277820 WNITE - CITY CLERK I CANARY - DE ARTMENT COIIRCII 2����� ��I BLUE - MAVOR� GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ' uncil Resolution Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the ti.tle ' and class specification for Council Research Analyst in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrati.ve Non-Supervisors Group) by inserting , in Grade 11 the ia.tle of Council Research Analyst; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that tlie Civil Service Rules be further amende d in Se cti on 32 by in se rting, in prope r alphabeti cal o rde r, the attached class specification for Council R.esearch Analyst. I Approved: ' r ai rman Civil Ser 'ce Commission ' C OUNCILMEN R uest d b De artment of: ' Yeas Nays � g Y P Hunt Levine In Favor ,� Maddox McMahon snowaite� a __ Against BY / Tedesco Wilson DEC i 5 1981 Fo Approv b ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified assed Co .il Se etary BY ` r � . By ' Approved b r: Date D 6 198� Ap e by Mayor ub ss' n to �ouncil , By _ By PUBLISNED DEC 2 6 i98i ~ ; Title of class: d f �•� ���� CaUNCIL RESEARCH ANALYST DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs prof essional and supervisory work involving collecting, compiling and ana.lyzing data; acts as a staff per$on to various citizen's committees; and performs related duties as require�. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrativ� supervision of the Legislative and Research Assistaut to the Council. ' Supervision Exercised: Exercises technical and administrative supervision directly over clerical and professional workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed �amples may not include all duties per�armed by aI7: pasitions in this class. , Prepares analyses of each account included in the proposed City .�nrival General Funds' budget� Prepares an initial evaluation of account chang,es in the General Funas' bu4iget. Does initial research ancl analysis of the varieus resolutions and. prcrposals submitted by the Mayor's Office to the Finance Sub-committee. Provides staff assistance to various advisory camzRittees to City gave�eu�. Designs surveys, gathers and comp�les information as requested. . Attends meetings, hearings and conf erences as the Council�s observer or representative and provides reports of the proceedings. Plans and directs research projects and prepares oral and written reports for the Council. Identifies and analyzes long-term trends or future needs. Initiates and maintains contact with city departments or agencies ta facilitate data exchanges. Formulates recommendations based on data inforniation research to be used for determining Council fiscal and legislative policy. k'I�iOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of statistical practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the principles, theories, techniques and procedutres of gathering, assembling and utilizing research @ata. Thorough knowledge of City gover�nment structure, staff and functions. Working ability to operate modern office calcu2ation equipment. Considerable ability to make arithmetic computatia�.s with �peed �rtd accuracy. Considerable ability to communicate precisely both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with Council me�bea!s, departmental and intergovernmental personnel, citizen comnittees, and the general public. Considerable ability to determine and solve problems of a complex na.ture. MINIr4UM QUALIFICATION College graduation and t�ao years' experience as a Research Analyst I or equivalent. . COUNCIL RESEARCH ANALYST � • . ', . Title of class: ' COUNCIL RESEARCH ANALYST ��t��'''� DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Perforr.is professional and supervisory cvork involving collecting, compiling and analyzing data; acts as a staff pe�son to various citizen's cor,�mittees; and performs rela�ed duties as requir�d. Supervision Received: tJorks under the general technical and administrative supervision of the Legislative and Research Assistant to the Cour.cil. Supervision Exercised: Exercises technical and administrative supervisioi� directly over clerical and prof essional workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�IED The listed examples may not incZude all duties performed by all positions in � this class. Prepares analyses of each account included in the proposed City Annual Ger.eral Funds' budget. Prepares an initial evaluation of account changes in the General Funds' b�idget. Does initial research and analysis of the various resolutions and proposa�s submitted by the Mayor's Office to the Finance Sub-committee. Pravides staff assistance to various advisory com�nittees to City government. Designs surveys, gathers and compiles infor�ation as requested. Attends meetings, hearings and conferences as the Council's observer ar representative and provides reports of the proceedings. Plans and directs research projects and prepares oral and �-ritten reports for the Council. Identifies and analyzes long-term trends or future needs. Initiates and maintains contact with city departments or agenc3es to ' facilitate data exchanges. Formulates recommendations based on data infor�a.tion research to be used for determining Council f iscal and legislative policy. IaJOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of statistical practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the principles, theories, techniques and procediures of gathering, assembling and utilizing research data. Thorough kno�aledge of City government structure, staff and functions. Working ability to operate modern office calcuZation equipment. Considerable ability to make arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to communicate precisely both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with Council membe�rs, departmental and intergover�ental personnel, citizen committees, and the general public. Considerable ability to determine and solve problems of a complex nature. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION College graduation and two years' experience as a Research Analyst I or equivalent. COUNCIL RESEARCH ANALYST . . � � Title of class: ' COUNCIL RESEARCH ANAI.YST a,������� DESCRIPTION OF [,'ORK General Statement of Duties: Performs professional and supervisory «ork involving collecting, compiling and analyzing data; acts as a staff pe�son t� various citizen's cotamittees; and performs reZated duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administratiive supervision of the Legislative and Research Assistant to the Counca.l. Supervision Exercised: Exercises technical and administrative supervision directly over clerical and prof essionaZ workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORi`fED The listed examples may not include all duties perfarmed by alI positions i�i this class. Prepares analyses of each account included in the proposed City Annual. Ger.eral Funds' budget. Prepares an initial evaluation of account changes in the General Funds� b�dget. Does initial research and analysis of the various resolutions and proposalls submitted by the biayor's Office to the Finance Sub-committee. Provides staff assistance to various advisory co�.nittees to City govern�ent. Designs surveys, gathers and compiles information as requested, Attends meetings, hearings and conferences as the Councilts observer or representative and provides reports of the proceedings. Plans and directs research projects and prepares oral and w�ritten reparts for the Council. Identifies and analyzes long-term trends or future needs. Initiates and maintains contact with city departments or agencies to facilitate data exchanges. Formulates recommendations based on data infor�ia,tion research to be used for determining Council f iscal and legislative policy. Ia30WLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of statistical practices and procedures. Considerable knowledge of the principles, theories, techniques and proced�ires of gathering, assembling and utilizing research data. Thorough knowledge of City government structure, staff and functions. Working ability to operate modern office calculation equipment. Considerable ability to make arithmetic computations with spead and accuracy. Considerable ability to communicate precisely both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectively with Council membe�s, departmental and intergovernmental personnel, citizen committees, and the general public. Considerable ability to determine and solve problems of a complex nature. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION College graduation and two years' experience as a Research Analyst I or equivalent. COUNCIL RESEARCH ANALYST WH7TE - CITY CLERK � � � � 0t} PINK �.. ' -1 FINANCE . !.������. . GANAR:V - DEPARTMHTfT � C)j�•v O F �� �r �r 7F� �7L�T.7 T C011(1C11 r�rr ,.. ��, . � � B:,,UE - MAYOR 1 A X. �� ir. ! File N CI. t C I T Y C L E R K COZ��CZG �eS�`Z��Z�� ' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date __ Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution establishing the title and class specificatzon for Council Research Analyst in the Civil Service Rules. RE50LVED, that the Civi7. Service R��s be aanended in. Section 3. 3 (Professional.-Adrni.nistrative Non-Supervisors Group) by inserting in Grade 3I the title of Council Research An�.Iyst; arid be it FURTHER RESOLVED, tha-� the Civil Service R,ules be further amende d in Se cti on 3 2 by in se rting, in p rope r a].ph�.Ueti caI o rde r, the attached class specification for Council Researeh Analyst. �pp rove d: Chai rman Civil Service Comm.ission COUNC;ILMEN Requestgd by Depa�rtment of. Yeas Nays Huni P�'• R�-5E7NNF C� �e�ine _ In Favor j• F F T G�'• .� Maddox McMahon B Showaiter Against Y � — Tedesco VYiison ' Form Approved by City f�ttorney Adopted hc Council: Date —_ — Certi{icd Y��ssed by Coitncil Secretary BY --. _� --��. B; __ Appruved by l49avor: Date ___ _ _ AQproved by Mayor for Submission to Cauncil Qy� -------------- ---- �� -- - - -- . , i . ����`���'� Title of class: COt3NCIL RESEARCH ANALYST DESCRIPTION OF WaRK � General State..^►ent of Duties: Performs professional and supervisary work involving collecting, compiling and analyzing data; acts as a staff per on to various citizen's committees; and performs related duties as require . Supervision Received: Works ur.der the general technical and administirativ supervision of the Legislative and Research Assistant to the Council. ' Supervision Exercised: Exercises technical and admin.istrative supervision directly over clerical and prof essional workers. � TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties gerfar�aed by aI1 positians i.s� this class. Pregares analyses of each account included in the progos�d City Annual Generai Funds' budg�t. Prepares an initial evaluation of account changes in the General Funds' bud�get. Does initi.al research and ana.lysis of the various resolutions and progosal.si submitted by the Mayor's Office to the Finanee Sub-committee. Provides staff assistance to various advisory committees- to City gavernmerz�. Designs surveys, gathers and compiles information as requested. Attends meetiags, hearings and conferences as the Council's observer or representative and provides reports of tha proceedings. Plans and directs research projects and prepar�s oral and written reports for the Councii. Identifies and analyzes long-term trends or future needs. Initiates and maintains contact with city d�epartments or agen.cies to facilitate data exchanges. Formulates recommendations based on data informa,tion research to be used for determining Council fiscal and legislative policy. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of statistical practices and grocedures. Considerable knowledge of the principles, theories, techniques and proceduries of gathering, assembling and utilizing zesearch data. Thorough knotaledge of City government structure, staff and functions. Working ability to operate modern office calculation equipment. Considerable ability to make arithmetic computations with speed and accuracy. Considerable ability to communicate precisely both orally and in writing. Considerable ability to deal tactfully and effectivelg with �ocincil memoers;, departmentai and intergoverrunental persannel, ci�izen cammittees, and ' the general public. Considerable ability to determine and solve problems of a co�cpZex nature. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION College graduation and two years' experience as a Resea.rch Ana.lyst I or equivalent. COUNCIL RESEARCH ANALYST {�,. __ _ �. CI�'X. O�+'' SAIiVT PAUL . .#� �- . (� .lt,.�`' -�'�4 ,v OF�ICE O�' T.SE CITY COUNCIL ��F��r^v � ��-- ��. - - - •�.,.,...�... . •y�' �!*1 i��i,' �( .., -• �'' . � r ' . DOte ; December 3, 1981 �: coi� �i �i7� E . R � � o �T � � � TO : Sain�t Pou! City Council . . � �:. , . , F�Q � ' C O�IY1 I����.°i Q Il � FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL - , . � , �1 • _ ' . • ' Gecirge McMahon �. � G�i a 1 F tt1 p t1� m c k e s i h e f o l t o w i n g - . i �'report on' : .C.F: _ � ._� O_rditiance � � - (i) �x Resolution _ . _ � Qther . T17'L� r� ' � - . At its meeting of December 3,. 1981, the Finance Committee. recommended approval of the following: ' 1. Resolution establishing: title and class specification for title of Council Research Analyst in Grade 11 of Section 3.J of .the Civil Service Rules. (12165-GM) �. � - "� < . • • � :�, - - �`� �I-L SEVE�TH FLOOR , SAI��1T' PAUL, MI�i'iYE.,SdT�11 55102 ��;� � . - Do no# de#acfi fhis memorandum from the �8 � � � - , ,resolution so that this information will be �yr�p n � �f f U ,!! a,v�ilabte to the City Councit. EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � Date: Jut►e 24, 1981 T0: MAYQR GEORGE LATIMER FR: Personn�l Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recom�nend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONAI�E FQR THIS ACTION 'Thf• ��soltitio� •st�abli sh�• d�e til1� of Cantcii x+e aa:eh Asaly�t in G:sd� 11 os BectEaa� �.J (Profisatanzl-Admiai�tratiw Nca-Snp�swi�oss Gso�tp) aad !tie class sp�eittcal�co ior thi• titl� ta S�etion 32 of tba Civil �r rvi,c� R,ale s. Th� bi-w�akly salssy ran�e iar Grs� I1 is shown bslowe G�11 A B C D � �" 4 2C-yr. �-yr. 730. 34 7bQ.i7 7%Q.d0 •30.0� 871. �E? 91�.f►0 960.49 947. 19 1,018.TS ���►oso.oo ano,.�ur ��.sbg.t�a FINANCIAL IMPACT It � iae�at psa�e� �he fi�r�t �►d t�►irwr• thi.s pe►+�ltios. tl�t ap•�sadla� will �aost �i,dZA.00 ae�aally �t i 90l saa r. ATTACHMENTS: Reaolutio� and copy for the City Clerk.