D001063White — City Cierk Pink — Finance Dept. pnarY — DePt. CITY OF SAINT PAIIL OFFSGE OF TEiE MAYOR ADMINIS'IRATIVE ORDER • No: � It.�� Date: � � ~ ` ~ _ � ADMINISTRAI'IVE ORDER, In the matter of that certain contract knocm as Activity No. 26024 for 1995 INFLOW $ INFILTRATION CORRECPIONS City Pro3ect No. 95-5-1844 , Schuxcon Inc. Contractor, the speeified date of completion is July , 1 and the Contractor did not complete the contract by said date of aompletion because additional work was added to the contract and it is hereby ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, extends the ti� of completion to DeCember 15, 1996 and it is FURTHER ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul hereby does waive claim for liquidated damages on this pro3ect. n ►_.I 'ROVED AS TO FORM � �✓�� Assistant City Attorney -�_�_�__ t-�-�- 1 Department Head ���� O—/Y. `7�s ' ��(,G <<� ��i""" „° Adminisirative Assistant to Mayor Public Works Construcpon �.� .� .1: OF SIGNATURE PAGB cm couacn. crtra �c Fw a ucr. se _ �«r u,. �.ac�,a�s wn ar�*� ��� � o�,w,M�rr Extend Conm�t Completi� Date from July 31,1996 to December 15,1996 1995 IlVFLOW & INFIl.TRATION CORRECfIONS, City Ps+oject 45-S-18d4 Conuactor: Schutcon, Inc. �%�� A[co.na�mnna+s�o,e 1w a a�C 1w _ PLANNNI(iCOMMLS510N_CIY�SEHYICECOMNSSSION GeC04MfTIEE _ A STAFF _ _ DISTHICTCOUNCIL �_ uts u+rtuho � �t1� 9r�or� GREEN SHEET No. 34618 PERSOHAl9EAY10EO0NTR11f:f8 MU4T AdSYYER THE F�(Cl�lll�y'�11�011.4: 1. Hes Nie peraorvfirm�_ver waMed urder8 contrac[ br this d�e'pardr�ent'? YES �O� Z ������aQ�,�� BNAYQR'� OFFi� �S 3. Does Uwa personl4rtn�oaaess a skik rat mrmaly poasesaetl by arry wrcettt ary empioyee? YES E�1dnWy�sf �akw�4alwt�nd��ehtogn�nshwt IN7MTING PROBLEM. ISSUE. OPPORTUNtTY (MNO. NMAT. MMEN, WriERE, YIH1�: Due to sewer repairs added ta this project, the Contractor was unable to camplete the work by duly 31, 1996. ADVANTAGE3IFAPPFOVED: T'he time extension aut�orizes additional contr�t dxr� rec�uired to complete the pro,}ec� ��C� �,;:.,.:.,� � ��:� �C7' a i 1��6 DISAWANTAGE3 None RECEIVED pGT 171996 C{TY CLER� pSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPqOVED: �ontractor's work performerl after July 3 i, 1996 will not be authorized. �nMCx�roFraA►�cnoas �qMGSOUpcE N!A NCW. INWRMATpN: (IXPUIM cos�ratvEe� euoc,Ereo {c�ac� o�� Q wo AcnYrtrNU�a C95-2T673-0784-2602A � � �