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WHITE - CITY CLERK �����1(1 PINK - FINANCE `�O CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUtIC1I BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. E n 'l solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVE , That the proposed REGISTERED LAND SURVEY, entitled 1°(Tent) 81-0$" as recommended and approved by the Di�ector of Pub1. ic Works be and the same is hereby accepted. COUIVCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �''�� Pub� ic WOrks �e.rrt� [n Favor �CML`��� Maddox McMaho� � __ Against BY Showalter - �awoe- Donald E. Nygaard, i to� wilson �CT g 195� Form Approved y it ttorn �TJE/FJH/DJH� Adopted by Council: Date — �;�� Certified as• d by Council cre BY B � Appro by Mavor: �-OCT 1 3 �9SI App y ayor for S mi sio to Council By — BY �t�8titst��� 0CT 2 41981 Oht c�1: t2f t 97� • . . Rev. : J/8/76 > _ Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANRTION QF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, Rev. : 4/30/8i RESOLUTIONS AND ORDiNANCES �Fyrn� rad DATE: Septembe r 22, 1981 T0: Mayor George Latimer ,..,._-„�-, �-- r-�:� FROM: �nald E. Nygaard, Directo r of Public Works �^T 2- 1981 �' The proposed REGISTERED LAND SURVEY entitled "(tent) 81-08" � �n�.;�—}.- •-�f.-. ACTI ON RfQUESTEO: ` .`. i �� Approval for submission to Council PURPOSE AND RATIONAL£ fOR THIS ACTION: Council approval is necessary prior to the fi! ing of the proposed FI NANCI AL I MPACT: None . � ATTACNMENTS: � 1-Resolution 1-Copy of proposed REGISTERED LAND SURVEY entitled "(Tent) 81-08" dc REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO . ..- � � � .� ,. t r.�` , _ ��4 ?� � � ��,"' + � �, z�� r�.k�ar ,, � , , , . ..� . . .. �.� ., :, , ., , _., .. ., . ,� . ; , • ' ,. . . ,. �-':T,,, fl��L�t ��-����'a�t�e�,, Ragi.�+t#►�ed° Lan�d �u�Yeyo�" � h�'c*a,by a��r���!`y- tt�st� ��,_'��a.��ard�nce �i.�k�,.-�.#�s pr�,t�i��.�zt�., , ����►���a��,����s l�,3.ai►ap�a�t�• 31�stutaa �f 1'��� :� : aa '`��ndeQ,- ����i��►+� �i�u�v�yt�l�. tt�'� #`oilo-wing :.����r�ibeQ :��'a��r� ',:��� �,�ar'�f�w ���� �f �a�aey, �ta t�e _af` �i���;�+q��i , ':to `�ri.�: � ,, , . . , . . : . , .. ,. _ ... . ��-� ; � ;:.� - .., . . , , : � ;� �w, '��i�► ���L�' �'o�tyt*��`o�r w�nd -forty-�f.3v:e hund.�e���i� ��►. ��.�45�� `:f�et,. tsP `��+� No�th two i�u;��rsd E�i�L�-r�i< � +��t� �ee�r��►�l���•ti�tAd�e4Gha ,.�li. 239:,17 ) �'d¢.t� t�.f��hs .::�T�a�t .�t �:. h�z�d�+et! A�n�ty-fi.�.ve f i1. 295) �'ee�� of:. t��. �;; : . , , .. ,�ar�t "Af t„�� ,.'��t�p�.{�:') � - Subdivielan .ot' �h+e 8'a�� 1�2 0!" �t�� , �i��h���t � i�111 a� Secticn ��D ,', fi��z� �9-+ °.�ar� �• �� ��, � i�a�os�c��t�:g ��o` a dap �iled with d�eq-r�� aT. pa;,rtit�icn' �dt� rec�a�datz� i�r� the affic�e� of t�t�� �e����r���r ` - �D�e��d� �►f �R�a�a�a�,'County , �linne:�vta, �n: 8ao:k Y �af. "Deod�, �tg�a '��3�3�t� . lying Esat a�': ,Da�tttt� �'�re�a . „�F+�r�h ,�#tt:t � Sa:�� Cottage 1lvanue anc� 1ies:t af.`Lfi� il�sC� �#�eae o�' 8�.e�� ��ri�e� , ; exce�pt tta� E��t. orte hundr-; , _ ��ir�y-�on� �Ad�foight��t�ntha (E.. t31 ,$) faeL 1�t�eres�P, �ab�ec� tcr D,�.�+�to .stre�t, alao e����.t � �ha�L t�;� `L2�at 3iea �►1����,� a 20` t'aa�: atrl#� af la�,d �'ra� Che �a��h line af �!� .:l�. 4aaser ' � 144d it�an,: t� L�e ��f of Sgint ���i�l:: t�a� �he. l�ar�.�i li,no o� Go�GCa�e; Av�enus � tlte a�pt�Ger J;i�+� .a�' �►hich ia d�a.c�r�.bed ,��� ,��l,to:w '` ��irginni��` �.t ��t. -Point an the 5auth .l,1ao ot' `�1c�ok 1 , 1�.: 't�. �fa�ar.er�a 1lclQi�ia� '�o Lho C�'�'� e�f�S�i�r�t. P� ! . � . �tt�d ip Yt�a a;o_�ater oP. trio altey as ple►�Ged; ` thec�ce Ss�ut� to r ' .poi�t on the �to`r�h. pt��p�r��y ' li.r�� -: ;Ci��tsget �w�t4ue� an� , eauidin��nt ; b�L�eaQ tMe Eai�t pre�pert�r �ine� a!' `DeSota StreeG a�d 4i�s� g�c±pa� '�''' � �. 3+�s i3t��uanent �1vm�ber �t 17Qb6 ._ - .. " °�' ; . . .��� �u�r Stc+�:�t - � ` . �'be Saut� `�or�ty-taur anC' forty-fi�ve hundretha �S. �4,�5 ) �'��t of `t,he Nnrth one hundred t�ir►etty--f0 .da�d , ��►�e�,�-t�rc� hundredtha tN, 19�1.7..'y, teet ot'the West t�ro 3�undr�d �tinety-Pive (�. 2Q5� t��� of. .'G� � : p�rt 'i�� �.�� ,i:±�n , (2) , : Subdivision Qt �he �a�t t/2 oC t,he Sa►u�h�+�at 1:l� pf SacL#.aa �t�, Ta�r�n ?�4 , Ra�a , . �2, a�ao{*�f:�g Lo a mmp filed: �ritt� dearee� o;f ,pa�ttt'ion' and �recoret+rc� #� t:he o-ffts��+ ot : t�#►e. ' itre&:�.��.er.' �lee�a ot' ���a�y.' CounLy , Minn�sata , ic� Btaok "7" of t�eadm ��.3-:3�9 ► �s�t o!' DeSoto �tre��L , . ��r�h,� ; ,_ .. �asL C�obtaga� :��re�ue � and� WesL ot .�ba iieat liae oT Hurr S�r��k , ex�ept the E�a�t� onet trr�adred t�tir� � . oas� ��sd eight: tnnth� E S. 13 t .$� �eat 'tl�er�o t'� �ab,�eat to D+��bto Street., alao ex��p�t., ��i�i� part� �t� � �id,� ai�thit�`,a`, . 20 �oot 'atrip af land :frcm the aouth li.t�e ot M. H.. Caaa;�c�a Ad;ditiQn ta .�.�,g`..Cf#�y '..��i,f�L E'��r°i ,�a' Lbe north 1'in� a�` Cottage Aven.ua � . thd -Q��nLar Iire af �rbLcfi �s de�cri�bed. �a_ t'sa,�,Z�a ,:. "�.6t���ag �L� a� Point� on the aauth: l,ine_ of `Blo�k i , �!. M. =�aa��r' s A;ddition. to Ll�a C�tiy. �►,t ':ts��L.-�� ' �nd i�a� �h� • aea�Eer oC the allsy 'ga p�,`atte4 ; thsnoe a►4uth .C+a �► �po�.nt o� t#�� ' nart� prop�tz�t�� ii�ar� ' � , . ?CQ�t�ger ♦�ren�e and equidi�taat �etween �,he eaat line at �?��4�0 . Street and waaL pr:�p�r:rtX = l��s , 8u ;�tre�s.t. Se�s���Dflaume�t Number , 417Q66 . .. £ : � .. . - ,, . , .: � _ , * , , ;, . ;,' .u:�'h� .�teaL`:�x�o �undred ninsty-tive fw. '2953 teet of t�ha�,'- part t�f Lat twa '{2 ) ► Subd;�v.i�#on a�' �t►e B,a 'k��1/Z ot ' �ou:�hWaat IJ�1 oC 3eat�i.on 20, ?own- 2;9 , Rango 22, . a-o�ord�ng tq a ' map t'iiiss�°• .t�L�t�:.�t:e��ee ; ;. . p,�ir�,i�;ioa �n�t reaarded in the offioa of Lhe �t$;gi$tet� of D�ada ,wf Ra�aey Caur�,Ly� N��n.�+ea:a�t� • -ir� ;80 ,,. �t of"; Da�Qa., :;F�gea 343-3�9`, IYi�g �a�L oP DeSota Stre:et, ; North �it' E�at Go�t�age. A�ren�ya �n�;' �t+��t ` , .. ; . �he weeC .�ia�8� of Surr �treet � axcept the NorLh tw+�= ���n4:ir�ed� thir'ty-nirii� ah�t .ee�ventieet��3i+�r►dr��tt �' {�[• �g��.t��.._ Pe+et and slso exoept Lhe� East one hundc�ed Chl���y-�ne aad eigl�t-teint'bs fE�' 1�1�.$} t`.e � �ttter�at,�' ��b�e�a� to Co�t�ge Avenua a�nd Lo De3ata 3t��re.et , .��.�o axoep:t �ha� psr� thnt :1ies_ �r�t'��a a, ' ' . l'aat� '4�L�.�� �of ],end fcoaa the south iine ot M. M. Gai��4r�'a Ac��itioa ta t�e Gi�y a�' 3aint �"a�t'1 t�' � ,:, ,. ;= 'i�or'thr li;�ia• o�` Cottage Ave�ue � the: oenter li ne. of: Whiah l,a� deacribed, a� 't'o11o�r�: Begi�an��#i.�t`""a �ss.i atc tbA S,o�tt;h line dt Bloak, 1 � N. M. Gaaa�er ' � kdCitlor� to tbe Clty Qt' S�►in� F'aul', attd x�t� th'e e�c�t ;..: of ���. a.l.�ey a� `platted ; theaae 3outh to a polnt os� the North pro:perty ;line o:t �o�k��g� Avenu� ' ai f _ �quidis�sn� bw�ween the Eaat property line ot DcSo�4 . St�aet and Kaat property ,ii�e ot' �urr; �tr��1 Sqs �1t►c�ut�rst �tum'b�r 4 t?066 ' . , .,:Tb�� t�b� �tur�rey sh��+n herein ,.ia a aorrrct de2lneatian of s��,d a�rvey Lhi� � �4ay af . �` t.�8� . 4;:�: � , �_ :, : - ` , � ' . t���a1Q �. , �rn�ter� Registered Lanri Surv�y � � , �. . . Mi�ndaota, Regiatration �lo. 6598 t;''r ,. .:y t ��. . �� ..,�� . .. � . � � � , . �..� �' � . . . . . .' . '. �',,..� . ,°���pp�'�Ved� aad '�goc.epted by the C1ty Cou.nci� oP the Ctty vC S�.. Pa,yal , Minneaota , thi� � c4�y . af ` � _. �_-__.______-_ _, , ��$�. . ..�._..� , � . � - �.:� : . , ; x: . ' .., , � .. � . ' �.� . �� , .. . � . . , . � � � E . . � . . � � - � .. . . . � ` r . �- .; _ ' �1,�rI4 _ - `'l��tr�t��nt La �Cha�-�.e� 7. Hinneaota L�wa of 19'�b , th�a �e6�ster�Q Land 3t,ryay has Ue�n aPProva� `�bim�: ,��,,, �#'y„�ot" � � , tg8t . : ' ,. , . . �: . �_ , ; - . , . � , . _ , � l��R ICvidaira . ., , _ . ; < 14ot.ing Ra�a�a�y County Surr�eyor .�tc t�e�irrq�r,�nt Caxee and �ran��`er �nt4red _Lhi� � daty of ' r �9$t. �-� � '. , .---�--- __ , ,._, �. :. ; . , , , � � , .. � � i�.i�� ., ; • ' ` : Dep�irteaent of Prcrperty �a�';.T��t��t.t,i.�� • � . ,. . , _ 3 ' � . � , � , ,. . - , , . � • _ . B�; , , .. ; �D�p � . : _ - . -;> _ - . . . , , . U: , - . , .� ,; � . : �� 2. t _•. , . .�... ; ��gi,��rar o� '�it�,4r� � County qf Ram�ey, ��m�e `o� Minr��sota �. .. ' � � , .� , . ,.. ,.. , . . . . . �'� ,. . , i f. ^.,: , ... .. . ' .. � ... ' , . . .� ' .. ' ; �. ,^ .y� +. �: � � �l�+�D ��i�r����• �ba-' thia Re is�t�r�ad Lar�s!_ Surva No. �ia� ;�`ilrrrt in th?ia v�'!'�cie� �he `� ���t�` a�.� � . � � ��.. ; , -, , _ : _ � <��1�t , a t o f�look .��4. ,�s� D�ao��#�tn"� ;�to. - �� �:. :� �' � - ;:..,_,.,,., .,.,,,,,, D; .. "' .x-^ r , � ' � � � � � � � r . ;: , ,. , . , ���: � � � ��� _�r � . . ,P. . .,. � � � :; .. � � � � � � ,S�$e a� ` �..�` G�ht�va a� `��R��g���t��+-�' �� ������'� �����e� _,.. . , . ,,. ; , , . . � ,,. , , ;� . � �.- �, 8� f�!e�i ,,, , � , -� � y � _ , ' �� � r , ,:.,, .. , :, ".! ` , .,`: �� , ;.•4 ' �,< ..�: . ..'� '.';'., . :. �� . , .. :.. " _ .� i*. . . � : .� � � . .� " � .. .. . . . � . .. �� �.�..- . ... �., �.n...... ........„ . . ..........i .-.. ,a.. a - .y " h s f . , 3 , . . .... .�� . . , �� . r' . .:�.,. .. �� . � . -' , �.; ;. ' • �� iw�� ' '� . i ti� : . _...,.4...�.. .,_, .,_... ' ""'. -,..+..c.'.�.e... ....-..� . <.�.� ....Sw .� a a. "w � : r ;� �"a��:��� ��_� , .. P � �W.. - '� ��'���... '� ��,: `'�����.�,w�,�, R EG I STER ED LA�ND SU�t�/ EY IVD• =- Cast �ron Monument Cast Iron Monume�t West quarter corner Section 20-29- 22 _ � Center of Section 20- 29 -22 �------ -- - I 3 0 6.42 - _, 900 33� , �O�� , � iE � � � � j i i gg I 33 'rt � 20 ' � � t� �� t. � �� A f\ f1 1 ''' 1 /\ ►1 � �/ � ��. �: f� �� �� L� � �� l� LI �i 1 1 1 \/ 1� � � � i.�i � �- r ��� ��� �' , ; • I 295 I � -- I r� � '�, u� � r� �` O� ii A � � i ;�t ��1 .� i �t ��t► � � . f.�� N; t`1 ` . ,�r� � I •�. l 1 .�'� � ���' •�1 a .,� c � `1 N � �+,,• � v�� � • Q) � � ♦ !'� �� N ��, ��� ��� IA c \ v� f-° O� � ,;�/� �v, I� `7 'l � ` • � ; 0� � N `, ��I +� �.. y _ - I -'-�`Z�.��--- - , � V� U � 1 I � V_ � ���-33 - o '� �� , �+1 0 1 .� � � T R ACT D � � ��• ~ � � �. e� — � . .-i ��� c�. �i�`� _N �� � ,� � 3 i� N op • • L�,-- � TRACT C ` .s,1- �3�.s _ �. , . , � •., � � � � , O �� � M � `� (0 +� � �A tD �. \� M �'1 / a� v• ,vj M `� t �.I � � l� � �� - N ' • ` O r.� ' N � f, � TRACT B M �� � N r� � � �. � W .� O L ° ,� �° T R A C T A ;�� � ��'!� '� +- 6 6 o �`L ,� 0 ,�� < � 0� � -- �121.00-�- -- �' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � �I ,- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — � � - - � . � � I � i i w � ... �. w /� t'� � � � �c' wlll`' � (, �� �' -=�) �� �i : : �� \7L.� f�1V L.�r\� �. � I , i L� t♦ ♦� � vr_ I i � �I I � I � �' � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� - - - - - � �/ /\ T \/ •r ' �� � �. /\ ' � ��r �i Ft :� i „ !'J E. � 3 3 �. r'� `� •'�� L_ . �• A *�l�1'�' 1 �\ AI � �'1�/�/1 � 1 \/ .� �. �� �� �, I Scale � i Inch = 40 Feet � � 40 gp 120 SCALE IN FEET p DENOTES IRON MONUMENT SET � HFET 2