277342 Wti1TE - CITY CLERK �' /�A� PINK - FINANCE COU[IC11 i Y CANARY - DEPARTMENT G Y O F S A I�N T PA LT L BLYE - MAYOR - File N . o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUED, that upon recommendation of the Mayor and pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of t�he Charter of the City of St. Paul, there is hereby transferred the following in the 1981 budget: From: General Government Accounts Contingent Reserve General Transfer to Budget Fund $12,000 09060-536-000 �-3.-5-,-99-0 To: General Government Accounts Employee Parking $12,000 09948-237-000 fi3-5-�68� To provide for increased rates for employee parking at the Civic Center parking ramp. Rate per month has increased from $14 to $20 per month. Approved as to funding: Approved: , C� Dir. , D . of Finance and B dget Dire tor Manageme Services � sl����► �'u� COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine � In Favo[ Maddox McMahon B snowaite� - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson �� � _1_i �� Form Approved it ttor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified •Ss by C unc' ec ry BY By, _ � - A e by ;Navor: Dat S � 1981 Appr v d by Ma or or Su io tctCouncil By _ BY Pu HED S E P 19 1981� ...,,.,�,.,,, . . � � � � ��734� � =:�``*' °'�;���- CITY OF SAINT PAUL � _� ,.,, �� '= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES %: i�i�iii°i '' ,,;•� �� ; DIVISION OF ACCOUNTING J��"'im�������� 234 Clty Hd�� GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 I MAYOR I II M E M 0 R A N D U M I To: Ron Kline / From: Toni Sassor ' �� Date: May 1, 1981 Re: Parking Fund (09948) II Due to an increase in the Civic Center Parking Monthly passes, now $20.00/each per month and an increase in employees receiving these passes, Fund Number 09948 will require additional appropriation accomplished by a transfer. 1981 Budget (09948) $24,000.00 � Expended from 09948-237-000 as of 4/30/81 I� for Civic Center Parking 11,263.00 j Other Parking expenses 1,357.00 I Balance as of 5/1/81 $11,380.00 I, �I Monthly expenditures from this fund have been approximately $3,100.00. � Approximate needs to year-end are $25,600.00. A transfer of $15,000.00 � should be sufficient until year end. I � I I j�� � � I � I �� . . 1981 � (tJ`3}Gr Civic Center Monthly Parking I .January, 1981 April, 1981 City Attorney 2 City Attorney 2 I Urban Corps 1 Urban Corps 1 � Civic Center 1 Civic Center 1 � Elections 1 Elections 1 I City Council 10 City Council 10 � Finance 15 Finance 15 � Public Works 11 Public Works 11 Water 9 Water 9 PED 23 PED 26 Comm. Serv. Adm. 2 Comm. Serv. Adm. 2 Housing & Bldg. 64 Housing & Bldg. 52 Parks & Rec. 2 Parks & Rec. 11 �Iuman Rights 7 Human Rights 7 Personnel 1 Personnel � I I I February, 1981 May, 1981 City Attorney � 2 City Attorney 2 � Urban Corps 1 Urban Corps 1 Civic Center 1 Civic Center 1 Elections 1 Elections 1 City Council 11 City Council 12 I Finance 15 Finance 14 Public Works 11 Public Works 11 � Water 9 Water 9 PED 23 PED 26 Comm. Serv. Adm. 2 Comm. Se:-v. Adm. 2 I Housing & Bldg. 46 Housing & Bldg. 56 i Yarks & Rec. 2 Parks & Rec. 11 Hur,tan Rights 7 Human Rights 7 I� Personnel 1 Personnel 1 � I March, 1981 City Attorney 2 Urban Corps 1 Civic Center 1 Flections 1 City Council 10 I Finance 15 i Public Works 11 I Water 9 I PED 24 Comm. Serv. Adm. Z Housing & Bldg. 52 I Parks & Rec. 5 � Human Rights 7 � � Personnel 1 j � I . • 198Q ���`3� Civic Center Monthly Parking � � I I Begitining month - March, 1980 I June, 1980 I City Attorney 1 City Attorney 2 Urban Corps 1 Urban Corps 1 Civic Center 1 Civic Center � Elections 1 Elections 1 � City Council 9 City Council g ��� Finance 9 Finance 12 Public Works 11 Public Zdorks 14 Water 7 Water ' � I PED 16 PED� � 19 Comm. Serv. Adm. 2 Comm. Serv. Adm. 2 Housing & Bldg. 54 Housing & Bldg. 15 � Parks & Rec. 10 Parks & Rec. 1 Human Rights 4 Human Rights 5 April, 1980 July, 1980 City Attorney 2 City Attorney 2 Urban Corps 1 Urban Corps 1 Civic Center 1 Civic Center 1 � Eiections 1 Elections 1 �I City Council 9 City Council 9 I Finance 10 Finance 9 Public Works 9 Public Works 11 Water 7 Water � PED 16 PED 20 Comm. Serv. Adm. 0 Comm. Serv. Adm. 3 Housing & Bldg. 14 Housing & Bldg. ls Parks & Rec. 1 Parks & Rec. 1 I Humaz Rights 5 Human Rights 5 I I May, 1980 August- December, 1980 I City Attorney 2 City Attorney Z Urban Corps 1 Urban Corps 1 � Civic Center 1 Civic Center 1 I Elections 1 Elections 1 ' City Council 9 City Council 10 Finance 10 Finance 15 Public Works 9 Public Works 11 Water 7 Water � PED 18 PED 24 Comm. Serv. Adm. 2 Comm. Serv. Adm. - 2 Housing & Bldg. 15 Housing & Bldg. 22 Yarks & Rec. 1 Parks & Rec. z Hurnan Rights 5 Human Rights 6 Personnel 1 �, �...�� . . ,. d� � . . �. . � � r '. . ... �: :. � �' . .. • .:� , . . . . . . . . -. . ..� ....:.. , ,. .. .. _ . . . . , .. - ,. , . ' ��.�. . . . _ . . ' . . _. .. . � , . . .. � . . ' ':._ ., � .S: �... � .. � . . . . �.� . . .. ... '. . . . . � . � �' . . .. . ��0� 0�1 i ' .4lsf 14��7 ; . _ . R��. : 9 j8/7�5 - EXPLFiNATiON OF ADMIi�iISTRATIVE :ORDERS, � - " RLSOLUTrONS, AND ORDINANCES � Y �, ,,. ° : ,RF�F��EQ . F _ : : RECEIVED o �YtS �9 ; � �=- : ' Date: May :�4, 1981 �,�,�,��j��,� $� MAY 151981 � FNr oF��,� , r p M����� �� TO: MAX4R G�RGE LATIMER CITY A�fO�t►i�l�i �� � FR: Tom Cr�; Budget Section g�: Council resolutfon increasing appropriation fo= emp.Io�e+e par�ing- � R�C�l�/E�D � . ' � MAY 18 �98i : , : MA�4RS QF��E `�,crzox: ��u����: ,_ . � � - , . ` APP�flval a� reso�utifln. - .. �. PURPO�E ANQ.'.�A�IONA� FOR THIS ACTION: �:� The �aQ�tea emplo�ee parking fee at the Civic Center Xamp Qf $14 � per n�an�h has �ee� �r�ereased to .520 per month effective Janu�►�y, 198].. ,: The o�,�,ginal.=�u �f $28,000 will ]�e inc�eased by $15,QU0 to $43,000. ,; _ � _ : , ;;� Expend��:��s� fr , t�iis�activity are returned at ye�ar en.d to the City u. o�f St. ��I d�bt ' serviCe fund from the Civie Genter to be appli�d � ag�ir�s� tL�� C�vic Ce���r debt outstanding. . .� - < � ;. P�TTACI�MENTS, ' � �FINAI�TCI�I+ Ii��iCT s': : .• �onti,r�qent R�serve �a�a�ce �73,761 Les�s; g�ending res�olutions 14 ,08� ; , - �„Ze�`a� this re,solution 15 OOU � _ P`,r+�o��d ccantinge�t re�. balance ��,�5�'f . - , � : - . . ; : >: , : �; � � _ _ . � , - � . , , . � ' � ��V'=� , , - ' , ; , . - , ' - � .}1u�e 2, 1981 -- ' - , , . - _ _ � , i�uac3�l.rsa tieoi'�e �fallnhon . : , �fit►ir�en, F#.aep�oep�1'�s�gemeaL b Psrsonael t�oroit�es _ , 7�h �"ioar, �l.t�,�fr Aall _ . .. ; _ • Dsar pona�il�ot'i D�clNLpns ' . _ " - T'�e�City t�ou�oll reterr�a�! to �he �'in�ace,�lb�e�goa�ent`b Pbr�onae2. �omo�.tt�ee lao�r cou�tideration ewd recaea�e�clst�, a .resalutiori ` , surendir� .the 198.i. Hua�et t�v�`tre�nsrar�rinig #15s000. �-c�►tsageot . � � Iisserv�e to Q�et�ral flov�ert�st Ac�atmL+��I�ree Ba�ltiog. : , ] , _ � . - r , - j►�"�' t� Y'�"$i , . . . ; . .. _ Al. Olaot� - . � � ` , , _ Ci�y Clerk ; � � , - • . , Att+�ch. _ - . ,_ AeQtLa � , , _ . . , - , .-- cc s M�nor•s oftl.ca _ , � - . � . � � . _ . � . , - - , _y � . . l , A . "' - ` , r . , - , • ` � _ . : . �, - ' : : . � . � ; , _ � '`. , .' • CI'.�Y OF ,�A.Ii�7T PA�CTL �� . ., O�'FICE OF TH.d. CITY COUNCiL ��� '"° i� .�}�, �.,.,+�,- � j ��ao���as•� .. _ !'�-y.��'• ,.r. . � � �' Date : .August 2s, 19s1 r. ' co � � �i�r� � � � � a �°r TO : Sain� Paui City Councii .. _ - , F R O i`II ' C OITI lY1 I��e@ O IZ FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL �eorqe McMahon �-Cha1P�t1d11, maltes the fotlowir�4 report on C.F. ' _[� Ordinanc� � Q Resolutian . � Of�F@C' -- MATTER REFERRED TO COMMITTEE � . � ��l-� � Resolution amending the 1981 Budget by transferring $15,000 from Contingent Reserve to General Government Accounts- Employee Parking. At its meeting of August 27, 1981, the Finance Committee voted to ame'nd resolution reducing amount of .transfer from $15,000 to $12,000 and recommended approval of amended resolution. CITY HAI.L SEVEz.�1TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 551 � :::�,� . • • � E � � ..,..,,,,,,,�,� � :`��`TT 0����� I :�• ;�-,,, CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �� �= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES I %� {i�iiin A�� I �`�' = DIVISION OF ACCOUNTING i ,��""+m������`���1 234 City Hdll �i GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 ', MAYOR • `�CI„!�I�� I I�I AUG 251981 M E M O R A N D U M O�CE OF GEORGE McMAHON II To: Geor e McMahon, Chairman II g Finance, Management & Personnel Committee From: Toni Sassor � II , Date: August 25, 1981 i Re: Pending Council Resolution transferring funds from Contingent � Reserve to General Government Accounts -- Employee Parking The attached data reflects the effort to reduce the number of Civic Center Monthly Parking passes purchased by the City of Saint Paul for employees I on a mileage reimbursement program. I Due to these efforts, the amount needed until the end of 1981 will now be � $12,000 as opposed to the $15,000 requested at the June 18, 1981 Finance �� Committee meeting. I I hope this information is sufficient to process the above referenced 'I Council resolution. I I� cc: Greg Blees Robert Trudeau II ts �I II I . I i,� � � a�p I . o 0 0 �� . o 0 0 4� . � .� o ��� . � O ri N � N r-i ri r-i � .D � O �t' N � � t` � I �p � � � N I � II II o I� o I . o IN Q N ri ri i--1 �p L[1 p� O d� N N N l` I I N � .-i �p r--1 ri �i O N � � 11 ~ N �--i ri r-i N O �-�I O t� N �G r-� l� I I 00 � . }j �--1 r-1 r-i r-i �O �-i (v� O I, ,--1 M r-i � y � I d+ �n � , a� `� a�i °; '� ►"'� N ri r-1 r-� r-i � ri ri N N �O r-1 � � � � '� w �I . I ri O � � I � � � I � � � � �+ '��(d N r-i r-1 r-i N d� ri O� �O N �O r--i [� ri d+ M a b I r-i r-1 i--i N 11'1 ri � r-1 i�+ � ( ri � � � �i . . �i O z I . �i I � +-y y,� r-I � �~ N r-i rl r-i O t1') ri C� � N N ri [�-� r-� p� � I �I ri r-i � '-i N t!'f r-1 � � I - � � � - � � � I N .�ri � II U � � � O N ri r-1 r-� O U1 r-1 O� d� N N tl1 l�- ri I r-1 .t+" i .�-� r-i r-i r-i N U1 'cM U! �--4 � � U1 N � a I � � � U� � N e-i ri r-i r-i t11 r-1 � M N �O N L�- ri N � �i .L1 � r-i e-d N 'd' I M . � w 1 ri � I z � j H � � � � o I � � I � N r-1 i-i r-1 O � � p� N N � N l� r-II p� I -� f'7 � � I � � II � . �v � I z � � � � I ro � � � �. Q ro . � A �' +-� � a a�"i � .� � � � x i J � � U � � � . ° � ai rx a i a�"i �', '� U �O L j c�i 3 � a� � a .a > � �• ,a '~ c�i �• � ~ � � � ,x � N � � -, a� M s� � °� ; � � i w o o � � � o a � A v � v w v w a � a v x a x a H v� . � . , � � ,- - � _ - . �'7��?!� ' `J���av��ytR . ", I � ♦� T T 0,•��'', = • :• CITY OF SA1NT PA L i ;+ -''• � ;; �f,,,,;,,,, ;� DEPARTMENT OF FiNANCE AND MANAGEM�NT SERVIC S ;� i���� ������ �: ,,, ,.� = DIVISIOV OF ACCOUNTfN ''''o���� I��• �`•`° 234 City H tl �+nw,v....�` , GEORGE LATIMER Saint Pau{,Minnesota 551 2 , MAYOR � I il i I . I � � 'I I , . M E M 0 R A N D U M I I ' I �o: Department Timekeepers , - '� I From: Toni Sassor' 1 r�`r �I ' Date: June 29, 1981 ' i Re: Civic Center Monthly Parking Passes • � It has come to our attention that some recipients of the Civic Center Monthly Parking passes are not using them on. a daily basis. The City of Saint Paul does pay for these passes in advance. The cost is $20.00 II per month per employee. I, I Would you please ask those employees receiving these passes if they do in fact I� use them on a daily basi.s. If not, please have their name removed from the list � and notify me as soon as possible. i� I The employee would still be eligible to use the "one day parking authorization" I passes when needed. i Thank you. I I I '� ts I I�I II , i ,` - I � � .a9ar�a I � . - { , . j . � - . ,.,.,•.,,,,,,,:�.. . _��`"` °'="�- CITY OF SAINT PAU ! =.+ ,., :�••. '� . �: DEPARTMENT OF FtNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERV{CE ' ''s: 'iii�iiii� >� '-� � "` DIVISION OF ACCOUNTINC� �..• . J:�,.,,.,,,,,,..��°'��' 234 City Hal' GEORGE UTIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55107 MAYOR I � . - M E M 0 R A N D U M !I� I i I - � I To: Kathy Christianson � I From: Toni Sassor I I Date: June 22, 19$1 ' I�' I Re: t4onthly Parking Passes for the Civic Center Parking Ramp i . ;� For the month of July, 1981 the Department of Planning and Economic Development will receive four parking passes for the four employees that are on a "regular" driving reimbursement plan. . All othe� employees on an "occasional" �driving reimbursement plan must use the "one � day parking authorizations". These daily passes are to be used only on those days � � , the claimant's car is actually used for City business. Automobile Reimbursement - � � rionthly Reports and "one day parking authorizations" used must be in agreement. � � i Under no circumstances are employees that are not authorized for mileage reimbxir�ec�ent to use the "one day parking authorizations". I Thank you. � I ts I i . !I � cc: Don Brau Jerry Mangle � I Mary Brau John Meier � � Tom Donohue Vicki Murry i Alan Emory Don Panagrossi Warren Frost Robert Simon • � � Ken Gauthier Steve Thompson � Joe Gomez Marshall Turner � � II Dave Gontarek John Wenker � Hugo Hendricks Roxanne Wilder Jackie Hicks Sharyn Sunda Jerry Jenkins A1 Amiot Carolyn Larsin ' Paul LaPointe I , _ . �� • I VINK- - FINANCE G I TY O F SA"I NT PA U L Council '-�'��.( i CANARY -DEPARTMENT ' File NO. -� • � �� � 9LV[� -MAVOR � • � or in�nce ordinance N 0. ���� �� , Presented By � - Referred Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date ' An administrative ordinance authorizing the establishment of a plan for parking reimbursement for City employees; amending � the Saint Paul Administrative Code by add- I ing a chapter. I � THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: I I Section 1. , That the Saint Paul Administrative Code be and the same is I hereby amended by adding a new chapter 33A to read as follows: I CHAPTER 33A. PARKING REIMBURSEMENT FOR CITY EMPLOYEES li 33A.01. Parking reimbursement authorization. �� For those officers and employees of the City in collective bargaining units who do not have provision in their bargain- ing ,agreements dealing with parking reimbursement, and for those officers and employees who are not in coll-�ctive bargaining units, the mayor may establish by administrative � _ order a plan of parking reimbursement. This ordinance shall � not be applicable to elected officiaZs. � Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) I days from and after its passage, approval and publication. i I ''� i COUNCILMEN � I • Requested by Department of: Yeas (��MAHON Nays �.� � , � � [n Favor I� — Hozza 'i Hunt � Levine � Against BY �I Maddox � . ' Showal . � I Te co Form Approved by City,Attorney � ' Adopte y Council: Date ��� a ry ��— \ I `, �� �' �- . � , J��� C ified Pas by oun ' cretary BY , B ��� �J ' ; Ap o e by Mayor: APR � 8 1980 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council I By BY - 'i — l�us�EO APR 2 6 1980