277819 i WHITE - CITY CLERK '''���-+{{{���yyy[� PINK - FIN!�.NCE ���( --� CANAR�Y - DE��IRTMENT G I T Y O F SA I N T PA U L COUtIC1I �) BLU6' - MAYOR File N O. o ncil Resolution !, Presented By � ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to revise salary increases through Step I. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation ' Resolution be amended in Section I F 1, subsection (i) by striking out, ', in its entirety, the current subsection (i) which reads as follows: ' ����� �-��a��-�e8e��an employee-kaa-a.pp�e-a�re�bn-th-� ' pay�o��-axi-#.�i€-gosit�.exi-c}f-R.e��ea�i-0n:Gex�te r-Daxe sta� a€�e r-lie�-s�ie-la.a s-a�taix�er�Step-C r�/-r�k�e.xraay�gxan#ed ' a.�-i�r-easa.ix-s.alax3r-e�.ane-s�ep�to�te}�-I;_�nda.f-h�/_ s�ie-l�ac-re.ae.i;r�d-a�e��r�ax-ix�cxeas�he.�she_xr�a.��ae- g-ra..�#ed th�-t,en--y-e-ar-��epr�i�he�sh,e-has_r�er e.iv�d a-�i#�kaax�-�r-axi s�e a s e�,Lsh�rra a y be.gxa�t e d�h�e-fa.�t,�..ex�.� yeax-s t,e}�.--Ho.w�v-��,-;n�o-�as�-willt a�e e x e ati.cu�.-C�xite r IIix�.c�e r be-gxa,n�e d�te�-F_un�il.h.�/-she.has_e oxi�pl�.te d- fif�eexi-cx�i��xau�s�rz-c.cx�xs-�s�extaix�.i.xLg-tc�x�rx�ati.or�.-" ; and substituting, i.n lieu thereof, the following new subsection (i): ' "(i) When an employee in a position in a class represented by the Technical Bargaining Unit holds a title in a grade followed by the suffix "E" the following shall apply: ' For each 2080 hours an employee has appeared on the payroll after he/she has attained Step C, he/she may be granted an increase in salary of one step up to the seven- , year step; and if he/she has received a ten-year increase he/she may be grantedthe ten-year step, and if he/she I (continued) COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: � Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter - __ Against Y I Tedesco ' Wilson ! Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date — ; Certified Yassed b�� r'ourl.Sil Secaet�ry BY sy , _ ' Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council i, By _ By WHITE - CITY CLERK CANA�Y - D@P'ARTMENT COUfIC1I �����.g BI,UE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. j Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date I , has received a fifteen-year increase he/she may , be granted the fifteen-year step;;; However, in no ' case will a Recreation Center Director be granted Step F until he/she has completed fifteen credit �' hours in courses pertaini.ng to recreation. ', � � _2_ � COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays I Hunt PERSO E OFF � Levine � In Favot , Maddox McMahon Q B ��i�� �'� � �� I snowaite� - __ Against Y Tedesco , Wilson ' Adopted by Council: Date �EC 15 ��� Form A ove Ci tt ne Certifie �ssed b oun .il Se retary r By •� I By \ ', Approved by ; v Date Approv d by Mayor uncil �, � BY - _ B P�Bus� pEC 2 fi 19�1_ I �� . , WHITE - CITY CLERK COUIICII �'��4 �„^;� � PINK - FINANCE � �7 CAi9ARY - DEPARTMENT (�j I TY O F S�I NT �A 1,.1 L � ' B�UE - MAYOR File NO. i CITY CLERK �'ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution to revise salary i.ncreases through Step I. . RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section I F 1, subsection (i) by striking out, in its entirety, the current subsection (i) which reads as follows: "(i) �'�crr�ea�c31-'�888�cnrrs an employe-e-liaa�.p�pe�rec��on-th� pay�o������-�osit�e�-c�f-�.���ea�i�n.L'.�nter-D�x�ctax. a�€t,e r-lie��s�ie-l�a s at�airr�e�rl S#ep C r.h�/�ie.xr�a�r��.e.gxante d a,�-i�r-ease-�n-sal.ax�e�ozie—.ste��p#eSt�e}�-L;�anda�.fh�/- s�ie-ka s-�e�c.ai��d..a�.e�ireax-i;��he-/s�n3a.}�.b.e- . g�a.�ted�i�-�er�.—ye.a,x.-s�ep,-a�x�.if.he�.sh�-has_yer,-�i�r.e�l a-�i�t��n—y-ea.x 3xi c�e a s e��sh,e.xxi a g-la�g�a�t e d�h�-fi#t�ex�.— y.eax-s t�ap.--H�e.v-��,-.i�-xx}.ca-s e-wi�lr a�e c x e ati.r�ri-C.exite z IIixec�e r ha gxaxi.t e d.S.te}�-F_�n�il�s.e./-sh.e.ha�c cxn.ple#e d_ f�ft�e�-crr-�d.it-htauxs�.n-c o�a.xsers-iaex.tainia�.g-t ca.x.erx.�atiaa�" ; and substituting, in lieu thereof, the following new subsection (ij: , "(i) When an employee in a position in a class represented by the Technical Bargaining Unit holds a title in a grade followed by the suffix "E" the following shall apply: ! For each 2080 hours an employee has appeared on the ' payroll after he/she has attained Steg C, he/she may be granted an increase in salary of one step up to the seven- year step; and if he/she has received a ten-year increase he/she may be grantedthe ten-year step, and i.f he/she (continued) COUNCILMEN . Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department oE: Hunt � In Favor Levine Maddox McMahon B Showalter � Against Y Tedesco ' Wilson ' �EC 1 'rJ �98� Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Cuuncil Secretary BY By Approved by :Vlavor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � i , . WHITE - CITY CLERK � � � � PINK - F►NANCE G I TY Q F SA I NT PA U L � Council � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � HI.UE - MAYOR . . FIl@ N O. _ Council �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �ias received a fifteen-year increase he/she may be granted the fifteen-year step; However, in no case will a Recreation Center Director be granted Step F until he/she has completed fifteen credit � hours in courses pertaining to recreation. _2_ COUNCILNtEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Showaiter A gai n s t Y Teclesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy� Approved by 1�lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ey BY � F m .� � ��_ a../� `� �� dtl not detact� this memorandun Wi��� +��� (� Pesolution so that th►s informatio availabl��TI0�1�T OF�ADM NISTRATIVE ORDERS, • RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES October 27, 1981 Date: a����,-�4&� � RECEII/E NOV 1 319��� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYQRS OFFIC FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: This Re solution amends the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensation to extend the modification originally designed for Recreation Center Directors to any other gr des which may be created in the Technical Group. It allows an extended salary rang to those classifications in which experience over a. .number of years merits increas d salary beyond our present ranges. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. ATTACFIMENT S: Resolution and Copy for City Clerk.