BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. ~� ��V
C u, il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An administrative Resolution revising the Minimum
Qualifications in the class specification for the title
of Police Officer in the Civil Service Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking
from Section 32 the Class Specification for the title of Police Officer,
and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Specification for
the title of Police Officer; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is to be effective only
after the administration of the next Police Officer examination held a.fter
the pas s age of thi s r e s olution.
ai man
Civil Servic Commission
COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
�evine In Favor
McMahon � __ A a1I1St BY �� ��" '
Showalter g
w°S°� OCT 2 0 198t
Form r d by C' y A ne
Adopted by Council: Date — ' �
Certified as� Cou cil . c et B
By .
�T 2 1: ��� Ap o by Mayor f u is ion.�a Council
Approved b avor: Date
By� - - —
PUBUSNED 0 C 7 3 i 19�1 �
� ��1
Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to patrol an assigned area for the purpose of enforcing
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations relative to the. prevention of
crime, the apprehension of offenders, the protection of propertp and
persons, the preservation of the public peace, and the coatrol of traffic;
to do investigational or inspectional duties and to perform related woric
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To patrol an assigned district to enforce laws, detect and prevent crime,
and protect life and property.
To apprehend and arrest law violators, to collect and presarv� evfdence,.
to make written reports of crimes, and to assist ia t�ie prosecut�o�a
of law violators.
To find mi.ssing perso�s.
To protect crime scenes.
To recover and assume preliminary custody of Zost, stolen, or abandoned
To enforce traffic laws and to make written reports of motor vehicle
and other accidents.
To direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic or escort parades.
To make and tag cars in enforcing parking regulations.
To interview and/or interrogate witnesses, victims, and suspects.
To act as court attendant.
To testify in court.
To assist at domestic and neighborhood disputes.
To do investigational or inspectional duties.
To act as desk officer at police headquarters and haadle camplaints.
To dispatch squads by police radio and/or phone.
To keep records of arrests and prisoners and to accept and give receipts
for Sail money and property.
To transport prisoners or sick, or injured, mentaily disturbed, or drug-
affected persons.
To administer first aid.
To perfarm rescue functions.
Minimum qualifications:
Must have successfully passed tfie academic portion of the �iinnesota peace
officer licensing examination and must be eligible to enroll in a skills
course,or must be a licensed police officer. Must possess a Minnesota
driver's license, Must be at least 21 years of age. Applicants may be
admitted to examinations if they are at least 18 years of age, but shall
not be employed as a.�'Police Officer until they become 21 years of age.
However, those persons on the Police Officer eligible list who are appointed
and serving as Police Tra�nees may be appointed a� Police Officers on the
date they become 21 years of age regardless of the existence of aa eligible
list for Police Officer.
(cantinued on reverse side)
Personal qualifications:
Good physical condition.
Good mental and emotional stability. ,
Ability to expertly drive a motor vehicle under anp conditiorts.
Abiiity to make succe::sful public coatacts.
Ability to write clear, concise aad accurate reports.
Ability to observe and remember people, facts and circ�nstaaces.
Abilitp Lo handle and discharge firearms proficiently aad safely.
Ability to keep informed on and adhere to iaws, departmeatal policies
and procedures.
Ab.ility to remain calm and carry out duties properly cmder extreme
conditions of stress.
Title of class: ����'����
Duties and responsihilities:
Uader supervision, to patrol an assigned area for the purpose of enforcing
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations relative to the prevention of
crime, the apprehension of offenders, the protection of property and
persons, Lhe preservation of the public peace, and the control of traffic;
to do investigational or inspectional duties and to perform related work
as assigned.
�amples of work performed:
To patrol an assigned district ta enforce Iaws, detect and prevent erime,
�nd protect life and property.
To apprehend and arrest law violators, to collect and preserve evidence,
to make written reports of crimes, and to assist ia the prosecution
of law violators.
To find missing persons.
To grotect crime scenes.
To recover and assume preliminarp custody �of lost, stolen, or abandoned
�o enforce traffic laws and to make written reports of motor vehicle
and oth.er accidents.
To direct vehicular and pedestrian tra£fic or escort parades.
To make and tag cars in eaforcing parking regulations.
To i.nterview and/or interrogate witnesses, victims, and suspects.
To act as court attendant.
To taestify in court.
To assist at domestic and neighborhood disputes,
To do inves�igational or inspectional duties.
To act as desk officer at police headquarters and handle complaints.
To dispatch squads by police radio and/or phone.
To keep records of arrests and prisoners and to accept and give receipts
for bail money and property.
To transport prisoners or sick, or in�ured, mentally disturbed, or drug—
affected persons.
To administer first aid.
To perform rescue functions.
Mi*+innm+ qualifications:
Must have successfully passed the academic portion of the Minnesota peace
officer Iiceasing examination and must be eligible to enroll in a ski2ls
course,or must be a licensed police officer. Must possess a Minaesota
driver's license. Must be at least 21 years of age. Applicants may be
admitted to examinations if they are at least 18 years of age, but shall
not be employed as a�Police Officer until they become 21 years of age.
IIowaver, those persons on the Police Officer eligible list who are appointed
and serving as Police Trainees may be appointed as Police Officers on the
date they become 21 years of age regardless of the existence af an eligible
list for Police Officer.
(continued on reverse side)
Personal qualifications:
�ood physical condition.
600d mental and emotional stability.
Ability to expertly drive a motor vehicle under any conditions.
Ability to make successful public coatacts.
Lfiility to write clear, concise and accurate reports.
l�bility to observe and remember people, facts and circumstances.
�bility to handle and discharge firearms proficiently and safely.
AbiliLy to keep iaformed on and adhere to laws, departmental poiicies
� a�d procedures.
i�bi7.3ty to remain calm and carry out duties properly under extreme
eonditions of stress.
F�.. . . � � . � ' .
Title of class: N�`���'��
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to patrol an assigned area for the purpose of enforcing
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations re3ative to the prevention of
crime, the apprehension of offenders, _the protection of propertq and
persons, the preservation of the public peace, and the control of t,ratfic;
to do investigational or inspectional duties and to perform related work
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To patrol an assignad district to enforce laws, detect and prevent crime,
and protect life and property. .
To apprehend and arrest law violators, to collect and preserve evidence,
to make written reports of crimes, and to assist in the prosecution
of law violators.
To find missing persons.
To protect crime scenes.
To recover and assume preliminary custody of lost, stolen, or abandDr�ed
To enforce traffic laws and to make written reports of motor vehicle
and other accidents.
To direct vehicular and pedestrian tra£fic or escort parades.
To make and tag cars in enforcing parking regulations.
To interview and/or interrogate witnesses, victims, and suspects.
To act as court attendant.
To testify in court.
To assist at domestic and neighborhovd disputes.
To do investigational or inspectional duties.
To act as desk officer at police headquarters and handle complaints,
To dispatch squads by police radio and/or phone.
To keep records of arrests and prisoners and to accept and giva receipts
for bail money and property.
To transport prisoners or sick, or injured, .mentally disturbed, or drug—
affected persons.
To administer first aid.
To perform rescue functions.
Minimum qualifications:
Must have successfully passed the academic portion of the Minnesota peace
officer licensing examination and must be eligible to enroll in a skills
course,or must be a licensed police officer. Must possess a Minnesota
driver�s license. Must be at least 21 years of age. Applicants map be
admitted to examinations if they are at least 18 years of .age, but shall
not be employed as a�PoZice Officer until they become 21 years of age.
However, those persons on the Police Officer eligible list who are appointed
and serving as Police Trainees may be appointed as Police Officers on the
date they become 21 years of age regardless of the existence o£ an eligible
list for Police Officer.
(continued on reverse side)
Personal qualifications:
Good physical condition.
Good mental and emotional stability. r
Ability to expertly drive a motor vehicle under any conditions.
Ability to make successful public contacts.
Ability to write clear, concise and accurate reports.
Ability to observe and remember people, facts and circumstances.
Ability to handle and discharge firearms proficiently and safely.
Ability to keep informed on and adhere to laws, departmental polictes
and procedures.
Abilitp to remain calm and carry out duties properly under extre�te
conditions of stress.
/y,t r.�'��lJ
Title of class:
Duties and responsihilities:
Under supervision, to patrol an assigned area for the purpose of enforcing
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations relative to the prevention of
crime, the apprehension of offenders, the protection of property and
persons, the preservation of the public peace, and the control of traffic;
to.do investigational or inspectional duties and to perform relafed work
as assigned.
Examples of work perfornied:
To patrol an assigned district to enforce laws, detect ar�d gr�v?�nt cria�,:
and protect life and property.
To apprehend and arrest law violators, to collect and preserve evideaee,
to make writteri reports of crimes, aad to assist in the prosecutic�n
of law violators.
To find missing persons.
To protect crime scenes.
To recover and assume preliminary custody of lost, stolen, or abandoned
To enforce traffic laws and to make written reports of motor vehicle
and other accidents.
To direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic or escort parades.
To make and tag cars in eaforcing parking regulations,
To interview and/or interrogate witnesses, victims, and suspects.
To act as court attendant.
To testify in court.
To assist at domestic and neighborhood disputes.
To do investigational or inspectional duties.
To act as desk officer at police headq•uarters and handle complaints.
To dispatch squa.ds by police radio and/or phone.
To keep records of arrests and prisoners and to accept and give receipts
for bail money and property.
To transport prisoners or sick, or injured, mentally disturbed, or drug—
: affected persons.
To administer first aid.
To perform rescue functions:.
Minimum qualifications:
Must have successfully passed tfie academic portion of the *iinziesata peace
officer licensing examination and must be eligible to enroll in a ski].ls
course,or must be a licensed police officer. Must possess a Minnesota
driver*s license. Must be at ].east 21 years of age. Applicants may be
admitted to examinations if they are at least 18 years of age, but shall
not be employed as a.-'Police Officer until they become 21 qears of age.
However, those persons on the Police Officer eligible list wiio are appointed
and serving as Police Trainees may be appointed as Police Officers on the
date they become 21 years of age regardless of the existence of an eligible
list for Police Officer.
(continued on reverse side)
Personal qualifications:
Good physical condition.
Good mental and emotional stability. r
Ability to expertly drive a moto� vehicle under any coaditions..
Ability to make successful public coatacts.
Ability to write clear, concise and accurate repcsrts.
Ability to observe and remember people, facts and circumstanc:�s.
Ability to handle and discharge firearms proficiently aad sa€€�3.y.
Ability to keep informed on and adhere to laws, departm.en.tal polic�es
and proceduras.
Ability to remain ca].m and carry out duties properly uader �txe�e
conditions of stress.
� -WFi1TE - CITY CLERK � � � ���s�� e�C [,
PINK - FINANCE 3 n�.v T � U V
CANqRY - DEPARTMENT � 1 1 y Q F S A S N� ����LT L � Co�r,cit
BLVE - MAYOR � . File N O.
. . CIT C RK CO����` ��S�G�����
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An administrative Resolution revising the 1Vlinimum
Q�.zalifications in the class specification for the title
of Police Officer in the Civil Service Rules.
RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended by striking
� from Section 32 the Class Specification for the title of Police Officer,
and by substituting in lieu thereof, the attached Class Specification for
the title of Police Officer; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is to be effective only
a.fter the administration of the next Police Officer examination hel.d after
the passage of this resolution. ,
Civil Service Commission
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
�e�r+ne In Favor
�,o,,,�i�e► A gai n s t BY
�ison �
Form Approved by City Attocney
Adopted by Council: Date '
Certified �assed by Council Secretary ' BY � .
Bp -- . .
Approved by Mavor. Date Approyed by Mayor fot Submission ta Council
By _ • By
. . ,,..,_.,�,
. - Title of class: ►"'►� ����'1�V
. . ..
Duties and responsibilitit�s:
Under supervision, to patrol an assigned area for the purpose of enfarcing
laws, crdinances, rules and regulations rel.ative to the preventioa of'
crime, the apprehension o£ offenders, the protection of property and
persons, the preservation of the public peace, and the contral af traffic;
to do investigational or inspectional duties aad to gerform rela�ed wor3c
as assigned.
Examples of work performed:
To patroZ an assi.gned district to enforce laws, detect and grev�zt� crfine:,.
and protect li£e and property.
To apprehend and arrest law violators, to colYect and preserve �vi�ce,,
to make written reports of crimes, and to assist ia the �rasecutian
of law violators.
To find missing persons.
To protect cri.me scenes.
To recover and assume preliminary custody of lost, stalen, or �aada�t.ed
To enforce traffic laws and to make written reports of motor uehicl�
and other accidents:
To direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic or escort parades.
To make and tag cars in enforcing parking regulations.
To interview and/or interrogate witnesses, victims, and suspects..
To act as court attendant.
To testify in court.
To assist at domestic and neighborhood disputes.
To do investigational or inspectional duties.
To act as desk officer at police headquarters and handle comp2aints.
To dispatch squads by police radio aud/or phone.
To keeg records of arrests and prisoners aad to accegL and give receigts
for bail money and property.
To transport prisoners or sick, or in�ured, mentally disturbed, or drug—
affected persons.
To administer first aid.
To perform rescue functions.
Minimum qualifications:
Must have successfully passed tfie academic portion of the Minnesota p�ace
officer licensing examination and must be eligible to enroll in a skilZs
course,or must be a licensed police officer. Must possess a Miaaesota
driver's license. Must be at least 21 years of age. Applicants may be
admitted to examinations if they are at least 18 years of age, but shall
not be employed as a�'Police Officer until they become 21 years of age.
However, those persons on the Police Officer eligible list wha are appoiated
and serving as Police Traiaees may be appointed as PoTice Officers on the
date they become 21 years of age regardless of the existence of an eligibTe
list for Police Officer.
(continued on reverse side)
. �
Personal quali£ications:
Good physical condition.
Good mental and emotional stability. A
Ability to expertly drive a motor vehicle under any conditions.
Ability to make successful public coatacts.
Ability to write clear, concise and accurate reports.
Ability to observe and remember people, facts and circumstances.-
Abilitp to handle and discharge firearms proficientlp aad safely.
Abilitq to keep informed on an.d adhere to laws, departmeatal policies
and procedures.
Ability to remain calm and carry out duties proper�y under egtre�ae
condirions of stress.
Do not detach this memorandum from the F , m � P� � � 8/- ��3
` "` resotution so that this information witl be wy
availabi o the City Councit. �� f �
Date: August 13, 1981
��:° �':�i�t��
FR: Personnel 0£fice �.",",""`�� r��r�r�
RE: Resolutian for submission to City Couneil
We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council.
This resolution is for the purpose of amending the minimum qualifications on the class
specification for Police Officer to coincide with the academic requirements set forth by
the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Trainiag (POST�.
This change in the minimum qualifications will allow the St. Paul Police Depaxtment
to significantly reduce its training costs for newly employed Police Officers.
The amount of savings will depend upon the number of new police officers appointed.
Resolution and copy for City Clerk.
� - . ��`��3�1i
. Title of class:
Duties and responsibilities:
Under supervision, to patrol an assigned area fox the purpose of enforcing
laws, ordinances, rules and regulations relative to the prevention of
crime, the apprehension of offenders, the pro�tection of property and
persons, the preservation of the public peace, and the control of tra£fic;
to do investigational or inspectional duties and to perfoxm related work
as assignedo
Examples of work pexformed:
To patrol an assigned district to enforce laws, detQCt and prevent c�cime,
and pxotect life and pxop�rty.
To appxehend and arrest law violatoxs, to collect and greserve evid�nGe,
to make writt�en reports of crimes, and �o assist in the prosecution
of law violators.
To find missing persons. �
To proLect crime scenes.
To recover and assume preliminaxy custody Q� �ost, stolen, ox abandonad
To �nforce traffic laws and to make writte�n xeports of motor vehicle
• and other accidents.
To direct vehicular and pedestrian traffic or escort parades.
To make and tag cars in enforcing parkin� regulat�.ons.
To interview and/or interrogate witnesses, vict�.ms, and suspects.
To act as court attendant.
To testify in court.
To assist at domestic and neighborhood disputes.
To do investigational or inspectional duties.
To act as desk officer at po�ice headquarters� and handle complaints.
To dispatch squads by police radio and/or phone.
To keep records of arrests and prisoners and to accept and give rece�pts
for bail money and property.
To transport pr�.soners or sick, ox injured, mentally disturbed, or dxug-
affected persons.
TQ administer first aid. �
To perform r�scue functions.
Minzmum qualifications:
H3.gh school graduation. Must �ossess a Minnesota driver's license. Must
be at least 21 years of age. Applicants may be admitted to examinations
if they are at least 18 years of age, but shall �ot be employed as Pola�ce
Officer until they become 21 years of age, However, those p�xsons on
the Police Officer eligible �ist who are appointed and serving as Po�.ice
. (continued on xeverse side)
8ffect�ve May 13, 1998
- .
Trainees may be appointed as Police Officers on the date they become
21 years of age regardless of the existence of an eligible list for
Police Officer.
Personal qualifications:
Good physical condition.
Good mental and emotional stability.
Ability to expertly dxive a motor vehicle under any conditions.
Ability to make successful public contacts.
Ability to wxite c],ear, concise and accurate reports.
Ability to observe and remembex peaple, facts and circwnstances.
Ability to handle and discharge firearms proficiently and safely.
Ability to keep informed on and adhere to laws, departmental policies
and procedures.
Ability to remain calm and caxry out duties pxoperly under extreme
conditions of stress.
� . .` , . . . CITY 02�` ,.�^�.?�.IiV�' PATJL .
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" DQtB : October 8, 1981
�• .�:�
C Q � ��l 3 i i� E � . F� � � 0 �T
� T0 : Sain�t Pdu! Gity Council . . �
. (- R O i�1 ' C O�I tY1 I�t e e' O n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSOIVNEL .
George McMahon � ch a i�m a n, m a k e s t h e f o i t o w i n q " .
. report on� C.F. '� �-� Ordinanc� � '
��� � Resoiufion . �
�] Other . .
Tt`�'LE : �� . . -
At its meeting of October 8, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval
' of the following: � _
_.. _ _ __ -=-- �-_ --_ _ . _�_.
1. Resolution approving issuance of up'to $25,000;000 in bonds by Port -Authority
to finance construction in Energy Park. .
2. Resolution approving issuance of .$500,000 Tax Exempt Mortgage Note by the Port
Authority to finance construction of office building for Fairmount Investments, Inc.
(12334-GM) .
3. Resolution approving issuance of approximately $1,200,000 iri revenue bonds by
• the Port Authority to finance new pollution control equipment ror Cargill, Inc.
_ . (12333-GM) • .
4. Resolution authorizing issuance of duplicate City of Saint Paul bonds and
coupons reported lost. (12319-McM) � � .
5. Resolution replacing class specification for Storekeeper I. (12267-GM) " �
6. Resolution amending minimum qualifications on class specification for Police - '
� Officer. (12266-GM) _
7. Resolution removing title of Food Service Equiprnent Specialist from the
Equipment Maintenance (Non-Supervisory) Group and placing it in Maintenance �
Supervisory Group. (12275-GM)
. . � �
V�S T 55102 �
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