Yang, Kong ► - NOZ`ICE OF CLAIlVI FORM to the Cfty of Saint Paul,Minnesota M'mnesora Stnte�trae 46'�os s�tes rJrca"...e►xaypason...who clai�,►s damaSes.Trom m�Y n�►�c�tt�'...skaTl cayas w be precer2ted to tlre gov�n�rg body o,f'the muis�ciFaliry t�ithirt 180 dayf a,�v'the alleged lass or injury is�scot�ered a�wti'oe sGatirg ihe time,PlaQe,and cfirtvxatr�sce.a tiidseof,mtd die mnorart of caxperuatlon ar other relfef denrmuled'° Pleaae complebe this form in its�bY��9 h'P��r P��Yonr aas�rer tn each qnestion If more space is aeeded,attach a�dibonal sheds. Pi�se note that yon�not be oontaafed by telephone to clari!'y answers,so Pmvlde as much informsifon as sa�sary bu ezplain yqnr clsim,and the amoant of compensatbn bdug reqnested. You wflt receive a wrIt6en aclmowledgement once yonr form ia rc�eived. Tlte process can take ap to ten wee�s or longex depending on the _ �aatnre of yonr claiffi: Tfi�forin must beslgned,and both-pagrs completed.-I#�ometl�gslcesnotaPP�9._�rlte_`lYf�'.--- - - SEND COMPLETED FORN�AND 07�R DOCUIV�NTS TO: CITY CLERK, 15 WF.ST KELi,OGG BLVD,310 GZTY HALL, SAINT PAUL,MN 55102 - - - - ��N�B Xs�, �,,�ad,.e z�M LastName y�� RECE IVE D c��s,��x�e APR 14 2�� . Are You aa Insur�ce C�panry? Yes/No �Y�,c�rn��r ITY CLERK � s�aaa� eS9/a �o� �+ . c;m, C� �`'� _s� �l�v �� �s Daytime Phone(,� - CeIl Phone�}"?��Evening Talephone(_, - ' � Date of Acci�nt/Tnjury or Date Discovered��_Time ._�am� m� Please sta�e,m d�sil,wba�occurred(h�)�aad whY Y����a claim.Please indicabe why or how you feel9ie City of Saint Panl a its e�mpla�ces are involved and/or responsibla far your dmnages. � e� no.c�.���� i ^ o1�ce ��. a �'� �P check the box(es)that most closely represent�e reason for comgleting this form: . . velucle was damaged in ffi►accid�rt ❑My velucle was dama8ed during a tow ❑My vehicle was daffiaged bY a Poi�►ole or conditian of the slreet ❑My veIucle was dannaged b3'a plow C�My vehicle was wrongfullY tnwed and/ar ticketad [7 I was injured on City propeatY ❑4fi�er type of propeaiy damage—please spocifY ❑Othear�type of injury—please specify In,order to process your claim Yon need 1��mclude copies of aIl annlicable docnmenta For the claims types Iisbed below,ple�se be sn�e to inclnde the d�ocum,ents indicafiad or it will delay the handling of ' yovr claim. Documents WII.,L NOT be refiarnad and bacoQee the prop�f y of the Gity. You are eacouraged to keep a , cogy for yourself befare submitCing your claim form. O Properiy damage cIaims to a vehicle:two es�mates for tha rep�irs to your velucle if the damage exceeds $500.00;or the actual b�ls and/or recei�for t1�r�paus � O Towing clsims:legible capies of any ticlaat issu�l.and a copy of the unpound lot receipt O Other pmperiy damage claims:two repair eslimates if the da�oage exceods$500.00;or 8�e actual bills , and/or receipts for fhe rtpa�s;de�ailed list of dannaged items O Tnjury claiom�s:medical b�ls,receiprts O Photographs are atways wetcome to documeat and support yo�claim but will not be rehuned. Page 1 of2—Please complete and retarn both pages of G7affi Form Fau"tare to complete and re3,nrn bo�h pages wilt result in delay in the LandNmg of yonr claim. All 'laim�—,please comn�te ihis seciioa Were thcre v�rrt�esses to the iacident? Yes No cno (cacle) Provide their names,addresses and telephone numbers: Were the police or law�foa+cement called? Yes No Unlmown (c�cl��3 If yes,what d�partment�agenicy`t `Jo.:n-E '�Q� 1 �17 Case#or r�ort# O --Wlie=e did�e accidei�oiin�pny ta7ce place� r�ovide slreet aadress,cross slree�mte�tion,name o��c or facility,___ _ _-_ closest landmark,�tc. Please be as detailed as possble. If necessary,attach a diagram. L`�����a c,� � 4�:,e�c�n�� a Please indicatie the amotmt you are sedang in compensation or what you would l�ce the City to do to resolve this claim to your sa6sfac�tion. (�o e 5�`;�n q t� e,o m a L��E.e_d` Zl e � Velude Clsims—pleese comalete t��etion ❑check box if this secfiom does not anvlv Your Vehiele: Yesr�O_Mske 7c5 yOT/¢' Model �L C�� License Platie Number?CL3�C t��/ State,�Cotor S�L 1��,� Regisbered Owna NG ,(�?�/JG Y/P'^/�� Driver of Vehicle S /S Area Damaged �'r r,+�'� S> � City Vehicle: Year�O� i Make �'o c c� Model Liceffie Plabe Number F=�,� a�SS Z Stttbe Color 1�:t �e.. Driver of Ve}uicle(City Employx's Name) C i c,��z4 ��-�{o� E�l l � Area Damaged � �c� c�� e..c��� s�d re., • Inj_uy Claims please complete t6ia sedion �check box if t�us sedion dces not a�lY How were you injured? What part(s)of your body were injured? Have you sought medical treatment? Yes No Planning to Seek Treatment(oircle) When did you receive fireatme�`1 (provide date(s)) Name of Medical Frovida(s): A,ddre� Telephone � Did you miss work as a result of your injur�l Yes No When did you miss work? ����S)) Name of your Employer. ,Address Telephone �Check here if yon are attachiag more pages ta this claim form. Nnmber of additional pages�. By sfi�niieg this forn�you are stati�tg tltat aA'inforn�atian you have provided is true and corred to ihe best of your kxowledg� U�signed forms wiJl not be processed Subm�ng a faJse cla�in can result in prosecutio�. Date form was completed : , --q�' �y Print the Name of the Persoa who Complebed tl�s Form:�O� M �,,,,}r�'^� � Signatnre of Person Mai�mg t�e Clsim: ` Revised February 20ll i N 02 0 0 U U Y ` "";.�; ' �•-�% '.r�`��' 4 .i l U 14 t /1 U wotr�eiu�a�: rwuE rc�voru�aN 'v v M E ' Mississi i St s w ���axno" y °R � � Q w °`� u wr s►�. rcsu��ra.a aour�an eo�ne.n oaw�xn.on se�+uec �� Saint Paul t University Avenue ,� . . • ,ur►:, • ;,. ...., . tTOM 01�'YEIllC91f[Mi11�EN•1 ' t��1E CU�l� • p.�TARI� ' 1'o�1f1oN OIIMA4CENtCMarE� 2 37i►tf GAf�t' 0►st� 1 s35915I335117 MN D . O1 s7591.85611921 MN D e�r wo�4 uisrl asc a anM -wwEta�roat wt► are o■� ONG MENG YANG 09 14 ?5 CIDNEY BRENTON ELLIS 06 24 9 � �, `�. ��� �.. 912 LOMBARDY LANE N 872 SHERBURNE AVE Y �T+►TE 2M �Crtriu�r.ar RYSTAL 55428 ST PAUL 55104 �j KY �ICOPI sK{�T M1M6 EJbC/ WJ�lV i . Ill� i4t �lO/T �EECP'� 4Mi� EJBCi P4flv �cr M usE N M N � a1110 iM'[ .�Ilf� iwA/l�� NI�JI/VCE�R'!c AJMIRlI��t AIOI �M't flll{!P Mf �OIOM f�M��O�f OYWMIICi�dlYl�:i 4M� �� Q«�e ' rsn t�sr Q w p oe►e4 pan.� cawwc � � owMtswwE �w ANG KONG MENG N Cit of St Paul -- Fire Dept N 912 LOMBARDY LANE TN � N sws e� nuva OMKT Crtl'.iIATF 7V �u„�. orre E2YSTAL MN 55928 "�6' 07 `'"lQ �� .�o� .� � �' Fo rd •� � �� �YT CGF 200 SIL ' EI 1t11M YiM11M i� �O/�t � MO�T��Nt 1'VUN STKO 1'CMIEa ,� y,��0i0� qiw •a�� ��� 51EAD MN 4 O1 EIRE8LS52 O1 � /OL�'�wIWR11 � MlIA�uCEpMRl1 MK.IMMMr�� 1State Self Insured ,,.. ..,... .. . +�r w�o wt.�ct�ron. �irMOOe. ww� w�tM � IF ACC(lfENi"MNOLVEO A COMMERGAI�TQR VEliICIE,sCF1001.6US.OR MEAO itART 6tls n er REMEM$ER TQ NOTIfY TN�STATE PIlTR01.(rsqllM�d und�f M�1�8.ta3�nd 769.�311}. ,,,.,,�„ ......-•.�.......^..-......�....-.... a.c Kre�a� wotoR c�wu�e ooT� ctiwr�rsw vrwa[.�aea i-aorow cs�+ew� oo�w�wu h�ES�ES uri w►EOSw sck Tv�e wit w�o [tcr w�av �o trowtr�onr a� Aw!lRUCi AIMMYlA �� t6s�soolo7ef Q2 03 9�5� M N o„�,�, � ��� �� KaKas 02 08 ���s� M N po►�a 0� w.aE�na� +a•�wwec� QYI�aN ��MI�OlO�110►WF�ND 0lsOa�CM���Y�G(D M�GIf VN1p011 Y[dIOW T110M�) MAMO101110/[1111�IV�tAIY Ar.U114 � i � � Unit #! traveling Weat on Univ�rsity Avenue � � """"r�"NKf°n0iu� passing thcough Miss�ssippi Veh 12, SPFD BLS ( I I �N ambulance �52 makinq left turn� from E/9 I � ' University to N/8 Hiss�ssippi Di2 stated that V�1 was in his blindspot and he did not see the vehicle D�2 cited for Fail to Y1eld Originat SPPD report completed � � � � tr..�..� . -f ( I ! � AA�T TO S1C'.�°►L�' I