277349 WHITE - CITY CLERK ��349 PINK - FINANCE CANAR�'�- DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUi1C1I BLUE - MAYOR C�ty Attny/SDM File N 0. cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ENERGY PARK MASTER PLAN: POLICIES WHEREAS, A. On August 7, 1980 the Secretary, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") agreed to grant the City of Saint Paul an Urban Development Action Grant, Number #B-80-AA-27-0017 ("UDAG") , pursuant to the City' s Saint Paul Energy Park UDAG application of January 1980 . B. Since the City's application for UDAG funds, thousands of hours of citizens' time and staff time have been devoted to refining concepts associated with Energy Park, which refinements are represented in the Energy Park Master Plan: Policies (the "Master Plan") . C. The planning and financing of Energy Park has required negotiation and cooperation among City agencies; between City agencies and the Port Authority; between City representatives and citizen groups; and between the Port Authority and private developers. This cooperation and these negotiations are reflected in the Master Plan, its appendixes and agreements pursuant to it. D. The City did publish a notice of public hearing, a copy of which with proof of publication is on file with the City Clerk on the Master Plan. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by De partment of: Yeas Nays ^ Hunt r Levine In Favor hioddp� McMahon � B snoweiter __ Against y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY - By -- Approved by ;Nayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ gy WHITE - CITY CLERK y��yy� PINK - FINANCE ���A� CANARY - DEPARTMENT � COUflC1I � Bwe �- MAYOR C� ITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �` ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- E. The City held a public hearing on August 20, 1981, to consider the Master Plan and all persons who appeared were given an opportunity to express their views with respect to the Master Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that this Council finds the Master Plan to be an accurate and appropriate statement regarding public goals and objectives for Energy Park; and BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that this Council directs agents of the City of Saint Paul to examine studies, plans, agreements, contracts, and orders proposed to be approved, promulgated or adopted in connection with Energy Park and to determine same to be consistent with the Master Plan prior to taking action to approve, promulgate or adopt them. COU(VCILME[V Requestgd by De artm t Yeas Nays Hunt (- �evine J� In Favor �AAede�ar� McMahon 'D B snoWaite� - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson SEP iForm Approved b ity A orney Adopted by Council: Date — � , � l, CertifiE:d P• _ •ed by Counci Secr tary By f Bv - A d by ;Vlavor: at "`�Cr � ��� App by Mayor for Su i s on to C '1 By _ _ By P LISHED S EP 19 ]981 • , � �� , � �.., ,, � ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL i � e�� ': OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � �i�ii�n Q �����/� . ., ,��� 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATTMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR July 28, 1981 Council President Maddox and Members of the City Council RE: Energy Park Master Plan : Policies Enclosed for your review are exerpts (tan pages) of the subject document. The whole of the document in its current form is transmitted herewith as well . Both the exerpts and the book incorporate changes proposed by me and by the Planning Commission. All changes are underTined. Except for the changes (and the new cover) , the document is the same as the green-covered one you received in June (the Planning Commission public hearing draft) . Planning Commission Changes Changes recommended by the Planning Commission are identified by the letters "PC" in the margin next to the underlining. The Commission's changes are largely the result of its June 12 public hearing at which Council 46, the Port Authority, the Chamber of Commerce and two members of the general public testified. The Commission's changes to the green-covered draft reflect most of the suggestions presented by the Port Authority and by Council 46. In two regards, significant changes requested by the Port Authority and Council 46 were not made by the Commission. 1 . The Commission did not accept Council 46's position that a substantial commitment to additional publicly-provided open space and recreation service be made in Energy Park or the immediately adjacent area. I concur with the Commission's position. I will , however, commit to monitoring with Council 46 demands on open space and recreation service in districts 6, 7, and 10 and 11 as Energy Park develops. I will also commit to solution of any documentable open space/recreation problems which might develop and which are attributable to Energy Park. 2. The Commission did not accept the Port Authority's requested revision of Policy 34 (p. 64 in the green draft) . The Port Authority sought to have the policy changed so that the Energy Park Energy Company would be established by the Port Authority. The green-covered draft states that City Council would establish the company. I generally agree with the Commission's reasoning on this point but believe the policy needed clarification, which I have offered. I have enclosed Ms. Peggy Reichert's letter and attachments summarizing Commission action (white pages) for your information. � 7���/� � , . -2- �TT�� Mayor's Changes With few exceptions, my proposed changes (marked "Mayor" in the margin) result from the desire to achieve greater clarity or accuracy. "Energy Services Company" was changed throughout to "Energy Park Energy Company" when the City Attorney's office indicated that the former name would be a duplicatinn of an existing Mlinnesota corporation name. One important change to which I draw your attention is that represented by Figure 6. Figure 6 shows the latest site plan for Energy Park East. This site plan represents the result of re-siting negotiations between Control Data Corporation and the Port Authority. The negotiations, which were going on during Planning Commission review of the document, were made nec�ssary by the exchange in Fe6ruary of Burlington Northern's trailer-on-flat-Car facility for its Como Shops facility as an area to be included in Energy Park. As you can see in Figure 6, the location of Control Data's facility is now directly south of the Como Shops site. I have made necessary text changes which follow from Figure 6. I do not believe that any of those changes represent basic policy change with respect to Energy Park. They represent, rather, accommodation to the physical reality of a shift in the center of activity of Energy Park. Because these changes do not represent policy changes, I have not returned the Energy Park Master Plan: Policies to the Commission for further review. Recommendation and Requested Action I feel that the Commission has done a good job of reviewing or recommending policy regarding this complex undertaking. More than any other UDAG project to date, with the exception of Town Square, it represents a very public undertaking, one whose importance and benefit is city-wide and, perhaps, beyond. Because the project is in no small part a "public work", I request and recommend review of this document by City Council and a public hearing on it, as changed. I recommend it for your approval and have enclosed proposed resol'wtions which respectively set a public hearing and approve the Ener Park Master Plan: Policies. Sincerely, c e a mer M o cc (without book) : Council 46 Energy Park Extended Mailing List ENS "All" desigr�ees Mr. E. A. Kraut, Port Authority Planning Commission Department and Office Directors Mr. Steve Morrison, City Attorney's Office Development District Advisory Board Employment Connections Executive Council Mr. George Hadges (4) , CDC Mr. Paul Anderson, Honeywell cJ���'""'"��'��� ' � CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�`C1T7 0�•.�.. . . =a d -f -R ,•�, . co 'r-'.� �; ' � ' DEPARTMENT OF PLA I A � fCONONi{C DEVELOPMENT � . , ;„��1;� a� �� ht7t i91 tl M1 G �`'�; � �7?y�VISION OF PLANNING � �sa• � �'•'A���N'"°�` 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,M+nnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR July 1 , 1981 �°i:�C`�i'�''�;� ''` Mayor George Latimer c;ty of st. aau� . JUL 2 — 198�1 � 347 City Hall �AY��S Q����� c��J St. Paul , Mi nnesota 55102 w,a� : Nc ow�t -�cr, 'Re.P�.`J' Dear Mayor Latimer: �p� �/�� At its regular meeting on June 26, �981 , the St. Pau1 Planning Commission adopted the attached resolution regarding the proposed Plaster P�an for the St. Pau1 Energy Park, The Commission found ti�at the Energy Park Master Plan genera7ly conforms to the city's Comprehensive Plan. Specifical1y, the Energy Park P'lan incorporates many of the recorr�nendations of adopted CompreF�ensive P7an e7ements. These inc1ude specific Comprehensive Plan recommendations for streets and highways, land use, transit, economic deve7opment, and housing. The Cornnission has also recommended that the Mayor and City Council consider amendments to the hearing draft of the Energy Park `Master Plan as outlined in the attached report. The amendments recommended by the Commission for your consideration relate to management and implementation of Energy Park's deve1opment and operations. These are not Comprehensive Plan issues per se, but the CommissTOn felt they are important for public discussion, given Energy Park`s intent to be a model of energy efficiency and management. Please review the Energy Park Master Plan and Planning CommTSSion report and forward them to the City Council for its considerat�on. P�anning Division staff wi11 be available to review the Master Plan with you and the Council at your convenience. Sincerely, � �� � ���17 Peggy A. Reichert Deputy Director, Planning cc: James Bellus Steve We1lington Gene Kraut . ._.,...�._.._ _ ___...,__._.____ ._._...�,�.�.r_._......__...._�.�.._.....____..r��,.�._.r�.,.�.._��_. ... _.�. .,. ..��..T,.. _� __...._._�M.,, _ __ _ _ � , , � ������ � ����3 ci�y of sa�r�� paui pfanning corn�ission resolutit�n til� nurn�er 87-24 date June 26, ,98, . WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul and the St. Paul Port Authority have prepared a Master Plan for the proposed St. Paul Energy Park entitled Ener4y Park Master Plan: Policies; and . WHEREAS, the Comprehensive P7anning Committee has reviewed the Master Plan with Counci7 46, City and Port Auti�ority staff and interested individuals; and . WHEREAS, the Planning Comnission held a public hearing on the Plan and heard testimony from Council 46, from the St. Paul Area Cham6er of Corronerce and from individual citizens; and � . WNEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Committee has reviewed and consid�red . the public hearing testimony and has recommended appropriate changes to the Plan; and - � WNEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Coir�nittee, Planning Commission, and City Council have previnusly reviewed and approved the "Deve7opment Program and Tax Increment Financing P1an for the Energy: Park Development Qistrict"; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the St. Pau1 Planning Commission finds that the Energy Park Master Plan is consistent with the recommendations of the St. Paul Comprehensive Plan: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Planning Commission recommends that the P�ayor an�i Ci ty Cour�ci 1 consi der amendmei�ts tu the pl an, as out i i ned i n the June 19 mema from the Comprehensive P7anning Committee; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission direct the staff to forward the Master Plan and recommended amendments to the Mayor and City Council for their consideration and approval . ,. _ _ � • ����� by Bryan . s�c�r�d�d b� Grai s in favor �4 ac,�ains�___�_.� � . .._ .�...�_.R..��.�.__,��,�..�.�...�. _�.. . �..��.r__.._�.�.�....�..�.. __�__... _ _ �_. . ����� ��� � �_.,,u�a,� � �� e _=:�°lTT °-�,� . , CITY OF SAINT PAUL r k `"� 9 'i: 1� . • =_ .�� a�; DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AN� E�ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT G, .n�n��uni �� ,,e �1lillil�ll 0 6 � `'�` � DtVISION OF PLANN{NG ,., �ae�� '`° "' 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55t02 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR r�FMORAP�DUM DATE: June 19, 1981 T0: Planning Commission FROM: Carolyn Cochrane, Comprehensive planning Committee RE: Energy Park Master Plan INTRODUCTION On June 18, 1981 , the Comprehensive Planning Corrqnittee reconvened to consider the proposed master plan for Energy Park and the comments received at the June 12 pubiic hearing. In addition to the testimony receTVed at the hearing, the Corr�nission received a letter from �he St. Paul Port Authority recommending specific cFranges to the draft Master Plan. Following Ts a report o� the Committee's findings and recorr�nendations: FINDINGS A. Energy Park's ove�^all objective, that of being a model of energy efficien�y in urban development and management is a lauda6ie and difficult goal . As outlined in the Comprehensive Plan's introduction, this is a contemporary issue that the city must address. As such, the Energy Park proposal is an appropriate and advisable pro�ect. B. The Committee is satisfied that the Energy Park Master Plan generally conforms to the Comprehensive Plan. Specifically, the Energy Park .Plan incorporates many recomnendations of adopted Comprehensive Plan elements. These include major considerations found in the Street and Highway Plan, Land Use Plan, Transit Plan, District 10 Plan, Economic Development Strategy, Flousing Plan, and Implementation Strategy. In addition, the Master Plan is consistent with policies and objectives of other elements not directly affected by the Energy Park proposal . These include the, Bicycle Plan, Multi-Service Center Plan, �1re Services Plan, Sewer Plan and District Plans for ad�acent dTStricts. C. One of the most difficult issues addressed by the Comnittee has been that of recreationa1 needs and facilities. Based on information provided by the Development Division and the Division of Parks and Recreation, the Committee- has concluded that Energy Park will not unduly stress recreationa1 facilities or programs in the vicinity. The Committee feels that the combination of existing facilities, pro�ected improvements to these facilities, plus some limited recreational facilities to be provided by the Energy Park deve�opers on the site should be adequate to meet the needs of new residents and employees, plus existing neighborhood residents. Consequently, no major new recreational facilities are recomnended in the vicinity of Energy Park (except the already approved new athletic facility and the improvements to Como Park). This position is also consistent with relevant provisions of the Parks and Recreation Plan. �O � � ' : ' � -2- D. Other issues concerning the Port Authority, community and Committee, all centered on the management of Energy Park's development and operations. These inc1uded the make-up and responsibilities of advisory boards , ownership and management of the Energy System, etc. The Committee spent considerable time discussing these types of issues , realizing that at this level of detaiT , there is little relevancy to the Comprehensive P1an. For example, it makes little difference to the considerations of the Comprehensive Plan whether the company to manage the Energy System is determined by the City Council or Port Authority. Nevertheless, the Comm�ttee felt that these types of issues were important for public discussion, given Energy Park's intention of being a model of energy efficiency and management. Consequently, the Committee has made specific recommendations in the Implementation Chapter of the� Master Plan that reflect an ef-Ficient yet flexible means of developing, managing and operating the complex programs suitable for this development. RECOMMENDATIONS A. That the Planning Corranission recommend that the Mayor and City Council consider the following language changes as amendments to the June 1981 Hearing Draft of the Energy Park Master Plan: , 1 . (page 17 and 41 � Omit all references to the Wilson School site as a potential site for recreationa7 facilities. 2. (pages 75-76) Rewrite recorrmendations for "organization" as follows: 1 . ORGANIZATION: l .a)The City is well-organized and prepared to insure that its pTanning and development mechanism can monitor and coordinate actions to take place in Energy Park. Administratively, it will utilize existing arganiza- tions and agencies to carry out projects. "The St. Paul Port Authority will own, manage the development of, maintain, market and lease Energy Park developable property. It will be responsible for carrying out the development of Energy Park including the management of construction, infrastructure and development in accordance with the Energy Park Master Plan: Policies and other adopted City policies. The Port Authority will finance development proposals in Energy Park and ensure that the high ideal of energy ef-�iciency set forth in the � development covenants are met. The Port Authority will manage the expenditure of funds for development of the Energy Park and in cooperation with the City will assure that a11 federal , state and local regulations are complied with. - Many entities and/or organizations have specified decision-making powers or review functions which they exercise under existing law. A71 required decisions and 'reviews will , of course, be followed for matters relating to Energy Park. This will include actions required to be taken by the � Mayor, St. Paul City Council and St. Paul Port Authority. As part of such decision making, these entities will rely on advice, as they have in the past, on such organizations as the St. Paul Planning Corr�nission, the CIB Corr�nnittee, and affected District Councils. . i , � � • ' -3- � /! ����r� District Councils in Districts 6, 7, 10, 11 , and 12 will continue to advise the City Council , Planning Commission and CIB Committee on relevant issues . Council 46, which is made up of representatives of the above named Districts and the Midway Civic and Commerce Association, will continue to serve as the focal point for District Council input on matters related to Energy Park. b� In order to coordinate the efforts of City Departments and Agencies for their work on Energy Park, a City Project Manager will be designated for Energy Park who will coordinate City action related to Energy Park. c� The following organizations or boards will be established to undertake specific responsibilities within Energy Park: 1 . The Energy Park Management Team will have two designated representatives from the City ofi St. Pau1 ,St. Pau1 Aort Authority, A.H.W. Corporation, Control Data Corp. , Honeywell and the Energy Center Building, Inc. 2. The Energy Park energy system will be operated by NSP (as the Energy Service Company under contract to the St. Paul Port Authority. The Board of Directors for the Energy Service Company will consist of one representative from the City of St. Paul , St. Paul Port Authority, Northern States Power Company, Control Qata Corporation, AHW Corporation, Honeywell , and the Energy Center Building, Inc. 3. An Energy Park Design Review Board wiil be established to review project proposals for conformance with standards and recommendations contained in the Energy Park design guidelines. The Board will make recommendations to tf�e St. Paul Port Authority. The Port Authority, City, AHW Corporation, Control Data Corp. , Energy Center Building, Inc. , and Council 46 will each designate a representative to serve on the Design Review Board. In designating their representatives, organizations are encouraged to consider repr�esentation in the following disciplines: Urban DesignJArchitecture, Landscape Architecture, Energy Systems, Development and Security Design. 4. The Energy Park Employment Connections Executive Council will be appointed by the Mayor to develop, organize and implement the employee recruitment, training and placement program. Subsequent to implementation of the employee recruitment, training and placement program, the Executive Corrnnittee will organize an Energy Park employers' cooperative. The cooperative will permit the employers , as the stockholders in the Park, to continue to interact and plan for change and improvement consistent with the Park concept. The cooperative's first program activity will be to manage and operate the employee recruitment, training and placement program. By incorporating the program as a member service, employers will have a ma�or role in designin.g the training programs and assure themselves of a capable, we11-trained work force. The cooperative may wish to add other services to its recruiting as needs dictate. - � . � . : � � � ���y� . -4- 5. An Energy Park Development District Advisory Board will be appointed by the Mayor in accordance with provisions of the Municipal Development District Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 472A. The Advisory Board shall advise the City and the District Administrator (Port Authority of the City of St. Paul , Minnesota) on the planning, cons�ruction and implementation of the development program and the maintenance and operation of the District after the program has been completed. The initial members of the Advisory Board, who shall serve a term of office for two years, will be representatives of the City of St. Paul , Port Authority of the City of St. Paul , AHW, Inc. , Control Data Corporation, and three representatives of Council 46. B. That the Planning Commission recognize the Energy Park Master Plan and recormnended amendments as consistent with the St. Paul Comprehensive P1an, and forward these recorr�nendations to the Mayor and City Council for their consideration. A proposed resolution to that effect is attached. cc: Peggy Reichert, Planning Division Steve Wellington,, Development Division Eugene Kraut, Port Authority . - . �� � y,� . . . . �� :.�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMfNTAI MEMORANDUM 19 June 1981 � To: Planning Commission From: Rick Wiederhorn, Planning Staff — Re: Energy Park Master Plan There are two inadvertant omissions to the Comprehensive Planning Corr�nittee report accompanying the proposed resolution on the Energy Park Master Plan for ti�e June 26 Corr�nission Meeting. Both omissions sF�ould be in the Committee's recommended language changes on pages 3-4 of the report. In both instances, the committee approved additional statements that didn't make it into the report. They are highlighted below. a) Pg. 3; par. c.3; line 6: " . .Building, Inc. , ENERGY SERVICE COMPANY, and Council 46. . .° b) Pg. 4 (a new paragraph): "3. Rewrite the recommendation for '�Additional Monitering & Study'' (pg 82) as follows: par. 5.b; line 2: . . .wi11 moniter NOISE, traffic and parking patterns. . .° I apologize for the inconvenience and confusion. cc: Peggy Reichert , Greg Haupt Ken Dzugan Kathy Zieman ,� � ,...,y� ��''���9 ;�i CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: August 26, 1981 T0: A1 Olson, City Clerk FROM: Gregory Haupt ���,�rd'� K RE: Energy Park Maste Plan: Policies Please arrange to have the resolution by which City Council would approve the subject plan on the Council agenda of the meeting of Tuesday, September 1 . Thank you. GJH:dma cc: Ken Dzugan Kathy Zieman l ►''j��� •� � 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY . ROSEMARY J FRANR , being . __ duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and during � , - all times herein stated has been, Clerk of the Northwest Publications, Inc., publisher of the � ,� ,�� newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, St. '`'�° ' "��� ' Paul Pioneer Press, St. Paul Sunday Pioneer �:+�►�r c«,�: ,;,,k„� 9,;�„�, Press, a newspaper of general circulation within ""i�'' ' .,�'P;,�' the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey. '�eh A a�4sMr� # That the Notice hereto attached was cut from �.`' � �a���` the columns of said newspaper and was printed � � and published therein on the following dates: � ��� 8th day of AUG , 19 9�. a K. "�': �. � , day of , 19 ► � �� day of , 19 ,,, � �"' '' dayof , 19 �, �" i� °,�� day of , 19 s � � day of , 19 �A ��� ` �,� day of , 19 � �a„ � ..a.r� J�' ►���v: Y �rk, o qtviny ��� °„�,';"T,; Subscribed and sworn to before me this ;,�; �}� day �►f , 19 �— �M � �•p •11N ; i�/�� �y, 1 �' '� � otan� Public " °" � ' �,«,�' Waahin ton c�,r ��,,,�,H� g County, Minnesota �'�"''rG�'����"�.,h; My commission expires —���.�— , 19 ---g� ,����� �"'� �+r,: , .::. _ , i�wo�tw.�ai. . ���a�,u���m�,��nc,�saasa�,ma��n�,��� F����,� lar� � ;j��:;:,-,. M RITCHIE a,�����ah( � �`,`,�;,. KP,Y NOTARY PUpLtC � 1�!P!'vES07A � e �j�� WASH!N -, Gi�NCOUP,1i�/ � .' ... ' My Commission Expires Oct �p. 7987 � k'G'F��W�mb�rl�m�rcrm�Gwvw�rvr�y�vt'�ivr��qr�� � � }� � � � L� a j a� ( �T1WE MRI�,C� �M� TEfl.1!LJK�t,�4 C 1�S '��!����G09tN+11G:z:. : N �s e :ti�;�n. t�, _} _ tM Cq �tMyt 1�fu( OM�• i _°:t 1M ' e�r � � n i .. ` . . 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