277351 WHITE -•C�TV GLERK ����� PINK - FINANCE G I�TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT B L U E - M A V p R F I I e N O. 'l e ution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVE, That the proposed PLAT entitled "UNIVAR ADDITION" as recommended and approved by the Director of Public Works be and the same is hereby accepted. Yeas COUN nt LME Na s Requested by Department of: Y ��e�:ine PUb 1 I G WOI'kS qa„�dmc in Favor �GayZG2� _ n� McMahon ��� Showa�ter � __ Against BY �� Tedesco Donald E. �Jygaard, D ecto witson TJE/F.�DJH,, SEQ 1. �gg� Form A�ptB�d by City Attorney � �f Adopted by Council: Date r J Certified Pa �e by Council cret BY r < < By � A v d by IVlavor: D `SEP 8 �98� Approved by Mayor for Subm i n to Council i � By UBLISHED S E P 19 1981 � , ,� oM o� : �2/t97s " - Rev. : 9/$/7G Rev. : 5/7/84 CXPLAPlA'�I 0"d OF ADMI N I STRATI VE ORDERS , Rev. : 4/30/$1 , P,ESOLt�TIOrJS AUD ORDir�ANCES � � � 2�7'7351 DATE: August 13> 1981 70: Mayor George Latiimer ��"'"� - FROM: �� � � Donald E. Nygaard, Director of Public Works ` �� �'� ��°'�� " ri�� 'r>'' RE: The proposed PLAT entitled "UNIVAR ADDITION" ACTIOt� REQUESTED: Approval for submission to Council PURPQS� AND RATIONALE FOR TNIS ACTION: Council approva) is necessary pr�ior to the filing of the proposed PLAT. - FI NAPlCI AL I MPAC7: None right now ATTACN ME��TS: � 1 Resolution 1 Copy of proposed PLAT entitled "UNtVAR ADDITION" ������ �• ...Y� '\ ' p�r ��.-�a) .. . �1 1 �''� . -. .�� . .. - . . _ gJNi ' : .�_ -���,�� � ow All Persons Gy These Presents that the UNIVAfl CORPORNTION, a Delav�are Corpor�tion , ��wner of the follov�i��g descr�•ibed pr,c�perty tuated i n the County of Ramsey, State of Mi nnesota , to i�;�t: 1 of Lots 1 through 6, Glock 11, and �11 of Glocks 10 and 12 in Edn�und Rice 's 4th Addition , Ran�sey County, Minnesota ; those par�ts � 6locks 12, 13, 16, 17, lo and 19, Edniund Rice ' s Trout 6rook Add�ition to the City of St. Paul , Ran��sey County, Minnesot<� ; those rts of vacated Cayuga , Walton, Vale, �Jhitall and 6ank Streets ; that part of the vacated alley in Gl�ck 12, Fd�nund Rice ' s �r,out �ok Addition lyinq within the followiny described line: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot l, Block 11, of said Edn�und Rice 's 4th Addition; thence South 0 deqrees ] n�inu�te 24 seconds East, assuined beariny, a distance of 252.05 feet, along the east line of said I_ot:s 1 thr�ouqh 6 of Block 11 and said east line' s southerly prolongation to the intersection with the centerline ofi said C�yuga St�-eet vac�ted; thence iiorrh �9 degrees 45 minutes 12 seconds East, alonq said centerline, a distance ofi 111. 25 feet to the intersection with the �vest line of Westniinster Street; thence South 0 degrees 27 minutes 37 seconds '��est a distance of 1461 .66 feet to the intersec- tion with a line parallel with the south line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, ?ownship 29 �Jorth, Range 22 !�lest said par°allel line intersects the west line of said Southwest Quarter distant 147. 5f> feet nor�th of the southU�est corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence South P9 degrees 19 �ninutes 56 seconds West a distance of 1��.;1 feet. alonq said parallel line to the west line of said Southwest Quar°ter; thence on a bearing of South a distance of 90.97 feet along s�aid west linE�� of the So�rth�-�est Quarter to the southeast corner of Lot 13, said Qlock 1�; thence �dorth �7 de�;r-ees 54 minutes �1est a distance of 23. 26 feet along the south line of said Lot 13 to a point 50 feet radially distant, northe��ste��ly fr�on� the centerline of 6urlington Northern Inc. ' s n�ost easterly main line raili�oad track; thence nor,th���esterly alonca a non-tanc�ential curve to the right a distance of 29�.44 feet, radius 2522. 21 feet, central angle 6 deyrees 46 n�i��utE:, 46 seconds , tanqent bears N�rth 21 degrees 23 minutes 17 seconds Ulest, said line being parallel and concentric with said centerline of n�ain line railroad ti,ack; thence North 14 degrees 36 n�inutes 31 seconds West a distance of P35.64 fieet along a line 50 feet nor,theasterly of and parallel to said centerline of n�ain line railroad track; thence north���esterly alon�� �� tanc�ential curve to the left a distance of 574.60 feet, radius 2390.23 feet, central angle 13 degrees 46 min�rt es 25 seconds, said line beinq par,allel �nd concentric with said centerline of main line railroad track; thence North 28 dec�rees 22 niinutes 56 seconds , tanyent to said cur�ve, a �iist��nce of 177.£�6 feet alonq a line 50 fieet northeasterly ofi and parallel to said centerline of main line railroad track to the south- easterly riqht of way line of forn�er Mississippi Street; thence Nor°th 44 degrees 02 n�inutes >> seconds East, a1onc� said south- easterly right of way line of former Mississippi Street a distance of 31 . 90 feet to the south line of York Avenue; t:hence South 89 degrees 58 n�inutes 55 seconds East along said south line a distance of 632. 27 feet to the point of heqinninc� . caused the san�e to be surve,yed, platted and known as UNIVAR ADDITION and do her�eby dedic��te to the public for� public usF� forever court, Outlot G and drainaqe and utility easements as shown on this plat. vitness Urhereof said UNIVAR CORPORATION has ca�ased these presents to be siyned by its pr°oper off�ic���rs and its cor°porate seal �e he�,eunto affixed this da of _ Lq�, ------ --------_ __---- -------- y . . �ed: Univar Corpor•ation --- -- - - - ----- its —-______ - --------- --- - --------- its E OF ITY OF foregoinq instrument ��as acE:nowledgEd before �ne this �i�,v �7f 19� , by -- --- --_. ____.__ . _ ._ _._ __ _ _ _ _ ' , and . ��f ,Jf�JI'�'AR 'URATION, a Delawar�e Corpor,ation, on behalf of �tne c�rporation. _-- __ _-- Ni�tar�v Publ ic, ( ni�nt.y, �'�1`J i (J'!lil'1SSl(11"1 �i;�11I'f'S -- - - - ��oN nis J . Pur-cell , hereoy certify that 1 have surveyed and platted the property described i�� the dedication of this plat a� I;N1VAr' ON; that this plat is a cor�,ect r,epresentation of said sui,vey: that all distances are correcrly shown on the pl��t; "-,�'� ��11 �� ,;.,; een corr�ectly placed in t.he car��oiind ��� shrn����; th�t the out�iciP hqundarv lines are cer�rectl �v' ���i������`?� �n the pla `, and tl��e��r� �� r � easeinents or public hiyhwa,ys othei� th�n a5 shown thereon. J. Purcell , Land �ur°veyor ota Reqistration Nr,. 13594 �F MINNESOTA • OF HENNEPIN rveyor' s Certific�,te �,vas subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this day of _ _ _J _ , Notary Public, Hennepin County, Minnesota P1y Comniission Expires =d and accepted by the City Louncil of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota , tris _ day of _ _ _ _ _ , Clerk inquent taxes and t��ansfer, entered this ______________ _ day of _ , 198 Director By __ a. Deputy �rtment ofi Proper°ty Taxation t to Cnapte�� i, Minnesot�� Lav�s of 197b, tnis plat has been reviewed and app�•oved, this day ��� _ _ F. R. Kvidera , Acting Ramsey County Surveyo�� R�CORL`ER, COU"�lTY OF RAf�SE'r, STATE. OI� ��1 f i�f��E>0 i 11 �y certify that t'�is plat nf I;i��i�lAR 1'��;)iTI��d w,3s filed in t��,is office thi� day ��� - - - - - t 0' C'���cD: .fi. ar�d wds filed ln EOOi< Gr Pl�*S , �a����e�� ������ ��ent i,,, , ,,� � _..__. _ _ _ ___ _ ___ _.__-- _ __ _ __ ___ �- , . ; h �ibbons, �o�n�r� Re�ordPf UN] � � �l �J � I \ �� i � � I I _ I �% i � � � � � '`' � `' � �� � � � � .� � :� I 60 � � � :� � '� � ' � �� � `-� 6 6 i _ - �_ -i- � -�- � � _i _ � _� _ � � _ I_ �I �- - - - - c� � ��� r- <;-rr � in � .�.. -� �- . � ✓ L_ .� i I� I I I V J i L_ � � � - - -� - � -� - � - �� --- �J � 60 i � � I � � � N �� �--I--- I I297.9� `\ -�S,�" �,�i- - 200.00 - I ,, I , , � ,_ � � � -,n �Cayuga St.(Vacat$d) �� �:' ,� ��>19.61 � "- i ' � � �'-' � J � �> � ? �cv � �+ � �� � � , �,��,�1 ; � �� N89°42�33��W PO/NT OF BEGll11�1/I/V G E.Line�of Lots I Thru 6 i�- � � �� � -- � I �� , S I � i ' And S ly Prolo�gatioth ao ,- �! I I ��� � � o,�� / Q U T L 4 T B � __� � _ , � �� o M i � i � � I �o SO°01�24��E 252.05 . .yZ� I �- �I''�i�--�- �-14 2.98�� �lL� � ��_0=44°49�18 � � o OUTLOT A �o-'I $ i �k� `1, �� �� ��? i ,�,���_,39.�1 63o,E __- - ., � 252.23 � � � -�---242.16— --� � - � � �' � ���514 3 O - - --I � �.J� O �-r `! 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Line of SW I/4 , S ec 29 � � �� � ' �'-� �- — � \ �� � ' � Ramsey County Moi � �� ;,A� � � � � <<� / , � � i , � � S U H \56.6� SW Cor.Sec29,T29 -.�! �'�,�. �, . � ' i I�� � i � _ , 90.97 , `_ 23..26 C� \)�J \ \ \ ,���-il i �^`.) � � 1 i�� � � / / / , � � � N 87°54�W 2 ��j � ` � �\ r��<�., \ � \ i , i �� � � /� �Q � o ;;' � S.Line of Lot 13,Block 18 � � J' � � i ��' g8� �qE� ; / �� � � � � , i �oA62 2� � � �_ D' 252, i � \ " � \ ,_:__ � �r;R= 3�7�w � 1��• � \ � 8u��ln9ton N°�the�✓'CPN•BR�N2� 2 � ./ � � \ � 5�Feet`NMa�L��e '(rocK � \\ � \ � � � \ 6� �Line Easter`/ � �i � � � „ 835. 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