00-654ORIGINAL Presented By Referred to Council File # OO � �is � Green Sheet # \m i � C� RESOLUTION �INj PA�lL, MINNESOTA �� Committee: Date l � � 4 5 WHEREAS, The Division of Parks and Recreation's annual Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament will be held on the streets in the City's Lowertown area on August 18, 19 and 20, 2000, and; WHEREAS, The area near the intersection of Sixth and Jackson Streets lacks adequate space to place the VolunteerfV.I.P. Tent for the Tournament, and; 6 WHEREAS, Frauenshuh Management Company owner of the Agri Bank F C B Zncorporated 7 property is willing to allow the City to use its parking lot on the corner of Jackson 8 and Sixth Streets for the duration of the Gus Macker Tournament as the site for the 9 Tournament's Volunteer/V.I.P. tent and; 10 11 l2 13 19 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, Frauenshuh Management Company has asked the City to indemnify and hold them harmless during the use of their lot, now, there£ore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Frauenshuh Management Company, from all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions and judgements arising out of the use of the parking lot for the VolunteerfV2P tent and /or activities connected with such use, by reason of any act of negligence or omission by the City of Saint Paul, its, contractors, agents or employees; and be it 19 F'CJRTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not include: 20 1) injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions in the parking 21 lot facility as to which Frauenshuh Management Company had actual or constructive 22 notice; 2) injuries or damages arising out of occurrences or events which are not a 23 part of the use of the tent as a Volunteer/VIP tent during the hours the Gus Mackex 24 Tournament is taking place on August 18, 19 & 20, 2000; and be it 00 -�s�{ 25 FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in the £oregoing provisions shall be construed as a 26 waiver of the municipal tort liability limits as set forth in Minn. Stat. §466.01 et 27 seq. 28 29 30 Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey_ � Bostrom ,i Co2eman ,/ Harris ,/ Lantry � Reiter ,/ � O Adopted by Council: Date C1 _ o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY �� a . Y-� �_ Approved b Mayor: Date: Vc!K1 G[� By: � r Requested by: Divis}� n of Parks and �l � �� Form Approved by City By: Approved by`�Mayor for Submission to Council ,/ By` ��" � i�^'•""'� DEPAFTMENT/OFFICE/COVNCIL DATE INITIATED � �J 00 ��sa `'` `� GREEN SHEET � NO. 100140 Parks and Recreation June 22,2000 CONTACT PEASON AND PHONE INITIAIlDATE IN{TIAUDATE Howard Beil 266-6415 � � DEPARTMEPJT DIRECTOft 4 CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBER FOfl Z CIN ATTORNEY r J CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY IDATE) ROUTING ORDEFl BUpGEf D�RECTOP FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. July 12 � 20�� 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTI F_ Parks & Rec 300 CHA _ iOTAL # OF SiGNAlUAE PAGES � (CqP ALL 10CATONS FOR SIGNANRE) ACTIONflEQUESTED: _ Adoption of the attached resolution by the City Council, holding harmless, Fruaenshuh Management Company in return for use of the Agri Bank F C B Incorporated parking lot for the 2000 Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament August 18, 19 and 20, 2000. RECOMMENDATIONS: qpprove (AI ot Reject IR) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEN THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION �CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, µas chis pesson(fvm eve� worked under a cunhact for thus tlepartmenU -- CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has [his persoNfrtm ever been a cRy employee? YES NO DISTRICT COUNqL — — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? SUPPORTS WMICH COUNCII 0&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet. 1N171ATiNG PROBLEM, 1SSUE, OPPORTUNiTY IWho, What, When, Where, Why): The City wishes to use the Agri Bank F C B Incorporated parking lot on the corner of 6th and Jackson Streets as the site for their Volunteer Tent for the 12ih Annual Gus Macker 3-on3 8asketball Tournament to be held August 18-20, 2000. Frauenshuh Management Company, owner of the Agri Bank F C B property requires this Hold Harmless Resolution from the City in return for the use of their parking lot. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. An off-street site for the City's Volunteers to rest and eat. RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPHOVED: � N�A CITY ATTORNE� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVEO: �+o V e sb/� �������� G ��� "� The necessity of redesigning our site layout to try and incorporate the Volunteer Tent ��� c� � qy�� �� �1fU1� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION SO.00 COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO EUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NVMBER � � � � FlNANGAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIM ORIGINAL Presented By Referred to Council File # OO � �is � Green Sheet # \m i � C� RESOLUTION �INj PA�lL, MINNESOTA �� Committee: Date l � � 4 5 WHEREAS, The Division of Parks and Recreation's annual Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament will be held on the streets in the City's Lowertown area on August 18, 19 and 20, 2000, and; WHEREAS, The area near the intersection of Sixth and Jackson Streets lacks adequate space to place the VolunteerfV.I.P. Tent for the Tournament, and; 6 WHEREAS, Frauenshuh Management Company owner of the Agri Bank F C B Zncorporated 7 property is willing to allow the City to use its parking lot on the corner of Jackson 8 and Sixth Streets for the duration of the Gus Macker Tournament as the site for the 9 Tournament's Volunteer/V.I.P. tent and; 10 11 l2 13 19 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, Frauenshuh Management Company has asked the City to indemnify and hold them harmless during the use of their lot, now, there£ore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Frauenshuh Management Company, from all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions and judgements arising out of the use of the parking lot for the VolunteerfV2P tent and /or activities connected with such use, by reason of any act of negligence or omission by the City of Saint Paul, its, contractors, agents or employees; and be it 19 F'CJRTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not include: 20 1) injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions in the parking 21 lot facility as to which Frauenshuh Management Company had actual or constructive 22 notice; 2) injuries or damages arising out of occurrences or events which are not a 23 part of the use of the tent as a Volunteer/VIP tent during the hours the Gus Mackex 24 Tournament is taking place on August 18, 19 & 20, 2000; and be it 00 -�s�{ 25 FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in the £oregoing provisions shall be construed as a 26 waiver of the municipal tort liability limits as set forth in Minn. Stat. §466.01 et 27 seq. 28 29 30 Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey_ � Bostrom ,i Co2eman ,/ Harris ,/ Lantry � Reiter ,/ � O Adopted by Council: Date C1 _ o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY �� a . Y-� �_ Approved b Mayor: Date: Vc!K1 G[� By: � r Requested by: Divis}� n of Parks and �l � �� Form Approved by City By: Approved by`�Mayor for Submission to Council ,/ By` ��" � i�^'•""'� DEPAFTMENT/OFFICE/COVNCIL DATE INITIATED � �J 00 ��sa `'` `� GREEN SHEET � NO. 100140 Parks and Recreation June 22,2000 CONTACT PEASON AND PHONE INITIAIlDATE IN{TIAUDATE Howard Beil 266-6415 � � DEPARTMEPJT DIRECTOft 4 CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBER FOfl Z CIN ATTORNEY r J CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY IDATE) ROUTING ORDEFl BUpGEf D�RECTOP FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. July 12 � 20�� 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTI F_ Parks & Rec 300 CHA _ iOTAL # OF SiGNAlUAE PAGES � (CqP ALL 10CATONS FOR SIGNANRE) ACTIONflEQUESTED: _ Adoption of the attached resolution by the City Council, holding harmless, Fruaenshuh Management Company in return for use of the Agri Bank F C B Incorporated parking lot for the 2000 Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament August 18, 19 and 20, 2000. RECOMMENDATIONS: qpprove (AI ot Reject IR) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEN THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION �CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, µas chis pesson(fvm eve� worked under a cunhact for thus tlepartmenU -- CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has [his persoNfrtm ever been a cRy employee? YES NO DISTRICT COUNqL — — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? SUPPORTS WMICH COUNCII 0&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet. 1N171ATiNG PROBLEM, 1SSUE, OPPORTUNiTY IWho, What, When, Where, Why): The City wishes to use the Agri Bank F C B Incorporated parking lot on the corner of 6th and Jackson Streets as the site for their Volunteer Tent for the 12ih Annual Gus Macker 3-on3 8asketball Tournament to be held August 18-20, 2000. Frauenshuh Management Company, owner of the Agri Bank F C B property requires this Hold Harmless Resolution from the City in return for the use of their parking lot. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. An off-street site for the City's Volunteers to rest and eat. RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPHOVED: � N�A CITY ATTORNE� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVEO: �+o V e sb/� �������� G ��� "� The necessity of redesigning our site layout to try and incorporate the Volunteer Tent ��� c� � qy�� �� �1fU1� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION SO.00 COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO EUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NVMBER � � � � FlNANGAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIM ORIGINAL Presented By Referred to Council File # OO � �is � Green Sheet # \m i � C� RESOLUTION �INj PA�lL, MINNESOTA �� Committee: Date l � � 4 5 WHEREAS, The Division of Parks and Recreation's annual Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament will be held on the streets in the City's Lowertown area on August 18, 19 and 20, 2000, and; WHEREAS, The area near the intersection of Sixth and Jackson Streets lacks adequate space to place the VolunteerfV.I.P. Tent for the Tournament, and; 6 WHEREAS, Frauenshuh Management Company owner of the Agri Bank F C B Zncorporated 7 property is willing to allow the City to use its parking lot on the corner of Jackson 8 and Sixth Streets for the duration of the Gus Macker Tournament as the site for the 9 Tournament's Volunteer/V.I.P. tent and; 10 11 l2 13 19 15 16 17 18 WHEREAS, Frauenshuh Management Company has asked the City to indemnify and hold them harmless during the use of their lot, now, there£ore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Frauenshuh Management Company, from all damages it may be required to pay as a result of suits, claims, actions and judgements arising out of the use of the parking lot for the VolunteerfV2P tent and /or activities connected with such use, by reason of any act of negligence or omission by the City of Saint Paul, its, contractors, agents or employees; and be it 19 F'CJRTHER RESOLVED that the foregoing defense and indemnification does not include: 20 1) injuries or damages arising from hidden traps or dangerous conditions in the parking 21 lot facility as to which Frauenshuh Management Company had actual or constructive 22 notice; 2) injuries or damages arising out of occurrences or events which are not a 23 part of the use of the tent as a Volunteer/VIP tent during the hours the Gus Mackex 24 Tournament is taking place on August 18, 19 & 20, 2000; and be it 00 -�s�{ 25 FURTHER RESOLVED that nothing in the £oregoing provisions shall be construed as a 26 waiver of the municipal tort liability limits as set forth in Minn. Stat. §466.01 et 27 seq. 28 29 30 Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ Blakey_ � Bostrom ,i Co2eman ,/ Harris ,/ Lantry � Reiter ,/ � O Adopted by Council: Date C1 _ o Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY �� a . Y-� �_ Approved b Mayor: Date: Vc!K1 G[� By: � r Requested by: Divis}� n of Parks and �l � �� Form Approved by City By: Approved by`�Mayor for Submission to Council ,/ By` ��" � i�^'•""'� DEPAFTMENT/OFFICE/COVNCIL DATE INITIATED � �J 00 ��sa `'` `� GREEN SHEET � NO. 100140 Parks and Recreation June 22,2000 CONTACT PEASON AND PHONE INITIAIlDATE IN{TIAUDATE Howard Beil 266-6415 � � DEPARTMEPJT DIRECTOft 4 CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN NUMBER FOfl Z CIN ATTORNEY r J CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY IDATE) ROUTING ORDEFl BUpGEf D�RECTOP FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. July 12 � 20�� 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTANTI F_ Parks & Rec 300 CHA _ iOTAL # OF SiGNAlUAE PAGES � (CqP ALL 10CATONS FOR SIGNANRE) ACTIONflEQUESTED: _ Adoption of the attached resolution by the City Council, holding harmless, Fruaenshuh Management Company in return for use of the Agri Bank F C B Incorporated parking lot for the 2000 Gus Macker 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament August 18, 19 and 20, 2000. RECOMMENDATIONS: qpprove (AI ot Reject IR) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEN THE FOILOWING QUESTIONS: PLANNING COMMISSION �CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, µas chis pesson(fvm eve� worked under a cunhact for thus tlepartmenU -- CIB COMMITTEE YES NO A STAFF 2. Has [his persoNfrtm ever been a cRy employee? YES NO DISTRICT COUNqL — — 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curren[ city employee? SUPPORTS WMICH COUNCII 0&IECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete sheet antl attach to green sheet. 1N171ATiNG PROBLEM, 1SSUE, OPPORTUNiTY IWho, What, When, Where, Why): The City wishes to use the Agri Bank F C B Incorporated parking lot on the corner of 6th and Jackson Streets as the site for their Volunteer Tent for the 12ih Annual Gus Macker 3-on3 8asketball Tournament to be held August 18-20, 2000. Frauenshuh Management Company, owner of the Agri Bank F C B property requires this Hold Harmless Resolution from the City in return for the use of their parking lot. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED. An off-street site for the City's Volunteers to rest and eat. RECEIVED DISADVANTAGES IF APPHOVED: � N�A CITY ATTORNE� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPflOVEO: �+o V e sb/� �������� G ��� "� The necessity of redesigning our site layout to try and incorporate the Volunteer Tent ��� c� � qy�� �� �1fU1� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION SO.00 COST/HEVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO EUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NVMBER � � � � FlNANGAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIM