277866 M�HITE - CI7V CLERK COUIICIl �j/r����� ��� PINK � - FINANCE G I TY OF � SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BI.U�� ,� MSIVOR PED & COP1MUNITY DEV P T �'O n il Resolution Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, staff of the Depdrtment of Planning and Economic Deyelopment (PED) and representatives of the six Identified Tt^eatment Areas (�TA's) have completed a joint eva1uation of the TTA funding and staffing proYided in 1981 and projection for 1982; and WHEREAS, there is need at this time to provide additional funding for the ITA's for 1982 consistent with the results of the recently-completed joint evaluat�on; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the Council Committee on Finance, Management & Personnel , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the fo1lowi_ng amendments to the Cammunity Development Block Grant Year VII Program in order to pro�ide funding for s�aff for each of the six ITA's in 1982: CURRENT INCREASE AMENDED PROJECT OR ACTIVITY BUDGET (DECREASE) TOTAL Unspecified Contingency $502,021 $ (42,000) $460,021 ITA Staff for 1982 -0- 42,000 42,000 39��7��o and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the funding for staff for each of the six ITA's be added to the appropriate Citizen Particip�tion District Budget, originally approved by Council on July 1, 1981 by Council Resolution 277047. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler P1 ning and Econqmic Develo ment Hozza In Favor Hunt .�,� ... __ . ,o`��l. L.evine __ Against BY , Maddox • Showalter Tedesco Form App by City tt n y Adopted by Council: Date i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By /lpproved by lflavor: Date _ Approv d b�or�r Submi to Council By _ — By � fi WNITE - CITY CLERK h (((��, PINK - FINANCE I ����]� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T l,�U L COUflC1I « BLU��, - i�IAYOR File N 0. Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - Page 2 - Current CD Year VII Revised CD Ye r VII Citizen Participation CD Year VIT Citizen Parti ipation District Name & Number District Budget ITA Staff 6udget District Bud t 3 - West Side $ 25,010 $ 5,000 $ 30,010 4 - Dayton's Bluff 22,150 5,000 29,150 5 - Payne Phalen 19,500 9,000 28,500 6 - North End 22,000 9,000 31,000 7 - Thomas-Dale 32,950 7,000 39,950 9 - West Seventh 22,011 7,000 29,011 TQTALS $143,621 $ 42,000 $189,621 �nd be i,t FTNALLY RESOLVED, that the funding approved by this Resolution represents the final year in which ��� funds will be allocated to provide funding for staff for each of the six current ITA's. Approved as to funding: a�� Di e tor, Department of Finance Gregor B1 s, �Bu get Director �) nd Management Services COU[VCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox Me�Aekw� d� B s�,owaite� - - __ Against Y — redesco Wiison � DEC 2 2 1981 Fotm Appr by City pppcc y � Adopted hy Council: Date _ �r � CertifiEd � s d Coun � Sec BY By A d by Ylayor. a �� � 0 19�, Approv by Mayor for Submis ' to Council g . g � . y - — Y PUBLISHED �q N 2 198� � • �� y� � .°..."�""�° , CITY OF SAINT PA�L _=8�`tT►p•• i � -" ��"' DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME T �o �, ''`+ _"'������" �; ROOM 1420, CITY HALL AN EX >• �� ��'�:,,. ,... ,,. 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,5 102 :�,;�,•::,.,�.., ' GEORGE LATIMER 612-298- 586 M11YOR , I' T0: Mayor George Lat�mer FROM: William Q. Patton`"G� � - - � �� Terry McNellis ', � DATE: December 1, 1981 RE: PED Staff Recommendation for 1982 ITA Staff Funding � Background . As you are aware, the six districts wherein CD Year V ITA's are located II have each received an additional CDBG allocation to their district Council 'i 6udgets to fund a part-time community organizer's salary. Funding for I this staff position began in April 1979, (City Council approval given , March 1979) at $6,000 per district. During a City staff/ITA representatives � joint evaluation held in December 1979, a subsequent revised allocation was recomnended for calendar year 1980 at $9,500 per district (totaling ' $57,000). ' Along with the staff's 1979 recommendation was the condition that the $57,000 � be reduced by 25 percent for calendar year 1981. This reduction was based on � two general beliefs concernig the structure and accomplishments of the ITA's: 1. The major part of the organizing and publicity work would have ' been accomplished during the first two years of the program (i .e. , 1979 and 1980). After two years, the need for staff would be reduced. �I � 2. One of the keys to success of an ITA is a strong and active citizens corr�nittee. With the establishement of an independent ITA committee, implementation of the ITA program could gradually shift from staff ' to the corrrani ttee. '�, While PED staff did recommend that a ceiling be established for future ITA !� staff allocations, there was agreement that a "special needs" provision to j the reduction be provided to allow for extenuating circumstances which preclude the ITA's anticipated progress. I The 1980 joint evaluation process involved individual meetings with PED ', staff and ITA/district staff and representatives. This individual assessment revealed that Railroad Island and Rice Street ITA's were experiencing more , difficulty than the others in meeting their objectives. Subsequent staff recorr�nendations for 1981 ITA staff funding reflected this disparity by recommending $9,000 for Railroad Island and Rice Street, and $7,000 for ', the other four ITA's. The total appropriation for calendar year 1982 was $46,000. , � li �I . - •a � � I �"� ���� Mayor George Latimer Page 2 1982 Evaluation The ITA Program Guidelines adopted by the City Council in June 1978, specified that an ITA could be completed within a 3 to 5 year period. All of the current ' ITA's are well into their third program year and hence, PED staff began focusing their attention on developing criteria which would identify an area's readiness for closure. Based on a staff evaluation of the current ITA program (August 198�) and subsequent discussions among Nousing and Community Development staff, the '� following were determined to be feasible criteria for closing out the CD V ITA's:i, 1. Seventy to eighty percent of the ITA's proposed housing objectives have been accomplished; 2. there is a decreased demand in the ITA for public-assisted rehabilitatioh; and 3. there are functioning ITA Residents Committees, block workers and/or task forces within the ITA. These criteria were used as a gauge for determining if the ITA's were approaching�'�, a point of closure. . ' � The 1981 joint evaluation process allowed each ITA to provide their own assessmen� regarding closure. Each ITA reported on their progress made toward meeting their original objectives and anticipated completion dates for all unmet needs. I Using ITA staff reports as a guide, PED staff inet individually with the ITA representatives to further discuss each ITA's unmet needs .and resources needed to meet these needs. These sessions proved to be very helpful in terms I of identifying target closure dates and continued funding for each area. Recommendation We are recommending continued 1982 funding for each of the six CD V ITA's at the following levels: ' RECOMMENDED ITA ANTICIPATED ' ITA STAFF FUNDING CLOSURE , West Side ITA $ 5,000 � September 30, 1982 Margaret/Sibley 5,000 September 30, 1982 Railroad Island 9,000 December 31, 1982 Rice Street/Lewis Park 9,000 December 31, 1982 Arundel/Galtier 7,000 December 31, 1982 Cliff Street 7,000 December 31, 1982 . ', Total funding recommended: $42,000� ; �i • ; i � . . -� , 0�y � , � � �lj�� ' Mayor George Latimer Page 3 � The total appropriation recommended for ITA staff for 1982 is $42,000, reflectin� a net reduction from the 1981 funding level . . � As you will notice, all of the ITA's are expected to be closed no later than December 1982. Due to unforseen difficulties that might prohibit an ITA from meeting their respective target dates, it may become necessary to extend ITA designation beyond the dates listed above. However, the funding recommended ' for 1982 represents the final allocation to these districts for ITA staff costs. ' If you have any questions regarding our recommendations, please feel free to contact me. ' WQP/lk � cc: Jim Bellus District Council Chair ITA Chair , ITA C.O. District C.O. , I ii � i :1.-'� �j'��� Q� �.7.E.L�.��.+. ��.�� a�..�r����� �'�'i;'�:,:� oFFrcL o.y ��r, ccrr r co-��cTx, r�� _ �'� � . j��f�.`---�`::,�� .�ti : � '' •s .��=�i�;• .7 i'�� � �� j a:. is;-: ,t . � . ;�'�1-��•���� � � ��a�T e : December 17, 1981 - � 'A'•� `^J � I . �er�..}���..5�r,s . � CUS�d� �� �i T� � � � �' � � i � .. . . . . . - "�- O : S�in� Pa�l Cif ;t Cau�3c±I � �-� - � - . - r. . . . . . . � . . . : . �� O � = C 0 7t�1��7 E� O Il ,FINANCE, MANAGII�'IENT�� PERSONNEL � . . -�I�� . .� _ � .George_�IcMahon�� ; chaicmany inakes 4he fatto��ving � , '� . . - _ . . � . . . - report an �C..F. , � [� Ordinnrlce . � � . . �. . . . � . (7)� � Resolu�ion i � . � . � . . . . • � O:h er . ' .� ",, . . . . . . . . . i - �" [3'L..� : . . � � . .� . � . Ij At its.mee�ing of Decer�ber 17, 1981, the Finance Corrnnittee recomnended approval c�f .- ___ _�.th� -follow�ng: . - � _:.:r--. .. _ l. Resolution allocating the aclopted 19$2 Residential Street Paving Program (RS�P) appropriation to specific projeEts and identifying projects in priority orde�' � for the 1983 appropriation. _ � �- � '"�� ' . . . . .i. . 2. Resolution approving�transfer of $5,250 from Miscellaneous Revenue, •Interest� � Earried, to,City HaTl Maintenance to finance city's portion .of City Hall, r � - building's uti•lity bil.l. (12485-C�IJ . . . . . • ' • r _ .. 1 - I 3. Resolution transfe.rring $1,000 from•�Iiscellaneous Revenue, Ir�terest Earned, . � to City C1erk, Official Publications Account. ' � .. . � 4. Resolution approving'YAREP. Grant for� Jackson School Playground. (12520-t�'� :�= . . _. � • 5. Resolu�ion approving.Corrnmmity Development Block Grant Year VII Budget '- � Amenchnents for o�nercial Rehabilitation Loan Program. (12517-Q�I) •- . - .. �-d . • ' . 6. Resolution -Co�►unity Development Block Grant Year VII Budget ._ � Amencbnents for ITA staff funding.� � � 7. Resolutinn approving transfer of $31•,000 from Interest Earnings Account to-. ! Building Trades Fringe Benefits AccoLmt. ' i ' (CONfINUED . . .) ; � . � � .. . . .^.tYY �i�1LL SE�'E:tiTH F1.002 S:�I\T Prl�.lL, i�Et\�FSJTtl ��5�1�= -- -• - ' � �� �, � �- P� � �+`-� —�'� . - . �! t��: � 1��?� , � ��r���� �.. �� �� �►•: '�i /�3 �: ` EXM.ANATIaNI C�F IIDMIMISTR�ITIIff �RS: ' �ev.; �/ /�1 �� R�SbLUI'IONS MIO ORt3I:��► �G��- Date: December 2, 1981 � � . . , V . T0; Mayor GeargQ Latimer �� . � . . �� �; Wili�am Q,: Patton ` �; Comnunity Development Block Grant Year VII Buctget Amen�nen�s - iTA Staff F �ding �►�r'tt� �t�s�r�D: ��� _...._.... �_. , D�C Approval and s�gnature 3 t�$1 : � �tY4�OFFiCE , . _�r�� �r �;���t.� Fo� rtr�s acTia�: �,,.,...� �. „ � Approvat of this resolution wa11 pro:vide funding' fbr staff in each of �he � curre�t I�'A's in 1982. f , , . .� FINlI�IAt. �ACT: , � Furads are available in the CD Year VII cantYngen�y for tMis actfvity. A't"ft�M�N!1�l�'f�. . . , Propflsed Cc'�nci l Re�l uti on � � � ` . RED Staff t�e.cortn��dati on -