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;:'eq�� �+3 daliie faa�tAe v��n(� i
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:. A�a�e+neer�ts.oslFatl�er��es_' B•'n,aetbg.peti�a�a�ue�itiw'c�fss�riih:
• poweit��mpany w�� �:;v�� a�intheamQUptot�lO�b.OB,a�d'iii`
atr�ets:" _. . . . �n+eto:�iY+�e ai'9�e
`8.,'17at a "' ' te�ws'aod eoo�tkoa e!thia�i,�iy�
�eark�sem�s bp-s+eeir38aa.-�o _,�se.�io i�;�umn�t�; aeteaa:.sa:�ye:
'' Wbt�t tle� interotft of #Iorth�regF�aeip, bermle�f the Clt�r of�t-Pw1.i�0i!
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� r�. Ste�rart Avante. brouiht 6ay��[ �, -��h:y�
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-Water U�llt7'ghd tde Depaitnrnt of
FubtYc'ilvrtl.`'. . _
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' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL /"� �_�:.(/1v�1.iJ
To: Ron Ma.ddax, Council President
and Me�bers of the City Counci:i
From: J. William Donovan
Valuation and Assessment Engineer
Date; September 3, 1981
Sub3ect: Petition by James H. Speckmann and John R. Quigley
for the vacation of parts of Stewart Avenue and
Glen Terrace S�reet.
Public Hearing - September 15, �981
The petitioners, Messrs. Spec�nann and Q,uigley, request this vacation to
facilitate the pending development of a mid-rise condomi.nium on the easterly
portion of the site (pl�se I) and a simi7.ar apa,rtment building on the
westerly portion of the site in the flzture (Phase II) . The petitioners own
all the property serviced (abutting Glen Terrace and Sotz�h of Stewart �venue)
and affected by this va.cation request. The Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and
Pa.cific Railroa.d Camcpa�y vwns a portion of the remaining land abutting
Stewart Avema.e on the north. The request is fbr the vacation of that portion of
Stewart Avenue ]�ying between that portion of Stewart Avenue �a.cated by Webb
PubZishing on the southwest and that portion of Stewart Avenue va.cated by the
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and gacific Railro�.d on the northeast and that
portion of Glen Terrace Street that extends east from the Chica�o, Milwaukee,
St. Paul and Pacific Raa.lroad right-of way to its dead end at Shepard Road.
The area proposed for va.cation on Stewa.rt Avenue is a parti.ally graded and
pa.rtially nnimproved street 66 feet wide and approximately 57.8 feet lorig,
consisting of 38,1�+8 square feet. Glen Terrace is an improved street 40 feet
wide and approximately 355 feet long, consisting of 14,200 square feet. The
area. awned by the petitioners is zoned RM-3 and the area vwned by the Railroad
is z one d R-4.
The Depa.rtment of Public Works has reviewed the proposed va.ca.tion of portions
of Stewart Avenue and Glen Terrace Street and m�.ke the following reports:
1. There are several occupied residences located on Stewart Avenue
and G1en Terrace Street. The use of these residences must be
termixiated and the residences themse2ves must be removed prior
to the va,cation of the street rights-of way.
2. The ravine in the G1en Terrace nei�hborhood is the main outlet
for storm water flow from an area esti.mated to be appraximately
230 acres. As such, any fi11 placed in the ravine unchecked
would have a serious impact on the drainage pa.ttern, Tt is
required, therefore, that specific easements be retai.ned through
the ravine area. to protect both the present an,d flxture drainage
flow's fram the sited area of the City. All site plans for
development wi11 be reviewed closely for storm wa.ter drainage in
the area.
. ' -2-
3. A va,cation of Ste�.ri, Avenue an�. Gien Terrace wil�. create
a dead-end situation f'or that pa.rt oi Glen Terrace lyir� r�g ��]��
northtiaester?yo uf Stewa.rt Avenue. A pern�nent street ease-
men� for turn--around purposes must therefore be reta�.ned
across propnsEd Stew•a� yvenue to be �ra.cated and described
as follows:
Al� t�iat part of Stewart ::venue lying north-
easterly o� the southeasterly ex�tension of the
� southwesteriy line o� Lot 1, B1ocy 11, Kipp's
Glen Terrace Addition to S�. Pa.ul, Minn. and
southwesterly of a iine �+0 ieet northeasterly
oi and p�.rallel to the southeasteriy extension
of the southwesterl;- line of Lot �+1, Block 5,
Kipp's �len Terrace Addition to St. Paul, Minn.
The Water Utility h�.s a 12-inch water m3.in in Glen Terrace and Stewart Avenue that
was installed in 1971 �.nd at the reauest os Webb Publishing Compar�y. � thirt5r f'oot
wide easement must be retained in �hese streets to provide far flzture water m�.in
maintenance. Restrictions within the easements area will be stated later in this
Northern States Pcn+rer Comp�.r�y reports si}, poles with overhead conductors attached
in the proposed vacatian area. There are no existir� gas distribution f`acilities
in this area.
Nor-thwestern Bell Telephone Compa.r�y reports ha.ving an aerial cable on joint .
Telephone-Pot�rer Compar�y poles along Ste�art and Glen Terrace which is necessary
to provide service to thei.r customers. This pole line is iocated on the east side
of G1en Terrace sauth of Stewart and east along the south side of Stewa� and
sou�:z again on the eas� side ol Glen Terrace. They wish to have their interests
There were no objections from any other public or priva.te agencies involved.
The petitioners, ai'ter reviewirig th.e various agencies com�ents and conditions, and
in view of the Phase I and II develnpment of the area nas requested tha;; the originai
vacation request be separated into two phases, Vrhich more closely fit with develop-
ment plans.
In view oi the foregoing depa.rtment and agency comments, I recommend approval oi
the entire vacation request, subject of course to the �arious conditions �.nc't re-
strictions noted. In view of the petitioners request, I reco�unend va.cation o�'
those specific street areas in Phase I described below at this time and will
recormnend approval of the remaining street areas (Phase II) with appropriate ease-
ments and conditions for a compensation of �16,000.00 at such time as the petitioners
wish to proceed with Phase II. The recommended compensation of �16,000.00 will be
subject to review af`ter April 1, 1983• Follawin� �.re the specific conditions relating
to Phase I vacation:
1. That the description of the streets to be vacated in PY�se I
read as follok�s;
All that part of Gle:� Terra.ce Street lying southerlrr
of the norther�y line of Block 8, Kipp's Glen Terrace
Addition to St. Pa.ul, ��inn. extended (which is also
the south right-of-wa�r line of Stewart Avenue) .
AZl that portion of �tewart Avenue 1ying between
� —3—
" s� �'�
easterly line of Lot 2, Block 10, Kipp's Glen ` ` � " '�
-.► � � �����
Terrace Addition to St. Paul, N�.nn, extended
northex7�y, and westerlyy of the west line oi'
that po:tion of S�ewar-t Avenue vacated by Council
Resolution, Council Fi1e No. 7�+340, adopted
December 9, 1927.
I �..2^. Tha.t the vacation be sub ject to ali th� terms and conditioas
oi Chapter 130, codiiied I�rch l, 1981 af the St. Paul
Legislative Code, as amended, including the retention of ail
public utilities ea.sements.
�J3: That a specific easement be retained to protect the interests
of Northern States Power Compar�y within the va.cated streets.
��. That a speci�ic easement, be retained to protect tY�e interests
of Northwestern Be11 Telephone Company within the vacated streets.
�-'f� That the petitioners must va.cate all residences located on Stewa.rt
l�venue and Glen Terrace in the area vacated herein and sazd
residences must no longer be used for dwelling purposes.
5� Tha� specific easements be reta.ined through the ravine area to
protect both the present and future draina,ge flows from the sited
area of the City, and that the petitioners must submit a plan for
review of the development proposal as it relates to storm drainage
in this area, with the Departmen� of Public Works Sewer �ineer
for appro�ral as to storm water drainage.
��7! That a 30 foot wa.ter u�ility easement be retained as shown on the
map (generally centered over the existing 12-inch water me.in) i.n
said streets to provide fliture water main maintenance. Restrictions
within the easement area are as follows;
a) iha.t no buildings, structures, or trees are
permitted within the easement area, or any
temporary structure, material storage, fixture
or other objects that will prohibit normal
access to water facilities for maintenance
b) That no cha.rige from the existing grade is
permittEd without written permission from the
Water Utility and the Department of Public
c) That no change in surfacing within the easement
area is permitted without writ�en permission
from the Water Utility anc� the Depsrtment of
Public Works.
d) Tha.t the petitioners, their successors and
assigns sha11 f1a17�y indetnni�, defend and save
harmless the City of St. Pa.ul, the Board of
Wa�er Ca�nissioners, its officers, agents,
• —}t— '✓�� '�"��.ja�
e�lo;�ees, and serva.nts �'ra� all suits, actions,
or clai.t2s which shall arise fro� ar�y injuries
or d.ar,yage s re ce ived or sas�.in�d by any break
in a�1- service pipe, water :�.in, or connection
in said :ese?�ved easemen�, 'risi.ng out of or
result�; from �ny action or �.egiigence of the
petitioner, its emp:Loyees, �gents or business
7�8; Th�t �he petitioners pay t�o the City as me.rke� va.lue for �he va-
ca�tio� of stiree�s in Fha.�e I, the sum of �19,OOG.�O.
�A: That t�ie petitioners iu�~nish the City with a bond in the amo7ant
of �10,0O�.OQ, and �:� addition thereto, b�r acceptance af the te�s
anu condition� o{" �h�s ti*acation, agrees to indemni�, defend. and save
har�:Less the �zt;� o� Saint P�ul, its c�icers and employees from
ali suits, actions, or c�a.ims o� ar�r cha.racter, includir�, but no�
limited tc�, a claim brought because oi an;;r i.njuries, or dama.ges
received or sustained by a�,r person, persons or property, on account
of this vacation; or because of an;r a.CV or. omission, neglect ar
m,isconduct or said pe�itione� or because of ar.�v clain or liabi�ity
�rising from or based on ar�y violation of any law or regulation m�de
in accordance with the la�,t, whether ��° �he petitionerSer ar�,r of i���
agents or employees.
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