277814 WHITE - CITYCLERK COUI1C11 ���y�'� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT �ALT L � � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. � � cil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I r- An administrative Resolution amending the Civil Service , Rules concerning probationary periods for City employees. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 10.A, , so that the second paragraph of said Section 10.A shall read as follows: "Unless tlie head of the department where the employee is employed at the ', end of his/her probationary period shall, during the last month of the employee�s probation, certify tliat ��zE�i-g�ebat�.o�e�-l�as�e-nfo-r�ed-sax�i.�e that-we�e-sa�i..s�ae�o-ng d�x���g�ie-g�eba�io�a��r-ge�i�,- the se rvice s of such probationer durin the robationar eriod were unsatisfactor the em lo ment of such robationer shall continue and the robati.oner shall be deeme to have satisfactorily completed his or her probationary period. If the �, robationer�s service has been certified as unsati.sfactor b the head of thel epartment in which the employee is employed, the employrnent of such �' probationer shall a�z�e�s�at�eal��r terminate at the end of the probationary ' period. If the probationer is entitled to veterans' preference in accordance I with tlie Veterans' Preference Act of the State of Minnesota, he/she shall be entitled to a hearing as requi�ed by said Act and in accordance with Section 16 of tlie se Rule s. " . �'� Approved: � ' hai r Civil Servi.ce Commission ' COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: ' Yeas Hunt Nays � pERSONNEL OFF CE levine [n Favor — Maddox Q McMahon A ainst BY Showalter g Tedesco ' wlson ' Adopted by Council: Date DEC 15 1981 Form pprove by i `or y Certifie assed b oun �1 Se etary BY ' � � � i By �L/► ♦ , Approved by • a r. Date Approve Mayor for Su i i to uncil I By BY PUBLtSHED D E C 2 6 198i �! . WMtTE - CITY CLERK � ;��r'`/} /�� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COtI[1C1I ir� 9 �V....� BLUE - MAYOR . CITY OF SAINT PALTL � File NO. �� C I T Y C L E R K CQUncil Res�`u�Z�n Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution amending the Civil Se rvice ' Rules concerning probationary periods for City employees. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rutes be amended in Section 10.A,; so that the second paragraph of said Secti.on 10.A shal7. read as follows: "Unless the head of the department where the employee is employed at the I end of his/her probationary period shall, duri.ng tlie last month of the �' employee�s probation, certify that ��.��i-g�sba�i.o�:e��as-�e-nfo-r�ed-so-r�ice�- tha�we�e-sa�ki�#ae�o-�}+�d���.g�ie-g�eba�Gio�a�ir-ge�i�,- the se rvi ce s of su robationer durin the robationa eriod were unsati.sfacto the em lo - ment of such robationer shall conta.nue and the robationer shall be deem d to have sati.sfactorily completed his or her probationary period. If the robationer�s service has been certified as unsatisfacto b the head of th epartment in which the employee i s employed, tlze employment of such probationer shall a�z�e�rt�ea.l�.�r terminate at the end of the pxobati.onary , period. If the probationer is entitled to veterans' preference in accordance', wit,h the Veterans' Preference Act of the State of Minnesota, he/she shall b� entitled to a hearing as required by said Act and in accordance with Section' 16 of tlze se Rule s. " . Approved: Chai rman � Civil Se rvice Commi s sion ' i COUNCII.MEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays H��t ` PERS�NNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox ��� U Against BY � Tedesco wlso� �EC' � 5 ��, Form Approved by City Attomey j Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � B; ' Approved by lilayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By By i Do no�t detach ihis memorandum from the �( F � � � so�� ; n� ��Z�� t ��ao� re t c5 so that this �nformat�on w�li be � ����'�L�VATIUN'�UF ��TRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES ����� � Date: July 20, 1981 R�GEC1/ED NOV 5 15�1 T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER MAYORS OfFICE FR: Personnel Office RE: Resolution far submission to City Counc3l ACTION REQUESTED We recoffinend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Counci�. PURPOSE AND RATIONAT�� FOR THIS ACTION This resolution is for the purpose of amending the Civil Service Rules to bring them into accord with the city�s present practice which the Personnel Office adopted on the advice of the City Attorneyes G�ffice. FINANCIAL IMPACT None. ATTACHI�ENTS: Re solution and copy for City Cle rk.