277574 WMITE - CITY CLERK ���„`F'�� CANARY - D PA TMENT COUtIC1I i,� � BLUE - MAYOR G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. 5DM'�ity Att° uncil Resolution G Presented B .. Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Shearson Loeb Rhoades, Incorporated has notified the City of Saint Paul that bonds sold by the City and described as follows have been lost: City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Sewage Disposal Bonds, Series A-1968, 4 .25%r, dated August 1, 1968, maturing August 1, 1989, Numbered 70072 to 70075 with August l, 1981 &SCA, @ $5,000 and WHEREAS, Pursuant to statute the owner of said obligations has requested the issuance of duplicate bonds and coupons and the City and the Metropolitan Council have been furnished a surety bond in- demnifying the City and the Metropolitan Council and their paying agents from any loss in the matter; and WHEREAS, The paying agents of the City have been put upon notice of the loss of the original bonds and coupons as described above; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the issuance of duplicate bonds and coupons corresponding with the missing bonds and coupons described above as to number, date, amount and unpaid coupons, and said bonds and coupons shall be marked "DUPLICATE" , signed by the Director, Department of Finance and Management Services, and the date of issue shown thereon, and the Director, Department of Finance and Management Services shall keep a record of such duplicates showing the date of issue and the persons to whom issued; and be it COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date — CertiEied Yassed by Council Secretary BY B}' -- � Approved by 14ayor. Date _ App v d y Mayor for S b ' si n to ouncil Bv – — sY WHITE - CITY CLERK P°��''`'P'� PINK - FINANCE � /:■ /� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII a Zj � BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- FURTHER RESOLVED, That these duplicate bonds shall be executed by the facsimile of the official seal of the City of Saint Paul, and signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the facsimile signature of the City Clerk and countersigned manually by the Director, Department of Finance and Managem�nt Services; and each of the interest coupons thereto attached to be executed by the facsimile signatures of said officers; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That any and all expense in issuing the said duplicate bonds and coupons be assumed by the owner thereof or his agent. COU[VC[LMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � F ance a anagement Services Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon � __ A ainst B Showalter g Tedesco Wilson OCT 1 3 1981 Form Approved ity A ey Adopted by C ouncil: Date ` Certified Y -s d by Co ncil Secr BY �` B� � Ap o d by ;Vlavor. Da � OCT 1 5 198� Appr v y Mayor for Subm si to Council sy _ _ — B �u3�iS�ED OC ( 2 41981 . _ . � ��.. �a/i��� _ ,.,, � . �.. • �i i s�!� �2ev. ;� 5�7 j�� EXPLAN�ITION OF AD.MINISTR?1TIVE ORi3�, , P.�v.: 4/3Q/8]. t'tESOLUTIO�vS AND OkDIPdANCEB ? Y, ��, M �k--PC ` �#- . � ��-�-/b�:. � � . � : RECEIU�p � RFc�� : : �o Date: s�ptEmb�r i�, i9si SEP 1 ? f98� �F���F�A'�7 : .. �,���.;��M�,� 198j . y � �1TY �ATTORNEY �`r,�. r��°',�F : �; , TO: Mayor Geo�ge Latimer . .. �f�yr �'�r�`y�,� � � �F ,_ ;; FRnM c. Garq Nesrstrem �k'�S . 1 r-�;�-.;-�-� ,,,:,, . g�; Reques.t for duplicate City of Saint Paul bonds and cougQns s r�"`''"`':�" .'�=� . - reported lost : ��1�.� ACTiON REQUESTFD: ��� " ' • ' �=r�,!,..,.,, �r+ j'' , � . . � • . %�.a \.����J�I,,j.'���'�6., ...�. � lluthority to prcrceed �ith duplication of the bonds and cougor►e reported lost. PURP�SE Ai�TD RATION�LE FOR THIS ACTIOt�fi: � �+our Git.y of Ssint Paul Sewage �isposal $oUds, Seri�s A-196$ fn the tota�. of �20,000, with c+aupons attact�ed were loat by Sh�arss�x� I,oeb Rhoades Inc. and they hsv� requ�at�d c�'rap��cates :be f.ssu�d. - T!�aey have provided the necessary Surety �enrt ta�, protect �he Cit� ��om any loas in the matter. Therefore, with adopCian v€ xi� Council Resolutioa, the Treasu�� Di,vision will have the c�uplicate _ ._ ' � bonds prepared for iasuance. r' : FIWAi�TCIAL IAiPACT; • . �4 l�itfne - expeases will be bil}.ed tQ ancl paid by �h�ar�on Loeb �ioa�s �c. , :F.. . . . . � . �. . � � . . . , . . . . . . � .' f ATTACHMF.NTS: _ Counci�l Resaltttisan. . /sdf ,� ,,• .' � � � ' ILiITX O�' �.?sI17'T �.�3UL iG�1_t�� l� �� ''� pFFICE OF TH:E GITY COU�TCIL .., 1;�, :• ,� �,� . � . '���!T��� �,.� � � IS7aNJ�1,�yyN� 4� p � . . � �17��vtr� j�. .� " DQ fi e ; October 8, 1981 � . ... � co �� � �i i� � � . � � � o �-r TO : Soin�t Pout City Council . . � , f- R O i�� � C O�T1 iYt i��G E O ri FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL , George McMahon , choi�man, makes the fo) lov�ing � � report on� GF. '� ._C] Ordinance . (�) � Resolution . [� Other � - Tt`I'L� : � � At its meeting of October 8, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval ' of the following: . � - .,._.._� ._._ _ _- _ -=_ _-___ __. 1. Resolution approving issuance of up'to $25,000,000 in bonds by Port �Authority to finance construction in Energy Park. _ 2. Resolution approving issuance of .$500,000 Tax Exempt Mortgage Note by the Port Authority to finance construction of office building for Fairmount Investments, Inc. (12334-GM) � . � 3. Resolution approving issuance of approximately $1,200,000 iri revenue bonds by • the Port Authority to finance new pollution control equipment _or Garqill, Inc. ' " (12333-GM) . . � ' . 4. Resolution authorizing issuance of duplicate City of Saint Paul bonds and coupons reported lost. (12319-McM) . . _ - 5. Resolution replacing class specification for Storekeeper T. (12267-GM) ' � 6. Resolution amending minimum qualifi�ations on class specification for Police - ' Officer. (12266-GM) . 7. Resolution removing title of Food Service Equipment Specialist from the Equipment Maintenance (Non-Supervisory) Group and placing it in Maintenance Supervisory Group. (12275-GM) � ! • . � Cl"FY H�'1LL . SEYENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,11IVNF.SOTA 551�? � r ;,.;��;..cx� � � • r t