277872 WNITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE :1 � �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUIICII �,1 �� ' � BLUE - MAYOR . Q 4 � File N 0. ��ty�Attny/J H uncil Resolution Presented By '' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That for the purpose of funding the Capital Improvement Budget for 1982, including the St. Anthony Hill Sewer Rehabilitation (Thomas-Dale Sewer) , of funding redevel- opment project activities, and of ineeting general fund cash flow requirements, the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon the recommendation of its Finance Management and Personnel Subcommittee and in accordance with appropriate statutory and charter provision, does hereby authorize the issuance of General Obligation Bonds and Tax Anticipation Certificates in 1982 as follows: a) Capital Improvement Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of Seven Million Eight Hundred Twenty Thousand ($7, 820,000) Dollars; b) Water Pollution Abatement Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of Six Million ($6,000,000) Dollars; c) Urban Renewal Bonds in the aggregate principal amount of Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000) Dollars; and d) Tax Anticipation Certificates in the aggregate principal amount of Twenty Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand ($27,500,000) Dollars. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Finance and Management Services �evine In Favot Maddox /iC��/ / McMahon B r/(/=� Showalter __ A gai ns t Y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by ;Vlavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ - BY - WHITE - CITY CLERK 1 O r- f �{ PINK - FINANCE /. CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII �,r �`������.� BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- RESOLVED FURTHER That the Acting Director of Finance and Management Services is hereby authorized and directed to initiate preparation of the appropriate documents looking toward the sale of such bonds and certificates and report to the Council with his recommendations details for the sale of the same no later than January 12, 1982 . i COUIVC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Hunt Nays Finance and Management Services Levine � In Favor Maddox hlNMehvn. Q� B snoWaiter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date DEC 2 2 1981 Form Appro ity Attor y f , Certified a_• y Cou cil , et BY Ap o by ;Vlavor. Da ,� �C 2 R �9$� Approved ayor for Su issi n to Council ��,, � i ! By _ — By PUBUSHED J A N 2 1982 � , " ; a� ��.: �� �,�� T �. � . � . �V, : �� � : �ev: : ��� so _ EXPL�'�NATiON OF ADMTNISTR?i�'IU`E ORDERS, I;c�v. : _ 4,f /gZ �' �SOLUTiONS A13D OR�TP `�3CES ; � �r� ` � Date: December 18, 1981 '� TO: Mayor George Latimer FRG7�'2: Gary R. Norstrem, DeparEment of Finance ead M��is�e�eut S�rv�.ces ` ;: � 'O�„. gE; Council Resolution Authoriz�.ag Issuance of General Ob1i��p�t`�o'n+d`� g Tax Anticipation Notes _. : ACTION REQUESTED: _ • � � � esolution�wil],�,a21ow fo� the ���psepaxat3.o�a�����in a�se�.c�g�t�,�:����o,����ell � the fo.11awing obligationsc ` � ' � .r' . $ 7,82Q,OQ0 . G.�. CIB Bonds,, la year t�rm � 6,�OD0,000 G.O. WPA Bonds•,. 15 year te� . � ^' • — SOU,OOQ G.U. Urb�n Renewal Bonds, . k0 yea� t��n 27,500,400 G.O. Tax AnCicipation CertificaCes, 13'`�a�ts . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: : 1. TE�e CIB Bond sele will provid�► for th� fi�ancing cf t1i�s. 19$3 '-_ � adopted CIB Program, plus th� H�gh Pres,�ure Sod�,um �tx�ee't �'" , Lighting program. - 2. 7'he Urban Renewal Sale wi11 allow for t�e canttnu6'� assistance � _ ; in financing specific Urban Renewa�. Prp�ects. , : 3. T'he Tax Anticipation Certificate Saie �rii1 provide sufft�:L+en�t' funding to keep a posi�ive Genersl �uurnc�,s� Debt Servi¢� P`�iad cash .flow du.ring 19$2 even though State aid� to lac�'1 gover�ent w�1.1 be delsyed. ; . 4. �e #�� Sale, if geceassry, wi12 continue the Ci�y's S�o�cat , `� �; Water Relief grogre�. If the ftinding is not �aeceasaxy #.n;. 1982, this sale may �r,e �rithdrawn from the total gaekage pa' � . or before January 12,° 19$7, FI�A�dCIAL II��PACT; � - . _ ���,s� �esolution will allow tne City'to incur fees a;s�aci�te�t with ��e.pxeparation for a Bond:Sale, m�i�tly �ho�e of the fina�cial . �dv#:�or` and:bond counsel, `�Anvther �esolut�QS� which wfll �e ,. •. . pres�ted on or about Jaausry 12, 1182 w�.11 address the :f3.��i�#,: � ' , ' : '� t�►e propos�d Baad and Note issues. • AT'�'ACHMENTS-c . �roposed Council Btseolution, CRN�:�td .` ; I � �-. - �� o ���- ' G r.�. t� � �7 � Jane Rettner 12/17 I , I �,1 or Mike -- � The resolution on this item " ', Ite9n #8 on Comnittee Report -- is being � i i prepared by Gary Norstrem in the Finance � �epartment. It will not be ready untll II 'I�esday morning, but George has agreed to I sign it just before Coimcil, so it should '�, i be placed on the Cotmcil agenda for the i 'I�.iesday, De��ber 22, meeting. � II � � • !, - �� � � i 'I I � . ��"�- ._', C��'�- or� ��ziv�' �'A-uL �rl'��`�.� �. . . r:;� �� ' O��FICE OF TH:� CITY GO�UNCIL '� )r.:� �!�•.. ! �4 v,,,r:,- �. �i.: R71 a�J�ii�l.,�... � � , . . �F� 71�ydC�J�'�• 1 . • ''- SF7 �� �. D a t e ; December 17, 1981 I' . � � C Q �i �tl ��°�°� E � � � 0 �?° '�; . �� . I _ TO : Sain� Pc�ui Gity Couneii '! . �'R 0 l�ii � C o m m i t�e� o n FINANCE, r�r�rrr � PERSO�L r , George McI4lahon, choirman, makes t(�e following �'i report on C.F. ��__� �rdir+ance I � (4) XX Resolufiion � Oi-h er . , `flTLE :: � � . At its meeting of December 17, 1981, the Finance Committee recommended approva� of the following: , _. .-- � . - ___ i 8. Resolution authorizing the sale of 1982 Tax Anticipation Notes, G.O. Cap��tal Improvement Bonds (including Street Lighting) , G.O. j�Vater Pollution Abate�nent Bonds and G.O. Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1982. , 9. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Si�rnnit National Bank, St. Pau1',, to protect city funds held in said bank. (12519-GM) ; ' I0. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Continental Bank, St. Paul, toj protect city fluids held in said bank. (12518-Q� � ; � 11. Resolution approving transfer of $23,570 to Parks and Recreation Division� ' for Mileage Reimbursement. ; i _ � II : i - � I - � � � � �� '�� �� � I �, CITY Hr'1LL SEVENTH FLOOR SAI�JT PAUL, 1�1I�iNES07I� SSI02 , ���,, -. i , � :�] ..+.-....._..-. .-.._..._ . . . . . . I f . J'° /4 °q}�r �)��� . . �,�t {„�.�nr ,�'i x �.� , a..����nnuR II =�`�`�*' °'�°°° CITY OF SAINT P UL =4� i'���. �� ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVI ES ';: ����"° ,.°� `�• = TREASURY DIVISION ��'"'+m�����°'��~ 219 Cit Hall GEORGE UITIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 5102 MAYOR 612-29 4406 December 11, 1981 �C(����/�� G V 1t' I C�C � 119�1 ' � Jane Rettner OFFICE 0� GEORGE McMAHON �� Councilman McMahons Office �'� i i ! Please insert following item on the Council Finance Committee Agenda for , December 17, 1981: II ��) Resolutions authorizing the sale of: I a) 1982 Tax Anticipation Notes ! b) G.O. Capital Improvement Bonds, Series 1982 (including � Street Lighting) �li c) G.O. Water Pollution Abatement Bonds, Series 1982 d) G,O. Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1982 Please let George know that I appreciate his courtesy in this action. I will bring the resolutions to his office for review by 11:00 A.M. on ' December 17. � Very truly yours, '� Gary R, Norstrem I Treasury Manager � , � ,I I I i �,I I i � �� I �I