277402 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK �` - FINANCE .�.�►►�4�2 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ���L COIl[ICII BLUE - MAYOR File N . Co cil e lution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �REAS. D�aps. ?x�oo�porated iB the C�r and pc^og�oBed devislOper Of p�oq�erty desc�r3bed as Lats 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, B1oc�c 2, Hattle Cre�k Heigh�ts Plat 3; and Lats 1, 2, 4, a�d part of 3, 81odc 1, Park Fiomes, and �REAS. Du�'a�. In�rPa�'ated P]�ns to d�elo� this �er�tY v�ith towtzha�ses and aax3rndn3.un tmits, a�nd t�RFAS, Dura�ps, Inoo�rpo�rated's site p�vides insuf#icient pub,lic street front- age tio proQerly adc7r�ess the p�posed toNnhouses amd aor�da�isiit�n units, at�d i��RFF.AS, Dura�, Itzaarpo�rated glans to p�o�vicle vehict�lar acaess t,c> the taan- ho�es ar�d aor�nius t�its via a ptivate T shaped drive inter�ectit�g Ruth Stregt at a looatian ap�+�tely 450 feet south o� Hurr1� Av+enue; a p��ivate c�ive intersectir�q Ruth Street at a loc�at3on ap�+ao�tely 1.000 feet sauth v� Hurns Avern�e; ana a private L sYx�pea anve int�ersect�tng Ruth s`tre�t at a ].o�tieci app�tely 300 feet �th of No�rth Park L�'3.ve and en North Park D�3v�e at a loaaticxi �tely 550 feet east of Ruth Str�eet, nc�w tY�er�are be it RE90LVID, tt�at tUe�e tl�ee (3? Pti'op�sed ia�atned private clriwes shall here- after be la�aani an�d cies�fc,g�ated by tl�e r�aimee of �dl�wood D�riv�e, Pathways D�:ive, a�d Parkside D�riv+e respectively, and shall ra�in as p�ivatsly a�n�ed driv+es: and, be it further RF�OLV�, that the D�epar�ne�t o� Public Wrocks shall is�sue Y�use rivabers fa�r the to�rrit�es and eo�domitiitm tuzits tasing Bridlc.��od Drive, Patl�watys Driive, ar�d Par]cside Driv+e as the c3esic�ated street n�anes: and, be it furttyer RF50�,VE�, that ttre c3eveloper atx�/or its su�ooesso�as in int�er+e�t shall plaae aryd maint�afA ho�use nuabers on t1�e to�mho��sP.s and �nd�niun t�riits es pro�- vided by C��her 71, of the St. Paul Legislative Ooc�e, entit].ed "Fiouse Nuniberi�g��� aond, be it further COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favot Maddox McMahon B Showalter __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson Form pproye by C' y\Attorne Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY _ � � By � Approved by A7avor: Date _ A ro 'byMayor for Su is �o�JyCouncil Bv - — WHITE - CITY CLERK •� I��� PtNK � - FINANCE �/ CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��u L COQRCII iM� BLUE - MAYOR File N . � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESO[,VED, t�at the de�c►e]Aper andfos its stx�oessars in inter�t sha].l maintain and cyperate, at their a�m aost a�d expenae, tY�e p�opo�ed private drives in a clear a�d ulcat�t,ru�ctecl n�er to p�vic3e i:hr�uqh ac�oess fc� all vehieular traffic, including eio�rg�cy �erviaes vehiclss: at�d, be it furtt�er RE�90�,VID, tbat tY�e devel�er anr�/a� its suaoesscss in inteur�est shall const,t�ct and a�intain, at their awn ao�t a�d ��e the neoessary signinc� ofi the pcivate c'�iv�s, to be ]ar�n as Br�tc�lew�ood Dlrive. Patt�,tays Driv�e, �d Parrkside L1riv+e, to tt�e sat3sfactian of the Dtrectar o� the Departa�ent o� Public wc��ks. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �C �� Levine In Favor `F!A%y"K A Maddox C McMahon g snoWaiter __ Against Y -- � Tedesco j�]� r;, �� Wilson ���N�dj j SEP � p �gg� Form pprove by Cit torney Adopted by Council: Date — � Certified P• s e y Co ncil retar BY , A ro by Ylayor. D te _ �EP i � ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council - – — BY Pu HEa SEP 19 1981