277408 WMITE - CITY CLERK }•�y� PINK . - FINANCE r��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUi1C1I F BLUE - MAYOR G.I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. u cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning reinstatement after compensable disease or injury. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 20.I, so that said Section 20.I sha11 read as follows: "20.I REIlVSTATEMENT AFTER COMPENSABLE DISEASE OR INJURY F.�ipk�.ye�e.s�.n�urre.d ox-�cap.a.ci�ated.b•y-i.]lx�.e s c��tha lixia e�d�y An em lo ee who is off dut because of a com en- sable injur or illness arisin out of an in t e course of employment with e City shall be entitled to reinstatement at any time within five years from the date of injury or incapacity, if physically capable of resunling his or her t,��e,ix dutie s. If such off duty employee take s a voluntar�r reduction under the Civil Service Rules and is reinstated to em lo ment with the Cit , his her reinstatement ri hts to the title under w ich he she was working at the time of his er injury or incapacity shall be continued for five years from the date of injury or incapacity. " ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 24, subsection (c) so that this subsection shall read as follows: COUNCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon sr,o,,,,eite� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Fo Approve by i Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � gy, Approved by ;Vlayor: Date _ Appr by Ma or 'ssion to Council BY - – — B WNITE - CITYCLERK 2�`'74�8 PINK - FINANCE � CANAF�Y - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L � COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR , File N . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date "(c ) In all cases of reduction, unless the reduction i;s to a position previously held by the employee; and except as provided in 20.I and 23. D. " Approved: � � � � ha rma Civil 5e ' e Commission �2) COUNC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon p� _ Against BY Showalter - - Tedesco Wilson SEP 15 1981 For Approv by i y�7l�ktorney Adopted by Council: Date — Cer iEied ss by Counci Secre y BY � v App ed b :Vlavor: Date -�'����t R1�_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY P LISHED S E P 2 61981 � WN1TE - CITY CLERK � - � � PINK - FINANCE COUl1C1I ����� CANARY - �EPARTMENT � C I T Y O�' S A I N T PA U L � BLUE - MAYOR � � E'ile N 0. CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules concerning reinsta�ement after campensable disease or injury. RESOLVED„ that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 20.I, so that said Section 20.I shall read as follows: "2O.I REINSTATEMENT AFTER COMPENSABLE DISEASE OR INJURY Fx�apka.}�s.e.s.in,}u�rre.d.ox-ir�capa.ca.xate.d..b.y-i]a.n��c c a.x�the�..�ix�a o�.d�a�t�r An em lo ee who is off duty because of a com en- sable injury or illness arising out of an in e course of employment with the City shall �be entitled to reinstatement at any time within five years from the date of injury or incapacity, i.f physically capable o� resumi.ng his or her thea� dutie s. If such off dut em lo ee takes a voluntar reduction under e ivil ervice Rules and is reinstated to em lo ment with e it his her reinstatement ri hts to the title under which e s e was workin at the time of his er in'tzr or inca acit "s all be continued for five years from the date of injury or incapacity. �� "; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be arnended in Section 24, subsection (c) so that this subsection shall read as followa: COUNCtLMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Leri� _. _ [n Favor Maddox McMahon y.�,�i�r -- Against BY Tede�o �lufn Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Nayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Cauncil By BY WMITE - CITY CLERK � � � � • � � � 'iNK - FiNANC6 � � TT COUACII � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � G I TY O F S�I NT �� V L � � � BLUE - MAYOR . FlI6 N O. � Council Resalution � Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date '�(c ) In all cases of reduction, unless the reduction is to - a position previously held by the employee; and except as provided in 20.I and 23. De " APProved: - Chairman Civil Service Commission . (x} ¢ COIJNCILMEN Yeas I�ays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt � PERSONNEL OFFICE �sW�e [n Favor . � Maddox � � � Against By Tadesco �ison . - Adopted by Council: Date SEP 15 198� Form Approved by City Aitorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � Approved�by Mayor for Submission to Councii ApprUVed by Mayor: Date BY . By - � .C;I'.i'Y'. 0�+` ,�AI1TT �AUL G ; ... .. , . �'74�8 `�`, '�;. O��FICE OF T�� CITY GOU�TGZL �� ��,, ��: �� � . .::,,..:� �.. �'���„�k��� � � � * r pptg ; September 4, 1981 .;�: co �� �� ���� � � � � o �T TO : Soin� Paut City Cour�cit . - � ��Q� = C O m�'�1 I fi�e�' O n FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � ceorqe Mcr�tahon, choirman, malCes the fottov�ing report on� G.F: (i� �_� �rdinpnce � . (6) x[� Resolutian . � Other ' Tl�I"LE � - . � At its meeting of September 3, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approval ' of the following: . , .__.__�__ ' ...._..:,_,�:�- . �_- _ _ 1. Resolutio� transferring $40,000 from General Revenue Fund--Fund Balance-Not Dedicated to General Government Accounts-Building Trades Fringe Benefits. ; 2. Ordinance amending Legislative Code to clarify types of property eligible for subsidies for diseased tree removal. (12207-GMj ' 3. Resolu�ion approving 1981-1983 Agreement between the City and Plumbers Local 34. (12211-GM) ' � � ' 4. Resolution approving 1981-1983 Agreement between the City and Sheet Metal Local No. 76.. (12212-GM) " • 5. Resolution approving settlement between City and Twin City Iron Workers : : Local 512. (12213-GM) � � � 6. Resolution altering rule regarding promotion r'ights for title of Office Services Administrator-Supervisor. (12210-GM) � � 7. Resolution making it possible for employees off-duty on workers' compensation to return to work in lower paying classification without losing seniority or reinstatement rights to classification they were in at time injury or illness occurred. (12209-GM) . � (CONTINUED . . .) CrI'Y �L�LL SEVEN?H FLOOR SAI�iT PAUL. MIr�ESOTA SSI03 ,;��,.�, ' -' Do not detach this memorandum from tne ,� �esolu�,ion so that this information will be �r � 4 `�� � � ' � f �=� available to the City Council. �"�4�$ EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: July 21, 1981 �i A , �-�"� T0: MAYOft GEORGE LATIMER A�G � � �g�� ri't i$�`�`,��'�``.. r+a.°�y... `.'�- . FR: Personn�l Off�ce � - RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE ANp RA'TTONA,LE FOR THIS ACTION This resolution is for the purpose of making it possible for employees who are off-duty on workers� compensation to return to work in a lower paying classificatior�. without losing their seniority or reinstatement rights to the classification in which they were employed at the time the compensable injury or illness occurred. This will encourage such employees to return to work in classifications in which they are physically able to perform the dutie s. FINANCLAL IM�ACT � It is fi.nancially beneficial to the city to return to work those employees who are off duty on workers• compen�ation. The amount of the fina.ncial benefit will depend upon the number of such employees who return to work. ATTACHMENTS: Res�lution and copy for City Clerk.