277555 WHITE - CITY CLERK �����
C/�NARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T ��U L F le cil N O. � µ �
� il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
�, the Division of Housing and Building Cod� Enforc�nent has requested
the City Council to hold a pubLic hearing to c�onsider the advisability and necessity
of the correction or wreckirig and rearoval of the follawi:ng described builcling, the
structure having been reported to oonstitute a public hazard:
70 Lawton The Northerly 25 feet of the We�t Single family
erly 10 feet of Lot 14; The frame construction
Northerly 25 feet of I,�t 15; all house
in Bloclt 12, Texrace Park Addition
to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey
County, State of Mi.nx�sota. tr.�gether
with all that portion of the all�y
in said block that was vacated by
resolution of the Council approved
May 29, 1915.
Wf�RFAS, it appears as of Sept�mber 4, 1981 the last record. awnexs and other
parties of interest are as follavs: Daniel T. Peterson, Box #3135, St. Paul, l�i 55165
Fee Owner; Wend.ell L. Carroll ar�cl W.R. Kane, 70 LawtAn, St. Paul, NIl�1 - contract
purchasers. There appears to be no liens or mc>rtgages of record.
Wf�REA5, the Division of Housing ar�c7. Building Code Enforc�nent, on behalf of
th�e City Council did notify by mai.l the above noted parties of interest at their last
]mawn addresses;
Wf��FZEAS, a public hearing was held by arrl before the Council of the City of
Saint Pau1 iz the Council Chamber of tY� Court House in said city at 10:00 a.m. on
Thursday, Oct�ober 8, 1981 to consider the advisability and necessity of ordering
the correction or wrecking and r�val of sai.d structure on the above described.
praperty i.nasmuch as said strwcture is report� tA constitute a hazard t�o public
health, safety and welfare;
Wi�2EAS, upon the facts presented at the said hearing consisting of photographs,
in.spection reports and the rec�nd.ation of the Building Departsnent, it is further
COUNCILME[V Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hunt erV'
Levine In Favor �
McMahon B
Showalter - __ Against Y —
Adopted by Council: Date _ Form Approved by City
Certified Vassed by Cbuncil Secretary
s �c�'.c, ; z... ���'d'�'
BY -- \
Approved by ;Neyor. Date _ Ap by Mayor for ub ' io o cil
BY – — BY
. .
� , � �"�`����
deternlined that the above structure constitutes a hazardous building within the
definition of Minnesota Statutes 463.15 for the following reasons:
l. The subject property ha5 not been boarded � by the owryer or the City;
2. This bui.lding has been evaluated by the City Engineer, Cla.ude Eizenhoeffer.
In his opinian there is severe danger of the foundation b�flk failing and the
structure collapsing;
3. The cor�itions outlined. above constitute a public hazard;
4. The owner has made no att,eir�pt tA satisfactr�rily repair the damage;
5. 'I'Y� contin.ued vacant and �.:. . condition contributes a blighting irr
fluence on the neighborhood;
naw, therefore, be it,
RESOL�TID, That in accordance with Minnesota Sta.tutes Section 463.15 through
463.25, and ba.sed upon the foregoing findings of the City Council, the Council of
the City of Saint Paul does hereby make the follaaing Order:
l. The awn�ers of the above described building shall make the same safe and
not detrimeaztal to the public pea.ce, health, safety and welfare by having the
said building razed and the matPxials therefrcan r�rboved fmm the pr�ni.ses within
thirty (30) days frcen the da.te of the servic:e of this Order;
2. Unless such corrective action is taken to ccanply with this Order or an
An.swer served upon the City of Saint Paul and filed. in the Office of the Clerk of
the District Court of Ramsey County, Minn�esota within twenty (20) days fran the
date of the service of this Order, a Motion for SLmYnary Enforcem�nt of this Ordex to
raze and r�nove the said bui.lding will be made t�o the Ramsey County District Court;
3. In the event that the building is to be razed and is tr� be r�ved by the
City of Saint Paul pursuant to judqment of the District Court, all person�al propexty
or fixtures of any kind which may unreasonably interfer� with the razing and re-
mr�val of thi.s building shall be removed within ten (10) days fran the entry of
�fj,y�l s ,��_�
WHITE - CITY CLERK � • �I�!}'�J���
File N 0.
� Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
judc�nent; and if riot so r�mved, the City of Saint Paul shall re�ve and dispose of
such personal praperty and fixtures as provide�l l7y law;
4. If the City of Saint Paul is canpelled to take any corrective action
herein, all necessary costs expen�ded }�y the City will lae assessed against the above
described real estate and colleet�d as other taxes; and b� it
FU1zI'I�R RE.SOLUID, that a certified copy of this resolution and incorporat�3.
Order herein be served upon the la�t record awners of the above described property
in the manr�ex provid�l by law.
COUNCILMEN Requestgd by epartment of:
Yeas Nays
Hunt Co ' t Serv' s
�– In Favor
Maddox \
McMahon �
snowaite� - __ Against BY —
OCT 8 ��g� Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Pa _ by Council , et BY
• �G�✓( �'��•'.'�/
By _
Appro y ;Vlavor: �O�T � 3 �g$� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ — gy
PUBLiSHED 0 C T 2 41981
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a�""'�`"�� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
��0"�1�1_'••• c 445 City Hall,St. Paul,Minnesota 55102
�"TN\\H\�`` � . . .
October 6, 1981 DATE OF HEARING
Octo er , 9 1
Mr. Presid�ent and
Me�ers of the City CoLmcil
• Re: 70 Lawton
File #3758
Honora.ble Cotmcil:
The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby submitting its report
on the condition of the structure at the location referred to above.
The owners of record are: (Fee) Daniel T. Peterson, Box #3135, St. Paul, MIV. 55165,
and {C.P.) Wendell L. Carroll/W.R. Kane, 70 Law�on St. , St. Paul, PA�1.55102
The legal description of the property is Vac Alley Adj And Fol NWLY 25 Ft of Lot 15
and of SWLY 10 Ft of Lot 14 Block 12 Terrace Park Addition Blk 1 Thru 8 and Blk 12,
parcel cade 07-72000-141-12.
The building is a single family frame construction house.
The subject property has not been boarded up by the owner/city.
This building has been evaluated by the City Engineer, Claude Eizenhoeffer. In his
opinion, there is severe danger of the folmdation bank failing, and the structure
Inasmuch as the conditions outlined above constitute a public hazard, and the own-
er has made no attempt to sa�isfactorily repair the dama.ge cl,espite our warnings,
and the continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting influence
on the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this Division that this matter be
referred to the City Attorney's office for razing and removal through District
Court roceeding. ,
Yo y
nn A. Erickson
Supervisor of Co de Enforcement
cc: Messrs. George Latimer, Ma.yor
Walter A. Bowser, .Asst. City Attorney
Dan Norrgran, Fire Ma.rshal
F. Staffenson, I�using Code
L. Levine, Colmcilman