277338 WHITE - CITY CLERK �• �/��.Q�. PINK - FINANCE COUIICII o u CANAR� - DEPARTMENT G O F S A I N T PA LT L BLUE - MAYOR File N . ` cil Resolution , _ . Presented By Referred To - -" Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the f�letropo1�tan Land Plann�ng Act, Minnesota Statut�s, Section 473.851-47 .872, requires that the City of St. Paul prepare and submit a comprehensive plan to the Metropolitan Council ; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council and City of St. Paul have entered into a contract numbered 78125 dated November 2, 1�78 for Local P1anning Assistance Grants which was subsequent1y amended on May 24, 19.7�, awarding a total amount of $91 ,090 to ass st the C�ty of St. Paul in carrying out �he required planning; and WHERAS, the Metropoli�an Council has allocated $32,585 to the City of St. Paul in additjonal grant funds for 1980-81 ; and WHEREAS, City of St. Paul has completed the planning program required of it by the Metropolitan Land P1annjng Act; and WHEREAS, the actual total cost of the required p1anning activit�es was as documente by the fina1 progress report attached hereto; and 4JHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council has estab1ished a discretionary fund from which to make awards to local un9ts demonstrating a need for additional funds and having a 1ack of financia1 resources; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul be1ieves that �t is qualified to receive discretionar funds, as demonstrated on the attached app1jcation form; and WHEREAS, the total grants from the Metropol�tan Council of $128,031 will not exceed 75% of the total actua1 cost of carrying out the required planning; and WHEREAS, grant funds �From other sources , plus Metropolitan Council grants , wi11 not exceed 100% of the actua1 planning cost, NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVED, the City of St. Paul requests $32,585 in 1980-81 entitlement funds; and COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine -� In Favor Maddox - McMahon B snowaiter - Against Y Tedesco -iAfi�aaw-- Form Appr ity Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date Certifie�"=�ssed �Co�c.il Se9retary ` BY � By l�- - — -- Approved by ;Vlayor. Date _ Appro y Mayor for Su m on to Council BY - - WMITE - CITY CLERK ��3� PINK - FINANCE - CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L COII[1CII � BLUE ^ - MAYOR . F1Ie N O. " Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date _2„ FURTHER BE �T RESOI,VED, the City of St, Pau1 requests $4,356 �n 148o�1981 discr�tio ary grant funds and authori.zes the Deputy Djt^ector of Plann�ng to execute the Agreement Amendment to the above�-referenced con�t^act on its behalf. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by De�tment of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox O McMahon B snoWaiter __ Against Y Tedesco YMI���� Adopted by Council: Date AuG 2 7 1gg� Form Ap oved by City Attorney Certified P�ssed by unc� Sec tary BY B}• ---�1��=F/��!�'lSUC�� , I 1 ' UG 31 1981 Approved b :Navor: Date App by Mayor for s ion to Council gy � r B PUBLISHED SEP 51981 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS. �'� ! � RESOLUTIONS, AND OROI��$.'V�D C +,k$�. - RECEIV�,'p . DATE: Au ust 11 , 1981 QuG 1 7 198t A� 1 s G '�1�81 CITY ATTORNEY �AVORS oFF�cE � T0: MAY�R GEORGE LATIMER , . FROM: Peggy Reichert, Deputy Director of Planning � , RE: Local Planning Assistance Grants _ , ,� , � !. ACTI�i REQUESTED Y't .��. .� _ . ;. �, :, Review and reca�rnend attached resoiution to City Counci1. iy � ' �' /• � '�a. . PURPOS� AND RATIONALE FQR THIS ACTION: �, � � The resol�rtion amends previous grant application and requests additional funds; both entit1ement and discretionary funds. Payment of these funds to the City will canclude the contract. , FINAPICIAL ZMPACT: , o Entitlement Grant to St. Paul $32,585 �iscretionary Grant to St. Paul 4,356 Total Grant 36,9 A17AC1�lENTS: Transmittal letter to Mayor to Council Draft Counci1 resalution . Resolution attachments �, _ ...... _ .. ._.._, .._.....,............._ _ ... � �_ ,�� .. . . .. . . . � � . �. . � :A!��. bEr,.i �"f ��� 8 - � ' 1980-81 Discretionary Fund Application Form (Revised 5/14/8].) Name of Local Unit City of St. Paul Name of Local Contact P er son Pegq.y A. Reichert, Deput_y Director of Planning Address 25 W. 4th St. . St. Paul Telephone Number z98-4509 DESCRIPTION: Briefly describe below the specific basis for the ocal unit' s request for discretionary funds. ' In the city's amended application of_ June 1 , 1980, we estimated total costs t -be $164,900. As of February 1981 , actual costs spent by St. Paul for required Comprehensive Planning activities was $237 ,566.95. In addition, the City inc rred Comprehensive Planning costs on portions not required by state law, but on it ms the City feels is important; e.g. , Economic Development Strategy and an overal�l Implementation Strategy. � AMOUNT REQUESTED: $ 4,356 Note: Total grants from the Council may not exceed 75 perce t of the actual cost of carrying out the requirements of the MetropolitanLand Planning Act, as documented by the final progress report. Furthermore, total grants from the Council plus grants from other sources (HUD 701, CDBG, Critical Areas, CE A) may not exceed 100 percent of the actual cost. RELATIONSHIP TO AWARD CRITERIA The award criteria to be used by the Council are provided be ow. � On the reverse side, explain how the local unit's request re ates to these criteria. A. First Priority Requests from local units that will receive first prior ty consideratin are those that were preallocated little or , no 1980-81 funds due to the funding limits based on the original cost estimates that turned out to be less than the � actual costs. Under this first priority status, a loca unit may be awarded an amount equal to the additional a ount it would have been preallocated under the 1980-81 formu a if no limitations were imposed. This amount (called the guideline amount) may be obtained by contacting Linda Tomaselli, Grants Coordinator, at 291-6517. A 1980-81 Amended Work Program (Appendix 8A of the grant guide.lin s) must be prepared and attached to this application. If he grant request exceeds this guideline amount award, the excess will be considered along with the second priorit requests. � ��8 , 1980-61 WO?2K ?ROGRr�M ?_*1EVDNTE:VT � Vane o° Cc^ununity or County: �1�}� Of �t. PdL� II �o�ai coz�a�t Person: Pe A. Reichert De ut Director of Plannin 3ddzess: 25 West Fourth Street, Room 1201 , St. Paul , MN 55102 '�'eleph�ne vumber: 9 - � Revised Cost Estinate ' Priginal Based on actual Costs Date work Program Ccst and �stimated Cost I Completed/Date � Ka'or Tasks �stimat� to Comolete ** to be Com leted � � 6-30-81 I. Land Use P?an I I i a. Iaventory � i I 3. �evelooment of � I ?olicies and Plans: ! I � ' i :. Land vse �46,200 I 82,013.68 � II 2. Protection � . 5,700 � 675.04 � ' - 3. :�ousinq �Z1 ,600 � 56,956.95 i i .�. Airport-Related I 500 ; 5,253.65 I Considerations � � Tz. :aci?ities PZan � � �� � 6-30-81 i ( � �. Inventor� ( ; I 3. Deve2opmer.t of I � � Policies and Plans: I i � 1: Transoor±ation 22,600 i 37,281 .23 z. sewer Po�icy 9,200 � 10,111 .84 � . , i, 3. ?arks and ooen Space � 4,100 � 10,802.56 � I I_=. I::D�P_Ii12Atat�on Program i � � � i � 6-30-81 3. _nventory � I ' �. Develogcnent of I � ?rograms & Descriptions: � � I 1, ofiicial Controls 9,2QQ � 2,058.78 ! i 2. Capital Imorovesnents 1�0,300 I 13,047.34 i II 1 3. xousing Zmplementation�24,700 I 19,365.87 ; i IV. Pzeparation and Adoption � � I oi Of�icial Controls ���,$QQ � --- � �, i I I Total cost of work ?rogram 1i64,900 � 237,566.95 � ' I � �-inancial Assistance other i than Council Grants (�L•D 701, I39,135 66,32� .5� � ' C�HG, C°TA, Crit?cal areas) I I � � . 3e�aining cosc T25�765 i 171 �245.38 � � * Based on estimates made in mid-1979. ** Based on actual costs through January of 1981 . - �.; - i � � 3�8 . i9so-ai �'� '++ORK ?ROG�M �i�VD^L�".+T . I \ane o� Cc*inunity or County: �jt�v Of St. Pdul � Local co-,;.a�t Person: Peqqv A. Reichert, Deputv Director of Planning ?ddress: 25 West Fourth Street, Room 1201 , St. Paul , MN 5510L � ^_'elepnone .tumber: ' ! Revised Cost Estimate priginal Based on actual Costs � Date Work Procram � Ccst and �stimated Cost ( Conpleted/Date ° � *:a'or Tasks '�st:mat�` to Com lete ** � to be Ccm le*_ed i ' 6-30-81 . Land Use Plan � I � ; � a. _Taventory i � � � i _ . I - 3. �eve�opsnent of � � � ?olicies and Plans: ; � . Land Use I � � � i46,200 I 82,013.68 � � � ' 2. Protection � 5,700 � 675.04 ; , 3. xousinq - �'L1 ;60fl �I 56,956.95 � .�. AirPort-�telated � 500 ` 5,253.65 Considerations � � ' � ' I ?z. :zcilities PZan � � � 6-30-81 � ; - � �. Zn�entor� � i � � I ' i 3. Development of ! . � ?olicies and Plans: � i ' 1. TransDO-:at=on 22,600 � 37,281 .23 � z.� sewer �o1:cy 9,200 I 10,111 .84 � � � 3. �arks and Open space � 4,��� � ��,802.56 � , , _--. ::-plementatyon ?rogram I � � 6-30-81 � � ' ' �. _Tnventory � I j . 5. Develo�nent of I I � 2rograms S Descriptions: � � 1: official Controls � 9,200 � 2,058.78 � _. capital Zmorover.ients �10,300 � 13,047.34 i 3. Housing z:nplesnencation�24,700 I 19,365.87 ; , I ; :V. ?reparat'_on and Adoption ' � � � of of:icial controls (10,800 � --- I ! � Total Cost of Work ?rogram � 1i64,900 237,566.95 � Financial Assistance Ot:�er � � � than Council Granzs (��� �ol, (39,135 66,321 .57 � C�BG, C:'-'?, Crit_cal ?.reas) I i ! �e�air.ing cost 1�25s765 ; 171 ,245.38 i � i * Based on estimates made in mid-1979. . ** Based on actual costs through January of 1981 . I - �a - Contract No. 78125 . F.Ii�IAL PROGRESS REPORT - I. Name of Grantee Ci tv of St. Paul ' � Z. Na�e of Local Contract Person Pegav A. Rei chert . Address �5 wP�t Fourth Street. Room 1201, St. Pau1 , P�N. 55102 � Telephone Number �AR-45�9 _ 3.. List on the reverse side the activities aad estimated costs of each which were listed in Appendix A. Also list the actnal cost .. of each activity and the date completed. Attach a brief explanaticn for cases where tize estimate3 cost and actual cost are substantially dissimilar. 4. Attach one copy of the ccm�rehensive plar:' prepared or upda�� . by the Grantes in accordanca with t'�e work progr�a shown on the reverse side. _ � 5. Certification of Compliance ` I here�y cer�ify on be�aalf of the Grantee t�'�at: �a. The costs shown on the reverse side are t�te t..Tue and ac:.uai � costs of completing the Grantea's comprehensive plan; and b. The grants provided by the abone-referenced con�act, as ame.*�ded, r.id not exceed 75 percent of the �otal cast or - � � 100 percent of t'�e remaininq cos� shown on �'�e reverse side; and c. all t�*�s o� the a.bove-ref ere.*�c� contrac� were me*. �" (s ignatur e? Title: De�utx Di rector for P1 anni nq Date: Auqust 14, 1981 - 37 -