277594 WFIITE - CITY CLERK �.,, �r, PINK - FINANCE � ���� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � Council � BLUE - MAYOR File N . o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establisiiing the title and class specification for Maintenance _ and Conservation Inspection Supervisor in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil 5ervice Rules be amended in Section 3. K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Group�, by inserting the title of Maintenance and Conservation Inspection Supervisor in C�rade 21; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Maintenance and Conservation Inspection Supervisor. Approved: .--- hairma Civil Se vic Commission COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas N ays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon sr,owaite� __ Against BY Tedesco wlson OCT 2 0 }g81 For Approved b ney Adopted by Council: Date C Certified Y-:- y Council cr y B ' By Approved by Mavor: Dat , � Ap e by Mayor f S iss on to CQuncil gY - � ` B �PUBLtSHED OCT 311981 - - - �._ � . �� � � � � r�� ��� Title of class: MAINTENANCE AND CONSERVATION INSPECTION SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible supervisory and administrative work planning and directing a program of building and housing code enforcement for existing buildings and structures; and performs related duties as required. Supezvision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Building and Housing Inspection Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit close technical and administrative supervision over all inspection and clerical work. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORME➢ The listed examples ma.y not includa alI duties performed by all posit�.ons in this class. Directs and supervises the inspection of existing commercial and multi-faznily residential structures far compliance with pertinent building and housing codes. Provides technical assistance, explanation and interpretation to inspectors in difficult cases. Researches, drafts and recommends modifications and. additions to City housing and building codes. Assists in the preparation of annual and project budget requests for unit; controls routine expenditure of funds. Provides or arranges for traini.ng and orientation of subordinates. Reviews recommendations for improved delivery of services; researches, divises and implements new procedures; assesses program success. Interviews job applicants and makes recommendations regarding seleetion, promotion, discharge and other personnel actions. Represents the City in legal, enforcement and other related actions. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of housing and building codes. Thorough knowledge of inechanical, plumbing and electrical systems in both residential and commercial applications. Thorough knowledge of construction metho�s with emphasis on old rather than new methods. Working knowledge of off ice and record keeping practices. Marked ability to prepare oral and written reports. Ability to work and communicate with persons from diverse backgrounds and limited knowledge of construction and code requirements. Ability to interpret construction drawings and specifications. Ability to plan, direct and supervise work. . MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years of supervisory l.evel experience as a senior trade inspector or as Supervisor of Housing Inspection or equivalent. ' �� • A` ., d�' Title of class: �'°r'� � ��`� r1AINTENANCE AND CONSERVATION INSPECTION SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible supervisory and administrative work planning and directing a program of building and housing code enforcement for existing buildings and structures; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Building and Housing Inspection Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit close technical and adninistrative supervision over all inspect�ion and clerical work. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMEII � The listed exa.mples may not include all duties perform�d by alI positioas in this class. Directs and supervises the inspection of existing commercial and multi-family residential structures for compliance with pertinent building and hous3.ng codes. Provides technical assistance, explanation and interpretation to inspectors in difficult cases. Researches, drafts and recommends modifications and: additions to City housing and building codes. Assists in the preparation of annual and project budget requests for unit; controls routine expenditure of funds. Provides or arranges for training and orientation of subordi.nates. Reviews recommendations for improved delivery of services; researches, divises and implements new procedures; assesses program success. Interviews job applicants and malces recommendations regardi�g selection, pramotian, discharge and othar personnel actians. Represents the City in. legal, enforcement and other related actions. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of housing and building codes. Thorough knowledge of inechanical, plumbing and electrical systems in both residential and commercial applications. Thorough kno�aledge of construction methods with emphasis on old rather than new methods. Working knowledge of office and record keeping practices. Marked ability to prepare oral and written reports. Ability to work and coIIm.unicate with persons from diverse backgrounds and limited knowledge of construction and code requirements. Ability to interpret construction drawings and specifications. Abil.ity to plan, direct and supervise work. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years of supervisory level experience as a senior trade inspector or as Supervisor of Housing Inspection or equivalent. N�K�:��� Title of class: w � ,� MAINTENANCE AND CONSERVATION INSPECTION SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible supervisory and administrative work planning and directing a program of building and housing code enforcement for existing buildings and structures; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Building and Housing Inspection Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises wiChin the unit close technical and administrative supervi�ion over all inspection and clerical work. TYPICAL DUTIES PERF�RMID The listed examples ma.y not include a11 duties perfarmed by all positions in this class. Direets and supervises the inspection of �isting commercial and multi-family residential structures for compliance with per�inent building and hausing codes. Provides technical assistance, explanation and interpretatian to inspectors in difficult cases. Researches, drafts and recommends modifications and additions to City housing and building codes. Assists in the preparation of annual and groject budget requests for unit; controls routine expenditure of funds. Provides or arranges for training and orientation of subordinates. Reviews reco�nendations for improved delivery of services; researches, divises and implements new procedures; assesses grogram success. Interviews job applicants and makes recommendations regarding selection, promotion, discharge and other personnel actions. Represents the City in legal, enforcement and other related actions. KNO�rTLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knowledge of housing and building codes. Thorough knowledge of inechanical, plumbing and electrical systems in both residential and commercial _applications. Thorough knowledge of construction methods with emphasis on o.ld rather than new methods. Working knowledge of office and record keeping practices. Marked ability to prepare oral and written reports. Ability to work and communicate with persons from diverse backgrounds and limited knowledge of construction and code requirements. Ability to interpret construction drawings and speeifications. Ability to plan, direct and supervise work. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years of supervisory level experience as a senior trade inspector or as Supervisor of Housing Inspection or equivalent. K � . WHITE - CITYCLERK ' � � r� r�'.- �PINiC - FINANCE � TT COURCII � p�/� 6 Z,.��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT �� V L � BLUE - MAYOR File N . CITY CLERK ��uncil �Resolution - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By — Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Maintenance and Conservation Inspection Supervisor i.n the Civil Servi,ce Rul.es. RESOLVEI�, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Groupj, by inserting the title of Mai.ntenance and Conservation Inspection Supervisor in Grade 21; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Maintenance and Conservation Inspection Supervisor. Approved: Chairman Givil Service Commission COUNCILhiEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor — Maddox McMahon snoWaite► _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson �CI 2 O 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor €or Submission to Gouncil By _ _� By-- :"r"�z-��� Title of class: MAINTENANCE AND CONSERVATION INSPECTION SUPERVISOR DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Dutiess Performs highly responsible supervisory and administrative work planning and directing a program of building and housing code enforcement for existing buildings and structures; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the technical and administrative super- vision of the Building and Aousing Inspection Supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises within the unit close technical and adninistrative supervision over all inspection and clerical work. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID � The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alZ posi.tions in this ciass. Directs and supervises the inspection of existing commercial and multi-famiZy residential structures for compliance with pertinent building and hausing codes. Provides technical assistance, explanation and interpretation to inspectors in difficult cases. Researches, drafts and recommends modifications and additions to City housing and building codes. Assists in the preparation of annual and project budget requests for unit; controls routine expenditure of funds. Provides or arranges for training and orientation of subordinates. Reviews recommendations for improved delivery of services; researches, divises and implements new procedures; assesses program success. Interviews job applicants and makes recoIIanendations regarding selectian, promot3on, discharge and other personnel actions. Represents the City in legal, enforcement and other related actions. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Thorough knawledge of housing and building codes. Thorough knowledge of inechanical, plumbing and electrical systems in both residential and commercial applications. Thorough knowledge of construction methods with emphasis on o1d rather than new methods. �r'orking knowledge of office and record keeping practices. Marked ability to prepare oral and written reports. Ability to work and communicate with persons from diverse backgrounds and limited knowledge of construction and code requirements. Ability to interpret construction drawings and specifications. Ability to plan, direct and supervise work. MINL'�fUM QUALIFICATIONS Six years of supervisory level experience as a senior trade inspeetor or as Supervisor of Housing Inspection or equivalent. - Db not detach this mem�randum from the 111 • � resolution so that this information will be available to the City Councii. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORD , ������ RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES F /�'1 � f�'�:� : '�n? ��/ — /a$ �; Date: May 26, 1981 RECEIVED T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER �U L rT - 1981 FR: Personnel 0£fice MAYORS OFFICE RE: Resolution fvr submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Resolution establishes the title of Maintenance a.nd Conservation Inspection Supervisor in Grade 21 of Section 3.K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Group) and the class specification for this title in Section 32 of the Civil Service Rule s. The bi-weekly salary range for Grade 21 is shown below: Grade 21 A B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 965. 20 1004. ?4 1044. 50 1097. 37 1152. 68 1211. 17 1271. 14 1309. 68 1348. 64 $25, 192. 00 Annual $35,200. 00 PROBABLE FINANCIAL IMPACT: Assuming that the most likely promotional candidate is selected the first year's cost will be the difference in his present salary and Step F above, $1, 920. 00 ATTACHI�4ENT S: Re solution and copy for City Cle rk. (�ITY OTd` ,�Aii�TT �JE�.UL # � , . . . . "� � '. • OF�!'ICE OF TH.N. CYTY GOUNCZ� . _-�r;:�- �� . �t,�, .1 � w � �:'i.��� � � 7ii ��1��M►� ;' . � . - ��.!:�r��: Opte : October 8, 1981 . � . co � � �-��-� � � � � � a ��° � p : Soin�T Pcrul Ciiy Council . . � . _ . . F R O i�' � C o m m i t t e+� o n FINANCE, MANAGEME,T & PERSONNEL . I ��� George McMahon� � choirman, makes the fotlowinq � � ' . � - 4rdinanc� report on� C.F: ._� - . � (3) x[� Resotutior+ _ [� Qther ' T 1'�"l.E : � - At its meeting of October 8, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval of the following: . _ _. . _ 8. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Custodial ' Supervisor--Civic Center. (12070-GM) ' 9. Resolu�ion establishing wage rate for new title of Custodial Supervisor-- . �Civic Center. (12072-GM) - 10. Resolution establishing; title and class specification for title of Maintenance - and Conservation Inspection Supervisor in Grade 21 .of Section 3.K �of the � . Civil Service Rules. {12139-GM) � . - � . : ' CI-�y �,Y, SEVE�'TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, `II�`'ESOTA Si103 ;,,;�,,;� • .�..,_..�:�=:.= , __,..- ..____„�:..,._.........�._.�..:_-:.._..-_... .