277815 WNITE - CITY CLERK i'}'%���`� PINK - FINANCE n COUIICII �r BLU6RY - MA OR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT 1 �UL i File N 0. � ou cil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administratave Resolution establishing the title , and class specification for Environmental Health Administrative Analyst in the Civil Service Rules. ', RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section I 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors Group) by inserti.ng in Grade 11 the title of Environmental Health Administrative Analyst; and be it , FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further ' amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the I attached class specification for Environmental Health Administrative i Analy st. ', � Approved: '' ..-�. ' . ' airma , Civil Service Commission ' COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PER ONNEL OFFIC Levine In FavOr Maddox McMahon Showalter - � __ Agel[lSt BY Tedesco Wilson � �AO� DEC 1 �� Form proved b Ci r ' Adopted by Council: Date — �- Certified Yassed y Council S retary BY • r ' ' � By� — ,, Approved b or. Date �EC A v d by Mayor f i sPon to Council � BY - — BY . PU6ltSHED D E C 2 619$1 i Title of class: ��r��.��;� � ENVIROIv'��IENTAL HF�ILTH AD�fI:vISTRATIVE ANAL�'ST DESCRIPTION OF �ti'ORI� � General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional �•,crk pro-� viding administrative services to the environmental health unit of the �ealth Division and enforcing public heal.th regulations and ordinances; and performs related duties as required. Supervisior. Received: Works under the general supervisior. of a unit head, Supervision Exercised: May exercise within the unit general supervision over technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFOR�'�IID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions iaz this class. Reviews construction plans of new and remodeled foad facilities to ensur� compliance with health ordinances; approves, rejects or perr�.its varianices and consults with architects, contractors and owners. Coordinates environmental sanitation inspections such as swir�ming pools and water �oells. Coordinates special enviro�cuaental health activities such as the Iead abatement program; provides liaison with f ederal, state and cosm_unity health agencies. , Develops electronic data processing applications for the enviro�a.ental health section; determines needs, develops systems and source documentis and coordinates implementation with City-Wide Data Processing. Assists in evaluating operations and in developing goals and objectives for Environmental Health unit. Assists in developing the unit budget. Writes and submits grant applications relating to Environmental F,ealth activities. Researches issues and problems to provide information for the development; of policy and programs. Prepares reports and recommendations. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES kTOrking knowledge of environmental health and ecology. Considerable knowledge of food chemistry and related areas of bacteriolog�y and biology. Considerable knowledge of city, state and federal environmentaZ health anid food ordinances and regtilations. Working ability to read blueprints and construction specifications. Working knowledge of data processing applications and systems analysis methods and techniques. ' Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in �,rriti�yg. Considerable knowledge of unit functions, practices and procedures. Florking skill in organizing and implementing special projects. ' ' MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and one year's experience as a Sanitarian II ar equivailent. (No substitution for education.) j Title of class:E ENVIROI�IENTAL HEALTH ADMINISTR.ATIVE ANALYST �'����•`� DESCRIPTION OF i�'ORK General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professional work pro- ', viding administrative services to the environmental health unit of the �ealth Division and enforcing public health regulations and ordinances; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Wor}.cs under the general supervision of a unit head. Supervision Exercised: Ma.y exercise within the unit general supervision over technical and clerical employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed exa�.ples may not include a11 duties perfor�ed by all positions i�, this class. Reviews construction plans of new and re�odeled food facilities to ensure compliance with health ordinances; approves, rejects or permits varian¢es and consults with architects, contractors and owners. , Coordinates environmental sanitation inspections such as swir.tming pools , and water wells. ' Coordinates special environmental health activities such as the lead ' abatement program; provides liaison with federal, state and community ' health agencies. ! Develops electronic data processing applications for the environmental health section; determines needs, develops systems and source document� and coordinates implementation with City-Wide Data Processing. Assists in evaluating operations and in developing goals and ob�ectives for Environmental Health unit. Assists in developing the unit hudget. j k'rites and submits grant applications relating to Environmental Health ' activities. Researches issues and problems to provide information for the development of policy and programs. Prepares reports and recommendatior_s. ' KI�TOWLIDGES, SKILT�S AND ABILITIES kTorking knowledge of env.ironmental health and ecology. Considerable knowledge of food chemistry and related areas of bacteriolog� and. biology. ' Considerable knowledge of city, state and federal environmental health an� food ordinances and regulations. Working abiiity to read blueprints and construction sgecif ications. ', Working knowledge of data processing applications and systems analysis methods and techniques. , Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writin�. Considerable knowledge Qf unit functions, practices and procedures. l�lorking skill in organizing and implementing special projects. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and one year's experience as a Sanitarian II or equiva�ent. (No substitution for education.) , I Title of class: r ;� # - f ���� �c�1;� ENVIROI�IEIVTAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST DESCRIPTION OF k'ORK � General Statement of Duties: Performs responsible professior_al c,�ork pro- viding administrative services to the environr.iental health unit of the Health Division and enforcing public health segulations and ordinances;; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a unit head. °upervision Exercised: rlay exercise within the unit general supervision over technical and clerical employees. ' TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�IID The listed exa�ples may not include all duties performed by all positions ir� this class. Reviews construction plans of new and remodeled food facilities to ensure ' compliance G�ith health ordinances; approves, rejects or permits varianGes and consults with architects, contractors and owners. Coordinates environmental sanitation inspections such as swir.�.ming pools and water wells. Coordinates special envirorun.ental health activities such as the lead abatement pro�ram; provides liaison with federal, state and community health agencies. Develops electronic data processing applications for the environmental health section; determines needs, develops systems and source docunentsl and coordinates implementatior, with City-Wide Data Processing. Assists in evaluating operations and in developing goals and objectives for Environmental Health unit. Assists in developing the unit budget. k'rites and submits grant applications relating to Envirorimental Health activities. Researches issues and probZems to provide information for the develop�ent ' of policy and programs. Prepares reports and recommendations. KI�TOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of environnental health and ecology. Considerable knowledge of food chemistry and related areas of bacteriology! and biology. Considerable knowledge of city, state and federal environmental health andl food ordinances and regulations. ' [Jorking ability to read blueprints and co�istruction specif ications. Working knowledge of data processing applications and syste�s ar.alysis methods and techniques. Considerable ability to communicate eff ectively both orally and in writing. Cor_siderable knowledge of unit functions, prac.tices and procedures. . Working skill in organizing and implementing special projects. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and one year's experience as a Sanitarian II or equival;ent. (No substitution for education.) �I ,� � , _ _ _ . _ _ � WNITE - ....CITY CLERK . .. � . ... . . ._ 5��� /J�� � PINK - FINANCE • L 7 � I T COUACII �� � � �.%..��- BLU'c RY - MAYOR �ENT (� y T Y O 1' S L� 1 11�T l,l�IT L File �O. CITY CLERK �����'Z� �eSO��L,�4�� . Presented By __ _ — Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By_ Date An administratave Resolution establishing the title and class specification for Environmental Health Administrative Analyst in the Civi1 5ervice Rules. � RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-Supervisors Group) by inserting in Grade 11 the title of Environmental Health Administrative Analyst; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED,. that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetxcal order, the attached class specification for Environxnental Health Administrative Analy st. Approved: Chairman, Civil Service Commission COU(�CIL�tEN Yeas Nay-s Requested by Department of: Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine �_ In Favot Maddox � McMahon B Showaiter - __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson DC� � � 'no' C �� Form Approved 6y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — —. Certified Passed by Council Secretary 8Y B.; Approved by 11ayur: Uate —. ___ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bti• --- ---- BY . — ' lit1� of class; (�.g ' ����l�A.� ENVIROhT�III�TTAL HP.EILTH ADi1INISTRATIVE ANALYST DESCRIPTION OF Tti'ORK � General Statement of Duties: Perform.s responsible professional ��;ork pro-�I viding administrative services to the environmental health unit of the Health Division and enforcing public health regulations and ordir.ances'�; and perforr.is relat2d duties as required. ' Supervision Received: Worlcs under the general supervision of a unit head'. Supervision Exercised: May exercise within the unit general supervision over technical and clerical enployees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed exa�ples may not include all duties perforr.ied by all positions ih this class. Reviews construction plans of new and remodeled food facilities to ensure, compliance with health ordinances; approves, rejects or ger�nits variances and consults with architects, contractors and owners. ' Coordinates environmental sanitation inspections such as swimming pools and water wells. Coordinates special environmental health activities such as the lead abatement program; provides liaison with federaZ, state and community health agencies. Develops electronic data processing applicatiQns for the environmental health section; determines needs, develops systems and source documents and coordinates implementation with City-Wide Data Processing. Assists in evaluating operations and in developing goals and objectives for Environmental Health unit. Assists in developing the unit budget. Writes and submits grant applications relating to Enviromnental Health activities. Researches issues and problems to provide information for the development of policy and programs. Prepares reports and recommendations. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge of environmental health and ecology. Considerable knowledge of food chemistry and related areas of bacteriolog� and biology. Considerable knowledge of city, state and federal environmental health and food ordinances and regulations. Working ability to read blueprints and construction specif ications. Working knowledge of data processing applications and systems analysis methods and techniques. Considerable ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writin�. Considerable knowledge of unit functions, practices and procedures. ��Tarking skill in organizing and implementing special projects. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation and one year's experience as a Sanitarian II or equivalent. (No substitution for education.) ; v Do not detach this memorandum from the �. � '�" �e �' � # ��—°2� r�so�ut�ion so that this information wili be avaiiabl�����S�yo�°��ISTRATIVE ORDERS, � /C7�t� RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES Date: October 15, 1981 REGEIVED NOV 5 19d1 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYORS OFFICE FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution for aubmission to City Council ACTION REQUESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONAI,,E FOR THIS ACTION This resolution establishes the title and class specification for Environmental Heal Administrative A�alyst in Grade 11 of Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative No - Supervisors) in the Civil Service Rules. This class will provide administrative and E.D.P, support to help the en.rironment health unit operate more effici�ntly. paid Out of Grade - 5anitarian II (appointed prior to January 1, 1976) A B C D E F 10 yr. 15 yr. 731. 14 763. 91 801. 53 837. 93 879. 19 919. 23 946. 34 g73. 24 $19, 075 $25, 391 Grade 11, Schedule C A B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 730.54 760. 27 790. 60 830. 04 871. 30 915. 60 960. 49 987. 19 1018. 75 �39,059 - $26, 578 FINANCIAL IMPACT At the five year step, this would result in an increase of $1075 per year for one em loyee. ATTACffiKENTS: Resolution and copy for City Clerk.