00-643����t�A� Council File # 00 —6�{3 Green Sheet # 10340 _ RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presenrea Referced To Committee Date 1 An Adm�n;crra�e Resolution changing the 2 rate of pay for LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS II AND III 3 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 0 0 7 9 10 11 12 13 1� RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT II be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 13, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supetvisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; to Grade 15, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and that the rate of pay for the classification of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT III be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 18, Sec[ion ID4 of the Professional Employees Supeivisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensalion; to Grade 20, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supeivisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FTNALLY RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of t]us resolution Requested by Depaztment of. Office of Hninan Resouxces By: � l. � Adopted by Council: Date c"� � Adoption Certified by Council Secret By: � � . � �_ � Approved by Mayor: Date � 2 �' Bj�: Form App by ttorney /� By: 1 c v� �/ L`a-� Gb Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �,: ('�" �l �'"''�`'� G:VShared�Team1VSTUDIES�RES.LAIILAiILwpd _� �", � _,� �.-- ��� D�,� DATE IN`T,�T�n GREEN SHEET xo .:10340 Office of Human Resources lp op � O—��{; CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: AI'E IN[fW/DATE NTichelle LeBow 266-6514 1DPBAAI7�'[71' D �'�ex� a mzc«�cu, Mark Robertson 266-6471 ''�`� NQhIBERFOR 2CmrnTmANNCY CIlYCLmR ROUI7NG ORDSR HODQ!fDIltECtt1R � PINANCIAL522V/ACCiG MUSTBEONCOIINCII,AGENIDA BY(DATL� 3MAYOR(ORASSL) �� �� Sw\� S " TOTAL # OF SI6NATURE PAGES_1 (CLiP ALL LOCAY'IONS FOR SIGNATORE) AGTIONREQUESTED: Approvai of Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the Iandscape Arcl�itect II class in gade IS of Profesaonal Employees Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and rate of pay for the Landscape Arclutect III class in grade 20 of Professional Employees Supe:visory Standard Range of Compensation in the Satary Plan and Rates of Compensation. xscot.��aT[oxs: nrr�w� <A) ��i� (R) PERSONAL SEItVICE CONIRACTS MUSTAYISWERTf� FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: - 1. xaswi,pe�so�srmevawod�oa�duawntac[r«ihisaepaztluent? . PLANNING COM[vIISSION Y° NO CIBCOMIvff11EE 2 HazthisPasodGrmeverbxnaeityemplayee? . � CIVI[.SERVICECAARvf[SS10N Ya 1 `'O — s DoesthispenodErmrossesseskillnotaom�ellrr�brmrc�azmtcih'mrloya' ' — Yes No — 4. Is Wispacsoa/6vn e tvgetedvmdo+2 ' — Y's No Fsplaio dl yes amwers on xM�te aheet aLd atfach t0 green shee[ . IN117ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, W6et, R'hen, R'here Why): ;, This action is requested to implement the results of the attached classificaflon and compensarion study conducted for the Landscape Architect II and III class. � ADVANfAGESIFAPPROVED: The posifions will be appropriately classified and compensated. ' DISADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED: None. The salary for the positions liave been budgeted. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The positions will not be appiopriately classified and com�ensated. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCLAL INFOI2MAT'ION: (EXPLAIN) R E� E I V E D G:VSLazxd�Team1�GRN5HT5\GRUBNSHT.LNLAII WPD ���.� n n nnnn Ju�r <. � cvvu CITY ATTORI�E� . � . `0 R 1 G i N A L CONLPENSATION STUDY REPORT Q O`��.3 Class Studied: Ilepartment: Date Studied: Studied By: Landscape Architect Compensa6on Study Parks and Recreatian May 5, 2000 Michelle LeBow .'I'IOI3 & COMPE1�iSATION MAI3AGER BACKGROUND 7ohn Wirka requested the Landscape Architect (I,A) Series (II, III, I� be reviewed to determine appropriate level of compensation. A classification study was completed for the LA I, II and III's and a LA N position created in the fall of 1998. 7ob specification revisions were made to the LA Series in November of 1999. The final phase in reviewing the LA Series (II, III, I� is to compare the QES points to determine appropriate compensation levels. STUDY COMPONENTS QES analysis Comparison to related classifications and positions POSTTION DESCRII'TION GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Positions in the LA II class perform responsible professional work in the design, prepazation of construction documents and inspection oflandscape construction and maiutenance projects; prepaze design guides and controls for development; review development proposals; and perform related duties as required. Positions in the LA III class perform highly responsible professionat work performing and directing the research, planning, design, preparation of construction documents admiuistration and inspection oflandscape construction and maintenance projects; prepaze and review design guides and controls for development; review development proposals; and perForm related duries as required. Posirions in the LA N class under direction, act as an assistant to the Principal Designer, serve as lead on lazge, complex landscape azchitecture pro}ects; perform highly responsible professional and supervisory work directing design, construction documents preparation and construction DATE• — S — � �''ivs��� tvor� and perform related acCivities and duties as required. 00 -G�{3 COMPARLSON The LA class series was compared to the Civil Engineer class (CE) and the Arclutect (A) class series because the classes aze similar in that they perform professional level work in the same technical areas and perform other comparable duties. The LA Series (II, III, I� has been reviewed by comparing the QES points and compensation levels of the LA class series to both the CE series and A class series. The QES points assigned are comparable for CE II and A II and LA II. The CE II and A II aze in PEA grade 15 and the LA II is in PEA grade 13. The QES points assigned are compazable for CE III and A III and LA III.. The CE III and A III are in PEA grade 20 and the LA III is in PEA grade 18. CE IV has comparable points to the LA IV. Both positions haue similar supervisory responsibiliry. CE IV is in SPSO grade 25 and the LA IV is in PEA grade 22. QES EVALUATION The QES analysis supports reassigning the Landscape Arclutect II from grade 13 to 15 in PEA, the Landscape Architect IlI from grade 18 to 20 in PEA. The QES analysis indicates that the LA N is appropriately compensated in the PEA grade 23. RECOMMENDATiON It is recommended that the following classes be reassigned: Landscape Arclutect II to grade 15 in PEA, the Laadscape Architect III to grade 20 in PEA. ����t�A� Council File # 00 —6�{3 Green Sheet # 10340 _ RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presenrea Referced To Committee Date 1 An Adm�n;crra�e Resolution changing the 2 rate of pay for LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS II AND III 3 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 0 0 7 9 10 11 12 13 1� RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT II be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 13, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supetvisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; to Grade 15, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and that the rate of pay for the classification of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT III be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 18, Sec[ion ID4 of the Professional Employees Supeivisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensalion; to Grade 20, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supeivisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FTNALLY RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of t]us resolution Requested by Depaztment of. Office of Hninan Resouxces By: � l. � Adopted by Council: Date c"� � Adoption Certified by Council Secret By: � � . � �_ � Approved by Mayor: Date � 2 �' Bj�: Form App by ttorney /� By: 1 c v� �/ L`a-� Gb Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �,: ('�" �l �'"''�`'� G:VShared�Team1VSTUDIES�RES.LAIILAiILwpd _� �", � _,� �.-- ��� D�,� DATE IN`T,�T�n GREEN SHEET xo .:10340 Office of Human Resources lp op � O—��{; CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: AI'E IN[fW/DATE NTichelle LeBow 266-6514 1DPBAAI7�'[71' D �'�ex� a mzc«�cu, Mark Robertson 266-6471 ''�`� NQhIBERFOR 2CmrnTmANNCY CIlYCLmR ROUI7NG ORDSR HODQ!fDIltECtt1R � PINANCIAL522V/ACCiG MUSTBEONCOIINCII,AGENIDA BY(DATL� 3MAYOR(ORASSL) �� �� Sw\� S " TOTAL # OF SI6NATURE PAGES_1 (CLiP ALL LOCAY'IONS FOR SIGNATORE) AGTIONREQUESTED: Approvai of Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the Iandscape Arcl�itect II class in gade IS of Profesaonal Employees Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and rate of pay for the Landscape Arclutect III class in grade 20 of Professional Employees Supe:visory Standard Range of Compensation in the Satary Plan and Rates of Compensation. xscot.��aT[oxs: nrr�w� <A) ��i� (R) PERSONAL SEItVICE CONIRACTS MUSTAYISWERTf� FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: - 1. xaswi,pe�so�srmevawod�oa�duawntac[r«ihisaepaztluent? . PLANNING COM[vIISSION Y° NO CIBCOMIvff11EE 2 HazthisPasodGrmeverbxnaeityemplayee? . � CIVI[.SERVICECAARvf[SS10N Ya 1 `'O — s DoesthispenodErmrossesseskillnotaom�ellrr�brmrc�azmtcih'mrloya' ' — Yes No — 4. Is Wispacsoa/6vn e tvgetedvmdo+2 ' — Y's No Fsplaio dl yes amwers on xM�te aheet aLd atfach t0 green shee[ . IN117ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, W6et, R'hen, R'here Why): ;, This action is requested to implement the results of the attached classificaflon and compensarion study conducted for the Landscape Architect II and III class. � ADVANfAGESIFAPPROVED: The posifions will be appropriately classified and compensated. ' DISADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED: None. The salary for the positions liave been budgeted. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The positions will not be appiopriately classified and com�ensated. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCLAL INFOI2MAT'ION: (EXPLAIN) R E� E I V E D G:VSLazxd�Team1�GRN5HT5\GRUBNSHT.LNLAII WPD ���.� n n nnnn Ju�r <. � cvvu CITY ATTORI�E� . � . `0 R 1 G i N A L CONLPENSATION STUDY REPORT Q O`��.3 Class Studied: Ilepartment: Date Studied: Studied By: Landscape Architect Compensa6on Study Parks and Recreatian May 5, 2000 Michelle LeBow .'I'IOI3 & COMPE1�iSATION MAI3AGER BACKGROUND 7ohn Wirka requested the Landscape Architect (I,A) Series (II, III, I� be reviewed to determine appropriate level of compensation. A classification study was completed for the LA I, II and III's and a LA N position created in the fall of 1998. 7ob specification revisions were made to the LA Series in November of 1999. The final phase in reviewing the LA Series (II, III, I� is to compare the QES points to determine appropriate compensation levels. STUDY COMPONENTS QES analysis Comparison to related classifications and positions POSTTION DESCRII'TION GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Positions in the LA II class perform responsible professional work in the design, prepazation of construction documents and inspection oflandscape construction and maiutenance projects; prepaze design guides and controls for development; review development proposals; and perform related duties as required. Positions in the LA III class perform highly responsible professionat work performing and directing the research, planning, design, preparation of construction documents admiuistration and inspection oflandscape construction and maintenance projects; prepaze and review design guides and controls for development; review development proposals; and perForm related duries as required. Posirions in the LA N class under direction, act as an assistant to the Principal Designer, serve as lead on lazge, complex landscape azchitecture pro}ects; perform highly responsible professional and supervisory work directing design, construction documents preparation and construction DATE• — S — � �''ivs��� tvor� and perform related acCivities and duties as required. 00 -G�{3 COMPARLSON The LA class series was compared to the Civil Engineer class (CE) and the Arclutect (A) class series because the classes aze similar in that they perform professional level work in the same technical areas and perform other comparable duties. The LA Series (II, III, I� has been reviewed by comparing the QES points and compensation levels of the LA class series to both the CE series and A class series. The QES points assigned are comparable for CE II and A II and LA II. The CE II and A II aze in PEA grade 15 and the LA II is in PEA grade 13. The QES points assigned are compazable for CE III and A III and LA III.. The CE III and A III are in PEA grade 20 and the LA III is in PEA grade 18. CE IV has comparable points to the LA IV. Both positions haue similar supervisory responsibiliry. CE IV is in SPSO grade 25 and the LA IV is in PEA grade 22. QES EVALUATION The QES analysis supports reassigning the Landscape Arclutect II from grade 13 to 15 in PEA, the Landscape Architect IlI from grade 18 to 20 in PEA. The QES analysis indicates that the LA N is appropriately compensated in the PEA grade 23. RECOMMENDATiON It is recommended that the following classes be reassigned: Landscape Arclutect II to grade 15 in PEA, the Laadscape Architect III to grade 20 in PEA. ����t�A� Council File # 00 —6�{3 Green Sheet # 10340 _ RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presenrea Referced To Committee Date 1 An Adm�n;crra�e Resolution changing the 2 rate of pay for LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS II AND III 3 in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. 0 0 7 9 10 11 12 13 1� RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT II be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 13, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supetvisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; to Grade 15, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and that the rate of pay for the classification of LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT III be changed from the rate set forth in Grade 18, Sec[ion ID4 of the Professional Employees Supeivisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensalion; to Grade 20, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supeivisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FTNALLY RESOLVED, that this resolurion shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of t]us resolution Requested by Depaztment of. Office of Hninan Resouxces By: � l. � Adopted by Council: Date c"� � Adoption Certified by Council Secret By: � � . � �_ � Approved by Mayor: Date � 2 �' Bj�: Form App by ttorney /� By: 1 c v� �/ L`a-� Gb Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �,: ('�" �l �'"''�`'� G:VShared�Team1VSTUDIES�RES.LAIILAiILwpd _� �", � _,� �.-- ��� D�,� DATE IN`T,�T�n GREEN SHEET xo .:10340 Office of Human Resources lp op � O—��{; CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: AI'E IN[fW/DATE NTichelle LeBow 266-6514 1DPBAAI7�'[71' D �'�ex� a mzc«�cu, Mark Robertson 266-6471 ''�`� NQhIBERFOR 2CmrnTmANNCY CIlYCLmR ROUI7NG ORDSR HODQ!fDIltECtt1R � PINANCIAL522V/ACCiG MUSTBEONCOIINCII,AGENIDA BY(DATL� 3MAYOR(ORASSL) �� �� Sw\� S " TOTAL # OF SI6NATURE PAGES_1 (CLiP ALL LOCAY'IONS FOR SIGNATORE) AGTIONREQUESTED: Approvai of Resolution establishing the rate of pay for the Iandscape Arcl�itect II class in gade IS of Profesaonal Employees Supervisory Standard Range of Compensation in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation and rate of pay for the Landscape Arclutect III class in grade 20 of Professional Employees Supe:visory Standard Range of Compensation in the Satary Plan and Rates of Compensation. xscot.��aT[oxs: nrr�w� <A) ��i� (R) PERSONAL SEItVICE CONIRACTS MUSTAYISWERTf� FOLIAWING QUESTIONS: - 1. xaswi,pe�so�srmevawod�oa�duawntac[r«ihisaepaztluent? . PLANNING COM[vIISSION Y° NO CIBCOMIvff11EE 2 HazthisPasodGrmeverbxnaeityemplayee? . � CIVI[.SERVICECAARvf[SS10N Ya 1 `'O — s DoesthispenodErmrossesseskillnotaom�ellrr�brmrc�azmtcih'mrloya' ' — Yes No — 4. Is Wispacsoa/6vn e tvgetedvmdo+2 ' — Y's No Fsplaio dl yes amwers on xM�te aheet aLd atfach t0 green shee[ . IN117ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, W6et, R'hen, R'here Why): ;, This action is requested to implement the results of the attached classificaflon and compensarion study conducted for the Landscape Architect II and III class. � ADVANfAGESIFAPPROVED: The posifions will be appropriately classified and compensated. ' DISADVANTAGESIEAPPROVED: None. The salary for the positions liave been budgeted. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The positions will not be appiopriately classified and com�ensated. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCLAL INFOI2MAT'ION: (EXPLAIN) R E� E I V E D G:VSLazxd�Team1�GRN5HT5\GRUBNSHT.LNLAII WPD ���.� n n nnnn Ju�r <. � cvvu CITY ATTORI�E� . � . `0 R 1 G i N A L CONLPENSATION STUDY REPORT Q O`��.3 Class Studied: Ilepartment: Date Studied: Studied By: Landscape Architect Compensa6on Study Parks and Recreatian May 5, 2000 Michelle LeBow .'I'IOI3 & COMPE1�iSATION MAI3AGER BACKGROUND 7ohn Wirka requested the Landscape Architect (I,A) Series (II, III, I� be reviewed to determine appropriate level of compensation. A classification study was completed for the LA I, II and III's and a LA N position created in the fall of 1998. 7ob specification revisions were made to the LA Series in November of 1999. The final phase in reviewing the LA Series (II, III, I� is to compare the QES points to determine appropriate compensation levels. STUDY COMPONENTS QES analysis Comparison to related classifications and positions POSTTION DESCRII'TION GENERAL STATEMENT OF DUTIES: Positions in the LA II class perform responsible professional work in the design, prepazation of construction documents and inspection oflandscape construction and maiutenance projects; prepaze design guides and controls for development; review development proposals; and perform related duties as required. Positions in the LA III class perform highly responsible professionat work performing and directing the research, planning, design, preparation of construction documents admiuistration and inspection oflandscape construction and maintenance projects; prepaze and review design guides and controls for development; review development proposals; and perForm related duries as required. Posirions in the LA N class under direction, act as an assistant to the Principal Designer, serve as lead on lazge, complex landscape azchitecture pro}ects; perform highly responsible professional and supervisory work directing design, construction documents preparation and construction DATE• — S — � �''ivs��� tvor� and perform related acCivities and duties as required. 00 -G�{3 COMPARLSON The LA class series was compared to the Civil Engineer class (CE) and the Arclutect (A) class series because the classes aze similar in that they perform professional level work in the same technical areas and perform other comparable duties. The LA Series (II, III, I� has been reviewed by comparing the QES points and compensation levels of the LA class series to both the CE series and A class series. The QES points assigned are comparable for CE II and A II and LA II. The CE II and A II aze in PEA grade 15 and the LA II is in PEA grade 13. The QES points assigned are compazable for CE III and A III and LA III.. The CE III and A III are in PEA grade 20 and the LA III is in PEA grade 18. CE IV has comparable points to the LA IV. Both positions haue similar supervisory responsibiliry. CE IV is in SPSO grade 25 and the LA IV is in PEA grade 22. QES EVALUATION The QES analysis supports reassigning the Landscape Arclutect II from grade 13 to 15 in PEA, the Landscape Architect IlI from grade 18 to 20 in PEA. The QES analysis indicates that the LA N is appropriately compensated in the PEA grade 23. RECOMMENDATiON It is recommended that the following classes be reassigned: Landscape Arclutect II to grade 15 in PEA, the Laadscape Architect III to grade 20 in PEA.