D12626 White-City Clerk Pink-Fnance Dept CITY OF SAINT PAUL • OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No: V I 2�2l� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER Date: � I 'Z,-q 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, WHEREAS the City of Saint Paul, through its Housing and Redevelopment Authority, constructed in 1985 what has come to be known as the Wheelock Way Pond as part of the Trout Brook Redevelopment project; and WHEREAS aeighboring residents have raised concerns about a deep pond that is somewhat secluded from public view in a community with a high concentration of children; and WHEREAS the Departments of Public Works and Planning and Economic Development identified and explored various options for the area and presented them to the community for discussion at a meeting of the District 6 Land Use Task Force; and • WHEREAS the District 6 Land Use Task Force, on September 22, 1993, after hearing testimony from City staff and neighborhood residents, adopted the following resolution: 'That the District 6 Planning Council Land Use Task Force request the Public Works Department of the City of Saint Paul take immediate action to restore the man made enhancement (the pond) to its original state, and to explore the possibility of increasing visibility and accessibility to all residents of the area. In addition, while environmental and engineering plans are being reviewed, that all appropriate steps (based on the season) be taken to improve the security of the area." Now, therefore, the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to immediately engage appropriate contractors to reduce the depth of the Wheelock Way Pond to no more than three feet. ' APPROVED AS TO FORM (� V1 w , Assi t City r Department He � � • 1�' � � � . /�' '�� �j / Date � Administrative Assistant to Mayor ` . . : 'D�l2bZ6 Mayor's Of�i�e, 266�-8520 10/�29/93 �REE�1 SH�E'T �N° � 2 3 2 5�8 � �.,�.; ;. n oe�n�nrr��� txrv couwc� Mmwo+►rE . �Chtis Lei�eYd =:' `.. ��L� �� �cm�rma�r cmrc�aac . �� woaer c�c�roa Fwr.a Mc�r.6a�v�es ow. ' � . � � w�non con�n ❑ . . TOTAL#OI�alONATIJII�:MAq � � (CUP ALL LAC�iION�FOR NONATURq a�uestao: • Administrative; Order authorizing the Public Works Dep�. to hire. contractars �o rteduce the depth of t�e Wheelock Way Pond to no��.�re than three feet. :�ov�•w p w��m Ps�soNN.s�a coi+r�s MtaT iwswu�na►ouowwo auerr�o�a: _�u+n.«�ooMweeioi+- '�.av�a�av�ce ooMwee�oN ,. ►�w w.o.nonn�m.w►wo�ad�ne.�.oorwnoc�a u+is d.o�r+�n�.nt'+ _c�aowMm� _ vES No 2. FNs tlMa D��vrr b�.dly�niployr�9 —�T� — VES NO _DISTIMCT COUlri _ , 9. DoM!�N p�►�orlAkm VcM�M�MtMI rat nomNrY P��b9��Y�'�ah►M�ipbriN 8uProRf!wNICN COUI�CM.OLIECTIVE9 YES NO ExpNIR NI yN fnMwn on MpN�N M�t Md UIYeh b/rMe sM�t 11KTiATNq iROLLB�1.1BeUE.0/P011RJIN�Y(MTo.MAW.Mllrn�Wlrn�MAM: None. ��: cis�awwr�aee��ovEO: RECEIVED � , OCT �81993 � � CITY CLERK � �.�►�,►.�a TOTAL AYOUNT OI TIIAfMACT10N ! COiTA1tY�lUe WOOETED(C111C�.E ON� Y[S NO FUNDHq iOURCE ACTIYITY NUMSER �..�,�:�� � � - dw