090 16:49 Home Jeane Thorne Inc. Sq ��.�7 pqU� qREq CHRMHER 612 288-0448 612 223 5119 Consalydaled Progranr Workjorce Investmertt 6oard {WIBJ Membership rlppticatlon skills, tcainiag and experience do you posscss for W IS mcm6aship? P•? P.02iO3 d0 - CCg RECEiVt�3 MAY i 5 20�D ��OFFICt .��.5%O/ Lengdt of inidal term you aze interested in: one-year �, two-year � Are you a VMeran?; O Ycs '�No Ramsey County snd the City of Saint Paul are recrviting indivtduais to repreaent various categories as dctailed oa the Consolldtiled Program Workjorce Investment Board (WIB) Category Dtscriptinns forrtn on the reverse of this page. Plense indicste, on the reverse side, tLe category or estegories ynu can represent on thc WIB. Mail orFiz.yy��..�;R1biEm�,er.c6iP APPlfcaifon to: .." —_--.—`-=---- � ✓ :�. .. - .. .. .., . .. Bonriie.7acketen; Chief Cferk=�CnunryBoard; 5uite 150, IS Wert Kelfogg.Boulevard, 5airt1 PauI, 3vfinnesoro 55102 (Faz�.651-36d=8039; Phone: 631-26¢801d)..lpplicatlons must be recelved by 1rf'a'y l,t, 2000� We will hold two orientation session: fnr members who are appointa! to tl�e WtB. 'Ihese scssions are T6ursdiy, June 22 (B:OU to Ifl:tfO a.m.) nr Tvcsday, 3uae 17 jl:fl4 tu 3:OD p.m.} W e ask thet membas ettead o0.e of these two sessions. Please resene thesc dates on your caleudar. Wn expezt that applicants wilt be ofTicially notifiod mid-June on the statas of thcir application. Thaek yon for your IntereSt. Tke injernatlan on tlrrs app(lcetian wl!! y� rsert m nwturrle endsdect nteenbcrs ojJte WIB. .�pplicart[s rnqy rrjnrclo supply Ihe req4asild informa4�n. F_cupt/or volun(ayl�onrtotioR, Jwwtarr, fheloilvrc fp eeaplefe the appl'ua�on May resuh Irt it bting d;scnracd This deta neay br revls�ueJ and uaed dy Rawrsty Caw� y yrtd SoLrrPaut rta,fj. Thr daro on t;6is page and rhe rrwrae side is pu6lie aed, therejo% available ta lh. ys4[Ec Apri14,2000 Ma�- 12 �� 11:22a MRY-11-2000 16�49 Home Jeane Thorne Inc. SRIM PAUL RREA CHRMBER 612 298-0448 p•? 612 223 5119 P.02�63 Consolidared Rogranr Workforce Investmea[ Board (WIB) Membe�ship ApplicaJlos Street City What skills, training and expexience do ynu posscss for WIB mcmbaship? oo-�`q RECEEIlEO MAY 1 5 2�OQ �'S%/ Length of inibal term you are interested in: onE-year 1, two-year _ Arc you s VeteranT: 0 Yes '�(No Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are rccruiting indivldua[s to represent varioua categories as dctailed on tho Consolldc[ed Program Workforce lnvestmcrtt Board (WIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please iadicate, on the reverse side, the category nr categorin you can represent on thc WIB. Mail rir ,,. .... � •. _ onnie Jackefen; Chief Cferk = Cvunry 5ujte 250, IS West Ke!logg�Boulevard, Sainl Pau1, 7vfinnesota SS�02 (Faz? GSI-266=8039; Phoo¢: 651=266.-8014). Appllcatlaru rnus( be recetved by May.1,Z, 2QOQ. . .. ' - - --- ---� —_� / We wi(1 hold two ocientation sessions fnr members who are appointcd to tLe �'IB. These scssions are Thursdiy, June 22 (8:00 to 10;00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:04 to 3:00 p.m.� W e ask that membeis ettend oqe of these two :essioos. Please reserve thcx dates on your catendar. We expect thet applicants will be otFicially notiGcd mid-June on the status oCthcir application. Thank you for your intereat. Tke infennalfow on this applicetian wUt bt rzed to ttp(uate and sdttt tntnibns ojflYe WIB. Appliearttr mqy rajraclo s�pply the requssted rnfnrinaBnn. £rupr jo� v0lrr�fary !q(oimalioq, Gaw�tvsr, ehe jnilurc to ce,nyfrre the applicaAOe e�ay re>ult In it being diseerCed This data may be rsvrenYd ard arcd by Ra�esty Cauey artd SalerPawl rta(f. The dam on tk& pag� aed the rrvrrte side (spu6lie an1, tkerejoro, availablc to fl�r pu8(ie AQri14,2000 Ma� 12 00 11:23a MRY-11-2060 15=59 Jeane Thorne Inc. gq�N7 pqUL RRER CHfiMBER 612 298-�44b 612 223 5119 ConsoliQated Program Workjorce Investntenl Board ff�'IB} Category Descriptions rn �('� you are ae de3cribed below. or please P.03iO p.e OO�GC9 Sca��� :tter ta your 8usiness, defined asjor�rnftt (nominatad by loea] business organizations andlor busiaess tradc associations - Attach your nominstian }etter): � Business owna, chief exxutive or opersang officer, and other ezccutive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring aufhority O Represent business with employment opporiunities that refloct the local area Also please indicate if you represcnt: O largc business 18E small busincss (fewer than 500 employees) ��� � ��� � Communiry-Based Organizations,definedasttoaprofitarganizations: (� ��Z,�.� ,�vG�2���,,,� O Aepresentativo of communiucs or significant segnents of commvqities providing aob trai � g ��� D Agonry serving youth 4 Agency serving disptaced homemakers _ O Union-rclated organizat3on d Employer-related nonpro£t organization Q Organizadon serving nonreservation Indiars and tribaf governmcnt 0 Agency representing veterans Q Agrncy represerrting individuals with disabilities 0 Other: Economic IJevelopment Ag¢ncy: 0 Private Sector O Pvblic Sector Education (nominated by regionel or local educafional ageucies, institutions, or organizationa representing such loca! educationei entities -�ttach your aominaHon letter): ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) O Local school boards � Eatities providing adutt education and literaey activities Q Post�aondary educe6onal instirutions O Other: Lubor 0 Nominated by recognized swtc and/or locat labor fcderatio�s (attach your nominaHoa letter) One-Srop Woshforce CenrerPartners(defined as the parmers that carty out the following activities/programs): O Adult, Disiocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Corpa, Native Ameriear� and Vetcrans' Workforce (W1A TiUe 1) 0 Wagner-Peyser Act � Adult Educffiioif and Literacy (WIA Tide Il) O Vocationa2 KehabilitaGon (Rehabilitation Act Title I) O Wctfaze-to-Work Programs (Social Smuity Act) � Senior Coauouaity Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) O Postsxondary Education (Cazl D. Perkias Vocazionai and Applied Txhnology Education Act) 0 Tradc Adjustmant Assistance {TAA) and N,4FTA TAA (Trede Act of 1974 Titic II) D Local Veterans' Employment Repceseniatives and Disnbled Yeterazu Outreach (Tit1e 38, U.S.C.) Q Community Services Bfock Grant ❑ Depactment of Housing and Urban DcveIopmcnt Aprit 4, 2D0� TOTAL P.05 .,Application Tuesday 16th of May 2000 0831:50 AM ������ Page 1 of 2 �. w"""'�SDO-CG9 R�rc;�IGfI Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board Membership Application Ellen E �Vatters Address: 111600 4 St. 104 MAY 1 9 2000 skills, training and esperience do you possess for Workforce Investment Board Membership? ent of 500 member Midway Chaznber of Commerce, whose number one priority is hefping employers find and re[ain a � workforce; also servin� as President of Employer Sofutions, [nc., an organization Founded by Chambers ro connect yers with govemment, nonprofit and for profit recruitment and re[ention resources. Board member of Community of term interested in:llf One Year :youaVeteran? � �[No) �sons for your interest in serving on the Workforce Investment Board: daily work is largety involved in workforce issues, both a[ the Chamber and at Employer Solutions. I hear on a near rly basis, srories of how employers are struggling and succeeding in this dif£cult labor environment. In addition, through near 3 years of work with the Communiry Employment Partnershiq I have gained a greater understanding of the Ilenees facine some of the unemployed and underemployed in our communiry. Both perspectives are needed on the WIB. �iness, defined as for-profit 3usiness owner, chief executive or operatin� officer, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or ng authority �,epresent business with employment opportunities that reflect the local area _ indicate the business vou represenb f Small 'ommunity-Based Organizations (defined as private, nonprofit organizations): ]Representative of communities or significant segmenK of communities providingjob training ]Agenty serving youth JAgency serving displaced homemakers � ]Union-related organization � ]Employer-related nonprofit organization ]Organization serving non-reservation [ndian and tribal govemment ]Agency representing veterans lAeencv rwresentine individua(s with disabilities Private Sector (1Pubhc Secror ]Local educational entities (including K-l2) ]Local school boa:ds ]Entities providing adult education and literacy activities ]Postsecondary educationat institutions state and local labor federations ine-Stop lVorkforce Cen[er Partners (defined as the partners [hat carry out the following activities/programs): ]Adult, Dislocated Worker, YoutS, lob Corps, Native American & Vererans' Workforce (WIA Title I) ] W a�nerPeyser Act ]Adult Education and Literacy (4VIA Tide II) ]Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) ]Welfare-to-\Vork Programs (Social Security Act) ]Senior Community Service Employment ("Citle V of the O(der Am:ricans Act) ]Postsecondary Education (Car( D. Perkins Vocational & Applied Technolo�y Education Act) ]Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) & NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Title II) ]Local Veterans'-Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) ]Community Services Block Grant ]Depattment of Housing and Urban Development lState Ilnemolovment Comoensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) . file:/!C:\WIND04VS\TEMP\EllenWatters.html 5/18/00 Application � ,��.�+-er� Page 2 of 2 Oo - ��9 file:!/C:\W INDO W S\TEA1P\EltenW attecs.html 5/ t 8/00 _ MRY-12-2000 09�27 SAINT PRUL RRER CHAMBER 612 223 5119 P.07i09 . • - Oo-�`q Consolidated Piogram WorkJorte Invesiment Board (WIB) �E����D Home Whac skills, u-aining and experience do yau possess for WIB membership? Street Membership Application City Thank yov for your iaterest. Planning Discria Councit MAY 15 2ppQ Counry v Zip �v`ull al�aJ �n.Q -�i �e ar� �.-P�-�� rn�.r�f Length of initial tezm you are inurested in: Are you a Veteran?: O Yes G7�o Ramsey Couaty and the City of Saint Paui are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detafied on ihe Co�solidated Prog�um Workfo�ce Investment Soard (WI'B) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the'VVTB. Mail or•' Faac yynr �IB'M�iiitier�hip AppliCatibri�to: ' Bonnie.lackelen, ChiefClerk�.Gounryf3onrc� Suite254, ISWestKellb'g"g;Bovlevrud, SainlPoul.-Mnnesota 55102 (FaY: 65l-166-8039; Phone: 651-166=8014J. Ap�flieations must be reteived'by May 12, 2000: We will liold two orientacion sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB. 'Chese sessions are � Thursday, Sune 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members aaend one of these two sessions. Piease reserve these dates on your calendar. We expect ihat appticants will be officially notified mid•7une on the status of thei� application. The infnrmativx nn lhic applicetie�i wilt be ��ted to evalaate and srlect mcmbe�s oJfke WI� Appl�ct�nu n�ay iefuse ta supply !Gr reques[eJ injurrrtaliar. Eccepl jor voluntury inJorma(ion, liowtveq 11ie j ailure ra co�rrp�rte tl�e applicatroe may rrsulr in it beb�� discurdcd. Tbis rfata aiay ba reviewed rtnd usrd 6y Raruty Counry aad Saint �au/ slaJf, Tl�e dara on t/ris and fhe reverse side is public nrtd, rteerejore, avaitab[ero rlie public. For Office Use anly Commissioncr District apd(a.200U (OVER) City Council Ward one-yeaz� two-year_ MAY-12-2000 08=2? SAINT PAUL RREA CHRMBER 612 223 5119 P.08�09 Consolidated Program Workforcelnvestment,8oard (WIB) ' �}��� Ca2egory Descri,plions ,�j. � �� �� oo-��q Tf you are applying for Business, Education, or Labur positions, please attach s norainacion letter to your annlicufion as de5cribed below. Bccxiness, defrned ar for profrt (nominated by 1oca1 business organizations andlor busincss trade assoziations - attach your nomination letter): Q Busintss owncr, chief execu�ive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum �olicymaking or hiring authority Ef F2epresenc business with empfoyment opponunities that reflect the loca! area Also pfease indica�e if you represent: �'large business O small business (fewe� than 500 employees) Commuxiry-Based Organizatiotu, definad as nanp�afit o�ganizations: O Represen�ative of communities o� significant seaments of communi[ies providin� job training ❑ _. Q O O ❑ O ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities ❑ Other: Agency serving youth A�ency ser�ing displaced homemake�s Union-related organization Employer-related nonprofts organization Organization serving nonrese�vacion Indian and tribat govemment Agency representing veterans Economic Developncent Agency: d Private Sector � Public Sector Educerion (nominated by regional or local educational a�encies, institutions, or organiutions represen�ing such tocat educacional entities - attach your nomination letter): G Local educational entities (including K-12) O Localschool boards G Entities providing adult educa[ion and litetacy activities � ❑ Postsecondary educational inscieutions ' 0 Other: Lobor Q Nominated by cecognized sta[e andJoc locat labor federations (attach your nomination letter) One-Srop LYorkforee Cenrer Parrners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activicies/programs): Q Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youch, Job Corps, Native American and Verenns' Workforee (WTA Ticla �) 0 Cs O O O CJ ❑ 0 C� ❑ J Wagnec-Peyser Act Aduit Education and L�teracy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Titie t) Welfate-to-Work Programs (Socia! Secuciry Act) Senior Communi[y Serviee Employmcnt (I'itlt V of the Older Americans Ac[) Poscseeondary bducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocationat and Applied Teehnology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistartce (TAA) and I�IAFTA TAA (C�ade Act of 1974 Tit{e lI) Loea! Veterans' Employment Reptesentatives and Disabled Vecerans Outreach (7'itle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant DepaRment of Housino and Urban Devetopment Scate Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordanee with applicablc federal law) � MAY-12-2000 a8�2B SRINT PRUL RREA CHRMBER 612 223 5115 P.95i65 _ Consolidated Prog�am Workforce I�:vestment Board (WIB) Membership Application Q � ! � `9 private Infarntation �-�' � � . Name Place of Work TeiephoneNumber: (Work)�_SI-`�/U'S�J7 (Home) �S�" E-Mail Address: t �t_l- Job Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Address: Phone:�F 2) Name; What are your reasons for wanting co serve on the WTB? � (Wozkl �P � p�- • �D o2� - v�o (a U i��- cs.� �,7+�-. �,a.-fe. e-t-�-✓ �a-v� ru �e.a.�c.e.�� �� OptFonal: n a n attempt to e nsure tha Board represcntation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledee of the fo(lowins information is helpful. 1-Iowever, completion of this information is voluncary. White (Caucasian) Hispanic ��� Slack (African America�) Asian or Pacif c Is:ander American Indian or AtaSkan Eskimo __ Other Male: O Female: �! Aisabled: ❑ Yes Q No i If special accommodations are needed, please specify: ;� �. -r. � Tlre i�rfonna�iori o�+ tli(s �rppAcarinn �vi1! be rrsed ro evaU�ale ared selecr meruber� eJrhe 3VtD. �py/)��i��rs mrq• rcfase ra s+�pply drr rcqurs�ed rirjnnrtnlia�. E.�Ctpt jor vobiutrrrp Lrfom�pliou, Go�ve�er, tbt Jrei/urelo tanple�e d�t npplit�rrion nirf}• re3ult in i� beiu�� dirca�ded. Tbi., rinra nmy be revin�rd nnd used 6v Ransey Cotu�ry rmd Suiur PnulslaJf. THe dnrrt nn diis yrr� e rs p�ivart. AD���'�•' T�TA� P.09 Phone:�HomelCo/� fWbrkl n.��F} Co�:solidated Program lYor�force Ir:vestment Board (iYIB) Memberslzip Applicatioli Name: Richard Grigos HonteAddress: 702 Fairciount AVe., St. Pau1 Street City � oo-«q 551 County Zip �Vhat skills, trainin� and ehperience do you possess for WIB membership? As Resource Development Director I have worked to develop er�olovment—related programs for youth For the past two years I have served on the St. Paul Workforce Development Council serving on the Board Executive Committee, Youth Committe�,_and other committees. Personally I have mentored an at—risk youth on employment issues. Len�th of initial term you are interested in: one-year_ Are you a Veteran?: O Yes �]cNo two-year X Rnmsey Counh• and the City of Saint Paut are recruiting individuals to represent vlrious catesories as detailed on the Conso/idated Progran: lVorkforce It:vest�nent Bonrd (WIB) Cate�ory Descriptions form on tlie reverse of this p�ge. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the categon� or cltegories you can represent on the WIB. Mail or Fac pour ��'IB Membership Application to: Bonnie .lackelen, Chief Clerk - Cozrnty Boarcl, Sz�ite 2.i0, 1� IVest Kellogg Boulercu•d, Saint P�rul, �Llinnesota �.i 10? (Fcrx: G.i 1-266-SO.i 9; Phofre: 6� 1-266-5014). Applicatioris r�:ust be reeeired by Nlay 12, Z000. �Ve �vill hnld hvo orientation sessions for members who are aopointed to the �VIB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 or Tuesda}', June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). �Ve ask that members attend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. \�'e e�pect that applicants will be officially notified mid-June on the status of their application. Thanl. you for y'our interest. The iiifi�ne+ation on tliis «pp(icatiau u•i(1 be used to evale�ate anrlselect merrrbers ojthe 3f76. Applicrratr tnat• rejuse to supplr th. req�rested ir{joruiariari. E.ccept jor ral�mtan• iitforntatim+, ltoivever, t/te jtrileve [o complet2 d�e app/icntia� mql' resrdt ir. it hern, disc�rrded. Tltis data inr{i' he revie�ved «nd used bt• Rarrrse}• Count}' �urr! Saint Pau! staJf. T6z dat�t on this paae rtiid !he rererse sirl is perGlic «�rrl, tlierefore, avtrilablelo d�e prrG/ic. For Officc Usc onl�• Commissioner District � Plannin� District Council Cin' Council Ward April a. 3upo (O1'ER) Consolidaterl Program Workforce Investment Board (bYIB) Category Descriptio�:s 6r�`�°5 oa-��q If }'ou :�re lpplyina for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please atfach a nomination letter to }�oi application as described below. Bcrsiness, defined as for profit (nominaced by local business or�anizations and/or businzss trade associations - nttach }�our nomination letter}: ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employer with optimum poficymakin� or hirin� authority ❑ Represent business with employment opportunities that reflec[ the local area Also please indicate if you represent: O lar�e business O smalf business (fewer tllan 500 emplo}�z� Commzu:ih•-6ased Organi=ations, deftned as itor:profit organi=ations: ❑� I�presentative of communities or si�nificant se�ments of communities providing job trainin� �A�ency serving youth � A�zncy servin� displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization ❑ Employer-retated nonprofit organization ❑ Or�anization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ A�ency representin� veterins ❑ A�ency re¢resentin� individuals �vith disabilities ❑ Other: Econonric Deti'elopment Agency: ❑ Pri�•ate Sector ❑ Public Sector L•duca�iorr (nominated by reQional or local educationa! agencies, institutions, or or�anizations representina such loca( educational enti[ies - attach }•our nomination letter): ❑ Local educational entities (includin� K-12) CI Local school boards CI Gntities providin� adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Odier: Labor ❑\'ominated by rzco�nized state and/or local labor federations (attach }'our nomination letter) One-Slop ft•'orkfi�rce Cen[er Pm•trrers (defined as the partners that carq' out the follo��'ine activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Distocated 1\'orker. Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans�\1'orl:force (��'IA Tid� CS J U ❑ �J ❑ G ❑ ❑ 1�'a�ner-Peyses Act Adult Education and Lireracy (�VIA Title t[) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) ❑ Depariment of Housina and Urban Development C1 State Unemploymzn[ Compensation La�vs (in accordance �vith applicablz fzdzral la�� ) Nelfare-to-�Vork Pro�rams (Social Security Act) Senior Communih' Sen•ice Employment (Tit1e V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Cducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Ac�} Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197-F Titlz I I) Local Vetzrans' Emplo}'ment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (�title 3S, U.S.C.) Communiiv Services Block Grant Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (YVIB) Membership Application Private Iriformation Ivrame: Richard Gri os Q� � `�q Piace of Empioyment: Boys & Girls Clubs of the Twin Cities �,Vork Address 2575 Univer Avenue West St. Paul 55114 Zip Telzphone Number: Street Ciry CounR (�,Vork) 651-967-1110 (Homz) 651-225-8132 (FAX 651-967-1101 E-V1ailAddress: r ri os@bo sand irls.or 10b Title: Vice President-Finance Personal References (include area code) 1) Name: Richard Hanson, 3M - Director of Community Affairs Address: 3�I Center B1dg. 591-30-02, St. Paul, 2�L`I 55144-1000 Phone:�omel (�Vorkl 651-733-8335 2) Name: Commander Jose h Mollner - St. Paul Police Denartment Address: 100 E. Eleventh St., St. Paul, r.N 55101 Phone:(Homel (�Vorkl 651-292-3615 �,Uhat are your reasons for �vanting to serve on the WIB? The �dZB will play a key role in meeting the needs of employers while helping at-risk individuals become moze self-sufficient. From a rofessional vie oint, this is consistent with the Boys & Girls C1ub`s mission. As a member of the St. Paul �dorkforce Council, I hve developed espertise I wish to put to use. Optia:al: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeuo of our community, kno���led?e of the followins information is helpful. However, completion of this informaiion is ��oluntan . _� �Vhite (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander Other viale: � Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No If spzcial accommodations are needed, please specify:_ T/ee irrfonrratiori on this «pplicatim� rvi!! 6e used !o evalurtte m�r! select niemben� ojthe LVlB. .-Ippfrc�rt�ts �mn' rej«se to supp{r r'. req«esred ii�j arrruiti�tt. Except fiir rn(tuitivr i�+forn�atinrt. lia�vever. dee jailrere tn ronrpfetr tl�e applicurion e�en• reserlt ire it heii+; lice�trded. Tlris d�ttu ntur h rr.rie�red �utd resed br Rmraer Cnuntr ueed .San�r Paur ,�u1C '�. iar�r .,�� •�r.� ��t:�e ia� n�irutr. ��'t- 8 MC�N 12:I4 Pi� ?idOt1G hi�I P�C ASS FAX N0. 7782413 ' F, 3 Consolidaied Program Warkjorce In++estment Boa�d (WIB) Merreberskip AppIication JLLb4.• ��� d0 -6C, ?�cfi��,��� R (9�Y � 4 �n�., Length of initiat term you are interested in: Are you a Veteran?: 0 Yes Od No one-year �% two-year ^ .�. Ramsey County and the City of Saint paul are recruiting individuxls to represent variou: categories as detaSied o'n the Consalidated Program TYorkforce Investment73oard (T�IB) Category Deseriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'thareverse Side, the category or catego`ries you can repreunt on the WIB. . - , , Mail`or=Faz Bwrnie Jack 55lOZ (Fax: :;s���, M .,: : �wG ��b:Rr�.<�:'i.�`'<::'v�� , .S • :' . �„,<.:;.. • :::-:N�;�;��,.? •u; : �<;. . .... .. '.h �:xr'°k-:"t� :»..,., . •d,'Saint P�tl,=Min'riesofa �.�. ' by iYfay;I2;�200Q::�;;"' ~\ We witl hold two orientation sessions for membcrs µ•ho are appointed to the WIB. �+�se sessions are � Thursday, June Z� (3:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:04 p.m.). Wo ask ihat mernbers attend one of these nvo sessions. F1a'se resecve these dates on your ca(endar. �Ve expect that app!icants ti�'t�1 be officiaUy notified mid-June on che stams o£their application. � Thank you for your interest. Tke inJonnnlion an tkis applicatiort ivi(( be used to evnluare andsefect members oflhe WIB. App�'uan[s may �ejuse to suppfy' ��e requeated inJorma2ion. Fxcept for voluntar}' informat+on, haruevrr, ihejailure so compleEe the appti:¢lian may result in it beir.g d�scarded 7his data .r+ay be �evie�+ed and ured by Ramsey County and Sain1 Paul stajf. The data on this page and tkr rm'erse sidz is public and, thereJore, available fo tke pubtic. Fo� Office Use only Commissioner Distri�c Piannin$ Distrid Councif Cic}• Countil Ward A¢ril �4, 2000 {OYER) ,,.t_..�: u_ ._._._.. __a ...,�.,«s,,,.o .��.,��� ���ceec forSVID membershin? M�`f- 8-00 I�GN 1�� l5 Fi� 3`dOidG I�Y PP.0 ASS F�X t�0. 7782413 �n� ConsoLidafed Program TYorbJ'orcelnvestrnenrBoatd (WIB) Caiegory Descriptions ao-��9 Ityou are applying far Bustness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as described below. - Business, deftned as jor profu (nomirtated by local business organuatioru andlor basiness trade usociatioru - attach your nomination letter); O Business owner, chief executive or opetating officet, and other executive or cmployer with optimum policymaking or hiring authoriry ❑ Represent busit5ess with employment oppominiries that reflect the local erea A1so please indicate if you represent: O lazga business O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Can�nttrniry-Based O�ganizarions, de, fined as non,profet organtzalions: t] Representarive of communities or signifit2nt segments of eommunities providing job training �Agency serving youth 0 Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related ocganizarion O Employer-related nonprofit organization 0 Organizarion serving nonreservation Tndian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans � Agency repre enring individuals wich disabilities � Other:_ l��->'� ��r�` Economic DeveTopment Agency: O Private Sector 0 Pubtic Secto� £dircation (nominated by regional or local educarion2l agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such locaf educahonal entities - attach your nominarion letter}: ❑ Local educarional entitics (including K-12) O T.ocal school boards Q Entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educationa! institutions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ Nominated by recognized state andlor ]ocal labor federations (xttach your nomination letter) One-S1op Workforce Center Partners (defined as the pariners that sarry nut the foltowing activitiaslprograms): Q Adult, Aislocated Worker, You[h, 7ob Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIP. Title I) ❑ Waa,�er-Peyser Act Q Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title In p VocationalRehabilitarion(RehabilitationActTitleT} ■ ■ ■ • • O Department of Housing and Urban Development ❑ State Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance witn applicable federal law) Welfare-to-Work Programs (Socia! Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Atnericans Act) Postsecondary Ed�scation (Cari D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Techr,ology Education Act) 7rade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) andNAFTATAA (Trade Act of 1974 Titic 1T} Local Veterans' Employment Itepresentarives and Aisabled Veterans Oufreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Gran: P. 4 T F�err htA'1- 8-00 �tON l2� 13 P�i 31�OhG 64�i PAL �SS FAX N0. =7722413 P. 2 . Z�Iame'— Place of Work A� Consolidated 1'rogram Workfarce Investneexi $oard (Y37B) M¢mbership flppiicarion Psivare Information 00-6G°� Tetephone Number: (Work) �7 �� (Hame). ��-�°'L'j�`S°`�I�AX) '� ��� ��k��� � E-Mail Iob Personat References (include area code) 1) 2) Name: Address: Phone:fHomel 1��� �.�/� �77 / What ar�your reasons for wanting jo serve on the WTB? i �� i (Workl �oS/� Z���- '�3 � � � OptioriaT: In an aetempt to ensure that Board representation re�lects the makeup of our community, know!eeee of the following information is helpful. However, completion o: this in£orr,ia:ton is voluntary. White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian oc Alaskan Eskimo iviale• 4il Femate: C1 Disebled: q Yes anic Asian or P2ciEr Is!ander Other , � �o If speci2l accommodatioas zre needed, please specity. Tke informnti0n on fhis application wii! be used fo evaluafe nnd select n+embers of ihe WlG. tfpp��cuttLS n+ay rejuse Io SuPI'�� t ` - diseanled Tkis da may �Iewed and sed by Ra�insey Courtty�and Sa�irrt Paul sraJf. dn�a ort�kls page is pri�'atcic bcir.; Apnl �. 2000 v�..,..a rt.r„mP� iWorkl fi'",7 ��'�-° T - 05/11/2008 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITIES PAGE 02 Name: FIome Addres< Consolidated Program Workforce Investinenl,8oard (W7.8) Memberski,p .4pplication oo-GGq Street What skiils, training and experience do Lengih of initiat term you are interested in: one-year Ase you a Veteran?: � Yes �No two-year x Zip 1/ Ramsey County and fhe City of Saint �aut are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the ConsoIidafetlProgram Workforcelnvestment,8oarrl(WI$) CategoryDescriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on �he reverse side,.the category or categories you can re�resent on the WtJ3. � We wilt hold cwo orienta:ion sessions for members who are appointed to the WIB, These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 fo 10:00 s.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). tiVe ask that members r attznd one of these h�o sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We e:cpect that applicants �tiill be offtcially notified mid-7une on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. Xhe informatiott on ikis applieafian rvi(! be used to evaluate vnd select members oJfhe Tf'IB. Applicantsmay suppf}• tbe requested informafion. EYCept for volurttary information, ko�vev�•� fheJailure to comp/efe the app/icafion may result in iY being dLtcarded Tkis data may be revie.ved and used by Ramsey Caunty and Sainf Pau! sYaJf. 7he data art thispage and the recerse side is pu6fie and, (hereJore, avai(ab(e to tkepu6iic. ' . �� �'ar OfFce Use anly Cocrunissioner Dis4ict Planning District Councit City �� membershio? Ci.ry� Council Ward _ ApriS 4, 2900 (6YER} 05/11/2000 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITIES PAGE 03 . JQn�s � SM� t►'� Consolidated,program Workforce Investmenl.8oard (T3rlB) Caregory Descriptions OO — Gf. c� Ifyou are appIying forBusiness, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your ap licatinn as described betow. Business, defined asfor prafit (nominated by local business orga.nizariocu and(oc busir�ess nade associations - attach your nomination letter): ❑�asiness owner, chieFexecurive or operaring officer, and oiher execurive or employer with opfimum poticymaking or hiring authority E] Represent business with employment opporhuuties that reflect the local area Also please indicate ifyou tepresent: O lazge business O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Ca�zmunity-Based Organrzalions, dzfined os nonprofit organrzalions: �3( FLepresentarive of communities or significant segments of communities providing job trauung $f Agency serving youth � Agency serving displaced homemakers Q Union•related organizsrion � ❑ �mployer-related nooprofit organization ❑ Organization serving nonreservation Indian and fibal govemment 0 Agency represenring veserans � Agency epresenti{�, in rviduals}�'�th dis ilities O Other: � t�{. �'}.¢fdqr �d�Y3.vj IUtG R.n ) tctt� � , �conomic,Developrnent Agency: ❑ Private Sector Q Public Sector L•ducorion (nominaEed by regionaf or local educational agenctes, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational entiries - attach your nomination lefter}: ❑ I,ocal educarional entities (including K-12) O Locai schoot boards Q Entities providing adult education and titeracy activities � Postsecondary educational institutions _ CJ Other. Lobor ❑ Nominated by recognized state andlor (ocal labor federations (aftach your nominatiori letter) One-Sfop YYOrkforce CentcrPartners (defined 2s the partners fhat cany out the fotlowing activities/programs): ❑ Adult, Aislocated Worker, Xouth, Job Co:ps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title I) ❑ W ❑ � ❑ Q a O ❑ ❑ agner-Peyser Act � Adult Education and Literacy (VJXA Tide JI) � VocaRonal Rehabilitation (Rehabititation Act Title n . Welfare-to-Work Programs (Socizl Securiry Act) Senior Community Service �mployment (I'itle V of the Older Asnericans Act) Postsecondary Educacion (Carl D. Perkins Voeational and Applied Technology EducaSon Act) Trade Adjwtment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Irade Act of 1974 Tide I� S,ocal Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Oufreach (Tifle 38, U.S.C.� Community Services Block Grant bepartment of Housing and Urban Development - State tJnemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable federal law) 05/11/2009 12:15 6512224581 CATHOLIC CHARITZES PAGE 04 Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) _ 7Vlembership A�pplication � _ Private Infarmation Place ofEmployment: Work Address: �-� Telephane Number: E-Ivlail Address: Job Title: vY1tp Personal Iteferences 1) Name: j YlA-ii Address:__ A�;' un�P co - ycq � � } C�. �R �t-C��`i � Uvaw� � �a�zavl ��� � Street Gty County Zip (Work)�S� �JS`��� (Home) �5��7�b�-�31 (FAX)�a�/ ; e area code) � �ed a — � ���� 2) Name: �J �2 " �.6 uf.Gt Addcess: �� t,t. � � Phone:(Homel i5�or d 5A �� • �-.�dco� ��'l� � (Workl 6 � I `a2� '��31e� � �`� [Ox (Wnrkl ��f ' ��i� � to serve on the � -f_ Dv`t.�'Gbcv�y+U � U� KJ� �� 93, Opfionai: In an at:empt to ensure that Board representation reftects thz makeup of our community, kno�vledge of the £ollowing information is helpfi:l FTowever, completion of this information is vo(untary. � White (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African [lmerican} Asian orPacificIslander American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo _ Other __ _— Male� � Femzle ❑ Disabled: � Yes O No If specia( accemmodations are needed, please specify: The ir jonnatian on this appiica2ion i.z!! be used to eva[uate and selec( mear6e�s Ojthe 3Y7L3. Apptican# may re fus� ro sunr4 r� -' reguesYed informatiort. Eecept jor vofxnlary ircformation, 6awcve�, ike�ai[ure lo complele fhe application may resull in it 6ei�;- discarded Zhis dafa may be rrviewed and used by Ramsey Couxfy and Saint PauL slajf. The dala on thrs page is pri i•ate. Apri14,206U =--� Consofidat¢d Program Workforce Investment Board ({yjg) MembershipApplication OG- f.G Private Information 9 � l�i//,�m �Ls�•r/c� Name: - Place of Employment:�r�,au� ,�6/� . G av/s Work � Street City Telephone Number: (Work) /�3 �v` (Home),��j�-60/9 (FA.� � , �3 - �'So7 E-Mail Address:_ ,�i//, � �5'f�f's, or5 Job Titie: l'-�y���r % Sc/soi/ Ta Fv�u,� Personal References (include area code) // - � r Address:__ ��60 Col�nrne �T�,/!//. /7'.fR/, �S5/fly . Phone:(Homel Z) What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? � ..,. � : ����i�vE is_ is�.a�.2r.4,✓r Fe.� r�1� aSr��iG Tv6/c s�%/s To s� ,2eo�,o .�a.n-p� .�,✓ �� c �,qsea �s �.�-d � s ��o �.�� fo2 srv,a�rvrs w�� /rP .� o�,�. �iSr.�cr .�d L.8�u� �1ia�i tiL.���i� �tJ�i/ii OO/1/biosiTQa7r��/ � w.ih �ii �r .ri c �......�.✓ L.s .r���< oN �iS OptinrtaL• In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects Che makeup of our community, knowled5e of the foliawing information is helpful. However, completion of this information is volantary. _. �1Vhite (Caucasian) Black (African American) America�x Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male: �Y Female: ❑ Disabled: � Yes a No Hispanic Asian or Pacific Zstander Other If special accommodauoiis are needed, please specify: /Yoit�E �' Ttre infurnration orr thir upplicatinR mi!( be irsed to evaluare and tefect membeis oftlte WIB. Applicnnrs may refuse to su�p[y Ihe reques[ed irrfumlation. Except for vofuntary informo(ion, however, lke jallurr 10 eomptUe fLe applicarinn may resulr in it berng discarded Tkis data �rzay be reviewed cnd arsed by Ramsey Coanry and Saiat Pnul staJf. The data an diis page is private. 80i90'd� 6E08 992 TS9 213�JdNFiW ,11Nf10� .l3SWF121 L£:9i 0002-9Z-AHW Phone:fHome) (Workl Z �/�/�'6 � oo-C`9 Nante: ��//i.4-�n � LYit/G/� Home What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? - '' � i/ . /.✓! i i � �. i � ii � i O� � � %/ �/l � i � i • a ii !� //�/ i /�� %�//l! � �� iN S�e. f/s, ,.- Length of initial term you are Snterested in: on�year Are you a Veteran?: C] Yes C�'!ffo O � tWO-year � Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paut are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on-the Consolidated,Prograrn il'orkfo�celnvestmentBoarcl (WIB) Categorybescriptlons form on � the reverse of this page. Please iadicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WTB. Mail or Fax your � Membership App[ication to: Bonnie Jacketen, Chief Clerk - CatrntyBoard, Suite 250, I S West Keltogg$oulevard, Saint Paul. Mznnesotcr �.i IO? (Fax: 651-266-8039; Phone.� 651-266-8014). Applications must be received by May 12, 2000. We will hoid two orientation sessions for members who are appointed to the �VIB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (8:90 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tnesday, 3une 27 (1:90 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that mcmbcrs attend one of these two sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendar. We expect that applicants wilt be officially natified mid-June on the status of their application. Thank you for your interest. Tlre informa�ioa on rGis appticatian wi!! be nsed ro eva(uate axd select n:earbers af rke WIB. Rppficaiets nrRy rejuse to supp/v tke reyuested i�ejnrmario�t. �ccepi jnr volunmry L�jorma�ion, kawever, tlre jailure ta compiete t17e applicolio�i mny resutt fn it bei�+g discarded. T/r�s datn �nay be reviewed and used by Ramsey Counry and Sainr Pauf sraff. Tbe dara on U�ispoge anrl flie revene sir/e is prrbfic mrd, t/rerejore, available tn tl�e p�iblic For Office Use only � Commissioner District April 4, 2000 Consalidated P�ogram Workjorce Investment Board (WIB) Meire6erslsip App[ication Planning Disvia Council (OI�ER) City Council Ward 80/L0'd 6E08 992 IS9 ?J3�JtiNFi4l A1Nf10� J.35Wtl21 8£:9T 000z-9Z-AHW ; 90'd �tf101 Consolidated Program Workforce Invesfinent Board (WIB) Category Descriptions v 00 -CGy Ifyou are appiyirtg for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to �•our annlication as described betow. Business, defirred asfor profrt (nominated by local b¢siness organizations and/or business trade associations - attach your nomination letter): ❑ 8usiness owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or employec with optimum policymaking o� hiring authority , ❑ Represent business wich employment opgoctunities that reflect the local area Also please indicate ifyou represent: O lazge business O small business (fewerthan 500 employees) Community-$ased Organizations, defined as nonprofit organizations: 0 Representative of comsnunities or significant segments of communities providing job training Q Agency serving youth f] Agency serving displaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organiution 0 Emp(oyer-related nonprofit organization Cl Organization serving nonreservation Indian and triba! governmeat ❑ Agency representing veterans Q Agency representing individuals with disabilities � Other: Economic Development Agency: ❑ Private Seetor 0 Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educat�i nal entities - attaeh your nominarion letter): �'C,ocal educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boards ❑ Entities providing adult education and literacy activities ❑ Postsecondary educationai institutions ❑ Other: Lubor O Nominated by �ecogniaed state and/or local labor federations (aHach yoar nomination Ietter) One-Stoy � ■ ■ ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ Workforce Cenler Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activities/programs): Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, ]ob Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title 1) Wagner-Peyser Act Aduit Education and Literacy (WIA Title II) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I), . _ Welfare-to-Work Programs (Social Securicy Act) Senior Community Service Employmcnf (1'itle V of the 0)der Americans Act) Posueeondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocationa! and Applied Technotogy Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA 7'AA ('frade Act of 1474 Title II) Local Vecerans' Employment Representativcs and Disabled Veterans Outreaeh (7itle 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant Department of Housing and Urban Development Statc Unemployment Compensation Laws (in accordance �•ith applieable federal !aw) 80/80'd 6�08 992 ti59 b3�JdNdW J,1Nf1�� J,35WFi2I 8£:9T 0002-9z-1.dW MRY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.02i06 .. Consolidared Program Wo�kfo�ce Investrnent Bonrd (WIB) RECE{VED � — " q MembershipApplication MAY 15 2000 N2me: Donovan Schvichtenberg MAYOR'S OfFICE Home Address: 6621 Biscame Blvd. Edina 55436 Street City County Zip What skitls, training and exnerience do you possess for WIB membership? I have a back�.round in vocational education and have served as the head of both Minneapolis and Sc. Paul Technical College. I have experience in de- velo�intt educational oro�rams for adults and vouth and have served in a leadershio role in cuseomized traininR- I am presently servin� on the Saint Paul Workforce Develo ment Council. � Len�th of initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: B Yes C1 �10 12amsey County and the City oI Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program Workforce7nves1menl Board (WIB) Cnte; ory Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. PIease indicate, on the reverse side, the category or cate;ories you can represent on the �VIB. Mail or Fax }•our WIB Nlembership Application to: :_ Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk - Counry Board, Suite 250, 1� West KeTlogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota .i510? (Fras: 6�1-266-8039; Phone: 651-266-801 �}. Applications neusi be received by May 12, Z000. We will hold Rvo orienta:ion sessions for members who are appointed to the WTB. These sessions are � Thursday, June 22 (5:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). �Ve ask tliac members attend one of [hese ttivo sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calenda:. We e�pect chat applicants wilt be officially notified mid-June on the status of their zpplication. Thank you for your interest. two-yeaz X TLe tnfnrnurtiore nn d+Er upp/icrt�ion wifl be used 10 evaluate mad select members njUze WlB. Applican�s lrtay reJuse to srrpplv 1he reqrcested iejorn:a(ioir. Ercepf fer voiunlary injorn7atioii, hnwever, tlre jailtrre 7o complete �6e rspplicarion n+ay restrlt iir it bei�r; d'ucarded. 7'kis Jatn nmy be reviewed and used b�• Ranuey Caufry and Saint Puut staff. Tke datn ort tlzis pa;e «nd ike reve�se side is pubTic arul, tt�erejore, rsvailabte m the pnblic For Office Use only Commissioner Discrict Plannin� Districc Council City Council W2rd Aprit 3. ?ODU (OVER) G Departmenc of Housin� and Urban Developmens MRY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PRU� TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i06 - Consofidaled Program Workforce Investment Boa�d (WIB) tllembersl:ipApplication 00 -LG9 Private .F+:formatia: Name: Donovan SchvichtenberR Place Of Employment: St. Paul Technical Colle�e Work 235 Marshall Avenue St_ Yaul 55102 Street County Zip Telephone Number: (Work) 651-221-1364 (Home) 612-938-0227 (FAX) 651-221-1416 E-Mail Address: Job President Personal T2eferences (include azea code) � 1) Name: Hocaard u hm n Address: 1300 Norwest Center; St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Phone:�Home) (�Vorkl 651-222-1801 2) �2me: Richard AnfanQ Address: sc Paul BuildinR Trades Council• 411 Main Street• St Paul Minnesoca 55t02 Phone:lHomel (Workl 65i-224�9445 '4Vhat are your reasons £or wanting to serve on the WIB? I have an intezest in helping all members of our societv become emploved in ¢ood jobs I believe it benefits the individual their families eaplovers, and ^ society My reasons also are goals of St Pau2 Technical Co11eRe. I believe I can make a valuable contribution to the new organization. Oprional: In an attempt to ensure thzt Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, lcno��led_e. of the following information is helpful. However, completion of this information is voluniary. x White {Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islznder American Tndian oz Alaskan Eskimo Other Male: � Female: ❑ Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ I�Io Tf specia! accommodations are needed please specify:, The i�:fannation on tiris app(icatiou �vi!! be used m evaturrtr u�td setecl rreenrbers of the WI.B. Applicnnts utrry reJuse �a srrpph• rlie reqr�esred injormutialr. Grceptjor vo�unrury• injornurtiort, howeve�, t/ie jnile�re to complete tlre applicatiom m�y result in it bein„ discnrded. 7Yiis drt(tt nray be reviewed aed used b}• R�uruey Counry ruad Sain[ Paul slnff. Tl+e dara o�i rtris pave is pffvate. _ Aprit �!. 2000 MRY-12-2000 08�48 ST. PAU� TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.03i07 Consofidafed Program Workfa�ce Invesiment Boar�! ({3�IB} Category Descripiions J� S c h►�� �h �rn bt �- OD-/.l If you are applying for Business, Education, or Labor positions, please atfach a nomination letter to your annlication as described belotiv. _ - _ --- -- - _ Business, defrned asjor profrr (nominated by local business organizations and/or business trade associaiions - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating ofFcer, and other executive or empioyer with optimum policymakin� or hiring authoriry O Represent business with emptoyment opponunities that reflect the local area Also please indicate if you repcesent: O large business O smali business (fewer than SOQ emptoyees) Comm:rniry-Based Organi>ations, defined ar nonp�ofir organi=arions: G Representative of communities or significant segments of communities providingjob training ❑ A�ency serving youth G A�ency serving displaced homemakers O Union-rela[ed organization ❑ Employer-related nonprofit organization ❑ Organization serviog nonreservation Indian and tribal government L] A�ency representing veterans G Agency representi�g individuals with disabilities � Ocher: Economic Developtnent Agency: � Privace Sector ❑ Public Sector Edtrcarion (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local education2l entities - attach your nomination ]etter): Cl Local educational en[ities (includin� K-12) G Local school boards G Entities providing adult education and literacy activities �Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Other. Labor G Nominated by recognized state and/or tocai labor federation5 (attach your nomination letter) One-Sro� iVorkforce Center Pnrrners (defined as the partners that carry out the followin� activitiesJpro�rams): G Adutc, Dislocated �Vorker, Youth, Job Corps, Native American and Veterans' Workforce (W1A Title I) D ❑ G ❑ O C� ❑ O G ❑ ❑ Wagner-Peyser Act Adulc Education and Liceracy (WIA Tii(e Il) Vocational Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act Title I) Wetfare-to-Work Pro�rams (Socia! Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational a�d Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (I'AA) and 2�3AF"1'A TAA (Trade Act of 197� Title [t) Local Vecerans' Employment Represenutives and Disabled VeteCans Outreach (Title 38. U.S.C.) Commcinity Services Block Grant Department of Housin� and Urban Deveiopment Sta[e Unemplopment Compensation La�vs (in accordance with applicable federal la��•) MRY-12-2000 08�42 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.04i06 Donovan Lee Schw�chtenberg, Ph.D. oo - c�g G621 Biscapne Boulecud G12-221-1364 (QC�osk) Edina, Mianewta G12-93&9227 (Home) Leadership Acknowled�ed high enecgy wich a cleaz zecotd of efieccively managing change in a numbez cf oiganizauons. Demonsteated lesdaship in 6sca1 managemenc, sezvicc to busincss and industxy, pxoblem idenriEication aad resolution. Collegial maaagemenL sryle which identifies high e�peccarion fzom smff and faculry wich rUUlu for che benefic of smdenrs. Available [o all memben of che College and respecced foc his leadership thzoughou[ Minaesota State Colleges and Univezsiues. Professional PresidenS St Paul Technical Gollege, St. Paul, Minnesota (Maith 1990-Presenc) Experience Pcincipal, Emccson Aiternative School, Minneapolis, Minae�ota (1959-1994) Pzesident, Minncapolis Techzucal Gollege, Minneapolis, Miancsota (1982-1959) P=incipal, bfatshall-Univetsiry High School, ?vlinaeapolis, I�Tiaaesota (1979-1952) PrinciPal, Ftanllia Junior High School, blinncapolis, Minacsota (1978-1979) Principal, Ramsey Ninth Grade Cencet, Minneapolis, Minnesota (1974-1978) Assistant tu East Acea Superincendent, Minneapolis Public SchooL+ (1973-1974) Assisrant Pcincipal, Central H�h School, Minneapolis, I�finnesoea (1972-1973) Assistant Prinupal, Ramsey Juniox High School, hlinncapolis, Miraesota (19G9-1972) Adjuncc Ptofecsor, Univexsiry• of btinnesoul, Minneapolis, Minnesota (1969) Neighboihood Youth Cocps Coo=dinacoz, Souch�cesc High Schonl, lVest I-Iigh School, Cenual High $chool, Minneapolis PubGc Schools (1966-1969) Project Administretor, Opezation Read+aess, United States Office of Economic Oppocmniry Community Education Dizector, Nor:heast Community Center, Minncapolis, Minncsoca(19GG-1968) Vorational Coordinacoz, Washbum Fiigh Schonl, Minneapolis Public Schools (19G4-]966) Teacher, Vocaaanal Evening School, Mi=meapolis Public Schoo!s (1960-1965} Teachez, Cencral High School, Minneapoli5 Public Schools (2960-1964) Uniced States Army, 19�7 Bank Tellez, Sc Clair Siate Ban}:, St Clair, Minnesota (19�6-19>'� Educacion Doctor of Philosophy in Educauonal Administndon, Walden Univezsity (1978) Specialist in Educational Adminisczarion, Univecsity of St. Thomas (1980} Mascer of Science, Cu=riculum and Insttucdon, Universiry of i�tinnesota (1968) Bachelox oE Suence, Business Educauon/Social Smdies/Businas Adminiscrarion, biankazo Stace Univcrsicy (1460) MRY-12-2000 08�43 ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.05i06 Dissertarion Topics Membe=ship and Leadership (Pastand Pxesent) � s�w� c.k�ev�be� A Smdy oF thc Effecrivencss of che Subsdcute Tcachers ia rhe Secondary Schools of � 0 �� `9 I�finneapolis, Minnesota, 1998 Paresit's Opuuons of Decentcalization in the �nneapolis Public Schools,19S0 Minneson Technical Collegt Presidena' Ascociaaon, Past President Minnesoea Technical College Presidencs' Assouarion Finance Corcrsccee, Pasc Chaicpezson Minnesora Technical Colleoe Presidencs' Studeac Services Committee, Past Cha:rperson blinnesou State Colleges xnd Univttsities Chanccllo='s Search Ca-nmit�ce Minnesoca Scate Colleges and Univezsiues Inceri.m Chancelloz's CouncIl of Presidencs I�Ieaopolitan Educaaonal Tclecommunicarions Nenvork, Treasur� Saint Paul Tech Prep Coasoztium Highec Education Board E:ccluded Administrarors Task Fozce Minnesota Srace'Z'echnical College Pxe>idents' Associa¢on Humaa Resoucccs Cortunittce I�finnesota State Technical College Presidents' Associa¢on Lc�isladve Conuniccee Minneapolis Public Schook Principals' Fon�m, Past Pcesident Minneapalis Public Schook Ptinapals' Fonun Negotiaang Comr.inee, Chaizperson Encironment and Enetgy Resource Center, Diteccor Willmaz Communiry College Presidenu Seazch Comrnitcee Uniced Way of Saint Paul Communiry Tniriaaves Volun[eu Comr.utcee Saint Pau1 Public Schools North Centcal Evaluacoc Anoka Technical College North Centnl Evaluator Saint Paul/Roseville School2o Wock Partncuhip E�ecudvc Com:niuee Ciry of $aint Paul Woikfoxce Devclopment Council Eaccuuve Conmiccee Saint Paul Rocary Red Wing/�nona Technical College Piesidencal Seatch Cammittee, Chairperson M�tro A=ea Two-year Collepc Planninb Gouncil hfulu-Culmral Genda Disabiliry• Faii F:ducadon Advisory Board Saint Paul Public Schools Supetintendent's Council National Vocauonal Association Minnesots Vocational Association Minncsoca Laboz Hlghez Education Couricil UA�Y�/Fozd/MnSCtJ Training Cencer Committec, CooLdiaacoz MnSGU Bienrual Commitmenc co Institutions Cawniccee, Chairpcsou MnSCU Skill Bascd Txansfec Committee, Chairpe:soa MnSCtT Persor.nel Plan Advisory Commitcee Edina Public Sthools Volunteex e MRY-12-2000 08�43 Membezship and Leadetship (Paatand Present) ST. PAUL TECH. COLLEGE 612 221 1416 P.06i06 �. .SC�1uJi C��'tl�-b U Scaffocd Collcgc (Englancn-St. Paul Technical College Professional Erchange 00- (�(�q hSid-Minaesora TelecoaLmunicatioas Consortium Winona Technical College State Evalua:nr Sinc Paul Area Chamber of Commuce Midvrap Chambex oE Commexce h2inneapolis Associacion of Secondary School Pcincipalc Minneapolis Kiwanis Minnesora Associarion of Secondary PrincipaLc Tw-in Citie� Development Group, Director Mn$CU Program aad Sccvice Alignment Planning Team rnTOi a AF �n i rc�cu _� • cD b I Y'r.UL r�Hi\h t lu & c��N 5 _ � Consolidated Progrnm Workforoe Investtnent Bourd (WIS) Membership Appl'uation Private Injormation 65:2293314 P.2Gia4 RECEINED 00 -tG9 M AY 2 5 2000 N�� HARRY MELANDER � L� Place ofFlnployri7ent: ST. PAUL BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COt3NCIL Work 411 MAIN ST, �r206 ST. PAUL RAMSEY 55102 Stzeet City Couttty TelephoneNumber: (Work) 651-224-9445 � 651-426-540B (�:� 651-224-9783 E-Mail Job Business.Representative Personal References (include azea code) 1) Name; Dick Anf Address: 411 Main St, #206, St. Paul MN 5510� Phone:(Homel 651-457-7691 �Work) 651-224-9445 2) Name: Bernard Brommer AddTeSS: 175 Aurora Ave., St. Paul MN 55103 Phone:�Homel �� 651-227-7647 What Are your reasons for wsnting to serve on the WIB? I believe I can voice Labor's concerns and bring a practical yet workable consciousness to the board. Optional: In an attempi to ensure that Board represemation reflects the makeup of our communiry, lmowledge of the fallowing informaHan is helpful, However, oompletion of this iafosmation is volurrtary. X OJhite (Caucasian) Hi c Black Aftican American S � � ) Asian or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskan Esldnto Other Male: G9 k'emale: Q Disabled: ❑ Yes ❑ No IF special accommodations are aeeded, please specify: 77ee injorm¢rinn nrt tkis appdkatlon w!U be rased to evaluale aad select mem6us af the WIS App[icants �nay refuse to supply tl�e requested injormcliem �cept jar vo[uniary inforn�ation, howevu, thejaiture Jo Complete fha cppU�atlnn may �esu1[ tn !t being discarded. Tli'u data may be ►eviewed aed wed by Rmnsey County and Saint P�l srujf. T6e data nn Uris poge !s private n�.:�e oMn znnf� Tf7T01 P LVt S3Q5'21,L �NIQ'II(Ifi ESG6 6ZZ TS9 k'�'3 Z6:60 .�'03� 00/ZZ/SO , r;nr-rr��e� :5:G5 ST PA.�L PLRNNItiu &-CON 6512283314 P.03iO4 Consolidated Frograrn Workf'orce Investment B'aasd (LVIB) M � /_„, fe�" +CategnryDescr�pfions �ar�� ���`� Do-t&q if you sre applying for Busiuess, Education, or Labvr posiiions, please attach a nomination letter to your nnnlication as descrihed below. ___ ,� - Business, defrned as for-prafr (nominated by local business otganizations and/or business tiade associarions - attach yaur aomination letter}: C! Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other exeeurive or employer w�th optimum polioymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business wiih employment opportunities that reflect the local area ALso please indicstte if you represent: O large husiness O small business (fewer than 500 employees) Community-Based Urgan�ations, defined as nonprofi! organization.s= C1 Representative of communities or significant segmentt of cammunities providing job training O Agency serving youth 0 Agency serving disptaced homemakers ❑ Union-related organization OI Employer-related nonprofit organization C] Organization serviag nonreservation Indian and tribal government Q Agancy representing veterans O Agency representing individuals wich disabilieies Q Other: Economic Developmen�rtgency.• O PrivaYe Secior O Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutians, or organizations representing such local educationat entiries - attach your namiaation letter): � O Locai educationat entities (including K-t2) C� Local school baerds O L'ntities pmvid'rng adult education and literacy activides ❑ Postsecondary educationa� institutions ❑ dther: Labor � I3ominated by recognized state andlor loaal labor federations (attach your nomination ietter) One-Stop Workforce Cenrer Partners (defined as the pam�ers that carry out the following activities/pcograzns): ❑ Adult, Dislocated �Vorker, Youth, Job Corps, Native Ameciean and Veterans' W orkforce (WIA Titte I) 0 Wagner-PeyserAct ❑ Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Title d Yocarional Retiabilitation (FtehabiIitation Act Tikle I) d ❑ Q d Q 0 0 Q Welfare-to-Wark Programs (Social Securily Act) Senior Community Servica Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocarionat ¢nd Applied Technotagy Educ;aaon Act) Trade Adjustrneat Assistanee (TAA) and NAFTA TAA ('['nde Aet of 1974 Tit�e Il) Local Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Vetersns Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Block Grant � Deparcmcnt of Housing and i3rban Development State Unempfoyment Compensation Laws (in accordance with appticab(c fcdcrat Iaw} i,ni-ir^�uv� 1��cY 51 YHUL YLHNNINV $ ECLN �ansotidated Program Workforce Investmeitt Board (WIB) Merrsbsrship Applicafien Home F3ARRX MELA_'`DER 716 PARK AVE Street rsr�mo�nz City Witat sldlls, isaining and cxperience do yvu possess £or WIB mesubership? see attached Length of initial term you are interested in; one-yeaz Are yon a Veteran?: a Yes �] No oo—��q tiVASAINGTON 55115 County Zip t�VO yeat x We witt hold hvo orientation sessiotts fnr melnbers who ara appoiated ta the WIR. These sessions Fue � Thursday, .Tune 22 (8:00 to 10:OQ a.m.) or Tuesday,,�utte 27 (1:Q0 to 3:00 p.m.). We aslc that members attend one of these rivo Sessions. Pleese feserve these dates on your aslendat, We expeci that applicants wilt be offciallynotified mid-]une on the status oftheirapplication. Thank you far yonr mterest. The tnformation on rhts applicalinn wti! 6e rtsed ro evaluafe and seleet members of tlie {f7B. Apptleanrs muy refuse to aupp(y 16e requested ldfomratinn F.xceptjor voluntary informatlon, however, t��e failure [o camplete !he applkaelon may result in it beiteg d'ucatded Thisdatamaybeteviewai!¢nduaedbyRamaeyCou»tyaadSalntPaxlstajJ. 77iedataonthiapugeondihereversesids Fs pvblic and, fkutfore, evnilabte ta thepubTiF For O�ce Use only Commusioaer District Pienning Dishict CouacIl City Cwncil Watd 65122833.4 P.0?/24 �pril4, 2000 (OYER) Ramsey County and the City nf Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent varions categories as detailed an the Consotidated Arogram Workfarce Investment Baltrd (WIB) Category Desctzptinns form ou the reverse of this page. Please indicate, ott the reverse side, the category or Categories yon ean represent on the WIB, oo-�`g Harry D. Melander Jr. 'li6 Park Avenne Mahtomedi, Minnesota 55115 PRORESSTONAL EXPERIENCE: ST. PALTL BUII,DING & CONSTRUCTION TRADES COUNCIL Business Representative t1997-Present) * Responsible for the legislative, community, and education agenda for 29 affiliates Create and coordinate all School-To Work, minority recruitment, gender balance efforts in St. Paul SOUTHERN DISTRICT COUNCIL OF CARPEIVTBRS Community Outreach/Pr ocram Development (1994-1996) St. Paul * Responsible for recruitment effort with the minority community and efforts to create gender balance in the trades Program coordinator for (PAX) Program For Apprenticea6le Youth. Budget design/Program Administration * Developed and coordinated St. Paul Central's Building Technology Academy � MIlVNESOTA STATEWIDE DISTRICT COINCIL OF CARPENTERS (1986-1994) ST. PAUL, NIN Human Resources(Training(Reseazch * Develop persounel policy for staff and affiliates * Participated in negoliations and grievance proceedings �` Managed the budget and fmancial regulations of the organization, and it's benefit plans * Czeated personnel training programs for staff/memhers Ca -c �9 i�Ielander, age 2 " Provided direction and leadership for a harmonious CommunitylLaborManagement relationship within the construction industry throughout Minnesota * Prepazed and presented press releases for organization MCGOUGH CONSTRUCTION (1984 -1986 ) ST. PAUL, MN Construction Layout, Carpentry Responsible for the placement of commercial structure, and their components in relationship to azchitectural specification * Provided traditional cazpentry duties EASTERN IOWA COVIMUlVITY COLLEGE ( 1978 - 1984 ) MUSCATINE, IOWA Building Technology Departrnent Instructor of Building Technology Classes * Provided leadership for one of three major divisions within ihe coilege * Instructor of Construction Engineering and Building compliance classes "` Responsible for the construction and maintenance of campus-owned proyects, including single family homes and campus instructional facilities * Negotiated instructional staff contract, handled grievance proceedings �DUCATION: DEGREE PROGRANI: University of Wisconsin - Stout 1977 B.S. TechnologyBducation ADVAI�CE STtTDIES: University of Minnesota 1986 University of Oregon 1987 ba-CCQ Melander, page 3 . VOCATI0�IAL: Minnesota Departinent af LaborlDivision 1 g7g of Voluntary Apprenticeship Program, Carpentry CIVIC PARTICTPATIO`'� * St. Paul Workforce Development Board * St. Paul Urban League * 916 Foundation " State Commission for Nat'I & Community Svc * Phalen Corridor Initiative / Founding Member * Twin City Housing & Redevelopment Coip. * Washington Co.Boud of Adjustment Chaitperson '" Washington County IiRp., Chairperson * Mafitomedi Park Commission "` University of M�7 Labor Relations Advisory Boazd * Washington Co. Planning Commission, Chairperson * Weatherization Reseazcfi and Ptoduction Inc. Chairperson * Mahtomedi School District Transportation, Technology Committee * Governor's Commission for Affordable Housing in the 90's (1998-1999) (1997-1999) (1996-1999) (2994-1999) (1994-1999) (1995-1999) (1995-1999) (1996-1998) (1998-1999) (1995-1998) (1992-1996) (1988-1996) (1989-1994) (1989-1994) {1998-1989} ��C DO�NTOWN ST•PnUL F"ax�o5129�130o Pp� 11 'GC 14�43 Consolidated Program Workforce Invutment $oard (A�IB) � Hone Address: Street Memberskip Applicafion � c�ty P. OZ � a- 6Gq Countp Zip �Vk?at skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB membership? T 1�1-�Y�rF .k�6£aI /hlUoC.�iF�J t.�iTl"-/_ i�1r U �'2 i � Are you e Ve;eran?: O Xes �9,No Ramsey County and fhe City of Saint Paul are recruiting inditi•iduals to represent various categories as detfliled on the Consatidaterf Pro�ram iYorkforce Investment Board (Ff'I$) Cate,ory Descriptiotrs form on the reverse of this paae. Please indicate, on fhe reverse side, the categoz'y or cafegoYies you can represent on the SVIB. .._ . .. . .,.. . . . ,. . . ; .. . : • � �.; ylx�l_orFaz you[;WlB,1Vleinb"ers�i A lic'afion;io>;� ..;:. '� `- . p..PP ,. _ .. .., �cr:: ,.. -.. ._., .... . . ., ._ ... ... � . . . .. .. . . . . . . , . . . . . .. � :..c• .. .. . .. _ . . ; .,....... .. Bo»nie JackeFen,:�Chief Clerk = Counry Board, Suite:254,".I.i ti�%�st Kellogg 2oule•iard.Saint Pkze1, M:'nnesbtn �5102 (Fax: GSI=266-,8f139; Pnon2: 657-265-8014); Appficutioris ritkst he.raceived by May IZ, Z000. : .�/ We �viil hold t��o orientation sessions for members who are zppointed to tFe �'liB. These ses,ions zre � Thursdav, �une 22 (8:00 to 1D:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, 3une 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). 1Ve ask t11at members aCend one of these rivo sessions. Please reserve these dates on your calendzr. ��'e expect tliat applicants tvil] be officially r,otified midJune en the status o:`their apptication. Thank y�ou for }�our interest. Tlre information on tkis applicalion wifl be resed Yo evaluate anAselec! members ojdee ll'IB. ApP�icaxts nray refuse to suppl}• dJe teguested injonantioe. �ece,pt jo� ruluntrtry inforno¢tion, however, Ore failnre to cnmplere rhe applicalion naay resu![ in ir beine clisca�ded. This data may be �evi:wed and used by Ramsey Cow7ry and Salnt Pard staff. 17re datr+ air t/iis pnge and i/re reve�se side is public und, t/leiejare, available lo If+e public. ti µ,,� y� Canmissiones Distcict ��d Apri14, 2000 Fo� o[r.�� Vs<o..�y Plannin� District Council Ci.y Council Ward (DYE� E.-/T"tt-EiC Length of initial term you are intzrested in: one-year � two-yexr � WFC DOWN7�WN ST•PRUL Fax�6�129�1306 Ppr 11 '00 i,-�5 �. � Cot:solidafed Prooram Workforce Investment,8oard (WIB) Ck1Eo DP.}% DESCT!)JIIOtIS r. w �$R.�l�t �� uz 60 . ��e� If you are applyina for Susiness, Education, or X,abor positions, ptease attach a nomination letfer fo your, defined as for profit {nominated by local business or�aniza[ions and.+or business r,ade associations - attach your nomination letter): � Business owner, chief executice ot operating officer, and othe: executive or employcr with optimun poticymaking or hiring authority ❑ Represent business wi[h employment oppoRunities that reflec[ the loca! area Also plelse indiczte if you represent � large business O small business (fe�tier than 500 emoloyees) Commtenity-EnseelOrganizations, d fned ns narsproft nrganiaotions: ❑ Represen[acivc of communities or sienificant segments of communities providin; job trzinin� O A�ency serving youtn ❑ A�ency serving displaced homemakers � Union-related or;anization O Employer-related nonprofit organi2ation Q O:gznization servina nonreservation Indian and tribal government ❑ Agency repre;enting veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals witn disabilities ❑ Other: Economic Developmenl Agency: O Private Sector d Pubiic Sector Fducation (nominated by cegional o^ local educafional agencies, insti[utions, or or�2niza:ions representin� such Ioca1 educational ent;cies - attach }'our nomination letter): C� Locai educational entities (includin� IC-12) U Locafschoolboards d Er.tities providing adult education and lit:racy activiiies O Postsecondary educational institutions � Other: _ _ _ _ _ Zabor � 1�'orr.inzted by recognized state and/or 1oc21 labot federations (attach your nomination lefter) One-Stop Workjorce Center Pariners (defined as the partners thzt carry out the foliowin� >ciivities/pro�rams): � Adult, Aislocated 4Vorker, You;h, Job Corps, �ative American and Veterz�s' R'orkforc� (WIA Ti.fe i) '� Wzgner-Peyser Act ❑ Adul� Education znd Literzcy (WIA TiYle II) ❑ Vocations� Rehabilita;ion (Rehabili,ation Act Title I) ❑ Welfare-to-Work Programs (Secial Security Act) ❑ Senio: Community Service Emp(oyment (Tit(e V o,`the 01der Americ2ns Act) O Postsecondazy Educatson (Carl D. Perkins Voc2tiona; and APP��ed Technology Ecucation Act) ;B( rrzdc Adjustment Assis�ance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197=t Title !I) � Locat Veterans' Bmployment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Titic 33, U.S.C.) ❑ Community Services Block Grant ❑ Depaztmcnt ofI-tousing and Urban Development �( State Unemploymcnt Compen�ation Laws (in aecordance tvith applicable federal law) � WFC DOWNTOWN ST�PAUL �ax�6512971306 P,pr 11 '00 i4:4� Consolidoted Proa ram Wor�force Investment Saard (FYIB) Memb ersh ip Rpplication 2�rivate Information f�mP• ��� I/ � �� U �✓ ,�fJ � P1ace ofEmploym2nt: (/U/U11� tvor'.<Adcress � �Q� ��� P. OC Oo-GCq uul � r .4u c_' �. t�� S 5T _ C�� Courrfy Zip > , /l�m sFj s s�oi Telephone Nnmber: (Work)GS/-77g"-s !o G J (Home) �' (FAX) G�/ - � �9- SG �/6 G5/"��� GS/ -R9'7 -'�06 E-ti1ai1 Address: /Yl h/' u n Ko c✓ � n m tz l�e5. S7 mn. us Job Title: ��G�O�iI�L //If�?'J�}C�� -" �$% ///��C� Persona] References (include arza code) 1) Name: < 2TH dll���zr Phone:jHomel '-"' 2) Name: ��C'-X ��/t���f Arlr�rPCC• �7� No�rf� 'ID�J�T Phone:(Homel 1' .sisG�y�rc, 1�1 J 53 !o� (Workl GS/- 029� - (o0( % � ,/JRtirc, I�I.✓ ��o {Work] �S/ a9� -1� 9� Optionai; In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup o� our community, know�Iedge of the follow•ing information is helpful. Hoti�ever, comgtetion of this information is voluntary. � White (Caucasiaa) Hispanic $lack (African Ame:ican) Asizn or Pacific Islander American Indian or Alaskzn Eskimo Othzr __ _ __ r�ale: C]. Female: � Disabled: � Yes �No If special accommodations are needed, p!ease specify: �U Ylre injurmaiion u�: iltis application wi[( 6e uSed to evatuate aridselecr members oJthe lVIB. .fpp(Icanti muy refi�se to supply 1lie iequcS[ed irt�ormatlart, ,Eccept for voBmtary injurmarinn, Goweveq Ure jaile�re to complete U+e nppiicarlon muy �eserlf in It behr� discarded 7his dnln may be reviewed and:esed by Ranssey Carnly anJ Suin1 Partl stnJf. TJte dr�ta an dris prrge is privule. Apri14-, 2000 -" -'--_ .'--"-__.._....,_.. . ....... � ., ......_,_..w.....•.....�.._ ............... What ue your reasons for wzntir.g to serve on ine WIB? ,Mf�Y-12-2090 09:44 LIFETRACK RESOURCES 651 227 0621 P.02i06 . Consolidated Psogram Workforee Investment $aard (WIl?) pp � Memberskip AppIication RFCE{VED MAY 1 5 200a Name: 3ohn Mohr HomeAddress: z315 Timber Traii, Maplewood, MN (Ramsey, County) 551L94YOR'SOFFICE Street City County Zip What skilis, tnining and experience do you possess for VdID membership? See attached sheet 1 Length of initial term you are interested in: one-year _ Are you a Veteran?: I> Yes t� No two-year X Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuats to represent various categories as deiailed on the Consolidated Progran� Workforce InvestmentBoarri (WIB) Cafegory Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on 'the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the't�IB. lYIai1 oc=k'az Bonnie Jnck ssioi �'cn: 1 =za�`6=aot�r):" . We wi!( hold nvo orientation scssions for members who are appointed to the wIB. These sessions aro i� Thursday, June 22 (8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (1:00 to 3:00 p.m.). We ask that members , attend one of these nvo sessions. Piease resecve these dates on your calendac �Ve expect that applicants ��i11 bc officially notified mid-Iune on the status of their application. Thank you for your interesi. ...� . � .•. . o:__....r'._.'_.....:nL_..��J�.._._!.._�....-J.,.I,.n/...w...Fn.<nlILa1Y7R dnn/irnnleiwnv�e(ncvfnaunnlrlS:r •MRY-12-2000 10�08 LIFETRRCK RESOUftCES 651 227 0021 P.BGi90 , c,ansouaatea t7ogram Workforce Invesimeni Board (Wl'B) Qa _ ��q Cafegory Descripfions `�� n � � � 'V ICyou are applying for Businus, EduCation, or Labor positions, please attach a nomination letter to your application as described below. Busrners, defined as fo�.p�af� (nominated by local business orguuzarions and/or basiness trade associatioru - attach your nomination letter): 0$usine5s owner, chief executive ot operaring officat, and other executive or employer with optimum policymaking or hiring authority � Represcnt business with emp(oyment oppottururies that reflect ttie Iocal area Also please indicaze if you represent: O large business O small busir.ess (tewer than 500 employees) Co�rtntunity-Based Organizations, defined as nonprofit organizadons; � Representacive of communities or sigiuficant segments of communities providing job training :. ■ • �� Agency secving youch Agency serving displaced homemakecs Union-related otganizatioa Employer-celated nonprofic organizarion Organizarion se�ving nonreservarion Indian and tri6zl govemment Agency representing veterans Agency reQresenting indiriduals with disa6ilities Other: � Econon�ic DeveTopmentAgency: � Private Sector 0 Public Sector E'd«cotion (nominated by regional or loca! educationa! agencies, insritutions, or organizations representing such local educationai enaaes - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Loca1 educational entiries (inctudin� K-12) ❑ Locai schoot boatds � Entiries providing aduli educarion and literacy acriviries ' � Postsecondazy educacional utsritutioru ❑ Other: Labor d Nomir,ated by recognized state and/oc locallabor federations (attxch your nomination letter) 0�7e-5top Y3'or�force Center Par[ners (defined a� the parmers that car,y out the fol!o«1ng acrivities/programs): 0 Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Job Corps, 2r'ative Am:rican and Vet:;zns' Workforce (WIA Titte i) ❑ � G � v d ❑ � a Wa3ner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literaty (WTA 7i[te 7� Vocarional Rehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Title n 1�'elfare-co-Work Programs (Social Securiry Acc} Senior Communicy Secvice Employment (Tide V of �he O(der Americz� ?,c.) Postsecondary Educarion (Cazl D. Perkins Vocarionai and Aop(ied Techao(ogy �ducarion Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197; Title II) Local Ve[erans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veterans Oureach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Communiry Services Block Granc � Depanmen� of Housing and Urban Developmenc � S�a[a Unemployment Compensation Laws (in aaordance «ith applicabl_ ied�ral !au•) MRY-12-2000 10�09 �IFETRaCK RES�URCES 651 227 0621 P.05i06 _ Consolidated Pragram i3roskforce Ixvesimenf Board (WIB) Membership Apptication 0p _ � Private Information �ohn Mohr PlaceoFEmployment: �-�fietrack Resources (formerly St. Paul Rehabi74tation Center} Work Address: �09 University Ave. W, St. Pau1, Ramsey County, 55104 Street County TetephoneNumber: (Work} 651-265-2340 � 651-730-8592 �� 651-227-0621 E-MailAddress: �ohnm@lifetrackresources.orq JobTitle: Chief Executive Officer Yersonat RePerences (include area code) 1} Name: Andy Boss Address: 2247 Hendon Ave., St. Daul, MN, 55108-3545 Phone:{Fiomel 651-644-3545 �y 651-523-7807 2) Name: Ellen Watters Address: Midway Chamber of Commerce, Spruce Tree Ctr., Ste 4, 1600 UniJersity, �55 Phone:(Home) tiVhat are your reasons for wanting to serve on ths WIB? See attached sheet 2 (Work) 651-646-2636 Op[ional: In an attempc to ensure that $oard representation reflects the makeup of our community, kno�v(edg: of the foltowing information is hetpful. However, completion of this infortnation is voluntary. X White (Caucasian) _ Biack (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Fiispanic Asian or Pacific Isfander Other `1ate: � Female: d Disabled: ❑ Yes �J I�To If specia] accommodations are needed, please spe�ify: The ir jormarion on tk+s application x•iIt be aseQ [o evaluate and selrct rnembcrs ojlhe li'IB. Applicaats may �ejuse tv sup{'i� rrqwrated injarre.ation. ,FxceQl f Of VOIttR�elj' tHf armation, 6o.�ver� the failu�e fo corrtplete the applicatian �nay result in it b: dG�carded ifris data may be reviewed and used by Ranctry Counry and Saiat Pau! atajf. T6r data nrt thLr page it pri �'�r�• .a,ri1 =�, ?OOU fiHY-1G—CC✓VJ iC•ela Attached sheef 1 �. a r c� Rr..,r� ��co�.v�� What skills haininc and exverience da vou oos5ess for WIS membershin� Oo-G`9 I am the CEO of an organi2ation which last ycar placed in employmrnt over 1,000 persons who had challenges to employtnent such as welfaze dep�ndency, disability, lack of English language sldlls, and lack of work experirnce. I understand the needs oi low income, challenged job- seekers and lead an organizstion that has demonstrated superior resutts in helping such persons attain employment. At the same rime, I understaad the needs of employers for dependable employees, and the fact that their needs as customers must be met in tho workforce azenz. Our organiurion successfully worked with approximately 300 employcrs in the past year; in addition co job placement we have provided employers with on-site soft s4d11 naining and consultation concerning a non-�aditinnal workforce. Addidonally, I am the past President of the Midway Chamber of Commeroe and in that role gained valuable experience in understanding the needs of employezs for assistance in the rec:uitment and retrnHon of good employees. Lastly, while T have a good understanding of public wor}�'orce policies and progams, I am deeply inierested in reform that wili lead to more effective use of resources to �uly meet the needs of both job-seeker and employer customers. I am interested in helping lead innovarion that is needed in che workforce system. John nl�hr MAY-12-2000 10�09 �IFETRACK RESOURCES 651 227 0621 P.06i06 Attached sheet 2 What aze vour reasons fot wanrine to seive an the W�? I want to serve on the WIB because this is a crirical time when major change in the wnrl�'orce system needs to occur and is possble. The time is critical partly because of welfaze reform and the clock that is tickiz�g for people to become economically self-sufficien� It also is a cxirical time whrn employers are experirncing labar shortages and fhe growth of the local economy is dependent on an adequate world'orce. Significant change in the workForce system is possible because thae is a growing local awazeness that the current system has performed inadequately; merger of the cicy and county systems also carries the potential for a new and more effective spproach. I bring a valuable set of experiences and a suoag desire to help make a much more effective system tt�at beteer meeu the needs of etnployers, job-seckrss, and the economy of the community. �}ohn �Y1ohr 00-C`q O TOTRL P.06 __05/11f2000 13:27 ^ 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CORPS I PAGE 04 1 Home Conso[idated Program i�i!orkforce Xnvestment_Board (T3'IB) Membersh+p Application 5treet City Wk!at skiils, uainin� and experience do you possess for WIB membezship7 .i �__��,.. _� 11,.0" 1 l��-1� `-�C- �1G taX).�( �,L'�,rn,� t� �t?N��-'���.. L ength of initial tecm you are anferested in: one-year � A*e you a VEter�1?: �l Xes �� oo-��q . • i ►, 1�i �- '+i 1 � ��►� lt �. ► �` . �� . � ♦ a.t, 1�_, ���- . �� . , � .[,� �,t)Y�� two-year � Rxmsey County and the Ciry o£ Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent detailed on the Conso(idated Program Workforce L:vestnsent Board (Wl'.8) Category the reverse o£ this page. Please fndicate, on fhe reverse side, the category or categ< on the �V�B. . .. .. ... ... , :.. ... . �:.. __ ,�. Mail or �sx,your W1B Metnk�erstizp �ppnca Bonnie Jacke[en, Ch.ief Clerk.,:.Gounty:�oard,= 5510? (Fax: 6.i1=266=8039,'.Phone:: �� � • �� 1 _ n51n (�n 9lntfl�A 1 . �us categories as :riptions £arm on you cnn represent We wiil hold two orienxation sessions for members who are appointed to the NI$. I�ese sessions are � Thursday, June 22 j8:00 to 10:00 a.m.) or Tuesday, June 27 (Z:00 to 3:00 p.m.) We ask that members attend one of these two sesstons. Ptease reserve these dates on your calendar. We xpect that applicants will be officially notified snid-June on the status of iheir application. _ ____.....,.Y_ __...._,e .,,�..,.a,�...u. Thank you for your interest. The Irifonnatior: on rkis npplicalion wr!! be r�sCJ 10 evaluate mid select menebers of tlse WIB. Appl�� nn n:ay rejuse to sj�pp�Y �Jfe requested injormation. E.ecept far oottm[crry informafion, however, U,e jniL�re ta co+nplere rke npp cntion muy �¢suk in it being discanle�l This data may be revtewed and used by Ramsey County und Salnt Pauf Staff. Th¢ dQta On fiis page itnd Uie reverse Side is publte and, rlterejore, availnb(e to !he ptrbtia ` ' For Office Use only Conmissioner Districc Pfanning Disfrict Counci! Ciq� Coun�il Wazd April A. 20QU ��V'e� _ fl5/1112000 13:27 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CORPS ' PAGE 02 � O � �i �i � Consolidafed Psogram Workjorce Investment Bnard (H`Zg) Mernbership Application � � � Privafe Information Place of Work Stree; c��v Work �l��t"y`X.� �Home) � - �� Telephone Number: ( ) 3 hhh v„�� ,�Y,,,��. c�� E-Maii Address:_�_ , „ . , _ 3ob Title. Yersonal References (include azea code) 1) Name: G .i_ n . 2) Name: Phone:( 'omel � 0 ��Q��" t � IG,t P What are your re�uons for wanting to serve on tkae WIB? , „ - —r tn„o � Optiaza[: In an attempt to ensure th2t $oard representation reflects the makeup of o of the foliowing information is helpfiil. However cocnpletion of this information is .� White (Caucasian) Hispanic Btack (A&ican American} Asian or Pacific Islanc Ameriean Indian or Alaskan Bskime Othex Male: O Female: � Disabied: Q Xes �1 No If special accomuiodations are aieeded please specify: , knowledge The ii:jormntia� un tleis r�ppticafion wi(( be ris¢d ro evaluate and selet! tnenzbe�s oJfh¢ WI6. Applic�n�s muy refi�s¢ to supply tlae requestet! information. Exc¢pf jor volunlnry injarmntlon, kowever, thejniture ro comp!¢te Uee nppll� a[i07t rriay resuf111t i1 being dlscarded. Tl�ts data may be �eviewed and used by R�+msey Cawiry anASaint Pau1 staff. The dnla o' tLis prrge is private• { Aprit 4.2U00 __ 65/11;2889 13:27 6516420123 HUMPHREY JOB CORPS I PAGE B3 , - oo-�Cq ConSnlidated Program Warkforce Investment Soard (t�IB) f C�� • i �— `� Cniegory Descriptiolts � � ducation, or Labor pasitions, please attach a If you nre applying for Ausiness, � sonlic�tion as described belo�v- Brtsiness, defined as for-prof t (nominated by local business organizations and/or business attach your nomination letter): p Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other executive or err policymaking or hiring authority p Represei�t business with e�nployment opportunities that reflect the local area Also please indica[e if you represenC O large business O small business ('. Community-Based Drganizations defi+ted as nonprofi organizations: O EZepresentative of communities or significant segments of communities ❑ Agency serving youth p Agency serving displaced homem�ers d Un�on-celated otganization ❑ Emptoyer-related nonprofit organization p prganization serving nonreservation Indian and tribal govecnment O Agency representing veterans d Agency representin; �ndi� iduals with disabilities O Other: Economic Devefopment Ageney: Q Private Sector U Public Sector Education (nominated by re�iona( or loca( educational agencies, institutions, or lecal educational entities - aYtach your nomination letter}: ❑ Local edacational entities (including K-t?) Cl Loc21 school boacds p Entities providing adult education and literacy activities p Postsecondary educational instit�tions ❑ Other: Labor ❑ Nominzted by recogni2ed state and/or local tabor federations (attach your n Dne-Sto ti3'orkforce Center Partners (defined as the partners that carry out the fo!(owi' � Adult, Dis(ocated Worker, Youth, 1o�s, N�tive American and Veteran: O Wagner-Peyser Act ' 0 Adult Education and Literacy (W1A Title II} (] Vocationa4 Rehabiticaiion (Rehabilitation Ac[ Title I) ❑ WelEare-to-Work Progrzms (Social Security Act} O Senior Community Service Employment (Titie �' of the Oider Americans A O Postsecondary 6ducation (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technob ❑ l'rade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 197�1 p Local Vetecans' Employment Representacives and Disabled Veterans Outre ❑ Communiry Services Block Grant ❑ pzpartment of Housing 2nd Urban Development O State Unemp�oyment Compensation Laws (in accordance with applicable f letter to �'our associations - with optim��m than 500 emptoyees) job uainiag repcesenting such lettet') ; acLivities/pzograms): Workforce (W�A Title I) Education Act) e [I) (Titie 38, U.S.C.) law) JUN-01-2000 08�51 RAMSEY COUNTY MRNAGER 651 266 8039 P.05i0? • .' . , , _ � . :. .. _ '..: � .. :. oo.-LGq -: - .. : . , ; -: :.. �.; :::,.:.. ; , ; . .._ .. : . .. :...::.::� . ; � • � �. ;,- . - ' ;� _ , .:..: `:�C'a�iio�JatedPrngiaiiti!!oFkf'aicelfi�?�st+�ieift-Bodfil`(f3?Bj_ - . . . • _.. ... ° . :;3: .... ;MerieEersisip�l'P.&�ction':..., . . - _. __ ,.. ... , , z.�-'J . . , � . -_ . • . , _ - .- - • � - � � - - : � �.'e�' . '.L��,�."e1�z' -. � _ .. _ _ ' _ � . . .��;;;�= t����•�Z�2 _ . - . .. : . � . - . , , _ .. :.. ; .. =::--, ..:. .... ._ f -. . � . .: Fiottie 1►ddiess - l - > ` •�s'rf.S� �,i.l? .' ' �v�rn �,�a �; 5 t'�ri��rili-' -�`y �7 t?_ - .: ,: , :: ; � � •..: . � , _ _ � _ . . - . • - .�. ...•- = _. � - - ".. � ' ' � � � _ COIYG - - � . � . . - ' $t[E� : � • . .. � � .. . .. �/:=�''' ?.�.. • ' - - _:, ,.., -'.-` ' ". - '- �".. • ': . . , . . . _ , . - .:: ,_. ..- '.+...,,� : .....: : ...:.:. . .. . . � � . .::.^ Wliat sld.lT�s;•iraining�a�3" ezperience do yoii posses,s for WIB iirembersFii}i2 � . •. . - '" l -- Z`F�c'�1-E':d �',t,�t�� �� �Chflr �1k � �aoS"'CH+t�.�'��Y c_�P.��C'�..`ln.�Q 1�..�7G-.� � � •`��.. ..1�`�u'_ ''S� co��Q .: 1�3 6'� �'te-�Y����JGQ�-�-w:C.Qw "@.�i?itr4l'''P��..-'i;x�^'�=e5�: .��v� . � ... .. , , . .. ,.. . : . .p,� ' . ', .... r . . ^"T: . . ..,., . .. � . .. . _ ,�, : r . . _ �:. �. . , . , ... . _ . .. _ . _ .�,: , .� � '� � . . _.: �. . . `` - ' � ,a ` � . . �. � san ..:,= • . ,.. _,. :� , � . - , , ; - _ � �nn.: .b f .M�c��+.� o �'sABl�' �`F'��: •�, ` . ... ,,. ;, .. • -• '� T;eiisth�o£"inuial ternl yod aze'iriterested in:�: oneryeai _.,. two year.,�.� c ;. ,,`, :: _ � � , „ , _ ', , Are you`a Yet,eian?s Lt•Yes:. : �.No � . . . . . . - , . . "'>` .{. `:.$susse :�oaniy.aarFt�ie:�ity;ol5aint:PAi��re'recru,itipg, retei�t �;.' � Y.,,., . . . , .. . . .. � . . .. , '; : ,`aEfaiTeden!ihe�•ConsoTida%rt;Fr�,a»il3''orkj`orcel,ivestisientBoard'.(�1`B)'�'ategor}F�'e.iirripti»:i�sForm�og � ;• .., , : - �_ . . •- <•.: ; tire i=�ve�sa.oitlus page.'� klease i►idicate; on t�e reperse:sid� tlie'res.'�uu�cap.r �_ ; � �"� -'•� oh ttie Si'IB: �. . . , , . . .. r . ' 7 .° , r ., . . .. _ , ,. . ,. . .. . ., . . , . .: .. . , .__.... , . '..rr :: < i. y „`^^`'.�` "`"� :.«w' N- 4 � r rr,��..,v`�cv... y � /� [ '°t:Lr �{''(�� -�.,; • �y�� � >u1�W :: � _ " ; :,,�,�_. :', ' � � Y � � M1 � N4.'j�f'S. 1 �.ya+.� C YY _ ' Y Sii'.�" N e�"CF:�� - ��'1�i4•d�s�5e:�;oa 1�'em,� �t .� pl ,a:: :�:.�..•: �'c�r,s.�"��; �> 'r~` �..�,�.>�.:s,...� �- �,�; . . ,. t . yr r� W ,��'{f[ 4s• .w. ?C:'��• w. 1`�i �yiu�.`.r:'�J.a• <: �v �� ti' S. � �'�' � �L"n'�S � r4f 6�n»♦ i! '�x•t � �' �n�'$ Y r+ � i�e� �vFr+�� i laa.. 41.Hw. ^ /r � dln�.�i ��kw� �� �� �'� - ±�3.:Sr`YM�v�Nrii�l.:n '�"r'�e':+� " k.� ' f��:'"3�t,.4.,�..' - + �a..'. w . _a ;`�q°,'��K.: _'^"�'�.a:� . `J.' 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" t` _ _ _ . , .-. _ :. -,.; .: . . . . _ •_ � � i. � �`. +: .� � • . � Y»::�i. _ : . .` .� �Y�� •. .^ � :: f' .''.� . ' �.M-.\ ^.I::�P. - _ �Tha'akyou'foryour��atcrest:�� , . ..• . -,�.�':" .,. _ .. .. ' .:, . .-- _:= ; ; ,: .....; .,, - , _, . ',°:..:' •.. � ;;,;:``: `i'3'litiejoriri?t?4±C:�!R��!'OPP�oiiwill�i+irndYO }t' . . . � .. � . )� 'i ..\:.' . ^ Y- ' � `:,i[qnts�itin�ii�utw.n; :].�sc�pi f,di vof..�,iwy iqj`oipw=icir; howars� :�lie j�'ai�`Ya eeriipteie ike'bp�Leu�armap i,es+r�! ra•u,bcing ';.�. - "'�lisieqr�d;�'IFv�bwji3ereviewedandirsedbyltaniseyCbu+Cya . =`s'f`�`iibliaai'rdyt}ioefere,•ar8ilqbtrtathep�i6lic':, . � • . •.� ,, , :... : _ .,_ - ::-:: . . .._. . . . . ._ ,. . ... . .- _ . , �, ., . � _ � ''' - _ - - - ' ., � r . ,_ . . . _ . .. . . . ;,: _:i. '.' .. .� � ,�_ $oC�C6�9eAaiJ! .. .. . ':; ..-. . _ . . . . . . .. � . . � � ". ' , • -. !`;Coi�russtoneiTSisx�ci:':;;c .,�P1iQni:igbiruia�Counc�7 .'Cityfaiincti.ylax8'�.�' .:. . _ �. _ _ 3:t•� '. .' _ . . . , . � . -• � , . ...`'n' '•'ZOQO',. - � . . � . . ' (7: `� ' � , .. �idg, •.� E'E`R1- _ �: . ♦ .. a �i .. _ .. �]i��. ... �} . . . . r � �. r . �T� �� . . ... .. .. . �' � .. �.... ' . . . . " � JUN-01-2000 08�52 RRMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.06i07 . Consolidatedprogram Workforce Investme�t Baard (R?B) Membership ffpplicariort � (,(,� Q 1� Aivatelnjorntation dp • � G9 . n r!ame. �vK�� � �`U lK'X'e U � . , -. . =P3ace of,Employmeitt-_ '��. ' Q �lI' _ �-' ��9'6� � -f�' �n. ," - .-. - : �= - - . . ��:vwo��aa�;.��= :� �f': ���' ��, `ST'� ���� �Z�1�riS�I �s �_ � '.; : _� �treet _ , � .. �. . . 'City,,�_� :Couflty _ :�p . _ _ :-_:.� .' . '_; ; . . .: : ., .;. �., .: �: - .: : . ; '. ... • ,:..- - �'Tek� oi+e.Nuinber, ..•(Work)��. {HQirte) - `(�A�G�i�E—:��3''`�1�$�`�-:: � .�:. � 2. ,. ._ : ;. : : ..��: ,. . �. . . _ -,.. . ;; .- . .. �r-�� - ���"> =�r� naa«: - �,,,,, . . .. , , . ,>� ; . , . : � � - .T.ob;�lile: " - c :� a�o � ' " c � . _ ' . .. .' � . -. ' - . ". : .- . . . � � �: . : . ' . . :`Persona`L . : - . .: �•;,,,�° ��� ... �. ,.. � .. , : . , , . • , i ' - . , : • . . ,.<. . ` _ ; . : , ...... " : . , ' ;: . >�- - � . _ � �. ,: ?� ='Narne:. . . ... � � . .;�', - t`�� ."� 1 (;..._ , •. . .�,�.<:. �..' .4� ;'. .. �•• .^+ :Y ......� ....._L� , . ��G,�I@SS �• -�nS: ���� .. �� � '��` �'��..� . .� " - :�: 'P�IOA��OhaC�'. �`-' • � .. �' `'' : _ ` ' . ' . ' - - . ' erk Sl ^� � --` . . _:• , : .: ` ,.'.: ' ' ' sr � --sti. ' n 4 q . � :�- y ��` 1 ':q[e��`.1`1az13C.` ' t '_� ,i y�l� ., � ' � ��p . Jh_�� _ _�._ _ �s\� _ ./'1T . � . -i•�. : " Ad¢�ess- ~ 'Nl:�.�„ ('�: ah�.,. ��horu;fHo�e'� . . � ,��.`."�'_- ,2. , ' .. . . ' . ' . .. , . �� .i : � � . .. . ' .. . _.•,%':!�Vfiat are. Yaw;[q3son.s�or.wantiagrto serv� o� t}ie W3$? �. '; „ �,-� �k�c�s�'r�}�' ''�Y�.�PE�=.,c..� S �< ,�_-��� ��s,:o�ss:t�L.� �� •�e�4e�se;�� , -�... . •:}�,�_:r� .: �t: � •'°..n . ...n°._... :. . . . � '=::50 ' � " ,'.� � N �:.-. . .� �.es., '.,,` ...i •� • R . : .� v s� � .� � �_ , i : � ;. : �;:; . �,�, : 1T5.�!.� �' ,. - ....f ., .._ .: ,_ •�' .C?ptioniQl; �ri aa: attempc to ensure thai Board represen2ation reflebts the inakeup of our communiky, kiiowledge �= of:the follov±zn,g•iirf'orcziaYion is helpf'vt. � Hbw'ss�er, complet;�d of this info'rnadon:is voluntary , / k • •-,, '.: °✓: �Vfnte;(-G�.a.casian�. • " `.. ., ' , , . ,. ;. . ._ . . - .. ,., : ' . . . ). � •. "F#ispariic: . ': ••. , .. . : : . ,: , :. . . � ' .:. �. 81�ck. .At'ncan tlmerican , � ,, � , � . .. . , . . t . _ . ) : ,, .:. . ' � A:siat[ orPaoi�tc.IsJaader . : . :: , :: . ._ . . . _ ... . . ., ..<.. =� :: . . . . . . . � Other • �`3+�fate:. � �� � Disabled' D�Ycs i10 . : • , � , " • '� . . . . _ _. :�, . . . ,:.. ;�:. .. � . . , � ' : : ..- ...:. . .. .:. �, . .. •-._- :, • - � � ' I�'sPecia} accommodations'ar� fleeded� glease specify: : . � - ' . , . �: . � • .; � ; �..';- : bei�sed�ta'e'v6l�afi an$sE?ca1"irr�:be'r"s ojrbc'i�'IB< ;.I ,, . . • --- . - ... Ts�baY'rts � . .. � - --. _-- �..... �..�..c..xyc..,.cs�vpy�.tcaJ�f�7.(,p)f�J ��t��.F•�.APf114.2Q00 ' � . . . .,, ZD/ZO'd B6[SEZZI59 'ON Xd� PR., Ieayrefia'etosuPPYtke the jetlirri ta ovinpldetkea�ptscoFoer rnoy.rea+rft lir Ftbeurg r"?dSairPY'i'awl.s��; 3 �TredataAaYkispageispisv'ate; ; • n�txo�.nd �aoa �wa�ss,tio a3M oo-te-��u JUN-01-2000 08=53 RRMSEY COUNTY MANAGER 651 266 8039 P.0?i07 . ' . . ' . . �.IJ ltiCl.�f , .,- , . � . Coasolidated Progtam Workforce Iitvcslme�it Bo�d (T�YIB) 00 - G (.q <: C�egory Descriptions • IS pou are apptying for Bnsiness, Education, ot Labor posi6ons, pleasc attach a nomination lettcr to your -• a lieation as desuibed helow. '�' '' �.$usinus, defined as,�or-profit (�minated by Iocal buginess orSanizaaons andlor business tzad� associations - atfxch . • yow'nomia3tion letter): a Business uwner, clrief executive or opecating officer, and othec executive or employec with optimum . • . policymaldttS or hiting autlwcity . ' D Repzesent business with employmeM oppomuuties that reflect the Iocal azea •,- '' Also please indicate if you represent O large business� O small bvsiness (feweT than 500 employees) .. Con�muniry Based Organiza6oru, def�ned as nortprofit orgarusations: .. �epteseatalive of wmmuniries oi Significant segments of commvnities ptoviding job trainittg �p AgencyseNingyouth ' , ' � O Agenay servistg disp�aeed homemalccrs Q Unian-relamdorganu.ation � ❑ Employer-related nonprofit organizarion O Organi7arion serving ndnreservation 7ndian and tribal govemment p Agcncy representing veterans •:• t�� Q Agency representing iridividuals iLith disabilities - O Other. £conomiel?avelopmentAg�+ay: � � Private Sectot �Public Sedor l:ducation (nominated by regional or local educauonal agencies, ins6tunons, or organizations representing such local • educarional entitics - attach yous nomination letter): • Q I.ocal educational cnfities (induding K-12) ' . O Local school boazds Q Bnuties providing adalt educarion and ticeracy acrivities ' ' � C1 Posuecondary educational iastitutiens Q Other. Zcbvr ' Q Nominated by reeogiized state and/or local labor £ederations (attach your nomination letter) One-Srop Workforce CenterPariners (defined as the parmeis that carry out the following acrivities/programs): �dult, Dislocased Worker, Youth, 7ob Cocps, Nauve American and Veterans' Workforce (WIA Title � t7 Wag�er-Peyse( Act . Q Adutt�ducarionandl:iteracY(WIA7idel� O Vxaflonal Rehabilitation (Rehabilitation Act 7itle � � Welfazo-to-WozkPrograzns (Sacial Security Act) Senior Camsnunity Service Emploqment (Iitle V of the Older Americans Act) � Postsecoadary Education (Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Educarion Act) • p'I'cade Adjustment AssistaTtce (TAA) and NAFTA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 ?ide 1� - p Tacal Veterans' Employment Representatives and Disabled Veteraas Outreach (Side 38, II.S.C.) O Community Servius Blxk Grant .__ . ..., ._..__i.�_..... TOTAL P.07 �- Consotidated Program Workfarce Investment Board (Wl8) 00 - C 6q Membership Application Go w�� ✓.� �{� Are you a Veteran? ❑ Yes �S No SS� OZ Zip Ramsey County and the City of Saint Paul are recruiting individuals to represent various categories as detailed on the Consolidated Program R'orkforce Investment Board (YVIB) Category Descriptions form on the reverse of this page. Please indicate, on the reverse side, the category or categories you can represent on the WIB. Thank you for your interest. The information on this applicarion will be used to evaluate and seled members ofihe WIB. Applicaxts may refuse fo supply the requested information. Ercept for voluntary injormation, however, the jailure to cnmplete the applic�ion may result in it being discarded This data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey County and Saint Paul staff. The data on this page and the reverse side is pub[ic an� therejare, availa6le to the public Home Street City What skills, training and experience do you possess for WIB Membership? For �ce Use only Commissioner District April 4, 2000 Planning District Council (OVER) City Council Wazd Length of term you are interested in: one-year _ two-year � Consolidated Program Workforce Investment Board (WIB) OO -`(� g Cafegory Descriprions If you are applying for Business, Education, or La6or posifions, please attach a nomination letter to your apnlication as described below. " ' " � Business, defrned as for (nominated by loca! business organizarions and/or btisiness trade associations - attach your nomination letter): ❑ Business owner, chief executive or operating officer, and other execurive or employer witfi optimum policymaking or hiring authority � Represent business with employinent opportunities thaY reflectthe local azea . . Also please indicate if you represenf: O lazge business Communiry, Based Organizations (defined as nonprof t organizarions): � � Representative of communiries or significant segments of commiuvries pro4iding job training • � O Agency serving youth , � • ❑ Agency serving displaced homemakers . . ❑ Union-related organizarion ` ❑ Empioyer-related nonprofit organizarion ❑ Organization secving nonreservarion Tndian and tribal govemment ❑ Agency representing veterans ❑ Agency representing individuals with disabilities �Other: S �ac,( fi c �flu4,n RN Economic DevelopmentAgency: ❑ Private Sector ❑ Public Sector Education (nominated by regional or local educational agencies, institutions, or organizations representing such local educational enrities - attach your nominarion letter): ❑ Local educational entities (including K-12) ❑ Local school boazds ❑ Enrities providing adult educarion and literacy activiries ❑ Postsecondary educational institutions ❑ Other: [ ••ir ❑ Nominated by recognized state andlor local labor federarions (attach your nomination letter) One-Stop Workforce Center Pariners (defined as the partners that carry out the following activities/prograzns): ❑ Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, 7ob Corps, Narive American & Veterans' Worl�orce (WIA Title n a i ■ ■ ■ Wagner-Peyser Act Adult Education and Literacy (WIA Tide In Vocational Rehabilitarion (Rehabilitation Act Tifle n Welfaze-to-Work Prograzns (Social Security Act) Senior Community Service Employment (Title V of the Older Americans Act) Postsecondary Educarion (Cazl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act) Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) and NAF'TA TAA (Trade Act of 1974 Titie 1� Local Veterans' Employment Representarives and Disabled Veterans Outreach (Title 38, U.S.C.) Community Services Btock G�ant Department of Housing and Urban Development State Unemployment Compensarion Laws (in accotdance with appticable federal law) O smalI business (less than 500 employees) Consolidated Prngram Woskforce Invesfineni Board (WIB) Mtmbership Application _ Privatelnformation 00. "o� Name: J O✓� �1 � h�' z rMa �n r Place of Employment: WOrk �uU` l�.a r �i c t ��+.P 60 d .. `� �� r. `n'� � Telephone Number: E-Mail Street City County � Zip (Work) Co S I -2ti 2- loti�I2 (Home) �SI - 22y - oS�t q(FA� <oSt - 2q S-�lL58 Job Tide: � Q Gc.r�1v'fL �irn, c� r Personal References (inciude area code) 1) 2) Name: Lt�..Q+ncQ.fQ� k�OS.S Address: Phone: (IIome�, [eSt- o4�t -' 3S�1 �_ Name: Phone: (Homel G �S�- 7 35'- 23 SR (Workl CoSI- SZ3 " 7c`3v� Address: �Ot� Tt�.�.S�P c- ,�.4. S� PG�-� What are your reasons for wanting to serve on the WIB? . r. , r. � � ., _ � . � . .nn . i�• �� M� �el ��R�� oF 30 w�.a�e 5�}ea�.� v�eed5 .� �O o�r Gtie�Fs. Optional: In an attempt to ensure that Board representation reflects the makeup of our community, knowledge o the following information is helpfui. However, completion of this information is voluntary. � �_ White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male:)ffi Female: ❑ . . accommodatio�s are needed, please specify: Hispanic Asian or Pacific The injormatian on this application will be used to evaluate and select members of the WIB. Applicanis may reJuse tn supply the requesYed information. Fxcept for voluntary injormation, however, the jailure to camplete ihe application may ruuk in it being d'uearded Tl�rs data may be reviewed and used by Ramsey Couxty and Saint Paul stajf. The data on ihis page is private. .S- beli.PvQ �/i�S .2x�kr�2vul2 w��l 1net,� �nn� cdv�rd��-Q �xj -{4�,e 50�.1� ,� a, s000 o� 'f�.� C�-� — CD ✓�-�-1 W D �iF�--�o�c2 �v �P�x'� ��c� r� . SAINT twU L � AA�A oO ���1 Applicants Sought for Positions on the New City-County Workforce Investment Board March 29, 2000 For Immediate Release Saint Paul Mayor Norm Coleman and the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners are seeking applicants for the new City-County Wori�'orce Investment Board (WIB). The City- County W 1B wi11 replace the currently-separate Saint Paul iVori�orce I?evelopment Councu and Ramsey County Worl�'orce Council. The newiy-formed City-County WIB will develop a comprehensive countywide strategy to meet the community's workforce development needs under the new federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. The City-County WIB will provide oversight and policy direction to the newly-consolidated City-County worl�'orce development department. Potential citizen volunteer members should be residents of, or work in, Ramsey County. Individuals selected for this first WIB will fill one or two-year terms; thereafter, terms will be two years. The WIB will have business/for-profit representation of at least 51 percent. WIB members will also represent the One-Stop Worl�'orce Center partners, such as the 7ob Corps, Job Service/Unempioyment Insurance, Veterans, Rehabilitation Services, Title V 01der Worker Programs, Welfaze-to-Work Programs, Adult Education and Community Service Btock Grant Programs. The special City of Saint Paul-Ramsey County Workforce Investment Board application is available by contacting Bobbie Crancer at (651) 266.8001, or The special application will aiso be available on the City and County websites ( or as of Apri13, 2000. Completed applications are due as soon as convenient and should be mailed or faxed to Bonnie Jackelen, Chief Clerk-County Board, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Suite 250, Saint Paul, MN 55102 (fax: 651.266.8039). For more information, contact Terry Zurn at 651.770.4497, or 00- GG� `Vorl:force Investment Board (tiVIB) Fact Sheet The Consolidated �Vorkforce Investment Board (tiVIB) is bein� created as the central ptannin� authority for fundin� under the �Vorkforce Investment Act and shal[ commence its activities on July 1, 2040. ' To the extent possible, the Board appointments should be at an upper mana�ement level in order to communicate to the community the importance [his Board �vill have in shapin� workforce development in Ramsey County. �,VIB members shall reside in Ramsey County, be employed by a Ramsey County employer, or pro��ide services in Ramsey County; membership terms �rill be one and two years for the first year, t��ro years thereafrer. All aciivitizs will be done in partnership �vith the County Board and a ne�vly-created County department, including: � produce a strate;ic plan, identifying trends, emer�in� issues and appropriate strategies, that inte�rates the departmenYs programs; . assist ihe departinent in implementation of thz strategic plan; � seek out and apply for other funds that will levera�e private and public workforce investments; � de��elop en[repreneurial strate�ies for financin� the provision of u�orkforce services and implement those strategies; > de�•elop a budget; > appoint members to the �VIB youth council and dzvelop �nd appro��e a}•outh service delivery system, based on their recommendations; � coordinate �vith local economic development initiatives; � provide iaput in he:,r govem.r=een! ��tiliaes tax dollars for employment R trainin� efforts; � assure that �vorkforce development services are deli�•ered efficientl}� and effectively. E�pectations for �VIB members include: be an active participant; attend the reQularly-scheduled meetinQs; �vorkforce development services in the employer communit} «•iih le�islators on «�orkforce development issues �s requested. Ca�taet Terry Zurn a! 770-4497 for more injormatiat on d�e TYIB.